From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== Only sketchy details of the film's plot appear to survive. Bill (Edwards) and Lily (White) are newly married. Bert works as a tea salesman and is of a naturally cheery disposition. Over time however, worries about the security of his job and income prey on his mind and he frets over not being able to provide for Lily. With his worries heightened by the fear that he is about to go blind, he falls into a deep depression and becomes a shadow of the happy soul he used to be. Lily becomes desperately anxious about him, and one night has a terrible nightmare in which she dreams that he loses first his sight and then his life (either in a fire, or by being robbed and murdered, depending on the source). However things eventually take a turn for the better and the couple welcome their new baby to the family. ===== The movie focuses on Banting and Best and their isolation of insulin at the University of Toronto for which they received the 1923 Nobel Prize along with John Macleod. A parallel story is told of Elizabeth Hughes, a young girl with diabetes. ===== The plot centers around a group of space explorers who investigate a planet which appears deserted. However, they are shot down and crash land on the planet. While repairing their ship, a team of explorers sets to survey the surrounding area, where they discover the ruins of an ancient city. Upon further investigation, it is revealed that the gun which shot them down is in the city, and is programmed to shoot anything down which enters the airspace above the city. They examine the gun and discover that it is protecting a tomb directly underneath it—a tomb which contains artifacts, film and photographs of a lost civilization. In order to prevent themselves from being shot down by the same gun while attempting to leave the planet, they destroy the gun and take the artifacts with them. As they leave the planet, hoping to return one day, it is revealed that several automatized machines have begun to repair and reload the gun once more. ===== The film starts with Sethumadhava Kurup a.k.a. Sethu (Suresh Gopi) returning to his village in Kuttanadu after long years. He meets his old teacher, Kumaran master (Bahadoor) and informs him that he was running a hotel in Punjab but lost everything in the riots there. He opens a small tea-shop in the village. There, he meets his old flame Bhaagi (Sithara), who is now married and settled. He also meets his uncle Koyikal Madhava Kurup (M. S. Thripunithura), who was responsible for his fleeing from the village and losing his girl. He had returned to take revenge on his uncle, but by that time, his uncle had already lost all his wealth. In the village he also becomes friends with Anthrappayi (Jagathy Sreekumar) and Paramu (Mamukkoya). His happy second life in the village ends one night with the arrival of Chandru (Murali) from Bombay. It was revealed that Sethu was actually a henchman of Chandru in Bombay. Chandru asked him to take one more assignment, else he will reveal Sethu's real past to the villagers. Sethu had no choice but to take up the assignment and starts to Kodaikanal. In Kodaikanal he stays with Ramu (Vijayaraghavan), who was an old associate of his in Bombay. Sethu's assignment was to kill Radha (Ranjini), who teaches in a boarding school in Kodaikanal managed by Fr. Francis Arackal (Jose Prakash). One night Sethu goes to murder Radha, but is shocked to find her trying to commit suicide. Sethu instead saves her life and tries to found out who wants to kill her. Sethu understands that the person who wants to finish off Radha is actually Narayan Mehta (Lalu Alex), who is the boss of Chandru and Ramu. Narayan Mehta earlier married Radha as Narayanankutty for her money, but later left her and made her believe that he died in an accident in Dubai. Radha met Narayanankutty, who is now a big businessman called Narayan Mehta, in Kodaikanal. Narayan Mehta orders Chandru to have Radha killed, to prevent his secrets getting revealed. The cruel Mehta also destroyed the life of Kausalya (Parvathy) by killing her rich father, grabbing all her wealth and reducing her to his handicapped wife in a wheelchair. Sethu develops sympathy towards Radha, fals in love with her and decides to protect her from Chandru and Narayan Mehta with the help of Ramu and Albert (Saikumar). They ended up having an open fight and Chandru was killed by Ramu, who in turn was killed by Narayan Mehta. Sethu and Radha were chased by Narayan Mehta and finally Sethu kills Mehta with the help of Albert, who also dies in the attempt. The film ends with Sethu being taken by the police with Fr. Francis assuring him of getting acquitted considering the circumstances leading to the murder and Mehta's criminal past. ===== The main character is a follower of Ryo Hazuki and is guided by him to explore, attempt quests, and grow strong through battle. Characters from other Shenmue games make appearances, and much of the original Shenmue plot is retold. ===== Movie 43 is a series of different sketches containing different scenes and scenarios. ===== Set in Kodaikanal, the story revolves around Rani (Shobhana), an aspiring dancer, who meets Raja (Karthik Muthuraman), an aspiring painter and singer. They fall in love with each other as their mutual love for art unfolds at an arts institute/college. Rani's father (J. V. Somayajulu) wishes to get his daughter married soon. But, Rani is bent on convincing her father to accept Raja as her future spouse. The drama unfolds when Rani's pregnant sister Kamala (Rajya Lakshmi) and her husband (Sarath Babu), along with their two kids visit from Chennai. Kamala's husband, who owns a recording studio, leaves for Chennai after a short stay in Kodaikanal. After Kamala's accidental death, her father wishes to get Rani married to her brother—in-law and take care of the two kids. Rani has to choose between Raja and looking after her sister's family. Raja can't take this and takes to drinking as he loses hope of uniting with Rani. Unaware of Raja's connection to Rani, Kamala's widower meets Raja. There he notices Raja's artistic skills and offers him an opportunity to sing for an album at his recording studio. He introduces Raja to Rani at Rani's home before requesting Raja to live there until Raja's recording is complete. The movie becomes dramatic as Rani's brother-in-law finds out that Rani is in love with Raja. How the individuals try to compromise and sacrifice for each other's aspirations and feelings forms the crux of the story. ===== The film opens with screen titles describing the anti-Catholic provisions of the 1917 Constitution of Mexico. Civil war erupts when newly- elected Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles (Rubén Blades) begins a violent crackdown against the country's Catholic faithful. The film depicts the carnage by showing churches being set on fire, Catholic priests murdered and countless faithful peasants killed and having their bodies publicly hanged on telegraph poles as a warning to others. The story shifts to Father Christopher (Peter O’Toole), a Catholic priest, who is ruthlessly murdered by the Federales. A 13-year-old boy, José Luis Sánchez (Mauricio Kuri), witnesses the killing. Driven by love for his Faith and anger against the injustices committed against Fr. Christopher and the Church in Mexico, he joins the rebels, the Cristeros ("soldiers for Christ") fighting against Calles. Their battle cry is "¡Viva Cristo Rey!" ("Long live Christ the King"). The rebel leader, retired General Enrique Gorostieta (Andy García), an agnostic, takes an interest in young José, who soon becomes his protégé. While fighting against the Federales, José is later captured in a firefight and tortured to force him to renounce his belief in God. When he resolutely defends his faith, he is executed. The next year, Gorostieta is killed in a battle at Jalisco after he becomes a Catholic. In 1929, however, agreements were made to restore religious freedoms. Pope Benedict XVI beatified José in 2005, along with 12 other martyrs of the religious persecution. ===== When a family from New Jersey moves into South Park, Sharon invites the family into their home for dinner. The tacky Jersey woman, Teresa Giudice from the Real Housewives of New Jersey, becomes very obnoxious very quickly, and starts to insult Sharon and her friends, leading Sharon to insult her calmly. Teresa goes crazy and flips the dinner table and shouts expletives at Sharon, but is calmed down by her husband Joe. Soon after, many people from New Jersey move into South Park and everyone starts to get annoyed with them. Randy calls a meeting at the Park County Community Center, where he reveals that New Jersey is trying to take over the country and already has everything east of the Rocky Mountains, with all of Colorado in danger of becoming "West Jersey". Meanwhile, after another altercation with the New Jersey housewives and Sharon at the hair salon, Sheila reveals that she is originally from New Jersey after defending Sharon from the other ladies, and that she was once a notorious party girl nicknamed "S-Woww-Tittybang". When the other families find out, Cartman shuns Kyle from their group, stating that if he is Jersey (along with being Jewish and ginger, which Cartman already hates him for), he is all bad. Later that night, Kyle (in a parody of the first transformation scene in Teen Wolf), seemingly unable to control his actions, begins to cut and grease his bushy Jewfro into a style similar to Pauly D's hairstyle from Jersey Shore. He is even more shocked to find Sheila now fully decked out in this fashion; Sheila tells Kyle that "it's not so bad, some people like the Jersey look", only to have Ike scream and faint after looking into the room and spotting them. Sheila reveals to her son that he's technically from New Jersey: Kyle was conceived in New Jersey and during the first two months that Sheila was pregnant with him, she and Kyle's father, Gerald, were living with Sheila's parents in Newark, New Jersey. Whenever either of them is around New Jersey influences, she says, they will start to exhibit the same behavior. Cartman's usual distrust of Kyle grows even stronger, since Kyle is now the "three J's" - "Jinger (ginger), Jersey and Jew", although Stan and Kenny don't seem to care and they just help out the other townspeople try to drive the Jerseyites out. Desperate for assistance, after having built a barricade of junk and handing out a stock of what appear to be lever-action rifles and muskets from crates of mysterious origin, Randy pleads for help from California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who tells him that the state cannot provide any assistance due to budget problems and general lack of concern (then Randy tries telling him that "if Colorado falls, you're next", only to be told that actually Utah and Nevada stand between California and the invasion). Likewise, Japan also refuses to help. At this point, Randy decides they must seek help from their enemies: al-Qaeda. The townspeople are shocked at this idea, saying that the feelings of the families of the victims of 9/11 matter "another ten months" (the tenth anniversary of the attacks). But then Randy and other men are called to the bar, where in a satire of horror movie clichés, they encounter a sex-crazed and barely human Snooki. In desperation, Randy videotapes a request for help from al-Qaeda and sends it to Osama bin Laden. As the townspeople arm themselves and barricade the streets to stave off the invasion, Cartman asks Kyle to meet him at the Sizzler, with the intent of locking him in the meat freezer so he can't help the Jerseyites. Once Cartman opens the freezer, Snooki springs out and begins to rape him and Dog Poo. Kyle now fully transforms into a guido, complete with rings and gold neck chain and calling himself "Kyley B", and proceeds to insult and hit Snooki, until she flees the restaurant—which Cartman thanks Kyle for. In the streets, Randy violently interrogates Michael "The Situation" Sorrentino, who can only answer "It's just a Jersey thing, you know, you just gotta be from Jersey to get it." The townspeople hold off the hordes of Jerseyites until their ammunition runs out and their defense seems futile. However, just as the invaders begin to overrun the barricades, a fleet of al-Qaeda suicide pilots fly in and crash their planes into the ground, killing them all in a parody of Saving Private Ryan. At a town meeting soon after, Randy proudly thanks bin Laden for his help in stopping the invasion and reveals that their victory has inspired the rest of the East Coast to drive the Jerseyites back to their own state. With the Jerseyites defeated, Cartman tells Kyle "You're a monster, but you're my little monster" - and just as bin Laden receives a hero medal, a Special Forces commando comes in and kills him. At first the people are shocked, but then Randy exclaims "We got him!" ===== The story takes place in Cedarville, while 'The Man with the Plan' Griffin Bing is having a hard time adjusting to his school's new atmosphere, which is more like a strict boot camp than a middle school. His new football fanatic Principal, Dr. Egan, does not like Griffin, due to his past. To make matters worse, somebody has stolen the priceless Super Bowl ring that was in the school's showcase, with Griffin's retainer that he recently lost left in its place. For once, the Man with the Plan DOESN'T have a plan. Things only go from bad to worse when Griffin is accused of stealing it by Egan, and Griffin is sent to a state school for juvenile delinquents. Griffin realizes he has been framed by somebody and calculates a list of suspects: * Dr. Egan, (dubbed Dr. Evil) the principal who hates Griffin and could gain the ring as a football collectors item, as he loves the sport. * Celia White, a nosy reporter who is digging up dirt on Griffin. She often twists his words, and she will do anything to make him look guilty, possibly to gain a promotion. * Darren Vader, a burly boy who annoys Griffin. He could steal the ring after finding Griffin's retainer in order to gain profit. His motive for framing Griffin would be to distract the police from him. He earlier was one of the 7 in Swindle to help Griffin retrieve a Babe Ruth Baseball card. * Tony Bartholomew, a boy who claims he is the rightful owner of the super bowl ring. Griffin tries to get the suspects through a metal detector at the courthouse after sending them an anonymous e-mail stating that a buyer was interested in purchasing a valuable possession that "recently" came to them. Griffin unfortunately discovers that Dr. Egan is the only suspect left. Logan, Griffin's friend and amateur actor, agrees to get to know Egan's daughter so he can search the house and find the ring, getting him off the hook. The plan fails when they discover Egan does not have the ring. Griffin is placed under house arrest, where his friends meet him via video chat and formulate a final plan to clear their friend's name. Savannah, the animal lover of the group, finds that a type of rat is attracted to shiny objects and may have found Griffin's lost retainer then swapped it out with the ring. Melissa, the computer whiz, hacks into Griffin's house arrest system that allows him to leave the house without the alarm coming off while his parents are out. At the school during its play, Hail Caesar!, Griffin leads Egan to the pack rat's nest and clears his name. He is then raced home and resets his house arrest anklet as his parents arrive. Egan, who got Griffin home in time, clears up matters and apologizes to Griffin, saying that he was wrong to judge him. Also, Celia White shows up in an attempt to get a story on him. Before she can twist the words, however, Egan makes her stop and makes sure she won't be doing it again. After this, Griffin asks the court if it will take a truly good-hearted friend, Shank, out of the state school, so he can have a chance at life. They accept and it is implied that life will be better for Griffin and his friends.framed.htm Framed! at Fantastic Fiction ===== As described in a film magazine, Thais (Garden), a lustful dancer, tries to get Paphnutius (Revelle) under her power, but since he is a Christian he leaves to become a monk. Later, he returns to reclaim her soul and convinces the petted, spoiled, and lustrous Thais to cast off her riches, luxuries, and friends and to follow in his footsteps. Attempting to live solitary lives, the tortuous remembrance of their past lives causes them to forget everything and rush out into the desert. Thais is rescued by some sisters who take her to a nunnery. Paphnutius, unable to conquer his love for Thais, rushes to the nunnery only to find Thais dying the death of a saint. Her saintliness brings him a realization of his wrongs, and the film ends with his begging forgiveness for bowing to temptation and the strength to continue his work. ===== At the Dunphy house, Phil (Ty Burrell) learns that his neighbor, Jerry (Matt Besser) has divorced. Phil is initially sad for Jerry, but soon fears that the same thing might happen to him and his wife, Claire (Julie Bowen). Phil soon assumes Claire's concentration on completing the haunted house is a sign that she no longer loves him. He soon does the opposite of what Jerry did that caused the demise of his marriage, like being spontaneous, with all of Phil's attempts failing. Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) also gets excited when he learns that his new law firm allows employees to wear Halloween costumes, and decides to wear a Spider-Man costume to work. Unfortunately, he learns too late that "only tools and douches wear costumes". He quickly puts on a suit over the costume, thinking that he can change out of the costume later, but he is pulled into several meetings and is unable to get the chance to take it off. Meanwhile, Gloria (Sofía Vergara) gets offended by Manny (Rico Rodriguez) and Jay (Ed O'Neill) correcting her accent so she starts acting weird and talking differently. At Claire's finished haunted house, everything goes wrong with Jay late at activating the effects, Gloria speaking in her "English" voice, Alex poorly imitating being held prisoner and Cameron still talking about his "traumatic" Halloween story. After two failed attempts at scaring trick-or-treaters, Claire becomes furious and walks out of the haunted house. Phil then asks her if she is tired of him, to which she responds that they are happily stuck together as a couple. While they talk, the rest of the family finishes the haunted house perfectly, to Claire and Phil's happiness. ===== The story follows Mara Valentine, an overachiever high school senior in Brockport, New York headed to Yale University. Mara is a straight A student forever, got type A personality, vice president of student council, UN Model, is at the top of her class and she's competing with her ex-boyfriend Travis Hart for valedictorian. Yet she found her life is turned upside down when her sixteen- year-old niece Vivienne, who goes only by her first initial V, comes to live with Mara and her parents. V’s mother, Mara’s older sister, is a free-spirit who spends her life traveling from place to place, finding new jobs and boyfriends along the way; she is the complete opposite of Mara who has spent her life working hard to succeed in school to please her parents. ===== Capricorn Anderson, also named Cap, has been arrested by the police for driving without a license. To their surprise Cap has no idea what is happening. He tells them he was driving his grandmother, Rain, to the hospital after she broke her hip falling out of a tree. He lives with his Grandma and is schooled by her on a commune called Garland and neither understands the concept of a license nor knows the emergency number 9-1-1 Eventually, the police let him go to see Rain in the hospital. Rain is distraught. She tells the nurses that she cannot go to the hospital for two months because she has to look after Capricorn, who has no one else, and she hates the idea of him being "contaminated" by the real world. The doctors tell her she has no choice and they will have to call social services to find him a home and a school until she gets strong again. Luckily for both Cap and Rain, the social worker given Cap's case is a lady called Mrs. Donnelly. Brought up on Garland herself, she understands what Cap must be going through and invites him to stay with her at her house. The first person Cap meets is Zach Powers, the school bully and popular kid at school. Cap tells Rain he wants to go back to Garland. Rain is sympathetic. She tells him that the outside world is an unforgiving place and he should feel sorry for anyone that cannot live like he can. Cap is voted in as president. Zach and his friends Darryl, Naomi and Lena are having a great time sending Cap on wild goose chases. Naomi leaves notes from "Lorelei Lumley" in his locker. Meanwhile, Cap's popularity at school rises two-fold. One day on the school bus, the bus driver has a heart attack sending the bus veering towards a dump truck. Cap responds immediately, steering the bus away from the truck and to the hospital, where he is arrested. Despite his arrest at the hospital, the students hail him as a hero and begin helping him out with his duties as president. Hugh and Zach are the only two people unhappy with Cap's newfound celebrity status. They decide to get together and plot Cap's downfall. At the pep rally, they dress Cap up in the opposing team's uniform and send him out onto the football field, and as soon as he steps onto the field the Claverage players all charge and pile onto him, with Darryl at the front. Later, Darryl, realizing Zach was responsible, approaches him. Zach laughs at him, and Darryl, unable to compete with him in an argument of words, raises his fists to punch him. Unfortunately, Cap has stepped between them without Darryl noticing, and his punch lands directly on Cap's nose. An ambulance arrives for Cap, but it is not to take him to a hospital. Rain has arrived at the school to take him back to Garland. Sophie is doing her driving test when she realizes that the bracelet she thought her father sent her was not from him, but from Cap. She feels remorse about all the things she said and did to him, and all he did was respond in kindness. As soon as she passes her driving test she travels to Garland, determined to take Cap to the Halloween dance. In Sophie's car, they drive to Claverage Middle School. When they arrive at the school, Cap and Sophie see everyone in the parking lot holding candles and dressed in hippie clothing. One by one, they all tearfully give small speeches until finally Cap comes forward to reveal he is still alive. Everyone goes wild and Darryl steps forward to lift him through the crowd. At the back of the crowd is Rain, observing everything. A couple of days later, Cap is at working on the commune by himself when a white Mercedes pulls up and out steps Rain. Stylishly dressed and with a mobile phone and a cane, she tells Cap that she has sold Garland for $17 million, bought a condo in the city and enlisted Cap at Claverage Middle School. She insists, however, she has not sold out. They will mostly use the money to help others. ===== Ruth Ashley (Betty Compson) is a former escort girl who now owns the Hollywood Escort Bureau in Los Angeles together with Gregory Stone (Wheeler Oakman). Ruth is co-owner of the Café Martinique, where the escorts go with their dates to watch striptease and drink champagne. The escort bureau is managed by Breeze Nolan (Guy Kingsford) who provides customers with both male and female escorts. Ruth has a daughter, June (Margaret Marquis), who is ignorant of her mother's occupation. June believes that her mother works in real estate. Ruth had sent her daughter to a private school in the eastern U.S. Eventually June is engaged to Drake Hamilton (Robert Kellard), and when Drake travels to Los Angeles for work, June decides to accompany him to meet her mother. At the same time, Ruth and her partner learn that the district attorney is planning to put an end to illegal escort services. Since her daughter is coming to town, Ruth is concerned that the truth will come out about her business. She grows more worried when she discovers that Drake is in Los Angeles to assist the district attorney in stopping all escort operations. In the line of duty Drake pretends to be a prospective client and calls the bureau to book a girl for the evening. His plan is to lay a trap for the bureau owners. But Stone learns from a snitch that Drake is investigating, and instead of sending a regular girl, he sends June to Drake's hotel room at the specified time. Drake ends up believing that June works as an escort girl and breaks their engagement. June is devastated and blames Stone for what happened. She threatens to go to the DA. To stop her and exculpate himself, Stone reveals that Ruth is his partner. He tries to hire June as an escort girl after plying her with drinks. Since Nolan is the face of the escort business, Drake finds him and beats him up, heartbroken because of what he thought about June. Drake learns that Stone is the owner. When Ruth arrives at Stone's apartment, June is still there. June renounces her mother and leaves. Ruth learns what happened and tells Stone to reveal the truth to Drake, threatening to shoot him. Drake arrives, walking in on Ruth holding Stone at gunpoint. He tries to overpower her, and as they struggle for the gun, Ruth is accidentally shot and fatally wounded. As the struggle continues between Stone and Drake, Stone falls out a window and breaks his neck. With her last words, Ruth tells Drake the truth, and he promises to take care of June. Ruth dies, and Drake and June reconcile happily.Escort Girl profile,; accessed March 15, 2014. ===== While her sailor husband is away, Nellie Jennis (Taylor) receives a visit from her brother Jack (Lionelle Howard), who is being sought by the police for an attack on another man. Jack claims he is being wrongly accused as his actions were in self-defence, and Nellie agrees to shelter him for a while until he can make good his escape. When her husband Bob (Rome) returns home, he finds evidence which Nellie has overlooked indicating that a man has been staying in his absence. He assumes the worst and is consumed by jealous rage. Nellie refuses to break Jack's confidence by telling Bob the truth, and becomes so fearful and distraught about Bob's treatment of her that she flees from home, taking their baby with her. Nellie finds employment with Lord and Lady Lafene, who are happy to let her keep her baby with her. Before long however, Lord Lafene starts trying to take advantage of her and she runs away again. Now homeless, destitute and with no means to look after the baby, she returns home in secret and leaves the baby for Bob to care for. Meanwhile, Jack's trouble with the police has been sorted out and he visits Bob, who now realises that he had suspected Nellie unfairly. He and Bob go looking for Nellie and finally manage to track her down. Nellie and Bob are reconciled. ===== Daniel Arnault (Gielgud), an impecunious sculptor, is in love with the beautiful Genevieve (Isobel Elsom). Spurred on by her mercenary and socially ambitious mother however, Genevieve consents to marry Daniel's wealthy brother Albert (Langhorn Burton). In despair, Daniel sinks into drug addiction. The marriage is not a success, and Genevieve feels ignored and neglected by Albert. She begins a flirtation with family friend Maurice Granger (Lewis Drayton) and the pair gradually fall in love. One day Genevieve decides to pay a call on Daniel, and by chance meets Maurice who is also visiting. Unknown to Genevieve, Albert has become suspicious of her and has followed her to Daniel's studio. He shows up in a fury, and Daniel manages to hide Genevieve and Maurice. Knowing that Genevieve has been there, Albert accuses his brother of being her lover and attacks him brutally. Daniel fails to recover from the assault, and as he is dying he begs his brother to give Genevieve her freedom and allow her to go off with Maurice ===== NBC executive Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) attends a Congressional hearing in Washington D.C. regarding the Kabletown-NBC merger deal. He is able to consolidate support for the deal, until Representative Regina Bookman (Queen Latifah) calls out NBC for being racist and demands that there be more diversity in the programming lineup. Following the hearing, Jack goes back to New York and asks Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) and "Dot Com" Slattery (Kevin Brown) to produce a program for the African-American community. Dot Com suggests a show called Let's Stay Together, about an African-American family in the 1970s, but when Grizz Griswold (Grizz Chapman) suggests that a talking dog be added to the show, Tracy orders Dot Com to incorporate it into the rewrite, much to Dot Com's dismay. Meanwhile, Liz Lemon (Tina Fey), the head writer of the sketch show TGS with Tracy Jordan, is unhappy about the lack of respect she gets from her writing staff and complains to Jack, her boss, about the situation. Jack asks her if staff writer James "Toofer" Spurlock (Keith Powell) can be promoted to co-head writer in an effort to diversify NBC. Liz accepts, seeing this as an opportunity for someone else to get the lack of respect and complaints she does. She gets upset, though, when Toofer gets a television interview as head writer, and insists that she herself should also be there as she is co-head writer. The two appear on Rutherford Rice's (Reg E. Cathey) talk show Right On, a show aimed toward African-American audiences. Liz gets visibly upset when Rice gives Toofer all of the credit she deserves, and as a result of her behavior she is escorted off the set by a security guard. At the same time, Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer), a former NBC page, is back at NBC and wants to reapply to the page program, but notes that it has become a pageant. When Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) hears of this, she volunteers to help him win the pageant using her own pageant experience. Jenna treats Kenneth as her mother Verna (Jan Hooks) treated her during her pageant years. After a failed, over-the-top performance in front of Human resources mediator Jeffrey Weinerslav (Todd Buonopane), Jenna vows to get Kenneth his job back. She goes to Jack to ask him for his help, and Jack orders Jeffrey to hire Kenneth back. When Representative Bookman makes an unexpected visit to New York, Jack tries to show NBC's commitment to diversity, but is thwarted when Bookman sees signs next to two bathrooms that read "Colored" and "White" that were really intended for the paper recycling bins that had been removed only moments ago, and Jeffrey informing Jack and Bookman that the minority slot in the page program was filled by Kenneth. Jack tries to improve the situation by giving "head writer" Toofer a medal for his work, but Bookman sees right through this, and discovers that Liz is the only one that truly deserves her respect, and congratulates her. After more grandstanding, Bookman tells Jack she will vote no on the Kabletown-NBC deal unless he gives her reason not to. The episode ends with a taping of the Let's Stay Together rewrite, including the talking dog. ===== Paolo "Powie" Barredo (Gerald Anderson) is out to prove to the world that he can succeed in life independently, and is not just a son born out of wedlock. Despite a rough upbringing, he climbs the ladder of success. As things start falling into place and he is thrilled to achieve his goal, he puts other life matters on hold. Agnes Garcia (Kim Chiu) always longed for the time when her family will finally be completed again. At the age 6, her parents left the country to work abroad – her mother was a medical technician in America, while her father worked as an engineer in Riyadh. Despite the distance, Agnes treasured the hope that she would reunite with her parents once again when she passes the nursing exam and applies to work in the States. They find each other at a café and couldn't take their eyes off each other. They found solace and comfort in each other's company. But their life paths moved them in opposite directions. ===== The story starts in a village Sonapur. Shankar (Manoj Bajpayee) is a local Goldsmith making jewelry. Shankar is in love with his next-door neighbor Suvarnalata (Sonu, Aarti Chabria) who loves him too. But her father Daya Shastri (Dilip Prabhavalkar) is opposed to their relationship. Shankar and Suvarnalata always meet after Suvarnalata computer class. He gave her father some earrings. The father and mother (Lakshmi) call a pandit (Aatmaram) and asks for a rich boy from Dubai. The pandit is Shankar's friend and he asks Sonu if she is ready to marry Shankar. Sonu asks him to make her a dus tola necklace to induce her father to give her hand to Shankar. Shankar toils to make the perfect dus tola necklace for Sonu which she accepts. But when her father finds it, he tells her to accept the necklace as a gift from an older brother. The next day Daya shows the necklace off to local people and says he gave it to his daughter as a gift before her marriage. Shankar is shocked and faints in the middle of the town. When he wakes up, he sees Geeta (Pallavi Sharda) the village dance teacher, Bholenath, Atmaram, Sarpanch and Abdul (who owns a shop under Geeta's dance studio) around him. During the night Shankar goes to Sonu's house and challenges her to tell everyone that he gave her the necklace in order to declare her love for him. The next day, Shankar and his friends go to the house of Daya & Lakshmi but Sonu comes and says she doesn't know about any necklace except the one that her father gave her. Shankar is heartbroken and Sonu marries a wealthy man from Dubai named Ravi (Siddharth Makkar). Ravi goes to Dubai for a while and Sonu bears him a child. Meanwhile, Shankar tries to move on with his life and he opens his own shop called 'Shankar and Sons'. While at the grand opening, Geeta admires Shankar and falls for him. At the grand opening Qazi, the richest guy in town, gives Shankar 10,000 rupee and tells him to use it when he really needs it. Two months pass and Ravi comes back to India to live with Sonu and his daughter after his Dubai visa expired, he says he spent two months in jail. Meanwhile, Geeta comes to Shankar's shop to sell her earrings as she is short of money to send home to her family. Shankar remembers that Qazi gave him money so he gives it to Geeta, she realises Shankar really has a heart of gold. Ravi needs money to buy a truck and he comes to Shankar to sell the dus tola necklace which Sonu is always wearing, the very necklace that Shankar toiled to make for her. Shankar tests the gold on the necklace and reveals that it is fake! Suvarnalata reveals to Ravi that Shankar made the fake necklace and Ravi goes in search of him. In a quiet peaceful field Shankar and his friends are talking about the dus tola necklace when Ravi comes with townspeople and a fight begins. Atmaram escapes and calls Qazi's wife as he is being injured. She comes running for him and her face is revealed to everyone. Shankar's father is brought in to see what the commotion is about, he reprimands Shankar for making a fake necklace but Shankar explains he had no choice, he had no money so he would have worked hard to give her a new real necklace after their marriage. Shankar admits his mistakes to Ravi who forgives him and returns to his wife Suvarnalata. The next time Shankar sees Geeta standing at a bus stop he pauses for her, realising that she is in fact the real gold. ===== Seven young English aviators are billeted at the Berthelot farm near the French front. One of the flyers, Philip Blythe (Gary Cooper) is a replacement pilot who falls in love with the farmer's daughter, Jeannie (Colleen Moore), She loves Philip, and on the morning before a dangerous mission he also declares his love for her. Philip is shot down, and Jeannie helps an ambulance crew to extricate his apparently lifeless body from the wrecked aircraft. The crew will not allow Jeannie to accompany Philip and cannot tell her where they are taking him. Jeannie obtains an address for the military army hospital where he is. When she visits, she is told that he has died from his wounds, based on incorrect records. Jeannie sends a bouquet of lilacs to his room in remembrance, and Philip, recognizing the flowers as her gift, painfully drags himself to his window in time to call her back to him. ===== The episode begins with a Blair Waldorf dream sequence of Wait Until Dark with her as Audrey Hepburn being attacked. However, unlike in the film, her attacker is, strangely, a blond female. Blair awakes to find Serena with an unmade bed, messy hair, and adorning the same clothes from the previous day. Serena admits to having spent the night with "The Cab Stealer.", Colin Forrester (Sam Page). However, they spent the night talking of pop art in lieu of sleeping together. Serena says she refuses to be one of the women he hands off in a cab every morning. Blair explains her dream to Serena, who believes it to be about recently becoming Chuck's active target. Blair is unsure, however, and wonders aloud why the attacker would be female. After spending the night with Nate (Chace Crawford), Juliet Sharp (Katie Cassidy) departs early so as "not to be late to class." Nate is disappointed, hoping to have spent more time with her. Via phone, Dan (Penn Badgley) assures him it's probably the truth. As Nate ends his call with Dan, getting in line to visit his Dad in prison, he spots a sheepish Juliet. Jenny returns to New York, only to face an angry Blair – willing to do anything to make "Little J" leave town again. On her way to class, Serena spots her fling, Colin from the night before while entering the building. Irked, Serena is further thrown off by the revelation that he is her Psychology of Business professor, a fact that threats their relationship. Blair visits the Van Der Woodsen residence and runs into Jenny. Outraged that Jenny is breaking the rules about being "banished," and after some verbal sparring, Blair grants her "amnesty 'till midnight" if Jenny refuses to be seen while in the city. Blair seeks out Chuck at Columbia, after a brief chat with Serena about the Cab Stealer turned Professor. She asks if he knows about Jenny Humphrey's return, and warns him it will damage his reputation as well as hers if the story about Jenny's virginity is outed; however, unknown to Blair, Chuck is responsible for Jenny's return to Manhattan, and remains nonchalant about the possibility of the truth being revealed. After talking to Chuck, Blair assigns her minions to stake-out the Van Der Woodsen residence, in order to make sure Jenny doesn't violate the terms of her Manhattan amnesty. Dan and Eric (Connor Paolo) find it strange when Jenny declines going out to one of her favorite venues, so she explains to them the terms of the agreement she made with Blair. However, Jenny ultimately reveals to Gossip Girl to whom she lost her virginity, and after a confrontation with both Chuck and Blair, decides to leave town again. At the episode's end, Chuck visits Blair in her apartment, and, after agreeing that the circumstances surrounding their breakup were beyond both their controls, the two agree to end their war, before they both destroy each other. ===== A stranger walks into a small town's police station during a rainstorm on Christmas Eve. He tells the desk sergeant that he wishes to confess to murder, after which the desk sergeant points a handgun at him and calls for his colleagues to restrain him with handcuffs. The stranger refuses to reveal his name, preferring to be known as "Mr. Nobody." After the stranger provokes them, the officers are about to assault him as detective Alexander Black walks in. The stranger states that he will confess to six murders, and when he describes each murder, the officers graphically die in the same way he explains though the stranger himself remains incarcerated. While the officers panic, the stranger notices a dedication text on detective Black's golden-metal pen and remarks upon it, drawing the suspicion of Detective Black, who received the pen from his murdered daughter, Mary Black. The officers think that the stranger could be a suspect whom they arrested a year ago when they were investigating the disappearance of Mary Black. Unable to prove his guilt, they tortured and beat him to get a confession, though he continually maintained his innocence. However, they realize that the victim of their violence should still be in a coma that resulted from their brutal torture, stationed at a medical facility. The officers telephone the facility and discover that the victim had died earlier that evening, at the same time as the stranger entered the police station, which proves that the stranger is not who they thought he is. Despite this new evidence, the officers believe that the stranger is a vengeful spirit of the previously tortured man. Detective Black talks about superstition and his experiences in Gulf War, while the remaining officers continue to die in ways that mirror the acts they committed against the now-dead suspect a year earlier, until only detective Black remains. Detective Black apologizes to the stranger for killing an innocent suspect, but the stranger says that he was the one who murdered his daughter. Detective Black then stabs his daughter's golden-metal pen inside his own ears to avoid hearing the stranger's confession. Black's dead daughter then appears. She tells him she knows the name of the stranger and whispers into his deaf ear. Black shoots the stranger with a shotgun and causes him to fall through a window. After the stranger's death, Christmas Day arrives and Detective Black sees his daughter leave up the stairs, presumably leaving to the afterlife. ===== As described in a film magazine, in the first story a suburban wife (Taylor) has married a wealthy man (Locke) in the belief that her first husband (McDermott), a cad, had been killed. While the second husband is away, her first husband appears and demands money for his silence. A struggle ensues after a burglar (Southern) enters the home to rob it, and the burglar shoots the first husband. The wife, hearing her second husband arriving in his car, takes the revolver in her hand as the burglar escapes, telling her second husband that she shot a burglar (the body of her first husband). The second episode is a recital of the badger game with the vamp (Taylor), the man (McDermott), and his friend (Southern), and includes a scene depicting the Frolic at Ziegfeld Follies. The third episode involves a tragedy that takes place in New York's Lower East Side. ===== A wealthy young Southern aristocrat, Joseph, graduates from a seminary and, before he takes charge of his assigned parish, decides to go out and see what "the real world" is all about. He winds up in New Orleans and finds himself attracted to a poor, unsophisticated orphan girl, Bessie, that he meets at a dance hall. One thing leads to another, and before long Bessie finds that she is pregnant with Joseph's child. ===== At the end of World War II, thousands of former Soviet POWs, repatriated from Germany, were sent to Siberia by Stalin, to be ‘re- educated.’ The Edge is set in one such labour camp, on the edge of a dense forest. Despite being a war hero, Ignat, a disgraced Red Army train engineer, is sent to the camp as punishment for destroying the fastest train in the Soviet Union during a reckless race. Upon arrival at the camp, Ignat quickly establishes a reputation for devotion to the labor camp's one railway engine. The railway line goes no further west than the camp because a bridge was washed out just before the start of the war. On a hunch, Ignat follows the line west, swims the river at the washed out bridge, and continues down the railway line. He soon discovers an abandoned railway steam engine trapped on the wrong side when the bridge washed out. Living inside the cab is a young German woman, Elsa, surviving by hunting and gathering. Ignat and the woman start out fighting each other and are unable to communicate due to the language barrier. Eventually they start to work together, both in repairing the steam engine to run, and effecting makeshift repairs to the washed out bridge. They arrive back in camp with the awful looking steam engine and continue to work together on repairs. Elsa and Ignat become isolated from camp people. Ignat for his devotion to his newly found railway engine, and the German woman simply by hatred for Germans from the war. Camp members summon the distant political commissar, who arrives by special train. The commissar is brutal, shooting and killing a Russian woman accused wrongfully of sleeping with the Germans. He locks up Elsa in a boxcar attached to his train and departs the camp. When Ignat learns Elsa has been taken away, he chases down the commissar on the train engine found in the woods, running on parallel tracks. Further back, the camp's main train engine, carrying many of the camp members, is also chasing down the commissar's train, angry over the brutality they witnessed. Ignat's train is faster, he manages to get ahead of the commissar's train in a winter race through the woods. He stops the Commissar by cutting him off at a rail junction, and knocks him out. Later the arriving train with much of the camp personnel find the commissar and send him packing down the rail line on a bicycle. The final scene shows Ignat and Elsa making their escape on a pump type railway hand car, to start a new life elsewhere in the Soviet Union. ===== Bill Lannigan (John Dilson), boss of Skip Tracers Ltd., a skiptrace agency which tracks down people who have not kept up payments on their purchases, gives his agent Jimmy Parker (James Dunn) an ultimatum: he has thirty days to become as successful as his competitor, Miles Hanover (Dave O'Brien), or he will be fired. Jimmy and his girlfriend Mary Mulvaney (Frances Gifford), the daughter of a policeman, try to repossess a radio from Lulu Driscoll (Rita La Roy), who has not kept up her payments. Jimmy is unaware that stolen jewels have been hidden inside the radio. These jewels were stolen from a famous movie star named Connie Hill (Anna Lisa). Since Jimmy is persistent and forces his way into Lulu's hotel room to take the radio, Lulu calls the police and they arrest both him and Mary and put them in jail. Meanwhile, Hill's manager, John Lawrence (William Hall), strongly suspects that her fiancé Steve Brady (George Douglas) is involved in her jewel theft. Lawrence and Hill listen in on a conversation between Brady and a man called Duke Jurgens (Paul Bryar) as they talk about a share in the robbery. Lawrence hires Skip Tracers to get the jewels back and Lannigan tells Hanover, Jimmy's competitor, to handle the case. Released from jail, Jimmy decides on a whim to marry Mary. He puts a down payment on a house and they buy furniture from a widow who is selling the contents of her house cheaply. Jimmy then goes to find Lulu to retrieve both the radio and the jewels but discovers that she's moved. Meanwhile, Hanover sees Brady being abducted by Jurgens and his gang. The gang goes to Lulu's new residence to find the missing jewels. When they discover Hanover spying on them, they tie him up, while both Lulu and Brady are bound and put in the trunk of a stolen car. As Jurgens and his men rummage through the house trying to find the jewels, they are interrupted by Jimmy coming for the radio. Jurgens gives Jimmy the radio just to get rid of him. As Jimmy puts the radio in his trunk, the bag of jewels falls out the back. Jimmy recognizes the stolen car parked outside the house as another on his list of skiptrace items, so he takes the stolen car and sends Mary home with their car. Jurgens and his men chase after Jimmy, ending with the police stopping both vehicles. Jimmy's new father-in-law is one of the policemen, and Jimmy shows him he has found the jewels and will get the reward money from the insurance company. He and Mary return to their new home, where they find they were double-crossed by the woman who sold them their furniture: it was all repossessed by skiptracers. ===== ===== ===== After both his parents died in an accident, Tsugawa Tatsuya is now left with millions in inheritance that he cannot use. In the weeks after, he is still mourning and thinking about his father's last words, "A Tsugawa family's man must be a man of great caliber". However, Tatsuya is not confident he can fulfill his father's last wish. One day a week after the accident, he meets Seine Miyazaki, a strange girl who seems to enjoy being bullied. Tatsuya believes he can help her although his friends only see her as a masochist pervert, and Seine herself told him to mind his own business. Seine hunts creatures of the sea, a kind of parasitic bug that controls humans and influences them to do hateful things. She possesses an immortal body and a beast called AiON that is used to lure and devour the bugs from inside the human host. She and the bugs naturally have an impulse to kill each other on contact. Even so, Tatsuya still cannot just leave her alone. He wants to help her. ===== After getting out of prison, Danny Kean (James Cagney) shocks the gang he leads by quitting. He wants his first stint in jail to be his last, and he has always dreamed of becoming a newspaper reporter. He hands leadership over to Jerry "the Mug" (Ralf Harolde), even though he suspects Jerry sold him out. Al McLean (Ralph Bellamy), the city editor of the sleazy Graphic News, had offered him a job when he got out, but when Danny shows up, Al is reluctant to take him on. Just then, Al's boss, Grover (Robert Barrat), laments that nobody has gotten a photograph of Hennessy (G. Pat Collins), a fireman who responded to a fire at the fireman's own house, found the dead bodies of his wife and her lover, and barricaded himself in the ruins with a gun. Danny sneaks in, pretends to be an insurance adjuster to lull Hennessy's suspicions, and steals his wedding picture. As a result, Danny is made a staff photographer. When some journalism students take a tour of the Graphic News (an example of everything not to do), Danny is attracted to Pat Nolan (Patricia Ellis). She goes out on a date with him, much to the annoyance of "sob sister" reporter Allison (Alice White), who makes it quite clear that she wants Danny too, though she is Al's girlfriend. A complication arises when Danny discovers that not only is Pat's father, Casey (Robert Emmett O'Connor), a police lieutenant, but Casey was the one who shot him (six times) and caught him. Naturally, Casey orders his daughter to stay away from Danny. However, Al gets him to change his mind by arranging for another newspaper to print a flattering story about him that gets him promoted to captain. When a woman is scheduled to be executed at Sing Sing, the Graphic News is the only paper not invited. Danny steals the invitation of another reporter, but finds that it is not transferable. However, Captain Nolan is in charge of the proceedings and lets him in. Casey takes a picture of the woman in the electric chair using a hidden camera strapped to his ankle (echoing the real-life photo taken of murderer Ruth Snyder in 1928). The other reporters find out and inform the police. A wild car chase ensues, but Danny delivers his prize to Grover and is handsomely rewarded. The photograph is printed on the front page. However, Pat breaks up with him after her father is demoted as a result. Al arranges for Danny to hide from the angry police at Allison's apartment, as she will be out of town covering another story. She returns early and eagerly embraces an uninterested Danny. Al comes in at that moment, and Danny loses his best friend. Danny takes to drinking to drown his sorrows. Al tracks him down and apologizes; he has found out about Allison. Al announces he has quit drinking (which had lost him jobs at all the respectable newspapers) and quit the News. They find out that Jerry the Mug has killed two policemen during a robbery and is the target of a massive manhunt. They realize that if Danny can find him, the scoop will get them jobs at any paper. Danny tracks Jerry down and pretends to be on his side. The police find his hideout without Danny's help, and a fierce shootout ensues. Danny secretly takes photographs of Jerry's last moments as he's being shot. When the police break in, Danny claims that he was working undercover for Nolan, which earns him a promotion back to captain. Danny and Pat are reunited, and the inside story is Danny and Al's passport to jobs on the Daily Record. ===== Vidya Barve, is a divorced, working woman, sharing a rented flat with a roommate in Mumbai. Our film deals with one single night which Vidya is forced to spend on the streets of this city. As she ambles on the deserted roads waiting for morning, she's frightened, lonely, angry, confused. She keeps recalling her relationships as they stand today - Her estranged husband, her teenaged son staying with her mother in small town Nasik, her boss, her colleague, her roommate. Alternating between her encounters during this night and her past, the film finally sees a visibly confident Vidya coming to terms with her lot. And that is when dawn breaks... The title Shevri suggests an insignificant wisp of cotton, which is Vidya. An ordinary woman with ordinary dreams, leading a life which is now out of the ordinary for her. Her coming to terms with her state today and becoming present to her life is what gives an essence to the film. "Shevri is an interesting film because of its innovative and intelligent cinematic narration by effective use of flashbacks" - Jury comment at the Pune International Film Festival 2007 where it won the best International Marathi Film Award.Pune International Film Festival Archive ===== Over the course of their marriage, Geoffrey Lymes (Walls) has become increasingly exasperated by the shallowness and superficiality of his wife Anne (Nesbitt). He despairs of her ridiculous affectations, social-climbing aspirations and constant embarrassing attempts in company to show herself as an elegant, cultured sophisticate. He feels trapped in a relationship where, as he observes, a wife "does nothing to entitle her husband to divorce her, but a thousand things that entitle him to murder her". Geoffrey's old college friend Ernest Melton (Stewart) and his French wife Elma (Arnaud) arrive at the Lymes' country home for a weekend visit. Ernest is an archetypal upper-class twit, wealthy but not overly bright, and completely cowed and dominated by the self- assured and outspoken Elma. He too finds married life less than satisfactory. Anne immediately goes into full desperate-to-impress mode and, to Geoffrey's amusement, Ernest seems completely charmed and captivated by her ludicrous airs and pretensions, while Anne is thrilled to have found an appreciative audience. Geoffrey meanwhile is strongly attracted to the feisty Elma, and his interest is apparently reciprocated. As the pair discuss their respective spouses with withering scorn, they realise that all four are married to the wrong person. They hatch a plan to throw Anne and Ernest together as much as possible in the hope that they will compromise themselves. Matters reach a head when it appears that Ernest and Anne are about to run away together. Geoffrey sees this as the perfect opportunity to achieve his aims without any blame attaching to himself or Elma. He confronts Ernest in feigned outrage, expressing his shock and disgust at his friend's conduct, while slyly stressing that if Ernest and Anne wish to be together, he can do nothing to prevent it and will give Anne a divorce. To Geoffrey's astonishment, the confused Ernest says that while he finds Anne pleasant and amusing, he does not love her and there has never been any question of the two eloping. The tables are turned, as Geoffrey is forced to admit to Ernest that he and Elma are in love. ===== Broadway star Patricia Wallace (Evelyn Venable) quits her Broadway show to run off with wealthy Fred Arnold (Ralph Forbes). Her director Jimmy Hart (Victor Jory) follows them aboard a super-speed monorail, the Streamline Express. Meanwhile, also aboard is John Bradley (Clay Clement) and his mistress Elaine Vincent (Esther Ralston), but Bradley's wife Mary (Erin O'Brien-Moore) ends up on the train as well. When Elaine gives her crooked pal Gilbert Landon (Sidney Blackmer) a diamond pendant given her by Bradley, in order to keep Landon quiet about her past, she pretends that the pendant was stolen, in hopes of hiding the truth from Bradley. But Landon manages to throw suspicion on Jimmy Hart, who is masquerading as a steward. It takes confessions by several people to resolve everyone's dilemmas. ===== Jilian (Downey), Carol (Bisset) and Meg (Smith) share a devastating ordeal, they were all rape victims of a vicious killer. They decide to help the police in their hunt for the perpetrator. However, on the first day of his trial he is assassinated by a sniper. His death makes suspects of the three women as a murder case enfolds.The Survivor's Club Locate TV. Retrieved on 9 October 2010 ===== Maggie, a professor of English literature, is fast approaching her silver wedding