From: (Annie) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: 'toad talk 3 (new) Date: 1 Dec 1998 20:35:11 -0500 Organization: Creatures of Habit, Inc. Lines: 21 Message-ID: <7425gf$> X-Newsposter: trn 4.0-test55 (26 Feb 97) "So, you hear about this new stem cell treatment?" "Yeah. [*snuffle*] I want to grow another head." "Then you would have two congested heads instead of one." "I agree, that would be a problem. The odds of one head infecting the other would be quite high. Unless one head had a sufficiently different biology and breathed methane." "Hmm, methane. But who wants to live life walking behind a cow?" "Well, if we're going to grow heads that breathe methane, I bet we could also engineer cows with monitors coming out of their butts. That way, I could at least watch TV. Or even read netnews. Although, I think I'd have even less respect for posters coming from a cow's ass than I do for webtv users." Annie