Article: 261290 of talk.bizarre From: agarcia@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (Anthony Garcia) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: SELF-DISCIPLINE Date: 1 Dec 1995 00:52:34 -0600 Organization: act or process of organizing or of being organized Lines: 30 Message-ID: <49m8ni$a8d@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM> Status: O X-Status: "So, I get to Latte-O-Rama, right? And there's like, this cop, standing in front of the door. Won't let me in. Says it's a crime scene. So I say sure, no problem man, I'll try back later. I slip around the corner into the alley. Jump up on a dumpster, and look in thru the back windows. Man, I just about lost my lunch..." Dr. Nordstrom paced nervously in front of his desk. This was *not good*. The only specimen in captivity in this region of the country. The Board of Regents would not take this well. He could just hear Barker now: "So your narwhale just decided to take a walk, is that it, Marty? Haw haw. Just went for an evening stroll? Haw haw." Nordstrom gritted his teeth. He would find out who was responsible for this. The student was *not* getting the picture. "And just why *can't* I use this to get rich? I'm not digging the notion of just sittin' around this drafty-ass joint for the rest of my life, freezing my butt off. Screw this; I don't need you any more. I betcha didn't know I've *already* been doin' some stuff." The master winced. No, that had slipped right by him. This one was strong, the strongest yet. But he needed to learn self-discipline. Viktor Levtoushenko wiped his eyes. Then he wiped the quartz port, again. He called out to his partner. "Andrei... *come look at this.*" Andrei drifted over, steadied himself on a handhold and gazed out. His jaw dropped. "Wh-what?" Outside, a ton of frozen ~monadon monoceros~ glistened in the raw sunlight. Or rather, one-half ton-- the slow turning revealing the perfect bisection. -anthony