anniversary. But her world is shattered upon discovering that her husband, Tom, has been repeatedly adulterous during their marriage and now intends to marry his younger mistress. Facing divorce, she retreats to the tranquility of her hometown, where she met her first love, Patrick, decades earlier. Patrick has long since died, and the club where they danced together—the Harvest Moon—is closed and in disrepair. She seizes upon the idea of buying and restoring the club again—with the help of a young carpenter/woodworker, John, who turns out to be Patrick's son. Soon the attraction between John and Maggie is hard to deny. However, Maggie can't stop thinking of the obstacles between them, including his young age, his current girlfriend and, most critically, whether her feelings for John are sincere or only a projection of her long-ago love for his father. All is finally revealed once the Harvest Moon is open again.Dancing at the Harvest Moon Hollywood. Retrieved on 9 October 2010 ===== The disease that causes a world-wide catastrophe in the novel is H5N1, a strain of bird flu that was in the news at the time of publication.For example: Its mutation and rapid spread eventually causes the collapse of society and many economies across the world. The book's central plot features a group of teens in Saline, Michigan that must try and escape the city and head to the countryside where they can hopefully stay alive long enough in their uncle's cabin to be rescued. But in doing so, the teens must use whatever weapons they can find to defend themselves against looters, insane killers, and potentially dangerous sources of infection. In a world gone mad, the group must find the necessities, food, water and shelter, to survive.American Chillers ===== A boy named Tip is being raised by an old witch named Mombi who mistreats him. One day Tip decides to build a Pumpkin headed man named Jack Pumpkinhead made of wood to scare Mombi. She uses a magic powder on Jack and brings him to life. Mombi tells Tip that she is going to turn him into a marble statue and Tip decided to run away. He leaves with Jack taking Mombi's magic powder with him. They come upon a saw-horse and Tip uses the powder to bring the horse to life so that Jack may ride him. Jack and the saw-horse run ahead and arrive at the kingdom of Oz before Tip does and are introduced to the Scarecrow who now is the emperor of Oz. Meanwhile, Tip runs into General Jinjur who is organizing a war against the emperor of Oz so that she can become the new leader of Oz and change the role of women. Jinjur's army conquers the city and Jinjur is crowned. Tip meets up with the Scarecrow, Saw- horse, and Jack after the city is conquered and the Scarecrow suggests that they ask the Tin Woodman who rules the Winkies for help. Mombi offers to assist Jinjur in defeating the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow if Tip is handed over to her and Jinjur agrees. The Scarecrow, Jack, Tip, the Tin Woodman, and the Saw-horse are on the way back to the Emerald City when the run into the Woggle-Bug who joins them. Mombi uses her magic to try to deter them from the Emerald City, but they are helped by the Queen of the field mice and her subjects. The group manages to scare Jinjur and her army out of the throne room, only to discover that they were now trapped in the throne room surrounded by Jinjur and her army. They craft a sort of flying machine made with the head of deer called the Gump and fly out of the Emerald City. The group gets caught in a giant nest on their way to seek help from Glinda the good. They find a box of wishing pills and wish their out returning on the journey to Glinda. When they arrive, Glinda tells them there is a girl named Ozma who is the true heir to the throne of Oz who can take the throne from Jinjur. Glinda believes that the during his rule, the Wizard of Oz asked Mombi to hide Ozma so that his throne would not be taken. Glinda agrees to help and brings her army to Oz. Mombi and Jinjur try to disguise a soldier as Mombi, but Glinda sees through the plan. Glinda and Jinjur enter into an agreement that Glinda may search for Mombi, but if she doesn't find her, she must leave. Mombi disguises herself as a flower that the Tin Woodman picks while he is searching. Without knowing the group has found Mombi. Glinda leaves disappointed, but in the camp she notices the flower and drives Mombi out. Mombi is captured by Glinda and the group and is questioned about the true heir to the throne. Mombi confesses that Tip is actually the heir. Ozma was given to Mombi who turned her into a boy to disguise her. Tip is given a potion and changed back into Ozma who takes the throne from Jinjur. ===== Announcing his excitement for his upcoming birthday, Peter eagerly awaits to receive his gifts. After receiving a birthday card from Cleveland, Peter receives tickets to a female's boxing club from Quagmire, who invites the group there, where Peter's wife, Lois, is volunteered to participate in a fight. Easily beating her competition in an instant, the club owner suggests she become a professional boxer. Unable to understand how she won the fight, Lois becomes reluctant to fight anyone else. After Peter takes her blindfolded to a boxing club (even tricking her into wearing a boxing outfit) she thinks is a fancy restaurant, Lois becomes angered at him for tricking her. By imagining that she is beating up Peter, she is able to win the fight. Returning home, Lois begins taking boxing seriously, and starts working out. Continued to be angered by Peter, Lois aspires to be a champion boxer, and eventually becomes the top-ranked boxer in Quahog. During a fight, however, Lois' nose is broken, and she becomes reluctant to fight any longer. Going on to reveal that the only reason she fought was because of her hatred of her husband's obsession with boxing, and that she imagined she was beating up Peter during her matches because she can't actually beat him up for real, Lois and Peter agree to end her career, and go into retirement. In a ceremony honoring Lois, held by Mayor Adam West, she is called out by Deirdre Jackson, an undefeated champion fighter who was said to have killed three women in the ring, and she challenges Lois to a match. After insulting and humiliating Peter at the statue dedication (milking his man-breasts like cow udders), Jackson eventually convinces Lois to compete and come out of retirement. In a pre-fight interview with Tom Tucker, Jackson announces her intention to kill her opponent in Round 6, which only causes Lois to become even more angered. As the match begins, Lois becomes an easy target for Jackson in the first round. Feeling she stands no chance, Lois is convinced to continue fighting, making it to the sixth round. Badly beaten, Lois continues to be beaten by Jackson, who suddenly hits her with a big left hook, causing her to become nearly unconscious. Quickly recovering, Lois then begins unleashing her pent-up rage, and eventually and finally knocks her opponent unconscious herself. The next day, Lois begins her recovery as a champion, and she is surrounded by her family at the breakfast table. Peter is also excited, as he triumphantly announces that he now able to eat his cereal with his own breast milk, saved from his encounter with Jackson. ===== When Aurora discovers that his father has a big debt for the purchase of a new boat for his work as a fisherman, she decides emigrate to Caracas with her godfather Simon, for achieve fame and fortune as singer after that Walter Perez, a very famous TV producer, discovers her in her town, Chichiriviche, despite the opposition of Lydia (Walter's lover) and Venancio (Aurora's boyfriend). ===== During the Wars of the Roses (1455-1487), Sir Daniel is a powerful, unscrupulous knight, surrounded by equally treacherous retainers, Oates, Sykes, Appleyard, and Scar. Since the white rose of the House of York is in the ascendant, Sir Daniel and his household are loyal to York and the white rose. The film takes place just before Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick's rebellion against Edward IV (1469–1471). Some twelve years prior to this Daniel, Oates, Sykes, and Appleyard perjured themselves to attaint a nobleman, who later would go by the name of "Black Arrow." He went to France in exile while his five year old daughter Joanna was warded to Sir Daniel. Black Arrow had not seen his daughter for twelve years since she had been kept in a convent during the wars. Sir Daniel was also the guardian of his nephew Richard, who is trained to fight by Scar. Scar and Richard are unaccountably enemies. On the eve of Richard's twenty-first birthday he is finally able to defeat Scar, although Scar is handicapped by his left hand tied behind his back. Daniel's court then hails him as Sir Richard after he takes the oath to be loyal to the white rose of the house of York. Sir Daniel arranges for Black Arrow's now seventeen-year-old daughter Joanna to be brought from the convent to his castle to keep her from being rescued by her father. He also plans to marry her to take full possession of her inheritance. Appleyard is sent by Sir Daniel to one of his tenants to confiscate livestock for the Earl of Warwick's upcoming visit. Richard is also sent to assist Appleyard. Appleyard surmises that Black Arrow will confront him, which he does. Black Arrow accompanied by Lawless and armed with a long bow succeeds in killing Appleyard, armed with a cross bow. Richard challenges the outlaws to a duel with staves, but he is beaten and sent back to Sir Daniel. Joanna at Sir Daniel's castle is being prepared for marriage. She is a defiant adherent to the red rose of Lancaster, and she outrages Sir Richard by daring to wear a red rose in Sir Daniel's household. Richard angrily snatches the red rose off Joanna's dress and crushes it. The Earl of Warwick comes to Sir Daniel's castle for a visit during which time Sir Daniel persuades him to outlaw Black Arrow. Warwick is eager to help Sir Daniel because he wants to enlist his help in his future revolt against King Edward. Joanna overhears Sir Daniel and Warwick planning for her marriage, so she steals Sir Richard's clothing while he is bathing and escapes from the castle. Sir Richard is sent by Sir Daniel to recapture her and take her to York where Sir Daniel and Warwick have gone. Secretly Sir Daniel sends Scar and men-at-arms to kill Sir Richard and frame Black Arrow for his murder so as to take over his inheritance. Joanna succeeds in ambushing Sir Richard, who in turn overpowers her. While this is going on Scar shoots Sir Richard in the shoulder, but Joanna comes to his rescue. Hearing the approach of Scar and his companions Joanna rides off to draw them away from where Sir Richard lies gravely wounded. She is then captured by Scar and his men and taken to York. Sir Richard is discovered by Black Arrow and his men, who subsequently capture Scar. Sir Richard recovers sufficiently to engage Scar in close combat, which ends in Scar's death. In York, Oates reminds Sir Daniel that he will be a bigger land owner than Warwick and, then, double-crosses him by going to Warwick with the information that it was Sir Daniel that had Sir Richard killed. Oates is also fortunate in capturing Black Arrow and his companion Will, when the two arrive in York incognito to stop Joanna's marriage to Sir Daniel. Sir Richard manages to get to Warwick in York. Warwick, who is wary of Sir Daniel, grants Sir Richard's request to release Black Arrow and his companion. During Sir Daniel's wedding it is Richard, Black Arrow and Will who stand up to show just cause why Sir Daniel and Joanna should not be joined in marriage. Oates also stands up denouncing Sir Daniel as a murderer. Sir Daniel dispatches Oates with a tossed dagger. Sir Richard fights blade to blade with Sir Daniel but is disarmed and nearly killed, but Black Arrow succeeds in killing Sir Daniel with a black arrow. Sir Richard and Joanna marry and ride off into the sunset, Ostensibly headed for Sir Daniel's Castle which Sir Richard has automatically inherited. ===== Jayadeva Sharma hails from an aristocratic Brahmin family. However his family's fortunes disappears as his parents die and he is fostered by a goldsmith. Eventually he is betrayed by his friend Ananthapadmanabhan, a man who he thinks is Aathira's boyfriend. To get his money back, he disguises as a sage with the help of his friends Premadasan and gets into the house of Aathira's grand father, Kunnamanagalam Neelakantan Vaidyar as a guest. Jayadevan's and Aathira's friendship blooms after he saves her from Balagopalan, who is a cousin of her. Premadasan end up falling in love with Vasumathi who is also a cousin of Aathira. Near the climax on Aathira's wedding day, Jayadevan is held hostage by Ananthapadmanabhan and is saved by Premadasan. At the end Aathira's fiancé is caught and Aathira and Jayadevan unites. ===== Saltey in Essex, the "Back Door to London", has a long history of smuggling, and holds a secret that leads to murder. Albert Campion sends his young American associate Mortimer Kelsey to mingle with the locals to try to solve the mystery. The evidence points to a robbery from a yacht done years before by a dangerous criminal named Teague and his associates. ===== The film is set in the 1970s and two teenage boys form a connection with an older surfer. The boys Pikelet and Loonie have grown up in a small town and through surfing met up with Sando, who challenges them to take greater and more dangerous risks. ===== Joanna (Hamilton) is a magazine writer whose life is thrown into disarray when her husband leaves her for another woman. But she finds salvation when she is assigned to interview a Paris madame (Bisset) who inspires a sexual reawakening in her.Sex & Mrs. X Retrieved on 9 October 2010 ===== The film portrays the drama between Azem, an Albanian man, and Lea, a Slovenian woman married to Filip, a Serb. The events happen when the young couple moves to a place in southern Serbia at the outbreak of World War I, when Filip receives the invitation to join the military ranks. He leaves his young attractive wife in the custody of the middle-aged Albanian. The film speaks about love, the sacred Albanian promise ‘Besa’, as well as the cultural, ethnic, and language barriers in the Balkans. The film shows how the sacred given word can be stronger than love and temptation. ===== The story follows the characters of a TV journalist, Susan Allison (Hewitt), working on a profile of a woman, Caroline Thomas (White), whose husband naval aviator Lt. Neil Thomas was declared MIA 60 years ago during World War II. Susan immediately clashes with Caroline's grandson, Lucas Thomas (Faris), when he overhears her referring to the potential story as a fluff piece, rather than the very personal story it is, since she herself doubts if pure and true love exists. She apologizes, and manages to start the interview and starts spending time with both Caroline and Lucas. Her developing friendship with Lucas makes her have doubts about her relationship with her almost fiance, Andrew Hawthorne, a photographer who is frequently absent overseas. The interview with Caroline reveals that for 66 years she has had no information about her husband from the Department of the Navy. She tells her story about how she and her husband met in 1943, married, and then renovated a house they had bought from her uncle (which is where Caroline still lives). After a year, and despite a child forthcoming, Neil felt he should help his country more than just acting as a training officer, so he went into combat. Their last moments together were at the Union train station, where she handed him a handmade valentine professing her everlasting love, as he departed on a train. Caroline remained strong, and sent many letters to Neil. On one occasion, Neil replied with a letter containing a small, handmade whittled wooden sculpture of a fighter plane for the baby. After that Caroline stopped receiving letters. Caroline, along with the entire neighborhood, dreaded the times when a Western Union deliveryman arrived in the neighborhood with a yellow telegram, since this meant that someone's loved one was reported to be dead or missing in action. Eventually, the moment where Caroline received one came, but the telegram stated that her husband was missing in action, so she refused to believe that he was dead. Since then Caroline has returned every year on Valentine's Day to the same train station to wait for him. With the help of a United States Senator (Susan did an unrelated story on him) who puts pressure on the Navy, they locate the Billings family, whose now deceased father Jeff was a gunner on Lt. Thomas' airplane. From a surviving letter by Jeff to his wife we hear the account of the crash and of Morang, a Filipino guerilla, who rescued two wounded crash survivors. Susan turns to Andrew for help because he still has connections to the Philippines where Lt. Thomas was last seen alive. Putting past hard feelings over his breakup with Susan aside, Andrew manages to locate the elderly Morang whilst in the Philippines and sets up a video conference between him and Caroline. The story of the fate of Lt. Thomas, Morang says, is that he was badly wounded, but insisted his more seriously injured gunner, Jeff Billings, be evacuated first. When Lt. Thomas had recovered, he joined the Filipino guerillas and fought the Japanese deep behind enemy lines. During a patrol, Lt. Thomas was killed by a Japanese sniper while selflessly trying to rescue a little boy. Morang reveals he knows where Lt. Thomas's body is buried. The U.S. Navy goes to the grave site and returns Lt. Thomas' remains and personal effects to the United States. Caroline is handed Neil's dog-tags, watch, and wallet, which contains her valentine to him, now faded, which he always carried close to his heart. In recognition of Lt. Thomas's bravery, courage, and meritorious service, he is to be posthumously awarded the Navy Cross, Silver Star and Purple Heart. On Valentine's Day Lt. Thomas's coffin is returned to Caroline at Union Station by the U.S. Navy with full military honors, conducted in front of well-wishers and TV cameras, with a tearful Caroline taking her last goodbyes from her beloved Neil to the sound of Taps. Caroline is cheered when Lucas and Susan begin a romantic relationship. The film ends with Caroline, who has found peace and closure, seeing that the rosebush Neil had planted long ago in their garden has a new single bloom, the first in a long time, signaling long-lasting love, as she remembers her romantic moments with Neil in the same garden, to the sound of "Dream a Little Dream of Me" playing on the radio. ===== Jean-Francois (Berry) is the presenter of a love story-based radio show, he himself has a long-term erratic open relationship with Angie (Bisset). Angie has two daughters, the eldest is the married archetypal housewife, a lifestyle Angie cannot understand. But Winnie, her youngest feels restrained by the strangleholds of a traditional relationship.Les Gens qui s'aiment Cine Movies. Retrieved on 9 October 2010. French ===== Kim Won-kang (Park Hee-soon) is a former football prospect whose life did not turn out quite as he had hoped. He heads to East Timor, where he thinks there will be plenty of opportunities for him. One day, he sees a group of street kids playing football with bare feet. Thinking he can score by selling football shoes, he opens a sports equipment store, but realizes none of the kids can afford those fancy shoes or jerseys. Again, despaired, he is about to close up the store. Then, he decides to teach the kids how to play football. Penniless and still without shoes, they decide to compete at the International Youth Football Championship in Japan. ===== Balachandran (Jayaram) is arrested by police by mistaking him to be a house breaker, while entering his own home in middle of a night. He explains his pathetic financial situation to the police inspector (Shammi Thilakan), including his huge debts and love affair with Soorya (Sheela). After seeing him reluctant to take up her calls, the police inspector advises him to approach life positively by accepting her into his life. But Balu explains him that it is her marriage on the next morning and he is unable to bear the pain by talking to her. upon the request of the inspector, Balu takes up her call, and comes to know that she is now waiting for him at the railway station. Balu arrives at the railway station and meets her. With the help of Kitchu Manjaly (Suraj Venjarammoodu), a production controller in film industry, Balu marries Soorya at a temple in the same morning. Kitchu arranges a room for them to spend a night in the same hotel where a film crew was residing. Paul (Janardhanan), the film producer mistakes her to be the new heroine for the film and Kitchu to play things safe makes him believe so. Paul calls up Sidharth (Siddique), the film director and cameraman to conduct a screen test on the same night. Though reluctant, Soorya and Balu has no option left. Soorya appears for the screen test and is successfully selected as the new heroine. Balu plays it safe by claiming her personal make up man and appears on the set the next day. Soorya is re christianed as Anamika. during the shoot, Siddharth develops a soft feeling towards her, and finds Balu's interference as a nuisance. He tries all ways to belittle him and asks Anamika to dump him away. Slowly, the fever of stardom catches up Anamika, who is also cast for the next film by Siddharth, which Balu objects. To make things worse, her father arrives on the set along with her fiancée to patch up things. Things get worsened between Balu and Anamika, and he quits from the set. Up on the release of the film, Anamika tries to patch up Balu, but he publicly humiliates her. Upon realizing his mistake, in a bid to sort out issues, he lands up in Hyderabad where Anamika is acting as the heroine of Prithviraj Sukumaran. There Balu is the make up man of Chandra (Kamna Jethmalani), the second heroine. Sidharth is again disturbed by seeing him and tries all ways to kick him out, but all in vain. Prithviraj understanding Balu's issues with Anamika from Kitchu decides to help him with the support of Chandra. After the pack up, on reaching back in Kochi, Balu is arrested by police for financial forgery. Siddharth, by realizing the relation between Balu and Soorya decides to play a dirty game to own her. He files a case on her behalf against her for which Balu files back another one. The legal fight and how Balu patches up with Soorya forms the rest of the story. ===== Simon is an 18-year-old man with Asperger Syndrome. Incapable of living independently, he is cared for by his endlessly loving and patient brother, Sam, and Sam's girlfriend, Frida. He lives by an unchanging daily routine and finds any change in his life very stressful. He spends his day working as a groundskeeper in a special program for mentally disabled people, tending athletic fields and roadsides. He imposes routine on his two housemates with a wall chart that allocates chores and schedules leisure. When the world becomes too stressful, Simon seals himself in a large pot and imagines himself floating in space, where everything is perfectly quiet and predictable. These habits cause a lot of tension with his two housemates. One night, Simon interrupts Sam and Frida while they are having sex in order to ask for toilet paper. For Frida, this is the last straw, and the next day she dumps Sam and moves out. Simon returns home from work to find the house empty and dinner unprepared. When Sam returns home, he decides to order pizza for dinner, but this further distresses Simon as they usually eat tacos on Friday evenings. When Sam announces that Frida is definitely gone for good and that they must adapt, Simon suffers a meltdown. Sam, upset at Frida's departure, tries to rationalize away his pain by criticizing Frida's habits, such as being bad at sex and eating caviar sandwiches. Simon interprets these remarks literally and visits Frida's house, asking her to return and change her habits, since Simon is incapable of changing his. Frida angrily drives him off, telling him he ought to find another girl to take her place. Simon, as is his nature, takes Frida's remark seriously, and sets off to find Sam a new girlfriend who will better fit in with their lifestyle. Unaware of how love and courtship work, he compiles a list of Sam's tastes and habits and proceeds to look for women who match the profile. He stops random women in the streets and asks 13 certain questions (such as "do you prefer dogs to cats?" and "do you make noises when having sex?"), and when he finds a woman who answers all 13 questions correctly, he takes their details and photographs them. He presents to Sam an album of suitable matches he has found and asks him to choose his new girlfriend from them. Sam rejects the list, telling Simon it would be boring for him to have a girlfriend who matches his habits exactly, and suggests that a girl who differs from him would be more attractive, in the same way that the opposing poles of a magnet attract. ===== Pacifist John Armstrong (Ames) runs a drapery store in the small town of Melcombe, helped by his apprentice Peggy (Peggy Carlisle) and German assistant Otto (Dallas Cairns), who are having an affair. Local landowner Lieutenant Baring (Newall) finds Otto a suspicious character, but is angrily assured by John that he is trustworthy. Armstrong is attracted to Baring's cousin Betty (Elsie), who plans to turn their home, Fanshawe Hall, into a wounded soldiers' hospital on the inevitable outbreak of war between Britain and Germany. Otto leaves John a note stating his allegiance to Germany, and fails to return to work after the 1914 August bank holiday. Peggy is distraught as she is carrying his child. She is disowned by her family, but Betty hears of the situation and offers shelter to Peggy at Fanshawe. War breaks out, and injured serviceman start to arrive at Fanshawe. John visits to offer a charitable donation, and starts to tell Betty how he feels about her, but is deflated when Betty explains that running the hospital takes up all of her time and she cannot think of romance. Despite his pacifist inclinations, John finally enlists in the army. At the training camp he becomes fast friends with the cheery working-class Ginger (Teddy Arundell) and the pair admit their trepidation to each other. As the regiment leaves for the front, Betty turns up to wish John goodbye and good luck, and they embrace. While John fights in the trenches, Peggy suffers a miscarriage. She decides to become a nurse and help Betty at Fanshawe. John comes home on leave and is upset to see Betty handing her locket to Baring as a keepsake. Ginger arrives in Melcombe to visit. As he is out walking, he sees Peggy being harassed by a man and steps in to rescue her. They begin to fall in love, but before Peggy can be honest with Ginger about her past, Ginger and John are recalled to action. On the battlefield Baring is attacked by Otto, who is killed by Ginger. Ginger is shocked when he finds a picture of Peggy in Otto's pocket. John is moving the badly-wounded Baring to safety when he finds Betty's locket. For a moment he considers leaving Baring to die, but comes to his senses and continues dragging Baring to shelter. A shell explodes nearby, and John is blinded. He is repatriated and sent to Fanshawe to be nursed. The Armistice is signed. Ginger visits Melcombe again, but refuses to have anything to do with Peggy. Baring reveals that Betty gave him her locket for him to pass on to John, but for one reason or another he forgot about it. John now realises that Betty does not love Baring, but refuses to advance his own suit as he does not want her to feel she has to commit herself to a blind man out of sympathy. Betty is hurt by John's apparent lack of interest. Peggy intercedes, telling John he must be honest with Betty about his love for her. He refuses, but manages to effect a happy reconciliation between Peggy and Ginger. As society begins to recover from the war, John feels adrift and unsure what to do with his future. He learns of a network of Comrades Clubs set up by ex-serviceman, and finds purpose by setting up a branch in Melcombe. Ginger and Peggy have married, and come down for the grand opening of the club. On the big day, Betty decides that if John will not make the running, she will ask him to marry her. He agrees, and later receives the good news that he can have an operation which will restore his sight. ===== A traveller is stuck in an unknown town because his connecting train will only arrive in six hours. He decides to kill time by taking a stroll. He is not prepared to get confused with somebody else. In fact the citizens are eagerly awaiting the visit of a famous man and the clueless traveller is his doppelgänger. Soon he experiences what that means. ===== In "Book 1" the character is introduced into the story as a hero from an unknown location arriving to Lore (the world of DragonFable), destined to become a Dragon Lord who will own one of the two great dragons, unhatched in separate boxes (black and white) at the start of the game. Obtaining the dragon egg (ironically) from the Black Dragon Box is one of the two major story lines in Book 1 and of the rest of the game. The storyline throughout Book 1 revolves around a primary antagonist named "sepulchure," who is a "Doom Knight" possessing the White Dragon Box on a mission to capture all the "Elemental Orbs" as a means to achieve ultimate power and world domination. In addition to the series of Elemental Orb story arcs, there are many intertwining subplots in Book 1, creating a rich world full of creative and often comical discoveries. Temporary seasonal quest chains also appear during real-world holiday seasons (see more details below), which occasionally tie into the main plot line, sometimes in major ways. In "Book 2" the character assists a group of aliens that has escaped to Lore from an inter-dimensional creature called "Wargoth." The character also joins in a search, throughout the ever-expanding world of Lore, for the NPC "Warlic" after his disappearance at the end of Book 1. In "Book 3" the character awakens to a vastly-expanded Lore, after being encased in ice for five years, to engage, sometimes collaboratively but usually combatively, with the anti- magic movement called "The Rose," which has become a major power. ===== It is the story of the Kulkarni's, a middle class Maharashtrian family living in Shivaji Park, Mumbai. The story is through the eyes of Mughdha who believes in high thinking but a modest small living. Thoda Hai Bas Thode Ki Zaroorat Hai portrays the struggle of this middle-class family as they face a materialistic world and constant clashes between old age ideologies and modern thinking. ===== Hopeless but eager would-be private detective Cedric Gull (Hulbert) has just obtained a diploma from a backstreet 'School of Detection' and is keen to put his new qualification to good use. Fortuitously, he happens to stumble across a crime scene at the office of a diamond merchant, who has just been robbed and assaulted and is being tended by his secretary Sylvia (Brook). The police arrive on the scene, but despite Cedric's proud boasts about his sleuthing qualifications, they decline his kind offers of help. Striking out on his own, Cedric becomes convinced that the robbery was the work of a notorious gang of East End Chinese jewel thieves led by a mysterious and sinister individual known as The Vulture. He takes on board his ex-con sidekick Stiffy (Walters) and the pair set off in pursuit of the criminals. Their plans come unstuck when their inept bungling lands them both in prison. However the police, aware of their interest in the case, agree to allow them out to act as decoys. Cedric learns that Sylvia has been abducted by the criminals. He decides to disguise himself as Chinese and try to infiltrate their hideout and rescue Sylvia. After a good deal of hapless buffoonery and narrow escapes from sticky situations, he and Stiffy finally succeed in freeing Sylvia, unmasking the thieves and uncovering the identity of the elusive Vulture. ===== The film opens in a cave with a close-up of Juan Chávez's (Luis Aguilar) silver-plated revolver as he glances at a "Wanted" poster that offers a reward, dead or alive, for his capture. A suspicious man follows Juan out of the cave, and traces him into a small town. There, he enters a bar called "La Patrona", whose bartender is Carmen (Lola Beltrán) who is infatuated with Juan. She serves him something to drink, and they converse, as a next scene focuses on a beautiful woman named Rosa (Flor Silvestre) who sings the song "Cariño bonito" as she waters her geraniums and watches her birds. At the end of her singing, her aunt (Emma Roldán) arrives at the house and tells her of Juan's return to the town. She replies that he came back for her to take her with him, and to prepare her clothes. When Rosa arrives at the bar, Juan responds to her coldly, and even depreciates her. ===== The live show is an implied sequel to the 1973 Doctor Who television episode Carnival of Monsters. It centres around Vorgenson, the Greatest Showman in the Galaxy, who with the help of his incredible invention, 'The Minimiser', can make any Doctor Who character appear on stage as part of his travelling show dedicated to his hero. The show features Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor in pre-recorded video clips, with Nigel Planer as Vorgenson, The Inter-Galactic Showman. The show features numerous monsters from the show: the Judoon, Clockwork Robots, Silurians, Weeping Angels, Ood, Cybermen, Daleks, Scarecrows, Winders and Smilers. After showing off the different monsters he has captured Vorgenson reveals that he plans to use his device to create a scenario in which the Doctor will believe that the audience is in peril, he does this by pulling Winston Churchill from World War II, causing a paradox and threatening the present. As Vorgenson leaves the stage, Churchill is able to take advantage of this moment by contacting the Doctor through a mobile phone, and the Doctor rushes on his way to save Winston and the audience. Once Vorgenson comes back, he manages to sends Winston back into the minimiser and then sends the Judoon into the audience to find the Doctor in case he has already arrived. The Judoon attempt to scan Voregenson (who is an alien) but he tricks them into thinking the Doctor is in the minimiser and they return to it. Vorgenson leaves. The Doctor contacts the audience and tells them that if he shouts "Geronimo!" at them they must shout it back as this will automatically bring the TARDIS to the Doctor. A beep on the TARDIS screen troubles the Doctor, who cautions the audience that a group of Weeping Angels have escaped from the minimiser. The Doctor warns them not to blink, and leaves. A weeping angel appears on the big screen in a neutral position, staying there for a few minutes. Suddenly, the audience is distracted by a group of policemen entering from the back of the theatre, informing the audience to stay in their seats, and revealing that they were alerted by an anonymous tipoff. The police walk onto the stage and are picked off one-by-one by two new angels that have appeared next to the screen. Vorgenson comes back onscreen and sends the angels back into the minimiser, joking that the police were collateral damage. The Doctor appears and tells Vorgenson that it is his last chance to shut down the minimiser, or he will do it himself. Vorgenson, in a shock twist of events, manages to trap the Doctor himself inside of the minimiser. Vorgenson yells to the audience that someone else is behind all this before leaving, ending the first act. Some of the scarecrows entertain the audience during the interval. The second act starts immediately with the Cybermen being released into the audience, which features a sequence that a man is thrown into the minimiser and is "upgraded" into a Cyberman himself. Afterwards, the Daleks appear, and they reveal that they were the ones that gave Vorgenson the concept for the minimiser by projecting the ideas into his dreams. They capture the Doctor, who was trapped in the Minimiser by Vorgenson in the first act, and imprison him inside of a box on the stage. From the box, The Doctor manages to send out Cybermen from the Minimiser, and they engage in battle with the Daleks. Though the Daleks have the upper hand at first, the Cybermen reveal that they have upgraded their own technology, which allows them to overpower the Daleks. Realising that they can't win, the Daleks all retreat into the minimiser, and it seems that their evil plan has been stopped once and for all. The Doctor escapes from the box, and Vorgenson comes to apologize to the Doctor for everything he's done. The Doctor reveals that he's released all of the monsters that Vorgenson had trapped, with the exception of the Daleks themselves, and then offers to send Vorgenson back to his own planet. Suddenly, it is revealed that one of the Daleks managed to sneak away during the confrontation, and it threatens the Doctor and the audience. The Doctor then calls on the audience to shout out "Geronimo" with him, which allows for the TARDIS to appear. It overpowers the lone Dalek, and it is sent far away. The show ends with the Doctor thanking the audience, and leaving in his TARDIS. ===== The story opens with two men travelling in a car to a bungalow, not knowing how to get there. On the way they see a black magician who is Jayan's character's uncle. They ask him the way and he points towards the bungalow. After reaching the bungalow they start talking about the area, and realise that it is deserted. They meet Jayan's character, a shapeless ghost who tells his life story and how he liked his body. ===== A poor young woman must succeed in her dream as a saleswoman. ===== A New Jersey senator Hal Andersons campaign manager Joe Dugan (played by Jack Coleman) falls ill with liver failure and temporary paralysis. Meanwhile, Cuddy pressures House to add a female doctor to his team but eventually tells him that she has chosen for him: a third-year med student named Martha Masters, who is a genius. Taub appears to have a problem with Masters, which Foreman and Chase try to figure out. Throughout the episode, House keeps firing and rehiring Masters, rehiring her whenever he needs her for an idea, and firing her again as soon as he's done talking to her. Masters suggests a neuroendocrine tumor, and the team also considers DIC. The team give Joe an MRI to look for a tumor, but don't find one. Taub runs Joe's blood, which also comes back normal. Looking at the senator on TV delivering a speech, House suspects the senator has Hepatitis C, and thinks that he's had sex with Joe, and thinks Joe has Hepatitis C as well. He gives Joe interferon, but Joe doesn't get better. Masters notes that a German research study has shown that 15% of people with Hepatitis C who have been injected with Hepatitis A got better. When Cuddy says trying this exposes the hospital to liability, Masters tells her that she's being a coward. Foreman and Chase eventually find out that Taub dislikes her because he interviewed her for Hopkins Med School for an hour and she didn't remember him, even though she remembered the 20th decimal place of Euler's number. At the end of the episode, Taub learns the truth about Masters. She did remember him but felt awkward reminding him, and he mumbles "Is this Grandma's tea cosy?" A reference to an earlier conversation Masters had with House. House takes the senator's blood and runs it under Joe's name to get Cuddy to approve on his decision, despite Wilson's warnings that lying to her would be wrong now that they are involved. House also hires Masters in the end, saying she had him when she called Cuddy a coward. The show ends with Cuddy going to the nurses station to check up on House and discovering his lie. She is very visibly upset. ===== In the 18th century, the Sotos Oosterzoon, a Dutch slave ship, travels to Bermuda. There is an outbreak of smallpox among the African captives and, fearing quarantine, they throw the slaves overboard but it is too late: the ship is fired upon and intentionally sunk, along with its crew and captives, in order to contain the disease. In modern day, a family on vacation dive into the wreckage of the slave ship. A teen girl brings a sealed glass jar back up from the wreck. She accidentally breaks the jar, cutting herself and exposing herself to the contents of the jar: scabs from the diseased captives. House is certain that the disease is smallpox, coming immediately to the same diagnosis as the crew. The family is quarantined, the girl and father, being especially compromised, are put in an isolation room, and the team administers the smallpox vaccine to the two. As soon as the tell-tale blisters begin to appear, the CDC is called per protocol and institutes a lockdown. As the lockdown is occurring, the team discovers a rash on the girl's armpits inconsistent with smallpox, causing House to change his diagnosis. Dr. Dave Broda, the CDC official overseeing the case, blocks House's team from contact with the patients to make a new diagnosis, so they turn to the only other evidence they have: the captain's logs from the wrecked slave vessel. House enlists the aid of a translator, a Dutch webcam stripper he finds on the internet. Based on the information in the logs, House is reconfirmed in his opinion that the girl does not have smallpox. House attempts to lie to get his team into the room to test his hypothesis, but is stopped. Masters, although unable to closely examine the patient, notices that the girl lacks the characteristic pustules that would be expected from smallpox. Meanwhile the girl's father begins to develop smallpox symptoms as well, but more characteristic symptoms. House is confounded as to why it appears that the girl does not have smallpox after all, but her father does. He concludes that the father contracted the disease from the smallpox vaccine they gave him. Unbeknownst to them, the father's immune system has been compromised by the return of his kidney cancer (which had been in remission). House demands they administer the treatment for the smallpox variola. When Broda refuses, House risks his own life by entering the containment room and administers the treatment to save the patient. However, the father does not respond to the medication and dies. House figures now that the disease was likely smallpox after all, and also realizes that he has consequently exposed himself. The rest of the team is despondent, but Masters returns to the journal in desperate search for another diagnosis. She notes that a cat on the ship had lost all his fur and then died, strong evidence for rickettsialpox, a disease easily treatable with antibiotics. Masters tasks House with searching the father's body for eschars. When House successfully spots eschars on the body, Broda orders that the daughter be treated with doxycycline, saving her life. In a subplot, Wilson and Sam reexamine their relationship while treating a young chemotherapy patient whose mother gets locked outside of the hospital during the lockdown. House and Cuddy also face relationship difficulties after Cuddy discovers House lied to her in "Office Politics" in order to administer an unconventional treatment of Hepatitis C (an injection of Hepatitis A) to a patient. ===== A patient is admitted to Princeton Plainsboro after reenacting the Crucifixion. During the initial conversation, the patient reveals that he crucified himself to honor a bargain he made with God for curing his daughter's cancer. Taub comes up with a sound diagnosis but the patient starts losing teeth so the team scraps the idea. However, Chase and Masters break into the patient's apartment to see that he has been starving himself which was the likely cause of the tooth loss. Regardless, the patient refuses the treatment because of the promise he made to God to save his daughter. Meanwhile, Cuddy walls House for an apology about lying to her and also pulls him for the wedding dinner of the hospital's chairman-of-board. Chase takes Foreman to the wedding as a wingman and fixes him up with a girl, telling her that Foreman's his boss. At the end of the night, Chase takes off with that very girl and a friend of hers. While House and Cuddy start leaving for the rehearsal dinner, Cuddy makes a cynical remark by telling him that the marrying couple has only nineteen months because, in the state of New Jersey, couples can only divorce after 18 months of living separated, implying they would split-up after their honeymoon. House and Cuddy discuss Cuddy's wedding gown of preference and House says that it wouldn't be Cuddy's first marriage if she married. She says that it would, but deducing from her remark about New Jersey divorce laws, House says that he had checked the records stating that she was married for six days in 1987 and that she lied to him, but he forgives her. Cuddy storms off. Taub notices his wife take her cellphone to the bathroom that morning and suspects that she's having an affair. Confronting her about it, he learns that she's been corresponding with somebody from an infidelity support group. At the wedding dinner, Taub and Rachel have an argument about her friend. Rachel stands her ground, implying taking revenge on Taub's adulterous past. After the dinner, during a conversation with Taub, Foreman, and Wilson, House gets an idea and runs back to the hospital. He visits the patient and tells him that the annual CT scans that his daughter receives were unable to detect tiny spots of remaining tumor and the PET scans he did revealed them. He concludes that the patient should receive the treatment because God had already broken the bargain. Embittered, the patient agrees. Later on, House reveals that he had been lying, but that the patient is recovering. Instead of losing his faith, he thinks that the proof that, even after accepting stem cell treatment, God did not punish him proves that God is merciful and all about love, as his daughter said. Meanwhile, Wilson tells House that Sam asked him to review her medical files in order for things to run smooth for a management change. House checks them in Wilson's absence and remarks that Sam had five files which point towards a misconduct about medicine doses. Wilson struggles for a cover but House reassures him that Sam must have done so because the patients were most likely terminal and overdosing would serve as some sort of relief, adding that Sam and Wilson were a perfect match. Wilson reveals that he's going to propose during the wedding. Wilson proposes to Sam by telling her how impressed he is about her moral sense about those five cases. Sam is afraid of commitment and gets cold feet. She covers it up by accusing Wilson that she was honest when she said she did not interfere and blames Wilson for not trusting her. Wilson comes home to see Sam packing up ready to flee. After a volatile argument about confidence, Sam dumps Wilson and runs away. At the end of the episode, House apologizes to Cuddy and asks for a leap of faith, promising never to lie to her again. That night, Wilson comes over to House's apartment. House tells him that he apologized to Cuddy but in fact he was lying again. ===== Josh Kovaks is the building manager of The Tower, an upscale apartment complex in New York City. Its employees include Josh's brother-in-law, concierge Charlie Gibbs, who is expecting a child with Josh's sister; Enrique Dev'Reaux, a newly hired elevator operator; Lester, the doorman nearing retirement; Odessa Montero, an immigrant maid from Jamaica threatened with deportation; and receptionist Miss Iovenko, who is studying to become a lawyer. One morning Josh witnesses what he believes is Arthur Shaw, The Tower's penthouse tenant, being kidnapped. Josh gives chase, but is tackled by FBI agent Claire Denham, who explains to Josh that Shaw was actually attempting to flee the country to resist arrest for masterminding a Ponzi scheme, embezzling $2 billion. Josh confesses to the Tower staff that he gave their pensions to Shaw to invest, and they have lost everything; Lester attempts suicide by stepping in front of a train, but survives. After visiting Lester in the hospital, Josh, Charlie, and Enrique confront Shaw, under house arrest in his penthouse apartment. Shaw expresses condolences, but is not sincere enough when he forgets to ask if Lester is all right. Out of anger, Josh smashes the windows of the 1963 Ferrari 250 GT Lusso displayed in Shaw's apartment living room. Josh's boss Mr. Simon fires him for his actions, as well as Charlie and Enrique. Josh meets Denham at a bar where she drunkenly suggests that Shaw has concealed $20 million as a reserve, and that Josh should steal it. Josh, Charlie, Enrique, and evicted Tower tenant Mr. Fitzhugh conspire to find and steal the money from Shaw's assumed safe. They supplement their inexperience by enlisting Josh's childhood friend Slide, a petty criminal, and Odessa, who has locksmith experience that can help open the safe. Charlie is rehired as The Tower's new manager, and still feeling uncomfortable with Josh's plan, warns Josh that he must abandon it, or Charlie will turn him over to the police. Subsequently, Denham informs Josh that Shaw is scheduled to attend court on Thanksgiving during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to avoid publicity, and that Shaw will likely be set free. Josh and his team decide to break into Shaw's apartment during the parade. Slide attempts to betray the team by reaching the safe ahead of them and taking all of the money for himself, having tricked Odessa into giving him lessons. The team intercepts him at Shaw's apartment, and during the ensuing altercation, they break down a false wall, revealing Shaw's safe, which turns out to be empty. Slide and Fitzhugh fight over Slide's gun, which Fitzhugh accidentally fires, and the bullet hits the Ferrari's hood, revealing gold underneath the paint. They realize that Shaw invested his money in gold, turned it into car parts, and assembled the car to hide the money in plain sight, which is worth 45 millions in total. They then decide to lower it to Fitzhugh's old apartment using a window-washing platform and then push it on top of one of the elevators. Later, Josh finds a ledger of Shaw's illegal finances in the car's glove box, and Charlie rejoins the team after realizing their presence and saves Fitzhugh from falling to his death. Shaw and the FBI return, revealing the Thanksgiving Day court date to be part of Josh's plan. Denham notes the missing car and Shaw's safe, and remands him back into federal custody until his real court date for violating his bail by not declaring the latter. Denham and the FBI arrest all the conspirators but Slide as they walk out the tower. Josh reveals to Shaw he found the ledger. Shaw tries to negotiate a deal to everyone involved with cash ten times the value of the gold in the car in exchange for their silence, but they refuse his offer, reminding Shaw “they don’t accept tips at the tower”. Miss Iovenko arrives, telling the FBI that she passed her bar exam three days ago and will be Josh's attorney. She shows them Shaw's ledger and tells them she will turn it over in exchange for everyone's freedom. The FBI accepts on the condition that Josh, being the primary conspirator, serve a minimal two-year sentence. Shaw pleads guilty and is sentenced to life in prison. The team retrieves the car from the swimming pool of the tower, takes it apart and sends various parts to Tower employees to compensate for their lost pensions while they spit the remaining of the gold for themselves. As Josh is led to his cell, a satisfied smile slowly forms on his face. ===== Part 1: The film begins with Jack stealing a stone tablet from a French museum... Young archaeologist Jack Hunter planned only to take a picture of a cuneiform tablet from once unsurpassed Mesopotamian metropolis Ugarit in present Syria, but is caught and has to steal it from a private museum in France. He refuses to join his mentor, professor Frederic "Freddie" Shaffer, who believes the poem is a coded treasure map, on a relic hunt, until his friend is murdered to steal it. The obvious suspect is Syrian artifact trader Ali, so Jack flies to Damascus. There he must accept working with local, US-educated colleague Nadia and her driver Tariq. Their lives are threatened during the long relic quest, for one by common nemesis Albert Littman, but another secret lurks too. Part 2: Akhenaten, a pharaoh who raided Ugarit, stole its treasure and the second piece of the Star of Heaven. If Jack and his team find the tomb, they will find the treasure and the Star. Loads of action and mystery await. Part 3: The final piece of the puzzle and final film in the film series. It seems the Romans got to Akhenaten's Tomb first. The race is on to see if Jack and his friends can find the treasure and recover the Iris back from Littmann and the Russians. ===== Set in Montevideo's legendary Cinemateca Uruguaya, it is the story about the closure of a cinematheque with the same name due to financial difficulties, and how it affects its film loving middle manager Jorge (played by film critic-turned- actor Jorge JellinekThe Guardian, 15 January 2012: A Useful Life – review Linked 25 October 2013), who has worked there for 25 years. At first he is overwhelmed by the prospect of having no profession or purpose, and drifts around in Montevideo. But eventually he realises that nothing can kill his love for film, so he ends the day by taking his love interest to the cinema. Although the story is fiction, Cinemateca Uruguaya, which celebrated 50 years in 2012, is besieged by financial problems, and its director Manuel Martínez Carril agreed to play himself in the film.Indiwire: A Useful Life Linked 25 October 2013 ===== The central character in the drama, The Chisera, is a Medicine Woman of the Paiutes — who, in communion with the gods, is supposed to be as one removed from human passion. Those who come to her regard her as an intermediary, with the power of influencing the Great One. They all work her “to their best advantage.” But The Chisera tires of her lonely occupation and gives her love to Simwa, the Arrow Maker. In the tribal matters that follow this complication the drama is a tragic revelation of Indian plotting and deceit. The Chisera is deserted by Simwa for the chief's daughter, and though this Medicine Woman has not been taught the potent exercise of hate, she ceases to exercise her power of intercession with the gods. And this brings misfortune to the tribe and grief to those involved in the way of Simwa and of one Padahoon, both rivals for tribal leadership. The final curtain falls on the death of The Chisera, mortally wounded by one of her own enchanted arrows. ===== Dayu'er is a Khorchin Mongol princess who is deeply in love with Dorgon- one of the several sons of Nurhaci, a Jurchen chieftain. Yet, she soon becomes the concubine of Dorgon's older brother Hong Taiji. Hong Taiji is already married to Dayu'er's aunt Jerjer to secure the alliance between the Khorchin Mongols and Later Jin. Hong Taiji initially has feelings for Dayu'er, but realizes that she only loves Dorgon, so he directs his affections to her sister, Harjol. Hong Taiji later becomes the founder of the Qing Dynasty, with the help of Dorgon and other brother Dodo. Dorgon and Hong Taiji have a strained relationship because of Dayu'er and the forced suicide of Dorgon's mother, Lady Abahai. After Hong Taiji's death, Dayu'er son Fulin becomes Emperor and is assisted by Dorgon. Fulin suspects that his mother and Dorgon have a love affair and strips Dorgon of his power. However, Fulin is disillusioned with life after his true love Consort Donggo dies. Dayu'er now becomes regent for her young grandson, who ascends to the throne as Kangxi Emperor. ===== The series retells the life of Yinreng, a son and heir apparent to the Kangxi Emperor. Yinreng was installed as the crown prince and demoted twice throughout his life. His younger brother, Yinzhen, eventually takes the throne and becomes the Yongzheng Emperor. ===== Irfan Khan (Pavan Malhotra) is a key mafia affiliate in Mumbai. Khan is on the wanted list of criminals in Hyderabad, India with a bounty of 50 lakhs. Aiming to migrate to Dubai so that he can remotely control the operations in Mumbai, Khan devises a plan of getting four of his own men to hijack a domestic flight from Hyderabad to Kathmandu (destined for Mumbai) in which he is a passenger. The Home Minister of Maharashtra (Narsing Yadav) is also in the flight, and the four men are to release all the passengers and concentrate on the Home Minister. From Kathmandu, he plans to go to Dubai. For the hijack, he organises a group of four intelligent men who are in dire need for money and who do not have a criminal record. The audience is made to believe in the beginning that the four central characters are these four men, but in fact they kidnap Khan before the flight takes off, aiming to get the prize money. They hide Khan in a forest and call the Assistant Commissioner of Police, who is a double agent for the mafia. When the ACP does not yield (as he wants them to release Khan), one of the four, Kumar (Shashank), makes