Current as of: Version 3L95
/, separating synonymous words 16.11
abbreviated room descriptions 2.12
for property names 4.9
property names 8.6
rule actions with doing it 7.17
abide 18.10
accented letters — see characters
accept the result 18.8
access, deny/allow 12.16
out of world, rule limitations 12.18
out of world 12.13
action out of world 12.13
action 12.7, 16.1
as conditions 9.12
check rules for other people 12.11
defining new 12.7
guidelines for rules 12.18
instructing other people
persuasion rules 12.4
unsuccessful attempts 12.5
instructing other people 12.3
introduction 7.1
new kinds 7.15
overview 12.1
performing actions as if typed by the player 12.6
performing with try 7.4
processing sequence 12.2
reaching inside rules 12.14
referring to current action with action 12.7
report rules for other people 12.12
rules for all but some 7.9
rules for consecutive repetitions 7.17
rules for found in rulebooks 12.2
rules for multiple 7.8
rules for new actions 12.9
rules for other people 12.10
rules for repetitions 7.16
spontaneous by other people 12.6
stop the action / continue the action 7.3
suppressing success messages with try silently 7.4
understand as mistakes 16.16
using After rules to change output 7.5
using Before rules to test or change outcomes first 7.3
using Instead rules to change outcome 7.2
activities 17.1
amusing a victorious player 17.29
announcement of darkness 17.15
concealment 17.8
deciding the scope of something 17.21
deciding whether all includes 17.26
description of dark room 17.17
grouping things 17.12
listing contents 17.11
listing nondescript items 17.20
name of a dark room 17.16
printing a parser error 17.25
printing name 17.9
printing plural name 17.10
printing the banner text 17.27
printing the player's obituary 17.28
reading a command 17.23
refusal to act in the dark 17.14
room description details of something 17.13
status line 17.18
supplying a missing noun/second noun 17.22
writing a paragraph about something 17.19
checking for ongoing activities in rules 17.4
defining new 17.5
rules for 17.3
starting/finishing 17.6
structure of 17.2
adjacent, arbitrary relations 13.11
adjacent 6.7
adjectives 6.3
defining new 11.14
defining 6.4
for numeric quantities 14.3, 14.4
superlatives for numeric properties 14.5, 14.14
find successor value of a new kind/enumerated type 11.16
for time of day 9.9
guidelines for use 12.18
rulebook for activities 17.3
after, see also rules 7.5
after 7.5
all except 6.9
all 6.8
allow access 12.16
always 4.2
animal 3.17
animals, rideable 3.16
announcement of darkness 17.15
another 13.6
[any], understanding 16.7
anybody 6.2
anyone 6.2
anything 6.2
anywhere 6.2
appearance — see description
appearance, initial 8.5
applying 16.1
arithmetic — see calculation
articles 3.18
displaying / capitalizing 7.10
ASK 7.6
asking 12.3
assemblies 4.5
assertions 2.1, 3.1
plural 4.3
at least 6.9
author 2.5
award 9.2
back side 3.12
backdrops 3.9
banner text, printing 17.27
find previous value of a new kind/enumerated type 11.16
for time of day 9.9
guidelines for use 12.18
ordering for rules 18.3
rulebook for activities 17.3
before, see also rules 7.3
before 7.3
activities 17.6
in phrases 11.7
begins, when play 8.2
best route, arbitrary relations 13.11
best route 6.7
[bold type] 5.7
book 2.5
books, consulting 7.6
boxed quotation, display 5.12
line 5.5, 5.6
paragraph 5.5, 5.6, 5.8
brief room descriptions 2.12
by 7.14
addition 11.16
average of a numeric property 14.14
incrementing 11.16
operations on numbers 14.2
called, in relation definitions 13.5
called 3.2, 8.13
carried by 8.11
carry out
activity 17.5
guidelines for use 12.18
carry out 12.2, 12.9
carrying 3.20
carrying capacity, avoid overflowing player's using a hold-all 3.21
carrying capacity 3.19
carrying 8.11
chance 8.16
for either/or properties 8.4
for value properties 8.5
versus let 11.13
change 8.1
arbitrary changes with now 8.10
worn property 8.7
chapter 2.5
conversing with ASK/TELL 7.6
special / accented 5.10
unicode / arbitrary 5.11
for other people 12.11
guidelines for use 12.18
