From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== A book that belongs to the Hindu god of death, Yama Dharmaraja (Goundamani), accidentally drops to earth. This book can be used to kill or save any human's life by writing his/her name in one of the pages of the book. An antihero character called Gopikrishna (Karthik) gets a hold of the book and abuses its powers for his selfish needs. Chitra Gupta (Senthil), Yamadharman's assistant, misses a book which contains all the details of human beings. The book falls into a city in Tamil Nadu. Brahmadeva orders Yamadharma to locate the book within one month. Chitragupta fears that if the book is seen by the human beings, chaos will happen. However, Yamadharma assures him that only the details of the person who is viewing the book will be shown by the book. Gopi and his friend (Thyagu) happen to see the book. They become rich, as they come to know the result of lottery beforehand by using the book. Gopi becomes rich by using the book. Meanwhile, Yamadharma and Chitragupta come to Tamil Nadu to search the book. However, they do not really understand the current civilization leading to fun. Gopi's opponent Sivaraman (Radha Ravi) wanted to know Gopi's secret of success, and he plans to steal the book from Gopi. One day, Gopi learns about the date of death of his mother (Manjula Vijayakumar) through that book. Now, Gopi wants to save his mother and win his lover (Sanghavi). Whether he succeeds or not and whether Yamadharma finds the book is the story. ===== In the year 1844 of the Edo Period, as the Tokugawa Shogunate is in decline, the sadistic Lord Matsudaira Naritsugu of Akashi rapes, tortures, mutilates and murders nobles and commoners at will. He is shielded because the Shōgun is his half-brother. Sir Doi Toshitsura, the Shōgun's Justice Minister, realizes that when Naritsugu ascends to the Shogunate Council, civil war will break out between the Shōgun and the many feudal lords Naritsugu has offended. Then, the feudal lord of the Mamiya clan publicly commits ritual suicide by disembowelment as a protest against the Shōgun's refusal to punish Lord Naritsugu, who has personally murdered the feudal lord's entire family. When the Shōgun still insists upon Naritsugu's promotion, SirDoi seeks out a trusted older samurai, Shimada Shinzaemon, who served under the former shōgun, and secretly hires him to assassinate Naritsugu. However, Naritsugu's loyal retainers led by Hanbei, an old contemporary of Shinzaemon, learn of the plot by spying on Doi. Shinzaemon gathers eleven trusted samurai including Shinzaemon's nephew, Shinrokurō, who together plan to ambush Naritsugu on his official journey from Edo to his lands in Akashi. Just before they leave, Hanbei arrives and warns his old colleague that he will suffer grave consequences if he tries to kill Naritsugu. The group, with the legal authority and financial assistance of Doi, buy the help of the town of Ochiai in order to create a trap. They also enlist the help of Makino, a feudal lord whose daughter-in-law was raped and son murdered by Naritsugu. With troops, Makino blocks the official highway, forcing Naritsugu to head into the trap; Makino then disembowels himself to conceal his own involvement in the conspiracy. During the assassins' journey to the town, they are attacked by masterless samurai who have been paid off by Hanbei to kill the plotters. The group decides to head through the mountains but end up getting lost. In the process they encounter a hunter named Kiga Koyata who becomes their guide and later the thirteenth assassin. The town is converted into an elaborate maze of booby traps and camouflaged fortifications. When Naritsugu and his retinue arrive, their numbers have been augmented by additional troops. The 13 assassins are no longer facing 70 men- at-arms; now they face at least 200. A lengthy battle follows, with Naritsugu and his guards trapped inside the village and attacked on all sides by arrows, explosives, knives, and swords - with the exception of Koyata, who fights with rocks in slings and with sticks. In the midst of the carnage, the sadistic Naritsugu is aroused by the bloodshed of the battle. He tells Hanbei that when he ascends to the Shōgun's council he will bring back the wars of the Sengoku Period. The assassins are killed one by one, but not before they kill nearly all of the Akashi forces. Eventually, Naritsugu and Hanbei are cornered by Shinzaemon and Shinrokurō. After Shinzaemon kills Hanbei, Naritsugu kicks his loyal retainer's head away, insulting the samurai who has given his life for him. Contemptuously, he announces that the people and the samurai have only one purpose: to serve their lords. Shinzaemon counters by telling Naritsugu that lords cannot live without the support of the people and that, if a lord abuses his power, the people will always rise up against him. Naritsugu and Shinzaemon mortally wound each other. Crying, crawling in the mud, and experiencing fear and pain for the first time, the lord thanks Shinzaemon for showing him excitement. Shinzaemon then decapitates him. Shinrokurō wanders through the carnage and meets the hunter Koyata who, having suffered a fatal injury earlier, runs up to him with characteristic vigor, unharmed. They make their separate ways out of the town after they briefly discuss how they intend to live their lives from then onwards. An epilogue states that the Shōgun and his government covered up what really occurred, announcing that Naritsugu died of illness on the journey back to his lands. Twenty-three years later, the Tokugawa Shogunate would be overthrown during the Meiji Restoration. ===== Bandleader Ricky Ricardo (Desi Arnaz) and his young son Little Ricky (Richard Keith) watch the latest episode of the Adventures of Superman television series, which concludes with the narrator stating that Superman will be making personal appearances in the coming week at Macy's Department Store in New York City. As Ricky's wife Lucy (Lucille Ball) enters and sends her son to bed, she promises to take him to see Superman at Macy's. Ethel and Fred Mertz (Vivian Vance, William Frawley) arrive and drop off favors for Little Ricky's fifth birthday party, which is scheduled for Saturday. Shortly thereafter, Lucy and Ricky entertain Caroline and Charlie Appleby (Doris Singleton, George O'Hanlon), whom the Ricardos consider to be good friends, except when they brag about their son Stevie (Steven Kay) – Little Ricky's best friend. Lucy and Caroline get into an argument when they realize that both of them have scheduled birthday parties for their sons on the same day, but neither will agree to change the date. Because Stevie and Little Ricky are in the same class at school and have the same friends, Lucy worries that none of the children will attend Little Ricky's party – especially since Stevie's party will include a clown, puppet show and magician. Realizing that she must have more exciting entertainment for her son's party, Lucy convinces Ricky to ask Superman to appear at Little Ricky's party. Since Superman is in town – and since Ricky met him when the Ricardos and Mertzes visited Hollywood – Ricky agrees to ask him. Meanwhile, Lucy promises her son that Superman will be there. Even Stevie wants to come to Little Ricky's party upon learning about Superman, thus Caroline relents and changes the date of her son’s party. However, Ricky later calls and tells Lucy that Superman will be leaving town on Saturday and can't appear at the party. Desperate to avoid disappointing Little Ricky, Lucy decides to dress up as Superman herself. She and Ethel hatch a plan whereby Lucy will use the vacant apartment next door to walk onto the ledge and enter through the window of the Ricardo apartment during the party, hoping to fool the children that she's the Man of Steel. During the party on Saturday, Lucy dons her makeshift Superman costume (complete with a football helmet to hide her red hair) and steps onto the ledge, just as Ethel enters the vacant apartment with a pair of prospective tenants (Ralph Dumke, Madge Blake), who have arrived unexpectedly. Meanwhile, Ricky returns home with the real Superman (George Reeves), who changed his plans once he heard that it was a child's birthday party. Delighted that the real hero came after all, Lucy turns to go back into the vacant apartment, but can't do so because the prospective tenants are still there. It begins to rain as the couple prepares to leave, so they close the window, trapping Lucy outside on the ledge. As the party ends and the children leave, Superman expresses regret that he hasn't had the chance to meet Lucy (about whom, he remarks, he's heard so much). When Ethel lets it slip that Lucy's on the ledge, Ricky and the Mertzes race to the window to find Lucy still there, with her cape snagged on a drainpipe as the rain pours. At Little Ricky's suggestion, Superman goes out onto the ledge to rescue her. A furious Ricky screams that this is one of the craziest stunts Lucy has pulled in their entire fifteen years of marriage. Astonished to learn how long Ricky has been married to Lucy, Superman exclaims, "And they call me Superman!" Still on the ledge, an embarrassed Lucy turns to face the wall. ===== A young man sits in prison on the night before his execution, while his girlfriend waits for the inevitable in the prison governor's house. The warden and his wife sympathize with both of them. It is the first use of the electric chair in the state, and there are teething problems with its installation. Meanwhile, a group of reporters discussing the case, realize that the M.O. of the crime bears a similar style to that of a criminal, "Parrot" Farucco, who was supposed to have died three years previously. As the execution takes place off camera, a prison orderly collecting mail in the cafe identifies a customer as Farucco. He confronts him and is shot by the criminal, who is subdued and tied by other customers who happen to be prison officers waiting to begin work. At the same time the reporters rush in, back from the prison to use the Post Office telephones. It turns out that the execution has had to be postponed owing to electrical problems with the chair. Farucco is brought into custody into the prison governor's office, and moved by the distraught girlfriend's grief, admits to the crime just in time to prevent the second execution attempt. ===== In 1915 during the First World War, a British secret agent is killed while stealing secret Turkish plans for the Gallipoli Campaign but manages to pass his information to an American journalist. Travelling to Constantinople she manages to make contact with the British network, but the ruthless head of Turkish intelligence is close on her trail. ===== The series features short and long versions of Disney shorts. The short versions are re-voiced with current Disney voice actors such as Tony Anselmo (Donald Duck), Jim Cummings, Bill Farmer (Goofy), and Bret Iwan (Mickey Mouse). The show features Disney cartoons with the original opening and closing credits restored (if content has been removed, a stamp bearing the words "Short Version" appears on the title card). The series also features short subjects such as "Disney's Re-Micks" where they match classic Mickey Mouse cartoons and popular songs such as "He Could Be the One" by Miley Cyrus, similar to the 1980s D-TV series. ===== ===== The novel opens with Franky explaining how "Freaky" came into her life. It was few weeks after her 14th birthday and she went to a college party near Puget Sound in Washington with some friends from her high school. While there, she met Cameron (a college freshman at the University of South Carolina), who tried to rape her. As a swimmer, Franky used her strong legs to kick Cameron hard enough to get him off her. Afterward, Cameron looked at her and said, "You should see your eyes! Freaky green eyes!"Oates, Joyce Carol. Freaky Green Eyes, New York City: HarperCollins, 2005. 17. Franky, now 15, lives in Yarrow Heights (a suburb of Seattle) with her father Reid Pierson, her mother Krista Pierson, her younger sister Samantha, and her half- brother Todd. As a sports reporter, Reid has had a big contract go through with a TV network and wants to celebrate with his family. Krista, however, goes to an arts and crafts convention in Santa Barbara, California instead, which angers Reid. When Krista returns home, Franky starts to notice the tension between her parents, especially after hearing them fight. She hears her mom say she does not want to go to Reid's work gatherings because she feels like she doesn't fit in with his crowd. In turn, Reid gets mad that Krista isn't fulfilling her role as a wife. Krista starts wearing scarves around her neck and long shirts to cover her wrists and arms, which Franky notices, thinking her mother is hiding something from her. Yet she cannot muster up the courage to ask her about it. Instead, she starts feeling resentful toward her mother, thinking all the fighting was Krista's fault for provoking Reid. Her younger sister, Samantha, worries that their parents will divorce but both say that that won't happen, "now or ever." Krista moves out of the house and into a small cabin in Skagit Harbor. She starts by taking her art supplies, then clothes and her dog, Rabbit. Whenever Reid is home, Krista lives in her cabin. When he leaves to cover sporting events, she comes back home to be with her children. Samantha sometimes calls Krista and begs her to come pick them up so they could all spend time together, but Krista always says no, saying it was their father's decision. Reid, however, is saying the opposite. Samantha's frustration angers Reid so he twists her arm to make her quiet, giving her welts. For the Fourth of July, Franky and Samantha go with their father to Cape Flattery to stay with one of his friends. While there, Franky learns that Reid's friend's sons steal animals from a wildlife refuge and put them in cages to make their own zoo. In the middle of the night, Franky releases all the animals. When confronted about it the next morning, she confesses but says she's not sorry. Enraged, Reid grabs Franky and shakes her very hard, stopping only after his friend pulls him away. Later that month, Reid finally lets the girls go down to Skagit Harbor to visit their mother. Franky vaguely remembers the cabin from her childhood, recognizing the fake rooster she had thought was real as a kid. Krista shows them around the property, including a small burrow hidden underneath a rock. The reunion is cut short when Reid arrives, yelling at Franky and Samantha to pack up and get in his car. When they get in, Reid tells them Krista is having an affair and that they should never forgive her for it. After that, Krista tries to call and talk to her daughters, but Reid tells the new housekeeper to forbid it. Twyla, Franky's best friend, tells Franky that Krista calls her to talk about Franky and see how she is. Twyla tells Franky that Krista said, "Don't forget Mr. Rooster!" One night, Franky phones Krista and angrily tells her she never wants to see her again. The next day, she regrets what she said and tries to find her mother's number but can't find it. She had no idea the conversation the night before would be their last. Krista (and her friend Mero Okawa) disappear. The police interview Franky about where her father was that night, but Franky says Reid took medication for a headache and slept the entire night. During the interview, she expresses her anger at her mother, referring to her only as "Krista Connor," not "mom." As a result of media attention on the case, Franky and her family move to the house of Reid's defense lawyer on Vashon Island. While there, the defense lawyer coaches Samantha and Franky, telling them that if Reid would have left in the middle of the night, they would have heard him leave. During this time, "Freaky" tries to convince Franky that something is not right. One night, Franky dreams about her mother's cabin, and in the dream, the fake rooster is crowing. The next morning, Franky skips school and heads towards Skagit Harbor to visit her mother's cabin. She walks toward the barn and looks into the secret burrow, where she finds her mother's journal. Krista had kept it up throughout her separation with Reid. In the journal, Krista writes about how Reid beat and threatened to kill her. After reading the journal, Franky realizes what her father has done. She recalls waking up the night her mother disappeared, hearing Reid coming into the house through a door they never use. Franky calls her Aunt Vicky to pick her up and they go to the police station. In a second interview, Franky tells the police what she knows, not what she has been coached to say by her father or the defense lawyer. Reid is sentenced to 50 years-to-life without parole for the deaths of Krista and Mero, whose bodies were found dumped at Deception Pass. Franky and Samantha, in the custody of their aunt, move to New Mexico. ===== Two main figures of a rebellion, Wu Yi Dao and Miao Ren Feng are working together to further their cause, however, there are some tensions between the two. They agree to duel each other in order to discover who is the greater fighter, and who should have more power within the rebellion. During the duel, Wu Yi Dao is killed, following this his wife commits suicide, unable to live without her husband. This leaves Miao Ren Feng as the only person left to raise their child, Wu Fei, as he is responsible for this situation he decides to raise the child. However, Miao Ren Feng's younger brother attempts to kill the child, he is stopped by a servant who manages to save the child and escape with him. The servant then raises Wu Fei until he reaches adulthood, where he plots to seek revenge for the death of his parents. ===== Wu Fei ( Leon Lai ) and his uncle Ping travel together as brick salesmen. They find themselves traveling to the home of Ling ( Michelle Reis ) to deliver bricks for the grave of Ling's recently deceased master, who himself was the mastermind behind a sect of poisoner's and as such was in possession of a medical manual. Other members of his poisoner's sect now want the medical manual for themselves, this results in an absurd assassination attempt on Ling, featuring a lot of slapstick comedy. After witnessing this trouble, Fei and Ping run away and end up in Nanking, it is here that they learn their friend Chung has been framed by Young Fung, son of the local crime boss Master Fung. Fei and Ping intervene against the crime boss which leads to the death of Ping. Fei retreats from the scene but vows revenge for the murder of his uncle, after this Fei meets Purple Yuen who aims to stop the martial arts leaders from being distracted and return them back to their task of restoring the Ming Dynasty through a government-backed martial arts contest. Yuen wishes to beat all the leaders and claim the title for herself. Fei and Yuen then travel together, developing a romantic relationship with several elements of comedy. Fei then confronts Master Fung, Fei almost kills Master Fung but is stopped by Yuen, who is Master Fung's daughter. It is revealed that Fung killed Yuen's mother's family which caused her mother to commit suicide. Yuen only stops Fei from killing Fung so that she may kill Fung herself as revenge. However Yuen is poisoned by Fung, Fei then takes her to Ling to be cured. Ling has now fallen in love with Fei and will only cure Yuen if Fei breaks off his romantic relationship with Yuen. This leads to several comedic scenes and catfights until Yuen is finally cured. All 3 then attend the martial arts contest together with the aim of killing all the martial arts sects, culminating in a final showdown between Master Fung and Fei. ===== Sumalatha plays the title role of Isabella, a tour guide, who falls in love with Unnikrishnan (Balachandra Menon), one of her customers. Unni has spent all his Singapore earned wealth for the wellbeing of his sister and family and a bachelor even in his 40s. She has several family problems as her father (Alby) is dead, her mother (Maggy) has become a drunkard and her brother (Tony) is autistic. She has to be the sole breadwinner of her family. Nedumudi Venu was her mentor and well-wisher, who introduced her to Unnikrishnan. After that season, Unni returned to his residence and Isabella, whom he called affectionately Bella, awaited for his return. He returned on several seasons, but each time he refused to accept her as his life-partner. Terribly disappointed by his family's money-centric behaviour, Unnikrishnan decides to spend his remaining life with Bella. But on reaching there, he has a painful surprise waiting for him. Bella, fed up with the agony of solitude, family problems and abandonment, decides to exit from life. Unni knows the saddest news from her mentor, her only well-wisher and Unni picks his crutches once again which he threw away in hope of reunion with Bella, and leaves for his lone journey remaining and visuals fade to scrolling last cards. ===== Following Dongfang Bubai's apparent death in Swordsman II, the jianghu (martial artists' community) disintegrates into chaos as it lacks a dominant figure to serve as a de facto leader. Several imposters use Dongfang Bubai's name to rally supporters, form their own sects, and fight for power. One of Dongfang Bubai's devoted lovers, Xue Qianxun, rebuilds the Sun Moon Holy Cult by impersonating Dongfang Bubai. The Ming imperial court sends a naval admiral, Gu Changfeng, to assist the Spanish in searching for the remains of a Dutch warship sunk near Black Woods Cliff, the site of Dongfang Bubai's death in Swordsman II. At Black Woods Cliff, Gu Changfeng discovers that Dongfang Bubai is still alive in disguise as an elderly woman, and manages to convince him to return to the jianghu. Dongfang Bubai unleashes his fury and starts a bloodbath in eliminating all those who impersonate him. He discovers that Xue Qianxun has been pretending to be him, and seriously injures her in anger. Consumed by his desire for power, Dongfang Bubai decides to continue his ambitious plan to unite the jianghu under his rule and dominate China. Gu Changfeng realises that Dongfang Bubai has gone out of control so he leads the Ming imperial navy to fight Dongfang and his Spanish and Japanese allies. In the ensuing naval battle, all the warships are destroyed and Dongfang Bubai emerges victorious after defeating and killing Gu Changfeng. However, Xue Qianxun loses her life in the process. Dongfang Bubai realises his mistake and embraces his dead lover as he retires from the jianghu again. ===== Aravindan (Kalabhavan Mani) is an ever sacrificing brother who gets himself into a financial mess, following the marriage of his younger sister. As he strives hard to pay off the debt, he ends up borrowing even more and starts his slow and tragic descent into an abyss of no return. ===== Ulik resurfaces and is shown to have gone on a multi-state drinking binge. He ends up destroying a train bridge with the disaster being averted by A-Bomb and Marlo Chandler. When Ulik starts choking Marlo, he is defeated by A-Bomb.World War Hulks #1 While in a fantasy world where Bruce killed the Hulk and the smart heroes joined the smart villains in a machine to help the world and where General Thunderbolt Ross is still alive, Bruce is visited by Doctor Doom who gives him a robot arm. Back at his home (with his imaginary family which consists of Betty Ross, a son, and a daughter), he activates it and wakes up for a moment. He is quickly interrupted by his fantasy son. While playing with his fantasy family, Doctor Doom arrives. Doctor Doom harms his son that then transforms into Skaar forcing Banner to activate the arm and get himself and Doctor Doom back to reality. Meanwhile, Glenn Talbot sends the army to fight the marines that were taking Washington. They receive back up from Skaar, Korg and A-Bomb. The fight continues until the Hulked-Out-Heroes arrive and attack them. Rick says they must find Banner so Skaar launches them to the Hellicarrier where Banner is captive while staying behind to fight Hulked-Out-Heroes consisting of Hulkified versions of Captain America, Thor (referred to as The Mighty Thor), Ms. Marvel, Cyclops (referred to as Hulklops), Iceman (referred to as Icehulk), Storm, Human Torch (referred to as the Hulking Torch), Invisible Woman, and Thing (referred to as No-Thing). Now awake, Banner sees Doctor Doom trying to steal the brains of the smart heroes, since he and the others, including Banner, were still connected to the machine. However, Doom accidentally blows his own brain before being launched off the Intelligencia Helicarrier by Red-She-Hulk. Rick and Skaar then arrive and Skaar stabs Red- She-Hulk with his sword forcing her to revert to her human form revealing her true identity as Betty Ross.Incredible Hulk #609 Meanwhile, Red Hulk fight the Hulked-Out-Heroes constantly using their powers against themselves until using Hulklops' power to damage the Helicarrier and then escaping briefly seeing a still trapped Banner until being attacked by the Hulkfied versions of Spider- Man (referred to as Spider-Hulk) and Wolverine (referred to as Wolverage) but beats them with a fastball special. Red-She-Hulk arrives and drains the energy from Red Hulk's body reverting him to General Thunderbolt Ross who quotes "I was General Thunderbolt Ross. I became the very thing I hated most in life. I am the Red Hulk. And for all I've done...I deserve to die..." Meanwhile, Samson tells MODOK and Leader that transforming the heroes into Hulks was not a good idea. He then deduces Leader has feelings for Red She-Hulk. Samson then attacks Leader, but is beaten by MODOK.Hulk vol. 2 #22 With Red She-Hulk's identity exposed, Betty begs for Bruce to kill her, explaining that she was resurrected by the Intelligencia into an uncontrollable mutation. Although she is willing to die, the appearance of Samson (who was involved in her mutation) inspires enough rage in her that she transforms once again, engaging Samson while Banner and Skaar are contacted by the mutated Amadeus Cho who like the Leader has acquired a mutated mind rather than a mutated body. Using Cho's gamma-enhanced intellect, Banner realises that the Hulked-Out Heroes joined by a Hulkified version of Namor (referred to as Hulkmariner) will 'burn out' within twenty-four hours unless the radiation is removed from them. While Amadeus Cho keeps the Intelligencia occupied (even reverting M.O.D.O.K. to his human form during the fight), Banner releases Beast, Mister Fantastic, Black Panther and Henry Pym to help him re-tool the Cathexis Ray Generator so that he can draw the gamma energy out of the heroes. Unfortunately, it is only after he has activated the machine that Banner reveals that he is transferring the gamma energy into himself as he is the only person capable of physically handling that much power. However, at a crucial juncture, the machinery begins to break down from the feedback. Samson steps in and absorbs the additional excess energy, but for unknown reasons his body is unable to absorb the energy as readily as Banner's body can and he is killed by the overload, reduced to a charred skeleton in seconds. As his body finishes absorbing the excess radiation, Bruce transforms back into the Hulk as the Intelligencia's base is destroyed, Skaar being clearly satisfied at this new chance to kill his father.Incredible Hulks #610 General Ross then reviews all of his life and then proceeds to absorb energy from the Cosmic Hulk (who had arrived to attack him) and angrily splits him in two. As Red Hulk, General Ross then attacks The Leader, who had just escaped from Banner and takes the gamma energy out of him, leaving him to suffer for the rest of his life being "Ordinary". Red Hulk then goes to the White House and kills the Glenn Talbot L.M.D. and declares he is in charge quoting "I always suspected that Talbot was an L.M.D. Like with the Ross L.M.D., the Leader wasn't going to let anyone assume command other than himself. This Talbot probably didn't even know he was just a thing. The Glenn Talbot I knew and respected was and will remain dead. In the end, everything is as it should be. I won."Hulk vol. 2 #23 Bruce Banner leaves a video for the heroes telling them how he planned all of these and to allow Skaar to kill him besides saving the civilians. Skaar absorbs energy from the planet (even through the heroes try to stop it) and uses it to attack the Hulk. However, the Hulk decides not to fight him claiming he is not here to fight him, but Skaar then says how Caiera was alive in Sakaar till he allowed Galactus to consume it. This ended up angering the Hulk prompting him to continue the fight. During the fight, Red She-Hulk attacks Skaar and tells Hulk to run but he doesn't. Skaar defeats Red She-Hulk knocking her into a building which is about to collapse on Red She Hulk's impact. Hulk then saves the civilians in the building with a thunder clap kicking up sand to stop the building from collapsing. Hulk and Skaar then continue their fight where Hulk beats Skaar into submission. Skaar realizes that Hulk isn't a monster (something Bruce was training him to kill) after saving the people in the building and tells him they'll work it out. Realising that continuing their struggle to kill the perceived 'monster' that is his son would accomplish nothing except turning him into his father, Bruce returns to human form, and he and Skaar (in his child version) then hug.Incredible Hulks #611 Bruce then transforms into Hulk, fully controlling it, and goes back to Washington to battle Red Hulk. Red She-Hulk tries to stop it, but is defeated by She-Hulk. Banner's battle with Red Hulk gets them to the Intelligencia who manage to escape as their battle continues. Their battle eventually ends with Hulk defeating Red Hulk at The Lincoln Memorial, Hulk refusing to kill Red Hulk because of his relationship to Betty even as he informs his adversary that Ross's faked death means that he can never return to his human life now. Later, Banner and Captain Steve Rogers lock Red Hulk up and makes it clear that, given his strength being second to that of the Hulk and his exceptional tactical expertise, they have plans for him.Hulk vol. 2 #24 ===== Bob, Agent of HYDRA (at this point working for A.I.M.) sends Hulkpool (a gamma-powered Deadpool) back in time so he can kill his original Deadpool incarnation for being an unrepentant murderer, using the machine Red Hulk used to send Thundra to the future. However, Hulkpool instead meets with a Blackbeard version of the Thing after Bob inadvertently sends him back to the year 1717. After preventing a storm from sinking the pirate ship and sending away Johnny and Reed (who were trying to get to the Thing), he becomes a pirate as First Mate under Captain Blackbeard-Thing until the British Royal Navy attacks their ship with a summoned Kraken.World War Hulks: Hulked-Out Heroes #1 He and the Thing attempt to defeat it, but are sent to the Savage Land in the present day due to Bob's interference. There they encounter Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy, and after mistakenly assuming that they were sent to prehistoric times, Thing asks if Bob can get him back to his original time period. Hulkpool affirms his request and has Bob initiate another timejump to take Ben Grimm back, taking Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy with him.World War Hulks: Hulked-Out Heroes #1 They then arrive in the Old West in 1873, where Hawkeye is lost in time, and Devil Dinosaur becomes unhinged and starts running havoc. However, Bob sends them back in time to prehistory (and the Thing back to his pirate age), but Hulkpool is sent to the point in time at the end of WW2 when Captain America lost Bucky in a missile explosion and decides to save Bucky.World War Hulks: Hulked-Out Heroes #1 While in this alternate reality's version of World War II, Hulkpool aids Captain America and Bucky in hunting down and killing that reality's versions of Adolf Hitler and the Red Skull. After Bob tries to transport him through time once more, he ignorantly manages to prevent the origin stories of numerous superheroes (including the original Hulk).World War Hulks: Hulked-Out Heroes #2 He ultimately succeeds in killing the Deadpool of this (alternate) timeline and returns to the main Marvel universe at the end.World War Hulks: Hulked-Out Heroes #2 ===== Twelve students compete to win a scholarship to England for horseback riding. The story's main couple includes Ben and Michelle who were lovers but, due to a misunderstanding, they broke up. A few years later they meet up again at horseback riding camp competing with each for the scholarship. Other couples include Kimmy and Ah Him, and couple Nel and Ah Boy who are complete opposites of each other. As the competition heats up so does the love between these students. ===== Krishnakumar is an orphan and a policeman who lives with his younger sister Sheela. Sheela falls in love with her classmate Babu and Krishnakumar accepts him as his brother in law. But tragedy strikes the couple on their honeymoon when Babu is beaten into a coma and Sheela raped and killed. The police arrest four middle- age friends who follow them. But Krishnakumar discovers that his sister's murderers are actually Babu's three classmates who are freed thanks to M. S. Menon, one of the killer's father. Krishnakumar seeks revenge. ===== Betty (America Ferrera) asks Daniel (Eric Mabius) if he'll go to her sister's wedding with her and he accepts. While Betty is listening to her messages, she listens to a message from Henry (Christopher Gorham) telling her that he'll be happy to come to the wedding as her plus one. Betty then remembers the drunken message she left for him. Betty then bumps into Mr Dunne who has come to New York to find her and offer her a job of running his new magazine in London. Amanda (Becki Newton), having now quit her job as a receptionist, returns to MODE to take supplies. She tells Marc (Michael Urie) that she has her first client, soap opera actor, Spencer Cannon. Justin (Mark Indelicato) arrives to talk to Marc about Bobby seeing him kiss Austin. He's worried that Bobby will tell everyone and he doesn't want anyone to know yet. Tyler tells Wilhelmina (Vanessa Williams) that she is the only one he can trust and that he just wants his money. He also tells Claire (Judith Light) that he knows the truth about everything, Claire then tells him that she will give him nothing. Claire also goes to confront Wilhelmina and they end up fighting and falling into a pool of water. Amanda is getting on well with Spencer and she tells him that she will set him up with Marc. Marc tells Amanda that he doesn't want to be set up as he is still getting over Troy. He later changes his mind and Amanda tells him that she's invited Spencer to the wedding. Betty and Henry meet up and he tells her that he has an interview that means he'll be moving back to New York. Betty agrees to have breakfast with him the next day. Hilda (Ana Ortiz) asks Bobby why Justin is always going off with Austin, but Bobby tells her that nothing is going on. Hilda then realises that Justin and Austin are a couple. She then calls Betty to tell her that Justin has a boyfriend, Betty goes to her apartment and finds Hilda and Ignacio (Tony Plana) preparing a coming out party for Justin. Marc arrives and tells them that a party is the last thing Justin would want. Quoting passages from a PFLAG brochure, they assure Marc they were only trying to be accepting of Justin's orientation so that he would have a good foundation for future relationships. On the day of the wedding, Justin brings Austin and Ignacio brings Elena. Henry doesn't attend the wedding and Daniel arrives dateless, he then tells Betty that she looks great. Hilda gives a speech and talks about knowing someone better than they do and that you would do anything to protect them and how that's when you know that you are in love. During Hilda's speech, Daniel gazes at Betty, indicating that he has realized that he's in love with her. Betty decides to accept the London job and Justin takes a big step too, when he leads Austin to the dance floor and all of his family smile. Marc tells Spencer that he is looking for a proper relationship and Spencer tell him that he only came to the wedding to please Amanda, Marc then spots Spencer's Tweety Bird tattoo, a feature matching one of the known details about Amanda's biological father. Wilhelmina realizes that Tyler has taken her gun and goes to warn Claire, but she is too late and Tyler arrives. Wilhelmina then tells them that the situation is all her fault and tries to get Tyler to hand over the gun. Just as he goes to hand it over, the gun goes off. ===== Party animal Rick (James Duval), wild child Veronique (Mircea Monroe), uptight Robert (M.D. Walton) and six other friends vacation in a plush mansion, where they find a mysterious board game. But the game proves dangerous when it draws out the nastiest qualities in all of its players. As buried fears, resentments, greed, and attractions quickly and unsettlingly emerge, the game's goal becomes crystal clear: stay alive. ===== The Clock Family are "borrowers," tiny people who live in the houses of regular sized "human beans" (a borrower mispronunciation of "human beings"). They survive by borrowing all they need from big people and try to keep their existence secret. The main characters are a teenage borrower girl named Arriety Clock and her parents, Pod and Homily. During a borrowing expedition with her father and contrary to borrower nature, Arriety befriends a human boy who lives in the home and develops a friendship with him. The tiny family, who live under the kitchen floorboards of an old manor, are eventually discovered by the other humans who occupy the home and are forced to flee into the English countryside. ===== Captain Jack Steele of the Texas Rangers is sent to arrest the beautiful Judith Alvarez. She claims she is innocent. ===== A cowpuncher is mistaken for a notorious gunman. ===== Beautiful People consists of six unrelated short stories, a format Mitsukazu Mihara frequently uses for her narrative. In , a man finds an abandoned snow maiden. He brings her back to his apartment, but despite his efforts to keep her alive she dissolves into water after the air conditioning is turned off. He uses the water to help grow a flower, something she had always wanted. focuses on the two survivors of a biochemical weapon: a spoiled lesbian and a male homosexual. Both live together but most of the time are annoyed by each other's presence. At one point the tension rises to unbearable levels for both and she forces him to leave, only to later realize that she needs him. The third story, , features a bullied teenage boy who discovers that his online friend might be his mother, who left him with his father when he was young. In , a woman who believes she is stalked by a co-worker is later revealed to be delusional since the co-worker is in fact stalking her friend. The protagonist of has plastic surgery done in the hope that she would become beautiful and loved, but after meeting a girl stitched from corpses, realizes that it was the girl who was truly beautiful since she gave love. The last story, , focuses on the lifelong relationship between an abandoned girl and a vampire. ===== Betsy (Riki Lindhome) is seen talking to herself, complaining that many of her dreams have not come true. Kenneth (Malcolm Barrett), who's visiting his famous brother Tevin (Ryan Devlin), enters the room. Betsy panics and is embarrassed that she was caught talking to herself. She feels she has to announce that she's alone when Kenneth turns to leave. Kate (Kate Micucci), her imaginary friend, is angry Betsy ignored her presence. Kenneth returns and asks Betsy for a date. During the date, Kate tries to dissuade Betsy from going out with him. Betsy, unable to ignore Kate's interruptions, eventually breaks down and tells Kenneth she cannot date him. Kenneth becomes distraught over his failure and begins to cut himself. He later goes to Betsy's house and she tells him about Kate. After a talk with his brother, he decides to create his own imaginary friend, who insists on being called Alfonse (Christopher Stewart). They return to Betsy's house where Alfonse is able to seduce Kate. The two imaginary friends leave, which saddens Betsy. Trying to comfort her, Kenneth sits next to her and asks "What do you think they're doing?" A split screen shows Kate and Alfonse together and Betsy and Kenneth together, with each couple making love. ===== Diablo, the leader of the Demons motorcycle gang, is about to be executed for the murder of a young woman. Confronting the victim's sister Gail (Sarah Buxton), he proclaims his innocence and vows to return before being killed via electric chair. A year passes and Spring Break has come to Miami. Two football players, Skip (Nicolas de Toth) and Ronny (Rawley Valverde) are amongst the partygoers for the week-long festivities. While Spring Break is occurring, a mysterious biker appears and begins to dispatch people. The back of his bike has a lever that when pulled (combined with a button pushed by the biker) causes the victim to undergo a treatment similar to the electric chair. When Ronny ends up a victim of the mysterious killer, Skip attempts to find Ronny with the help of Gail, who works as a bartender during Spring Break. The duo soon find Ronny and learn that local police chief Strycher (John Saxon) and physician Doc Willet (Michael Parks) have covered up Ronny's death in order for the partygoers not to worry. However, as the body count rises, Gail and Skip begin to wonder if Diablo made good on his promise to return from the dead or is someone else responsible. Meanwhile, Trina, Diablo's girlfriend, is relaxing at the gang's old hideout. She puts headphones on and is listening to music when a figure appears. She assumes it's Diablo back from the dead. It's not until he grabs her violently that she realizes it's not. Trina is slammed on the couch and then the biker pulls a live wire out of the wall, and attaches it to Trina's headphones. Volts of electricity run through Trina's body, killing her slowly, and painfully. A confrontation at a local tire yard between Gail and the biker reveals that the killer is Reverend Bates (Lance Le Gault), who thinks Spring Break is nothing more than an excuse for sins. Considering himself a "guardian angel", he feels all sinners must die like Diablo, "death by electrocution". Bates also confesses to being the real killer of Gail's sister. Skip arrives in time and fights off Bates. As the duo run, Bates hops on his bike and goes after them only to trip his bike on a stray tire. Bates goes off the bike onto an electric field and like those he murdered and Diablo, dies by electrocution. The next day, Skip and Gail decide to leave Florida and head to Ohio, where Skip hails from. ===== When the gang discovers Marshall doesn't have any money to pay for the pizza they had ordered, he is forced to reveal that he was mugged by a man (Jon Dore) with a gun in Central Park. Lily is worried, and aided by Robin's gun-loving nature, expresses her interest to buy a gun for protecting herself. Marshall is frightened by this prospect, and then reveals he wasn't mugged; instead, he had visited the Central Park Zoo, and while standing close to a monkey cage, a monkey had swiped his wallet. Robin asks to interview him for her show, and he agrees to help boost her show's ratings. Marshall then privately explains to Barney and Ted that the monkey story is false, and that he really was mugged; he had made up the monkey to calm down Lily and stop her from buying a gun. Furthermore, he refuses to lie on television and risk hurting Robin's credibility as a journalist. Meanwhile, Barney is using the story of being mugged to pick up women. He is interrupted by a woman he had earlier convinced he was Neil Armstrong. He tells an even greater lie in an attempt to get out of it and suggests a threesome. The next morning, Ted brings along a scale model of the Empire State Building he had been working on; Ted had asked Robin to interview him about it, but she refused, but Ted brings it in case Marshall is unable to talk about the monkey mugging. Marshall is rattled when Robin reveals they have brought Bobo, the monkey from the zoo, as well, and the monkey will be separated from his mate Milly for committing the crime. Marshall finally refuses to talk about it, causing Robin to cut to a commercial and question him as to why. Marshall confesses that he made up the monkey story and Lily renews her intention to buy a gun, prompting Marshall to change his story back, but he again asserts that he was mugged by a human after being reminded what will happen to Bobo. Bombarded with everyone asking him what really happened, Marshall then says "I'm going to bed," before leaving, with the Future Ted saying they never did find out what really happened, but in the end Lily never bought a gun, Robin's credibility remained intact, and Bobo and Milly lived out the rest of their days together at the zoo. Ted tells Barney he would be better off if he stopped telling lies but Barney replies Ted will someday tell this story and lie to give it a better ending. Robin is forced to interview Ted about his model, but as they are about to start, the monkey breaks free and snags a small doll nearby. It then proceeds to climb to the top of Ted's model, with the cameraman throwing paper aeroplanes at the monkey to get it off. Ted is left in disbelief that the ending from King Kong is being recreated before him, while Future Ted simply states "True story". ===== The quiet suburban world of Pam and John Allen is shattered when a strange man begins stalking them with late night phone calls and sudden disturbing appearances. It emerges that the man, Homer Trent, was a part of Pam's teenage past at an orphanage. He was besotted with her then, and was eventually imprisoned for her rape. Now free, Trent is intent on claiming Pam. ===== Ongallur Sadasivan, a Kerala minister, is alleged to be involved in a scam related to the construction of a dam. A Judicial Commission, headed by an honest judge, Justice Rajeshekharan Nair, is investigating into the scam. Vettukuzhi, a corrupt political kingmaker, tries to save Sadasivan and the reputation of his party. Dr. Dinesh, son of Sadasivan, does not appreciate his father's illicit friendship with Vettukuzhi. Dr. Dinesh's and his lover Sunitha's marriage gets called off due to the allegations faced by his father. With things getting tense, Vettukuzhi tries to bribe Rajasekharan, but fails. In his attempt to complete his new novel, Shabari, a young and noted writer, has a temporary residence at the local government guest house. With the arrival of the Commission, Shabari is forced to vacate his room for Justice Nair and family, which consists of wife Malathi and daughter Devi, who is also an amateur dancer. Shabari and Devi fall in love via mutual admiration for their artistic skills, without personally getting to know each other. Rajasekharan and Malathi are happy about this union. When Shabari proposes to Devi, she remains silent, and only then he realizes that she lacks the ability to speak. Though devastated, he informs his parents about the situation, and his family staunchly opposes his proposal. Justice Rajasekharan tries to convince Shabari's father, who is also his childhood friend, though he fails to influence the family's decision. Eventually, the Commission submits its report about the dam scam, which results in the resignation of Minister Sadasivan. Devi's family remains heartbroken over her fate, while preparing to leave the Guest House. The very next morning, Shabari's family arrives and convinces Rajasekharan of their consent to accept Devi, who has now gone missing. In a frantic search, Shabari finally finds a weary Devi sitting by the river side. Thus, the duo is united, ending the film on a happy note. ===== Three young Cockneys take a day off work to meet an Italian movie star at Heathrow airport. She travels with them and their taxi driver in search of some typically British hats. The rule of the game is to steal a hat from its wearer. Lisa wants a bobby's helmet, a businessman's bowler, and the bearskin cap off a palace guard. A musical chase ensues around Swinging Sixties London, evading press and police. ===== In New Alcatraz, the world's most secure prison located in Antarctica, a drilling operation inadvertently releases a giant boa constrictor from a large, hollow rock that had been preserving it in suspended animation. The snake chews a hole through the ice, enabling it to escape into the prison. The hole is discovered by workers and a guard is placed on it until the engineers can assess the hole and block it up. In the meantime, the snake attacks and kills the guard, along with the engineers before moving further into the prison. The prison sends out a distress call which is received by the United States military. They hire paleontologist Robert Trenton and his wife Jessica to assist a military team in the search to destroy the snake. When they