From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== ===== Charlie and Pete, two American backpackers in Mexico, make their way to the town of Santana after their bus breaks down. There, a fellow American named Sam, who bartends at a local restaurant, warns them that the townspeople will all leave the area before sundown. This is because the town was cursed by the devil, who, for one night per year, gets to take over the village with his legion of demons and capture any humans who remain present, sending them to eternal torture in hell. ===== On the day before his second wedding, a man finds out that his bride-to-be has had a baby. ===== Witness intense family drama, village politics for power and vengeance at its peak. The story depicts the battle to survive, not to win in the game of life. ===== Gwen, a young farm girl in North Wales, is out playing with her sister Mary. They pass a neighbouring farmhouse where a group of men are tending to some dead bodies. The village doctor says that the entire family died of cholera. Gwen is chastised by her mother for being late and for burning their supper. Her father is not around, for an undisclosed reason. During the night, Gwen wakes and hears a commotion outside, she goes outside but is unable to see anything because of the stormy weather. The next day, the family goes to church, As they leave, Gwen's mother has a brief conversation with a man, which seems to leave both of them disturbed. On their return home, they find an animal heart nailed to their front door. The heart is thrown into the fireplace and Gwen's mother seems to go into a trance. The following day Gwen finds their crops have spoiled. That night Gwen asks about the man her mother spoke to, and asks if she is planning to sell the house, which her mother denies. The following day, Gwen awakes to see her mother standing in the pasture among their entire flock of sheep, all of which are dead and mutilated. Gwen goes to investigate the house of the neighbours who died. She observes bloody hand prints throughout the house and rotting food on the table as if something sudden and violent had happened. Mother finds her in the house and it is revealed that the neighbours' sheep died in a similar way before the family died. Later, Mother chastises Gwen for entering the house and refuses to listen when Gwen points out the similarities to their own situation. Back at home Mother has a violent seizure. Gwen puts her to bed and takes care of Mary. The next day, though still weak and ill, Mother insist on going to church, where she experiences another seizure, prompting attention from the village doctor, Doctor Wren. He prescribes three bottles of a tonic wine, as they have no money, Gwen takes one bottle with the promise to pay him back after the next market. Wren says that the payment is due to the Quarry, which owns his practice. With her mother still ill, Gwen goes to retrieve eggs from the hen but finds that a rat has destroyed the eggs. After supper, Gwen finds her mother cutting her arms and letting the blood flow into a bowl. The following day Gwen bags up vegetables to sell at the market. While at the market, the villagers seem to be intentionally ignoring Gwen as she attempts to sell vegetables. She notices she is getting odd, unsettling looks from some people. A young man who smiled at Gwen in church attempts to buy some carrots from her but his father forces him to leave. As she returns home a flash of lightning frightens her horse, which escapes and runs off. It later returns to the farm with severely injured legs, and needs to be put down. Men from the Quarry come to the farm to see Mother. Gwen eavesdrops on the conversation, and hears the men claim Gwen stole the tonic (which is Quarry property) and offer to overlook the theft if she sells the land. Mother sends them away and attempts to force Gwen to chop up the horse for meat as punishment. When Gwen refuses, Mother begins angrily hacking off the horse's head with a hatchet, and has another seizure. That night Gwen has a nightmare about her mother being possessed. Mother instructs Gwen to retrieve a letter from a box and tells her it arrived shortly after Father left. As Gwen reads the letter she discovers that Father is not returning, for reasons that are unclear, and that Mother has been concealing this from the girls. A man approaches the farmhouse at night with a dagger. Mother goes outside to investigate and Gwen wakes up and follows. While outside the man approaches them, hits Mother and drags her back to the house, locking Gwen outside. Gwen retrieves a hatchet and breaks the lock. The man attacks Gwen and tries to choke her. Mother seizes the opportunity and slits the man's throat with the dagger he dropped. Knowing more men are coming, she tells Gwen to get Mary. The man from the quarry arrives with a band of men. He hits Gwen's mother and pours liquid on her. He sets her on fire and tells the men to burn down the house. Gwen and Mary escape into the hills and are watching from a distance. Mary asks Gwen where they will go. Gwen tells Mary they will go find their father. ===== Karen (Marrero), reeling from the end of a same-sex relationship, seeks refuge in her ex's lake house and meets Lana (Sweeney), a provocative young woman with whom she explores a complicated new relationship. ===== Silver coin of Shapur I According to early Islamic traditions, al-Nadirah ( al-Naḍīrah; Nazirah) was the daughter of al-Dayzan or Satirun (Sanatruq II), the king of Araba. She betrayed the fortified capital, Hatra, to the Persian king Shapur I after seeing and falling in love with him while he was besieging the city. She did this by intoxicating her father and the guards of the city gates, or by revealing to the enemy the talisman on which the city's ownership depended. Shapur I captured and destroyed Hatra and killed its king. He departed with al-Nadirah and married her at Ayn al-Tamr. One night al-Nadirah could not sleep, complaining that her bed is too rough for her. It then turned out that a myrtle leaf was stuck in her skin and was irritating her. Astonished by her softness, Shapur I asked her how did her father bring her up, and she described how well he treated her. Shapur I realizes al-Nadirah's ingratitude towards her father and has her executed in a brutal manner. ===== It is the fall of 2000. Alice is a sexually inexperienced but curious junior at a strict Midwestern co-ed Catholic high school, where Father Murphy instructs her Morality class that any sexual activity not aimed toward procreation within a heterosexual marriage is damned for all eternity. She struggles with accepting her burgeoning feelings of sexual desire after both Father Murphy and her best friend, Laura, cause her to feel ashamed of them. The following Monday, the school is abuzz with a rumor that Alice "tossed the salad" of a classmate, Wade, at a party over the weekend. Alice denies this, admitting to not knowing what the phrase means. The rumor reaches Mrs. Veda, who prevents Alice from serving at Mass. Later that day, during the sacrament of reconciliation, Alice confesses venial sins to Father Murphy and receives a light penance (twenty prayers), which she immediately and fervently fulfills in the school chapel, Father Murphy and Mrs. Veda's words about sex echoing in her mind. Alice and Laura both decide to attend the school's next "Kirkos" retreat—Alice to return to the path of righteousness, and Laura to be accepted by Nina, a popular senior. When they arrive on the retreat campgrounds, Laura is excited to find that Nina is a retreat leader, while Alice eyes Chris, a hunky senior who is also a retreat leader. Chris is friendly and enthusiastic, and after Alice is assigned to his group, the two begin to bond. That night, while playing on her contraband cell phone, Alice accidentally discovers another use for the phone's vibrating feature; however, she stops soon after looking at the crucifix hanging in her room. On the second day of the retreat, Alice fakes an injury on a hike to get closer to Chris. Nina confiscates Alice's phone; and, as a punishment, Father Murphy assigns Alice to cleaning duties around the retreat house. Once she is alone, she logs onto an AOL chat room from Father Murphy's office computer to ask what "tossing salad" means; before she can find out, the sound of footsteps causes her to hastily shut off the computer and leave. She runs into Nina, who lightheartedly guilts Alice about Alice's presumed sexual encounter with Wade, another instance of Alice's inability to be free of the rumor even while "on Jesus's time." On the third day of the retreat, Father Murphy announces his discovery of an explicit chat on his computer; of course, no one claims responsibility. He later pushes Alice to confess to acting on her sexual temptations with Wade, and doesn't believe her insistence that nothing happened. Alice confronts Wade about his complicity in the rumor's spread by failing to deny it, and he leaves without admitting his fault or apologizing. Again on cleaning duty, Alice witnesses Nina kissing, then fellating, another senior leader in the woods; Alice shares this with Laura, who refuses to believe Alice, accuses Alice of breaking into Father Murphy's office, and ends their friendship, calling Alice a "pervy psycho." Alice returns to Father Murphy's office and frames Wade for the earlier break- in; while hiding to make her escape, she catches Father Murphy masturbating to a pornographic video saved on his computer. Outside, finding herself alone with Chris, Alice kisses him, but he becomes overwhelmed and runs away. That night, Alice flees the campgrounds and stumbles upon a lesbian bar, where she and the owner, Gina, commiserate about how the fear of damnation can warp an adolescent's development. Gina counsels Alice and gives her a ride back to the retreat, encouraging Alice to look into colleges on the West and East Coasts and finally assuaging Alice's curiosity about what "tossing salad" means. On the last day of the retreat, Alice befriends a socially awkward classmate while Father Murphy pulls Wade aside. With Wade on the hook for the explicit chat incident, Laura makes peace with Alice. At a whole-group sharing session, Alice reminds the retreat attendees that everyone is "hiding stuff" and implores them to treat each other with honesty and respect, as Jesus wanted. Back at school, Alice reassures a still-uncomfortable Chris that they can just be friends. Returning to reconciliation with Father Murphy, Alice boldly reveals that she saw a video during the retreat of people having sex—both of them knowing, but not discussing, the implications of her confession. Father Murphy assigns a heavier penance (one hundred prayers), but instead of remaining in the chapel, Alice goes home to rewatch and masturbate to the sex scene in Titanic. ===== ===== ===== ===== Mort Graves is a loser teenager from Mistake Beach, Long Island, New York. He tries to impress his crush Kimberly Dimenmein by racing against her boyfriend Lance Boyle in a broken down Studebaker. While doing so, he gets struck and beheaded by an oncoming train and ends up in the afterlife where he meets Teen Death, the son of the actual Death. Hell is already full and Heaven is closed for repairs. With no other choice, Mort is sent back to the living where he is now an undead being and discovers that his family is in "mourning" for him (actually more concerned with other things relating to his death). To Mort's pleasure, Kimberly seems genuinely saddened at Mort's death while Maureen, a tough motorcycle riding teen, accuses her of not caring about him prior. Mort fails to realize that Maureen clearly had feelings for him though his friends, Slick and Weirdo think it is obvious. After another argument with his family, Mort attends Slick and Weirdo's band tryouts and are quickly joined by Kimberly and Maureen. Jealous of the chemistry between them, Mort attempts to sabotage their equipment, but Weirdo's dad loves their new sound and makes himself their manager, much to Mort's chagrin.Mort the Dead Teenager #1-2 The band, Positive Feedback, go to a major club to perform with Mort following along. While in the bathroom, Mort once again gets dragged back by Teen Death who tells him that he needs to start haunting people again or he will be left in purgatory. The group get on stage to perform with Mort creating a wide variety of effects, only to realize they were playing to an empty house. After coming home, Mort confronts Teen Death who tells him different outcomes if he had not died. One has him getting a menial job at a car wash and getting killed in an upcoming war with Canada. Another has him marry an overweight Kimberly while still working the car wash while all of his friends become successful. The last one has him quitting his car wash job to travel the world where he gets a bag of gold and buys a race car, only for aliens to attack. He returns to the present where his family still act like jerks, Weirdo has become homeless, Slick gets into science fan fiction, Maureen changes her style and starts dating Lance and Kimberly runs away to become a beat poet. Mort awakens to realize the whole ordeal was a dream and is alive again. However, Mort seems destined for failure as he leaves to relive the incident that started it all.Mort the Dead Teenager #3-4 ===== ===== ===== ===== Christopher (Robert Behling) and Celia (Jane Lyle) rent a home on the Greek island of Mykonos for their purported honeymoon. The locals believe them to be a normal newlywed couple; however, Christopher and Celia are in fact sexual sadists and murderers, and have left London in order to venture on a killing spree abroad. The morning after their arrival, Christopher, aroused, rapes a goat and then kills it. The two then meet a French painter who is attracted to Celia. The two nail him to the ground in a crucifixion pose, and pour paint down his throat until he chokes to death. They then dump his body in the ocean. While getting acquainted with the island locals, the couple meet Patricia, a wealthy older woman, and are invited to a gay wedding between a middle-aged American on the island and his Greek lover. Christopher and Celia break into the couple's house on their wedding night, and Christopher chases the elderly man into the streets before stabbing him to death; Celia shoots his lover in the head with a pistol, and stage it as a murder-suicide. After this, the couple kill an American police officer who had been trailing them by hanging him from his plane and flying it over the ocean. Celia begins to resist Christopher's murderous escapades and shows hesitation when he targets Patricia. He arrives at her house and the two begin to have sex, while Celia watches from a window. Christopher urinates on her and beats her unconscious before taking her body outside and decapitating her with a bulldozer. The next day, while Christopher goes fishing, two hippies attempt to rape Celia while she is taking a bath. However, Christopher returns home to discover them in the act leading him to murder one with a speargun and drown the other in the toilet. Christopher decides to target a local lesbian bartender, Leslie, who is romantically interested in Celia. Celia visits her house, and Leslie invites her to do heroin; Christopher then enters, and knocks her unconscious before injecting her with a lethal dosage. After she dies, he uses an aerosol spray and a candle to burn her face. Celia begins to have dreams of a mysterious man, and worries the island's small size will lead to police suspecting her and Christopher in the string of deaths. When Leslie's body is found by a local crime writer, the police begin to search for Christopher and Celia. They flee to a remote farm on the island to hide, and meet the man whom Celia has been having premonitions of. It is then revealed that Christopher and Celia are in fact brother and sister, and have been engaged in an incestuous relationship. The next morning, the strange man rapes Celia in the barn, and then knocks Christopher unconscious before anally raping him. He then throws Christopher in a lye pit, and Celia becomes attached to the stranger. A rainstorm arrives on the island, and Christopher dies in the lye pit while Celia and the strange man engage in sex. ===== The Night Diary is set around this time of partition and separated into two different countries. The story is told through the eyes of a 12-year-old, Nisha, the protagonist of the story. The novel opens on July 14, 1947; it is the twins' twelfth birthday, and to celebrate, their father has gifted Nisha another piece of gold jewelry from her mother's collection, and given her brother Amil an illustrated book of tales from the Mahabharata. The day also marks the sad anniversary of their mother's death in childbirth. Aside from their father, a medical doctor, and the twins, the household includes their paternal grandmother, Dadi, and their cook, Kazi Syed; they live together in a compound in Mirpur Khas. The story takes place in West Pakistan soon to become Pakistan after East Pakistan becomes independent and known as Bangladesh July 1947 is just a month before independence from the British Raj, and Nisha also receives a diary from Kazi, the family's cook, as a birthday gift. The Britishers were leaving and Half-Muslim, half-Hindu twelve-year-old Nisha doesn't know where she belongs, or what her country is anymore. As the impending partition of India along religious lines becomes inevitable following independence, the household is forced to divide (Kazi is Muslim) while the rest of the family identifies as Hindu, although the twins' mother was also Muslim) and move to Jodhpur. When Papa decides it's too dangerous to stay in what is now Pakistan, Nisha and her family become refugees and embark first by train but later on foot to reach her new home. The journey is long, difficult, and dangerous, and after losing her mother as a baby, Nisha can't imagine losing her homeland, too. But even if her country has been ripped apart, Nisha still believes in the possibility of putting herself back together. Even though fear and tension are on the rise, Nisha doesn’t forget to write to her mother via the eponymous diary even in this chaos. The novel details their journey and hardships. She notes down altering landscape which she sees with her innocent eyes as the grief, confusion, tension, fear, anger, distress and about the horrors of the reality. The story has been fictionalized as is mentioned by the author at the end of the book based on the real-life events that happened during the time of partition in 1947. ===== Astrid's mother takes her and her best friend, Nicole, on numerous "Evenings of Cultural Enrichment" which often confuse, bore, or inappropriately amuse the two girls; one night in fifth grade, they attend a roller derby match between the Oregon City Rollergirls and the Rose City Rollers. Astrid asks her mother's permission to attend the Rollers' Junior Roller Derby Camp that summer, assuming that Nicole will also join with her. Instead, Nicole chooses to attend dance camp with Astrid's longtime rival Rachel. At camp, Astrid wonders if she can still be friends with Nicole; she later makes friends with Zoey, but struggles with her skating skills and jealousy over making the team. ===== The novel is told by multiple narrators, all travelers at the Holy Cross-Roads Inn near Paris, set in early March 1242. Marie, a brewer from the town of Saint-Geneviève, starts the story of Jeanne and the greyhound Gwenforte. The second hero, William, is introduced by a monk who serves as the librarian at the Monastery Saint-Martin. Jacob, the third, is introduced by Aron, the butcher in Nogent-sur-Oise. Each narrator is forced to tell their tale by their fellow people; as a framing device, the Inn sequences are told from the perspective of Éttie, an agent of the President’s Holy Inquisition. The three children each have a different power. Jeanne is able to see the future, William has big size and psychological strength, and Jacob can heal almost any wound. They are pursued by King Louis IX and his agents after interfering with the events following Disputation of Paris, when hundreds of copies of the Talmud were burned. ===== ===== ===== ===== The story belongs in between Samaha (Mansha Pasha) who is the daughter of very poor family and Sudais (Shehroz Sabzwari) who is the son of very rich family. Both by fate meet and fall in love for each other. ===== Sanjeev (Sakthi) is a studious college student while the carefree Vicky (Sanjeev Kumar) spends his time causing trouble in college. During the college exhibition, Sanjeev accidentally hurts Nandhini (Oviya) on her hand and he immediately apologizes for his mistake. An angry Vicky then gets into a fight with Sanjeev but Sanjeev beats him and his friends up. Nandhini's mother Pankajam (Jayachitra) becomes overprotective and she suspects her daughter of being in love with their neighbour Sanjeev. Being sick of this situation, one day, an impulsive Nandhini kisses Sanjeev in front of her mother Pankajam. The two eventually fall in love with each other. When her father (Vijayakumar), an ambassador, returns home from abroad, he tries to convince Nandhini to forget her lover but Nandhini wants to marry Sanjeev at all means. Nandhini's father then comes to know that Sanjeev killed his mother in the past and tells it to his daughter. Meanwhile, at a college excursion, Vicky and his friends try to rape their collegemate Juli (Jeeva) but Sanjeev comes to her rescue and Nandhini spits on Vicky's face. Vicky and his friends are consequently expelled from college, and Vicky swears to take revenge on the lovers. Thereafter, Nandhini compels Sanjeev to reveal the reason for killing his mother. Many years ago, Sanjeev lived with his parents who were poor labourers. After the death of his father, Lakshmi (Mounika) became vulnerable and her boss tried to woo her and one night, he entered her house and tried to rape. The young Sanjeev had no other choice than to kill his mother to save her dignity and he was sent to jail for his crime. He was then adopted by a wealthy foreigner who gave him everything except affection. Sanjeev tells Nandhini that she is the first person who showed him affection and Nandhini in tears responds that he did the right thing. Nandhini's parents decided to take their daughter with them to go abroad but they change their mind when they read her private diary and they want her to be happy. In the meantime, Nandhini meets Sanjeev at the beach to talk about it and vengeful Vicky comes to the place with his friends. During the fight, Sanjeev manages to beat them up and the couple tries to run away. Vicky then shoots Sanjeev in the legs and he tries to rape Nandhini in front of Sanjeev but Vicky leaves the gun behind him. Nandhini escapes from them and hugs a wounded Sanjeev. When Sanjeev aims the gun at them, they laugh because the gun had only one bullet left. To save his