check 12.2, 12.9
closing a container which contains the player 17.15
code, omitting from release version 2.9
comma, displaying serial 2.12
command prompt, changing 8.2
command, reading from keyboard 17.23
command 17.23
commands, out of world 12.13
comments 2.3
counting 6.9
equality comparisons of numeric properties 14.4
equality/identity 11.5
limitations for units 14.6
of numbers using adjectives 14.4
of numbers 14.2
components 3.23
for kinds 4.5
concealed possessions 17.8
concealed, see also hiding 3.24
conceal 13.4
concealment, of possessions with activity rules 17.8
condition 4.10
defining new with to decide 11.14
equality/identity 11.5
expressed as relations 13.12
historical number of times 9.14
historical number of turns 9.15
historical 9.13
in phrases, otherwise/else 11.8
in phrases 11.4, 11.5
warning concerning variables and other varying qualities in historical 9.15
connections 3.2
doors 3.12
inconsistent directions 3.3
one-way 3.3
to nowhere 3.3
consider, difference from follow 18.11
consider 18.10
constructing the status line 17.18
contained in 8.11
container 3.5
container which contains the player 17.15
containers, carrying capacity 3.19
containment hierarchy, low-level interface 8.15
containment, indirect 3.25
contains the player 17.15
contains 8.11
contents 2.6
continue the action 7.3
counted loops 11.9
counting 6.9
things 8.14
counts, creating things with 4.4
initial relation states 13.15
initial state of the world 3.1
cut the matched text 17.23
dark, in darkness condition 11.4
dark 6.6
announcing that it is dark 17.15
description of 17.17
displaying refusal messages 17.14
room name for 17.16
rules to change perception of 12.17
death 9.4
debugging commands
showme 2.7
TEST 2.8
debugging, information about things with SHOWME 2.7
debugging verbs
comments in transcripts from beta testers 16.16
debugging, writing test code 2.9
decide on, arbitrary kinds 11.15
decide, yes/no 11.14
deciding whether all includes 17.26
default, properties 4.2
activities 17.5
initial state of the world 2.1
input grammar 16.1
rulebooks 18.4
definite articles 3.18
Definition, for numeric quantities 14.3
Definition 6.4, 11.14
deleting, things with remove 8.9
deny access 12.16
describing, understand as 16.14
in inventory listings 3.11
initial appearance of thing 3.11
description of a dark room 17.17
description, varying with properties 3.14
description 3.10, 3.11
descriptions (displayed)
creating default using new kinds 4.1
full-length room / abbreviated room 2.12
hiding things from room 3.8
room with substituted text 5.1
descriptions (references to thing), summary 6.10
descriptions (references to things)
complex phrases 6.5
syntax 6.2
descriptions (references to things) 6.1
determiners 6.8
device 3.14
direction 3.5
directions 3.2
disabling scoring 2.12
disabling undo 2.12
multiple phrase definitions 11.17
using headings 2.6
disambiguition, multiple phrase definitions 11.18
display the boxed quotation 5.12
displaying 17.11
American dialect 2.12
lists 5.4
plurals 5.3
rules for darkness refusal messages 17.14
rules for displaying groups of items in lists 17.12
rules for displaying name in lists 17.11
rules for displaying name in room description lists 17.13
rules for displaying name 17.9, 17.10
serial comma 2.12
displaying text, with say 5.8
distance, measuring with number of moves 6.7
divided by 14.2
doing anything 7.9
doing it 7.17
doing something 7.9
doors 3.12
double-quotes, displaying 2.3
duplicates 4.4
each other 13.6
each 6.8
else 11.8
enclosure 3.25
end, activities 17.6
[end if] 5.5
end, in phrases 11.7
end the game 9.4
defining plural form 4.3
determiners 6.8
displaying regular plurals 5.3
irregular verbs 12.8
limited superlative forms 14.5
specifying forms for sentence verbs 13.9
symbolic characters by numbers — see units
enumerations — see kinds, enumerated values
events, in the the future 9.11
every turn 9.5
every 6.8
exactly 6.9, 9.15
except 6.9
installing 2.10
using 2.11
persuasion 12.4
rule fails 18.9
failure, for actions 7.1
first, rule 18.13
