From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== The cartoon opens with the drunk stork talking to himself in the woods, while the gorilla baby he is supposed to deliver walks out of his bag. The stork is shocked to find that he has no baby to deliver. He has to find that new baby or he will be kicked out of the Stork Club. Coincidentally, what scene should appear next... none other than Bugs Bunny, who is singing "I dream of Genie, she's a light brown hare..." while roasting a carrot not too far from him. The stork knocks him out with a stick and takes him to the gorilla house, as the new baby. The bag is closed and they are both excited, until they open the bag, which reveals Bugs. Elvis (the male gorilla) goes to get a club to hit Bugs with, but the mother (who is dubbed "Mama" throughout the episode) stops him. Mama explains "no matter what he looks like, he's still your son." Bugs Bunny awakens, and is not about to assume position of a baby gorilla, so he tries to get away, to which his gorilla mother responds with a spanking for trying to run away. Elvis growls at Bugs when mother gorilla prompts him to "kiss your son." So she hits him over the head with a rolling pin, to get him to stop scaring the "baby". When Bugs saw that, he said to himself "Hey! This promises to be fun! Eh, so I'll be a monkey." From that point on Bugs decides to make Elvis's life miserable. As Elvis rocks Bugs' cradle rather unpleasantly, he tries to sneak away from Bugs who responds with a horrid tantrum "Waah, I wanna drinka water! Waah, I wanna drinka water!"; to which Elvis responds by dumping a bucket of water over him then the scene changes to Elvis still holding the bucket then fades out just before the mother gorilla hits him with her rolling pin in response. The scene changes and they're outdoors, where Mama tells Elvis to "play horsey with baby." Elvis plays for a few seconds then sends Bugs flying up into the air, then lands on Elvis; to which he responds by chasing Bugs. To Bugs' best of luck, Mama is nearby who soon takes control of the situation by clobbering Elvis with the ever-present rolling pin, then Bugs does the same while saying "bad ol' daddy" (almost like Tweety's famous line, "Bad ol' putty tat"). Mama leaves Bugs in the care of Elvis once more, this time with Bugs hitting Elvis constantly over the head with a baseball bat. Mama walks away while saying, "That's nice, Elvis. Keep baby happy." Elvis then takes the bat and breaks it in two, but Bugs yells "Mama!" and Elvis decides to replace the bat for Bugs; rather than letting Mama know what just happened. While this is happening, the stork is already talking to Mama about his mistake, then gives her their real baby, Elvis hears Mama yelling: "Elvis, look. The stork brought us our real baby". Bugs finally realizes the danger that he is in (while uttering the piteous line "Mother!"), and tries to escape. Hiding in a tree proves fruitless when Elvis rips the tree up by its roots. Then he crosses a rope bridge and tries to keep Elvis at bay threatening to cut it if he crosses it; Elvis instead pulls the entire opposing cliff-side to him in one effortless yank of the rope. He tries to hit Bugs, but he gets away to the bottom of the cliff, leaving Elvis to smash the cliff to rubble. When Elvis sees him, he throws a huge boulder toward Bugs. Bugs has no idea that there's a boulder coming towards him, but runs away when he sees Mama coming to ask, "Elvis, guess what the baby said?" while she steps right into the spot where the boulder lands! Much to Elvis' horror, he tries to explain to Mama but ends up bawling in disgrace. Mama gives Elvis a sound thrashing with her rolling pin (off screen) finally having enough of his insane actions. Bugs says: "I'd like to see him eeh-ooh-aah-ooh and but his way outta this one," while the stork mistakenly delivers a baby to Bugs. The baby turns out to be Daffy. Daffy ends the cartoon by kissing and hugging Bugs and saying: "Mother! My dearest little mommy! Oh. I just love you, Mommy!", all to Bugs' noticeable annoyance. ===== ===== Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Badham, there was a statue of a bird known as the Wing of Madoola. Whoever possessed the wing would possess the power to rule the world, and many wars were fought between nations to obtain it. A wise king, one of the members of the Rameru family, managed to get a hold of the wing, and ordered that a deep cave be constructed where the wings would be hidden so that the wars would cease. The knowledge of the cave would be recorded and locked away, accessible only to the rulers of the land. Peace soon returned to the world. Several centuries later, a young member of the Rameru family known as Darutos learned of the location of the wing through the kingdom's secret archives. He betrayed the family and stole away with the Wing of Madoola. Using the power of the wing, he summoned demons to attack and take over castle Arekusu. He constructed an underground labyrinth beneath the castle, built a dangerous fortress, and planned to rule the world. The few survivors of Arekusu's military, and the remainder of the Rameru family fled the castle. They regrouped and devised a desperate plan to overthrow Darutos and regain control of the kingdom. Lucia, a brave warrior, was selected to accompany a member of the Rameru family who was uniquely capable of wielding magic known only to his family. As they approached Arekusu, they were beset upon by two powerful demons. While one distracted Lucia, the other attacked the Rameru family member. Lucia battled both demons and defeated them, but not before her partner received a fatal wound. Knowing what had to be done, Lucia bravely pressed forward, knowing that only she could stop Darutos, and regain possession of the Wing of Madoola. ===== In the beginning of the novel, Afsan is accidentally run over by a chariot, causing severe crush injuries to his face. As Quintaglios can regenerate large amounts of tissue, Afsan heals, and in the process, his eyes, which were cut out by Yenalb in Far-Seer, also regenerate. However, Afsan does not regain his sight, despite having fully anatomically functional eyes. Believing suggestions that the issue may be psychological, he consults Mokleb, who has recently pioneered the new field of psychoanalysis. While this does not cause him to regain his sight, it does cure the chronic nightmares and insomnia he suffered after setting up the royal culling in Fossil Hunter. With the moon on which the Quintaglios live continuing its inward spiral towards the giant planet known as the "Face of God", the death of their world continues to put a forced acceleration of Quintaglio scientific advancement. Within the discovered Jijaki spacecraft, the Quintaglios accidentally trigger the formation of a tower of kiit – a blue nanotech material. Much to their astonishment, this tower extends all the way to the Lagrangian point above the moon's surface. Novato ventures upwards, making a monumental discovery: she discovers that there is a sort of surveillance camera system overlooking all of the worlds to which the "Watcher" (from Fossil Hunter) had the Jijaki transport life from Sol III (Earth). Staying to watch, she glimpses many life-forms, including red blob- like creatures, Quintaglios, and humans. She also notices that several cameras are returning black screens, unsettling her as to the possible meaning. Proceeding to explore the structure at the top of the tower, she accidentally opens an airlock, nearly killing her. While saved by the emergency systems, she realizes that the Quintaglio aviation advancements up to that point will not be sufficient to evacuate their moon, as there is no air in space on which winged aircraft can fly. Meanwhile, Toroca makes an equally astounding discovery – another sentient species of saurian, inhabiting a small archipelago on the other side of the moon from the continent known as Land. These dinosaurs are markedly different both in physiology and psychology to the Quintaglios; most significantly, they use tools and cook meat, are capable of lying, and have a reduced sexual dimorphism, the last of which causes all Quintaglios except for Toroca – who has no territorial instincts – to immediately enter dagamant. After Captain Keenir kills two of the "Others" in such a frenzy, Toroca attempts to negotiate, not altogether unsuccessfully. However, the Others eventually decide that the Quintaglios are a threat to their survival and decide to exterminate them, sending a huge fleet for Land. In a last-ditch attempt to settle the dispute, Afsan ventures to one of the ships, where he is shot. Overcoming their cultural aversion to tools, the Quintaglios retaliate, using their prototype aircraft as bomber planes, dropping a napalm-like substance on the enemy fleet, destroying it. Afsan does eventually regain his sight, but shortly thereafter dies from his wounds. Toroca, having rescued a child of the Others, raises it as his own. In an epilogue, the Quintaglios have successfully achieved spaceflight, and send a great many starships out to many planets, including at least one – the Dasheter – to Earth, the original homeworld. Other advancements have been made as well; for example, the Dasheter is navigated by an AI named Afsan, built to mimic the mannerisms of the long-dead astronomer. ===== In Marvel Land, people coexist in peace and harmony with nature, and the animals are docile. Humans, Sandras, Quarkmen, Tattas and other races mingle, working to improve their community. A large clock tower, resembling a stone grandfather clock, stands watch over the countryside; an ancient evil was sealed in the clock long ago with a key of time (stored in the middle of its face), and the people have lost their fear. One day, the clock tower mysteriously stops working. Before long, a villager takes it upon themselves to rewind the clock. Fumbling with the key of time, the villager drops it, and before they can pick it up, Zouna, a dark wizard who manipulates time, escapes and takes the key. Zouna wreaks havoc in Marvel Land, darkening and terrorizing its people and laying waste to the countryside. Confident in his power, he builds a castle, ruins once-thriving towns and villages, and separates families. Only a few scattered towns remained standing, a futile bastion against Zouna's invasion. Even Krino Sandra (known as Whirlo in Europe) would be subdued heroically by Zouna; Marvel Land needs a savior. Valkyrie, a fledgling shieldmaiden descends to Marvel Land from the heavens. In her first adventure, she wields a simple shield and a mace of light. Vowing to save Marvel Land from the darkness which has consumed it, her adventure begins. ===== The film opens in an enormous house where wealthy Benjamin Morgan is talking to his eldest daughter, Alex. He believes his wife, Elizabeth, is trying to poison him. Alex believes him. Morgan then sends Alex off to pick up her three sisters. While Alex is driving, she stops and asks her father's doctor, Ted Lindsay, for directions. He gives them to her and comments on the fact that the daughters haven't returned home since their mother committed suicide five years earlier. Later that night, Alex returns with her three sisters, Frederica a.k.a. Freddie, Joanna, and Christine. They park inside the barn. Once inside the house, they meet their stepmother, Elizabeth. Their father then calls them to his room, where he urges the sisters to kill Elizabeth before she kills them. Elizabeth, meanwhile, has gone outside in the rain to get something from the barn. She then comes back to the confused sisters and shows them all their rooms before making dinner. Joanna wants to leave, while Freddie begins drinking and taking anti-depressants. Christine goes downstairs to make coffee for Freddie and finds Elizabeth making tea. Christine then notices Elizabeth's yellow rain slicker, gloves, and boots by the door. Christine brings Freddie the coffee, but she doesn't want it, preferring the vodka and other alcoholic beverages she has brought; she also talks about their mother and how she never should have died. Elizabeth finishes making dinner and calls the girls to come down; but before they can eat, Joanna bombards Elizabeth with questions about her first husband's death, accusing her of murder. Elizabeth silences her and tells Joanna to watch her mouth or something may happen, when suddenly Freddie screams upstairs. The sisters run upstairs and find Freddie in their mother's old room, clutching a glass of vodka, and holding a piece of glass that is cutting into her hand. She is drunk and crying, pointing out a portrait of their mother and blaming their father for her suicide, informing them of his many affairs with different women. As they put Freddie to bed, Alex accuses Elizabeth of unlocking the door to the room on purpose. Later that night, the storm picks up and Joanna informs Alex that she isn't going to stay, asking for Alex's car keys to drive to the railroad station so she can go home. Alex tries to get her to stay, but she refuses, taking Alex's keys and wishing Christine and Freddie goodbye, telling them to give their father an excuse for her departure. When she goes to her car in the barn, she becomes the victim of a figure in a yellow rain slicker, gloves, and boots; she is stabbed in the back with a pitchfork, falling into the mud. Inside, Elizabeth is making milk and honey for Freddie to help her sleep, when Christine comes into the kitchen, once again refusing the drink. Elizabeth then goes to give Freddie the drink, while Alex watches from their father's room. Freddie won't accept the milk and honey, but keeps drinking alcohol instead, eventually climbing into the bathtub for a bath and passing out. All of a sudden, the same intruder that killed Joanna grabs Freddie's feet and pulls her underwater, where she drowns. The next morning, Christmas Day, Dr. Ted Lindsay shows up at the house, informing Christine that the roads are washed out from the storm, and that he will be popping in and out for a couple of days. Christine then finds Freddie's body and screams, bringing the others into the bathroom, where once again Alex accuses Elizabeth of poisoning the drink she brought for Freddie. Elizabeth informs her that Freddie denied it, and that she drank it herself, and tells them that Freddie had some pills out on the dresser. Benjamin calls up to find out what happened, and Elizabeth informs him that Freddie committed suicide or accidentally drowned, while Christine and Alex put Freddie's body in her bed, before calling the police. Christine goes to call the police only to find that the phone is dead, and realizes that Joanna has the car and they're all trapped in the house. She then decides to go out through the woods to a neighbor's house, and informs Alex, telling her not to tell Elizabeth. Upon traveling through the woods to find the house, Christine notices she's being followed, she starts to panic, and begins running. All the while being chased by the murderer in the yellow slicker, gloves, and boots carrying a pitchfork. She becomes lost and manages to hide beneath a log, watching the killer leave, and making a run for it. Night has now fallen, and the rain is beginning to slow, and Alex is inside Benjamin's room, spotting Elizabeth walking outside with a yellow slicker on. Christine finally makes it to the house covered in mud, and notices that the car is still inside the barn, she goes over to it, and trips over Joanna's dead body half buried in mud. Elizabeth then appears, telling her to come with her, making her scream and run inside the house, where she locks the door, and finding Benjamin's dead body in his bed. Elizabeth then goes to the cellar doors, and crawls inside, going up to the house door, while Christine screams for Alex to come out and escape with her. Elizabeth finally opens the door, and Christine climbs inside a mirrored cabinet, listening as Elizabeth tells her to come out from hiding and leave with her. She then goes outside to find her, and Christine bursts through the front door to get help, running down the road to seek safety. While running from the house, Christine flags down a passing car, occupied by Alex. She tries to tell Alex that everyone is dead and that Elizabeth is the killer, but Alex then informs her that she was actually the killer, and was going to frame Elizabeth. She couldn't deal with the past, so she decided to forget it, by getting rid of her father and sisters, and since Christine was the last one left, she had to die too. She then hits Christine with a tire iron, sending her headfirst down a steep ravine filled with rocks and sticks, looking down and seeing her body crumpled into a heap. Ted then drives by and Alex quickly tells him that Elizabeth went insane and killed everyone, including Christine who went off into the woods. Ted then drives to the house, while Alex drives to the police station, bringing the cops back to the house the next morning. Once she gets there, she tells them where the three bodies are, and goes inside, finding out that they found Christine. She goes into her room, and thinks that Christine is dead, until she opens her eyes, then Alex snaps, laughing hysterically, and is dragged away by the police. All the while Christine watches, crying, from her bedroom, eventually letting Ted take her to the airport, leaving Elizabeth alone to the Morgan farmhouse. ===== Big Ain't Bad is a romantic comedy that redefines the measure of love. Ric (Blakemore) and Natalie (Dixon) are a happy young couple headed towards marriage after a brief courtship. However, when Natalie makes an early return home from a business trip and finds her trusted mate in the company of last night's entertainment, the relationship abruptly ends leaving them to travel separate roads to self-discovery. ===== The movie opens with a raging desert battle between the cities of Basra and Baghdad, during which Basran, the father of Harun (Rock Hudson), is fatally wounded. Before he dies, he gives his son a medallion he has pulled from his killer's neck, and urges him to somehow end the senseless killings. Harun rides to Baghdad, where he meets the beautiful Khairuzan (Piper Laurie), who tries to sell clothes to shopkeeper Barcus (Steven Geray). He bargains with Barcus that for 10 dinars, he can pick any item in the shop. Under a pile of rags, he finds a golden sword that seems to somehow call him. Khairuzan ignites a riot when she defends the citizens of Basra. Barcus watches in awe as Harun cuts solid metal in half with his golden sword. As soon as soldiers appear and spirit Khairuzan away, the fighting stops, and Harun finds a medallion on the ground identical to the one his father gave him. Barcus discovers that the sword will cut through iron only when Harun wields it. He warns Harun to be careful until they can translate the inscriptions on its blade and discover all its powers. Meanwhile, in the palace, sinister Vizier Jafar (George Macready) urges Badgad's Caliph to fight Basra, but the Caliph refuses. Khairuzan, who is in fact the princess, is soon brought in by her guard, Jafar's dim-witted son Hadi (Gene Evans). Jafar convinces the Caliph that Khairuzan's headstrong ways may be tamed by marriage to his son, then later plots with Hadi to undermine the Caliph by inciting more battles against Basra. When Khairuzan learns of the arranged marriage, she escapes again and disguises herself as a boy. Harun is waiting outside for an audience with Jafar, and when the guards spot Khairuzan, she steals Harun's horse. She is finally caught by both Hadi and Harun, who begin a fight which Harun wins. He discovers that he is actually invincible while wielding the golden sword. Khairuzan claims to be a boy slave and Harun brings her to the city, where she eavesdrops as Barcus reveals that the sword's first inscription promises that whoever unsheathes the sword will gain the throne. Later, Harun, realizing that Khairuzan is a girl, protects her when a guard questions them, and they are both thrown to the dungeon, where they fall in love and kiss. After a minor quarrel, Khairuzan makes herself known to the guards and moves back to her harem. Knowing of the sword's magical powers, she declares that only the winner of a tournament may claim her hand. She names Harun as her guard, and although he is infuriated to discover she is a princess and he her servant, he later watches admiringly as she is very kind to the poor townspeople. Meanwhile, Khairuzan's handmaiden, Bakhamra (Kathleen Hughes), informs Hadi about the magic sword, and he and his father steal it by creating a replica and then drugging Harun in order to switch the two. Khairuzan wakes Harun from his stupor and later asks him why he has not yet signed up for the tournament. When she disagrees with his response that he is not aristocratic enough to marry her, he kisses her. He then races to Barcus to proclaim his newfound joy, and refuses to listen when Barcus warns him that the second inscription counsels that the bearer's true reward will arrive in a grave of stone. At the tournament, Hadi tampers with Harun's saddle. Quickly, all but Hadi and Harun are eliminated from the contest, and Hadi finally wins by throwing Harun from his saddle. Harun realizes his sword was switched and suspects Khairuzan. He breaks into the palace and finds Bakhamra, who has just been jilted by Hadi and so reveals his scheme to Harun. Harun locates Hadi just as he is about to bring his unwilling bride to bed, and fights with him. He is captured by Hadi's guards and brought before Jafar. Bakhamra and the Caliph overhear the vizier plan to kill them and blame Harun. When the Caliph orders Jafar arrested, the vizier brings out his medallion, which is the same as the one Harun carries, and tries to kill the Caliph with the magic sword, but it slices into a stone pillar and remains stuck there. The guards kill the Caliph, but Harun and Khairuzan escape by fooling the guards into believing they have died. Jafar and Hadi soon discover that they cannot pull the sword out of the column and call men in from across Bagdad to attempt to pull it out. While Khairuzan gathers the townspeople around her, Harun and Barcus sneak back into the palace. Harun fights with the guards and is almost captured when Khairuzan rouses the people to storm the palace. He grabs the sword from the stone, causing it to collapse on top of Jafar and Hadi. Khairuzan bestows on Harun the title Al-Rhashid (the righteous). Then they kiss. ===== An old wealthy man (Jankidas), who lives with his wife and young and beautiful daughter Nirmala (Madhubala), does not allow any other man to enter his house. He thinks that Nirmala's beauty would attract the man. On the other hand, Nirmala has too many suitors, one of them being Suresh (Mahipal). She is in love with Suresh, and so is he. When meeting her father to ask for Nirmala's hand for marriage, he ends up creating a bad impression in front of him. The rest of the film revolves around how Suresh tries to please Nirmala's father, which leads to hilarious situations. ===== Shanker, kills a fellow mate to protect his sister's honour. He spends his next ten years in prison for that which his family hides and tells everyone that he is in Africa. After his sentence he meets Shobha due to exchange of parcels in a shop, Later he meets Shobha and her mother whom he saves from drowning due an accidental fall from the ship, she now treats Shankar as a son. He returns and meets Usha and grown up sister Asha. Usha is married to Ramesh and has two children, Asha's marriage is broken when Shankar's imprisonment is revealed. He is saved from committing suicide by Shobha, who loves him and takes him along, Shobha's mother approves of their marriage. When the truth is revealed that the fellow mate he killed accidentally was actually Shobha's brother, Shankar confesses the truth to Shobha's mother, who rebukes him for killing her son. But the jailer convinces her to forgive Shankar as he has repented for all the years spent in jail. Again Shankar goes to commit suicide, but in turn saves Shobha from drowning, finally the mother forgives him for not losing another son. The jailer assures his son's marriage to his sister Asha. ===== A statue is being dedicated to the late founder of Hoyt City, and reporters from around the country have gathered, speculating that "the old lady's going to talk." When the anticipated "old lady" does not appear at the event, they rush to her home. She is centenarian, Hannah Sempler Hoyt, who lives in an old mansion among the skyscrapers of Hoyt City. As she confronts the press who have barged in, a photographer says, "Hold it, Mrs. Hoyt!" She replies that her name is Hanna Sempler, and refuses to answer their questions as to whether she and Hoyt had been married, which as another reporter says, would make him a bigamist. The intruders leave, having learned nothing to prove or disprove the many rumors, but Hannah is persuaded to tell her story to a young female biographer who lags behind. She reminisces about her experiences with Ethan Hoyt in the American West. In 1848, a teenaged Hannah Sempler is squired by her wealthy father's associate, Mr. Cadwallader, but she is not interested. Hannah meets and flirts with a young pioneer and dreamer, Ethan Hoyt, who comes to her home seeking financial backing from her father in order to build a city in the western wilderness. Her father rejects Ethan's proposal, stating that it is too risky. Hannah, however, falls in love with the young man, and quite impulsively, they elope and head west. The first years of their marriage are not easy, but the couple are happy. When Ethan loses all his money and possessions in a drunken gambling spree to Steely Edwards, Hannah wins back his losses and befriends Steely, who accompanies the couple to Sacramento, California, where they hope to strike it rich mining. In Sacramento, Hannah and Ethan spend less time together, with Ethan working long hours in the mines. One day, Hannah discovers silver on Ethan's boots, carried from the Virginia City mine where he had been working. Hannah knows she is pregnant, but does not reveal this to Ethan, knowing he would never leave her behind in that condition. Instead she encourages Ethan to go to Virginia City and find his fortune in the silver mines. Thinking Hannah wants him gone so she can be with Steely, Ethan leaves her with no intention of returning. After he leaves for Virginia City, the friendship between Hannah and Steely grows. Steely looks after Hannah and her twin babies. When Sacramento is threatened by torrential flooding, Hannah plans to travel to San Francisco. But knowing that Hannah still loves Ethan, Steely arranges for her to travel by coach to Virginia City to be with her husband—he will go to San Francisco alone. As the coach crosses a bridge near Sacramento, the river overflows and washes away the coach and its passengers. Hannah survives, but the babies perish. After burying the twins, and believing that Hannah is also dead, Steely travels to Virginia City to tell Ethan the tragic news. It has been years since they've seen or spoken, and by now Ethan has become a wealthy man. When Steely tells him that Hannah is dead, Ethan shoots him, saying, "He killed my wife." Thinking that Hannah and Steely are now dead—Steely actually survives the shooting—Ethan continues his dream of building a great city. Steely returns to Sacramento and discovers that Hannah is still alive. He tells her that Ethan, who believes she is dead, has married another woman. Steely and Hannah move to San Francisco and open a gambling casino. Years later, Hannah's father visits her and urges her to "disappear" so as not to threaten the political future of Ethan Hoyt, who is now representing her father's railroad interests. Hannah refuses her father's request, and travels to Hoyt City, where she watches Ethan giving a political speech. No longer a champion of the people as he once dreamed of becoming, Ethan is now a man of wealth and power, participating in corrupt practices to achieve private goals. Ethan sees Hannah in the crowd and they meet. She tells him that she had divorced him, knowing his political future would be ruined by scandal if it were known they were still married. She reminds him of the dreamer he once was. He goes off with a renewed idealism, devoting the rest of his life to helping the less fortunate, even at his own expense. The story concludes as it started, with the aged Hannah and the young female biographer discussing Ethan Hoyt, standing beneath the impressive statue. Hannah has been alone for many years now. Steely died in the 1906 San Francisco fire, the same year that Ethan returned to Hoyt City, to die in Hannah's mansion. No one knew why he chose to do this, and for some thirty more years Hannah has remained silent about their marriage. The biographer now realizes the profound role that Hannah played in Ethan's life and success, and in the founding of this now great city. Also aware of Ethan's mythic reputation, she kisses Hannah sweetly, saying, "I'm kissing my biography [of Ethan] goodbye." Before Hanna leaves the statue, the