Article: 261340 of talk.bizarre From: (Art Delano) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: Nine Lines of Dialogue Date: 1 Dec 1995 08:09:25 -0500 Organization: iTRiBE Mail to News Gateway Lines: 32 Sender: Message-ID: <49muq5$> X-Provider: iTRiBE, Inc <URL:> X-Gateway: Posted via the iTRiBE News<->Email gateway X-Disclaimer: iTRiBE, Inc. neither endorses nor assumes any responsibility for the contents of this posting. Status: O X-Status: "Hello, officer." "No need to get out of your car. That's okay." "Um...." "Are you aware that windows tinted like that aren't legal in the State of Michigan?" "No, honestly. I hadn't known." "Yep. You probably bought that car out of state, didn't you?" "Yeah. Um, you don't want me to rip the tint out right now, do you?" "No, that's all right. It's a ticketable offense, but if they're off the next time i see 'em, we'll forget about this, okay?" "Gee. Thanks. Can I go now? I got a load of beer pushing on my bladder, if you know what I mean." AjD Pupuru takes a walk fluffily in the monitor sky. When Pupuru shows up ,she walks on the monitor.