first thing held by 8.15
fixed in place 3.6
fixed-letter spacing 5.7
follow, difference from consider 18.11
follow 18.4
fixed-width / variable-width 5.7
italic / bold / roman 5.7
for, rulebook for activities 17.3
from 3.2
front side 3.12
full-length room descriptions 2.12
future events 9.11
generalities 6.8
going by 7.14
default failure message 7.13
rules for doors 7.14
rules for overriding 7.13
rules for pushing when 7.14
rules for vehicles 7.14
going through 7.14
going with 7.14
going 7.13
grammar tokens 16.4
group, together 17.11
grouping together 17.12
groups, relations in 13.7
had been 9.13
handling, activities 17.6
has been 9.13
has 4.7
headings 2.5, 2.6
hiding, things from room descriptions by making them scenery 3.8
historical conditions 9.13
times 9.14
turns 9.15
warning concerning variables and other varying qualities in historical 9.15
hold-all 3.21
holder of 8.15
if 11.5, 11.8
[if] 5.5
ignore 18.8
immobile things
fixed 3.6
scenery 3.8
supporters made automatically 3.7
property 14.15
relation 13.9
in darkness 11.4
in groups 13.7
in scope 17.21
in the presence of 7.12
in words 5.3
deciding whether all includes 17.26
player's command includes 17.23
indefinite articles 3.18
index, contents 2.6
indirect containment 3.25
Inform 6 equivalent
????????????? i forget 9.11
BeforeParsing 17.23
box 5.12
classes 4.1
code blocks 11.7
concealed, note about 11.12
daemons 9.5
each_turn 9.5
functions with optional parameters 11.12
functions with parameters 11.3
functions 11.2
IndirectlyContains 3.25
listing_together 17.11
LM Miscellany 3 17.28
local variables 11.13
meta 12.13
methods 11.17
objectloop 11.10
Prompt 17.23
provides 4.7
replace (grammar) 16.3
return 11.15
rtrue/rfalse 11.14
scope rules 12.14, 17.21
statements 11.1
switchable 3.14
synonyms 12.7, 16.2, 16.10, 16.11
verbs 12.7
YesOrNo 11.4
initial appearance 3.11
initial appearance 8.5
relations in the world 13.15
the world 2.1, 3.1
using plurals 4.3
in 8.11
inside 8.11
instead, guidelines for use 12.18
instead, see also rules 7.2
instead 7.2, 7.3
instructing, other people 12.3
insufficient light 12.17
introduction, printing the banner text 17.27
inventory listing 3.11
invisible 6.6
it does, or it does not 17.26
[italic type] 5.7
keyboard, reading a command from 17.23
kinds 3.5
actions 7.15
animal 3.17
backdrops 3.9
container 3.5
creating new 4.1
default properties 4.2
definition of 4.1
devices 3.14
direction 3.5
distinguished from properties 4.1
doors 3.12
enumerated values for single thing 4.10
enumerated values 4.8, 4.9
man 3.17
new value kinds for single thing 4.10
new value kinds 4.9
person 3.17
room 3.5
supporter 3.5
thing 3.5
units defined as values 14.6
values 4.8
vehicles 3.16
woman 3.17
last, rule 18.13
leading zeros 14.9
less than 6.9
letters — see characters
lexicon 6.10
light, rules to override sufficiency of 12.17
limits 2.13
English understanding 2.15
line breaks — see breaks
listed before 18.3
listening 7.7
listing contents 17.11
listing nondescript items 17.20
rules for grouping together 17.12
rules for listing contents 17.11
rules for nondescript items in room descriptions 17.20
lists 5.4
changing things' 8.7
changing with now 8.10
checking whereabouts generally 8.12
checking whereabouts specifically 8.11
low-level interface to 8.15
see also rooms 3.9
location 3.25
lockable 3.13
locks, properties 3.13
counted 11.9
in phrases 11.6
through objects 11.10
losing 9.4
man 3.17
map 3.2
matched text 17.23
matches, player's command matches 17.23
matching key 3.13
math — see calculation
memory limits 2.13
minus 14.2
missing words, rules for supplying 17.22
mistake, understand as 16.16
monospaced 5.7
more than 6.9
rule before/after 18.8
the player 8.8
move 8.7
multiplication, of units 14.13
multiplied by 14.2
name of a dark room 17.16
name, printed 8.5
names, for things named generally 8.13
natural language 2.15
nearest 9.8
never 4.2
new, something new 16.3
next step 13.11
next thing held after 8.15
NO, querying yes/no 11.4
non-existence, starting things out of play 3.25
nondescript items 17.20
