From: (kevbob) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: Make Me Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 18:09:54 -0500 Organization: the end of the beginning Lines: 53 Message-ID: <> X-newsreader: MT-NewsWatcher 2.2.2 make me do it, can't see threw it, faked me once and now i rue it. for a day and a half i have held in the palm of my left hand the shards of broken promises left by you for someone in the accounting office why did you address them to me i am not the accountant but i will hold you accountable c'mon to it try and prove it saw you there and now you'll do it. five nights ago you drove your screaming children into the onramp on your way to disneyplace hoping to placate their cultural disease addiction to instant gratification why did you come to my store i am not micky mouse i will not let you out of your trap one more time please "i will not do that ever again" repeat "i will not do that again" i can't hear you "i will not do that again, SIR" that's better your sculputered hedges don't hide your sin sins of ommission, failing to think about your past future and presents under the tree aren't big enough for them now but in the end you are the one who created the expectations that you can't live up to one more time please "i will not do that ever again" repeat "i will not do that again" i can't hear you "i will not do that again, SIR" that's better -- .AllSpam to be removed non solum anima sed etiam deo careo. -rkb