old woman tears up the marriage certificate she has kept all these years, saying of his myth, and perhaps their relationship, "Forever, Ethan. Now no one can change it. Forever." ===== As children, Harry promises to marry Ethne, but she consents only if he will dress as a soldier. When Harry is still a child, his father tells him stories about the Crimean War, including one where a runaway soldier is spurred into suicide by Harry's father, who sent him a white feather to show his disapproval of cowardice. As a young man, Harry joins the army and is engaged to Ethne. His best friends are Durrance, Trench, and Castleton. Harry receives a telegram that their regiment is being deployed in Sudan, and he resigns from the army. His friends and Ethne find out why Harry resigned and give him four white feathers. Harry's father also disapproves, and gives him a pistol and tells him to shoot himself. Harry decides to act courageously in front of his friends in order to get them to take back their feathers, and travels to Sudan. In Sudan, Trench has been captured by the enemy. Harry saves him, and Trench takes back the white feather. Harry stops a mutiny and saves Castelton from an ambush. Ethne and Harry get back together. ===== Taft, a policeman, has fugitive murderer Tony Mako in custody and in handcuffs, two thousand miles from the prison from which Mako escaped. With four hours to kill, Taft takes his prisoner to a theater where the cop's wife, Mae, is a hostess. Mae is an unfaithful schemer. She is trying to extort $200 from coat-check kid Eddie, insinuating she is pregnant. Eddie doesn't want his fiancee Helen to hear this, true or otherwise, so he tries to raise the money to pay Mae's blackmail. Eddie is also suspected of stealing an expensive piece of jewelry. Mako made the journey this far in the hope of gaining revenge against Anderson, a man who informed on him. After telling Taft he would prefer a quick death to a painful execution, Mako breaks free and shoots Anderson before being shot by Taft, dying the kind of death he wanted. Eddie is cleared and now free to marry Helen, while Mae is taken away to jail. ===== ===== The story is set around 1580, in the time of King Akbar. Biramdev (Dr Shreeram Lagoo) is the king of Medta, a province in Rajasthan. He has two daughters, Meera (Hema Malini) and Krishna (Vidya Sinha) and a son, Jaimal (Dinesh Thakur). Meera is in deep emotional love with Lord Krishna, so much so that she considers Lord Krishna to be her husband. Akbar (Amjad Khan) is becoming stronger day by day and hence other small provinces are trying to join against him. Medta, in one such political agreement, decides to join hands with Raja Vikramajit (Shammi Kapoor). As a part of this agreement Meera is married (against her wish) to Vikramajit's son, Rana Bhojraj (Vinod Khanna). But even after getting married her love for Lord Krishna remains the same and she follows her own ideals and way of living which are not very acceptable to Bhojraj and his family. One thing leads to another and one day Meera is declared as an outcast and traitor who failed to play a wife's duties towards her husband, a bride's duties towards her family, and a woman's duties towards society. She is jailed and a public trial is ordered to decide her fate. But Meera is still unshakable and her spirituality keeps her going. She is not even afraid of death. Finally she is given a death sentence and is ordered to drink a cup of venom in front of the public. ===== The story centers on Sylvester visiting a circus, where he not only tries to catch Tweety for his meal, but attempt to one-up a lion (an attraction billed as "King of the Cats"). A carefree Sylvester walks into the circus singing his theme "Meow!" where he visits the various animal exhibits. There, upon seeing the lion exhibit, the unimpressed cat immediately expresses his displeasure over the large feline's billing. All that changes when he realizes he'd just passed by the Tweety Bird... and thus the chase begins. Tweety runs into the big top, where the lion (now uncaged) is waiting to maul Sylvester for his earlier remarks (not to mention Sylvester clobbering him with a mallet). From this point forward, the lion serves as both an antagonist for Sylvester and a protector of Tweety. Sylvester tries beating what he thinks is a fire hose to free Tweety, unknowing that the "hose" is an elephant's trunk. The elephant grabs Sylvester with his trunk and—after crushing his chest—throws the battered puss into the lion's cage, where the lion finishes the job. Other run-ins with the lion, elephant and other animals, all ending with Sylvester getting the worst of things, involve him exploiting his abilities as a high diver (Tweety directs the elephant to "drink it all down" (referring to the water before Sylvester lands), a fire eater (the lion makes Sylvester eat the fire) and a high-wire walker ("hewwooooo, puddy tat!"). In the end, Sylvester finally gets rid of the lion ... only to unwittingly lock himself in a cage with even more lions (also the antagonists for Sylvester). Tweety immediately takes a hat and cane and becomes a carnival barker ("Huwwy! Huwwy! Huwwy! Step wight up for da gweatest show on Eawth! Fifty wions and one puddy tat!") A loud roar erupts, and with Sylvester presumably having met his fate, Tweety changes his spiel: "Step wight up! Fifty wions, count 'em, fifty wions!" ===== Major Ranjeet Khanna (Vinod Khanna) is in love with his wife Pushpa (Lily Chakravarty), who seems to love him as well. His commanding officer, also his father-in-law Lt Col Bakshi, is played by Iftekhar. Ranjeet is happy with his marriage, until he finds out about his wife's affair with his best friend. He kills them both and turns himself in to the police. Then, he escapes from the police to find the Ganges River, because he wanted to fulfill his wife's wish of dropping her wedding necklace (mangalsutra) into the river. However, the police shoot him first and he is hospitalized, where he becomes emotionally attached to the doctors (Om Shivpuri, Asrani) and the nurse (Farida Jalal), who are also devastated when he is sentenced to hang to death. ===== Robert Montgomery and Dame May Whitty in Night Must Fall Rosalind Russell and Robert Montgomery in Night Must Fall Mrs. Bramson (Dame May Whitty) is an irascible elderly woman who holds court in a small English village. She pretends to need a wheelchair, and impulsively threatens to fire her maid, Dora (Merle Tottenham), for allegedly stealing a chicken and breaking china. Meanwhile, the household learns that the police have searched a nearby river looking for the missing Mrs. Shellbrook, a guest at the local hotel. Dora distracts Mrs. Bramson by mentioning her Irish boyfriend, Danny (Robert Montgomery), who works at that hotel. Danny comes by to visit Dora, who asks Mrs. Bramson to speak with him. Perceiving that Mrs. Bramson is a hypochondriac who only affects her need for a wheelchair, Danny is charming toward her and says that she reminds him of his mother. He tells Mrs. Bramson that he loves Dora and would marry her if he had a better job. Mrs. Bramson obliges, and he becomes her servant. Mrs. Bramson's niece and companion, Olivia Grayne (Rosalind Russell), is suspicious of Danny, but Mrs. Bramson dismisses her concerns. When Mrs. Bramson's attorney, Justin Laurie (Alan Marshal), arrives to give his client money, he warns her not to keep so much cash in her possession; but she dismisses his concerns, as well. Meanwhile, Justin, who is in love with Olivia, asks her to marry him, but she refuses because their relationship lacks any true romance. Justin leaves, feeling dejected, and Danny sees Mrs. Bramson putting the cash into her safe. Olivia's fears are heightened when she catches Danny lying to Mrs. Bramson about a shawl that allegedly belonged to his mother: Olivia notices that the price tag is still on the shawl. Even so, Olivia cannot help being attracted to Danny. Dora discovers Mrs. Shellbrook's decapitated body in the forest. Olivia accuses Danny of the murder, but he denies it. Again, Mrs. Bramson dismisses her niece's concerns because she has grown very fond of Danny. The rest of the household does not feel comfortable being in the house while a killer is at large, but Mrs. Bramson feels safe enough to stay with Danny. Later that night, Mrs. Bramson hears noises and becomes frightened. When she screams for Danny, he comes in and calms her down by giving her something to drink and trying to lull her to sleep. Then Danny to her shock and horror, suffocates her and empties the safe. Olivia arrives, unexpectedly, as Danny is getting ready to pour kerosene all over the house. She admits to Danny that she was attracted to him in the past, but no longer— she has discovered her aunt, dead. He talks about his poor childhood and being looked down upon for being a servant, and threatens to kill her, too, so that no one can incriminate him in Mrs. Bramson's murder. Olivia says she will understand if he kills her, but she wants him to know that she is no longer drawn to him, because she sees who he really is. Just then the police arrive, called by Justin when he could not reach Olivia by phone, and they arrest Danny. As he leaves, Danny says, "I'll hang in the end, but they'll get their money's worth at the trial." At last, Justin and Olivia embrace. ===== In the woods of a Welsh suburb, a man commits an axe murder and disposes of his female victim's body and the axe in a lake. The man, later shown to be a hotel bellboy named Danny, is summoned to the home of Mrs. Bramson, a wealthy widow, whose maid, Dora, is pregnant by him. Having charmed Mrs. Bramson, he is soon living in her house and pretends to be her son, while redecorating a room and assuming butler duties. He also woos Olivia, Mrs. Bramson's daughter. Alone in his room, he favours a hatbox, which contains the heads of his victims. Meanwhile, the police uncover the headless body and the axe in the lake, which is bordering the property. They question Danny about the victim, who he states frequented the hotel as a prostitute. Dora discovers Danny and Olivia's relationship and rejects both of them. He begins to play odd games with Mrs. Bramson, and Olivia flees the house out of fear. Frustrated because Mrs. Bramson grows weary of a game of chase, Danny hacks her to death. Olivia returns, sees the carnage, and summons the police. She finds Danny bathing and informs him that the police are soon to arrive. He huddles in the bathroom, withdrawn in his madness. ===== Before the Rains is set in 1930s Malabar District of the Madras Presidency of British India, against the backdrop of a growing nationalist movement. An idealistic young Indian man, T.K. Neelan (Rahul Bose) finds himself torn between his ambitions for the future and his loyalty to tradition when people in his village learn of an affair between his British boss and close friend Henry Moores (Linus Roache) and a married village woman Sajani (Nandita Das). Henry and T.K. are working on constructing a road in rural Kerala. The start of the film focuses on the affair between Henry and his house-maid Sajani. They make love near a waterfall, witnessed by two children who flee. Both Henry and Sajani are married to different partners and both know of each other's marriages. Henry's wife Laura and son Peter return from their vacation in England. Sajani is distraught but Henry assures Sajani that she is the one he loves. Sajani's violent husband finds out about her infidelity and brutally beats her. Sajani flees to Henry's house; Henry instructs T.K. to take her away into hiding. T.K tells Sajani never to come back as she is now disgraced and her presence in the village will endanger Henry's life. Sajani does not believe T.K but leaves nonetheless. During this time, resentment towards the British grows stronger; news about an adulterous act between an Indian woman and a British man would be inflammatory. Sajani's love for Henry drives her back to Henry's house. Henry tells her to leave and admits that he does not love her. A distraught Sajani finds T.K's handgun (a gift from Henry), shoots herself in the chest and dies. T.K. and Henry throw her body in the river to conceal her death. Sajani's disappearance garners interest in the village. Sajani's brother Manas and husband gather the men of the village to search the jungle for her. The same two children who discovered Sajani and Henry near the waterfall in compromising position then discover her dead body. It is established that a bullet from an English pistol killed her. A mob led by Sajani's husband attacks T.K., the only Indian man around with a handgun. The bullet and the handgun match and T.K is tried by the village council for murder. T.K is forced to tell the truth to the council, while Henry's wife discovers her husband's affair and his involvement in Sajani's death and leaves her husband to return to England with their son. T.K proves his innocence to the council in a test of fire. The council elders tell T.K. that he has to kill Henry to get his honour back since he aided and abetted in covering up a killing. Sajani's brother and T.K. go to kill Henry. When it comes to the moment for T.K to kill Henry, he cannot pull the trigger but instead tells Henry that no man owns anything, it belongs to everyone. The film ends with the onset of the monsoon. Henry and T.K's road holds and does not yield to the pouring rains. ===== Jonny Vang (Aksel Hennie) lives on the Norwegian countryside, where he is trying to establish a business breeding earthworms. His ambitions to expand are thwarted by the bank manager (Trond Brænne), who will not lend him the necessary money. He lives with his mother Brita (Marit Andreassen) and her difficult friend Odvar (Bjørn Sundquist). On top of all of this, he is also carrying out an affair with Tuva (Laila Goody)the wife of his best friend Magnus (Fridtjov Såheim). Things get even worse when an unknown assailant knocks him over the head with a shovel. ===== Filmed in Nova Scotia, the film stars Kirk Douglas as the owner of a store who has difficulty with reading and writing, a fact which he hides from everyone. This changes when he realizes his grandson, Danny (Jesse R. Tendler) suffers from the same difficulties.;=&spon;=&pagewanted;=print ===== Agedama Genji is a 4th grader boy in elementary school, and a hero on the training from 'Hero Planet'. Though the cheerful kid is no one special in appearance, he can transforms into a superhero called "Agedaman" by combining himself with his computer friend called Wapuro. He believes in Kiai power and he tries to handle all the problems that he encounters with that, so his father decided to let him go training on the earth accompanied by only Wapuro on summer vacation. After his arrival to Morisoba city, where an enormously wealthy clan rules arbitrarily, he joined East-Morisoba elementary school, then met a diva girl of the clan named Rei Kuki who has an ambition to conquer the world and, as a first step, attacks the city with a variety of chimera monsters that she and her grandfather create with the , which the rich old man invented. When they plot to attack the city she transforms into a super-villainess called "Onyomiko". The battles of Agedaman and Onyomiko began! ===== Martin McGartland is a 21-year-old street hustler in Northern Ireland in the late 1980s. The Irish Republican Army wants to recruit him, but he is reluctant because of what he sees as their cruel street justice. Because of his connection to the community, the British police want him to infiltrate and spy on the IRA. Marty agrees because of the car and money he gets from the police and because he despises the IRA. The IRA accepts him as a Volunteer and in that position he learns of various planned attacks. He then informs Fergus, his police contact, to prevent these attacks. He builds up a new sense of self-esteem, but he cannot tell his family and friends about his activities. Even his new girlfriend Lara only notices that he seems to do some work for the IRA, which worries her. All along, the British accept the risk that the IRA may discover that Marty works for them. They do not plan to rescue him in that case. When it happens, the IRA capture and torture Marty, but he manages to escape by throwing himself out of a window. His handler Fergus is now his only ally—he finds him and helps him hide. Fergus offers to arrange for Marty and Lara and their children to live in Scotland but Marty realises that she would never be able to feel safe. He then goes on the run to Canada alone, leaving his family behind. As shown at the start of the film, he is shot there by the IRA and survives. ===== In 1859, idealist John Wickliff Shawnessey (Montgomery Clift), a resident of Raintree County, Indiana, is distracted from his high school sweetheart Nell Gaither (Eva Marie Saint) by Susanna Drake (Elizabeth Taylor), a rich New Orleans girl. He has a brief and passionate affair with Susanna while she is visiting. Following her return to the South, she comes back to Indiana to tell Shawnessey she is pregnant with his child. John marries her out of honor and duty, leaving Nell heartbroken. They travel south to visit Susanna's family. He learns that Susanna's mother went insane and died in a suspicious fire, along with Susanna's father and Henrietta, a slave implied as being the father's concubine. Susanna suspects that Henrietta may have been her biological mother. Gradually Susanna appears to be suffering from mental illness. She tells John that she faked pregnancy to trick him into marriage. An abolitionist in the South, Shawnessey does not fit in with Susanna's family, and they return to Raintree County before the outbreak of the Civil War. John works as a teacher and they have a child, Jimmy, born at the outbreak of the war. In the war's third year, Susanna develops severe paranoia and delusions. She flees Indiana with Jimmy and seeks refuge among her extended family in Georgia. Shawnessey is determined to find her and recover his son. He enlists in the Union Army in hopes of encountering his wife and child. After fighting in terrible battles, he finds Jimmy at an old plantation and learns that Susanna has been placed in an insane asylum. He is wounded while carrying Jimmy back to Northern lines, and is discharged from the Union Army. Johnny searches for Susanna, finding her kept in terrible conditions at the asylum. He brings her back with him to Raintree County. After the end of the war and President Abraham Lincoln's assassination, Shawnessey considers his future. Nell urges him to run for political office. Recognizing that Nell and John still love each other, Susanna sacrifices herself and deludedly enters the nearby swamp in the middle of the night to find the legendary raintree. Four-year-old Jimmy follows her. The search party eventually finds her body. John and Nell find Jimmy alive and carry him out of the swamp, failing to see the tall rain tree glowing in the sunlight. ===== Mary Louise Groda was a lonely and poor child, from a family of poor farm workers in Portland, Oregon. She was in frequent trouble with juvenile authorities, partly because she hated to go to school. After a number of breaks from juvenile authorities, Mary's good luck ran out. She and another troubled male teen got caught while they were joy-riding with a stolen car that they crashed. That joy-ride and the subsequent crash were enough for the judge hearing Groda's case, who had no choice but to incarcerate Mary. A social worker took an interest in Mary, who was sixteen years of age by that time, and realized that she struggled with dyslexia. She then helped Mary excel in studies. Mary gained confidence and began to fight back against her impediment, eventually going to college, earning an M.D. degree. She chose the family practice of pediatrics as her medical specialty. ===== An African warlord known as the Tiger, aided by his crew of angry young men, horrifically murders author Eleanor 'Ellie' Cox and her entire family. Alex Cross and girlfriend Bree Stone go investigate, when Alex recalls Ellie had been his one time girlfriend, whom he had loved at one point. He is instantly terrified by this so much he gets no sleep, does no work for the case, and stays up late at night, sitting in his bed. He then figures out the Tiger's next murder, and arrives on time to stop the Tiger and his gang of kids, where most of the villains escape including the Tiger and most of his gang. After gaining access from the CIA he plans on going to Nigeria, where he hopes to find and stop the Tiger, using the knowledge based on the Tiger's whereabouts. After convincing a bitter Nanna and nervous Bree, he goes on a plane trip to Nigeria, where he is annoyed by their customs. He is then kidnapped by 'cops' and put in jail, where his nose is broken, he is horribly injured, and starves as well as having to deal with no water. After nearly three days or more, he is bailed out by American Ian Flaherty who gives Cross advice to flee while he still can. He is then called by Bree who says there has been another murder by the Tiger. Instead of listening to Flaherty, Cross instead goes to Sierra Leone, where he meets veteran and amputee, Moses, who feeds him and gives him water. Later that night, Cross, when alone by himself, is ambushed by the Tiger's gang, however, he escapes with Moses' help and buys a truck which he later gives to Moses. Father Bombata, a priest whom he met during the plane ride to Nigeria, informs him his cousin, Addane Tansi, may be able to help Alex, who meets Addane, a reporter who had, unbeknownst to Alex, befriended Ellie, who had gone to Nigeria some time before her death. Addane introduces Alex to her family and shares a kiss with him, which he refuses to think of because of Bree; Flaherty later reveals that the Tiger's real name is Abidemi Sowande. Alex and Addane go to a hobo camp where they are attacked by Janjaweed, ruthless men who rape, injure, and kill women and children. After barely escaping due to the 'Peacekeepers' who only do it so they gain no bad publicity, especially by Addane. After returning to Nigeria, Cross and Addane discover that Addane's family have been murdered. When trying to get closer, Cross and Addane are taken to jail by cops. Alex witnesses Addane get murdered by Tiger after being raped, and is released afterwards. Heading home, he learns that Alex's family have been kidnapped by the Tiger, who then gives Alex coordinates to the hideout. Alex, Bree, and John Sampson go and defeat the Tiger's gang, while Alex follows Sowande (Tiger). Alex kills the Tiger. Ian Flaherty is revealed to be working with Sownande and is arrested. Shortly afterward, his family are found; Alex instantly thinks the CIA might have worked with the Tiger. Alex calls upon Merrill Snyder and Steven Millard, from the CIA, and arrests them, after discovering they and Flaherty were associated with Tiger. The book ends as Alex gets an alarming phone call from Kyle Craig, who has escaped from prison and wants revenge on Alex Cross after the events in the previous book. ===== Four friends—Tristan (the leader), Simon (the right-hand man), E-Bone (the hot head) and Money (the mediator)—are street smart kids growing up in the tough Roxbury section of Boston in the 1980s. Starting out as small-time dope dealers on Blue Hill Avenue in Roxbury, they eventually go to work for Benny, a major player in the Boston crime scene. As the four friends grow up and become the biggest dealers in the city, things become increasingly heated: Tristan's wife wants him to leave the business because she's pregnant, Tristan finds out his sister is hooked on drugs and is alienated from his family, Simon becomes obsessed with a near-death experience and expects to die, cops dog their tracks trying every trick in and out of the book to catch them, and Benny, their main supplier, wants them out of the business for good. Worse, it becomes clear one of the four is trying to sell the others out to the cops. In the end, Tristan faces Benny down alone. Will he be able to get out of the business—and the life—for good? ===== The first few chapters following the brief introduction about Bundy's birth and family describe Rule's friendship with Bundy, her first impressions of him, and her reluctance to consider the evidence that he might be responsible for the crimes of which he was accused. She met Bundy in 1971 when he was a psychology student at the University of Washington and contemplating a career in law and politics. They worked together at a crisis center taking telephone calls from those at risk of suicide or facing other difficulties. Rule considered Bundy "kind, solicitous, and empathetic". Rule and Bundy developed a close friendship, sharing meals and conversations. Over a decade older than Bundy, Rule later stated that she would have trusted Bundy to care for her young children. They fell out of contact in late 1973 after he stopped working at the crisis center. Starting in early 1974, a series of brutal murders of young women in the Seattle area shocked the city and gained major attention. Women were killed at a rate of roughly once every 30 days. Bundy was considered a possible suspect from the summer of 1974, when the unidentified killer was observed by several witnesses talking with two young women who later disappeared at Lake Sammamish State Park. The man was described as tall, handsome and identified himself as "Ted." A sketch based on eyewitness descriptions was noted by several people—including Rule—to resemble Bundy. Rule thought it unlikely that Bundy was a killer but nonetheless reported him to police. However, authorities were overwhelmed with tips regarding the murders and did not initially believe Bundy was a likely suspect due to his superficially respectable persona. Bundy relocated to Salt Lake City in late 1974 after being admitted to law school at the University of Utah. The killings in Seattle suddenly stopped, but young women in Utah, Colorado and Idaho began disappearing and being murdered under similar circumstances to the Seattle-area crimes. Police investigators in several states began sharing information, increasingly narrowing down on Bundy as their suspect in the string of unsolved murders. In September 1975, Bundy telephoned Rule from Salt Lake, requesting help via her police department contacts to know why police in Seattle were serving subpoenas for his school records from Utah. He did not mention that in August 1975 he had been arrested and charged with the November 1974 kidnapping of a young woman who had been abducted by a man who posed as a police officer in Murray, Utah. After a bench trial, Bundy was sentenced to 1 to 15 years in Utah. He was extradited to Colorado to face murder charges, but Rule was still resistant to admitting that her friend was a possible killer. Bundy twice escaped from custody in Colorado, sending letters or postcards to Rule while on the run. He proclaimed his innocence and asked for money to help enter Canada. The fugitive eventually made his way to Florida. In January 1978, he went on a rampage at a Chi Omega sorority house at Florida State University, beating several women (two of whom later died). In The Stranger Beside Me, this incident is narrated in third person, but not omnisciently, as the perpetrator is not identified as being Bundy, thus keeping the documentation of these events in-sync with the knowledge available to officers at the time Rule wrote. Bundy went on to kill another adult woman and rape and kill a 12-year-old girl whom he snatched from outside her school. It is not until Bundy's capture in February 1978, and his subsequent trials in Florida when Bundy represented himself in court, that Rule fully accepts that Bundy is a serial killer. The turning point, Rule states, came after forensic dentists testified that Bundy's teeth matched the deep bite mark on the body of one of the Florida State victims. This was the first physical evidence that definitely linked him to the crimes, making it impossible for Rule to maintain doubt about his guilt. Rule finds the idea shocking to the point that she "[runs] to the ladies room and throws up."Rule, Ann. The Stranger Beside Me. Signet, 2000, paperback. 548 pages. . Updated 20th-anniversary edition. pp. 390. An afterword, following Rule's lament for Bundy and his victims, describes the trial of Bundy for the murder of 12-year- old Kimberly Leach in Florida. Bundy was sentenced to death in Florida. He continued to assert innocence for several years, but shortly before execution confessed to over 30 murders in an apparent bid to delay his death. The 1989 update outlines Bundy's execution, and the 2000 update touches on many things, including various women claiming to have encountered Bundy in the 1970s, Robert Keppel's retirement from detective work and his employment at the University of Washington, and Bundy's possible involvement in the unsolved disappearance of Ann Marie Burr, a girl who disappeared in 1961 when Bundy was 14.Rule, Ann. The Stranger Beside Me. Signet, 2000, paperback. 