noun 7.10
nouns reversed 16.2
now, for relations 13.15
nowhere 7.13
now 8.10
npc, giving instructions to 12.3
number of steps 13.11
number of 8.14
[number], understanding [a number] 16.6
number 4.7
numbers 14.1
adjectives describing magnitude 14.3
allowed range 14.2, 14.11
operations on 14.2
units — see units
units overview 14.1
obituary, printing the player's 17.28
object loops 11.10
creating / initial state 3.1
see also things 3.6
omit contents in listing 17.9
omitting code, for release version 2.9
on top of 8.11
only 9.15
on 8.11
open / closed 3.6
openable 3.6
optional 14.9
options 2.12
for phrases 11.12
other people — see npc
[other things] 16.4
otherwise 11.8
[otherwise] 5.5
out of world 12.13
outline 2.6
paragraph breaks — see breaks
paragraph, rules for writing in room description 17.19
parser error 17.25
parsing — see understanding
part of, for units with multiple numbers 14.9
part of 3.23, 8.11
parts 4.5
parts 14.9
part 2.5
past tense 9.12
pathfinding 6.7
arbitrary relations 13.11
pattern matching, phrase definitions 11.3
people, see also npc 12.3
perfect tense 9.12
person reaching 12.16
person, see also npc 12.3
person 3.17
persuasion 12.4
phrase options 11.12
phrasebook 11.2
defining multiple variations and precedence 11.17
defining new with parameters 11.3
defining new 11.2
defining options for small variations 11.12
definition 11.1
definitions that decide a value 11.15
lists of 6.10
temporary variables for 11.13
place, in scope 17.21
places — see rooms
play begins, when 8.2
play ends 9.4
player, changing location of 8.8
player consents 11.4
player's command 17.23
player's hold-all 3.21
player's obituary 17.28
player's surroundings 8.3
plural 4.3
displaying 5.3
rules for displaying 17.10
plus 14.2
points, award 9.2
portable 3.7
possesions 3.20
possessions, hold-all 3.21
preamble optional 14.9
precedence of multiple phrase definitions 11.17
precedence, rules 11.17
prefix, for numbers — see units
prepositions, defining 13.10
presence 7.12
printed name 8.5
printing a refusual to act in the dark 17.14
printing a room description, without 8.8
printing the announcement of darkness 17.15
printing the description of a dark room 17.17
printing the name of a dark room 17.16
printing the name 17.9
printing the player's obituary 17.28
printing the plural name 17.10
printing, with say 5.8
procedural rule 18.7
procedural rules, ignored by consider 18.11
prompt, changing 8.2
pronouns 3.17
it 11.14
something etc. 6.2
proper names 3.18
as adjectives 6.3
changing either/or 8.4
changing location of things 8.7
changing multiple things with now 8.10
changing values 8.5
creating either/or 4.6
creating value 4.7
dependence on kind 3.7
distinguished from kinds 4.1
either/or 3.6
holding text 3.10
shorthand names for 4.9
property, shorthand name for 8.6
property 4.7
proportional spacing 5.7
punctuation 2.3
apostrophes 2.3
colon 6.10, 11.2, 11.14
comma replaces colon 7.2
double quotes 2.3
full stop with text substitutions 5.5
full stop 2.3
quotation marks 3.1, 5.1, 5.8
semicolon 6.10
square brackets 2.3, 5.1, 5.3
pushable between rooms 3.16
pushing objects 3.16
pushing, rules for 7.14
existential 6.2
universal 6.8
querying yes/no with player consents 11.4
quotations, displaying in boxes 5.12
chance 8.16
enumerated values 8.16
new value kinds 8.16
number 8.16
things 8.17
random-number generator, seed 8.16
random 8.16, 8.17
rankings, table by scores 9.3
reach inside 12.14
reach outside 12.14
reachability, rules for changing 12.16
reading a command 17.23
reciprocal relations 13.6
referring to, understand as 16.14
refusal to act in the dark 17.14
regions 3.4
backdrops in 3.9
using in rules 7.11
reinstate 18.8
reject the player's command 17.23
reject the result 18.8
relates 13.5, 13.12
changing with now 13.15
defining new 13.5
defining prepositions for 13.10
defining sentence verbs for 13.9
difference from sentence verbs 13.3
distance through 13.11
expressing conditions involving values 13.13
expressing conditions 13.12
groups 13.7
guide to usage 13.14
relations in groups 13.7