arrive at the prison, they discover a group of survivors, led be head of security Quinn and prison warden Fred Riley. The security and military personnel split up and set out to find and kill the snake whilst Robert, Jessica and Fred watch on in the control room. One by one, the snake kills the personnel. Robert and Jessica join in the hunt. After a skirmish with the snake, a gas pipe ruptures and explodes, killing the remaining security and military members. Robert and Jessica survive and flee from the snake, but Jessica is seemingly killed. Robert returns to the security room and convinces Fred to release the prisoners to help in their escape. Fred releases the prisoners, and the group devises a plan to escape. During the escape, one of the prisoners, Kelly Mitich, attempts to save himself, only to be killed by the snake and accidentally causing another gas explosion, killing Fred. Meanwhile, the other group led by Russian prisoner Yuri Breshcov finds Jessica alive, and they take her in. The snake then kills two of the prisoners, but Yuri and Jessica escape to the surface. Meanwhile, Robert and prisoner Patricia O'Boyle attempt to escape, although the snake kills Patricia while Robert escapes to the surface. Robert, Jessica, and Yuri attempt to escape on the military plane, although the snake sneaks onboard and kills one of the pilots. In the ensuing battle, the snake is ejected from the plane, but Yuri is dragged out with it, and the two fall to their deaths. Robert and Jessica, bewildered but alive, fly to safety. ===== ===== A young man, Enoch, is out of school and has been befriended by a ghost of a Japanese kamikaze pilot. For unexplained reasons, he attends the funerals of strangers without invitation; at one of these he meets a young woman, Annabel, who says she works with children who have cancer, and the two start spending time together. Later Annabel acknowledges she has cancer herself, a fact which Enoch appears to accommodate, even when Annabel discovers she has only three months left to live. As their relationship becomes romantic, Enoch's placidity is explained by his own history of near-death experience, but when the loss of Annabel becomes a reality his behaviour betrays more evidence of turmoil. Annabel accepts and reacts to this. At Annabel's memorial Enoch asks to speak, but before he says anything memories of the couple's happiness together appear to resolve his grief. ===== Nine separate stories intertwine into one comedy on people’s expectations and perceptions of a beautiful summer vacation: the stories of those who are only after love; of those who have to stay at home and fight mosquitoes on summer nights; of those who only go to the sea; of those who cannot appreciate the value of a bicycle - the most beautiful summer gift ever; and of those who are still away at their holiday spot even after they have returned home. ===== Vinod (Soham Chakraborty), who orphaned at an early age, has grown up under the care of a church father, Father Rozario (Nagesh), in North Bengal, is an introvert but a genius. He is forcibly sent to college by Father Rozario but is a complete misfit in class. One day he solves a complex mathematics problem in class surprising his classmates. Though shunned and avoided by the rest of his class, a beautiful and educated young girl, Ria (Srabanti Chatterjee) becomes his friend and he gradually warms up to her too. Impressed by Ria's heavenly beauty and charm, he feelings soon turn into love but he realizes that Ria considers him as only a friend. But he is unwilling to let her go. Meanwhile, Vinod learns that Ria is in love with another classmate, Aditya (Rehaan Roy). Ria's father is angered on learning about her love. He shuts her up and prevents her from contacting anyone. But Vinod comes and meets her on the pretext of getting some old clothes for himself to wear. Pitied by Vinod, her father allows him. But Vinod uses the chance and escapes with Ria. He convinces her that she will meet Aditya. Vinod has set up a secret place for executing his plan of wooing Ria. He makes her stay with him, while convincing her by talking about the never-impending Aditya's arrival. On one such day, he reveals his miserable past, where he is made to work for paid labour after being orphaned at an early age. He revolts against the oppression one day against the illegal child labour in vogue at his place. Promptly he is beaten black and blue for his profanity. Moreover, he also loses his girlfriend to rapists in that place, who also kill her. Somehow he manages to escape from them and seeks refuge in the place of Father Rozario. Ria is really touched by his past. Incidentally the police and Aditya arrive at the place. While Vinod was away to get some food, they try to make Ria understand that Vinod was a psychopath. Yet Ria scoffs at their claims, citing his gentlemanly behaviour over the days she was put up alone with him. Vinod, learning that the police have arrived at the scene, begins to indulge in mass violence. He opens fire, killing a police constable. Forcing them out of their hideout, he manages to evade the police Inspector and Aditya and successfully brings Ria back to their original place of stay. Ria soon identifies the tiger out of the cow's skin. Vinod pleads with her, telling her that all he wanted in his life was her presence with him. But Ria called him a friend and stated her inability to accept him as her partner for life. Meanwhile, Aditya regains consciousness and comes back to attack Vinod and rescue his girlfriend. A violent fight follows, where Vinod defies his puny self and treats Aditya with disdain. The fight culminates with Vinod, Aditya and Ria finding themselves at the edge of a cliff. While Ria clutches a tree bark tightly, Vinod and Aditya slip out and barely manage to hold either of her hands. Ria is forced to a situation where she needs to choose between her boyfriend and friend. Aditya's pleas notwithstanding, Ria doesn't have the heart to kill Vinod. The epic of a cliffhanger finally ends with Vinod smiling wryly at Ria and letting go of her hands himself. He falls dead into the deep valley. ===== Lola (Christa Theret) is a teenage girl living with her mother Anne (Sophie Marceau), who is divorced from Lola's father, Alain (Alexandre Astier). Nicknamed 'LOL' by her friends, Lola has been taking her first steps into teenage romance, dating a boy from her class named Arthur (Félix Moati). Following the summer break, Arthur tells her that he cheated on her over the summer and was dating one of her friends. Lola decides to break things off with him, and starts seeing his close friend, Maël (Jeremy Kapone). Lola's friends seem to enjoy complicating matters even more. But life at home has also become impossible with her mother, Anne (Sophie Marceau). Lola attempts to play her mother and her father Alain (Alexandre Astier) off against each other for her own advantage, but what she doesn't know is that Anne and Alain have begun dating again on the sly. After a class trip to England, her relationship with her mother comes crashing down. ===== The story is of Kamalakshi (Archana), a bonded woman known as Daasi in Hyderabad State in the 1920s in Telangana region. She has been sold by her family for money to be the servant of a wealthy couple. She is expected to do every chore imaginable in their house. She is also required to be the sexual toy of the man of the house (Dora) and his guests - anywhere and at any time of the day or night. When she becomes pregnant, she endures and hopes to keep the baby. However she is forced to have an abortion. ===== The bulk of the story takes place in Monaco. Charming attractive Alex (Romain Duris), his sister Mélanie (Julie Ferrier), and her husband Marc (François Damiens), operate a unique business for concerned third-party clients—breaking up relationships, but only where the woman is "not knowingly unhappy." The trio concoct elaborate, custom, and sometimes expensive ruses to deceive the women. After each woman has fallen for his act, Alex tells her she has made him come alive again, but that it is too late for him. The women presumably leave their relationships to seek men who make them feel the way Alex has. They are hired by a wealthy man (Jacques Frantz), who is a florist and gangster, to prevent the wedding of his daughter Juliette (Vanessa Paradis) to a wealthy Englishman of whom he does not approve, Jonathan (Andrew Lincoln). The main problem is that they only have ten days to do so before the wedding. The task is further complicated because, after doing a lot of research, the couple appear to be truly in love and absolutely perfect for each other. They also could not find the usual "flaws" in the couple that they use to cause break-ups. So, at first, Alex turns down the job, but, massively in debt to a loan shark through his own lavish spending on the business, he is pressured into putting aside his honourable principles to complete the seemingly impossible task with only five days until the wedding. Alex becomes Juliette's 'bodyguard' in order to gain close and constant access to her. While on the job, Alex finds out things that Juliette likes and pretends to like these things as well to impress her; some of these things include the movie Dirty Dancing, Roquefort cheese and the music of George Michael. Eventually the two develop feelings for each other but the early arrival of Jonathan disrupts Alex's access to Juliette. The night before the wedding, Juliette is restless, and she and Alex sneak out and have a wonderful time, including recreating the 'climactic lift' scene from Dirty Dancing, and early the next morning Juliette confesses her feelings for him. Alex begins his usual script but, realising he cannot be with her after how he has deceived her, abruptly changes it and says she should get married. The next day, as the group leave the hotel, Marc inadvertently drops Juliette's case file in front of her. Seeing the surveillance photos and her background information, she realizes her father has hired Alex to try to stop the wedding. At the airport Mélanie, after carefully observing the 'goings on' the last several days, chides Alex for walking away from real love to return to an empty life of fake seduction. He runs toward the wedding from the airport. Meanwhile, Juliette's father tells her that while Jonathan is a decent man, she will be bored with him. As they are walking down the aisle, he tells her that Alex refused to take any payment for the contract. Before reaching the end of the aisle, Juliette turns and runs away from the ceremony to find Alex. The two meet and kiss after Alex confesses that he hates Roquefort and George Michael and had never seen Dirty Dancing, is broke and sleeps in his office, but he needs to see her every day. As the end credits roll, back at the 'non-wedding', it is revealed that the loan shark to whom Alex owes money actually works for Juliette's father, while Juliette's scheming friend Sophie flirts with Jonathan. Later, Mélanie and Marc alone attempt another 'seduction', but Marc doesn't quite have Alex's charm to pull it off successfully. ===== Racing life between Zack (Syamsul Yusof) and Sham (Farid Kamil) has not ended yet. Zack, who used to be an illegal racer is currently a professional drifter. After the accident, Sham no longer drifts due to his broken leg and has to walk using the aid of crutches. Soon a female professional drifter called Aleeya (Scha Al-Yahaya) appears. Joe (Aaron Aziz), who managed to escape unhurt from the accident, wants revenge on Zack. Joe's assistant Ery (Shaheizy Sam) also wants revenge on Zack because he caused his best friend, Karl (played by Iqram Dinzly in the prequel) to get locked up in jail. Joe wants to control the whole drug business syndicate in KL, and Inspector Kamal (Remy Ishak) suspects him for the crimes that involved deaths. What is the outcome of their new race this time? Will they be able to reach the finish line without complication? ===== The film opens with Aman seemingly lifeless, narrating how he and his sweetheart Kaya are doomed to perish together. He remembers happier times when he met and courted and finally proposed to Kaya. No sooner than he had proposed, they had met with a sudden car accident. They are miraculously unhurt saved with few minor injuries. But when Kaya's parents realise Aman had proposed to her, they become sad and grave, and Kaya's mother earnestly persuades her father to tell them the truth. Kaya's mother reveals the curse upon their family. Kaya's father is a descendant of an ancient royal family. Some 300 years ago, the brother of the late king Rana Ranjit Singh had attempted to molest a beautiful girl in the palace. The girl escaped and jumped to her death. It turned out that the girl was the daughter of the royal guru, "Acharya Sachidanand", and that the girl was about to be wed. The acharya, a wise and powerful spiritual master, was enraged beyond belief. He pronounced a terrible curse upon Ranjit Singh: no daughter in Ranjit Singh's line shall ever enjoy marriage; if they ever attempt to marry or become engaged, they will immediately meet with death. Aman and Kaya are devastated. They reach out to professor Pashupati, an expert in the occult. The professor explains that generational curses (such as the one upon Kaya) are typically connected with an evil spirit. This spirit is the keeper of the curse, and it executes the curse (by taking the lives of the victims). Aman recollects that the evil spirit had caused their car accident. Aman suggested destroying the spirit. The bemused professor laughs this off and urges Aman to forget Kaya and move on. Aman and his friend Shubh are disappointed. Aman is persistent. He looks up some of the professor's work and retrieves (in a dangerous chase with an evil spirit) a "cursed" book from the library. Convinced that Aman is determined and capable, the professor agrees to help them. Their first stop is an abandoned cinema. The professor explains that it is haunted by several spirits, and some of the noble spirits may be able to help them locate the evil curse-keeper. Aman and Kaya enter the theatre. They are surrounded by spirits, and one of them splatters a few drops of blood on Kaya's wrists. The professor interprets: the drops are the coordinates of the ancient kingdom of Magha, present-day Mahipalpur. They arrive at Mahipalpur and settle into the decrepit government guest house. The evil spirit is relentless. It attacks Kaya and tries to bury her alive. They save her just in time, but she goes into hypoxic shock. The professor describes a water-immersion method to send Shubh back in time. Shubh is again attacked by the spirit, but this time he returns with an amulet. The amulet reveals the clue that leads them to Rani Mohini, the evil spirit, the keeper of the curse. Aided by the curator of the 300-year-old Magha jail, the professor performs a seance to invoke the spirit of Ranjit Singh. This spirit reveals the sinister history of the royal family. Rani Mohini was never satisfied with her station as the second wife of Raja Gajsingh. She was also a sorceress. She plotted to assassinate the King and his two sons, Rana Ranjeet Singh and Kuljeet. Her assassins killed Raja Gajsingh but were ultimately defeated and killed by the royal guard. Ranjit Singh ascended the throne, and, upon learning of Rani Mohini's dark powers, promptly arranged to execute her. Rani Mohini, however, created a black charm (locked in an amulet) to keep her soul on earth. Upon her execution, her soul became the keeper of the curse (by Acharya Sachidanand) and would torment Ranjit Singh's family forever. Kaya's conditions worsen. She is wheeled into surgery. The professor and Aman and Shubh hurry into the River Palace to confront the evil spirit of Rani Mohini. They connect the clues from the amulet and from Ranjit Singh and deduce that the spirit of Mohini can be dispatched to the nether world when her mortal remains (ashes) are dissolved. Aman & Shubh start searching the ashes with professor's help. They then stumble upon a portrait statue wherein they find 8 earthen pots instead of seven. Shubh & Aman conclude that the ashes are hidden over there. They retrieve the pot but Mohini's spirit kills the professor brutally and chases them to destroy their efforts. After a difficult and lengthy battle with the spirit, Aman floods the River Palace. He nearly drowns (and cuts back to the initial frame), but Shubh saves him just in time. The film ends with Aman narrating how the power of love can overcome any obstacle. At the end of the movie, they got married and blessed with a baby girl. ===== Gears of War 3 begins as Chairman Prescott unexpectedly arrives on the Sovereign. Prescott informs Marcus Fenix he needs to relay important information to the ship's senior officer, Captain Michaelson. The Lambent then launch a surprise attack on the ship, which leaves Michaelson dead and Prescott mortally wounded. Before dying, Prescott gives Marcus an encryption to the disc that Colonel Hoffman has and reveals that his father, Adam Fenix, is still alive but captive on Azura, a secret COG base. Marcus, Dom, Cole, and Baird fight their way to the Anvil Gate Fortress, where Hoffman possesses the necessary equipment to decrypt Prescott's disc. Upon arriving at Anvil Gate, Marcus and his comrades assist Hoffman's soldiers in repelling a combined Lambent and Locust assault. Upon further analysis of the disc's content, Marcus learns that Azura is protected by man-made hurricane generators, making the island only accessible by submarine. Marcus and his comrades, joined by old friend Dizzy Wallin, successfully find a submarine but require Imulsion to fuel it. Dom suggests they first venture to an abandoned town called Mercy, where they discover that humans are becoming Lambent. During extraction, the Gears are nearly overrun by Locust and Lambent; Dom sacrifices himself to create an explosion that wipes out the hostile forces. Demoralized, they are forced to continue their search for fuel in the city of Char after their truck runs out of fuel. The ruined city is inhabited by several Stranded civilians who are led by Griffin (voiced by Ice-T). Despite his dislike for the COG and Gears, Griffin reluctantly tasks Marcus to recover a supply of Imulsion. After acquiring the fuel they are attacked by the Locust Horde, led by Queen Myrrah. Griffin's forces sustain heavy casualties in the ensuing battle, but the Gears are ultimately able to escape and reach the shipyards where they have to fight the Locust as they repair and fuel their submarine. Marcus' group finally arrives at Azura, discovering that it is a sanctuary and resort for Sera's most elite and powerful individuals. Adam contacts the Gears and reveals he is being held captive atop Azura's main hotel tower. Marcus's group battles through waves of hostiles before finding his father. Adam quickly explains that he has created a device capable of eradicating all Lambent and Locust life forms on Sera. Adam had worked with Myrrah before to try to tune the wave so that only Lambent would be affected, but with the Imulsion, revealed to be a parasitic lifeform, now infecting humans, Adam ran out of time, infuriating Myrrah. Marcus and his comrades defend Adam from the Locust and Lambent, and from an attack by Myrrah. Adam reveals that he had to infect himself with Lambent cells in order to test his machine. As the machine begins to pulsate with energy, Adam bids his son farewell before the device kills him. Myrrah rises from the rubble and begins insulting Adam. Marcus fatally stabs Myrrah with Dom's commando knife he got back in Mercy. Shortly afterwards, the machine emits a blue wave of energy that sweeps across Sera, destroying the Locust, Lambent, and the Imulsion. The scene transitions back to Marcus, who is mournfully wondering what humanity has left. He is comforted by Anya, who assures Marcus that the sacrifices of Adam, Dom, and their comrades have guaranteed humanity a future. ===== The surviving COG city of Ilima is besieged by a coming Kryllstorm, a mass of millions of Kryll that will devour everything in their path once the city is dark enough. To speed up the Kryllstorm, Locust General RAAM leads an elite unit throughout Ilima, decimating COG resistance and summoning Seeders to black out the sky faster. Throughout the battle, RAAM is instructed by Queen Myrrah who sees taking Ilima as a stepping stone towards reaching the COG capital city of Ephyra. At the same time, Zeta-Six is assigned to help evacuate Ilima via convoys of APCs, only to have their checkpoint attacked by massive Locust forces. Repelling multiple waves, Zeta ultimately uses the Hammer of Dawn to finish off the attacking Locust and is reassigned to help another squad defending a bank with civilian survivors inside. Zeta fails to save the other Gears and most of the civilians, but discovers a young Jace Stratton holed up inside of the bank's vault. The squad rescues Jace and escorts him to a convoy for evacuation, killing several Seeders and a Brumak to protect the convoy. At Jace's request, Zeta agrees to check out the local high school where Jace believes that there might be more survivors, including his adoptive father Dr. Wisen. Reaching the high school, Zeta finds it to be a COG evacuation center which has been overrun by the Locust, including a Berserker, packs of Wretches and several giant Serapedes. However, they overhear a message from Dr. Wisen directing the survivors of the attack on the school to retreat to his nearby orphanage. Zeta fights their way back outside, managing to kill the Berserker by using several exploding cars in the parking lot. Finding their comms blocked by the Seeders and with time running out, Zeta fights their way to city hall where Barrick uses the mobile command center located there to take control of the Hammer of Dawn and kill the Seeders. With communications restored and less than half an hour left until the city is consumed, Zeta contacts Command who reveals that they are the only COG forces left in the city. As Kim refuses to abandon the survivors at the orphanage, Command agrees to redirect the last APC to meet them there for evacuation. At the orphanage, Zeta discovers several survivors, including Dr. Wisen. As the APC arrives, carrying Jace, General RAAM leads a personal attack on the survivors, killing Alicia Valera and destroying the APC. Jace joins the remaining Gears in fighting off the Locust, though they are quickly cut off from the others. Zeta and Jace fight their way back through the nearby streets and sewers, encountering and killing most of RAAM's elite unit, particularly the elite Theron Guard that had been acting as RAAM's second in command during the battle. Upon their return to the orphanage, the Gears and Jace face off against multiple waves of Locust led by RAAM himself from atop a Reaver and weaponizing the Kryll against them. The group manages to shoot down the Locust General's Reaver, but Barrick is forced to stop the vengeful Kim from making a suicidal attack on the trapped and injured RAAM. Retreating to the roof, the survivors are evacuated by a King Raven helicopter just before the Kryllstorm completely engulfs Ilima. Impressed with Jace, Barrick commends the young man's courage and states that he will make a great Gear in the future. ===== As described in a film publication, Valentine Moreland (MacLaren) has married her husband for money and jilted Geoffrey Sherwood (Powell). He feels her rejection keenly, and his friend Tony Hewlitt (David) finds Geoffrey alone in his apartment drinking. Miriam, abandoned by her husband and whose child had died from neglect, has been forced out on the street when her room's rent becomes overdue. Tony sprays some soda water out the window and hits Miriam. Miriam is invited in and Tony offers to compensate her for her hat. She tells Geoffrey her story, and he sees that he is no worse off than other people. Miriam works with Geoffrey in his South American business and he helps her get an apartment. She loves him and tries to win his affection, but he is held back by his memory of Valentine. Valentine has become weary of her elderly husband and seeks Geoffrey at his apartment. Miriam arrives and, seeing that Geoffrey is infatuated with Valentine, resolves to leave. Valentine glances out the window and, seeing her husband John (Wellesley) entering the house, panics. Miriam hides Geoffrey and Valentine in the next room, and, when John comes in, convinces him that she is Geoffrey's mistress and the only woman there. After John leaves, Valentine decides to rejoin her husband. Miriam leaves and, after sending a letter to Geoffrey indicating an intent to kill herself, leaves on a boat for South America. Geoffrey pursues her in a seaplane and rescues her when she jumps of the ship. They are married and honeymoon in Rio. ===== As described in a film magazine, Dolores de Lisa (Murray), born of a Spanish father and American mother, combines the warm blood of the South with Yankee pep. To hold her in restraint, her aunt Marquesa (Fitzroy) takes her to Madrid. Dolores slips away from home on Easter day when the streets are filled with crowds going to the bullfight where, after obtaining a wig and costume, she occupies a box. She becomes fascinated with the toreador Carrita (Frazer), and the Count de Morera (Foote) offers to introduce her if she will agree to attend his ball. At the ball Dolores dances for the guests, and then joins a party at a cabaret where she meets the great Carrita. Her family meanwhile is searching the city for her, her father Eduardo de Lisa (Lane), her brother Carlos (Hale), and her sweetheart Ralph Kellogg (Coleman), having just arrived from the United States. Her father enters the cabaret and Parola (Ware), a faded cabaret singer, recognizes him and invites him to her room. Dolores follows them and hears Parola accuse Carlos of being the father of her son. As Carlos turns and starts down the stairs, Parola attempts to kill him with a heavy lamp but Dolores grabs it. Parola then turns on the daughter, but she is saved by the toreador. Parola tells Carrita that Carlos is his father and urges him to avenge her. Carrita leaves and before he can carry out his purpose, Parola admits that she lied and was only attempting to blackmail Carlos, which saves him from death at the hands of the toreador. Dolores arrives home bedraggled and completely cured of her desire for excitement, bullfights, and underworld cabarets. She happily sinks into her American sweetheart's arms. ===== The novel, which is intensely autobiographical as Rihani himself immigrated as a child, tells the story of two boys, named Khalid and Shakib, from Baalbek in Lebanon (at the time, the Syrian province of the Ottoman Empire) who migrate together to the United States, coming by ship through Ellis Island and enduring the classic "Via Dolorosa" of an immigrant. They move into a wet cellar in the Little Syria community of Lower Manhattan near Battery Park and begin to peddle counterfeit Holy Land trinkets and religious items throughout the city, a typical Arab endeavor in America. While Shakib, although himself a poet, is focused and accumulates savings through peddling, Khalid becomes distracted and turns away from commercial activity toward frantically consuming Western literature and participating in the New York City intellectual and bohemian scene. At one point, he burns his peddling box, decrying the dishonesty of their sales. After exhaustion from reckless "bohemian" pursuits, Khalid shifts towards party politics when he is offered the position of a functionary and ward for the Arab community in the machine politics of the city. However, Khalid insists on moral purity in his political work, causing conflict with his "Boss." As a result, he is jailed for a brief time of ten days (Shakib helps secure his release) under the charge of misapplying public funds. The two decide to return to Lebanon before long, and Khalid then shifts back to intense peddling for a time, paying off his accumulated debts and earning funds for return passage. Describing the result of their return, Christoph Schumann has stated that "the subsequent course of events mirrors the progress of his American experience: spiritual retreat, political activism, and persecution."Schumann, Christoph. 2008. Liberal thought in the Eastern Mediterranean: late 19th century until the 1960s. Leiden: Brill, p. 246 Khalid soon engages in a series of actions that anger Maronite clerics in his home city. He refuses to attend church services and spreads pamphlets and ideas seen as heretical. Moreover, he presses his wish to marry Najma, a young cousin, but Church leaders refuse to grant consent. As result of the growing conflict, Khalid is excommunicated. After burning the official excommunication order in the town square of Baalbek, he sets off a battle of opposing sides and is sent by Ottoman troops to a prison in Damascus. Meanwhile, Najma is forced by her father to marry an Ottoman official. After Khalid's release, Khalid moves to the mountain forests and starts to live as a hermit. During this period of exile, he contemplates nature and integrates lessons learned in America with his views on the cultural and political dilemmas of the Arab world. He evolves into a self- identified "voice" for the Arabs, and chooses to return to spread his views on liberation from the Ottoman empire and on the importance of religious unity and scientific progress. Khalid travels to different cities engaging in political and spiritual speech, periodically writing letters to Shakib. During his travels, Khalid meets an American Baháʼí woman named Mrs. Gotfry with whom he discursively engages on questions of love and religion. He travels to Damascus where he speaks in the Great Mosque about his views of the West and of religious tradition, producing a riot and prompting the Ottoman authorities to pursue his arrest. He flees with Mrs. Gotfry to Baalbek, where he meets Shakib and learns that Najma, along with her young son, is abandoned and now ill. All of them (Khalid, Mrs. Gotfry, Najma, her son, and Shakib) flee together into the Egyptian desert to escape the Ottoman authorities. After an idyllic period in the desert of several months, Mrs. Gotfry and Shakib leave. Najma's son, Najid, dies suddenly of an unexpected illness, and Najma relapses and follows him in death in her grief. Khalid disappears and does not contact Shakib; his whereabouts are unknown. ===== This book is set in the present and follows the adventurer Nicholas Quenton-Harper and his love interest, Dr. Royan Al Simma, as they uncover the tomb of Tanus. Duraid Al Simma and his wife Royan decipher the seventh scroll from the tomb of Lostris. They are attacked and their work is stolen. Duraid is brutally murdered, but Royan escapes. Royan heads to England and convinces an old friend of Duraid, Nicholas, of the existence of the treasure in Pharaoh Mamose's tomb. Together they travel to Ethiopia following clues laid out by Taita. As the pair journey along together, they grow fond of each other's company. They find the tomb's location, but are attacked by the Pegasus group, which were behind attempts on Royan's life. Royan and Nicholas' work are stolen. It is revealed that the Pegasus group is owned by Herr von Schiller, a ruthless German collector. With the help of his right-hand man Jake Helm, Colonel Nogo, and Duraid's former assistants under his command, he acquires a strong force that are willing to go to extreme lengths. Colonel Nogo was put in charge of keeping Royan and Nicholas out of their way and Duraid's assistant was in charge of exploiting the works Nicholas and Royan discovered, while Jake Helm provided them with Pegasus' facilities. With the help of an old friend of Nicholas, Mek Nimmur, Nicholas and Royan sneak back into Ethiopia with equipment to search for the treasure. Accompanying them is an old fisherman to help in their quest. With spies of Herr Von Schiller's gloating around Nicholas and Royans' premises, how Nicholas and Royan manage to find the tomb and escape from von Schiller forms the rest of the novel. ===== The structure of the episode is similar to the structure of the Treehouse of Horror episodes, only that it is divided in four stories instead of three. ===== The film's plot revolves around the life of Rami, a 26-year-old homosexual, his life in Cairo, and his experiences with his friends and neighbors. ===== The show focuses upon four young secretaries and their lives in an intense publishing firm: Linda, April, Kim, and Barbara. They were tormented by their ruthless head editor, Amanda Key, and counseled by the warm and loving Violet Jordan. Although the soap opera was short-lived, there were several plotlines, including Kim being brutally attacked by a mysterious villain named Squirrel. The series also revolved around Barbara, who had become depressed since her marriage failed. ===== ===== While on a school field trip to a candy factory, Butters spots actor Tom Cruise working there, packing fudge into boxes. Stan, who previously told Cruise that his acting is not as good as others' in "Trapped in the Closet", accidentally insults him again by calling him a "fudge packer", as Cruise claims to be fly fishing. Cruise then recruits 200 other celebrities who have been ridiculed by the town of South Park to bring a class action lawsuit against the town. Stan returns to the factory with his father Randy to try to apologize and convince Cruise to drop the suit, but also finds it difficult not to call him a fudge packer as well since he was literally packing fudge while they spoke. An angry Cruise agrees to do so, but only if they can help Cruise meet Muhammad. This causes an uproar because depictions of Muhammad are forbidden, and the townsfolk fear that forcing Muhammad to appear in public will drive Muslim radicals to bomb the town. Stan and Kyle go to the Super Best Friends, a squad of superhero- like religious figures (Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Laozi, Joseph Smith and "Seaman") of which Muhammad is a member, to request he return with them to South Park. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Cruise and the other celebrities only want Muhammad for his "goo", as Rob Reiner, previously shown to be filled with "goo" in "Butt Out", has invented a machine to transfer Muhammad's "goo" to the celebrities, which they believe will make them immune to ridicule, just like Muhammad. By this time, Cartman arrives with "Mitch Conner", a face painted on his hand as one-half of a ventriloquist act. Previously, Connor had successfully impersonated actress Jennifer Lopez in "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", and now Cartman and Connor return to the Lopez imitation in order to get involved in the lawsuit along with the other celebrities. Connor soon secretly convinces Cartman that they should steal Muhammad's goo for themselves to sell on the black market for more than the lawsuit could offer. Meanwhile, Kyle and Stan convince the Super Best Friends to let Muhammad come to town, but only if he stays in the back of a U-Haul truck and is not seen. When the townspeople realize they must bring Muhammad to Cruise's limo, they allegedly put him inside a bear mascot outfit. South Park is about to give Muhammad to the celebrities when the exchange is interrupted by a bomb planted by the Ginger Kids, a group of fair-skinned, red-haired children who are tired of being made fun of for their physical appearance. The Gingers want Muhammad for themselves, hoping to use his goo for their own means. They threaten to blow up the town if Muhammad is not turned over to them. The people of South Park decide to turn Muhammad over to the Gingers, fearing the violence that will befall their town if they do not. The celebrities are angered by this change in events, but refuse to resort to violence for fear of ruining their careers. Instead, the celebrities decide to awaken the rebuilt Mecha-Streisand, a giant mechanical monster form of Barbra Streisand, who previously terrorized the town of South Park before being destroyed. The celebrities hope to use Mecha-Streisand to force South Park to accept their demands. Meanwhile, due to the chain of events, Cartman decides Connor's scheme has become too complicated and tries to quit, but Connor convinces him to stay involved by revealing that the townspeople of South Park have lied to Cartman about his true father. Although they previously claimed his hermaphroditic mother was his father, Connor insists this is a lie. Cartman confronts his school teacher Mr. Garrison and Garrison's old hand puppet Mr. Hat, who admits to Cartman there was indeed a cover-up. Mecha- Streisand roars threateningly and continues her reign of destruction as the episode ends on a cliffhanger, setting the stage for 201. ===== Penniless and debt ridden writer Aylmer Franklyn (Robert Newton) happens upon a dead man lying under the branch of a tree, apparently killed during a violent storm. Swapping clothes and identities with the corpse seems like a way out of his troubles, and Franklyn even attends his own inquest; but little does he know the man had a criminal history and he soon finds the police on his trail. ===== A man's life is threatened and he seeks the assistance of Sexton Blake. ===== Jimmy Dugan (Frank Albertson) is a shotgun newspaper journalist who would kill to get a scoop. He finds a lead to a great business story and manages to get an interview with the subject in question, J.B. Matthews (Jed Prouty), who is the CEO of Bay Shore Railroad. Matthews company owns the Midland Central Railroad, where Tom Oliver (John Dilson) is in charge. Jimmy pretends to be Matthews physician and gains access to his mansion to perform a physical examination. He orders Matthews to relieve stress by taking a weeks vacation. While he performs the physical, Matthews’ daughter Helen (Lorna Gray) discovers that Jimmy isn’t a real doctor, but intrigued by the reason for the charade, she keeps quiet and doesn’t tell her father. Jimmy comes back to the mansion the day after when the family has left on their vacation, to search the house for leads to his story. He finds out that the family is on a train vacation, and takes a car to follow the train by road. Jimmy goes through a great ordeal to catch up with the train; he crashes his car and steals a police motorcycle. Eventually he manages to board the train, but at the same time, Matthews jumps off the train to escape his nagging sister. Matthews became acquainted with two hoboes living near the railroad tracks, and his wife Martha panics when she finds out he isn’t aboard the train anymore. Matthews is soon reported missing and his rival Tom Oliver start scheming to take control of the enterprise on his own. Jimmy reports back to his editor that the railroad tycoon is missing. There is a reward set to the person who can leave information leading to finding Matthews, but he is quite comfortable where he is with his new friends. Before the Bay Shore is sold to Midland, someone who has met Matthews in his new environment reveals his whereabouts. Jimmy helps find the tycoon and get him back before his assets are sold off by the bank. Jimmy wins the respect and heart of Helen, and the hoboes come and visit Matthews at the mansion. ===== In a variation of Captains Courageous, J.B. Matthews (Frank Craven) president of a railroad, is getting sick of doctors, when he falls off his train, and meets up with a pair of hoboes, King (James Burke) and Napoleon (Jimmy Conlin), who show him how to enjoy life, and real cooking. It's up to intrepid reporter Jimmy Dugan (Ray Walker) and Helen (Sally Blane) to find him, and bring him in. The hope is that they do it before a rival ruins him. However, time is running out. ===== When a group of Amish schoolgirls are taken hostage and killed in their classroom, their parents and the Amish community of Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, stun the outside world by immediately forgiving the killer. Ida Graber (Kimberly Williams-Paisley), mother of one of the murdered children, has a tougher time than the others accepting the tragedy, but in her anguish and pain, she begins a personal journey of renewed faith, ultimately accepting the heart-wrenching tragedy of losing a child after learning that her murdered daughter, Mary Beth Graber, had promised to pray for the perpetrator before her death; reconnecting with her husband (Matt Letscher), family, and community; offering forgiveness to the killer; and even showing kindness and compassion to the killer's widow (Tammy Blanchard) and children — all in the form of Amish grace. The film was dedicated in memory of the victims of the West Nickel Mines School shooting. ===== On the day that Jacky Faber is to wed her true love, Jaimy, she is kidnapped by British Naval Intelligence and forced to embark on yet another mission for the Crown, searching for sunken Spanish gold off the coast of Havana. Along the way, Jacky and her mates find more than they have bargained for. ===== A man, Jacques De Bergerac, is in a coma after being in a car accident. He finds himself in Dark Town, where the land is dominated by strange living, breathing puppets and marionettes with button eyes. The Lords of Dark Town are trying to kill Jacques, and use his body in the real world as a vessel for an agent of Dark Town. There's only one problem: Jacques' imagination. He carries it with him always, in a red suitcase. It protects him from the horrors of Dark Town. Meanwhile, in the real world, Jacques' wife decides to take him off life support. Jacques now only has 12 hours to live. Back in Dark Town, Jacques encounters Death, who informs him of his time limit, and tells him how to escape Dark Town. The book ends on a cliff-hanger, as Jacques is captured by a knight after wandering onto a chessboard. ===== Feeling her combative family has long taken her for granted, genteel British housewife Laura Hammond somehow finds time to write a film script amidst the chaos of her home life. Her work catches the attention of a Hollywood producer, and Laura unexpectedly finds herself the author of a hit film. She also finds she can only write when she's surrounded by her dysfunctional family. Eventually, Laura must choose between being a highly paid writer and celebrity or a housewife. ===== On his death, the eccentric family of rakish Sir Roderick Lyall (Jimmy Edwards) gathers at his ancestral Irish mansion, Ballyroden Hall, for the reading of the will. Everyone is shocked to hear that, once debts are paid, the only asset remaining will be the mansion. The family doctor, Mr. Walsh (Miles Malleson), suggests the mansion be turned into a guest house to bring in funds. Half the family supports the idea, but Uncle Hercules (Jimmy Edwards) and Consuelo (Athene Seyler) endeavour to sabotage the scheme. All the while, Aunt Anna Rose (Martita Hunt) insists she has mislaid a fortune in jewels – but her story is doubted due to her eccentric personality. When the first paying guests, Eustace Mills (Naunton Wayne), Mrs. Cleghorn-Thomas (June Clyde) and daughter Yvonne (Mara Lane), arrive for their holiday, expecting peace and quiet, they find themselves caught up in a series of farcical situations caused by their hosts. ===== In Shanghai, Madeleine Linden is an unhappy wife who falls in love with wounded pilot Pat Avon, upon whom her husband Brian, the head of the Red Cross, must operate. ===== When a successful nightclub singer (Cicely Courtneidge) finds herself guardian to her late sisters children, she ditches her singing career and takes the kids to live on a farm. Her manager is less than happy and resorts to legal means to try and stop her. ===== The series details the secret history of an occult organization called the Brotherhood of the Shield, with a history extending back to ancient Egypt. The main story of the first issue is set in 1953 shortly after the death of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, during the height of the Cold War. Shield agents Nathaniel Richards and Howard Stark enlist a young man named Leonid with unspecified superpowers into the organization, taking him to Shield's High Council in the Immortal City under Rome. The High Council reveals that they know "the final fate of Man", and their mission is to ensure nothing threatens the world before this occurs. They have chosen Leonid because he has a destiny. Flashbacks reveal that the Shield was founded by Imhotep following a battle (alongside Apocalypse and the original Moon Knight) against the Brood, and that previous agents include Zhang Heng (who tricked a Celestial into using the sun to give birth to its child instead of destroying the Earth or the Moon to do so), Galileo Galilei (who fought against Galactus) and Leonardo da Vinci (who is shown with a mysterious device, flying off in an ornithopter).S.H.I.E.L.D. (vol. 1) #1 Leonid spends three years working with the Shield before being visited by his father, a superhuman named the Night Machine who has encountered the Shield before, and apparently been killed by them. The Night Machine gives Leonid the key to a secret area of the headquarters, saying his destiny cannot be dictated by others. The issue ends with Leonid meeting Leonardo da Vinci, who has apparently traveled through time to use his device to save the world. Leonardo's return was met with resistance from Isaac Newton who saw it as a threat to his reign as leader of the organization. This eventually leads to a great schism that divides the Shield into two factions; one led by Leonardo da Vinci and one led by Newton. Meanwhile, the child of a Celestial, the Star Child, is picked up by Leonardo from the sun.S.H.I.E.L.D. (vol. 1) #5 Also connected to the story are Renaissance man Michelangelo who as The Forever Man has amazing superhuman powers of time and space manipulation and Nostradamus who was doused with the Infinity formula and tortured for centuries by Newton to tell the future for centuries. It is later discovered that The Night Machine is really Nikola Tesla who received his cybernetic implants from Michelangelo.S.H.I.E.L.D. Infinity Tesla is also discovered to be Leonid's adoptive father and that his biological father was Newton. The reader learns that Newton murdered Galileo Galilei and a host of others to meet his needs.S.H.I.E.L.D. (vol. 2) #1 Night Machine, Stark, and Richards return to the City, and put a stop to the conflict by deciding to put the decision to Leonid on who is right, he chooses Leonardo da Vinci. Newton escapes to the future.S.H.I.E.L.D. (vol. 2) #2 Meanwhile, the Star Child goes mad on seeing that the world will end. The second volume stalled at issue 4, with the 5th issue completed not to be published until the 6th issue is ready to be started. Jonathan Hickman (writer) and Dustin Weaver (artist) were tied up with the Marvel summer crossover events for 2013. ===== Homer and Bart participate at an "Ugliest Dog" contest in Springfield", entering Santa's Little Helper. At the contest, Moe feels neglected because nobody wants to let him sit next to them (Agnes Skinner even sets the chair next to her on fire). Moe sits on the ground until he notices that the judge, Krusty the Clown, is not managing to entertain the crowd due to his lack of enthusiasm over his work. He taunts and insults Krusty for his inability to be funny, despite being a clown. Angry, Krusty leaves and offers his job to Moe, much to the delight of the crowd, who then urges him to replace Krusty, and to which Moe agrees as he now has a place to sit. During the competition, Moe makes sardonic, offensive but undoubtedly funny comments about all the ugly dogs, but chooses the Simpsons' dog (under the alias of Satan's Little Helper) as the winner because the Simpsons disguised their dog's buttocks as if it were his face, leaving Santa's Little Helper upset over his appearance until Lisa comforts him later. After that, Moe becomes the judge of most Springfield competitions (including a bully competition at the beach) and is offered a job as one of the judges on American Idol, since several other programs with the opportunity of this kind of job were suddenly cancelled. Moe flies to Los Angeles and becomes a protégé of Simon Cowell, who then explains all the details of his job, but before his first show, Cowell shows several clips of people (including Mr. Burns) who think the judgments of Moe are very offensive and became angry with him (with even the usually innocent and good-natured Ralph talking so boldly about Moe that most of his words have to be censored). Cowell warns him to not "become the mean judge, like I did", since he himself does not have many friends. He tries to be more positive, but when Cowell mocks his judgment of a contestant, he realizes that Cowell tricked him; angered, Moe threatens Cowell's life on air, but is apprehended by security and expelled from the building. Meanwhile, Homer feels bored after Moe closed his bar to judge competitions and decides to spend time with Marge. After his presence at the house becomes too annoying, Marge decides to help him to find a new bar, but when this fails (due to