From: (Ami) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: FTS: Malevolent Imp Date: 1 Dec 1997 22:26:42 -0800 Organization: House of Woggles Lines: 52 Message-ID: <6609n2$pic$> X-Trace: 881044005 21269 lula Keywords: fail to suck Malevolent Imp The blue-eyed angel with the Betty Page hair never was Before I was born God damned her as a joke Mother died years before her cups smashed against the pavement fragments strewn in the dirt ground under papa's foot as the frightened girl died with the monsters under her bed Drunk on giggles God took papa's rib and created an imp whispering in its ear They are bad They will hurt you They are stupid Kill Them He lowered the imp into the cold girl's moldy corpse and breathed red into blue lips scaring the monsters to their closets God gave the imp dreams already broken delirious in laughter at his marvelous brilliant prank as he bequeathed unto her three frightened children and started preparations to take more ribs and create more imps But this imp shall smash his spirit and swallow his dreams I damn you God Fuck you filthy drunken imp -- Ami ***** The bigger the Net gets, the smaller the fish it catches ... -- R. E. Childs