From: (Zvi Gilbert) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: glow Date: 2 Dec 1998 10:49:41 -0500 Organization: his truth goes martian on Lines: 27 Message-ID: <743nil$> NNTP-Posting-Time: 2 Dec 1998 15:49:43 GMT the therapists and astronauts are asking for a light the predators are pondering philosophies of night the macula degenerates, the world is full of woe but i am caught -- like a bug -- on the ramp of your glow the waves are rolling on, encyclopedias of blood the words are rising higher in a salty letter flood my head is stuffed with trivia, my eye is like a toe and i am caught -- like a rock -- in the sky of your glow and somewhere people shudder, and somewhere papers burn the detailed mass of things that humans never, ever learn with all the good and all the goods and all we never know i am caught -- like a thought -- by the net of your glow --Zvi out of range