a deal with the Mafia and obtains a bag with 2 crores. However, the bag in which the money is kept in has a bomb in it. When Kumar tells the others that he has done this, they back out, and he joins with them, just in time. Meanwhile, Khan's assistant, Musharraf (Veerendra Chowhan), comes and takes Khan from the forest, but is stopped by IB agent Zaheer Khan (Sivaji Raja), who has been following the four men and Musharraf throughout the movie. Finally, the four friends come back to their house. They find a bag, which they had lost previously. With that they find a note from Zaheer explaining everything. The bag also has, to their joy, their prize money. ===== Cleveland Jr. dresses up as a pancake for Halloween and wants to go out trick-or-treating. But Cleveland says that he is too old for trick-or-treating. So he leaves him home to pass out candy. Meanwhile, Cleveland goes trick-or-treating with Donna, Rallo, and Roberta. After giving candy to a trick-or-treater dressed as Harry Potter, Junior decides to go trick-or-treating anyway. He puts on his pancake suit and goes out, only for a gang of popular bullies from his school led by football team captain, Oliver Wilkerson, to egg him and vandalize the outside of the Browns' house and Halloween decorations. The Browns get back from trick-or- treating, they see that their house vandalized. A battered pumpkin told them that Cleveland Jr. left. Later on, Cleveland talks to Junior about what happened. Cleveland and Donna go into Junior's room and sees that he is giving away all of his childhood toys. Donna suggests that he should stop him from getting rid of what defines him. Later on, Cleveland changes Junior's personality and appearance to make him like a rapper. He acts differently, which makes Donna believe that he is not happy. In bed, Junior looks at his old pictures of him and his stuffed animals, and says that he misses his old self. When Roberta announces she is attending Oliver Wilkerson's party, Junior goes too in an effort to launch his new personality as a cool kid. However, when Cleveland drives to the party to check on him, he sees Oliver and his friends still bullying him. Donna says that Cleveland has created a monster out of Junior. and Cleveland decides to change him back. He brings Junior's stuffed leopard and pancake costume back so he can help him figure out who he really is. They then go trick-or-treating with Cleveland's friends. They throw toilet paper at Oliver's house and start throwing eggs at him and his gang in retaliation for their cruelty towards Junior. Meanwhile, Rallo decides on eating too much candy, without listening to what his mother said about not overdoing it. He grows to have a big stomach full of candy. Then, he decided to eat one last piece of candy, which causes his tooth to break off. Rallo figures that Donna was right about his teeth rotting out. Rallo is trying to figure out where to hide his broken tooth so Donna would not find out about it. He hides it under his pillow and finds a quarter under it the next day. He ends up telling Donna about what happened and she explains what happened when Rallo's tooth was taken, inspiring Rallo to try to gain further visits after newly discovering the Tooth Fairy. ===== A beautiful young woman named Christina arrives in Europe to visit her estranged relatives in a small castle for the reading of her dead father's will. She eventually discovers that they are all undead, and they fear that when she inherits her father's mansion, she will ask them all to leave. But Christina is lonely and tells her Uncle Howard that she wants them all to remain there and live with her. She learns that a spirit called the Queen of the Night has claimed her father's eternal soul because he committed suicide by hanging himself. Christina winds up becoming one of the living dead herself, and at the end of the film, she and the rest of the family all solemnly march off into a swamp on the grounds of the estate, accompanied by the Queen of the Night. ===== Five authors compete with each other and encounter different personal issues. ===== The domineering Edwina Black has just died, and the general feeling appears to be of relief. The local community whispers that her death is a blessing for all concerned, particularly her henpecked widower Gregory (Farrar) and downtrodden personal companion Elizabeth (Fitzgerald). Unknown to anybody, Gregory and Elizabeth have been lovers for some time, and matters take a serious turn when the local doctor, feeling uneasy about Edwina's sudden and unexpected death, orders a post-mortem. It reveals that Edwina's body is full of arsenic. Inspector Martin (Culver) has been instructed to get to the bottom of the case and his suspicions naturally fall on Gregory and Elizabeth, who have motive and opportunity. In the absence of proof, he sets out to trap them, hoping that they will inadvertently implicate themselves. A guidebook to Italy is found in Elizabeth's possession. How does she explain that? A complicating factor arises when it is discovered that the housekeeper Ellen (Jean Cadell) has been keeping secrets of her own, and also had good reason for wishing Edwina ill. Martin proceeds to drop seemingly innocuous but loaded observations into the ears of the three suspects, hoping to provoke doubts and foster mutual suspicion. This works so well that they are soon apparently falling over themselves to incriminate each other. Martin has to try to untangle the stories to come up with a coherent picture of what actually happened, all the while being aware that he is perhaps being misdirected. ===== Michael Overton (Michael Esposito) and his wife Allison (Marie Caldare) are a couple who have been traumatized by the death of their daughter in a car accident. Allison has been especially affected, as she has been unable to even acknowledge that her daughter has died. She lives in a trance-like state and is unable to perform normal adult functions. Dr. Turner (John Hurt) recommends the Overtons hire a live-in nurse to assist with Allison's psychological healing. They hire a nurse recommended by Dr. Turner, Katherine Randolph (Beth Tegarden), whose unorthodox methods cause tensions to arise in the Overton home. ===== Dr. Leonard Gillespie (Lionel Barrymore), racing against time in his battle with melanoma, is about to start an important research project at Blair General Hospital to improve the use a Sulfa drug, Sulfapyridine, as a cure for pneumonia with the help of his assistant, Dr. James Kildare (Lew Ayres). Paul Messenger (Lionel Atwill), a Wall Street tycoon, asks for Gillespie's help in diagnosing the drastic, sudden personality changes that occur in his daughter Nancy (Helen Gilbert). Gillespie assigns Kildare to pose as an old friend of the family in order to observe Nancy. At the same time, Gillespie borrows an airplane to fly Kildare around the country collecting blood samples for Gillespie to examine around the clock. When Gillespie collapses from exhaustion, Kildare forces the cranky old doctor to take a rest as a patient and persuades Blair head of hospital Dr. Carew (Walter Kingsford) to assign him to work full-time on the Messenger case. Kildare's move forces Gillespie to put the project on hold, and while the old doctor goes fishing on a much needed vacation, Kildare, still hiding his identity as a doctor, begins to investigate the causes of Nancy's symptoms. He learns that Nancy's symptoms began to appear when she feared she had lost the love of her fiance. While talking with Nora (Sara Haden), the family housekeeper, Kildare learns that Nancy suffers blinding headaches. Nora, who disdains all doctors because of their inability to help Nancy's mother, has convinced Nancy that she is suffering from the same type of brain tumor that killed her mother. Nora takes Nancy to see a nature healer named John Xerxes Archley (Grant Mitchell), which prompts Kildare to admit that he is a doctor and dispute Archley's diagnosis of a "brain tumor" but alienates him from the family. With the help of ambulance driver Joe Wayman (Nat Pendleton) and his trusty monkey wrench, Kildare gets access to Nancy, who now has hysterical blindness. Kildare tries to consult with the vacationing Gillespie over the girl's symptoms but is rebuffed. Gillespie returns to Blair ostensibly to give a lecture to the interns on treating psychosomatic symptoms. Following Gillespie's advice, Kildare pretends to operate on Nancy's eyes and arranges for the first person she sees afterwards to be her fiance, thus curing her hysterical blindness. Meanwhile, Gillespie returns from his vacation revived, and realizing that Kildare quit the experiment only out of concern for his health, reconciles with his assistant. Together they embark again on their research into curing pneumonia. ===== Based upon a summary in a film publication, Charlie (Fairbanks) has a girlfriend Estrell (De La Motte) who has a theory that if rich people would take a number of poor children into their homes each day, the environment would cause the children to grow up properly. Since Estrell does not know any of these rich people, Charlie offers to arrange a meeting. However, Charlie thinks impostors will do as well as the real rich people, so first he hires some men who turn out to be burglars and gamblers. Then he tries using dummies, but Estell is not fooled and becomes indignant. A wealthy man working as a reporter goes to investigate a report of a man dragging a body which turns out to be Charlie moving a dummy, allowing Charlie to finally meet someone rich. Estell is satisfied and agrees to marry him. ===== After breaking up with his girlfriend Piyali Patel (Tara D'Souza), Luv Agnihotri (Ali Zafar) insists his younger brother Kush (Imran Khan) to find him a bride. Kush travels all over India to find a bride suitable for Luv. But he doesn't find anyone who his brother will like. Then his friends come up with an idea to advertise this in a news paper. Mr Dixit calls and tells them that he is looking for a suitable person for his daughter, Dimple (Katrina Kaif). Dimple Dixit enters. Obnoxious and loud, she is decided by Kush as perfect bride. After meeting Luv, Dimple agrees for alliance with him. Her brother Ajay wants them to get married at a place in Agra from where Taj Mahal is visible. During the wedding preparations Kush and Dimple fall in love. So they come up with a plan to get married. Dimple invites Piyali to India. And seeing her Luv realises that he still loves her and the two run away and get married. After reading their letters Dimple's dad Dilip and Luv-Kush's dad Swarnik have a fight first, but figure that the only way to protect their respect and pride is to get Kush and Dimple married. But Kush has a condition that he will marry Dimple only if Luv and Piyali are accepted. The family agrees. Luv-Piyali and Kush-Dimple gets married and stays happily ever after. ===== Onboard a ship traveling to Liverpool, England from the West Indies, Anglican missionary's widow Olivia Harwood (Ann Todd) is prevailed on to help nurse malarial patients on the lower decks. There she meets the suavely handsome Mark Bellis (Ray Milland), who has been taken ill. Despite Mark's vagueness about his life and past, the couple strike up a friendship. Fully recovered by the time the ship docks, Mark persuades Olivia to allow him to take up residence in the lodging house she has inherited from her late husband. He proceeds to work a smooth line of seduction on her, while still finding time to also use his charms on the more worldly and vulgar Kitty (Moira Lister). Mark's past as an art thief and forger is revealed as he reunites with former partner-in-crime Edgar Bellamy (Raymond Lovell) and the two plan a daring art heist. Things go awry, and they are forced into a rooftop flight, narrowly avoiding police bullets. Returning to Olivia, he tells her he intends to leave London to try to make good elsewhere. However, she has now fallen under his romantic spell and is prepared to do anything to keep him with her. The couple are in dire need of money, and Olivia is persuaded to insinuate herself into the home of her wealthy former schoolfriend Susan Courtney (Fitzgerald) and her older husband Henry (Raymond Huntley). She finds Susan in a state of neurosis and barely suppressed hysteria, worn down by the criticisms of the cold and sneering Henry, who agrees to employ her as Susan's live-in companion. Under Mark's urging, she immediately begins to pilfer stocks and bonds and small valuables from the Courtney household, passing them on to Mark to turn into cash. Mark meanwhile has discovered an old bundle of letters from Susan to Olivia, containing youthfully indiscreet descriptions of romantic dalliances and questionable moral conduct. Realising that making public the contents of the letters would ruin the Courtneys' social reputation, he believes that he has hit the financial jackpot. As low as she has already sunk under his influence however, Olivia finds the notion of blackmail repugnant and a step too far down the road of criminality. She flees from the Courtneys and looks into the possibility of a return to overseas missionary work, only to find that a lone woman is not wanted. She finds herself sheltering in a gloomy church, where Mark somehow manages to track her down. In despair, she falls for his blandishments and submits herself again to his control and instructions, blackmail and all. Olivia returns to the Courtney household and sets in motion the blackmail plan, while Mark continues to dally with Kitty and gifts her a locket which was given to him by Olivia. Unknown to Olivia or Susan, Henry has become exasperated by Susan's apparent inability to produce the heir he craves, and is plotting to have her committed to a distant mental asylum. He has also employed a private detective (Leo G. Carroll), who has managed to trace the missing stocks and bonds back to Mark and has built up a dossier of his criminal past. Henry locks the horrified Susan in her room to await the arrival of the sanatorium doctors and orders Olivia out of the house. At Mark's behest, she returns to step up the blackmail threat, but is countered by Henry confronting her with the information he has on Mark, which would be more than enough to hang him. A struggle ensues, and Henry collapses with a life-threatening heart attack. Olivia releases Susan and tricks her into giving her husband a dose of medicine laced with poison. Henry succumbs, the police are summoned and the hopelessly confused and incoherent Susan makes what sounds like a confession to murder. She is taken away to prison to face the prospect of the gallows. Mark announces his intention to take Olivia away with him to a new life in America, beyond the reach of British prosecution. Olivia however is conscience-stricken about Susan, and matters take a fatal turn when she runs into Kitty, wearing the incriminating locket. All her illusions about Mark's love for her suddenly shattered, she finally realises that she has all along been no more than a willing pawn in his game. Keeping her own counsel, she waits until the opportunity arises in a hansom cab to take her ultimate revenge by fatally stabbing Mark. The film ends with Olivia entering a police station to turn herself in. ===== 21-year old Tashi has grown up in the lush valleys and mountains of Manali. Brought up by her father Adheer Singh after her mother's demise, she idolizes him. She believes in textbook romances inspired by her father's devotion to her mother Rohini who he still loves, seventeen years after her death. She helps her father with his restaurant business. Tashi's best friend is Rohan and they have grown up inseparable from each other. However, a whirlwind romance with a handsome stranger, Arjun, leads to a hurried marriage and then she stumbles upon a lie that Arjun had told her - that he does not have a family. Tashi realizes that she has married into a royal family from Rajasthan - a family shrouded in mystery and hiding dark secrets. Soon enough, Tashi discovers the murky truth about her in-laws and most importantly a curse that threatens to shatter her present and future. She finds herself trusting and mistrusting almost everyone around her. In the face of such extreme adversities, Tashi discovers courage to take on the might of evil and emerges victorious in her bid to save herself, her husband and her unborn child. ===== The series is based on the life of Nurhaci, the founder of the Qing dynasty. Nurhaci started his life of a warrior-king by uniting the Jurchen (later Manchu) tribes under his rule. In addition to suppressing the threat of internal conflict, Nurhaci attacks the Ming Empire's territories in northern China. Nurhaci helped to build a strong foundation for his son and successor, Huangtaiji, who eventually conquers the Ming Empire and establishes the Qing Empire. He also is entangled between five women in his life, and this is highlighted in the series. The five women are Menggu, Naqiya, Dongge, Abahai, and Tunggiya Qingya. Dongge is a renowned beauty from the plains and loves both Nurhaci and his brother Surhaci. Tunggiya Qingya is Nurhaci's primary consort and the mother of Cuyen and Daisan. Menggu is the mother of Hong Taiji and a beautiful woman with a mysterious past. Abahai was his favorite during his later years and the mother of Dodo, Dorgon, and Ajige. Naqiya was the former wife of Li Rubai, but Nurhaci later wed Naqiya to Surhaci. ===== Chaitanya, (Akkineni Nagarjuna) is the chief mechanic for the upcoming Roots Challenge 1991 Automotive rally race – which starts via the route from Chennai coast to Goa coast, a route which is noted for illegal drug trade and arms trafficking. Retired Major Harischandra Prasad (Girish Karnad) is the chief guest for the rally, his daughter Padmini (Gautami) also competes for the Roots Challenge Trophy. Chaitanya's journalist friend Sudhakar (Chinna) witnesses the murder of the city D.I.G. in a park. The D.I.G.'s murder happens to have been planned by underworld gangster. Later, Sudhakar's murdered by a gang near his garage because he witnessed the murder of the D.I.G. Chaitanya finds himself beaten by the gang after he comes to the assistance of Sudhakar. When he regains his senses he finds himself with a revolver in his hand and in police custody, arrested and charged with the homicide of the friend he tried to assist. With evidence pointing toward his guilt, he has virtually no defense and may well spend the rest of his life in prison or be hanged. He manages to escape from the prison with the help of Chaitanya's garage assistant, Golconda (a drunkard), through the journalist's friend (Joseph) in a water tanker. Disguised as the journalist's friend, the gangster's henchman is hidden in the tanker. The police commissioner (Kota Srinivasa Rao), who is a close associate of Harischandra Prasad, attempts to solve the mysterious murder of D.I.G. and the journalist. The criminal's henchman plans to blast the water tanker and kill Chaitanya who flees from Srungavarapukota prison in the same water tanker. But, after a battle with the henchman inside the water tanker, Chaitanya escapes and jumps from the water tanker into a lake and the henchman dies in the water tanker explosion. Police send Chaitanya's case to CBI as they come to the conclusion that it was Chaitanya who was killed in the explosion. Chaitanya gets to participate in the One Halt Race by joining at a milestone on the route, in the guise of the garage assistant's race car. He finds out that the photographs of D.I.G.'s murder caught by his journalist friend are hidden in one of the three cars of the rally. In another twist, Padmini happens to drive the car in which 1 photograph was hidden. How Chaitanya unweaves the mystery behind all this crime and how Padmini & Chaitanya fall in love in the process and identify the high-profile criminal adds to the rest of the plot and suspense in the film. The D.I.G. was killed by three people. According to the pictures, the guy in the brown coat is the police commissioner, who claims to be the gangster. Police commissioner forces Harischandra and Padmini to join the drug trade. Chaitanya manages to reach the commissioner's safehouse, where it's revealed that Harischandra's the high-profile criminal. Commissioner didn't know that someone else was the mafia, boss. Harischandra kills the commissioner. When Chaitanya shows up, he realizes that Padmini's father was the gangster who is responsible for illegal drug trade, arms trafficking, DIG's murder, Sudhakar's murder, and ordered his gang to frame Chaitanya. The film ends with Chaitanya killing Harishchandra, the gangster when he attempts to shoot him. ===== Photographer Dave Tiler lives with his partner Rita, their three children, and Rita's older daughter of unknown paternity, Lucy. Dave also has an older daughter named Tanya (who has a son of her own, and works as Dave's assistant) from his first marriage. Rita works at a school with her best friend Sarah, who is unsure about whether to start a family with her partner Matt. The Tilers' lives are thrown into chaos when Rita is hit and killed by a police car; the children try to come to terms with the death of their mother, and Dave struggles to cope with raising them alone. Dave and Sarah share a grief-stricken kiss, and are unsure of their attraction to each other. When Lucy starts a quest to find her real father, the shocking results leading Dave to question the paternity of his and Rita's other children. In anger at Rita's dishonesty in keeping Lucy's paternity and her relationship with the father a secret, and questioning Rita's fidelity, Dave sleeps with Sarah, who is angry and hurt when Dave starts post-coitally ranting about Rita. At the same time he begins to doubt if the three other children are really his. Dave faces growing financial problems, problems with his grief-stricken children, and potentially losing Lucy to her biological father. Meanwhile Matt discovers that Sarah has cheated on him with Dave, and sleeps with Tanya as revenge, leading to a showdown at Dave's house. Ultimately, Dave must slay the ghosts of the past, and decide whether to pursue new love with Sarah. ===== The sixth season opens with the Israeli and Palestinian delegations arriving at Camp David for peace talks. Despite problems at the summit, a deal is thrashed out by President Bartlet, but not before he fires Leo as chief of staff. Leo suffers a heart attack in the aftermath, leading to a re-shuffle of the White House staff. CJ Cregg becomes chief of staff but she finds it difficult to adapt, a fact not helped by the President's MS and the interference from the First Lady. Away from the White House, Josh convinces Texas Congressman Matt Santos to run for president, and after a shaky start, he finds himself in a three-way race for the Democratic nomination with Vice President Russell and former Vice President Hoynes. While the Republican primaries provide a clear winner in California Senator Arnold Vinick, the Democratic ticket is not finalized until the Democratic National Convention, at which Santos is chosen as presidential nominee, with Leo McGarry as his running mate. Meanwhile, someone at the White House has leaked national security information to reporter Greg Brock. ===== Sulabha Mahajan (played by Smita Patil) is a woman who dreams to step out of the four walls of the house, assume greater responsibility as a citizen and play an important role in shaping the society. She has passion to do something constructive for the abused, assaulted, neglected and traumatized womenfolk of the society she lives in. She gets a job offer as Superintendent of a Women's Reformatory Home in a remote town of Sangamwadi. The job offer raises objections from her lawyer husband Subhash (played by Girish Karnad) and conservative mother-in-law who refuse to understand her need to move to the town and work for rehabilitation of the women. But her sister-in-law supports her by offering help in looking after her young daughter Rani. Determined Sulabha then goes ahead with her dream job. She meets various challenges in her new endeavor. She starts with bringing discipline in the Home and also discovers frauds that take place there. But she is not helped by the managing committee which is filled with selfish and careless people. She hence decides to take steps against their sanction. She starts some classes to educate willing women and also marries off one of the inmates in order to give a new start to her life. She discovers how a local MLA Bane has been regularly using the inmates of the home to satisfy his sexual needs. Two of the inmates decide to run away but are forcefully brought back to the home. They both commit suicide by burning themselves. Sulabha is then questioned by committee and newspapers for her improper control on the home. An administrative enquiry is set up against her. It is then that she decides to resign and give up all her work and return home. When she returns to her home she is happily welcomed by her sister-in-law but not so much by her daughter and mother-in-law. She then comes to know that her husband Subhash has been involved with another woman in her absence. His betrayal changes her mind and she again sets off to follow her dream work. ===== The Duggals are a middle-class Punjabi family living in a one-bedroom apartment in Lajpat Nagar, Delhi. The middle-aged patriarch, Santosh Duggal (Rishi Kapoor), is a modest high-school mathematics teacher; his wife Kusum (Neetu Singh) is a stay-at-home housewife who quit her job at Santosh's insistence. They have two teenage children: a tomboyish college-going daughter, Payal (Aditi Vasudev), who narrates the film, and a high-schooler son, Sandeep (Archit Krishna), a.k.a. Deepu or Sandy. They lead a hand-to- mouth existence, penny-pinching at every opportunity. Santosh commutes using a dilapidated old scooter, nicknamed ‘Duggal Express’, from his home to the school and to a coaching centre, where he gains a supplementary income. Despite his best efforts to give his children a quality education, he always falls short of their expectations, who wish for a comfortable life despite their situation. One evening Santosh receives a phone call from his sister Urmi (Supriya Shukla), who informs him that her youngest nanad (sister-in-law) is getting married at their home in Meerut that weekend. This throws the children's plans of buying gadgets out the window, as their meagre budget is now further strained with the burden of travelling to Meerut and buying gifts for the groom's family. The following night, Urmi turns up at the Duggals’, and entreats the family to arrive at the wedding by car at any cost; if they show up on the scooter, she will have to face taunts from her family. Santosh immediately says that this is impossible, since he does not have the finances to arrange for borrowing a car, let alone buying one. However, Kusum promises a distraught Urmi that they will go to the wedding in a car, no matter what the expense. After a co-teacher at school proposes renting a car to Meerut, but at too high a price, Santosh turns to his jovial neighbour Farooqui (Akhilendra Mishra), who offers the Duggals his old Maruti Esteem. Payal drives the family to Meerut without any big hassle. The wedding is a success, and Urmi's family is pleased to see the Duggals. However, upon returning home, Payal reverses the car into a wall, damaging its rear bumper and tail-light. Farooqui is unperturbed by the damage expenses, but his wife Salma (Natasha Rastogi) loses her temper and challenges the Duggals to buy a car. Despite himself, Santosh takes up the challenge, and vows to buy a new car within fifteen days. Farooqui sympathises with Santosh and advises him to buy only a new car and not a second-hand car. Santosh visits a car dealership and is offered a Maruti Alto with an attractive offer, but he has to buy the car within five days to avail of the offer. Payal is displeased with the choice of car, as she wanted something more modern like her boyfriend's i10. She refuses to accompany her family for the Alto's test drive. Eventually she applies for a job at a call centre. Meanwhile, Deepu, who had been betting money on cricket matches, is shell-shocked when the betting ring is exposed and arrested; he destroys his phone, to his girlfriend's consternation. That night, an exuberant Payal tells Santosh about her new job's offer letter, but he is unhappy with his daughter sacrificing her education for some extra money. In a fit of rage, Payal tears up her offer letter, but then the family comes to know of the betting ring through a TV news report. Payal and Kusum are enraged, but Santosh is calm. He takes Deepu to distribute the betting money among street children. Having been refused a loan by both a school- teacher and the coaching centre's owner, Santosh is at his wits’ end to pay the car's down payment. In desperation, he buys a thousand packets of 555 Brand detergent, in the hope that he gets to win a car through a lucky coupon found in one of the packets. The family spends considerable time ripping open cartons, cutting through packets and fishing out coupons, but the grand prize eludes them. Then Santosh chances upon an answer-paper of one of his students’, wherein the student requests him to award him at least passing marks; in return, for each mark awarded, Santosh will get one thousand rupees. Santosh and Kusum had seen the paper earlier but had brushed it aside; now Kusum wonders whether they are doing the right thing, but Santosh reassures her that, in a fast-paced, burgeoning Delhi where his students get high starting salaries, an aging teacher deserves at least a matchbox-sized car. Santosh and Payal proceed to a McDonald's restaurant, where the student's father has arranged to meet them along with him, his grandfather and his uncle. Meanwhile, Deepu is convinced, through another sting operation report on TV, that his father has fallen for a scam, and sets out alone for the restaurant. The men sit across Santosh and Payal. The grandfather asks him to show how many marks were awarded. Santosh is astounded to discover that the boy is his student Aryan. Just as Santosh is about to show the answer-sheet, Zafar Iqbal, an ex-student of his, arrives on the scene with his wife and small daughter, and thanks him for making him a successful person in life and a principled ‘good boy’. Zafar tells Santosh that he and several other ex- students live in New York and recount memories of Duggal Sir. After he leaves, Santosh, clearly moved, refuses to take the money, telling Aryan that they will both have failed if he were to undeservedly pass him: Aryan for thinking that money can buy anything, and Santosh for being remembered for dishonesty. He is about to leave, when a furious Payal, on learning that Aryan had spray- painted lewd messages on Santosh's scooter, starts an uproarious fight between the Duggals (including Deepu, who has joined the scene) and Aryan's relatives. Both parties, splattered with sauce, flee the restaurant, with Aryan's SUV in hot pursuit of the ‘Duggal Express’ as the latter speeds through the roads of Delhi. The Duggals have only just reached home when their pursuers arrive at their street, asking for their address and creating a ruckus. Farooqui informs a nervous Santosh about their presence. The Duggals come down and start apologising to them; Deepu had even been convinced that they were running a sting operation. However, their fears are unfounded: the grandfather introduces himself as Popley, the proprietor of Popley Sweets, and offers the Duggals twelve months’ advance tuition fees to supplement their glaringly inadequate teaching income, which they reluctantly accept. He requests Santosh to teach Aryan to be a morally good boy, unlike his two wastrel sons. Payal and Deepu are now more proud than ever that their father is a teacher. The film ends with the Duggals enjoying their new Maruti Alto; as Payal teaches Santosh to drive it, they lament that they are now stuck in traffic jams, whereas they would have simply squeezed through them with their scooter. Of course, it is a small price for them to pay. ===== On a beautiful May day, the Garonne floods, washing away all the bridges; ruining nearly two thousand houses; drowning hundreds; and leaving twenty thousand starving to death. The novella describes the immediate impact this flood has on one household. ===== Jane Stuart (Mary Pickford), a sweet old-fashioned girl brought up with her brother John (Jack Pickford), by their poor Aunt Angela (Gertrude Norman), suddenly inherits wealth. While she tries to retain her traditional wardrobe, customs and ways, her brother likes the attention that is now being paid to them by people like their neighbours, the Monroes (Donald Crisp), (Lillian Langdon), who previously shunned them. Rosanna Danford (Frances Marion), is “the wicked sophisticate” who has her eye on Stanley Hudson (Marshall Neilan), Mary's beau. At her first reception, Jane, now wealthy, is still wearing her grandmother's old-fashioned gown. She, however, is dressed more demurely compared to the other girls at the event and attracts a group of male admirers. Jane later tries to fit in with a new crowd, and attempts tennis and golf. She accepts an invitation to go yachting from Stanley, who, hoping to win Jane, has attempted to introduce her to a new luxurious life. Rosanna is jealous and arranges for an pilot to take Jane flying, planning that she will miss the outing and be far away from Stanley. Jane is "kidnapped" and taken away by an aircraft. Although a misunderstanding follows, Jane later accepts Stanley's belated proposal. ===== Jack (Robert Williams) is released from prison after being framed in a drugs set-up by his girlfriend Becky (Helen Rule). Armed with a gun he goes in search of his lover with dire consequences. At one point Jack drops into Caractacus's café bar and Leonard is reading to his muse Miss McGee and to his Afghan friend and musician Dizzy, this scene was cut from the Film festival because of licensing issues but is in the Director's Cut. ===== The film opens with a scroll saying that when Alfred Hitchcock's film The Birds (1963) was released, audiences laughed at the notion of birds revolting against humanity, but when an attack perpetrated by birds occurred in 1975, no one laughed. This is followed by a pre credits sequence of a tomato rising out of a woman's garbage disposal. Her puzzlement turns into terror as the tomato draws her into a corner. Following the credits, the police investigate her death. One officer discovers that the red substance with which she is covered is not blood, but tomato juice. A series of attacks perpetrated by tomatoes occurs (including a man dying by drinking tomato juice made from a killer tomato, a boy heard being gobbled up by a killer tomato, and a sequence where the tomatoes attack innocent swimmers, in a parody of Jaws). While the President's press secretary Jim Richardson tries to convince the public that no credible threat exists, the President puts together a team of specialists to stop the tomatoes, led by a man named Mason Dixon. Dixon's team includes Sam Smith, a disguise expert who is seen at various points dressed as, among other things, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Adolf Hitler; scuba diver Greg Colburn; Olympic swimmer Gretta Attenbaum; and parachute-toting soldier Wilbur Finletter. Smith is sent out to infiltrate the tomatoes at a campfire, eventually blowing his cover while eating a hotdog and asking if anyone could "pass the ketchup." Colburn and Gretta are sent to sectors, while Finletter stays with Mason. Meanwhile, the President sends Richardson to the fictitious ad agency Mind Makers, where executive Ted Swan spends huge amounts of money to develop virtually worthless ploys, including a bumper sticker with "STP" for "Stop Tomato Program" on it, a satirical reference to both the real "whip inflation now" campaign with its widely ridiculed "WIN" slogan and STP motor oil decals and bumper stickers which were commonplace in the 1970s. A human is revealed to be also plotting to stop Dixon when a masked assassin attempts to shoot him, but misses. A senate subcommittee meeting is held where one secret pamphlet is leaked to a newspaper editor, who sends Lois Fairchild on the story. While she tails Finletter, he mistakes her for a spy and trashes a hotel room attempting to kill her. He then chases the assassin as the masked man fails again to kill Dixon, but loses him. Gretta is killed and further regression has led leaders to bring in tanks and soldiers to the West Coast in a battle that leaves the American forces in shambles. Dixon, walking among the rubble, sees a trail of tomato juice and decides to investigate. He ends up being chased by a killer tomato to an apartment where an oblivious child is listening to the radio. The tomato is about to kill Dixon, but suddenly flies out the window. Dixon peers out to see if it has died, and he spots the assassin hijacking his car. He chases the assassin in a "slow car chase" that has since been copied by other comedies. Dixon is eventually knocked out by his own car. Awakening, Dixon finds himself captured by Richardson. Though he did not create the killer tomatoes, he has discovered how to control them and plans to do so once civilization has collapsed - leaving him in control. He is about to reveal his secret of control to Dixon when Finletter charges in and runs him through with his sword. Dixon, picking up some strewn records, realizes that he has seen the tomatoes retreat at the sound of the song "Puberty Love", but had not put two and two together until now. He orders Finletter to gather all remaining people and bring them to the stadium. Finletter remarks that "only crazy people" are left in the nearly deserted city, resulting in a motley assortment of people in costumes facing the attacking tomatoes at the stadium. The tomatoes are cornered in a stadium. "Puberty Love" is played over the loudspeaker, causing the tomatoes to shrink and allowing the various people at the stadium to squash them by stomping on them repeatedly. Fairchild, meanwhile, is cornered by a giant tomato wearing earmuffs, hence cannot hear the music. Dixon saves her by showing the tomato the sheet music to "Puberty Love". He professes his love to her, in song. The film ends with a carrot that rises from the soil and says, "All right, you guys. They're gone now." ===== In July 1969, 90-year- old Julius Bedford (Rory Kinnear) tells young Jim (Alex Riddell) the story of two men who made the first journey to the Moon in 1909. He relates that when he was a young man, he met Professor Arthur Cavor (Mark Gatiss) at Apuldram. Cavor had invented "Cavorite", a substance that blocked the force of gravity. Bedford encouraged Cavor to think of the profits his invention might bring, and they worked together to build a cast iron sphere that would fly them both to the Moon. After landing on the lunar surface and discovering its oxygen atmosphere is frozen into the surface and released in direct sunlight, the two explorers are captured with nets and taken underground by the Moon's inhabitants (whom Cavor names Selenites). Upon their revival, Cavor and Bedford are fed and try to communicate with the Moon creatures, but to no avail. They are prodded with long poles toward the edge of a lunar abyss. They find themselves in a perilous state after Bedford reacts to the threat and accidentally kills several Selenites with his greater strength. They split up, and Cavor remains behind to give Bedford time to escape. Bedford stumbles through various tunnels and comes upon their spacecraft, which the Selenites brought underground during their captivity. He climbs aboard and activates the controls. Bedford nearly crashes the sphere into the Sun, but recovers and much later lands near the seaside close to home at West Wittering. His hopes of returning to the Moon to rescue Cavor are dashed when a passer-by, Chessocks (Lee Ingleby), climbs aboard and accidentally takes off into space with the hatch open. Bedford does not know how to produce Cavorite, so another sphere cannot be built. Cavor remains in captivity and teaches the Selenites English and some of mankind's history; he also teaches them the formula for Cavorite. The Selenites conclude from hearing about the warlike nature of humankind that the species is a threat to the Moon, and they determine to use Cavorite to make a pre-emptive strike with spacecraft similar to the one that brought Cavor and Bedford from Earth. In desperation, Cavor communicates his intentions in Morse code to Bedford via wireless, and later releases all the Cavorite produced by the Selenites. This causes the Moon's internal and frozen surface atmosphere to escape into space. As a result, the Moon's surface is reduced to a wasteland. This is the barren landscape that is discovered by the Apollo astronauts when the Apollo 11 lunar lander sets down on the Moon's surface; a sole Selenite observes the Earth spacecraft from a distance. ===== Vinayan comes from a rich family, but he cannot stand modern lifestyle. His brother spends time dancing at clubs, his sister always listens to the radio, and his parents are always busy. He gets tired of life in the city and moves to a village, taking a small job as a village officer. There, he falls in love with a village girl, but she is just the opposite of Vinayan and she wants to enjoy the luxurious life in a city. Soon they part. Vinayan continues in the village, while his wife moves to the city. After a while, she understands that her village life was far better and returns to her own village and the couple reunites. ===== 1980, in a rural village in the Lyon region, Saint- Julien-sur-Bibost. Joseph Poacher ("Jojo") and his wife Lucienne ("Lulu"), a nagging shrew and inveterate alcoholic, lead a married life for the less confrontational, in their farm located in a place called "Paradise". One day, Jojo watches a story on television about a brilliant lawyer who has just achieved his twenty-fifth acquittal. Very impressed, Jojo will seeks the lawyer out. He tells her he killed his wife even though he hasn't actually yet done so. By a set of very clever questions, is explaining how he would have had to make to be pretty sure to get the extenuating circumstances. Jojo in then returns to "Paradise" and begins to organize, as directed by the lawyer, the staging of the "perfect crime". ===== In South America, the daunting mountains and dangerous weather have hampered the operations of Trans-Andean European Air Mail, a 1930s-era airline. Charged with delivering a serum to stem an outbreak of infantile paralysis in Rio de Janeiro, Auguste Pellerin (Robert Montgomery) conquers his fears, but is reprimanded by the airline's stern director, A. Riviére (John Barrymore) for coming in late. Determined to make the night flight program work, Riviére sends pilot Jules Fabian (Clark Gable) and his wireless operator on another dangerous flight. The pair are caught in a torrential rain storm and when Madame Fabian (Helen Hayes) comes to the headquarters, she realizes that her husband is overdue. The two airmen, flying blind over the ocean, run out of fuel and choose to jump, but drown. Riviére refuses to quit and orders a Brazilian pilot (William Gargan) to take the mail to Rio, but the pilot's wife (Myrna Loy) pleads with him not to go. Despite the dangers, the night mail is delivered on time. The pilot despairs that his flight only meant that someone in Paris can get a postcard on Tuesday instead of Thursday, but its real value is proven when the serum is also delivered and a child is saved. The mother weeps for joy at her child's bedside, and the scene dissolves to two parachutes floating on the ocean. A ghostly plane appears with Fabian, smiling, at the controls. He soars up into the sky, followed by a host of phantom biplanes; the following words appear on screen: "And such is human courage...that men others might live...and so, at last, man's empire might reach triumphant to the sky!" ===== Jerry Corbett (Fredric March), a Chicago reporter and self-styled playwright, meets heiress Joan Prentice (Sylvia Sydney) at a party and they begin dating. Jerry soon proposes to Joan, and even though his economic prospects are dim and he is an alcoholic, Joan accepts his marriage proposal, against the objections of her father (George Irving). Even though Jerry becomes heavily intoxicated just before their engagement party, ruining it, Joan stands by him. Jerry writes some plays which are rejected, and fights his alcohol addiction. He manages to sell a play and the couple travels to New York to watch the production. The star of the play turns out to be Jerry's former girlfriend, Claire Hampstead (Adrianne Allen), and on the premiere night he drinks heavily, becomes drunk, and mistakes Joan for Claire. Still, Joan stands by him. But, when Joan catches Jerry trying to sneak out to Claire's one night she kicks him out. The following day she tells him that they will have a "modern marriage" and that she intends to have affairs herself. When Jerry is next seen, he is making a "Merrily we go to hell" toast with Claire. In turn, Joan and her date toast to the "holy state of matrimony–single lives, twin beds and triple bromides in the morning." Joan becomes pregnant and learns from her doctor that her health is poor. She tries to tell Jerry, but he is too occupied with Claire and she decides to move on. After he is unable to write a successful follow-up play, Jerry eventually realizes that he loves Joan, and regrets his behavior. He commits to sobriety, returns to Chicago, and works as a reporter again, but Joan's father keeps them apart. Jerry discovers Joan has given birth from a gossip columnist and goes to the hospital to see her. Joan's father tells him the baby died two hours after his birth, that Joan is very ill, and that she does not want to see him ever again. However, Jerry sneaks into her room anyway, while Joan in pain is asking the nurse to send for Jerry, she has to see him. He discovers his distraught wife has been pleading to see him all along. A repentant Jerry pledges his love to her and they kiss. ===== Orville "Gabby" Denton is an alcoholic drifter with a chronic gambling problem. Despite his flaws he is beloved by his family. Gabby's brother-in-law Beef gets Gabby work as a mechanic at the Metropolitan Garage. The shop is a front to a stolen car ring. His brother-in-law Beef, who is otherwise honest, is aware of this. One day, Gabby is sent to pick up Silver, Jenkins's girl friend, whose car has broken down. Both Gabby and Silver start a relationship, after which Silver leaves Jenkins. During a getaway one of car thieves hits Gabby's nephew Buddy, who is in the street driving a toy car. The driver makes it to the garage, and Buddy receives treatment at a hospital. A witness points out the car to Gabby, and he understands it's the car that drove into the garage to be repainted. He investigates and discovers a piece of Buddy's little car in the wheel of the stolen car. When he confronts Beef, Beef gets drunk and confronts Jenkins and the head of the stolen car ring. They kill Beef, making his death look accidental. Photographer Bill Jones gives Gabby a photograph of Beef in the car before the accident, which shows Beef was already dead. Silver and Gabby confront Jenkins. The criminals drive away, but die in a car crash. With the hoodlums out of the way, Gabby marries Silver. ===== The Hyperboreans have kidnapped Rann, the daughter of Njal, leader of a tribe of Aesir warriors. Soon, Njal leads his men on a raid to rescue her. The young Cimmerian, Conan, participates in their raid. Ominously, the thirty men sent ahead as scouts vanish, and, when the rest reach the enemy stronghold, they witness their comrades being tortured to death on the fortress walls. Conan infiltrates the castle and rescues Rann, while the Aesir travel back to Asgard, pursued by the Hyperboreans. Turning at bay, Njal's men realize that the reanimated corpses of their slain comrades are among those fighting against them. In the ensuing battle, Conan is captured by the enemy. (His escape is detailed in "The Thing in the Crypt," previously published but later chronologically.) ===== Conan and his comrade, Jamal, are the sole survivors of a calvary of Turanian soldiers ambushed by Khozgarian tribesmen. Fleeing the massacre, they encounter Shanya Karaz, daughter of a Khozgari chief, whom they seize as a hostage. Their journey takes them across the Bhamlar Pass, which they brave despite Shanya's warnings about the People of the Summit, survivors of a dying race who haunt the high mountains. Lost in the pass, the three are attacked; Jamal is killed and Shanya captured. Conan escapes a troop of grey-haired apes and pursue the creatures towards an ancient tower in his quest to rescue Shanya. ===== Following the events of "Black Colossus", Conan leads a small band of warriors to rescue King Khossus of Khoraja from his Ophirean captors. Their quest is progressing unusually well, which raises Conan's suspicions. Soon, Conan discovers that one of his comrades is an agent of the enemy, and realizes he will have to go it alone on his quest. ===== O'Brien plays an Irish mine worker, Barney Slaney. Later Barney gets a job as a fireman on the local train for an engineer named Mileaway. He gets married, but finds his wife having an affair with Grover Perkins, a childhood nemesis. Barney loses control and kills them both. He turns himself in and receives a life sentence of hard labor. Barney quickly finds out that the brother of the man he killed, Ed Perkins, will be in charge of his chain gang, and the brother bullies him repeatedly. While the prisoners dig graves, Barney knocks Ed unconscious and drops him into one of the open graves. He then escapes during the ensuing mayhem, in which the warden is killed. He breaks out of the police dragnet, and hides at a farm which recently had a pestilence infection. He meets a woman named Lorraine, and they run away together. ===== During the events of "Shadows in Zamboula" and Conan the Raider, Conan journeys into Ophir with a fabulous jewel called the Star of Khorala, knowing it was formerly owned by Queen Marala of Ophir, who will pay well for its return. Once in Ophir, Conan learns that Marala has fallen from grace and been imprisoned. Freeing the queen, Conan escorts her west toward Aquilonia, where she has a hereditary fief on which she can begin life anew. However, before they can reach their destination the two are trapped inside a mysterious temple where the gem turns out to be a key in the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. In the end, Marala is restored to her ancestral estate in Aquilonia as the Countess Albiona. She will later play a role in the events of the novel Conan the Conqueror. ===== Conan, as second mate of Gonzago's freebooters, participates in his voyage to a nameless island off the coast of Stygia to steal a mystical jewel guarded by Siptah, an evil sorcerer. The expedition immediately goes wrong, with its own magician Mena and Gonzago himself both killed. Conan is left in command to battle Siptah's winged demon and discovers a secret while inside the sorcerer's tower. ===== Thongor guides his pirates towards the haunted island of Zosk, in order to locate the blood pearls of a lost civilization. His scout ends up dead. Thongor finds him, after searching by himself in the lush jungle. The dying man writes a warning about black moonlight in the sand. Thongor travels on and discovers a pool containing the legendary pearls. He is attacked and captured by a tribe of beastmen, the survivors of an ancient race. Soon, Thongor is restrained over an altar as a high priest casts a spell using his mystical sceptre. The spell reverses the sky so that the stars are black and the sky is white. A tall pillar of obsidian is transformed by the magical light, becoming a titanic beast of stone. The creature is about to crush Thongor, when his comrades arrive and free him. Thongor and his crew begin a fearsome battle against the beastmen. Suddenly, the priest orders for his giant to crush the pirates. However, Thongor knocks him off his perch and steals the priest's scepter, which he throws at the giant. A jewel inside the scepter is shattered, ending the spell and the giant's life. The creature slowly crumbles into rubble and covers the priest. The pirates leave Zosk, disappointed after finding no treasure. Thongor cheers them up, taking three handfuls of pearls from his satchel where he hid them. ===== After the events of "Jewels of Gwahlur", Conan and his current companion Muriela, whom he rescued in Keshan, travel to Punt where he plan on passing her off as the natives' ivory goddess to con them out of their gold. The current occupant of the goddess role turns out to have her own scheme, however, and other forces are also in play. In the end, Muriela appears to carry off the masquerade successfully, but is she truly playing a role, or has she been possessed by the true goddess? Even Conan is uncertain, but as the new goddess is inclined to defend her property and has the upper hand, he decides discretion is the better part of valor, and must depart Punt with neither girl nor treasure. ===== As the Picts west of the kingdom of Aquilonia gather to attack the frontier fort of Velitrium, Conan's Aquilonian scouting party is ambushed by venomous snakes conjured by a native shaman. Soon, Conan discovers his men were betrayed by one of their own, Edric, and that the Picts are planning an even more ambitious blow. Rallying his army into battle against their massed foe, Conan strikes out ahead, hoping to locate the enemy sorcerers and preclude a more devastating magical strike. Everything comes to a head at the well-named Massacre Meadow, where Conan's heroics gain him a reputation recognized even by the king of Aquilonia. ===== The episode begins in Miami, Florida, where three masked men break into the apartment of hitman Michael Karharias (Bruce Payne), who is under house arrest. The head of the group employs Karharias to kill an Englishman, but on the condition that he "do it dead". The leader then shoots Karharias to death. Later, in London, Tom Quinn (Matthew Macfadyen) and CIA liaison Christine Dale (Megan Dodds) meet at a hotel, where Christine hands Tom a telex from the CIA office where they receive intelligence of Karharias (not knowing he is dead) travelling to London to assassinate a member of the British Cabinet. Because Christine has no clearance reading the file, and that the CIA does not intend to inform MI5 of the threat, Tom appoints a reluctant Danny Hunter (David Oyelowo) and Zoe Reynolds (Keeley Hawes) to run a secret operation to intercept the assassin without the knowledge of their superior Harry Pearce (Peter Firth). The trio try, and fail, to apprehend "Karharias" before the CIA does. Danny later decides to follow Tom as the latter is chasing a lead. There, Danny comes across a fake passport with Tom's picture on it, indicating that he is creating a legend without MI5's knowledge. Harry soon becomes aware of the trio's activities. Tom, meanwhile, follows CIA agent Herb Zeigler (Tomas Arana) to a dead drop, leading to a countryside farm house. The trio are captured. After Danny is beaten, the group take Zoe. In that time, Danny confronts Tom about the legend he is creating, but Tom insists he is not making one. Danny's suspicion is solidified when the masked men act as if Tom was on their side, by letting him go. They sedate Danny and Zoe and leave them to escape when they regain consciousness. They report back to Harry, where they all reluctantly agree that Tom is setting up the legend to escape the country after the assassination; Karharias was found dead in Miami, and there is no record to suggest the CIA even had intelligence of an assassination plot. As this transpires, Tom is tricked into handling a Gepard M1 sniper rifle in order to get his fingerprints on the weapon. Zeigler reveals himself to be Herman Joyce, a legendary CIA agent who has a grudge against Tom. It is revealed that Tom recruited Joyce's daughter Lisa to infiltrate an anarchist group. The mission went wrong and as a result, Lisa is in a mental hospital in Maine. Joyce has been planning to elaborately frame Tom for an assassination. Joyce and his team leave Tom, who runs to a nearby house to report to his team. By this time, he learns that Sir John Stone, the Chief of the Defence Staff, was killed, with a sniper rifle left with his fingerprints on it. Danny, Zoe and Harry arrive at the house to tell Tom that Joyce was killed in a car accident five years ago. No longer believing his innocence, Harry is going to call for back-up, forcing Tom to shoot Harry with a shotgun. Tom later disappears into the North Sea. ===== Louie Lamarr, the “Napoleon of the Underworld” according to the Chicago newspapers, is a young gang leader who is so successful and ruthless that he becomes the underworld boss of the entire city. He organizes all the gangs in a classic protection racket: They pay him a cut, and he enforces territorial boundaries, makes good on losses, and when someone breaks the rules he punishes them with deadly force. The result is peace on the city streets and huge profits all around. Just about everyone is satisfied except for Rocco who wants the kingpin slot