lover's virginity, Sakthi pressed Nandhini tightly in his arms and shoots in her back thus the lovers died. ===== ===== The novel is narrated by twelve-year-old Annabelle McBride, who lives on a farm with her family and walks with her two younger brothers, James and Henry to school in the town of Wolf Hollow. A new girl, Betty Glengarry, started attending the same school, in October 1943; she was sent to Wolf Hollow to live with her grandparents because, as rumor has it, she has been deemed 'incorrigible' by the city. One morning, Betty confronts Annabelle on their way to school, threatening to beat Annabelle or her younger brothers if Annabelle does not give her something nice; because Annabelle's house has a purple-colored glass window, Betty believes their family is extremely wealthy. Several years earlier, shortly after the start of the Great Depression, a reclusive drifter named Toby had arrived in town, staying in an abandoned smokehouse living on berries and game. Little is known about him, except that he was a veteran of World War I and that he had borrowed Annabelle's family's camera on a semi- permanent basis. He also carries three large guns with him wherever he goes, which causes suspicion within many people’s minds. Annabelle takes a penny from her piggy bank for Betty, but Betty refuses it and beats Annabelle with a stick. Later she kills a quail in front of Annabelle; the ensuing confrontation is witnessed by Toby, setting events into motion that result into Betty getting extremely angry at Toby and wants to get revenge eventually. Later that day, Annabelle is standing in the road with her friend Ruth, talking to Mr. Ansel, a friendly local man, who also happens to be German. A rock comes flying from the hillside above and hits Ruth in the eye, resulting in the loss of her eye. This nor the confrontation with Toby deterred Betty from her bullying of Annabelle, until Annabelle stands up to Betty. In reply, Betty and her friend (and possible love interest, street name crush) Andy, string a sharpened wire across the pathway through the hollow. This wire then cuts Annabelle's little brother James across the forehead. Although James is fine, this still leads to Annabelle sharing Betty's cruelty with her parents, who, concerned, go to have a talk with Betty and her grandparents (who she lives with). During this conversation, Betty claims that she saw Toby throw the rock that hit Ruth in the eye. She claims that she and Andy were up in the belfry and that's how she saw it. The Glengarrys are angry at the McBrides for suggesting that Betty would hurt Annabelle, and believe Betty that she saw Toby throw the rock. However, Annabelle's teacher, Mrs. Taylor later reveals that Betty and Andy couldn't have been in the belfry on the day Ruth got hurt, as she had kicked them out a few days previous to that and the door had remained locked ever since. This is to be investigated, when in a storm, Betty goes missing, and in the pictures Toby took, Annabelle's Aunt Lily, who has always distrusted Toby, finds a picture taken from the hillside the day Ruth was hurt. What they later learn is that Toby is also missing, and Lily suggests that Toby might've taken Betty. Refusing to believe that this is the case, Annabelle sneaks out in the night and finds Toby at the smokehouse. On her way she thinks she hears a porcupine. She convinces Toby to come with her, and hide in her barn until things get sorted out, and she provides him with food and drink and a book, Treasure Island. In a moment of weakness, Toby tells Annabelle about his experiences in the war, including how he scarred his hand, but Annabelle doesn't understand much of it. She also suggests that Toby cut his hair and beard, the result being that he is unrecognizable. This, combined with the porcupine she heard earlier gives Annabelle an idea, that Betty might've fallen down the well outside Toby's smokehouse, and that Toby, in his newly shorn disguise could be the one to save her, thus restoring his name. Toby, under the alias Jordan, goes down the well to rescue Betty, who has fallen in and become impaled on a pipe. He successfully gets her out and she is immediately rushed to the hospital, while Annabelle's father invites Toby/Jordan home for dinner, which he accepts to, but keeps his gloves on, so as to hide his scars. Lily is immediately smitten with Jordan, and has flirtatious conversation throughout dinner. Everyone excepting Annabelle and her parents go to bed. Eventually Annabelle's mother, Sarah, figures out that Jordan is Toby, and Annabelle explains what she did. They also receive a report from the hospital saying that Betty is blaming Toby incorrectly for pushing her down the well, but it makes no sense to the witnesses, as he was the first to spot her and save her life. Annabelle's parents agree to let Toby stay and help fix the barn, and they hide all of his things in the barn loft. Annabelle meanwhile makes plans for forcibly getting Andy to reveal that Betty is lying about everything she claims Toby did, but before she can put her plan in action, James and Henry find Toby's hat and camera in the loft and Lily calls the police. Toby leaves without saying goodbye. Annabelle goes back to the barn that night, and runs into Toby, who tells her he would have liked to have had a daughter like her before vanishing for good. Annabelle notices that he left one of his guns, the only one that worked. The next morning, the family receives word that Betty Glengarry has died from her infection. Over the phone, Annabelle gets Andy to confess that Betty threw the rock that hurt Ruth, and doubt arises about whether Toby pushed Betty down the well or not. Annabelle wakes up early the next morning and her mother informs her that Toby was found, shot, and killed. She says he pulled one of his guns off his back, suggesting that he wanted to die. The rest of the family discovers that Jordan was Toby when they see Annabelle wearing his gloves. They also discover that he left his Congressional Medal of Honor in one of the pockets. Annabelle goes to Toby's smokehouse one more time, and takes the pictures that are on the walls. She suggests to Henry and James that they take turns with the camera, and while James declines, Henry accepts, suggesting that Annabelle and Henry's relationship might flourish in the future. The book ends with Betty's and Toby's funerals, and gives us the final image of Annabelle sitting beside Toby's grave, telling him about her life. ===== Kamome Academy is famous for its rumors regarding its Seven Mysteries and supernatural occurrences. Nene Yashiro, a first-year high-school student who loves the occult and wishes for a boyfriend, summons the Seventh and most famous Mystery, "Hanako-san of the Toilet", a girl who allegedly haunts the bathroom and can grant wishes for the right price. Upon summoning her, Yashiro discovers that "Hanako-san" is nothing like the rumors say; Hanako is a boy. With a turn of events, she is spiritually bound to Hanako and becomes his assistant, helping him destroy evil supernaturals and change rumors in order to maintain the balance between the spirit world and the human world. Along the way, Yashiro learns about her connection to the spirit world and the dark secrets regarding Hanako and his past. ===== ===== ===== Fan Xiaobing, a seemingly successful businessman, is a loser and a conman in real life. He has an awful relationship with his father Fan Yingxiong, who used to serve in the army. To pay back the debt from gangsters, Xiaobing comes up with a terrible plan: claiming his dad has passed way and then collecting condolence money. In order to hold a fake funeral, Xiaobing tricks his father Yingxiong to leave the city for a travel. But Yingxiong returns unexpectedly and puts this farce to an end. Gangsters take Xiaobing to Macao to take his life. Yingxiong decides to go to Macao with his old comrades to save the son. ===== ===== In a remote village, Parvathi (Karishma) is an innocent young woman from an orthodox brahmin family. She falls in love with a Muslim man (Manish Kumar) and she even loses her virginity to him. They decide to elope and come to Chennai. The news of Parvathi eloping with her lover spreads like fire thus it tarnished the reputation of her family and her family committed suicide. Her lover turns out to be a member of a terrorist organisation and the police encounter him. In Chennai, with no home and no money, Parvathi becomes vulnerable and many people tried to rape her. The rogue Govindan (Ranjith) who works for the drug lords (Naga Kannan and Pattinapakkam Jayaram) comes to her rescue, hence she stays with him for some time at the beach. Govindan then gets into a fight with other rogues and Parvathi is wounded in the process. The prostitute Kannagi (Nakshatra) with a heart of gold takes a wounded Parvathi at her home and accommodates her. Thereafter, Govindan is caught by the police and sentenced to jail for a short period. On his release from the jail, he decides to become a good man and dreams to marry Parvathi. In the meantime, Kannagi is killed in a car accident and the innocent Parvathi is arrested for prostitution. Govindan and Parvathi eventually meet each other after a long time, and they fall in love with each other. Govindan becomes a fisherman and the lovers decide to get married but the drug lords want Govindan to work for them and an angry Govindan humiliates them. The drug lords then shoot Govindan to death and they try to rape Parvathi but Parvathi disarms them and shoots them to death. ===== The film portrays a cycling race at the Arroyo Seco velodrome, formerly located in Agraciada. The film shows four cyclists rounding the track while the audience claps. At one point, two women attempt to cross the track, but are forced back into the audience by the oncoming bicycles. The two women are finally able to reach the center of the track and two men standing in the center cross into the stands to join the audience. ===== Several news reports that an unknown viral epidemic has been sweeping the Philippines. Meanwhile, Mario brings his daughter PJ, a medical student, to her first day in her senior year at San Lazaro University. Due to his previous work as an OFW and his inability to pay his daughter's tuition, Mario has a strained relationship with PJ, who is still traumatized from failing to save her mother from a fatal stroke. She reunites with her block mates in Block Z: fellow med students and longtime friends Erika and Myles, and Block Z basketball team captain Lucas, who harbors feelings for PJ. Mario accidentally hits a pedestrian who secretly intended to scam him of money, but Mario instead brings the man to San Lazaro's hospital, where he meets with PJ again. PJ and Erika are assigned to take care of Angie, a mother who has what appears to be a human bite in her leg. Angie suddenly has a seizure and dies shortly after, and PJ goes to comfort Angie's young daughter Ruby over her mother's death. Myles and fellow student Gary head over to bring Angie's body to the morgue, but Angie reanimates and bites Gary's neck, causing Myles to flee. Angie begins attacking other people in the hospital, causing others to be infected and reanimate as undead, forcing Mario and the pedestrian to flee together. The undead begins slaughtering several students and personnel around the university, including Lucas' team where he emerges as the only survivor. Lucas meets Mario and the pedestrian, but the latter had been bitten and turned, forcing the two to kill him. The two then separate, with both intending to find PJ. Student council president Gelo calls his general father for evacuation via helicopter on the hospital's helipad and tells his vice president Vanessa not to tell anyone as he only informed his father to make room for the two of them. Despite this, Vanessa secretly informs the university councilors to spread the word. Lucas manages to find PJ with Erika and Myles and the four work together to flee the school. The military quarantines the university, but they are forced to kill both zombies and students fleeing from the front gate. Gelo confronts Vanessa for telling the university body about his helicopter, and Vanessa chastises him for looking out for himself when he has the resources to help everyone. They scuffle and Gelo accidentally pushes Vanessa off a staircase, killing her; when PJ's group stumbles upon the scene, Gelo lies and says she was infected and had to take her out in self-defense, and he joins the group. The group plans their route to the hospital, but when they become overwhelmed with zombies, they are rescued by Mario in the school's church. Mario has managed to hole up in the church with Ruby and security guard Bebeth. Gelo reveals that people have to be left behind as his helicopter can only fit two people, which angers the others in the process before the group convinces him that he needs them to survive. The group passes by the faculty next, but when Ruby sees her zombified mother, she rushes to her and alerts the herd to their location. Ruby is devoured in the process, and the others are forced to leave when Gelo goes to the faculty and locks them out. The group temporarily rests in the dormitory, where they reminisce on their past and PJ and Mario reconcile, but a zombie attacks and bites Mario before it is killed. Mario tells the group to kill him to prevent him from turning, but the group opts to lock him inside the dorm's closet, and he says his final goodbyes to PJ before they leave him. Although the group manages to discover the zombies' weaknesses to headshots and water, their numbers begin dwindling: Myles is mortally wounded by a stray zombie and makes a last stand before he is killed, Bebeth stays behind fending off zombies from the others, and Erika sacrifices herself to let PJ and Lucas escape. The two manage to reach the hospital's rooftop, where Lucas lifts PJ to the helipad before using himself as bait to lure zombies away by jumping off the building. A sorrowful PJ loses consciousness and awakens the next day with no helicopter in sight. She sees that she has a bite mark in her hand and realizes that she is immune to the virus, so she fights her way back to the dorms, killing several zombies including Angie in the process. PJ reunites with Mario, who is also immune, and the two decide to explore an ancient tunnel underneath the church that Ruby had previously discovered. There, they encounter Gelo, who is delirious from being infected and jaded from being seemingly abandoned by his father. The two manage to evade him and escape through a manhole and leave Gelo to be devoured by approaching zombies. PJ and Mario realize that the infection has spread beyond the university into the wider city, and they arm themselves. News reports begin sharing the zombie's vulnerability to water. Bebeth broadcasts a message that she had survived. A large typhoon engulfs the Philippines, weakening and killing many of the undead in the process. Two weeks after the typhoon, a group of raiders discovers a heavily injured but still-alive Lucas, and their leader decides to take him in. ===== In the near future, many humans have become cyborgs called . However, with a great war having recently ended, many Extended, who are former soldiers, begin to resort to crime to survive. Juzo Inui is a "Resolver," an Extended mercenary who specializes in solving problems caused by other Extended. However, Juzo's life is turned upside down when a renegade Extended breaks into his office, pleading for him to protect a young boy named Tetsurō Arahabaki. ===== In the Dark Ages, after losing his daughter, a fierce warrior begins amassing a gruesome collection of heads of monsters he stakes to the wall of his cabin. The Father lives alone in solitude, his only company his horse Jakke. In most of his time he spends repairing his armor, setting traps for animals, and using the blood and organs of monsters to make medicine that heals near instantly; though the side affects come with pain or urinating black blood. When the horn from the nearby castle blows its a sign that a new bounty is posted; a scroll wrapped on a arrow pinned to a tree. Throughout he is shown taking the bounty, leaving to hunt down his targets as a professional Head Hunter, coming back wounded and maimed. One of his bounties results in the death of his horse. Soon after making a grave for his companion and visiting his daughter’s grave another bounty is posted, much to his surprise it’s the monster that killed his daughter. Traveling far north to an island he finds the monster in a cave, after a hard battle he finally decapitates the monster and travels home to pay respects to his daughter and hang the head. His victory is short lived as one of his jars he left near his window is knocked over all of it’s contents spilled on the monster head bringing it back to life. He finds out what has transpired after testing the medicine on a dead spider and now has to hunt the monster down again. With nightfall now arrived, the Father begins a game of wits against The Head, with The Head trying to attach itself to the Father’s body to replace the one he removed it from. Eventually The Head finds the daughter’s grave and uses her corpse to fight the Father. After severing it from her body he chases it down to a cave were he stabs it brutally till it’s dead again. Now morning time the Father reburies his daughter and feels relief that it’s over and he can move on. However it is in vain. The Head still alive kills the Father and takes his body for its own. The monster than adds the Father’s head to his collection and leaves taking one of the jars of medicine along with it, gloating as it walks away saying, “Body Mine!” ===== An underground revolutionary group carries out urban guerrilla attacks against a fictionalized fascist regime in the United States, while struggling against internal strife. This is intermixed with sequences that explain the philosophy of radical action and play down the melodrama inherent in the thriller genre. ===== The story starts with a poem recounting the thoughts of the slaveowner, Mrs. Mary Fairchilds; after her husband, Cado died, she has decided to have her property appraised to prepare it for sale; afterward, she intends to return to England. The book gives the names and appraised value of each of the 11 slaves owned by the Fairchilds, accompanied by two poems: one describing their work and another describing their dreams. {|class="wikitable sortable" style="font- size:100%;text-align:left;" |- ! Slave !! Age !! Value !! Position !! Name !! Origin |- ! Peggy | 48 || 150 || Cook ! Mariama | |- ! Stephen | 32 || 300 || Carpenter ! Yerodin | Central Africa |- ! Jane | 28|| 300 || Seamstress ! Serwaa | West Africa |- ! John | 16 || 100 || Child ! Osere | America |- ! Athelia | 42 || 175 || Laundress ! Adero | |- ! Charlotte | 30 || rowspan=2 | 400 || Basketmaker ! Bisa | |- ! Dora | 8 || Child ! Akua | America |- ! Bacus | 34 || 250 || Blacksmith ! Abena | |- ! Qush | 60 || 100 || Herdsman/Laborer ! Kayode | Yoruba |- ! Mulvina | 60 || 100 || Field ! Niami | |- ! Betty | 36 || 150 || Flower gardener ! Temitope | Yoruba |} ===== ===== ===== ===== The film starts with Shiva (Rio Raj) and Vicky (RJ Vigneshkanth) getting a lift in car because their bike got repaired when they were going to a place. Then, they are thinking about their past life. A few months ago, their childhood brother Ram (Chutti Aravind) and they both are living in a house for rent. Ram has a little respect on his house owner (Mayilsamy), but they both are not. Then, the film tells that Shiva and Vicky both have a YouTube channel called "Nenjamundu Nermaiyundu". One day, they went to a mall and did a prank. They both keep the knives on the necks of a big businessman named "Jeepakaran" (Radha Ravi) and a press reporter named "Nisha" (Shirin Kanchwala). Then, Jeepakaran realised that the two men are doing a prank and openly told them that both of them are doing a prank. In that anger, Nisha slapped Shiva. Then, Jeepakaran called Shiva and Vicky and asked them why are they doing these pranks, to which they said that they are doing the pranks for money. The next day, Shiva, Vicky, and Ram helped two beggars in Marina Beach, and Nisha sees this. She and Shiva both fall in love themselves, but they both do not know that the other one is loving themselves. The same day, Shiva and Vicky realized that Jeepakaran's PA (Put Chutney Rajmohan) is following them. Shiva and Vicky are assigned to do three tasks by Jeepakaran: be part of a breaking news, elect a mentally-challenged guy as an MLA, and stop a murder in a railway station. They successfully complete the previous two tasks and want to know the reason behind the third task. Here, Jeepakaran unfolds his flashback. His son Anbu ("Idhu Adhu Illa" Ayaz) wished to be a reporter, but his father wants him to take over his business. An uninterested Anbu joins a TV channel. One day, he overhears a plan of a murder and plans to stop it. Unfortunately, he fails in the attempt because the people had not helped him, and he got killed. In that anger, Jeepakaran decides to elect a mentally challenged man as an MLA and fulfill his son's wish by using Shiva and Vicky. They successfully complete the third task and save the girl from the plan of murder. ===== ===== The story follows pugilist and saloon owner James J. Corbett and his romance with Nob Hill debutante Cynthia Carter. The story takes places from 1897 to 1906 in San Francisco, and featured a moving cable car on stage, a ballet battle of the Tong Wars, and the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. ===== Hazel (Barretto) is an actress and commercial model, has a controlling relationship with her parents. One night, after having a heated argument with her parents she decided to take a vacation and booked a flight to Japan. Louie (Anderson), a Filipino who lives in Japan and works as a waiter in a local seafood restaurant meets Hazel. ===== Torcuato Ferreyra is a veteran of the Spanish Civil War who managed to amass a great fortune in Argentina after betraying his best friend, Bruno Salvat. At the end of the 30s, Bruno arrives in Argentina, in order to avenge Torcuato's treachery and rescue his sister Julia, who fell into the clutches of a pimp. Bruno gets asylum in a typical conventillo in Buenos Aires and from there he begins to plot his revenge plan. However, while plotting his plan, Bruno falls madly in love with Lucía Morel, the young and beautiful fiancée of Torcuato Ferreyra. Lucía is an intelligent, feminist and sensitive young woman who only agrees to marry Torcuato at the insistence of her vile mother to get money for the operation of her father, who is sick with tuberculosis. Meanwhile, Aldo, a good-hearted hustler who is dedicated to convincing Spanish immigrants to embark towards Argentina under the pretext of being the land of opportunities, will do his best to rescue a young and beautiful Polish girl, Raquel, from