the obnoxious customers), Grampa advises Marge to put Homer in a round of golf, where he will become too distracted to even bother her again. However, before the game begins, Marge meets an elderly man who tells her that he got addicted to golf and barely saw his family again. Marge then realises that she was going too far and stops Homer from playing, and they both end up having makeup sex. In the end, in the reopening of his tavern, Moe explains that he was put on trial and, as punishment for his sociopathic behavior, he is not only banned from California, but is also forbidden from ever judging anything again anywhere in the country (he cannot even express his opinion on how much beer a person should drink before driving). But fortunately for Moe, he is also forbidden from watching the Fox network, something that he acknowledges as being a blessing in disguise, as this leads to an increase of the customers in his bar, including Rupert Murdoch, who asks him to put on The Jay Leno Show. ===== Bulletstorm takes place in the 26th century, where the universe is run by the Confederation of Planets. Grayson Hunt (Steven Blum) is the leader of Dead Echo, a black ops team under command of Star General Earl Sarrano (Anthony De Longis). Following Sarrano's orders and assassinating alleged criminals, Dead Echo kills a man known as Bryce Novak. Immediately after, they discover Novak was a civilian reporter, documenting civilian deaths caused by Dead Echo. Realizing they have been tricked by Sarrano, Grayson and his team desert and become space pirates on the run from Sarrano's forces. Ten years later, Grayson commands a ship with his old teammates, Ishi Sato (Andrew Kishino), Rell Julian (Chris Cox), and Dr. Whit Oliver (Robin Atkin Downes). He spots Sarrano's battlecruiser, the Ulysses near the planet of Stygia. In a drunken rage, he attacks and rams the Ulysses. The ships collide and crash land on the surface of Stygia, fatally wounding Ishi. To save Ishi, Grayson and Rell leave the ship to find an energy cell for the ship's medical equipment. On the planet, a former popular tropical-like resort, the population and wildlife have mutated into feral tribes and carnivorous bandits, respectively. Grayson reaches one of the Ulysses escape pods, and retrieves the pod's energy cell, and a device called an "instinct leash." The leash provides him with strange tactile information, such as points for each enemy he kills. Grayson and Rell return with the energy cell, and Doc begins replacing several of Ishi's body parts with cybernetics, including an AI processor for parts of his brain. In the middle of the operation, the bandits attack their ship, killing Doc, Rell, and leaving Ishi a disfigured cyborg. Grayson and Ishi decide to work together to get off the planet, despite Ishi's disapproval of Grayson's thirst for revenge. Throughout the game, the AI processor in Ishi's brain takes over several times, fueled by his anger at Grayson's selfish and reckless actions which killed their teammates and put them in danger. The instinct leash leads Grayson to another escape pod, where they find Trishka (Jennifer Hale), a Final Echo soldier. She agrees to work with Grayson and Ishi under the condition that they rescue Sarrano. As they battle through the ravaged city, Trishka explains that Stygia has been used by Final Echo as a training ground. The instinct leash is a means of ranking the user. Only by scoring kills can the soldier get more ammunition and supplies to survive. Upon learning that Trishka was Novak's daughter, Grayson tells her that Sarrano was responsible for her father's death, but lies about his involvement. The three fight their way to Sarrano's escape pod, which landed on a skyscraper. Trishka accuses Sarrano of her father's death, but he pushes her off the building. Sarrano then warns Grayson and Ishi of an armed "DNA bomb" on the Ulysses that will wipe out all life on the planet. He urges them to disarm it as his rescue ship will not arrive in time. As they travel to the Ulysses, Sarrano explains that prison convicts were used as the labor force to maintain the planet. They rebelled when toxic byproducts, created by the planet's solar radiation shields, were dumped in the underground prison. The convicts destroyed the shields, exposing the entire population to mutating radiation. Aboard the Ulysses, Sarrano tricks Grayson and Ishi into arming what was actually an inert bomb, and leaves. As fire breaks out aboard the fallen ship, the two are saved by Trishka, who survived the fall. The three race to Sarrano's rescue ship and get on board. They fight through Sarrano's elite troops and eventually confront him. Trishka demands to know who killed her father, and Sarrano reveals Grayson's squad carried out the order. As the heroes argue, Sarrano hijacks Ishi's computer systems and forces Ishi to turn on his friends. Grayson manages to break Sarrano's control, and Ishi sacrifices himself to save his teammate. Enraged, Grayson impales Sarrano on the debris sticking out of the wall. Sarrano, still alive, ejects Grayson and Trishka out of the rescue ship. Grayson and Trishka race back to the Ulysses and board an unused escape pod. They launch it into low orbit, then the explosion of the DNA bomb propels the pod into space. Inside the pod, the two talk about Grayson's revenge, the loss of his team, and Sarrano's escape. Trishka asks Grayson what he is going to do about Sarrano escaping, and the screen fades to black. In a post-credits scene, it is revealed that Sarrano was revived as a cyborg. Ishi also survives and is now taken over by the AI processor. ===== The sons (and a daughter) of the original Four Musketeers ride to the rescue of besieged Queen Anne in 1648 France. D'Artagnan and his companions are alerted that the terminally ill Queen (Gladys Cooper) is being pressured by the evil Duc de Lavalle (Robert Douglas) into agreeing to a marriage with Princess Henriette (Nancy Gates). Too old (or dead) to respond, their sons (and one daughter) race to Court to help. After much derring do – including episodes of imprisonment and betrayal, with a burgeoning love sub-plot between D'Artagnan Jr. and Claire, daughter of Athos (Maureen O'Hara) thrown in for good measure – they succeed. ===== The film revolves around a wise girl Lakshmi who lost her parents in childhood and grows up at her paternal uncle Narayana Rao's (C.S.R) residence. Here Jagadamba (Suryakantam) her shrew aunt, persecutes her a lot. Narayana Rao couple has two more children Kotaiah a soft-hearted person and Kathyayani a pampered daughter. As an astrologer, Narayana Rao predicts that Lakshmi is going to get a rich alliance at the age of 18. Meanwhile, Kotaiah runs away from the house and joins the army. Years roll by, Jagadamba arranges a match for Katyayani (Sowcar Janaki), but they like Lakshmi (Jamuna) when a rift arises and Lakshmi is necked out. During that plight, she reaches Tirumala hills where she rescues a misplaced baby of a wealthy couple Nagabhushnam (K.V.S.Sarma) & Seetamma (Hemalatha), she carefully handovers her back when the couple gives shelter to Lakshmi. Thereafter, Lakshmi gains everyone's affection in the house, especially their elder son Ravi (N. T. Rama Rao) falls for her. Even his parents respect his decision, but it begrudges Nagabhushnam's brother-in-law Jaganadham (Dr. Sivaramakishnaiah) as he aspires to perform his daughter Parvathi's espousal with Ravi. So, he ploys by bribing Jagadamba & her brother Sambaiah (Ramana Reddy) and they make a falsity that Lakshmi is already married. Learning it, humiliated Lakshmi leaves the house. On the other side, Kathyayani elopes with her love interest Pullaiah (Relangi) along with the money. At the same time, Kotaiah (Nagabhushnam) returns and brings out the reality from baddies when out of shock Ravi collapses. Parallelly, Pulliah spoils the amount brought by Katyayani when Lakshmi helps them to back up. Knowing the whereabouts of Lakshmi through Katyayani, Kotaiah brings her back. By the time, Ravi is terminally ill who recovers to the prayers of Lakshmi. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Ravi & Lakshmi. ===== Early one day, SpongeBob and Patrick become the first visitors to a new section of Jellyfish Fields. As they wander in the area, they discover a sign that states that a "super highway" will be built through Jellyfish Fields. Believing that the highway will pollute and ultimately destroy Jellyfish Fields(some jellyfish will die from moving or from a dirty environment or from the fact that this is a home destroyed), SpongeBob resolves to prevent the highway's creation. SpongeBob asks Mr. Krabs for assistance, but he supports the highway, believing it can bring more customers to the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob then shows Mr. Krabs the highway's blueprint, which shows that the highway with concrete columns will run over the Krusty Krab and end directly at the Chum Bucket, revealing that Plankton is responsible for the highway's development. Mr. Krabs thus decides to support SpongeBob. They both go to the Chum Bucket and ask Plankton to not develop the highway, but he states that, already, the whole rest of the town has unanimously voted to build the highway. Refusing to give up, SpongeBob and Patrick peacefully petition to stop the highway. Nobody listens to them, however, and they are quickly exiled for their actions. Shortly after arriving there, they see a parade meant to commemorate the groundbreaking of the highway. It is rapidly built and, as SpongeBob predicted, it turns Jellyfish Fields into a wasteland. A few days later, the Krusty Krab's business quickly dwindles due to the highway. Believing that no one will come to the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs decides to finally give Plankton the Krabby Patty formula. Mere seconds before he does, however, the jellyfish from Jellyfish Fields invade Bikini Bottom and start attacking civilians. Seeing this as an opportunity to demolish the highway, SpongeBob makes an appeal to the people, who agree to destroy it. Everybody in Bikini Bottom turns against Plankton and destroys the pavement and the columns of the highway (Plankton, who thinks his highway is unremovable, tries to save it but gets run over). Jellyfish Fields is restored instantly to its natural state. ===== Ethan Poe, a writer living in the shadow of his infamous ancestor, is under deadline to finish his next book. He moves to a small town to concentrate on his novel and meets Anne who falls for the troubled writer. When the shadow of Poe's ghost falls over the two lovers women turn up murdered in Poe-etic fashion. Ethan is the Police's prime suspect. Is Anne next to be murdered? Can she save herself from the dark curse on the Poe family?Descendant, dir. Kermit Christman and Del Tenney, perf. Katherine Heigl and Jeremy London, DVD, York Horror, 2003. ===== Drs. Charlie Eppes (David Krumholtz) and Amita Ramanujan (Navi Rawat) are married at CalSci. Charlie's father Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch), Charlie's older brother FBI Special Agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), and friends FBI Special Agents David Sinclair (Alimi Ballard), Colby Granger (Dylan Bruno), Nikki Betancourt (Sophina Brown), and Assistant United States Attorney Robin Brooks (Michelle Nolden) attend the ceremony. Charlie and Amita's friend and colleague Dr. Larry Fleinhardt (Peter MacNicol) officiates. After receiving a call from FBI Special Agent Liz Warner (Aya Sumika), Don and David leave the reception to arrest Ted Dacosta (Luke Rosen), a man wanted on fraud charges. During the arrest, a man who has just learned that Decosta had swindled him tackles Don and David. The tackle knocks Don's gun away from him. Someone picks the gun up and walks away from the scene. A member of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) questions Don about the incident, and Don completes the required paperwork. Nikki contacts her former colleagues at the LAPD for assistance. At Charlie's house, Alan and Charlie notice that Don is upset about losing his gun. Charlie offers to help his brother locate the gun, but Don refuses, citing Charlie and Amita's upcoming visiting professorships at Cambridge. Don receives a call about two drug dealers who were fatally shot with Don's gun. None of the neighbors appear upset about the dealers' deaths. A tip from LAPD leads the FBI team to the leader of the community crime watch. He insists that he did not have the gun but later confesses to possessing it when presented with contradictory evidence. Don confesses to Robin that he feels that the search for his gun could determine his future with the FBI. Robin replies that the current case should not influence his decision. Meanwhile, FBI technician Matt Li (Matthew Yang King) discovers many references to Don's gun as a vigilante gun on several social networking sites. Charlie, Amita, Larry, and Otto Bahnoff (John Cariani), a plasma physicist who has assisted the FBI on two previous cases, use the small world network to track the gun. While discussing the math, Don and Charlie agree that, although they had spent their lives apart from each other, they want to keep the relationship they have with each other. The team receives another call, this time leading them to the body of a woman who planned to drink and drive without a driver's license. Amita, Charlie, Larry, and Otto find a woman who used her real personal information on a web site which referenced Don's gun. The woman tells the agents that she passed the gun to someone named Jim. Don and David question Jim Mazzolla (David Burke), who claims that his neighbor Michael Hiller (Vyto Ruginis) had been bullying Mazzolla and his family. Both Mazzolla and Hiller deny being in possession of Don's gun. With Charlie's analysis and further investigation, the agents discover that Mazzolla, a criminal, was in the area where Don lost his gun the day of the incident. Don and David return to Mazzolla's house, where they discover Mazzolla's son, Jim Jr., (Bridger Zadina) holding Hiller at gunpoint. Don wrestles the gun from Jim Jr. and arrests Hiller on unspecified charges. FBI Special Agent Ian Edgerton (Lou Diamond Phillips) suddenly appears to escort Hiller. Ian informs Don and David that the team's earlier background check on Hiller, an escaped prisoner from Florida, alerted Ian to Hiller's location. Ian also expresses disappointment about not being able to attend Charlie and Amita's wedding. At the FBI office, Colby, Liz, and Nikki discuss David's new promotion to team leader of an anti-corruption team based from the Washington, DC FBI field office. Don, who recommended him for the position, tells David that David will do well in his new position. At Charlie's house, the Eppes family and the team celebrate Charlie and Amita's wedding. Charlie and Amita inform the group that they will be converting the garage into a guesthouse for Alan so that Alan, who had decided to find an apartment since Charlie and Amita have married, can have space and that they can have him live near them. Charlie wants to provide for Alan, and Amita is willing due to her Indian heritage. Confident about his work with the FBI, Don tells Robin that he will accept a promotion to become a special agent in charge. Don proposes to Robin, and she accepts. As Alan designs the new guesthouse, he, Don, and Charlie discuss the changes and the constants in their lives. ===== A freight train and a passenger train collide with each other. Several people on the passenger train are killed, and others are trapped in the wreckage. Suspecting terrorism, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) calls FBI Special Agents Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), David Sinclair (Alimi Ballard), Colby Granger (Dylan Bruno), and Nikki Betancourt (Sophina Brown) to the scene. Don leaves David and Colby at the scene to rescue survivors while he and Nikki talk to a conductor who had jumped out of the train before it crashed. Nikki attempts to tie the conductor's deceased crew-mate, who stayed on the crashing train trying to apply the breaks and has Syrian origin, to a terrorist plot. Don feels that the wreck was unrelated to terrorist activities. At CalSci, Dr. Charlie Eppes (David Krumholtz), Don's younger brother and a FBI math consultant, demonstrates a group of swarmbots, robots which can gather information using infotaxis, the use of information to create a map of the robots' environment, to Don and their father, Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch). Charlie tells Don the swarmbots could map the wreck in order to find survivors. Charlie arrives at the crash site and inserts the swarmbots into the wreckage. At the FBI office, Don calls Dr. Amita Ramanujan (Navi Rawat), Charlie's girlfriend and a fellow FBI consultant, to determine whether mechanical failure caused the crash. Don and Nikki question several other people, including a former member of the mob who is now a legitimate businessman, the freighter train's owner, and a rail master. Back at the crash site, David and Colby pull a woman out alive. She is concerned about her asthmatic son, who was with her at the time of the crash. The mother calls her son's cell phone, and she and David talk to the boy for a while to keep him calm. Amita finds that two switches must be thrown in order for a train to switch tracks. Upon a suggestion from Alan, Amita realizes that someone threw the second switch a few minutes too late. Don calls the rail master back in for questioning. During the interview, Don learns that the rail master has had a lack of sleep and left his post a couple of minutes before the crash to rouse himself. Back at the crash site, David loses contact with the boy. Movement inside the railcar crushes the swarmbots, leaving Charlie without a visual of the inside of the railcar. Impatient with Charlie, David enters the railcar with the boy's inhaler. Don arrives at the scene as Colby enters the wreckage after David. David and Colby find the boy and a rail worker who has been with the boy since the crash alive and rescue them. Charlie realizes that the freight train's momentum should have stopped it. Don learns that the freight train's owner misrepresented the train's weight, and Don and Nikki then arrest the owner. ===== While Dr. Charlie Eppes (David Krumholtz), a CalSci math professor/FBI math consultant, rehearses a lecture on entropy and his brother, FBI Special Agent Don Eppes (Rob Morrow), is at temple, federal prisoner Buck Winters (David Gallagher) escapes from prison along with two other prisoners. As Winters and his fellow escapees are federal prisoners, the Los Angeles Police Department calls FBI Special Agents David Sinclair (Alimi Ballard) and Nikki Betancourt (Sophina Brown) to the scene of an abandoned car and hands the FBI agents a rope made from dental floss. David explains to Nikki that, two years prior, Buck's wife, Crystal Hoyle, kidnapped fellow FBI Special Agent Megan Reeves (Diane Farr). Don allowed Buck to be tortured in order to learn Megan and Crystal's location. At a briefing at the FBI office, Don acts as though he is not bothered by the news of Buck's escape. Don's girlfriend, Assistant United States Attorney Robin Brooks (Michelle Nolden), becomes worried about Don as the case should be personal to him. FBI Special Agent Liz Warner (Aya Sumika), who knew only about Megan's kidnapping and had learned about Don's actions from FBI Special Agent Colby Granger (Dylan Bruno), confronts Don about his actions. David and Liz take the rope to CalSci to be analyzed by Charlie and Drs. Amita Ramanujan (Navi Rawat) and Larry Fleinhardt (Peter MacNicol), Charlie's friends and fellow FBI consultants. When Charlie and Larry learn of Buck's escape, Charlie is surprised, as Don had not told Charlie about the escape. Larry is visibly upset as Megan was his girlfriend at the time of her kidnapping. Charlie's calculations reveal that the prison break had been planned for months and that someone outside of the prison had to supply the dental floss. Colby and Nikki bring the girlfriend of one of the prisoners in for questioning. The girlfriend points to a friend of the prisoner's cellmate. David and Colby question the friend, who denies any knowledge of Buck or the floss. Meanwhile, Robin confides to Larry that she wishes that Buck would be found dead, and Larry tells Robin what he was thinking when Megan was kidnapped. Don and Charlie's father, Alan Eppes (Judd Hirsch), confronts Don about his recent behavior. Don confesses that he fears having to kill Buck in a confrontation. Charlie analyzes Buck's movements and realizes that Buck is after Don. At the FBI office, Charlie confronts Don, who is reviewing a tape of the Crystal Hoyle shooting. They discuss the ability to control a situation. Charlie tells Don that Don has to focus on the present since he cannot change the past. As Charlie leaves, Don receives a phone call from Buck. David, Colby, Nikki, and Liz find one of the escaped prisoners dead at a hotel. While discussing the development, they learn that Don had called Buck. Later, David, Colby, Nikki, and Liz arrest the accomplice. As Don and David prepare to arrest Buck, David confronts Don about Don's recent actions. Don gives David two options: report Don or trust him. Unarmed, Don confronts Buck at Don's synagogue. Don learns that Buck, thinking that his arrest disappointed Crystal, wants Don to kill him. Don explains that he had to shoot Crystal and that the decision has haunted him for some time. The team, who has been positioned around the synagogue, arrests Buck without firing a shot. Robin, who has been outside during Buck's arrest, enters the synagogue and finds Don leafing through a copy of the Tanakh. Meanwhile, Alan, Charlie, Amita, and Larry discuss Don's predicament during a discussion about forming a think tank. Charlie realizes that he contradicted himself while at Don's office; Charlie felt that the situation was irreversible. Larry uses Maxwell's Demon as a metaphor for outside circumstances forcing a change in the situation. ===== Two dim- witted New York street peddlers, Jake Bateman and Barney Bonar, have grown tired of the frozen cold. They head to a car place where drivers are hired to transport vehicles. When they are denied driving a Cadillac to Palm Beach, Florida, Jake flirts with the car place owner and threatens to eat her goldfish until she agrees. Upon arriving in Palm Beach, the duo find themselves accidentally crashing a party held by a rich elderly couple who lost their dog, Ralph. Barney's attempt at befriending a Navy admiral and his wife doesn't go too well while Jake meets Olivia, an heiress who runs a local orphanage. When Jake and Barney leave to find the Cadillac had been towed, Olivia offers to take them in in exchange for help at the orphanage. Olivia and Jake begin to get a little close when she drops a bomb on Jake. She is to be married to someone her uncle approves. Her uncle will only accept those whom he considers "perfect gentlemen". If she cannot marry in 30 days, she will lose her orphanage to a real estate developer, Strobe, who just also happens to be Olivia's ex-boyfriend who can't seem to let her go. When Jake offers to marry Olivia, she is convinced that Jake is not going to be good enough for her uncle. Upset, Jake turns to Barney, who suggests they go to a charm school run by Henrietta Phelps, a well known expert in etiquette. Taking the back route to the school, Jake and Barney are joined by the nerdy Eddie Lipschitz, aggressive police officer White, neurotic Shelley, Indian man Roy Rajmataj, and Claudia, the pregnant wife of a Mafia boss. At first, things don't bode well for anyone in the group. One night, Jake and Barney sneak off to a local bar where they find Henrietta's husband Colonel Phelps. The Colonel reveals he is part of a secret society similar to the Illuminati in terms of learning how to be a perfect gentleman. The duo splits their time between the couple, learning proper etiquette from Henrietta while the Colonel has the boys take mock photos with royal figures and government politicians to make themselves established. Having finished both courses, Jake intends to win back Olivia. However, he must deal with the likes of Strobe and his two right hand men, Whitey and Tipper. To impress Olivia's uncle, Judge Sternhill, Barney brings in some of his friends from the charm school to help Jake. For instance, Officer White gives Barney a machine gun to help Jake shoot skeet successfully with Barney actually pulling the trigger. When at a party, Jake manages to make Strobe look foolish, the Judge is disappointed with both men and suggests a game called "cross courts", the two get Eddie to join in. However, when Eddie unwittingly confesses to Whitey about charm school, the ruse is up and Olivia is forced to marry Strobe. At the wedding ceremony, Jake and Barney sneak in while Claudia comes in as a guest. Officer White distracts the priest and "arrests" him. Roy disguises himself as the priest with Eddie posing as an altar boy. When Strobe unveils the bride, it is actually Barney in a wig and totally embarrassing Strobe. Jake and Olivia finally get Sternhill's approval and Strobe is arrested by Officer White. Jake and Olivia drive off while Barney meets two women coming out of the church. The finale sees Judge Sternhill finding Colonel Phelps and they both give off the secret sign that they were both members of the "secret society" that Jake and Barney had become the newest members of. ===== Raj Malhotra, Vikram Chopra and Yogi Mathur are best friends and business partners who are married to Sanjana, Shivani and Maya respectively, and live in Vancouver, Canada. The three of them constantly cheat on their wives with not one or two but many women. However, while Yogi is the only unsuccessful one due to Maya having a secret friend spying on him, Raj and Vikram are able to get away with their flirtatious behaviour by fooling their wives and keeping them under check. One day, when the three wives, who are also friends, meet up, and Maya brings up Sanjana's issue about a free necklace due on Raj when the two met previously that day in a mall, she and Shivani insist on Sanjana having a therapist Kishan Khurana, Maya's "friend", solve the problem. However, when Maya arranges a meeting between them, things don't seem to work out because Sanjana happens to rubbish away Kishan's accusations against Raj. This compels Kishan to try exposing Raj by calling all his girlfriends to the New Year's Eve party, but Kishan's plan goes haywire when Vikram steps in and saves Raj. Confused to the next day, Raj and Vikram suspect a spy being part of the scandal that was about to occur last night and seek help from friend and Canadian Security Intelligence Service agent KD, who instead suggests hiring a private detective as the matter is too trivial and unprofessional for an intelligence agency to handle. However, as fate would have it, they land up at Kishan's place, and, having recognized him from the party, enlist his help. Kishan, who is apparently crushing on Sanjana, decides to engage Raj and Vikram in a double game, which results in the duo mistakenly assuming Yogi as the informer after Kishan shows them a doctored video of Yogi conversing with Sanjana, and ceasing their friendship with him by exposing him on one of his cheat dates. Later that day, he creates a fracas for Raj by nearly exposing him as a cheater when he is caught in a bathing robe, but Vikram again comes up with an idea, this time about having Raj pose as an undercover cop in the CSIS, who was unintentionally exposed during a "mission" for KD, who played his boss, and was responsible for killing dreaded don King's brother. Sanjana believes the story and forgives Raj, later snubbing Kishan over the exposé. Realizing that something is wrong with the deal, Kishan learns from Yogi about the plan and decides to expose them by staging himself as King and having them assemble blindfolded, with Sanjana and Shivani in attendance. When the truth is out, Sanjana tries to commit suicide, but Kishan convinces her otherwise, and comes up with a plan to reform Raj and bring his loving former self back to her life, part of which is a plan to entice Raj into jealousy by having Yogi inform him and Vikram of Sanjana beginning an affair and relationship with a dynamic, handsome man, who would be none other than Kishan himself. Eventually, Kishan's plan of the jealousy game works out well, but trouble brews big time when Shivani, through Kishan's help, has Vikram thrown out of the house upon having obtained ownership of all his property by getting him to unsuspectingly sign "bank account" papers during the time he was advising a troubled Raj, who made a witness. Helpless and destroyed, the three men turn to Kishan for help again, where they request him to blow the covers of their enemies, and vow to batter their fugitives to death, little knowing that they instead have a common enemy in Kishan, who throws a subtle suggestion about the same which they fail to recognize, and while Sanjana is to keep a fast for Raj, Kishan comes up with his own plan and lures the trio to King's house after they end up with his jacket. Kishan then arranges the trio to meet King's wife Maddy, who too is doubting King's possible affair, but the meeting turns out a disaster when they learn that King is innocent and Maddy starts shooting at King left, right and center for flirting with another girl. While waiting for him at his office to discuss details of the meeting, Raj and Vikram, along with Yogi, finally figure out in a sudden fit of musical epiphany that Kishan was in on the scam, double-crossing the three men while playing for their wives, posing as Sanjana's boyfriend, Shivani's "brother", and Maya's "friend", having lured them to King's lair out of intent. Sanjana disrupts a fight about to break between the four after Kishan arrives to find himself exposed. Assuming her to be openly in league and love with Kishan, Raj demands a divorce from Sanjana, and a shocked Kishan, in the next few days, manages to convince a crying Sanjana for marriage. However, while trying to invite the trio, Kishan is mistaken as the groom-to-be, and they, drunk, are arrested for smashing a police officer's head. While in the cell, Raj rues about Sanjana and contemplates deceiving her, when he, Vikram and Yogi are bailed out by an injured King. Raj is in fury and decides to kill Kishan, for which King has his henchman Benny give him a gun. Raj succeeds, but when Sanjana confronts him, it turns out that the assembly of people was for the couple's remarriage. However, Kishan reveals himself to be alive, giving the wives relief, with King and Maddy showing up, as Kishan had arranged for their bail. Seeing his dedication, the wives, and Sanjana's mother and sister, ask Kishan about his reason for helping Sanjana way too personally, something which is unexpected of a professional of his kind. Kishan then reveals that his wife Divya once walked in on him cheating on her and committed suicide by slitting her wrist. Feeling guilty and breaking down, he set off on a mission to help aggrieved ladies of his wife's kind in order to redeem himself. However, it was with Sanjana that he saw a reflection of his wife in her, and decided to help her by any means necessary. Finally, everything patches up with the three couples reuniting, while Kishan leaves Vancouver for his next mission. ===== Gustavo, once a poor, kindhearted youngster, is now a successful entrepreneur in the perfume business but has turned cruel, arrogant, and miserable. Alcino, his best friend and business partner, helped him achieve his present success. When Alcino finds out that has a fatal disease and has a few months to live, he decides to play a prank on Gustavo to help him rediscover the decent man he once was and the joy of living he once possessed. Gustavo is married to Veronica, a rich, selfish, spoiled, and ambitious woman who has never loved her husband. Alcino's prank takes an unexpected turn when Veronica, the story's antagonist, interferes, manipulates the surprise, and makes Gustavo lose almost everything after being taken for dead and accused of a crime. While trying to pick up the pieces of his life, Gustavo meets Rose, a simple, hard-working woman who raises four kids by herself with great spirit and optimism. Because of her good heart, she starts to help Gustavo to put his life back together. Gradually, Gustavo and Rose develop feeling for each other, leading him to rediscover his humanity through the hands of this newfound love. ===== Belthandros, a Roman (Byzantine) prince and youngest son of king Rhodophilos, quarrels with his father and leaves his home to seek his fortune. After wandering in the hostile lands of Anatolia and dealing with Turkish bandits, he reaches Tarsus in Armenian Cilicia. There he sees a fiery star in the depths of a river (a metaphor for love) and follows it to the north. In this way he finds a castle built of precious gems, which belongs to King Eros (, Erotokastron), and is full of various miracles and magnificent statues and automatons.Schmeling, p. 725Beck, p. 120 Belthandros leaves his escorts outside and enters the castle alone. There he sees an inscription that tells of his predestined love between him and Chrysantza, the daughter of the king of Great Antioch. He is then summoned by the lord of the castle, Eros, who announces to him a beauty contest at which Belthandros must give a wand to the most beautiful among forty princesses. The contest takes place and Belthandros gives the wand to the most beautiful princess, whereupon all that surrounds him suddenly disappears "like a dream", leaving him alone in the castle. At this point he resolves to go out and seek the princess.Beaton, pp. 112–113 After a short journey he arrives in Antioch where he meets the king of the city, is accepted as his liegeman, and soon becomes an intimate of the royal household. There he meets his daughter Chrysantza, whom he recognizes as the princess he chose at the Castle of Eros. Although Chrysantza has never seen him before, she too recognizes him, and the two fall in love. Two years and two months however pass before their first love meeting, which takes place secretly at night in the royal garden. The meeting ends suddenly when a jealous courtier discovers them and Belthandros is put in jail. In order to save her lover's life, Chrysantza convinces her faithful chambermaid, Phaidrokaza, to take the blame by declaring that the prince had visited her instead. The king believes the story and a forced marriage between Belthandros and Phaidrokaza takes place.Beck, pp. 120–121Beaton, p. 113Schmeling, pp. 725–726 The following days the couple continues to meet secretly, but soon the situation becomes unsatisfactory, and they decide to flee, together with the chambermaid and two retainers. On the way, they cross a flooded river, where Phaidrokaza and the two retainers are drowned, while the two lovers are separated and thrown up on the far bank. Chrysantza comes upon the corpse of one of the retainers, made unrecognizable from the river. Thinking it is Belthandros, she is about to fall on the dead man's sword, when Belthandros himself appears to forestall her. The lovers reach the seacoast where they find a ship sent by king Rhodophilos in search for his son. The romance ends with their return to Constantinople, where a wedding ceremony is performed and Belthandros is proclaimed heir to his father's kingdom.Beck, p. 121Schmeling, p. 726 ===== Teenagers Travis, Jarod, and Billy Ray drive to meet a woman named Sarah in response to an invitation for group sex. Along the way, they accidentally sideswipe the parked vehicle of Sheriff Wynan as Wynan is engaged in sex with another man. Wynan returns to the station and tells his deputy Pete to go and look for the vehicle that hit his. Sarah tricks the boys into drinking drugged beer, and they pass out. Jarod wakes up in a covered cage and realizes he is inside Five Points Trinity Church, a fanatically conservative church, after he identifies church leader (and Sarah's father) Abin Cooper. Cooper begins a long, hate- filled sermon. His followers ritually murder a captive gay man and drop him into a crawl space where Travis and Billy Ray are bound together. Cooper begins preparing Jarod to be murdered in the same way, but stops when he notices Pete driving up to the church. Travis and Billy Ray manage to cut themselves free, but are overheard by Sarah's husband, Caleb. Travis fails to escape his binds, so Billy Ray abandons him. Caleb chases Billy Ray into a room stocked with weapons, where the two shoot each other. Pete hears the gunshots and calls Wynan for back-up, but is shot and killed by Cooper's son Mordechai. Cooper blackmails Wynan, telling him to stay away or he will reveal Wynan's homosexuality to his wife. Wynan calls Agent Joseph Keenan of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, who begins setting up outside the church. Travis breaks free, arms himself and plans to shoot the congregation, but witnesses Jarod being held captive in the church. Travis instead flees the church, but is mistaken for a member by Wynan and shot. Keenan tries to reason with the group, but Cooper shoots an ATF agent. A shoot-out erupts and Wynan is killed. The ATF orders Keenan to stage a full military raid on the church to eliminate all witnesses. Keenan passes the order on to ATF Agent Harry, who refuses. During the shoot-out, Sarah's daughter Cheyenne escapes and is captured by an ATF agent. Sarah kills him as he is about to shoot Cheyenne. Cheyenne returns to the house and frees Jarod, begging him to help her hide the congregation's children. He refuses and she attacks him. Sarah attacks Jarod, and Cheyenne accidentally shoots and kills Sarah. Jarod decides to help Cheyenne hide the children. They plead with Keenan to spare the children but are both killed by Harry. The shoot-out is interrupted by a mysterious trumpet blast. The church congregation members lower their weapons and run outside rejoicing, claiming that the Rapture has occurred and taunting the ATF. The film cuts to a government briefing several days later. Keenan reports that he head-butted Cooper and took the rest of the congregation into custody. He explains that the trumpet noises were a prank by a group of local college students irritated with Cooper. Keenan is promoted despite disobeying a direct order from his superiors. They explain that their initial decision to kill the members of the congregation was personal and that they are satisfied with incarcerating the congregation without trials, upsetting Keenan. Cooper is seen pacing around his cell singing and sermonizing until another prisoner tells him to shut up. ===== Two rival firms of builders fight for business in a small town. ===== The film is a spin-off of the original story of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber. Zhang Wuji retrieves the Heaven-reliant Sword and the Dragon-slaying Saber and places them in the Ming Cult's headquarters. He carves the inscriptions from the Nine Yang Manual on the walls of a secret chamber and asks his godfather Xie Xun, who has become a monk, to help him guard the chamber. Zhang returns the original copy of the manual to the Shaolin Sect. Song Qingshu, a defeated villain from the original story, returns and starts a reign of terror. He traps a beautiful Mongol princess and masters a new Yin and Yang-combined martial arts technique, becoming almost invincible. Zhang Wuji has to put an end to Song Qingshu's rampage. ===== Prathapa Varma (Saikumar) is a rich man in Dubai who has a son named Manu (Bala), but he also has an adulterous relation with a lady in Mumbai, Janet, with whom he has another son named Alexander (Mohanlal). In his will, he has bequeathed all his wealth to his Alexander. If Alexander dies, then 40% of Prathapa Varma's wealth will go to his relatives Rama Varma (Siddique), Ravi Varma (K. B. Ganesh Kumar), etc.; 30% goes to Manu; and the remaining 30% goes to a trust. If Manu dies, then 100% will go to the trust, so the relatives decide to kill him, while Manu decides to go and meet Alexander and get the power of attorney from him so that he can get all of Varma's wealth, and then either kill him or get rid of Alexander. He goes in search of Alexander with his girlfriend Bismitha(Meenakshi Dixit) and his maternal uncle, Sri Ramakrishnan(Jagadish).However, to their surprise, Alexander is in a mental rehabilitation center under the treatment of Dr. Korah (Nedumudi Venu). Manu tries to convince Alexander to sign the document, but everytime he either opposes it or escapes from the place. Meanwhile, Rama Verma send a group of thugs to kill Alexander. At the same time Thomas, a moneylender from which Manu lended money, also send thugs to kill Alexander. But the genius Alexander escapes from them as well as saves his fellows. Eventually, Manu realizes that his brother has unique abilities, which he grows to accept. He starts becoming fond of his half-brother. Manu decides to bring Alexander to Dubai. After reaching Dubai, Alexander reveals that he is mentally stable. The film goes to a flashback when Alexander along with his father took a room in a hotel. They discover a dead waitress in the room. Prathapa Verma is accused of the murder. To save his father, Alexander takes responsibility of the crime and is sent to jail. To get out from the jail, Alexander pretends as if he is mentally unstable. And for his treatment he was taken to the rehabilitation center. One day Alexander decides to everyone's anxiety and agrees to divide his father's wealth. But to everyone's surprise, Ravi Verma claims that he has the right to own all the wealth. He blackmails Alexander by showing him his mother Janet being detained by his thugs. He also reveals that he committed the murder of the waitress in the hotel to trap Prathapa Verma. Alexander agrees and signs the document ,thus giving all the wealth to Ravi Verma. Alexander convinces Ravi to give other relatives 30% of the wealth as well as pay Manu's debts. After all settlements, Alexander prepares to go back to Mumbai. At the airport, Doctor Kora takes out the documents which endorse Manu with 100% of the wealth. It is revealed that all the previously signed documents were illegal as it had been signed by a "mentally unstable" person. The film ends with Alexander and Kora on their way to board the plane thus bidding goodbye to his half brother. ===== Walkure Romanzes story revolves around Takahiro Mizuno, a student studying at an academy with jousting as the main focus for sport. Takahiro acts as an advisor to the riders of the sport. Takahiro goes through each day tediously until the time of the annual competition draws near. Due to some odd circumstances, his childhood friend Mio Kisaki is challenged to a duel and she is forced to participate even though she has never even ridden a horse before. Takahiro agrees to train Mio as her Begleiter, but only until the duel is over. She later enrolls in the annual competition. She and the four other heroines all want Takahiro to become their Begleiter. ===== Gopi, a simpleton, arrives in Goa from A hamlet(small village) in India Hoshiyarpur, to hand over a tiny piece of land to his dad's friend son Kishen, which was his father's last wish. Kishen, now a conman, swindles people with a little help from his accomplice, Babu, to earn enough money to educate his sister Divya, who's studying in London. When Kishen gets to know that Gopi has reached Goa to meet him, he avoids him. Only because he thinks that he is a gang member then when he finds out the truth. he doesn't want to give up his flourishing business and travel to Hoshiyarpur just to take possession of a measly piece of land. However, Gopi is adamant to take Kishen back and is aided by Tanya(whom he meets later in the movie), daughter of the owner of KG Resorts. Little do they realise that three girls are staying at KG Resorts with stolen diamond worth crores. When Kishen, Babu and everyone else learn about this they all make a mad rush for KG Resorts. Gopi finds himself a part of the gang. ===== Lenita is a young, naïve 22-year-old woman who, recently orphaned, goes to live with an old farmer who raised her father. In the farmer's house, she meets his son, Manuel Barbosa, a divorced man. They soon start a forbidden love relationship. ===== A married jewel trader is seduced by a beautiful woman while on a business trip. Upon returning home, he receives a video tape in the mail of his tryst and a threat to ruin his marriage if he doesn't turn a shipment of diamonds over to the woman. ===== Set in Arakawa, Tokyo, the series tells the story of Kou Ichinomiya, a man who has accomplished everything by himself. Ever since he was little, his father has taught him one rule: to never be indebted to another person. One day by accident, he falls into the Arakawa River and almost drowns. A girl by the name of Nino rescues him and, in return, he owes her his life. Unable to accept the fact that he is indebted to her, he asks her about a way for him to repay her. In the end, she tells him to love her, beginning Kou's life of living under a bridge. However, as Kou starts to learn, Arakawa is a place full of weirdos and all of the people living under the bridge are what society would call "denpasan". ===== In pre-Civil War Louisiana in 1854, young Timothy Reid Jr. (Breen) is orphaned. He inherits a plantation and its well-cared-for slaves. However, lawyer Martin Dill (Maxwell) is made the executor for the minor. Dill plots to sell off the slaves and flee to Paris with the proceeds. Timothy is befriended by Jacques Bouton (Mowbray), who persuades Judge Louis Ravenal (Greig) to look into the matter and save the day. ===== The four Prime children grow up in a bleak North Country farmhouse called 'The Beacon'; Colin and Berenice marry locally, May, the central character of the novel went to university in London but returns within a year. Only quiet, watchful Frank escapes to become a journalist on Fleet Street. But then he publishes a successful novel about his childhood which throws the family into turmoil... ===== The movie starts off with art supplies and dramatic music. The art supplies draw an EC Comics knockoff that the camera zooms into, showing a family on vacation. The family sees a "No Hunting" sign that seemingly says you can only hunt monsters called "tropopkins", and the kid of the family, Todd (Billy Corben), just happens to have a comic detailing what a tropopkin is. Todd's mom Abby (Molly Cheek) has a weird sense of humor and suggests that the sign could mean only tropopkins are allowed to hunt. Almost instantly the roar of a tropopkin is heard. Todd doesn't see the tropopkin, but he does find a giant chicken-like footprint, which matches the tropopkin footprint in his comic. Just then a beautiful woman appears and seems to be flirting with Todd's dad George (Alan Thicke), who acts like a seemingly generic grumpy 1950s dad - humorless, irritating, and super-serious. Sometime later, a monster appears one night in the woods and chases Abby until catching her, and wrapping her in a cocoon. 