548 pages. . Updated 20th-anniversary edition. A 2008 update of the book includes more stories from women who have contacted Rule with stories of their "near-miss" contacts with a man they believe was Ted Bundy, and also a "Ted Bundy FAQ" section in which Rule tries to answer the questions most frequently asked by readers, including the fact that he was not responsible for the 1973 murder of Kathy Merry Devine, for which he was long suspected. DNA profiling linked that killing to an ex-convict named William Cosden, who was subsequently tried and convicted of her murder. ===== The story revolves around three unemployed people (the third is a middle aged unsuccessful theatre owner). The story opens with the arrival of Balakrishnan (Saikumar) in Cochin to dispute the denial of his company job which he was supposed to receive several years ago. Several candidates overtook his chance and the last one was Rani (Rekha) who pretends to be an influential figure in the town. Rani threatens Balakrishnan to continue to work despite his efforts to overthrow her. The company manager (Sankaradi) who knows about her family situation (poor and pathetic) and helps her keep the job. Balakrishnan is determined to stay in the town until he succeeds in getting the job. During his stay, Balakrishnan finds a temporary lodging in 'Urvasi Theatre', owned by Mannar Mathayi (Innocent), with another tenant Gopalakrishnan (Mukesh), both unemployed and with insignificant earnings. Initially, Gopalakrishnan does not like the new tenant and tries to expel him from the house, in vain. Gopalakrishnan is tricky and cunning. He lies to his mother by telling her that he works in a large company based in Calcutta and that he is building a new house in Cochin. Balakrishnan discovers the truth and mistakes Gopalakrishnan as a fraud. But what shocks Balakrishnan most was the realization of Rani's family situation. He feels sympathetic towards her and decides to let her keep the job. That night Balakrishnan gets drunk and reveals the fraud play of Gopalakrishnan to Mannar Mathayi. Goplakrishnan confesses and justifies that projecting himself as rich and employed was the only way in front of him to comfort his mother. The truth melts the minds of both Balakrishnan and Mannar Mathayi and they all became friends and decided to enjoy the night despite their unending problems. Further into the night, Balakrishnan wakes up to a ringing telephone. A gang leader named Ramji Rao (Vijayaraghavan) and his associate Charan Singh / Karan Singh (Dhritiman Chatterjee) have kidnapped the daughter of a rich businessman Urumees Thampan (Devan) and are asking for a ransom of one lakh rupees. The three unemployed have no relation with Urummes Thampan; the gang had apparently dialled the wrong number. Panicking, Balakrishan tries to find the number of Urumees Thampan from a phone directory, only to find out that the numbers of Urvasi Theaters and Urumees Thampan are interchanged in the directory. Gopalakrishnan comes up with an idea and asks Balakrishnan to act as a dealer between Ramji Rao and Charan Singh with Urumees Thampan, without letting them know about each other, and demand a ransom of four lakh to Urumees Thampan, instead of a lakh, get the girl from Ramji Rao, and take the remaining three lakh for themselves. The plan was a good one, but the job wasn't as easy to carry out as hiding from the police and keeping Ramji Rao and Urumees anonymous to each other was not an easy task. Finally, after a struggle, the three rescue the girl from the gang leader and hand her over to Urumees Thamapan. They confess the ploy to him upon a police encounter. Urumees forgives them and is thankful for returning his daughter, and offers them the three lakh rupees as a reward. ===== The plot centers around Joe, one of the last of the humans remaining that can overturn the cybernetic revolt. Nothing can stop him from destroying the control system which forces the robots to kill. In the latter half of the 21st century, robots have been engaged in labor in dangerous places, housework, etc. Then suddenly, the control system used to function these robots plotted a revolt against the human race, and ordered every robot to annihilate all of the people. The robots robbed them of their weapons, and occupied various military bases and factories. The war robots that were manufactured there murdered men, one after another, and the survivors organized a resistance and went into a full-scale offensive against the enemy's army. ===== Set in 17th century Cornwall and London, Joan Fontaine stars in the swashbuckling adventure Frenchman's Creek. As a beautiful, learned Lady of means, Dona St. Columb (Fontaine) had it all – wealth, nobility, children ... and a loveless marriage. After years of being royally subjected to mistreatment, she retreats with her most prized possessions – her two children – to a secluded manor overlooking Britain's Atlantic shoreline. Once there, she is enthralled with the tall tales of a scoundrel of a pirate, who has been plundering nearby coastal villages. Full of adventure and fueled by years of neglect, she sets forth to seek him out, and it is not long before she finds him ... to be quite an irresistible gentleman. She is soon swept into his arms, and out onto a seaborne adventure where she chances death to protect her children from a vengeful father, who is out to reclaim what he had never known and to destroy something he had never shown – love. Earning Academy Awards for both Art Direction and Set Design, movie lovers will delight in this lavish Technicolor example of golden age Hollywood escapism. ===== The story deals with two men, both of them more than 100 years old thanks to an anti-aging serum, both of them members of a secret society devoted to the teachings of Nietzsche. Over time, one of the men becomes convinced the world would be a better place if it were reduced to chaos so that he can take over as its savior; the other dons superhero-like armor and suit and assembles a team of followers to fight his old friend. ===== A successful but unhappy businessman (Clarke) meets a free-spirited stranger (Vega) who tempts him to explore reckless love. ===== The novel's central character is a sixteen-year-old boy, not named until the last page of the book. The boy does not like school, as he doesn't care for his teacher, Quasi. The boy's favorite companion is a horse, Alhaji. A businessman named Alhaji Kebba contacts the boy and wishes to buy and/or borrow the horse Alhaji. While the protagonist is reluctant to sell or loan him, the businessman is persistent and uses various methods to try to persuade him, including the use of a prostitute. Later, two agents introduce themselves to the boy. One is Quasi, who has been posing as a teacher. Another is Nicholls. The men have been tracking Alhaji Kebba's illegal activities. Quasi and Nicholls have a plan to catch Alhaji Kebba, and they recruit the protagonist to help them. ===== The film begins in Paris with Jacques, an unidentified young man, trying to hitchhike a ride. He travels to the countryside with a family and spends the day walking alone. He whistles and rolls somersaults. The scene cuts back to traffic at night in the city, and the opening credits appear. The next scene is of Marthe, standing at a bridge, at the brink of suicide. Jacques is walking by and stops her. He urges her back onto the street, indicating a police car stopped nearby. They sit by the bridge and chat about their lives. The scene cuts to flashbacks. Marthe is a young woman who lives with her mother in a flat. To make ends meet, her mother rents a spare bedroom to male boarders, the most recent of which is a graduate student. In one scene during the flashback, Marthe stands nude in front of her mirror, either scrutinizing or admiring her body. While doing this, she hears the boarder knocking on her wall. She ignores him at that point, but eventually Marthe and the boarder become lovers, without her mother knowing. Sadly, immediately after their affair begins the boarder has to move to the United States to study at an American university for a year. The lovers promise to be faithful to one another and reunite at the end of the year. At the present time, Marthe has learned that her lover returned to Paris several days ago and has made no attempt to contact her, leading to her despair and suicide attempt. Jacques' story is also told in flashbacks at this time. He is a young artist who lives alone in a desolate little flat that doubles as his studio. In the present time, Jacques comforts Marthe and advises her to write to her lover. Marthe says she will, but she asks if Jacques might take the letter for her to friends of her lover and return with his response the following night. When Jacques wonders how the letter could be procured so quickly, Marthe pulls her letter, addressed and ready, out of her pocket. During the daytime scenes of the movie, Jacques works on his paintings. Part of his artistic process involves recording himself on a tape recorder telling the story of meeting Marthe and loving Marthe. He also records himself repeating Marthe's name. While he paints, he plays his recordings. He also listens to the recordings while delivering Marthe's messages and, in one scene, while riding a bus, scaring two middle-aged women. Jacques' canvases are large, around 6 ft by 4 ft. He paints with them flat on the floor, crouching over them. He uses broad strokes and primary colors. Jacques acts as messenger between Marthe and her lover. The lover never writes back to Marthe, and she is devastated. But by the fourth night, she professes her love for Jacques, who loves her as well. They kiss, and he buys her a red scarf. Marthe and Jacques are walking down the street, arm-in-arm, when they run into Marthe's former lover. Marthe runs to her lover and kisses him. Then she runs back to Jacques and kisses him. Finally, she returns to her former lover, and they walk off together, leaving Jacques alone. Jacques returns to his flat and paints, listening to his recordings. ===== *Part One: Six stories taken from Cesare Pavese's Dialoghi con Leuco. Philosophical conversations between mythological characters including Nephele/The Cloud (Olimpia Carlisi) and Issione/Ixion (Guido Lombardi), Ippòloco/Hippolochus (Gino Felici) and Sarpedonte/Sarpedon (Lori Pelosini), Edipo/Oedipus (Walter Pardini) and Tiresias (Ennio Lauricella), two hunters (Andrea Bacci and Lori Cavallini) discussing reincarnation of humans punished by the gods, Litierse/Lityerses and Eracle/Heracles (Francesco Ragusa and Fiorangelo Pucci), and a father and son (Dolando Bernardini and Andrea Filippi) who are burning a fire as an annual sacrifice to the land. *Part Two: Taken from Cesare Pavese's novel, La Luna e i Falò After WWII, the emigrant 'The Bastard' (Mauro Monni) comes back to his village in the Langhe (northern Italy) to find that everyone he knew has died and the war has deeply changed relationships between people. ===== Sylvester stands outside a pet store window, watching Tweety (singing "Fiddle- De-Di") in the display area. Tweety angers Sylvester who throws a brick at the window, after the bird goes over to a mouse and they laugh at him. However, upon seeing a cop walk up behind Sylvester, the would-be feline vandal runs in front of the brick and absorbs the blow. As Sylvester is planning to cut through the glass window with a glass cutter, a deliveryman takes Tweety away, to be delivered to Granny's house. Sylvester follows the deliveryman and rushes into the yard, only to discover a whole army of bulldogs. The rest of the cartoon contains Sylvester's attempts (all unsuccessful) to get at Tweety: *Sylvester uses a stick with an imitation cat on it, but the bulldogs clobber it. Then he paces to think up another plan. * Walking across a tree branch that extends from the outside to the house. Tweety saws the branch off and Sylvester waves goodbye and falls from the tree and Tweety starts laughing. (Tweety: "That puddy tat's got a pink skin under his fur coat!"). And Sylvester closed the gate, bruised, battered and lost most of his fur from the attack. * Using stilts to walk harmlessly above the dogs. Tweety gives the dogs some tools to cut the stilts down to size; Sylvester tries a hasty retreat but ends up just short of the gate. (This attempt was used again in Roman Legion Hare with Sam, Bugs, and the lions.) * Building a rocket, which simply sets the cat's fur on fire. * Riding a bucket attached to a wire that he connected from a telephone pole to the edge of Granny's house. Unfortunately, Sylvester's weight is too heavy for the bucket's support, and the added weight lowers the bucket down to the horde of dogs, where they wait to beat Sylvester up. * Waiting until the yard is empty and then walking unannounced to the house. The dogs run outside and tackle the cat. This time, Sylvester gets away, but before he can catch his breath, a kindly old man - thinking the puddy had simply wandered outside his home - throws him back into the yard (seemingly oblivious to the "Beware of Dogs" sign), where the dogs beat the cat up some more. * Hiding in a package intended for Granny. The original contents are dog food, which has the dogs so eager. Granny does not take the package in to unwrap (as Sylvester had expected), instead she throws it to the dogs. As she watches the dogs tear open the package to get at their "food," Granny compliments on how hungry they were that she didn't have the chance to unwrap the package. Finally, Sylvester decides to wait until the early morning to tip-toe silently through the yard. The alarm clock goes off at 4 a.m., awakening the dogs and pummeling the cat one last time. Tweety who wakes up from the noise innocently comments: "Now who do you suppowse would want to distwurb dose doggies so eawly in da morning?" before winking his eyes at the audience and goes back to sleep as the cartoon irises out. ===== Wile E. Coyote leaves a telephone at the hole of his neighbor, Bugs Bunny. He calls from his cave, asking to borrow a cup of diced carrots. Bugs' whiskers twitch as he sarcastically looks at the Coyote's mailbox ("Wile E. Coyote - Genius"), and realizes what he's up against. He then mocks him: "Are you in, genius? Are you in, capable? In, solent? In, describable? In, bearable?..." Wile E. grabs Bugs, ties him to a stake and prepares to complete his rabbit stew, but Bugs gets the upper hand by hopping on the floorboards, setting off a wine cork that, after it ricochets around the room, triggers Wile E.'s Murphy bed to open, crushing the Coyote into the floor, with only his head sticking out (ll to the tune of Raymond Scott's Powerhouse). Bugs makes his getaway and hops back to his hole. Wile E. then tries a vacuum cleaner to suck up the rabbit, getting a dynamite decoy instead (before the decoy explodes, he says, "Well, well, the boy has talent"), a cannon shot, which Bugs re-directs at the Coyote thanks to some underground pipes (Coyote: "But how? Well, even a genius can have an off-day"), and "Quick-Drying Cement". The cement dries into a cylindrical block. As Wile E. laughs, saying, "What a wonderful way to cement a friendship.", he runs right into the block, which tips over on top of him. Bugs then pops out and says, "Well, now he has concrete evidence that I'm a good neighbor". The final attempt is a 10 billion-volt electric magnet, which Wile E. Coyote turns on after leaving a metal carrot in Bugs' hole (hoping the bunny can eat the carrot and then be pulled by the magnet to his waiting predator). Bugs tricks him and sends the carrot right back at Wile E. Bugs' mailbox is also pulled towards the magnet, hitting Wile E. right in the face. To further batter the Coyote, Bugs throws out an iron, a frying pan, a garbage bin, and a mallet, as well as his bed and kitchen stove, all of which are attracted to the magnet. However, neither Bugs nor Wile E. expect the magnet to attract everything else with metal properties (including barbed wire, horse shoes, street lamps, kettles, cars, signs, bulldozers, iron fences, buses, an ocean liner, the Eiffel Tower, satellites, and, finally, the Mercury rocket trying to blast off into space) their way. The Mercury rocket lodges itself in Wile E's cave and explodes, along with everything else the magnet attracted, blasting Wile E. Coyote into oblivion as Bugs watches from his hole. Bugs remarks "One thing's for sure: we're the first country to get a coyote into orbit." ===== When 13-year-old Eva is badly injured in a car accident, her consciousness is transplanted into the body of a chimpanzee. The novel concerns her efforts to adjust to her unique situation. The setting is a future when urban civilization has spread across the globe, with disastrous effects on other species. ===== The episode is set in the City of Bath, and Gillian Magwilde and her team have been called out to a building site, after builders found Arabian dirhems buried in the site. After being told off briefly by Ben Ergha, Vivian Davis is revealed to be the student archaeologist studying with the team. Gillian has a cold, snubbing attitude towards Viv in the beginning, telling her to simply get on with some cataloguing. But after further inspection of the computerised earth scanner, Viv notices that there is more to the dig site. Gillian and the rest of the team proceed to excavate the second place, now distinctly forming a crucifix shape when looked at from above. Before long, a skeleton is found, with more dirhems scattered around. This leads to much speculation, as the crusades happened in the Holy Land, not in England. Before long, however, Gillian and Ben have to leave to go to the launching of a book written by the head of the archaeology department, Daniel Mastiff, entitled Sex Rites of the Ancients. After a few witty remarks on Gillian's part, the two head back to the dig site. Meanwhile, however, Viv has been looking through the earth, when she finds a 13th-century sandal, and proceeds to show it to the hospice nurse that she has been talking to. The nurse quickly points out another mound, and after inspection, they both proceed to pull a cut of wood out. A splinter from the wood gets stuck in the nurse's finger, as Viv takes the wood back to the lab. After Gregory "Dolly" Parton completes a test on a scrap of material, the body found is revealed to be a Knight Templar, due to the distinct red cross revealed by the UV light. This raises further questions about Templars in England, with the only explanation being the exile of the Knights by King Philip I of France. Viv gives Gillian the piece of wood that she found, and after sending Ben to do a dendrochronology test on it, the rest of the team discuss what could have happened. Before serious speculation took place, however, the dendrochronology test was complete, with the wood dating back to 32AD, and with blood soaked into it with metallic traces. Thoughts arise here about whether the wood could be part of the True Cross. Meanwhile, two Christian fanatics named Jack and Colm prepare themselves with swords for what they call a 'war', and make their way to a mosque, where they pray to God in the sunlight. Four young Muslims enter the building, and after Jack threatens to kill them with his sword, they run away. Jack and Colm leave the place. While Viv is looking for spare clothes for Gillian, she finds a piece of paper on the back of a picture of Gillian's mother, which has a picture of a sword on it. However, after one of Category:Fictional archaeologists ===== Details of the plot and story are limited but text in the game's opening trailer provides some hints: > "What is it that separates reality from fantasy? For one little girl, the > only way to survive our reality is to live in her fantasy." ===== Taking its inspiration from the Celtic legend of the Selkie, the novel describes a race of apparent humans with the ability to change into other forms. One, like the Selkie of legend, can live underwater. Another can survive and travel unprotected in outer space. In all three forms the Silkies can wield mental powers over energy to some degree. After a prologue which purports to explain the origin of the Silkies as an experiment in genetic manipulation, the action moves forward over a hundred years to a future in which the Silkies are numerous and live on Earth. Humanity has assimilated them by means of the Special People, who can establish telepathic rapport with the Silkies. All Silkies are male, and most are married to women of the Special People. They are employed as police in space, and most are comfortable with that role. One dedicated Silkie, Nat Cemp, encounters three different alien races, and with each encounter he gains more powers and learns more about the true nature of the Silkies, and of the Universe. As with other Van Vogt works, the novel introduces a psychological element similar to general semantics. Here the Silkies use the so-called "Logic of Levels". Instead of the symbol/reality dichotomy of General Semantics, the Logic of Levels substitutes the concept of behaviors and instincts as complex neurological structures and feedback loops, simpler levels being built on more complex ones. By manipulating these complexes with their powers the Silkies can defeat adversaries, who find themselves caught in self-amplifying feedback from their own instincts and desires. ===== One Sunday night, at the home of the wealthy Brents, psychiatrists living in a swanky Connecticut community, a woman shoots a man. By the time handsome detective James Ascher arrives, the body is gone. Ascher suspects the wife, Margaret Thorne Brent, a smart and sharp-tongued psychiatrist and novelist, although her patients are also suspect. One of her patients, Lionel McAuley, seeks fame as the "Baseball Bat Killer": he had previously killed his wife's lovers. During the course of his week-long investigation, more people are murdered (with a baseball bat), and Ascher finally learns the following: Margaret and her husband Harrison had been rehearsing a nightmare, for some time, with her patient Carlotta Donovan involving Carlotta's pretending to shoot and kill a man. Six months ago, Harrison, during one of these role playing therapy sessions, committed suicide by putting real bullets in the gun he gave to Carlotta. Realizing that she had just killed Harrison, Carlotta also committed suicide. When Margaret returned home to find the dead bodies, she hid Harrison's body the fireplace brickwork and, after disfiguring Carlotta's dead body to disguise its identity, sank it in Scotty's Pond. Knowing that Harrison's huge fortune would revert to his family in England upon his death, she quickly arranged for a former lover, Phillip Reynolds, to impersonate Harrison until she could transfer all of his accounts. During Ascher's investigation, Reynolds kills Mrs. Johaneston, the cook, when she realizes that he is an imposter. Margaret's patient McAuley takes credit for the murders of Harrison and Carlotta and then Mrs. Johaneston. Nevertheless, Reynolds also kills McAuley, because McAuley witnessed Phillip and Margaret enter Mrs. Johaneston's apartment on the night of her murder. Believing that Margaret was falling in love with Ascher, the insanely jealous Reynolds, after beating McAuley to death, flees to England, leaving Margaret in the house with the dead body lying in her office as the police arrive. Ascher also finds, to everyone's surprise, that Margaret was Carlotta's birth mother, that Carlotta had tracked down Margaret and become Harrison's lover. It is not clear whether her birth father was Harrison or Reynolds. Carlotta had hoped to work her way into the Brents' lives, angry at her English upbringing by a sexually abusive adoptive father rather than by the wealthy Brents. When Margaret finds out that Carlotta was her daughter and that she will be arrested as an accessory to the murders of Mrs. Johaneston and McAuley, she tries to commit suicide, but Ascher has filled her gun with blanks. A key clue to Ascher's finding Harrison's body in the fireplace is a painting on the fireplace brickwork that Ascher realizes was altered when the bricks were replaced in the wrong order. Nevertheless, Ascher and Margaret seem to be falling in love. Because of the complexity, a two-page Perfect Crime answer sheetSpoilers is available at the end of the performance. ===== After going on the run from the Black Crusaders, Tracy has traveled to Needmore, Pennsylvania (an actual town located in Belfast Township, Fulton County, Pennsylvania) to stay with Kenneth Parcell's (Jack McBrayer) cousin, Jesse Parcell (Sean Hayes). Liz is stressed as the season finale of TGS with Tracy Jordan is nearing, and Tracy cannot be found. Liz and Jack force Tracy's whereabouts from Kenneth, who they send to bring him back. Tracy realizes that he wants to go back to the city, but Jesse kidnaps him. Kenneth, accompanied by Dot-Com and Grizz, manages to rescue Tracy and get him back in time for the show's finale. Jack is livid when his mother, Colleen Donaghy (Elaine Stritch), visits him when she is in town to attend his ex-wife Bianca's (Isabella Rossellini) wedding to Vincent Folley. Colleen takes an immediate dislike to Jack's fiancée, Phoebe, but takes a liking to Liz, whom she originally mistakes for Phoebe. The stress of his approaching wedding and the arrival of his mother prompt Jack to have a heart attack. While at the hospital, Colleen uses a heart monitor as a lie detector, on Jack, which leads him to revealing that he does not love Phoebe. They break off their engagement. Liz and Floyd (Jason Sudeikis) are struggling to maintain a long distance relationship, since Floyd's move to Cleveland. Liz later reveals to Jack that she and Floyd have separated. ===== Rui wa Tomo o Yobu revolves around the feminine Tomo Wakutsu who was brought up by his mother as a girl due to a small mark he has on his body. After his mother's death, he discovers via her will that she emphases Tomo continue to live as a female, and following this, Tomo starts to go through more troubles in his life. Tomo soon discovers that he is linked with five girls who are around his age as a second year high school student. These girls happen to have the same mark he has, and also have been going through hardships in their lives. Tomo and these five girls decide to form a pact to stay together and support each other to solve each of their problems and to bring peace to their lives. Though Tomo initially hides the fact that he is male from the others, the five girls eventually discover his secret. ===== Buzz Blackwell, Fred Johnson and Axel Swenson are construction workers in San Francisco who are helping to build the Golden Gate Bridge. They are good friends and Buzz and Axel even help Fred in raising his daughter Patricia. When Fred tragically dies in an accident, Patricia is forced to go live with her relatives in New York City whom she has never met. Buzz and Axel decide to travel with her. They soon arrive at the home of her uncle Jarvis Johnson, a snobby rich man with supercilious wife. Jarvis has received a letter from Buzz but wants no part in raising Patricia. When they show up, Jarvis pretends to be someone else and sends them to the other "J. Johnson", Joe, another uncle. Joe and Marian are poor ex-vaudevillans but welcome the girl with open arms. Buzz wants to give Joe the money Fred left for Patricia, but finds out a drunken Axel used that money to buy a Swedish restaurant. Buzz is determined to help and turns the restaurant into a nightclub, using a loan from Jarvis, which he obtained through false pretenses. Jarvis returns to claim his money back, but the club is a success and he is repaid. ===== Ranga Rao (Akkineni Nageswara Rao) a breezy & jovial guy well known as Poola Rangadu whose livelihood is pulling a horse cart and loves his associate Venkatalakshmi (Jamuna). In the childhood, his father Veerayya (Chittor V. Nagaiah) used to work as a manager at a mill, owned by Purushotham who is slaughtered by his partners Dharma Rao (Gummadi) and Chalapathi (Gummadi). In which, Veerayya is indicted and sentenced life imprisonment leaving his children Ranga & Padma alone. So, Ranga stands on his own, raises his sister Padma (Vijaya Nirmala) with a lot of love & affection. On the other side, Dharma Rao & Chalapathi become big shots, poses themselves as respectable people and counterfeit showing adoration towards Purushotham. At present, Padma loves and espouses Dr.Prasad (Shobhan Babu) who happens to be Purushotham's son. Being aware of it, Narasimhulu (Chalam) brother of Venkatalakshmi keep's grudge as he aspires to marry Padma and divulges the fact to Prasad's mother (Malathi). Hence, Padma is necked out in spite of being pregnant. Knowing it, furious Ranga beats Narasimhulu and gets 1 year of imprisoned. In jail, Ranga meets his father Veerayya, learns the actuality and decides to prove his innocence. Time passes, Ranga releases, by the time, Padma gives birth to a baby boy. Now Ranga plants himself in Dharma Rao's house, creates conflicts & differences between Dharma Rao & Chalapathi and brings out the truth. At last, Veerayya is acquitted and Prasad takes Padma back. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Ranga & Venkatalakshmi. ===== The plot revolves the banker Favraux, receiving a threatening note from Judex demanding that he pay back people he has swindled. He is later drugged by Judex and locked away. Meanwhile, the former governess, Diana, kidnaps Jacqueline to try to get the banker's money. ===== Inder (Jeetendra) is a well- off person working along with his uncle (Shreeram Lagoo) as an architect. His uncle is a fan of famous dancer Aarti Sanyal (Hema Malini). Whilst playing snooker against his uncle, Inder loses the game and his uncle asks him to join him at Aarti Sanyal's concert. On the way to the concert, Inder meets with a near-fatal accident. One day his uncle suggests to him to go to Mandu to see the architectural beauty there. He meets a woman there and learns soon that she is the famous dancer Aarti Sanyal. She tells him that she has quit dancing for 6 months and her grandfather tells him that it is because of an incident that shook her life. Soon, they become more friendly and she ends up telling him about her love Chandan (Dharmendra) who calls her Tikoo with love. Her only dream is to publish a historical book written by Chandan. She tells him that 6 months ago, Chandan died in a car accident on the way to her concert. Inder is surprised by this revelation and asks her where the accident exactly took place. He realizes that it was his accident in which the person in the oncoming vehicle died. Extremely upset, he calls up his uncle and asks him why this was withheld from him. As his stay in Mandu continues, Aarti cries remembering her past. Inder cannot hold it further and tells her that he was in the accident in which her lover Chandan had died. She becomes extremely upset. She tries to snatch Chandan's book from his hand saying that she needs no sympathy from him. In the confusion of trying to take the book, she falls down the stairs and sustains injuries. He tries to meet her, but her grandfather tells him that she hates to even hear his name and they leave in the wee hours of the morning. He goes back to his home where his uncle advises him to leave her alone if only because of sympathy for her. But if he has fallen in love with her, then he should try to win her. Inder explains to his uncle that he went to her grandfather's house (the address given in the hotel register at Mandu), but no one was there. His uncle asks his secretary to call up clinics to find out if any lady has come for treatment. They finally find the clinic where Aarti is. Inder goes there where she has undergone eye surgery. The doctor removes the eye bandage but Aarti loses her eyesight. Inder talks to her mother and she asks her mother if it is Inder. The doctor lies and tells her that it is his friend Prakash. Inder as Prakash goes regularly to her home and supports her. He takes her out to church to pray and also helps her get back to her dancing skills. He arranges for her show to be performed where he supports her during her dance. She uses the money which she earned from the concert to try to publish Chandan's book. She gives the book to a publisher, finding it empty, the publisher tells her that the book she has given him is empty. She goes home where Inder comes and tells her that he has brought a surprise to her. She asks him whether it is Chandan's book as only Inder knew about Chandan's death anniversary and Prakash wouldn't know about it. She tells him that he snatched everything from her. Chandan, her eyesight and her only dream of publishing Chandan's book. She tells him to leave. As days go by, Aarti realizes she is still stuck in her past. She goes to the same church with her grandfather where she meets Inder again. She asks for his forgiveness and explains to him that she always tried to live in her past. She tells him that she never realized how much Inder has been an important part of her life. Both Inder and Aarti unite. ===== The game's plot takes place in sometime before 2098 A.D., all of Earth's armed forces were disintegrated into one large corporation, SenTrax. SenTrax vowed to create a robot army to fight humanity's wars, so mankind itself would not have to. However, they needed the peoples' vote to set this plan into motion, and thus developed the titular "Tiny Tank" - a small yellow tank with an occasionally unfriendly attitude. The creation of this cute killing machine made SenTrax's popularity skyrocket, and won them the vote. As thanks, the corporation set up an exhibition showing their yellow mascot fighting off the entire SenTrax army on July 4, 2098, broadcast live over the Internet. However, when the rehearsal began, one of the SenTrax robots had been accidentally fitted with live ammunition and destroyed Tiny with one shot. As a result, Tiny's "positronic brain" (his artificial intelligence system) shattered, and its shards gave "life" to the entire robot army. The robot that had fired the shot, now self-aware and calling himself Mutank, took control of the rampant robots and began to eliminate humanity so that machines could thrive. Humanity was forced to evacuate into underground asteroid shelters as the mechanical army conquered the surface. But then on July 4, 2198 A.D., which was 100 years later, Tiny Tank was finally restored by automated SenTrax Fix-It Crabs, which were minuscule robots made to repair damaged machinery. Also as a result, a female artificial intelligence on board an orbital satellite reawakened Tiny, sent him to fight Mutank's robot army and save mankind once again, and gave him his mission briefing for his spying assignments to thwart the criminal conspiracy Mutank and his hitmen have started. ===== Friday Foster (Grier) is an ex-magazine model turned magazine photographer who refuses to heed her boss's admonitions against becoming involved in the stories to which she is assigned. After witnessing an assassination attempt on the nation's wealthiest African American, Blake Tarr (Thalmus Rasulala), and then seeing her best friend Cloris Boston (Miles) murdered, Friday finds herself targeted for death. She teams up with private detective Colt Hawkins (Kotto) to investigate, and soon the two are hot on the trail of a plot to eliminate the country's African- American political leadership. ===== Illustration from the first US publication, in The Riverside Magazine for Young People, September 1870 When the tale begins, a contest has been proclaimed in which half the kingdom and the hand of the princess in marriage will be the rewards of he who can produce the most incredible thing. A poor young man creates a magnificent clock with different lifelike figures — Moses, Adam and Eve, the Four Seasons, the Five Senses, and others — which appear at the stroke of the hour. All agree the clock is the most incredible thing and its creator is named the winner. Suddenly, another man smashes the clock and all then agree that this act is even more incredible than the creation of the beautiful clock. The destroyer is to wed the princess, but at the wedding, the figures of the clock magically reappear, defeat him, and then vanish. All agree that this is the most incredible thing, and the princess and the young creator of the clock marry. ===== Halo revolves around a seven-year-old girl, Sasha (Benaf Dadachandji), who is in quest of her lost puppy. Having lost her mother in childhood, she yearns for mother's love and always feels lonely, even though there is a doting father in Rajkumar Santoshi. During vacation, when all the other kids are busy playing, she sits silently and doesn't even eat properly. So, the gluttonous servant fabricates a story that a miracle will happen in form of a Halo. There comes a street dog and Sasha believes it to be the miracle, the God-sent Halo. She adopts it and names it Halo. Now her life revolves around him. She sleeps, she drinks, she eats with him. Her father doesn't object. One day Halo is lost. Sasha is terribly upset. The quest of her lost puppy takes her through the terrifying streets of Mumbai to the neurotic editor of a newspaper, a gang of smugglers (led by Tinnu Anand), a police commissioner (Mukesh Rishi) and a colorful gang of street urchins. ===== Set in a future when humanity has forgotten its origins in Earth, the novel describes the political equations and power struggle between the emperor, a quasi-religious group, a pre-sentient computer named the Mag Comm and the Lord Commander. ===== Four friends, Bob Bailey (Tone), Tom Martin (Ross Alexander), Smudge Casey (Dick Foran) and Fred Harper (Robert Light), are certain that upon their graduation from college, they will conquer the world. They face disappointment when they look for jobs, however. Because of the Depression, jobs are scarce and each one has many applicants. Fred goes to work for his father, Mr. Harper (Henry O'Neill), a prominent stockbroker. Eventually Bob, who intends to become a journalist, manages to sell occasional articles to the newspaper, and Tom also finds work. Smudge, a star athlete, unsuccessfully looks for work as a coach. Tom is in love with Trudy Talbot (Jean Muir), who moves to New York to be near him. She shares a room with Susan Merrill (Ann Dvorak), a librarian. Tom invites Bob to double date with him and Trudy, hoping that he will become interested in Susan, but Bob is in love with Fred's sister Joan Harper (Margaret Lindsay), even though they are of different social classes. When Bob attends a boxing match on assignment from the paper, he sees Smudge fighting for a few dollars. Realizing that Smudge is broke, Susan and Bob invite him for Sunday breakfast. Soon Susan and Smudge fall in love. Shortly after, Tom and Trudy marry, as do Susan and Smudge. Joan and Bob date despite her mother's wishes that she only go out with men of her class. Smudge is fired from his job as a truck driver because there is not enough work and Susan loses her job because she is married. Meanwhile, Tom and Trudy have a baby. Mr. Harper is implicated in a trust failure and kills himself, leaving his family in reduced circumstances. To ensure the financial security of her family, Joan decides to sacrifice her own happiness and set her love for Bob aside to instead accept a proposal from wealthy Stephen Hornblow (Charles Starrett). Completely desperate, Smudge impulsively robs a pawnshop of ten dollars in order to buy food and he is shot running away. Smudge dies, but Bob at least manages to keep his identity out of the papers; Susan returns to her parents. When Joan meets Bob at Tom and Trudy's, where they have gone to visit the new baby, she tells him that she has changed her mind about Stephen's proposal since she knows he won't make her happy. Rather than worry about her family, she will follow her heart and marry Bob. ===== Wanda Howard (Kay Francis) and Marie Bailey (Lilyan Tashman) go out with two balding, middle-aged businessmen from out of town (for $500 apiece) to help Jerry Chase (Alan Dinehart) close a sale. However, the women, who share a luxurious suite in an apartment building, have their African-American maid Hattie (Louise Beavers) disguise herself as their mother, waiting at the window, to avoid having to invite the men inside. Wanda is getting tired of how she makes a living, but she and Marie go aboard a yacht the next night to divert rich practical joker Benjamin Thomas (Eugene Pallette) and his handsome business associate Jim Baker (Joel McCrea). Jim knows that the women are paid "entertainment", but quickly finds himself falling for Wanda anyway, and vice versa. (When Jerry pays her for her efforts, Wanda tears up the check.) Once Jim realizes she genuinely loves him, he asks her to marry him. Although she is initially reluctant, she agrees. However, she informs Jim that there is one complication: her estranged husband Alex (Anderson Lawler). She asks him for a divorce, and he agrees. Meanwhile, Benjamin's wife, who is divorcing him because of his stinginess, shows up and asks Marie to stop making a fool of him. Marie realizes that Mrs Thomas (Lucille Gleason) is still in love with her husband, and comes up with a plan to cure him of his tightfisted ways. The next day, Marie steers Benjamin to the jewelry store where Mrs Thomas is waiting. Mrs Thomas, pretending not to see him, complains (in a loud voice) how cheap her husband is. Benjamin becomes so angry he buys Marie some expensive merchandise for about $50,000. That night, Alex crashes the birthday party Marie has arranged for Benjamin. He tells Jim that he wants $10,000 or he will name Jim as the co-respondent in the divorce. Alex insinuates that Wanda is part of the blackmail scheme. Believing the lie, Jim breaks up with Wanda. Wanda visits Alex in Brooklyn and demands he give the money back. He introduces her (as "cousin Wanda") to the ailing Mrs. Howard and their baby, the reasons he needs the money so desperately. He confesses that he got a divorce in Mexico 2 years before, and promises to pay her back once he is back on his feet financially. Touched, Wanda leaves without the check. Wanda decides to auction off enough of her possessions to her friends to raise $10,000 and pay Jim back. She also asks Marie to return her jewelry. Wanda gives Jim the proceeds; even before that, however, he has come to his senses, and the couple reconcile. Marie gives Benjamin's gifts to his wife and reunites that couple. ===== A young black woman arrives at the home of Mrs. Saunders, a widow who is black, and begs her to look after her light-skinned baby, whom she cannot afford to feed. At first she says this is temporary while she looks for work, but leaves declaring she will never be back. Mrs. Saunders pledges to raise the "poor little darling" as her own, alongside her own son Jimmie. She names her Naomi. Nine years later, schoolgirl Naomi is thought by the other black children to be aloof and they accuse the light- complexioned child of not wanting to be black. This looks true the day Naomi disappears on her way to school and Jimmie tells his mother that Naomi deliberately avoided the black school she was supposed to attend and instead went to a white school. Naomi denies Jimmie's accusation, saying he's lying because he hates girls. When Mrs. Cushinberry threatens to punish her for being insolent and mean, Naomi furiously explodes that she hates her and the other children and that she only came to the school because her mother sent her there. She spits in the teacher's face which results in Mrs. Cushinberry spanking her. That evening, Mrs. Cushinberry visits Mrs. Saunders, but when she realizes that Naomi didn't tell her mother what happened that afternoon, she decides to keep silent. But Naomi has been eavesdropping, and when the teacher leaves she starts to tell her mother that the teacher was the one at fault. Then Jimmie reveals the truth: Naomi was spanked at school for being unruly and then spitting in the teacher's face. Mrs. Saunders spanks Naomi herself. Later, Naomi starts a rumor that Mrs. Cushinberry is having an affair with a married professor; soon a riot erupts at school and a crowd of angry parents marches to the school superintendent's house to demand that he fire both teachers. When Jimmie tells Mrs. Saunders about the riot, she rushes to the superintendent's office to dispel the rumor Naomi started. Because of this, Naomi is soon sent to a convent. About 12 years later, Jimmie has earned $6,700 as a Pullman porter when he is approached by Ontrue Cowper, who tries to interest him in investing in the numbers racket. Jimmie rejects this offer, investing in a farm instead. After proposing to his sweetheart Eva, Jimmie invites his mother to live on his new farm. Naomi returns to town, reformed by her life at the convent, and apologizes to her mother for having been a bad child. When Jimmie and Naomi are reunited, the scene implies Naomi's romantic attachment towards him. Mrs. Saunders arranges to have Jimmie take Naomi to see the city. Although things go well, Eva's Aunt Carrie doesn't trust Naomi's unnatural interest in Jimmie and believes that she should be watched. Aunt Carrie’s suspicions prove to be well-founded as Naomi soon confesses her love for her adoptive brother. When Jimmie, Eva, and Naomi return to the country, Jimmie introduces Naomi to his friend, Clyde Wade, who immediately falls in love with her. Clyde is a dark-skinned African American with a country accent. Naomi finds him repulsive and confesses to Jimmie that she has always wanted him to marry her. Realizing that Eva would be crushed by the loss of Jimmie, Naomi consents to marry Clyde. One year later, Naomi tells her mother that she is leaving Clyde and her newborn son and is also “leaving the Negro race.” A few years after that, Naomi comes back to the farm one night and silently creeps up to the window, through which she sees a happy family scene that will never include her. After getting one last look at her family, Naomi drowns herself in the river. ===== Thanks to a computer error, Tom Carmody, an unlucky civil servant, wins the main prize of the Galactic Lottery. Being a human from the Earth, he doesn't possess galactic status and shouldn't even be eligible. However, he obtains the Prize before the mistake is found out and is allowed to keep it. That's when his adventure begins, since, not being a space- traveling creature, he has no homing instinct that can guide him back to Earth, and so the galactic lottery organizers cannot transport him home. At the same time, his removal from his home environment has caused, by the 'universal law of predation', a predatory entity to spring into existence that perpetually pursues and aims to destroy him. So Carmody is forced to be on the run, and with the help of his Prize meets several well-meaning (but usually not very competent) aliens that attempt to find where, when and which Earth he belongs on. He ends up transporting from Earth to Earth: different phases and realities of his planet, which of course, is not in the time or condition he expects it to be. ===== Johnny Kovacs (Jones) is a war hero who comes back home for a ten-day leave. Pursued by a woman (Shelton) who considers herself his fiance, he works with his superior officers to hide during his leave. He adopts the name Johnny O'Rourke, and finds a room at a theatrical boarding house. He becomes friends with some other boarders (including O'Connor, Ryan and Gloria Jean) and falls in love with a woman (Frazee). His friends overhear him talking to his officer on the phone. They misinterpret the conversation and conclude that he is a deserter. They push him into giving himself up and returning to duty. Confused by their behavior at first, he figures out what they are up to, and plays along. It all works out in the end. The closing song in the picture is a rousing patriotic number sung directly to the audience by the main players in the film. ===== The episode begins with Jackson bringing in the newspaper one morning and meeting Mike, who stopped by to return M.J.'s video game. When Mike suggests he should hang out with Jackson, Susan protests, but later agrees when he threatens to fight for M.J.'s custody. Mike and Jackson quickly become friends after they hang out one night. Susan is initially pleased, but is soon upset when she discovers Mike and Jackson exchanged sex tips with each other. One night, Susan meets up with Mike at the bar and tells him that she is uncomfortable seeing him and Jackson bond. Mike assures her it is a good thing that he, Jackson and Susan are friends, especially for M.J.'s sake. When she returns home, she finds out that Karl, her first ex-husband, dropped by and he, too, had befriended Jackson. Gabrielle is invited to a fancy party by Michelle Downing. When she is telling Carlos the good news, she is shocked to find him massaging an elderly person in their living room. Feeling uncomfortable, Gaby convinces Carlos to work as a masseur at a country club as the pay is better and she can regain her social status. However, Bree who is hired to cater the party, informs Gaby that they are being left off as they are considered "staff" and the guests felt it is inappropriate to mingle with them. Gaby and Carlos attend the party anyway through the back door. Bree drags Gaby aside and tells her to leave before the host finds out. However, it is too late as Carlos is chased off by Michelle. Carlos later confronts Gaby for her actions and she later confesses that she felt she was losing everything she had. Carlos tells Gaby about his clients that are complaining about their lives and revealing inner secrets that they are not happy despite being rich. He assures her that he is happy now as they didn't lose anything that matters and materialism does not matter as much. Lynette finds it difficult to strike up a conversation with Porter, so Parker introduces her to a social website named "Silverfizz" which allows online chatting. Then, Lynette creates an alter ego "Sara J" who is a teenage girl to chat with Porter. Tom warns her to stop chatting with Porter before things gets out of hand. Lynette refuses to listen and she is ecstatic to learn Porter has an interest in poetry. Her plan soon backfires when Porter falls for her and sends her an erotic poem. Panicked, she decides to write a Dear John letter to Porter to end the relationship. The situation turns worse when she accidentally signs off the message as "Love, Mom". Porter learns that his crush is actually his mother and is heartbroken. Bree shows her cookbook "Mrs. Van De Kamp's Old Fashion Cooking" to Andrew and Orson. Orson wonders why Bree did not name her cookbook as Mrs. Hodge, to which Bree replies that Mrs. Van De Kamp is what she is known for. Bree later does a radio interview for her new cookbook when she talks about her dead husband, Rex and completely ignores Orson's existence. When Orson confronts Bree about the issue, she says she is not proud of his past. Furious, Orson demands Bree to cook pot roast for dinner as she had promised over and over, despite the fact that it is past midnight and Bree has just come home after catering the party. Bree weeps while preparing the meal. Edie decides to move out as she is tired of the neighbors' cold attitude towards her, especially Karen McCluskey who insulted her with a crude joke earlier. When she asks Dave why he insists on staying in Wisteria Lane, he avoids the question by saying that they can be happy here and convinces her to stay. The next day, Dave pays Mrs. McCluskey a visit and demands an apology to Edie. Karen refuses, as she believes she was merely joking and claims Dave doesn't know her well. Dave then tells her that Karen must be lonely when he notices she talks to her pet cat Toby like a person and invites him in without hesitation. Toby goes missing after that and Dave offers to help her find the cat on condition that she apologize to Edie. Karen finally does, and tells Edie to inform Dave that they have reconciled. Later, she finds Toby back in her house, and finds her front window is left open. Karen ponders about Dave's true motives and teams up with Katherine to learn more about him. ===== Artist and writer Ryuichiro Shiba and his wife Kyoko are visiting a temple in order to make a promise of marriage to their ancestors. At that moment, however, two oni appear before them and fight to death, one of them carrying a baby on his mouth. After defeating his opponent, the oni gives Ryuichiro and Kyoko the baby and declares he will return for him after 15 years. After said period of time, strange events starts happening around the baby, now a teenager named Jiro Shutendo. ===== Young yachting captain Tim Whalen (Rob Lowe) is having an affair with Brooke Morrison (Kim Cattrall), the wife of his boss, Granger Morrison (Brian Davies), in the upscale town of Southampton, Long Island. Tim is the new captain of Granger's racing sailboat Obsession. Young heiress Olivia Lawrence (Meg Tilly), following the recent death of her mother, returns home to Southampton after graduating from college. At a party, Olivia is introduced to Tim, who asks her to dance. Impressed with her knowledge of sailing, Tim asks her to go sailing with him, and she accepts. Olivia is living in the family mansion with her alcoholic stepfather, Tony Gateworth (John Glover), and his new live-in girlfriend, Anne Briscoe (Dana Delany). Her mother's will provided that Gateworth retain access to the family's eight properties. Olivia has nothing but contempt for her stepfather, who married her mother for her money. At her family attorney's office in New York City, Olivia learns she cannot restrict Gateworth's access to her homes, and the nearly one million dollars a year he receives from the estate barely covers his gambling debts. Olivia and Tim go sailing on her boat Masquerade, which was her late father's pride and joy. Later, at Olivia's mansion, they are confronted by a drunk Gateworth who insults Tim, his former sailing competitor. In the coming days, Olivia and Tim begin dating and eventually fall in love. However, Olivia's newfound happiness is soon offset by another ugly confrontation with Gateworth who tells her as her "guardian" he wants Tim out of her life. Olivia confides to her aunt that Tim is the first man she has felt comfortable with and that he isn't interested in her money. Later that day, at a lobster house on the outskirts of town, Gateworth and Tim meet surreptitiously to discuss their conspiracy to murder Olivia for her money. When Tim expresses doubts, Gateworth threatens to expose his past. He tells him the next step is to gain Olivia's confidence by having Tim defend her against him. That weekend, Olivia and Tim have passionate sex in the mansion. Afterwards, a drunken Gateworth breaks into Olivia's room as planned, but Tim double-crosses him and kills Gateworth with his own pistol. Believing they will be accused of murdering Gateworth, Olivia covers up Tim's role in the killing by claiming she killed Gateworth in self-defense. Tim establishes an alibi with an unsuspecting Brooke by resetting her bedside clock. During the investigation, Officer Mike McGill (Doug Savant)—a childhood friend with a romantic interest in Olivia—finds evidence that Tim may have been involved in the killing, but he does not report it to his captain, presumably because of his feelings for Olivia. Gateworth's girlfriend, Anne Briscoe, begins questioning the investigation's findings, and tells the authorities about Olivia and Tim. Meanwhile, Tim breaks up with Brooke, who later confirms Tim's alibi to the police. Not long after Anne Briscoe informs McGill that her friend saw Gateworth at a diner with Tim, she is found hanged in an apparent suicide. McGill requests an autopsy. While sailing aboard Masquerade, Olivia asks Tim to marry her, but he is reluctant, telling her he once spent 30 days in jail for writing bad checks. He also tells her about his affair with Brooke Morrison. His "honesty" convinces Olivia he is the right man, and the couple are soon married. Later, Olivia reveals she is pregnant. That night, Tim drives to the marina where he meets secretly with McGill, who was part of the original conspiracy—who in fact planned everything. Tim is reluctant about killing Olivia, but McGill insists she must die in a staged car accident. He threatens to put Tim away for Gateworth's murder if he doesn't cooperate. When McGill learns that Tim has no intention of killing Olivia and that they are planning to sail for Florida on Masquerade the next day, he sabotages Olivia's sailboat and plants incriminating evidence in Tim's linen drawer. Tim discovers McGill's treachery and races to the marina to save Olivia, but is killed in the gas explosion meant to kill Olivia. In the marina office afterwards, Olivia discovers a newspaper clipping with a picture of Tim, Gateworth and McGill, just as McGill enters the office. Seeing that she has figured out the conspiracy, he tries to kill her. In the ensuing struggle, Olivia pushes McGill out a window causing his death. At Tim's funeral, Olivia learns from her family attorney that Tim recently insisted he be removed from Olivia's will, and however it may have started, he came to love Olivia in the end. ===== Airline pilot Jack Gordon (Fred MacMurray) on a flight from New York to San Francisco, is immediately attracted to beautiful passenger Felice Rollins (Joan Bennett). Known as a "lady's man", he bets stewardess Vi Johnson (Ruth Donnelly) that he will take Felice out to dinner that evening. A jewel robbery is in the news and a beautiful blonde is implicated, with Jack suspecting that Felice may be the culprit. On a stop over in Chicago, Jack learns instead that his passenger is a wealthy socialite at odds with another passenger, Count Stephani (Fred Keating). Jack worries that he may have a crisis involving the Count when he finds Stephani has a gun aboard. Other passengers include Dr. Evarts (Brian Donlevy) and Curtis Palmer (Alan Baxter), both of whom seem to be harboring a secret. Felice is trying to get to San Francisco in order to prevent her sister from marrying the Count's brother, but the flight runs into bad weather. Jack and Freddie Scott (John Howard), his co-pilot, are persuaded to fly on, but are eventually forced to make an emergency landing. Dr. Evarts tells