the brothel where Julia is. Other subplots of the telenovela include the romance between two young boys, Nino and Malek, the repressed homosexuality of Lucia's mother and the unrequited love of Alicia, Torcuato's sister, for Aldo. ===== ===== Dave Robicheaux, once an officer for the New Orleans Police Department and before that a U.S. Army infantry lieutenant who fought in the Vietnam War, James Lee Burke, Pegasus_Descending, Simon & Schuster, 2018, page 241: "The implications were not necessarily flattering. "I never shot anyone who didn't try to kill me first," I said, now defending a history of violence that went all the way back to Vietnam". works as sheriff's deputy in New Iberia, Louisiana. When Trish Klein, a beautiful young woman, arrives to Louisiana, passing hundred- dollar bills in local casinos, Robicheaux knows there's going to be trouble. Twenty-five years earlier, while drunk in Florida, Robicheaux witnessed her father, fellow Vietnam veteran Dallas Klein, executed by a group of cold- blooded robbers. Trish tries to bait Whitey Bruxal, the aging mobster responsible for Dallas's death. Meanwhile, Robicheaux investigates the apparent suicide of young co-ed Yvonne Darbonne. The two cases are linked. He and his longtime partner, former Marine and Vietnam vet, Clete Purcel try to prove it. ===== ===== , Once an officer for the New Orleans Police Department and before that a U.S. Army infantry lieutenant who fought in the Vietnam War,James Lee Burke, Heaven's Prisoners, Simon & Schuster, 2018, pages 6-7: "I had seen drowning victims before, and their faces had the same expression as the faces of people I had seen killed by shell bursts in Vietnam". Dave Robicheaux is living a quiet life in the swamplands of Louisiana with his wife Annie. The couple's tranquility is shattered one day when a drug smuggler's plane crashes in a lake, right before their eyes. Robicheaux succeeds in rescuing a lone survivor, a Salvadoran girl, whom he and Annie quickly adopt and name Alafair. However DEA Agent, Minos P. Dautrieve, tells Robicheaux that the plane was connected to Bubba Rocque, the leading drug kingpin in the area and Robicheaux's childhood friend from New Iberia. Robicheaux must now defend Alafair and Annie from a world of murder and deception.James Lee Burke, Heaven's Prisoners, Simon & Schuster, 2018, page 36: "I kept the U.S Army- issue .45 automatic that i bought in Saigon". ===== While fishing on a back country bayou New Orleans Police Department officer Dave Robicheaux finds a body. Robicheaux, once a U.S. Army infantry lieutenant who fought in the Vietnam War,James Lee Burke, The Neon Rain, Simon & Schuster, 2018, page 251: "As a police officer I've shot four people, and I won't tell you about my record in Vietnam, except that I'm sick of all of it.". becomes involved with drug dealers, mafia chieftains, and a former army general with shady arms dealings in Central America. ===== Dave Robicheaux, former officer for the New Orleans Police Department and before that a U.S. Army infantry lieutenant who fought in the Vietnam War, James Lee Burke, Purple Cane Road, Simon & Schuster, 2018, page 16: "I PUT MY ARMY-ISSUE .45 that i had brought home form Vietnam on the seat of my truck". works as sheriff's deputy in New Iberia, Louisiana. In this book, he discovers new evidence in a murder case. ===== As described in a film magazine, young Italian woman Perla Quaranta (Moore) dances in the streets to the music from her father's barrel organ. Her grace attracts the attention of Carlo Bruni (Moreno), manager of a small theatrical troupe. He hires her to replace an actress who has grown overweight due to her overindulgence with food. Perla makes good with this chance, though she too gives into the temptation of pies, cakes, and other pastries. Carlo is also given into overeating, with his figure suffering and his dancing powers impaired. Perla begins to take on weight, just like her predecessor. She repulses an attempt by a stage hand, Krug (Metcalfe), to court her. In revenge, he tampers with the wire used by Perla when performing her butterfly act. Carlo suspects Krug and thrashes him. Carlo then receives a sentence of thirty days in jail for this assault. Meanwhile, Perla, in her convalescence, is almost won by a baker who describes the tempting pastries he makes. When Carlo returns after serving his sentence, he and Perla resolve to diet steadily and win fame as dancers. They do so and are married into the bargain. ===== In the Kingdom of Hyrule, a mysterious man named Octavo uses a magical Lute to put Hyrule's king, as well as Link and Zelda, to sleep, before using the Triforce of Power to turn his Lute into a Golden Lute. In this time of need, Cadence is mysteriously transported to Hyrule by the Triforce and manages to wake up Link and Zelda. While Cadence goes off to try to find a way home, Link and Zelda travel across Hyrule to find and defeat Octavo's four champions, who each possess enchanted instruments containing musical power. After Link and Zelda, soon rejoined by Cadence, obtain the instruments and enter Hyrule Castle, Octavo reveals that he and his champions were meant to be used to battle against Ganon, who will take over Hyrule in the future. Finding himself defeated, Octavo opens a portal into the future, where Link, Zelda, and Cadence confront Ganon and combine their forces to defeat him. With help from the Golden Lute, Link and Zelda use the power of the Triforce to try and send Cadence back to her own world. ===== Jun Shibahara is the best in the school's swimming team. One day, he passes out and in the hospital, he is diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, forcing him to retire from swimming. Jun loses all reason to exist and falls in depression. Suddenly though, he receives an email to his cellphone by someone else named Jun. They start emailing each other more and soon friendship becomes love. This makes Jun realize that swimming is not everything in life and they decide to go to the same university. However, happiness soon becomes tragedy. ===== A group of plane crash survivors try to find refuge in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado. Two mercenaries, Peter and Jesse, set out on their trail with the intention of bringing them to safety. But Jesse is lured by the belongings left in the plane and plans a real robbery against the survivors with final elimination of all witnesses. ===== ===== ===== Zoe and Veer meet at a bar. The two leave and decide to spend the night together at Veer's home but Veer stops Zoe from continuing their act. He tells her that the time is not right. Zoe leaves, infuriated. Veer keeps following Zoe, who finally confronts him and asks him not to follow her. There is a flashback scene where Leena and Raghuvendra "Raghu" Singh have the same conversation back in the 1990's in Udaipur. Back to present day, Veer drops her for an interview at the office of the Mehta Group and they slowly begin their relationship. Raghu is an ex- medical student who ran away from Udaipur and now owns several restaurants in Delhi, including the café at which Zoe hangs out very often. Raj, who is good friends with Zoe, tells her the story of his childhood sweetheart, Leena, thus implying that he is a grown up Raghu. He tells her that he used to behave with Leena just as Veer behaves with Zoe, and recites his own childhood memories with Leena to Zoe and tells her how he asked Leena for a dance together. In the flashback, it is seen that Raghu and Leena used to meet each other secretly and how Raghu left everything for Leena and moved for her to Delhi, discontinuing his studies to be with Leena. Later one day Zoe walks in on Raj and a woman, assuming she is Leena, but realizes it's not the case. Raj now reveals that he left Leena, for his own big town fantasies. Zoe is convinced by her mother that she can't possibly have both her love and career together. She goes to meet Veer's parents, but leaves crying. Veer relays to Raj what Zoe did, and Raj, convinced that he influenced Zoe towards behaving this way, responds by getting her the job. Some days later, Zoe sees Veer with another girl. Heartbroken, she hangs out with multiple people but doesn't happen to like any of them. She goes to a bar with a guy and gets drunk but he refuses to drop her at her home. Veer picks her and drops at her house. He tells that he can't enter a relationship of compromises with Zoe and breaks up with her. The next day he informs her about a new job in the Himalayas and is leaving for 2 years, explaining that he has as much right to be focused on his career as does she, and bids her goodbye. Zoe gets a proposal from the Mehta family to marry Rishabh, but she refuses. When Zoe goes to meet Raj, he tells her that he met Leena one last time, when he realized he lost the person who he was before with Leena and finds that she is pregnant. He leaves from there, gets into a cab and goes to airport. He adds that he still misses Leena, but is helpless now. He starts crying and Zoe comforts him. Raj tells her that she shouldn't make the same mistake he made. Zoe leaves for the Himalayas to reunite with Veer. She sees Veer sleeping outside. She goes and rests atop him. She says that she won't be able to balance between love & work ever, but still she wanted to be with him. Veer asks whether she will take a leap with him, to which she agrees, and they reunite and kiss. ===== A scheming wife lures an insurance investigator into helping murder her husband and then declare it an accident. The investigator's boss, not knowing his man is involved in it, suspects murder and sets out to prove it. ===== After a falling out with both her mother and the other members of her school club, female lead and junior high school student Ruka finds herself with nowhere to spend her days during summer vacation, and so she ends up hanging out at the aquarium where her father works. While there, she meets a mysterious pair of brothers, named Umi and Sora, who her father tells her were "raised by dugongs," and are being observed for their aquatic abilities. The three teens share some sort of connection to a series of supernatural phenomena that have been affecting the world's marine life, such as a comet falling into the sea and aquatic life from around the world gathering in Japan. ===== ===== Laura kinney gives up the Wolverine mantle and returns to her X-23 code name "X-23", then she, her little sister Gabby and pet Jonathan continue to fight as superheroes and balance their lives. ===== Harry, a mover's boy, watches his boss play proudly with his son, then retrieves a rag doll from the garbage. Gladys, exasperated by her husband's intemperance, leaves him. Harry finds her slumped on the snowy ground and comes to her aid by hosting her in his modest attic. Then he realizes that the woman is about to give birth to a child, and immediately summons an army of midwives and doctors, who, after the birth, congratulate him, believing him to be the father. Harry sees his desire for family magically fulfilled, and busily takes care of the woman and the child. A palmist assures him that the child's father will never come looking for his wife and baby. The father, now repentant, instead, goes to look for them and finds them, looking out, on a stormy night, at the window of the attic. Gladys, however, has grown fond of Harry, and, in the boxing match organized between the two men, she encourages and supports him, because she wants to stay with him, together with the child. But this is only Harry's dream. In reality, husband and wife make peace, and, deeply grateful to Harry, greet him with a handshake (the palm of which Harry then looks dejected) and leave with their son. That same night, when the elements have subsided, Harry leaves the house, and - after seeing the lost rag doll abandoned along the street - goes to the fortune teller's window brandishing a brick. Then he renounces the useless revenge, and drops the brick ... ===== A convicted wife-murderer Juleson buys cigarettes on credit from top-dog Chilly, but finds his life at risk when he can’t pay him back on time, and refuses to collude with Captain Blake determined to nail Chilly. Meanwhile, Chillys’ right-hand man Red hopes the parole board will grant him early release, and an optimistic inmate Morris attempts to sew an escape-worthy hot air balloon. ===== ===== The novel follows a woman, Modesta, who is born on January 1, 1900 and grows up in rural Sicily and whose fortunes rise in the twentieth century. ===== In 1973, BoJack sends a personal question to his idol celebrity Secretariat on what to do when he's sad. Secretariat responds to the question on a talk show by telling BoJack to always look forward in life, and forget about the past. One month later, Secretariat commits suicide by jumping off the John F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge after he was caught betting on his own horse races. In the present, months after BoJack's memoir has been released, BoJack receives the Golden Globe for "Best Comedy or Musical," despite his book not being a film nor show. Due to the success of his book and his new fame, BoJack decides to star in a film about Secretariat and manages to convince Lenny Turteltaub to produce the film, but he loses the part to Andrew Garfield. Meanwhile, Diane has to choose whether to travel to a foreign country to write a book about philanthropist Sebastian St. Clair or to be the character consultant for the Secretariat film. She decides the latter. After Garfield suffers an accident and breaks "every bone in his body," BoJack is contacted by director Kelsey Jannings and is told he can play Secretariat in the film. BoJack visits the Griffith Park Observatory, where he is told by a fan that he's his "hero." ===== In 1972, one year before his inevitable suicide, Secretariat is told by Richard Nixon that he's being sent to the Vietnam War. Secretariat manages to convince the president to send his brother, Jeffretariat, in his place. At home, a young BoJack steals a cigarette from his mom's purse, and is caught smoking it by his mom. She tells him to finish the cigarette, as he's being "punished for being alive." In the present, BoJack throws a lit cigarette over his balcony, and seeing that the cigarette has started a fire, Todd calls 911. At work, Rutabaga Rabbitowitz tells Princess Carolyn that he's starting his own agency and that he wants her to join him. After learning that if she declines Rutabaga will start the agency with Vanessa Gekko, Princess Carolyn agrees to join him. At the refugee camp in Cordovia, Diane continues to write her book on Sebastian St. Clair but starts to spend most of her time taking care of a sick kid named Kinko. After the refugee camp is bombed, and Kinko dies, Diane decides to return back to L.A. At the set of Secretariat, BoJack learns that the Nixon scene where Secretariat learns his brother is dead has been replaced with a Christmas scene. Along with Kelsey Jannings, Todd, Princess Carolyn, Mr. Peanutbutter, Margo Martindale, and a cable repairman named Alan, BoJack decides to sneak into the Nixon library to shoot the scene. They're caught by a security guard, but manage to keep him quiet by letting him play Nixon in the scene. The next day, BoJack learns that Kelsey has been fired for what they did. Having filmed the Christmas scene, BoJack returns home, where he finds Diane, who asks if she can stay at his place. ===== ===== ===== The film travels back and forth between two characters. Magadevan (Arya) is a cab driver in Chennai and also works as a thug for a corrupt politician named Muthuraj (Ilavarasu). Muniraj (Arya) is a Good Samaritan and organic farmer who believes in Swami Vivekananda's teachings, thinks the world of Tamil literature, and lives in a village near Erode. It is made clear that Maga is an atheist while Muni practices yoga and spreads the word of Hinduism. Maga thinks the world of his wife Viji (Indhuja Ravichandran) and five-year-old son. He is also trying to turn a new life and leave the world of crime. Muni, on the other hand, is happy living with his loving mother (Rohini). He wants to be a "Nitya Brahmachari" (bachelor), and at the same time, impart knowledge to students. Deepa (Mahima Nambiar) is a journalism student and the daughter of a local landlord named Jayaraman (Jayaprakash), who is in awe of the soft-spoken Muni. Trouble erupts for Maga when one of Muthuraj's rivals, Guru Narayanan (Aruldoss), tries to fix him in an earlier murder case, which was planned by him for Muthuraj. Muthuraj, in order to save himself and his nephew, enters into connivance with the police and makes Maga the bad guy. At the same time, Jayaraman does not like his daughter moving around with Muni, a lower caste man, and wants to eliminate him. Jayaraman plans to kill Muni through a snakebite in his farm; however, Muni is saved and admitted in the hospital by Deepa. Meanwhile, Maga is framed for the murder of Guru Narayanan's brother Surya Narayanan (Krishnamurthy) and is wanted by the police. Maga plans to escape to Vizag with his family and lead a normal life. He requests Muthuraj to pay him his balance money so that he can start a new life without knowing that Muthuraj has betrayed Maga by disclosing his whereabouts to the police and Guru Narayanan. While Maga is on the way to meet Muthuraj, he is chased and shot by the police. Maga, despite being severely wounded, escapes the place by boarding a goods train. Policemen track Maga's location using his mobile phone signal and find that he is somewhere near Erode. Maga contacts Muthuraj again requesting for help. Muthuraj asks Maga to meet Jayaraman in Erode, who also happens to be Muthuraj's friend, so that he could get some money. In the meantime, policemen search all the hospitals around Erode, suspecting Maga to be treated for his injury. Finally, the police finds Muni in a hospital (as he was admitted for his snakebite) and arrests him, mistaking him as Maga. Meanwhile, Maga goes to Jayaraman's house seeking help. There, a drunk Jayaraman gets shocked upon seeing Maga and mistakes him as Muni, who has come for revenge. Jayaraman tries to attack Maga, but Maga kills Jayaraman to safeguard himself. Maga's friends find out the true identity of Muthuraj and inform Maga. Maga feels bad for being betrayed by Muthuraj. On the other hand, Muni is handed over to Guru Narayanan by a corrupt police inspector (G. M. Sundar). Guru Narayanan's henchmen attack Muni as a means of revenge, believing him to be Maga. Muni is critically injured and is admitted in the hospital. The police also arrests Viji and her son. Viji thinks that Maga is dead and commits suicide by jumping into a well. Maga comes to know about Muni from his friends, and he rushes to see him in the hospital. Maga understands that Muni is his twin brother. A small flashback is shown where Maga and Muni's mother (unknown person) was mentally ill, and she left the two children alone and went away. Maga and Muni are separated when they were kids. Maga was grown in an orphanage, while Muni was adopted by his mother. Maga gets furious knowing about Viji's death and decides to kill the baddies. He goes to Muthuraj's place and kills everyone including Muthuraj, the police inspector, and Guru Narayanan. As Maga was also shot by police before, he also gets admitted in the same hospital where Muni is present. Unfortunately, Muni passes away. After a few months, it is shown that Maga comes to Muni's village as he feels guilty of Muni's death and decides to follow Muni's path of literature and peace of mind. Maga's son is rescued and is raised by Muni's adoptive mother. When Maga is asked what his name is, he says, "Magamuni." ===== Fr. Vincent Kombana (Amith Chakalakkal) is a roguish and a kindhearted priest of Kombana family, famous in his village. He was trained by his father Issac Kombana (Lal) to become a police officer first. Vincent grew up to be a police officer, fulfilling his dream, but when things got really complicated, Vincent became a priest. All the people in the village are fond of Vincent and fear him very much. He gets information from his peon Kunjoyi (Shammi Thilakan) regarding all sorts of legal and illegal businesses and once anyone gets caught, he receives a huge punishment. His another subordinates were Kurukkan Ponnappan (Nedumudi Venu) and Member Rocky (Nandhu). One midnight as Vincent was walking through field, he hears a cry of a person to find out that it was a murder done by Kattuthara Joy (Dileesh Pothan). He saw the whole incident where Joy asks his companion to put the body of the dead person into a ditch after digging it. Vincent as a witness to this murder decided to expose this in front of the society. However, he couldn't do it as Joy confessed about the murder to Vincent. But Joy did not tell him whom he killed. As a priest couldn't tell any confessions out, Joy utilized his opportunity to frame the murder onto someone else. Even though Vincent had hidden in behind the bushes, Joy saw him. Vincent understood that Joy hadn't actually confessed sincerely. It was his only way to trap Vincent in order to escape from the case. Vincent, day by day continued his strong prayers for a solution. Kunjoyi then comes and informs Vincent about the death of Lissy (Lena), Joy's beloved wife. The next day her funeral goes with further songs and sorrow. However before taking any decision, Vincent was eager to know who was murdered in the ditch. So as to get an idea, he went to the same place when the body was hidden. He began digging to find whose the body was. Vincent came across many burdens including the enquiry of Salamma (Anjali Nair) for her brother who had been missing for many days after he went to Pollachi. Vincent decides to give the land to Kunjoyi in order to get rid of digging the plot where the body had been dug. After all the agreements, people finds out the body and Kunjoyi informs about this to Vincent. He immediately reaches the spot. It is found whose the body was. It was Eldhose (Mejo Joseph) who was killed by Joy. The police informs Vincent that it was a murder as they found many spots of stabs. Vincent tells Joy that he will prove this case with the help of someone else. Joy shows Vincent a video. The video shows Vincent digging the ditch which was taken by Joy without the knowledge of Vincent. If Joy shows this publicly, then it is sure that Vincent will be blamed. Vincent requested Joy to delete the video. Joy said that if Vincent does the flag hoisting, then Joy will confront the clapping hands. Vincent then thinks of another way to imprison Joy and finally starts his prayer keeping all his secrets in mind. Meanwhile Santo (Murugan), Joy's friend overheard his prayers and his plans to rescue Santo as he too would be killed by Joy. Vincent then asked the reason behind murder of Eldhose as Santo was present beside Joy and helped him bury Eldhose's body in the ditch. Then a flashback shows, as Eldhose was returning from