From: (kevbob)
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: oooooh ya
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 18:12:43 -0500
Organization: the end of the beginning
Lines: 55
Message-ID: <>
X-newsreader: MT-NewsWatcher 2.2.2

if you like the way i push you around,
you got more of it in store.
if your dreams include my strange demands,
i got desires to spare.
if you need to be a marionette,
i got a plan for you.

shadows on my wall
they made me so frightened.
i'm not bad at heart,
i'm just so misunderstood.

but you, you make it all ok.
they made me what i am,
i had nothing to do with it.
i don't mean to hurt you.

your love makes me better.
i,i. i just lost control.
it will NEVER happen again,
honest, i could never hurt you.

if you like the way i push you around,
you got more of it in store.
if your dreams include my strange demands,
i got desires to spare.
if you need to be a marionette,
i got a plan for you, babe.

you'll never leave me? i NEED you.
you make it all bearable,
i love you so much, she didn't
mean a thing, she started it, i, i.
i just lost control again.

but you, YOU are my angel of
merciful ministrations.  you
know what i'm really like. your
friends are just jealous of you.

you know my daddy beat me, i,i.
i'm all messed up, but you, you
make it all ok.  you won't ever leave
me, will you? you know i'd die.

if you like the way i push you around,
you got more of it in store.
if your dreams include my strange demands,
i got desires to spare.
if you need to be a marionette,
i got a plan for you, sweetie-pie honey buns.

.AllSpam to be removed
non solum anima sed etiam deo careo. -rkb