From: a@invalid.url (AjD) Newsgroups: talk.bizarre Subject: FTSD [late]: Deep-Fried Pasta Message-ID: <> X-Newsreader: MT-NewsWatcher 2.4.4 Lines: 152 Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 12:04:13 -0500 X-Complaints-To: X-Trace: 944154303 (Thu, 02 Dec 1999 12:05:03 EST) NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 12:05:03 EST Organization: Msen, Inc. Deep-Fried Pasta With remarks on phenomenology in the form of ad-hominem insult. Ingredients: 1 lb uncooked pasta Copious amounts of water Salt and miscellaneous spices, or seasoned salt; see below 1 quart (minimum) deep-fat fryer oil (available from restaurant and catering service suppliers - canola should work. olive oil is for poncy jackoff haute-couture wannabes Equipment: Two large (over 1 gal.) cooking pots, one of which you don't mind destroying Two large colanders, at least one of metal wire mesh Wire mesh splash screen Large ladle-like metal device with straining holes for extracting things from boiling hot oil stove Copious ventilation Disabled fire alarms Procedure: First, Boil the pasta in copious amounts of water. On a stove. In a pot. This is not unlike how you have always cooked pasta, unless you're dangerously absent of even fundamental dorm-room cooking skills. Heavily salt the water and intentionally overcook the stuff. Whatever comes out of the deep-fat fryer is going to be more crispy than whatever was put into it, so if you use al dente pasta, you'll have tooth-obliterating chew-bits. Get it? Anyway, boil the stuff almost long enough for it to fall apart. Strain the results in a colander and repeatedly rinse and toss with cold water to keep everything from sticking together. This removes the uncongealed starch and makes the glop easier to scoop into your vat o' oil, and prevents your snacks from being fist-sized globs of half-chewy fried dough. Now, the pasta i use is that wagon-wheel-looking stuff. The motive being that there aren't any pockets for retaining water or oil. Spiral pasta will work okay, and so should the radiatorre stuff, which i haven't tried yet. Probably, using the shells-stuff or whatever the italians made up words for would win you displays of cold water hitting boiling oil and fleeing straight up and in all directions out of sheer evaporative terror, shredding your face and arms with firey liquid fury. Failing that, the vision of serving your guests small decorator bowls of culinary delights coated with the waxy paste of cooled oil deposits would set you right, if you're too cowardly to try eating what you cook. Now, you've probably used the wire-mesh colander to strain out the boiled pasta. You moron. Transfer the wet pasta to the other colander or to a bowl. You need the wire-mesh strainer to let the just-fried pasta sit and cool. A word on oil: i use GFS Heavy Duty Creamy Liquid Frying Shortening (Partially Hydrogenated), because it was the cheapest and was available at my local restaurant supply superstore. It looks unnatural and is obviously bad for you, and this is good because you need reminders like this that you're making stuff that is food only in the sense that it will travel through your digestive tract, not in the sense that you will derive nourishment from it. Your local availability may vary, but if there are any restaurants near you, there's probably a restaurant supply shop too. Now, rev up the oil in your cheapo disposable cookpot. When the Creamy Liquid Frying Shortening is hot enough, it will have transmogrified from a disturbing near-paste whiteness to a faded corn oil color, with suspicious ripples on the surface. If you feel the need, you can test it by dipping your fingers in some water and dripping them over the oil. Ha ha, now your eyes will be scarred by the scalding water that flew into them! Wasn't that fun? Feel around the stovetop until you find the knob to turn the heat off. If you retain enough of your sight, you can try again once you're out of the hospital. Drop a small handful of pasta into the hot oil, and cover the pot with the wire mesh splash screen. A wire splash screen reduces, not eliminates, the mess. It is no more capable of stopping your runny, impotent spooge than it is the violent force of lavalike hot oil. If you're reading this recipe all the way through before trying it, here's a tip: cover your stovetop with aluminum foil to mitigate the inevitable mess. I'm sure you couldn't think of this yourself. When the little boogers are done, they will be floating and a turkey gravy brown. This means you overcooked them. But you have a clue to timing and quantity, and haven't wasted much food in learning. See, every time you chuck cold pasta into hot oil, you bring the temperature of the oil down. If you drop a lot of pasta in, you will cool the oil down a lot. This means the pasta will take longer to fry up, and will end up more chewy than you want. If you had an ounce of reason, you could have forseen this. So fry small batches at a time, even though it makes more work for your poor lazy slob self. Use the large ladle-like metal device to remove the overcooked crispies and drop them into the metal wire strainer. Drops of oil and bits of food will now fall through the colander and away from the pasta. This ensures that the pasta is free of caked grease and means they will stay crisp in storage. Add salt and spices. The best stuff I've used so far has been a garlic-pepper salt sold for about fifty-nine cents the shaker at the local Big Lots. Garlic-pepper salt is, in general, good for this sort of food, providing a harsh metallic and salty flavor that augments the disturbing mouthfeel, but read the ingredients on the label carefully; most seasoning blends contain dextrose which carmelizes on the hot pasta and makes the stuff sticky-sweet. But hey, if you're all for sticky-sweet, go for it. Don't invite me to your parties, though, because I don't want to know you. Goya Adobo seasoning ("Con Pimienta") tastes delicious, but is more granular and doesn't cling to the pasta as well. Feel free to also add garlic powder and dried oregano. Don't use table salt, because it's too granular; for plain salt try to get popcorn salt, which is ground fine and works well on junk food. If you can get the salt and adjuncts onto the pasta while it's still moist from hot grease, the stuff will stick better, so don't fry a couple batches and season 'em all at once. It's lazy and it shows. Now that your countertop is covered with grease and wasted seasoning, you might have considered putting a bowl under the colander. Please, though, don't let me do all your thinking for you. Repeat the frying session, little by little, with the rest of the pasta. Occasionally, you will get splashovers falling onto the oven burner. Your well-wired house, with its alarm system that automatically dials up the firehouse, will take care of that for you. You'll have delicious crispy snacks to serve them, a bit of entirely man-made factory food product that you were able to prepare in your own kitchen. Store any leftovers in a tupperware bowl, where they can keep for weeks, assuming you aren't the sort of person who would drop your lazy ass down in front of the television and mindlessly chanel-surf for hours while mechanically stuffing lumps of charred grease and starch into your swollen flabby face. Mangia, AjD -- sometimes, in the cusp between the alarm going off and my being awake enough to know where i am, i do not feel doomed.