"D. Vacca" <vacca@intr.net>:
Sociological Roadtrip (Acts I & II)
"D. Vacca" <vacca@intr.net>:
Sociological Roadtrip (Acts III & IV)
"D. Vacca" <vacca@intr.net>:
Sociological Roadtrip (Acts V & VI)
"D. Vacca" <vacca@intr.net>:
Short(ish) Shameful Combat
"Kevin \"Cujo\" Fries" <kfries@cyberramp.com>:
"T.L. Kelly" <room101@teleport.com>:
Speaking in Tongues
"T.L. Kelly" <room101@teleport.com>:
Madonna's World
"T.L. Kelly" <room101@teleport.com>:
East Wing Tour
"T.L. Kelly" <room101@teleport.com>:
"T.L. Kelly" <room101@teleport.com>:
treasured possessions
5 010102 100015 <jon@removethis.viator.demon.co.uk>:
Every time.
Ace Lightning <acelightning@excaliber.net.spam.sucks>:
Ace Lightning <acelightning@excaliber.net.spam.sucks>:
golf ball headache
Official FAQ: talk.bizarre (Monthly Posting)
Albemuth, Formalhaut, Hike, Hike, Hike!
agarcia@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (Anthony Garcia):
Late Shift At the Frankensteinverken
agarcia@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (Anthony Garcia):
The Final Meal
anne@panix.com (Annie):
How the Grendel stole Christmas
anne@panix.com (Annie):
anne@panix.com (Annie):
When you have decided to come in, then ring the bell
babs@funhouse.com (Babs Woods):
Care and Feeding of Muses (manual fragments)
billbill@wetware.com (Bill Bill):
night of the long programs
billbill@wetware.com (Bill Bill):
a ground in the hand
bmozart@frii.thisisnotpartoftheaddress.com (Boy Mozart):
I, Spammer
bretts@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (Evolve or Perish):
OKTSAD: Going Postal (100 words)
bretts@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (Evolve or Perish):
OK To Suck Again Day: Dennis
bretts@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (Evolve or Perish):
OKTSAD: The Real World (200 words)
buzzard@world.std.com (Sean T Barrett):
log--it's better than bad
buzzard@world.std.com (Sean T Barrett):
crisper@shell15.ba.best.com (Crisper Than Thou):
Sun So Small
doering@xrayspex.nlm.nih.gov (Larry Doering):
The Case of the Creeping Cat
doering@xrayspex.nlm.nih.gov (Larry Doering):
aw what the hell REPOST Duelling Authors: A. A. Milne and Samuel R. Delany
Elspeth@webtv.net (Elspeth):
Elspeth@webtv.net (Elspeth):
boo boo.
Elspeth@webtv.net (Elspeth):
Elspeth@webtv.net (Elspeth):
Gary Drennan <gdrennan@f22l11.mar.lmco.com>:
Chimera With Fleas
gheiden@post.its.mcw.edu (Gary Heidenreich):
Bored in October //Heidenreich
gomi@best.com (Gomi no Sensei):
FTS: Give Us This Day
Ilana Stern <ilana@ncar.ucar.edu>:
My Demon Lover
jenine@lamar.ColoState.EDU (just.jenine abarbanel):
December 1
jhw@wetware.com (strychnine):
report from the field
jmayall@jove.remove.this.to.send.mail.acs.unt.edu (Johnny Mayall):
100 Words: Jimi Hendrix
jmayall@jove.remove.this.to.send.mail.acs.unt.edu (Johnny Mayall):
(Serial) Second Coming: Hatters
jmayall@jove.remove.this.to.send.mail.acs.unt.edu (Johnny Mayall):
Arcana: Cutting the Deck
jmayall@jove.remove.this.to.send.mail.acs.unt.edu (Johnny Mayall):
Pale Riders
jmayall@jove.remove.this.to.send.mail.acs.unt.edu (Johnny Mayall):
REPOST: Geologic Synchronicity
jschuster@msn.com (Jonathan D Schuster):
kevbob.aLLsPaM@ecsis.net (kevbob):
kevbob.aLLsPaM@ecsis.net (kevbob):
Repost: Nessie on Crack
kevbob.aLLsPaM@ecsis.net (kevbob):
tired dog
kevbob.aLLsPaM@ecsis.net (kevbob):
Make Me
kevbob.aLLsPaM@ecsis.net (kevbob):
oooooh ya
kevbob.aLLsPaM@ecsis.net (kevbob):
in addition
kevbob.aLLsPaM@ecsis.net (kevbob):
kimy@cs.umd.edu (Yong-Mi Kim):
back when dinosaurs roamed the earth...
