From: (Doug Skrecky) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: humorous cryonics survey Date: 1 Dec 1997 11:11:26 GMT Organization: Vancouver CommunityNet Lines: 65 Message-ID: <65u60u$> X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 BETA-950824-16colors PL0] Of those who pass away each year, only about 0.0000000000001% choose to be frozen, instead of being fried in a hot oven, or becoming worm food. I found this to be a rather curious state of affairs, and I am sure there are many good reasons for virtually everyone electing the ashes to ashes, or back to the earth routes, instead of becoming a corspicle. This is a curiosity driven survey designed to investigate the main reasons why funeral homes get almost all of the meat of the death business, while cryonics companies are picking over the bones, as it were. I promise to post the results of the following survey on a regular basis, while I continue to recieve completed forms. Below is the form to be filled out. Just delete either the Y (Yes) or N (No), to indicate whether you agree or disagree with a given reason, and email the results to me at Y N Actually I love the idea of becoming a corspicle when I die. (where do I sign up?) (If you answer Y to the above question, you do not need to fill out the rest of the form.) REASONS WHY I DO NOT CHOOSE CRYONICS (talk.bizarre) Y N 1. This is morbid and unpleasant. I don't want to think about dying, pervert. Y N 2. Dying only happens to others. I am too young to die. Y N 3. I am not a masochist. One life is hard enough, why would I want another? Y N 4. Cryonics is a joke. Frozen hamburger is all you are going to get. Why not fry it right away and get it over with? Y N 5. Only humorless eccentrics consider cryonics. Why would I want to join them, and lose all my warm hearted friends? Y N 6. If cryonics did work, I'd be revived without a friend in the world. No way, hose. Y N 7. Spending all your money on your own death arrangements is sinful. I'd rather give it to relatives, good causes, blow it on drinking, etc, etc. Y N 8. Cryonics costs money, and the IRS took all of mine. Y N 9. Although cryonics might work one day, the bozos running current cryonics companies are so incompetent that all are doomed to a premature financial thaw out. Y N 10. When I die I want to go to HEAVEN, not some frozen meat locker. Y N 11. Better dead than red. Corpsicles will only be revived to be someone's slave. Y N 12. I hate pain. Getting gutted, pumped full of goop and then frozen sounds even worse than a Friday night bender. Y N 13. Never given the matter any thought. (I think I'm happier for it too.) 14. My other reasons are as follows: (10 gigabytes of storage here)