Article: 261286 of talk.bizarre
From: (Aaron C. Young)
Subject: UPDATED: US Army 29Y SatCom Ft Gordon Taegu Ft Detrick people
Date: 1 Dec 1995 05:56:43 GMT
Organization: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <49m5er$>
Status: O

Hello all,

I am looking for any information that would lead me to find some of the
people I went through Fort Gordon, GA Satellite Communications training
and those I worked with at Fort Detrick Maryland.

In particular:

John Georges	FOUND - Living in SanFran area, doing hitech medical imaging.
Mike Mullineaux	FOUND - Works in Maryland.
Del Delatorre	FOUND - Became a Civil Engineer.
Joe Steffen	IN WORKS
Mike Smiley	FOUND - Is installing cable TV in Wisconsin.
Mark Ginevan	FOUND, but never answered my e-mail.
Todd Velasko	- Ran off to Atlanta with a babe.  Probably doing 
		  communications work for someone.
Brent Starr	- Last heard flying helicopters in Korea.
Chip Winkoff	- Where are you chip.  It's me, Pup!

If you know any of these fellows, let me know.  I can be reached via
e-mail obviously or by using the following:

Phone	(315) 469-5232	or work (315) 443-3995
	or 0-700-ACYOUNG (On AT & T lines, you might have to dial 
	10-ATT first.

US Mail	P.O. Box 211
	Syracuse, New York 13215 

Any info would be great.  Thanks!