indirect 13.11
initializing 13.15
involving values 13.13
overview 13.3
paths through 13.11
carrying 13.4
conceal 13.4
containment 13.4
part of 13.4
support 13.4
to have 13.4
wearing 13.4
reciprocal 13.6
relationship to sentence verbs 13.8
used in sentences 13.1
release version 2.9
remainder after 14.2
remove, from play 8.9
repeat, running through 11.10
repeatedly 11.6
repeat 11.9
replace with 17.23
for other people 12.12
guidelines for use 12.18
report 12.2, 12.9
requires 12.7
restore the original, rule 18.8
reversed, nouns 16.2
rideable, vehicle / animal 3.16
[roman type] 5.7
room 3.5
descriptions 2.12
adjacent 6.7
connections 3.2
creating / initial state 3.1
grouping into regions 3.4
one-way connections 3.3
things in more than one 3.9
rule fails 18.9
rule for 12.16
rule succeeds 18.9
rulebook, defining new 18.4
defining for new actitivies 17.5
for actions 12.2
for new actions 12.9
overview 18.2
using a rulebook in a phrase 18.4
rule 12.14, 18.3
abbreviating actions with doing it 7.17
access to things referred to in actions 12.14
actions referred to in 9.12
After 7.5
applied to activities 17.3
applying to all but some actions 7.9
applying to multiple actions 7.8
arbitrary conditions for using when 7.12
at end of game 9.4
at start of game 9.1
Before 7.3
changing reachability 12.16
changing visibility 12.17
check for other people 12.11
counting times for 9.14
counting turns for 9.15
create new action kinds to reduce redundancy 7.15
defining new 2.2
defining rulebooks for new activities 17.5
disabling with procedural rules 18.7
disabling 18.8
enabling/reinstating 18.8
every turn 9.5
for actions found in rulebooks 12.2
for going by vehicles 7.14
for going through doors 7.14
for new actions for other people 12.10
for new actions 12.9
for pushing objects to other rooms 7.14
for senses 7.7
guidelines for actions 12.18
ignoring the procedural rules 18.11
implicit constraint to player for actions 12.10
Instead 7.2
introduction 7.2
invoking other rules 18.10
limiting applicability to certain activities 17.4
limiting to rooms and regions 7.11
limiting to when characters are present 7.12
naming 18.3
order of evaluation 11.17, 18.13
past tense 9.12, 9.13
persuasion rules for asking people 12.4
procedural 18.7
reaching inside 12.14
relation to rulebooks 18.2
repeated actions consecutively 7.17
repeated actions 7.16
replacing one with another 18.8
report for other people 12.12
special rules for going 7.13
success and failure for 18.9
unsuccessful attempts by other people 12.5
while clauses 17.4
running through 11.10
[s] 5.3
same 14.4
say 5.8
scenery, see also backdrops 3.9
scenery 3.8
scenes 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8
scope 17.21
maximum 9.2
ranking table 9.3
score 9.2
scoring, disabling 2.12, 9.2
screen top 8.3
scripts, creating with TEST command 2.8
second noun 7.10
section 2.5
seed, random-number generator 8.16
seldom 4.2
senses 7.7
sentence verbs 13.15
defining 13.9
difference from relations 13.3
form 13.2
overview 13.1
shorthand — see abbreviations
siblings, in containment hierarchy 8.15
silent, exceptions for silence for actions by other people 12.12
silently 7.4
smelling 7.7
somebody 6.2
someone 6.2
in conditions 8.12
naming value of 8.13
something new 16.3
something 6.2
somewhere 6.2
source code, ordering requirements for kinds 4.1
source, subdivisions 2.5
specifies, see also units 14.6
starting condition 3.1
relations 13.15
starting conditions 2.1
status line 8.3
status line 17.18
steps 13.11
stop the action 7.3
subheadings 2.5
substitute, one rule for another 18.8
persuasion 12.4
rule succeeds 18.9
success, for actions 7.1
sufficient light 12.17
suffix, for numbers — see units
superlatives 14.5, 14.14
supplying a missing noun 17.22
supported by 8.11
supporter 3.5
carrying capacity 3.19
default immobility 3.7
supporting 8.11
surroundings, player's 8.3
switching, on/off 3.14
symbols — see characters
synonyms 12.7, 16.2
tables 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 15.7, 15.8, 15.9, 15.10, 15.11, 15.12, 15.13, 15.14, 15.15, 15.16, 15.17, 15.18