6 months later, Todd is sadly living with his grandparents Shirley and Norman (Alice Hirson and George Gaynes) after the incident, with all, except Todd, believing the mother to be dead. George arrives and reveals that he will marry Denise Gore (Robin Riker), the suspicious beautiful woman from earlier, and has been dating her for the entire six months following Abby's disappearance and the time Todd got left with his grandparents. Todd has been unaware of this, and even the grandparents call out George for it. There is a short little heartwarming scene between Todd and his grandpa Norman, filled with random sports metaphors, in the style of Sisko from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, on how everything is like baseball, or how everything ties into baseball. Todd begins to get suspicious of Denise after her sees her gnawing on a bone, just like how he saw a tropopkin do the same thing in a comic book that details various things. Denise also has some tiny creature in a box that she talks to, and feeds it a live goldfish. George enters, notices a missing fish automatically, and blames Todd for it. The scene cuts to Todd being a peeping tom and watching his neighbor Wendy (Ami Dolenz) strip down. This ties into the plot, because Todd catches Denise eyeing a jogger at night. She flirts with some fat, bald, middle-aged jogger (Mark Barbolak) who follows her, steps in a gooey dog mess leftover from a pet dog she seemingly ate, doesn't find this suspicious at all, and continues following her. The jogger seemingly finds a half eaten dog with her shoe, and he doesn't find this at all suspicious, and off-camera, Denise eats the jogger. The next morning, the newspaper headline states "Jogger Found Dead", presumed to have been eaten by a dog. That night, George and Denise decide to go out and hire a babysitter for Todd, which happened to be Wendy, the neighbor that Todd was peeping on earlier. Wendy's boyfriend "Phlegm" (Corey Feldman) comes in, and he and Wendy have a date, much to Todd's dismay. Phlegm turns out to be smart, as he explains about how Denise is waiting on the summer solstice to eat George, and reveals that he knows this because he also reads comic books. It just happens that the summer solstice is on the same day as the wedding. The next night, Denise is following a young paperboy (Eric Mettner) around, but this time Todd is there to watch her become her monstrous form. Todd watches her eat the little kid alive, tries to take photos for evidence that he wasn't just reading too many comic books about monsters, and runs off. Todd gets the photos developed and shows them to his neighbor/babysitter without looking at them. However, they all seem to be photos from when he was peeping on her, as the ones of Denise in her real form instead came out in nothing but fuzz. Later that day, Todd found out the thing Denise keeps in her box is a giant bat-like monster. Todd goes after it with a baseball bat, breaks a bunch of things in the process, and ends up reprimanded by his dad. Todd tries to tell George that the bat-like thing is called a harpy, and that harpies help tropopkins, but a disbelieving George grounds Todd and throws away his comics. George goes off to leave Todd alone with Denise. Due to this, Todd runs off to tell his grandfather all about tropopkins, but his grandfather doesn't believe him. With no one believing Todd, the evil monster forces Todd to do chores, during which Todd gets the idea to make a big trap to catch Denise in her monster form. Predictably, she turns back into a human the second George comes back. Todd gets taken to see a psychiatrist, Dr. Emmerson (Edie McClurg). He tells Dr. Emmerson the whole truth and nothing but, and she predictably ignores it all and assumes that he's just exaggerating things and that the two would get along if Todd gave her a chance. Denise is then sent to go see Dr. Emmerson, and predictably, she turns into her tropopkin form and eats her, destroying evidence that Todd knew what he was talking about. Todd's grandpa takes him out to a comic shop run by a flamboyant, cleanfreak Spock-like guy (Sean Whalen), and they look for a comic book on tropopkins so Todd can find out how to defeat them. Sadly, the comic book is $500, being a collector's copy. Todd then seemingly goes to peep on Wendy again, but sees Denise going after her. He goes to warn her, and instead sees her in her underwear. As Wendy freaks out, the monster bursts through her door. The monster instead freaks out when it's covered by a blanket, and then flees. This convinces Wendy what Todd had been saying. Todd then comes up with a plan: to get a loan on his violin to buy the $500 comic book—simply to gain the defeating information and then return the comic book and pay the pawnbroker right back, but Todd's dad George catches Todd in the act and threatens to throw the comic book away. Upon finding out that Todd got a loan on the violin, George angrily and rashly ripped up the $500 comic book into shreds. Todd and Wendy search through the garbage that night for the comic pieces and find all but the one piece of the comic book that reveals the monster's one weakness—just what Todd needed. The wedding day arrives, and there is a shot of Denise, in monster form, in her wedding dress, using a deep voice—her real voice, which George doesn't find suspicious for more than a split second. Todd waxes the steps in the hopes Denise will fall and reveal her true form. Denise falls down the steps as expected but turns out completely fine. The minister (John Astin) then pronounces George and Denise man and wife. By coincidence, Todd manages to find the last piece of the comic book hidden under the couch that reveals the weakness: Violin music, which explains Denise's hatred of the violin. Todd gets out his cassette recording of violin music, and Phlegm brings a bunch of Marshall amps to make the music loud to defeat the monster. Now believing Todd, Norman arrives to help blare the violin music to defeat the monster. They carry out their attack when George and Denise are alone in their bedroom that night, and George finally witnesses his wife transform. She doesn't kill him though, simply knocking him out with a wine bottle before running outside and being incapacitated by the violin music. It turns out to be a trick, as the monster soon gets back up and goes after Todd, while her harpy arrives to destroy the cords that connect the amps, stopping the violin music and wrecking the cassette. Just then George, having recovered, comes out with a violin (George had paid the loan back), and plays it at the monster—a Deus ex machina. The grandfather's non-sequitor baseball reference from earlier turns out to be useful, as the kid ends up killing the harpy with it. The violin music kills Denise, and she disintegrates into nothingness. Todd and his dad reconcile. The next day, as part of the reconciliation, Todd and George go hiking in the area from the beginning of the film. They find Denise's cave, complete with cocoons where Denise stored food for the winter. Todd and his dad free the victims from the cocoons, and the 3rd and final cocoon turns out to be Todd's mom Abby, who is alive! The film ends with the family happily walking away together while the camera pans down to reveal the comic book shown throughout the film, depicting the ending scene in panel-form. ===== The film starts with Neil(Prithviraj Sukumaran), a writer bidding farewell to his partner Kamala, who wishes him luck with his writing. He intends to write about Rose, his sister as promised to a publisher. However, Kamala plans on leaving Neil, complaining of his selfishness all along and preference to his own life. He even blames their daughter leaving them on him. She asks him to dedicate his time for Rose now, though it is meaningless to her. Neil admits that he always hated himself. As he leaves, he sees a familiar face and then is struck by the pangs of realization. The very sight provokes a sudden outflow of memories and the story goes back into a flashback. Neil and his Anglo-Indian family lives in Kerala. He is a disturbed youth working as a clerk in a factory for low wages. His intention is to become a writer. He lives with his mother Margaret (Sheela) and sister Rosemary(Geetu Mohandas). His father was a Portuguese sailor who left the family when the children were very young. Rose, his sister is slightly handicapped and because of this, she is always in her shell. She is bound to inferiority complex and mental fragility. She is very much interested in glass figurines that adorn her showcase. She simply gazes at the iridescent beauty of the figurines in her loneliness. Margret, Neil's mother hates his care-free attitude towards life and his late-night movies. She is a very possessive mother and she is always worried about the future of her daughter. She doesn't allow her daughter to do household chores and talks about the tenderness of Rose's age, which must not be doomed by working at home. One day, Margaret goes to the typewriting class where she had previously sent Rose. She finds out that Rose had quit the class very early and had even fainted while taking a speed test. Margaret confronts Rose and learns that she had been spending her spare time at the church and the museum. As Rose feels sorry for her crippled stage, Margaret advises her to develop her other skills and that girls with no such duty must be sent off in marriage. They gaze at the portrait of their father as Margaret explains how handsome he was. The next day, Margaret finds some adult novels with Neil. She angrily scolds him and this later turns into a violent fit of rage. Neil ends up calling his mother an " old chattering witch" and storms out. As he is leaving, breaks one of Rose's figurines, and Rose watches this with pity. Neil returns drunk at night and says to Rose that he had been to a Magic Show. He gives Rose a magic scarf that he got from the show in order to make up for her broken figurine. He convinces that this scarf will impart life to her glass animals and Rose is instantly mesmerized by it. Her isolated world is symbolized by her glass animals who are in a similar way much like Rose herself. The next day, Neil and Margaret reconcile and Margaret expresses her deep fears about her children, at the same time admitting of their talents. That night, Margaret makes Rose wish for everything, while looking up at the crescent moon though Rose is not sure what to wish for. Margaret asks Neil to bring a fine young man for dinner one day for Rose to get acquainted with that man. So Neil invites his co-worker Freddy (Tom George Kolath) for a dinner at his home. Margaret plans a light supper and digs up her old gown and reminisces about her tender teens. She dramatically slips into talking of her old days, how they had many servants while living in Goa and her fate of having reached a pathetic situation now. Neil's mother thinks that Freddy will get interested in Rose and they can marry her off. Margaret dresses up in the gown and compels Rose to do so. At this point, she says that all pretty girls are a trap in which handsome men must fall into. Rose reluctantly agrees to cooperate. Later, on hearing that the man about to come is her former senior schoolmate, Freddy, she refuses to sit for dinner. She had a crush on him for her was very artistic and athletic. As the dinner is about to start, Rose faints and Neil takes her to lay her down on the sofa. Later, Freddy and Rose get to talking and realizes their past connection. A flashback shows a young Rose who lives a pitiful time deprived of friends. Freddy remembers the time when he nicknamed her "Blue Rose" when Rose said that she had Pleurisy. Rose introduces her glass figurines to Freddy and particularly displays a unicorn figure, which was her favorite one and furthermore a reflection of her own life. She explains that the unicorn is odd due to its difference from all the others. Freddy enlightens Rose's spirit by saying that her difference from all the similar people of the world is her greatest peculiarity, just like the magical unicorn. People tend to like the oddness among the evenness. He even encourages her to be more smart at times and to think better of herself. Then both of them quietly dance to the beautiful song heard from the community dance hall outside. Rose is able to overcome her stereotypes and is able to keep up with the dance moves. Rose is lifted both physically and mentally. As the dance concludes, Freddy accidentally brushes against the table, knocking off the unicorn from the table. It falls and breaks the horn. But Rose is happy that with this incident, he can join the others as a normal one, for he had just undergone an operation to rectify his painful oddness. By these words, Rose indirectly refers to her own state of mind at that time for she becomes totally rejuvenated. But her hopes get crushed when she comes to know that Freddy is already engaged to a girl named Betty. She is heartbroken, but bids farewell to Freddy as she gifts her unicorn to him. Margaret brings in Lime juice for them, but is so stuck on hearing from Freddy that he is engaged. She feels so humiliated but tries to keep up a smiling face. She blames this on Neil and taunts him verbally for cheating them. Neil, however, was unaware of the fact that Freddy was engaged. An argument arises as Margaret calls him selfish and deprived of feelings. With this, Neil storms out of the house, leaving them all alone forever. Margaret and Rose watch as their hope goes away. The story returns to the present. Having recognized the man he saw at the ferry as Freddy, he decides to pay him a visit. He then takes him along with his family to see an aged and timid Margaret. She instantly recognizes Freddy and Betty. She is consoled by their presence as Freddy's little daughters gift her a bouquet of flowers. She explains that after Neil left them, Rose was admitted to a Mental Asylum near Madurai and that she lived a completely withdrawn life there. After a slight improvement, she suffered from an unexpected Nervous Breakdown and had died. Neil feels no guilt or sympathy, but only pain for Rose. He pens down her story to immortalize her as he imagines her spirit showing him light from the beyond. Later they all sit down for dinner as Rose's picture is shown at a distance ( Signifying the title), over which the magic scarf flies gently, giving life to her memories. ===== The plot is based on the story of the Disciples (Sishya) of Paramanandayya, seven saints in number. They are actually the disciples of Aruna Keerti Mahamuni. Chitralekha (K. R. Vijaya) dances in the court of Lord Siva (Sobhan Babu). He gives her a Rudraksha mala to wear during the visits. Later, she visits the beautiful Earth with her companions and enjoys bathing in a pool. She finds these Sishiyas keenly looking at her and curses them to become fools. After knowing the facts from Guruji and realizing her mistake, she pronounces the Vimukti (free from curse) at the time of her marriage. The Guru, Aruna Keerti, in return curses Chitralekha that she will lose her celestial status if she comes into contact with a human. He advises the Sishyas to go to Rajaguru (Principle Court Spiritual Adviser) Paramanandayya (Chittoor V. Nagaiah) at Vijayadurgam, ruled by Nandivardhana Maharaju (N. T. Rama Rao). Paramanandayya accepts them as his disciples. Chitralekha forgets the Rudraksha mala while returning to Heaven. The mala is accidentally found by the Maharajah when he comes to hunt in the forest. Chitralekha remembers her mala, and goes to the palace as a snake and tries to steals the mala. However, Maharajah dreaming about the Devakanya (a celestial maiden) touches Chitralekha, who loses her divine powers and past memory. Maharajah calls Paramanandayya for advice. He tells the Rajah to hand over the mala to her, making her regain the sequence of events. He advises her to pray to Lord Siva to attain divinity (so she can go back to Heaven). Meanwhile, whatever the Sishiyas do out of ignorance turns out to be a good thing for the Paramanandayya family. They save them from thieves etc. Finally, they decided to die as Guruji strongly scolded them for purchasing a dead cow. They eat Vishapu Undalu and go to the streets. Night patrolling, Rajabhat takes them to the Royal Court. They thought Maharaja as Indra and Ranjani (Vijayalakshmi) as an Apsara. They reach the house of Ranjani and makes the Maharajah know the criminal plans of the Minister. The Sishyas spoiled the marriage of daughter Girija with the tuberculosis patient and saved Paramanandayya from another family crisis. Ousted by Guruji, they reach RajaMahal and spoil an attempt to kill Maharaja by Jaggarayudu (Satyanarayana) and Minister (Mukkamala). They convinced Chitralekha to marry the Maharajah. During the marriage ceremony, they are released from the curse and regain their sainthood. ===== A showgirl, part of a troupe, tours Europe where she falls in love with a Balkan prince. The prince's parents disapprove and attempt to put a stop to the romance. A revolution occurs and the prince and the showgirl elope to Hollywood. ===== Co-ed Lee Sullivan (Sherry Jackson), a student at an unnamed California college, inherits a house on the beach from her late uncle. She wants to use the building as a boarding house for girls, thus both alleviating the student housing shortage and financing her education. Meanwhile, Adam Miller (Frankie Randall) plans to turn the beach house into a boys' boardinghouse, claiming that he received permission to do so while Lee's uncle was still alive. Adam secretly files first for an off- campus housing permit, and the boys take up residence in the house. Lee also receives a permit, and naturally, problems develop when both male and female students decide to co-habitate – this administrative mix-up also makes for much ducking and dodging of the university authorities. In spite of being at odds with each other, a romance blossoms between Lee and Adam. ===== A father and son get into conflict because of their different musical styles. ===== As described in a film magazine, Virginia Griswold (Ferguson), whose family is in financial straits, resolves to remedy the situation by finding the source of widely distributed counterfeit bills, as a large reward is offered for the capture of the maker of the fake bills. A clue takes her to Newport where she poses as one of the idle rich and falls in love with Stuart Kent (Powell), a man of means, who returns her affection. Vincent Cortez (Gerard), about whom little is known, also becomes enamored of Virginia and she accepts his affections, much to the consternation of Stuart. She offers no acceptable explanation to Stuart for this. Carefully and craftily she leads Vincent to the point of sharing confidences, although this course greatly enrages Stuart and for a time threatens to bring open rupture of their relationship. After Vincent admits he is the counterfeiter, however, Virginia brings Stuart to an understanding of the situation and a happy conclusion. ===== The film centers around brutal conditions in a prison of the Southern United States. ===== Jack, a gunsmith and contract killer, and his lover, Ingrid, are relaxing in Sweden. As they walk in the wilderness outside their cabin, Jack becomes alarmed by a trail of footprints in the snow and pulls Ingrid towards shelter. Sniper gunshots ring out. Ingrid sees Jack pull a gun from his pocket and shoot the sniper. Knowing his identity is in jeopardy, and with little hesitation, Jack shoots and kills Ingrid before locating and killing another armed man. He flees to Rome and contacts his handler, Pavel, who insists that Jack cannot stay in Rome. Pavel sends him to Castelvecchio, a small town in the mountains of Abruzzo. Jack becomes nervous, and disposing of the cell phone Pavel gave him, goes to nearby Castel del Monte instead—where he uses the name Edward. While in Abruzzo, Jack contacts Pavel, who sets him up with another job. He meets Mathilde, an assassin who wants him to build her a custom sniper rifle. He also begins patronizing a prostitute, Clara, and they begin a relationship separate from her business duties. Jack meets with Mathilde to test the weapon. She is impressed by the craftsmanship, but asks him to make a few more adjustments. Later, Jack realizes that he is being followed by an assassin from Sweden, whom he kills. Jack is tormented by dreams of the events in Sweden and regrets killing Ingrid. His friendship and conversations with a local priest, Father Benedetto, encourage him to question his life choices. Both Mathilde and Clara notice Jack's association with butterflies, Mathilde by his expertise in endangered butterflies and Clara by his prominent tattoo. When Father Benedetto tells Jack he senses he lives in a special kind of hell, "a place without love", Jack starts to let himself feel love for Clara, and envisions a life with her. Jack talks to Pavel one last time—asking how the Swedes have found him. In his growing fear, he even suspects Clara when he discovers a small pistol in her purse. He questions Clara about the gun and is satisfied with her explanation (to defend herself, since newspapers have reported murdered prostitutes). Jack agrees to deliver the weapon to Mathilde as his last job, but at the last moment, he re-opens the briefcase. At the drop-off, Jack becomes suspicious that Mathilde plans to kill him. Before anything can happen, a busload of school children arrives. Mathilde gives Jack his payment—a thick envelope full of cash—and the two separate. As Mathilde drives away, Pavel contacts her and asks if she has killed Jack. She tells him she has not, but says she is following him and will kill him. Clara meets Jack at a religious procession in town. Jack asks her to go away with him and she agrees. Mathilde tries to shoot Jack from a nearby rooftop but the rifle backfires in her face, confirming Jack's suspicion and his last-minute decision to sabotage the rifle. Seeing Mathilde fall from the roof, Jack gives Clara the envelope full of cash and tells her to go to a river where they had picnicked and wait for him. He runs to Mathilde, who is dying on the pavement, and discovers that she also works for Pavel. As Jack goes to meet Clara, he hears Pavel behind him. They exchange gunfire and Pavel drops dead. As Jack drives to meet Clara at the river, he feels his abdomen and realizes he has been shot. Jack arrives at the picnic spot and as he sees Clara, he collapses. Clara screams and runs to the car. A white butterfly flits skyward from Jack's car. ===== Miss Merriweather, the head librarian, is very particular about rules in the library. No running allowed. And you must be quiet. But when a lion comes to the library one day, no one is sure what to do. There aren't any rules about lions in the library. And, as it turns out, this lion seems very well suited to library visiting. His big feet are quiet on the library floor. He makes a comfy backrest for the children at story hour. And he never roars in the library, at least not anymore. But when something terrible happens, the lion quickly comes to the rescue in the only way he knows how. Michelle Knudsen's disarming story, illustrated by the matchless Kevin Hawkes in an expressive timeless style, will win over even the most ardent of rule keepers. An affectionate storybook tribute to that truly wonderful place: the library. ===== Based upon a plot summary included in a film review in a film publication, Nora (Ferguson) is an American heiress who is courted by Lord Bissett (Gamble) while visiting England. She overhears Bissett discussing with his sister the need of Nora's money to replenish his fortune, so she leaves him and moves into a nearby cottage. A successful playwright Sir Howard Furnival (Stephenson) assists her in preparing a play based upon a novel she has written, but keeps this secret from his wife Doris (Dean), who is very jealous. Bissett obtains a page of the manuscript in Nora's handwriting with enduring terms, and gives it to Doris, telling her that it is a love letter to her husband. This leads to the deaths of both Furnivals, and Nora is blamed and ostracized. Nora changes her name and goes to Venice, where she meets and becomes engaged to English army officer Sir Ralph Newell (Carleton). Before their marriage she confesses who she is in a letter that he never receives. Upon return to England, she discovers that her husband is the brother of Doris and has cursed the woman who caused his sister's death. Bissett reveals to Newell who Nora is. In the end after more melodrama, the lovers are reunited in Venice. Film still; Elsie Ferguson and Warburton Gamble. ===== Izuko (Yumiko Shaku) is a beautiful and mysterious gatekeeper to the afterlife. Known as the Guardian of the Gate, Izuko guides spirits of the recently departed on their journey...sometimes to Heaven, other times to Hell. The decision is theirs and it is not always an easy one. Often the spirit is the victim of a murder or other untimely death. In such case, a soul is offered three options: 1) accept their death as it is and proceed into Heaven to await reincarnation. 2) Wander the Earth as a ghost. 3) Take justice into their own hands and face the gates of Hell. Most episodes (see Episode List below) involve the guest starring character seeking to discover what happened to them and why—with Izuko attempting to guide them on the correct path. To her sadness and despite her compassion, Izuko does not always succeed and the moral dilemma is often very grey and unfair. ===== Francis witnesses a murder and then befriends bumbling reporter David Prescott (Mickey Rooney), who may be next in line. With Francis' help and guidance, Prescott uncovers a mystery involving murder, an inheritance, and a spooky old mansion on the edge of town. ===== ===== An aging Henry Smart is attempting to cement his reputation. John Ford plans a movie based on Henry's life, but Henry eventually realizes the film that Ford has planned will reduce his story to sentiment. Henry plans to kill Ford, but his callousness has faded, and he drifts into the Dublin suburbs, where he meets a respectable widow who may possibly be his long-disappeared wife. Henry ages in obscurity until the 1970s, when he is caught up in the 1974 Dublin car bombings and the Provisional IRA uses a distorted version of Henry's story as a public relations ploy. ===== A town of Mexican immigrants (on the Texas border) hire a team of mercenaries to protect them against an underground militia group, who try to claim the town as their own. ===== At a wilderness boot camp for difficult teens, the desperate spirit of an alleged suicide victim seeks out the help of a young girl to expose the truth about her death. ===== Seetarama Rao / Ramu (Akkineni Nageswara Rao) is an orphan brought up by an old lady Seetamma who also stays alone and both of them live in a middle-class colony Panchavati. Everyone in the colony holds dear Ramu inturn he too treats them as his family members. Once Ramu's briefcase is exchanged in the railway station with another containing a huge amount, belongs to a multi-millionaire J.B.Rao (Nagabhushanam). Actually, J.B.Rao is an innocent person, marionette in the hands of his Secretary (Dhulipala) and loathes the poor folks. Ramu safely returns the briefcase to J.B.Rao when he is accused as a thief, but Seeta (Latha) the only daughter of J.B.Rao likes the ideologies of Ramu and falls for him. Meanwhile, Seetamma completes RamaKoti for the wealth of her absconded son in the childhood and aspires to visit Bhadrachalam to submit it to Lord. At the same time, Ramu is appointed as Deputy Collector at Bhadrachalam but he wants to maintain secrecy regarding his job till the end of the destination. Parallelly, Secretary ploys with J.B.Rao's nephew Giri (Nutan Prasad), spoils the mindset of J.B.Rao and complies to couple up Seeta with Giri at the same Bhadrachalam. Ramu starts his pilgrimage along with his entire colony in a Janatha Boat, J.B.Rao & party also accompanies them in a luxury boat. On the other side, a suspended Tahsaldar Ramalingam (Allu Ramalingaiah) a sly person, arrives with a Govt boat for the Deputy Collector to pamper and get back his position. All the 3 are conjoined and the journey begins which takes several twits & turns. In between an awful incident, Seetamma passes away when they try to stop the boats for the funeral, J.B.Rao insults her to throw into river Godavari as it is a waste of time. Here furious Ramu wants to teach a lesson to J.B.Rao, so, he makes a play by hiding the boats and pretends as if they have been flooded away. Right now, they make a halt in an island where Ramu arranges food for colony members. Eventually, J.B Rao's group are starving and no one comes forward to sell or share their food when J.B.Rao realizes that money cannot do everything. So, he says sorry to Ramu and embraces all of them. At that point in time, surprising it is revealed that J.B.Rao is only Seetamma's absconded, son. Knowing it, he repents & collapses when Secretary seeks to kill him and Giri tries forcibly marry Seeta when J.B.Rao understands nefarious of his henchmen. At last, Ramu rescues Seeta ceases the baddies and affirmed that Ramu is the new appointed Deputy Collector. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Ramu & Seeta. ===== The film opens in Araromire in 1908: There is an old folktale about a goddess Araromire who asked a priest to invoke her spirit into a figurine carved out of the bark of a cursed tree. When villagers of Araromire touched the figurine, Araromire would grant them wealth and prosperity in all their endeavours. This good fortune however unfortunately lasted for just seven years, after which everything deteriorated and became worse than it was seven years ago. The climax of the disaster was when the priest who invoked her spirit was found dead at the river. The villagers become infuriated and invaded the Araromire shrine; the shrine is burned down and that ended the evil of Araromire. Lagos, 2001: Femi (Ramsey Nouah) is about to go for his NYSC; He has been posted to Araromire – at this time, his father (David J. Oserwe) has been very ill (it is later revealed in the movie that he was dying of cancer). Sola (Kunle Afolayan) attends a job interview and apparently, he has no NYSC, He has also graduated with a third class. He is told he can't be employed without an NYSC certificate, so Sola visits the Dean of his faculty to get his clearance for NYSC. The Dean recognizes him as an irresponsible student who rarely attended his lectures. He further tells him that he used to date Mona who is on the contrary: a brilliant girl. The Dean asks him where he has been posted to; "Araromire", he replied. The Dean picks interest and brings out a book. He starts to narrate the folk story about the village and the goddess it was named after. However, Sola fails to listen to rest of the tale (the disaster which follows the seven years) as he politely leaves the dean's office with disinterest. Femi and Mona (Omoni Oboli) meet at the car park - She has been posted to Araromire as well; it is revealed here that they were once close friends. They both board a bus headed for Araromire. While in the bus, Mona is asleep and Femi brings out a ring; he stares at the ring and cuddles it while he stares at sleeping Mona. He is also seen cuddling the ring later at the camp. Sola finally arrives at the NYSC orientation camp when the camp is almost over. While at the camp, out on an endurance trek, Femi becomes drained and he stops in the woods to use his inhaler as he is an asthmatic patient. Sola also waits behind to help him out. While in the jungle, they begin to hear a strange sound which always comes up during camo parade. They both start to trace the sound and later discover a strange object on top of a tree that is emitting the sound. Rain starts to fall and they both find shelter in a mud house. Sola uses his lighter and starts to explore the place. The rain has stopped and Femi moves out of the building to get fresh air. Sola finds a figurine enclosed in a dusty wooden cradle. On the last day of Parade, Mona informs Femi that Sola proposed to her and she accepted. She also stated that she's carrying his baby. Femi seems jealous and tries to discourage Sola from getting married, but Sola declines. Sola brings out the figurine he found in the mud house and drops it on Femi's lap. Femi gets back from the NYSC only to see his father hale and hearty. He is also selected to go for a special training at his work place within just six months of his appointment. Sola gets a job as well and marries Mona. Seven years later, Femi arrives from abroad and attends Sola's 'get-together'. Mona (who is pregnant again) introduces Femi to Linda (Funlola Aofiyebi), a fashion designer. Throughout the party, Femi pays no attention to her and keeps staring at Mona whom he is apparently still in love with. Lara (Tosin Sido), Femi's younger sister, now lives with Sola's family as Mona is helping her with her thesis. However, The Araromire figurine is still kept at Sola's. Femi's asthma has been cured miraculously as he smoked at the party. Mona gets to know about the Araromire legend and she is worried; she begins to make conclusions and starts doubting the real source of the sudden wealth of the family. She also deduces that it may be the reason why her marriage with Sola has been so flawless, despite Sola having been a rascal and a Casanova back in school. She asks Lara to throw the figurine away but it returns into the house mysteriously. She then decides to throw it into the lagoon herself, she loses her pregnancy on her way to the lagoon. While dancing at the club with Linda, Femi gets an asthma attack again after so many years. Sola also starts having an affair with Ngozi again after so many years of being faithful to Mona, it is later discovered that he is having an affair with Lara as well and he also had an affair with Linda. Femi arrives at his apartment one day and sees his father dead in his crafts workshop. Both Femi and Sola eventually lose their jobs. Femi raises the topic of the figurine and suggests that they return it to the shrine; though Sola still doesn't believe the figurine is responsible for all the misfortune, he agrees. Junior (Tobe Oboli), Sola's first son, also dies by falling off from the building while trying to reach out to his mother — his father was having a big argument with his mum and the figurine was burnt. However, the figurine returns again. Then, Sola and Femi set out to return the figurine. Mona, now in depression, sends Lara out of her house believing she let her son die (she was supposed to be with him at the time Junior had the accident). Lara's box opens up while she's struggling with Linda who is throwing her things out and also pushing her out of the compound. Many Figurines; similar to the one in Sola's study start to fall out of Lara's box. Apparently, she has been responsible for 'the return of the figurine' each time it was thrown out! She's called in and she starts to make confessions revealing that She is being controlled by her brother, Femi. Femi and Sola arrive at the Araromire Shrine to return the figurine; rain starts to fall and Femi is nowhere to be found. While Sola is busy looking for Femi, Femi kills him by hitting him with a log of wood. Femi returns to Lagos and he is confronted by Linda, whom Lara has already confessed to. Femi confirms the truth by revealing many things which proves that the whole Araromire good luck and bad luck was all a charade orchestrated by him in order to kill Sola and get Mona all to himself. He terms the losing of their jobs, his father's death and his asthma 'coincidence'. He kills Linda afterwards and dumps her body in the lagoon. On his way back, he has his asthma attack and commands Lara to bring him his inhaler, but she refuses; instead, she calls the 'Rapid Response Squad' to report her brother's killings. Femi struggles to get upstairs. He reaches out to the body of Mona, he removes Sola's ring from her finger and replaces it with his ring (which he was always staring at earlier). The Rapid Response Squad arrives and declares Femi dead. Linda, Femi and Mona are later seen alive and the movie ends with the caption 'What do you believe'? ===== 2nd Lt. Merle Wye (Hutton), an Army Intelligence officer stationed in Hawaii, is rendered horizontal when struck in the head by a foul ball while playing for his unit's baseball team. In the post hospital he is attracted to Lt. Molly Blue (Prentiss), a nurse he once knew in college. His superior (and manager of the team) orders the inept Merle to distant Rotohan, a secure island liberated some months before, ostensibly to relieve Lt. Billy Monk (Jack Carter), who has been unable to capture a Japanese holdout called Kobayashi suspected of pilfering military supplies. However the coach really wants Monk, a former professional baseball player, for his team. By claiming to be ordered to dangerous duty Merle tries to seduce Blue; when she discovers the ruse, she barely gives him the time of day. On Rotohan, Merle and his Nisei interpreter (and lothario) Sgt. Roy Tada (Yoshio Yoda) team up with Monk to flush out the wily thief hiding in the hills. Using a reluctant Tada as a "spy" they discover that Kobayashi has been stealing the supplies, all creature comforts, to feed and clothe his pregnant girlfriend. But Merle is distracted when Blue is also assigned to his camp. With the Navy, in the form of obnoxious Cmdr. Jeremiah Hammerslag (Jim Backus), also hunting Kobayashi, Merle is threatened by his new superior, Col. Korotny (Charles McGraw), with another transfer if he does not capture Kobayashi soon—this time to an even more remote rock with only six other soldiers as company. While romancing a local girl (Miyoshi Umeki), Tada discovers that Kobayashi is not even a soldier but a former circus performer hidden in a cave in the hills by the villagers. That night Kobayashi is to appear at a variety show staged by the locals to entertain the Americans. When Merle tries to arrest him, the agile Kobayashi stuns him using judo, knocking him horizontal again, and escapes. Col. Korotny tells Merle he is shipping out in the morning. During a drive in the hills to "say goodbye", Merle and Blue stumble on the cave, where Blue captures the acrobat after Merle once more becomes "the horizontal lieutenant". Merle is given a medal anyway and wins her heart. ===== A shoplifter, Faye Burton, is being watched by Herb Klaxon, a security guard at a Los Angeles department store, and by Jeff Andrews, a shopper there. Jeff tries to warn her, but Faye is nevertheless caught and placed under arrest. Faye signs a confession and is set free, warned that if she tries this again, she will go to jail. Faye returns to her job as a librarian. But a gang of thieves run by Ina Perdue, a pawnbroker, recruits Faye by claiming they can get her confession back, thereby clearing her record. Faye is shown by Ina and her henchman Pepe how to steal like a professional thief and is then given a San Diego robbery assignment as a test. She is followed by Jeff, who is actually an undercover law officer, working to bust the shoplifting ring. Pepe attempts to sexually assault Faye, who becomes so despondent, she tries to commit suicide. Jeff rescues her and reveals his true identity. They arrange to work together, but Jeff's cover is blown and Faye is kidnapped. Ina and Pepe take her to Mexico to continue their crime spree, but Jeff and his men arrive in time to apprehend the crooks. Jeff also realizes he has fallen in love with Faye. ===== The film follows retired soprano Sara Scuderi and the other tenants of the retirement home, as they re-live and re-enact the roles which made them famous. ===== The main character, Mark Evans (円堂 守 Endō Mamoru), is a very talented goalkeeper. He plays for his high school's soccer team called Raimon Junior High, which has just won the Football Frontier. One day, the aliens from Alius Academy, a mysterious school that trains its students into making soccer a tool to destroy other schools, approach and wreck Raimon Junior High, sending the Raimon Eleven into a journey to stop the aliens, the soccer team named Gemini Storm, with Raimon Eleven's last gift, the van called Inazuma Bus. The heroes have to travel around Japan, recruit new players, seek the secret behind the Alius Academy and save Japan from being destroyed. ===== Yi Mongryong, who always studies hard, goes out to get some fresh air. He sees Chunhyang on a swing and he falls in love with her at first sight. He orders his servant, PangJa, to ask Chunhyang to come to him but she refuses. Yi Mongryong then goes to talk to Chunhyang's mother, Wolmae, to ask permission to marry Chunhyang; Wolmae gives her permission and the two young people marry that day. Yi Mongryong's father, a government official, has to move to another region, Hanyang (Seoul now) so Yi Mongryong has to leave Chunhyang to follow his father. Chunhyang gives Yi Mongryong a ring as a token of her love for him and promises to stay faithful to him and wait for him to come back in the future and take her to Seoul. After he leaves, a replacement for Mongryong's father comes to Chunhyang's village. The new replacement is Pyon, a greedy and selfish person- he always wastes his time partying with courtesans. Chunhyang, renowned for her beauty, is forced to come to his party. Although Chunhyang is not a courtesan, Pyon treats her like one because her mother is a courtesan. He orders her to sleep with him, but Chunhyang keeps refusing because she is married. Pyon gets angry and imprisons her. He decides to punish her on his birthday. Yi Mongryong wins first place in a state examination and he becomes a secret royal inspector, or Amhaeng-eosa, who investigates and prosecutes corrupt government officials as an undercover emissary of the king. Under disguise, he comes to Chunhyang's village and finds out what has happened to Chunhyang and the misbehavior of Pyon. He must conceal his real identity so he acts like an insane person and wears mendicant clothes. Despite his mendicancy, Chunhyang still loves him and asks her mother to take good care of him. At Pyon's birthday celebration, Yi Mongryong comes in and makes a satirical poem about the misbehavior of Pyon, but he does not understand the poem. Yi Mongryong discloses his real position and punishes the lord. At first, Chunhyang cannot recognize Yi Mongryong and he tests her fidelity by asking her to spend a night with him. Chunhyang, who still cannot recognize him, refuses him as well. Deeply moved by her faithfulness, Yi Mongryong orders a courtesan to show her the ring Chunhyang gave him. She is shocked that he is Yi Mongryong and they live happily ever after. ===== When only six of eight would-be German saboteurs are sentenced to death by an American court during World War II, an FBI agent complains to his boss, Craig (Ward Bond), about the other two. Craig tells him about one of the men sentenced to prison. A flashback ensues. American attorney Carl Steelman (Sanders) stuns his German-born parents by telling them that he is a member of the German American Bund. His father (Ludwig Stössel), a loyal American, is particularly incensed. When Carl attends a Bund meeting, his colleague Ernst Reiter divulges that he has been called back to Germany to be trained as a saboteur. The police break up the meeting; fleeing, Reiter draws a gun and is shot dead. Later, Carl meets with Craig; Carl is actually an FBI undercover agent. Craig informs him that he is to impersonate Reiter and infiltrate the school. In Hamburg, Carl becomes friendly with a woman named Helga Lorenz. Later, Colonel Taeger (Dennis Hoey) informs him that Helga is suspected of being in the German Underground, and orders him to continue seeing her to find incriminating evidence. After Carl accidentally finds some anti-Nazi leaflets, he warns Helga, but a spy with a telescope has witnessed this, so Carl has no choice but to denounce her himself. When she refuses to talk, Taeger orders her sent to a concentration camp. Carl manages to intercept the car taking her away and rescue her. Then Reiter's wife shows up at his hotel. To prevent her from betraying him, he tells her that Reiter was captured in America, then asks her for a day to explain himself. He then tells Colonel Taeger that his "wife" has lost her mind. After questioning the woman himself, the colonel agrees and has her sent to an asylum. When Carl's father becomes seriously ill, Craig tells him about his son's real mission, but stresses he can divulge the information to no one, not even his wife. Julius is too overjoyed to obey. He tells his close friend, Dr. Herman Holger (Sig Ruman). Because of his excellent performance at the sabotage school, Carl is put in charge of the first group of saboteurs to be sent to America after the United States enters the war. He and three others board a U-boat. When Colonel Taeger is notified that a Carl Steelman is an American agent, he goes to see Frau Reiter; she confirms that Steelman was her husband's associate in America. Taeger has her shot to cover up his mistake, then sends an urgent message to the U-boat captain. The submarine is attacked by American bombers, but escapes unharmed, and the saboteurs depart in a life raft before Taeger's message is received. Then the bomb Carl left aboard blows up, sending the submerged U-boat to the bottom. Ashore, the four men are spotted on the beach and arrested. Craig makes Carl maintain his cover and turn state's evidence against the others, as well as four saboteurs sent to Florida. Then Carl goes home to see his parents and Dr. Holger. He informs Holger that he has a list of German agents in America, and that the doctor is on it at number eight. He takes Holger away. ===== Mary Hamilton an heiress tires of fortune hunting men and takes her secretary Peggy to join a group of gypsies undercover. As the women head into the woods Sir Kenneth one of Mary's close male friends follows them dressed as a gypsy. Jack Hutton a wealthy landowner wants the gypsies off his land and has Sir Kenneth jailed. Hutton then seeks out Mary's camp, not knowing her true identity, and wants her thrown off the land as well but then catches her swimming in a moonlit pond. Hutton falls in love with Mary and Mary asks him to dine. When Hutton leaves a band of gypsies attacks Mary's wagon and tie her up. Jack then tries to rescue Mary but is beaten by the gypsies. Sir Kenneth has by then been released from jail and arrives with Peggy, the two of them are now in love. After they cut Mary loose, Sir Kenneth and Peggy head off to be married leaving Mary to care for Hutton. As Hutton recuperates Mary tells him the truth that she is an heiress and not a gypsy as she had led Hutton to believe. They are later married.American Film Institute Catalogue synopsis(Wayback) The poor in the film, as represented by the lazy gypsies who rob Mary, do not compare well to the heroic but naive members of the upper class. ===== Wall Street wizard, Larry Day, new to the ways of love, is coached by his valet. He follows Vivian Benton on an ocean liner, where cocktails, laced with a "love potion", work their magic. He then loses his fortune in the market crash and feels he has also lost his girl. ===== Since a horrible accident claimed the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever can see auras, hear people’s thoughts, and know a person’s life story by touch. Going out of her way to shield herself from human contact to suppress her abilities has branded her as a freak at her new high school—but everything changes when she meets Damen Auguste. Damen is gorgeous, exotic and wealthy, and he holds many secrets. Ever doesn’t know who he really is—or what he is. Damen is equal parts light and dark, and he belongs to an enchanted new world where no one ever dies. ===== Burt and Vicky, a couple trying to save their marriage, are driving to California for a vacation and to visit Vicky's brother. As they are driving through rural Nebraska and arguing, they accidentally run over a young boy who had his throat slit and was thrown into the road. They open his suitcase to find a crucifix made of twisted corn husks. They decide to report the incident to the police, place the body in their car's trunk, and go to the nearest town (a small, isolated community called Gatlin) to look for help. As they are driving, Burt tries to listen to the radio. He can only pick up on a station that has a child preacher delivering a fire and brimstone sermon. When they arrive in Gatlin, it appears to be deserted. They do not see any cars or people anywhere. After driving past a gas station and visiting a diner, they notice that several things (such as gas/menu prices and calendar dates) are very outdated. Vicky, who does not like the town, starts to get nervous and asks if they can leave. Burt decides to explore the church after seeing that its property has been maintained, as well as last Sunday's date on the sign. As they argue, Vicky threatens to drive off and leave him stranded. He steals her keys and leaves her locked in the car as she begins to panic. She begs him to come back, but he ignores her. Inside, Burt finds that someone has torn the lettering off the walls and created a strange mosaic of Jesus behind the altar, as well as ripping out the keys and stops of the pipe organ and stuffing its pipes with corn husks. At the altar, Burt finds a King James Bible (with several pages from the New Testament cut out), and a ledger where names have been recorded, along with birth and death dates. While reading the ledger, he notices that all names were changed from modern to Biblical ones, and that everyone listed as deceased died on their 19th birthday. Burt realizes that the children of Gatlin killed the town's adults and that members of their community are not allowed to live past their 19th birthday. After hearing the car's horn, Burt runs from the church to find the car surrounded by a gang of children and teenagers dressed in Amish-style clothing and armed with farm tools. They destroy the windows and windshield, slash the tires, and drag Vicky out. Burt tries to intervene, but a redheaded teen boy stabs him in the arm. Burt pulls the knife out and stabs the boy in the throat. The children step back in shock. Burt then realizes that Vicky is gone. When he asks where she is, one of the children holds up a knife and makes a slashing motion. The children chase Burt, but he manages to outrun them and ducks into the cornfield and hides while they search for him. He notices that there are no animals or weeds in the cornfield and that every stalk of corn is blemish- free. As the sun sets, Burt gets lost and wanders around until he finds a circle of empty ground in the middle of the cornfield and discovers Vicky's body. She has been tied to a cross with barbed wire and her eyes have been ripped out, her eye sockets filled with corn silk, and her mouth stuffed with corn husks. He also sees the crucified skeletons of Gatlin's minister and police