From: "T.L. Kelly" <> Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: East Wing Tour Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 20:38:10 -0800 Organization: Teleport - Portland's Public Access (503) 220-1016 Lines: 75 Message-ID: <> East Wing Tour An incurable itch for scribbling takes possession of many and grows inveterate in their insane hearts. -- Juvenal AND HERE GENTLEMAN behold, I stand at the door WE ENTER THE EAST WING and mock SHE CAN'T HURT YOU look, etched in my palm a map to an ancient tomb AGE, NAME UNKNOWN I know the feel of a solid grip on a cold glass spade FOUND NUDE, COVERED WITH BLOOD I am committed to the dig SEARCHED FOR THE HAND through cold white formica TOO LATE deciphering messages from pharaoh's phenobarbarians scratched in this door. TAKING NOTES in a previous life PLACE OF ORIGIN, UNKNOWN I remember OBSERVE THE CATALEPSY mother hid in the slaughterhouse THE CONGENITAL DEFORMITY scroll propped on her cold belly CLASSIC SYMPTOMS OF in the darkness BOTCHED CEASAREAN she panted prayers and Shakespearean sonnets IRREVERSIBLE INSANITY deep inside I sometimes hear a noble Juliet leaning into the dagger AND SO WE HAVE whispering A RELIGIO-PATHOLOGIO-PHOBIO "romeo, romeo." behold my broken blood AT AGE THREE a child of Eve ABSENT FATHER RETURNED "mother may I take one baby step forward" SHOT HIMSELF IN THE VISITOR CUBICLE now I can disappear standing very still a mirror WE DO WHAT WE CAN however here, I am outnumbered LET'S MOVE ON, GENTLEMEN take this with you, a souvenir THERE WILL BE A QUIZ shard of my body phlegm of my blood PLEASE STEP OVER IMAGINARY MOAT you must all be TO APPEASE HER so hungry. wenchpoet copyright 1995 T.L. Kelly. All rights reserved.