From: "beelzibub@bawston school for idiots" <>
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Subject: FTSD: Christmas Wish
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 03:09:53 -0500
Organization: Irish Mafia
Lines: 51
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2:17 AM 12/6/98

Dear Sir;

    I know I am too old to beleive in Santa Claus but
then I've been told 'you're never to old to beleive' so
here goes:

    Dear Santa;

	    It's been a long time since I last wrote. I
	hope you and Mrs. Clause are doing alright. I 
	also hope I'm on your 'good list' because I have	
	a request to make. It may be impossible but I 
	beleive in miracles.

	Three years ago I met a young lady,
	Carolynne Jones. We were good together for a year
	but then I moved and she moved and we lost touch.
	She called me though last Christmas. We've been 
	trying to get together ever since.

	There's a reason  why we haven't, yet. See, I
	have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder. Will
	you please tell her to call me and leave the
	EXACT day she will come to my BACK door and I
	will leave it unlocked for her AND there will
	be  a sign on the door.

	There's only 2 doors anyway. Mines the
	sliding glass. I don't know. Put a note in her
	stocking or something. I need a miracle and I
	beleive in them and you.

	Merry Christmas;


	    I should tell you I have become 'deaf'

you know when you put a stick in the water and it looks
like it's bent but it's not? ...

that's why i don't take baths.          -- Steven Wright