Article: 288819 of talk.bizarre From: (deirdre) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: girls are like biscuits Date: 4 Dec 1996 04:25:58 GMT Organization: even everyday girls get the blues Lines: 20 Message-ID: <> all days are joined in their pain and the forgetting of pain my pain personal to me is on the edge of being forgotten pale mold neath ranging fistulas of harshness long range missles shot into my heart daily by very close strangers with hunched backs splayed foreheads arrangements made in states of near epilepsy o yes the slather of tounged easements possible with each passing moment by just saying is this something is this anything at all backyards full of winter mice might seem to rise in a wave want to come in but I say No! pressed, inside, zero hour played out the mouths are wide open fall freezes the top of the ground black leaves enter the underworld taking the reflected salts of human history its decay deeper an other layer all brilliant and sad the spoken lot soon buried (d) -- mountains