Article: 288534 of talk.bizarre
From: "David Low" <>
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: Welcome to Fail to Suck Day!
Date: 30 Nov 1996 13:24:47 GMT
Organization: Creative Cremations
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <01bbddf9$8ec9b6c0$321f1acb@alien>

It's just turned midnight, 1st December.  That means Fail to Suck Day
is here.  Here's a little something to kick it off.

Fail to Suck Day Haiku

Hark Fail to Suck Day.
A way to say, "Please delay,
And read what you write."

___      _     ___ + David Low  -  <>  -  agent for:
 __\__~  \__/__   | Creative Cremations & Van Helsing Appreciation Soc.
     -----\  /-----      | Pseudoscientifictechnobabblebuzzwordbullshit
       "  /_\  "       + "Sounds like the battery sun."