Article: 261574 of talk.bizarre From: (Nathan Torkington) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: ColoCabal Thanksgiving Date: 2 Dec 1995 06:38:23 GMT Organization: Interchangeable Antipodeans, Inc. Lines: 67 Message-ID: <49os8v$> X-Background-Noise: post-brithday meal "aaaaaaaah" X-Category: quotes compilation, original Status: O X-Status: Quotes from the Colorado Cabal Thanksgiving, chez Fred and Stevi. j.j We're like a Stovetop commercial - stevi says 'ssc: the stuffing is stovetop' and we're all YAY! ilana Excuse me, but I want to start drinking. fred Ah, that'll be the second seating. ilana I'll drink it from the bottle, but only if it is in a bag. ilana Of course I cut the carrots with a knife. What did you think I used? A hammer and chisel? ilana Amish rollerblading. j.j The Catholic symbolism of Easter gives me the willies. ilana Oh, come on - eggs, bunnies, and candy! gnat Jazzercise for Christ - Feel the Burn! gnat I just want to be bitten on the back of the neck. ilana Are yours sinkers or floaters? ilana I'm not shy, I just need more to drink. j.j It's supposed to go up as it goes in, but it's not going in. j.j Pumpkin is not a ... fruit? j.j Yay! More fatty crap! j.j As close to horizontal as I can get. j.j I want to see the fire but I can't get up. pygmy If you have a penis, you're in. ilana And then I learned about tactical throwing up. ilana None of your business! That was another country and besides, the man is dead. ilana Right now, I'm going to go down. pygmy Get this fudge away from me! j.j I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm drunk and shouldn't be playing games. j.j I want something non-toxic to nibble on. britt Getting runs is more difficult. j.j You do NOT know what all the rules are, we're not done making them up yet. ilana Stop, in the Name of Love. britt --- or I'll break your arm. stevi You don't want me makin' you a sandwich - I can't even drink out of a glass. j.j I don't think this camera can capture the colors I'm seeing right now.