Article: 178630 of talk.bizarre
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
From: (Eric Scheirer)
Subject: Science Fiction: Warning (750? words)
Message-ID: <>
Followup-To: talk.bizarre
Summary: Fail to Suck
Sender: (USENET News System)
Organization: MIT Media Laboratory
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 20:40:06 GMT
Lines: 19
Status: O

In this, our new millenium, it is becoming obvious that there
are certain @@@@@ discussed -- unable even @@@@@.

It is not @@@@@ mechanism is, but consider it safe to say that,
in general, this form @@@@@ is what it is, is far more insidious
than anything @@@@@, for the author is generally unaware of @@@@@.

Even as I try to write @@@@@ fuck! try to write this (warning), I
can feel the lethargy and the @@@@@ coming over me.  It is a great
struggle to keep @@@@@ flowing, but I must, for it is imperative that
you learn that @@@@@

|   Eric Scheirer   | | Ebmaj7 G7  | Abmaj7 Ao | Bb7   Bo7  | Cm7  Cm7/Bb  | 
| |         <>
|   617 253 0116    | | Am7b5 D7b9 | Gm7 Gm7/F | Em7b5 A7b9 | Fm7  Bb7b9   |