Article: 178426 of talk.bizarre From: (Ed Gaillard) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: a letter from the muse Date: 1 Dec 1994 01:59:43 -0500 Organization: Putting the Ding in the _Ding an sich_ Lines: 19 Message-ID: <3bjs8v$> Summary: I promise to return the rhymes to Milton in good condition. Keywords: poem sonnet Status: O If ideas are money, all mine was spent. My mind's pockets were empty, yawning wide, and I was lying low and trying to hide from my artistic creditors. A bent old woman came to my door to present a note from my absent Muse, who wrote to chide me for my sloth. "My absence has denied you nothing vital, and ought not prevent you from working. You're a craftsman, you don't need lightning bolts. Take what's on hand, do your best." She's right. I'm not in such a bad state -- I've time enough to work at my own speed and a world to work with. As for the rest -- the mystic-poet shtick -- inspiration can wait. -ed g.