Article: 261543 of talk.bizarre
From: Andrew Solberg <>
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: 68x100
Date: 1 Dec 1995 21:39:38 -0500
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PIPE DREAM (2 of 3)

The President was distraught.  "How is this possible?  Is nothing concrete?!"

Dournier sipped at what might or might not be water.  "Sir, I believe the
problem lies in the societal death of absolutism.  We no longer think in 
terms of black and white, right and wrong, night and day.  The strain of
our wishy-washiness has undermined reality."

The President slumped.  "Then we are lost."

"Not necessarily," replied Dournier.  "Computers think, and much faster
than humans."

The President was puzzled.  "Are you saying we need to program computers
to think that this painting *is*, after all, a pipe?"

"Exactly," smiled Dournier.

This post is COPYRIGHT 1995, Andrew Solberg.  All rights reserved.
Standard usenet distribution is acceptable; other forms of reproduction
or reprinting may be considered in violation of international copyright law.
Andrew Solberg is HWRNMNBSOL:, Math Dept., Rice U.