Article: 261260 of talk.bizarre
From: (Zvi Gilbert)
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: jhydrogen jhukebox
Date: 1 Dec 1995 00:08:22 -0500
Organization: The Church of Maximum Occupancy
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <49m2k6$>
Status: O

heart histrionic; unseemly, unseen
the thought of my frightness is smaller than bean
it's smaller than bean and more potent then sound
the thought of my frightness is walking around

liver loquacious; tremendous, tureen
the depth of my frightness is bigger than dream
it's bigger than dream and more orange than sun
the depth of my frightness is beatings of drum

brain boustrophedon; survival, serene
the taste of my frightness is sweeter than steam
it's sweeter than steam and more open than sky
the taste of my frightness is concrete and spry

          my organs develop 
           incredible arts
          to cope with the fallout 
           when frightness first starts 

it was just a false alarm