From: (Crisper Than Thou) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: Sun So Small Date: 1 Dec 1997 12:30:53 -0800 Organization: The Crisper Mind Lines: 32 Message-ID: <65v6pt$h56$> X-Trace: 881008256 4577 crisper Summary: Fail to Suck Keywords: Hello I Must Be Going When They finally decided to drop the Bomb, They did it from way way up. The Bomb fell without knowing or caring its destination. On its back was pinned all the hope and hatred of the Secret Masters. It dwindled from sight, growing ever smaller as They watched from the orbital launch platform. But was it the fall that made it dwindle? Or was it actually shrinking? As it turned out, it was both, for I looked up by sheer chance and saw it coming-- but instead of growing, dwarfing me in the shadow of its noon- day plummet, it was growing smaller and smaller. Its designers had forgotten that perception is reality, and as they watched it shrink, their perception of its size compressed it, for nothing can withstand the pressure of extreme scrutiny powered by inhuman will. I reached up to catch it. Small as grain of sand and light as a feather, it drifted down, down, down towards my cupped hands. At an altitude of six inches, it airburst, and for a brief moment, my hands were warm. But then December's chill returned with a vengeance, and I hastened into the warm lobby of the hotel. --The Elder Dan -- In dreams, logic grows on trees.