Pollachi he met Joy only to find him furious. Joy came to know from his wife Lissy that her daughter's actual father was Eldhose. As Eldhose stood disappointed Joy said, "My confidence is getting hindered by your existence." and stabs him multiple times to kill him. Back to the present, Vincent and his policemen managed to lock Santo as a witness to the murder committed by Joy. Later Vincent moves to Joy to enquire about Lissy's death and already knew that it was Joy who killed her by poisoning her. ===== Four English soldiers are trapped in a bombed out Cathedral. Private King attempts to strangle Private Able. Separated by Corporal Adams and Private Meadows they bed down for the night. The remainder of the play reveals the dreams of each soldier and their attitude to life and death. ===== The series is set in an alternative reality in which the State of Israel is split into two territories, a secular state with its capital in Tel Aviv, and an ultra-Orthodox autonomy with Jerusalem as its capital. The series takes place in a parallel present, about thirty years after the bloody events of 1989, which ultimately led to the establishment of an ultra-Orthodox federation in Jerusalem where Jewish law reigns. However, Bnei Brak became a suburb of secular Tel Aviv. In order to move between the two entities, permits and border controls are necessary The local economy in the Haredi autonomy is facing difficulties. In addition, the government is governed by Jewish law and its ultra-Orthodox interpretation, which includes a prohibition on selling non-kosher food. The police in the autonomy are known as "guards" and they are dressed in a kind of Hasidic coats on which the ranks and symbols of the state are placed. They are tasked with maintaining order and the laws of religion and modesty in the autonomy. At the center of the plot is an ultra-Orthodox "macher" named Broide (Assi Cohen), who makes his living from small and forbidden smuggling between the secular State of Israel and the ultra-Orthodox autonomy. Goni, a girl raised by the secular couple Batia (Dana Ivgy) and Asher Luzzatto (Jacob Zada Daniel), turns out to be the daughter of Elka (Tali Sharon) and Halik Rein (Dan Castoriano), the daughter and son-in-law of the Rebbe of Kreinitz (Shuli Rand). Broide gets an offer from the Rebbe, who also receives smuggled books from him, in which he is required to kidnap the girl who is at the centre of a legal battle over custody between the two ultra-Orthodox and secular families. When he refuses to accept the offer, he is coerced by the Rebbe and his henchmen into accepting. In the end, he agrees to do so only after he's arrested on murder charger and the Rebbe gives him the opportunity to accept the task and thus not need to stand trial. Demanding that the Rebbe make a commitment to take care of his family in the event that he's harmed and to grant him a divorce from his wife, Blumi (Rotem Sela), the Rebbe accepted his terms. Broide goes on a mission and together with Anna, a woman from the secular State of Israel, they kidnap the girl and smuggle her to Ukraine while on the journey, Broida cuts off his beard and wigs and plans to start a new life in Europe with Anna. During the events Elka accuses her father of organizing the kidnapping for political purposes to scorch the proposal of a union between the religious autonomy and the secular State of Israel. Independently of her father, she cooperates with Batia, which leads to criticism of her father which causes the Rebbe's health to deteriorate and to return to his community in the town of Kreinitz in Europe. This is where he also plans to reunite the kidnapped girl with her biological parents, but after his daughter tells the media that she is renouncing her claim to her daughter, he demands the return the child to her adoptive parents. The two parents leave for Europe to take the child back from the kidnappers. The girl gets away from her abductors, Broide and Anna. She is reunited at the local police station with both her adoptive and biological parents, where the adoptive parents then take her home with them. In the meantime, the Rebbe dies, and Broide and Anna continue on a journey into Europe without the child. They are involved in a fatal train accident in which Anna dies and Broide is seriously injured. The body of a dead passenger is mistakenly identified as the body of Broide, and a message is transmitted to his ex-wife, who is married to Brody's friend Leibish. Broide struggles with his demons and meets the late Rebbe in a vision and responds to his request for absolution. Then he wakes up and returns to the ultra-orthodox autonomy. Upon returning he realizes that his ex-wife has remarried. He enters a Beit Midrash of a yeshiva and finds himself in a struggle between those who refuse to join the army and the Israeli Defence Force who are in the autonomy as part of the plan to annex the autonomy to the secular State of Israel. He becomes a conscientious objector and martyrs himself in opposition to the draft of Ultra-Orthodox men. ===== Professor Subarna Sen, aka Sona Da, a professor of history, along with Abir and Jhinuk decide to visit one of Sona da's student's ancestral mansion at Durgeshgor. The great grandfather of this student, Durgagati Deb Roy was an erstwhile zamindar and a renowned artist of Bengal. There is a myth that runs in the family that they had once received a massive treasure from famous King Krishnachandra Roy after the Battle of Plassey. Presently all traces and trails of it had been lost. Sona da along with Abir and Jhinuk join the festival of Durga Puja in that mansion in Durgeshgor and stumble upon the lost clues that may lead them in unearthing one of the greatest treasures of Bengal. ===== The episode picks up immediately following the events of the previous episode. Caitlin and Dylan begin panicking. The two begin putting their alibis together and are nervous due to Nolan being murdered in the same way as their fantasy. In addition, neither of them have heard from Ava who seems to be missing. It is later ruled that Nolan's death was a murder not a suicide. Mona feels responsible for Nolan's death and begins putting the pieces together. Alison has her own problems when she supposedly receives a text from Nolan. Caitlin and Dylan find Ava in her room and the two convince her that they all need to stick together. At Nolan's funeral Mona tells Alison that there was a partial Beacon Guard blackout in cell service and that would explain the delayed text from Nolan. Following the funeral Caitlin, Dylan, and Ava run into Dana Booker, a former FBI agent now head of security at BHU, who assures them that she will find the person responsible for Nolan's murder. Alison begins suspecting that someone is trying to frame her for Nolan's murder. Caitlin and Dylan look for Nolan's secret stash to find things before his belongings are searched. Caitlin gets sidetracked in the process by former boyfriend Mason but Dylan continues on. In the campus greenhouse Dylan finds a note which leads him to believe that someone beat them to Nolan's stash. Caitlin, Dylan, and Ava meet in the woods again and find evidence that they weren't alone the night they were out there. Alison meets with Dana who requests to read the essays she assigned over the topic "Can murder be justified?" just before Nolan's death. Alison returns home and is spooked by Claire who was waiting inside. Mona calls Hanna Marin who informs her that Spencer and Toby have eloped since Mona left Rosewood. Dana interrupts Alison's class and requests to see Caitlin, Dylan, and Ava. Dana asks the three of them where they were the night of Nolan's murder but before they can answer Alison interrupts the interview and gives them an alibi. ===== Alison along with Caitlin, Dylan, and Ava begin putting the details of their alibi together so that if questioned the alibi would stick. While trying to find out information about Nolan's murder Mona is locked out of Beacon Guard's system. During class, Mason takes Nolan's former seat which leads to an altercation between Mason and Ava. Ava runs out of class and Caitlin attempts to catch up to her. Caitlin is interrupted by Dana who questions her about the same picture that Nolan was blackmailing her with. Claire gives Caitlin a present she found in Nolan's room that she assumes was for her upcoming birthday. Claire also agrees to keep the photos that Nolan was blackmailing Caitlin with under wraps. Mona learns that the suspicious activity on her account came from one single source and she assumes that someone is trying to frame her. Caitlin visits Ava and gives her the present that she received from Claire. While practicing his cello Dylan's tablet is hacked and a photo which could possibly be used to blackmail him is the only thing showing up. Dana shows up in Dylan's room and asks him if his secrets are safe with Caitlin and Ava. Ava admits to Caitlin and Dylan that the night Nolan died she followed him out to a mysterious cabin in the woods. The three of them visit the cabin and begin searching it. They realize that they were followed to the cabin and try to hide but Alison walks in before they can. Ava tells Alison that the night Nolan died she followed him out there and that he met a blond woman who looked similar to Alison. While Ava, Caitlin, and Dylan are driving back they find a dead rat in a box in the car with a note. Alison doubles back to the cabin and removes a flower from a shelf she thinks could be a clue. When scrolling through Instagram later, Alison finds a photo of Taylor's grave which includes the same flower she found in the cabin. Alison visits Mona and tells Mona her theory of Taylor being alive. When Caitlin is walking home she crosses paths with Mason who drops a gum wrapper similar to the one she, Ava and Dylan found in the woods leading her to believe that he was the one eavesdropping on them in the woods the night of Nolan's murder. ===== Having gone sober for 9 months, Sarah Lynn wakes up to a calm and positive life. BoJack calls Sarah Lynn for an invitation to a drinking party, and Sarah Lynn quickly accepts, opens a bottle of vodka, and ends her 9-month sobriety. At night, having drunk excessive amounts of alcohol with Sarah Lynn, BoJack begins to experience blackouts. Throughout the blackouts, the pair watch old episodes of Horsin' Around, visit an AA meeting where BoJack confesses his attempt to sleep with Penny, and visit the houses of Mr. Peanutbutter, Diane, Princess Carolyn, and Ana Spanakopita to make amends. While visiting Ana, BoJack experiences multiple blackouts while trying to hear a story about her lifeguard experience. After experiencing a two-week blackout, BoJack hears the story, in which Ana explains that she became a lifeguard after almost drowning, but was told by her instructor that there are people in this world one should not attempt saving, as they will pull you down in the long run. After another blackout, BoJack is seen driving to Ohio with Sarah Lynn to make amends with Penny. The pair find Penny at a library and follow her to a school party, where they are caught by Penny when BoJack drunkenly trips over a group of boys. Scared, Penny distressedly tells the pair to leave. Driving home, Sarah Lynn finds the BoJack heroin BoJack had been given earlier that year. At home, the pair decide to snort the BoJack heroin, like "sophisticated adults", rather than inject it. Now high, BoJack experiences a flashback to 2007, in which his former boss, Cuddlywhiskers, told him that The BoJack Horseman Show was gaining bad ratings and that they should cast Sarah Lynn as a guest star. In the present, Sarah Lynn learns that she has won the Oscar for Best Original Song. This saddens her, as she doesn't like who she is, so BoJack finally agrees to visit the Griffith Observatory with Sarah. While inside, Sarah Lynn succumbs to a heroin overdose as BoJack nudges her shoulder and calls her name multiple times. ===== The world is ruled by spirits, goblins, and all manner of strange creatures. Human beings are persecuted, to the very point of extinction. One day, a golem and a lone human girl meet. This is a record of the pair, one a member of a ruined race, the other a watchman of the forest. It tells of their travels together and of the bond between father and daughter, but the golem can only live for another year or so, he must find other humans in order to get her with her own race before he dies. ===== ===== ===== The drama depicts in the late Edo period in Nagasaki, Hiramatsu takes up Nagasaki bugyō`s head post. He likes alcohol and women. Furthermore He is always willing to accept a bribe from villains so they consider it is easy to manipulate him. But he is just pretending to be idiot and he kills villains who escape justice despite their crimes. ===== The once peaceful city of Waterdeep now suffers from raids every night by the Undermountain factions, who have somehow become reunited and organized. The raiders are led by Xanathar's Guild, who have returned to take over Waterdeep. Lacking in manpower from the city Watch, the leading Lord of Waterdeep, Piergeiron the Paladinson summons a group of adventurers to investigate the city sewers, uncover the evil entity and if possible destroy it. ===== ===== ===== Nakamura Mondo was relegated to a post in Hachioji from the Minamimachi Bugyōsho and he has retired from professional assassin. But one day he was ordered to return to the Minamimachi Bugyōsho. Shikazō worked behind the scenes to get Mondo back to the Minamimachi Bugyōsho. Shikazō asks Nakamura Mondo to kill a man, once Mondo refuses but he is blinded by big money and eventually take the offer. Mondo restarts killing villains again with Kazarishokunin no Hide and Nawate Samon. ===== The title character was 40-year-old Maggie Marlowe, whose husband succumbed to pneumonia shortly before the birth of their daughter. The impoverished mother allowed her in-laws to take the child to raise. Returning to her acting career, she fell in love with a married man and tried to restore relations with her estranged daughter. By April 1955, Marlowe was no longer an actress; she had become "a middleclass house frau with a tacky smock and a worry for every gray hair in her little head." ===== ===== As described in a film magazine, Mrs. Penfield (Carr), or Penzie, known for her goodness, lives in a little group settlement with her two adopted children. Crink (Devine), the eldest boy, finds little waif Lettie (Battista), who joins the family. Through Penzie's care the girl improves. Also in the neighborhood are the mysterious couple Frank (Sedley) and Gussie Bosley (Bonillas) who are counterfeiters. During a boat excursion sponsored by Alderman Curry (Hendricks), Frank is discovered passing off his false notes and Gussie gives Penzie a large bill to buy refreshments for the children but to return the change to her. Frank tries to destroy the evidence and burns the remaining bills in his pockets. Through his carelessness, the boat catches fire, forcing all on board to flee. Later, as the law enforcement net begins to close on them, the Bosleys prepare to leave but are apprehended by Secret Service men. Penzie, who has been falsely accused of passing false money, is exonerated. ===== ===== ===== ===== The play is set in Portugal under Spanish dominion, many years after the disastrous Battle of Ksar el-Kebir that cost Portugal its independence. The body of the Portuguese king, Sebastian of Portugal, was never recovered, nor was that of nobleman Dom João de Portugal, of the important House of Vimioso. Madalena de Vilhena, Dom João de Portugal's widow, has since married Manuel de Sousa Coutinho, a chivalrous knight of the Order of Malta. The two lead a virtuous and happy existence, along with their frail young daughter, Maria de Noronha, perturbed only by the silent reproach of a loyal servant, Telmo Pais, the only one who still believes that his former master shall return. Madalena has grown anguished the possibility of Dom João's return would mean her second marriage is bigamous, void, and that her daughter Maria is illegitimate. Dom João de Portugal (1863), by Miguel Ângelo Lupi (Chiado Museum) They live in Manuel de Sousa Coutinho's elegant palace in Almada, and receive word that the Spanish governors have decided to move their quarters to the residence to escape the plague that was devastating Lisbon: in a fit of patriotism, appalled by this arbitrary resolution, Manuel de Sousa Coutinho sets fire to his own house. While they escape, Madalena watches as a portrait of Manuel is consumed by the flames. They are now forced to live in Dom João de Portugal's uninhibited palace. The gallery of the old palace is dominated by a portrait of Dom João besides that of King Sebastian — which Madalena interprets as a grave omen. While Maria and Manuel de Sousa Coutinho are away, Madalena is being settled by her brother-in-law, Frei Jorge, when they receive the visit of an old pilgrim from the Holy Land: he tells them that he was kept in captivity for many years and that Dom João is still alive. When asked who he is, the pilgrim points at Dom João's portrait and replies "Nobody." Deathly ashamed, Madalena and Manuel de Sousa decide that the only solution was for them to go their separate ways and each join a convent. Telmo Pais tells Dom João about the frail young Maria de Noronha, and the old nobleman regrets his presence is causing the family such distress and is covering the woman he loved in dishonour: he bids Telmo to go and tell them all that the pilgrim was a fraud, but it is too late — the play concludes as Manuel de Sousa (now, Brother Luís de Sousa) and Madalena take their take solemn vows to live cloistered monastic lives, and the orphaned Maria de Noronha interrupts the ceremony with an emotional and feverish speech about how the social mores have torn their family apart before she succumbs to consumption. ===== Inventor Al Simpkins (Al Wilson) develops a new aviation fuel, he calls "Economo". Simpkins claims the fuel can gets a "1,000 miles to the pint." During a test, flight, he sees his sweetheart, Stella Hearns (Helen Foster) in an automobile with the wealthy and dishonest Silas Smythe (Wilbur McGaugh). When Smythe's automobile goes out of control, however, Al rescues Stella using a rope ladder. Just before the "Economo" demonstration flight, Smythe steals the formula for the secret fuel and refills Al's tank with gasoline, causing a crash. Stella then finances the next venture, a huge monoplane flying with a full tank of Economo. During a race, Smythe uses Economo in his aircraft. After Al discovers his formula is missing, with Stella on board the monoplane, he chases Smythe. When he catches the thief, Al drops down onto his aircraft using on a rope ladder, and retrieves his formula. He returns to his aircraft, wins the race and, naturally, Stella. ===== As described in a film magazine, small town idler Bill Moreland (Jones) meets and falls in love with Janet Ainslee (Brunette), a young actress who is stranded in town along with her company. Janet accepts the favors of Al Brownley (Mason), son of the richest man in town, in hopes of getting enough money from him to get back to the New York City. On the morning the company is set to leave, Brownley appears with the tickets but insists that Janet go for a ride with him first. Bill overhears this conversation and interferes. He raises enough money selling his three prize dogs to buy tickets for Janet. Janet advises him to come to New York City and get a job. Sometime later, Bill goes to the city and while working is caught in an accident. He is sent to a hospital and Janet sends him flowers. She gets a new "angel" to back her and almost forgets about Bill. After he recovers, he and a friend go to a roadhouse and rescue Janet from the attacks of this other man. Janet is then ready to marry him and return to the country. ===== ===== ===== ===== While Marge picks up Bart from a sleepover at the Van Houten house, Luann invites the Simpson family to their annual trip to Costa Rica. Marge hurries home to propose the trip and the family quickly accepts. Lisa overhears Homer and Marge as they discuss how expensive the trip will get and quickly becomes worried at the cost herself. At the airport, the Simpsons meet with the Van Houten family, the Hibbert family, Chalmers and his daughter Shauna, and Patty and her new girlfriend Evelyn, to go on the vacation. Though Homer tries to be nice to Evelyn for Patty's sake, Evelyn openly disparages him after what she heard about him from Patty. After arriving in Costa Rica, Lisa gets more worried by the expenses of the journey. Meanwhile Kirk keeps track of all expenses upfront and will split the checks at the end. At dinner at the Van Houten vacation home, Homer and Evelyn quickly discover they have a lot in common. The next morning, Homer and Evelyn stay at the beach while the rest of the guests shop. However, the group come back to find the two drunk and sunburned, having let in monkeys who have trashed the entire place. Marge is furious at Homer, and makes him promise to behave for the rest of the trip so she can get the perfect photo of them of their vacation. Homer and Marge snap the perfect photo of their vacation at a waterfall, but the wave from Evelyn splashing knocks the phone into the water. At dinner, Patty blames a depressed Marge for making Homer reduce her girlfriend to his level. Marge points out how Evelyn ruined everything for her and is a bad influence on Homer because she acts just like him, telling Patty she is "dating a Homer". Patty is horrified and abruptly breaks up with Evelyn that night. Bart finds Lisa upset and she reveals to him her financial concerns, so Bart suggests they show their parents the expenses in Kirk's book. They sneak into the master bedroom to look for the evidence. Underneath the bed they find what Lisa believes to be rare priceless artifacts. Lisa tries to expose the stones the Van Houtens are selling back home to pay for their vacation every year at dinner, but Kirk tells her off, pointing out that they are just salt and pepper holders: they were meant to be a gift for the families. The next morning, the Simpsons decide to leave the trip and are quickly given their bill by Kirk. In revenge for Kirk charging them extra for ruining the trip, the family sneak back into the bedroom to take the salt and pepper holders but inadvertently discover a painting of the explorer Kirkedemious Van Houten, who built the house the Van Houtens own, and confront the Van Houtens for making people pay for the trip with their own money while they get the house for free. In the middle of the commotion, Marge has a heart to heart with Patty, apologizing for causing her break-up with Evelyn. She tells Patty that while Homer hates her, Evelyn loves her more than anything else in the world. Patty then agrees to reconcile with Evelyn. Kirk bitterly refunds the families their money back so they can live the vacation