chief; the latter is wearing a blue uniform. When Burt turns around to flee, he notices that every row in the cornfield has closed up, creating a wall that prevents him from escaping. He realizes that something is coming for him, but before he can do anything, he is killed by a giant, green, red-eyed monster that comes out of the cornfield. Soon after, a harvest moon appears in the sky. The next day, the children of Gatlin (all members of a pagan cult that worships "He Who Walks Behind the Rows", a demonic entity that inhabits the cornfields surrounding the town) have a meeting in the circle. Isaac, their 9-year-old leader, tells them that He Who Walks Behind the Rows is displeased with their sacrifice because they failed to also kill Burt. The same thing happened with the "blue man" and the "false minister" many years ago. He Who Walks Behind the Rows punishes this failure by lowering the "age of favor" to 18. He also commands the children to "be fruitful and multiply". That night, Malachi (the killer of the boy who was run over) and all of the other 18-year-olds walk into the cornfield to sacrifice themselves to He Who Walks Behind the Rows. Ruth, a girl who is pregnant with Malachi's child, weeps as she waves goodbye to him. It is revealed that she secretly hates He Who Walks Behind the Rows and dreams of setting fire to the cornfield, but is afraid to actually do so because He Who Walks Behind the Rows can see everything, including the secrets inside human hearts. The story ends by saying that the corn surrounding Gatlin is pleased. ===== Bryan Ryan (Neil Patrick Harris), a former McKinley High glee club member, arrives as an auditor from the school board. He speaks to the glee club, asking everyone to write their biggest dream on a piece of paper. He then takes Artie's (Kevin McHale) paper and tosses it into the trash, making a point that their dreams will never come true. Having failed to realize his own dreams, he intends to cut the glee club. Glee club director Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) convinces him that it is not too late to pursue his dreams and sings "Piano Man" with him. They both audition for the role of Jean Valjean in the local production of Les Misérables, singing "Dream On" as a duet. Bryan decides not to cut the glee club, and even presents them with new costumes and sheet music, but changes his mind when cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) announces that Will landed the lead role. Will gives up his role in Les Misérables to Bryan in order to save the glee club. Rachel (Lea Michele) confides in Jesse (Jonathan Groff) of her lifelong dream to discover the identity of her mother. While they are searching through boxes of records from her basement, Jesse takes a cassette tape from his jacket and pretends that it came from the box. The tape is labeled as a message from mother to daughter. Rachel refuses to listen to the tape, stating that she is not ready. Jesse later meets with Shelby Corcoran (Idina Menzel), the coach of Vocal Adrenaline, who reveals that she is Rachel's biological mother, but a contractual agreement with Rachel's two fathers prevents her from meeting with her until she is 18. Jesse reveals that though he had "befriended" Rachel just to get more acting practice, he had actually started liking her. She implores Jesse to convince Rachel to listen to the tape. Back at Rachel's house, Jesse starts the tape playing as Rachel enters her bedroom, then leaves her to listen to it. On the tape, Shelby sings "I Dreamed a Dream", leading to a duet with Rachel in a dream sequence, ending with Rachel back in her room in tears. Artie Abrams dancing with the song "The Safety Dance." After Bryan's discouraging speech, Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz) retrieves Artie's paper from the trash and learns that his biggest dream is to become a dancer. Tina would like to dance with Artie, but he falls off his crutches when he tries to stand up from his wheelchair. Tina comforts Artie by showing him some of the latest research in spinal cord injury treatments. While waiting for Tina to buy pretzels at the mall, Artie fantasizes about being able to stand up from his wheelchair and dances to "The Safety Dance" in a flash mob dream sequence. He later asks guidance counsellor Emma Pillsbury (Jayma Mays) for advice on how to cope with the possibility of walking again in light of the new research, but is disappointed when Emma tells him that such treatments may not become available for a long time. Tina continues to offer to dance with him but he declines, insisting that she choose another partner but agreeing to sing during the dance. Tina chooses Mike (Harry Shum, Jr.) as her dance partner as Artie leads the glee club into "Dream a Little Dream of Me". ===== Dwight is a sixth grader at McQuarrie Middle School who is considered quite weird. One day, Dwight folds an origami finger puppet of Yoda, a popular Star Wars figure. Through an imitation voice, Dwight offers advice to his classmates through Yoda. Some students at McQuarrie soon become convinced that Origami Yoda has a special connection to the Force , while others remain skeptical. A fellow sixth-grader named Tommy decides to write a case file to prove if Origami Yoda is real. He convinces a number of students to write about their experiences with Origami Yoda, while his friend Kellen illustrates the file. However, Harvey, who has always been cruel to Dwight and is skeptical about Origami Yoda's wisdom, attempts to disprove Origami Yoda's connection to the [Force]. ===== Jarrod and his wife Elaine arrived at Los Angeles, California for Jarrod's best friend Terry's birthday party. They celebrate with Terry's wife, Candice, and his assistant, Denise. During a private argument about whether or not they should move, Elaine reveals she is pregnant. The next morning, blue lights descend from the sky, hypnotizing anyone who looks at them. The light causes people to become zombie-like and immobilized; they are then collected by the light machines. Jarrod and Elaine's friend Ray is taken, but Jarrod is saved when Terry tackles him. He and Terry go to the condominium roof to investigate the lights but are attacked by one of hundreds of flying alien drones. As they attempt to open the rooftop door, Elaine quickly opens it from the other side, accidentally looks directly into the aliens' light and is hypnotized, but Jarrod and Terry are able to save her and close the door. Back in the condominium, Terry looks for his neighbor Walt so they can all leave in Walt's car. As Terry and Walt are hiding, Walt's dog runs towards the creature and Walt tries to stop it but he gets abducted. Jarrod believes the open water would be a safer place, since there are no machines over the sea. They encounter a bickering couple, Colin and Jen, also preparing to flee the building. As Terry's car exits the garage, it is flattened by a massive four-legged alien, killing Denise. Terry escapes, but is abducted as he flees. The trio retreat into the garage, where they encounter another alien lifeform in the shape of a large multi-tentacled squid that takes Colin. It corners the rest of the group before the building's concierge, Oliver, slams into it with an SUV and finds Colin alive. When they try to free him, the squid creature comes back to life, sucking out Colin's brain and regaining its energy. As they run back into the building, Jen is abducted. The four survivors remain hiding in the condominium. The next day, the United States Air Force launches an attack against the alien spaceship and flying alien drones using stealth unmanned combat aerial vehicles and conventional drone aircraft armed with air-to-air missiles (a "jet engine" powered MQ-9 Reaper). Only one stealth plane (an X-47B) pierces the carnage and fires a nuclear missile, hitting the mothership, before it is destroyed. The detonation blows the ship apart and kills the aliens, but Jarrod discovered the aliens have survived and the ship slowly begins to repair itself. After Jarrod tells Elaine that the alien light made him feel powerful, he is adamant that safety must be found outside. Oliver wants to stay inside and tries restraining him. Jarrod physically starts changing as he lifts Oliver off the floor and vows that he will protect his family. Helicopters arrive with soldiers as Jarrod and Elaine go to the roof hoping to catch a ride to safety. Oliver and Candice stay in the condominium, but are found when Candice accidentally exposes herself to the light and is abducted. Afterwards, Oliver attempts to kill a tanker alien by turning on a gas stove and igniting a lighter, causing the room to explode. The soldiers are thrown off the roof by the aliens and a squid alien attacks Jarrod and Elaine; the badly injured Jarrod kills it. Amid the aliens, they accept their fate, look into the blue light, and are sucked into the mother ship. A brief montage shows that cities such as London, Hong Kong and New York City, have all succumbed to the invasion and the aliens appear to have won. Inside the alien ship, Elaine wakes on a pile of human bodies. Tubes are sucking human brains into machines; probes go through the pile looking for what they can find. Elaine sees Jarrod in the pile but has to watch helplessly as his brain is removed. She is probed, but left alone since she is pregnant. Elaine is transported to another chamber where other pregnant women have been sent. Meanwhile, Jarrod's brain, glowing red instead of the usual aliens' blue, is inserted into a new alien body. Animating the alien body, Jarrod seems to retain control, and comes to the aid of Elaine and their unborn child. Elaine recognizes him when he caresses her belly and her head. He then turns around to confront advancing aliens, and in between the credits, a series of still images depict "Jarrod" protecting Elaine and their child from the aliens. ===== Raghu (N. T. Rama Rao) is a government clerk who lives happily with his wife Manjula (Laxmirajyam) and two children. Raghu's mother Venkamma (Bezwada Kanthamma), sister Kamakshi (Surabhi Balasaraswathi) and her husband Tata Rao (Relangi) depend on him. Very soft natured Manjula suffers in the hands of shrewd Venkamma. Venu (Akkineni Nageswara Rao), younger brother of Raghu stays back in the village. He is an honest, straightforward gentleman. Once Venu gets acquaintance with a beautiful Kamala (Pushpalata), who has to stay in his house for a night because of her car being repaired. Kamala’s father Sundara Rao (Dr. Damodaram) is the rich man in Vijayawada. She invites Venu to come to her house. Venu, when he goes to Vijayawada, observes how his sister-in-law is being harassed by his mother and sister. Venu and Kamala start loving each other. Venu gets a job with help of her father. On the other hand, Raghu is struggling hard to maintain the house. Moreover, Manjula joins for delivery in the hospital. Venu sends money after selling the property but Venkamma doesn’t give that to Raghu. Raghu sells Manjula’s wedding chain which also is snatched by Venkamma. Raghu loses his job and in frustration, he leaves the house. Venkamma and Kamakshi blame Manjula. Kamala informs this to Venu then he forcibly takes money from mother and clears the debts. Venkamma tells Kamala that there is an affair between Venu and Manjula, which Kamala believes. Manjula also leaves the house with the children writing a letter that Venu is like her brother, then Kamala realizes and asks pardon from Venu. Manjula reaches Koyambattur. Sundara Rao asks Venu to marry Kamala, but he says that he will marry only after getting back his brother and sister-in-law. Raghu also reaches to Koyambattur. Meanwhile, Venu meets Tata Rao, his sister’s husband and tells him that only way to change his wife is through harsh behavior. Tata Rao whips Kamakshi and Venkamma and makes them silent. Meanwhile, Sundara Rao purchases a mill at Koyambattur, Venu and Kamala also shift there. The mill manager Ramesh (Nalla Ram Murthy) has a bad eye on Kamala. Manjula sends her elder son Gopi (Master Anand) to work in the mill. Once Gopi meets Raghu, who is almost mad. Gopi forces him to work in the mill. Raghu becomes sick and Gopi brings him home when Manjula recognizes Raghu. Manjula goes to Sundara Rao to ask some amount for Raghu's medicines; when he refuses, she beats him and steals money. At the same time, Kamala and Ramesh reach there, where they see Venu and suspect him. Ramesh calls for police and Venu gets arrested. The rest of the story is how Venu proves his innocence, finds his brother and family, and reunites with them. ===== The story begins with the sons of the Hung-mo (Hongwu) Emperor returning to the capital city as a show of filial piety to their father, who has fallen extremely ill. Secretly, the princes are harboring intentions to succeed the throne. As a result, chaos surrounds the kingdom, and a chain of conspiracies and schemes begin occurring in the city... While pursuing a mission, Brocade Guard captain Ngo Siu-fung loses his memory in an accident. As he begins to slowly piece back memories of his past, he realises that he was once a vicious, unreasonable, and merciless Brocade Guard. He decides to start anew and change his ways of style, but his colleagues are unable to see past Siu-fung's history of cruelty, and they assign him insignificant tasks to complete. Fortunately for Siu-fung, he saves Chu Wan-man, grandson of the emperor, who has dressed himself in plain clothes to observe the commoners of the city. The two become good friends and Wan-man appoints Siu-fung as his personal bodyguard. The emperor dies, his posthumous edict robbed, and the kingdom is left with no heir. The princes all desire the throne, leaving the kingdom unprotected from future attacks. Impatient, Wan- man orders Siu-fung to find the edict as soon as possible to stabilise the chaotic situation. The powerful and intelligent fourth prince Chu Tai (Zhu Di), titled Prince Yin, also sends his most trusted adviser Ma Sam-po to investigate the case. Fighting to retrieve the edict, Siu-fung and Sam-po undergo a battle of wits and skill. They start an ambiguous friendship – though they see each other as equals, they are unable to work together because their loyalties lie elsewhere. The edict is retrieved and Wan-man ascends to the throne, crowned as the Kin-man (Jianwen) Emperor. Soon after his coronation, mysterious cases begin to occur around the kingdom. Someone with an ulterior motive is intentionally framing Prince Yin of starting a coup. Though Prince Yin is later proven to be innocent, Wan-man becomes really cautious of him. Aware that the new emperor has intentions in killing him, Prince Yin raises an army to overthrow him. Under the slogan of "clearing the court and pacifying national disaster" (), Prince Yin starts a coup d'état, that is later known to be called the Jingnan campaign. ===== Through a series of dreamlike images, a girl (Sarah Livingston Evans) and her three friends find themselves stranded in a dark and surrealistic forest by someone — or something (Edward Gusts) — who has obsessively loved, watched, and waited for the girl ever since childhood. ===== The Wonderful Visit tells how an angel spends a little more than a week in southern England. He is at first mistaken for a bird because of his dazzling polychromatic plumage, for he is "neither the Angel of religious feeling nor the Angel of popular belief," but rather "the Angel of Italian art."H.G. Wells, The Wonderful Visit, ch. 9. As a result, he is hunted and shot in the wing by an amateur ornithologist, the Rev. K. Hilyer, the vicar of Siddermoton, and then taken in and cared for at the vicarage. The creature comes from "the Land of Dreams" (also the angel's term for our world), and while "charmingly affable," is "quite ignorant of the most elementary facts of civilisation."H.G. Wells, The Wonderful Visit, ch. 12. During his brief visit he grows increasingly dismayed by what he learns about the world in general and about life in Victorian England in particular. As he grows increasingly critical of local mores, he is eventually denounced as "a Socialist."H.G. Wells, The Wonderful Visit, ch. 42. The vicar, his host, meanwhile comes under attack by fellow clerics, neighbours, and even servants for harbouring a disreputable character (no one but the vicar believes he comes from another world, and people take to calling him "Mr. Angel"). The angel's one talent is his divine violin-playing, but he is discredited at a reception that Lady Hammergallow agrees to host when it is discovered that he cannot read music and confides to a sympathetic listener that he has taken an interest in the vicar's serving girl, Delia. Instead of healing, his wings begin to atrophy. The local physician, Dr. Crump, threatens to have him put in a prison or a madhouse. After the angel destroys some barbed wire on a local baronet's property, Sir John Gotch gives the vicar one week to send him away before he begins proceedings against him. The Rev. Mr. Hilyer is regretfully planning how he will take the angel to London and try to establish him there when two catastrophes abort the plan. First, the angel, who "had been breathing the poisonous air of this Struggle for Existence of ours for more than a week," beats Sir John Gotch with Gotch's own whip in a fury after the local landowner insolently orders him off his land.H.G. Wells, The Wonderful Visit, ch. 48. Distraught to think (mistakenly) that he has killed a man, he returns to the village to find the vicar's house in flames. Delia, the serving girl, has entered the burning building in an attempt to rescue the angel's violin: this extraordinary act comes as a revelation to the angel. "Then in a flash he saw it all, saw this grim little world of battle and cruelty, transfigured in a splendour that outshone the Angelic Land, suffused suddenly and insupportably glorious with the wonderful light of Love and Self-Sacrifice."H.G. Wells, The Wonderful Visit, ch. 50. The angel attempts to rescue Delia, someone seems to see "two figures with wings" flash up and vanish among the flames, and a strange music that "began and ended like the opening and shutting of a door" suggests that the angel has gone back to where he came from, accompanied by Delia. An epilogue reveals that "there is nothing beneath" the two white crosses in Siddermorton cemetery that bear the names of Thomas Angel and Delia Hardy, and that the vicar, who never recovered his aplomb after the angel's departure, died within a year of the fire. ===== Having been dumped by her boyfriend after graduation, Aura (Lena Dunham) moves back home to her mother's loft in TriBeCa for the summer. Aura's plan is to save money until her friend Frankie finishes her degree at Oberlin College and can move to the city so that they can be roommates. Aura's mother Siri is a successful photographer who takes pictures of scenes using tiny furniture. She is aided by Candice, her assistant, and Aura's teenage sister, Nadine. Siri is initially supportive of her daughter's return home while Nadine appears condescending toward her. Upon moving back into her old room, Nadine commands Aura to replace a lightbulb. While searching for one, Aura stumbles upon her mother's journals from when she was Aura's age, and she begins reading them clandestinely. Shortly after arriving home, Aura goes to a party where she meets Jed, a mildly successful filmmaker who puts his work on YouTube. She also runs into her childhood friend Charlotte (Jemima Kirke), a recovering drug addict. She and Aura return to Charlotte's apartment that night, where they smoke marijuana. Charlotte also helps Aura land an $11/hour (no tips) job taking reservations at a restaurant. The news that she has landed a job is quickly overshadowed by the fact that Nadine has won a prestigious poetry prize for high school students. Aura begins to feel anxious in comparison to her put-together younger sister and resents the close bond between Nadine and their mother. Depressed, Aura begins to spend time with Jed, who is couchsurfing as his agent tries to land him a TV development deal, and flirts with Keith (David Call), a junior chef at the restaurant. When her mother and sister leave for a week in order to tour colleges, Aura invites Jed to stay with her. Together they discover that Aura's pet hamster Gilda has died, and they store it in the freezer in a plastic bag until Aura can bury her. Jed and Aura ultimately neglect to take care of the apartment while drinking most of Siri's wine and eating frozen dinners. Siri eventually confronts Aura about these things upon her return, which Aura first lies about before throwing a tantrum in front of her mother and sister. Despite this, Aura later asks her mom to let Jed extend his visit by having him stay on an inflatable mattress in her room. She is eventually forced to kick him out after he annoys Siri with his entitled attitude. Meanwhile, Aura's flirtation with Keith hits a snag when she discovers he has a girlfriend and only seems interested in her ability to obtain prescription pills through Charlotte. After Keith stands her up when they make plans to get high together, Aura impulsively quits her restaurant job. Later that night, Nadine has a party in their loft while their mother is out for the night. Aura becomes upset, ostensibly by the number of drunk high schoolers at the party, and calls Charlotte to help deal with the situation. Upon arriving, however, Charlotte merely joins the party as well. Nadine eventually confronts Aura over her immaturity, yelling at her to grow up. The next morning, Aura's mother finds the frozen hamster in the freezer, which Aura promptly disposes of. Aura also tells a bewildered Frankie that she no longer can move in with her, offering the excuse that her mother needs her too much. Unsure of what to do with her filmmaking degree, Aura lucks out when Charlotte asks a curator friend to put one of Aura's college videos in his gallery. At the exhibit, Charlotte is annoyed when Frankie appears to discuss living arrangements with Aura. Charlotte encourages Aura to leave Frankie in order to spend time with Keith, who also showed up. Ditching Frankie, Aura goes with Keith and the two smoke marijuana in the street. Encouraged by Charlotte's earlier advice to be spontaneous, Aura makes a move on Keith who, despite still being in a relationship, responds with passion. As Keith still lives with his girlfriend and Aura cannot bring him to her mother's apartment, the two crawl into a pipe in a construction yard where they have unprotected sex. Returning home, Aura fights with her mother but eventually apologizes. She later climbs into bed with her and tells her about her evening with Keith. Aura confesses to having read her diaries, though her mother calmly replies she is not upset over it. Aura uses the opportunity to get to know her mother, and asks her about what she was like when she was Aura's age. ===== Hall Caine's visit to The Christian film set in 1922, Left to right: Caine, Mae Busch (Glory Quayle), Maurice Tourneur (Director), and Richard Dix(John Storm). John Storm becomes a Christian Socialist, intending to live as Christ would live. He struggles to free himself from his love for Glory Quayle. John and Glory had been childhood sweethearts while growing up in the Isle of Man. As adults they travel to London where Glory becomes a nurse and finally a star on the stage. John enters the church. Later scenes show John's struggles, the meeting of the couple at the race track, his determination to kill Glory to save her from herself and his death in Glory's arms after a stoning by an infuriated mob. ===== Utility company employees working near Highway 44 dig up three skeletons while laying pipes. When SAMCRO hear the news, an emergency club meeting is arranged. Clay tells the crew that the bodies are Mayans killed in the SAMCRO-Mayan War of '91, and they need to stop them from being identified. In truth, however, one of the bodies actually belongs to Lowell Harland, Sr., a mechanic at Clay's garage who was killed for being a "junkie rat". Lowell Sr.'s son, Lowell, Jr., is now also a mechanic at the garage and a former drug addict. Tig is the only patch holder besides Clay who knows that Lowell, Sr. was murdered. To raise funds to buy more guns from the True IRA, the club decides to enter Half-Sack into a bare-knuckle boxing competition. Half-Sack, the former lightweight champion, is told to win his first five fights then take a dive in the sixth. This will allow SAMCRO to bet on his underdog opponent and earn a large pay-off. He is trained by Chibs, who recently returned from his trip with Michael McKeavey. Chibs insists Half-Sack has "no booze, no weed and no pussy". This means that Cherry must be kept away from him. To test her loyalty to Half-Sack, Bobby tries to have sex with Cherry at his house, but she refuses his advances. That night, Clay, Tig and Jax go to the morgue to steal the bodies. In order to sneak in unnoticed, they must make sure no one is around; Tig shows the bite mark on his buttocks to the female doctors standing nearby, who flee in disgust. Clay tells Jax to wait outside and keep guard. Upon finding the first dead man, Tig sets about removing his teeth with pliers – until Jax appears and offers to lend a hand. He discovers that the body has already been identified and that it is Lowell Sr. Clay claims that Lowell, Sr. was killed by the Mayans and, after exacting revenge on his killers, Clay and Tig buried all three bodies together. At the police station, Agents Hale and Stahl, having identified the bodies, suspect Clay of the murders and decide to use their suspicions to turn Lowell, Jr. against SAMCRO. They bring him to the station and tell him of his father's fate and where he was buried. Later, at the garage, Clay tries to convince Lowell otherwise, telling him the same story he told Jax earlier. Lowell seems to have believed the police’s story, however, and goes missing. Worried that he may be a liability to the club, Clay heads off to track down and kill him. He finds Lowell at a motel and puts a gun to his head, preparing to kill him. However, he has a change of heart and decides to tell Lowell the truth and bring him home. ===== Michael Scott (Steve Carell) is in good spirits due to his wildly successful relationship with Donna (Amy Pietz). He calls an office meeting solely to get suggestions for their next date, but the meeting participants, particularly Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak) and Kelly Kapoor (Mindy Kaling), convince him that she might be cheating on him. Worried, Michael hires Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) to tail her to see if she spends time with anyone else. Dwight follows Donna to her gym and attempts to seduce her. Donna rebukes him and calls security on him, whereby he openly admits he was sent there by Michael to keep tabs on her. An enraged Donna comes to the office to talk to Michael about the whole situation, and the two forgive each other and reconcile by planning a private vacation together. Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) receives a call from a concerned client that a Sabre printer caught fire during a routine operation. He becomes frustrated when Gabe Lewis (Zach Woods) fails to take his client's complaint seriously. Capitalizing on his fears, Darryl Philbin (Craig Robinson) pranks Andy into believing he has uncovered a conspiracy as revenge for Andy pinning one of his mistakes on the warehouse a few years prior. He pays Creed Bratton (Creed Bratton) to threaten him, and further convinces Andy that the conspirators intend to kill him. Gabe eventually tells Andy that he consulted corporate, who confirmed that only 12 out of 400,000 printers have caught fire, and gives Andy a $5 gift card as thanks for bringing the matter to their attention. This assuages Andy's suspicions, but Darryl is still able to convince him that he needs to go public with proof that the printers are faulty. He films Andy testing the printer in normal use. Though Darryl intends to use the video to further embarrass Andy, the printer indeed catches fire and explodes. This confirms Andy's suspicions, and scares Darryl straight. While Donna and Michael are planning their trip, Pam Halpert (Jenna Fischer) becomes suspicious when she notices Donna wearing heart-shaped jewelry that Michael did not buy for her. She snoops around on Facebook, and finds recent pictures of Donna hugging and kissing another man. Pam shows Michael the pictures, and he confronts Donna with the evidence. Donna admits to cheating and reveals that it is Michael who is the "other guy"; the photos are of her and her husband. ===== Betty Suarez (America Ferrera) worries about her boss Daniel Meade's (Eric Mabius) reaction to the news that she is leaving fashion magazine MODE for a new job in London. Marc St. James (Michael Urie) overhears Betty talking about her new job and sends a mass text to everyone in the building. Daniel tells Betty that he knows about her new job and says he is fine, however, he later burns her contract release form and tells her that he is angry that she is leaving. He then offers Betty a promotion, which she turns down, and he does not come to her farewell party. Meanwhile, MODE co-editor Wilhelmina Slater (Vanessa Williams) is in a coma after being shot by Tyler Meade-Hartley (Neal Bledsoe). When she wakes up, her partner Connor Owens (Grant Bowler) tells her that he cannot live without her. Tyler's mother Claire Meade (Judith Light) offers Wilhelmina a bribe to say Tyler did not shoot her, but Wilhelmina rejects it and plans to stake her claim on the company, prompting Marc to tell her she will never be happy. Wilhelmina holds a press conference, where she states that she accidentally shot herself. Claire thanks her and Wilhelmina tells her that they are now good. Daniel informs Wilhelmina that he is stepping down as co-editor of MODE, leaving her in charge. Betty's sister Hilda Suarez (Ana Ortiz) and her husband Bobby (Adam Rodríguez) look for an apartment in Manhattan, but Hilda worries that their father Ignacio Suarez (Tony Plana) will be lonely without them, but Ignacio reassures them that he is happy to live alone. Marc receives a promotion and a second chance with Troy (Matt Newton). Receptionist Amanda Tanen (Becki Newton) finds out that Spencer Cannon (Bryan Batt) is her father, and he reveals that he knew she was his daughter when he hired her to be his stylist. After saying goodbye to her family, Betty is shown enjoying her new life in London. She meets Daniel in Trafalgar Square, where he apologizes to her for not saying goodbye, and asks her out to dinner. Betty jokingly asks if he needs something to do, she is looking for a new assistant and Daniel tells her that he might submit his resume. As Betty heads off to work across Trafalgar Square, the series title is superimposed onto the scene; after a moment, Ugly disappears. ===== ===== Aisling, known as Ash to her friends, (pronounced Ash-Ling) is a teenage girl whose mother was once apprenticed to the local Greenwitch. Some time after Ash's mother dies, her father, a merchant, goes on a business trip and returns married to a woman with two daughters, the eldest of these is Ana who is Ash's age. Soon after they move in though, Ash's father becomes gravely ill, and instead of allowing the Greenwitch to care for him, Ash's stepmother takes him to the city to be treated by their Philosophers, who bleed him and cause his death, as the Greenwich warned they would. After her father's death, Ash's stepmother discovers he was deeply in debt, and sells Ash's childhood home to try and pay off some of his debts. The stepmother also declares that in order to earn her keep, Ash will serve as a servant in her home, as she has to lay off the rest of the staff because she can no longer afford to keep them. Ash's sole source of comfort is reading fairy tales by firelight each night. Ash wishes that fairies will take her away to their world where all her dreams will come true just like she once wished as a little girl. One night, the mysterious and sinister fairy prince Sidhean (pronounced SHEEN) finds Ash wandering through the woods on an enchanted path that connects Ash's new home to her old one, where her mother was buried. Sidhean warns Ash not to use this path and to stop seeking him out but Ash doesn't listen and seeks him out multiple times. Eventually Sidhean gifts Ash with a beautiful cloak and a pendant. but even though Ash begs him to keep her by his side in the faerie realm he always tells her it is not time. One day, Ash meets Kaisa—a noblewoman and the King's Huntress. Ash and Kaisa form an immediate and deep friendship, and eventually Kaisa teaches Ash to ride a horse and invites her to the King's Hunt. However, afraid that her stepmother won't allow her to go, Ash asks Sidhean for help and a disguise. Sidhean agrees but tells Ash there is a price to pay: if he grants her wish she will belong to him. Ash agrees, thinking it is her chance to finally leave her stepmother and enter the faerie kingdom. However, Ash begins to fall in love with the beautiful, strong Kaisa. Hoping to see her again, Ash asks Sidhean for another favor: to help her attend a ball at the castle, at which it is rumored the prince will choose his future bride. Sidhean agrees and gifts Ash a moonstone ring which Ash believes is magic, as she describes a feeling as if the ring binds her soul to Sidhean's. Sidhean also provides a beautiful blue gown and a coach for her to use to get to the ball, with a warning that it will only last until midnight. At the ball Ash unknowingly accepts a dance offer from the prince, and even though she doesn't know how to dance, she realizes her shoes and gown are enchanted to make her dance perfectly. While trying to get away from the prince, Ash runs into Kaisa who wants to know where Ash is getting all her fancy clothing and jewels since she knows Ash is a servant. Ash realizes that not only can she not tell Kaisa about Sidhean, but that she is now trapped, because fulfilling her promise to Sidhean will mean never seeing Kaisa again. She realizes that she has real feelings for Kaisa, and that Kaisa confesses she also has feelings for her. Ash leaves the ball later than she expected and her stepmother and sisters arrive home in time to see her still dressed in her magical gown and jewels. They accuse her of stealing and her stepmother cuts off Ash's hair, beats her and locks her in the cellar. Sidhean rescues her however, and tells her that he knew her mother when she was a young girl herself. He tells Ash that he knew her mother had magical powers and wanted to convince her to go with him to the faerie kingdom, but instead Ash's mother put a curse on Sidhean, to someday fall in love with a human girl so he could know the pain he had caused to other women who had fallen under his spell. Sidhean tells Ash she is the girl he has fallen in love with, but that he also senses her feelings toward him have changed. When her stepmother finally releases her form the cellar Ash learns her books have been burned, except for her mother's book of herbal spells which was hidden in Ash's coat. Ash hopes the book may have some kind of clue about how to break her deal with Sidhean, since she has now realized she doesn't want to trade her life and wants to stay in the human world with Kaisa. All she finds though are the words "the knowledge will change him" but is not sure this refers to Sidhean. Eventually Ash returns to the city with her stepmother and sisters who warn her she must stay in the house at all times. However, Gwen, a housekeeper Ash is friendly with, convinces her to sneak out for the Yule bonfire and Ash goes in hopes of seeing Kaisa. There Ash learns that the prince is to announce his choice of bride that same night and that Kaisa will be at the palace for the announcement. There Ash finds Kaisa and they share a dance as well as their first kiss. Ash explains that she has to leave to settle a debt and does not know if she will ever come back. Ash goes to meet Sidhean and tells him that if he truly loves her, he will release her and that she is only willing to spend one night in his world. Sidhean warns Ash that one night in his world is very different from a night in the human world, but Ash says she understands and Sidhean agrees to her terms. Ash asks if this means she will die and Sidhean responds "only a little." The next morning, Ash returns to the house in the city to collect her things. She finds the room she was staying in ransacked, but thinks nothing of it, and even takes time to say goodbye to Clara, the nicer of her stepsisters, who informs her the prince did not choose Ana as his bride. Ash goes to the castle to find Kaisa whom she finds in the stables. Ash tells Kaisa her debt is settled, she is free and they kiss, with Ash promising never to leave again. ===== Murthi (S. V. Sahasranamam) comes to a village and spend time with Meenakshi (M.S. Draupadi) and leaves for his home town. After returning there he wants to marry Mohana (Vyjayanthimala) while Mohana loves Nathan (T. R, Ramachandran). Lakshmi discovers she is pregnant and goes to Murthi, who claims ignorance. She jumps into the sea in a suicide attempt. A passerby saves her and she has the baby. She leaves the baby with Nathan, in his car. He takes care of the baby and faces many problems. Learning about the baby, Mohana gets suspicious. Finally the actions of Murthi are exposed and he accepts Meenakshi as his wife while Mohana and Nathan reunites. ===== The movie opens on a river scene with children playing on the bank. The body of a girl in a school uniform floats by. Yang Mi-ja (Yoon Jeong-hee), a 66-year-old grandmother, consults a doctor at a hospital who is concerned about her forgetfulness, referring her to a specialist. As she leaves the hospital she sees a woman crazy with grief because her 16-year-old daughter has drowned. Though Mi-ja lives on government welfare, she has a small job taking care of a well-to-do elderly man who has had a stroke. At home, she cares for her ill- mannered 16-year-old grandson, Jong-wook (Lee David), whose divorced mother lives in Busan. When Mi-ja asks Wook about the girl from his class who drowned, Wook insists that he doesn't know her. When Mi-ja notices a poster advertising a poetry class at a local community center, she decides to enroll. The course assignment is to write one poem by the end of the month-long course. At the suggestion of her teacher, she begins writing notes about the things she sees, especially flowers. Wook frequently leaves home at odd hours to socialize with five other boys from school. One night, he invites all of them over without notifying Mi-ja, who nevertheless tries to be a gracious host, offering them a snack before they disappear into Wook's bedroom. Later, one of the boys' fathers insists that Mi-ja join him and the other boys' fathers for a meeting. She is told that the group of boys have repeatedly raped a girl, Agnes, over the past six months, before she jumped off a bridge into a river and drowned. Her diary was discovered, though only four members of the school's faculty are aware of the situation. The fathers fear retribution for their boys, and the school fears a scandal that will tarnish its reputation. In order to avert a full police investigation, the parents of the boys offer to pay a settlement of 30 million won to the widowed mother, a poor farmer. Mi-ja, who cannot afford her 5 million won portion of the payment, is pressured to ask her daughter (Wook's mother) for the money. Though Mi-ja occasionally speaks to her daughter on the phone, she does not mention the situation. When Mi-ja is diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer's disease, she again neglects to tell anyone. She attempts to confront Wook about his actions, but he simply ignores her. Mi-ja begins attending a local weekly poetry reading. A brash man frequently reads beautiful poetry at these readings, but follows them with crude sexual jokes that offend Mi-ja. Another amateur poet explains to Mi-ja that the man is a policeman with a good heart, and was recently reassigned from Seoul after exposing corruption within its police force. Mi-ja temporarily quits her job caring for the elderly stroke victim after he makes a desperate sexual advance toward her. She later returns after a journey to the bridge where Agnes jumped, and her hat flies off into the water. She walks down to the riverbank and sits, writing poetry until it begins raining. Dripping wet, she returns to elderly man, agreeing to have sex with him. When she does, she appears emotionless. In another meeting with the fathers, Mi-ja is elected to travel to the countryside to convince Agnes' mother to accept the settlement. Initially not finding her at home, Mi-ja eventually comes across her working in the field. Mi-ja begins raving about how beautiful the weather, flowers, trees, and fruit are, forgetting about the task at hand. The two have a pleasant exchange before Mi-ja turns and begins to walk away. Finally, she remembers that she was meant to confront the woman about the settlement, but is too embarrassed and continues to leave. A few days later, Mi-ja returns to the fathers to admit that she still cannot pay her portion of the settlement. Though annoyed that she still hasn't contributed her sum, the fathers are overjoyed that Agnes' mother has agreed to settle, despite Mi-ja's failure to confront her. Mi-ja asks the elderly man for the money she needs, refusing to tell him what it is for. Wondering if this is Mi-ja's attempt at extortion, he pays her. Once the settlement has been paid to Agnes' mother, Mi-ja phones her daughter to come home, and insists that Wook shower and cut his nails. That night, the crude policeman from the weekly poetry readings appears with his partner to take Wook away. Mi-ja does not protest. The film concludes with Mi-ja's poetry teacher discovering a bouquet of flowers on the class podium with her poem, "Agnes's Song", but Mi-ja herself is not present. Her daughter returns to an empty home, and calls Mi-ja's phone, but receives no answer. The teacher begins to read Mi-ja's poem to the class. Mi-ja speaks in voiceover, though the voice of Agnes herself takes over midway through, following Agnes from the science lab, where she was raped, to the bus, to the bridge where she is to jump. Agnes turns to the camera, half-smiling, leaving Mi-ja's fate on an ambiguous note. ===== Ramu (Master Rajkumar) is a proactive boy, who leads a happy life with father Raja (N. T. Rama Rao) and mother Seeta (Pushpalata). Raja works as a soldier, once he gets an emergency call, hence he rushes to the war field. During that time, dacoits attack their village and put fire to Ramu's house in his mother being burnt alive, looking at it, Ramu becomes dumb. After that, their neighbor Chinnaiah (Perumallu) takes care of Ramu and waiting for Raja's arrival. Raja returns go into the shock knowing the facts, takes an oath to get back his son's voice and they leave the village. Parallelly, in another village, Lakshmi (Jamuna) daughter of Sipayi Singanna (S. V. Raghavan), a wealthy woman whose property is under the guardianship of her maternal uncle Ganganna (Relangi). Ganganna has two sons Ranganna (Rajanala) as crooked as his father and Venkanna (Padmanabham) a kind-hearted person. Ganganna wants to grab the Lakshmi's property by performing her marriage with Ranganna. But Lakshmi gets back her property through the court. Due to which, Ganganna develops a grudge against her. On their way back, Ramu & Raja are passing through the village where Ranganna beats Ramu for obstructing when the quarrel arises between Raja & Ranganna. Ranganna back-stabs Raja and he faint, Lakshmi spots them, takes them along with her and requests Raja to stay in her house until he recovers. Days pass on, Ramu gets closer to Lakshmi, she also takes care of him as her own son and loves Raja. Meanwhile, Ganganna makes no one to work in Lakshmi's fields when Raja comes forward and completes the farming. Eventually, Once Ramu visits a burial ground where he meets a madman Gopalam (S. V. Ranga Rao), whose daughter has been cheated by Ganganna. Both Gopalam & Ramu become good friends. Frustrated, Ranganna kidnaps Ramu and keeps him in his custody. Lakshmi, in search of Ramu, reaches there when Ranganna tries to molest her, Venkanna informs it to Raja and he too lands. In that quarrel, fire erupts and Lakshmi is stuck in it. Due to this incident, Ramu gets back his voice and saves her. Gopalam recognizes Ganganna, kills him and gets arrested. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Raja & Lakshmi. ===== The plot describes the campaign of a young man, named Arestis or Armouris Armouropoulos ("son of Armouris"). Although under-age, he accomplishes feats of strength, required by his mother for him to ride on his father's stallion. Crossing the Euphrates with the aid of an angel, he fights an army of Saracens (Arabs) single-handed, "for a day and a night". He is victorious, but gets unhorsed and loses his mace in an ambush. He pursues the Saracen who captured the horse into Syria. Upon reaching him, Armouris cuts off his arm and orders him to go to his emir and announce his arrival. When Armouris' father, who is being held captive by the Saracens, sees the horse, he recognizes it and assumes that his son is dead.Petsopoulos (2001), p. 20Beck (1971), p. 53Beaton (2004) p. 82 The Saracen emir, whose chivalry is exemplary, reassures the father and orders a search to be made for the missing son. The father writes to him to cease slaughtering Saracens, so that he will be treated with mercy, but Armouris refuses unless his father is freed, and threatens to rampage across Syria. The Emir, alarmed, finally agrees to let Armouris' father go and offers him his daughter in marriage in order to secure peace.Beaton (2004) p. 83 ===== The book is written in the first person singular from the perspective of its 15-year-old narrator, Garth Rudd. The Rudds live in Richmond, Virginia. Garth's father died in a boating accident two years earlier, leaving his middle-class family to shoulder his many debts. Now living on the edge of poverty, Garth's mother, Sonja, works two jobs to support the family and Garth tries to earn spending money and save for college by working as a janitor of sorts at a downtown department store for a condescending supervisor. Wanting to be a veterinarian when he is older, Garth volunteers at a local animal shelter caring for dogs and cats. Garth has repeated nightmares about his father's death, and is unhappy about his short height (he is only tall). Prior to the novel's opening (although this scene is related in flashback), Garth came out to his best friend, Lisa, about his homosexuality. Shortly thereafter, Garth (in flashback) tells his mother that he is gay. But his mother, worried that her short, slight teenage son might be gay bashed, tells Garth not to tell anyone else that he is gay. The novel opens when Mike Rudd, the twin brother of Garth's deceased father, arrives at the Rudd home. Mrs. Rudd and Lisa are somewhat cold and distant toward Mike, but Mike and Garth immediately become friends. Mike also realizes Garth is gay, and on a shopping trip Mike takes Garth into a gay bookstore. Garth meets an openly gay classmate, Adam Walters, in the store, and Mike arranges for Garth and Mike to watch a DVD of the motion picture Beautiful Thing together at the Rudd house. A short time later, Mike convinces Garth to go with him on a trip to a shopping mall in a suburb of Richmond where he intends to solicit donations to fight the disease "meninosis." Garth quickly realizes that "meninosis" is not a real disease, but the presence of the boyish-looking Garth helps Mike raise hundreds of dollars in donations. Mike promises to give Garth a cut of the money, and Garth quits his job. Garth begins to feel guilty over the large number of lies he tells his mother and Lisa to cover up both what he is doing with Mike and his relationship with Adam. Garth justifies his actions by assuring himself that the money he is getting will go into his college fund and make his mother worry less, and that his mother's demand that he remain closeted is unjust. Mike's cons become more elaborate. He successfully convinces Garth to wear an old Scooby-Doo Halloween costume (which still fits, because Garth has not grown much taller in the past several years). He also successfully gets Garth to take two dogs from the animal shelter as well as his own elderly dog, Hutch, with them on a fundraising trip. They pretend to be raising money for a disease which strikes dogs. Adam and Garth watch the movie Chinatown together, and kiss. Shortly thereafter, Mike takes Garth to a run-down section of Richmond where Mike recruits a beautiful blonde woman and a bar patron to help with his latest scam. Mike rents a sports car and pretends to raffle off the vehicle at the Virginia State Fair. Adam, also visiting the fair, sees Garth with his uncle. When the scam goes wrong, Mike, Garth, and the beautiful woman are forced to flee the scene. Upset that she was duped to participate in a con, the woman sends her boyfriend to the Rudd house to confront Mike. Mike escapes the house, leaving Garth to defend himself against the angry man. Garth's mother witnesses the confrontation, and Garth is forced to tell the truth about what he and Mike have been doing. The novel concludes with Garth having to own up to his actions and resolve his conflicts with his mother. Garth must also come to terms with his Uncle Mike's cowardice and lies, and struggles to repair his friendships with Lisa and Adam. The novel contains a number of references to non-fiction people, things, and places, like the singer Sufjan Stevens, the films Beautiful Thing and Chinatown, the cartoon characters Scooby-Doo and Superman, and to places in and around Richmond, Virginia. It also mentions the Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY), a real organization which offers support and leadership for LGBTQ youth in the Richmond area. ===== Angie's past continues to unravel as Patrick Logan holds her hostage in her own home. Patrick is keeping Angie handcuffed to her bed, and each night she dreams of her past. As a young woman she dropped out of college and joined a group of eco-terrorists, of whom Patrick was the leader. Angie fell in love with Patrick, and he used this to his advantage in order to get her to build a bomb. It is revealed that this is the bomb that killed the man Angie feels so guilty about, and also how she sustained the burns to her back. Now, Patrick wants her to build him another bomb. Gaby shows up at Angie's wanting a recipe for lasagna and meets Patrick who introduces himself as Angie's brother. Later, Patrick tricks Danny into returning home by sending him a message from Angie's phone. Patrick ties him up and tells him he wants to have a father/son relationship. He also uses the threat of killing Danny to get Angie to build the bomb. While she's building the bomb, Gaby shows up with a pan of lasagna that she wants Angie to try. Angie takes it to get a piece and hides a note inside the pan. Gaby takes it back and throws it in the trash without finding the note. Gaby gets up in the middle of the night and finds Juanita and Celia eating the lasagna out of the trash and Celia spits out the note, which is actually still legible: "Danny and I held hostage. No cops. Get Nick". Susan continues on her mission to sort out Mike's finances. She discovers that almost half of his clients haven’t settled their bills, so she decides she's going to get them to pay up. At first Susan attempts to get the clients to pay up by making them feel sorry for her. However, when this doesn't work, Susan begins to threaten the clients into paying up, taking not only money, but possessions as payment for Mike's work. She gets the money but there's more bad news – the IRS is knocking on the door. Susan tries to bully the IRS agent, but gets more penalties instead of an extension. They decide to leave Wisteria Lane and rent out their house. Orson, Bree and Andrew are brainstorming ways to get rid of Sam. Orson suggests that Andrew should seduce him. Since Orson feels he’d be useless in a fight, he suggests they pay Sam off. Bree gives him the check, but Sam tears it up when she tells him he's not really part of the family. He also vaguely threatens her. In retaliation, Bree brings in a couple of retired police officers – big retired police officers to intimidate him, while having tea and scones. Sam tucks his tail and runs. Bree is quite proud of herself, but Sam's not quite finished with her. He returns and tells Bree that at the dinner party Bree threw for Sam, apparently Danielle spilled the beans about how Andrew ran down Carlos's mother, Juanita "Mama" Solis. Now Sam wants Bree to turn over her entire company to him or he's going to tell his cop friends. The police show up at the Scavo's to tell them that Irina is dead. They want to talk to Preston about it and Eddie overhears from upstairs. Eddie decides to move out, telling Lynette he needs to be at home when his mom gets back from her “bender.” Lynette tells him how lucky his mom is to have a son like him. She hugs him and he laments about how different he might have been if she had been his mom. Preston is cleared by the police. While leaving the police station, Lynette overhears that the police found the body of Eddie's mother. Lynette goes to Eddie's house and Eddie tells her he just spoke to his mom. Lynette believes him at first, but then she figures it out. Eddie locks the door, holding Lynette as a hostage. ===== The story takes place in a small town in Texas in 1983. The film follows a 19-year-old boy named Ritchie Wheeler (Shiloh Fernandez) who spends most of his time at the local roller rink where he works and hangs out with his friends, Brent Burkham (Heath Freeman), Brent's sister Michelle (Ashley Greene) and Kenny Crawford (Taylor Handley). Ritchie is struggling trying to figure out his future, what he wants to do with his life and if he wants to go to college. When a tragedy occurs in Ritchie's life he is forced to make these decisions earlier than he expected. ===== Formerly successful television producer Joachim Zand returns from America to his native France, where he previously has left everything behind, including friends, enemies and his own children. In his company is a burlesque striptease troupe whom he has promised a grand performance in Paris. Together they tour the French port cities, staying at cheap hotels and making success along the way. Old conflicts are, however, reignited upon the return to the French capital. Joachim is betrayed by people from his past, making him lose the venue where they were to perform, and the Paris finale comes to nothing. ===== In a world where 12-year-old Michael Gerber has no friends, he finds that sometimes, the best friendships come from within. Michael is an awkward young boy who is about to start junior high and has no real friends. His family life is in turmoil, as his father and mother are constantly fighting. His only companion is an imaginary friend he calls Fuzzbucket. In the first act of the film, both the viewer and every character except Michael is left to make the assumption that Fuzzbucket is an imaginary friend. When Michael cooks up a strange, green concoction for his friend to drink, Fuzzbucket turns visible again. Astonished to see Fuzzbucket for the first time, young Michael becomes overjoyed. His newly visible friend exuberantly leaps around Michael's treehouse in celebration. The two friends share a heartfelt moment in his treehouse when Fuzzbucket traces their hands with crayons, a ceremony that makes them blood brothers. At Fuzzbucket's urgent request for "Toons! Toons!" Michael switches on his television and the two sit together watching classic cartoons, and they soon drift off to sleep. Hours later, Fuzzbucket awakens and insists on knowing the time. He urgently cries to Michael, "How many clocks? How many clocks!?" Fearing that if he doesn't make it back home in time he will turn invisible again, only this time it will be forever. Fuzzbucket leaps out of the treehouse and escapes into the woods. Michael, afraid of losing his one and only friend, takes off after him. Fuzzbucket repeatedly tries to distance himself from Michael while trying to get back to an underground lair full of other rat-like creature similar to Fuzzbucket. At one point, Fuzzbucket is found in a dumpster with a rat eating his tail. Michael picks up a can and throws it at the rat, knocking it off of his friend's tail. Fuzzbucket thanks Michael for "saving his life," taking his hand, kissing it, and making a strange slurping sound. He runs off and Michael gives chase. Michael tracks the creature into the woods and falls into his lair. He arrives in a chamber where Fuzzbucket creatures scatter in fright. The actual Fuzzbucket shows up and tell's Michael that since he helped him, Fuzzbucket will help him also. Michael is found by a search party underneath a tree shortly after. They all return home, where his mother and father find gifts in their room left behind by Fuzzbucket. The father opens up a novelty sized Hershey's kiss, while the mother opens up a music box. They set their gifts aside and share an intimate moment, when the camera pans to show Fuzzbucket sneaking away from the house. ===== The film opens with a quotation from the Book of Psalms: "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes." (Psalm 82:6–7) The monks' peaceful routine of prayer, medical assistance, and community interaction is soon interrupted by the threat of an Islamic fundamentalist group. When their elected leader, Christian (Lambert Wilson), declines the protection of the corrupt civil authority, the monks divide amongst themselves on the question of whether to stay or flee Algeria. Before a decision is reached, a group of fundamentalists, led by Ali Fayattia, enters the monks' compound in force on Christmas Eve and demands their doctor and his medical supplies. Christian refuses their requests and cites the Quran as proof of the monks' goodwill. With a mixture of surprise and respect, Fayattia leaves the compound and grants it his protection until his capture, torture and death at the hands of government forces. Despite the growing danger, the monks come to consensus on the moral importance of maintaining their committed lives with, and ministry to, the local population, even when faced with violence and death. Ultimately, the terrorists seize most of the monks during a nighttime raid and hold them hostage. As the captive monks trudge a snowy path towards a grim fate, the film concludes with the spiritual testament of Prior Christian de Chergé, bravely written in the face of death. ===== The film opens with a bustling city street, where a young woman commits suicide by jumping from a building ledge to her death. Eun-yi, who works as a worker in a restaurant, persuades her coworker and roommate to drive her to the scene of the suicide, and she stands distraught over the chalk outline where the woman's body had lain. The next morning, an older woman by the name of Byeong-sik visits her small apartment and later expresses interest in giving her a job. Eun-yi is hired as an au pair for Hae-ra (pregnant with twins) and her rich husband Hoon. Eun-yi's primary task is watching the couple's young daughter, Nami. Eun-yi is eager to connect to Nami, who gradually warms to her. Hoon begins to secretly flirt with Eun-yi, enticing her with glasses of wine and his piano playing, and they eventually begin a sexual relationship. Despite the affair, Eun-yi is still warm and friendly to Hoon's oblivious wife, Hae-ra; she even expresses enthusiasm and delight at the progress of Hae-ra's pregnancy. Byeong-sik, aka "Miss Cho" (the other live-in maid, originally Hae-ra's childhood maid) witnesses Eun-yi and Hoon having sex. She tries to subtly pry details from Eun-yi, but Eun-yi brushes her off casually. Later, Miss Cho reveals her suspicion to Hae-ra's mother that Eun-yi is pregnant. Hae-ra's mother then visits the family and stages an "accident," resulting in Eun-yi falling from a ladder positioned at the top of a set of stairs. Dangling from a chandelier, Eun-yi begs Hae-ra's mother to pull her over the railing. Hae-ra's mother does not oblige, and Eun- yi falls. Suffering only a concussion, Eun-yi spends the night in the hospital. During her stay, she learns that she is pregnant and contemplates abortion. Meanwhile, the affair is revealed to Hae-ra. Hae-ra's mother, Mi- hee, instructs Hae-ra to ignore the affair; she insists that all wealthy husbands will eventually cheat and that if Hae-ra ignores it she can "live like a queen." Later that night, Hae-ra stands over Eun-yi's bed with a golf club but is unable to strike the sleeping woman. The next day, Hae-ra and her mother confront Eun-yi, offering her $100,000 to have an abortion and leave. Hae-ra knows that Eun-yi would not abort her child "for all the money in the world," so she takes matters into her own hands by poisoning the herbal medicine packets Eun-yi drinks every day. Hae-ra goes to the hospital and delivers her twin sons. Hoon visits the hospital, where Hae-ra makes her ill will toward him known. Furious, he returns home alone and finds Eun-yi in his bathtub. She reveals that she is pregnant and plans on keeping the baby. Eun- yi succumbs to the effects of the poison, and Mi-hee arranges an abortion without Eun-yi's consent. After the abortion, Miss Cho reveals that she told Mi-hee about Eun-yi's pregnancy. Eun-yi is angry, but forgives Miss Cho and vows to get revenge on the family. After recovering from her abortion, Eun-yi sneaks into the house with Miss Cho's assistance. Hoon finds her breastfeeding one of the newborn babies. Hae-ra insists that Miss Cho chase Eun-yi out of the house, but Miss Cho refuses and quits her job on the spot. Eun-yi then confronts the entire family (Hae-ra, Mi-hee, Hoon, and Nami), hanging herself from the same chandelier she once clung to, then lighting her body on fire as the family watches in horror. The final scene depicts the family outdoors in the snow celebrating Nami's birthday, all speaking English. While Hae-ra sings "Happy Birthday", Hoon hands a glass of champagne to Nami. Both appear insane as Nami looks on. ===== British writer James Miller (Shimell) is in Tuscany to give a talk to a group about his new book, titled Certified Copy, which argues that, in art, issues of authenticity are irrelevant because every reproduction is itself an original, and even the original is a copy of another form. A French antiques dealer, whose name is never given (Binoche), attends the event with her 11-year-old son in order to have Miller sign several copies of the book she has purchased, but has to leave early because her son is hungry and becomes a distraction. She leaves her phone number with Miller's translator. Her relationship with her son is strained; he teases her about giving her phone number to Miller's translator and suggests she is romantically interested in Miller, which she denies. Miller and the woman later meet at her shop. Though she had intended for them to browse antiques together, he brusquely rebuffs this idea and suggests instead that they go for a drive, as long as they're back for his 9 p.m. train. On their aimless trip, Miller signs six copies of his book for the woman — including a copy for her sister, Marie, in which he inscribes a note that the woman dislikes. The two debate the premise of his book, including the relationship between authenticity and simplicity. During the conversation, which at times becomes very strained, Miller points out that even the Mona Lisa is a 'copy' of the woman who modeled for the painting, real or imagined. The woman takes Miller to an art museum to see another famous 'copy,' but he is disinterested, saying that he has already finished work on the book and is not interested in further examples. The woman becomes increasingly distraught as she complains about her rebellious son to Miller, but he attempts to rationalize her son's behavior, frustrating the woman. At his insistence, they visit a nearby café for coffee. When Miller steps out to take a phone call, the café owner begins speaking to the woman, mistaking Miller for her husband. Binoche's character plays along as the café owner espouses the importance of marriage, no matter the flaws of one's partner. Miller returns and the woman tells him about the café woman's assumption about their relationship. Once they leave the café, the nature of their discussion changes, and they begin to speak in a combination of French and English instead of just English (Miller states that he only learned French, not Italian, in school). They also begin to behave as though they are a married couple, referring to the woman's son as "our" son. She expresses unhappiness over their 15th wedding anniversary the previous night, during which he fell asleep while she was getting ready in the bathroom, and tells him his constant traveling for work has made him emotionally distant. During their walk through the city, they encounter an older couple and discuss their interpretations of a nearby statue. The older man pulls Miller aside and offers unsolicited "fatherly" advice: that a small gesture of affection could mend the rift between Miller and his wife. As Miller and his wife walk away, he places his hand on her shoulder; when they go into a restaurant, she goes to the bathroom and applies lipstick and puts on earrings. When she returns to the table, Miller is angry; he has clashed with the waiter over the quality of the wine. They begin to fight and Miller leaves the restaurant, though he waits for her outside. They pass by a church; she goes in without him, though she later insists this was only to take off her bra. They are entranced by and follow two elderly churchgoers, whose home turns out to be beside the hotel where Miller and his wife spent their honeymoon, though Miller does not remember the specifics of the hotel. The woman goes inside and asks to tour the room; she and Miller reminisce about their wedding night, although Miller does not remember many details. The woman appeals to Miller, saying that they should be more accepting of each other's faults, because the alternative is loneliness. He appears to rebuff her, saying he still has to catch his 9 p.m. train. Miller then goes into the bathroom and looks into the mirror; when nearby church bells begin to toll, he leaves the bathroom. ===== The film begins with a sumptuous banquet at the opulent estate of the Grand Yakuza leader Sekiuchi (Soichiro Kitamura), boss of the Sanno-kai, a huge organized crime syndicate controlling the entire Kanto region. He has invited the many Yakuza leaders under his control. After the formal conclusion of the banquet, Kato, the chief lieutenant of Sekiuchi, pulls one of the Yakuza leaders, Ikemoto, aside and makes plain that he is displeased with the news that Ikemoto has become friendly with a rival gang leader, Murase, while the two were unexpectedly imprisoned together. Kato, underboss of the Sanno-kai, orders Ikemoto to bring the unassociated Murase-gumi gang in line, and Ikemoto immediately passes the task on to his subordinate Otomo (Beat Takeshi), who runs his own crew. Shortly thereafter an incident occurs at a nightclub owned by Murase where a man posing as a customer is inadvertently put through a shakedown for about one million yen. It turns out that this is a member of the Otomo family who has been planted into the nightclub in order to help set-off the conditions for an all-out gang war against the Murase family. Murase, who is completely in the dark concerning his having fallen out of favor with Sekiuchi, tries to ameliorate the situation by relying on his former prison friendship with Ikemoto, not knowing that Ikemoto is under orders to terminate his gang. He accepts Ikemoto's advice several times not suspecting any ill- intentions from Ikemoto and each time he further weakens his strength, his resources and his crime family. In one incident, Otomo leaves vicious scars on the face of Kimura who is Murase's chief lieutenant. When the dust finally settles from the escalated tensions, Ikemoto and Murase are killed, Otomo is in a maximum security prison, unexpectedly with Kimura, and is stabbed twice in a prison ambush by Kimura in the belly with a makeshift knife. The complex interactions in the film finally come full circle and the film ends with Kato secretly killing Sekiuchi and taking control as the new Grand Yakuza leader of the Sanno-kai organized crime syndicate. ===== One day Moomintroll wakes to notice that grey dust is covering everything in the Moominvalley. He runs to ask the philosophical Muskrat if he knows what is happening, who advises him that things tend to look like this before an awful fate coming from the sky hits the Earth. With the help of his father, Moominpappa, Moomintroll and his close friends Sniff and Snufkin build a raft and head out on a challenging journey to the observatory in the Lonely Mountains hoping to find out more from the wise professors there. The friends have to overcome several adversities in order to make it there. When they arrive, they find the professors deep in calculations. They reveal that a comet will reach the Earth in four days, four hours, four minutes and 44 seconds. The group decides to get back home as fast as they can to share the news. On the journey home, they encounter more dangerous creatures and obstacles as well as some old and new friends, including Snork Maiden and her brother Snork, who join them on their adventure. The sky continues to become redder and the air hotter. When they get to the seashore, they are shocked to see that the sea has completely dried up. A walk along the dried out sea bottom brings more excitement and danger. Eventually they make it back home to the Moominhouse and discover another shocking detail: the comet is supposed to land right in their own garden that very night. Ultimately, the big question is if they can get everybody to safety in time. ===== Ed Ballinger is a wheelchair-bound engineer, who is developing a computer system with artificial intelligence called the I-500. After moving into an apartment complex, Ed thinks he witnessed a murder in a neighbouring building. ===== The novel is written in the first person singular. At times, it appears to be in the form of an essay or letter to the reader, but at other times it seems to be simply the protagonist telling his story. Portions of the novel are told in flashback, depicting Sprout's first few months in school. Much of the book is written in the stream of consciousness narrative style. Significant portions of the book focus on peer pressure, the role social stratification and social cohesion play in rural life, and norms of social conservatism. The novel opens with Sprout making claims about whether people know about his homosexuality, his short height, his poverty, or his dead mother (among other things). But Sprout claims to have a secret, but it is a secret which everyone knows about. The nature of Sprout's open secret is a narrative framing device which opens and closes the novel. Sixteen-year-old Daniel Bradford is nicknamed Sprout. In a flashback, the reader learns that his mother dies of cancer when he is 12 years old. His father has trouble dealing with her death and becomes an alcoholic. Early one morning, Sprout's father announces they are leaving New York and heading for Kansas. Sprout's father buys a plot of tree-covered land near Hutchinson, Kansas. The family takes up residence in a very small vacation trailer. Sprout's father begins covering the trailer in vines, and plants upside-down tree roots all over the property. Sprout's father has no job; the family lives off the proceeds from the sale of their former home. In another flashback, Sprout reveals that he has trouble fitting in at his new school due to his New York accent, odd way of dressing, poverty, and lack of a mother. He is harassed by the school bully, Ian Abernathy, but is befriended by an eccentric tomboy named Ruthie Wilcox. One day, after he and Ian both receive detention, the two boys wrestle. This leads to Ian initiating a sexual relationship with Sprout.Although the nature of the sexual conduct is not described in the novel, Sprout tells his father and teacher that he is having sex with Ian. Thus, the nature of the relationship appears to be more than mere nudity or fondling, but it is later stated that they never kissed. Sprout reveals that he and Ian continue to engage in sexual conduct on-and-off for the next four years, but that he desires an actual relationship. He distracts his peers from these facets of his life by dying his hair green (see the cover illustration). At the end of Sprout's sophomore year, he meets Mrs. Miller, who teaches English grammar and literature at the high school. Mrs. Miller has discovered that Sprout is an excellent writer. The state of Kansas sponsors a (fictional) statewide essay contest. Over the past several years, Mrs. Miller has coached many students who have entered this contest, and her students have won the event more times than any other teacher in the state. During the summer, Mrs. Miller has Sprout come to her home each day to be coached by her. Sprout learns that Mrs. Miller, too, has a drinking problem. Mrs. Miller meets Sprout's father, and the two begin a relationship. Both adults also learn that Sprout is gay and has been having sex with Ian Abernathy. Mrs. Miller counsels Sprout to not mention his homosexuality in his essay, for fear it would alienate the politically conservative judges. That same summer, Sprout's relationship with Ruthie grows cold for several reasons. Shortly after the start of his junior year, Sprout meets Ty Petit, a local Kansas boy whose father is a violent man who appears to believe in the Christian Patriot movement. (Ty's father idolizes Timothy McVeigh.) The Petit children were abandoned by their mother, which has left Ty with severe emotional issues—made worse by his father's constant child abuse. Ty and Sprout become close friends, and have several emotionally intense experiences together. Sprout also learns about deep secrets in Ty's past, such as the suicide of his twin brother who had suffered from severe depression. After being chased by a homicidal Saint Bernard, Ty kisses Sprout (Sprout's first kiss), and they begin a secret relationship. Ty continues to assert that he is not gay (even though he and Sprout have sex with one another). The climax of the novel centers around Sprout's betrayal of Ty at a critical moment. When Ty runs away from home after this incident, Sprout believes he is the reason behind it. Several other major issues are addressed (including Sprout's open secret) in the novel's few remaining pages. ===== Lois Ames (Kay Francis) is the editor of 400 Magazine, whose wealthy husband, Fred (Kenneth Thomson), pays her little attention. His interests are polo and partying. When her personal secretary, (Elizabeth Patterson), can no longer take the long hours of work and quits, Lois hires Tom Sherman (David Manners), a handsome man who happens to come by the office to demonstrate a rowing machine, as her new secretary. Tom soon makes himself indispensable to Lois, and their long hours spent together leads them to fall in love with each other. Tom's fiancée, Ruth Holman (Una Merkel), senses something is going on and isn't happy about it. Tom's roommate, Andy Doyle (Andy Devine), uses Tom's absences and Ruth's distress to try to romance Ruth himself. Meanwhile, Lois's husband, Fred, is having an affair with Anna Le Maire (Claire Dodd). Lois finds out when she discovers a key to Anna's room in Fred's vest pocket, which she puts on Fred's pillow; nothing is said between them, but Fred now knows that Lois knows about his infidelity. After things go too far between Tom and Lois, Tom quits and begins to plan a wedding with Ruth. Lois tries to smooth things over with Fred, but instead they agree on an amicable divorce. On Tom's last day of work, Lois keeps him busy until very late, and he misses a dinner engagement with Ruth and Andy. Ruth storms into the office, with Andy in tow, and threatens to tell Fred about the affair. Lois tells everyone about the divorce, Ruth breaks her engagement with Tom and threatens to marry Andy in revenge, and Tom asks Lois to marry him. ===== Upperworld tells the story of Alexander Stream (Warren William), a wealthy railroad tycoon, who is devoted to his wife (Mary Astor), has an affair with a chorus girl (Ginger Rogers), which leads to blackmail and murder. Alexander (Alex) Stream is a multimillionaire. While he is devoted to his wife, Hettie (Astor) and son, Tommy (Dickie Moore), she is too busy playing attending and throwing society functions to pay much attention to her husband. While out in his yacht, he encounters a young woman, Lilly Linda (Rogers) who is drowning in the ocean. The crew throws her a life preserver and pulls her out of the water, gets her a towel and loans her some of his clothes. He gives her a ride home in his limousine and she invites him to come in so she can give the clothes back to him. To thank him, she offers to make him breakfast and he ends up skipping all of his morning appointments to have breakfast with her. On the way to his appointments, his car is stopped for speeding by Officer Moran (Sidney Toler), an incorruptible law-and-order beat cop. Alex pulls some strings and gets Moran demoted. When Alex gets back home, his wife is in the middle of throwing a large costume party. She asks him to come to the party, and Alex tells her that he misses spending time alone with her. Hettie replies that maintaining her social position is as important to her as his career is to him. Alex declines putting in an appearance at the party and instead plays with Tommy. The next day, he makes dinner reservations at an expensive restaurant and special arrangements for a cake for his and Hattie's 14th wedding anniversary. When he calls Hettie to invite her to meet him in the city for dinner, she tells him she can't make it because she has other dinner plans already. As his driver is taking him home, Alex sees a picture of Linda, showing she is headlining a burlesque show. Afterwards, he stops backstage to invite her to share the anniversary dinner with him. At dinner she realizes that he asked her because his wife wasn't able to come. After an innocent dinner, Oscar, his driver (Andy Devine) brings him home and he and Alex discuss that neither of them will tell anyone about his dinner with Lilly. The next morning, he wakes up and finds that his wife has made arrangements to send Tommy to a sleep-away summer camp 200 miles away. He expresses his displeasure but Hettie reminds him that it's necessary for their social position. After Tommy leaves, Hettie tells Alex that she's going away for two weeks with some of her society friends. Feeling depressed and at loose ends, Alex makes another date with Lilly to go for a ride in his airplane. In the meantime, Lilly's manager and boyfriend, Louie Colima (J. Carrol Naish) is encouraging her to have an affair with Alex so the two of them can blackmail him. After a minor accident, Lilly and Alex kiss. A few months later, Alex has put Lilly in an luxury apartment and purchases a $12,000 diamond bracelet for her birthday. On the way to dinner, Hettie finds the gift box while straightening Alex's tie and assumes it's for her. In the meantime, Louie tells Lilly that it's time to blackmail Alex and breaks open her bedroom door and slaps her to the ground when she refuses to give him the letters. He picks up a gun that Lilly pointed at him and tosses it in a chair on his way to the door. At the door he comes face to face with Alex who tells him that he and Lilly were planning to blackmail him all along. Lilly comes into the room and is clearly upset because she is sincerely in love with him. Alex demands that Lou give him the letters and in the ensuring tussle, Lou fires his gun at Alex but kills Lilly instead. When his gun jams, Alex picks up the gun Lou tossed in the chair and kills him. He makes the shootings look like a murder-suicide and erases evidence that he was there. When he gets home, Hettie is waiting for him to tell him that not only is she bringing Tommy home from military school but that she realizes that she has been ignoring him and wants to spend more time together. Unbeknownst to Alex, Moran, now walking the beat, saw his car parked illegally in front of Lilly's building and watched him drive away. While everyone else is saying it's a murder suicide, Moran puts the pieces together and believes that someone else committed the murders. When the murders become front-page news, Alex goes to the building and pays off the maintenance man to say that he never saw him come to the building. By this point, Moran is suspicious that Alex is the killer so he contrives to get Alex's fingerprints to compare them against the fingerprints found in the apartment. When he brings this to the detectives, he finds out that they have been paid off. He causes a scene in the office and the chief of detectives has him taken to jail. The reporters follow him to the jail cell because he has been yelling that Alex is involved with the murder. Several reporters show up with a fingerprint technician at Alex's house where he is having a large party to announce his acquisition of another railroad company. When they come in, they demand that he give them his fingerprints to clear his name. When he can't find a way out of it, Alex submits his prints knowing they will match prints found in Lilly's apartment. After giving his fingerprints, he returns to the party. The technician has compared the fingerprints while waiting in the hallway and when they match, the policemen who accompanied them arrest him for murder. When the press crashes through the door asking him for a statement, Alex tells the assembled company that he is being arrested and charged with murder. While waiting for the verdict to come back, he is summoned to the judge's chambers and finds that Hettie and Tommy are there. Hettie tells him that they are leaving for Europe the next day and she wanted to give him a chance to say goodbye to Tommy. She tells him that she could forgive him if it weren't for the affair. He responds by telling her that he was very lonely. He tells Hettie that while he was fond of Lilly, he still loves Hettie and her constant unavailability made him lonely enough to reach out to someone else for the attention he wasn't getting at home. He returns to the courtroom where the jury verdict is beginning to be read. The scene cuts to a ship. Tommy is talking to Oscar about traveling to England. The camera draws back to show Alex sitting next to Hettie on the deck. Alex was acquitted. This trip is a second honeymoon, and the two of them vow to always take time for each other and their marriage. ===== The story revolves around a joint family in a village, in which an old mother (Hemalatha) has four sons. The elder one Nagaiah (Relangi) works as a clerk, his wife is Gauri (Suryakantham) a selfish woman and they have a son Kittu. The second son Chandram takes care of their farming, his wife is Kantham (S. Varalakshmi) a shrew. The third son is Mukundam (Prabhakar Reddy) who becomes a doctor with the combined effort of the family, his wife Rama (Savitri) a kind-hearted woman. At last, Ramu (N. T. Rama Rao) an uneducated smart village guy who always enjoys life by playing dramas. But he has great respect towards his family and loves Kittu a lot. Mukundam becomes a good practitioner in the city, but he does not like Rama due to her traditional behavior for which he leaves her back in the village. Thereafter, he goes into the trap of a call girl Mohini (L. Vijayalakshmi) and does not care of the family. At home, all the daughters-in-law quarrel, in between, Chandram leaves to his in-law's house and Gauri divides the house into two. Here everyone insults Rama with straightforward words, so, Ramu decides to bring his brother, so, he leaves to the city. On the way, he gets acquainted with a beautiful girl Sarada (Krishna Kumari), daughter of the Zamindar (Nagabhushanam), who gives him shelter for a night when Ramu protects the Zamindar from thieves. The next day, he reaches Mukundam, understands his state and becomes distressed. Sarada consoles him, meets Mohini and asks her to leave Mukundam, but she sends her away by insulting. Now Sarada decides to take revenge, so, she transforms Ramu into a cultured educated guy when they fall in love. Meanwhile, Chandram has to face many insults in his in-law's house and leaves that place. Upon seeing it, Kantham's younger brother (Nagaraju) teaches her a lesson and sends her back. In the village, Kittu becomes sick due to depression on Ramu. At the same time, the village doctor Pasupathi (Allu Ramalingaiah) tries to molest Rama when she attempts suicide, saved by her mother-in-law and they too move towards the city. Parallelly, Ramu dramatizes himself as the Zamindar in a disguised form and traps Mohini, by which he teaches a lesson to Mukundam and sends him to the village. On his return, Ramu meets his mother & sister-in-law and everyone starts to the village. In between, Chandram also accompanies, after reaching home they spot Kittu in deathbed when Ramu protects him with his love & affection. Finally, the entire family is reunited and the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Ramu & Sarada. ===== An evil French woman, Marie Chaumontel (played by Glaum), is a spy for the Germans during World War I. She vamps and seduces officers of the French high command, accumulating state secrets and then discarding her lovers. Chaumontel is the mistress of Captain Henry Ravignac (played by Storm). She steals some papers from him and gives them to the Germans, then escapes to Berlin. He is tried and found guilty of neglect. He then commits suicide. His brother, Lieutenant Charles Ravignac (played by Hickman), vows revenge on Chaumontel. Pretending to be a spy, he goes to work for the Germans and becomes her assistant. He poses as a chauffeur of her phony countess. When he gathers enough evidence against her, he turns the information over to the Allies. Chaumontel is arrested by French authorities for her foul deeds and sent to prison. He is then hailed as a hero for damaging German espionage operations. ===== The story revolves around a young lady named Rosalka, judged and shunned by the public because of her "horrible" disability—all, except for a man who seems to accept her for who she is. But will their love stand the test of time—and of society, when the mystery of Rosalka's disability is made public? Rosa is carrying a monster inside her back that detaches itself every full moon which then transforms Rosa into a beautiful lady. The monster dies at the ending because of saving its and Rosa's mother from Wilfred. ===== The film tells the story of Giancarlo Siani, a young Neapolitan journalist who works in the editorial room of Il Mattino in Torre Annunziata. He works the crime beat (cronaca nera). While writing about crimes and murders by the Camorra, Siani begins to investigate the Camorra's alliances with the politicians of Torre Annunziata, and to discover large areas of corruption and collusion between politicians and organized crime. Despite the somewhat veiled threats of the local political class, Siani continues his inquiries, especially after the "massacre of the circle of fishermen". His articles particularly annoy the local Camorra bosses because they undermine their political and criminal alliances. So, after he was transferred to Naples by his paper, the Camorra meet, and decide to kill, Siani. Siani is shot outside his girlfriend's house, in the residential district of Vomero, on 23 September 1985. Siani was only 26. ===== Kantha Rao (Gummadi) is a landlord and a widower, his son Shekar (Akkineni Nageswara Rao) studies for B.A.. Shekar uncle's Mukunda Rao's (Dr. Sivaramakrishnayya) daughter Sarala (Jamuna) loves him. But Sarala's mother Seshamma (Suryakantham) is a very aggressive woman and Shekar stays away from his uncle's family thinking that Sarala might have her mother's qualities. Sarala's brother (Relangi) roams outside the house in order to escape the torture of his mother. Kantha Rao's lands are tilled by Chandrayya (A. L. Narayana) and his daughter is Sarada (Anjali Devi). Sharada grows up in an ashram as her mother dies in her childhood. She is well versed in Sanskrit and Telugu along with having spiritual ideologies. Once, Shekar visits the ashram and meets Sharada there. He respects her ideologies, falls in love and proposes to her. Sharada says that she also admires Shekar, but in a way a fellow human being is liked, but not love. Instead of giving up, Shekar repeatedly requests her to accept his love. Sharada finally says she would talk to her parents and let him know. When Shekar leaves for China to study further, his flight meets with an accident. Everybody thinks he has died in that accident. Sharada and Sarala get distraught with the news and the story takes a huge twist. Sharada gets forced to marry Sekhar's father Kantha Rao in dramatic circumstances. This is when Shekar saves himself from the accident and returns. He feels shocked seeing his lover in the position of the mother in the house. Sharada requests Shekar to marry Sarala and makes him agree to the wedding. But Sarala has her own suspicions about Shekar and Sharada and always thinks they both have something else in mind. Shekar gets upset with this and leaves the house. Sharada gives her life in sacrifice and Shekar and Sarala unite again - eventually making the house a paradise again. Sharada gets all the prayers as the family deity (Ilavelpu) of the house. ===== Catherine Yorke, a young woman from London, receives a bracelet from her boyfriend John for her upcoming birthday. She then leaves the city with her parents in the family car to join her father Malcolm's brother, Alexander, for a week at his home in the country. At the turn into Alexander's estate, Malcolm suddenly falls ill at the wheel and crashes the car into a tree. Although the vehicle is only slightly damaged, when Catherine leaves to fetch help it mysteriously explodes, seemingly killing her parents. Alexander, assisted by his son Stephen and secretary Frances, takes the distraught Catherine into the house and gives her a sedative. On waking, Catherine finds the driveway cleared of wreckage and is told that the police have concluded their investigation. Her parents' funeral is conducted later that day on the grounds of the estate. After the ceremony, Catherine finds an old gravestone bearing the name of Camilla Yorke, an 18th-century ancestor of hers who died aged 20 – the age that Catherine is about to reach. Over the next few days, as she continues to be hosted by Alexander, Catherine experiences disturbing visions of women being branded, flogged and sacrificed in satanic rituals. She finds herself drawn to Stephen, with whom she becomes romantically involved. Meanwhile, Alexander steals Catherine's bracelet and uses it to channel dark magic that compels John to kill himself by jumping from the roof of a tower block. Frances tells Catherine that Camilla possessed supernatural abilities and that Alexander, who believes in necromancy, intends to resurrect the girl's spirit to increase his own power. Having murdered several women, including his own wife, to test his theories, he has determined that he can achieve this only by sacrificing Catherine, Camilla's direct descendant, when she turns 20 – Camilla's age at the time of her death. Frances also warns Catherine not to trust Stephen: having witnessed his mother's sacrifice as a young boy, he has grown into a murderer like his father. Discovering Frances' betrayal, Stephen stabs her to death and locks Catherine away. On the morning of her birthday, Catherine is led into the surrounding woods to be sacrificed by Alexander and his cult but escapes after running a nail file through Stephen's eye. At the entrance to the estate she runs into Malcolm, who claims that both he and her mother survived the car accident. She is then taken back to the house, where Alexander, no longer wearing his ritual robes, claims that her recent experiences were merely hallucinations brought on by the sedative. However, his trickery is uncovered when Catherine pulls back a curtain to find Stephen's bloody corpse. Alexander praises Catherine's brutality and hails her as a true descendant of Camilla. It is then revealed that Malcolm, not Alexander, is the head of the cult. Trapped, Catherine screams, and the picture dissolves to shots of another human sacrifice before fading to black. ===== Screenwriter Joel Coles spends his Sundays working — at the moment he is rewriting a Eugene O'Neill play in which a famous actress is to play the lead. He is "twenty-eight and not yet broken by Hollywood" after his first six months there. But on this Sunday, he is invited to tea by the director Miles Calman: a big step up for a writer. Stella, Calman's neglected wife, presses highballs on Joel — he had promised himself not to drink, especially as the director is loudly opposed to alcoholism — and flirts with him. He chats with the director's mother. Overjoyed by the success he is making, he offers to do his party piece, just as people are leaving. Unfortunately, it is a mocking imitation of an independent producer, Dave Silverstein. You don't mock producers in Hollywood, and the audience, including a famous actress, disassociate themselves silently from his act. "The faces surrounding him in the gently molded light were intent and curious, but there was no ghost of a smile anywhere; directly in front the Great Lover of the screen glared at him with an eye as keen as the eye of a potato." Joel realises that he has not only made a fool of himself, but been irreparably damaged among people on whom his career depends. Next morning, he writes a horrified, crawling note of apology to Miles Calman. He slinks around the set, so furtive that a security man demands sight of his pass. His buddy Nat Keogh — the archetypal heavy drinker of Hollywood — tries to laugh him out of it, but it is not until next morning he gets a kind telegram from Stella Calman inviting him to a buffet supper that he is comforted. "Crazy Sunday again", and Joel lunches alone on "trout, avocado salad and a pint of California wine" before dressing carefully for Mrs Calman's sister's supper. In a brief leap from the third-person-subjective mode in which he writes most of the story into third-person-omniscient, Fitzgerald writes: "Miles and Stella arrived in riding clothes — they had been quarrelling fiercely most of the afternoon on all the dirt roads back of Beverly Hills". Only now does Fitzgerald describe the director: "Miles Calman, tall, nervous, with a desperate humor and the unhappiest eyes Joel ever saw". The problem between the couple is her discovery of an affair Miles Calman is having with an actress, Eva Goebel, his wife's best friend. Husband and wife — separately and together — confide in Joel, then the husband invites him home with them. At home they continue to squabble, using Joel as an intermediary. He realises he is falling in love with her. Back in the studio during the week, Joel phones Miles but Stella answers; she invites him to a dinner and theatre party because her husband will be flying to a big Notre Dame game. Joel cautiously mentions the invitation to Miles, who dithers jealously then decides to take Stella himself, but on a whim invites Joel too. "Joel could not get to the dinner. Self-conscious in his silk hat against the unemployment, he waited for the others in front of the Hollywood Theatre and watched the evening parade: obscure replicas of bright, particular picture stars, spavined men in polo coats…" Stella appears, stunning in a sparkling ice-blue dress; Miles had decided to fly to the game after all, and she's just got a telegram to say he's starting back. Afterwards — paranoid that the crazily jealous Miles might be watching her in secret — she invites Joel home. He goes, flirts with her, but is confused — "I have a strange feeling that I'm a sort of pawn in a spite game you're playing against Miles" — she continues to get emotionally blackmailing "I love you" telegrams from Miles — it is implied that Joel and Stella have sex. He is preparing to go — the phone rings with another telegram and Stella answers — the clock strikes midnight as she holds the receiver to her ear, and she falls senseless to the floor — "The telephone mouthpiece was still grinding and he put it to his ear. '—the plane fell just this side of Kansas City. The body of Miles Calman has been identified and—' He hung up the receiver." "Joel thought of Miles, his sad and desperate face in the office two days before. In the awful silence of his death all was clear about him. He was the only American-born director with both an interesting temperament and an artistic conscience." But now, as Stella desperately tries to make Joel stay with her, he realises that he is her only link with Miles, and if he does stay, he is doomed to be a surrogate for the man she loved. ===== Claudio (Elio Germano) is a young construction worker who lives a happy life with his pregnant wife Elena (Isabella Ragonese) and their two children in Rome. They manage together their daily difficulties with love and complicity. One day at the construction site, Claudio discovers the corpse of an illegal Romanian worker who died while working intoxicated, but decides not to report the discovery for fear that the site will be closed down. His life is further struck when Elena dies while giving birth to their third son Vasco, right after their vacation. This is the beginning of a new phase for Claudio, who now concentrates on becoming richer, and buying "things" for his three sons in the hopes of making them happier after losing their mom. Claudio blackmails his employer, Porcari, about the dead Romanian worker, demanding his own construction site to supervise in exchange for his silence. Claudio