Article: 261754 of talk.bizarre From: (M. Legare, etc.) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: Rev. Matthew Legare, Shaman or something like it Date: Mon, 04 Dec 1995 08:34:23 -0800 Organization: arcana on spec Lines: 32 Message-ID: <> Status: O X-Status: This is going to be a long rambling essay. If you don't like that sort of thing, or if you're looking for more short n snappy BoBteCh stuff, you'll probably want to skip this one. 'kay? A few weeks back I was slogging thru my emailbox and found that the Universal Life Church now has a <a href="">website</a> which was doling out on-line ordainments. Being like the next gazabo who enjoys collecting titles, I went looking for it and, sure enough, it was there. I stepped through the procedure and voila - I'm "Reverend Matthew Legare", a minister in the Universal Life Church. Didn't even cost me the $1 it usually does, and I got a cool color GIF to print out for my credentials. Ok. Ha-ha. I'm a reverend now, and it's all legal and stuff, and I can do all these cool church things like preside over marraiges and funerals and baptismals and so forth. Heck, I could do that as a SubG minister too, but now it's like OFFICIAL and RECOGNIZED (albeit grudgingly) by the STATE. A ULC minister presided over Colette and John's wedding, so it's GOTTA be real, right? Now comes the hitch. See, I've shopped around, I don't seem to fit any of the major religous categories or profiles. Not even the "esoteric" ones. So now, not only am I a minister, but I have to go out and MAKE my own damn religon. Fine. Want something done right and all that... It's a very strange thing to be a minister and not be sure what kind of religon you are ministering. mpl