like they intended to. Homer wants to go back to the waterfall to retake the perfect photo of him and Marge, but she convinces him that their vacation is not about being perfect, it is about living in the moment, just as a reconciled Patty and Evelyn kiss on the zipline. ===== At Springfield Elementary, the children perform dramatic scenes that they wrote themselves, based on TV shows and YouTube videos. Near the end, Lisa performs a scene based on her family, starring herself along with Database (as Bart), Ralph (as Homer), Sam (as Marge), and Kearney (as Maggie). This makes her family feel uncomfortable on how people see them from outside; in particular Marge for being perceived as boring. To change these perceptions, Marge tries to do a funny sermon at the First Church of Springfield, but fails. Going back home, a lighting hits a tree making the trunk fall on top of the car. The next day, Homer starts chopping down the trunk but soon goes to sleep on his hammock, so Marge starts chopping it herself. Patty invites her lumberjill friend Paula to watch her doing the job; Paula proceeds to coach Marge and invites her to become a lumberjill in the woods. Marge eventually takes up timbersports, and takes part in a team with Paula in the Springfield Timbersports Pro-am, which they win against other men. At this moment, Patty tells Homer that Paula is a lesbian; making Homer fear that Paula will try to steal Marge away from him. Paula eventually asks Marge to become her partner by training for a month in Portland, Oregon and she accepts, amplifying Homer's concerns. One month later, Homer and the kids go to Portland to bring her back, but find her getting acquainted in the house with Paula and unsure of coming back the next day after the competition, the Grizzly Timbersports Northwest Championship. They win and Paula tells Homer that she is not romantically interested in Marge; she has a wife who is a ribbon dancer in the Olympics and they have a child of their own. She also assures Homer that she and Marge are just good friends and that Marge is welcome to come back to train with her anytime. Grateful, Homer offers his sperm to her if she decides to have another kid, to which she promises to think about it. She then coaches Homer to offer to give Marge a ride home to Springfield. In the final scene, Homer buys Maggie a toy chainsaw so she could develop an interest in lumberjacking in the future. However, she gets scared by it as soon as she tries it. ===== Jerome and Jean de Ners are praying in front of the tomb of their parents. Jean is an idle young man passionately in love with a singer, Mary Winter. Jerome, a famous doctor, takes cares of him and worries about his outbursts. One night, after receiving a phone call from Marie, the woman he loves, Jean suddenly disappears without warning his brother. He drives to the south of France to live with his great love in a luxury villa. He buys a photo camera and wants to take a photo of her but she first refuses. One evening, they meet Harry Gold, a famous dancer, and she enjoys dancing with him. The following day, she finally let Jean take a picture of her. Jean is very happy, but the following morning, he finds she's gone away. The gardener says he has seen her leaving with Harry. Jean wants to go after them but he is delayed by a flat tyre. While Mary and Harry enjoy their love story while going on with their respective dancer and singer careers, Jean is desperate. Looking at the camera still containing Mary's unprocessed photo, he realises he will never see her again and shoots himself. At the same moment, his portrait hanging in Jérôme's house falls from the wall and he understands something terrible has happened to him. One day Mary faints during one of her shows. Jerome, who was attending the performance gives her first aid. Discovering that she is Jean's brother, she tries successfully to seduce him. Jerome is informed that a trunk with Jean's belongings has been found in a villa on the French Riviera which is being transformed into a hotel. He travels by train to the south of France to recover it and Mary, breaking her dancing commitments follows him. They stay in the villa now turned into a hotel. Jerome finds the letter left by Jean where he explains that he killed himself for the love of a cruel woman. Mary still hopes that he will not discover that she is the cruel woman but Jerome then finds the camera with the film still in it. When he processes the film and recognises her, she understand their love is impossible and runs away and faints on the beach. Jérôme brings her back to life and while she resumes her singing career, she seems to enjoy only charity Christmas parties and hospital parties. The enigmatic title of the film refers to the size in centimetres of the photograph taken by Jean. ===== left Rose Manning, played by Leah Baird, is traveling home when a storm breaks out. She needs to take shelter and dry-off. She sees a nearby roadhouse and pulls-in. As luck would have it, taking refuge in the same lodge is an old boyfriend - Herbert Olden played by Emory Johnson. Suddenly like the storm, prohibition agents show up to raid the lodge. Panic ensues. Even though Rose was drying her clothes, and only partially clad, she still manages to bail out a back window. Herbert likewise follows her outside using the same window. Herbert senses she's embarrassed and cold, so he offers his coat. Rose makes it home. She walks in the front door after midnight wearing Herbert Olden’s coat. Rose's husband suspects she is having an affair. Her husband, John Manning played by Edward Peil Sr, immediately orders her to pack up and leave. Rose pleads her case, but John will hear none of it. John states he will file for divorce in the morning Herbert Olden’s mother remembers Rose. The Rose she knows couldn’t have a secret affair with her son, despite what her husband thinks. She talks Rose into making one final appeal to her husband to take her back. Once again, her husband will not accept her explanation. He still intends to file for divorce. Herbert Olden feels sorry for his old flame. He tries to make things better by offering to marry Rose once she gets her divorce. Rose is emotionally distraught, decides to accept his marriage proposal. The wedding plans solidify and the wedding scheduled. On the day of the wedding, Rose finds out she is pregnant. She is carrying her ex-husband’s child. Herbert discovers Rose is expecting. He also finds out the baby is John Mannings. Herbert decides now is the time for a reconciliation between Rose and John. John is having second thoughts about his divorce. Then Herbert appears and informs John of Rose’s condition. John believes he made a big mistake when he parted ways with Rose. John drives to the church where the wedding is about to take place. He begs Rose for forgiveness. Rose forgives him. John takes Herbert’s position on the altar. The reunited couple is married. ===== The narrator meets an old Roma traveller Makar Chudra and has a conversation with him outside the camp, revolving mostly around the theme of freedom. Noticing his guest's interest in his daughter Nonka's singing, Makar warns him against falling victim to female charms and relates a story of a strong, handsome and fearless man Loiko Zobar and Radda, the latter's beauty matched only by her fierce sense of independence. Radda, well aware of her power over Loiko, orders him to kneel before her, in the presence of other men. His spirits crushed, he promises to do so the next day. Which he does, but only after putting his knife through the heart of his beloved one, to be promptly killed by Danilo, Radda's father. The story ends with the narrator having a vision: bleeding Radda walking through the skies, and Loiko behind, never able to catch up with her. ===== ===== ===== Alfred "Alfie" Homer is a botanist who has just broken up with his long-term girlfriend, Anne, and who is coming up on the year anniversary of his parents' death in a car accident. He is invited to take a road trip through Southern Ontario with a friend of his parents, Morgan Bruno, a literature professor writing a book on a mysterious poet, John Skennen, who lived in various towns in Southern Ontario before mysteriously disappearing. As they travel through several small towns, Homer and Bruno encounter several exploitative and malevolent practices kept up by the smaller towns. In Nobleton they witness a house raising and a house burning, where poor families who have been given the raised house from the previous year must struggle to keep it from burning or be homeless again. In Coulson's Hill they witness the Indigenous Parade, a festivity of reparations for oppressed minorities to be given the opportunity to throw fruit at the colonial oppressors of the past which overtime had grown so increasingly racist and prejudiced that when Homer and Bruno arrive all participants wear blue sheets in order to disguise their identities. They then proceed to the town of Schomberg where a long standing law forbidding black people to talk during the day has led to the rise in a region specific sign language. While in Schomberg, the two pick up a hitch hiker who persuades them to head to New Tecumseth to visit the museum of Canadian Sexuality. While the museum leaves Homer feeling disconcerted, Bruno befriends their tour guide, Michael. Michael invites Bruno and Homer to visit them in Marsville. While there they befriend Michael's roommate, Judith, and her father John, who reveals himself to be John Skennen, now going by his birth name, John Stephens. Stephens reveals that after his girlfriend left him he was devastated and walked to Feversham, a town with more religious leaders than the Vatican City, where he had a religious experience that convinced him to tend the road to Feversham for 21 years and which caused him to accept the loss of his girlfriend and eventually, to quit writing poetry. Hearing of his experience Homer realizes that one of the things Stephens has described is a rare plant that Homer had been looking for. Homer goes to Feversham where he finds the plant and also has a vision. Returning to normal life Homer discovers that he suddenly has healing abilities, something that Bruno is skeptical of, despite witnessing Homer heal an arthritic man and two dogs near death. They go to see Skennen in his home in Barrow where Skennen tells Homer that people who have visions in Feversham often get one of three gifts. Skennen can cause anything he touches to multiply, which he demonstrates by multiplying grains of sand, Homer has the power to heal, which he does by resurrecting a dead mouse, and the third and final gift is the ability to cause fires which is the rarest of all and which Skennen only claims to have seen in one other person. Skennen also warns Homer to keep his gift secret, telling him of a man with healing abilities who was caught and abused by a biker gang who eventually murdered him. Homer returns with Bruno to Toronto and lies to him about his gifts, reassuring him that Skennen told him that his restorative powers were a delusion. Returning home Homer contemplates whether his ability to resurrect animals extends to humans and contemplates resurrecting his own parents. ===== The framing story is set in Germany circa 1889;The prologue begins with "Fifty years before the war to end all wars ..." while playing hide-and-seek with his friends, Otto becomes absorbed in a book he had purchased from a Gypsy entitled The Thirteenth Harmonica of Otto Messenger, which relates the story of three unwanted princesses given over to a witch for safekeeping. Their father, the king, had given each of them to a midwife shortly after their births while he was waiting for a male heir; the midwife, in turn, passed them on to her sister, a witch. After the heir arrives, the princesses are informed of their royal birth and prepare to rejoin their family; however, rather than releasing them, the witch curses the girls: Hohner Marine Band harmonica Otto is so engrossed in the story that he has wandered into the woods where the princesses have been trapped. He has in fact brought a harmonica with him (one pressed on him by the same Gypsy who sold him the book) and is able to retrieve their spirits, now stored in the harmonica. When the story resumes almost 70 years later, the harmonica is discovered in a storage room of the Hohner factory by Friedrich Schmidt; it is in a box marked "Marine Band/1896" with a matching cover plate for export to the United States and is distinguished by a red script letter M on the pearwood comb. Herbert Hoover with Albert N. Hoxie and the Harmonica Band of Philadelphia The novel traces the journey of the harmonica from Friedrich to two orphan brothers, Mike and Frankie Flannery in Philadelphia, and then to a migrant worker's daughter, Ivy Maria Lopez in California. Each child has unusual musical talent and faces unique challenges in their lives: Friedrich, who dreams of being a conductor, was forced to drop out of school after the bullying that resulted from his appearance, and is threatened with sterilization in Nazi Germany; Mike, a talented pianist, wishes to join Albert N. Hoxie's Philadelphia Harmonica Band of Wizards as a way to escape the orphanage and poverty while taking care of his younger brother, Frankie; and Ivy, just discovering her talent and love for music, is forced to attend a segregated school while helping her father and mother take care of the Yamamoto family farm after the Yamamotos were forced into internment camps after the attack on Pearl Harbor. ===== A happily married couple, Shimla Ali (Niuma Mohamed) and Imran Mohamed (Ali Seezan) deals with the unfortunate news of Shimla's infertility. She suggests Imran to marry another woman to fulfill his father's dream of having a grand- child. Imran storms off with anger and assured he will not marry anyone else. Desperately, Shimla begged her best-friend, Fathimath Rishmy (Nadhiya Hassan) to enter Imran's life as his second wife which she declined. However, as a favor for a friend in need, Rishmy later agreed to move on with the plan while keeping their friendship as a secret. ===== The film shows how women fight against social superstition and unsocial elements in order to enact societal change. ===== The film revolves around Tuku, a simple girl whose parents are worried because she doesn't have any qualities and not getting married. But her sister is a smart and talented girl. Many families came to see Tuku but each time she was rejected. She has an ongoing affair with Pablo, a rock star who is not willing to commit fully yet. Her rebellious sister is also in a relationship with a boy called Akash and regularly gets gifts from him, but refuses to let him know that she is interested in him so that he would chase her. One day a family comes to see Tuku. But before the marriage her would be mother-in-law places a condition on her that she has to be an expert in knitting. Eventually she goes to her aunt's house to learn this art. There she meets Shamyo, a violin player. In spite of being a cancer patient, his optimism towards life inspires Tuku a lot and transforms her into a confident and new person. On the other hand, though Akash is invited to her home, he refuses to marry her sister as he had realised that Tuku's sister had only used him for a give and take relationship. When Tuku returns to her home, she refuses her marriage proposal and pays back Pablo as well for the cutlets he used to feed her for two years. ===== In 1947, Mary Lennox is found abandoned, in her home in British India, her parents having died from cholera and she is forgotten in the turmoil of partition. Mary is sent away to her uncle, Lord Archibald Craven's Misselthwaite Manor in Yorkshire, England. She is an unpleasant and unkind young girl who has had to repress her own emotions whilst growing up in the Raj. Upon arriving in England she meets Mrs Medlock, a strict and firm lady who is Lord Craven's servant and housekeeper. Mary is instructed to not explore the house and is confined to her room at night. There, she meets Martha, a servant who is unsettled by her demands. Mary is allowed to leave the house to explore the estate and woods nearby and stumbles upon a stray dog whom she names Jemima. Later that night, she hears tiny screams and wailings throughout the corridors only to find Lord Craven's bedridden son, Colin Craven. The next day, Lord Craven sees Mary in his study and confides in her to not cause any trouble. Mary continues her escapade of heading to the forest in which she finds a hidden garden by climbing a wall. Later, on the way home, she calls out to Martha's brother Dickon who fades within the mist of the moors. Later she finds Jemima's leg caught in a trap. She helps Jemima by freeing her from the trap but the dog runs away into the garden. Subsequently Mary continues to explore the garden Mary is then guided by a Robin to a stone statue within the garden which has a key to the garden within it. She leaves the garden as Mrs. Medlock calls out for her. Back at the estate, Mary meets with Colin again as he talks about having a hunchback and is not able to walk. She reveals to him the garden on their estate but Colin is uninterested. She later snoops around, finding a room with pictures of both Mary's mother and Grace Craven. She grabs a souvenir, a pearl necklace. The next day, Mary heads back into the garden to find Dickon who offers to help heal Jemima. Mary then brings Colin on his wheelchair for the first time to the same room with his mother's pictures and dresses. Both Mary and Dickon hatch a plan to bring Colin to the garden in hopes of healing his immobility, But upon returning, Mrs Medlock confronts Mary for stealing the pearl necklace and she is reprimanded by being sent to a boarding school. Later confined in her room, Mary finds letters written by Grace Craven in a rocking horse. She persuades Colin to read them and the three continue reading letters in the garden. A depressed and distracted Lord Craven in his study, tries to light a candle but sets the desk on fire. The next morning, Mary, Dickon and Colin are in the garden when they notice black smoke coming from the house. Colin persuades Mary and Dickon to leave him to check it out. Mary enters the burning house to find a frantic Mr Craven looking for his son in the blazing fire. She tries in vain to convince him to escape as his son is safe outside, but he resists until he sees the ghost of his wife, Grace who guides them out safely. The fire brigade arrives and the two leave safely. An anxious Lord Craven and Mrs Medlock are brought by Mary and Dickon to Colin in the secret garden. Lord Craven gazes in awe at his son's mobility as the two rekindle their relationship. The film ends with Lord Craven rebuilding the estate and Mary, Dickon and Colin all having fun in the secret garden. ===== ===== ===== Novelist Mabel Vere (Constance Talmadge) is engaged to Gerald Wantage (Emory Johnson). Mabel is also writing a new book. She needs ideas for her new book. She hatches a plan where she will advertise for a husband and see if the candidates provide the literary inspiration she needs. Gerald is a "stuffed Shirt" who angrily objects to her plan. She proceeds anyway. It is decided that Mabel's roommate, Maud Bray (Vera Doria), will screen all responders and frighten away the less desirable suitors. This allows Mabel to respond to the more interesting letters. Shortly Mabel becomes embroiled in a number of adventures. One of her applicants is a butler. He is employed by Noel Corcoran (Harrison Ford). As it turns out, Noel has also has answered the ad. Noel informs Mabel that Gerald has bet the other members of his club that she will stop answering letters. Mabel is furious. She starts responding to several particularly lurid letters. Gerald promptly breaks off their engagement. Meanwhile, Noel, who is rich, has fallen in love with Mabel. Noel gets down on his knee and proposes. Mabel accepts his proposal. ===== ===== Shortly after revealing himself to the world as the superhero Iron Man, Tony Stark decides to fully move on from his former life as a weapons dealer by deactivating the "Gunsmith," an A.I. modeled after him that was designed to assist Stark with manufacturing weapons and planning out battle tactics. While breaking the news to the Gunsmith, Stark reveals that the A.I.'s "retirement" will consist of "full internet privileges" and that his consciousness will continue to exist. Five years later, Stark has cemented himself as a world-renowned hero and member of the Avengers, having walked away entirely from weapons manufacturing, much to the dismay of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury. After appointing his former assistant Pepper Potts as the new CEO of Stark Industries—now a clean energy company—Stark is attacked aboard a company jet by a mysterious computer hacker known as "Ghost," who uses a tech suit that allows her to fly and to phase in and out of solid matter. Ghost blames Stark for all the deaths caused by his weapons over the years and attempts to exact revenge by reviving a series of Stark-manufactured combat drones and having them attack Stark Industries' assets across the globe. Blindsided by the effectiveness of Ghost's initial attack, a desperate Stark reactivates the Gunsmith due to his instrumental role in designing the drones now used by Ghost, much to the dismay of his current A.I. assistant F.R.I.D.A.Y., who has been modeled to exemplify Stark's new, more heroic aspirations and goals. After the Stark Tower in Shanghai is attacked, Iron Man races there to find Ghost waiting for him, who expresses her desire to seek justice for "Tim Shung," a name that neither Stark nor F.R.I.D.A.Y. recognize. When Iron Man is overhelmed by Ghost's drones, the Gunsmith revives his powerful unibeam weapon, allowing him to destroy them. Meanwhile, Ghost's attacks catch the attetion of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Fury calls Stark to the Helicarrier to offer intel on her, just as Ghost attacks, but is driven off by Iron Man and the S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel. Stark then learns that a former disgruntled Stark Industires employee named Arthur Parks has been revived by Ghost and provided with laser armor technology to assist her in her vendetta against Stark. Ghost later attacks Stark's home in Malibu, prompting the Gunsmith to employ orbital satellites to destroy her contingent of drones, while causing a massive amount of collateral damage. F.R.I.D.A.Y. leaves in protest of Tony's continued association with the Gunsmith, whom she sees as embodying the dangerous impulses of his former, pre-heroic lifestyle. After tracking Parks, now calling himself the "Living Laser," and Ghost to a Roxxon facility in Kazakhstan, Iron Man defeats them both, but the Gunsmith commandeers his armor to kill Ghost against Stark's wishes. He resists and subsequently fires the Gunsmith, while Ghost