kludge@netcom.com (Scott Dorsey):
My Tech Support Experiences
larne@canetoad.dialup.access.not (Larne Pekowsky):
larne@canetoad.dialup.access.not (Larne Pekowsky):
larne@canetoad.dialup.access.not (Larne Pekowsky):
Life In Abstraction-Land (1)
larne@canetoad.dialup.access.not (Larne Pekowsky):
What the Universe gives, you take
Lee Doolan <ldoolan@molly.iii.com>:
the last 100 words
Lee Doolan <ldoolan@molly.iii.com>:
andriod across the nethoscope
Lee Doolan <ldoolan@molly.iii.com>:
lines on the floor
Lee Doolan <ldoolan@molly.iii.com>:
Lee Doolan <ldoolan@molly.iii.com>:
lscdoesnteatspamanymore@netcom.com (Lisa Chabot):
Re: Unusual wedding stories
lscdoesnteatspamanymore@netcom.com (Lisa Chabot):
chicken bone woman
lscdoesnteatspamanymore@netcom.com (Lisa Chabot):
time is
lula@best.com (Ami):
FTS: Disease
lula@best.com (Ami):
FTS: Malevolent Imp
mrdorbin@tycho.physics.purdue.edu (Matt Dorbin):
mskala@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca. (Matthew Skala):
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
Killing "Bob" again
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
take me to the river
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
Killing "Bob"
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
construction of english
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
a lesson in abject humility
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
Mop Duty
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
fuck the D-notices
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
el diablo (1)
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
dear Miss Manners
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
The Sketch
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
baptism wars
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
Salt Flat Mop
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
the recovery ward
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
el diablo (2)
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
nikolai@very.net (nikolai kingsley):
oberon@vcn.bc.ca (Doug Skrecky):
humorous cryonics survey
plord@best.com (a hurricane triggered by a butterfly's wings):
Wedding Report Suite: Ed and Elena
plord@best.com (a hurricane triggered by a butterfly's wings):
bad tempered management
plord@best.com (a hurricane triggered by a butterfly's wings):
Wedding Report Suite: Ed and Elena
puckett@nortel.ca (N. J. Puckett):
puckett@nortel.ca (U. A. Puckett):
rimrun@halcyon.com (Rimrunner):
Of Hearts and Homes
rimrun@halcyon.com (Rimrunner):
Queen Drum
Scott Ellis <qbt736@freenet.mb.ca>:
In the Shaft (Excerpt)
Scott Ellis <qbt736@freenet.mb.ca>:
The New People (Excerpt)
Scott Ellis <qbt736@freenet.mb.ca>:
Second Born (Excerpt)
solan@panix.com (Susan Solan):
The Curse's Epilogue
szmagaj <szmagaj@wetware.com>:
penny dreadful
thomas@phyast.nhn.uoknor.edu (Rollin Thomas):
Last Date of his Life.
thwilson@bnr.ca (Diane Wilson):
waldby@coewl.cen.uiuc.edu (waldby julian f):
fast bus
zvi@interlog.com (Zvi Gilbert):
Bannister Bill; Or, A Man Who Folds
zvi@interlog.com (Zvi Gilbert):
hydrogen jukebox