Article: 288629 of talk.bizarre From: (bill coderre) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: "Don't cry for me, San Clemente" (FTSD) Date: Sun, 01 Dec 1996 13:25:49 -0800 Organization: Castle Wetware Internet Services, Inc. Lines: 40 Message-ID: <> What with all the hype about Madonna becoming Evita, I naturally started considering NIXON: The Opera. Seems like a natural, to me, what with Tommy Tune as Gerald Ford, Martin Landau as Kissinger (in the style of Peter Sellers), and, of course, Tim Curry in the starring role. William S Burroughs taking the part of Hunter S Thompson, the Greek Chorus to comment on the action. A lifesize cardboard cutout of Captain Janeway as Pat Nixon, or perhaps a lifesize plastic Colonel Harland Sanders (in drag). Just apply some animatronics to make the arm wave in that regal style. Schwarzenegger as G Gordon Liddy. Martin Short as John Dean. I think the "Checkers" speech would make the defining song for the Early Years. "We Can Win", an impassioned aria defending the Viet Nam policy. "Four More Years" as the big production number. Disco. "Luck Be A Lady" recast as the Watergate trials. The male ensemble tap-dancing and occasionally shouting, "I have no recollection at this time." And, of course, a heart-stirring medley of "That would be wrong" and "I had it all", complete with swelling strings and pinspots reminiscent of "Memories" from the award-winning, Broadway blockbuster "Cats." mr HEINOUS call Andrew Lloyd Weber