Article: 178406 of talk.bizarre From: (Eamon Daly) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: virgin (fail to suck entry) Date: 1 Dec 1994 04:46:41 GMT Organization: Boston University Lines: 63 Message-ID: <3bjkfh$> X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0] Status: O "eamon? could you do the dishes?" sure, i could DO the dishes. no problem. i love DOING dishes. funny jibe, that. poking fun at my virginity in your oh-so-subtle tones of amusement. try to cover up your mirth a bit better under that domestic motherly voice, dear-- i'll try to pretend that i can't hear what you really mean. "there's soap under the sink." so i don't get you slick enough? is that it? i don't get you hot enough? i don't tell you those disgusting slimy whorish things you want to hear and have heard before? tough. i don't say those things because i don't KNOW them, okay? i can't whisper dirty somethings in your ear because i know nothing. have had nothing. "the machine is on the fritz, so you'll have to do them by hand." like i haven't been doing it by hand for years. as if i don't know every vein and every curve and every line on the back of my hand like your taunting smile. perhaps i'll forget my lover like yesterday's torment once i do the deed, but i doubt it. because i have you, don't i? my prude little whore. always declining when i press, always respectful of my fragile virginity. "eamon? are you listening? use the sponge." why bother? i will never have children. i will never have a future. i can't support us married and so i can't support your weight bouncing on my abdomen. and so i sleep alone with you beside me and i will never know the horrible feeling of reaching into the bedside and realizing that there are no condoms left. "eamon?" i've never had to hide myself from you or my parents or the 68 year old lady behind the drugstore counter who, i'm sure, gossips to all the other pharmacists that i've never bought trojans in the twenty years she's worked there. and not a blemish on my shining white soul though i'd like to stain it deep and dark and permanent. "eamon?" and there would be no one who could to scrub that marring away, my dear. and damn you for keeping me clean. -- *sigh* i hate netscape. <blink> <a href=""> . . </a>