Article: 261952 of talk.bizarre From: (M. Legare, etc.) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: strange idea: cool parents Date: Wed, 06 Dec 1995 08:48:56 -0800 Organization: arcana on spec Lines: 17 Message-ID: <> Status: O X-Status: WHY MY DAD IS SO FRIGHTENINGLY COOL * sent me his old PC because the hard disk is wonky (now all I need is a monitor, a decent IDE hard drive, and Linux) * has never failed to call me "Hoss", "Ace" or "Bubba" in the 28 years I have known him * stopped drinking six years ago. This increases his coolness factor significantly because I now actually know who the hell he is * still sails. Is much more fun sailing now that he doesn't drink * motorcycle. Harley Heritage softail which I will never ever own. Wants the Sportster back when I'm done with it BoB teCH breaking the trend