Article: 288644 of talk.bizarre From: al325@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Kate McDonnell) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: Net Dating Survey/Safety Tips Date: 1 Dec 1996 23:50:26 GMT Organization: The National Capital FreeNet Lines: 37 Message-ID: <57t5k2$> References: <> Reply-To: al325@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Kate McDonnell) X-Given-Sender: (Kate McDonnell) "Joan E. Reis, MS" ( writes: > Pertinent information: > > Age 11,908 > Status such as married, single, etc. Cluster marriage, 10th option, illyrium sept > Genereal location such as Midwest, Northeast, etc. Delta quadrant > Gender - F/M MM/FFF/V/X > Reason for using net services/options Access via Arcturus Online just became affordable > Gender preferences(s) such as gay, straight, etc. Arcturian clusterfuck, but open-minded > Experience - good/bad, did it lead to relationship(s) and if so, what > type Oh baby > Distance traveled 2,648 light-qvaski > Description of out come Nest of larvae deposited in core of planet locally known as Sol III. Projected year of maturation and shattering of host: 1998 local time. Thank you for your interest Xpibon Chazbat IV