Article: 261369 of talk.bizarre From: (Diane Wilson) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: Re: Day Without Art Date: 1 Dec 1995 19:49:15 GMT Organization: Bell-Northern Research Ltd. Lines: 35 Message-ID: <49nm7r$> References: <49nbga$34fu@lamar.ColoState.EDU> Reply-To: Originator: thwilson@brtph885 Status: O X-Status: This is not bizarre. Vote if you want; your vote will reflect on you, but not on me. Today is Fail to Suck day. As has been pointed out, it is also international AIDS day, and a Day without Art. I will do more than think about AIDS. AIDS has touched my life. I know people who have died of AIDS. So far, none of them have been close friends, but I know that this will change. But AIDS has touched my life in other ways, through fear and uncertainty. It is time to take a moment to think about an old friend. Steven Vann was a friend of mine in high school. We both played in the University of Arkansas orchestra while we were in high school, and Steven went on to be a music major there. When the orchestra went on tour, we shared a room, and sometimes a bed. After two years he transferred to another school on the west coast. His family moved at the same time, and I lost touch with him. Steven could have been one of us. He was funny, deeply warped, impulsive, articulate, wildly creative. He was also gay. When I think of all the people I have known, and I wonder what might have happened to those who have passed out of my life forever, Steven is the first person I always think about. Of all those people, he would have been at greatest risk during the early years of the AIDS crisis, when no one knew what it was, when no one knew how it was transmitted, and no one guessed that the gay community was at such great risk. Has AIDS taken my friend Steven? There are many questions for which I will never have answers. The lack of an answer to this question claws at my heart. -- Diane Wilson