Jack he is a federal agent pursuing Palmer, a notorious criminal. Palmer shoots Freddie and Dr. Everts and hijacks the aircraft. Jack manages to overcome Palmer, and with the help of Felice, is able to take off and fly to San Francisco. When the flight lands, he is able to have his dinner with Felice, collecting his bet, knowing that he will need the money for a marriage licence. ===== In September 1940, American war correspondent "Mitch" Mitchell is stationed in London, working for Consolidated Press of America, which represents 1000 newspapers. Mitch is anxiously waiting for news of the expected German invasion of Britain from a reporter on the Continent (the United States being neutral at the time), determined to scoop his competition. He manages to rent Sir Titus Scott's wire from Penzance in Cornwall for a week to save forty minutes (for an exorbitant amount, much to the dismay of his boss, H. Cyrus Stuyvesant). The information is to come by coded radio and homing pigeon messages. Twelve-year-old Albert Perkins and the elderly Mr. Bindle watch for the pigeons. During one of the many nighttime air raids against London, Mitch meets Jennifer Carson, a teletype operator at the Ministry of Information. They seek shelter in the Tube and become acquainted. The Consolidated offices (and all the teletype machines) are destroyed in the raid, but Mitch obtains the services of Jennifer and a teletype machine from Duffield, a Ministry of Information official. He then talks Mr Hobbs, the Regency Hotel's managing director, into letting Consolidated Press use the hotel's wine cellar for its new headquarters. A bomb plunges into the cellar, but fails to explode, so everyone assumes it is a dud. Later, however, Jeff, a blind Consolidated employee, realizes it is live and notifies Mitch, just as Mitch finally receives the pigeon message he has been waiting for. Mitch evacuates the place, but Jennifer suspects he is merely trying to bypass the censor, Captain Lionel Channing, so she refuses to leave. Another bomb closes the entrance, trapping them in the cellar. Mitch has Jennifer use the teletype to begin sending his big scoop: Hitler has gone to Calais, indicating the invasion is imminent. When Jennifer realizes he is sending uncensored information, she tries to persuade him to stop. They engage in a struggle before he locks her up. Then, Albert telephones with more pigeon-delivered vital information, but in the middle of the call, he is killed by the aerial attack. Mitch is devastated. Instead of transmitting his news, Mitch describes Albert's death. Jennifer is touched, and when the rescue team frees them, Mitch and Jennifer leave the wine cellar together. ===== Bartholomew "Barley" Scott- Blair (Sean Connery), the head of a British publishing firm, arrives in Moscow on business. At a writers' retreat near Peredelkino, he speaks of an end to tensions with the West, heard by the mysterious "Dante" (Klaus Maria Brandauer), who demands Barley promise to do the right thing if the opportunity arises. A few months later, unable to locate Barley at a trade show, a young Soviet named Katya Orlova (Michelle Pfeiffer) asks publisher Nicky Landau (Nicholas Woodeson) to give Barley a manuscript. Landau sneaks a look and delivers it to British government authorities. The manuscript is a document detailing the Soviet Union's capability for waging nuclear war. An investigation reveals "Dante" is renowned Soviet physicist Yakov Efraimovich Saveleyev, author of the manuscript. British intelligence officers track Barley to his holiday flat in Lisbon and interrogate him about his ties to Katya, but realize he knows as little as they do. MI6 realizes the manuscript is also of vital importance to the CIA, with both agencies seeking Barley to work on their behalf. British agent Ned (James Fox) gives Barley some fundamental training as a spy. Barley returns to the Soviet Union to seek out Dante and confirm he is a genuine informant. He meets with Katya and is instantly smitten. Through her, he confirms that Dante is indeed Saveleyev, and he also denies to Katya that he is a spy. The British run the operation through its first phase while apprising the CIA of its results. The CIA team, headed by Russell (Roy Scheider), is concerned at the manuscript's description of the Soviet nuclear missile programme in complete disarray and suggests the United States has engaged in a pointless arms race. Katya sets up a meeting with Yakov, going to great lengths to avoid being followed. Barley explains that the manuscript is in the hands of British and American authorities. Yakov feels betrayed, but Barley convinces him that the manuscript can still be published, and is given another volume of the manuscript after assuring Yakov he is sympathetic to the scientist's cause. Impressed by the additional volume, Russell's boss Brady (John Mahoney) and U.S. military officer Quinn (J. T. Walsh) interrogate Barley to be certain of his loyalties. Russell states he would help the British operation out of a true ideological belief in Glasnost, although this would not be good news to his 'customers' in the weapons industry, who need an arms race for continued prosperity. Convinced the manuscripts are truthful, the CIA and MI6 create a "shopping list" of questions to extract as much strategic warfare information as Dante can provide. "Russia House" handler Ned senses something is amiss with Barley, but the British-American team continues its plans. Barley returns to the Soviet Union and declares his love to Katya, admitting he is an operative. Katya confesses that Yakov is not acting like himself and fears he may be under KGB observation or control. She gives Barley Yakov's address in Moscow. Under full British-American surveillance, Barley takes the shopping list to Yakov's apartment. Ned suddenly concludes that the Soviets know all about the operation and will steal the list to learn what the British and Americans know, and is convinced that Barley has made a deal to turn over the questions to the KGB. Russell disagrees, and instructs the mission to proceed as planned. The meeting with Yakov is expected to be brief, but after seven hours, Russell admits he was wrong. The team must now pretend the questions were deliberately false. Barley sends a note to Ned explaining that during a pre-arranged phone call to Katya, Dante used a code word to let her know that he has been compromised by the KGB and that her life is in danger. Barley admits he traded the shopping list to the Soviets in exchange for the safety of Katya and her family. He admits his actions might be unfair, but tells Ned, "You shouldn't open other people's letters." Barley returns to his flat in Lisbon, where he waits for Katya and her family to begin a new life with him. ===== The title characters, while journeying through a human home, decide to exploit a sugar bowl on their own rather than delivering the sugar cubes to the colony's queen (so each of the ants get one sugar cube and so does the queen ant). They experience misadventures: they land in a cup of coffee, almost get toasted on an English muffin, fall into a sink, get threatened by its garbage disposal unit, and are nearly electrocuted when they enter an electric outlet. Chastened, they rejoin a line of ants carrying sugar cubes back to the colony. ===== Traude Krueger (Bleibtreu) is working as a piano teacher in a women's prison. While selecting new students, she meets Jenny Von Loeben (Herzsprung). When she tells her she can't take any lessons because her hands are too rough and she is uncooperative, Jenny becomes enraged and almost kills the prison guard, Mütze (Pippig), also one of Krueger's students. Then she starts playing the piano. Krueger listens from the hallway and, impressed by her talent, later offers Jenny lessons, but requires absolute obedience, including eating a sheet of paper. She tells Jenny never to play "that kind of negro-music" again. Jenny's adoptive father wanted to turn her into a Mozart-like child prodigy when she was young, but when she resisted going to further contests, he raped her. Krueger plans to have her compete again. While practicing, some inmates become jealous of Jenny, who doesn't seem to get punished for beating up the guard. Some of the prison personnel oppose giving her the freedom to play the piano. However, the prison director wants positive media attention for his prison. Jenny reaches the finals of a piano competition for players of 21 and under. Mütze transfers her to the cell of her rival inmates. They strap her hands to the bed with some cloth and set them on fire. Jenny severely wounds one of the culprits, and she is forbidden to enter the competition. Krueger learns that Mütze deliberately set up the conflict and she confronts him. Krueger resigns, and takes her piano. Mütze helps Jenny escape from prison with the piano so she can play at the competition. Jenny learns that Krueger has had contact with her adoptive father. Thinking he arranged all of it and that Krueger was just being bribed into teaching her, she rages violently. Krueger tells her about her own past, how she lost her great love, another woman, during the second world war, because she was a communist, and how she also taught her to play the piano. Krueger convinces Jenny to play at the competition, where, because the police have come to take her back to prison, she has only four minutes to win the support of the crowd. She deviates from the original plan of playing a piece by Schumann and plays a unique piece of her beloved "negro-music", including percussion, foot-stomping and reaching under the lid to pound the strings. When she is finished, the crowd erupts in a standing ovation. ===== J.P. Tannen (Voight) is a former professional golfer residing in California. He is estranged from his three children, who live in New York with their mother Kathleen (Millie Perkins) and stepfather, attorney Mitchell (Crenna). In an effort to re-enter their lives, Tannen decides to take them on a Mediterranean cruise. Tannen, who still has feelings for Kathleen, wants her to believe he's a changed man, but she's not convinced. On the cruise, Tannen is distracted by the prospect of picking up women, including French archaeologist Marie (Marie-Christine Barrault), often leaving the kids to fend for themselves for entertainment. He reserves a table for five in the dining room, secretly expecting to find an adult female companion for the fifth chair. Youngest son Truman-Paul (Robby Kiger) has a learning disability, which Tannen impatiently pushes him to overcome. Adopted oldest son Trung (Son Hoang Bui) is caught stealing food from the ship's galley and trying to order drinks with a phony ID. Their sister Tilde (Roxana Zal) is a sensible and sensitive girl, but much too young to act as a parental influence to the boys. Tannen begins to feel he can't function as a traditional father, so he suggests that the kids think of him as a "friend," even calling him "J.P." The trip temporarily gets back on track with the ship's first port-of-call, Rome. The family has fun together and Marie is impressed by what she witnesses of Tannen as a caring parent. But while en route to their next stop, Athens, Tannen receives devastating news. Kathleen has been killed in a car accident in New York while taking the family dog to the vet. Grief-stricken, he is met in Athens by the children's stepfather, Mitchell, who explains that he went ahead and buried Kathleen, then flew to Europe to escort the children home, where a memorial service would later be held. Tannen insists on telling the kids himself, demanding more time. Mitchell tries to talk him out of this, but ultimately agrees to leave the kids with their father for a while longer. The ship moves on to Cairo. With the kids sightseeing, Tannen meets with Mitchell again in a local tavern, to tell him that he has begun to consider pursuing full custody of the children. Their conversation escalates into a profanity-laced argument. Mitchell points out what an absentee parent Tannen has been, not even knowing the names of his children's friends or teachers. He hints at knowledge of Tannen's unsuccessful business dealings and vows to use his capacity as a lawyer to ruin him. Tannen confesses to Marie the truth about how little time he actually has given his kids over the years. Marie joins the family on a trip to the Pyramids. It is there that Tannen finally breaks down and informs the kids that their mother has died. The children are devastated. At the next stop, Tunis, Trung runs away. He takes the first launch to shore, with the intention to work his way back to the U.S. Tilde tells her father that Trung has a history of running away, yet another fact he didn't know. They discover him in a marketplace and catch up to him after a chase. Tannen forces the boy to open up to him, whereupon Trung tells him angrily that he needs Tannen as a father, not a "friend." Mitchell is waiting in Genoa, prepared to take the kids back to the United States and their home. As gently as he knows how, Tannen informs Mitchell that he is keeping them. He then rattles off a list of the kids' friends and teachers, showing Mitchell that he is determined to be more in tune with their lives. ===== A German scientist has discovered a theoretical means of transforming lead into gold. Working with his engineer Werner Holk (Hans Albers), he is literally moments from proving his theory when the lab is blown up by a saboteur. Holk is then hired by the British capitalist who ordered the sabotage and goes to Scotland to see his friend's work recreated on a massive scale in a secret laboratory beneath the North Sea. Swearing revenge, he agrees to help the millionaire and even fraudulently "creates" a bit of gold to fortify the illusion that the machine works. Gaining the confidence of the millionaire's somewhat wayward daughter Florence (Brigitte Helm) as well as the workers, Holk puts together a plan to destroy the machine before the artificial gold it would create can wreak havoc on the world economy. The first day of the machine's operation, Holk manages to turn the workers against the millionaire (thus ensuring they'll all get away safely), then only barely escapes himself before the lab is blown up in a spectacular sequence of explosions and strobe lighting. ===== Pamela Drury is single and works as a serious journalist. She spends her birthday alone and becomes lonely and reflects upon her life and the choices she made and secretly wishes she had gotten married and had children. In a box of photos of old boyfriends, she reflects upon why she broke up with one in particular, Robert Dickson, 13 years earlier. She also meets an interesting man, Ben and follows him home, only to see through his window that he is with his family and looks very happy. Shortly afterwards, she is hit by a car while crossing the street. The woman who was driving the car is also Pamela, but is Pamela Dickson; she is from an alternate universe in which she married Robert 13 years earlier. Pamela Dickson takes Pamela Drury to the Dickson family home and the two of them talk in the kitchen. Suddenly, Pamela Dickson's kids come home and she disappears, leaving the unmarried Pamela Drury in a house she has never seen before with three children she does not know. The children assume she is their mother, although they do not quite recognize her sometimes. She soon finds out that her alternate version Pamela Dickson lives in a dull marriage and writes lightweight fluff articles for a mainstream ladies magazine, rather than being the serious reporter that Drury is. She meets Ben again, but in this time-line he was never married and still mourns the loss of the great love of his life, who was killed just before their graduation from college. At first, Pamela Drury was pleased to be with Robert again after all these years apart, but she is soon unhappy and annoyed with married life, and quarrels with Robert. She embarks on an affair with Ben, not mentioning to him that she has a husband and kids (because she still doesn't think of herself as married or a mother). Ben visits her and learns the truth, and walks away angry and disappointed. Soon, Pamela Drury embraces having a family and falls for Robert again, and even stimulates him and enlivens her marriage. Then when Pamela Drury is in a restaurant bathroom, Pamela Dickson shows up again, and the two women switch back to their former lives. Pamela Dickson had been living the life of single Pamela Drury and enjoyed it but ultimately missed her husband and kids so she came back. Pamela Drury is single once more and embraces her life with a new appreciation of all that being single and having a career has to offer. She learns that while she was gone, Pamela Dickson began dating Ben, who actually is divorced from the woman she saw through the window, the same woman who alternate-Ben had thought was his soul mate. Ultimately she sees that both lives are appealing and offer a lot to appreciate. ===== A group of widely divergent characters meet up with a broken-down touring concert-party, throw in their lot with them, and eventually triumph after temporary setbacks. This British musical-comedy follows an unlikely trio as they try to revive the fortunes of the floundering theatrical troupe. School teacher Inigo Jolifant (John Gielgud) with his talent for songwriting, and recently unemployed Jess Oakroyd (Edmund Gwenn) with his theatrical ambitions, together persuade Miss Trant (Mary Glynne), an older single woman looking for adventure, to fund them as they attempt to bring "The Dinky Doos" back into the spotlight. Susie Dean (Jessie Matthews) is a chorus girl who dreams of stardom, and when she's made the new leader of the show, it looks as if her dreams may finally come true. ===== Armand de la Verne, a lieutenant in the French cavalry and a notorious seducer, undertakes a bet that he will "obtain the favours" of a woman selected secretly by lot, before his company departs for its summer manoeuvres in a month's time. His target turns out to be Marie- Louise Rivière, a Parisian divorcée who runs a milliner's shop, and who is also being courted by the serious and respectable Victor Duverger. Marie Louise's growing attraction towards Armand is tempered by her discoveries about his reputation, while Armand's calculated strategy becomes undermined by his genuine emotions. A subplot follows the parallel but simpler courtship of Armand's friend and fellow officer Félix and Lucie, the young daughter of a photographer. ===== Saleswoman Dulcie dreams of a better, beautiful world. Her dreams are based on the stories of writer Bill Porter, who became victim of a judicial verdict and began his literary career in prison. No special misdemeanors are attributed to him and he even enjoys the right of free movement. The administration appreciates the writer because while serving his sentence he writes beautiful stories with happy endings. Soon, however the successful writer has to face the obvious injustices going on in the prison. In particular, the writer's friend, Jim Valentine is severely beaten for politically motivated reasons. However, once Valentine is offered freedom in exchange for help in opening a safe. This proposal allows Porter to think about the imminent departure of his friend from prison. Fantasies on this topic become the basis for a new story for the writer. But the prison administration does not keep the promise and Valentine soon dies. His death is marked by a revolt of prisoners who are dissatisfied with the existing order. Dulcie's pipe dreams are also destroyed and she ends up killing her roommate. And Bill Porter comes to the conclusion that he is not able to resist the existing order but that someday another one will come. ===== In every episode, Mr. Perfect would aim to show the viewers how to perform a job or task perfectly. These are ranged from serving ice cream or using exercising equipment. Once it did it all once, the blips would rewind the footage before the narrator would say he was perfect at the job and start all over again. This time, the blips would ruin Mr. Perfect's work progress by setting traps or tampering with machines to make them go wrong. After this, Perfect would give up on doing the job or task, and the show would cut to the credits, with Perfect relaxing with a cup of tea and walking home. ===== New York City film school graduate Leta Evans (De Sousa) has just become the assistant to exotic music video director Bleau Kelly (Downtown Julie Brown). She almost loses the job before her first day's barely even started when Bleau decides budget cuts must be made for her next project. When Leta offers to do the assignment for a smaller fee, Bleau decides to have her escort a group of rappers, singers, and showbiz wannabes to Miami for a music video shoot. The gang, which is kept in line by Poppa (Yoba), gets acquainted on a decaying bus as they travel down the East Coast, encountering barroom fights and other problems en route to the music video gig. ===== Katzhen, is left without a stable family structure upon the death of his mother. After his mother's funeral, the young boy finds himself shuttled from one unfit home to another. Caught in a tug of war between his cold aunt and his promiscuous and suicidal uncle – neither of which, knows how to raise a child. He is eventually sent off from this first stopping point to a kibbutz, where more loneliness and cruelty await him. Katzhen is forced to take charge of his own destiny but isn't quite capable enough to do so. Katzhen is distant from other boys, seeming to exist in a world of his own. Despite the many hardships he faces, he never complains, and he rarely cries. Instead, his eyes absorb everything around him, trying to make sense of the scenes of death, sex, and violence that he witnesses. Rootless and insecure, but with a strong spirit and stoic attitude that speak to a maturity well beyond his young age, the little boy boldly tries to take control of his own destiny and find his place in the world. ===== In the post-apocalyptic Bronx, warring races of androids and humanoids battle each other for supremacy. ===== ===== Socialite Kay Kerrigan (Joan Bennett) is accused of fatally shooting millionaire cad Thomas Bruhme II (Sidney Blackmer). Kay blames the callous Bruhme for her sister's suicide but when he is confronted, he dismissively throws Kay a gun, but she angrily shoots him in the stomach. Police detectives Ben "Homer" Blodgett (Ralph Bellamy) and George Faulkner (Robert Elliott) find the body, with a gunshot in the back of Bruhme's head that is the fatal shot. After finding her handbag at the murder scene, the police are on Kay's trail. First she fakes a car accident, driving into the ocean, then makes arrangements to go to Hawaii. When she pawns a unique piece of jewelry, Police Commissioner Blackton (Thomas Mitchell) knows that Kay is alive and puts former detective Sam Wye (Fredric March) on the case. Kay with a brown wig, and travelling on a British passport as "Mary Holden" has taken a ship to the South Seas. She is followed by Sam and his secretary Jean Livingstone (Ann Sothern), an old flame who also wants to collect a $100,000 reward now being offered by Bruhme's father. On a boat sailing to Saigon, Sam finally meets Kay, and immediately falls in love with her. Along the way, Homer and Jean do the same. Sam eventually determines that the actual killer was John Johnson (Richard Tucker), a jealous husband whose wife was having an affair with Bruhme. Kay is thus cleared and free to marry Sam. ===== Even as they walk down the aisle to be joined in holy matrimony, Julie and Mike Abbott argue about her extensive involvement in the USO. For starters, her obligations are in the way of their honeymoon trip. After a short while of marriage, Mike is tired of Julie's constant working, not being able to spend much time with him at all. Also, the tabloids has a lot of theories about who is to pursue and catch her. On top of this, Julie is involved in arranging an engagement party for her ex-boyfriend, Larky, who is now going to marry her friend Lydia. The party prevents Mike and Julie to have the quiet dinner at home he had planned. The party is a catastrophe for Mike, who is appalled by all the snobs attending, and jealous of all the men pursuing his wife during the evening. Among others, Nicolai Cherupin, a Russian opera tenor who lives next door, is very keen on socializing with Julie. His wife tells Mike he should watch out, and Mike eventually throws the man out of their apartment. Julie is upset and tells Mike she disapproves of his mistrust in her. In the heat of the moment Mike suggests they replace their double bed with twin beds. A while later the couple make up, but the sound of opera singing reach them from outside. Mike demands they move to another building to get rid of the persistent singer. He isn't aware that the singer's wife, Sonya also has decided they should move to a new place, jealous of her husband's shameless behavior. Lydia also wants to move, since she is worried Larky will fall back in love with Julie. It turns put all three couples move to the same new building, and Julie has arranged for twin beds, apparently listening to Mike's angry remark during the party. The singer is convinced that Julie has followed him to the new building because she is infatuated with him. He starts to sing to her, and subsequently Mike decides to leave Julie, believing that she has led the singer on. Julie rejects the singer's attempt to meet her. He goes to a bar and gets plastered, and when he returns to the building, he is mistakenly let into Mike and Julie's apartment by the door man. The singer falls asleep in Mike's bed, where he is found the next morning by the very disturbed Julie. Mike boards a train to Canada, but is persuaded by a fellow traveler to return and win Julie back. Upon his arrival back to the apartment, Julie is trying to get rid of the singer. When Julie sees Mike coming, she makes the singer hide in a trunk to avoid him being even more jealous. The singer's clothes are mistaken for Mike's and the maid takes them to the cleaners. The singer tries to borrow and dress in Mike's clothes, but is constantly interrupted by visitors, forcing him to hide again. The maid eventually removes all clothes from the room and the singer is forced to escape by climbing out the window and down the fire escape. The singer is caught climbing by Lydia, who believes he is a burglar trying to get in, and he has to flee back up into the apartment bedroom. Larky comes around, finds the singer and starts chasing him. The singer manages to trick Larky, steal his clothes and lock him into a room. Still in his underwear, the singer meets Sonya when she arrives to the apartment with a private investigator who she has hired to follow her husband. Larky is released from his prison and the singer is found hidden, in his underwear, in the trunk. Mike and Julie decides to move again, and after they make up they choose to return to their old apartment. ===== Jack's wife, Bianca, asks to finalize their divorce to which Jack agree, demanding various things in their settlement all to which she agrees, and the divorce is set for the next day. It is Valentine's Day, although the TGS cast and crew still have to work all night. Frank reveals that he hates Jenna when he always chooses to "kill" Jenna in a game of "Marry, Boff, Kill". Frank believes that Jenna is "phony", and Jenna tries many times to redeem herself with Frank, with reasons such as her participation in Vagina Day: "a charity event founded by a group of celebrities who have for whatever reason never been asked to participate in The Vagina Monologues." Eventually, in her final confrontation with Frank, she farts, but Frank is happy, telling her that that is the first real thing she has done, and the two reconcile. Another game of "Marry, Boff, Kill" leads some of the writers into believing that Cerie (who has been having problems with her fiancé, Aris, as he wants a Greek Orthodox wedding, but she disagrees with the church's position on Cyprus) has feelings for Kenneth when she chooses to "boff" him. The writers send the pair off to get candy for the night. Kenneth and Cerie take a walk around Rockefeller Center, and Cerie reveals that she is not attracted to Kenneth but tells him that he can tell the others that the two made out. However, Kenneth fails to convince the writers that he has done so when he shows them a pair of male underpants, which he claims belong to Cerie. Jack asks Tracy to have a drink with him to celebrate his impending divorce, but Tracy has to leave early to celebrate Valentine's Day with his wife through "role-play". As Jack gets more and more drunk, he reveals that he still has various fantasies about his wife from grabbing one of her breasts to her getting various terminal diseases with him by her bedside. Eventually, he picks up a prostitute (Rachel Dratch), and the two interrupt Tracy and Angie's Valentine's Day at the Soho Grand Hotel. Angie, upset that their Valentine's Day is ruined, demands that Tracy get rid of Jack and the prostitute, so he calls