Article: 261959 of talk.bizarre
From: (Rick Chapman)
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: Re: Xmas decorations
Date: 6 Dec 1995 12:57:11 GMT
Organization: Eastman Kodak Company
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <4a43v7$bnc@kodak.rdcs.Kodak.COM>
References: <>
Status: O

In article <>, (Mark. Gooley) writes:
(Munch) Gooleys energy-using display deleted for brevity

I have one single strand of lights. But they are in the shape of
M&M guys (like in the commercials) waving. 

Richard Chapman	                *   
Eastman Kodak Co.               *       
Video Research Labs             *      
rchapman@image.Kodak.COM        *