Article: 261295 of talk.bizarre From: Scott Ellis <> Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: Easter Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 00:42:24 -0600 Organization: Blue Sky FreeNet of Manitoba Inc. Lines: 45 Message-ID: <> Status: O X-Status: Paco, Paco & Paco didn't care about that when they let me sit in the backseat of their tiny orange Fiat tootling down to Sevilla sometimes you've just got to go a born driver Paco & a born Andaluz singing flamenco de sangre y toros between clap-claps he'd fling us like dust round the road's bounce & blow through rich men's cars & heavy trucks flipping the bird out the window & me in the back what's that? & what's that? in highschool Spanish through guzzling conac & Paco answered & Paco said & Paco replied & each claimed the others were crazy the long golden stretch of the hills a grain mantilla on ochre tits & always a boy by the roadside thrusting asparagus fistfuls at our laughing & singing & nearly dying sometimes you've just got to go like fleeing Cordoba chased by giant millipedes bearing Christ & Mary swathed in miles of torchlit velvet lurching doorway to doorway looking only to sleep pursued by thousands of sneakered feet head battered by cherubs with gummy caramel candies Paco, Paco & Paco didn't care about that Easter had shoved us all on the run me to sleep in a consulate garden the Pacos to roar down the drag & drive back & I salute those who speed in the sun whose laughter tears an idol down ------ sae - If you've got everything under control, you're not trying hard enough. (Twyla Tharp)