for himself, and Pat O’Grady an honest police officer who has known Louie since he was an orphaned street kid. Louie has a young brother, Jackie who goes to a fine military boarding school in a different city. Jackie remembers being destitute and hungry. He is proud of his successful brother but knows nothing of Louie’s business. Louie meets Doris and immediately falls in love. However, Doris is a gold-digger who is secretly in love with Louie’s best friend, Mileaway. Louie wants to get out of the rackets while the getting is good. With just one surprise last meeting to say good bye to his associates—and warn them not to try to find out where he is going Louie and Doris marry and head to Florida, stopping on the way to visit Jackie. They have dinner with the school, sitting at the head of the table with the Major. Louie observes that one of those boys might be as great as Napoleon, and that he has great hopes for Jackie. The Major replies that they are more interested in making them good citizens. When Louie says that war is a grand racket , a big business, the Major says that it is big, but it is “cruel and profitless,” which gives Louie pause. Meanwhile, without the force of Louie’s dark charisma, and money, behind it, the organization is falling to pieces. Mileaway explains to some of the gangsters that he has besieged Louie with letters and telegrams but he refuses to return: He doesn’t want Doris or his kid brother mixed up in the rackets. Mileaway does not realize what he has done by revealing Jackie’s existence. A violent gang war erupts. In Florida, Louie goes off to play golf—dropping to the ground when a truck’s tire blows out and then laughing at himself. Mileaway phones, and Doris tells him Louie has become “an awful dud.” He spends five hours a day writing his memoirs. Louie returns to retrieve a forgotten club, and Doris hands the phone to him. He ends by losing his temper with Mileaway and when Doris tells him his friend is right he asks her if she is “one of them.” Has she got so much hoodlum in her that it won’t come out? In order to force Louie to come back, some of the gangsters try to kidnap Jackie outside an ice cream parlor by telling him that his brother sent them. Jackie is too smart to get in the car. He runs away down the street and is accidentally hit by a truck. The three young cadets who were with Jackie identify the men in the car for O’Grady. In Florida, Louie proudly finishes his book; he expects a call from a publisher. The last line is “So this concludes the life of a gangster and begins the life of a man. Finis.” A telegram arrives from Mileaway telling Louie to come at once because Jackie has been hurt. The phone rings; the man from the publishing company wants to read the book. Stone-faced, Louie says to Doris “Tell him it’s not done yet.” In the next scene, Louie goes to a famous plastic surgeon, shows him a snapshot of Jackie and asks if he can fix his brother’s face. The doctor replies that he would have to see the patient. Louie tells him he is at Morse Brothers Undertaking Parlor. Jackie is buried—apparently on the school grounds—with military honors. His best friend stands by Louie. Swearing revenge on the two men who killed his brother—Gimpy and Midget, so-called because of his big pot belly— Louie returns to the city. His plans are threatened by Rocco and by O’Grady, who is building a case against the murderers. Louie and Mileaway kill Gimpy and dump his body in front of O’Grady’s stakeout. O’Grady comes to warn Louie not to leave town, and they share a drink. Louie admits that money doesn’t always mean happiness, but on the other hand, he never would have met Doris in the first place if he hadn’t been rich, and she is the happiest girl in the world. O’Grady says nothing as he catches a glimpse in a mirror of Mileaway and Doris holding hands. Louie sends Mileaway and Doris off for the evening so he can deal with the Midget himself. “Where do you want to go?” she asks. “I could think of a thousand places if you weren’t married to Louie.” She takes off her ring and tucks it into Mileaway’s hand. “Now where do you want to go?” He turns his head toward her, leans down for a kiss and—fade out. Louie waits for Midget in a dry- cleaners, shades drawn. Midget, who thinks he is getting a payoff, tells his two bodyguards to wait on the street. He goes inside and at a signal from a man watching, a half-dozen drivers jump into their trucks and warm up their engines, revving the motors so they backfire repeatedly. The bodyguards flee. Louie washes his hands at a filthy sink. Three trucks pull away. At 3 am, Mileaway and Doris come to the apartment to find O’Grady, who has been waiting there for two hours to arrest Mileaway for killing the Midget. Louie is already in jail. The cops give Mileaway the third degree but he doesn’t flinch until O’Grady mentions “the house in Charleston Street” (where he and Doris were together). Mileaway signs the confession O’Grady has ready. For killing the Midget in self-defense, he will get 5 years and then be able to enjoy his money. On the way to his cell, he stops at Louie’s cell and tells Louie he will be free soon. Grady tells Mileaway that Louie is being held for Gimpy’s murder. His confession has not helped his friend. Louie thanks Mileaway for the try and says to O’Grady, What a friend! O’Grady remains silent. Louie reads an ad in the personals column alerting him to a breakout. He pretends to be sick, knocks out the guard escorting him to the hospital and escapes. He hides out in a dingy room decorated with pictures of his hero, Napoleon—One is titled Napoleon in Exile. He hears a newsboy in the street and calls him up to the apartment. The paper is full of the gang war. He asks the kid to get him some groceries, and when he returns the innocent youth tells him that he met a friend of his, O’Grady, who also knows Louie. Louie sends the boy on his way and soon O’Grady comes to the door. He is unarmed. He has bad news for Louie: His prison break was engineered by his enemies. Two mobs are outside waiting to blast him. He was safe in jail. O’Grady won’t arrest him now because they don’t have enough evidence to convict him. But he is a menace to society, and must be dealt with. Louie is sure that Mileaway will take care of Doris when he gets out. O’Grady does not disillusion him about them. He leaves, telling Louie he ‘ll see him in 30 or 40 years. A waiter arrives from a restaurant around the corner with a last supper from the boys: a steak dinner, complete with a cigar, already lit. Laughing, Louie tosses his gun on the table, adjusts his tie and fedora in the mirror and puts the cigar in his mouth at a jaunty angle. He pauses for a moment in the open doorway, looking at a picture of Napoleon, then closes the door. There is silence and then the last paragraphs of the story appear: “The ‘Doorway to Hell’ is a one-way door. There is no retribution—no plea for further clemency. The little boy walked through it with his head up and a smile on his lips. They gave him a funeral—a swell funeral that stopped traffic—and then they forgot him before the roses had a chance to wilt. Finis” ===== Sol Glass (Ferdinand Gottschalk) owns a clothing manufacturing company struggling to survive in the midst of the Great Depression. Like his competitors, Glass employs "customer girls" to entertain out-of-town buyers. However, his clients have become tired of his hard-bitten "gold diggers" and have started taking their business elsewhere. Tommy Nelson (Regis Toomey), one of his salesmen, suggests that they use their stenographers instead. Glass decides to give it a try. When buyer Luther Haines (Hugh Herbert) sees Tommy's secretary and fiancee, Florence "Flo" Denny (Loretta Young), he wants to take her out. However, Tommy manages to steer him to the curvaceous Birdie (Suzanne Kilborn) instead. Later, with Birdie sick, Tommy reluctantly lets Flo go on a date with another buyer, Daniel "Danny" Drew (Lyle Talbot). They have a nice time together, but she is shocked when she finds out Danny expects sex. A contrite Danny apologizes and tells her that he has fallen in love with her. He has to go on a business trip, but telephones and writes to her regularly. Meanwhile, Flo's friend, fellow employee and roommate, Maizee (Winnie Lightner), shows her that Tommy is cheating on her with Birdie. She ends their engagement. To keep her self- respect, Flo tells Glass that she will not go out with any more buyers. When he threatens to fire her, she quits. Danny returns and takes Flo to dinner. Then, spotting Haines at another table, he asks her to help convince the last holdout to a merger to sign an important contract, the biggest deal of his life. She is disappointed by his request, but agrees to do it. She goes to dinner with Haines, but cleverly arranges with Maizee to have Haines' wife (Helen Ware) and daughter show up. Haines has to go along with the pretense that he is conducting business, and signs the contract. When Haines later complains about Flo's methods, and claims that she and Tommy are living together, Daniel suspects that she is not as innocent as he believed, so he drives her out into the country to the mansion of his friends. Nobody is home, but he coaxes her inside and tries to force himself on her. Flo tries to get away, but finally stops resisting. However, when she asks him if that is all she means to him, Danny stops before anything happens. She leaves, only to run into Tommy, who had followed the couple. He also believes she is selling herself. Danny, overhearing their conversation, realizes that Flo is innocent, and forces Tommy to apologize. Danny begs her to marry him. After she whispers in his ear, he picks her up and carries her back into the mansion. ===== Tip Toes (Dorothy Gish) and her two partners Uncle Hen (Rogers) and Al (Nelson Keys) have a struggling music-hall act. When they go for auditions, theatre managers are keen on Tip Toes as a solo, but do not want the men. Tip Toes turns down offers to go it alone out of loyalty to her fellows. In deep financial trouble, they decide as a last throw of the dice to book into a suite at a high-class hotel and put the story about that Tip Toes is a sophisticated heiress, while she tries to snag a wealthy gentleman. Tip Toes attracts the interest of a young peer, but the plans of the trio are constantly on the point of being undermined as Hen and Al get into a series of scrapes. ===== The child of Jewish immigrants, Morris Goldfish (Ricardo Cortez) finds success as an art dealer. He moves his family to Fifth Avenue and changes his name to Maurice Fish. There, he finds his family to be damaging to his social status. In the end he finds that there is more to life than money. ===== After the lights go out at a fancy party, Jack Donovan (John Roche) turns up dead. Inspector Killian (Jack Holt) is called to the scene. As part of the investigation, he calls for a re- enactment of the events leading up to the murder. The lights go out, and another person turns up dead. Inspector Killian again calls for a re- enactment. ===== Julian Treslove, a professionally unspectacular former BBC radio producer, and Sam Finkler, a popular Jewish philosopher, writer and television personality, are old school friends. Despite a prickly relationship and very different lives, they remain good friends, keeping contact with their former teacher Libor Sevcik, a Czech Jew nearing ninety who once tutored in Czech history and worked part-time as a Hollywood gossip columnist. Now, both Libor and Finkler are recently widowed, and Treslove's chequered and unsuccessful record with women qualify him as an honorary third widower. They dine together at Libor's grand apartment in central London: it is a sweetly painful evening of reminiscences. At 11:30 pm that night, Treslove is attacked while walking home. It seems he is mugged by a woman who hisses the phrase "You Ju" at him. After much cogitation, Treslove believes what the assailant meant was "You, Jew", sparking a long-running obsession with all things and people Jewish – which he refers to as "Finkler". Treslove gets into a relationship with Hephzibah, the great-grandniece of Libor, and is haunted by his adulterous affair with Tyler, Finkler's deceased wife. In the meantime, Finkler joins an "ASHamed" organization which favours the Palestinians over the Israelis over their land disputes. The novel coalesces into an ending that brings together the disparate narrative strands amongst the three central male characters. ===== The film is a screen version of the 1938 stage play by J. B. Priestley, in which three Edwardian era Yorkshire couples, who were all married on the same day 25 years earlier, gather to celebrate their joint silver wedding anniversary, only to be told that due to a legal technicality, their marriages were not valid and that for the past quarter-century they have all effectively been living in sin. Some react with horror at potential scandal, while others glimpse the possibility of freedom from a deadbeat spouse, or regret potential loves that got away after they were "married". Much drama ensues as the couples each re-evaluate their respective marriages, but after grievances have been aired and new understandings forged, all ends happily. The Monthly Film Bulletin, known for its exacting standards, complimented the film as "an exceedingly amusing, if somewhat unkind, picture of a Yorkshire chapel-going fraternity...under the skilful direction of Lance Comfort all the cast bring the characters to life".British Film Makers: Lance Comfort, McFarlane, Brian. Manchester University Press, 1999. pp.50-52. (To view at Google Books) ===== Senator Decius Metellus has returned from his military expedition to Cyprus, having concluded a successful campaign against local pirates and gathered enough booty to pay off his outstanding debts and finance his campaign for praetor. He is campaigning in the Forum when a young aristocrat loudly denounces him for alleged fraud and theft while in office on Cyprus, and boldly threatening to prosecute him for said acts. A minor scuffle breaks out, before the young man is dragged away. Later, the young man is found gruesomely murdered, and suspicion falls on Decius. To his consternation, his family inform him that, although the charges are unlikely to stick, they can nevertheless delay his election for at least a year. Decius, thinking hard, realizes that the young man may have been a virtual nobody, but could recite a pedigree that would virtually guarantee him popular support - claiming descent from Scipio Africanus and the Gracchi, among others. This means that the young man was likely the figurehead of a conspiracy. The exact aim of the conspiracy is unclear, but Decius reasons that someone must be aiming at reducing the Caecilia Metelli's voting bloc in the Senate (as Decius concedes, he himself is not that important). Decius consults Sallustius, who gives him a small lecture about the Republic's political landscape: for generations, the great aristocratic families of Rome have been slowly shrinking, more dependent on adoption to sustain their numbers, and gradually losing their hold on the highest offices of state which they consider to be their birthright. Now, with Caesar's power, wealth, and popularity growing on a daily basis, these aristocrats are being pushed to increasingly desperate lengths. Sallust confides that he was a guest at several dinner parties at which schemes were discussed to seize control of the State; the young man was to have been the figurehead, and popular support was supposed to have been further mobilized by proposing a mass cancellation of debts. Of course, Sallust dismissed the scheme as hare-brained. ===== Alan Mitchell is a returning Korean War veteran who joins his father Walter's garment company, Roxton Fashions. The firm has been paying protection money to gangsters led by Artie Ravidge to keep the union out. Walter's partner, Fred Kenner, sympathizes with the union's goals. After he tells Walter to sever his ties with the hoodlum enforcers, Kenner is killed when the freight elevator he enters, which was just 'fixed' by one of the hoods disguised as a repairman, plunges 12 stories to the bottom of the shaft. Tulio Renata is a union organizer trying to organize the factory, who also later gets murdered by Ravidge's men, and his wife Theresa Renata endures threats against herself and their child. Alan Mitchell comes to sympathize with the plight of the workers. When he finally convinces his father to fire the union-busting gangsters, Walter is killed and Ravidge attempts to take over the factory. Theresa Renata takes copies of Mitchell's records to the police, who arrest Ravidge. ===== In the swamps of the Louisiana bayou, two men are hunted and killed by four costumed, well-armed adversaries. Retired Secret Service agent, Captain Matt Hunter (Dudikoff), has retired to his family's cattle ranch in Louisiana and Texas, with his sister Sarah (Gereighty) and grandfather. They drive to New Orleans, meeting Matt's old military comrade and local politician Larry Richards (James), who is now running for U.S. Senate. At dinner, Larry hesitantly mentions threats made against his life during the election cycle, which he dismisses as harmless. Later that day, Larry, Matt and their families ride in Larry's float in the Mardi Gras parade. Disguised as revelers, assassins open fire on Larry's float, accidentally killing his eldest son. Matt and Larry take down the attackers, but Matt loses the last assassin in charge in the crowd. Matt calls in a favor to his old boss, Admiral Brown (Booth), and learns the perpetrators are members of an organization known only to U.S. intelligence as the Pentangle. Taking the name of the five-pointed star, the Pentangle is a far right-wing group promoting extreme views on gun rights, immigration, and security and whose leadership is suspected of operating a hunting club targeting people. The Secret Service suspects the cult is composed of businessmen and authority figures with connections to Washington, run by five members, each represented by a point on the star; however they lack further knowledge and ask Matt to infiltrate the organization to gain further intel. Matt declines, citing his family, and instead sends his and Larry's family to hide out at his ranch. Meanwhile, Matt and Larry intentionally foil a second trap set by the Pentangle, eliminating several more assassins in a dockyard confrontation. Prof. Elliott Glastenbury (John P. Ryan) is the head of Glastenbury Industries and the leader of his cult, the Pentangle. Having rallied his cult's support by eschewing his far right-wing views, he takes personal interest in Matt after reviewing surveillance of the botched Richards hit, Pentangle's first failure; the members Wade Delaney (Bill Wallace), Jeb Wallace (Karl Johnson), and Charles Lavall (Alaimo) contemplate asking Matt to join. Learning that the families are hiding out at Matt's ranch, Glastenbury orders Delaney, Wallace, and Lavall to attack the ranch, killing the Secret Service agents and Matt's grandfather while setting the ranch ablaze. Matt, Sarah, and Larry's wife all escape, while Larry goes back to rescue his youngest son, but is shot in the process. As Matt saves them both, Larry asks Matt to protect his son and dies. Meanwhile, Pentangle finds Sarah and Larry's wife hiding outside, taking Sarah hostage and executing Larry's wife. Matt attempts to escape via the roof with Larry's son but is shot in the leg, falling to the ground. Pentangle gives Matt two weeks to agree to be hunted, or they will kill Sarah. Before leaving, they execute Larry's youngest son in front of an injured Matt. Two weeks later, Matt shows up to a Cajun bayou party, where the Pentangle members are guests. Matt finds Sarah about to be auctioned off by the brothel as a sex slave. He rescues her but attracts the Pentangle's attention while doing so, escaping into the swamps on foot. The Pentangle hunts him throughout the night; one by one, Matt eliminates Lavall, Wallace, and Delaney until only Glastenbury remains. Ambushed by Glastenbury, Matt stabs him, allowing both men time to escape, with Matt taking Sarah to Admiral Brown for treatment and protection. Matt then confronts Glastenbury at his mansion. Declining his offer to join the Pentangle, the two duel amidst Glastenbury's collection of antique weaponry. Glastenbury appears to have the upper hand, but Matt impales him on one of his own statues, killing him. Matt goes to the hospital to see Sarah, where Admiral Brown congratulates him on a job well done. Matt confronts him that only the Secret Service knew that the families were hiding out on Matt's ranch; therefore, someone in the Service is connected to the Pentangle (strongly implying that the Admiral is the unnamed, fifth member of the Pentangle's membership.) Matt vows to continue fighting the Pentangle and leaves. ===== Simon Rawley is reported killed in the last days of World War II, and his blind father Robert (Murray) decides to build a cricket pavilion in his memory in the local village. His neighbour Lord Clandon (Seymour Hicks) urges him to extend the dedication to all the local men who gave their lives in the war, but Robert refuses. Planning and construction take some time and three years pass, during which Simon's widow Angela (Gray) falls in love with local doctor's son Maxwell Oliver (Derek Farr) whilst they have both been posted to Occupied Germany after the war. Robert cannot help feeling that this is disloyal to his dead son, but his second wife Joan (Campbell) does her best to convince him that Angela is entitled to search for happiness again. The pavilion is finally completed and plans are in place for the grand dedication and opening. The local police are meanwhile looking for a villain who coshed a motorist and stole his car in London, and has dumped the car in the vicinity. Robert surprises an intruder in the house that evening. He is closely followed by Angela, who to her great shock recognises her "dead" husband Simon (Patrick). He signals to her not to let Robert know his identity. Later he comes up with elaborate excuses to Angela to explain his resurrection and lack of contact since the war, but she soon sees through the lies. It is subsequently revealed that, far from dying a hero's death on the battlefield, Simon was a deserter who faked his own death. Since the war he has been making a living on the wrong side of the law as a black-marketeering spiv. Now down on his luck, he has returned (in the stolen car) to try to extort money. Angela has to let Joan in on Simon's return from the dead, and the two try desperately to shield Robert from the knowledge of his son's return in such circumstances, aware that the shattering of his illusions would destroy him. The unscrupulous Simon, learning of Angela's new attachment to Maxwell, demands £5,000 to leave for good. Robert gradually comes to realise that something very strange is going on, and little by little manages to piece together that Simon is in hiding somewhere in the house. He finally manages to track him down and a struggles ensues, climaxing with Simon falling to his death from a balcony. With his son's perfidy finally revealed to all, Robert agrees to change the dedication of the pavilion, as Lord Clandon had requested all along. ===== After first meeting at a summer camp as teenagers, Emma Kurtzman (Natalie Portman) and Adam Franklin (Ashton Kutcher) run into each other a few times as young adults but never keep in touch. Emma is a doctor in Los Angeles, and Adam is a production assistant for a musical television show. Soon, Adam finds out that his father Alvin (Kevin Kline), the well-known star of a former hit television comedy series, has begun a romance with his ex- girlfriend, Vanessa (Ophelia Lovibond). Devastated, he gets drunk and calls all his female contacts to hook up. The next morning, he wakes up on Emma's couch, encountering Emma's friends and colleagues who tease him and tell him that he was crying and passed out naked on the couch. She leads him to her room to find his pants, and they have sex. The two have sex again at Adam's house. Before she leaves, they agree to engage in a "no strings attached" relationship, where they just have sex. Soon, Adam finds himself getting jealous of Emma's co-worker Sam (Ben Lawson), and being an emotional person, he doubles his romantic attempts towards Emma. She feels awkward and thus ends their arrangement, only to end up missing him. She drunkenly crashes at his place, and they sleep together again. On Adam's birthday, his father tells him he wishes to have children with Vanessa. Disgusted, Adam walks out, and Emma defends him. He asks her for one single date on Valentine's Day, and it seems perfect till she awkwardly tells him she will not engage in an emotional relationship. They agree to not see each other. Six weeks later, before her sister's wedding, Emma realizes she wants to be with Adam, and drives over to his place at night, only to see Adam and his colleague Lucy (Lake Bell), mistaking her for his girlfriend. She drives away. Later that same night, Adam and Lucy are starting to get intimate when Vanessa informs him his father is in the hospital. Adam rushes to the hospital, only to see Emma there as well, as her colleague Shira (Mindy Kaling) had informed her. As Emma confesses her feelings to Adam, he asks her to pursue their relationship again, and she agrees. They are then shown to have breakfast, a sign of a "strings attached" relationship, as the movie ends it shows all relationships end happily ever after. ===== In 2080, in an unnamed Asian metropolis, cyborg terrorists attempt to assassinate Professor Ma (Ma Jingwu) on the tenth anniversary of his energy- saving Solar Canopy but are defeated by the cyborg cop Zhou Zhihao (Andy Lau). Zhou's wife, Meili (Fan Bingbing) is then killed and terrorist leader Kalong (Louis Fan) and his wife Feina (Tang Yifei) manage to escape arrest. Kalong and Feina travel back in time to 2020 to try to assassinate the teenage Ma but are pursued by Zhou and his daughter Qiqi (Xu Jiao). Posing as a traffic cop, Zhou attracts the attention of policewoman Wang Xue'e (Barbie Shu), who falls in love with him. ===== Seventeen- year-old Carol (Christina Gregg) flees her small-town home to escape from her alcoholic stepfather, and heads off to London. Once in London she is drawn to the sleazy excitement of Soho and finds work in a coffee bar. She falls in love with handsome young nightclub singer Joe Shane (Conrad) and soon they are a couple. She then discovers that Joe is a small-time crook on the side, with a gang background and a line in burglary. At work, Carol finds herself on the receiving end of advances from all manner of men, including her boss, Mort Wilson (Kenneth Griffith), who, though older, professes to be in love with her. When Carol becomes pregnant, Joe decides to do "one last job" to make the money to take them to a fresh start in Canada. He burgles Mort's house but Mort catches him. After shooting Mort dead, Joe, himself severely wounded, goes on the run with Carol in a stolen car. However because of his injuries they crash in a country lane and carry on by foot. Pursued by the police in a field Joe still holding his gun finally collapses and dies from his injuries. ===== Lancashire mill-girls Jenny Hawthorne (Daniely) and Mary Hollins (Sandra Dome) go on holiday to Blackpool during the annual wakes week in their hometown of Hindle. They run into Alan Jeffcote (Worth), the son of the owner of the mill in which they work, who has also travelled to Blackpool with a group of friends while his fiancée is detained on business in London. Jenny and Alan hit it off immediately, and he persuades her to leave Blackpool to spend the week with him at Llandudno. To cover her tracks, Jenny leaves a postcard with Mary, asking her to send it to her parents (Leslie Dwyer and Joan Hickson) later in the week. She and Alan leave their friends and set off for Wales. They book into a hotel on the Promenade as Mr and Mrs Jeffries. Shortly afterwards, Mary is involved in a serious boating accident and is killed. Her possessions are returned to Hindle and the unsent postcard is found in her luggage. Jenny's parents are already suspicious and concerned by the fact that Jenny has not returned to Hindle as they would have expected in view of such a tragic turn to her holiday, and the discovery of the postcard increases their fears. Jenny returns at the end of the week. Her parents ask about her holiday, and allow her to dig a hole for herself as her fictitious account shows she is unaware of Mary's death and has clearly not spent the week in Blackpool. When confronted with the truth, Jenny admits to where she has been, and with whom, but defiantly refuses to be made to feel guilty or immoral. The Hawthornes decide that they will have to confront the Jeffcotes (Ronald Adam and Mary Clare) with their son's unacceptable behaviour. Mrs. Hawthorne's anger is tempered by the fact that she believes the situation may be turned to financial advantage. Hawthorne feels some trepidation, as he and Jeffcote have been friends since childhood and have remained on good terms despite Jeffcote's rise to social prominence. To the surprise of the Hawthornes, Jeffcote agrees that in the circumstances Alan must be made to marry Jenny to prevent a scandal. Mrs. Jeffcote is less convinced, anticipating the ruin of Alan's reputation and business prospects. A meeting is convened between all the interested parties. Jenny and Alan remain silent while their parents try to thrash out suitable arrangements, and Mrs. Hawthorne and Mrs. Jeffcote become involved in an undignified shouting match. Jenny and Alan leave to talk alone. She tells him that she has no designs on his money and has no interest in marrying him. She then announces her decision to the incredulous parents, adding that Alan was no more to blame than she was, for both of them it was just a "little fling" about which neither need feel guilty, and that a woman has just as much right as a man to enjoy a brief sexual flirtation with no strings attached. Alan returns to his fiancée, while Jenny confidently leaves home and her mother's fury for an independent life without interference. ===== Charlie Davis runs his own island in the Caribbean with a literal whip hand making his income as a marijuana grower, exporter and gunrunner. He hires a female entertainer to amuse the clients of his cantina and himself. Charlie's world falls apart when one of his employees is an undercover narcotics investigator. The trouble escalates to a full native rebellion and shark attack. ===== Four young people win the competition of a lifetime; Jo (Scarlett Alice Johnson), Max (Jack Gordon), Gwen (Elen Rhys) and Dave (Michael Jibson) head off on an all expenses paid trip to New York, courtesy of the social network As they board the private jet, they are asked to relinquish their mobile phones and take part in the in-flight entertainment – a new online gaming experience. As Jo climbs into the car she hands her daughter a cell phone so they could text each other. As she leaves a man enters her mother's house and kills the mother. What happens to the daughter remains unknown. The four contestants soon meet; Dave, is soon to be married but has a little bit of a self-control problem around women. Jo, is a single mother who had just gotten out of rehab. Gwen seems to be a sweet girl and is a counselor on but doesn't take her own advice. Max is a liar and a strange guy. As they board the aeroplane the chauffeur takes their phones. After flying, Max and Jo realises a strange door that would lead to the cockpit. Round 1 begins with a three question quiz for each player. Dave scores a 0 out of 3, claiming to have only one tattoo (no piercings), made 9 field goals, and had never seen the girl on screen when actually he has tattoo on his back and a piercing on his scrotum, made 0 field goals and got banned from playing because he assaulted a rival player, and had an affair with the girl on the screen. Jo scores 2 out of 3, claiming to drink 20 virtual alcoholic drinks online per week, claims the picture on the screen was her during her alcoholic period, and she was offline for three months because she was in therapy for her drinking problem, when actually she drinks 30 virtual drinks online per week and even more in actual life. Max scores 0 out of 3, claiming to be grade 5 on classical violin, viewed his mother's page the most (which Dave feels is sad that his mother has a page), and has no idea of the first thing he bought online until the alligator pulls up a picture of genital wart solution which he claims to have never bought, when actually he is still on grade 1 for failing the test several times, he has viewed Jenny's page the most, looking at her albums 237 times, and bought a container of genital wart solution after a holiday when he was 17. Gwen is last, scoring 1 out of 3 claiming she has no idea which celebrity she is compared to the most, has no idea who the man is on the screen, and she is "Guardian Angel", when actually she is compared to Katie Brooks because of the eating disorder she had when she was 15, the boy was Neil Harris which she dedicated her All2gether page to torment him, and she was "Guardian Angel" on a helping hands counselor site. Summary, she is a hypocrite because she should take her own advice before helping others. As Round 1 ends, Dave wonders where the picture of the girl came from because it was nowhere on his page. Jo looks out the window and stares at the storm claiming to Max that the weather over the Atlantic ocean was supposed to be clear. Max tells her there is nothing to worry about. Round 2 begins, Kiss and Tell. The alligator shows them a video of some men tormenting a man and eventually killing him. Jo reacts to it claiming she never watched it. The alligator pulls up info saying she watched it one night, again the next morning, and sent it to five of her friends saying "OMG THIS NASTY, WATCH TIL THE END!" she then claims that she is done playing the game. Gwen is next, the alligator pulls up a quiz called "What kind of lover are you?" which she took multiple times. The quiz called her a "kinky lover" which the alligator states wasn't true because she lied on half of her quiz. He then pulls up question four "How many people have you slept with" she claims it was none of his business he says it is none of his business yet she posted it on an online website for everyone to see. He then asks the question again and she sticks with her answer that it was none of his business. He then pulls up a virtual avatar site with her avatar name "Cherry Bomb" and she admits to sleeping with no one. She wonders how he knows all of this. He claims that anyone can see anything that anyone does on Dave is next, the alligator says he visited videos on a Japanese website and watched some videos "Two girls and a horse", "Too young to run", etc. He then asks if Dave considered the ages of the girls in the videos and asks Dave if he remembers the video that he watched a total four times, claiming that it will come back to haunt him. Dave feels the need to defend himself, saying he isn't a pervert and that everyone watches things that they shouldn't have. Dave then goes to the cockpit door and pounds on it, the alligator tells him to sit down countless times. Dave refuses. The alligator says that since Dave has refused to go along with the rules he has forfeited. The alligator brings onto the screen all the friends of Dave and stops at Rory. the screen changes to the inside of a house, a man with a torch is walking to the door with a gun. He walks into the bedroom and finds Rory playing video games. He knocks Rory out with the gun and shoots him in the head. Max begins to tap on the screen and finds that the email is blocked. Max broke the rules and issued the forfeit. He chooses his friend Allan. The screen goes to a guy in front of a door, a man with a bat begins to pound on him, then pushes him off the railing of the stairs. The alligator assures them that the game is very real. Round 2 is over. Jo then sees lights outside from land. She claims that they shouldn't be anywhere near land. Max pulls the screen off the wall and punches the wall and hooks the screen to power cords inside the wall. The screen pulls up and shows that their destination is not New York, but Oslo, Norway. Round 3 begins, Do or Die. They will be given an assignment and if they do not follow more deaths will commence. Jo goes into the bathroom and puts on the headphones. Her mission is not known, but if she fails to follow or tells someone her daughter would be killed. Sophie is then shown on the screen inside a bunker house. Jo comes out of the bathroom and takes her seat. Max asks her questions but she refuses to answer or look at them. Dave enters the bathroom and puts on the headsets. If he doesn't follow his fiancée, Sarah, will be killed. Dave exits the bathroom crying. Gwen is next. Gwen hesitates but does the same as the others. Instead she hears crying from her sister. On the screen it shows the man pouring petrol on her. Max is last. He refuses to go until Dave tells him to. On the screen it shows his brother, Mike, tied to a table with the man holding a machete. Max exits and they sit in silent. The alligator tells them that they have 45 minutes to complete their mission, if not their special person dies. At the 45 minute mark the plane would crash into the building and they would all die. Max grabs an Ax and begins to tear apart the plane. The alligator instructs Max to put down the axe or his brother will die. Max does so, but because he gave away some of his mission, the man chops off Mike's arm. Max tells the alligator that he isn't really Max. He explains that he hacked into Max's account and changed everything, that he thought they would've caught him at the airport seeing as how he was 25 and Max was 21, but they didn't. He refuses to tell them who he really is. Dave ends up furious and fights with Max. Jo instructs him to prove who he is. Max pulls out a carton of cigarettes and his passport. Dave believes he is telling the truth. He then walks into the bathroom and puts on the headphones. The alligator instructs that they have all revealed clues to their missions and the result must be consequences. Dave tells the alligator he knows who Max really is. The screen ends on a picture of his fiancée. Jo makes her way to the bar and grabs a bottle of wine. She pours three glasses and Max drinks all three. Back in the bathroom, Dave pleas with the alligator to let his fiancée go, but the alligator says that he has another task and instructs Dave to kill one of the passengers in 3 minutes. Dave grabs the axe and threatens them. Swinging it he attacks Max hitting him in the chest. Max kicks the axe away and they begin attacking each other. Dave grabs a bottle and Max grabs the axe. Dave hits him in the head and Max kills Dave. The alligator then kills Sarah. Gwen walks into the bathroom and the alligator instructs her to put the headsets on. Gwen tells him that she couldn't do what the alligator told her but he reassigns her to seduce Max. Gwen helps Max carry Dave off so no one will look at him. Gwen takes him into the bathroom to treat his arm. She helps him peel his shirt off and cleans it with her scarf. Gwen then tries to kiss him but he pulls away multiple times. Gwen pleas with him saying that if they didn't do it her sister is going to die. They begin to make out when Max runs into the side of the bathroom to find it hollow then remembers that's where the luggage is. The alligator tell Gwen that she has failed her task, he then tells her that she must stop Max or her sister will die. She refuses to move out of Max's way and attacks him with the Axe. Jo attacks Gwen and snaps her neck. The alligator tells them that Gwen has failed her task and sets her sister on fire. Max continues to attack the door. When he busts the door down a smell overcomes the entire plane. He finds trash bags. When he opens one it reveals Max's brother. They realize that they have been watching recordings. Max finds his laptop and Jo desperately looks for Sophie. Jo stumbles across her mother and the cockpit door slowly opens. The pilot holds a taser to them and crushes the laptop. They take the pilot down and he tells them that he is just doing what he is told because he has his family. He tells them he came home the day before yesterday and his house was torn apart. Max's vision begins to fade. Jo tells him that everyone is dead. Max begins choking. Jo helps him into a chair and tells him she's sorry that she poisoned him when he drank all three glasses of wine. The alligator shows the pilot's family on the screen. The pilot shocks Jo with the taser and goes back into the cockpit. Jo wakes up and the alligator shows her a video of a young girl taking as many pills as she could to commit suicide, Lucy Turner age 15. The alligator tells her that all four of them commented on the video, they all watched it at exactly the same time. Gwen, "Not even god can forgive you if you do this. Where will you spend eternity?", only made it worse, a hypocrite hiding behind her Christian views (her sister died by fire). Dave, "WTF!!! Another sad attention-seeking trip to causality and a stomach pump. Do it right or don't do it at all!!!!!! Hang yourself and be sure ;-)", merely mocked her agony (Sarah died by hanging), and when he shared the video, Rory committed "Dumb bitch! if i were as ugly as you i'd probably do the same. LOL!!!!!" Jo tells him that he killed the wrong person, because the man on the plane wasn't Max. He tells her that he will catch up with Max soon enough. Alan also commented on Max's shared video, "Cheer up Retard! ROFL!" But he tells Jo that she is most at fault because she sat there and watched it happen, as his little girl killed herself. That they all deserved what happened to them and their punishment was just and fit. She tells him that no one is going to care about it, that no one is going to know. The screen then changes to the camera on her. He tells her that the video is going to go viral after he removes everything about him. She demands to know what happened to her daughter. He tells her that he took out her eyes as Jo's punishment. She claims that Lucy killed herself because of him. Jo grabs the axe and busts the door down. She is blown out of the plane as it crashes into the sea. The alligator is then revealed as he turns off the screen. News reporters talk about how the wreckage confirms the video going worldwide. Sophie is shown in the bunker house playing with a doll, when the alligator walks in. He tells her that she is no longer Sophie, but Lucy. He introduces himself as Rupert Turner. He takes her hand and walks her out of the room into a living room where a woman (the chauffeur from earlier) and man (the baggage loader from before the flight) stand before her. The woman calls herself her mother, Annie, and the man her brother, Ed. (Sophie does have both of her eyes.) The film ends with them walking hand in hand out of the building. ===== An average man inherits a marriage agency. He isn't prepared in any way to deal with this situation but step by step he lives up to the expectations. ===== The television mini-series continues the story of the extended Henry family and the Jastrow family starting on December 15, 1941 and ending on August 7, 1945. ===== The film opens with Nora studying law and Mary shopping on Rodeo Drive. They head to their home, Casa Bonita, for their father's birthday. While the girls are dancing with their father, he collapses and dies. At the funeral they meet Gabe Dominguez, an unknown half-brother who resulted from an affair that their father had years ago. At the reading of their father's will, they discover that they are bankrupt. Nora and Mary sell their house to Gabe, who lets them live with him and his wife, Olivia. They meet Olivia's brother, Edward, when he visits for lunch. During lunch, Olivia tells the sisters that she is moving them to the basement; refusing to be humiliated in their own home, Nora tells Mary they are moving out. Before they leave, their maid gives Nora a box left by their father. The two sisters go to East L.A. to live with their maternal aunt, Aurelia, where they are introduced to Bruno, their aunt's neighbor. Nora opens the box and finds letters from her father to Gabe, which his mother returned unopened. Nora quits law school so she can find a job to help support herself and Mary, and tells Mary to finish college. Their aunt sells Mary's car and Prada purse as Mary's contribution to the family ("from Prada to nada"). Edward arrives and gives Mary and Nora stuff from their old home, offering Nora a job in his law office - which she declines. Nora responds to a job in the classifieds from a paper Edward gave her, and on the bus ride to work she meets a woman who has been fired from her job as a cleaning lady. Nora arrives at her new job and learns that her boss is Edward. They work together on the case for the cleaning ladies, winning a judgment when they discover that there has been a fraud with their payroll. Mary returns to college, where she meets and flirts with rich instructor Rodrigo. She gets a ride home from him, directing him to a stranger's Beverly Hills mansion rather than her aunt's house in East L.A. They later share a kiss over lunch. After scoffing at her aunt's suggestion that she invite Rodrigo to the upcoming party at her aunt's home, Mary approaches Bruno outside his house. She makes a deal with him, that if Bruno can make her aunt's backyard look good for a party dedicated to Mexican Independence Day, he can have a dance with Mary. Mary invites Rodrigo to the party and admits to him upon arrival at her aunt's house that this is where she actually lives. After watching how Mary dances with Rodrigo, Bruno declines Mary's offer of a dance to complete the decoration agreement. Edward arrives at the party, and he and a drunk Nora kiss. When Nora becomes afraid of her feelings and that it would destroy her career, she coldly informs Edward that she is "just another girl who answered an ad in the paper" to him and drives him away. Outside, she and Bruno share a bottle of wine, sad over having to lose their chances with Mary and Edward. When Nora receives a promotion and transfer away from Edward, she quits rather than have people believe she slept her way up. When Nora asks Mary if she loves Rodrigo, Mary tells her that she just wants to go back to Beverly Hills and that Rodrigo can make that happen. In an effort to prevent Mary from making a huge mistake, Nora tells her that motivation makes her a whore, and Mary retorts that she would rather be that than a spinster like Nora. The sisters stop speaking to each other for a while. Nora opens a free legal aid service from her aunt's home. Unaware of Nora's feelings for Edward, Gabe insists that Olivia send the Dominguez sisters an invitation to Edward and Olivia's best friend Lucy's engagement party at Casa Bonita. Nora is devastated that Edward is getting married, but Mary urges her to go to the party and be honest with Edward about her feelings, stating that if Edward announced an engagement so quickly "he is way more confused that you are". She offers to go with Nora for moral support and the sisters reconcile. At the party, Mary and Gabe go to their father's office, where Mary gives Gabe the letters from their father and he tearfully realises that their father wanted to be in his life. Meanwhile, Nora tells Edward she doesn't count on personal relationships due to losing both her parents and that her rejection of Edward wasn't because she didn't love him. Mary sees Rodrigo at the party with another woman who turns out to be his wife and learns that they are buying Casa Bonita. Heartbroken, Mary leaves the party and has a traffic accident after running a red light. Gabe visits his half-sisters at the hospital and reveals, without sadness, that he and the shrewish Olivia split up. Mary returns home in a wheelchair sporting a neck brace. The next day, when she goes over to Bruno's house, Mary discovers detailed designs for the wheelchair ramp he made for her, sees that he still has the broken car mirror he replaced for her and other signs that Bruno genuinely cares for her. Mary admits her feelings for him and they kiss for the first time. Edward arrives with a moving truck full of new home and office furniture. He reveals that he bought the house across from her aunt and presents Nora the front door key, attached to an engagement ring. Family and friends are seen celebrating at Nora and Edward's street party wedding. ===== Marta is a young nymphomaniac housewife, married to Dario, a successful book publisher. Although she still loves her husband, Marta hasn't been able to achieve sexual satisfaction for months due to their dull and predictable love life. While staying in Mantua for the Festivaletteratura, a book fair, Marta follows the advice of her scheming friend Sylvia and pursues an affair with a handsome and mysterious artist named Leon, which leads to surprising results regarding her failing marriage with Dario. ===== David Copperfield consists of three reels and as three separate films, released in three consecutive weeks, with three different titles: The Early Life of David Copperfield, Little Em'ly and David Copperfield, and The Loves of David Copperfield.David Copperfield (1911) at ===== Nine months after Percy Jackson's defense of Mount Olympus in The Last Olympian, Percy finds himself alone and on the run from monsters in northern California without his memories. With the guidance of Lupa, the wolf- goddess and protector of ancient Rome, he makes his way to Camp Jupiter, the Roman demigod training camp and counterpart to the Greek demigods' Camp Half- Blood. Upon arriving, he is attacked by Gorgons — Stheno and Euryale — and successfully defends a disguised Juno and the camp with the help of the guards on duty. Having been protected by Percy during the attack, Juno announces Percy's arrival with approval, identifying him as a son of Neptune. She tells him privately that he can only regain his memory by learning to be a hero again and successfully surviving the challenges he encounters at camp. He quickly befriends Frank Zhang, son of Mars, and Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto. He is introduced to the praetor of the camp, Reyna, and the augur Octavian, who quickly takes a disliking to Percy. Octavian tells Percy that the Book of Prophecies is missing. Being outcasts themselves at Camp Jupiter, Frank and Hazel empathize with Percy's outsider status and consider it their duty to help him adjust and acclimatize quickly to the camp's routines and leadership. But before any of them has a chance to gain their footing, they receive a prophecy from Mars, the Roman god of war, and are ordered to go on a quest to rescue Thanatos, the god of death, from the Giant Alcyoneus, who is hiding deep in Alaska. On their journey, they encounter Phineas, the blind human who helped Jason, leader of the Argonauts on his journey, and befriend a harpy named Ella. They also see the three Cyclopes that Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez encountered in The Lost Hero. During the trip, the trio learns that the goddess Gaea is awakening from several millennia of slumber with a plan to destroy the gods and the world along with them. Her seven Giant children are being woken, each of whom is matched to fight its counterpart god. Each Giant has the skills to oppose one god and can only be defeated if the gods and the demigods join forces. Percy and his friends manage to defeat the Alaskan Giant and save Camp Jupiter from destruction. During their journey, Hazel and Frank become true heroes who know how to use their powers and have self-confidence. Percy regains his memory on their return to Camp Jupiter and finds an army of monsters (including Stheno, Euryale, and the three Cyclopes) led by Polybotes attacking it. Percy successfully defeats Polybotes with the help of Terminus, his Cyclops half-brother, Tyson and the hellhound Mrs. O'Leary. At the end of the book, the Greek airship, Argo II arrives, setting the stage for The Mark of Athena. ===== Illustrating the political complexities the hard-headed nurse had to battle in order to achieve sanitary medical conditions during the Crimean War. Opposed in the uppermost circles of British government because she is "merely" a woman, Florence Nightingale is championed by the Hon. Sidney Herbert (Michael Wilding), minister of war. Herbert pulls strings to allow Nightingale and her nursing staff access to battlefield hospitals, and in so doing changes the course of medical history. ===== Conger, the protagonist, is given a chance to get out of jail if he agrees to travel back in time and kill a man. Conger's target appeared in 1960 in a small town and spawned a new religious movement which radically changed the world over the next few hundred years. Conger is given a skull from which he can identify the man, and is sent back in time in a capsule. As Conger prepares for the man's arrival, he discovers that the skull is his own, and he is the man who will change the world, as people around town begin to take interest in the time traveler. Due to the use of time travel, Conger realizes that even though he will die, another version of himself will reappear in a few months, as if resurrected. ===== Walter Krunk is a 35-year- old orphan who has lived in an orphanage since childhood because he never was adopted but has made a friendship with a felloworphan named Henry. During a play Walter ruins the set during the opening due to his harness malfunctioning and crashed into the set. Meanwhile, retired MMA fighter Eddie Sullivan is training a fellow fighter for a tournament in New Orleans with a $100,000 prize to the winner, fellow rival Memphis Earl has also trained a bigger, scarier fighter named Redrum for the tournament, both of their trainees have a short match but Eddie's fighter is easily knocked out with one punch. Earl threatens Eddie saying that if he doesn't find a new fighter they'll beat him down. One day Walter is cooking with Henry when Walter suddenly goes to the bathroom and tells Henry to watch the food, Henry is distracted by a game and doesn't see that the food has started a fire, the fire department manages to put the fire out but it leaves the kitchen destroyed. Local law enforcement states that without a working kitchen the orphanage will close down unless they can get enough money to fix the kitchen in 10 days. Eddie enters a church and asks God to let him find a good fighter in time for the tournament, the owner of the orphanage is scolding Walter for causing the fire but makes him fall into the church and Eddie decides to train to be his fighter. They are reluctant since Walter is not much of a fighter but the owner agrees but they threaten Eddie that if he runs away with the money they'll hurt him bad, so she makes Mary Alice go with them and persuades Walter with saying what happens to the other orphans and set off for matches around the nearby city's and States in the orphanage school bus. The first match is in Jefferson city at a church, Eddie decides to tape and upload the match highlights for internet fan buzz, during the match Walter doesn't show much of a fight and is easily dominated but manages to win. Meanwhile, Memphis Earl and Redrum go to the gym and want to see Eddie but his father tells them that he isn't there and got a new fighter. That night at a motel Mary and Walter have a talk about the situation with the choice to fight, Mary doesn't want it to go but Walter changes her mind by saying that he's on the road for the first time in his life and that he's doing something important to himself. Meanwhile, Earl and Redrum have found the group at the motel and threaten Eddie to stay away from New Orleans. The next day driving to the next match the bus engine starts smoking causing the bus to crash into a pole and eventually explodes, Eddie, Mary and Walter escape unharmed. Walking on the road with only $200 Mary manages to get a truck driver to take them to the next match, the next fight is at a kids house where he hosts fights in his backyard and pays the fighters with the attendance money from other kids. While Eddie gives Walter a pep talk to get him riled up the kids dad notices the fights and goes on a rampage telling everyone to get out of his yard, Walter runs into the backyard and tackles the dad into the fence thinking he was his opponent. Eddie calls his dad who got injured because of Earl and Redrum and tells him to enter the tournament and win to avenge him, Mary takes them to a trailer park where her friend Tina lives, they tell her of the situation and remembers that at a nearby carnival there was a sign that offered anyone to fight a grizzly bear with a $500 prize and gives Walter a new look (shaving his head and giving tattoo's), and falls in love with Tina. Walter manages to win with a choke hold and is given the nickname "the Bear Basher". Later that night while riding a bus Walter has a serious gas attack that leads to the group being kicked off the bus, meanwhile Memphis Earl has found that Walter is a serious threat and might win the tournament so he decides to adopt