Article: 178486 of talk.bizarre
From: (Brian Rapp)
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: Les Bizarrables 16:  Do You Fear the Feeble Throng?
Date: 1 Dec 1994 14:42:24 GMT
Organization: University of Delaware, Newark
Lines: 47
Message-ID: <3bkncg$>
Summary: Happy Schlock Day
Status: O


STARCAPRA:	Do you fear the feeble throng?
		Flailing around in cyberspace,
		Here at the Zenith of achievement
		Is the A-ol of our race!
		When they read, learn and evolve
		Right from the moment they arrive,
		Then all our problems will be solved
		And t.b will thrive!

COMBEVERRI:	Join in our rodomontade!
		Now let our song begin to ring!
		Bring on the serenades!
		Is there a verse you long to sing?

CORPERAQUE:	Then join in the choir
		That is risen with fire in its wings!

T.B:		Do you fear the feeble throng?
		Flailing around in cyberspace,
		Here at the Zenith of achievement
		Is the A-ol of our race!
		When they read, learn and evolve
		Right from the moment they arrive,
		Then all our problems will be solved
		And t.b will thrive!

FULLY:		Will you write as you have read
		While we are sharpening our swords?
		They will get it through their heads
		Or we'll bisect their spinal cords!
		The words on computers will tutor the ignorant hordes!

T.B:		Do you fear the feeble throng?
		Flailing around in cyberspace,
		Here at the Zenith of achievement
		Is the A-ol of our race!
		When they read, learn and evolve
		Right from the moment they arrive,
		Then all our problems will be solved
		And t.b will thrive!

| Brian Rapp | | Ferret | "and many times confused"