Liz for help. Liz gets Jack and the drunk prostitute out of the hotel, and Liz tells Jack that his relationship with his wife is sick and presents him with a scenario of "Marry, Boff, Kill", all with his wife, causing Jack to say that he wants to do all of the three but promises Liz that he will get over his wife, and the two leave the prostitute in the street. The next day, Jack and Bianca sign the divorce papers, and Bianca begs Jack not to sell the Arby's that he had gotten in their settlement. He promises not to do so, but will let the place shut down and become desolate. The two argue, and the sexual tension between the two escalate, until Bianca tears herself away from Jack and leaves. Pete has forgotten that it is Valentine's Day, which also happens to be his wife's birthday. He spends the night running around the city to try to find Valentine's Day and birthday presents for his wife, only to lose the balloons that he had bought for his wife. Liz has received a gift of chocolate-covered cherries and flowers from a supposed secret admirer. The "admirer" turns out to be "a law stylist", (Jason Sudeikis) and the gifts turn out to be for his girlfriend, Liz Lemler, who works in the accounting department at TGS. However, he tells Liz to keep the flowers but asks for a picture of her with the flowers and her ID to prove to his girlfriend that he did indeed get her something for Valentine's Day. ===== King Turner is in a deep funk after his wife, Eleanor, left him. He's fallen in with a pair of reprobates, Bill Evans and Wash Gordon, who are more interested in him as the butt of their jokes than as a friend. One night they drag King and a girl named Vinnie to a "ranch"—a sort of speakeasy where people smoke "grass". After getting high, King hallucinates that Vinnie is his ex-wife and begins chasing her around the room. Bill hands him a knife as a lark and tells him to "pin her down." King does exactly that and then flees the room. He finds a sleeping bouncer and steals the man's gun. Before he can leave the ranch, a couple police officers arrive, but King manages to sneak past them. King evades pursuit and hides out in the phone booth of a candy store. While there, a police officer enters and walks towards the store's proprietor to buy a numbers ticket, but King, paranoid from the marijuana, thinks the officer is there to arrest him, and responds by gunning the man down. King flees the store and heads to the hotel where his ex-wife is living. Eleanor agrees to talk with King in her room. After hearing his story, she tries to calm him down but with little effect. She convinces him to let her order some sandwiches and coffee from room service. On the phone, she tells the clerk that she wants her order fixed "just like the other night," referring to the fact that she'd had sleeping powder added to her coffee to help with insomnia. But before the order can arrive, King grows paranoid that Eleanor has betrayed him to the police. When he thinks room service is taking too long, King shoots Eleanor and flees the room. With nowhere else to go, he heads back to his apartment, where the police are waiting for him. King escapes onto the ledge of the building. Detective Spillane, the officer in charge of catching him, follows him out, but before he can save him, King jumps to his death. The book ends with a final twist—back in her apartment Vinnie is alive and well, telling a friend about the gag she, Bill and Wash had pulled on King. Bill had only handed King a butter knife, and when King stabbed her, Vinnie took a ketchup-soaked piece of bread and squeezed it to simulate blood. Vinnie is completely unaware of subsequent events and thinks the whole situation hilarious, though her friend has doubts. The story ends with Detective Spillane arriving and Vinnie's friend thinking, "He's either a bill collector or a plainclothesman ... or maybe a little of both." ===== The film opens in the Kenya Colony of British East Africa. Distraught American woman Margaret "Margot" Macomber (Joan Bennett) is unhappily married to her American husband Francis Macomber (Robert Preston). As their plane lands in Nairobi, Kenya, accompanied by Robert Wilson (Gregory Peck), an English big- game hunter, Francis is dead from a gunshot wound to the back of his head. The film then pans back in time to before Francis Macomber's injury. Francis and Robert meet at the Norfolk Hotel to plan their safari over a whiskey. Then the story begins chronologically. What happened was this: Francis, a wealthy man, has alienated his wife Margot with his displays of cowardice and physical delicateness while on safari. Margaret is attracted to Robert so, to prove his masculinity, Francis sets out to kill a lion. He succeeds only in wounding it. Robert insists the animal must be tracked and killed so it will not suffer. When the wounded lion charges, Francis runs and Robert must shoot it. Francis is repeatedly, and accidentally, emasculated by Robert throughout the day. A furious Margot humiliates her husband by kissing Robert on the lips. As the couple's animosity grows, Francis is cruel and abusive to an African servant and Robert has to restrain him. The next morning, Francis wounds a cape buffalo with a courageous shot, comes to terms with his physical weaknesses, reconciles with Wilson (to whom he also expresses forgiveness for his wife), and thereby becomes a man. When the wounded cape buffalo charges and is not immediately dropped by shots from Macomber and Wilson, Margot takes aim and shoots; but her bullet strikes Francis and he falls dead. Robert tries to get her to admit that the shot was accidental as Margot prepares to go on trial. It is left unclear whether she intentionally shot her husband or merely feels guilt that the accident validated what was in her heart. ===== Rosalie, a 50-year-old widow, finds her youthful manner diminished by the "organic phenomena of her time of life," or menopause. She lives with her adult unmarried daughter and an adolescent son, both of whom juxtapose youth to her "superannuated" purpose in life. The family hires a young, American-born man to tutor for her son. Rosalie is strongly attracted to him and is soon infatuated. Her daughter disapproves more strongly now of her still socializing mother. Then, seemingly miraculously, Rosalie's menopause reverses. Where her vitality, and sexual awareness would be in decline, she is in a heightened state of sexual awareness including the return of menstrual bleeding. Rosalie plans a family trip and declares her intentions and availability to the young man. They plan a liaison in the Rhine castle Schloss Benrath, but it never takes place. She is later found in her bed unconscious due to a hemorrhage caused by what would soon prove to be a fatal metastatic tumor in her uterus. The surgeons' commentary include a discussion on the possible causes of Rosalie's newfound youth. Cancer was an obvious cause of her tumor, but one doctor insinuates that it could have been the yearning for love and her altered or re-awakened erotic personality that stimulated her ovaries thereby causing the cancerous growth. ===== Lonnie Wilson (Ken Scott), the son of a sharecropper, Zuba Wilson (Douglas Fowley), returns to his small southern hometown of Clinton, Louisiana after spending six years on the chain-gang for killing Colonel Ben Marquand's son, Davey, in an automobile accident. He revives his love affair with Melinda Marquand (Martha Hyer), who is now Mrs. Melinda Thomas, having married Dr. Ned Thomas (Brett Halsey) while Lonnie was serving time in her place for the accident she caused. IMDB Somewhat miffed about all this, Lonnie incites Dr. Ned about his wife's infidelity, which Dr. Ned verifies when he catches Lonnie and Melinda in a semi-torrid embrace in Colonel Marquand's hunting lodge. Melinda, looking for an explanation, shoots and wounds Lonnie to defend her innocence by claiming she was being raped. Colonel Marquand (Raymond Burr), who had bribed Lonnie to take the blame for his daughter, uses her story to have Sheriff Wheaton (Kelly Thordsen) kill Lonnie, thereby putting an end to all this mess. Mrs. Marquand (Joan Bennett) eventually faces Davey's death and realizes that she witnessed Melinda run down her little brother. Peter Marquand (Jack Ging) and Ned return to the lodge and inform Otis that the charges against Lonnie are all lies. Exonerated, Lonnie gives Zuba the deed to the farm, and the old man dances in delight, thrilled to finally own his land. ===== Private Investigator Donald Strachey is under the impression he is tailing an unfaithful housewife for evidence that she is cheating on her husband, but it turns out that the "housewife" is actually an undercover cop who promptly arrests him. After six hours of questioning, the cop, Officer Gina Santer, and Detective 'Bub' Bailey let him go, but instruct him to turn over any information he obtains on the client that claimed Santer was his wife. Most of the info on file at Strachey Investigations about this mystery client is fake. Meanwhile, at the home of Dorothy 'Dot' Fisher and her partner Edith Strong, Dorothy chases out a vandal after he breaks into their home and spray paints homophobic graffiti on their wall. The next day, Andrew McWhirter, close friend of Fisher and Strong—and Timmy Callhan's former boyfriend—introduce Donald and Timmy to the lesbian couple after a contentious school board meeting at which Dorothy, a guidance counselor at the school, is placed on paid leave due to objections from a homophobic parent whose gay son Derek has been counseled by Fisher. The two are invited by the middle-aged women and houseguest Andrew back to their home in Hollis, but the socialization is interrupted when the returning vandal throws a brick through the window. Strachey chases him back to his car, but the license plate is obscured by mud. The following day, Kenny gives Don pictures he obtained of the mysterious "client", and his e-mail address, the one piece of info he offered about himself that is at least a marginal lead. With no other pressing cases, Strachey returns to Hollis, investigating motives for the vandalism. Dorothy suspects the homophobic Joey Deems, who attends the school he works at, but his father Carl tells Donald that he believes the motive is more likely a resentful backlash against Fisher's decision not to sell her house to Millipond Realty, who wants to build a large mall along Moon Road, the street the Deems, Dot & Edith, and other residents, who all received offers on their properties, live on. Strachey manages to discover a connection between Millipond and Colter Investigations, a rival P.I. firm. That night, after an abortive attempt by Andrew to seduce Donald, close to the Fisher home, a fire breaks out inside their barn. Upon investigation, Donald also discovers a body in the barn, which later turns out to be that of Leo Colter, the head of the aforementioned P.I. firm. Strachey sneaks into the Colter offices and purloins some sensitive files. Later, he exchanges the faux client's e-mail address for a copy of the autopsy report on Colter's body, courtesy of Bailey. In Hollis, a distraught Derek visits Dorothy in a desperate plea for help, but his father Jonas arrives, and informs Fisher she can now expect to have her position with the school fully terminated. Donald discusses the results of the autopsy report with Dorothy and warns her that he suspects foul play, and that Dorothy may have to contend with even more than the loss of her job and the barrage of vandalism and arson. Strachey's visit is cut short by a call from Kenny, who has been tailing Santer as part of his field experience requirements. He discovers that Santer has been having coffee with the same mysterious "client" that hired Donald to track her under false pretenses. Donald returns to Albany in time to observe both participants in the coffee date going their separate ways. Kenny manages to stick with Santer, but Strachey's attempts to tail the mystery man are derailed by one of his former disgruntled clients. Coming up with a Plan B, Donald joins Kenny at Sturgis Development, which was Santer's destination. She is working undercover, investigating allegations of fraud. She tells him his mystery client's name-Peter Garritty, who is also in the real estate business. Sensing that things aren't adding up, Donald interrupts a lunch date between Tim and his former flame, outright accusing Andrew of being involved in the shady dealings he's uncovered. A defensive McWhirter denies knowing Garritty, and shoots back that Donald is still pissed for the pass Andrew made earlier. Tim, who was unaware of the incident until now, runs out of his office, but Donald assures him that the attraction—and "action" the previous night—weren't mutual, and that he doesn't even trust McWhirter, let alone like him. Back in Hollis, Strachey presses Dorothy on the lack of records about "Edith Strong" before 1972. Later, Strachey talks to "Edith" alone; she breaks down and confesses the details of her past to him. Her birth name was Laura Whitaker. As a young woman, she, like Dorothy, was an activist. During an attempt to protest the Vietnam War, a planned bombing of an empty courthouse went terribly wrong, accidentally killing a close friend of Laura's. Furthermore, Edith/Laura knows that Joey Deems has been vandalizing her and Dorothy's home—because she asked him to do it. Not too long ago, a man called her and threatened to expose her to the police and Dorothy if she failed to convince her stubborn partner to sell their home. Later, Edith finds out that Dorothy has already known about her past as Laura for some time now, and it changed nothing as far as Dot's feelings for her or their relationship was concerned. Dot suddenly yells for help, letting Strachey know that Andrew has apparently been kidnapped, as per a video clip e-mailed to her showing him being held hostage and ending with a demand for a $500,000 ransom. Strachey, with Santer's assistance, arranges for Sturgis to buy out Dot and Edith's home at the steeply overvalued price of half a million dollars, which would enable the couple to meet the ransom demand. Strachey then breaks into Garritty's office, uncovering a much broader conspiracy that is appearing to link all the players he has met so far in some way, one centered on various parties outmaneuvering each other until the winner is able to cash in on the lucrative deal to sell all the properties along Moon Road—a deal worth a total of $40 million—but his research is interrupted by Garritty's arrival. Strachey surprises Garritty and persuades him to answer many of his questions, but this is also interrupted—by gunshots fired by an unknown assailant. Garritty uses the distraction to evade further interrogation by the P.I. After another session with Carl Deems in which he is more forthcoming about his frustration with Fisher's resistance to the Moon Road real estate deal, blocking his ambition to sell his own property, Donald discovers Carl's clearly closeted son Joey being intimate with his openly gay classmate Derek. Joey confesses to vandalizing Dorothy's house, but truthfully denies being involved with the later fire, let alone Colter's murder. Game time arrives. As the midnight deadline for the ransom money approaches, Santer arrives at Dot and Edith's place with the money in cash, courtesy of Sturgis. Strachey catches Santer off guard, tricking her into admitting (with a nearby Garritty listening) that she plans to cut him out the profitable real estate deal. Garritty emerges from hiding amongst the bushes, objecting to the ad hoc ruse, after which Santer reveals herself as an undercover cop. Strachey then confronts her with his knowledge of her attempt on Garritty's life hours earlier, as well as her murdering of Colter. The P.I. then exposes Andrew's collusion with Garritty as well, having unearthed that the kidnapping was entirely staged, leading McWhirter, who is also hiding nearby, to show himself. The greedy Santer and Garritty, both armed, shoot each other, leaving McWhirter to take the cash. Strachey chases him into the barn and confronts him for hurting Dot and Edith—he was the mystery blackmailer. McWhirter gets the drop on Strachey and is about to shoot him, but Dot is close by, and hits him from behind with a softball bat. The next day Donald finally breaks through to Jonas by showing him autopsy pictures of teen suicides, warning him that Derek could wind up the same way without his help. Strachey gives him a card for The Trevor Project, which Jonas rejected as a recruiting tool for homosexuals when Dot referred Derek to it earlier, but now accepts as a valid source of psychological assistance, leading him and his son to reconcile and likely avoiding the fate Donald warned of. Back home, as Donald and Tim put this latest case behind them, they discuss Dot's reinstatement to her position at the school and a plea bargain that should make it so the worst Edith will have to endure is a year of house arrest, which she will get through fine with Dot by her side. ===== Jonathon Payne and David "D.J." Jones are recruited to find Dr. Charles Boyd, an archeologist who recently found the Catacombs of Orvieto, the safe haven for the popes of the Middle Ages. While Boyd avoids pursuit, a series of victims turn up dead, people who were tortured and crucified like Jesus Christ on his final day. All the incidents are interconnected, but it’s up to Payne and Jones to figure out the common thread and why they were selected to solve the puzzle.Book summary at ===== Injured and out of shape, "Hurricane" Harry Joplin is unhappy about not being accepted for World War II duty by the Navy and unhappier still when the New York Titans decline to offer him a new contract, suggesting he become a coach instead. Harry refuses to believe his football days are over. While his wife Kathy supports the family, Harry spends time with his son, Willie, teaching him football. But while battling his depression, Harry becomes attracted to Dee Shane, who persuades him to become an entertainer, telling his old football stories on stage. Harry thinks he's a natural for that, but flops before a big audience and proceeds to go on a three-day drinking binge. Kathy begins seeing another man, Gordon, and it appears Harry has lost her. He tries wrestling to make a living, but his heart isn't in it. His old football coach gives Harry a last shot in a big game against the Navy, but he plays poorly and is benched. Harry asks if he can remain on the sideline for the sake of his son in the bleachers. When the war-depleted team runs out of healthy bodies, though, Harry is needed again and scores a touchdown. Delighted to win the game and his wife back, Harry is willing to accept a coaching job now. But before he can, an admiral who saw the football game offers gladly to induct a man fit enough to sink the Navy on this field of battle. ===== The Doctor and Charley land in an alien jungle filled with a brotherhood of socialist Daleks. In the fourth episode the Daleks sing a Dalek version of "The Red Flag" sung to the tune of "O Tannenbaum." ===== Kin, the first of the geisha, is consumed by the idea of wealth. As a moneylender, she is an embittered businesswoman who is insistent upon being repaid by her former geisha sisters, Tamae and Tomi. She is the love interest of a former soldier in Manchuria, Seki, who was sent to jail after trying to commit suicide with her many years ago. He returns to try to borrow money from her, but is quickly turned away. In the end, he is sent back to jail for a money-related crime. Kin then becomes excited when she hears that Tabe, her former patron and lover, is returning. However, she becomes furious after realizing that he does not love her, but rather just wants to borrow her money as well. She kicks him out and burns his photograph to erase his memory. In the end, she leaves the city on a search for property to buy. Tamae and Tomi, both former geisha, live together. Tamae is plagued by migraines, and as a result, she is unable to work as frequently as she would like as a housekeeper in a hotel. She is troubled by her son Kiyoshi's relationship with an older mistress. Yet, his new job allows her to repay her debts to Kin. Still, Tamae is saddened when her son decides to move away to Hokkaido. Tomi is a gambler who has not taken good care of herself after her days as a geisha. She laments her daughter Sachiko's upcoming marriage to an older man and tries to persuade her against it. Tomi is also indebted to Kin and is unable to repay this money as a result of her addiction to gambling. The last of the four geisha is Nobu. She and her husband own a restaurant, which is frequented by the other women. ===== Teenage clubber Charlotte Lottie is sentenced to spend summer on her grandparents' rural country club after an incident involving a fake ID. While working and helping in the club, she discovers a body. After getting involved with a local youth, the two discover that Lottie's grandmother was attempting to summon a demon. After thwarting her grandmother and the local ladies' plans, Lottie is sent to Asia to finish her sentence. ===== Rivalry begins with the return of the story's protagonist, Komayo, to the geisha world. Having left the pleasure quarters to live in the countryside, she returns several years later because her husband has died, leaving her to fend for herself. She decides that she would rather relive her days as a geisha than to live as a peasant. Upon her return, she is reunited with a lover from her past, Yoshioka. The two had spent time together before Yoshioka left the country to study abroad. Yoshioka feels a rekindled desire for Komayo and calls for her often to spend much of her time with him attending events. Soon he suggests that he should become her danna. Although Komayo would be glad to have the financial support, she shies away from his proposal. Komayo and Yoshioka go on a weeklong vacation to hot spring resorts, but Yoshioka has to leave early, unexpectedly. Komayo stays and runs into Segawa, a man whom she desires instantly. After a brief, unforgettable affair, Komayo returns to Tokyo. At the Kabuki theater Yoshioka overhears a conversation about the love affair between Komayo and Segawa. He seeks revenge by becoming involved with Kikuchiyo, a promiscuous geisha from Komayo's okiya. As the novel progresses Komayo discovers that Yoshioka betrayed her. She's hurt but pursues her relationship with Segawa with renewed determination. Segawa does not reciprocate the same devotion as Komayo. After a performance, Yoshioka's first mistress, Rikiji, seeks her revenge on Komayo by introducing Segawa to a wealthy former geisha, Kimiryu. This new geisha's financial situation pleases Segawa's mother who never approved of Komayo. The novel concludes with Komayo alone. The man who offered to support her and the man she loved have left her for other geisha. The mother of her okiya dies and her husband, Old Gozan, recognizes his inability to continue the house on his own; he passes it on to Komayo. She realizes that the geisha okiya means a lot to her. Gozan's offer adds a glimmer of hope for Komayo with a life running the household herself. ===== Teenage actress Morgan Carter is a Hollywood princess, until the day that her hard-partying ways get the best of her. After she collapses outside of a Hollywood nightclub, Morgan's mother sends her to live in the wilds of Fort Wayne, Indiana, with her Aunt Trudy. Morgan is camouflaged into Claudia Miller and given a new hairstyle, and suddenly, Morgan, albeit unwillingly, blends in with her peers who do not own televisions or read magazines. With a new appearance and deprived comforts (i.e., money) Morgan enters a suburban high school with a bad attitude. She initially does not fit in with anyone, until she meets Eli and they became friends. Eli introduces Claudia to his sister and her friends. Morgan takes a liking to Emily, Eli's sister, and they become good friends. Emily invites Morgan to a sleepover where Debbie, who likes Eli, tells her to stay away from him. Morgan is upset so she leaves early, without telling Emily. When she gets home, she calls her mother for help. Instead of her mother, she gets her new stepfather on the phone. He just happens to be her manager, Sam. After this discovery she comes to the misguided theory that Sam wanted her to leave Hollywood so he could marry her mom. Soon she drinks a bottle of vodka that she found in the cupboard. The next day when Eli comes over to tutor Morgan and she, wanting desperately to capture Eli's attention, makes up a story about her father, borrowing a plot from one of her movies. Eli is worried, as Morgan drastically exaggerated and added several negative details about her supposed "father", telling Morgan to alert him if he shows up. Eli asks Morgan on a date (partly out of pity) to the fair and she happily accepts. Morgan's best friend from when she was in Hollywood, Marissa, comes to visit her in Indiana, where they go to a club. Morgan goes to the fair with Eli and Morgan begins liking him more. Everything was going great until Debbie tries to blackmail Morgan. The paparazzi finds out where she is and leak the story so she sneaks to Eli's house to apologize for lying, both about her father and about not being Claudia. Eli is upset at the deception, but in the end he forgives her and they drive away on his motorcycle. ===== Usurper Sligon (Primo Carnera), a worshipper of the old Norse god pantheon, along with other rebel Vikings, have forced into exile the Christian royal family of the Viking kingdom of Scandia: King Aguar (Donald Crisp), his wife, and their son Prince Valiant (Robert Wagner). Aguar and his family come under the protection of King Arthur (Brian Aherne). When Valiant has grown to a man, he is sent to Camelot to undergo training as a knight under the tutelage of Aguar's family friend, the noble knight of the Round Table, Sir Gawain (Sterling Hayden). During his wanderings, Valiant witnesses a clandestine meeting between a group of Sligon's Vikings and a black-clad knight. Valiant is discovered by the Vikings, but with slyness and improvisation he manages to elude his pursuers. During his flight, Valiant runs into Gawain. After Valiant convinces Gawain that he is indeed the son of Aguar, Gawain listens to the prince's story of the mysterious Black Knight, a knight known only in rumor in Camelot. He takes Valiant to King Arthur, who is informed of the Black Knight's activities. Arthur decrees that Valiant be trained as a prospective knight by undergoing the rigors of squirehood. One of Arthur's knights, Sir Brack (James Mason), takes an extraordinary interest in Valiant and offers to train him, but Valiant is instead assigned to Gawain. Some time later, Sir Brack offers to take Valiant to the place where the young prince has seen the Black Knight in order to backtrack the mysterious figure. Once there, they separate, but shortly afterwards Valiant is ambushed by a group of bowmen and barely escapes with his life and an arrow in his back. He stumbles into the territory of King Luke (Barry Jones) and is taken in by his daughters, Aleta (Janet Leigh) and Ilene (Debra Paget). Upon his recovery, Aleta and Valiant fall in love, but King Luke disapproves of Valiant's Viking origin and so their relationship must remain a secret for the time being. From Aleta, Valiant also learns that her younger sister Ilene is secretly attracted to Sir Gawain. Valiant returns to Camelot and discovers, to his shock, that Gawain, who had grown worried over his squire, had tried to find him and had also run into an ambush by the Black Knight. Like Valiant, he escaped within an inch of his life. Noting that Sir Brack had temporarily disappeared around the same time, Valiant becomes suspicious, but on the advice of Gawain he suppresses his suspicion. Some time later, Aleta and Ilene come to Camelot to attend a tournament held in their honor; as an added prize, the winner of this joust will win Aleta's hand. Valiant dons the armor of Gawain, who is too seriously wounded to participate, in order to win Aleta, but he fails and is unmasked. But then another contender appears and wins the bout before falling off his horse; this knight turns out to be Sir Gawain. Awakening on his sickbed, Gawain beholds Aleta and falls head over heels in love with her, and out of respect for his patron Valiant does not dare tell him the truth. For his act of presumption, Valiant is punished by being confined to his quarters and attending to his master. A mysterious messenger comes to the castle to see Sir Brack, and the same night King Aguar's seal is thrown through the window of Sir Gawain's chambers and lands at Valiant's feet. Realizing that his parents are in trouble, Valiant immediately leaves Camelot, leaving a bewildered Aleta behind. But as he prepares to return to his home, he is ambushed and captured by Sligon's Vikings and the Black Knight, who reveals himself as Sir Brack. Brack has made a pact with Sligon: For delivering King Aguar's family, Sligon will assist Brack in conquering Camelot and thus becoming the King over Britain. Shortly, Aleta, who