Henry and hold him hostage but the owner refuses to let him adopt even after he promises a good life for him. The group walks to a gas station and Eddie goes in to ask for directions to a rental car company, a motorcycle gang shows up and starts messing around with Mary, Eddie attempts to help but is outnumbered by them, Walter comes and fights them off, Eddie goes in to get the security footage and continue their journey on one of the gang member's motorcycle. During a camp out Mary and Walter ask Eddie why he retired from fighting and then make jokes saying it was a testicular injury, throughout the journey Walter wins more fights earning more money while Eddie teaches Mary and Walter more fighting moves. During another camp out Eddie and Mary start having feelings for each other. Finally arriving in New Orleans Eddie checks the group in to a luxury hotel, plans a pre-fight celebration for a night on the town and buys Mary a dress and Walter a tuxedo. At the restaurant Eddie tells Walter to not stare but Eddie does when Mary walks in, some girls invite Walter to dance but Mary stays at their table. Mary gets drunk from drinking Eddie's drink and confronts the Waitress when she sees her talking to Eddie which results in a fight ending with Mary knocking out the Waitress with a spinning heel kick. The following day while Walter is preparing for the tournament at the hotel Tina shows up giving a pair of shorts that she made for him. During the sign in Mary calls the owner saying that the trip is almost over but after the call ended a fellow worker informed the owner that they couldn't find Henry. The man who is in charge of the sign in says that Eddie didn't pre register so Walter can't compete, Mary tells everyone who Walter is so they get into the tournament. Both Walter and Redrum make it to the finals, backstage Eddie's dad shows up not wanting to miss the main event, Eddie not sure if Walter will win asks his dad to make sure that the money they made on the road makes to the orphanage. Memphis Earl reveals to Mary in the Girls bathroom why Eddie retired, it was because he was banned from fighting for life for taking a dive in a title fight and that he only cares about himself and probably betting against Walter now. When she confronts Eddie, before he can explain the situation the orphanage workers reveal that Memphis Earl has kidnapped Henry and is holding hostage unless Walter takes a dive in the fight, Eddie plans to have the match stalled while the workers look for Henry knowing that Earl won't leave with Redrum in the ring. During the fight Earl shows up with Henry to distract Walter but this makes him angry enough to win the fight by Submission and Memphis Earl is arrested for kidnapping. During the celebration Eddie's dad reveals that he bet the $4,000 on Walter to win and got $80,000 for the orphanage, Eddie and Mary kiss to end the scene. Walter is then filling a moving truck for his new apartment, he notices Henry looking upset and Henry tells him it's because he's moving and he's not and that he is losing his best friend, Walter tells that he's going to adopt Henry and wouldn't leave him behind, they hug to end the movie. ===== It's time for the annual prom. Nova Prescott (Aimee Teegarden) is on the prom committee with her friends Mei Kwan (Yin Chang), Ali Gomez (Janelle Ortiz), Brandon Roberts (Jonathan Keltz) and Rolo Banus (Joe Adler), where they made decorations and are finally prepared. Nova hopes Brandon, whom she has a crush on, will ask her to go to the prom, which itself is an upcoming exciting and worrying event. Lloyd Taylor (Nicholas Braun) complains to his stepsister Tess Torres (Raini Rodriguez) that he has no date, but Tess recommends to ask anybody. Mei discovered by now that she has been accepted at a different university than her boyfriend Justin Wexler (Jared Kusnitz), and worries about telling him as prom approaches. Lucas Arnaz (Nolan Sotillo) has been in love with his lab partner Simone (Danielle Campbell), and turns to his friend Corey Doyle (Cameron Monaghan) to help him ask her to the prom. The only one who does not care about the prom is Jesse Richter (Thomas McDonell). He works at the Space Station Processing Facility unloading cargo; plays truant, rides his motorcycle across the schoolyard, and behaves inappropriately. Principal Dunnan (Jere Burns) tries to talk, but does not get through to him. Meanwhile, Jordan Lundley (Kylie Bunbury) finds an earring in her boyfriend's car, Tyler Barso (DeVaughn Nixon) but he assures her that he's not cheating. To show his love, he takes her on a romantic date inside of the storage shed containing the prom decorations, and asking her to attend. Unfortunately, they forget to blow out a candle after they left, which sets the shed on fire that destroys its contents. With only 3 weeks left, Nova is left to manufacture replacement props alone (as her friends are unavailable). The principal — annoyed at Jesse's lack of respect, warms him about a choice: either he helps Nova with the rebuild, or he can't graduate. Jesse accepts reluctantly, as does Nova; and realize they need each other's cooperation. While Brandon deeply disappoints Nova by not asking her to the prom, she and Jesse grow closer, despite the fact that he finds the idea of prom ridiculous. When Nova discovers that the prom theme of the neighboring school is the same as theirs, Jesse decides to sneak into their school to check out for comparison. However the security guard notices them and the police catch them after they escape. The police call Nova's parents, and when Nova's father arrives he snaps at Jesse. Meanwhile, Lloyd still cannot find a date and becomes frustrated. Lucas asks Simone to a barbecue of his friend Tyler. Tyler tries to talk and flirt with her but she rejects him, because he is dating Jordan. Meanwhile, the stress in Mei and Justin's relationship reaches the breaking point, and Mei cancels on Justin for fear of telling him about her acceptance. At school, Lucas blows off Corey to spend more time with Simone, and invites her to study for the upcoming test with him. However, en route to the library, Simone is stopped by Tyler, who convinces her to converse with him about his feelings. Jordan sees the two talking and immediately grasps the situation. After school, Nova apologizes to Jesse for her dad's behavior. Later, she brings him along as she goes dress shopping, for a second opinion. Back at school, Simone apologizes to Lucas for having ditched him. She has a surprise, tickets to a concert, where Stick Hippo (his and Corey's favorite band) is opening. Lucas wants to take Simone instead of Corey, much to his dismay. Jordan dumps Tyler for his unfaithfulness, and decides to go to prom alone. This prompts him to ask Simone to prom, which is the same night as the concert, and she agrees. Simone tells Lucas that she is sorry, but cannot attend the concert. Mei apologizes to Justin for her behavior and tells him the truth, but instead of feeling hurt that she is going to a different college, he tells her he is proud of her, and agree to attend prom together. As Lloyd gets rejected by another girl, he spots Lucas sitting outside the school, looking dejected. He learns his situation, and tells Lucas his own problem. Two nights before the prom, Nova, Ali, and Mei are in Nova's room, chatting. Nova confesses to them that she has feelings for Jesse, which her dad unfortunately overhears. The next day, Nova's father tells Jesse he cannot ask Nova to prom, because he is "bringing her down". That afternoon, Jesse is unusually hostile towards Nova and deserts her. On prom night, Lucas climbs a tree to reach Simone's window. He tells her how he feels and begs her not to go to prom, but she goes anyway. Disappointed, Lucas realizes what a bad friend he has been to Corey, and offers him the other concert ticket. The two head off to see their favorite band happily. At her house, Nova is heartbroken, and refuses to pose for the camera in her prom dress. Her father, worried, explains that he was the one who told Jesse not to ask her to prom. Angered, Nova storms out of the house. Meanwhile, at Lloyd's house, it is revealed that he is taking his sister to prom. At Jesse's house, his mother has a talk with him, and he realizes that he should still take Nova to prom. At the school, Tyler leads Simone into the building, and almost immediately abandons her. Simone finds out from a couple of girls that it was actually Jordan who dumped Tyler, and Tyler had gone to her with no other option. As Tyler and Jordan are pronounced prom king and queen, Jordan refuses to participate in the king-and-queen dance. When Tyler asks Simone to dance, she refuses and leaves. She goes outside to wait for Lucas, and they share a dance. Nova is having a bad time, and when Ali tells her the fountain centerpiece has failed, she cannot take it any more. As she is about to leave, she hears the fountain start again, and knows the only person who could have fixed it was Jesse. He walks up to her and asks her to prom. She agrees, and they dance followed by a kiss. ===== Handa (Mithun) is a simple, sincere and hardworking person, but his honesty even lands him in trouble sometimes, created by his not-so-perfect colleagues and his own boss (Biswajit). Handa's son, Bhonda (Aritra), is exactly opposite to his father's character isn't. He is a brat. He steals his father's money, flunks his unit tests, gets punished every day in school, also copies his father's signature in the progress report card, bunks classes and even hits on his most beautiful classmate, Medha. Both hate their life as it is troubled and they are looking for a miracle to happen. Handa wishes if he could become a kid again to help teach Bhonda what education could do to an individual. Bhonda, wishes to grow up to teach his father a lesson. Both their wishes come true. ===== Struggling musician Danny Foster (Kent Moran) never dreamed he'd fall in love with a woman who couldn't hear his compositions. But when he meets Ariana Scott (Alexia Rasmussen), a privileged girl who lost her hearing in childhood, he's willing to believe anything's possible. As the young couple's love takes hold, however, Ariana's overbearing mother (Cybill Shepherd) proves to be their most vocal critic. ===== Joe Loss and his Orchestra are playing at a dance. Joe Loss then introduces Henrietta Jeckle Old Time Dance Team and her brother Henry Jeckle, who is a rather incompetent last-minute stand-in. They give a display of formation ballroom dancing with their brother Victor (Jon Pertwee) taking over the conducting, but Henry turns it into a disaster, much to his sister's dismay. Henry (Bernard Bresslaw) is a bungling, awkward and socially inept man working in his brother’s pharmacy, which is still named after their great-great-grandfather: "Dr Henry Jekyll M.D. - Pharmacy, Estabd. 1812". Victor and Henrietta discuss their worries about Henry as he goes to bed with his golliwog. Reginald Bannister comes to woo Henrietta but suggests that Henry should be kept out of the way if they marry. Henry is in the pharmacy lab when his elfin young female friend Snouty appears and accuses him of being a square. Luckily they are both in the rear yard when the lab explodes. The explosion reveals a small metal box containing a scroll. The scroll contains an old formula created by Dr Jekyll in the 19th century which claims to turn "a man of timid disposition into a bold, fearless dragon". He eagerly mixes the formula, takes one drink, and is transformed into the suave, dashing and self-confident Teddy Hyde, who makes a big impression at the local dance hall and with the ladies. He encounters Victor at the bar but is unrecognised, and belittles Victor by pouring a drink down the front of his trousers. This draws attention to the crooks who own the dance hall. They are initially going to throw him out but he impresses the boss, Dandy, with his bravado and he recruits him for a robbery he has planned. Teddy leaves just as the potion wears off and Henry wakes in his bed with a bad headache, and his only memory of the events of the previous night is that he thinks it was a dream. Later, Henry accidentally drinks the formula again, and Teddy leaves to join up with Dandy for the robbery. When Snouty tells Victor that the person at the dance hall was called Hyde, he immediately understands the connection from the family history and realises something must be done. Meanwhile, Teddy breaks into a house through a rooflight and cracks a safe to steal some very valuable jewels. As he and Dandy leave, they separate to avoid a policeman, but the formula wears off and when Dandy draws up to pick him up he does not recognise him, so Henry is unwittingly left with the jewels. Next morning, when Victor and Snouty see Henry, who again has a bad headache and cannot remember where he was last night, they question him and are shocked to find the jewels still in his pocket. Having decided to return them, Snouty gets into Dandy's office to try to find where the jewels are from, but she is caught by the gang and reveals that Henry plans to return the jewels. With Victor's help, Henry then starts to remember being Hyde and together they try to replace the jewels before they are missed, but they barge in on a special event to show off the jewels, which Henrietta and Reginald are attending. Dandy and a sidekick are also there to make another attempt at getting the jewels. Victor and Henry struggle on the roof due to their fear of heights. Meanwhile, the police and show organisers find the jewels are missing. Victor and Henry eventually get in and find the still-open safe and return the jewels. The police then return and see the jewels and the show continues as intended. Dandy in the audience realises the jewels are back, so he and his accomplice pull guns to steal the jewels. Snouty convinces Henry that he can do anything Hyde can do and he takes on the armed Dandy. Victor has hidden behind Dandy and knocks him out before he can fire on Henry. Later, at a special event at the dance hall in honour of Henry, he and Snouty (in a dress) dance for the first time. ===== The film begins in Haiti, where a zombie attacks a small family, only to be quickly killed by being set on fire. The zombie's ashes are gathered in an urn, which is promptly stolen and sold before it can be buried. Three months later, Philip Fleischhacker (Tino Mewes) is left to watch his parents' house as they go on a trip in their RV, specifically forbidding him to have any parties, drink, or do drugs. He is then picked up by his two friends Wurst (Manuel Cortez), a party-loving stoner and Konrad (), a nerd who is frequently bullied. The three also give a ride to Philip's neighbor Rebecca (Collien Fernandes), a goth girl who has an unrequited crush on Philip. At school, Philip attempts to ask out a popular girl named Uschi (Nadine Garmann), which prompts her jock boyfriend Wolfe (Hendrik Borgmann) to bully and humiliate Philip and his friends. While in Frau Niedermacher's (Patricia Thielemann) class, Rebecca and her two goth friends Gunther (Oliver Grober) and Frederik (Tom Lass) give a presentation on Voodoo, which is ridiculed by the class, including Wurst and Konrad. When Philip learns that Rebecca knows of a love spell, he asks if she would use it for him so that he could woo Uschi. Though she tells him it will not work, she tells him to meet her and her friends at the cemetery, where she, Gunther, and Frederik planned to perform a ritual. Later that night, Philip, Wurst, and Konrad show up at the cemetery, where they learn that Rebecca and the goths plan to use the ashes of a zombie (specifically the zombie from the beginning of the film), and a chicken from the grocery store, to raise the dead, specifically to raise Kurt Cobain so that he can play music for them. Though the spell is cast, as the urn is being emptied, a gust of wind picks up and covers Philip, Wurst, and Konrad in the zombie's ashes. Disappointed and frustrated, the three leave. While driving home, Wurst loses control of his van while messing with his bong, causing an accident that kills all three boys. The zombie ashes slowly re-animate them. The three wake up in a mortuary, and discover that they are dead, but are somehow still alive all the same. They escape the morgue, and after returning home realize that they have become zombies as a result of the ritual. The next morning the three eat raw steaks before going to school. At school, the boys are bullied again by Wolfe, but quickly discover that because they are now zombies, they no longer feel pain and have tremendous strength. Realizing this, Konrad begins to take revenge on those who bullied him (as he has written down every incident since he started school), while Philip seeks out Rebecca. He initially tries to get her help in fixing his zombie condition, but she mistakenly thinks he remembered her birthday, causing him to promise to spend it with her. Throughout the day Konrad begins to crave raw meat and human flesh, causing him to get in trouble after he bites one of his classmates. At gym class, the boys use their newfound strength and immunity to pain in order to trounce Wolfe and the school rugby team, which earns them the admiration of their whole class. To celebrate their victory, Wurst announces a party at Philip's house, and Uschi publicly declares that she will have sex with Philip. When Rebecca sees this, she storms off, angry and hurt. Konrad sneaks into the office of the gym teacher (Tim Wilde) and takes revenge upon him by eating him. When Philip and Wurst discover this, they scold him and end up ripping of Konrad's ear, which he staples back on. To keep him from eating anyone else, Philip and Wurst chain Konrad to a pipe in the basement. Later on, Uschi and the rest of the school show up at Philip's home and proceed to throw a wild party. Wurst uses his being undead to win numerous bets, particularly drinking competitions, and seduces Frau Niedermacher. Wolfe, eager for revenge for being humiliated by Philip, sneaks in, leaves a stash of drugs in the basement, and calls the police. Konrad consumes all of the drugs and breaks free from his confinement. Philip pleads for Rebecca to come join the party, which she agrees to eventually. She arrives just as Philip and Uschi were about to have sex, causing her to leave, again feeling hurt. Philip attempts to seduce Uschi, but she accidentally pulls off his penis, causing him to quickly run away. With the help of Wurst, he reattaches his penis with a stapler. Uschi catches the two in the middle of this, and assumes Wurst was giving Philip fellatio. She then ridicules and humiliates him, prompting people to start leaving. The police show up and search the house, but find nothing, much to the dismay of Wolfe (who did not realize the drugs he planted were gone) and Philip (who discovered Konrad had escaped). The police find nothing and break up the party finally. Once alone, Konrad bites and kills Wolfe, prompting them to hide his body in the freezer. Desperate for a cure, Philip goes to Rebecca once again. While alone with her, he loses control, attacks her, accidentally burns her spell book, and then runs away in shame. Rebecca then correctly deduces that the ritual she and the other goths performed turned Philip and his friends in to zombies. The next morning, Konrad is gone, but Rebecca arrives and agrees to help them find an antidote. She has Philip and Wurst steal another copy of her spell book from a museum, and then sends them off to gather the necessary ingredients, including holy water and the blood of a virgin. Wurst and Philip gather all except the blood, which Rebecca reluctantly offers. As she prepares the potion, Philip and Wurst scramble to clean up the house, as Philip's parents (Henry Grundler and Sissi Perlinger) call to inform him they're on their way home. En route, they accidentally run over Konrad and take him to the hospital. When Philip's parents arrive at home, Philip and Wurst fail in convincing them that there was no party held there the previous night, but manage to escape and consume the potion, making them human again. Philip, Rebecca, and Wurst rush for the hospital, using Frau Niedermacher's car. At the hospital, the group confront Konrad (who had gone through a large portion of the hospital's blood bank), and give chase in an attempt to get him to drink the potion. While cornering him in an autopsy room, Philip ends up impaled on a knife which Konrad threw at Rebecca, and starts dying for a second time. Overcome with remorse, Konrad saves Philip by turning him into a zombie again using his own blood, and agrees to drink the potion. Wurst accidentally drops the bottle containing it, causing it to break. After tasting the contents of the bottle, however, Wurst realizes it was Frau Niedermacher's special cocktail of "moonshine, vodka, and orange juice," and that she in fact had the real potion. Frau Niedermacher then appears with the bottle, and Philip and Konrad become human again. In the final scene, Philip and Rebecca acknowledge their feelings for one another and have sex in Philip's bed after sneaking her into his room. ===== Sasirekha (Maheswari) is the daughter of a rich father (Jayaprakash Reddy), who is a strict disciplinarian and hates any kind of love affair. Ravi (Ravi Teja), an orphan, falls in love with Sasi and she also slowly develops feelings for Ravi. One day Ravi meets Sasi's father in the outskirts of the city and tells him all about his love. However, he is accidentally killed by Ravi in a scuffle. Sasi soon finds out that the real culprit is Ravi. Infuriated, she breaks up with him. Ravi, unable to bear the rejection, jumps from a hill. He escapes death, only to be told by the doctors that he is disabled and might be cured in the future if someone took care of him. In the climax, Sasi decides to stay with Ravi, who is nothing but a vegetable now, stating that what ever he did was just because of his love for her and she still is in love with him. ===== A “Man” wakes up, severely injured, in a wrecked car near the bottom of a steep ravine. His right leg is broken and stuck between the dashboard and the door, and he is suffering from amnesia. Two other passengers are dead nearby. The Man hallucinates about a “Woman” finding him. The Man scares off a cougar by firing two shots from a revolver he finds inside the car. He hears on the car radio about an armed robbery by a man named Raymond Plazzy. Finding a credit card under the passenger seat in the name of Raymond Plazzy, the Man assumes that he is Plazzy. After a few days, he finally manages to pry his leg free. The Man splints his leg and crawls around the car. He finds bags of money in the trunk. When he starts to crawl up the hill, a man emerges from the woods and starts to loot the car. The Man tries to stop the woodsman, who just aims his gun at him before he runs away with some of the stolen money. A Belgian Shepherd dog appears, and the Man follows it into the woods. He finds a working cell phone inside a cave, discovering the body of the woodsman, who appears to have been attacked by the cougar. The Man cannot obtain a cell signal. Frequently hallucinating about the Woman, he finally shoots her with the revolver after realizing the hallucination have led him back to the car. He then becomes determined to get out of the ravine. After crawling for days, he finds a road and a dead body with a matching photo ID card that says Raymond Plazzy. He then remembers what happened to him: he was running errands with his wife (the Woman) when he witnessed an armed bank robbery, where a security guard is shot and the Man is taken hostage by Plazzy. In the present, the cougar appears and the man kicks Plazzy‘s corpse toward the cougar, which drags it away. The Man now has a cell phone signal and calls for help. The man is picked up by a park ranger. When getting in the truck, he asks about the dog, but it is nowhere to be seen. When he clicks his seat belt on, it triggers a memory of putting on his seatbelt while Plazzy and his two fellow robbers were arguing, with Plazzy holding a gun to the Man’s head. The Man uses their distraction to grab the wheel, causing the car to crash. The scene blacks out. ===== The film is about Wang Liu, a martial artist who is sent by his master to the Philippines to deliver half a silver coin to his uncle, he gets to his destination to find his uncle has been shot. Wang finds out that when the other half of the coin is connected it reveals the whereabouts of treasure his uncle buried for the Japanese army. But the second half of the silver coin belongs to the daughter of a man known as Mr Ramos, but their whereabouts is unknown. After burying his uncle Wang tries to find Mr Ramos' daughter, who we know is called Mina. While he is doing this two assassins kidnap Mr Santos' daughter. While in capture Mina appears for the first time but is soon also captured. When Wang comes home he finds Mr Santos' daughter is missing. While trying to find her he is also captured by the assassins. They escape and Mina gives Wang the second half of the silver coin, the coin tells them that the treasure is buried in a park near their house. They all go and dig up the treasure to find the box is empty. While Wang searches to find who is behind this Mina and Mr Santos' daughter are re-captured, Meanwhile, Wang finds that a woman is spying on him to find the whereabouts of the treasure. Two of her assassins then kill Mina and Mr Santos' daughter. Wang discovers this and vows revenge, he finds the woman spying on him is called Mrs Misuke. He fights her and she throws a poison dart at his chest, Wang takes the dart and throws it into her eye. As the opening credits role we see both Wang and Mrs Misuke die together. ===== The film follows Lorenzo Madero, a low-level thug, and ex-boxer who collects taxes for a loan shark. Lorenzo decides to clean up his act and leave his violent ways after he slices open a watermelon and finds the image of the Virgin Mary Virgen de Guadalupe outlined in the melon's seeds. His employers think that he will turn them all into the police based on his new way of life so they set off to hunt him down. Lorenzo finds that in order to reach his goal of a peaceful existence he will have to kill for it. Mykel Board of Maximum Rock N Roll called the film "Great!" and praised Gabriel Valentin Ochoa's performance saying "He was great in it". ===== Shyam lives a wealthy lifestyle in London, England, and is considered one of the ten richest people in the world. His father, S.K. Malhotra, was killed, and his mother identified his killer, but before this person could be apprehended, she, herself passes away, but not before asking Shyam to return to India and marry a beautiful girl. Shyam does return to India, and once there does meet the girl, Radha, of his dreams, but does not know that Radha is a mere pawn in the hands of a group of people, including his father's killer, who are after his wealth and estate, and will do anything in their power to obtain it. ===== The matured actor Jean Renneval has a secret affair with the wife of a well-heeled merchant. When Renneval has to play a clergyman, he visits the wife while still in costume. That's the day when the cuckolded husband sees the two of them together. Renneval tries to defuse the situation by pretending he was a real clergyman. But this leads to some new problems for Renneval. ===== Tansy Saylor is the wife of an up-and-coming young sociology professor at a small, conservative American college. She is also a witch. Her husband, Norman, discovers this one day while rummaging through her dressing table: he finds vials of graveyard dirt, packets of hair and fingernail clippings from their acquaintances, and other evidence of her witchcraft. He confronts Tansy, and manages to convince her that her faith in magic is a result of superstition and neurosis. Tansy burns her charms; and Norman's luck immediately goes sour. He realizes that he had been protected, up till now, by Tansy's charms, and that as a result of his meddling, they are both now powerless to counteract the spells and charms of the other witches all around them. ===== Paul Gregory (Sylvester) is a blind but very successful pop music composer, married to the beautiful Anne (Shelley). Anne is having a secret affair with struggling artist Rickie Seldon (Alexander Davion), and persuades Paul to commission Rickie to paint her portrait as a pretext to enable them to spend time together. Paul agrees, but after a recording session with Ronnie Carroll he is told by his business partner Mike Williams (Mark Eden) that Anne and Rickie have been seen about town together in circumstances which leave no doubt that they are more than friends. Paul knows that Mike has always disliked Anne and suspects he may be trouble-causing, but is finally persuaded of the validity of his allegations. Paul makes it clear to Anne that he has found out about the affair and threatens to leave her. Fearing her meal-ticket is about to disappear, she tells Rickie that they will have to arrange an "accident" to Paul by getting him drunk and pushing him off the balcony of their home. If Rickie does not agree, she suggests, their affair must end. The plan is attempted, but is botched by Rickie, whose heart is not really in it. After a struggle, he and Paul start to talk and Paul tells him to open his eyes to Anne's true nature, suggesting that she may well be double-crossing him too. Rickie, having no personal antipathy towards Paul, comes to the conclusion that he may be right. The pair end up forming an unlikely alliance, unknown to Anne, to try to entrap her into revealing her true motives. Between them they manage to set her up, and discover that the serious romance is between Anne and Mike, who have managed to hide it for so long by the public pretence of mutual antagonism and loathing. In fact the whole scheme had been concocted with Rickie in mind as a convenient fall guy, there to take the rap if suspicions were aroused about Paul's death. Paul and Rickie then set about meting out appropriate justice on the perfidious pair. ===== The film opens with the a woman, Niamh (Mary Woodvine), dragging a body in from the cold, white out-side into what looks like a disused run-down factory who's walls are covered in strange, cryptical maps that seem to not make any sense. She is wearing a blue boiler suit and a respirator. The body "Sean" (Ian Marshall) is also dressed in a blue boiler suit and appears badly wounded (from one of the traps). Niamh calls out for "Doc" and "Friday" although nobody appears. Sean and Niamh appear to know each other but as they exchange words two children appear asking what is going on. Niamh tells them that Sean has been out-side without his respirator and is very ill. She tells the children to go back to their room and wait for her. Sean quips that he is fine and asks if they want some sweeties. The children disappear. Sean repeats that he is 'fine' over and over again then tells her he can smell bread, she agrees she can then continues to drag him through the endless corridors. Later, Niamh is frantically cleaning the trail of blood on the floor. Rory and Roison, her children, appear and ask if they can help look for respirators. Later they are in their room where Niamh tells them that Sean has left them some sweeties. After reading them a bedtime story she sings them to sleep. Niamh starts talking to her friend Doc (Phil Jacobs), they talk about Sean and she asks him to re-set the traps. She doesn't acknowledge that he is not dressed in a boiler suit and he seems matter-of-fact about the situation, but Niamh is tense. As she goes to search for more respirators she starts imagining strange images and noises. We see an old style film recording of Niamh in normal clothes having a picnic. It abruptly cuts back to Niamh presently. A while later she hears a noise coming from the main door. Doc notes that he thought Niamh had set the traps. As Niamh turns to respond Doc has vanished. She goes to investigate. Two people are now inside the building also wearing boiler suits and carrying torches. Niamh follows them and eventually corners them in a small room demanding to know how they have been walking outside without respirators and what they are doing here. The man "Jackson" (Mark Pearce) and the woman "Siobhan" (Helen Rule) claim they are looking for Sean. Niamh stops interrogating them and asks them to follow her. They seem bewildered at Niamh's obsession with the strangely marked maps on the wall and eventually they end up in another room where Niamh informs Jackson that he will be sleeping there. He doesn't seem keen on being split up from Siobhan and Niamh asks her if they sleep together. Siobhan laughs at this and says the fact Jackson will be in the small room on his own serves as 'poetic justice'. Niamh seems puzzled at this comment but does not ask any questions. Siobhan remarks to Jackson that Niamh knows her name. She then leads Siobhan on another journey to her room where Siobhan tenderly asks Niamh how she can sleep in a place like this. Niamh rejects Siobhan's kindness and leaves her alone in the room. Later on Niamh catches Jackson and Siobhan looking for respirators, Siobhan shows Niamh some sweets she had found claiming they know they belong to Sean. Niamh takes to some of her maps and asks them to make all the maps 'right'. She tells them they either do it or go. Niamh continues to have strange visions and dreams and when Doc appears he tells them it could be handy having Jackson and Siobhan there as they hold the 'secrets' she needs for her survival. She goes to see Jackson and Siobhan in Jackson's room armed with alcohol and food and claims it's time for a celebration. Jackson gets mad but Siobhan tries to calm him down. They end up getting drunk. Siobhan recognises a song that Niamh sings (A variant of A Brisk Young Sailor Courted Me) and tells Niamh that her father taught it to her, Niamh claims she can't remember where she heard it. Siobhan goes back to her room and leaves the remaining two on their own. Niamh asks Jackson why the tense atmosphere and after a confrontation Niamh storm out. She goes to her sleeping children and carries them away as she is now getting concerned about Siobhan and Jackson's presence. She begs Doc for help and they carry the children to the main door. Doc hands Rory back to Niamh who crumples to the floor, she cries out to Doc who simply appears to vanish. Niamh is left sobbing with her children unable to escape her 'prison'. Angry, she goes to see Jackson desperately begging for the secrets. She asks if he's married, he replies he once was and shows her pictures of his children but she refuses to look at them and runs off. They soon begin to realise that Siobhan is missing and when they find blood in her room Niamh accuses Jackson of murdering her. He denies it and shows Niamh papers he says are the secrets that Niamh has been searching for. Niamh runs away from him and he pursues her. She realises her children are no longer there either. She tries to run from Jackson leading him around the maze of corridors and rooms. Her voice echos around the building as Jackson pursues her in desperation as he catches up with her he falls to his death through a hole in the floor Niamh had stumbled across before when she was looking for respirators. We discover in flashbacks that Niamh was suffering depression and had drugged her children and then tried to drug herself unsuccessfully, her children dying as a result. Jackson was her husband, Siobhan was her sister and Sean was her Father. All other characters were figments of her imagination. This sudden realisation brings her back down to earth as the police break into the building, which is a dis-used mental asylum she was once a patient at. She is taken away by police, having now murdered the rest of her family. ===== Crystal, a teenage girl residing in Northern California with her mother Linda, gets an unannounced visit from her cousin Sarah, who becomes their houseguest for the summer and soon after unleashes her dark secret on Crystal, turning her life and the lives of others into a living hell. ===== The series follows four stories. Riley and Seth Costello as they are invited to a party at a footballer's house and the McAllisters plot their revenge. Jason Costello who is confronted by Fern and admits his gender dysphoria, only to have Fern threaten to tell his family and Bart McQueen. Mercedes Fisher upset over Malachy Fisher and Lynsey Nolan's relationship, lie that she has been infected with HIV by Malachy. Mitzeee as she teaches Nancy Hayton and a heavily pregnant Theresa McQueen how to become a WAG. ===== A Viennese ingénue named Toni LeBrun, (Corinne Griffith), is determined not to be content in her current life, staying with her aunt and uncle and working in their pretzel bakery. The young girl earns a correspondence course degree as an opera singer and dreams of fame on the stage. She decides to leave her small town life, traveling to Budapest to answer an ad from the Palais de Paris. However, the ad was a sham, a way to get girls for cheap stage shows and more, for its wealthier clientele. When she arrives, Toni is confused when the manager, the lecherous (and quite possibly lesbian) Madame Bauer (Maude George), asks her to show her bare legs in lieu of exhibiting her singing voice. She is hired nonetheless, having been deemed sexy enough, while still ignorant of the set-up. She refuses to wear the skimpy costume assigned and is given a white puritan-style costume instead. Before the show, the manager greets aristocrat Henri D'Avril (Lowell Sherman), giving him a menu (of sorts) of the showgirls from which to choose. When he asks if there is anyone new, he is directed to Toni's name on the program. When Toni begins her performance in earnest, the audience starts to slumber, given her conservative dress. But the manager directs a lighting change, which causes her translucent clothing become highly revealing and quite nearly see-through. Through their reaction, Toni realizes what has happened and runs off the stage where she is comforted by the wardrobe woman, Rosa (Louise Dresser), the only friend she's made since arriving in the city. However, Madame Bauer is not through with Toni yet, she has arranged a rendezvous for her with D’Avril in a room off the stage. Once locked inside with Toni, he quickly tries to take advantage. She struggles against his advances which are heard by Rosa, who is able to come to her rescue. When Madame Bauer discovers that her client didn't get what he wanted, she fires Toni and Rosa on the spot. Conveniently, Rosa was about to leave on a two-week vacation anyway and persuades the forlorn Toni to go with her. They go to Monte Carlo, but Toni is now suspicious of other people's motives. So when Rosa signs the Eden Hotel register as Baroness & her daughter, Toni accuses her of being no better than Madame Bauer. However, Rosa has documentation which proves that she is in fact a Baroness, and tells Toni that she signed the registration that way because she wishes it were so. Only much of her fortune was lost after the First World War and she can only afford such trips by living frugally for the rest of the year. Later, when Toni is playing the piano in her room, she is spotted through the window from across the courtyard by Richard (Charles Ray). In an amusing scene, he tries to get her attention by signaling her, turning on & off the lights in his room. As a gag, she responds with same, causing everyone else on his entire side of the hotel to do it too. When Rosa sees it, she stops the nonsense. However, Richard then decides to call Toni's room, but Rosa answers and decides to invite him over to put a stop to it. She plays the piano while she waits for Richard to arrive. But he arrives at Rosa's door, where Toni is. Tired of unwanted suitors, she appears uninterested in his flirting, yet doesn't reveal him when Rosa returns & he hides behind a door. Colonel Dupont (Edward Martindel) arrives to call on Rosa, but is instantly entranced by Toni. In the doorway, he asks the two ladies to dinner which is witnessed by Richard, who just moments earlier had escaped from their room via another door. Upon hearing their acceptance, Richard joins them, revealing that the Colonel is his uncle. After the dinner, Richard takes Toni for a walk through the hotel's grounds and garden (the title of the film) and they fall in love, losing track of the time. The rest of the film has Toni being wooed by both Richard and his uncle with a song one of them wrote on the piano. However, there is a surprise involving D'Avril which threatens Toni's happy ending. ===== Safe- designer Richard Logan (Franklyn) comes to consciousness on a patch of waste ground with no recollection of how he came to be there. Assuming he must have been attacked and hit over the head, but feeling no apparent ill-effects, he returns home to wife Julie (Redmond) to apologise for being late and tell his story. He is astonished to learn from Julie that he has been missing not for a few hours, but for three weeks. Furthermore, a troubling series of events has occurred during his absence, which appear to point to his involvement in criminal activity. A safe which he personally installed in a large house has been robbed and its contents stolen, with no explanation as to how its supposedly foolproof security mechanisms were so easily overridden. In an attempt to trace her missing husband, Julie has employed a private detective, who discovered evidence implicating Richard of involvement with another woman, and more seriously the private detective has recently been found murdered. Richard enlists Julie's help in trying to recover his memory of the peculiar goings-on of which he has no recollection. He soon becomes aware that he is being trailed by a group of mysterious men. Meanwhile, in his confused mental state he is constantly tantalised by seemingly random and trivial things - a snatch of a popular song or a conversational nuance - which seem to strike a chord with him, for reasons for which he cannot account. He starts to experience flashbacks so momentary and fleeting that they are gone before his conscious mind can seize them. He begins to question the validity of the assumptions on which he is working, wondering if he may indeed have been involved in criminal activity which his mind has blocked out as a defence mechanism, and even begins to doubt Julie's integrity, questioning whether she may have far more knowledge of, and personal involvement in, what has been happening than she is letting on. He is lured to a country house which is blown up. The resulting intrigue finally appears to jolt his memory back into place, and he believes he has found the explanation for what has been going on. ===== Liz Lemon—the head writer of The Girlie Show with Tracy Jordan (TGS)—is preparing to air another episode of TGS, but is angry that her co-workers have forgotten her 40th birthday. Tracy Jordan frustrates her further by deciding to break character during the show's live broadcast in an homage to The Carol Burnett Show. TGS co-star Jenna Maroney is determined to not let Tracy upstage her and declares she will have a deliberate wardrobe malfunction and bare her breast on live television if Tracy does not stop. As the show goes awry due to Tracy and Jenna's unprofessionalism, Liz is forced to cut away from their regularly scheduled programming to commercials for Dr. Leo Spaceman's new album of erotic ballads to cure erectile dysfunction and Drew Baird's public service announcement for hand-transplant surgery. Meanwhile, Jack Donaghy struggles with a promise that he made to his girlfriend Avery Jessup—he will not drink alcohol during her entire pregnancy in a show of solidarity with her. Instead, he takes up knitting and stage magic, but finds the urge to drink so strong that he begins sniffing paint cans and Jenna's breath just to get a whiff of alcohol. During TGS, Liz gets a phone call from her boyfriend airline pilot Carol informing her that he is going through extreme turbulence and may crash his plane. In the final act of the show, Jack conspires with the cast and crew to give Liz a last-minute birthday surprise which he wants to appear as though it had been planned all along. Meanwhile, Carol safely lands his plane and rushes to greet Liz on set. All they can muster on short notice is a polka band and a large cake with Fonzie on it—gifts that were intended to celebrate janitor Jadwiga's birthday. She proceeds to ruin the TGS goodnights and tear into the cake with her bare hands. In Jack's office, Liz and Jack share a drink as Liz's birthday wish. In the final scene, as Jack takes a drink, the program reverts to a pre-recorded segment and Jack says, "That's more like it." The episode ends with a live goodnight from the TGS stage by the cast of the episode, a la Saturday Night Live. ===== The rich and successful Dr. Manning is called out in the middle of the night to visit a private patient. He never returns and the next morning his wife Annette (Gynt) finds him missing. Soon after, she receives a ransom note demanding £5,000 for his release. The police are alerted and soon Annette is trying to deliver the money to various drop-off points specified by the kidnapper in telephone calls to her. The police keep watch, hoping to catch the kidnapper in the act of retrieving the money, but every attempts ends in failure as he fails to show up, realising the locations are being watched. Annette hires a private detective Nick Logan (Randell) to make his own investigations. Manning is found dead, and the police decide to use Annette as bait to catch his killer. They publicise that she has heard his voice in the phone calls and will be able to identify it if she hears it again, hoping that the threat will flush him out in order to try to get her out of the way. Logan now begins to work together with the police, and they finally succeed in cornering the killer, who reveals a surprising motive for his actions. ===== A seemingly innocuous and respectable elderly lady is knocked down and critically injured by a bus on a London street. When the police search her handbag to find out her identity, they are astonished to discover a series of top secret military blueprints. The secret service are alerted and arrive at the hospital to question her, but she laughs in their faces before quietly dying. The man for the job is top secret service agent Tommy Blythe (Walls), who happens to be on honeymoon with new wife Louise (Saint-Cyr). He is summoned back to London under conditions of absolute secrecy, not allowed to divulge any details even to Louise, who naturally does not believe his unconvincing cover story and jumps to the conclusion that he is having an affair. Enquiries lead to the Notting Hill boarding house where the dead woman lived and Tommy takes a room there incognito to try to infiltrate what is assumed to be a nest of spies. Louise follows him to London and confronts him, and he is forced against orders to take her into his confidence. She also takes a room and the couple pretend not to know each other, giving their names as a Mr. Bullock and a Miss Heffer. Together they set about the task of observing and investigating the sundry assortment of fellow lodgers, knowing that some are completely innocent while others harbour dark and treacherous secrets which threaten the very nation. From the grasping landlady Mrs. Dewar (Irene Handl) and the meek maid Elsie (Withers), through to fellow boarders including a blind man (Adam), a Boer War colonel and his wife apparently in retirement, a travelling salesman, a scatty old biddy and a merchant of Argentinian meat, all come under suspicion before the wily pair of sleuths manage to untangle the web of lies and false leads to reveal who in the household is or is not a traitor. ===== Mr. Proudfoot (Sydney Howard ) is an attention-seeking bore who subjects his long- suffering wife (Muriel George) and exasperated acquaintances to endless tall tales about narrow escapes from bombs. He also teases the local blackout warden for his ridiculous pettiness when it comes to enforcing blackout restrictions. One night Mr. Proudfoot invites a friend (Wylie Watson) over for a late night game of billiards, but is careless about his blackout. After moving the blackout screen over to let in some air, the light showing from his home provides a target for a stray German bomber. The German crew had been struggling with inclement weather and were unable to get their bearings until they see the light below, which, after some calculations, indicates they are over London. Having unloaded a bomb over Mr. Proudfoot's district, and even hitting his house with calamitous results, the Luftwaffe bomber is shot down by RAF Hawker Hurricane fighters. Under interrogation, one of the German crew states that they were guided to their target by a light blazing from a property that allowed them to plot out an attack. Despite his injuries, Mr. Proudfoot appears at his local pub bandaged and bruised, but is still boasting to anyone who will listen about his latest brush with death. ===== Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) agrees to give sketch show TGS with Tracy Jordan head writer Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) a ride to Newark Liberty International Airport to meet her boyfriend Carol (Matt Damon). On the way, she tells him that she is having intimacy issues with Carol and wants to end the relationship. Jack, who is having a successful run of problem-solving, encourages Liz to confide in him so that he can help solve her problem. She tells him of a traumatic incident from her childhood when, preparing to use the bathroom whilst wearing roller skates, she pulled down her underpants and fell, pulling a Tom Jones poster on top of her. Her mother (Anita Gillette) discovered Liz under the poster and suspected her of masturbating, so she took all her posters away. With their limousine stuck in traffic, Jack exits the vehicle to try to digest Liz's story. At the same time, TGS star Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) tries to film a commercial for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America but has a difficult time remembering his line resulting in production holding traffic up as the commercial shoot is blocking off a street. Jack comes upon the scene and realizes the problem. To speed things up, he gives Tracy jelly beans to eat and while he is chewing, Jack imitates Tracy's voice and says the line Tracy was scheduled to say. Back in the car, Jack begins to lose confidence in his problem-solving abilities because Liz still wants to break up with Carol. As they talk through Liz's past problems with sex, they realize that they are all connected to the incident with the Tom Jones poster and that each time she has had a problem, it is because she has been reminded of the singer. Liz is relieved that she has found the root of her problem and Jack convinces her to stay with Carol. When they finally reach Newark Airport, Liz realizes that she is supposed to meet him at John F. Kennedy International Airport instead. Meanwhile, TGS star Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) receives a card from Carvel that entitles her to free ice cream cakes for life. She gets a free cake with the card but it has a mistake in the decoration so NBC page Kenneth Parcell (Jack McBrayer) returns it to the restaurant. When he gets a refund for the free cake, Jenna decides to scam the restaurant. With Kenneth's help, she orders several more cakes and gets refunds for them. Eventually Jenna is banned from Carvel. The two then enlist actor Kelsey Grammer to assist them in a bigger scam. Jenna and Kenneth submit a sketch to TGS producer Pete Hornberger (Scott Adsit) in Liz's name that requires dozens of cakes. Grammer orders the cakes and later gets refunds for all of them. The gang has now collected money from both TGS and Carvel for 21 free cakes, a windfall of nearly 800 dollars. Kenneth runs into one of the Carvel employees (Jen Ponton) and learns that she was fired because of the scam. Realizing the negative effect of their actions, Kenneth decides not to take part in the scams anymore. ===== Aban (Sania Saeed) goes to find solace in the cottage house which her parents owned in Astore District. They have cut all ties with her for something that happened in the past and that house is the only place where she could feel their presence. Aban unexpectedly meets Zafar (Faisal Rehman) whilst standing near the edge of a hill. He thinks she is trying to commit suicide and jumps at her with a shawl, dragging her away from the 'suicidal spot'. Aban thinks he's a mental man but her views are soon changed for good, when she sees that Zafar is actually a very caring person who looks after 8 orphaned children. One day Zafar calls Aban to come at his place and meet the kids only to make her realise that one of the kids, the only girl in the group, Samira, is battling with a life-threatening heart disease and she had lost both her parents to the 2005 Pakistan earthquake but still she manages to smile and that life goes on and we keep moving from one point to the next. ===== The story begins with Anni (Manu Rishi) and his gangster colleagues who all work for Bhai Sahab (Sanjay Mishra), a gangster, watching U.S president Barack Obama's famous speech 'Yes We Can' on TV. Anni is shown as a big fan of Obama and wants to migrate to the US. In the US, Om Shastri (Rajat Kapoor), a businessman has faced huge losses due to recession and is all set to lose his house if he can't pay his $100,000 loan in the next thirty days. He comes to India to sell his ancestral property in Uttar Pradesh as his last hope. But the recession has also hit India and he struggles to find a buyer. Anni meets Om who promises him to take him to US, Anni in excitement tells Bhai Sahab who thinks Om is rich and orders his kidnapping. He hopes to get a good ransom so that his bad time (due to recession) ends. Om is kidnapped but later tells Bhai Sahab and his men that he is bankrupt. Thanks to the local police, one of the local gangsters Ali comes to know about Om and orders Bhai Sahab to hand over to him. Anni comes with the idea of selling Om to Ali. Anni, Bhai Sahab and his men chant 'Yes We Can' out of happiness. Om on hearing their conversation suggests Bhai Sahab and him share the money, in return he would not tell Ali about their cheating. The deal happens and Bhai Sahab gets 3 million. Bhai Sahab then transfers half the amount to Om's bank account in the US. The other gangster comes to know about Om's bankruptcy. But Om saves his and Anni's life by telling the same idea. The price now is Rs. 6 million and divided equally. Om is then sold for 6 million to Munni (Neha Dhupia), a dreaded female gangster who hates men. Om is happy because he receives 3 million and now there is a total of 4.5 million (US$100,000) in his bank account and tells his wife to pay off the loan. But soon Munni comes to know about Om's state and captures Bhai Sahab and his men. Om again saves his and others life from Munni asking her to play the same trick with local Minister and politician Dhanajay Singh (Amole Gupte). So Munni takes Om to Dhanajay Singh. The Minister runs a kidnapping Mafia and is the head of all kidnappings. Minister pays Munni 15 million and keeps Om and Anni at his guest house. Om and Anni come to know that they will be killed if Om's wife doesn't pay the ransom. At night, Om fakes a heart attack and escapes with Anni. The Minister orders the police for a manhunt. Realizing that he cannot escape to Delhi, he comes with a new plan. He goes to the local police station where the Minister is there and surrenders to him. The minister is about to take Om back to the guest house when Anni along with the Minister's supporters and local media arrive. The minister has no option but to release Om. Om, on the other hand, tells the media to project the Minister as the next Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for saving his life. While on his way to Delhi to catch a flight back to the US, Om is stopped by Bhai Sahab and Munni. Munni gives Om his share but Om tells her to give it to his Indian relatives. Om leaves and Anni stays back in India. In the last scene, Munni asks Bhai Sahab if they can be partners and he replies, "Yes, we can". ===== Monsieur Taxi comes across a bag a passenger seems to have forgotten on the backseat. The bag contains a considerable amount of money and he is desperate to return it. While trying to find the owner of the bag he is eventually taken for a criminal and arrested by police. But in the end everything is straightened out and he lives to see his both children get married. ===== A young girl goes missing and her father (Daddo) accuses his mother-in-law, Barbara (Bisset) of abducting her. He speculates about Barbara's deep involvement in the occult with the accusation that she is a witch. Barbara responds by accusing her son-in-law of abusing her granddaughter.Witch Hunt (1999) [Australian] Jacqueline Bisset fans. Retrieved 15 October 2010 ===== Christine (Bisset) is a wealthy aristocrat in 1890s New York City. She is a spinster that unexpectedly gets another shot at love, although the opportunity is threatened by her false pride and puritanical social