Article: 261308 of talk.bizarre
From: (Kate McDonnell)
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: [repost] animal alphabet, unfinished
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 1995 01:47:56 -0700
Organization: les graphiques Grenade
Lines: 167
Message-ID: <>
Status: O

I started this effort with this:

The Auk, a bird of simple passions,
Lived out its life on the icy waste
But, due to changing Arctic fashions,
Vanished in unaccustomed haste.

and after that it was
The Blue Whale is the biggest, deepest.
Which makes us humans pause a mo'
And think: despite our crinkled craniums
They rule where we will never go.


The Boar, a squat and chunky fellow
Roots for tubers 'mongst the brush
His angry mien and tusks so yellow
Lesser skittish creatures flush.

The Chimpanzee seems nearly human
It somersaults, it does a split
It grins at people through the bars,
and accurately throws its shit.


The Deer prances through the woods
Its antlers thorns from heaven
Until it's shred to bits by an

The Elephant is long of tusk
And large of weight, so eas'ly could
Gore and crush and do great damage
To the whinging L.H. Wood.

--Mark Pundurs           

The Fox is clever; loafing underground,
His narrow face, devoid of jowls
Grins from his den, as (see 'H') Hound,
Bewildered, crashes about and howls.
and it don't matter if you put a few extra syllables into a line


Garuda-bird arrayed in splendor
The Himalaya spans with ease,
Stooping to nosh on morsels tender
That try to hide beneath the trees.


Sing ho! for the Hedgehog spiny-backed,
Inspiration to us all:
Who impales his predator when attacked
By rolling into a ball.
--jeff carroll

The Ibex is an antelope,
and so is the Impala.
Ain't none of either, there's no hope,
'tween here and Walla Walla.

--jeff carroll


The Kite's not Kosher, for, you see,
It chews its cud and has no fins,
Its foot is cloven into three.
(That's how Leviticus begins.)



In Minnesota cries the Loon,
(where Lutefisk's a favorite dish)
Plaintively as a Keillor tune:
"That's a helluva thing to do to fish."
--jeff carroll


The Millipede has many legs,
Many, many, many legs,
It's not distinguished by much else... um... 
(Let's leave and eat some ham and eggs.)


Had I but a single horn,
I think I would a Narwhal be,
rather than a Unicorn - 
'Cause Unicorns are so tacky.
(And Unicorns can't go to sea.)

--jeff carroll

The Nebelwerfer comes to me
Heralded by grind and clank,
No, it's not sitting in a tree
Instead it's bolted to a tank.
just be glad I didn't say "Naheverteidigungswaffe"


The Octopus: an arm, an arm,
an arm, an arm, four more, a head.
But if you study Greek, you'll find
those "arms" are really "feet" instead.

--eric scheirer


"Related to the ass and zebra,
An equine quadruped" (op.cit.),
The quagga's courage might just be bra-
vado, and he looks a twit.

and after all that I find quahog and quail, cheek by jowl so to speak.

some gaps, some duplicates. can we finish it? do we want to?

the guardians of hell, having bought you, will cook you there in jars.