Article: 288551 of talk.bizarre From: (Anthropohedron) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: Has the poultry stopped screaming, Clarice? Date: 30 Nov 1996 13:06:35 -0500 Organization: minimal at best Lines: 69 Sender: Message-ID: <57pt3b$> NNTP-Posting-User: gseidman I received this from a friend and asked her permission to post it. Normally I would not post work which is not my own, but I consider this worth making an exception. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. --Anthropohedron (Emily) Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 08:20:07 -0500 (CDT) From: Emily Subject: [insert mad giggle here] Has the poultry stopped screaming, Clarice? Emily hopes you all had/are having/will have been having (I love verb tenses!) enjoyable and spiritually profitable vacations. The voices in Emily's head hope this too. The little creature who lives in her closet hopes this too. Though she has not yet come to terms with the depth of her feeling, or even of its existence, Emily's roommate hopes this too. It's cold and gray and windy and corny in America's heartland (I consider Iowa more of a spleenland, mostly because I'll embrace any excuse to use the word "spleen." That is one of the coolest nouns. Say it with me: "spleen!") Though I regret being unable to see you all over this li'l breakette, I am enjoying my bad midwest self (Are you hip to that scene, daddy-o?) I've been awakening at dusk and falling asleep at dawn, an exhilaratingly mixed-up schedule. My T-giving feast consisted of chicken noodle soup, oatmeal, potato chips (on a PLATE, because it's a holiday), and Twinkies, laid out on a coffee table covered with a picnic blanket and decorated with a festive centerpiece made out of dead leaves (I am the Martha Stewart of the midwest!) And, in addition to these other delightful occurrances, my parents only called me FOUR TIMES on Thursday (including one answering machine message featring my mother singing a rousing rendition of the preschool favorite "The Turkey Ran Away"). Thanksgiving is, in my humble, yet unassailably correct opinion, a very tacky holiday. The dominant color is brown, hardy a party-time hue. The menu alsmost invariably includes stuffing which, no matter how yummy it may taste, is never attractive. Senile old men (who share genetic material with you) sleep in front of football games and drool. There's probably some damnably cute Charlie Brown special about turkey. Our modern, technologically advanced, free-thinking society (ha) pays homage to a group of religious fundamentalists who wore buckles on too many articles of clothing. [Grin] I love the holiday season; it's the best time of year for bitterness. I'm going to go buy more pomagranates. Then I'm going to write naughty things on all of the message boards in my hall. Then I'm going to check on my Sea Monkeys. Then I'm going to go to South Campus to see if anybody has any mescaline (kidding). Then I'm going to sleep, perchance to dream. Toodles, citizens. -em By the way, could someone forward my warm, fuzzy Thanksgiving greeting to those who did not receive it (hint: their last names will begin with letters near the end of the alphabet). It's not that I'm lazy (though that's true), it's just that the computernetworkprogramserverDreamsthingy will only take a certain number of addresses at one time, and there's no way in Iowa I'm writing that message over again. By the other way, X-mas decorations have gone up in downtown Grinnell. The most gaudily lit business establishment? Smith's Funeral Home. 'Tis the season to be with loved ones, even those no longer among the living. Special After-Christmas Sale Extravaganza for those who didn't survive holiday depression! Free candy canes for the kids, come sit on Santa's coffin! I LOVE BEING EVIL!!!!!!! -em2