views. ===== A fading actress, Sheila (Bisset) finds consolation in a stranger, Margo (Russell) during her train journey. Sheila tells Margo of her desire to divorce her husband, and in turn Margo shares her hatred for her domineering mother. They jokingly suggest performing a murder on each other's behalf. But all too soon the joke becomes reality. ===== The film opens with Gobber's house on fire and the Vikings and resident dragons getting it under control. Gobber is convinced that his old nemesis The Boneknapper Dragon, a giant, yet perfectly silent dragon (the only one with no roar) that clothes itself in bones for armor, is responsible. However no one else believes that the Boneknapper even exists, much less that it burned his house, especially when the evidence suggests that the fire was started by his underwear drying at his hearth and catching fire. Undeterred, Gobber vows to hunt down the beast once and for all and Hiccup reluctantly decides that he cannot let his mentor go alone, so he convinces his Viking recruit comrades to join him as well. As the gang row to the island where Gobber believes the dragon lives, Gobber tells them of his past encounters with the monster, shown to the viewer in traditional animation. He apparently first met it when he discovered a group of frozen Vikings after he relieved himself on an iceberg during a family outing and he extracted a small treasure chest from the ice. As the frozen Viking he stole it from resisted by punching him in the face a couple of times, the Boneknapper appeared and chased him until he landed back in the family boat. The contents of the chest turn out to be a small bone that Gobber has since used as a belt buckle. The stories continue, becoming increasingly ridiculous as Gobber tells of later encounters with the Boneknapper being interfered with by hammerhead sharks, a hammerhead whale, a hammerhead yak jumping out of an active volcano and the Norse thunder god Thor. Unfortunately, the group's attention is so occupied that they allow their boat to run aground and sink. Taking the loss of their only way home in stride, Gobber sets up a trap using Fishlegs as bait. The gang still refuses to believe Gobber's claims, but unfortunately, a real Boneknapper silently comes up from behind the group and Fishlegs' attempts to warn them are ignored until it is in position to attack. At the same time, the Boneknapper makes a squeaky sound in its failed attempt to roar. Realizing that Gobber was telling the truth about the Boneknapper all along, the gang has to take shelter inside their own trap. All seems lost, but Hiccup sees an empty spot on the dragon's neck armor that exactly resembles Gobber's belt buckle bone. Hiccup realizes that the Boneknapper may simply be seeking to reclaim it from Gobber to complete his armor and be able to roar. Gobber initially refuses to heed Hiccup's advice to placate the creature. However, he is soon seized by the beast and finally gives in. He throws the bone back at the dragon; the bone lands perfectly in the empty spot and the dragon is finally able to triumphantly roar with his armor completed. As it turns out, the satisfied Boneknapper is a friendly one and Gobber finally develops a newfound love and respect for the creature. The adventurers then ride the Boneknapper, presumably towards Berk. As Fishlegs informs the others that the dragon's roar is a mating call, four other Boneknappers appear from the distance. Gobber notes that he will definitely be believed this time. ===== Peter Marshall (Fred MacMurray), who works for the Trotter Poll ("like the Gallup Poll, but not as fast"), is sent out to find a missing co-worker, Hector Smedley. He goes to see the last family the man was supposed to interview, the nutty and murderous Fleagles. There he runs afoul of Mert and Bert Fleagle (both played by Peter Whitney), the gun-toting twin sons of Mamie Fleagle Smithers Johnson (Marjorie Main). As matriarch of the clan Mamie insists that Peter, to escape death at the hands of Mert or Bert, pretend to be the boyfriend of jailed Bonnie Fleagle in order to gain the confidence of her dying grandmother (Mabel Paige). Grandma Fleagle has hidden $70,000 stolen by Bonnie and her now-executed father, but refuses to divulge where to her unwanted relations for a very good reason: she tells Pete that she has been poisoned by them. Before she dies, she teaches Pete a nonsensical song which is also known to Elany Fleagle (Jean Heather), Mamie's dimwitted daughter. The Fleagles are sure Grandma told Pete where the money is hidden and keep him captive. Then, a woman claiming to be Bonnie shows up, also looking for the loot. When she gets Pete alone for questioning, she reveals she is actually Claire Matthews (Helen Walker). Her innocent father was maliciously implicated by Bonnie's father in the bank robbery. Pete wants to escape, now that they are alone, but Claire insists on staying. If she can retrieve the money, she can exonerate her father. The Fleagles try to poison Claire at dinner, but Pete accidentally discovers that all but one of their plates have been poisoned (the poison glows in the dark); only the dish in front of Mamie's third husband, Mr. Johnson (Porter Hall), is safe to eat. Johnson slips away, but is soon found glowing and dead. The uneasy situation is further complicated when the real Bonnie Fleagle (Barbara Pepper) breaks out of prison and comes for her money. She makes Pete sing the song and she understands the seemingly meaningless lyrics. Pete gets away, and he deciphers the clues hidden in the words, from which Claire finds a key to the safety deposit box. Soon, all of the Fleagles, including Mr. Johnson (who had faked his death), are chasing Pete and Claire through the various secret passageways of the house. The plucky pair are able to drop each of their pursuers into a hay baling machine, from which they emerge safely. ===== Rio de Janeiro is the destination of choice for the misadventures of several expatriates, seeking both personal pleasure and social justice. The eccentric grouping includes a plastic surgeon, an unconventional new U.S. ambassador to Brazil and a filmmaking French couple.Rio Sex Comedy Toronto International Film Festival Schedule. Retrieved on 15 October 2010 ===== Australian stuntman Grant Page accepts a job on an American television series and travels to Los Angeles, where he reunites with his cousin, Sorcery band member Curtis Hyde. Hyde performs with a heavy metal band called Sorcery, playing the part of The Prince of Darkness who is locked in cosmic combat with the King of the Wizards. While the band plays out the story with its signature brand of theatrical but muscular hard rock, Page's first stunt for the cameras goes awry and he is hospitalized, but defies his doctors by escaping out a fifth story window to get back to the set. Such reckless behavior attracts the attention of newspaper reporter Lois, who is writing an article about the career-obsessed, and co-star Monique van de Ven, who both gravitate towards the stuntman's professional fearlessness. Together they attend Sorcery concerts, enjoy Hollywood parties with the band and explore the nature of extreme living. ===== Jake Sherman is sitting in his sixth grade science class with his friends Josh Hopka and Andy Kent. The class is taught by the boring teacher Mr. Dirksen, who does nothing but lecture the students, and never does anything fun. As he lectures them, Jake and his friends load spitball shooters and shoot them at Mr. Dirksen. Andy and Josh manage to hide their shooters, but Jake is caught by Mr. Dirksen. After class, Mr. Dirksen talks with Jake. He informs him that he is not going to be given detention, since Mr. Dirksen does not believe it will do any good. He says instead that Jake will, as punishment, carry a heavy box home for him. After school, Mr. Dirksen and Jake walk home to Mr. Dirksen's house. As they reach it, a storm begins to come in. Mr. Dirksen shows Jake an invention that he is building in his garage. He calls it the Dirksen Intelligence Transfer System, and hopes that it will one day gain the ability to transfer intelligence from one being to another, thus eliminating the need for education or training. As he finishes explaining his invention, a bolt of lightning strikes the house, knocking Jake and Mr. Dirksen unconscious. Jake wakes up and notices things are very different. He suddenly has an aching back and things look fuzzy. He looks across the garage to see himself looking back at him. The truth suddenly hits him: Mr. Dirksen's machine has caused Jake and his teacher to swap bodies. Mr. Dirksen (in Jake's body) informs Jake that he refuses to leave his student's body, and heads home to Jake's house. Jake (in Mr. Dirksen's body) follows, but is only thrown out of his house when his father does not recognize him and threatens to call the police. The following day, Jake takes over teaching his science class. He suddenly realize that, being in Mr. Dirksen's body, he can make the class fun. During the lesson, he teaches the students how to build bombs, much to their excitement. While Jake (Mr. Dirksen) has to write "I will not ask stupid questions in class." 100 times on the chalkboard instead of making the bombs. While trapped in his teacher's body, Jake attempts to make life miserable for Mr. Dirksen in hopes that he will agree to switch back, but to no avail. Eventually, "Mr. Dirksen's" lessons to his science class prove so exciting that the impressed Principal Blanco praises him for them and declares him a model teacher. To celebrate this, Jake's other teacher, Mrs. Rogers, takes him out to breakfast, where she begins to fall in love with Jake in Mr. Dirksen's body and proposes marriage to him. She invites him to have a romantic dinner at her house where he can discuss the matter. Jake eventually is able to convince his sister Jessica of his predicament and gets her to help him. None of her efforts to make the intruder miserable, however, prove effective. Mr. Dirksen, however, learns of a fact that makes him decide to switch back: that if he is Jake, he will have to spend the weekend in a cabin with Andy and Josh. Jake, Mr. Dirksen, and Jessica head to Mr. Dirksen's home. Mr. Dirksen points out that if there is no bolt of lightning to strike his home, there is no hope of the machine working. Jake attempts to fly a kite up to the power line and run the rope down to the machine, but the kite crashes. Jake then gets the idea to use a baseball instead. He and his sister are not able to do it, so he leaves it up to Mr. Dirksen. Mr. Dirksen makes Jake promise that if he switches back, Jake will be a model student. Jake agrees, so Mr. Dirksen throws the ball. It succeeds in wrapping around the line. The trio hurry to the garage and attach the line to the machine. Soon, another lightning bolt strikes the house, knocking Jake and his teacher unconscious. When they wake, they are back in their bodies. Mr. Dirksen agrees to make his classes more exciting from then on and heads to his dinner date with Mrs. Rogers. In an epilogue, Jake talks with Mrs. Rogers, who reveals she and Mr. Dirksen are engaged. ===== Cockney racing tipster Evans (Miller) is asked by a nouveau riche and socially aspirant couple to train a racehorse they have bought. The couple know nothing about horse racing, but believe that ownership of a successful racehorse will be their entrée into the high society racing set. Evans does not own a stable, so the horse has to live with him and his two lodgers in an urban mews. He has to keep constantly on his toes, as circumstances continually threaten to reveal to the horse's owners the ramshackle conditions in which the animal is kept. Despite its less than ideal training environment, the horse turns out to have a natural talent and great racing potential. It does well in its outings, and is entered for a prestigious race. Shortly before the big day, disaster strikes when the horse is stolen. Evans has to track down and outwit the crooks, and manages to recover the horse in the nick of time. Feeling confident of the horse's chances, Evans places a substantial bet on it to win the race. In his excitement however, he makes a mistake and accidentally lays the bet on a no- hope nag at ridiculously long odds. The race turns out to be a sensation, with all the favourites including Evans' horse failing to finish for one reason or another. The hopeless carthorse Evans backed in error crosses the line first and he makes a huge financial profit. ===== Four years ago, border patrol agent Jim Rhodes (Steve Austin) was stationed in Texas. Jim and his partner, his longtime friend Lee Davis (Eric Roberts), are staking out what looks like an empty trailer. As a gift, Lee gives Jim a watch that has a band made from climbing rope. The band can be unraveled and used in case of emergency. After Jim calls for backup, Jim and Lee decide to go in. What they find is a meth lab that looks abandoned. But two men come up from a door that was built into the trailer's floor, and they open fire, shooting Lee. Jim kills the two men, and another man opens fire from under the trailer. Jim makes the man come up through the same door the other two came through, and the man sets the trailer on fire. Lee kills the man, and Lee tells Jim to run, just before Lee dies. Reluctantly, Jim leaves Lee behind, running out of the trailer as it explodes because of the highly volatile chemicals used for producing meth. Now, Jim and his rebellious teenage daughter Kim (Marie Avgeropoulos) are living in the mountains in Lowery, Montana. In Reno, Nevada, a man named Lawson (Michael Hogan) and his crew of thieves have just robbed the Hotel Palacio casino. Lawson takes the millions of dollars in bearer bonds they stole, and leaves a bomb behind in a warehouse to kill the rest of the thieves, who include his psychopathic right-hand man Banks (Gil Bellows). Banks defuses the bomb, and with the help of a tracking device, Banks thinks he knows exactly where Lawson is going. Banks and the other thieves—Jensen (Gary Daniels), Geary (Michael Eklund), Crab (Adrian Holmes), and Dominika (Emilie Ullerup)--vow to find Lawson and get the bonds back. In Montana the next day, Kim says she's going to her friend Megan's house to help Megan pack for a trip. Later, Jim gets a call from Sheriff Westlake (Donnelly Rhodes), who says he has Kim in his office for shoplifting. Jim goes to Westlake's office, and finds Banks and his crew there, beating Westlake up. Banks believes that Lawson is in Montana, and is planning to cross into Canada by foot. Banks wants to find Lawson and get the bonds, and Banks says that Westlake is not being very accommodating. Banks kills Westlake. Banks wants Jim to guide them through the mountains, to find Lawson. In order to make Jim do it, Banks takes Kim hostage. Banks tells Jim that if Jim screws up in any way, Kim dies. In the mountains, it's a grueling trek. At one point, Crab tries to rape Kim, and Jim beats Crab up, breaking several of his bones. After that, Jensen fatally shoots Crab. After they find Lawson and the money, and Dominika fatally shoots Lawson, Banks sends Jim plunging off a cliff, and leaves him to die. Jim survives, and while Banks is forcing Kim to guide him and his crew, Jim carves some sharp points into some branches to make spears out of them, and finds a bag with a crossbow in it. Jim starts hunting Banks and his crew, who have left a wounded Geary behind after Banks beat Geary up for arguing with him. Jim shoots Geary three times with the compound bow. Geary tells Jim that Banks has taken over Lawson's plan to go into Canada. As Geary begs Jim not to shoot again, Jim shoots an arrow into Geary's chest, killing Geary. Next, Jim tracks the others down and confronts Jensen, who is a martial arts expert. Jim ends the grueling fight by fatally stabbing Jensen with a broken tree branch. Banks wonders where Jensen is at, and Banks is feeling uneasy. Dominika, who is using a rope to hold on to Kim so she does not get away, tells Banks that they have to keep moving. Jim tracks them down, and throws one of the wooden spears he carved. Banks jumps out of the way, and the spear hits Dominika, killing her. That infuriates Banks. Kim tries to escape, but Banks doesn't let her. Taking Kim with him, Banks finds an outpost where there are three Canadian cops, and three ATVs. Banks kills the three cops, punches Kim and knocks her down, and then takes off on one of the ATVs. Jim finds Kim, and he tells her to take one of the remaining two ATVs and go for help while Jim goes after Banks with the other one. Jim chases Banks down, and they fight. Jim chases Banks down a hill and into what looks like an abandoned factory. Banks even fires a flare gun at Jim. They try to hit each other with shovels. Banks hits Jim a couple of times, and then Jim beats Banks up and hits Banks in the face with a shovel, knocking Banks down. Jim thinks it's over, but Banks gets back up and tries to shove Jim through the nearby catwalk's guard rail. Jim turns the tables, and shoves Banks down onto the pile of wooden skids below. Jim, taking the bonds with him so he can return them, goes outside and sees Kim, who says she couldn't leave him. Banks stumbles outside, and he says "Did you think you could take my money?" Jim tells Kim to get back, and Jim gets on one of the ATVs. Banks says "You can't kill me!" Jim says "When I hunt, I hunt to kill." And then Jim floors it, and rams the ATV right into Banks, pinning Banks up against a wall just inside the building, and gas is leaking from the ATV. Jim starts walking away. Again, Banks says "You can't kill me!" Kim urges Jim to kill Banks for what he's done. Jim fires the flare gun at the ATV, causing an explosion that kills Banks. Jim and Kim are glad they've survived, but they know they have a long walk home. ===== Led by Captain Collyer (Roy Emerton), a detachment of Royal Navy tax and revenue officers arrive in the village of Dymchurch on Romney Marsh. The area is notorious for liquor-smuggling and they are on the trail of the culprits. They find a village of apparently honest, pious and simple folk, looked after benevolently by their philanthropic vicar Doctor Syn (Arliss). Syn is in fact the leader of the smugglers of the parish, using his cover as a man of the cloth to run a profitable ring whose dividends are used to better the lives of the local community. Collyer gradually comes to suspect what is going on, and a series of chases and confrontations takes place across the marshes, in which Syn and the smugglers always narrowly outwit their pursuers. Collyer finally discovers that Syn is none other than the notorious pirate Captain Clegg, thought to have been executed many years earlier. Still one step ahead, Syn destroys all incriminating evidence and he and his men make their escape. ===== The plot centers on the conclave of 1458, which took place five years after the fall of Constantinople to the Turks. The story material was sourced from a diary written by Silvius Aeneas Piccolomini, the only cardinal to ever record the secret proceedings of a papal conclave, and who was himself elected Pope Pius II in that Conclave. The Conclave hinges on the drama surrounding a 27-year- old Spaniard, Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia (later Pope Alexander VI) as he struggles to save both his career and his life. ===== A king Parthiban (Ramadas) gifts a rare anklet (salangai) to a dancer Aparajita (Kumari Madhuri). She incurs the displeasure of people who do not like a dancer having a hold over the kingdom. She begets the king's son, Amarendran and hands him over to a priest along with the anklet. She dies after extracting a promise from him that the truth will be revealed at an appropriate time. Amarendran grows into a strong young man (Gemini Ganesan) interested in music, dancing and martial arts. One day, a special festival is arranged and the priest thinks it is time to reveal the secret. He carries the anklet in a wooden box, and while crossing a river in floods, he loses the anklet. It is found by Amarendran, who also rescues a dancer Mallika (Kumari Kamala) from the floods. He hands over the anklet to the king. Amarendran also happens to meet a beautiful singer Shantha (Savithri), who falls in love with him. Mallika impresses the king, is subsequently appointed the court dancer and gets the anklet as a gift. In another dance competition, Mallika dances with Kamavalli (Kushalakumari) and the anklet gets stolen due to a conspiracy. The villain Nagadevan (Manohar) lusts after Mallika. How Amarendran and Shantha are united forms the rest of the story. ===== Mick Cardby (Mason) earns a living as a self-employed private detective, to the exasperation of his father, Detective Inspector Cardby of Scotland Yard (McLeod), who would much prefer his son to enrol as a regular policeman. A policeman is killed while on duty in Hyde Park and Scotland Yard are keen to catch the killer of their colleague. Mick launches his own enquiries, which lead him to Lord Morne (G. H. Mulcaster) who is frantic with worry as his daughter Lena has been abducted by a gang of blackmailers. Lord Morne offers Mick £1,000 to recover Lena safely. Mick gets to work and, aided by his secretary Molly (Margaret Vyner), tracks down the kidnappers to a shady nursing home in a remote rural area. However they manage to flee with Lena to North Wales. The kidnappers arrange a ransom drop with Lord Morne, but Mick arranges for him to go into hiding and goes to the rendezvous himself in disguise. His deception is uncovered and he is overpowered and taken to a derelict cargo ship. The gang use torture to try to get him to reveal Lord Morne's whereabouts, but Mick keeps his nerve and refuses to divulge the information. Finally they throw him into the ship's hold and set the vessel on fire. Mick manages to escape in the nick of time, and also rescues a member of the gang who had apparently been deemed surplus to requirements and had also been left to die on the blazing ship. This man is understandably disgruntled by his treatment at the hands of his former partners in crime, and is only to happy to help Mick out with the location where Lena is being held. Mick makes his way to the hideout and approaches stealthily, but not well enough to avoid being spotted by a lookout. A dramatic confrontation follows, and just as things are starting to look desperate for Mick, his father turns up with a Scotland Yard posse to save the day. The gang is captured and the rescued Lena is reunited with her father. She expresses her gratitude to Mick, with the hope that they will get to know each other better. ===== A group of friends, lovers and relatives assemble for the funeral of Stuart. Devastated by Stuart's death, his brother-in-law, lover and best friend decide to take their lives in hand. Dan is a faithful and loving father and husband, until the day he meets Corinne. This buxom and sublime Frenchwoman seduces Dan with her honesty and hedonism, so much so that he wonders if he hasn't missed out on life. Nick, a gay restaurant owner, begins a relationship with a high-spirited young woman right after losing his lover, Stuart. When their apparently innocent relationship takes a more intimate turn, Nick is troubled by his feelings for his female comrade. Tim, carefree and charismatic, comes home after eight years abroad. Still looking for that "elusive something" that has been missing in his life, Tim finds it in a woman who works in a fashion boutique. But confronted with his future for the first time, the only thing that stands in the way is this unknown woman's past. ===== Bored South London teenager Phil (Rothwell) joins a gang led by the Chief (Cavan Malone) and begins to be drawn into a world of petty crime and violence. When he meets Linda (White), his interest begins to shift away from the gang and towards her. She tries to pull him away from the gang's bad influence. The couple go on a day trip to Brighton. On the way home Phil makes a pass at Linda, but is rebuffed as she tells him she is not that kind of girl. Later, the local coffee bar which acts as the gang's territory is threatened by incomers. The Chief musters his minions, and Phil agrees to join in after being duped into thinking that Linda is playing fast and loose with another boy. After the ruck, Phil finds out that he has been tricked by the Chief. Urged by the progressively-minded local vicar, he decides to leave the gang behind. Other members also see the light and join him, leaving the Chief on his own. Phil and Linda discuss the possibility of marriage. ===== Lynette and Renee start a business in interior design, after a little persuasion from Renee. Renee suggests hiring Susan as Lynette's nanny. Lynette is reluctant, but eventually agrees. She ends up comforting Susan when she feels bad about not being as financially stable as her friends. Mike has left town after taking the job in Alaska, and Susan accepts Lynette's offer to be baby Paige's nanny, even though she originally thought she was being hired to work in Lynette and Renee's new business. The next day, Susan overhears a new client of Lynette and Renee's, and she suggests that she ask her daughter for her favorite characters to paint on her wall. The woman likes Susan's idea. Renee gets mad at Susan for her meddling, while Lynette wonders why her friend is acting strange. Susan eventually reveals that she feels the nanny job is beneath her, and is ashamed to be the poor person in her group of friends. Lynette comforts her, saying that money can't change the way she looks in their eyes. Bree is rollerskating with Keith when she gets hot and dizzy out of nowhere and falls off her skates. She is examined by a medic who tells her that it is a hot flash and she is starting menopause. Bree is horrified. She goes to her OB/GYN, but there is a substitute working as her regular OB/GYN is out on maternity leave. She and the sub hit it off, and Bree reveals that she is in a relationship with a man 17 years her junior, and asks for ways to hide the symptoms. Later, Bree meets Keith's parents for dinner at a local restaurant; Keith's mother just happens to be the substitute OB/GYN. Throughout dinner, Keith's mom drops hints about Bree's visit to her until Bree finally admits to being menopausal. Ashamed, Bree leaves the restaurant. Keith finds her later, and tells her that he doesn't care about her being menopausal or having children with his DNA. They can always adopt. Bree sadly tells him that she does not want to have children again. Keith is upset, but asks Bree to forget the conversation for a while so that they can be happy. Bree agrees. Gaby fears that Bob might be trying to seduce Carlos after they become friends and Lee warns her that Bob has "flipped" straight men before. Gaby confronts Carlos with her worries when she finds out that he and Bob plan to go away for a weekend and plan to share a hotel room. Carlos thinks she's wrong, but nevertheless agrees. Bob reveals to Gaby later that he is hurt that she thinks he would try to steal Carlos from her. She listens in guilt as he explains that all he does is work and come home to an empty house. He is lonely and wants some time to hang out with guys just for companionship and nothing more. Gaby says that Bob and Carlos can go out, but later revokes the statement as she says that Lee is who Bob should really go with, as they still love each other. Bob and Lee share their first on-screen kiss. Paul and Beth have sex finally, after Beth's initial reluctance. Afterwards, Beth begins to question Paul's motives for returning to Wisteria Lane when she finds out that he is letting his old cellmate move into his old house. He refuses to tell her why. The next day when Paul is out, Beth goes over to his old house and confronts his cellmate. She shows more of her disturbed and personality when she threatens to tell the police that he attempted to rape her if the guy does not comply with her wishes (to tell her what Paul's up to). Later, Beth confronts Paul about what his former cellmate told her (it is not revealed to the viewers at what the guy told Beth). Paul tries to defend himself, but finds there is no need, as Beth tells him as before that she supports her husband in all his endeavors. He calls her the "perfect wife", but it is proved she is not when it is revealed at the end that Beth's mother, to whom she is always whispering on the phone, is none other than Paul's equally demented and sworn enemy: the imprisoned Felicia Tilman. ===== As an apology, Keith's mother comes to Bree's home with flowers, wherein Bree discovers how rocky her marriage has been since her husband returned from the military. Bree encourages her to tell him how he feels. This culminates in her Thanksgiving dinner, which ends up with Keith's mother shouting, "I want a divorce!" This discourages Keith from proposing to Bree, but is re-encouraged by Bree and his father. Susan and Lynette disagree on how to treat baby Paige. Lynette wants Paige to self- soothe herself, but Susan insists on rocking baby Paige to sleep. It is revealed that Susan is surrounded by crying in her home from M.J. and herself, and thus cannot stand any more crying. Lynette ends up comforting her. Renee reminds Tom about their past and hits on him. It is never revealed what happened, except that it happened in one weekend, twenty years ago. The Solises host Grace's family to Thanksgiving dinner as well. After an altercation with the police, the Solises find out that Hector and Carmen are undocumented Mexican immigrants and Gaby fears that they will have to be deported and that she'll be separated from Grace. However, Carmen announces to Gaby that Grace is American and at the end of the episode, Gaby insinuates that Grace might be able to stay and live with the Solises. Beth tries to learn more about Paul's past misdeeds on instructions from her mother, Felicia Tillman. However, Beth merely falls more in love with Paul, and is thinking that maybe her mother might be crazy after all. Felicia finds out that Beth is falling in love with Paul, causing her to scream at her through the Plexiglass, with the police attempting to calm her down. ===== Our main character Svet-Ake, or Mr. Light, is the local electrician in an extremely impoverished, underfunded Kyrgyz town. He tries his best to be the man of the people who, in a robin hood fashion, manipulates the electric meters for those who cannot afford to pay for their electricity. Even with this, he sees that more and more townspeople are leaving the town in search of better jobs, threatening the town's tradition and way of life. Svet-Ake is a humble and humorous man, however, this may be his undoing. When Bezkat, a businessman, comes to Svet-Ake's town, he promises to fund Svet-ake's windmills and modernize the valleys if he works for him. However, Bezkat is corrupt and tries to manipulate the local government and becomes the mayor. Svet-Ake soon realizes that Bezkat's work is destroying the very land and tradition he so dearly wanted to protect. ===== Cold and vicious Tony (Nesbitt) and his more pleasant natured but easily influenced partner-in-crime Frank (Faulkner) hatch a plan to rob bookmaker Joe Carter (Harry Locke) of his takings as he leaves the local dog track. They attack him brutally, then realise that the case containing the cash is chained to Joe's wrist. They bundle him unconscious into the back seat of his car and they drive around trying to figure out a way to release the case. They come up with various possible solutions, but nothing works and they end up at Frank's flat, to the horror of Frank's wife Jean (Carol White), who does not want their criminal activities to be brought to her doorstep. They manage to free the case after administering another severe beating to Joe, and decide to get rid of him by dousing him in alcohol and dumping him near the local hospital, where they assume a passer-by will find him and think he has suffered a drunken fall. As they are about to leave the scene, they realise that they have left behind incriminating fingerprints on the whisky bottle, so have no other option but to retrieve the unconscious Joe again. Not knowing what else to do, they go back to Jean's and contact a former male nurse, who after looking at Joe says he will soon be dead. As a last resort, Tony and Frank decide to dump the body outside the dog track where the robbery took place and where there will be nothing to connect the crime to them, then drive through the night to Birmingham. With Frank becoming increasingly paranoid that every vehicle behind them on the road is on their trail, they are barely out of London when Frank looks in the driving mirror, and to his terror sees the ghostly wide- open eyes of the no longer dead Joe staring reproachfully at him from the back seat. In total panic, Frank drives the car off the road and down an embankment. The crash kills Tony instantly but Frank, seriously injured but alive, is pulled clear by a passing police patrol. The police confirm Tony's death. The remorse-stricken Frank pleads with them to see if they can help the other passenger in the back seat, but the car explodes before anything more can be done. ===== The story follows Travis Touchdown, who is a stereotypical otaku – his motel room decorated with professional wrestling and anime collectibles – living in near poverty in the No More Heroes motel of the fictional town of Santa Destroy, California. After winning a beam katana in an internet auction, he runs out of money to buy video games and wrestling videos. After meeting with Sylvia Christel, he accepts a job to kill Helter Skelter, also known as "the Drifter," which earns him rank 11 by the United Assassins Association, a governing body of assassins. Realizing that he has the opportunity to make it to the top, he sets out to secure himself the coveted position of number one assassin in the UAA. After killing the tenth ranked assassin, Sylvia reveals that if Travis stops killing, he'll eventually be targeted by other aspiring assassins. Travis, now convinced there's no way out, goes on to kill every other assassin except for number eight, Shinobu, whom he spares because he wants her to get stronger. During the 5th ranked battle he meets Henry, a mysterious Irish man who wields a beam katana similar to Travis' own. Before meeting the top-ranked assassin, Travis is told that the UAA was just an elaborate con set up by Sylvia, who overheard his drunken ramblings and organized his entry so that he could finally have revenge on his half-sister, Jeane, who murdered his parents. Jeane reveals in a fast- forwarded cutscene that their father had sexually abused her all her life, thus forcing her to become a prostitute to survive and become a killer. Travis is eventually saved by Shinobu and kills Jeane. The game ends with Travis being attacked by another assassin before Henry saves him, and challenges him to one last fight. It is during this fight that Henry reveals two twists: first, that he is Travis's twin brother, and second, that Sylvia is his wife (which would make her Travis' sister-in-law), and has a habit of disappearing before returning with lots of money (presumably due to conning people). Still locked in combat, the brothers discuss the nature of these revelations and their situation while they run down a long street. Finally, as the two leap towards each other for the final clash, the screen flashes and is revealed to be a painting hanging in an art gallery, where a little girl, Jeane, and her mother, Sylvia, are observing it. The Japanese version's instruction booklet, entitled the United Assassins Association Official Manual, contains a small manga which contained much of the backstory about the UAA and Travis' first kill. This manga was not included in the North American release of the game, but is available on the official website.Media | No More Heroes | Ubisoft ===== While making her way home from the cinema one night in a particularly grey and drab town, a young woman is murdered in an unusually brutal and sadistic manner. Local suspicion immediately falls on Hughie (Knapp), a strangely behaved and not very bright local youth who has a habit of wandering aimlessly around the town at all hours randomly collecting stray bits and pieces, with a particular fondness for broken glass - which unfortunately for Hughie happens to have been one of the weapons used in the fatal attack. Hughie lives in the lodging house run by his aunt (Dunning), along with a selection of boarders including a kindly elderly gent with a penchant for Bible-bashing (Wilfrid Brambell) and a smooth-talking ladies man (Howard Pays). Hughie is questioned by the police, but Superintendent Allen (Barr) releases him as there is no firm evidence against him. A few days later another girl is killed in the town, and the locals make up their minds that Hughie is responsible and launch a witch-hunt against him. Believing the police are failing to do their job properly, they start issuing death threats against him after gathering in the pub to discuss the case, and the front window of the lodging house is put through by a large rock. Again, Allen's instincts tell him that Hughie is basically a harmless if odd soul, and is not responsible for the killings. He starts to look more closely at other individuals connected to Hughie, in the belief that somebody is going out of their way to set him up. While the townsfolk continue their vendetta, Allen quietly observes and finds his attention focussed on a likely suspect. He shadows the individual as he walks the streets of the town one night and catches the guilty party almost in the act, narrowly saving another young woman from a murderous attack. ===== When he learns that his father needs to find 10,000 pesetas (approximately £60) to finance repairs to his taxi, or face losing his business and livelihood, naïve young Paco decides to "borrow" a million pesetas from the bank where he has a small part-time job after school. He soon gets more than he bargained for when he starts being pursued not only by the police but seemingly by all the criminal low-life of the city, all eager to get their hands on the cash. Paco finds himself on the run all through Valencia, from the most elegant quarters with their wide streets and squares in the midst of fiesta time, to the city's most squalid and dangerous slums. ===== The novel follows the history of the operation and the lives of its protagonists—Reinhard Heydrich and his assassins Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš. However, it is also interlaced with the author's account of the process of researching and writing the book, his commentary about other literary and media treatments of the subject, and reflections about the extent to which the behavior of real people may of necessity be fictionalised in a historical novel. ===== Set in 1870s England, the story involves the overlapping narratives of two characters. Daniel Deronda (Hugh Dancy) is an intelligent and handsome young man of obscure origins who has been raised as part of the family of his loving guardian, Sir Hugo Mallinger (Edward Fox). Gwendolen Harleth (Romola Garai) is a spoiled but very beautiful young woman living with her mother and sisters in an obscure country neighbourhood. She dazzles her neighbours with her beauty and accomplishments and is confident that she will marry a rich man. The likelihood of this increases when she is introduced to a neighbour, Henleigh Grandcourt (Hugh Bonneville), who is heir to Sir Hugo Mallinger. He becomes infatuated with Gwendolen and shows a clear intention to propose; although Gwendolen is not in love with him, she intends to accept. However, on the day of the proposal, Gwendolen meets a woman (Greta Scacchi) who claims to be Grandcourt's mistress and presents three children she claims are his offspring. She tells Gwendolen that she left her husband for Grandcourt and begs Gwendolen not to marry him because it will ruin her children's prospects as his heirs. Horrified by this revelation, Gwendolen promises not to marry Grandcourt and accepts an invitation to travel to Germany with some friends to avoid him. In Germany, Gwendolen captures the attention of Daniel Deronda, making extravagant wagers in a casino. When she returns to her room, she finds a telegram from her mother, informing her that the family is now bankrupt, thanks to bad investments. With no money for the journey home, she pawns a valuable necklace but it is returned to her before she leaves. She realizes the person is Deronda. Once back in England, Gwendolen is desperate to improve her family's circumstances. When Grandcourt arrives, proposing marriage and offering to support her family, she reluctantly accepts. In London, Daniel Deronda rescues a young woman (Jodhi May) trying to drown herself. He takes her to the home of some friends to recover and learns that she is a Jewish singer named Mirah Lapidoth who had run away from her father and in despair, tried to commit suicide. As she recovers, Deronda becomes more interested in her and Judaism. After Gwendolen's marriage, the once docile Grandcourt turns into a controlling and abusive brute intent on crushing Gwendolen's spirit. He openly flaunts the second family he is maintaining. Gwendolen meets Deronda again and the two become friends. Deronda becomes Gwendolen's confidant. Simultaneously he tries to improve Mirah's circumstances, using his position to promote her as a singer, despite antisemitic prejudice prevalent in society. Through him, she is reunited with her long-lost brother, Mordecai (Daniel Evans). Unexpectedly Deronda receives a letter from his mother, the Contessa Maria Alcharisi (Barbara Hershey), requesting to meet him in Genoa. Grandcourt senses the connection between his wife and Deronda and forces Gwendolen to take a Mediterranean cruise with him. Knowing Deronda will be there as well, Gwendolen has them stop in Genoa. Daniel meets his mother, discovering she is a famous Jewish singer. She gave Daniel to one of her admirers, Sir Hugo, so that he could be raised as an English gentleman and not as a Jew. She confesses that she is dying and wished to see him one last time. Daniel is elated to discover he is Jewish and tells his mother that it is not something he could ever be ashamed of. Returning from this encounter, Daniel sees a woman being pulled from the sea and realizes it is Gwendolen. Grandcourt drowned when he was knocked off their sailing boat and Gwendolen was rescued after jumping in after him with a rope. Alone with Deronda in her hotel room, Gwendolen confesses that when Grandcourt went into the water she hesitated to throw the rope, prepared to let him drown. Eventually she jumped in but it was too late. Deronda comforts her and tells her that it does not make her a bad person and she declares that she wants to be with him. Daniel cannot deny his love for Mirah and Sir Hugo reluctantly gives his blessing. He meets Gwendolen, who has returned to live with her family, to tell her the news. Although disappointed, she gives him her best wishes and declares that because of knowing him, she will be a better person in life. Daniel and Mirah marry and sail away. ===== ===== It was at the Meena Bazar that Shehzada Khurram first laid eyes on Arjuman Banu. When their eyes met it was love at first sight for both of them. When Queen Noor Jehan, one of the wives of Shahenshah Jehangir, finds out she is enraged, as she wants Khurram to marry her daughter, Ladli Banu, even though Arjuman is her niece. She plots to hold Arjuman as a prisoner in her palace, but in vain; then she attempts to have Khurram sent away to battle - again in vain, as Khurram returns triumphant, and is named 'Shah Jehan'. Then she has her step- son, Saifuddin, arrange to kill Khurram - again in vain. Khurram gets stabbed but with Arjuman's help he recovers, returns home, but does not tell his father, fearing for his health. When Jehangir hears of Arjuman's assistance, he gladly arranges their marriage, while Saifuddin ends up marrying Ladli. Then Khurram is sent away to another kingdom, leaving Noor Jehan to plot against him. When Jehangir falls ill, she takes over the reins, has Khurram declared an intruder and sends her armies to bring him in or alternatively his two sons. Watch as events unfold, which will ultimately lead to the building of one of the seven wonders of the world - The Taj Mahal. ===== Shouji has a girlfriend but is seeing Mako on the side. Unable to continue pretending she feels less for him than she does, she breaks it off with him. Shortly before that happens, Mako is hit on by Mika, who tells Mako that she's interested in both men and women. Mika wants to pursue a relationship with Mako, but is Mako's relationship with Shouji really over? ===== A robbery in a cinema goes awry when the alcoholic brother of Benny, Dynamite-Harry, surprisingly arrives in the middle of the robbery, and Egon ends up in jail yet again, meanwhile the rest of the gang, including Harry, escapes. Egon is released eight months later, but many things have occurred while Egon has been behind bars. Benny and Kjeld have got a permanent job at a local merchant, run by an elderly man named Quist. His daughter Ragna has fallen in love with Benny, to the dismay of her father, who would rather have had an academician. Egon must settle with Dynamite-Harry, as Benny and Kjeld are not interested in the plan Egon has worked out in the prison. The plan is about stealing 6 million kroner - money that cannot be traced. Dynamite-Harry has quit drinking totally after messing up the robbery in the cinema, and he happily helps Egon with a robbery in a merchant. However, it turns out that the merchant they try to rob is the shop where Benny and Kjeld works, and the safe is empty. Benny and Kjeld are doing overtime but are accused of the robbery and imprisoned as Egon and Harry flees before the merchant Quist appears with a rifle, before calling the police. Later, Egon free his friends during a prisoner transport. Now with the gang reunited, they can now go on with Egon's plan. The money are placed in a safe at a warehouse in Christianshavn. The plan is to sneak in through the sewage system, and to continuing up towards the offices where the safe is, secured with light-sensitive alarms and hydraulic doors. However - a few hours before the robbery, Benny and Kjeld are visited by the merchant and Ragna. They want to clear out with their former employees because Ragna still loves Benny. Egon is yet again left on his own, and this time he can't even persuade Harry to join him, especially not if they are going to sail in a boat, which is part of the plan. He decides to complete the robbery on his own, and it goes well until he has to go down a manhole cover in a cold storage, where a guard appears. Having to think quickly, he hides in an unlocked cold room. Meanwhile, Benny and Kjeld have realised how badly the economic situation is in the grocery store, running at a major deficit. The two gang members run away and try to find Egon. They appear in the cold storage's sewer in the exact moment the guard is on his way out. He hears the sound of the manhole cover, turns around and discover that one of the rooms is unlocked. The guards locks the room, with Egon still inside and he is now trapped in a freezingly cold storage room. However, he manages to get Benny and Kjeld's attention by knocking on the door, and they realise that he is locked inside the room, they are unaware however that the room he is trapped within is a cold room. Benny think of Dynamite-Harry, who can blow a hole in the wall on the other side of the cold room, and this time they have to dress up as men transporting beer. They "loan" an beer van and bring Harry along by forcing him to sit at the back of the van, surrounded by thousands of filled beer bottles. Egon is saved. However, the temptation is too big for Harry at the back of the van, and he is soon in cloud nine, singing Danish psalms in drunkenness. Throughout the movie, the very storage where Egon was trapped has been under severe guard of the police, and after the police successfully storm the warehouse, the police encounters a big problem - the safe. They can't open it, not even with the help of the country's best specialists. The detective instantly thinks of Egon Olsen. Having been escaped, he has brought home to Kjeld and Yvonne, where they have warmed him up. However, the gang panics when the police appears, wanting to speak to Egon Olsen, and they throw the suitcase containing the money into a garbage container, which ends up being brought to a CHP, where the money is blown up. The black powder shown when the money blows up indicates that the money in the suitcase were dirty money. With the help of a cabinet number hidden in his hat, Egon manages to open the safe, and is applauded by the officers, and the detective hands Egon 500 kroner of his own wallet to show his gratitude. However, the detective is shocked to find out that the safe is empty. Egon is driven to the airport by the police, and he manages to get on a plane destined for Mallorca along with the rest of the gang including Yvonne and Børge in the nick of time. Only at this point does he realise what has happened to the money. ===== Towards the end of the reign of the Kangxi Emperor (r. 1661–1722) in the Qing dynasty, the emperor's talented and ambitious sons vie for the coveted throne. Palace intrigue is rife as complex networks of loyalty emerge in the battle for succession. Eventually, the Fourth Prince, Yinzhen, emerges victorious; he becomes known as the Yongzheng Emperor. Many people are surprised as to why the Kangxi Emperor chose Yinzhen over his other likely heirs: Second Prince Yinreng, who has been Crown Prince for almost 40 years; Third Prince Yinzhi, who excels in literary arts; Eighth Prince Yinsi, who has a reputation for being virtuous; 14th Prince Yinti, the warrior-prince favoured by his father. Yinzhen, who is nicknamed "Stern Prince", was not seen as a strong candidate by the imperial court to succeed his father. Previously, he had incited victims of natural disasters in Jiangnan to create a disturbance; to help these victims, he prepared a "Feast at Hong Gate" to extort more than two million silver taels from rich merchants and provincial officials; in pursuing imperial treasury debts, he forced a senior official to commit suicide and caused nobles to sell their assets on the streets; he watched his brothers compete with each other until they were exhausted before he joined the fray; he used Nian Gengyao to cause Yinreng to lose his position as Crown Prince in a corruption scandal, however, superficially, he maintained good relations with Yinreng. In the ensuing struggle after Yinreng is removed for a second time as Crown Prince, the Kangxi Emperor scolds Yinsi for vying for the throne, and orders Yinxiang to be imprisoned. The Kangxi Emperor then appoints Yinti as border pacification general-in-chief. As the ailing Kangxi Emperor lays on his deathbed, he assembles seven of his sons to his deathbed, including Yinsi and Yinzhen. Prior to their father's death, Yinzhen releases Yinxiang from captivity and sends him to take control of Fengtai Commandery on the outskirts of Beijing. The Kangxi Emperor speaks to Yinzhen in private, telling him he intends to pass on the throne to him, then dies. Longkodo reads the Kangxi Emperor's final edict and declares Yinzhen the new Emperor. The Yongzheng Emperor's rule was seen as authoritarian and vigorous, but efficient. Upon ascending the throne, he made Yinsi and Yinxiang his top advisors. His first priority was to pursue debts owed to the state treasury by officials. He meted out harsh punishments to officials found guilty of corruption and bribery. He also used the confiscated assets and properties from corrupt officials to finance disaster relief efforts and his military campaigns in northwestern China. He grows distant to some of his most trusted advisers, including Nian Gengyao and Longkodo. Both Nian and Longkodo eventually fall out of the emperor's favour. The emperor's 13th brother Yinxiang dies while his eighth brother Yinsi and ninth brother Yintang are expelled from the imperial clan and become commoners. In 1735, the hardworking Yongzheng Emperor dies suddenly from what appears to be over-exhaustion. He is succeeded by his son, Hongli, who becomes known as the Qianlong Emperor. Before Hongli becomes the emperor, the Yongzheng Emperor forces another of his sons, Hongshi, to commit suicide so as to prevent Hongshi from fighting with Hongli for the throne. ===== Having previously survived an assassination attempt, Juan Menda (Lom), president of an unspecified South American country, is moved to Montreal under an anonymous pseudonym for treatment of a potentially fatal cranial blood clot. His political opponents have got wind of his whereabouts and hire a trio of Canadian hitmen to finish the job. Menda's aide Francisco (Carlo Giustini) is also in town, and unknown to Menda he is actually a prime-mover in the assassination plot, keeping close to Menda while duplicitously passing on information to the would-be killers. Not only is Francisco an unsuspected political arch-rival, but he is also keeping an eye on Menda's glamorous wife Carla (Lisa Gastoni), with whom he fancies his chances once Menda is out of the way. Meanwhile, British surgeon Bob McLaurin (Todd) is under pressure from nagging, dissatisfied wife Margaret (Catherine Boyle), who wants him to give up his job in Canada and move back to London to open a private cosmetic surgery for the wealthy, where he could at least double his income. Margaret claims to know of an (imaginary) affair of Bob with fellow surgeon Nancy Ferguson (Drake), and is threatening to go public with the information. The worry causes Bob to lose concentration during Menda's operation, and he almost makes a fatal slip-up. However, in the end the operation is a complete success. As Menda recovers, he grows uneasy about Carla's apparent lack of interest as she makes no effort to visit. He also starts to suspect that there is more to Francisco than meets the eye. Eventually he comes to the conclusion that the two of them are in league in some way or another, at best to dally romantically behind his back, at worst to be working with his enemies to plot his demise. Fearing for his safety, he demands to be moved to a different hospital room. The hitmen make their move on what they believe to be Menda's room, only to find they have killed a completely innocent man in the hospital for surgery on a slipped disc. Bob, Nancy and the police all believe the unfortunate dead man was mistaken for Menda, and a policeman is detailed to provide Menda with a 24-hour guard until he is ready to return home. The hitmen, determined not to lose their payoff, end up acting rashly and their carelessness leads to a confrontation in the hospital corridors, shooting it out with the police while Bob is caught up in the middle. The hitmen start to turn on each other. The wounded Bob tackles one, and during a struggle the two crash out of a window and fall to the ground. The unconscious assassin is arrested. As confusion and chaos rages in the hospital, one of the hitmen manages to slip away and takes the opportunity to enter Menda's temporarily unguarded room to perform a quick hit. He discovers that Menda is far more ready for him than he could have anticipated. ===== The Letter for the King is set in a fictional medieval world. In the story, a youth's adventure is externalized in a search for a letter, which results in a discovery of their own persona. ===== The devil, Beelzebub, awoke and dressed in his Sunday clothes. He puts on boots to hide his hooves and gloves to hide his claws. He wears a three-cornered hat, a bras chapeau, to hide his horns. He went to London where he discussed religion and scandals with a friend. He went to St. James’s Court and St. Paul’s Church. He was “an agriculturist” and took care of his farm and his live-stock. The devil then sat next to a priest at prayestates that without the Devil, the priest would have no job. He then observed “a brainless King” with his attendants. He observes that political leaders thrive from war and conflict and human misery. He castigates British policy in Ireland and the British military engagement in Spain against France. He attacks Lord Castlereagh. He attacks the Prince as being fat and having a “maudlin brain”. He observes that the Devil, sometimes called Nature, supports “men of power” and privilege. He next observed a lawyer kill a “viper” which climbed up the leg of the table. The Devil hums “a hellish song”, comparing himself to a “yeoman” who surveys his lands contemplating his profits and gains. He noted how the wealthy plunder and impoverish the poor. He castigates Bishops and Lawyers for their greed and pomp. He next encounters a statesman to whom he reveals himself. The hell-hounds Murder, Want, and Woe, flocked around them. He castigates the carnage in Spain. The devil is joyful. Monarchs prosper in war and turmoil and depredation. Reason, however, will ultimately prevail. Those with reason, “the sons of Reason”, understand that as reason prevails, the rule of tyrants will be short-lived and they will eventually be overthrown ===== Sick of suburbia, Natalie and Richard Newman move to rural Vermont, where they expect the unspoiled setting