obtains the whole construction business, not only the wall building business. Claudio obtains 50,000 Euros from his drug-dealing neighbour Ari to start the work. One day, the Romanian's former lover Gabriela (Alina Madalina Berzunteanu) and his son Andrei (Marius Ignat) come looking for the missing man, but Claudio does not tell them about the truth. He befriends Gabriela and has sex with her. He offers Andrei a job, and allows him to stay at his apartment with his family. More and more difficulties, however, put Claudio in dire straits. Claudio soon runs out of money and time. The construction work is behind schedule. Claudio also cannot pay the illegal workers, and they eventually quit and steal equipment from Claudio. Later Claudio tells Andrei the truth about his father and Andrei leaves, in anger. Claudio asks Porcari to give him more time for the construction job, but is rejected. Claudio eventually turns to his brother, Piero (Raoul Bova) and sister, Loredana (Stefania Montorsi) to borrow more money for the work. He hires more expensive workers and manages to finish the construction work. He is also able to repay his debts. He encourages Piero to show Gabriela his love. Andrei, however, is still angry with Claudio. The film ends with Claudio allowing all of his children to sleep on his bed he once shared with Elena. Previously, he had forbidden his children to play in, which shows he has changed his vision of life and now gives importance to what has real value. ===== ===== Sickened at the meaningless bloodshed between Catholics and Protestants in the Wars of Religion, the Count of Chabannes decides to desert. Captured by bandits who are about to hang him, he is rescued by his former pupil, the Prince of Montpensier. The two ride to the castle of the Mézières family, where the prince's father has been negotiating a bride for his son. This is Marie, who is on intimate terms with her childhood friend, the powerful Duke of Guise. When Guise is outraged to hear that Marie is to be given to Montpensier, Chabannes tries to reconcile the two fiery young men who have drawn swords. Henri, duc de Guise After the marriage the newly-wed couple go with Chabannes to the Montpensier castle and, on the way, Chabannes confesses to Marie his disgust over the wars and his part in them. Montpensier then has to go with his parents to the royal court in Paris, leaving Marie in the care of Chabannes as her tutor. The lonely bride and the disillusioned count become very close, so much so that he admits to her that he loves her. Montpensier returns home for a while but is summoned again to Paris. Chabannes takes the letter into the bedroom where the couple are asleep naked, and Marie does not attempt to cover herself. Before Montpensier goes, Guise appears on their estate with his cousin the Duke of Anjou, heir to the childless and ailing King Charles IX. The two see Marie in a boat on the river and Anjou too is struck by her beauty. Invited into the castle for dinner, there is tense conversation between the four men (Anjou, Guise, Montpensier and Chabannes), all now in love with Marie.Henri, duc d'Anjou All go to Paris where, when Guise starts talking intimately to Marie, Montpensier surprises them and swords are drawn. This time it is Anjou who breaks up the fight. Guise then catches Marie on a staircase and starts making love to her, but she breaks away. She tells Chabannes, who advises her to keep well clear of Guise. She still wants to see him, and at a masked ball asks him to meet her on the same staircase. However, the man behind the mask is not Guise but Anjou, who immediately finds Guise and tells him to stay away from Marie. He then finds Marie and warns her against Guise. Her husband, furious at what is going on, puts her in the care of Chabannes, to be taken back to the country in the morning. That night, Guise puts a dagger to Chabannes' throat and demands to see Marie. Once admitted, he declares his love and warns her against Anjou but, hearing blows on the locked door, then escapes. Montpensier breaks in and, furious to find Chabannes in her bedroom, kicks him out and departs. Guise then slips back in and has a night of love with Marie. Marie rides home alone, while the even more disillusioned Chabannes takes a room in an inn. But it is the evening of 24 August 1572 and, as Catholic mobs led by Guise start massacring all Protestants, he dies protecting a pregnant woman. Montpensier rides to see Marie, telling her that Chabannes is dead, that Anjou is going away to Poland and that Guise is getting married at Blois the next day. She rides immediately to Blois and tells Guise that she is ready to leave Montpensier for him, but he says he must keep his engagement. She remembers the last words to her of Chabannes: “As you have lost the trust of your husband and the heart of your lover, at least you have my true friendship.” Dressed in black, through a snow-covered landscape, she rides to his tomb.Château de Blois ===== Set around the year 2004, the novel focusses on Fredrik Welin, once a successful orthopaedic surgeon forced to retire early from his professional career. He has retreated to a tiny, remote island in the Stockholm archipelago which he has inherited from his grandparents and is now the sole inhabitant. The island is normally surrounded for at least half the year by thick sea ice which adds to the sense of solitude. Fredrik lives a reclusive and somewhat austere lifestyle in a run-down house, enjoying few luxuries. Welin's only companions are his aged cat and dog. The postman, Jansson is the one regular visitor to the island. Despite this Welin has never become particularly sociable with Jensson. In fact he displays little sympathy for the postman’s frequent requests to be treated for his medical concerns and has privately diagnosed Jensson as suffering from mild hypochondria.Henning Mankell novel summaries from Official Henning Mankell website Accessed 18 April 2010 One cold winter's day Welin spies a figure out on the ice, struggling to make its way on foot towards his island. This unanticipated encounter leads to a surprising revelation and a journey not only across Sweden, but also back to his childhood and early adult life. The unfolding events force him to confront painful memories from his past, from which his isolation on the island has enabled him to remain largely immune until now. Fredrik also seeks to address the regrets he has about the unfortunate incident which led to his enforced retirement Key themes of the novel concern the dilemmas faced by those experiencing aging and death, both at first hand and through others close to them; the impact of poverty and destitution on an individual's life chances; and vulnerability, courage and forgiveness in intimate relationships. ===== In a grassy area, a water buffalo breaks free from a rope tethering it to a tree. It wanders into a forest, where it is spotted by a man holding a sickle. The man begins to lead it somewhere, while a silhouetted figure with red eyes watches. Boonmee lives in a house on a farm with his sister-in-law Jen and his nephew Tong. Boonmee is suffering from a failing kidney; his Laotian assistant Jaai administers dialysis treatments to him. One night, while Boonmee, Jen and Tong are eating dinner together, the ghost of Boonmee's wife Huay appears. Huay, who died over a decade prior, says that she heard Jen and Boonmee's prayers for her, and is aware of Boonmee's poor health. A hairy, red-eyed figure ascends the stairs near the dinner table, and is revealed to be Boonmee's long-lost son Boonsong. Boonsong, who practiced photography, had disappeared some years after Huay died. Boonsong was searching for a creature—whom he calls a "Monkey Ghost"—that he had captured in one of his photos. He says that he mated with a Monkey Ghost, causing his hair to grow longer and his pupils to dilate, and that, after meeting his mate, he forgot "the old world". During the day, on the farm with Jen, Boonmee asserts that his illness is a result of karma. He claims that it was caused by his killing of communists while serving in the military, and his killing of bugs on the farm. A princess is carried through a forest in a litter. She walks nearby a waterfall, and gazes into her reflection in the water, which she perceives to be more youthful and beautiful than her real appearance. She is kissed by one of her servants, but insists that he imagined kissing her reflection. The servant departs, and she sits by the water and weeps. She is complimented by a catfish, prompting her to wade into the water. She makes offerings of her jewelry in return for being made to look like her reflection, and then has intercourse with the catfish. Boonmee lies in bed near a sitting Huay. He hugs her, and asks about how he might be able to find her in the afterlife. She tells him that the spirits of the deceased are not attached to locations, but to people. Later, Boonmee, Huay, Jen and Tong venture out into the forest. Jen and Tong see shadowy figures running through the brush and leaping between the trees. Huay leads Boonmee, Jen and Tong into a cave. Boonmee believes that he was born in the cave, in a life that he cannot recall. He recounts a dream of a future civilisation in which authorities shine "a light" on "past people", causing them to disappear. Huay disconnects Boonmee's dialysis tube. By the next day, Boonmee is dead. Following Boonmee's funeral, Jen sits on a bed, organising gifts of baht with her friend Roong. Tong, now a monk, arrives, saying that he has been having difficulty sleeping at the temple. He showers and changes from his robes to a T-shirt and jeans. While preparing to go out to eat with Jen, he is stunned to see himself, Jen and Roong on the bed, watching television. He and Jen leave for a restaurant, while himself, Jen and Roong remain on the bed. ===== It narrates the Iranian history in a 60-year period from Jungle movement to Iranian revolution and Iran–Iraq War. In the Eye of the Storm spans the period of history between the revolutionary movement begun by Iran's national hero Mirza Kuchik Khan in the early twentieth century, to the freedom of Khoramshahr during the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq in the 1980s. The story is told through the trials and tribulations, love and relationships, of one family. ===== The show deals with age and getting older and featured readings from Nâzım Hikmet, Thomas Carlyle, M. F. K. Fisher, Langston Hughes, Arnold Toynbee, William Carlos Williams, Bertrand Russell, Dorothy Parker, Marguerite Duras, Jean Renoir, Colette, and Tennessee Williams. ===== The film stars British actor Dan Richardson as Stewart Hanson, an attorney annoyed by the presence of his wife's grandmother, Crystal Colburn, who has moved in—and seems determined to deliberately disrupt his life and marriage. Crystal begins driving Stewart insane as she speaks to dead people on an unconnected rotary phone. As Stewart is pushed over the edge from forces beyond, his paranoia could lead to observed in the film. ===== The opening chapters of Driftless introduce the many characters whose lives are traced through overlapping narratives throughout the novel. Initially readers are told of: July Montgomery's decision to put settle in Words, Wisconsin; the close yet contentious relationship between the Brasso sisters, Grahm Shotwell's growing frustration and the complications in his marriage after Cora's discovery of fraud by her employer, the American Milk Cooperative; Gail Shotwell's unsettled professional and personal life; Jacob Helm's discovery of a cougar; Winifred Smith's tendency for confrontation; and the need for repairs to Rusty Smith's house. As the novel continues, these individual storylines converge with one another, often through the intervention of July. July gets Jacob to fix Gail's lawnmower, he encourages Rusty to hire Eli Yoder (despite Rusty's prejudice against the Amish) and he arranges for Gail's idol, Barbara Jean, to see her perform with her band. Meanwhile, Grahm and Cora file charges against the American Milk Cooperative and their lives are thrown into chaos, as Cora loses her job and Grahm's milk is apparently sabotaged. As fall turns to winter, Winnie experiences a religious epiphany, but when she tells Olivia about it, Olivia decides to look for her own divine sign at a casino and loses all of her and her sister's money. On the way out of the casino she is mugged, but Wade Armbuster intervenes and they establish an unlikely friendship. Rusty worries that Eli won't finish working on his house in time for a family reunion, but when the reunion goes off as planned Rusty finds himself emotionally estranged from his family and thinking of his brother, whom he has not seen for years. The Shotwell children almost freeze to death in a blizzard, causing Grahm to reevaluate his life. Characters lives change as they begin taking actions that they would have at the start of the book. Graham speaks up against the American Milk Cooperative at a shareholders’ meeting. Olivia attends an illegal dogfight with Wade and ends up bringing one of the dogs home with her. Soon, she discovers that she is able to move her legs. Gail writes a song and works up the courage to share it with Barbara Jean, but she leaves when Barbara Jean's band begins adapting it to their style. Jacob begins to fall in love with Winnie. Rusty gets help from Jacob tracking down his brother, who is dead, but discovers that Winnie Smith is his niece. Rusty also discovers that the cougar and a cub are in his barn, but he is reluctant to shoot them and they leave on their own. July convinces Tim and Leona Pikes to represent the Shotwells against the American Milk Cooperative, and it appears that their case has a chance. As the book nears its conclusion, there are a series of revelations. Rusty informs to Winnie that he is her uncle. Olivia tells Violet that she can walk (Violet had already figured it out). Jacob and Winnie become involved. July is killed in a farming accident. The whole town turns out for his funeral, and July's ashes are mistakenly spread under a peony bush, leading Jacob and Winnie to disagree as to whether they should be left where they are or whether it is important for his remains to be where people think they are. ===== Ann DeLusia, the "stunt double" for habitually intoxicated and drug-addicted pop star "Cherry Pye", is mistakenly kidnapped by an obsessed paparazzo. Now, the star's entourage must find a way to rescue Ann, and do it without revealing her identity to the star herself, or the world at large. The novel also features the re-appearance of Hiaasen's recurring character, ex-Florida governor Clinton "Skink" Tyree. ===== Mr. Hedges, the somewhat naive and idealistic teacher of the rebellious Class 5C of Fenn Street School lobbies to have his class allowed on the annual school camping trip despite much precedent to the contrary from the likes of head teacher Mr. Cromwell, the fastidious and officious school caretaker Mr. Potter, the snobby Miss Ewell and the world-beaten Mr. Price. Eventually with Mr. Hedges having won the hearts and minds of Mr. Cromwell and Miss Ewell with a speech about giving Class 5C a helping hand with the benefits of the trip to the countryside Class 5C eventually get to go on the trip - providing Mr. Hedges also comes along to supervise his unruly class. Once on the camping trip Mr. Hedges pursues Penny Wheeler, the local barmaid, and the class indulge in their usual activities where Dennis becomes at one with the clean air and natural surroundings of the countryside and he befriends a local gypsy boy named Nobbler and his family. A small feud with some stereotypical upper-class children from the posh Boulters School is resolved with a false rape allegation from Sharon. A case of some stolen money is resolved through Mr. Hedges trusting the class. At the final dance Mr. Hedges is ensnared in the romantic clutches of Miss Cutforth, contrary to his wishes. The opening credits to the film were filmed in Primrose Hill in North-west London, with the junction of Chalcot Road and Fitzroy Road featuring where the kids from Fenn Street School mess about with the school crossing patrol officer and run amok across a zebra crossing in front of traffic. In reality the roads in this area are quiet residential streets, with Chalcot Road being located on a dead end and where the zebra crossing and the traffic island were used as fake props just for this particular opening scene in the film. The film's closing theme was the song La La La Lu written by Mike Vickers and performed by Cilla Black. Black and her manager (her husband Bobby Willis) claimed they had been led to believe the song would open and close the film, but in fact, it is included in a very late scene in the movie where the students dance to the track and partially over the closing credits. The planned release of the single was thus abandoned by Black, switching the track to the 'B Side' of her single Something Tells Me (Something's Gonna Happen Tonight), which became her final top 10 single in the UKBlack, Cilla. 'What's It All About?'. Ebury Press; New Ed edition (1 July 2004). me-(something-is-gonna-happen-tonight)/ ===== It tells the story of Edward Dawson through the words of his friend Robert Winterman. It begins with their school days at Kirkham, a Roman Catholic boarding school run by Benedictine monks. Edward vows to devote his life to helping people and comes to believe that entering the priesthood to be the best way to fulfil this ambition and stays on at Kirkham, becoming Father John. The Second Vatican Council called by Pope John XXIII has considerable impact on Dawson, who was caught up in reformist zeal; which led to his leaving the monastery and moving into the secular clergy. He works at Westminster Cathedral but finds his faith challenged by the pressures of the world around him and he eventually loses his faith and gives up his vocation. Instead with the help of his friend Robert becomes a journalist, editing the Beaconsfield Gazette, and having left the Church finds himself without friends. But the enigmatic ex-monk finds solace in recently widowed Jenny, one of the women he helped as a priest, and moves in with her... ===== The story centers around a boy and his discouragement while attending a preparatory school. The boy, Basil Duke Lee, is characterized as naive and dreamy. He is thus treated as an outcast among his peers as well as by the school's administrators. Lee's naivete is contrasted with the experienced perspective of an upperclassman, Lewis Crum. Crum resents Lee's carefree nature and his lack of commitment to tradition. The two boys develop a competitive relationship, and it becomes clear that Lee is internally adjusted to the environment while outwardly aloof and unhappy. Unlike Lee, however, Crum comes from wealth, which gives him a palpable advantage at the school. Lee is castigated by the school's headmaster over his low grades. As the story progresses, it becomes evident that Lee's family is not wealthy; he is one of the "poorest boys in a rich school." This causes him obvious shame, and the story's focus shifts to his hopes for an off–campus excursion to New York City. Instead he ventures out to a suburb and interacts with a boy who seems to have some type of emotional disability. Escaping the stifling atmosphere of the school, Lee finally goes to New York City, and has lunch at the Manhattan Hotel; while there he reads a letter from his mother. The theme of homesickness is evident throughout the work. The letter informs Lee that he will be going abroad and will thus not be attending the school anymore. Initially, he is elated by the news. The last section of the story takes place within the theater as Lee's thoughts turn to his future. He feels that, like actors following the course of a play, he has a destiny. Although he seeks to escape the turgid atmosphere of the preparatory school, he also believes that he must actualize his fate including college. After the play, the school official who accompanies him becomes intoxicated and falls asleep. When returning to the school, Lee is called a nickname but he is not ashamed, nor mortified by the prospect of being an outcast any longer. He realizes that he is accepted, to the point where it will serve his needs, and falls asleep satisfied. ===== The novel is told in the first person singular. All the narrative occurs in the present. The title comes from a line in the novel in which a young girl misquotes a line from an alternative rock band. The fictional band, Vas Deferens, is the favorite band of the main character. One of their songs is used in a TV commercial, and the girl misquotes the lyrics as "the vast fields of ordinary."Burd, Nick. The Vast Fields of Ordinary. New York: Dial Books, 2009, p. 141. The novel is prefaced with a quote from the poet and playwright E. E. Cummings: "To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting." The quote is taken from the essay "A Poet's Advice to Students," which appeared in the book E. E. Cummings, A Miscellany.Cummings, E.E. E. E. Cummings, A Miscellany. New York: Argophile Press, 1955, p. 13. Dade Hamilton is 16 years old and trying to enjoy the summer after his high school graduation. He has a part-time job at Food World, a local supermarket. Dade has come out gay to himself, but not anyone else. His father, Ned, sells luxury automobiles and his mother, Peggy, is an art teacher at a local Roman Catholic parochial school. They live in Cedarville, a fictional city in Iowa. For several years, Peggy has struggled with depression, and is taking a large number of antidepressants. She is increasingly alienated from her upper middle class lifestyle and family. Ned, too, is alienated from his family, and has begun taking poetry classes at a local community college. Dade is a loner whose only friend is Pablo Soto, a Mexican American who is Cedarville high school's star quarterback for the football team. Since they were 16 years old, Pablo and Dade have been having sex. But Pablo considers himself heterosexual, and has a girlfriend, Judy Lockhart. Pablo and Dade are friends, but Pablo doesn't spend much time with Dade and appears to only see him as a provider of passive anal sex. The novel opens in the last days of high school, with Dade telling Pablo that he loves him. Pablo slaps him hard across the face until Dade retracts the statement. Dade is increasingly harassed at high school by jocks and by Judy Lockhart, all of whom think he's gay. A short time later, Ned tells Dade that he is having an affair with a woman he met at his poetry class. As the school year ends, Dade attends a party hosted by the pretty Jessica Montana and her awkward, less-pretty twin sister Francesca (whom everyone belittles by calling "Fessica"). Fessica attempts to seduce Dade, and Dade leaves the party. Outside, Dade meets Alex Kincaid, a 20-year-old marijuana drug dealer. It is love at first sight for Dade. Dade discovers Alex's name and where he works. He meets Alex, and under the pretense of securing some marijuana, the two teens take a trip into the countryside that evening to obtain drugs from a man named Dingo. Dade meets Dingo, an older man who grows marijuana, and members of Dingo's rock band (all of whom appear to be slackers and drug users). Dade finally feels like he is accepted by a group of 'cool' people. A few days later, Dade meets Lucy at a neighbor's barbecue party. Lucy is a 17-year-old lesbian from California. She came out to her parents, who were upset with their daughter's sexual orientation. So they sent her to Cedarville to live for the summer. Where Dade is introverted, socially awkward, and closeted, Lucy is socially outgoing, confident, and cool. They become close friends as June turns into July. Pablo seeks out Dade for more sex, but Dade turns him down. Dade expresses that he wants a real relationship with Pablo, something Pablo is unwilling to give. In late July, Lucy and Dade use fake I.D.s to get into Cherry's, a gay bar. Dade sees Pablo there, but Pablo and Dade argue briefly and Dade leaves. After several weeks, Dade finally hears from Alex, who invites him to a party at Dingo's. They attend, and both Alex and Dade shave their heads on a whim. Later that night, Alex nonchalantly reveals he is gay; he is unconditionally accepted by Dingo and his friends. Alex and Dade kiss and Alex takes Dade home. A few nights later, Alex takes Dade to his grandfather's grave where he learns more of Dade's history. This gives them a deeper connection, and they have sex under the night sky. Alex and Dade continue to bond after that evening, while Pablo continues to harass Dade—seeking both sex and companionship, and verbally gay bashing him when he does not answer his text messages or cell phone calls. After a night of binge drinking by the family swimming pool, Dade has a dream (or possibly a hallucination) where he sees Jenny Moore, a nine-year-old girl whose disappearance has dominated the local television and radio news for weeks. Dade tells Lucy, who says she believes that Dade really saw Jenny despite the fact that he was drunk, and they try to unravel the meaning of Dade's dream. Dade also tells his parents he is gay. His father is uncertain what this means, but his mother accepts it. Alex takes Dade, Lucy, and Alex's African American co-worker Jay to a large party hosted by Bert McGraw, a homophobe who is a friend of Pablo's. The presence of Alex, Lucy, and Jay cause Dade to be somewhat accepted by the other cool teens and jocks. Dade meets Pablo and they argue, which leads Pablo to become jealous of Alex. Dade's parents reveal that they will be taking a three-week trip to Europe to try to repair their marriage. Pablo becomes increasingly desperate to be with Dade, even exposing his genitals to him at work. When Dade rejects him, Pablo spits on him. Dade introduces Alex to his parents at an awkward barbecue before they leave for Europe. While his parents are gone, Alex stays with Dade. Alex, Jay, Lucy, and Dade spend much of their time drinking alcohol to excess, and Dade worries that Alex's late-night lifestyle is not very similar to his own. Alex convinces Dade to have a large party at the house. Dade becomes very drunk. He wakes at 5 A.M. to learns from the television news that Jenny Moore has been found. He sleeps again, and wakes to find Pablo in his room. Pablo breaks down and cries, but refuses to talk about his feelings with Dade. A terrible accident brings the novel to a sudden close and forces Dade to end his wonderful summer. A subplot in the novel involves the disappearance of nine- year-old Jenny Moore. The girl's disappearance creates tension for Peggy, Dade, Alex, and others. At times, the characters' concern for Jenny allows them to voice their own inner feelings to themselves and to others. The novel depicts homosexual encounters (one review called these descriptions PG-13), marijuana smoking, underage consumption of alcohol, and hangovers.Welch, Rollie. "Nick Burd's 'The Vast Fields of Ordinary' Is A Stand-Out Young Adult Novel This Year." The Plain Dealer. December 3, 2009. Most of the teenagers in the novel smoke cigarettes constantly. ===== Six months after discovering that she is a faerie scion and saving the gateway to Avalon, Laurel is summoned to her faerie home to hone her skills as a Fall Faerie. She expects to be able to return to normal life after her classes have ended, but she quickly realizes that danger is still coming. She must also choose between her two worlds – and the two guys in them. Spells begins six months after Laurel's close encounter with death due to Barnes the troll. She steps out of her car, ready to go to the Academy of Avalon to train as a Fall faerie and is greeted by Tamani. Her supposed summer vacation isn't all that fun because she has to work hard honing her skills as a Fall faerie in order to be prepared to defend herself against situations like the one that happened six months ago. She gets a little time off every now and then, much to her relief, when Tam comes to visit and take her on a tour of Avalon. As summer ends, so does Laurel's trip back to her roots. On her return she is greeted by some pleasant, and some not so pleasant, changes. School starts and she gets back to her normal life as a human. Then comes fall, when Laurel's flower blooms again. This time, with her family knowing everything, it's much easier to deal with. However, in the last days she is attacked again but is saved by a woman called Klea whose sole mission in life is to hunt down supernatural beings, particularly trolls. She then goes to the land to tell Tamani everything that happened and is warned to be careful. For some time, things cool down and in the meanwhile she receives an invitation to attend the Samhain festival in order to welcome the New Year – and a note from Tam which says he'll escort her. She sneaks out without telling either David or her family about her visit to Avalon and has fun watching all the dramas and shows put up by the Summer faeries for entertainment. At the end of the festival Tam kisses Laurel and tells her that he's tired of waiting, after which they have an argument. Later, Shar announces that David has come, at which time Tam asks her to tell him the truth: does she love him or not? Laurel says that she doesn't and asks him to go away. At that moment, he pulls her in and kisses her – with David staring at them. Laurel and David have an argument after which David says he needs some alone time. That very night she receives a note from Barnes. She goes to David and tells him that Barnes has Chelsea as his hostage. They both go to save her; on their way to the lighthouse they stop at Laurel's mom's store to get some ingredients for 'monastuolo serum', something that will help them defend themselves from the trolls. Once there, Laurel uses the serum against the trolls. All of the trolls except Barnes are affected by it; she then points a gun at him and demands for some answers. However, during this little chat Barnes tricks her and makes her the target once again. At this moment Klea enters and kills Barnes. It is revealed that Chelsea had her suspicions all along that Laurel was a faerie. Laurel apologizes to David and tells him that she loves him; he forgives her, but she also tells him that she'll be going to visit Tamani the next day to tell him that she cannot handle juggling two worlds any more, and that she will not come to visit him. Things also get cleared up between Laurel and her mom. The next day when she visits the land, instead of Tam it is Shar who receives her and tells her that Tamani no longer guards that post. He went away because Laurel told him to. He also tells her that he didn't hate her, just the way she treated Tamani, and tells her about the depth of his love for her. Laurel then tells Shar that what she had come to tell Tam: that she won't be visiting him again, and can't handle two worlds, which Shar praises. He asks her about the cause of her getting blisters. At first she doesn't tell, but eventually gives in when realizing the grave danger she is putting Avalon in by hiding what had happened. When she leaves, it is revealed that Tamani had been there and was hiding from her so that he could get the real details about what happened. The book ends with Shar and Tam talking about Tam's new assignment. The assignment is not revealed, but it said to be something that Tamani would like to do. ===== William Collins (Aaron Johnson) is a depressed boy recovering from self-harm and regularly goes online to chatrooms. One day, he decides to open a chatroom himself and calls it "Chelsea Teens!" and where he meets Jim (Matthew Beard), another kid; Eva (Imogen Poots), a model; Emily (Hannah Murray), a goody two-shoes; and Mo (Daniel Kaluuya), a normal kid. There is no real subject matter in "Chelsea Teens!" which instead focuses on the lives of each one as they talk. Even though they only really communicate through text, the film depicts them in an old hotel-like room and actually having contact. William is a loner who lives with his parents (Megan Dodds and Nicholas Gleaves). He hates both his parents, blaming them for his past, and lives his entire life on the internet. Jim is another loner who is suffering from depression following his father leaving him and his mother. Eva is constantly made fun of by her co-workers about her appearance. Emily feels distant from her parents and does not feel like she gets enough attention. Mo thinks he is a pedophile because he is attracted to his friend's prepubescent sister, Keisha (Rebecca McLintock). William sees it to himself to help them in a crude manner. He Photoshops embarrassing pictures of Eva's co-worker and posts them online. He convinces Jim to flush down his anti-depressants to make himself feel more relaxed and to reveal his face behind the depressants, his true identity. He tells Emily to do some dirty work, teaming up with Eva. They come up with ways in which Emily could be more violent and make it look like somebody is harassing her family, which makes her parents try to protect her more. He tells Mo to tell his friend Si the truth but this backfires when Si calls him a pervert and attacks him. William becomes darker and more menacing and even begins to watch people commit suicide. He then takes it upon himself to coerce Jim into committing suicide. His plans are halted though when his computer and phone are taken away from him by his father, who when looking through William's computer, finds one of the suicide videos. William gets his backup computer and phone and goes after Jim, who meets up with him at London Zoo. Mo and the others find out about William's intended actions and go to stop him, meeting up in person and trying to follow William and Jim around London. Jim makes it to the zoo first but decides to not do it. He tries to leave but William goes right after him. William catches Jim, but he refuses to shoot himself and throws the gun to the floor. When William gets it and comes back, Eva punches him and the rest of the crew comes, followed by the police. William tries to escape but is only able to climb up some crates. He then falls in front of the speeding train behind the crates and is killed. The teens leave without talking to each other; William's account is shut down and the credits roll. The ending scene shows William walking in a chat tunnel while the light is gradually fading. ===== Lola Montrose (played by Glaum) is a kept woman. The man she lives with while facing the scorn of society, famous surgeon Dr. John Hampton (played by Sherry), supports her in lavish style. She wishes he will marry her. Having tired of his mistress, however, Hampton tells her that he plans to marry a "good woman," Paula Chester (played by Matthews), who was originally intended for his son, Irwin (played by Chase). He is sure she will exert proper influence over Irwin. Lola begs Hampton, whom she loves, to marry her instead. She tells him of her son, David (played by Giraci), who she sent away to school. But Hampton insists that he must not spoil his son's future. In revenge, Lola decides to marry Irwin. Getting the young man intoxicated, she gets him to propose and they go to the minister. Because Irwin is drunk, however, the clergyman refuses to perform the marriage ceremony. As he was so drunk, Irwin does not realize that there was no actual wedding. He brings Lola home and introduces her to his father as his wife. Hampton, naturally, denounces her. Lola then receives a call that her son, David, has been badly injured by a fall at school. His new wife, Paula, goes to Hampton and convinces him to operate on David, which saves the boys life. In gratitude, Lola relents. Admitting that the marriage was a hoax, she lets go of Irwin. Seeing his error, Hampton agrees to take care of her and her son. ===== Following the resignation of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the ruling Conservative Party is about to elect a new leader. In the subsequent leadership election, the moderate but indecisive Henry "Hal" Collingridge emerges victorious. Francis Urquhart, an MP and the Government Chief Whip in the House of Commons, is secretly contemptuous of the well-meaning but weak Collingridge, but expects a promotion to a senior position in the Cabinet. After the general election, which the party wins by a reduced majority, Urquhart submits a memorandum to Collingridge advocating a cabinet reshuffle that would include a prominent ministerial position for Urquhart himself. However, Collingridge – citing Harold Macmillan's political demise after the 1962 Night of the Long Knives –- effects no changes at all. Urquhart resolves to oust Collingridge. Urquhart exploits his position as Chief Whip to leak inside information to the press to undermine Collingridge, ultimately forcing him to resign. Most of his leaks are to Mattie Storin, a young reporter for The Daily Telegraph. Urquhart then eliminates his enemies in the resulting leadership contest by means of fabricated scandals that he sets up himself or publicizes. These include threatening to publish photographs of Education Secretary Harold Earle in the company of a rent boy; causing Health Secretary Peter MacKenzie to accidentally run over a disabled man; and forcing Foreign Secretary Patrick Woolton to withdraw by blackmailing him with an audiotape of a one-night stand. His remaining rival, Environment Secretary Michael Samuels, is alleged by the press to have supported far-left politics as a university student. Urquhart thereby reaches the brink of victory. Prior to the final ballot, Urquhart murders the party's drug-addicted and increasingly unstable public relations consultant, Roger O'Neill, whom he forced into helping him to remove Collingridge from office. Urquhart invites O'Neill to his country house near Southampton, gets him drunk, and puts rat poison in his cocaine. Mattie untangles Urquhart's web and confronts him in the deserted roof garden of the Houses of Parliament. He commits suicide by jumping to his death. ===== Maharaja Amarasimha of the Malava Kingdom is dead. The kingdom goes into the hands of his younger brother Rudrasimha (S. V. Ranga Rao), but the real heir to this kingdom is Amarasimha's son Jayasimha (N. T. Rama Rao). Vijayasimha (Kanta Rao) is the son of Rudrasimha. Rudrasimha tries to kill Jayasimha twice and to occupy the kingdom completely. Knowing about this, Jayasimha runs away one night from the kingdom. Meanwhile, The Maharaja of the neighboring Magadha Kingdom is arrested by the enemies, who then escapes with his daughter. Jayasimha saves the Princess Padmini (Waheeda Rehman) and later releases her father. They love each other. He lives in the house of valiant Ranadhir (Gummadi) with the name of Bhavani. Randhir has a son Subuddhi (Relangi) and a daughter Kalindi (Anjali Devi). Kalindi loves Jayasimha. Senadhipati (Rajanala) tries to control the Princess. Rudrasimha and Senadhipati jointly plan to arrest the Maharaja and Jayasimha. After knowing Jayasimha considers her as his sister, Kalindi dies in attempting to save Jayasimha. Jayasimha, with the help of Vijayasimha, exterminates the enemies. Rudrasimha, the traitor is killed by his son Vijayasimha. Jayasimha becomes the Maharaja and rules both the kingdoms. ===== Jeff is a teen in remission. Even though cancer should be far behind him, Jeff still worries that it will return. He has got normal teen stuff to deal with, too - friends, parents, girls, school. Normally, he would ask his older brother, Steven, for advice. But Steven, always the trusty, responsible one, is finally rebelling and has taken off to Africa to join a drumming circle and "find himself." Jeff feels abandoned. Meanwhile, his best friend, Tad, is hatching some kind of secretive, crazy plan involving eighth-grade graduation. He gets a letter in the mail that says he must pass the test or else he'll get held back. And Lindsey Abraham, away from a hot girl who is new to the school, thinks Jeff is cute . . . which totally freaks him out and they become close friends. There is a lot about life that cancer has prepared Jeff, but there is a lot that is brand-new. Now it is time for him to learn not only how to fight for himself but to stick up for the people he loves. However, in the end, he has to prepare to let go of some of his memories and accept the meaning of death. Jeff has brain damage and cannot remember intricate things such as math rules, and the state just passed a law that every eighth-grader has to take a standardized end-of-grade test and pass in order to be able to graduate. His friend Thaddeus (Tad) needs a wheelchair to move, so Jeff and Tad make a deal, which was letting Tad tutor Jeff, while Tad exercises to be able to walk across the stage at graduation. The year passes, and Tad has cancer again. Tad will be unable to be at the school during graduation because he will be in the hospital. Jeff reacts by hosting a bike-a-thon to make Tad feel cared about. The bike-a-thon starts out smoothly, but when it ended, Jeff's mother tells him that right after he started riding, Tad went into sudden liver failure, and died soon after. The story ends with Jeff passing the tests, at graduation, and accepting both his and Tad's diplomas. In the epilogue, he is at Tad's headstone, having a "conversation" with him. His girlfriend Lindsey walks up to him, and they walk away, together holding hands. ===== Upon seeing his mother Linda terrorized by three thugs, young Petey (Jerry Mathers) is traumatized and wanders off. Truck drivers find him and the boy is taken to police headquarters, where he is recognized as the son of detective Tony Atlas (Philip Carey). Petey is in shock and cannot even recognize his dad, much less explain what happened. Three young men - Joey (Gerald Sarracini), Gil (Corey Allen), and Jess (John Drew Barrymore) - are holding Linda Atlas hostage in the home of a man named Canfield (Watson Downs), for whom she had been working freelance as a stenographer. In the course of robbery, Canfield has been killed and the three are now arguing incessantly about whether to also kill Linda; they think she is the only eyewitness and do not believe her when she tells them she has a son and is worried about where he has gone. At one point, Canfield's niece and her husband come looking for him, because he had missed his regular dinner date at their home. When the couple sees Linda's car, they assume the man is entertaining a woman; they leave. Gil slips away to retrieve a gun from his mother's and stepfather's apartment. Tony and the police, in the meantime, have had some investigative success and arrive at the apartment while Gil is there. The young man runs, exchanges gunfire with Tony and is ultimately killed. Tony finds Linda's wallet in Gil's pocket. Eventually, the truckers are located and are able to provide an idea of the general vicinity where they found the boy. The police take Petey to this area and he recognizes a tractor; on the ground they find one of his toy cowboy guns. Tony's men surround the house and, when they enter, they find Canfield's body and discover that Joey, too, is dead. Jess had located a gun upstairs in the home and the two had struggled for it. Jess holds Linda at gunpoint, but Tony manages to disarm him. At the sight of his mother, Petey emerges from his state of shock. ===== The story follows its title heroine, from childhood to confirmation. After her mother's death, Lisbeth (given the nickname Longskirt, or Sidsærk in the original Norwegian, because of her overlong skirt, a Christmas present given her by her brother) as she moves from her original home at New Ridge farm (called "Peerout Castle" for its fine view of the valley), to Hoel farm, one of the central farms of the area. Her brother, Jacob, also goes to Nordrum farm to become a herdsman there. At Hoel, Lisbeth is cared for by Kjersti Hoel, the farm's owner, who has made a promise to Lisbeth's mother before she died. Lisbeth works with livestock both at the farm, and at the seter (sæter in the book's transliteration), a mountain pasture used during the summertime. At the seter, Lisbeth meets two other herdsmen from neighboring farms, and spends the summer with them, getting to know them as she grows up. The content of the book concerns the difficult conditions of the work of the country children who had to eke out a poor existence far away from their parents. In spite of this account of their hard lot an optimistic kind of portrayal is predominant. ===== Johnny Colini, an exiled American living in Rome, rescues Salvatore Giordano, a young Sicilian outlaw, from the police. After Giordano is groomed, polished, and renamed "Johnny Cool," Colini sends him on a mission of vengeance to the United States to assassinate the men who plotted his downfall and enforced exile. Johnny arrives in New York and quickly kills several of the underworld figures on Colini's list. Meanwhile, he picks up Darien "Dare" Guinness, a wealthy divorcée who becomes his accomplice, she is later severely beaten by the gangsters as a warning to Johnny against pursuing his vendetta. Soon the FBI becomes involved, and when Johnny and Dare bomb the Hollywood home of gangster Lennart Crandall, the police are able to identify Dare's car when she panics and leaves it parked on the street. The two had separated and planned to meet later, but Dare, abruptly realizing that Johnny is a vicious killer, tells his enemies where to find him. She then surrenders herself to the FBI, as Johnny is being tortured by his captors at the film's conclusion. ===== A British organisation known as the Knights of Avalon is discontent that so many criminals can evade the law. So they decide to secretly hunt down these criminals, and battle and execute them with medieval weapons. One day the founder of the organisation, Sir Edward Gifford, witnesses their actions, and they execute him too. His son, Sir John Gifford, decides to investigate his father's murder. ===== Dance Academy is narrated mainly from the perspective of Tara Webster (Xenia Goodwin), a newly-accepted first year student at the National Academy of Dance in Sydney, which also doubles as a Year 10–12 high school for the dancers. Throughout the series, she learns to better her ballet technique, as well as learn contemporary ballet and hip-hop dance, while creating lifelong friendships and experiencing many hardships. In the first series, Tara soon befriends fellow students Kat (Alicia Banit) and Ethan Karamakov (Tim Pocock), Sammy Lieberman (Tom Green), Abigail Armstrong (Dena Kaplan) and Christian Reed (Jordan Rodrigues), as well as eventually getting to know her teacher Ms. Raine (Tara Morice). Series Two sees Tara return to the Academy for her second year with the hope of representing Australia in an international ballet competition, the Prix de Fonteyn. This series introduces new students Grace Whitney (Isabel Durant), Ben Tickle (Thomas Lacey), Ollie Lloyd (Keiynan Lonsdale), as well as teacher Saskia Duncan (Brooke Harman), and sees the characters react to an unexpected death. Series Three follows the characters as third years at the Academy, competing for a contract with the dance company to become principal dancers. After the temporary contracts have been established, the third years go on tour for Romeo and Juliet. ===== In the Italian town of Assisi during World War II, 300 Jews were sheltered and protected by a peasant turned priest, Father Rufino Niccacci. He dressed many of them as monks and nuns, taught them Catholic ritual, and hid them in the monasteries. Others lived in parishioners' homes and, with fake identity cards, found jobs and blended into the community. The town's printing press, which during the day printed posters and greeting cards, at night clandestinely printed false documents that were sent by courier to Jews all over Italy. Not a single refugee was captured in Assisi. No one who participated in the rescue operation ever betrayed it. The operation was aided by the German Commandant of the city, Colonel Valentin Müller, a Catholic, who had been persuaded by Father Rufino that he had been sent to the town not only by the German High Command, but also by God, with the mission of protecting the Christian holy places and monasteries. Müller appealed to Marshal Kesselring to declare Assisi an open city. When the Allies began approaching the city, one of the Jewish refugees, whose German was so excellent that he had gotten a job with the Wehrmacht, forged a letter from Kesselring declaring Assisi an open city. The colonel never suspected it to be a forgery and immediately ordered all German troops to leave town, thus saving Assisi from destruction. ===== ===== Todd Smith, Curtis Weaver, Jenny Kolinsky and Hannah Williams are students at Crowley High, the only high school in a small town secretly founded by Satanists. After encountering a cursed magical tome with a mind of its own, the Book of Pure Evil, which grants the wishes of those who hold it in dark and sinister ways they didn't intend, they team up in an attempt to track down and destroy the Book, although it has an unfortunate tendency to fly away after its