Article: 261633 of talk.bizarre
From: Andrew Solberg <>
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: 67x100
Date: 1 Dec 1995 21:39:19 -0500
Organization: iTRiBE Mail to News Gateway
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PIPE DREAM (1 of 3)

The world had become hazy; indistinct.  Representational forms spontaneously
wavered into ambiguity.  The scientific community had no answers.  In
desperation, the President turned to Dournier, the noted art historian.

Dournier brought a Magritte into the Oval Office and gestured with a
pointer.  "The caption, translated, reads 'This Is Not A Pipe'. Magritte's
idea: you don't see a pipe, but an image *resembling* a pipe, seen from
your perspective."  

His mouth drew into a grim line.  Fumbling in his pockets, he withdrew a
long-stemmed brier.

"The problem, Mr. President, is that in a few days this won't be a pipe

This post is COPYRIGHT 1995, Andrew Solberg.  All rights reserved.
Standard usenet distribution is acceptable; other forms of reproduction
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Andrew Solberg is HWRNMNBSOL:, Math Dept., Rice U.