Article: 178968 of talk.bizarre From: (S.M. Deter) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: junctions Date: 2 Dec 1994 04:44:11 GMT Organization: Adhocracy, Inc. Lines: 47 Message-ID: <3bm8mr$> X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Status: O Even as we begin Down our separate paths I feel as if I should Run to when next they meet And wait until You come to me And sometimes the paths Shall run parallel Or even move father apart Someday they will move in close And in their crossing I shall take joy They may never again Run concurrent for so long As they have in the past But for that I shall long even greater For their slightest touch And when they run apart Still I shall hear of you I'll revel in your greatest glories I'll strive towards your greatest hopes And in your sorrows I shall shed such honest tears And should there come a time When they shall never again cross I shall look back To every junction And find my strength And continue ahead And should one of us Stop our journey Before the other comes to rest The other path will be lonely But will be traveled With all the love of the past Stevi --