From: (Adam Cadmon) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: Mediocre Arcana Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 13:02:10 GMT Organization: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Glendale Lines: 107 Message-ID: <740pcc$acq$> x-no-archive: yes X-Article-Creation-Date: Tue Dec 01 13:02:10 1998 GMT X-Http-User-Agent: Mozilla/3.0Gold (Win95; U) X-Http-Proxy: 1.0 (Squid/1.1.22) for client Boulder Information Service archives, excerpts from "The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire" by Daniel Levi A lot of people were predicting that the 2080's would be the decade in which the last of the crude oil would be pumped from the Earth. Politicians, oil merchants, and others depending on this resource ridiculed these predictions until 2040, when the last of the crude oil was pumped from the Earth. The sudden quadrupling of the population brought about an increase in oil consumption more than 20 times what had been previously predicted. The politicians got busy trying to implement programs designed to use new resources, find more efficient ways of mining for oil, and save the collective figurative butts of the industrial complexes around the world. But it was too little, too late. In 2043, responding to increasing demands for oil without corresponding compensation from the Federal Government, the state of Alaska finally did what its non-native population had been threatening to do for the past 70 years: it seceded from the Union. Before the U.S. military could invade the new republic and start the Second Civil War, the Siberian Peninsular Cooperative loaned the Alaskan government the equivalent of two billion dollars in various forms of "humanitarian" aid, including dozens of Red Army surplus military hardware and fifteen ICBMs that the Siberians where saving in case company from the Kremlin came over uninvited.... The fact that the United States even lasted that long was in no way related to oil reserves. Near the end of the 20th century, a large concerted effort was underway to solve what was called the "Year 2000" problem. Simply put, computers and software designed in the 1970's and 1980's were still in operation, but had not been designed to handle any date past 1999--most systems kept track of the last two digits of the year, and rolling over to 00 was screwing up the dating systems something fierce. People turning 65 at the turn of the century were in danger of losing their eligibility for benefits under the now-defunct Social Security Administration, based on the fact that the systems responsible for paying those benefits thought they were actually negative 35 years old. It wasn't as if anyone was in any great danger of being paid from the Social Security fund, either, but that's another chapter. Near the end of the century, the United States had almost all of its commerical, military, and government systems reconfigured to handle dates past 2000. But a couple of years before that, rumours had surfaced that the Europeans weren't taking the problem seriously, and that the Asians were reluctant to devote the time and resources necessary to correct the problem. So someone from what was then the state of Colorado released a virus to attack those systems and force them into compliance. If I remember correctly, the virus attached itself to non-Y2K-compliant programs, monitored callouts to the system clock, and corrected the date accordingly. The virus used so many resources within the computer itself that it slowed clock times down to about half-normal, effectively eliminating the computer's usefulness. It was dubbed the "Year 2000 Virus", or the "Y2V Problem". The virus only attacked systems designed or configured to work in areas outside of the U.S. It got so bad in Europe their only recourse was universal re-installation. But most systems couldn't do that because their original operators had either left their respective companies or jobs, or had died. There were lots of emergency software and hardware purchases from American companies, which led to the big computer industry boom that nearly saved the country. It also led to the fall of the EC and what the Chinese so eloquently referred to as "the Year of the Black Dragon". Again, all this had nothing to do with oil, except for the fact that when the consortium known as OPEC (Oil Producing Economies) announced its dissolution in 2042, because of its strong revenues in computer- related industries the United States managed to outlive the end of mass crude oil production for another three years.... In 2046, following the Alaskan example, three states in the northwestern continental U.S. formed the Washidagon Co-Prosperity Sphere; a few of the southeastern states "yo-yoed" back and forth between secession and rejoining the Union; and Minnesota applied for entrance into Canada as a new province. (The latter request was declined by the Canadian Parliament in a rare unanimous decision.) In the summer of 2050, oil prices broke the 100-dollar-a-gallon line at the gas pump level. Heating oil prices on the commodities markets continued to sky-rocket. Despite the high prices consumers were still willing to shell out money to keep their cars running and their homes heated. The United States, along with most of the other nations of the world, had become so dependant on crude oil to sustain their ways of life that any alternative to motorized transport was now unthinkable. In 2060, Congress enacted a set of oil-rationing laws to save what little they had left. Automobile manufacturers strained for the first half of the century to build cars more fuel-efficient than ever before. But by the end of the century, oil was only being burned to keep the government running; everyone else had to reconvert to electric heating or wood-burning stoves, and walk to work. One by one, the states fell away from the Union, and an impotent government allowed them to go. In 2080, the President of the United States called for the remaining loyal states to re-affirm their allegience to the Federal government; only fifteen did so. While the United States government struggled to hold on to what was left of its identity, the other 36 states combined were rapidly turning into the deep constipated anus of North America--not that this term hasn't been applied before to describe what used to be the United States.... -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own