Article: 178479 of talk.bizarre From: (Andrew Solberg) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: SCIENCE FICTION: Pipe Dream 3 (100 words) Date: 1 Dec 1994 08:07:02 -0600 Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway Lines: 18 Sender: Message-ID: <> Status: RO Dournier shouted over the din of a thousand churning computers. "I have good news and bad news!" The President nodded. "The good news is that my plan is working. Look!" The President squinted at the Magritte painting. He touched the canvas and felt something cold and hard. "It's a real pipe!" he exclaimed. "Yes," acknowledged Dournier. "Unfortunately, we've overshot our mark. A disaster may be brewing." Sure enough, a wave of pipe-ness rolled across the world. Shoes became pipes. Eyes became pipes. The army (pipe) tried to stop (pipe) the pipe, but pipe nothing would pipe pipe. Pipe Pipe Pipe! -- HWRNMNBSOL = Andrew J. Solberg, Visiting Pipe at Pipe U. from Pipe pipe pipe