Article: 261446 of talk.bizarre From: (k.tatroe) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: [repost] Mirror of Her Dreams Date: Fri, 01 Dec 1995 08:32:01 -0700 Organization: Writers are queer so keep away from them Lines: 26 Message-ID: <> Status: O X-Status: The door had never been open in that way before. Never the full, inviting open that it appeared now. Life is friendly, they said. These are the things dreams are made of. The dream had never been in that way before. The girl had never felt so alone. Returning finding no one there. Her mommy, her daddy. Her precious teddy. All gone. The latchkey kid disappointed. The empty halls echoes footsteps; louder than normal. She wandered slowly down the corridor - a voice - is this normal? - of course not. A drip in the kitchen. Echoing. Like her footsteps echoing. Like the door open door flapping in the wind. By the time they were visible, nothing was a surprise. Not dull red; that is, not dry. Like a mirror, reflecting. The chandelier was visible, pale and ghostly image. Swaying in the backdoor open breeze, not unlike a cobra. Cobra. Strike; not dull red. Like a mirror, reflecting. Them, the wellsprings of mirrors. Mirrors of her dreams. The key slowly splintered to the floor. And skittered and splashing and a trail across the floor. Chalk circle tracings. -k. ftsd-95 (repost of firstpost)