Article: 288558 of talk.bizarre
From: x@fwi.uva.null (X)
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: Xtocracy
Date: 1 Dec 1996 00:07:35 +0100
Organization: FWINS, University of Amsterdam
Lines: 85
Message-ID: <57qenn$>

The moral decay and bankruptcy of our democracy!!

In our country a part of the inhabitants chosed to live a life that
contravenes God's Law.  Xtians can no longer trust the democratic
decisions that are -- in spite of everything -- determining the general
policy that has been chosen by the heathenish majority.  Should a Xtian
agree with a government that does not confine with his religious ideas
and tacitly accept what is de facto nonreligious???

No, by no means should a Xtian do so, since nota bene Xtianity learns
us to only do the things that He tells us to do.

                 !!!ALL POWER TO XTOCRACY!!!

Xtocracy is focusing on a reoriented and Xtian government, to aid in a
religious and, if necessary, cosmetically elevated society.  Xtocracy
fights for a new Xtocratic Society and has, to emphasize those goals,
the following priorities embroidered in its banner:

1.  The reformulation of the Constitution on the basis of a Xtian
    Evangelistic axiology.

2.  The abolition of all democratic procedures on all political levels.

3.  The installation of a politically responsible government, founded on
    Xtocratic principles, existing of an autocratic (vice-)president with
    the title 'Primus inter Pares' and an advisory board of religious

4.  A revised application of the Trias Politica, by means of combining
    the three powers into a single legislative, administrative, and
    constitutional power.

5.  The Primus Inter Pares and his prerogatives enjoy absolute inviolable

6.  The foundation of a ministry of Religious Affairs.

7.  The supervision on the fulfillment of the Sunday's Rest.

8.  A stringent approach to amoral and worrisome developments in our
    society such as the trade in uncleanness, blasphemism in word and
    deed, criminalism, vandalism, fraud, abortion, the net, euthanasia,
    prostitution, drugs, sex, et cetera, by giving the maximum penalty.

9.  Subsidies and fiscal advantages solely for the Xtocratic Church.

10. Abolition of social security.  Instead the constructive usage of
    the army of the unemployed -- now merely asking for money -- in
    reemployment projects for the general benefit of the Xtocratic

11. The extinction of anyone suspected of not unequivocally adhering
    to the Xtocratic principles.

12. The propagation and the encouragement of the Xtocratic ideals and the
    programmatic arrangement of charity aids in other countries by means
    of paramilitary mission armies.  These armies will be trained in
    our country and will be send abroad to help emerge new flourishing
    Xtocracies!  Note that this will be the guiding principle of our
    foreign policy!

Resisting the holy Xtocracy equals the preparation to moral suicide!!
Such a demise is a nation that enjoyed God's gift of religion unworthy.
The expected day of honest brotherhood coming from Xtocracy will come
soon.  After that mamorable day, Xtocracy will rule the world!

For that is what we believe and what our pronounced and enthusiastic
Nationalist Xtocratic Party makes apparent with its maxim:

One for all and all for Xtocracy!

For mambership of the             |     For joining the Xtocratic
Nationalist Xtocratic Party       |     mission army or volunteering in
please send around $30 to:        |     banner embroidery please contact:
Nationalist Xtocratics            |     Paramilitary Xtocratics
1533 East MOUNT.BOB Road, Ste B   |     Walnut Hills Campground
P.O. Box 1212                     |     121 VAT.BOB Valley
Fort Collins, CO 80522            |     Staunton, VA

                     Thanks for your attention.