and intrinsic values to rejuvenate their marriage. Natalie wants to start a family; Richard, who has grown children from a first marriage, does not. As a compromise they build a trophy house. The construction of the dreamhouse inevitably leads to a visit from the local tax assessor (lister). Enter George Lyford, a lister and farmer, who over the course of two inspections, develops a flirtation with Natalie, which results in his becoming her handyman. ===== Axel & Pixel tells the story of a painter, Axel, and his dog, Pixel, as they embark on a fantastic journey through the surreal and dangerous dream world of Axel's own artistic creation after the two are hypnotised by a lullaby record. Upon entering the dream world, the primary antagonist, Evil Rat, is found to be in possession of the key which Axel needs to exit the dream world. The first chapter features the same snowy environment outside as in the real world - albeit, with an array of weird and wonderful creatures - but, upon completion of the chapter, the pair move into Spring, where the environments are very flowered, colourful and are inhabited by creatures such as giant honeybees, hard-shelled sheep and a plethora of insect species. Arriving at a derelict temple, Evil Rat destroys a large monument of a golden snake with a missile. After re-assembling the monument and obtaining the paint brush atop the monument, Evil Rat flees the scene on a missile - using it as a form of transport - while Axel quickly paints a hot air balloon in thin air with the paintbrush and boards it with Pixel to pursue Evil Rat into Summer. Upon arriving in Summer, Pixel is snatched and taken away by a giant dragonfly. Like Spring, the environments are very flowered, but now feature a new selection of creatures, such as large, orange boars; piranha worms and a giant tortoise with continuous track wheels instead of hind legs. After saving a marooned Pixel from a piranha worm-infested pond, the two are reunited and move on where they encounter the iconic giant tortoise with continuous track wheels. The pair encounter Evil Rat again shortly after, who appears to be constructing a ramshackle automobile shortly before Axel soaks him with an ornamental water feature and he drives off hurriedly. Axel quickly paints a bright yellow car in thin air and the pair give chase through a series of hills into Autumn, where the environments now feature a much more vibrant tone in colour, with an emphasis on oranges and, especially, browns. Upon arriving in Autumn, Axel totals his car into the side of a mountain, which he resolves by inflating the tyre to bursting-point and bouncing on it to get to the higher cliffs. As the only way of exiting the cliffs, Axel restores the power to a nearby ski lift, giving the pair the chance to escape. The ski lift drops the pair off at a beaver dam, where they encounter Pesky Hedgehog guarding a ladder to the sewers. Pole vaulting across the river, Axel, with Pixel's help, uncovers a hidden giant catapult, which Axel proceeds to fill with boulders, firing them at the nearby dam, eventually breaking through, sweeping Pesky Hedgehog off his feet and carrying him away in the waves, leaving Axel and Pixel to descend into the sewers. The pair finally re-emerge above ground after Axel restores power to an escalator. Arriving at an oil well, the pair encounter Evil Rat just before he speeds off in a ramshackle speedboat. After clearing the nearby lake of an oil spill, Axel obtains a paintbrush from a newly reanimated tree and paints his final vehicle in thin air: a small sail boat which the pair use to pursue Evil Rat through icy, whirlpool-laden waters into Winter, where the environments are now covered in ice, snow and coloured with white, blues and black, and feature creatures typically suited to colder climates, such as penguins, a large snow cat and a sarcopterygii fish. Upon arriving in Winter, Evil Rat - disguised as a snowman - knocks Axel into the icy river with a snowball, who surfaces completely encapsulated in ice. Pixel, who managed to jump out of the boat in time, hoists the frozen Axel onto a nearby sled and the pair take off down the side of the mountain into a cave where Pixel manages to melt the ice around Axel with steam from a boiler pipe. With Axel fully mobile, the pair solve their final puzzle by playing a secret tune on a set of ice drums, opening the doors to the Ice Giant's lair. Inside, Axel defeats Evil Rat with snowballs and claims the key back to reality, but not before defeating the Ice Giant in a series of QTEs; Axel manages to climb atop the Ice Giant's head where the final paintbrush is located, which Axel uses to paint a wrecking ball in thin air, knocking the Ice Giant down into a chasm. Having thwarted the Ice Giant, Axel paints the doors to reality in thin air and the pair enter, where Axel (depending on whether the player collected all of the tubes of paint and paintings), with his newly obtained muse, fulfils his greatest wish by painting a picture of the four seasons in a single day. ===== Prince Florizel of Corovia is unpleasantly surprised to learn that negotiations for his marriage to Princess Brenda of Irania are far advanced. He has not seen his intended bride since they were children, and at the time, he was not impressed. Luckily for him, Brenda is equally unwilling to marry him, likening it to "buying a pig in a poke". However, his father, the King, reminds him of his duty and their somewhat precarious position; only three years earlier, a revolution was suppressed, and the ringleaders are still at large. The King sends his son to London to think things over, accompanied by Colonel Geraldine. Traveling incognito, Florizel meets a mysterious woman, Miss Vandeleur, aboard the ship bound for London. She asks him to keep an envelope and return it to her after they arrive. Intrigued, he intervenes when a menacing man enters her cabin to demand the papers, but waits in vain for her at the dock. Geraldine is suspicious and opens the envelope; they find only sheets of blank paper. In London, they are dining at a restaurant when a young man enters with servants bearing trays of cream tarts and asks a woman patron to eat one. Suspicious, she refuses, so he consumes it himself. When the man asks Florizel, the prince not only accepts, he asks him to dinner to hear his story. The man, Cecil Barnley, confesses to having frivolously squandered his fortune and has embarked on one last silly lark before ending his life at the secret Suicide Club, which arranges deaths in such a manner as to avoid embarrassing its members or their families. Intrigued, Florizel pretends that both he and Geraldine also want to commit suicide and persuades Barnley to take them to the club. They are scrutinized before being admitted by its president. Inside, Florizel is surprised to find Miss Vandeleur, the sole woman in a roomful of men. The president then deals each person a card: the one who gets the ace of spades is to be killed by the one dealt the ace of clubs. On this night, it is determined that Barnley is to be dispatched by Miss Vandeleur following the instructions of the president. Forizel remains unconvinced that what they saw was real. The next morning, however, the newspaper reports Barnley's death. Disbelieving that the girl is a murderer, Florizel returns that night. This time, Miss Vandeleur is chosen to do away with Florizel. She takes him to the zoo to be torn apart by a lion. However, she is unable to go through with it. She confesses that she convinced Barnley to continue living and gave him some money to go to Paris. Just then someone shoots at the prince and they flee to an inn. Miss Vandeleur tells him that only the president knew where they were going. She reveals she is Princess Brenda and that she had recognized him aboard the ship. The next day, Florizel and Geraldine are captured by a ruse arranged by the club president, who is actually Dr. Franz Noel, a Corovian exiled for treason. Noel had created the Suicide Club as a means of income, only to be surprised by Florizel's arrival. Noel sentences Florizel to hang for treason. Florizel escapes, but Geraldine does not. Noel offers to spare his prisoner's life if Florizel will come alone to a duel to the death. Florizel accepts, but recruits some military officers with a spirit for adventure to follow him using a bloodhound. As suspected, Noel has no intention of dueling, but Florizel's men capture Noel's cabal. The prince offers Noel an actual duel, using swords. If Noel wins, his people will be released; however, Florizel emerges the victor. Shortly after, the prince and princess are "introduced" to each other at the court of Corovia. ===== Dick Marlow, a British agent, has parachuted into the occupied Netherlands to retrieve vital documents. Whilst on the trail of the papers, he poses occasionally as an American journalist and a Gestapo officer. He meets and falls in love with a Dutch woman who professes solidarity with the British, but matters become complicated and dangerous when it transpires that the woman's brother is in possession of the documents Dick Marlow needs, and is far less kindly disposed towards the British than his sister. ===== The film is based on Hindu mythology which shows Lord Hanuman's devotion towards Lord Rama. After the fulfillment of Ramavatar's intention, Seeta (Devika) enters into Bhudevi and Lord Rama (N. T. Rama Rao) is in agony. Looking at it, Anjaneya (Rajanala) requests Sage Vasishta (Malladi) to save his lord for which he is ready to take his entire pain. But Rama is still bounded with the earth as he could not leave Anjaneya. Yama Dharma Raja (Dhulipala) facilitates the separation of Lord Rama from Anjaneya by ostracizing from Ayodhya. Rama completes his Avatar and Anjaneya reaches Gandhah Madava mountain for penance. Eras roll by, Dvapara Yuga arrives, Lord Vishnu takes incarnation as Lord Krishna and Balarama (S. V. Ranga Rao), brother of Krishna, does not like his charities of him, so, he orders not to meet anyone without his permission. On the other side, Satyabhama (Vanisri) the proud, egotistic wife of Krishna always looks down Seeta's character in the Ramayana and after grounds Narakasura, her arrogance reaches peaks. Meanwhile, Garutmantha (Arjan Janardhan Rao), the vehicle of Lord Vishnu, is in search of his daily food and finds a Nagakanya as his prey. On the advice of Sage Narada (Kanta Rao), Nagakanya prays Krishna and he guides her to take Anjaneya's help. Anjaneya gives her shelter, knowing it, Garudmantha reaches there, the war erupts in which Garudmantha is defeated, realizes his mistake and back ups. Now to enlighten Balarama & Satyabhama to understand the real form of Krishna, Sage Narada plays a drama taking Krishna’s blessings. Once Anjaneya spots Yama Dharma Raju captures and threatens him to reveal the whereabouts of his Lord when Narada arrives, replies Rama Avatar is ended and the present Lord is Krishna. Angered, Anjaneya says there is only one god in the universe that is his Rama. Narada exaggerates the situation by telling if he chants Rama, everyone thinks as Balarama, brother of Krishna. Listening to it, Anjaneya sends a warning to Balarama to change his name. In that anger, Balarama moves for the war, but he too is defeated. Then Anjaneya enters Dwaraka in search of Krishna and starts destroying it. Here Narada gives an idea to change Krishna's attire as Rama so that he will calm down, but Krishna says he may require Seeta. Satyabhama says she will take up the responsibility but Anjaneya does not believe and necks her out. At present, Narada says her to plead Rukmini to which her arrogance does not agree but when she witnesses anger of Krishna, her pride subsides. The war begins between Krishna & Anjaneya, which leads to universal destruction. At that point of time, Satyabhama brings Rukmini, Anjaneya calms down and she explains to him that Rama & Krishna are one. Ultimately, the illusion occurred to Anjaneya is removed, identifies Krishna as his lord and begs pardon. Finally, the movie ends with Anjaneya chanting the name of Krishna. ===== Impresario Mr Smith and his daughter want to engage a group of French musicians. On this occasion Peggy Smith wears a necklace with a locket. One of the musicians identifies the locket as property of his grandmother. When Ms Smith insists on keeping it, the musician calls for his ancestors and the reborn French elite soldier Césarin answers. ===== The story is based on the life of Pothuluri Veerabrahmam (N. T. Rama Rao), a well-known saint and astrologer of the 17th century. A brief life of Gautama Buddha, Ramanuja, Adi Shankara and Vemana (all essayed by NTR) are shown at the beginning of the film. ===== The film is based on Hindu mythology which shows Lord Hanuman's devotion towards Lord Rama. It begins Lord Rama's (N. T. Rama Rao) crowning ceremony when Anjaneya (Arja Janardhan Rao) could not be separated from Rama after the celebrations. Here Lord Siva (P. J. Sarma) praises Anjaneya's devotion towards Srirama when Goddess Parvathi (Rajasri) argues that the Power is the vital force of nature which is greater than the Devotion. Parallelly, Kaasi King Yayati (Dhulipala) a great devotee of Rama, could not attend the ceremony, but Rama praises him in the dream. Parvathi wants to test Yayati, so, she sends Maya (Suvarna) the illusion to prove that power is greater than devotion. Maya sends wild animals into the Kaasi Kingdom, Yayati kills them and shoots a weapon at Maya. Frightened, Maya turns into Matangakanya, enters Sapta Rushi Ashram and asks for a pardon of Maharshi Viswamitra (Mukkamala), by the time, the weapon kills her. Vishwamitra becomes furious, about to curse Yayati when Sage Narada (Kanta Rao) prevents and sends Yayati away. Narada tells Vishwamitra that the culprit must be punished by the emperor, so, Vishwamitra orders Rama to give the death sentence to Yayati. Distressed Rama sends Bharata (Sridhar), Yayati obeys his order and moves towards Ayodhya. Shantimati (Jayanthi), wife of Yayati along with children also starts to plead Seeta (B. Saroja Devi). Now Parvathi feels proud that she has proved Power is stronger than Devotion. But Siva creates a natural calamity in which Yayati, Bharata and Shantimati get separated. In those hurricane winds, Yayati lands up at Anjanadevi Ashram (Hemalatha) who gives him the blessing of full-fledged life. But he replies that his destiny is different then she calls her son Anjaneya when he takes a vow on Rama that he will keep up his mother's word. After knowing the truth, he collapses but decides not to leave his vow. Lord Siva rescues Shantimati, leaves her at Ayodhya and the children are taken care by Sage Vasista. Learning that, Anjaneya went against him Rama's heart breaks down. After that, Anjaneya sends Angada as an emissary to Rama but he refuses pardon unless Anjaneya releases Yayati. Meanwhile, Narada & Siva explains Anjaneya if he could not keep his vow it is an insult to his Lord, so, he gets ready for war. Eventually, Rama also moves to the battlefield where he encounters Anjaneya. After some arguments, Rama uses his arrow Ramabanam and Anjaneya his devotional chanting Sriramanamam which collude with each other and leads to universal destruction. Meanwhile, Shantimati seriously prays to Goddess Parvathi, to which she melts and understands that devotion is greater than power. Ultimately, Lord Siva & Parvathi appear, stop the battle by saying that all these was an illusion to prove the Power of Devotion when Viswamitra also forgives Yayati. Finally, Lord Siva says that Srirama's chanting & Srirama's arrow will revolve around the universe to protect the wise and destroy the evil. ===== Dr. Heiter kidnaps two young American girls, Lindsay and Jenny, and an Asian man, Katsuro, all of whom are unable to achieve sexual satisfaction through everyday sexual behavior. He presents them with the idea of joining them mouth to genitals, so that they are able to continually pleasure each other by way of oral sex and finally achieve sexual satisfaction. ===== Renowned scientist Professor Henrik (Hugo Schuster) returns to England from a working trip overseas and is met by his glamorous secretary Joan (Hylton). American Ted O'Hara (Taylor) has come in on the same flight and in the bustle of the airport he and Henrik mistakenly pick up each other's identical briefcases, and O'Hara innocently departs with a briefcase containing a top- secret formula for a revolutionary new type of jet fuel. Later, Henrik is abducted by a group headed by a sinister man named Zelinsky (Karel Štěpánek), who are eager to lay their hands on the formula. They are furious to find that Henrik's briefcase contains nothing more than the everyday bits and pieces of a man called O'Hara. They detail one of their number, the sultry Renée (Byron), to track down O'Hara and gain his confidence. This she does, then a henchman appears and forcibly takes the puzzled O'Hara to the headquarters of the Zelinsky operation. They tell him that he has Henrik's briefcase, which he had not previously known, and that they are prepared to pay handsomely if he passes it over. Rather than cash in on this unexpected turn of events, O'Hara goes to Scotland Yard. He says that he heard Zelinsky mention the name Weber, apparently an espionage agent in Paris. The inspector briefs O'Hara to go to Paris and make contact with Weber. O'Hara is followed by Renée and a cohort, who manage to steal the briefcase during the journey. O'Hara finds Weber (Frederick Valk) in Paris, and learns that he now has the briefcase in his possession but is unable to decipher the contents which appear to be written in a complex code. O'Hara returns to London and explains the situation to Scotland Yard. Not wanting to jeopardise Henrik's safety, the police suggest he should make contact with Joan, who seems the most likely to have the necessary information. O'Hara shadows her waiting for a moment to make unobtrusive contact, but before he can do so he is shocked to see her rendezvous with a member of the Zelinsky gang and hand over some documents to him. The scene is set, as O'Hara and the police try to establish whether the apparently innocent Joan has in fact betrayed Henrik and been a prime mover in the plot all along. ===== Mother Goose tells her three goslings the stories behind well-known nursery rhymes and fairy tales; examples include "Old King Cole," "Eeiny Meeiny Miny Moe," and "The Magic Nut Tree." ===== A Bosnian poet (Hamza) lives with his family in Sarajevo during the hard times in the horrific siege of the city. The war in Bosnia is raging all around them. After sending his wife (Gospoda) and daughter (Miranda) to Croatia, he finds two orphans Adis and Kerim, who escaped a massacre in their own village, hiding in his home. After escaping their village they have come to Sarajevo in search of their aunt, who used to live in the Bistrik district. Hamza decides to help the boys by sheltering them and helping them look for their aunt. After a long search, Hamza discovers that the boys' aunt has been airlifted to Germany. Upon learning this Hamza tries to save the kids by sending them out of the war zone. But the only way out is through the Sarajevo International Airport, which is a dangerous passage occupied and monitored by Chetniks and their death squads as well as snipers. As they try to cross and take refuge from Serb shelling in a building, a Serb soldier shoots the dog that Adis and Kerim have adopted. Kerim kills two Serbs as they are approaching Hamza and him. Outside of the building, Hamza and Kerim find Adis, who has died. They take him to the cemetery to be buried. On the wooden headstone placed on the grave, Kerim writes 'Adis', and encircles the name. In many scenes Hamza is seen with the two kids speaking monologues, while observing photos of his wife and daughter. All the poetry cited in the film by Hamza are verses written by Abdulah Sidran, renowned Bosnian writer and poet. ===== Preteen siblings from a broken marriage live with their mother, Denise, in a rural town called Three Oaks in Michigan. Ryan, the oldest, wants to go live with their babysitter, Abi, in Detroit. This confuses shy Charlie, the youngest, who is also the butt of bigger school kids' often mean pranks. Then he finds two reindeer on his way home from school which he believes to be Santa's called Prancer and his son and heir, also called Prancer, which he tries to hide at home. Ryan's help bonds him and Charlie again. Alas, when Prancer gets out, evil vice-principal Jamie is bitten and wants him put down. Charlie runs away with his protégé. Denise is useless, but her ex-friend, handyman Jimmy, comes to Charlie's rescue. ===== After Wendy expresses concern that Stan suffers from compulsive hoarding, he agrees to have it checked. A hoarding specialist named Dr. Chinstrap, as well as the rest of the student body, help Stan go through his locker, which is stuffed with a number of disgusting items, including a maggot-infested sandwich and broken toothbrush which Stan, who soon loses his composure, refuses to give up, shocking Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, Wendy and the rest of the school. They send him to Mr. Mackey, who does not know what hoarding is; Stan discovers that Mackey is a hoarder himself. Stan and Mackey, along with a sheep herder named Mr. Yelman (repeatedly misidentified as a sheep "hoarder"), are hooked up to a machine which Chinstrap and his assistant Dr. Pinkerton explains that they will help them figure out why they are hoarders by drifting them to their subconscious. Moments later in Mackey's subconscious he is being bullied by a boy named Billy Thompson, who threatens to attack Mackey at a field trip the next day. Mackey then runs into Stan and the sheep hoarder who, as the scientists explain in reality, are there because of the power of Mackey's dream. Within the dream, Stan goes home with Mackey and tries to talk him out of the dream, but Mackey instead plays with his Lite-Brite and other 70s-era toys and watches ZOOM. Randy insists he has to rescue his son from the dream despite Chinstrap's warning that he will be stuck there forever. The dream moves on to the next morning where Stan, Mackey, the sheep hoarder, and the kids board a bus for the field trip. Stan suddenly sees Randy, who is for some reason a butterfly. Stan asks if he has come to help but Randy reveals that, while that was his intention, he is more concerned with getting "butterfly poon". Pinkerton claims that they have called in another group of "experts" in the form of the main characters from Inception (one of them shapeshifting into NFL quarterback Matt Hasselbeck) to go into the dream to create a "dream within a dream" and rescue them, with Chinstrap providing boombox sounds recreating Inception's music theme during the explanation. The second group, the cast from Inception, comes in shooting at people before going into the dream, where they proceed to shoot even more people in the woods as the group arrives. Stan, the sheep hoarder and Mackey are introduced to Woodsy Owl, an owl with the tagline "give a hoot, don't pollute" before being put in with Billy and his two friends. Chinstrap and Pinkerton are now seen courting firefighters to get into the dream and begin trying to explain the events to Sharon (Compared to a taco inside of a taco inside a Taco Bell inside a KFC within a mall inside a dream), who claims it all sounds ridiculous and stupid. A pizza guy arrives and is sent in as well, as Sharon is told she does not understand because she is not smart. Within the dream, Mackey and Stan are running from the bullies when Stan convinces Mackey to stand up for himself. Mackey prepares for a fight. Back in reality, Chinstrap decides the dream has become too powerful, and at this point they must court "the most powerful dream infiltrator in the world" who is Freddy Krueger. While Freddy Krueger does not wish to come back, they convince him to help out a final time. Within Mackey's dream, the second group of experts arrive to kill Billy Thompson and the tormentors before the fire fighters arrive, which they assumed would cure Mackey and end the dream. But when they realized Mackey is not waking up, he remembers what happened, explaining he ran from the bullies and went into a shack, where someone talked nice to him but then touched him in a bad way. Mackey then comes upon that same shack and enters, revealing another young Mackey being sexually molested by Woodsy Owl. Woodsy then turns into a nightmarish monster, killing the sheep hoarder and overpowering the Inception cast before being killed from behind by Freddy Krueger. With Woodsy destroyed, everyone wakes up and Mackey explains he must have become a hoarder because of Woodsy's tagline about not polluting. Freddy is beyond remorse because he could not save the sheep herder (ironically the only one who recognizes him correctly as a shepherd). They suggest to Stan that he move on to his own therapy now, but he claims to have a better idea. He is then seen throwing out the items in his locker. Wendy and Kyle ask him what his problem was and Stan says that after what happened with Mackey, he does not want any therapy. Kyle suggests that maybe that "was your therapy". Finally, Chinstrap comes out again doing the Inception soundtrack as the episode ends. ===== The Honourable Richard Rollison (Bentley) is a well-known private detective who has friends and contacts in all echelons of society from the wealthy West End set to the lowest East End hovels. He likes to take on cases on behalf of underdogs, and is feared by the criminal underworld for his fearsome reputation of always getting his man. Young secretary Fay Gretton (Marsh) comes to Rollison, worried that her employer has not shown up for work for several days and cannot be contacted. Rollison breaks into the man's flat and finds a body - not that of Fay's missing boss, but the son of a millionaire businessman. The missing man is the prime suspect, and it is up to Rollison to get to the bottom of the case, aided by his East End contacts. After a series of dramatic events, including Fay being abducted and tied up, the truth is finally revealed, the missing man is found, and Rollison proves that he is innocent of any wrongdoing. ===== Shirley (Chandra Currelley), accompanied by Aunt Bam (Cassi Davis), visits Dr. Frank Wallace (Omarr Dixon). Dr. Wallace tells Shirley that her cancer is active and she might have 4–6 weeks left. Later, Aunt Bam tells Shirley that she invited Madea to come over and help her when she tells her children the news. The scene later switches to the house where Joyce (Cheryl Pepsii Riley) shows up and informs Shirley that she called everybody, later Aunt Bam complains about the fact that she still doesn't have a man. Soon enough, Madea (Tyler Perry) arrives, ready to help Shirley. When Tammy (Crissy Collins) shows up, Madea informs her that she's very angry with her and her husband Harold (Danny Clay): she gave them $275 to fix her car and it didn't start. Byron (Jefferey Lewis) and his girlfriend Rose (Chontelle Moore) arrive, and Aunt Bam tells Rose she wants her $20, which Rose borrowed about a year ago. Rose says it's petty to ask for such a small amount of money back, then reveals that she dropped $900 on eyeshadow and shoes. Madea convinces Aunt Bam to chase after Rose. Kimberly (Támar Davis) arrives demanding to know why her sisters summoned her to the house, but they don't know themselves. When Donnie (Zuri Craig) comes, he tries to kiss Aunt Bam and Madea, who warns him that she got H1N1 from his last kiss. When Madea quizzes him, he says he's 17 and in the 6th grade, to which she responds that at least he's in school and his children will know he's right down the hall from their classrooms. Harold arrives and Madea repeats what she told Tammy, and now that they're both here she tells them both that if her car isn't fixed when she's ready to leave, they'll have to run like hell. Kimberly's husband, Jason (Rico Ball) rushes in to announce that Uncle Monroe (Palmer Williams, Jr.) has arrived; everyone hides their stuff because he's a crack cocaine-addicted kleptomaniac. Uncle Monroe has barely stepped inside when he thinks he smells drugs in the kitchen, which makes him hurry. Karen (Brandi Milton) stalks in demanding to see Byron, which sparks Rose's jealousy. Karen threatens Byron that if he doesn't pay her some child support, 'the popo's gon' be knockin' at yo' do'!', backed up by Aunt Bam. Madea orders Karen to leave, they're having a family moment. Byron, Karen (and her baby), and Rose leave, Kimberly demands to know why she was called, and Jason chides her for her attitude, which angers her more and she storms out. When Harold points out how Kimberly's behavior is similar to Tammy's, Tammy tells him to shut up and he turns away in shame. Uncle Monroe calls a Man Meeting in the kitchen. He talks Harold into standing up for himself, but when Tammy comes in, he pretends the men are having a Bible study. Madea notices Byron sagging and tells him to pull up his pants. Shirley looks upset and Donnie and Byron sing her a gospel song. Meanwhile, Donnie finds out from Aunt Bam that Kimberly is his real mother. Madea leaves the house and tries to start her car, but unfortunately for Tammy and Harold, her car wouldn't start. So she gets her gun and starts chasing after Harold and Tammy. The next day, Shirley's cancer starts taking effect and she assures Joyce that she is all right and that she knows she's close to Heaven. Joyce thanks her for giving her the life they both wanted by Shirley giving her Jesus (You Gave Me Jesus) since Aunt Bam spills that Shirley is sick. That night, Joyce gets a new makeover for the date with Frank that Aunt Bam set up. Then Frank tells her that her mother is in the hospital. Then Shirley tells all her children that she wants them to do the right thing, although she will be gone forever. Shirley dies, and her spirit goes up to Heaven ("Heaven Waits for Me") and this makes everyone sad (as they strongly cry for her loss) and scared of what will happen in their futures without her (calling out to the Lord). When everyone comes home from the funeral, they gather in the living room. Madea gives everyone advice on what they should do. Karen stops by to express her condolences to Byron, but soon they began to argue. Frustrated, Madea tells Karen to stop worrying about Byron and Rose, stop using her baby to make Byron's life miserable, and keep moving forward. Rose tells Byron it's time to go, but Madea snatches Byron's shirt, re-seating him. When Rose tells Madea she should let her "man" grow up and be a man, Madea uses Uncle Monroe's "Yah, trick!"-choke-move on her. She follows up by lecturing them that the elderly should be treated with respect and dignity, after all, they marched for their freedom. She finally lets them leave and moves on to Harold and Tammy: Tammy shouldn't talk to Harold so harshly, but Harold needs to toughen up. Then she talks to Joyce about how God works through people's prayers. Lastly, Madea reveals that Kimberly was raped by an uncle on her father's side at 12 years old. She then tells her that she has love and needs get past the pain and show it more. Kimberly goes upstairs with Jason and sincerely apologizes for all she's done ("You Are My Man"). Madea goes "off-script" to talk about things that are happening in "the world today." Later, Madea gathers everyone and they all join in singing old songs. Finally, upstairs, Harold asks Tammy to sit down and when she doesn't comply, he yells at her. Harold then resolves the issue between their relationship with a song ("If Only For One Night"). ===== Gloria (Sofía Vergara) and Manny (Rico Rodriguez) go to pick up Jay (Ed O'Neill) from his workplace to take him to a restaurant for lunch. While there one of Jay's employees, Jack (Bryan Krasher), lets Manny handle a forklift which he drives into the wall. Because of the incident, Jay fires Jack, much to Manny's anger and dismay. Meanwhile, Jay tries to figure out what anniversary Gloria is celebrating today, because she celebrates everything, including their first fight. Jay thinks he has figured what they are celebrating, and therefore where he is to meet Gloria despite Manny's efforts to blackmail Jay into hiring Jack again. Manny learns that the reason that Jay will not hire Jack back is because he almost "hurt [his] kid." Manny, touched by Jay calling him his kid, tells him the real location of the date. At the Dunphy house, Claire (Julie Bowen) and Haley (Sarah Hyland) get sick and have to stay home. The two initially bond, but soon Dylan (Reid Ewing) calls Haley, making Claire angry. After Dylan hangs up, Claire tries to convince Haley to break up with Dylan and start going out with David a much brighter kid that Claire prefers (albeit without mentioning either name), using one of the useless male characters on All My Children as an example. Unfortunately, Haley thinks Claire is talking about herself and Phil (Ty Burrell). With Claire sick, Phil takes care of her jobs while trying to find an annoying smoke detector that keeps beeping. Seeing this as a sign he is not man, Phil tries his best to find the smoke detector, to do all of Claire's jobs, and to get his clients back, failing at everything. Soon after replacing the batteries in all the new smoke detectors, Phil uses his old cheerleading baton to destroy a couple of the smoke detectors. He soon realizes that Luke (Nolan Gould) had left the old smoke detectors in the attic last year, and they were the ones that were chirping. In the meantime, Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) takes Lily to act in a commercial for a children's furniture store, against Mitchell's (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) decision. Adult actors perform voice over for Lily and another Asian child, using stereotypical dubbed-Japanese accents. Mitchell arrives at the studio and confronts Cameron, pointing out that the commercial is racist because it exploits Lily's Asianness and not her acting ability. Cameron initially denies the charge, but then the director brings in the SaveZilla (Godzilla) monster. Cameron asks the director (Darren Dupree Washington) to tone down the stereotypical accents, but the director refuses, saying that it is a satire. Cameron takes Lily away, but not before choosing the wrong Asian child first. ===== On the train to the seaside resort of Brighthaven, Richard Rollinson (Bentley) is sharing a carriage with an attractive young lady called Susan Lancaster (Dainton). The journey is rudely interrupted when the window of the carriage is shattered by a barrage of bullets. Richard learns from the shaken Susan that she is on her way to join an uncle on holiday, and offers to escort her safely to her hotel. They learn that her uncle has disappeared, but has left Susan a package. Later, Rollinson happens to overhear a pair of shady characters discussing how to kidnap Susan. She explains that her uncle has developed a secret formula which sinister characters are keen to get their hands on, and they have been receiving threats of menace, hence the flight to Brighthaven. Rollinson consults his old colleague Inspector Grice of Scotland Yard, who tells him that the evidence is pointing in the direction of a particular man as being responsible for the abduction. Using his friends and contacts in the East End, Rollinson investigates, while Susan is being kidnapped and tied up. Rollinson finally succeeds in identifying the criminals and their leader "The Hammer", releasing Susan and proving that the man suspected by the police is innocent. ===== Freddy (Mohanlal) and his father Nicholas (Nedumudi Venu) belong to a brokers and commission agents group. They stay on the first floor of the house (owned by Sankaradi). The house owner and his wife stay on the ground floor, and since Freddy and Nicholas have not paid rent for the past few months, they are being asked to move out of the house. Freddy threatens the house owner whenever he comes and asks them to move out. Nicholas owns a fishing boat in the name of Martha, who was his wife. Owing to financial debts, they had to pledge this boat to Avaran (Innocent), who is a money lender. Whenever they get a deal, they will give a share to Avaran as interest, then go to Mamma's (Sukumari) bar, take liquor and come back to tease Avaran before going to bed. Nicholas also goes to see the boat tied to the Jetty near Avaran's business place. To have a glance, they used to pick up newspaper issued to their House Owner's house. One day they saw about an advertisement for old model car to be sold, which was put by Sherin's (Ramya Krishna) mother (Valsala Menon). The duo take the car and repair it to good condition, and sell it to a person who is fond of collecting old items - Mundakkal Sivarama Menon (Paravoor Bharathan), after mimicking that the car had enough demand from another person. In this process, Nicholas steals an old sword from Menon's house. While returning in the night, their car was hit by a bullet; which they follow and get the repair compensation charges from JJ's (Thilakan) men, who were in that car. JJ was impressed with them. After few days, they bring the sword to Menon's house for sale; and escapes off when Menon calls police and informs that the lost sword has been found. Later, they ought to see another advertisement about a piano to be sold by the same lady. The piano was gifted to Sherin by her father Williams on one of her birthdays and she is very fond of it. She was not willing to part with it, but owing to financial necessities, they had to get it sold. Freddy and Nicholas take the piano to their home. They go to different places to find a buyer for that piano. A film producer (Jagadish) tells them that the film script got changed at a later point, so the music instrument used by the film hero was changed from piano to violin; and so he cannot purchase it now. Symphony Music CEO (Kunchan) says that they have enough pianos in their warehouse, and so he doesn't need it. By the way, Freddy and Nicholas pass JJ's house and so they approach JJ to buy the piano. JJ rejects the piano. At last they play a trick and sell the piano to one of JJ's business associate. JJ comes to know that his associate was cheated, and being aware of how clever the duo were, he plans a task for them. Avaran says that he will sell their boat Martha if they fail to pay 50,000 Rupees inclusive of principal and interest. JJ calls Freddy and Nicholas and offers 50,000 as reward to Kidnap Chacha (K.P. Ummer), who was once his partner in business. After much thought, the duo agrees to kidnap Chacha, and succeeds in doing so. However, Chacha is rescued by his men before they reach the destination. JJ takes Nicholas into custody and asks Freddy to kidnap Chacha, after which Nicholas will be relieved. With the help of one of Nicholas' friends, Appaji (N. L. Balakrishnan), they rescue Nicholas. They get confused as both Chacha and JJ visit Sherin's house and asks for the piano, which they had already sold. Freddy and Nicholas guess that there is some hidden truth within the piano, and they trace the piano from a Library from where it was sold to. They get some location maps hidden in the piano. Meanwhile, Chacha and JJ also find the piano, but by that time the maps were missing from it. Both Nicholas and Freddy were taken into custody by JJ and Chacha, and they were beaten up to provide the maps. They give up the maps, and both JJ and Chacha go with their men to get the treasure. Freddy retrieves the treasure from a well with the help of Nicholas and Apaji. After getting the treasure, the trio tries to leave the palace. As they leave, JJ, Chacha and their gangs confront them and a huge fight takes place. Finally Freddy, Nicholas and Apaji handles them to the cops and they get rewarded for the treasure retrieval. The trio gets back their boat and celebrates with Sherin. The movie ends with the boat going away. ===== Struggling Tyneside barber, Will Kobling (Richardson), is in financial trouble. One evening, opportunistically and on impulse, he steals £100 from a factory where a window has been left open. He hopes the money will represent a new start for him and wife Kit (Wynyard). His hopes are dashed when Kit confesses to being in debt to the local draper, Pilleger (Henry Oscar), who has been pressuring her to settle it. Most of the stolen cash has to go on this. Pilleger banks the money, only for the police to inform him that the serial numbers of the notes match those stolen from the factory. He professes himself an innocent party, claiming not to know which of his customers they came from, and the police have to let the matter drop. Pilleger blackmails Kobling, promising silence in return for £3 per week. Kobling is horrified at this indefinite burden, but feels obliged to consent. Some time later, and facing the loss of his business through lack of ready cash, Kobling decides to challenge Pilleger. An opportunity presents itself when a fire breaks out, distracting the police and public. He confronts Pilleger and a fight breaks out, ending in Pilleger's death. The police suspect that Kobling is involved and uses psychological tactics to break him down, but he remains grimly silent and sends Kit and their baby to stay with her sister. Kobling was seen at Pilleger's store on the night of his murder by Lizzie Crane (Mary Clare), a well-known eccentric, who talks about what she saw. The populace shun Kobling and call for justice, but the police do not believe Lizzie's word will stand up as evidence. As they continue to put pressure on him, Kobling approaches breaking point. He finally cracks when he is told that Kit has been killed in a road accident. ===== The film begins when Mayu and Takuma were children. They were friends since they were 8 years old. Takuma has a heart disease and he is treated by a cardiologist who happens to be Mayu's father. One day, Takuma and Mayu overhear that Takuma will not live past the age of 20 due to his condition. However, their friendship grows and Takuma becomes Mayu's first love. When they are out playing in the fields, Takuma promises to marry Mayu when they turn 20. Time passes, and Mayu and Takuma have grown up and are attending junior high school, but their love for each other remains unchanged. However, Takuma, who knows his days are numbered, wanted to push away his feelings for Mayu and distance himself from Mayu, because he cannot stand to see her cry or hurt her more than he already has. He promised to himself that after his last day in junior high, he will leave Mayu. He decided to attend an elite high school, which Takuma thinks that Mayu cannot go into. To Takuma's surprise, Mayu managed to go into that school and had actually done well enough in the school's entrance examination that she became the 1st year student body representative. She scolded Takuma in front of everyone in the school hall, when she should be making her welcome speech. She told Takuma that even if he wanted to abandon her, it will not happen in a 100,000 years. Therefore, they became known to the school as lovers. Mayu then meets Kou, who likes her and asked her to be his girlfriend. However, Mayu refuses. On the other hand, Takuma meets Teru, another patient with the same heart condition as his whom he had met in the past, and Mayu gets jealous when he spent a lot of time visiting her. Kou asked Takuma to give Mayu to him, as Takuma should spare Mayu from the pain when Takuma dies. Mayu and Takuma broke up briefly because Takuma granted Teru her wish of experiencing a kiss before she died. When Takuma visited Teru the next day, he found out that she had died. Takuma then issued Kou a challenge- they would run a 100-meter race, with the loser backing off from Mayu. Kou accepted the challenge but Takuma wins, and went to find Mayu for a date. That day, Kou went out of the school at the same time as Mayu and Takuma, and was knocked down by an oncoming train. Then, Takuma was informed that he had a suitable heart donor. Later, Mayu found out that the donor was the now brain-dead Kou, and tried to hide the fact from Takuma. However, Takuma eventually found out and refused the donation. At the same time, Kou's family saw that Kou had shed tears, and decided that there might be a miracle, and refused the donation as well. Mayu begged them many times, but they still refused to budge, although Kou had registered as a heart donor. Later, Takuma suffered a heart attack. He was rushed to hospital, and the doctor did not give him much chance of living. In his sleep, Takuma prayed that he could have just a short time more to live, and he got a miraculous recovery, and surprised Mayu. He brought Mayu on their "honeymoon", visiting many places. Finally, at the field where they first kissed, Takuma told Mayu that he was very lucky and was happy with his life, handing over his lucky- charm 'will' to her that he had written when he was eight years old.. Upon their arrival back to the hospital, Takuma suffered another heart attack and despite the best efforts of the doctor, he passed away. Mayu went to the roof and opened his letter, which told everyone to be happy when he was gone. The film ends with Mayu borrowing the urn containing Takuma's ashes, and went to a church to have a "wedding", thus fulfilling their promise when they were young. The ending scene is a flashback of the first time the 2 met at the hospital when they were 8 years old. ===== Faqtooni, an Egyptian woman, vows to seek revenge for the death of her husband Mukhtar and trains her sons Bashim and Raakha. She wants to retrieve a magical Jwalamukhi diamond and a Rudra trident. Her brother Jaffer reveals that Mahadevaraya, the Home Minister of India, possesses the diamond. In order to retrieve it, they target his daughter Aishwarya who goes on a secret trip with her friends, after unwittingly packing the diamond in her bag. In Jaipur, they meet Sakthi, a tourist guide who comes to their rescue when goons trouble them. Mahadevaraya learns of Aishwarya's escape from home and two police officers are assigned to find her. Mahadevaraya requests his former partner Jackie to hand him over the trident in exchange for his entire wealth, but Jackie declines. While in Kashmir, Aishwarya falls for Sakthi after he saves her life. Later, she is kidnapped by Bashim's henchmen but rescued by Sakthi after a fight. Bashim manages to find out they're now heading to Haridwar, where Sakthi comes across the diamond while taking a dip in the Ganges. A sage senses it and informs Mahadevaraya about the cleansing of the diamond and arrival of Aishwarya's protector. The two cops looking for Aishwarya inform them about her presence in Haridwar. While leaving the city, Aishwarya proposes to Sakthi but he declines. Soon, Bashim and his henchmen attack them but Sakthi, revealed to be an undercover agent, protects everyone and captures Bashim after a huge shootout. On the other hand, Faqtooni tries to retrieve the trident from Jackie but he demands a huge sum. Aishwarya is questioned about the diamond but she doesn't know anything. Sakthi explains to officer Siva, his father, that he went undercover to protect Aishwarya as she was the target of a terrorist group. On the other hand, Raakha is sent to India to rescue Bashim. Aishwarya finds pictures of her in Sakthi's bag, which leads to Sakthi confessing that he loved her from the moment he saw her. Sakthi, along with his parents and Aishwarya, goes to the temple for his birthday and finds the box with the Jwalamukhi and opens it. Siva informs Mahadevaraya and is called to Hampi along with both the diamond and Aishwarya. Raakha attacks the prison and frees Bashim who, having overheard a conversation, tells him Siva is heading to Hampi. Raakha attacks Siva and other officers but is left wounded by Sakthi who gains powers after touching the diamond. At Hampi, Bashim tries to snatch the diamond but is killed by Sakthi with an ancient sword. Proclaiming Sakthi as the protector, the sage explains how Rudra, the protector of a secret Sakthi Peetha, sacrificed his life while protecting his pregnant wife and Mahadevaraya's parents from Mukhtar and his henchmen. Jackie, who was initially known as Janaki Varma, killed Mahadevaraya's parents after being paid by Mukhtar and managed to flee with the Rudra trident. After killing Mukhtar, a dying Sakthi handed over his newborn son to his loyal servant Basava, who sent him away via the river. He was discovered by Siva and his wife and eventually raised by them as Sakthi. Sakthi retrieves the trident after killing Jackie's henchmen, Jaffer and Jackie himself. However, Sakthi is betrayed and shot by Mahadevaraya's partner Prachanda, who then acquires the trident and hands it over to Faqtooni as she arrives with a resurrected Raakha. Mahadevaraya stabs Prachanda to death, and Raakha knocks him unconscious. Faqtooni forcibly takes the sage and Aishwarya to perform the compulsory rites conducted every 27 years, and as Raakha begins destruction, Sakthi arrives and fights using the trident. Faqtooni is thrown into a deep pit, while an indestructible Raakha is killed after the sage instructs Sakthi to stab Raakha in his eyes, which were implanted from Mukhtar's severed head. Mahadevaraya regains consciousness, while Sakthi places the trident back and walks out with the diamond in his hand, accompanied by Aishwarya and the sage. ===== In a little town with a renowned college a female student is found after she was hogtied and strangled to death. Inspector Marco is assigned to catch the murderer. ===== The film's slight storyline concerns a man (Kendall) who has a violent quarrel with his family over his fiancée (Grahame). Feeling totally upset, he wants to get away from all the conflict and decides to travel overland to Timbuktu with its legendary reputation as one of the most remote and mysterious places in the world. As soon as his fiancée learns of his departure, she vows to do the same thing and challenges herself to arrive in Timbuktu before him. Much of the film is essentially taken up with travelogue sequences of African natives and habitats. ===== The story begins with a pub dance where girls and boys enjoy themselves to the fullest in a much spoilt way, which leads to verbal eve-teasing and results in a girl's death. Sangayya IPS (Samuthirakani), the Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) of the area, is forced to revoke the case because of Chezhian's (Vaibhav) influence. Chezhian, with his rich and corrupt father MLA Deivanayagam (A. L. Alagappan), the State Minister for Forests and Agriculture, would bail them out even if Chezhian and his friends commit multiple murders. Chezhian falls in love with a girl named Reshma (Aparna), the daughter of a Karnataka-based businessman (largely inspired from Vijay Mallya). There are some political dramas that happen before the families agree to their marriage. Sangayya has been used in this political drama. He gets furious after learning this, but his hands are tied by the police commissioner. When Chezhian is mysteriously kidnapped and beaten up by an unknown character, Sangayya starts an unofficial investigation upon the commissioner's request. Sangayya solves the case and comes to know that an 11th grade student named Easan (Dushyanth Jayaprakash) is responsible. Easan has a flashback sequence. His father was a government employee in their native village, where he and his mute sister Poorani (Abhinaya) did their schooling. Once Poorani finished school, they moved to Chennai so that she can pursue fashion technology. Poorani's classmates are all too rich and spoiled. She is taken by one of her classmates to a party, where she is raped by Chezhian and his friend Vinod (Niranjan Jayaprakash) multiple times. Easan's family, not being able to cope with the incident, commits suicide by drinking poisoned coffee, but Easan survived because he only drank a bit. Easan is rushed to the emergency, where Poorani's friend Shyamala (Thulasi) visits him and reveals what happened to his sister. Due to the strong affection that he has for his sister, he decides to take revenge over the convicts. Easan is a computer tech genius and uses this to change the online prescription of Vinoth, so that he is killed as a medical accident. He has also kidnapped and beaten the hell out of Chezhian. This is revealed to Sangayya by Easan himself, while Deivanayagam and his assistant (Namo Narayana) arrive at the scene of investigation and find Chezhian's dead body. Deivanayagam and his assistant attack Sangayya and attempt to kill Easan by setting him on fire. Sangayya saves Easan and himself from Deivanayagam and his assistant by shooting and killing them. Easan is finally admitted in a juvenile reformatory and is visited by Sangayya and his family. ===== Philip Manavaalan (Mammootty) is the owner of a financing company in Kerala and the movie begins with his wedding preparations. After the wedding, Philip's wife, Cecily (Shobhana) is curious about Raju (Rahman), Philip's dead brother and so Philip relates the story of Raju to Cecily. Raju was young, vibrant and a man of many talents. However, he soon fell prey to the world of drugs and started extracting money to buy drugs from his brother by hook or by crook. Philip, upon learning of his brother's drug problem, admitted him into a rehab facility. Raju appeared to recover and was then sent to Madras (Tamil Nadu) for further studies. On one of his visits to Chennai, Philip realised that Raju had gone back to his old ways and was worse than ever before. One night, Raju stole some money and absconded with Philip's car. Philip came to know of this later when he received a call informing him that his car had met with an accident and the car's driver had perished in the explosion. Philip performed the last rites on his brother's body, which was burnt beyond recognition, in Madras itself and returned to Kerala. Cecily sympathises with her husband and soon gets over this sad incident. However one day, suddenly Raju returns home and surprises everyone. Mammootty has a hard time believing that this man is his brother. He performs many tests to prove whether the man is really his brother Raju. He is assisted by his friends in all these tests, but every test yields positive results. Soon almost everyone is convinced that it was indeed Raju who had come back. However, Mammootty is still doubtful. Meanwhile, Renu (Lizy) the daughter of Philip's friend Cherian (Janardhanan) a police officer, who had been bethrothed to Raju, convinced that Raju had come back, begins an affair with him. Philip sees this and informs Cherian about it. Cherian talks to his daughter trying to convince her what a mistake it would be if it is not Raju. But Renu is adamant and expresses her belief that Raju had returned and also tells that she will marry none but Raju. So, Janardhanan visits Mammootty along with their common friend Murali, who is a lawyer to propose Renu for Raju. But Mammootty refuses, saying that he doesn't believe it is his brother who had come back. Everyone gets frustrated that Philip still won't accept Raju in spite of the positive results of all the tests conducted before. At last, Cherian decides to perform a scientific test to prove the truth. He goes to Chennai where Raju's body had been cremated and excavates the remains. He takes a picture of the skull and a picture of Raju and superimposes the two. It doesn't match! Upon reaching his house, he calls Murali and Jagathy Sreekumar to inform them about this. They go to his house and wait for Mammootty to come. He comes soon after in the hope that Cherian has got evidence to prove that Raju was dead and it was an impostor who had come. But when he got there, he finds Cherian in a happy state. Cherian passes on the information to Philip and shows him the super-imposed picture that doesn't match. But still he is not convinced. When questioned why, he replies that Raju died lying in his hands. Cherian asks him to explain. Philip then reveals that Raju had not died in a car accident as he said to everyone. The day he died, Raju stole money from Philip's cupboard and tried to escape with it. Philip stopped him and asked him where he was going. Raju rudely said that he was leaving as he could no longer live with Philip. He took the money so that he could live the way he wanted to. Philip begged Raju not to go and ruin himself in bad company. Raju did not listen and tried to go, but Philip held him back. Raju pushed him away. In anger, Philip slapped Raju who lost his balance and fell from the first floor to the ground, breaking his neck and head in the fall. Philip rushed down to his brother and lifted him. But Raju died soon. Shocked at what he had done by mistake, Philip cries holding his brother's body. Suddenly he realised that he will be held guilty for Raju's death. Seeing no way to prove his innocence, he decides to dispose of Raju's body. ===== "The Super Match-Makers" talks about the love stories of 6 destined match-makers since young who could only find true love upon accomplishment of an ultimate match-making mission before 30 or they would have to stay single forever. ===== Secretary Victoria Ainswell (Allan) marries her wealthy elderly boss. Soon after the wedding he dies suddenly in suspicious circumstances, and the autopsy reveals that the police have a murderer on their hands. Everything