escapes during the chaos. Stark returns home to find F.R.I.D.A.Y. who reassures him and refocuses him on the mission at-hand. After the Living Laser launches a solo attack on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, Iron Man defeats him and discovers the location of the base he and Ghost have been using: the same cave in Afghanistan where Stark built his first Iron Man armor to escape from his terrorist captors. Returning to the cave and finding the original armor still inside, Iron Man is attacked by Ghost, who forcefully removes the arc reactor keeping him alive from his chest. As Stark struggles through a "trial" Ghost has planned, he learns that she was orphaned as a child by an attack involving Stark weapons, and that her desire for revenge led her to correspond online with a faceless Stark Industries employee: Tim Shung. In her eyes, Shung was a hero and a whistleblower who selflessly revealed the extent of Stark's criminality before allegedly being killed by the company. F.R.I.D.A.Y. helps recover the arc reactor and Iron Man defeats Ghost, who is subsequently aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. Later, Stark and Pepper realize that "Tim Shung" is an anagram for "Gunsmith," who reveals himself as the mastermind behind the ordeal involving Ghost in an effort to maneuver Stark Industries into producing weapons again, believing the world was safer with Stark weapons on the market. Realizing he cannot go up against Gunsmith using his regular armor that the rogue A.I. has access to, Stark retrofits the newly recovered Mark I armor and returns to his home to fight the Gunsmith. There, he reluctantly allies himself with an escaped Ghost, who manages to go through an impenetrable barrier surrounding the mansion erected by the Gunsmith. Using the information that Ghost finds about the A.I.'s weaknesses, Iron Man defeats a giant construct of the Gunsmith wearing an advanced version of his armor, and destroys him for good. Afterward, Ghost ends her temporary truce with Stark and departs. Months later, Iron Man and Pepper—now in her own Rescue armor—are called into space by Nick Fury to examine a S.H.I.E.L.D. orbital satellite that has become suspiciously unresponsive. ===== Two children have the same dream about the same imaginary friend, a superhero named Rem Lezar. They paint a mannequin like their dream hero, which comes to life. The children try and find a Quixotic Medallion which will allow him to live longer than a day. ===== ===== ===== Janhvi is the respected and accomplished ideal daughter-in-law of the Mittal family. Loved by everyone, her decisions are always respected. But Janhvi has a secret vengeance towards the family. PK's younger son, Kabir Mittal is an army officer who returns home after six years. Soon, it is revealed that Janhvi is actually Pooja Sharma, daughter of Dr. Ashok Sharma. Twenty years ago, PK had framed Ashok and burned down the Sharma house. Ashok had managed to flee, Pooja and Rani but was unable to save himself. Thus, it had become Pooja's aim in life to avenge her father's death and family's destruction. Eventually, Pooja is successful in destroying the Mittals. She reveals to the Mittal family that she was neither Dhruv's wife nor their daughter-in-law as this was all a hoax to take revenge. Pooja takes over the Mittal house, leaving them homeless. Thus, starts a cold war between Pooja and Kabir. Kabir kidnaps Pooja's mother and asks Pooja to marry him in order to save her mother's life. Helpless, Pooja agrees and the two get married. Slowly, the two see each other's good side thus softening towards one another. Hesitant at first, they later accept having fallen in love with each other. Rani turns vengeful towards Pooja, unable to accept Kabir with someone else. Eventually, Pooja and Kabir clear through all the plotting and misunderstandings and unite. ===== The film depicts the story of Gudiya who hails from a small town Ranchi. She has a dream of becoming a popular pop sensation. Due to unwanted attention from local politico Thakur Bhaiya, she fled with his childhood friend Manish. Eventually Gudiya and her gang attempt robbery in local bank which goes terribly wrong. ===== In the not too distant future, doomsday prepper Marcus King has been preparing for the end of the world for many years. One day, while tracking the skies with his son Geoff, they discover a massive, potentially planet-destroying meteor hurtling towards Earth. Worse still, the meteor looks likely to hit a nuclear reactor. There is little time, but King quickly organizes his small group of highly militarized group and most of them make it to their bunker, a former missile silo, before the impact event, including Geoff and his daughter Melissa, but not her boyfriend Caden, nor himself. Ten years later, life has continued for those inside the bunker but food and medicine are getting low. After a disturbance outside affects the power in the bunker, the survivors find themselves in trouble. Their only solution is to send a group of people outside into the unknown world outside to fix the problem. After a brief power struggle underground, a team consisting of new leader Melissa, Geoff, Rogan, Shaina, and Tyler ventures out, shadowed by a woman in black. After fixing the power, they explore and salvage. Outside, the air is safe to breathe: people can live outside again. However, they soon also discover that humans who were exposed to the meteorite's radiation have been mutated and become cannibals. One by one, they are injured by the mutants. After Geoff is shot in the leg with an arrow, the group seeks refuge. The team encounters a man who leads them to sanctuary in the form of survivors living in a town resembling something out of the Old West where they meet Sheriff Elmore Leonard. Exploring further, they discover that when the sun goes down, the survivors turn into mutants, among them Caden, who taunts Melissa as he attacks. The woman in black, Sadie, called Preacher, shows great experience with fighting mutants, and reveals her knowledge of non-mutated survivors elsewhere. She participates in the combat that ensues, but does not survive. As Sadie did before her, Melissa takes on the mantle of Preacher in the search for survivors and sanctuary. ===== ===== Zaroon Shah is an NRI who comes to India to meet Kaynaat Shah to fulfill his father's wish though he himself is unwilling. When Zaroon arrives, he spots Saltanat Shah, Kaynaat's look alike and falls in love with her at first sight. When he meets Kaynaat, he gets confused on seeing the difference in her dressing and personality. Kaynaat, being an orthodox girl, lived and dressed in an extremely traditional and conservative manner while Saltanat, being a free spirited modern girl, lived life on her own terms and conditions. He discovers that Saltanat and Kaynaat are look alike cousins. Zaroon refuses to marry Kaynaat and asks to marry Saltanat. With time, Saltanat falls in love with Zaroon. She confesses her feelings to Zaroon and they both decide to get married. Kaynaat keeps plotting against Saltanat hoping to keep and Zaroon apart but fails. Soon, Saltanat discovers Kaynaat's conspiracies. Zehnab reveals to Saltanat that Kaynaat is her twin sister, not her cousin and convinces Saltanat to not expose Kaynaat. Saltanat and Zaroon get married. Kaynaat tries to jump off the terrace but is saved by Saltanat. Instead, Kaynaat pushes Saltanat off in hopes of being with Zaroon. Saltanat is admitted to the hospital, her condition being extremely critical. Kaynaat pretends to be Saltanat and tries to get closer to Zaroon but he ignores her. Laden with guilt, Zaroon blames himself for Kaynaat's suicide attempt. Madhav Sharma enters to take revenge from Kaynaat because 12 years back Kaynaat had killed his sister, Sakshi for having an affair with Kaynaat's father. Kaynaat's mother Zehnab had helped her cover up the murder . Madhav takes Saltanat with him, assuming her to be Kaynaat. Saltanat having lost her memory due to the accident doesn't remember anything and thinks she is the one who committed the murders. Eventually, Zaroon and Madhav discover that Kaynaat is pretending to be Saltanat. They join hands to fight against Kaynaat. Madhav starts falling for Saltanat. Saltanat regains her memory. Saltanat and Zaroon re-unite and spend some romantic time together. Madhav and Krish decide to move to Delhi. Madhav promises to write to Saltanat everyday. ===== ===== ===== A film director receives a telephone call from Asandhimiththa. She requests him to make a movie with her life story. She asks film director to give her an appointment to tell her story. The scene shifts to a bus where Asandhimitta and a young Wickramasekara are seated next to each other. Wickamasekara gives her sexual hints to insist her that he is willing to start a relationship with him. He gets down from the same place where Asandhimitta gets down and becomes her paramour. The story progresses with some hints alluding to the docile nature of Wickramasekara who tries to fit himself into the role of a house-husband. Asandhimitta is a ticket collector at a parking lot and she is subjected to ridiculous remarks of her body and her weight. Asandhimitta loses her job and tries to do several odd jobs like exorcist, however she fails. Then she puts an advertisement in an newspaper mentioning that she is going to start an association for helpless women. She and Wickramasekara visit an apparently rich family including two ladies named Madara and Samadara and Wickramasekara tries to deceive the divorced lady in that family. The film reaches its climax when Wickramasinghe strangled the ladies. Asandhimitta is arrested by the police in connection to these three murders and director tried to locate Wickramasekara alian Wicky with the help of Pradeep the landlord of Asandhimitta's house. At the end of the film the audience is informed that Wickramasera is a hallucination of Asandhimitta and the two male character are the younger and older version of the same character. The film ends with the juxtaposition of director cutting his birthday cake with Asandhimitta raised to a noose to execute death penalty by prison officers. ===== [Opening Credits show Police Inspector Shivani Shivaji roy clearing the UPSC exams in 2015 to become an IPS officer] In Kota, Rajasthan, a 21-year-old psychopath, Sunny (Vishal Jethwa), kidnaps an outspoken young woman, Latika. He brutally tortures and rapes her, then kills her. S.P. Shivani Shivaji Roy IPS (Rani Mukherjee) examines the case. The brutality of the murder disturbs her and makes her more determined to catch the killer. Sunny sees Shivani on TV when she appears at a press conference and promises to find Latika's killer. He taunts her by sneaking into her home and stealing her sari, using it to kill a journalist; he also hires Pravin, a tea-seller near the local police station, to kill the journalist's wife in a suicide blast, then takes Pravin's place as tea-seller to keep an eye on her, introducing himself as a mute boy named Bajrang. When Shivani brings in Lahanya, a child from the slums who had witnessed the blast, Sunny kills him in the toilet. When there is a media uproar, Shivani points out that Sunny is not afraid of being caught; he is doing all this because she has hurt his ego by insulting him on TV. He is a man of spectacle who is doing this for fame and pleasure. Sunny kidnaps a second bold outspoken woman (who once slapped him because he was secretly recording her); the police discover her already raped and tortured but still alive and manage to save her. The media attacks the police force for their perceived ineptness at catching Sunny and Shivani is set to be transferred. As the new S.P. is to arrive in two days, she strives to find Sunny in those two days. Sunny, acting as Bajrang, deliberately wounds himself and gets a lift from Shivani. Before he can strangle her, Shivani stops him, having realized that Bajrang is Sunny. The two fight but Sunny escapes. Shivani discovers that Sunny's next target is the female politician Sunanda; having failed to kill Shivani, Sunny had warned her that he would instead kill someone like her. That night, amidst the Diwali celebrations, Shivani and her team search for him. Shivani discovers him in the house of a local couple, having taken their daughter and Sunanda hostage and torturing them. Shivani goes to confront him but is knocked unconscious and tied up. When she awakes, Sunny is strangling Sunanda; to distract him, Shivani talks about his mother and his past, which she learned about from Sunny's father, who is imprisoned in Meerut. As a child, Sunny's father had tried to murder Sunny's mother, who had been an outspoken woman. In terror, Sunny's mother had hid on the terrace, but Sunny told his father where she was hiding; his father then killed his mother. The guilt of his mother's death has since caused Sunny to become unhinged and take that anger out on other confident girls. Shivani signals Sunanda and the other hostage to toss the nearby buckets of paint on Sunny, as he is asthmatic. She then gains the upper hand, beating Sunny with his own belt. She kicks him outside and continues beating him as the neighbourhood gathers to watch. ===== The show revolves around the manifestation of the unparalleled Tarapith, which according to legends is home to one of the 51 parts (Tara-eyeball) of Maa Sati. It depicts how the Tantric Hindu temple became the revered Shakti Peeth by regaling tales known and unknown that surround it. Set in 19th century Bengal, the show narrates the journey of the omnipotent goddess’ origin and her miracles, her connection with her ardent devotee Bamakhepa and the obstacles they overcome to abolish malpractices and superstitions in tumultuous times. ===== Mehul (Subhashree Ganguly) who is due to appear in her board exams, is infatuated with her tuition teacher, Babaida (Ritwick Chakraborty), who is a brilliant student himself, and his marks in the boards remain unbeaten in the entire neighbourhood. Mehul believes Babaida too reciprocates her feelings, as the otherwise calm and composed boy retaliates when somebody misbehaves with Mehul. A day, before holi, Babaida tells her that on holi he has something to convey her. She assumes that he is going to propose to her. On the day of holi, while she is waiting on the terrace (with abeer mixed with sindur vermillion), Babaida turns up with a beautiful girl and introduces Sayantika (Falaque Rashid Roy), his new girlfriend to whom he has recently proposed and the girl reciprocated. Babaida has been working with this girl in the same office and has also written his diary based upon her. Babaida puts the abeer on mehul and tells her, now she has to shoulder the responsibility of not just Babaida, but his better half too. Heartbroken Mehul puts the abeer on Sayantika and tells her from now onwards, she hands over Babaida's responsibility to her, and leaves. Now on, she starts avoiding Babaida, focusses on her studies. One day while returning home from school, a distressed Babaida meets her while she rudely answers to him, Babaida hands her a letter which Mehul takes quite reluctantly and goes home. Three months pass by. She eventually breaks Babaida's record in the boards. On the day of her result she gets the news of Babaida's suicide, rushes to his house and after watching Babaida's dead body, which is unbearable to her sight, she runs back home and breaks in tears. 4 years later, Mehul is seen working in a government company with low-paid salary with which she now has to sustain two households - one is her own and the other is Babaida's, where only Babaida's bedridden mother lives now. One day a colleague of Mehul, named Ananda encourages her to go to an ongoing interview in a big corporate company called Unicorn just opposite to their current office. Mehul goes there and after giving the interview she gets selected. She had tried for this job but has been rejected many a times. On the first day of her new job she meets the boss, Ranadeb (Gaurav Chakrabarty), who tells her to enjoy her life and be happy. The next day Mehul completely changes her attire to bold and voguish, by which her handsome boss Ranadeb seems to be swept off his feet. He tries different ways to get close to Mehul. Mehul also seems to reciprocate to his interest. Babaida's mother also dies in the meantime. One day Ranadeb invites her for dinner and in the process tries to sleep with her. Suddenly his phone rings and Mehul sees the one calling him is his wife, Sayantika, whom Babaida introduced as his ladylove. Ranadeb forces Mehul on bed and Mehul injures his head, suddenly the scene changes to Mehul running to a police station in her bare feet, with her clothes torn. She enters the police station, indicating that she has been raped and faints. It is only then, when the mystery behind Babaida's suicide starts unfolding. From the letter that he gave her, Mehul got to know that Babaida and Sayantika were friends since college. After passing engineering they both entered Unicorn as interns, along with few other friends. But Sayantika started to change after their boss Ranadeb began showing interest in her. Babaida would often find Sayantika and Ranadeb in a very close proximity in Ranadeb's cabin. One day after Babaida enters Ranadeb's cabin to confront him of an injustice done to one of his friends, only to find Sayantika and Ranadeb making out. Enraged, Babaida and Ranadeb have a little fight. Later on, Sayantika and Ranadeb conspires against Babaida, Sayantika runs to the police station in the same condition as Mehul is seen doing in the present situation. Sayantika falsely accused Babaida of raping her, for which Babaida had to face some legal charges. For a guy who had always been very studious and respectful towards women, that rape charge was too much to take, on the other hand his career was on the verge of ending. He couldn't take it and thus committed suicide. But before dying, he thought of Mehul and expected that only she would believe him as she loves him. Sayantika and Ranadeb married each other after Babaida's death. However, after the reason behind Babaida's suicide is revealed, Ranadeb is seen being arrested and, he and his wife Sayantika are charged with fraudulence. So by the end it was clear that Mehul entered the company with a motive to avenge Babaida's death. At the end Mehul speaks to Babaida's portrait and tells him that she is his wife as he colored her head with vermillion mixed gulal on the day of holi, four years ago. And being his wife, it was her duty to give him justice. ===== As described in a film magazine, L. William O'Connell (Moore) bids a fond goodbye to Shane O'Mealia (Graves) when he sets sail from Ireland to the United States. He promises that he will send for her. Three years then go by. He has ill luck in New York City, where he loses one job after another. After he helps Dugan (Collins) reform from drink, the daughter Judy (O'Connor) falls in love with Shane. Finally, Moyna comes to America with the Morahans and, misunderstanding Shane's interest in Judy, flies into a tantrum. However, it all ends happily. ===== As described in a film magazine, Fanny Daniels (Chadwick), after a short, successful career as a designer for Claude Lambert's (Imboden) establishment, meets, falls in love with, and marries wealthy young man Clinton Ferris (Glass). She had borrowed $500 from Claude to buy her trousseau for the wedding and now Claude demands its return. Fanny, embarrassed and unable to reconcile her former financial independence with asking her husband for money, goes back to work for Claude while Clinton is away on a trip. She uses a blank check given her by her husband to clear up her indebtedness with Claude, which puts Clinton in a financial hole. When he returns, he assumes the worst regarding the check and they quarrel and Fanny leaves. The marital difficulty is cleared up when Clinton discovers that Fanny is not and has never been romantically involved with Claude. The couple reconcile and agree to live on a fifty-fifty financial basis. ===== right ===== Raghu Jadhav and Dhanak Parekh are two individuals with contrasting personalities tied by the string of marriage, alliance and love. Raghu is a petty goon of Maharashtra. Savitri Jadhav, his mother acts as the matriarch of their village. Savitri wants her son to loot people so they can gain money and create a fearful reputation. Enter Dhanak, an aspiring IPS Officer. Raghu falls in love with Dhanak at first sight.Dhanak initially hates Raghu but later falls for him and the two marry. Savitri tries to create misunderstandings between Raghu and Dhanak but the two eventually sort things out. ===== Kesari Nandan wants to wrestle to fulfill her father Hanumant's dream. But Hanumant believes that girls cannot wrestle. Kesari fakes being a boy to wrestle and starts learning wrestling from Hanumant. When people get to know the truth about Kesari, they consider Hanumant wrong. Hanumant gets annoyed and decides to get Kesari married to her friend Unnati Dunavati's brother Jawahar. But Jawahar demands dowry. Kesari breaks off the marriage. Jagat gets paralyzed and Hanumant breaks down thinking his dream will never be fulfilled. Kesari starts working hard to fulfill her father's dream. In the end, Kesari wins the title of India Kesari. ===== ===== Zed is a British-Pakistani rapper who is based in New York. Before his world tour begins, he gets an autoimmune disease. He returns to see his Pakistani family in London. ===== Bharti, Harsh and others in the first ten minutes perform a funny short skit. After this, they invite celebs and play games on the show after which losers are given funny punishments. Celebs are also given funny pranks . In the meantime, all the celebs crack jokes on each - other . Amidst the episode, Gaurav Dubey enters portraying different characters such as Khatri. Bharti and Harsh also taunt each- other. The second season was titled The Khatra Show in which Celebs play games with Khatra Fans. In bottom of the show there is a task which audience perform if they wins they get a smart phone. ===== Harry Raymond, Canada's ambassador in Moscow, and his wife Marianne, who is in the early stages of Alzheimer's-related dementia, are summoned back to Ottawa by Michael Riordan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, where Raymond is interrogated by Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers Daniel Jackman and Greg Mahavolitch, and defended by his lawyer daughter Diana Marsden."Findley is simply superb: Stillborn Lover has rich themes and a stellar cast". Waterloo Region Record, March 29, 1993. Riordan is planning to run for the leadership of his political party following the recent announcement that incumbent Prime Minister Prescott is stepping down due to poor health; both he and his wife Juliet are anxious to avoid any taint of scandal that may ruin his path to the Prime Ministership, but the investigation takes a turn when