magical spells are undone. Each episode revolves around a student at Crowley High using the Book to try to make their life better, though this usually results in chaos, mayhem, and bloodshed at the school. Todd and his gang then fight against whatever the Book has done, and try to keep Crowley High from being totally destroyed. Supposedly friendly school guidance counselor, Atticus Murphy helps them in their quest to destroy the Book, though secretly he is a member of the cabal of Satanists who run the town from behind the scenes and has been tasked with returning the Book of Pure Evil to their leader. ===== A young woman, Natalie Storm (played by Glaum), works in a sweatshop and struggles to support her mother (played by Yorke) and little sister, Beatrice (played by Cartwright). Their mother dies and Beatrice suffers from poverty. Because of her circumstances, Natalie rejects the marriage proposal of Tom Chandler (played by Kirkwood), a self-educated mining engineer. He then leaves for South America, where he intends to make his fortune. To save her sister and herself, Natalie becomes the mistress of a wealthy Wall Street magnate, Alvin Dunning (played by Kilgour). When he publicly humiliates her, however, she becomes determined to free herself. Meanwhile, Chandler discovers a copper mine in South America and returns. He is invited to a party at Dunning's home. When he meets Natalie as Dunning's mistress he is heartbroken and abruptly leaves. Natalie is by now desperate to get away from Dunning. She then acquires enough money from a lucky stock tip to leave him. Dunning finds Natalie and attempts to force her to return to him. He is killed in a violent car accident and Natalie is severely injured. Upon opening her eyes after the crash, she sees Chandler standing over her. The couple is happily reconciled. ===== Divorcée Jesse Larson lives in Los Angeles, California with her sixteen-year-old daughter Jade. She owns and operates an Italian catering company entitled Boccone Dolce (Sweet Mouthful). Jade makes the daily runs to local cafés in the area, one of which belongs to her mother's live-in boyfriend Billy Stone. Later that evening, Jade and Billy roughhouse with each other in Jesse's bed. Jesse enters the room and dismisses Jade back to her own room, disapproving of Jade's sleepwear. Jesse is further peeved when she finds out Billy was naked the entire time Jade sat next to him in bed. Billy proposes marriage to Jesse though she declines favoring her sense of freedom and waiting for the situation to be right for Jade. The following night, when Jesse is preparing for a dinner date with Billy, Jade asks if she can tag along. Jesse allows her to do so and the trio dine at an upscale restaurant where their Italian waiter Mario recognizes Jesse from formally working at Boccone Dolce. Jesse promptly flirts with him, causing Billy to become jealous and argue with her. When they return home, Jade, obviously displeased from the night's turn of events, heads straight to bed, but not before an intoxicated Jesse stumbles into her bedroom informing her that it's fun to be in love and advises Jade that she should meet more people in order to experience having a boyfriend of her own. The next evening, when Jesse is assisting Jade in straightening her bedroom, she uncovers a carton of cigarettes. When Jade lies about the cigarettes, Jesse threatens her if she doesn't adjust her apparent attitude problem. Jade suddenly experiences a flashback from when she was in the midst of her parents' divorce. Instead of wanting custody, she forces Jade to choose who she wants to live with. Jade realizes her mother never cared about her. Jade uses this as an excuse to run off to her best friend Horizon's home where Billy tackles her onto Horizon's front lawn. Jade insults Billy who slaps her prompting Horizon to run inside. Billy kisses a stunned Jade who seems to reciprocate. Horizon informs Billy her mother phoned the police for hitting Jade. Billy claims that won't be necessary and leads a compliant Jade back to his car. Jesse is initially upset with Billy for disciplining her daughter, but later forgives him (she isn't aware Billy kissed Jade). After a long day spent at the beach, an exhausted Jesse falls asleep when she returns home. Jesse later wakes up to find Billy and Jade watching a film and orders Jade to remove her sheepdog Otis from her bed and continue the movie downstairs. Billy attempts to have sexual intercourse with Jesse, but when she rejects him, he goes downstairs to have sex with Jade, unbeknownst to Jesse. The next morning, Billy reminds a regretful Jade not to tell Jesse in fear she may never forgive them. After Jade quits her job, Billy allows her to work in the stockroom of his café where he apologizes for taking advantage of her and offers a cash bribe if it means not telling her mother. Jesse arrives, surprises Billy and questions Jade about why she isn't at work. Jade tells her she quit before leaving the café. When Jesse confronts her, Jade is about to tell her the truth when Billy intimidates her into silence. Jade evades her mother and a panicked Billy issues Jesse an ultimatum: either she weds him or he will walk out of her life. Jesse accepts which provokes jealousy in Jade. The following morning, Jade visits her father Les and informs him of the sexual encounter with Billy though she doesn't disclose his identity or what his relation is to her. Jade emphasizes that she refuses to press charges due to the fact he has two children (from his previous marriage) whom he cares for. When Jessie is notified, she manages to extract the truth from the hysterical and emotionally confused Jade; it was Billy. The pressure of the situation prompts Jade to suffer from an asthma attack and she is taken to the emergency room. Jade is later sent to live with Les and his wife Denise. When Jade decides to permanently reside with her father, Jesse breaks down crying and comes to the belief she is a horrible mother. Jesse informs Billy of what had transpired and threatens him to stay out of their lives, the engagement is over, and if he ever goes near her or Jade; she will kill him. Several months later, Jade continues to live with Les and Denise in the San Fernando Valley. She took her mother's advice and opened up her 'friendship circle' and has made more friends at her new school than the previous one she attended. Jesse regularly visits her daughter and they walk the beach together. One afternoon, Jade suggests for Jesse to resume her relationship with Billy now that she is no longer around. But Jesse promises Jade there will be no chance of reconciling. The two discuss Denise's belief in reincarnation before Les arrives to pick up Jade. As Jade races to the vehicle she turns around and tells her mother that if there is such an idea of reincarnation she would still like to be her daughter. This brings tears to Jesse's eyes and she announces her love and sacrifice for her daughter. Jesse continues to walk along the shore of the beach with Otis before she turns to stare at the blue expanse hoping for a brighter future and a new beginning. ===== Srimannarayana (Nandamuri Balakrishna) is a university lecturer in Hyderabad who lives with his grandmother (K. R. Vijaya). He does not tolerate injustice anywhere and beats up people who dare to break the law, a personality which makes him feared and respected among others. A female lecturer Mahima (Namitha) is attracted to him, though he doesn't reciprocate her feelings. While beating up a goon who threatened to throw acid on a girl after she spurned his advances, he accidentally punches a comatose man on the head, waking him from his 28-year coma. This man's name is Veerakesavudu (Saikumar). One day, a new student Janaki (Sneha Ullal) joins the college where Srimannarayana is teaching. She initially thinks he is a rowdy after an earlier encounter with him and seeing how everyone in the college fears him, but once she finds out about his true personality, she develops a crush on him. One day, after Srimannarayana rescues her from a group of thugs, she reveals her past. Her father, businessman Jagadish Prasad (Rahman), has a business rivalry with Gopi (Adithya Menon), a gangster who happens to be Veerakesavudu's son. After Veerakesavudu woke up from his coma, he ordered Jagadish to give Janaki's hand in marriage to Gopi so their mutual rivalry is finished, to which he agreed, fearing Veerakesavudu's wrath. But Gopi killed Janaki's brother Anand Prasad (Ravi Prakash) during the wedding after he insulted him, prompting Jagadish to send Janaki to Hyderabad to continue her studies. The thugs who tried to kidnap her were Gopi's henchmen. On hearing this, Srimannarayana vows to protect Janaki and accommodates her next to his house. He soon reciprocates her feelings for him, prompting Maheswari to drop her love for him. Unfortunately for Janaki, Gopi finds out she is with Srimannarayana and kidnaps her, only for Srimannarayana to rescue her after a dramatic car chase. When they reach home, they are confronted by Gopi's henchmen. Jagadish arrives there at the same time that Srimannarayana is fighting the henchmen and in a bid to help, accidentally stabs Srimannarayana's grandmother. Srimannarayana is enraged and attempts to kill him, but his grandmother stops him. Jagadish immediately leaves with Janaki. Later, Srimannarayana confronts his grandmother and asks her why she didn't let him kill Jagadish. In reply, she reveals about their past. 30 years ago, in the town of Bobbili, Veerakesavudu and his family ran a ruthless self- government, tormenting the townsfolk and supported by the police. The only person who dared to fight them back was a doctor named Narasimha (Nandamuri Balakrishna), who belonged to the Bobbili royal family and was the father of Srimannarayana. He took the law into his own hands and killed many of Veerakesavudu's henchmen, including his brothers, when he caught them tormenting others. While not killing others, he ran a 24x7 hospital which provided treatment free of cost. His wife Gayatri (Nayantara) was an ideal wife who was always affectionate towards Narasimha and supported all his methods. Jagadish, who was Gayatri's brother and who wanted to start a business with Veerakesavudu's help, warned her about Narasimha's dangerous behaviour, but she brushed the warnings aside, having full faith in her husband and his methods. Veerakesavudu and his father (Kota Srinivasa Rao) decided to eliminate Narasimha and his family by attempting to poison them during a temple function. When the temple priest warned Narasimha about the threat to his life, Narasimha rushed to Veerakesavudu's house and killed all his men as well as his father. However, Veerakesavudu was ultimately successful in killing Narasimha and Gayatri. But just before he died, Narasimha hit Veerakesavudu on the head, sending him into a coma which he woke up from after 28 years. Narasimha's mother, who happens to be Srimannarayana's grandmother, took the young and newly orphaned Srimannarayana away with her to Hyderabad so that he could be brought up away from the violence in Bobbili. On hearing about his family's past, Srimannarayana decides to take revenge on Veerakesavudu and heads for Bobbili to finish his father's mission. He single- handedly kills Veerakesavudu, Gopi, and their henchmen, fulfilling the wishes of the Bobbili townsfolk who wanted Veerakesavudu family's reign of terror and horror to be ended for good. ===== Paul, a banker in Bucharest, has been married for ten years to Adriana and they have an adored daughter Mara. The child has tooth problems which are being tended by Raluca, an attractive young orthodontist. Since first seeing her in the summer, Paul has been having a secret affair with Raluca. But, as Christmas approaches, tensions mount. While Paul loves both women, Raluca tells him what he already knows: that he must choose. When he says to his wife that he is in love with Raluca, she orders him to move out and to say nothing to Mara. The round of Christmas festivities then begins, with the couple pretending outwardly that nothing is wrong. Action is postponed until the Tuesday after Christmas. ===== The novel follows the adventures of Meredith (Muggs), a Sixth Form prefect at fictional Leadham House Preparatory School in England, and the adventures he has with his friends Hawk, Pongo, Clayton, Pigface, Renton, and Murray as well as a ubiquitous and beloved bulldog named Uggles. ===== Henry Matthews (Uriah Shelton) lives in a small town in Alabama with his parents, William (Dash Mihok) and Lisa (Nicki Aycox). His father is a garage mechanic, but is also in the Reserves, while his mother is unemployed, but goes to group-therapy sessions for a drug addiction. She has been clean for one year and four months. Henry is a middle-schooler, and deals with bullies after school, forcing him to eventually take refuge in the Baptist Church where Henry meets Pastor John (Ruben Studdard). Pastor John takes a liking to Henry when they begin to play worship music on the church's piano, and discovers Henry is a very talented singer. Pastor John gives Henry a flyer for the Alabama Teen Star Quest, a singing competition in Birmingham. William's Reserve unit is activated and deployed to Afghanistan. While William is gone, Henry sends him songs to listen to, and to show off to his Marine buddies. While William is gone, Henry's mom cannot afford the mortgage on the house, and they move into Lisa's dad's trailer, without telling William. Lisa's dad hates the music Henry listens to and didn't agree with her marrying William. Henry skips school, but Lisa thinks he is gone. She begins to bike to her therapy session, but turns around. She walks to the neighbors and gets high, breaking her promise to William that she'd stay sober. Henry watches his mom get high out of the window, and unplugs his headphones from his radio. Lisa's dad returns and hits Henry for listening to his music and skipping school. He decides to leave and attend the competition. He tells his mom "bye," but she is too high to understand. Henry hitchhikes to Birmingham to enter the singing competition. His dad comes home while he's gone, and finds the house empty, and his wife high, then runs to Birmingham where he finds Henry and performs with him in the competition. Henry gets far in the competition, and is covered on the news, where Lisa's dad sees him. Lisa and her dad go to Birmingham and find Henry. Lisa's father tells the competition officials that he hasn't had a parent with him the entire time. This confuses Henry, who is told his father died three months earlier. Henry looks at his dad, who says no one else can see him. His dad was killed by an Afghan woman back when he was deployed, but William's spirit was with Henry the whole time. Henry decides to drop out of the competition because his dad isn't there. William's spirit then visits his friend for his unit. The friend's remote breaks on the channel talking about Henry and reads a letter William gave him. The letter tells him to help Henry in the competition if he ever dies. Back at the competition Henry can't sing because his dad is gone. The judges eliminate him but one of the other singers quits and let Henry have his place. Together Henry and William's friend win the competition and are offered a chance to meet with a record company in Los Angeles. ===== ===== The tale tells the story of Stephen Elliott, a young orphan boy, who is sent to stay with his much older cousin, Mr Abney, at a remote country mansion, Aswarby Hall, in Lincolnshire. His cousin is a reclusive alchemist obsessed with making himself immortal. Stephen is repeatedly troubled by visions of a young gypsy girl and a travelling Italian boy with their hearts missing. ===== Jin-hee (Kim Sae-ron) is a 9-year-old girl whose father leaves her at an orphanage after remarrying. Before leaving her, her father buys her new clothes and a cake to convince her that she is going on a trip. This coincides with the Korean title, which literally means "traveler" or "tourist". In the orphanage, she tries to come to grips with the abandonment by her father and insecurities about a possible adoption. She gradually makes friendships, although she retains the belief that her father will return to take her back, and struggles (sometimes violently) not to adjust to her surroundings. In the end, Jin-hee is adopted by French parents who are eagerly waiting for her at an airport to meet their new child. ===== Centred on characters from the rebellious city of Marseille, most of the great events of the Revolution from 1789 to 1792 occur offstage. In Marseille, citizens capture the royal fortress of Fort Saint-Jean and set up a revolutionary council. When war is declared against Austria in April 1792, the city raises a force of 500 volunteers who march to Paris. Entertained there to a banquet, a man from Alsace sings a patriotic ballad which moves the men from Marseille. Adopting it as their marching song, it is soon known as La Marseillaise. In July Prussia joins forces with Austria and the people, enraged by the threats in the Brunswick Manifesto, storm the Tuileries Palace, making prisoners of the King and Queen. A volunteer army then marches east to face the highly professional Prussian forces and in September, to the astonishment of the world, beats them at Valmy. Fictional characters and happenings are mixed in with historical characters and actual events. While careful to show genuine revolutionaries who wanted constitutional change rather than mob violence or anarchy, as well as privileged people who accepted the need for ordered change, Renoir often uses members of the public to express the ferment of ideas that gripped France. ===== Chevalier Fabien des Grieux, who has forsworn the world for the church, falls passionately in love with young Manon Lescaut when he encounters her en route to a convent with her brother André. The lustful Comte Guillot de Morfontaine offers André a tempting sum for Manon, and learning of their bargain, Fabien takes her to Paris, where they spend an idyllic week in a garret. André finds her, persuades her to leave Fabien, and tries to force her into an alliance with Morfontaine—then rescues Manon from the advances of a brutal Apache. Fabien, crushed to believe that Manon has become Morfontaine's mistress, is about to take his vows but is deterred by her love for him. King Louis sees Manon in Richelieu's drawing room and wins her. The rejected Morfontaine orders her arrest and deportation, but he is killed by Fabien, who joins Manon on a convict ship bound for America. After inciting the convicts to mutiny, he escapes with her in a small boat. ===== Montague Bunsen-Burner is a dragon who is put on a 'no-humans' diet by his wife Albertina. Out on a flight later that day, Montague discovers a young boy, John, who was recently orphaned. Montague decides to take the boy home with him. John proves his worth as a member of the family with his knowledge of various forest herbs that enhance the flavour of several foods. John proves his value to the family further when Albertina lays her latest clutch of eggs. Deducing that Montague and Albertina are ignorant of the need to incubate eggs, John manages to smuggle an egg away from Albertina's latest clutch and place it in a 'nest' made of reeds, inspired by a lizard nest he saw when he was younger, that will keep it warm until it hatches (taking only one egg in secret in case he is wrong about how dragon eggs develop). While returning from hiding the egg, John is nearly attacked by a wolf, and later a bear, but Montague manages to save him and kill both animals, the bearskin being kept for John to sleep under in winter. Noting that the wolf is milky, John deduces that she has cubs, setting out to find her family. Although three of the cubs are dead when he finds her den, John takes in the fourth cub (a coal-black male), naming him 'Bart' (after Montague's father) and training him as a pet. After John and Bart have kept an eye on the egg in its makeshift 'nest' for the next six weeks, it finally hatches, revealing a young female dragon who names herself 'Lucky', much to the joy of her parents. From this point onwards, John is regularly described as the Bunsen-Burner's adopted son and Lucky's 'little brother'. Although John attracts some quizzical gazes when an elderly dragon Examiner comes to test Lucky's flying abilities, no definite questions are asked, and Lucky herself passes her test with flying colours. While the dragons take a holiday at the beach where Montague and Albertina stayed after their wedding, shortly after Lucky's first birthday, John and Bart are confronted by wolves, being cornered in the cave before they are forced to attack. However, Lucky senses that her brother is in danger and returns to save him, although the subsequent damage to John's clothes forces them to travel to a nearby village to steal replacement clothes for him. During their time away, the Bunsen-Burners are briefly attacked by a group of ambitious knights, but the dragons easily drive them away without any casualties (Albertina resolutely informing Montague that their relationship with John means that they must never eat human flesh again after everything he has come to mean to them). As Lucky grows older, the comparative rarity of dragons in the present compared to their old courting days prompt Montague and Albertina to try to search for a potential husband for her in an arranged marriage, but their search fails; Albertina is harshly turned away by the head of a family of Welsh dragons, and while Montague discovers a pleasant family- the Charmouths-, they have nothing but daughters. Fortunately, while visiting the holiday beach in a bad mood about her parents' attempt to plan her life for her, Lucky discovers a boy dragon called Gerald Fire-Drake, who left his home in Scotland after an argument with his father, the two forming a deep attachment that blossoms into romance. During this time, John has a brief encounter with an outlaw who threatens to kill him, but Bart senses his master's peril and hurries to save him, Bart's attack- followed closely by the arrival of Albertina- prompting the outlaw to flee while leaving John his weapons. After an engagement of a couple of years due to Gerald and Lucky's youth, their wedding takes place near the lake where Lucky hatched, attended by the Fire-Drakes, Albertina's cousins, Montague's brother and his wife, the Examiner who gave Lucky her test, and the Charmouths (Montague reasoning that they are a pleasant family and Gerald's brothers might be interested). The ceremony completed after John gives a speech in his role as best man, Gerald and Lucky fly off for their honeymoon, leaving John to reflect on the joys of his life as a dragon boy. ===== The play concerns the misadventures of the middle-class striver Jerry Frost. He is a 35-year-old "clerk for the railroad at $35,000 a year. He possesses no eyebrows, but nevertheless he constantly tries to knit them."Fitzgerald, F. Scott, The Vegetable: Or, from President to Postman. Clifton, N.J.: A.M. Kelley, 1972. p. 6. His marriage to Charlotte (30) is dull, and he is stereotypically hen- pecked by her (cf. Ralph Cramden, Fred Flintstone, Homer Simpson, et al.). We learn in the first act that Jerry wanted to be a postman, but that he somehow blames his wife for missing out on this ambition... ===== Law-abiding farmers, the Dalton brothers move to Kansas from Missouri to begin a new life. Bob Dalton meets lawyer Tod Jackson and persuades him to defend his kin Ben Dalton in a court case against a corrupt land development company. A melee erupts during the trial, and the Daltons have to shoot their way out of the courtroom. Cronies of the land developers and the press portray the brothers negatively. Ben is shot in the back. Unable to get by lawfully, the Daltons rob a stage coach and their reputation as dangerous outlaws spreads. Tod, meantime, has fallen in love with Bob Dalton's fiancee, Julie. He strongly urges the Daltons to change their ways, but they defy Bob and decide to pull one more bank job in Kansas. There Bob and Grat are killed, as are two other members of the gang. Emmett survives. ===== As described in a film publication, a youth (Arthur Rankin) in the prologue seeks advice from his grandfather (Sydney), who then recalls a romance of his own youth which is then shown as a flashback. A priest (Sydney) is in love with an Italian opera singer (Keane), and the drama involves the conflict between his efforts to rise above worldly things or to leave with her. The romance ends with a deep note of pathos. ===== The plot of Experience was summarized in the August 1921 issue of Photoplay magazine. File:Experience (1921) - Bruce Barthelmess & Daw.jpg|Youth (Richard Barthelmess) hears Ambition's call and leaves his mother (Kate Bruce) and Love (Marjorie Daw) to seek his fortune. File:Experience (1921) - John Miltern.jpg|Experience (John Miltern) is to teach Youth many things about life. File:Experience (1921) - Youth encounters Pleasure Beauty & Wealth.jpg|Youth encounters Pleasure, Beauty, and Wealth. He asks Opportunity to wait for him. But Opportunity cannot! File:Experience (1921) - Tashman Miltern & Barthelmess.jpg|Youth is enthralled by Pleasure (Lilyan Tashman) and, while Experience looks on, is welcomed into the gay party. File:Experience (1921) - Miltern & Barthelmess.jpg|Youth's funds run low and Chance directs him to a gambling house where he can double his money. At first he wins, but later luck leaves him. File:Experience (1921) - Naldi & Barthelmess.jpg|Temptation (Nita Naldi) fascinates Youth. She intercepts a letter telling Youth of his mother's death. File:Experience (1921) - Sybil Carmen.jpg|Experience meanwhile teaches Youth to know Excitement (Sibyl Carmen). File:Experience (1921) - Robert Schable.jpg|Smirking Conceit (Robert Schable) with his ever-present mirror. File:Experience (1921) - Helen Ray.jpg|And Intoxication (an all-too-present companion) (Helen Ray). File:Experience (1921) - Leslie King.jpg|And - eventually - the sanctimonious Prohibition (Leslie King). File:Experience (1921) - Barthelmess (Youth ejected).jpg|Finally, accused of theft, Youth is ejected to the gutter. File:Experience (1921) - Wolheim & Barthelmess.jpg|Crime (Louis Wolheim) seeks to persuade Youth to rob Wealth's house. File:Experience (1921) - Richard Barthelmess.jpg|But Youth returns home, where Love and Hope await. File:Experience (1921) - Daw & Barthelmess.jpg|With Love by his side, Youth is enriched by Experience. ===== Giovanni 'Nino' Culotta"Culotta" is rough Italian slang for "big arse" is an Italian immigrant, who comes to Australia as a journalist, employed by an Italian publishing house, to write articles about Australians and their way of life for those Italians who might want to emigrate to Australia. In order to learn about real Australians, Nino takes a job as a brickie's labourer with a man named Joe Kennedy. The comedy of the novel revolves around his attempts to understand English as it was spoken in Australia by the working classes in the 1950s and 1960s. Nino had previously only learned 'good' English from a textbook. The novel is a social commentary on Australian society of the period; specifically male, working class society. Women mostly feature as cameos in the story with the exception of Kay (whose surname is not revealed in the novel), who becomes Nino's wife. In the novel, Nino meets Kay in a cafe in Manly and their introduction is effected by Nino trying to teach Kay that she cannot eat spaghetti using a spoon. The final message of the novel is that immigrants to Australia should count themselves fortunate and should make efforts to assimilate into Australian society, including learning to speak Australian English. However, there is also a satirical undercurrent aimed at Australian society as a country of migrants. ===== Suave English thief Barrington Hunt (Ronald Colman) rendezvous with his uncouth American accomplice, Smiley Corbin (Warren Hymer), at a rundown hotel in the Sahara Desert beyond the reach of French authority. Hunt is annoyed to learn that Smiley, who has a weakness for women, lost the proceeds from the latest robbery when he met a "dame". Hunt soon finds a new target for his larceny in the aged, blind Baron de Jonghe (Tully Marshall), a longtime hotel resident with an unsuspected cache of stolen money. He sets out to determine its hiding place by romancing Camille (Fay Wray), de Jonghe's attentive, inexperienced relative. When Smiley falls for Eliza Mowbray (Estelle Taylor), however, he blabs to her his boss's plan. Soon, every one of the motley assortment of fugitive criminals and murderers who inhabit the hotel knows, and Hunt is forced to promise each a share of the loot. To complicate matters even further, Hunt falls in love with Camille, and she with him. The location of the money is revealed when the baron becomes extremely agitated when Hunt offers to start a fire in his in-suite fireplace. Hunt keeps this discovery to himself, but tells Smiley to borrow the key to Eliza's car. The crooks, having grown impatient with Hunt's leisurely courtship of Camille, demand action. Hunt suggests privately to pairs of criminals that the money would be better divided amongst three partners. They all agree. Meanwhile, Alfred (Charles Hill Mailes), the baron's brother, arrives with a promise of amnesty if de Jonghe will return the money he stole. De Jonghe insists it is legitimately his, and that Camille is to have it after he is gone. Later, when de Jonghe leaves his room to enjoy holiday festivities, Hunt sneaks in, searches the chimney and locates the money. He pockets the loot and puts the metal box back where he found it, then slips away. De Jonghe becomes suspicious and returns to his room. As he is retrieving the box, he is seen by one of the crooks, who shoots him dead and flees with the box, unaware it is empty. The sound of the gunshot rouses the rest of the residents. It does not take long for them to realize that Hunt has double crossed them all. However, while Smiley holds them off with his gun, Hunt gives Camille the money and sends her to safety with Alfred de Jonghe. He tells the tearful young woman that this is the first good thing he has ever done and that she will be better off if she is not found in the company of a wanted fugitive. Then, he and Smiley make good their own escape. As they are driving off, Smiley asks about his share of the money. Hunt presents him with a flower, explaining that he met a "dame". ===== The episode opens with Cartman, as his hand-puppet persona Mitch Conner, narrating a flashback to Connor's 1972 medical discharge from his Vietnam War tour of duty in a parody of a scene from the film Apocalypse Now as the song "Time of the Season" by the Zombies plays in the background. Back in the present, Mr. Garrison refuses to reveal the identity of Cartman's father, and instead sends Cartman to Dr. Mephisto. Meanwhile, the Ginger Separatist Movement and the townsfolk are negotiating the handover of Muhammad when Mecha-Streisand begins to attack South Park. Muhammad, who is visually obscured throughout the entire episode by a black box superimposed with the word "CENSORED", is taken by Stan, Kyle, and Kenny to Dr. Mephisto's lab. The Gingers arrive and take Muhammad and Cartman captive. The Super Best Friends are called to South Park to help; after their powers fail to subdue Mecha-Streisand, they pacify her by having Krishna adopt the form of Neil Diamond and providing her the opportunity to perform a duet with him. The Gingers contact the celebrities and offer to share Muhammad in exchange for access to the celebrities' "goo transfer machine", which transfers Muhammad's power to remain free from ridicule to a target individual. Tom Cruise is the first subjected to the process, gaining a "CENSORED" box identical to Muhammad's, but further transfers are interrupted when the Super Best Friends arrive to free their comrade Muhammad. Meanwhile, Cartman is taken to the Ginger lair to meet Scott Tenorman, the Head Ginger. Depicted as a melodramatic madman, Scott has decorated his lair to represent the Chili Con- Carnival in which Cartman gained his revenge on Scott by tricking him into eating his own parents. He reveals to Cartman that they shared the same father, former Denver Broncos player Jack Tenorman, meaning that by his act of revenge against Scott, Cartman had killed his own father and fed him to his half-brother. The fight between the Super Best Friends, celebrities, and Gingers spills over into the Ginger lair, and Tenorman escapes in the confusion. During the fight, Seaman leaps upon Cruise's back, leading Stan to observe, "Tom Cruise has Seaman on his back." The "CENSORED" box over Cruise disappears, and all present continue to make jokes based on the fact that the words "Seaman" and "semen" sound the same. Cruise questions why they are able to do this, which leads to a monologue from Kyle, Jesus Christ, and Santa Claus explaining that the goo does not exist, and that threatening people with violence is the only true answer. In the censored version, this explanation is completely obscured by a continuous audio bleep. As the town begins to rebuild following the Mecha-Streisand attack ("for the 39th time", according to Mayor McDaniels), Stan, Kyle, and Kenny find Cartman crying – not because he learned that he murdered his father, but because he is "half-ginger". Mitch Conner reminds Cartman that he is "half-Bronco" as well and tells him that makes him "pretty cool" and departs. The boys find Cruise crying for a place in which he can live without fear of mockery. Stan, Kenny and Kyle promise to help Cruise get to such a place. The episode's closing shot is of Cruise's corpse lying on the Moon's surface alongside the corpse of the orca featured in "Free Willzyx". ===== Sweety (Mayuri Kango) lives with her mother (Navni Parihar), maternal grandmother (Suhas Joshi) and grandfather (Tiku Talsania). She is very rebellious, emotional and high-strung, and does not get along well with her classmates in school. All she knows is that she is not permitted to talk about her dad at home. She finds out that he is in the Seychelles and runs away there. When she gets to the Seychelles, she can't find her dad, whom she has been so anxious to meet. One link is the death of marine archaeologist, Mr. Gandhibhai, who only knows where her dad is. Coincidentally, her dad is in the same hotel which she is in. He is living with another woman, Swati Sinha, who had divorced another male. Her dad is not at all thrilled to have a teenage daughter come and interrupt his life and affairs. In the Seychelles, Sweety meets Rohit Dixit (Jugal Hansraj) and they fall in love with each other. Mr. Anand and Sweety have developed a father-daughter relationship, unaware to the fact that they are related. Later, the story has several twists, which ultimately ends on a happy note. ===== The film begins when a widow comes with her child to a bungalow to see Vikraman Nair; the lawyer of the owner of the bungalow. Vikraman Nair had a history with the widow where he cheated on her and captured all of her properties. She meets the lawyer and requests him to give her some money to live and provide for her child, but he was heartless and didn't give her anything and tried to drive them away. The servant of that bungalow saw this and felt pity towards them. So, he gave them a job at the bungalow. The widow's son Ramesh, the owner's son Sudhi, and another servant's son Raju from that house became close friends. One day, Vikraman Nair tries to rape the widow and she dies in the attempt. Sahadevan, the owner saw this incident and tries to call the police, but Vikraman Nair kills him. The servant saw this and fled with the children. Vikraman Nair and his men went on a lookout to kill them, but he was unable to find them. During this chaos, The three friends lost contact with each other and grew up in entirely different circumstances. Sudhi, now Sudhakaran becomes a mechanic while Ramesh works for Vikraman Nair without the knowledge that he is the man who cheated his mother of her properties and Raju, now SI Rajashekaran becomes a police officer. They meet several times, yet they do not recognize each other. However, when they finally do; they move onto kill Vikraman Nair. During a fight, Sudhakaran stabs Vikraman Nair in the stomach with a knife, but when Sudhakaran comes down the stairs; Vikraman Nair shoots him from the back and he dies in the arms of Ramesh and Rajashekaran. ===== Luke (Nolan Gould) and Manny's (Rico Rodriguez) hot-tempered basketball coach (Eric Lange) yells at the team all the time and makes cruel remarks. Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Phil (Ty Burrell) try to convince him to treat the kids better but he suddenly quits, leaving the team without a coach in the middle of the game. The coach's departure causes Jay and Phil to jockey for the position. Claire (Julie Bowen) takes Alex (Ariel Winter) out shopping but their trip is cut off by an encounter with some of Alex's friends from school. Alex decides to go shopping with them instead and Claire feels like her daughter has finally turned into a teenager and does not want her around. Gloria (Sofía Vergara) faces the same problem with Manny when Manny pulls her off to the side and says that her words of affection embarrass him in front of his friends. The two women end up walking together while baby-sitting Lily talking about the problem they face with their kids and how to solve it. Meanwhile, Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) is still unemployed while Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) has a job with a greeting cards company, causing a role reversal in regards to Lily's parenting. Neither is suited to it, with Mitchell missing the workplace environment while Cameron misses spending time with Lily, although both claim to the other they are fine with the new arrangement. Mitchell takes Cam with him to meet a potential boss, who happens to be a golfing buddy with Jay. Mitchell gets offered the job but he says that he would need to talk it over with Cameron first, with both soon admitting they want things go back to the way they were. Mitchell decides to take the job, however he and Cameron accidentally lock themselves in the garage. Trying to get out, they end up wrecking Mitchell's new boss' Ferrari. Mitchell's new boss tells him he has to take the new job now. ===== Chaverpada tells the story of a group of engineering college students Ameer (Manikuttan), Abhimanyu (Arun), Vivek (Vivek) and Tony (Tony) who have developed a means of their own to voice their protests against the ills that have gripped today's society. The testing phase of a software that they have developed causes unexpected jams in the traffic signals as well as the wireless system of the city. The youngsters realize that they are in trouble when the cops find out more about the incident. Police moved to the college to arrest them. However, they are kidnapped by the terrorists before the cops could lay their hands on them. Visal Sabhapathi (Bala), the leader of the N. S. G. Commando wing, is soon called in to look into the case and rescue the students. ===== The novel opens with Sukhen, the protagonist, trying to capture a butterfly. Sukhen goes over to his lover's house early in the morning. Even as he tries to catch a butterfly, he is simultaneously taking with his lover and analysing his own life as he recollects the past. Sukhen had been brought up in a family where he had found no love or affection. His mother died leaving behind her husband and three sons- Keshob, Purnendu, Sukhendu. Both of his elder brothers are politicians and according to Sukhen mere opportunists. The brothers used people for their own benefit and cheat them without remorse. He remembers his mother as an extremely flirtatious woman. Sukhen's father is also devoid of any moral depth and realisation. He was a mean money minded man. Sukhen had grown up with in these circumstances. He became venturous and had no respect for elders and women. The neighbours especially the rich ones feared him. Mr. Chopra, manager of neighbouring industry and Mr. Mittir, the labour advisor, always flattered Sukhen out of fear. Sukhen remembers Jina, the daughter of Mr. Mittir who had been seduced by her kaku (uncle), Mr. Chatterjee, a colleague of her father. Sukhen also had seduced Jina. Sukhen had become addicted to women and alcohol at a very early age, soon after having entered college. Subsequently, he got attracted to a girl named Shikha. Sukhen fell in love with Shikha when he was taking in a hunger strike conducted on the demand to rehabilitate a teacher of his college who had recently been fired by the college authority and to stop the rising of a multi-storeyed building close to the college gate. Unlike Sukhen, Shikha hailed from a poor family. Her father is a drunkard and numb to the affairs of the family. Shikha's two brothers were subordinates of Sukhen's two elder brothers in the respective political parties of the latter. Her only sister, Bela was married but stayed at her father's house and flirted with several men. However the presence of Shikha in Sukhen's life offered some respite to his careless and perplexed life. This relationship somehow helped to revive the latent sense of humanity in Sukhen. Sukhen hates hipocrisy. He hated those politicians who cheated and oppressed people for their own ulterior need and those teachers who used his students as a political weapon for personal benefits as well as the owners and governing body members of industries who squeeze the labourers; also the parents who were indifferent to their children, the lechers who abused children for sexual satisfaction. He also disliked the heinous attack of American soldiers on prostitutes. The atrocities around him agonised and traumatized him. He sometimes suffers from a subtle pain down to his shoulder and channelised his energy into anger to numb and forget the pain. He pees under his father's table, rumples his brothers' rooms, calls out to servants and so on to divert his attention. Yet, the otherwise brash Sukhen, respected Shulada, an old servant of their house. Keshob, the elder brother of Sukhen, is a powerful political leader. The brother allegedly illegally traded in baby foods and railway spare parts. Keshob has several relations with married women and young girls who were members in his own party. Purnendu, the immediate elder brother is also a political leader and an employee in a governmental office. His political party apparently worked for the poor section of the country and fought for justice but ironically, he is the who copulates with their maid servant's daughter. Both of his brothers want him to join their party! Sukhen refuses to join either of them and severely criticises their agendas. He ends up being the enemy of both the groups. As we proceed through the novel, we see Suhken breaking off one wing of the butterfly and though Shikha tries to revive it, the fly eventually dies. After having chatted with Shikha for some time, he leaves for home. But instead going home, he moves around on the roads on his bike and sees Nirapodobabu (নিরাপদবাবু), a primary school master watching Ramesh (রমেশ), a worker of Purnendu's party, delivering a lecture. He wonders about the peaceful life of Nirapadababu and dreams of having a wife like Nirapadababu's. He plans of marrying Shikha and living peacefully like Nirapadababu. He also enjoys the company of the superintendent of police of the local police station, N’Kori Haldar (ন’কড়ি হালদার), and Bimol (বিমল) a devoted worker of Purnendu's party. As he thinks of living a simple life with Shikha as his wife, he stops by to meet Mr. Chopra and get himself a job. But Chopra refuses him as he known that Suhken is a hooligan and the local mischief. Perturbed, Suhken wonders who are the simple and good boys? (সাধারন বাঙ্গালি ছেলে কারা?) Sukhen then goes in search of Shutka(শুটকা), a friend of his. He ends up finding Shibe (শিবে), another friend of him in Doyalda's (দয়ালদা) tea stall. Suddenly he feels that strange pain close to his shoulder. To suppress that pain he has alcohol almost voraciously and goes to Shibe's house and there he meets Manjori (মঞ্জরী) and falls asleep. In the evening, he woke up and found Shutka close to him. He goes to Shikha's house again as he had promised to go there in the evening. At last, he comes back home at night and takes a bath and sleeps without having food. The next day there is a strike. He goes out in the evening and fells in midst of two processions. He gets severely injured in a bomb explosion and is admitted in a hospital. One of his arms had been blown off and he finally succumbs to the injury. ===== Since 2007, the Hong Kong government banned smoking in all indoor areas, causing smokers from neighboring buildings to gather for cigarette breaks during office hours at trash bins with ashtrays near their work premises. The regulars started sharing small talks and dirty jokes like friends at a hot pot dinner and this community became known as the "Hot Pot Pack". Jimmy (Yue) is an advertising executive who befriended Cherie (Yeung), a cosmetic sales girl, at a "Hot Pot Pack" shortly after Jimmy broke up with his girlfriend who cheated on him. Cherie's flirting with Jimmy during their cigarette breaks, through text messages and excursions at night eventually led to Cherie's break up with her live-in boyfriend. This sudden change in their relationship, including a failed one night stand at a love motel, caused them to confront the change in their relationship and consider whether they are viewing each other as love interests or just as companions during lonely nights. ===== Manning, owner of the Golden Eye Mine in Arizona, persuades Charlie Chan to help him. To avoid alerting Manning's murderous enemies, Chan registers as a guest at a nearby dude ranch along with his number two son, Tommy, and his black servant, Birmingham Brown. There he meets San Francisco Police Lieutenant Mike Ruark, posing as drunken fellow guest "Vincent O'Brien" to investigate why the mine has suddenly become valuable. When Chan goes to see Manning, he finds that he has supposedly fallen down a mineshaft, leaving him in a coma. While there, he is recognized by assayer Talbot Bartlett, who knows him from a previous case. Later, Chan guesses that prospector Pete is stealing ore from the mine, and persuades him to guide him, Tommy and Birmingham to the mine through his secret passageway. However, when they arrive, Tommy and Birmingham find Pete's body. Chan eventually surmises that much cheaper Mexican gold is being smuggled in and sold in the US at a huge profit by Driscoll and his men. ===== ===== The play takes place in 1492 in Florence. It features the eloquent preacher Girolamo Savonarola. He had once courted Fiorenza, but was rejected. Now Savonarola preaches asceticism. Fiorenza is an allegory for the city of Florence, and is the mistress of the dying Lorenzo de' Medici, the secular ruler of the city. Fiorenza cannot escape the charismatic Savonarola, even if she had rejected him as a lover. She confronts the dying Lorenzo de' Medici with this. The art-loving, secular ruler recognizes the religious leader as an equal and calls him brother. ===== The story uses the May Day Riots of 1919 as historical backdrop. During these events, as the lower-class is fighting for certain causes, a group of privileged Yale alumni meet for a dance. ===== T. D. Dasan (Master Alexander) is a young boy who lives with his mother (Shwetha Menon). His father had left them years back when Dasan was one year old. Dasan gets his dad's address from his mother's old trunk box and writes him a letter. Dasan's father had moved out of that address and the letter reaches the current resident Nandakumar Poduval (Biju Menon), an Ad film maker who lives with his thirteen-year-old daughter Ammu (Tina Rose) at Bangalore. Nandan requests Ammu's caretaker Madhavan (Jagadish) to find out the whereabouts of the person and deliver the letter to him. But Madhavan is not that enthusiastic and the letter ends up in the waste bin. Ammu sees this and feels bad about it. She starts writing replies to Dasan, as if they were written to him by his dad. The young boy is excited at the thought of having found his dad, and shares all his feelings and needs with his dad. Ammu promptly replies with pens and other gifts Dasan asked his father. Later Dasan's mother gets to know this and gets shattered by this news. Nandakumar also gets to know this news and becomes furious at his daughter, revealing that Dasan's father had actually died months ago while suffering from jaundice. He now wants to meet Dasan, apologize and tell him the truth. Dasan's mother was later found dead under mysterious circumstances. When Nandakumar comes to meet Dasan, he understands that Dasan is now an orphan, who was now under the care of his uncle Raman Kutty. Dasan meets Nandakumar, who now sees him as his father. Nandakumar first thinks of leaving the place without Dasan but changes his mind soon after. =====