is unwilling to let Valiant run off, arrives at the scene and is captured, and the two are brought to Thule, where Sligon prepares to execute them and Valiant's captured parents. However, a group of Christian Vikings, led by Aguar and Valiant's old friend Boltar (Victor McLaglen), stage a revolution, and Boltar infiltrates the castle. Valiant manages to escape his cell and team up with Boltar, who intends to assassinate Sligon and have Valiant give the attack signal to their cohorts once Sligon has fallen. But Valiant is discovered before Boltar manages to kill Sligon, and during his struggle with a guard a false signal is given, which makes the Christian Vikings attack prematurely. Just as things seem bleak, Valiant manages to set fire to several parts of the castle, throwing the defenders into confusion, and is able to slay Sligon in single combat. Some time later, Valiant returns to Camelot with Aleta and accuses Sir Brack of treachery before the king and the assembled Round Table. Sir Brack calls for a trial by combat to the death, and despite Gawain's protests and his offer to fight in Valiant's stead, the young prince accepts the challenge. After a long and protracted fight, Valiant succeeds in killing the traitor with his father's mystical broadsword, the Singing Sword. He offers Aleta back to his master, but Gawain stays his hand. During the long period of worry over their loved ones, the older knight has finally come to learn the truth, and he and Ilene have fallen in love. In the end, having redeemed his honor by exposing the traitor, Valiant is made a fully privileged Knight of the Round Table. ===== Nancy (Loretta Young) and Jeff Troy (Brian Aherne) move into a somber-looking basement apartment building on 13 Gay Street, Greenwich Village, where the residents all act very strangely. Nancy recognizes one of the residents, Anne Carstairs (Jeff Donnell), who acts very oddly and not at all the way Nancy remembers her. While eating in a restaurant, Nancy overhears a man, later identified as Louis Kaufman, talking on the telephone telling someone to meet him in the basement apartment. Louis goes to the basement apartment and is later found dead in the backyard, after having been drowned in the apartment's bathtub. Jeff recognizes the basement apartment as a former speakeasy and that the "monster" the housekeeper was afraid of is a turtle called "Old Hickory". Jeff and Nancy figure out that all the residents were being blackmailed by a man named Andrew Bruhl, who used to be a private investigator. Bruhl made all the blackmail victims live in one building to keep an eye on them. Jeff and Nancy figure out that Bruhl killed Kaufman, and that Bruhl is someone who lives in the building. The suspects are Anne Carstairs (Jeff Donnell); her husband, Scott Carstairs (William Wright); Eddie Turner, the landlord; Polly Franklin (Lee Patrick), who works at the restaurant; Lingle (Richard Gaines), another resident; and the housekeeper, Mrs. Salter (Blanche Yurka). ===== After staging a successful bombing raid on Tokyo, Air Force pilot Steve Ross returns to San Francisco, where he reminisces about his lost love, army nurse Abby Drake, who he believes perished while on duty in Bataan. Steve's leave is curtailed when he is ordered to report to Washington and asked to volunteer for a special mission. Because Steve was reared in Japan and is fluent in the language, the army proposes that he undergo plastic surgery to become a "Japanese" so that he can infiltrate the army and contact scientist Lewis Jardine, a prisoner of war who possesses the formula to build an atomic bomb. Steve accepts the mission and after the surgery is sent to a city near Hong Kong, where he becomes known as Tomu Takishima, a Japanese soldier who is being shipped back to Japan after being discharged for battle shock. As Steve's ship nears Tokyo, he jumps overboard and, after swimming ashore, walks to the Kamuri concentration camp, where Jardine is being held prisoner. At the camp, Steve is assigned to work at the supply depot and there meets Haan-Soo, a Korean errand boy who is a member of the underground working with the U.S. When Haan- Soo tells Steve that Jardine has been hospitalized with black fever, Steve gets himself reassigned to the hospital by bribing Major Nogira, the medical director who has been pilfering hospital supplies. Steve's assignment must be approved by Colonel Hideko Okunura, the perceptive camp commander, who was also Steve's college roommate. Okunura fails to recognize his old roommate, but is certain that he has met the new soldier somewhere before. At the supply room, Steve encounters Abby, who has been captured by the Japanese and assigned the position of head nurse at the hospital. When Jardine, who has been working at the munitions plant, returns to the hospital that night, Steve contacts him. At first Jardine doubts that the Japanese soldier is really an American agent, but Steve convinces him. Soon after, Okunura makes an advance toward Abby, and when she rejects him, he takes revenge on Nogira, who has also tried to seduce the nurse. Accusing Nogiea of larceny, Okunura demotes him and then orders him to commit suicide. After Nogiea complies, Okunura accuses the nurses of his murder and orders Abby to report to his office. There, Okunura again tries to seduce Abby but is interrupted when Steve arrives with proof of Nogiea's suicide, thus freeing Abby to leave. Okunura orders Steve whipped for his insubordination, and as Abby tends to his wounds, she experiences confusing emotions toward him. Later, Steve confesses to Jardine that he and Abby were engaged and the pilot's wings she wears are his. Although the plan had been for Jardine to transmit the data to Steve, Steve decides that he, Abby and Jardine must all escape quickly before the tenacious Okunura uncovers his identity. An escape plan is devised for that night, but when Haan-Soo learns that Okunura has sent for “Takishima’s” supposed former commander to verify his identity, Jardine suggests setting an explosion at the munitions factory as a diversion. As Haan-Soo leaves for the plant, Okunura summons Abby to a party at his house. Under the ruse of delivering an officer to the party, Steve drives to the commander's house with Jardine hidden in the backseat of the car. At the house, Okunura has sequestered Abby in a room and is about to rape her when he sees Steve being chased across the lawn by a watchdog. Recognizing Steve as his old roommate by the way he sprints, Okunura exposes him to the assembled officers and is about to kill him when the munitions plant explodes, throwing Okunura and the others to the floor. After strangling Okunura, Steve rescues Abby and reveals his true identity to her. With the officers in pursuit, Steve, Abby and Jardine flee to the beach, where they are to be rescued by a boat. There, they are met by Haan-Soo, who joins Steve in holding off the soldiers while Abby and Jardine sail to safety. Steve and Haan-Soo's sacrifice allows for the development and deployment of the atomic bomb, assuring that "mankind can walk unafraid in peace with goodwill toward men." ===== Josef Gross (Andrew Gross in the Wilson translation), a director of an unnamed organization, receives a memorandum written in Ptydepe, a constructed language, about an audit. He finds out that Ptydepe was created to get rid of similarities between words, such as fox and ox, and emotional connotations. He tries to get someone to translate the memorandum for him, and gradually becomes opposed to the use of Ptydepe. Gross finally finds a reluctant secretary named Maria (Alice in the Wilson translation) who explains that, while she can translate the memorandum, she does not yet have a permit to do so. The next day, his deputy Jan Ballas (Max Balas in the Wilson translation) takes over Gross's job. Gross becomes a "staff watcher", someone who spies on the workers of the unnamed organization. Meanwhile, Maria gets fired for translating Gross's memorandum. The last few Ptydepe learners in the organization give up learning. After a while, Ballas gives his job back to Gross. Ptydepe is replaced with another language, Chorukor, one with very extreme similarities between words so as to make learning it easier, but finally it is decided to get back to the mother language. The play ends up with most of the characters going to lunch. ===== At Nazi headquarters in occupied Holland, Major Zellfritz (Allyn Joslyn) assigned to find a downed British pilot, becomes sidetracked by Anita Woverman (Joan Bennett). He demands that the Wovermans billet him and his men at her house. Upstairs, the butler, Jan (Erskine Sanford), is hiding the escaped pilot, Christopher Reynolds (Franchot Tone). When a group of stormtroopers arrives, Mrs. Woverman learns of Reynolds' presence, but claims he is her son Hendrik. She runs a home for spinsters in the area while her husband is institutionalized as mad. Reynolds decides to protect Anita from Zellfritz's amorous advances. An arrangement to meet a contact at the Savoy Café requires Reynolds to ask Anita to cover for him. At the café, Reynolds contacts Gustav (William Edmunds), a waiter, who delivers a message in a sandwich. A suspicious Nazi officer details several soldiers to follow him. Reynolds slips the document to Anita. Zellfritz, still trying to romance Anita, brags about his relative who is "high up" in the U-boat fleet. Still being carefully watched, Reynolds meets another stranger on the street. Keith (Roger Clark), the new contact, provides him with the identity papers of a beer truck driver. An Allied agent with a shortwave radio is operating in the area, and Reynolds arranges to meet him later that night. At home, Anita is still dealing with Zellfritz, but finds Reynolds waiting for her. She tells him that the major's relative will complete his mission in Eselmunder at a submarine fleet there. At the agent's house several Gestapo officers have been arrested the agent, Reynolds escapes and goes back to Anita's house. Anita says the major drops propaganda leaflets nightly over England. The spinsters offer their help in transcribing the location of the submarine site onto the pamphlets. That night, as Anita entertains Zellfritz in her room, the spinsters alter the pamphlets, but are interrupted by Hendrik (Hans Conried), Anita's real husband, at the door. Hendrik is on the run and asks Reynolds for help in evading the Nazis. Reynolds gives Hendrik his forged identification card. After the pamphlets are safely stuffed back into the major's bag, Reynolds bursts into Anita's room, claiming that the Gestapo are after him. Zellfritz thinking he is helping Anita's son, agrees to help him escape, but first he has a mission at the airport. Reynolds is arrested for desecrating a poster of Hitler. At the court, the spinsters set off an air raid alarm and, in the chaos, Reynolds spies the major's car. After knocking Zellfritz unconscious, Reynolds puts on the major's uniform and speeds away to a waiting aircraft with the pamphlets in hand. Then Anita, Reynolds and her friend, the Countess Oldenburg, fly away to freedom, leaving the major behind, dressed only in his underwear. ===== The year is 1925 A.D. Dr. Henry Jones Jr., better known as Indiana Jones, has secured his first teaching job as a professor in London University's archaeology department. It is here that Indy first meets a very attractive 20 year old Scottish girl by the name of Deirdre Campbell. She is the brightest student in his class but Indy quickly learns that her knowledge goes far past the contents of his lectures. In her thesis for the class, she quite seriously claims to have uncovered a golden scroll that proves of the true existence of Merlin the sorcerer. Intrigued by the thesis and by Deirdre herself, Indy once again takes up the bullwhip and fedora for an action-packed chase across Britain filled with magic, mystery, murder, a lesson in love and the threat of world domination. ===== Vince Perrino is a frustrated, cynical, alcoholic, chain smoking newspaper columnist who is hired by a wealthy publisher, named Harrison Crawford III, who hopes that Perrino can revamp a small Los Angeles newspaper agency that Crawford just bought out when a series of murders of young women begins all over the city. Crawford wants Perrino's expertise to make the killings front-page news. Meanwhile, the killer is revealed to the viewers to be a dangerously disturbed grocery store employee, named Tony Pate, who is one of several suspects that LAPD detectives, John Armstrong and Raymond Zavala, are investigating. Part of the plot is loosely based on the Son of Sam murders and shows a deep insight how newspapers and television news will go to extreme lengths to sell papers in order to exploit a time of a local crisis. ===== Michael (Whaley) and Stacey (Torres) are co-workers who can barely get along at the office. When Michael is suddenly thrust out of his home, the two are unexpectedly forced to become roommates. Though neither is particularly happy about the situation, they eventually learn to like each other, to the point where an undeniable attraction forms. However, another man enters Stacey's life right around the same time, complicating things even more than they were before. ===== The novel is a dark and disorienting tale of the self-destructive character of totalitarian thinking. A writer for the Spectator described it as: "Appalling, magnificent ... [It] screams and bellows of evil, out of which a supremely mad, unfaceable book is orchestrated ... of which we dare not deny the genius."Canetti, Elias, "Auto-da-Fé", trans. C. V. Wedgewood, Continuum, 1981, New York, NY, fourth cover The protagonist is Herr Doktor Peter Kien, a famed and famously reclusive forty-year-old philologist and Sinologist who is uninterested in human interaction or sex, content with his monkish, highly disciplined life in his book-lined apartment in Vienna. He uses the least amount of furniture possible, to make room for his pacing through his lofty rooms, sleeping on a small divan. He holds books at a higher value than human life, and becomes obsessed with the protection of his library, which he fancies the largest private library in the city: > He himself was the owner of the most important private library in the whole > of this great city. He carried a minute portion of it with him wherever he > went. His passion for it, the only one which he had permitted himself during > a life of austere and exacting study, moved him to take special precautions. > Books, even bad ones, tempted him easily into making a purchase. > Fortunately, the great number of the book shops did not open until after > eight o'clock.Elias Canetti, Auto da Fé, Jonathan Cape, 1971, p. 11 Kien categorically rejects the ignominiousness and immorality of working for money, and has been living on an inheritance from his father for over a decade. He publishes an article or two every few years, to the delight of the larger European academic community. He is constantly prevailed upon to accept various academic posts, but is absorbed in his studies and shuns social and physical contacts. He is obsessive-compulsive in his efforts to avoid contamination, and much of the book is a tortured comedy of his descent into madness and being thrown into close contact with a world that he doesn't understand: "You draw closer to truth by shutting yourself off from mankind" (Canetti, 15). The novel begins with a conversation between Kien and a schoolboy in the street, who shows keen interest in Chinese texts. Kien consequently invites the boy to see his library. He immediately regrets the invitation and when the boy comes, Kien's housekeeper, Therese, boots the boy out of the apartment. Kien is grateful to her and admires such staunch enforcement of the rules surrounding his library. She shows interest in learning, and he begrudgingly lends her the most beat up book in his collection, believing she would defile the nicer editions. When he sees that she treats it with greater deference even than he, he decides to marry her, imagining that his library is in very good hands. On the way home from the marriage ceremony, Kien, a virgin, has brief but intense fantasies about consummating the marriage, revealing his ignorance of sex as well as disturbing ideas about women (misogyny is one of the most pervasive themes in the book, usually to the degradation and downfall of the characters, though not explicitly condemned by the narrative): > But Kein was surreptitiously contemplating the skirt ... Her skirt was a > part of her, as the mussel shell is a part of the mussel ... They have to be > trodden on, to be trampled into slime and splinters, as he had done once > when he was a child at the seaside ... He had never seen one naked. What > kind of animal did the shell enclose with such impenetrable strength? He > wanted to know, at once: he had the hard, stiff-necked thing between his > hands, he tortured it with fingers and finger-nails; the mussel tortured him > back ... Soon he had the creature stark naked on the ground, a miserable > fleck of fraudulent slime, not an animal at all.Canetti, Elias, "Auto-da- > Fé", trans. C. V. Wedgewood, Continuum, 1981, New York, NY, p. 54 Kien's comparison of Therese's skirt with a mussel shell is one of the first shocking psychological revelations in the book. But when Therese arrives in a thin white slip, she thrusts the books onto the floor to make room. Kien runs to lock himself in the bathroom and weeps bitterly, for the abuse of the books (as well as his having been wrong about Therese, presumably) (Canetti, 59). Thus begins Kien's steep psychological decline. Within days of marriage, the two enter a violent and divided existence, and Kien becomes deeply agitated when cut off from three-quarters of his library to accommodate a separate living space for his bride. After a violent encounter with her, the building's concierge, Benedikt Pfaff (an ex-policeman), offers to beat her to death (Canetti, 111-112). Therese ultimately forces Kien out entirely. He is deeply bereaved, since to him the books are more important than people: > Books have no life; they lack feeling maybe, and perhaps cannot feel pain, > as animals and even plants feel pain. But what proof have we that inorganic > objects can feel no pain? Who knows if a book may not yearn for other books, > its companions of many years, in some way strange to us and therefore never > yet perceived?" (Canetti, 67). Canetti, p. 67 The rest of the book is a disturbing series of interconnected incidents of violence and mental, social and sexual depravity. Each character is driven entirely by a desperate need for one thing (being chess champion, having a library, being rich, etc), to the point of entering into a state of war against anything that might remotely stand in the way of its realization. In a way, each character represents the totalitarian mindset, always to their bitter undoing. Every character seems to present a type of insanity, with the exception of Georges Kien, who in fact venerates insanity, to the point of regarding it as superior, even holy (Canetti, 401-405). It is this very man who appears to be coming to save his brother and sort out the mess of Therese and Pfaff, but arrogantly underestimates the depth of Peter's disease, and so fails to prevent the ultimate catastrophe. Kien descends to the criminal underbelly of Vienna, befriending a dwarf named Fischerle, who dreams of defrauding Kien and travelling to America to become chess champion. Fischerle ends up sending a telegram to Kien's brother, Georges, a famous psychiatrist in Paris. Georges tries in vain to cure him, perhaps reflective of the author's antagonistic stance toward Freudian psychoanalysis. Canetti's friend, the sculptor Fritz Wotruba, felt that the character was modelled on Canetti's brother Nessim, who at the time lived in France, worked for Polydor Records and was an impresario for French chanson through the nightclub he ran there. "Hadn't I, he asked me, gone wrong out of love for my younger brother, whom I had told him about? No one, he insisted, could have so many skins; I had constructed an ideal character; what a writer does in his books, Georges Kien did in his life ...".From Elias Canetti, Das Augenspiel: Lebensgeschichte 1931-1937 (1985); translated as The Play of the Eyes (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1987). Ultimately, his marriage—intended to protect both himself and his library—destroys both instead, in the conflagration alluded to by the English-language title, Auto-da-Fe. ===== Bryan meets a man called Bill in a bar. They go back to Bryan's home and have unprotected sex. Later, they wake up and talk. Bryan discovers that Bill's real name is Brian, and that he is bisexual. They spend hours talking, covering topics including AIDS, sexuality, feminism, role-play and Emily Dickinson. ===== The protagonist is a thirteen-year-old African American boy named Bobby who lives in an apartment in South Bronx with his mother and siblings. Despite his young age Bobby has intelligence that is superior to most of the people around him. Bobby's Hispanic girlfriend Maria often spend time together and have plans for the upcoming summer. Bobby and Maria's lives are shattered when a vicious Hispanic street gang attack Bobby and Maria while the two were walking to school. Bobby and Maria are severely beaten and Maria is sent to the hospital suffering from near-fatal wounds. After Bobby is beaten he gets picked up by an old Holocaust survivor named Moishe and an unlikely friendship between Bobby and Moishe begins. Maria, unable to cope with the mutilation of her face caused by the lye, commits suicide. We hear Moishe talking about his tragic story while he was in a concentration camp, while Bobby tells Moishe what has happened to him and Maria. Bobby states that deep in his mind, he still has a desperate need for revenge. ===== In England in the 19th century, Professor Paganel (Maurice Chevalier), a whimsical French geography professor, finds a bottle containing a note which he believes to have been written by the missing Captain John Grant (Jack Gwillim). Paganel and Grant's two teenaged children, Mary (Hayley Mills) and Robert (Keith Hamshere), approach John Glenarvan (Michael Anderson, Jr.) and his father, the wealthy shipping magnate Lord Glenarvan (Wilfrid Hyde-White), the owner of Captain Grant's ship, and persuade them to finance a search expedition. The expedition sets sail and ventures halfway around the world to South America. In the Andes, an earthquake sends them down a mountain on a glacier. A giant condor snatches up Robert but Thalcave (Antonio Cifariello), an Indian chief, rescues him. He later claims to know the whereabouts of Captain Grant. After surviving a tidal wave and a lightning storm, the group discovers that the well-meaning Thalcave was mistaken. Meanwhile, a budding romance develops between young Mary Grant and Lord Glenarvan's son John. They then depart for Australia, where Paganel feels sure they will find Captain Grant. In Melbourne they meet a treacherous gunrunner, Thomas Ayerton (George Sanders), who produces evidence that Captain Grant is in New Zealand. Unaware that Ayerton is the third mate who caused a mutiny on Grant's ship, the search party once more sets sail. Ayerton causes another mutiny and sets the group adrift. They are captured by Maori cannibals, and are imprisoned along with Captain Grant’s shipmate, Bill Gaye (Wilfrid Brambell), who helps them escape to a volcano. They evade their pursuers by starting an avalanche which triggers an eruption. They finally find Captain Grant, overcome Ayerton and his mutineers, and sail for home. As they all sit around talking, the note that Professor Paganel initially found (and that was supposedly in Captain Grant’s handwriting) is brought up. Captain Grant states that he never wrote any note, to which Bill says: “The voice be the voice of a God-fearing man. But the hands are the hands of a forger”, implying that he imitated Captain Grant’s handwriting and wrote the note himself. In the final scene, the Professor points out John and Mary stargazing out at the railing, clearly falling for one another. ===== Set in 1920, the film follows the experiences of Tom Birkin (Colin Firth), who has been employed under a bequest to carry out restoration work on a Medieval mural discovered in a church in the small rural community of Oxgodby, Yorkshire. The escape to the idyllic countryside is cathartic for Birkin, haunted by his experiences in World War I. Birkin soon fits into the slow-paced life of the remote village, and over the course of a summer uncovering a painting begins to lose his trauma-induced stammer and tics. In particular, he forms a close friendship with archaeologist James Moon (Kenneth Branagh), another veteran, who like Birkin has been emotionally scarred by the war. Moon is employed in the village under the same bequest, working to uncover a mysterious lost grave, but is more interested in discovering the remains of an earlier Saxon church building in the field next to the churchyard. Birkin becomes accepted into the Nonconformist family of Mr Ellerbeck the station master (Jim Carter), with whom he dines on Sundays; the hospitality of the chapel congregation is contrasted against the established church, which has consigned the penniless Birkin to sleep in the church belfry. Ellerbeck's children eventually persuade Birkin to preach a sermon at a nearby Methodist chapel. Birkin also forms an emotional, albeit unspoken, attachment to Alice Keach (Natasha Richardson), the young wife of the vicar. The vicar (Patrick Malahide) is portrayed unsympathetically as an obstruction to the work in the church, viewing the medieval painting as symptomatic of the superstition prevalent in the community. ===== A failed space based defense system kills millions in a nuclear disaster. In the subsequent chaos, the wealthy developed cities run by brutal military fascists, while the poor roam the radioactive deserts created by the nuclear fallout. Many turn to extreme violence and slavery to survive. The weaker mutated victims of these violent bandits are called Muties. In 2058 Kansas City, Rudolph Kenner is staying at a casino/strip bar when he receives a message notifying him that a zirconium mine on Mars was lost to rebel forces. He is ordered to complete his mission and to take care of his trainee, Phil, the son of a zirconium business leader. The next morning, Kenner, Phil, and Phil's girlfriend Sheila, head east to Oblivion, a desolate area once known as the Atlantic seaboard. Kenner finds a young Mutie stuck in a trap and returns her to her colony. While he is there bandits attack the colony, killing Phil and capturing Kenner and Sheila. Kenner is taken to a bandit base, the Colosseum. He is brought before Bishop, the leader of the bandits, who knows Kenner's mission and plans to kill him during a gladiator battle. Fortunately, Kenner escapes from the base with a group of Muties in a bandits’ car. Later, Kenner explains to Grace, one of the Muties, about his mission. He is to take radioactivity readings to see if they can zirconium around Oblivion. The precious mineral is important in fighting aliens from a parallel universe who transforms planets into stars. To thwart them, scientists developed a zirconium bomb which was used to destroy an alien starship. Kenner's mission is to find more zirconium. When Kenner asks about Grace's family, she explains her parents were eaten by subterranean, cannibalistic mutants called “Whities”. Eventually, Kenner and the Muties make their way back to camp, which is soon attacked by bandits. However, Kenner sits in the open and draws the bandits into the Mutie shelter. Meanwhile, the Muties hijack the bandits’ vehicles and Kenner escapes. The Muties demolish their shelter, crushing the bandits inside. They capture Elijah, a stranger who was helping the bandits and who Kenner encountered earlier. The Mutie spiritual leader, Uncle Lazarus, puts Kenner in charge and reveals that he is part of an unfolding prophecy. Later, Uncle Lazarus kills himself. Initially, Kenner is reluctant about his new role but soon adapts to it. The Bishop calls the bandit patrol over on one of the vehicles' radio and Kenner answers back, pretending to be a bandit. He then decides to take the hijacked convoy to the Colosseum disguised as a patrol. Later, Kenner and Grace talk about the world Kenner comes from and the two make love. The band of Muties arrive at the Colosseum, but Elijah runs screaming out of the convoy and is shot. A firefight erupts between the Muties and the bandits. Kenner finds Sheila along with other prisoners, and then searches for the Bishop. Kenner and the Muties are ambushed by the bandits. They finally corner Bishop and discover he is actually a Mutie himself. During this confrontation, the Bishop escapes. In the end, Kenner writes back to his employers stating the conditions in Oblivion are too radioactive to mine, so they would have to buy the zirconium from the resident Muties. Grace tells Kenner she does not feel at home in the city, and Kenner