Raymond reveals both that he is gay and that he knows the secrets that may bring Riordan's career down as well. ===== ===== The novel explores the life of Gloria Wandrous, a young woman having an affair with Weston Liggett, an older, married businessman. Set in New York circa 1931, it fills in her family background and sexual history, and it locates her within a circle of friends, their relationships, and economic struggles, providing a closely observed tour of "the sordid and sensational lives of people on the fringe of café society and the underworld". The minor character of Jimmy Malloy, a junior newspaper reporter, serves as O'Hara’s alter ego; he has the style of a Yale University graduate but not the means. The title of the novel derives from the pattern of telephone exchange names in the United States and Canada. Until the early 1970s, telephone exchanges were indicated by two letters and commonly referred to by names instead of by numbers, with the BU represented on the telephone dial as "28," followed by four digits. In December 1930 an additional digit was appended to the exchange name. BUtterfield was an exchange that provided service to Manhattan's well- to-do Upper East Side, and BUtterfield 8 was still new when the novel was published. ===== Ken Nagashima (Tomohisa Yamashita) is born with a small hole in his heart, a condition known as Ventricular septal defect with Aortic Regurgitation. Doctors did not expect him to live beyond one year but Ken miraculously turns 15. As a child, he has always been fascinated by birds. Since he set his eyes on the great mountain eagle as a first grade elementary student, he returns to the mountains year after year hoping to meet it again, believing the miracles that have happened are made possible by the strength he received from the great eagle. He later realises the true miracle making it possible for him to live until now is the strength he received from his family and those who supported him. ===== The film is a Biopic of a handicapped Indian Revenue Service officer Ajay Singh. ===== Danny, driver of a beer wagon, marries Mamie but, shortly after, his wife neglects him, infatuated as she is with Gaston Bouvais, an artist. When Mamie has a baby daughter, Daisy May, Danny thinks he's not her father and, desperate, starts drinking. Although he thinks she is someone else's daughter, he loves little Daisy May and, when the child grows up, she will travel with him in the wagons carrying beer. During one such trip, Danny, having drunk too much, loses control of the horses. In the ensuing chaos, the little girl ends up injured. Meanwhile, Bouvais - who has continued his relationship with Mamie all those years - manages to persuade the woman to leave Danny. But the accident in which the daughter and her husband were involved, awakens love for Danny in the woman. Mamie rejects the painter who finally leaves her alone and turns her attention to another one who then marries. Happiness returns to Danny and Mamie's house. Daisy May also heals and Danny resumes work starting a new career: that of driver of milk wagons. ===== In 2252, a lone folk singer named Rags Parkland performs at the Over/Under, his friend Gill's subterranean Richmond, Virginia, club ("Apocalypse in Tennessee"). Between songs, Parkland reminisces about his time during a stint in a penal colony on Mars and his romance with his former bandmate, Beaux Weathers ("Android Love Song", "Talkin' Mars Dust Blues", "Stella Charlemagne"). Parkland's songs are largely covers of songs by his old band, Beaux Weathers & The Future, and during one song ("One Hundred Years of Subterranean Society Blues"), the scene shifts back to 2241 when the full band is performing that same song at the Over/Under. Parkland, Weathers, and rest of The Future reveal a world through their performance in which partially constructed and fully constructed humans are illegal ("Never Find Us Now" through "Apple in the Sky"). All members of The Future except for Parkland are, to varying degrees, constructed, yet continue to play music underground as a way to pass along their shared history and hope. During one song ("Love You Good"), a perimeter warning light alerts the club that a raid is taking place. In defiance of the ban on constructed humans, Weathers and the rest of The Future play on against the raid, effectively giving themselves up, while Parkland shrinks back ("The Raid"). The scene shifts forward to Parkland and Gill in 2252 once again. They reveal that Weathers and the rest of the band have not been seen since that day and Parkland indicates that he intends to keep sharing their songs and spreading their story ("Delilah in the Rubble"). ===== Karl Brendt, a middle- aged man, is taking his children to the school when he gets an anonymous call from someone claiming that there's a bomb under his car's seats. The caller threats to blow the bomb, killing him and his children, if Brendt does not get him a large sum of money. ===== ===== A group of four young gladiators live on the Mediterranean island of Cornucopia during the height of the Roman Empire. They work in the island's Colosseum and protect the island from silly villains. ===== ===== Rachel Darwin, a pregnant woman going through a career crisis, has recurring dreams in which a shadow man wearing a fedora forcibly removes a deformed baby from her womb. Searching online, she discovers a world of night sufferers like herself, visited by watchers while they sleep. Her husband Scott believes that her experiences are hallucinations born from a subconscious still coping with his previous infidelity and a fear of childbirth. She seeks help and determines she is suffering from sleep paralysis. Troublingly, she also sees the "Hat Man" while awake, as a distorted blur in the background of a photograph, or a flicker in the corner of an eye. Rachel believes she may be being stalked by a malevolent supernatural entity. At her regular group therapy session for recovering addicts, Rachel shares her experience and befriends the only person who believes her, a strange man named William who claims to suffer from a similar sleep paralysis and visions. Rachel goes to William's apartment to learn more about his investigations into shadow people. His research has convinced him that multidimensional beings surround everyone, creatures who feed on human souls. Rachel is now even more terrified. She slips into an intoxicated dream confronted by horrors from her past. The nightmares get worse and Rachel begins to struggle as she slips between reality and nightmare. Scott takes her on a weekend getaway to an isolated winter cabin to take Rachel's mind off the Hat Man and rekindle their feelings for each other. Meanwhile, William examines photographs he secretly took of Rachel during group therapy and sees the Hat Man standing behind her. Rachel continues dreaming of the Hat Man at night and catching brief glimpses of him during the day. Frustrated with Rachel's aloofness and strange behaviour during her waking nightmares, a drunken Scott tries to rape her. Rachel knocks him out and returns to the city in their car. Rachel spends the night at William's. He shows her the pictures he took of her, but the Hat Man is not there. Rachel believes him; the same thing happens to photographs she has taken. Rachel and William have sex. He is sure that, with her help, he can put a stop the shadow figure. The next morning, Scott wakes and has his legal assistant Sally pick him up. Scott learns from the recovery group leader that Rachel was last seen with William. Scott bribes the group leader for William's address. William hypnotizes Rachel in an effort to explore her subconscious and confront the shadow man. Rachel once more has a vision of the Hat Man removing the baby from her womb. Rachel sees her childhood home, where the shadow man appears behind Rachel's mother after she kills herself in the bathtub. Rachel sees William's apartment and her own hypnotism session. William realizes that Rachel is astral projecting. She sees the Hat Man appear and kill William by supernatural means. Rachel stabs herself in order to wake up, and discovers William has indeed been killed. Arriving at William's during the attempt to fight the shadow man, Scott finds the door locked. The Hat Man attacks Rachel, who wrests his knife away and stabs him. He dissipates. Scott tries speaking with Rachel through the door, and she realizes that her belly is bleeding. The Hat Man reforms out of the shadows and stabs Rachel repeatedly to death. The door then unlocks on its own, and Scott discovers to his horror the two corpses. Scott is arrested for the murders. During questioning, Scott realizes that his wife was telling the truth when he sees the Hat Man materialize in a photograph as well as behind the interrogating detective. ===== A Teen Night Out is a racy, supernatural, terrifying, suspense story of a NIGHT OUT at a film studio by a group of teens based in 1978. The film follows seven teenagers who find their lives in jeopardy after getting trapped in a haunted mansion. ===== ===== The film depicts panning shots of 367 human legs from foot to thigh. The film is 70 minutes in length and ends with a shot of Lennon and Ono's buttocks. The soundtrack for the film consists of comments made during filming. The film's credits are read out by Lennon. ===== The main plot is divided into four chapters Chapter One: Natasha's wedding The film starts with the preparations for Natasha's wedding going in full swing. A close cousin of Natasha, Shehryar Aziz is a struggling drama actor. His two friends are Arshad (an aspiring director) and Shabbo. Shehryar is a commitment-phobe and hates it when his mother, Farida brings up the subject of getting him married. At Natasha's wedding, he meets Natasha's cousin, Saniya who has come from Turkey. Shehryar is instantly smitten by her and he tries to flirt with her. At night, he takes Saniya to explore Karachi, the city of lights without informing anyone and the two fall in love. When Shehryar asks for her phone number, she jokes that given his nature, she would give him her phone number and then she would keep waiting for his calls and he will ignore her. She, nevertheless, gives him her number. Shehryar learns from Saniya that she would be leaving in two days and was here to Pakistan to attend Natasha's wedding and to drop her father, Faisal (who is a famous writer) with his family members in his homeland just as he wished. Saniya goes back to Turkey. Farida decides to join the drama industry just to 'pass time' which frustrates Shehryar immensely and in his frustration and his friends teasing him about Saniya, he ignores several calls and texts from her. As he is about to receive her call, he is mugged and Saniya comes to believe that Shehryar has used her. Chapter Two: Rustom's Wedding Faisal writes the script for a drama titled Parey Hut Love and informs Shehryar that he would be cast as the lead. Shehryar is overjoyed but has no one to finance the production of the film. Meanwhile, Farida makes it big in the industry and becomes famous. Rustom, a distant relative of Shehryar who is a Parsi proposes to Tanaaz, his cousin. Shehryar is elated to learn that Saniya has come for the wedding but is heartbroken when Saniya makes him meet her fiancé, Hassan. She deliberately attempts to make Shehryar jealous by openly praising Hassan. The wedding takes place. Shehryar confronts Saniya after it and tells her that his phone was stolen. Saniya refuses to believe him and tells him that it is too late and that she will not leave Hassan at any cost. Shehryar goes to several producers only to be repeatedly rejected for the script of Parey Hut Love. Shehryar's stepfather (who Shehryar calls 'Half Dad') finances the production. Shehryar for the first time calls him 'dad'. The production of Parey Hut Love begins but Saniya arrives to inform Shehryar of Faisal's increasing brain tumor and gives him the card for her wedding which is to take place in Kashmir, Faisal's hometown. This leads to a major fight between Sheheryar and Arshad who is more focused on his project. Shehryar leaves for Kashmir. Arshad follows him and they reunite. Shehryar tells Saniya that his biological father did not love him at all, even though Shehryar loved him and left him and his mother. Thus, he became a commitment phobe. Chapter Three: Saniya's Wedding Saniya's wedding comes up and Sheheryar falls into depression stemmed from Saniya's rejection. Shehryar begs her to forgive him and marry him, and to leave Hassan but Saniya implies that she can't. Meanwhile, Faisal passes away. The wedding is immediately postponed and Faisal's funeral is arranged. Saniya leaves in the misery caused by her father's death and Shehryar's fierce love for her. Chapter Four: Shehryar's wedding A few years later, Shehryar is a successful actor and is engaged to megastar Zeena, who loves him. Shehryar also reciprocates her feelings but still loves Saniya. Saniya tells Hassan that she is in love with Shehryar and breaks her engagement with him. Hassan forgives her and they continue as friends. Saniya, having learned of Shehryar's wedding (which is to take place in Turkey) from media reports, arrives at the wedding and tells Shehryar that she left Hassan because she told him that she loved someone else. Shehryar's feelings for Saniya rekindle. Zeena realizes Shehryar loves Saniya and not her, after seeing Saniya leave his room. At the wedding, Zeena motivates Shehryar to go after Saniya who was leaving for another city. Shehryar goes after her. Arshad and Shabbo express their liking for each other. Shehryar finds Saniya and tells her that he left Zeena because she found out that he loved someone else. The movie ends on a happy note with Shehryar and Saniya embracing each other. ===== A series of bomb explosions have been occurring in Hong Kong, causing fear amongst the public. Former bomb disposal officer Poon Sing-fung (Andy Lau) fell into a coma at a crime scene injured in an explosion and becomes top wanted criminal after the police suspects of his ties with the criminal organisation, the Resurrection Group. After waking up from his coma, Poon was interrogated and imprisoned. Poon escapes from prison in order to investigate the truth and prove his innocence. On his lonely and helpless road, Poon enlists the help of his comrade in arms, bomb disposal officer Tung Cheuk-man (Sean Lau). However, the two fall into a conflict of black and white as Tung must choose between justice and friendship. Tung decides to choose the latter and assists his friend. At the same time, Poon's ex-girlfriend, Pong Ling (Ni Ni), who is now the chief inspector of the Counter Terrorism Response Unit, desperate to discover the culprit behind the series of explosions, persuades Poon to come in contact with the Resurrection Group to find out this mysterious organisation's next terrorist move and prove his innocence. Poon realises that exposing the truth is just as challenging as disposing explosives, risking his life as he races against time. ===== The film is a retelling of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, recounting the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, played by Rupert Julian. Scrooge is an elderly miser and curmudgeon. Alone in his room on Christmas Eve, he is visited by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley Harry Carter. Marley’s ghost tells Scrooge three spirits will visit him over the next three nights. Scrooge's first visit is by the Ghost of Christmas Past (Wadsworth Harris). The Ghost shows Scrooge's development from a young boy to a young man. He sees how he started to become a miser. Then, the Ghost of the Christmas Present (Richard L'Estrange) appears, who shows Scrooge how the Cratchit family has fared. He finds out, unless the future changes, the Cratchit's disabled son, Tiny Tim (Frankie Lee), will die. The last spirit Scrooge meets is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (Tom Figee). This figure shows Scrooge scenes of people discussing someone's death. Nobody in the room seems concerned about the dead person. Scrooge doesn't know who the dead man is. Then, he finds out Tiny Tim has also passed. Next, Scrooge discovers he is the man whose death is celebrated. He vows to change his ways and become a new person. Finally, Scrooge wakes up at home and finds out all the spiritual visits happened one night. He also finds out today is Christmas Day. Each visit positively changed Scrooge; he transforms into a kinder, gentler man full of Christmas spirit. ===== Duneraiders is an adventure set on the desert world of Tashrakaar involving rival off-world mining companies. ===== ===== In Shunto's(daimyo) residence, Ogin gets a poison from daimyo's doctor, she plans to poison Shunto's wife by Chinsai's help. But Chinsai talks it to his younger sister Oyui. Oyui tries to seize the proof to get money. But she is killed by Umeno. The evil woman Ogin involves various people. ===== ===== Trail of the Gold Spike is an adventure in which the player characters oppose the evil Condor as he tries to run a family out of their mining business. Though written for Justice, Inc. , it was also "approved for use with" and included statistics for Chill, Call of Cthulhu and Daredevils. ===== A doctor is operating on a male patient. Under anesthesia, the man reveals that he is in a relationship with the doctor's wife. After the operation, complications arise, the man dies, and the doctor is convinced that he is the one that killed the man. In order to rid himself of the obsession, the hospital decides that he should do a similar operation and succeed with it. Because they do not dare risk any of the regular patients, the doctor's wife is selected for the procedure without him knowing who he is operating on. ===== Ranveer "Ronnie" Chaturvedi lives with his elder brother Vikram. Protective toward him since childhood, especially after their father's death, Ronnie is offered a job in the police force, but refuses due to his violent track record and convinces Vikram to take on the job. A timid and reluctant Vikram becomes a cop. When a hostage situation arises, Vikram is assigned the job and is terrified to face the criminals, but Ronnie accompanies him, fighting off the goons and helping rescue the hostages. He doesn't take the credit, and this process continues, with Vikram getting popular among the public and his department after each case. Ronnie and Siya fall in love and get their respective siblings Vikram and Ruchi married to each other. One day, Vikram is assigned to go for routine paperwork in Syria. Upon arriving, Vikram chats with Ronnie over video call but is suddenly kidnapped by a group of men who break into his home as Ronnie watches helplessly. Ronnie and Siya travel to Syria, where the police refuse to help them. They meet Akhtar Lahori, who helps them track Vikram and his captors. They go to Vikram's hotel while the cops start looking for the trio. In Vikram's room, Ronnie finds a damaged phone and escapes with Siya and Lahori before the cops can catch them. The trio finds the attacker, resulting in a chase. The exhausted attacker agrees to help before being hit by a truck and dying. Siya retrieves the attacker's phone and texts a goon named IPL to meet at a hotel. Abu Jalal Gaza, the mastermind, arrives to avenge his brother, the attacker's death. The main cop who supports Ronnie captures IPL while Abu escapes. Fearing betrayal from IPL since he's been arrested, Abu orders his men to take him down. Ronnie and the team cleverly stage a series of events that lead to Abu's henchmen believing they've been betrayed by IPL. They attack him, and upon being rescued by Ronnie, IPL decides to help him. Ronnie single-handedly battles Abu's army before going to rescue Vikram and the hostages. IPL sacrifices himself and Abu agrees to free everyone but captures Siya. Ronnie fights Abu's henchmen, but as Vikram starts getting enraged to see Ronnie being hit, Ronnie stops fighting back. He is stabbed and nearly killed, causing a transformation in Vikram, who jumps out of the cell and brutally fights off everyone, finally impaling Abu on steel rods. Vikram and Siya try to revive Ronnie, and as Abu emerges to attack them from behind, Ronnie wakes and kills him. Returning to India, Vikram is honored for his bravery while Ronnie imagines their father, a cop, saluting and hugging him for keeping his promise. ===== ===== Foe is set in the near future, and is narrated by Junior, who lives with his wife Henrietta on a remote farm. In the novel, all dialogue is punctuated with quote marks, except for Junior's, which has none. One night a stranger appears at their door who introduces himself as Terrance from an aerospace corporation called OuterMore. Terrance announces that Junior has been selected to travel to the Installation, a large space station in orbit around Earth. He will remain there for about two years, before returning home. Junior is deeply in love with Hen and is not happy leaving her alone. Terrance reassures him that while he is gone, he will be replaced by a biomechanical duplicate that will care for Hen. Junior is horrified. Terrance visits the farm house regularly to interview him and collect data to help configure his replacement. Relations between Junior and Hen become strained. He resents Terrance's presence and she will not talk about it. After about two years, Terrance moves in with them so he can monitor Junior's daily routine. Terrance also spends time interviewing Hen, which angers Junior. He manages to eavesdrop on some of their conversations, and it seems that she knows more about what is going on than she is telling him. Once Terrance asks her if she would like to get away, and she relates to him a fantasy she has of walking out on her husband. After seeing Terrance spend so much time with Hen, Junior becomes convinced that it is Terrance who will be replacing him when he has gone. One day Terrance congratulates Junior, saying that he did very well. Junior is confused, then astounded when another man looking exactly like him walks in through the door. Terrance introduces the stranger as the real Junior who has just returned from the Installation. He explains to a stunned Junior that he is the replacement sent two years ago to live with the real Junior's wife. Junior refuses to believe this and pleads with Hen for help, but she remains quiet. As he becomes filled with rage, Terrance says, "It's time for this to end," and shuts him down. The real Junior becomes the narrator, with quote-marked speech, and is pleased to be back home again with his wife. When he asks Hen what it was like living with "it", she says it was difficult at first. His behaviour was predictable, but he adapted quickly and she was surprised how much he genuinely cared for her. She says she regrets him having being shutdown. This angers Junior, who can't understand how she could have felt anything for her "fake digital husband". Their relationship