points to Victoria as the only person with means, opportunity and motive, and as she can provide no sensible explanation as to who else could have killed her husband, she is arrested and put on trial for murder. Victoria is found guilty and sentenced to hang. As she is being driven back to prison, the car is involved in a serious road accident. Victoria is critically injured and is rushed to hospital, where brilliant doctor Noel Penwood (Ritchard) fights desperately against the odds to save her life. He finds a shard of glass has pierced her heart, and has to perform extremely risky surgery to remove it. Once the operation is over and Victoria is off the danger list, Penwood learns that she faces execution. He is appalled by the horrendous irony that he has saved her life so heroically, only for it to soon be taken anyway through process of law. As Victoria recovers, he listens to her story, believes in her innocence and starts to fall in love with her. Against all ethics, he smuggles her out of the hospital and puts her in hiding. The now romantically-involved couple do some sleuthing of their own, and finally stumble on the identity of the real killer. The police are extremely grateful and apologetic, and Victoria is exonerated, leaving her free to pursue the romance with Penwood. ===== The film starts with a proposal of remaking Satyajit Ray's famous Nayak by a debutant director and storywriter Shuvobrata (Indraneil Sengupta) to famous Bengali actor Arun Chatterjee (Prosenjit). Arun approves Shuvobrata's proposal and agrees to finance the project. Shuvobrata requests his live-in girlfriend Srinandita or Shrin (Nandana Sen) to act opposite Arun. In the meantime, Arun and Shrin become close friends and Arun tells her about various incident from his past in an emotionally triggered condition. The exchange is videotaped accidentally and Shuvobrata on discovering it leaks it to the press, without Srinandita's consent, as a publicity stunt for the film. Srinandita leaves Shuvobrata on learning of this indiscretion. Arun, furious about the leak, bars the film from being released. Arun later learns that Shrin had no role in the leak and apologizes to her. The movie ends with Shrin leaving a note and a phone number for Arun at a roadside dhaba where they had met earlier. ===== The story begins when Jose Carlos, a shy fifteen-year-old, realizes he has fallen in love for the first time with the new girl in his school. After school, a strange man arrives with Carlos's classmate, Mario, and lures him into his car. The man is a porn producer, and he tries to convince Carlos to get his classmate Ariadne to make porn with them. Finally Carlos escapes with the help of Ariadne, who is a friend of the new girl. Carlos tells his parents to go to the police, but they are unable to locate the man, who abducted Mario. One day he decides to talk with the new girl, Sheccid (her real name is Justiniana Deghemteri, but Carlos changes it for the name of an Arabic princess). He confesses his love, but things go wrong when Ariadne recognizes him and tells Sheccid he is related to the pervert who tried to abduct her. Carlos does not give up and, moved by the love he feels, he overcomes the fears he has. At first he begins writing, like his grandparent, realizing he is good at it. His new journal is filled with all his thoughts and poems that he writes for Sheccid. As time goes by, Carlos realizes he is changing. First he begins giving speeches that impress his teachers and classmates, specially the class leader, Beatriz. Of course the speeches also impress Sheccid, who is good at giving speeches too. Ariadne realizes he is a good guy and he is not a pervert, so she begins a friendship with Carlos. They become good friends and Ariadne realizes he is in love with her friend. Suddenly a new boy who goes to the same school begins to get along with Sheccid. After some time he becomes her boyfriend. Carlos dislikes the new boy, because he knows that the guy is not truly in love with Sheccid. The new guy is bigger, stronger and more popular; however, Carlos is not afraid. One day the new guy punches Sheccid and Carlos stands up for her. Sheccid likes the actions of Carlos but her boyfriend organizes a big fight between Carlos's friends and his own friends. Almost all his classmates help Carlos; however, the other guys are gang members, carrying blades and chains to the fight. The fight is unfair, but with the help of teachers, the police arrive to calm the brawl. After that, Sheccid decides to break up with her boyfriend. Everything seems to be fine until Sheccid begins to skip school. At first Carlos does not give this much importance; however, she continues to miss class. He decides to face the problem and talks with her; she says he should just forget about her, and then she kisses him. (The following part was divided and published as “El secreto de Sheccid”, Sheccid’s secret). Desperate, Carlos asks Ariadne for help. She agrees, and then he learns that her family is going to move to another the city, apparently because the mother is ill and the father is having an affair. Before the brawl, he gave her his journal but Sheccid does not say anything else and asks him to forget her. He falls into depression because Sheccid has left him, and does not seem to feel the same way Carlos feels for her. Ariadne tells him to go to her house, to see the "real" Sheccid. After the brawl, he goes to Sheccid's house where he discovers that Sheccid has a brain tumor, and the family is leaving the city to get her special medical attention, the day after she gets out of the hospital from a very dangerous and risky surgery: the father will leave with Sheccid first, followed later by Sheccid's mom and brother. The day of the surgery, he calls Ariadne (who knows everything), only to learn that Sheccid died from complications. Ariadne gives him a letter that Sheccid left for him. In the letter, she explains him that she loved him until the last day of her life. She tells him that there were two options for her: to die during surgery, or survive and then leave to receive attention in another city. Either way, they could not be together. She confesses him she had turned him down so he would not get hurt, whatever the outcome. He then writes in his journal a poem for Sheccid, telling that she will always be a part of him, and he will always remember her the way he knew her. This is the end of Carlos's first love, but not the end of the story. Carlos wrote "Sheccid's Secret" as a means to overcome the events that really happened. After Ariadne tells him to go see Sheccid at her house, he walks into a party. There, he sees Sheccid's mom sitting in a chair in a catatonic state. He gets introduced to Sheccid's father, who is at the party with another woman; the rumors about the problems in Sheccid's family were true. When he sees Sheccid, she is drinking, smoking and in a drug induced state, doing a dance for some men. He then faces the painful truth: he loved Justiniana because he thought of her as the embodiment of Sheccid, his ideal of the perfect woman. But Justiniana was not Sheccid. Facing this fact, he leaves the party. Heartbroken, and about to go insane, he locks himself up in his room and writes a different ending to his story; in his journal he kills Sheccid to free not only the love he felt for her, but to free himself from the pain he felt when he realized he was in love with an illusion. It is at this point that we find out that Mario, the classmate abducted by the pervert, was found alive in a car accident. The book ends with Carlos realizing that, by the love he felt, he changed for good; love made him a stronger, better person, and by keeping the innocence of his lost love, he could remain like that. ===== Receiving hundreds of packages in the mail containing unsold copies of his failed novel Faster Than the Speed of Love, Brian gives up his ambitions of becoming a writer. While reading The New York Times, Brian discovers that a self-help book is the highest-selling book on its bestseller list, and after some persuasion by Stewie, decides to write his own in order to prove that self-help books are useless. Finishing it in three hours and titling it Wish It, Want It, Do It, Brian publishes the book, and it immediately becomes a commercial success. Brian decides to hire Stewie (because of his connections that helped publish the book) as his publicist when the book becomes popular, and organizes a publicity tour. Though Brian is initially skeptical of Stewie's arrogant demeanour, Brian soon follows suit and becomes an egomaniac. While reflecting on his fame during dinner, Brian notices Renée Zellweger at the front of the restaurant; after angrily berating Stewie for not booking their table there, he punishes him by refusing to give him a lift to their hotel. Seeking to reconcile his relationship with Brian, Stewie books him an appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher to discuss separation of church and state with Maher and Christopher Hitchens. Two hours prior to his appearance, Brian continues to bully Stewie for insignificant inconveniences, when they are informed that Hitchens cannot attend, and that Arianna Huffington and Dana Gould will serve as replacement panelists. Blaming Stewie again, Brian angrily fires him and continues on to the show's panel. While on the show, Maher, Huffington and Gould begin to criticize Brian's book, stating that it fails to meet the expectations of the public and is pretentious, repetitive, unhelpful, banal and manipulative. Brian attempts to defend it by talking down to the panelists, including pettily insulting Huffington's accent and Gould's feminine-sounding first name, but finds himself under pressure from them. In anger and desperation, he insults the panelists for having little sense in literature, but is constantly put down. He ultimately confesses that he too considers the book to be of a low standard, admitting that he wrote it in a day in the hope that it would sell. Maher loses all respect for Brian, stating that a real writer would stand by their work despite what others think. When trying to regain Maher's trust, Brian panics and urinates, prompting Maher to angrily chase him off the set with a newspaper. Humiliated, Brian returns to Quahog and half-heartedly apologizes to Stewie, during which he unsubtly and passive-aggressively continues to blame him for everything that went wrong. Realizing that this is going to be as good an "apology" as Brian can give, Stewie bluntly tells him "You can't write". ===== Haunted House consists of one-shot chapters connected by the teenage protagonist, Sabato Obiga—his first name refers to Sabbath. In each, he attempts to find and keep a girlfriend, whom his gothic family inevitably frightens away. His family is made up of his father, who works at a bank; his mother, a reader of poetry; twin sisters Lisa and Misa, both of whom create voodoo dolls; and their black cat. In Haunted House, Mitsukazu Mihara continued her use of death-themed material—also seen in her other manga The Embalmer and R.I.P.: Requiem in Phonybrian. ===== Devanarayanan (Devan) is a Brahmin priest from Kerala, who has to look after his entire impoverished family. He is in love with Aswathy, but her corrupt father Govindan Nair is against their relationship. The wicked local businessman Arumukhan, along with Govindan Nair, Inspector Chandrappan, and their coterie of corrupt men of influential positions falsely accuse Devanarayanan of the theft of the local temple's Thiruvabharana (Deity's ornaments) and fabricate him in the case. Devan's father loses his trust on his son and Devan is forced to leave his village. He reaches Bombay where he gets shelter from Kunjali and his daughter Sainaba, who runs a tea shop. Some turn of events draws Devanarayanan into the underworld and he becomes the trusted aide of an ageing don Kareem, who had lost his wife, brother, and uncle in an underworld gang war decades ago. Sainaba is in love with Kareem's only son. Their marriage gets fixed when Devan convinces both Kareem and Kunjali. Nirmala, who is working for Kareem's gang, gets closer to Devanarayanan. Nair, who was a trusted secretary to Kareem, joins hands together with the rival don Majeed Khan after feeling jealous and dejected when Kareem starts giving more importance to Devan. Kareem's son and daughter- in-law Sainaba, along with Kunjali are shot dead by Majeed Khan, Nair, and their henchmen during the Holi celebrations, leaving Kareem on a path towards religion and leaving all underworld business for good. Majeed Khan and Nair plan to leave Bombay, but Devan successfully attacks them and gets them arrested. Devan is then sentenced to a five year imprisonment. After he gets released, Devan along with his lover Nirmala leave for Kerala. He proves his innocence to his parents and family and teaches a lesson to all those wicked men who had once fabricated him. But, by that time, Majeed Khan and Nair reach Kerala to take revenge from Devan and kill Nirmala. Devan kills both Khan and Nair. The film ends tragically with a furious Devanarayanan screaming at the judge in the court of law for having being imprisoned under fabricated accusations. ===== Sabrina Watson (Paula Patton) is the only child of the wealthy Watson family; her mother Claudine (Angela Bassett) and father Greg Watson (Brian Stokes Mitchell) live in Martha's Vineyard. The film starts off with Sabrina with Bobby on the phone with a mistress and he is having an affair. She asks God to help her again get out of this situation and she promises (again) not to have another one-night stand with anyone and only have sex with her future husband. One day, she accidentally hits Jason Taylor (Laz Alonso) when driving and not seeing him. She gets out to offer and overreacts. Jason forgives her and takes up a night of dinner with her. Five months later, after going out, Sabrina tells Jason about her job offer in China and asks him to still be with her in a long-distance relationship but Jason declines. She walks off sad and soon hears a music group singing, and Jason comes back and asks her to marry him, which she accepts. Sabrina's mother is running the wedding. She has doubts, but trusts her daughter. After the couple talk to Reverend James (T.D. Jakes), they decide to stay while a driver picks up Jason's family and friends. Jason's group is his insecure mother Pam (Loretta Devine), his charming uncle Willie Earl (Mike Epps), Pam's best friend Shonda (Tasha Smith) and Jason's cousin Malcolm (DeRay Davis). Also appearing is Sabrina's aunt Geneva (Valarie Pettiford). Their first meeting is awkward as everyone seems to dislike each other and they make small rude remarks. Pam becomes annoyed by Sabrina's acts of kindness and counts three strikes already against her. Sabrina talks to her friends during the cocktail party, one of them being her maid of honor Blythe (Meagan Good). While Blythe goes to get more wine, she meets Chef McKenna (Gary Dourdan), and both instantly feel a connection. Shonda also meets Sabrina's cousin, Sebastian (Romeo Miller), who is instantly drawn to her. Shonda is attracted to him as well but she feels uncomfortable because she thinks he's too young for her. During the dinner at night, Pam gives a rude blessing and has a fight with Claudine but this is stopped by Greg. Claudine also says in French that she thinks Greg is having an affair with his associate Amanda. While outside, Pam listens in on Geneva and Claudine fighting and finds out that Geneva is actually Sabrina's mother and gave Sabrina to Claudine and Greg after she was born. During the bachelor party, Sabrina and Jason have a fight about his mother wanting them to be jumping the broom. Malcolm talks to Jason and complains and asks why he isn't the best man. Jason tells him that they haven't been best friends in years and Malcolm has only been there to ask for money. When Jason leaves and tries to apologize to Sabrina, Chef McKenna is busy kissing Blythe and not noticing the food which begins to burn which sets off the alarm. Sabrina closes the door on him but they make up through text; however, they have doubts about their wedding. In the morning, everything begins normally. The boys have a friendly game of football, though Pam tries to tell Jason about Claudine and Geneva's secret. Blythe also talks to McKenna about the relationship. McKenna tells her that he thinks she is beautiful and a relationship is still an option. Greg reveals to Claudine that he is not having an affair, but has made some bad investments and lost most of his money. While Pam is getting fitted in her dress, she tries to confront Sabrina about the secret but is interrupted when Jason gets hurt when pushed by Malcolm. Pam tells Sabrina to ask her parents who are her real parents. Claudine and Geneva tell the truth which hurts Sabrina and causes her to drive off and cancel the wedding. Jason confronts his mother and tells her he is a grown man and to stop treating him like a little boy. Jason tells everyone to look for Sabrina and also punches Malcolm. Jason prays to God to help him. Geneva is called by Sabrina who is at the docks in a boat. Geneva gives the story of Sabrina's father. He was a man in Paris whom she loved and planned to travel the world with but she soon found out he had a wife and child and she returned home alone and pregnant. Jason meets back with Sabrina and the two reconcile. Sabrina goes back home to dress. She gets a broom and a note from Pam saying she is returning home and is sorry. She chases down Pam and asks her to stay. They forgive each other and Pam agrees to stay. Jason and Sabrina have the wedding and also jump the broom. After the wedding, Sebastian kisses Shonda, finally winning her affections, and presumably begins a relationship. Greg and Claudine reconcile and she reveals she has secret funds, and that they are still wealthy. Malcolm and Amy (Julie Bowen), the wedding planner, start sharing a moment together in which she asks if he wants to dance with her and he accepts. At the end, the whole family happily does the Cupid Shuffle. ===== A group of TV representatives plan to cause mass panic to increase ratings by fabricating a faux disease caused by household cats and state, among other things, that there is a vaccine available in limited supply. At the Springfield hospital, Mr. Burns steals a significant portion of the vaccine for himself, claiming that he needs to give a good example to his hounds (even though dogs are immune to the disease) and running over the rest of the vaccine with his car in the process, causing immense anger to Springfield. After learning from his doctor that he is suffering from multiple illnesses and has only six weeks to live (even though Mr. Burns found out before that he had multiple fatal illnesses that normally would kill him, but are actually in balance with each other on the season 11 episode "The Mansion Family"), Burns becomes distraught at his fate; when he tells the news to the rest of the town, however, they celebrate and proceed to melt his ice sculpture. Realizing that no one in Springfield (aside from Smithers) likes him, Burns attempts suicide by leaping from a cliff, but ends up surviving, albeit with some amnesia and delusional behavior. Bart finds a helpless Burns in the wilderness and secretly takes him into the Simpsons' home. When Homer and Marge learn about their new house-guest, they, along with the rest of Springfield, decide to get some payback for all the misery he has caused them over the years. However, they eventually get tired of tormenting him, and cast him aside. When Lisa takes Burns back to his mansion, he regains his memory. Once again a cruel, heartless miser, he decides to put a dome over the town to get revenge on everyone who had treated him badly (inspired by Stephen King's novel Under the Dome), only to be informed that something similar was already done and it would not work again because they could simply cave their way out. (Lou even states that the only reason that they did not try it at the first time was because no one was smart enough to think of it first). Marge tries to convince Burns that he should treat people with more respect after this experience, but her argument fails when Burns realize that is his cruelty is the only thing that has kept him alive for some time (as his six weeks have been up and he is still standing). In the end, Mr. Burns flies away in his helicopter piloted by Smithers, who at first believed Mr. Burns had died and spent a brief time working for former Vice President Dick Cheney. The two are immediately greeted by Nelson Muntz, who threatens to crash the helicopter unless Mr. Burns agrees to attend a school version of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? posing as Nelson's father. Despite his disgust at being forced to watch the play, Mr. Burns actually enjoys Nelson's performance. ===== News correspondent Tim Garnett (Stephenson) and his photographer Connelly (Richard "Skeets" Gallagher) have been on assignment in a country on the edge of revolution. At the airport as they wait to leave, Connelly snaps a throwaway shot of an attractive woman boarding a plane. When the photograph is developed, they realise that the woman's male companion is Emile Zubova (Franklin Dyall), a notorious illegal arms dealer who had recently been reported as having committed suicide while on the run from agents wishing to track him down. Connelly and Garnett start to investigate their scoop, but as they do so word gets back to Zubova that he has been photographed. Connelly and Garnett manage to identify the woman in the picture, Jacqueline Manet (Bouchier), and trace her movements to France. As they fly out, Zubova arranges to have their plane shot down in order to silence them. The plane crashes, but both survive relatively unscathed. Garnett locates Jacqueline and follows her, hoping she will lead him to Zubova. She realises she is being tailed and challenges Garnett. However the confrontation soon turns into mutual attraction and then love. Having been informed of the dangerous situation by his lookout minions, Zubova has Garnett kidnapped and brought to his hideout, where plans are being made to torpedo an ocean liner in order to provoke another war from which Zubova can profit. Jacqueline arrives at the hideout and shoots Zubova during a struggle, but is herself fatally wounded in return and dies in Garnett's arms. Garnett is able to alert the authorities of the plot to sink the liner, the navy are put on hand to deal with the threat, and the submarine is destroyed. ===== Annie Walker (Kristen Wiig) is a single woman in her mid-thirties, living in Milwaukee. Following the failure of her bakery due to the recession, her boyfriend leaves her, and she loses her savings. Forced to work at a jewelry store and share an apartment with English immigrant Gil (Matt Lucas) his sister Brynn (Rebel Wilson), she has given up baking. Annie has a casual sexual relationship with the self-absorbed Ted (Jon Hamm), but hopes for something more from him. Her best friend Lillian (Maya Rudolph) becomes engaged and asks Annie to be her maid of honor. At the engagement party, Annie meets Lillian's bridesmaids: long-married Rita (Wendi McLendon-Covey); naïve newlywed Becca (Ellie Kemper); decidedly unfiltered Megan (Melissa McCarthy); and rich and sophisticated Helen (Rose Byrne). Annie and Helen are instantly jealous of each other's friendship with Lillian, who persuades them to spend time together. Annie takes Lillian and the bridesmaids to a Brazilian steak restaurant before visiting a chic bridal shop, where Helen uses her influence to gain entry as Annie failed to make a reservation. While trying on gowns, the entire party – except Helen, who chose not to eat – gets diarrhea from food poisoning. Annie's suggestion for a bachelorette party is overruled in favor of a Las Vegas trip planned by Helen. Too proud to accept a ticket from Helen, Annie books a ticket in economy class while the others fly first-class. The trip is cut short by an outburst from Annie, who had accepted a sedative and liquor from Helen for her massive fear of flying and begins to hallucinate. The plane makes an emergency landing in Casper, Wyoming, and the party takes a bus back home. Annie apologizes, but Lillian wants Helen to take over planning the bridal shower and wedding. Annie continues to hope for a relationship with Ted, but meets Irish-American Nathan Rhodes (Chris O'Dowd), a friendly State Patrol officer who lets her off without a ticket for broken tail lights. Nathan encourages her to open a new bakery, and after a romantic night together, surprises her with baking supplies, but Annie is overwhelmed and leaves. She is fired from the jewelry store for being rude to a customer and kicked out by her roommates, forcing her to move in with her mother. Annie travels to Helen's home in Chicago for the Parisian-themed bridal shower, her idea which Helen had rejected. Helen upstages Annie's heartfelt, handmade gift by giving Lillian a trip to Paris, another idea stolen from Annie. Enraged, Annie throws a tantrum, and Lillian kicks her out of the shower and the wedding. Driving home, Annie is involved in a car accident but the other driver flees. Nathan arrives on the scene, admonishing Annie for not fixing her tail lights or taking responsibility for her life, and she accuses him of only wanting sex from her. Hurt, Nathan storms off when Ted arrives to give Annie a ride. When Ted expects Annie to perform oral sex in the car, she breaks off their relationship and walks home. Annie becomes reclusive, but Megan arrives with a pep talk, telling her to stop blaming the world for her problems and take control of her life. Annie resumes baking, gets her car fixed, and tries to make amends with Nathan, who ignores her. On the day of the wedding, Helen appears at Annie's doorstep begging for help finding Lillian, who has disappeared. Helen apologizes to Annie, revealing that people only involve her in their lives because she is good at planning events, but she does not have any true female friends. Enlisting Nathan’s help, they find Lillian at her own apartment, having fled her wedding because of Helen's extravagant planning and fear of leaving her life in Milwaukee. Annie reconciles with Lillian, and resumes her role as maid of honor. After the wedding, which Annie agrees with Helen is "perfect", they hope to become friends, and Helen has arranged for Nathan to pick Annie up. Nathan and Annie reconcile, and ride away in his police car. ===== American chorus-girl Mamie Wallace (Glenda Farrell) travels to Paris with a ramshackle touring musical revue. The company runs out of money, and it looks as though Mamie and her dancing colleagues are going to be stranded in Europe with no way home. Luckily, she meets a handsome, well-spoken Englishman Peter Millett (Claude Hulbert), who falls in love with her and proposes marriage. Under the impression that he is a man of means, she readily accepts, imagining an entrée to English high society. The couple return to England, and Mamie discovers to her horror that not only is her new home a decrepit farmhouse out in the sticks, but that Peter is a widower and his three children also come as part of the package. Despite her disappointment, she shows her pluck and spirit by determining not to run away but to stay and make the best of things. However the local villagers are shocked by her city ways and appearance and make it difficult for her to fit in. An additional difficulty reveals itself in the person of local schoolteacher Dot Harris, who has long had an eye on Peter for herself and is now consumed with jealousy and spite, going out of her way to cause trouble for Mamie at every opportunity. However Mamie's good nature and decency are gradually acknowledged, and she triumphs in the end. ===== Rin (Yumi Sugimoto), a young high school student, is an unassuming and awkward girl who is bullied at school. One day, while being bullied, she feels a sharp pain in her hand. Later, Rin learns that she is a descendant of the ancient Hiruko clan, whose members are mutants gifted with superpowers. No sooner does she learn of this, than her home is raided by anti-Hiruko soldiers. Rin's parents are killed and Rin barely escapes with her life. After killing an entire shopping district out of misunderstanding and grief-fueled rage, Rin meets Rei (Yuko Takayama), another mutant. Rei introduces Rin to a small rag-tag group of mutant rebels led by a transvestite samurai named Kisaragi (Tak Sakaguchi), who is bent on restoring the Hiruko clan's place in the world. Under the instruction of Kisaragi and Rei, Rin begins training, wearing an iron mask until she can control her powers. While in training, the tentacle-armed Yoshie (Suzuka Morita) tells Rin about Rei's past; only three years ago, Rei had been a freak show attraction at a circus, and the only person to show her compassion and acceptance was a human boy who gave her a gold cross necklace. When the townsfolk killed the boy for loving her, Rei's hatred for humans was born. Rin later finds the necklace after Rei accidentally drops it after a training session. When Rin achieves control over her powers much sooner than Kisaragi had expected, he orders her, along with Yoshie, to infiltrate an anti-Hiruko conference and attack a high ranking general named Koshimizu. Rin and Yoshie successfully take out Koshimizu, but find themselves unable to kill some innocent surviving humans. Rei, under Kisaragi's orders, kills the survivors. Eventually, Rin realizes that, in spite of everything that has happened, she cannot turn against her human side. She manages to persuade Yoshie to join in her cause to protect innocent humans rather than kill or subjugate them. Meanwhile, other Hiruko schoolgirls are being brainwashed to carry out suicide bomb attacks at various locations to kill humans. Kisaragi kidnaps and drains the blood of the fervently anti- Hiruko prime minister, which grants him a large grotesque and super-powered body. Yoshie takes on the brainwashed mutant schoolgirls while Rin faces off against Rei. Rin manages to successfully convince Rei to stop her war on humans when she returns Rei's treasured gold cross necklace and triggers fond memories of the human boy who loved her. Rin, Rei and Yoshie team up to defeat Kisaragi and rescue the prime minister. ===== "Bør Børson Olderstad" is a farmer's son from the fictional valley Olderdalen. Dreaming about money, wealth and a position at the board of the local savings bank, he has changed his last name to Børson, and started a local grocery store. The name Børson is a paraphrase of the Norwegian word ', from , in . Via various burlesque episodes he eventually ends up as a millionaire. The story ends with a wedding between Bør and Josefine Torsøien, a girl from a nearby farm. The novel is set in the boom period during World War I. Norway did not participate in the war, but the country's merchant fleet carried goods at increasing freight rates. The sea transport was a risky business that cost the lives of 2,000 Norwegian seamen, while a volatile stock market could multiply investments over short periods of time. ===== Giovanni 'Nino' Culotta"Culotta" is rough Italian slang for "big arse" is an Italian immigrant, who came to Australia as a journalist, but became a brickie's labourer. Now, several years later, he is a builder, and married to Kay, with a daughter Maria and son Nino junior. Nino decides to travel back to Italy to see his parents, and takes not only Kay, but his mates Joe and Dennis, who have never left Sydney. They travel by aeroplane and cargo ship and buy a cheap car in Germany to drive to Italy. They arrive at the Cullota family villa, and Nino's father, a crusty patriarch, is only concerned that Nino and Kay have not been 'properly' married by an Italian priest. By the time they return to Sydney, Joe and Dennis, despite their working-class 'Ocker' background, have acquired a veneer of European sophistication, preferring wine to beer and unwilling even to get drunk. ===== A temperamental opera diva arouses official suspicion that she is a spy, secretly gathering classified information to pass to enemy agents. A policeman who happens to be a talented amateur singer is sent undercover to join the opera company and try to find out whether there is any substance to the allegations. Once there, an immediate attraction springs up between the policeman and a female member of the company. But the diva also sets her sights on him and, used to getting what she wants, becomes the bitter rival-in-love of the other singer. The policeman lets his lady friend into his confidence, and the pair set about sleuthing. They finally prove that all the suspicions were justified and the diva is indeed a foreign agent. ===== ===== Jack Donovan (Donohue), a riveter working on the construction of a high-rise building, is distracted from his work by spying through a nearby window on a lissom young woman Mary (Rolf) as she rehearses her tap-dancing routines. When she finishes, he pauses to give the unsuspecting Mary an ovation of cheers and wolf-whistles, but in the process loses his balance and falls to the ground, breaking both ankles. The sympathetic Mary, who witnessed his fall, later visits him in hospital. Finding him very attractive, she claims that as his bones start to mend, tap- dancing is a wonderful way to strengthen his muscles and joints. He laughs at the absurdity of the suggestion. Fully recovered, Jack goes back to his job, only to find that he has developed a new and severe fear of heights and it is quite impossible to continue in his line of work. He meets up again with Mary, and now takes her up on her suggestion of learning to tap. He finds he has a natural aptitude, and soon takes up dancing professionally. The couple fall in love, and are soon married. ===== A womanising playboy becomes tired of his philandering lifestyle and asks his current girlfriend to marry him. At the wedding reception, his best man makes a speech treating the entire gathering to the finer details of the bridegroom's chequered romantic history. The bride becomes upset, and her new husband is furious with his best friend for being so indiscreet. He whisks her straight out of the wedding hall and they set off on honeymoon. Matters are set for a series of farcical complications and misunderstandings as they start to meet a motley selection of odd characters who do nothing to improve relations between the newly-weds. Then the best friend's wife turns up at the honeymoon location, announcing that she has left her husband in disgust. He is quickly on the scene trying to change her mind, and soon there are two sets of bickering couples going full steam, while the bridegroom and his best friend also clash with each other. The bewildered bride has to try to make up her mind whether or not to stay with her new husband. ===== In order to avert the impending collapse of the Multiverse from the mysterious "dark tides" that have begun to appear, the Doctor and Amy join the Terraphiles, a group of humans in the far future obsessed with recreating Earth's distant past and reenacting medieval Earth sports (or rather, unknowingly comic misinterpretations of the same). The Doctor and his new friends compete in a Grand Tournament in the Miggea star system, which lies on the border of parallel realities. The prize of the contest is an ancient artifact called the Arrow of Law, sought also by the Doctor's old foe Captain Cornelius and his crew of space pirates. ===== Three interrelated stories comprise the plot structure of this film. In the first, "The Story of Johnnie & Laurie," Johnnie (Barry Brisco) is betrayed by his sister (Suzette Belouin) when she finds out his sexual proclivities. When she informs her parents (Billy Drago & Erica Gavin) about his homosexuality, their estrangement leads Johnnie through a series of unsavory incidents. In "The Story of Pat & Pepper," Pat (Mink Stole) is a Christian conservative and her five-year-old daughter Pepper (Pepper Peeters) participates in children's beauty pageants. Ambivalent over her daughter's attractiveness to a pageant judge (Daylyn Presley), Pat accidentally kills Pepper and transforms her into a dead chanteuse. Finally, in "The Story of Jim," Jim (Joey Krebs) takes the advice of his best friend Eddie (Laurence Tolhurst) and gets a job in the television industry. When Jim's career plummets due to poor ratings, he finds a sex change operation the perfect solution out of a desperate situation. ===== The film is actually a scenic depiction of script written by Kabir Abbas(Govind Padmasoorya), as he narrates the story to his friend (Elham Mirza). The story is happening at Bangkok, where Isha(Elham Mirza) is an artist who portrays sketches live. Ayaan (Rahman) is a resident migrated in fake name and has been residing there since then. Ayaan used to surprise Isha with bunch of lavender flowers in between. Incidentally Isha befriends Siddharth (Nishan), and mistakes him to be the person sending her Lavenders. Isha had once been rescued, and taken to hospital after she had fallen off from a wooden bridge by someone whose identity is not yet unknown to her. Since then she has been searching for that person, and it was the same person who is presenting her with the Lavender flower bouquets now. When Isha tells that it is Siddharth who sends her the flowers, Siddharth doesn't bother to deny it, leaving Isha a feeling that it is Siddharth the person she was searching for. Siddharth reveals himself as a designer working in a graphic company. Matters go worse when Siddharth is being shot on a public place when he was with Isha. Isha also gets shot on her throat, and she was left there. Ayaan rushes to the spot and takes her to hospital. She recovers, however her voice is lost. Ayaan then befriends Isha. However Isha reveals that she is already in love with Siddharth. They both then trace for Siddharth, however they could not find him. A recovered Siddharth, revealed to us as an Interpol officer, is being advised by his senior Raghavan(Anoop Menon) to forget his love and carry on with their duty. On her birthday, Ayaan visits her, and at the same time Siddharth also visits her, reveals her the truth that he is an Interpol officer and has been cheating her and take leave. He also notices Ayaan present there. Based on orders from his boss Joseph Tharakan(Thalaivasal Vijay), Ayaan sets out to kill Siddharth. Despite having an opportunity of shooting Siddharth, Ayaan reveals to him that Isha still loves him and he will move out from their life. However then Siddharth is found shot to death. Isha is upset on hearing Siddharth's death. She is being consoled by Ayaan. Joseph assigns Ayaan to kill Raghavan. Ayaan was not willing to take it up. But as Joseph promises that it will be his last execution, and after that Ayaan will be free to live his own life, Ayaan takes up. Isha finds the photo of Siddharth and a gun in a brief case at Ayaans home and then concludes that Ayaan is the murderer of Siddharth and she blames him for doing the same. Grief-stricken, Ayaan surrenders to the Interpol. In a sequence of events, Isha comes to know the truth and rushes to have a glance on Ayaan. Where she protects Ayaan from a bullet and gets killed. Ayaan clears of Joseph and his colleagues and falls dead. The story narration ends there and Kabir bids farewell to his friend after the narration. On a later day, he is surprised to see a bunch of lavender flowers on his doorstep. ===== The unsuccessful illusionist "Happy Max" intends to marry Hélène Bombardon, the daughter of his boss. This news makes Mr Bombardon so upset that he threatens "Happy Max" to fire him unless he finally creates a really successful stage performance. ===== Honest garage mechanic, faithful husband and good father, Emile Dupuy was persuaded by the patter of a salesman at a bazaar to buy a cane fishing model with the money intended for his wife Charlotte's dream: a washing machine. Not daring to tell her, he will lie, small lies, wholesale lies, and finds himself in an inextricable situation. ===== The introduction scene follows from "Jacksonville", where Olivia (Anna Torv) has discovered, through her Cortexiphan-induced abilities, that Peter (Joshua Jackson) is from the parallel universe, and Walter (John Noble) takes her aside to tell her how this came to pass, shown to the viewer in an extended flashback. In 1985, Walter and William Bell had theorized the existence of a parallel universe, and created a window-like device to observe it. Though they use their observations for military benefits, Walter has a more personal interest in the parallel universe, to seek a cure for a genetic disease crippling his son Peter (Quinn Lord). "Walternate", Walter's doppelganger in the other universe, is also seeking a similar cure, his Peter suffering from the same disease. The prime universe's Peter succumbs to his illness and dies, and Walter and his wife Elizabeth (Orla Brady) mourn their loss, supported by Walter and William's friend, Nina Sharp (Blair Brown) and Walter's lab assistant, Carla Warren (Jenni Blong). Walter, through his window, shows Elizabeth the other Peter, and asserts they should be happy knowing another Peter exists. Later, Walter watches Walternate explore other cures. Walternate is distracted by the arrival of an Observer, September (Michael Cerveris), and fails to see the telltale color change indicating a cure. Walter is able to recreate and stabilize Walternate's cure, and then decides to use untested equipment to cross over to give the cure to Peter. Carla tries to stop Walter, knowing the technology could damage the fabric of space-time, and contacts Nina for help. Separately, September informs his fellow Observers that he may have made a mistake and assures them he will correct it. Walter sets up his equipment on the frozen ice of Reiden Lake, near a cabin where Elizabeth and Peter are staying; Walter theorizes the frozen waters will buffer the effects of the crossing. Carla arrives with Nina, and both try to talk him out of it. When Walter realizes William is not with them, he takes this as an implicit sign of William's consent to his plan, and activates the portal. Nina attempts to tackle Walter as he steps through, but instead part of her arm disappears in the portal as it closes; Carla rushes her to the hospital. In the parallel universe, Walter finds the cure vial shattered when Nina tackled him and he devises a new plan: to bring Peter back, administer a new batch of the cure, and return him. Meeting the parallel universe's Elizabeth, he explains he is taking Peter back to the lab for some tests. As Walter walks Peter back across the lake to the portal, Peter realizes that Walter is not his real father. They cross through the portal safely, but the ice has weakened and both fall through, losing consciousness. Walter wakes to find September driving him and Peter back to Walter's lab. September warns that "the boy must live", and leaves Walter to drive the rest of the way. At the lab, as Peter receives the cure, Carla informs him that William will see to replacing Nina's arm. Elizabeth arrives unannounced, and is overjoyed to see Peter, even though it is not her child. At that point, Walter realizes he will never be able to make himself return Peter to his proper universe—the pain of losing their child for the second time would be too great. In the show's conclusion in the present day, Walter tells Olivia that his crossing is what caused the crack between the two universes, including the Pattern on their side, and leading to the oncoming "storm" that William warned Olivia about. ===== Tamayura centers around a young girl named Fū Sawatari who moves to Takehara, Hiroshima to begin her first year of high school. Her late father grew up in Takehara and this is her first time back in the town in five years. Fū enjoys photography and is often engrossed with taking pictures with her father's old Rollei 35 S film camera. A shy girl, Fū tries her best to make friends early on, spurred on by her childhood friend Kaoru Hanawa. She quickly becomes friends with two other girls, Maon Sakurada and Norie Okazaki. After a year has passed, Fū forms a photography club and meets fellow photographer Kanae Mitani. ===== ===== Adam (Peter Krause) is stressed about work because his boss Gordon (William Baldwin) feels he is too distracted by family issues. Sarah (Lauren Graham), frustrated with her children for losing their shoes, off-handedly remarks to Adam about her desire for a LoJack to help locate missing shoes. Put on the spot for new ideas at work, Adam pitches the LoJack idea and Gordon loves it, insisting Adam start developing it. When Sarah learns this later she is excited, but feels upset she is not given credit. When Zeek (Craig T. Nelson) encourages her to stand up for herself, Sarah confronts Adam, but he counters that he has made many sacrifices for Sarah in the past and never asked for anything in return. Later, however, Adam tells Gordon it was Sarah's idea. That night, Adam apologizes to Sarah and offers her an internship at the company's design department, which she happily accepts. Kristina (Monica Potter) is teaching Haddie (Sarah Ramos) how to drive, but is so over-worried she stresses her daughter out. Haddies tries to convince Adam to teach her instead, but he refuses. Later, during another lesson, Kristina distresses Haddie so much she crashes into a garbage can, damaging a side mirror. The two later argue, but they eventually reconcile, and Kristina explains she dreads the idea of her daughter dying in an accident. Meanwhile, Crosby (Dax Shepard) meets and seems attracted to Gaby (Minka Kelly), the therapist helping Max (Max Burkholder). Crosby is trying to cope with missing his son Jabbar (Tyree Brown) and girlfriend Jasmine (Joy Bryant), who is in New York City pursuing her dancing career. Jabbar plans to visit Crosby, who promises Max the two boys can have a sleepover, much to Max's excitement. However, Jasmine later tells Crosby she cannot visit after all due to an audition. When Crosby tells Max, he grows hysterical due to his Asperger syndrome. He is calmed by Gaby while Crosby watches, realizing the extent of Max's problems. Haddie later has a sleepover with a now-happy Max. Zeek is in therapy with his wife, Camille (Bonnie Bedelia), and whenever he starts to speak disrespectfully, he stops himself and tells her, "I hear you and I see you." The roof in Zeek's barn is leaking and he tries to fix it, but only makes it worse due to his poor handyman skills. Sarah recruits Joel (Sam Jaeger), a licensed contractor, to help Zeek, but tells him he must let Zeek believe he is doing all the work. Joel tries to help, but Zeek constantly interferes and declares himself in charge. Eventually, Joel loses his temper and yells at Zeek, who is impressed with the usually timid Joel. Meanwhile, Sydney (Savannah Paige Rae) asks her parents if she came "out of a vagina". Joel is uncomfortable discussing sex with her child, but Julia (Erika Christensen) insists on telling her the truth. The topic eventually leads Julia to conclude she wants another child and, in her excitement, she does not notice Joel seems conflicted about the idea. ===== Richard Boone, Patty Duke and Michael Constantine star in this suspense drama of a man whose past as a freedom fighter who has defected from an Iron Curtain country, finally catches up with him. After living quietly in California's wine country under an assumed name, Anton Solea, played by Boone, is suddenly the target of a would be assassin. Patty Duke plays a peace activist who tags along with Solea as he is pursued by the unknown enemy. Constantine plays a neighboring grape grower who lends Solea a helping hand. ===== In December 1942, during the Second World War, the soldiers of a Red Army anti-tank gun battery face the onslaught of General von Manstein's armored divisions trying to relieve the besieged 6th Army in Stalingrad.Hot Snow on Eventually only seven of them survive, but German tank breakthrough is stopped, and in the final episode General Lieutenant Bessonov (Georgiy Zhzhonov) awards each of the survivors with the Order of Red Banner saying: "Thank you for tanks knocked out. That's all I can do...". ===== A man falls in love with a beautiful girl who leads him down the wrong path. He must decide what to do with life and is not sure he can continue living and contemplates suicide. ===== Jill Trevor (Baxter) vows revenge on newspaper baron Sir Joshua Morple (Athole Stewart), who she holds responsible for ruining her father. Her very public antics to draw attention to Morple's despicable conduct come to the notice a rival newspaper, who send journalist Jim Brent (Lyon) to offer to write up Jill's story, in the hope that he will be able to dig up some dirt on Morple. Jim is initially sceptical, seeing Jill as a silly attention-seeking airhead, but as he gets to know her he changes his mind and realises there is substance to her claims, so the pair join forces to discredit Morple publicly, at the same time as starting to fall in love with each other. ===== The series deals with the adventures of four young children who are each gifted in different areas, bound by one common factor: they are either orphans or unwanted by their parents. The children become involved with the strange Nicholas Benedict and his guild of assistants who are trying to stop Mr. Benedict's twin, Ledroptha Curtain, from taking over the world via brainwashing. The children team up against the villain and his evil assistants, called the Ten Men. ===== Monette, a middle-aged traveling book salesman (his first name is never given), goes to confession. When the priest asks him what sin he has committed, Monette admits that he believes he has sinned in some way but is not entirely sure exactly what he is guilty of. He then explains the events of the preceding days. While on the road, Monette picked up a hitchhiker carrying a sign proclaiming him to be both deaf and mute. Once in the car, the hitchhiker seemingly fell asleep. Since Monette believed the man could not hear him, he decided to vent his problems to him. Some time before the story, Monette discovered that his wife had been carrying on an affair for two years with a teacher in the school district she worked for. Despite the adulterers' ages (he was 60, she was 54), their activities included binge drinking, fetishism, and compulsive gambling. She was employed by the district in an administrative role and had access to large amounts of money, which she soon began embezzling from her employer in order to buy erotic underwear and sex toys. As her debt grew, she and her lover hoped to pay the money back by winning the lottery, only to embezzle more than $100,000 without earning anything to replace it. She revealed this all to Monette and, to his disbelief, tried to blame him for it, claiming his lack of interest drove her to it. Continuing to speak to the apparently sleeping hitchhiker, Monette expressed his anger at her irresponsibility and lack of concern about how this debt would ultimately affect their college- attending daughter (who was unaware of her mother's sordid antics). Stopping at a rest stop, Monette went to the bathroom. When he returned, he found the hitchhiker gone, having taken nothing of value save for Monette's St. Christopher medallion. Monette thought nothing of this until two days later when the police called to inform him that his wife and her lover had been beaten to death in a motel room. The priest, horrified and intrigued by the story, asks about the aftermath. Monette relates his belief that the hitchhiker was in fact not deaf and heard the whole story. Monette had mentioned the name of the motel where his wife and her lover were living, which would have made finding them a simple matter. The hitchhiker also presumably determined Monette's address from his car registration, since Monette later found his medallion lying on his desk with a note (presumably from the hitchhiker) thanking him for the ride. Monette (truthfully) denies having intentionally set the hitchhiker up to kill his wife but admits he is relieved about her death: he has an alibi, and his wife's life insurance will be sufficient to repay the money she embezzled. The priest admonishes Monette for his relief and tells him to say 10 Our Fathers and Hail Marys. Before leaving, Monette asks about the possibility of God's having put the hitchhiker in his car. The priest's first impulse is to say yes, but he outwardly admonishes Monette for blasphemy and adds 10 Our Fathers to his atonement. He then asks Monette if he genuinely wants the killer to be caught. Monette insists that he does but is perhaps not entirely sure: on his way home, he adds a few extra Our Fathers and Hail Marys. ===== Junior detective Gray (Charles Delaney) discovers that the eccentric criminologist Professor Leroy (Lionel Barrymore) is both a crook and a murderer."Mr. Barrymore's New Idea" (The New York Times, November 28, 1927) ===== Self-made businessman Sir Grant Rayburn (McLaughlin) is obsessed with making money to the exclusion of all else. He shows little interest in his daughter Jill (Lupino) and is irritated when she falls in love with, and wishes to marry, a young man named Tom (John Batten). Sir Grant does not believe Tom is a suitable match for Jill as he does not come from a moneyed background. He suspects that Tom is a chancer with an eye on access to Jill's money, and as she is still under age he refuses to give her consent to marry and considers the matter closed, with no concern for Jill's feelings. Sir Grant discovers what he believes to be a quick and easy way to make a financial killing, and goes full steam ahead with the scheme in the face of concern from his advisers that it is risky in the extreme, and potentially illegal. The scheme ends in disaster, with Sir Grant publicly exposed as a law-breaker and sentenced to a term of imprisonment. While behind bars he has time to reflect on his mistakes, and realises that he has allowed greed and selfishness to control his life. He emerges from prison a reformed character, vowing to pay more attention to personal matters and less to business. He apologises to Jill for his neglect and unreasonableness, saying that he has judged Tom unfairly and he is now happy to allow them to marry. ===== Wilfred Denver (Marmont) wins the heart of the beautiful Nellie (Jean Jay) and marries her, earning the ongoing festering resentment of Nellie's former beau Geoffrey Ware (Huth). A few years later, Wilfred and Nellie have a daughter, but Wilfred's financial recklessness has left him facing large debts. Geoffrey sees an opportunity for revenge by giving his desperate former friend a surefire insiders' tip on a horse running at generous odds in that year's Epsom Derby. Wilfred lays a large bet which he can ill afford, only to watch in dismay as the horse straggles home at the back of the field. Geoffrey feigns an apology, then urges Wilfred to drown his sorrows. He gets Wilfred completely befuddled and dishevelled with drink, then takes him home to Nellie, gloating to her about the dissolute wretch she chose over him. As Geoffrey makes his way home later that evening, he is robbed and murdered by a band of crooks. The police learn of the events of the day and interview Wilfred, who is unable to provide a satisfactory account of his movements that evening. Realising that he faces arrest, trial and possible execution, Wilfred flees to America, leaving Nellie behind to fend for herself and their child as best she can. Years pass, and Wilfred hits the jackpot in America with a silver mine. Now a rich man known to all as the "Silver King", he returns to England incognito. He sets about investigating the circumstances of Geoffrey's murder, and identifies the guilty individuals. He takes his evidence to the police, who exonerate him of all charges. He then engineers a reconciliation with Nellie and their now grown daughter Olive (Chili Bouchier). ===== At Cambridge University, the ape-like Horace Holly, nicknamed "Baboon", is visited by the dying Vincey who asks Holly to raise his only child Leo, and that he give Leo a chest on the latter's twenty fifth birthday. Holly agrees. It leads Leo, Horace and Job on an expedition to Ethiopia to find the lost "Pillars of Fire", said to grant immortality to whoever bathes in their light, and to be guarded by an immortal queen named Ayesha, called by her mistreated subjects "She Who Must Be Obeyed". They travel down into a lost city hidden in the underground volcanic caves of Ethiopia, where Leo learns he is the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian king named Kallikrates. He discovers that thousands of years ago, Queen Ayesha murdered him when she discovered he was in love with a woman named Amenartes. Ayesha convinces Leo to bath in the Pillars of Fire so that he can become an immortal like her and share her throne. However, when they enter the mystical flames, Ayesha rapidly ages and dies, not realizing that to enter the flames twice is a fatal mistake. ===== In the library of a grammar school, eight sixth-formers are preparing for their mock-A Levels and nearing the end of their school lives. There are various sub-plots detailing the various love lines or triangles that emerge through the play. =====