introduction 9.3
ranking score 9.3
tasting 7.7
TELL 7.6
temporary variables 11.13
tense, present/past/perfect 9.12
TEST 2.8
text lists 5.4
text substitution
enumerated values 4.9
in say 5.8
new value kinds 4.9
text substitutions 3.14
numbers 5.3
strings 5.1
variations 5.5
[text] 16.5
the same 14.4
then 11.5
thing 3.5
referring to unknown things in rules 7.10
changing location of player 8.8
changing location of 8.7
changing multiples with now 8.10
checking general location 8.12
checking specific location 8.11
counting 8.14
creating multiple identical things with counts 4.4
immobile as fixed 3.6
immobile as scenery 3.8
immobile because they're supporters 3.7
in more than one room 3.9
limiting action definitions to particular types of 12.7
location of 3.25
parts of 3.23
references to 6.1
removing from play 8.9
starting out of play 3.25
this is, naming a rule 18.3
through 7.14
assembling from numbers 9.10
calculations 9.9
comparing 9.9
components as numbers 9.10
conditions and rules referring back in 9.13
counting actions with for the... 7.16
counting conditions with for the... 9.14
displaying approximaions 9.8
displaying 9.7
events in the future 9.11
time of day 9.6, 9.7
title 2.5
to decide
what/which / arbitrary kinds 11.15
yes/no 11.14
to the nearest 9.8
to try 12.3
tokens, of grammar 16.4
to 11.2
total 14.14
touchable 6.6
touching 7.7
transparent / opaque 3.6
try silently, place in processing sequence 12.2
try 7.4
turning, on/off 3.14
counting actions with for the 7.17
counting conditions with for the 9.15
events in the future 9.11
rules for processing every turn 9.5
using time of day instead of/as well 9.6
typechecking 8.1, 8.4, 11.16
in conditions 11.5
in phrase definitions 11.3
units 14.6
understand, when 16.15
understand 12.7, 12.8, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.10, 16.14
allowed objects in actions 12.15
allowed objects in grammar 16.4
arbitrary text for conversations and consulting 7.6
arbitrary text 16.5
choosing between multiple grammar lines 16.17
deciding whether all includes something 17.26
error messages 17.25
grammar tokens for words, producing values 16.13
grammar tokens for words 16.12
limiting cases where understand rules apply 16.15
mistakes, precedence 16.17
mistakes 16.16
noun-first sentences 16.9
numbers with units 14.10
precedence 16.17
properties 16.14
recognizing properties as words for things 16.14
removing existing definitions 16.3
rules for supplying missing words 17.22
sentences without verbs 16.9
special processing of input 17.23
synonyms, as grammar tokens 16.12
synonyms for things and values 16.10
synonyms 16.11
syntax for objects 16.4
things not in scope with any 16.7
things 16.10
values in actions and grammar
new kinds 16.8
numbers 16.6
values 16.10
verbs 16.1, 16.2
when clauses for 16.15
[understood] 16.8
undo, disabling 2.12
units 14.6
arithmetic on 14.12
multiplication of 14.13
superlatives 14.14
syntax 14.7
totals 14.14
with multiple numeric components
accessing parts of 14.9
allowed range 14.11
omitting parts of 14.9
syntax 14.8
unsuccessful attempt 12.5
untouchable 6.6
use 2.12
using doors 6.7
usually 4.2
used in relations 13.13
varying 4.11
variable 4.11
variable letter spacing 5.7
changing 8.1
temporary 11.13
varies 8.1
various 13.5
vehicles 3.16
verbose room descriptions 2.12
defining for numeric properties 14.15
defining new sentence verbs 13.9
removing existing definitions 16.3
sentence — see sentence verbs
via 13.11
victory 9.4
visibility, rules for determining darkness 12.17
visible 6.6
volume 2.5
was 9.13
wearing, wear / wearable / wearing 3.20
when play begins 8.2, 9.1
when play ends 9.4
when, understand when 16.15
when 7.12
whereabouts, checking 8.11
whether all includes 17.26
while, clause in rules 17.4
while 11.6
winning 9.4
with nouns reversed 16.2
with parts 14.9
with 7.14
within 8.11
without leading zeros 14.9
without printing a room description 8.8
woman 3.17
worn 8.7
writing a paragraph about 17.19
YES, querying yes/no 11.4
You Have Died 17.28
zeros 14.9