deteriorates, until one day she walks out. That night she returns, but has changed – she is affectionate and cares for him. Junior is pleased to have his wife back as he remembered her. In the text, Hen's dialogue now has no quote marks. A few days later, Terrance visits briefly to check on them. Hen is pleased to see him and says that everything is fine. Junior agrees, adding, "things are finally getting back to normal". ===== Mi- yeong is a former police squad officer who starts working at the Public Service Center after her marriage. Ji-hye is Mi-yeong's sister-in-law as well as a rookie policewoman who works at the same center. They team up to solve the case of a young woman committing suicide and they discover a network of young men who drug, rape and film women and then upload the videos of rape on the internet for money. As the higher ranking police officers stay idle and refuse to help, the two women, with the assistance of a female hacker, start to round up the gang on their own accord. ===== A continuation of the tv movie Rock Sangkut, three young men Abadi, Kus and Rumi of small village Kampung Laut Menyanyi dream of becoming famous rock musicians, but are only able to play small gigs in their village. Inspired by Lobo, their religious friend, the three decide to pray to God for success in their becoming famous singers. Immediately after praying, they are approached by Haji, a rich man in the village, who introduces them to a music producer, Ustaz Mutawasitah. Lobo advises the trio to trust in God, and they make a religious vow that they'll take Lobo for umrah if their careers are successful. Ustaz Mutawasitah brings the trio to Kuala Lumpur to record music, but after two weeks Ustaz Mutawasitah has abandoned them, leaving them penniless and without most of their belongings. Without money to go home, the trio argue over their fate but decide to stick together. One night, they sleep inside a mosque and are found the next morning by the mosque's Imam. Imam helps them, and asks one of them to perform the morning adhan. Abadi rises to the challenge, and his melodious call impresses everyone. Imam suggests that the trio perform at a nasheed competition to win money so that they can return home. The trio trade their rock look for religious clothing, name their band "Halal Bros", and win first place in the competition. Imam takes them to Tasawwuf Records, where they are reunited with Ustaz Mutawasitah, who apologizes for his behaviour and returns their things. Halal Bros also encounter Suci, a highly successful and secretly egoistic nasheed singer. Suci is dismissive of the group, but is shocked when Halal Bros's first song is a hit and they become a phenomenon. The trio are pleased but overwhelmed by the response of fans to their music, and Kus and Rumi in particular are uncomfortable at pretending to be religious Suci repeatedly tries to sabotage Halal Bros, and when he has a bomoh send a spell to kill the trio, it has the accidental effect of revealing that Rumi has been using magic to improve his voice. Abadi is angered and shocked, and leaves the band. Since Halal Bros have a concert coming up, Ustaz Mutawasitah asks Suci to become their new lead singer. However when Imam falls ill, his daughter Cahaya asks Abadi to return. He does, leading into Suci's dismissal a heartfelt reunion of the band, who embrace their new lives. Abadi, Kus and Rumi are successful and, as promised, go for umrah with their friend Lobo. ===== ===== As described in a film magazine, the black powder and fireworks plant of Danby and Son is under the management of Bruce Henderson (Mayo). He loves Lucille (Ferguson), daughter of John Danby (MacDowell). Sales manager Richard Mower (Clary) is his rival for Lucille's affections. Bruce and the elder Danby quarrel, and Bruce is discharged, but Lucille stays faithful to him and they are married. Richard takes Bruce's place, but Danby is unaware that the promoted sales manager is stealing from him. The peace of Bruce's wedded life vanishes when Richard makes a call on Lucille. Bruce flares into a rage and makes such an exhibition of himself that his wife leaves him, returning to her father. The deserted husband goes fast downhill, but is still anxious to protect the Danby's from Richard's crooked work in the plant. Bruce, disguised, gets a job as a laborer in the plant and secures final evidence of Richard's guilt. Danby and his daughter enter the plant and witness a robbery executed by Richard and a confederate. Richard locks his employer and Lucille in a vault. Encountering Bruce outside, he fires a shot but misses him. The bullet strikes some fireworks and the plant explodes in sections. Bruce struggles desperately through the furnace of projectiles and exploding dynamite and rescues his wife and her father. ===== ===== ===== At the end of the previous film, Darlin', Peggy, and Socket Cleek joined the feral woman to live in the wilderness. Years later, Peggy and Socket are gone, while the now teenage Darlin' has developed a feral personality. One day, Darlin' is found by civilization and taken to a hospital, then a Catholic boarding school called St. Philomena's, where the staff and other students attempt to civilize her. A nurse named Tony who was the first to find and befriend her tries to look out for her, but is repeatedly turned away by the school for being gay. Though she has forgotten how to speak, she is renamed Darlin' after the name on her bracelet. She slowly regains her ability to speak and befriends some of the other students, especially a trouble-making tomboy named Billy, but has trouble adjusting to modern life and is disturbed by the school's teachings about the Devil. A greedy bishop attempts to exploit her for fame and fortune. Eventually, the feral woman enters the city and kills everyone in her path to retrieve her adoptive daughter Darlin', though she befriends a group of homeless prostitutes. The bishop is a pedophile who regularly preys on the girls, and had preyed on the school's Sister Jennifer when she was a child. He tries to seduce Darlin', only to discover she is pregnant. She reveals that her sister Peggy had died in childbirth after having a stillborn child, which made Socket run away. A few months ago, she and the woman captured a hiker and they had sex before the woman killed him. The woman made her go to civilization so that she could deliver the baby safely. However, due to the school's teachings and what happened to Peggy, Darlin' believes the baby inside her is the Devil, and repeatedly pleads with God to save her. When Darlin' is about to receive her First Communion, she attempts either suicide or to induce a miscarriage by drinking bleach, but all it does is make her sick. During the ceremony, Sister Jennifer plays a recording of the bishop confessing his crimes, which makes several people walk out in disgust. Darlin' bites a chunk out of his hand, but suddenly goes into labor. The woman and the homeless prostitutes storm the church and the woman kills the bishop. Tony, his boyfriend Robert, Sister Jennifer, and Billy help deliver Darlin's child, a girl. Darlin' tells the woman to take the baby far away. As sirens approach, Tony, Robert, Sister Jennifer, and Billy tend to Darlin', while the woman takes the baby and walks out. ===== The Shade of the Sinking Plain is an adventure in which a huge battle barge has been looting and sinking smaller ships on the rivers of a swamp. ===== The Ruins of Chicago is adventure set in Chicago 150 years after World War III, in which Morrow Recon Team G-12C are awakened from a long sleep for a mission. ===== Beyond the Wall of Tears is a solo adventure in which the player character's little sister has been kidnapped. ===== Operation Lucifer is adventure set in Wisconsin, in which the Morrow Recon Team G-5 is awakened by the US strategic defense computer Damocles. ===== From the Deeps of Space is an adventure scenario in which the player characters must stop the aliens from Capella who have invaded the village of Midville. ===== Bad Medicine for Dr. Drugs is an adventure in which the player characters are teenaged superheroes trying to stop a drug-dealing ring at their high school after their friend has overdosed. ===== The Dragon Lord is an adventure for beginning player characters in which a dragon has attacked the town of Barrisglen and kidnapped a visiting princess. ===== Orion Ruse is an adventure set on the Orion trade world of Daros IV, in which the player characters seek a lucrative contract with a wealthy trading family. ===== Alliance Rising takes place on Alpha Station, a space station located at Barnard's Star, about 6 light-years from Earth. It was the first of nine star-stations constructed by the Earth Company during Earth's outward push into space, and they became known as the Hinder Stars. Further exploration led to the construction of new stations, which later broke away from Earth after the discovery of faster-than-light (FTL) travel. No FTL jump points were found between Earth and Alpha, which restricted EC's control of their stations. Trade between space stations was conducted by family-run merchanter ships. In an attempt to regain control of Alpha Station, EC sent Andrew Cruz to Alpha to manage the building of The Rights of Man, a large FTL ship using stolen plans for Finity's End, a merchant ship based at Pell Station. Earth neglected maintenance of Alpha and focused on the construction of Rights. Stationmaster Ben Abrezio attempted to placate both EC and the merchanters, upon whose trade the station became dependent. A decade later construction of Rights is complete, but its first test run is a disaster and has to be aborted due to system failures. Finity's End arrives at Alpha, fuelling speculation that Pell wants to wrestle control of Alpha from the Earth Company. But Finity's real purpose is revealed to be the establishment of an alliance between all merchanter ships that would unite them against the Earth Company and stations attempting to control them. Finitys senior captain, JR Neihart, tells the merchanter captains that once jump points between Earth and Alpha are found, the Earth Company, which is very likely building their own FTL ships at Sol Station, will come. Abrezio does not reveal that he has potential jump point coordinates for the Earth-Alpha run. They were discovered by a retired scientist on Alpha after trawling through data collected from slower-than-light ships travelling this route. Abrezio keeps the coordinates a secret because he fears that once Earth arrives, they will upset the balance of power in the region by monopolizing trade between the stations. But when Cruz threatens to take over Alpha, he sends the coordinates to Earth via the light-speed Stream. He hopes that once Earth arrives, they will see how Alpha has deteriorated, will find that the very expensive Rights cannot jump, and will remove Cruz. However, things on Alpha worsen and Abrezio decides to speed up the delivery of the coordinates to Earth by sending an FTL ship, using the untested jump points. That will cut down the transmission time from six years via the Stream, to less than one. He pleads with Galways captain Niall Monahan to undertake the dangerous trip. Abrezio assures him that by holding onto the coordinates, he will be the only FTL ship able to return to Alpha, and will be in a position to negotiate a good deal with Earth. Monahan agrees to undertake the risky run, and under a cloud of secrecy, sets off for Earth. But Cruz has gotten wind of Abrezio's plan and, after hiding on Galway with a handful of his staff, seizes control of the bridge. Ross Monahan, a navigator trainee on Galway, manages to escape with a copy of the jump points, and explains to Neihart and Abrezio that Cruz does not have the coordinates and is dependent on Galways navigator to get the ship to Earth. It becomes clear that Cruz wants to be the one to arrive at Earth with the coordinates and take the credit. ===== Champak Bansal is a widower and a sweet-shop owner in Udaipur, Rajasthan. He often fights with his half-brother Gopi, who runs a competing sweet-shop, but they're greatly fond of each other. Champak's daughter Tarika has always harboured a dream to travel and study abroad. Though she is poor in studies, Champak is strongly supportive of her dream, and, with some effort, she secures a high rank in her final school examinations, enough for her to secure a scholarship from London's Truford University, which has partnered with her school. On the school's Annual Day, Champak notices that the chief guest is Judge Chheda, who had accepted a watch as a bribe from Gopi a few days before so that he could win the rights to the Ghasiteram name. He goes on stage and exposes the judge who had emphasised on honesty and values in his speech, not knowing that he is the principal's husband. The following morning, he meets the principal at her home and asks for forgiveness, only for her to tear Tarika's scholarship letter to pieces and throw it on his face. He vows to send Tarika to London, come what may. With the help of a London-based acquaintance, Bablu, Champak and Tarika along with Gopi proceed to London so that Tarika can find accommodation there till college opens. However, Champak and Gopi are caught and interrogated by the airport police. When they inadvertently say that they have 'drugs', they are deported and their passports blacklisted. Tarika, who had been calling Champak, Gopi and Bablu to no avail, goes to a rented home, and starts enjoying the free-spirited London life while also trying to fund her education. Meanwhile, Champak and Gopi are referred to a fixer in Dubai, Tony, who gives them Pakistani aliases and forged passports. They return to London, under the names of Abdul Razzaq and Saqlain Mushtaq, and are briefly accosted by Naina, a cop. They find lodging in a house owned by Mrs. Kohli, who is Naina's estranged mother. When they meet Tarika, Champak is aghast at her lifestyle, and demands that she leave her lodgings or he will sever ties with her. Gopi asks him why he says so, to which he replies that this is in order to avoid getting caught by Naina. The two visit a police station, where Bablu is lodged; they pay for his bail, and he tells them that he is now penniless. One night, Mrs. Kohli has invited the Bansals for dinner on the eve of her birthday, when Naina suddenly barges in and says that since her mother has not cared for her, she can do whatever she pleases. The next day, Champak and Gopi find the senior Kohli unconscious on the floor, and rush her to the hospital, narrowly saving her life. When Naina arrives on the scene, she breaks down and realises the value of caring for her. Champak, Gopi and Bablu hear of a fundraiser organised by Truford University and reluctantly agree to bid for its renovation, which costs 300,000 pounds. At their wits' end for arranging for such a large sum, they agree to sell the Ghasiteram family name. When Champak tells Tarika the news, she is nonplussed. The next day, as the three go to a scrapyard to collect the money, Champak pours his entire story to Tarika, who is convinced that she should not have put him and Gopi through so much trouble to fulfil her dream. Tarika later decides to give up her London scholarship and study back home in Udaipur, to which everyone agrees. The film ends with Champak and Gopi making peace over the Ghasiteram name. ===== The main character is telling the story while in the present day as a senior citizen.Tasting Food For The Führer At 'The Wolf's Table', NPR, January 26, 2019. ===== Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) and her father Keith (Enrico Colantoni) are private investigators in Neptune, California, a popular spring break vacation destination. Real estate developer Richard "Big Dick" Casablancas (David Starzyk) campaigns for the enactment of city beautification laws; local business owners protest the likely expense of complying with such laws. Meanwhile, Veronica rejects a marriage proposal from her longtime boyfriend Logan Echolls (Jason Dohring). When a beachside motel is bombed, the Marses are hired to investigate by Congressman Daniel Maloof (Mido Hamada), whose brother's fiancée was killed in the explosion. A Mexican crime boss, whose nephew was another victim, sends two assassins, Alonzo (Clifton Collins Jr.) and Dodie (Frank Gallegos), to find and kill the bomber. Injured in the blast is Penn Epner (Patton Oswalt), a true crime enthusiast, who seizes the spotlight to accuse Maloof of the crime. The late motel owner's daughter, Matty Ross (Izabela Vidovic), investigates on her own; Veronica eventually takes her under her wing to supervise her. Veronica also befriends nightclub owner Nicole Malloy (Kirby Howell-Baptiste), and occasionally consults with Penn and his club of amateur crime-solvers. Their investigation implicates a local ex-con, who apparently commits suicide before he can be arrested. However, after his death, three more bombs explode in Neptune over several days. The Marses uncover evidence that Casablancas's fixer Clyde Pickett (J. K. Simmons) has been hiring the local juvenile delinquents, organized by Veronica's former friend Eli "Weevil" Navarro (Francis Capra), to mug spring break visitors, driving away tourism; Casablancas is then able to buy beachfront property cheaply, planning to redevelop the land for more upscale businesses. Veronica's ex-boyfriend Leo D'Amato (Max Greenfield), an FBI agent, arrives to investigate the case. His rekindled flirtation with Veronica eventually makes her realize how much she values her relationship with Logan. She loses her friendship with Nicole when she confesses to considering Nicole a suspect in the case and bugging her office, and decides to accept Logan's proposal. The Marses eventually conclude that Casablancas was responsible for the bomb at the motel, but the subsequent bombs were the work of a copycat. Casablancas is murdered by Alonzo and Dodie after Clyde tips them off to his guilt. The Marses arrest Penn as the copycat, but he hires them to prove his own innocence. Evidence is uncovered which briefly implicates Penn's fellow amateur crime-solver Don (Clark Duke), but Matty spots that the evidence has been tampered with: Penn was the copycat bomber all along, out for glory and attention. The Marses deduce the site of the next bomb, and Keith disarms the bomb with seconds to spare; but Penn gloats to Veronica as he is being arrested. Veronica and Logan are married that day. But a few hours later, Veronica's car explodes, killing Logan — one last bomb that Penn had set earlier. The next year, when Neptune is fully gentrified and spring break tourism is a thing of the past, Veronica leaves Neptune to solve cases on the road. ===== Set in Bognor Regis, Jones plays Pete Green, a depressed single father who works as a coach driver and discovers an asylum seeker after taking a coach party across the channel. ===== Moscow in the early 1970s. The heroes are the residents of a large communal apartment, different families, in particular, the Yakushevs and Banykins. Neighbors become almost relatives, and their fate is closely intertwined. The old house is going to be scrapped, and all neighbors will have to be resettled in different apartments. ===== Rachel (Diane Kruger) is a rogue spy from Israel's national intelligence force Mossad. She vanishes without a trace while attending her father's funeral in London. The only clue to her whereabouts is a cryptic phone call she places to her former handler Thomas (Martin Freeman), who is then summoned from Germany to Israel by Mossad. With Rachel's life immersed in her assignments as part of a vast espionage effort against Iran's nuclear program, Thomas must retrace her steps to determine what threats she may now pose to their operation, while also working to protect her. ===== In the introductory comic, Billy Batson is shown being thrown out of his uncle's house. Despite his hardship, he is still hopeful. Seeing this, the wizard summons him to the Rock of Eternity, there transforming him into Captain Marvel. After a long day at the radio station, Billy Batson's plans to go to a baseball game go by the wayside when he is asked to go through a mailbag filled with letters to Captain Marvel. Batson returns to his apartment where he lives alone, mentioning that he once transformed into Captain Marvel to sign the lease. Batson finds a letter asking Captain Marvel to visit a hospital for sick children. As Captain Marvel, he meets with the Wizard Shazam who tells him about a child in despair in desperate need of the hope which only Captain Marvel could provide. When he arrives at the hospital, the children are happy to see their hero, except for one child in a wheelchair who Marvel believes needs his help. In the meantime, Captain Marvel tends to the other children at the hospital and strives to make each of their dreams come true. He treats some of them to a trip to the zoo, a dive into the ocean, and he even brings back a doctor from Japan to perform a challenging eye surgery on a little girl. On one of his trips, things go awry when a nearby dam explodes due to illegal workers at a nearby government mine. Luckily, he saves the children just in time before the breached water brings them to a waterfall. Later at the hospital, Captain Marvel asks the lead doctor, Dr. Ellen Miler, about the boy in the wheelchair he met earlier. Marvel discovers that his father brought him to the hospital, explaining that his son fell down the basement stairs, and learns that the boy's name is Bobby. Noticing the bruises on his arm and his broken leg, Marvel soon deducts that Bobby had been severely beaten by his father. Captain Marvel decides to talk to the boy as Billy, hoping he'll open up to someone his age. Billy shares that he, too, has experienced a difficult childhood, and Bobby asks Billy if his father also hurt him. Later, Billy meets the child's father, and then threatens him as Captain Marvel, telling him not to hurt his son anymore. After his visit is over, Captain Marvel learns from the Wizard that it was Billy, himself, whose hope was waning, and that this visit served as a reminder for how he could inject good into the world. Happy as ever, Billy decides to visit Bobby to play a game of catch. ===== In 1930, Zuleikha lives in a small Tatar village in the Soviet Union with her husband Murtaza and her mother-in- law. As part of the dekulakization campaign, her husband is executed and she is sent into exile in Siberia. In the harsh climate survival is very difficult. She gets to know her fellow exiles and begins to build a new life. The novel is a historical fiction inspired by stories told to the author by her grandmother, although real incidents in the novel are based on the memoirs of other people. The fictional setting of the novel is based on the labor settlement Pit-Gorodok in Severo-Yeniseysky District, where the author's grandmother was exiled as a child along with her parents. =====