Message-ID: <> From: "Markian M. Gooley" <> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en]C-CCK-MCD NSCPCD47 (Win98; I) X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: FTSD: types Lines: 130 Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 18:44:41 -0500 X-Trace: 944091658 (Wed, 01 Dec 1999 15:40:58 PST) NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 15:40:58 PST Types (found in my handwriting on a ragged piece of shelf paper torn off a roll): I. Yootoo Glabrous. Strongly reductive. Tuned to the pentatonic scale. Much admired in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Sometimes pelagic. Feed it sticky buns. II. Wooffle Bohemian, iconoclastic, and organometallic. Has been used as sound insulation in Africa. Regulated in the USA by the Department of Energy. Malleable. III. Micofiche Glaucous, hemispherical. Eclectic. Often fed to waterfowl. Funny, it doesn't look Jewish. Ironclad. On a darkling plain. IV. Lubricot Crotch-high. Not to be exposed to radiation sources over one micro-Curie, or to sugar alcohols. Hide it from the kids. Venerated in Malta. V. Giglipouff Sings light opera. Ductile. Cut only in a reducing atmosphere. Cunning. Avoid heavy-metal exposure, and keep your powder dry. VI. Meouch Does skilful blepharoplasties. Resonates at 256 Hz (middle C on the scientific scale), at least on tuesdays. Too big for its britches. Use lead-free solder only. VII. Madderkard Enriches soil more than some buried Caesar. Carminative. Under the influence of alcohol. Puppies bark for it. Good source of inositol and stock tips. Unintimidated. VIII. Sangkert Globular, hirusite. Odious. Applies to Yale frequently. Above suspicion, beneath contempt. Use #12 AWG low-oxygen copper wire to hook it up. Don't bump your head on the trim crank, either. IX. Loclummun Vapid. May combust spontaneously. Listed in Who's Who. Benthic. Collaborative. Misogynistic. Definitively not a lady. None of your business. Supply with wet steam at a steady 15 pis; use anti-foaming or secret agents, man. X. Alberthan Needs regular feeding with lard. Chants. Avoid using latex products nearby. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. Use carborundum bits at a minimum, and not over 180 rpm even with dust abatement. Hypomanic. Registered with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Definitely lowbrow. XI. Ciaodown Supercooled. Variegated. Frogmen invoke it before long dives. Chosen by nine out of ten dentists for their patients who chew gum. Bromated. Sealed for your protection. XII. Helodahli Thermoplastic and recyclable. Azure. Must be hand-washed. Anisotropic, and grows annoyed when near items with a higher modulus of elasticity. Apologetic. Fun for the whole family. XIII. Getstuft Contains petroleum distillates. Avoid contact with mucous membranes. Deciduous except in frost-free climates. Rugose. Oscillates when exposed to bright light. Not valid where prohibited by law. XIV. Scubidu Margins are entire. Attempts to imitate Rod Stewart. Needs more salt. Makes strange noises in the night. Incorporeal. Meditative. Lemon-scented. Proustean and protean. XV. Ecchsvee Thermolabile. Drives a Maserati. Foam-filled. Tax- deductible in most countries -- consult your accountant. Terebinthic. Has been used as shaving cream in Tasmania. Haploid. XVI. Keryon Mystifies endocrinologists. Believed to be a bigeneric hybrid. Works and plays well with others. Resinous. Fond of sex and violence. Tempered steel is as nothing to it. Inspires many graphic artists. Follows you everywhere. XVII. Floghurt Malicious yet charitable. Fond of carbon-arc lighting. Easily confused by dialects of Spanish. Has more freckles than you can shake a stick at. Heartbreaking. Glutinous. Ultramontane opinions. Do not feed between mealtimes. XVIII. Batsmaroon Aromatic, not aliphatic. A nuisance in brackish waters. Parthenogenic. Frightened by most Canadians. Easily captured using creme brulee as bait: use a steel leader of not less than 60-pound test. Not as young as it used to be. An accomplished pianist. Wears fedoras, ascots, jackboots. Missing. XIX. Farghank Wounds my heart with a monotonous langour. Has heavy rhodium plating. Rides in charabancs. Wistful. Emits negative ions, charging nearby atmosphere. Flattened. Carmine. Mark., oy