Article: 288770 of talk.bizarre From: (Rowan T. Hamilton) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: Omnifrigid Persistance Date: 3 Dec 1996 01:31:19 -0600 Organization: FERMILAB, Batavia, IL Lines: 29 Message-ID: <580l07$> It's cold now, Exactly not like that sharp feeling You get when you look down at the gash In your thigh and see the red rhythm pumping, But rather the cold you feel when you Remember that old friend that hates you For a very good reason you'd rather forget. The train sounds Distant and impersonal like long ago In the cedar forest plucking poison ivy. No relation to these cowards who fear Even children, locking the doors on Halloween, And look for nonexistent rhyme schemes, When they'd be better off remembering. Three posts condensed in one, Economically, Rowan. -- Rowan T. Hamilton "To dig this is to groove on hella shit." -