agrees. The film ends with them driving back into Oblivion. ===== In the year 20X5, the Space Pirates attack a Galactic Federation-owned space research vessel and seize samples of Metroid creatures—the parasitic lifeforms discovered on the planet SR388. Dangerous floating organisms, the Metroids can latch on to any organism and drain its life energy to kill it. The Space Pirates plan to replicate Metroids by exposing them to beta rays and then using them as biological weapons to destroy all living beings that oppose them. While searching for the stolen Metroids, the Galactic Federation locates the Space Pirates' base of operations on the planet Zebes. The Federation assaults the planet, but the Pirates resist, forcing the Federation to retreat. As a last resort, the Federation decides to send a lone bounty hunter to penetrate the Pirates' base and destroy Mother Brain, the biomechanical life-form that controls the Space Pirates' fortress and its defenses. Considered the greatest of all bounty hunters, Samus Aran is chosen for the mission. Samus lands on the surface of Zebes and explores the planet, travelling through the planet's caverns. She eventually comes across Kraid, an ally of the Space Pirates, and Ridley, the Space Pirates' commander, and defeats them both. Eventually, Samus finds and destroys Mother Brain. A timed bomb is then placed to destroy the lair, and she must escape before it explodes. ===== The novel takes place in Nigeria prior to and during the Nigerian Civil War (1967–70). The effect of the war is shown through the relationships of five people's lives including the twin daughters of an influential businessman, a professor, a British citizen, and a Nigerian houseboy. After Biafra's declaration of secession, the lives of the main characters drastically change and are torn apart by the brutality of the civil war and decisions in their personal lives. The book jumps between events that took place during the early and late 1960s, when the war took place, and extends until the end of the war. In the early 1960s, the main characters are introduced: Ugwu, a 13-year-old village boy who moves in with Odenigbo, to work as his houseboy. Odenigbo frequently entertains intellectuals to discuss the political turmoil in Nigeria. Life changes for Ugwu when Odenigbo's girlfriend, Olanna, moves in with them. Ugwu forms a strong bond with both of them, and is a very loyal houseboy. Olanna has a twin sister, Kainene, a woman with a dry sense of humor, tired by the pompous company she runs for her father. Her lover Richard is an English writer who goes to Nigeria to explore Igbo-Ukwu art. Jumping four years ahead, trouble is brewing between the Hausa and the Igbo people and hundreds of people die in massacres, including Olanna's beloved auntie and uncle. A new republic, called Biafra, is created by the Igbo. As a result of the conflict, Olanna, Odenigbo, their infant daughter, whom they refer to only as "Baby", and Ugwu are forced to flee Nsukka, which is the university town and the major intellectual hub of the new nation. They finally end up in the refugee town of Umuahia, where they suffer and struggle due to food shortages, the constant air raids and the environment of paranoia. There are also allusions to a conflict between Olanna and Kainene, Richard and Kainene and between Olanna and Odenigbo. When the novel jumps back to the early 1960s, we learn that Odenigbo has slept with a village girl, Amala, who then has his baby. Olanna is furious at his betrayal, and sleeps with Richard in a moment of liberation. She goes back to Odenigbo and when they later learn that Amala refused to keep her newborn daughter, Olanna decides that they would keep her. During the war, Olanna, Odenigbo, Baby, and Ugwu live with Kainene and Richard, where Kainene was running a refugee camp. Their situation is hopeless, as they have no food nor medicine. Kainene decides to trade across enemy lines, but does not return, even after the end of the war a few weeks later. The book ends ambiguously, with the reader not knowing if Kainene lives. ===== In Monte Carlo, Paul Gaillard, an impoverished Russian exiled aristocrat, has a fabulous run of luck, breaking the bank at the baccarat table. His winnings, ten million francs, are so vast he needs a suitcase (which he brought with him) to carry away the banknotes. The management desperately tries to entice him to stay, strewing various signs of good luck (four-leaf clovers, a horseshoe, even a hunchback) in his path, to no avail. Even worse from their viewpoint, Paul is quoted in the newspapers advising people to stay away from Monte Carlo. On the train, Paul encounters the beautiful Helen Berkeley when they share a table in the dining car. He overhears her and her male companion talking about Switzerland. In Paris, he goes to the Cafe Russe, where he shares the money with the staff. They scrimped and saved for ten years to build up their initial stake. The next day, Paul and his servant Ivan take the train to Interlaken, Switzerland. By chance, Helen is mistakenly placed in Paul's compartment. He takes the opportunity to try to charm her, but is rebuffed. He is delighted, however, to learn that the man with her is her brother Bertrand. Paul pursues her with great persistence, and it finally pays off. They spend time together. Then Helen confides that she is unhappy because she is going to marry a 63-year-old for money, not for herself, but for her brother, who needs 5 million francs. Paul offers her nearly 4 million, his share of the winnings. She does not accept, but asks him to spend a week with her in Monte Carlo. He agrees. It turns out she is a back street music hall performer who was hired to lure him back, but she cannot go through with it, having fallen in love with him. Too ashamed to face Paul again, she secretly departs for Paris. When he discovers she has vanished, he makes a bargain with her brother: he will get the money Bertrand supposedly needs desperately in return for his sister's location. Bertrand lies and tells him that she went to Monte Carlo. Helen runs into Bertrand at the train station and learns what he has done. She rushes to Monte Carlo. Paul returns to the baccarat table. When Helen enters the club to try to stop him, she is intercepted by the management and kept a virtual prisoner. Paul loses nearly all his money, but then his luck changes and he goes on another winning streak and he is on the verge of breaking the bank again. However, he loses everything on the very last bet. When Paul leaves, he sees Helen and Bertrand emerge from the manager's office; he congratulates them. He returns to work driving a taxi. By chance, he takes a fare to a nightclub where Helen is performing. He dons his black tie and tails and goes inside. He dances one dance with Helen and pretends to still be fairly well off, before driving away. Helen chases after him in another taxi, finally catching up with him at the Cafe Russe. When she discovers he is the driver, not a passenger, she is ecstatic. Now that he is poor, she can tell him that she loves him. They embrace. Then he takes her inside the closed Cafe Russe, where he and the staff, Russian nobility like him, are privately celebrating the late Czar Nicholas II's birthday in a grand manner. ===== Toy manufacturer Clifford Groves has a life of boring routine in Pasadena. His wife Marion is busy raising their three children - Vinnie, Ellen, and Frankie. The children see their father as an annoyance and as little more than a walking wallet. Clifford feels like the robot toy his company is introducing, moving mechanically from place to place in his life. Then, a former co-worker, Norma Miller Vale, turns up at his home unexpectedly and reveals she is now a glamorous fashion designer. Just as Cliff is about to leave on a frequently mentioned but long-postponed vacation with Marion to Palm Valley, Frankie injures her ankle and Marion decides to stay home and tend to her. Since it's too late to cancel, she urges Cliff to go alone. He reluctantly agrees, scheduling a business appointment at the location, thus giving him at least some additionally justifiable reason for going. However, upon arriving and subsequently being informed that the meeting fell through, he bumps into Norma, who is revealed to be a lonely divorcee taking a brief vacation at the same resort. They enjoy the weekend together, in riding horses and dancing. Unexpectedly, Cliff's son Vinnie drives to Palm Valley with his girlfriend Ann, and two other friends. Cliff looks up his father, and finds him in Norma's room. Spying on Cliff and Norma talking, he assumes they are having an affair. Back home, Vinnie confides in Ellen about what he saw. Norma is invited to dinner with the family the next day, but the evening turns awkward as Vinnie and Ellen display open hostility towards Norma and refuse to speak to their father, while Ann, the most level-headed among the kids, privately chastises her boyfriend Vinnie for his immature behavior. Marion, however, seems oblivious to any suspicion and when Cliff angrily says that he has had enough of being treated like a wind-up robot, ready to serve everyone's needs, she soothes him with warmly comforting and gently dismissive words that his various overreactions are due to tiredness and misunderstanding, that too much excitement in life would be just that, too much, and then starts getting ready for bed. Cliff, frustrated and sleepless, gets up and leaves the bedroom to call Norma, asking her to meet him the next day, just as Vinnie comes in and overhears the key part of his father's conversation. During the dinner, Norma invites Marion and Ann to visit her design studio and, while there, Ann tries finding the right way to tell Norma that a rendez-vous with Cliff would cause unhappiness to the family, but Norma is sensitive enough to understand the import of Ann's meaning. After Marion and Ann leave, she calls off the meeting. Cliff, who can no longer control himself, goes to Norma's hotel and declares his love for her, but she tearfully asks him for time to think. In the meantime, Vinnie and Ellen go to Norma and begin with accusations, but as she points out their self-centered neglect of their father, they wind up pleading with her not to break up their parents' marriage. Ultimately, in another tearful confrontation with Cliff, Norma tells him that he would always regret abandoning his family and that she must leave alone. Cliff is left alone with his wind-up robot in his office as it goes back and forth on his desk. Later, back at the house, Vinnie reconciles with Ann, admitting that he was immature and selfish. Cliff looks longingly out a window as a plane carrying Norma flies overhead. In her seat on the plane, Norma has tears in her eyes, while Cliff is left to contemplate what is to become of his and Marion's marriage. ===== Navy Lieutenant Philip Branch is on leave in New York City when he becomes snared in a glamour girl's schemes. ===== Larry Stevens is about to be evicted by landlady Lillie for not paying his rent. He happens to be passing by, as does Julia Wayne, when two halves of a ripped $1,000 bill float down to the street. Up above, gangster Bonelli has been handing out thousands to his girls. One who's angry with him has torn it and tossed it out the window. Skeeter, a jockey, joins up with Julia and Larry as they discuss what to do with the money. Julia has a $500 debt she needs to repay. Larry wants to use it to enter his horse Hector's Pal in a big race. The money was stolen from a bank where Larry takes the torn $1,000 bill. A suspicious detective, Flynn, begins to follow Larry, who also attracts the attention of unemployed actor Anthony and bank cashier Bennett, who want a piece of the action. Larry is in love with Julia and wants to help fulfill her dream of performing in a show. A theatrical producer pretends to hire her on talent, but secretly has schemed with Larry to finance the show if his horse wins the race. Julia races to the race track to see how it all turns out. ===== A lumberjack, John, travels to Alaska from Seattle in search of gold. He marries a dance-hall girl named Sally, but soon finds that she was once in love with his best friend, Blackie. ===== At the age of 49, schoolmaster Sebastian Sermon has become vaguely dissatisfied with his life. Distant from his wealthy, ten- years-younger wife, Sybil, and teenage children, he works competently at his ill-paid job at a boys' preparatory school. One spring afternoon, he reacts to a schoolboy prank by repeatedly hitting the perpetrator. The headmaster hears the commotion and breaks things up. The headmaster is willing to hush things up, but Sermon defends himself, throws up his job and goes home. Rebuffed by his wife sexually (though she immediately regrets it), he takes a few belongings, and sets out, he knows not where. He takes a bus to London and then a train to the West Country. He meets up with a junk/antique dealer, Tapper, on the road and helps him out with his trade (for which Sermon proves to have quite a knack), and goes with him to the fictitious upscale Devon seaside resort of Kingsbay. Sermon captivates several women, first a barmaid, and then his Kingsbay landlady, Olga Boxall. When Sermon and Boxall take a bus excursion, and when the bus driver is injured, Sermon must drive the bus back to Kingsbay. That evening, the two have sex—and Boxall, who has long figured out that Sermon is married, leaves the next day on a trip to give the two time to figure out if they are right for each other, while renting her house to Sermon. Sermon saves a little girl from drowning, whose nanny (who is immediately discharged) is a young woman he's met before in his time at Kingsbay and in fact briefly taught at his school. The woman, Rachel Grey, proves to be the daughter of the headmaster of Barrowdene, a (fictitious) highly regarded public school near to Kingsbay. She brings him to the school to meet her father, and Sermon and Headmaster Fred Grey hit it off, while Sermon feels very much at home at the school. Upon his return from the school, Sermon finds a policeman waiting for him—his using a cheque to pay for the rent has alerted Sybil to his location. Sermon tells the policeman that he will mail a letter to his wife, which he does. Sermon's heroics bring him to the attention of the town authorities, who hire him to supervise the various public works by the shore, including the pay toilets, and he gets the Town Clerk to hire Rachel Grey to run the small zoo. Sermon's summer settles into a routine; days supervising foreshore operations with lunch with Rachel Grey, Saturdays at Barrowdene, Sunday running the antique shop. Things are rudely interrupted when Sermon, rescuing a woman from a pay toilet with a jammed lock, finds his wife and daughter staring at him. He has lunch with his wife, and says they need to make a new start in someplace like Kingsbay. Sybil is taken aback by Sermon's new confidence, but is unwilling to move from the London area. She returns home with her daughter. Rachel Grey, who observed part of the tête à tête between the spouses, later behaves sexually provocatively towards Sermon. Sermon, fearing the effect both on his relationship with her, and with Fred Grey, does not take up the invitation. Sermon returns to his routine, now and then teaching a class or two at Barrowdene. The Headmaster offers Sermon a job teaching at Barrowdene, and gives him time to think about it, telling Sermon that his prospects would be much brighter if he could persuade Sybil to join him. Boxall simplifies Sermon's romantic life somewhat by sending a letter indicating that she has become infatuated with another tourist, and later, offering to sell her house. He informs Sybil by phone. She is hostile to the idea, but willing to talk it over if Sermon comes home. In fact, she has a male friend over, Scott-James, who volunteers to go down to Kingsbay and seek evidence towards a divorce. Against her better judgment, Sybil agrees. Scott-James arrives, and takes photographs of Sermon and Rachel in Sermon's Kingsbay house together—for Sermon has had Rachel spend the night (in separate bedrooms) after the two were soaked after a flood at the zoo. When Scott-James introduces himself, and states the purpose of his business, Sermon punches him, and confiscates and burns the film, and, after Scott-James staggers off, Sermon has sex with Rachel. Tired of being ruled by events, Sermon sets out to his home and Sybil. Realizing that he owns the family home, Sermon sells the house to his mother in law, and accepts Boxall's offer to sell her house to him. Sermon confronts his wife and tells her this, and when the enraged Sybil stabs him with nail scissors, he (as suggested by his mother in law) spanks her. This clears the air, and the two reconcile, and consummate their renewed relationship. A short epilogue looks ahead to Sermon's fiftieth birthday. Sermon is immersed in his duties at Barrowdene. Sybil is pregnant with their third child. Fred Gray makes Sermon a housemaster, and Sybil is much more acquiescent to the prospect of moving from Kingsbay to the school grounds than she was about the first move. Category:1963 British novels Category:Novels by R. F. Delderfield Category:Novels set in Devon Category:Hodder & Stoughton books ===== The story starts off with Joan Bennett playing Patricia Harper, the heiress daughter of a billionaire oil tycoon, James Harper, having dinner with Mrs. Isabel Channing and Elliott Winthrop, whom Mrs. Channing wants Patricia to marry. Caught up in Mrs. Channing's need to behave ‘proper’ Patricia expresses her wish to live a normal life and enjoy simple mundane things. Elliott announces his promotion as U.S. ambassador to France. He is then called away to the consulate to handle a problem at the gate. This is where Elliott meets the American dance troupe, led by Buck Boswell (Jack Benny), asking for an emergency fare back to the U.S. Elliott declares that there is no such contingency in the budget for such an occasion (or else no one would buy a return flight home) and wishes them luck before, presumably, returning to dinner. Buck then promises the troupe that he'll get them back and brings them to an expensive hotel on the premise that they don't have the money to pay for it regardless so they might as well live it up. Upon their arrival, Buck and The Yacht Club Boys (named Swifty, Dopey, Jimmy, and Kelly in the film) convince the owner of the hotel that they have money and are used to paying at the end of their stay instead of the beginning. The owner, mesmerized by the thought that all Americans have money, allows them to move into their rooms, against the will of his wife. However the next day, while the troupe is practising their cowboy & Indians routine, the hotel owner's wife locks them out of their rooms, and in order for their rooms to be unlocked she insists that they pay their bill. To get their belongings back, the girls push the guys to go out and find jobs. Buck receives 5 francs from one of the girls, the last 5 francs to the name of any troupe member. Walking down the street, Buck is called on by Patricia Harper, who recognizes him as American by his cowboy outfit. She tells him that she has left her money in her hotel room and asks him to cover the 3 franc bill for her breakfast, which he does. Then, thinking she's a scammer who also has not a penny to her name, he invites her to act with his troupe. Seeking adventure as a normal person, Patricia keeps her wealth a secret and plays along. They go back to the hotel, and Patricia pretends to be suicidal to lure the staff to the roof, so the troupe can grab the keys to get their belongings from their rooms. After this, the staff wises up and calls the police on the troupe, joined by Patricia's’ father, who found her after she let Mrs. Channing know she wasn't coming home. The troupe is now forced to climb through the window and climb to another building, in order to escape the police. Still running from the police, they manage to hide out in an old studio full of mannequins that they think is abandoned. After evading the police by posing as mannequins, they decide to spend the night. Upon waking up, they hear people talking. Thinking it's the police, they prepare to run. Overhearing a producer's conversation, Buck realizes that it's a theater that's putting on a show. Buck runs into another troupe from Russia, that then thinks he is the producer. He turns them away, and his troupe takes the Russians' place. After rehearsals, Patricia's father sees the royal jewels in a case and asks if he can buy them, not realizing what they are. After being declined he steals them before the troupe leaves. This leads to a mad hunt for the jewel thieves. Patricia's father has a copy of the jewels made for Patricia, as a present. The jewels get mixed up when Patricia's father shows them to Ms. Channing. Buck is back at Patricia's father's hotel, where he planned on gifting the replica necklace to her. He hides it, but Buck finds it while snooping around, suspicious of her father. There is a knock on the door, and a mad scramble to leave the hotel room. While this is going on, Buck stays behind and is introduced to a man while the troupe is running away because they think it's the police still after them. The man turns out to be an oil magnate to whom Patricia's father plans to sell his oil, and Buck, thinking that the old man is running a scam on the oil magnate, rips up the contract. Buck then becomes wise and tells the troupe that he'll get them home by returning the jewels, so that either the French will be grateful and give them the fare home, or will think they stole it and deport them. The French lock him and the troupe up, but upon realizing the jewels were a replica, they let Buck go, and send people to follow him. Buck goes to confront Patricia and her father, who are out at dinner with Elliot and Ms. Channing. There is a struggle, and the jewels get stuck on the roof. After retrieving them, they are all arrested. Back at the police station, everyone's real identity is revealed. Everyone is released, and Buck & Patricia get married. ===== The film focuses on four young ladies from different social backgrounds, each of them, for their own various reasons, enlists in the fictional "Miss Manila Sunshine Beauty Pageant". The first of which is Dina (Bonnevie), a college student who entered the contest in order to earn independence from her family and buy her own car. Next is spoiled, rich socialite, Suzanne (Cortez), whose every whim is attended to by her maid, Maria (Sun), and who learned of the contest when fliers, dropped from a helicopter, interrupted her sunbathing at the family pool. Out of sheer vanity and boredom, she decided to sign up. Thirdly, Bambi (Arambulo), while planning her 18th birthday party, when she and her mother argue over the budget, since her once rich family cannot afford the grand debut, Bambi is forced to settle for a much simpler party. But during their argument, Bambi falls on her birthday cake; when she sees the pageant's TV spot, her frustrations over her current situation inspire her to join. Rounding up the group is Azenith (Briones), a con artist who plans to rig the contest by using her and her boyfriend's sexuality to influence the judges into voting for her. The ladies later became the finalists for the competition. En route to the evening gown competition, the ship they boarded catches fire, and the passengers scramble to evacuate and be marooned on an island. The four women, Maria, Joshua (the gay pageant coordinator played by Jonas Sebastian) and his boyfriend Ricardo (Ricky Belmonte), Umberto (one of the ship's waiters played by Domingo Sabado) and Alfredo (played by Alfie Anido) land on a desert island. ===== ===== When Robyn Hood finds a magical amulet, she finds that she can go back in time to the medieval age in England when she puts it on. In the past, she learns that Robin Hood and Maid Marian have been captured and trapped by magical means by a sorceress in league with the Sheriff of Nottingham. As their descendant, Robyn and her own group of merry teens must save her ancestors and protect Sherwood. ===== This story takes place during the end of the Qing Dynasty and centers on the love story between princess Yunxiang and Wen Liangyu. Separated the night they'd planned to elope, Yunxiang was rescued by an enemy of the imperial family, Fang Tianyu. Tianyu falls for Yunxiang and frequently comes between Yunxiang and Liangyu, going as far as plotting to kill Liangyu. Yunxiang thinks Liangyu has perished and tries to kill Tianyu for revenge, but ends up on death row. Wealthy official Shen Shihao also loves Yunxiang and saves her, at which time Yunxiang discovers she's pregnant with Liangyu's child. She marries Shihao in gratitude. Eighteen years later, Liangyu returns as Beijing's most prominent mob ringleader. Unbeknownst to him, his son with Yunxiang, Shen Zikang, has grown up and become a police captain dead set on capturing Liangyu. Further complicating things, Zikang falls in love with Tianyu's daughter Yuyan, but she loves Liangyu. ===== Portuguese Brazilian billionaire cousins Bastiano (Terence Hill) and Antonio (Bud Spencer) Coimbra de la Coronilla y Azevedo are in fear for their lives after several assassination attempts. Therefore, they have an agency find two look-alikes, stuntman Elliot Vance (Terence Hill) and the saxophone- playing small-time criminal Greg Wonder (Bud Spencer), to temporarily take their place and find out who is behind the assassination attempts. Elliot and Greg manage to fight their way through all kinds of situations without too much trouble while getting closer to the mastermind behind it all. Additionally they quickly come to like the jet-set life. The resulting damage to their reputation provokes the Coimbras to return to Rio ahead of time. This puts them right into the sights of their enemies, alongside the cousins' look- alikes. ===== Italy, late 1930s. Cipriano, nurse and handyman in the pediatric clinic of a doctor his foster brother, is wrongly accused of having committed a murder. The process, however, proves his innocence, and Cipriano become so popular as to obtain a theatrical writing for a show that tells the true story of the murder. But the culprit is still there. ===== The setting is Santa Cruz, in the second half of the eighteenth century. The Governor of the island, to ingratiate himself with the Viceroy, contrives to have the island assaulted from a mock pirate ship. The plan is to have a mock battle, defeat the aggressors and throw them back into the sea. The trouble is that the pirates really come... ===== Italy, early 1940s. A rich and noble man, returning from America, has the unpleasant surprise of being dirt poor. Its magnificent castle is impounded and he agrees to become the guide allowed visitors to admire. ===== Waitress Pansy Botts (Charlotte Greenwood) places an ad in the Pilot's Gazette for a husband, offering a $500 reward, but is unsuccessful. At the nearby airfield, inventor Rusty Krouse (Bert Lahr) has built the "Aerocopter", intending to enter it in the upcoming 10th Annual Air Show. With finances depleted, Rusty looks to Sport Wardell (Pat O'Brien) for help in finding a wealthy investor. Soon, Fred Smith (Guy Kibbee) and his daughter Eileen (Kathryn Crawford) show some interest in the Aerocopter, but have no ready cash. Rusty is worried that his partner will go to jail after accepting a check from Mr. Smith. Sport convinces him to marry Pansy and use her $500 dowry to salvage the company's future. Sport convinces Pansy that she is marrying the man in the picture (Clark Gable) he shows her. Nevertheless, she is instantly attracted to Rusty. The deal with the Smiths falls through when both Smith and Sport are arrested for shady dealing. Sport tells his new love, Eileen, that he has to find bail money and the only way is for Rusty to fly his invention at the air show and win the prize money. In order to qualify as a pilot, Rusty ends up being examined by Doctor Brown (Charles Winninger), who thinks he is mad. Pansy chases after the reluctant groom, who has gotten cold feet, and finally traps him. During the air show, both Pansy and Rusty end up at the airport and in the Aerocopter. After taking off clumsily, crashing through the roof of a hangar, once in the air, Rusty tells Pansy that an important part is out on the wing and they need it to land. Pansy climbs onto the wing, but has to parachute to safety. Rusty keeps flying higher, reaching a height of 53,000 feet before he releases fuel and eventually descends, passing Pansy on her way down. He crash-lands heavily at the airfield, emerging from the wreckage to find he has been awarded first prize. With the prize money saving the company, all the couples then happily reunite. ===== Following the death of her industrialist father, a young socialite inherits his business empire. Discovering that she has an illegtimate half- brother, she tries to assist him by finding him employment in the factory, but his criminal behaviour lets her down. Finally she finds love and companionship in the engineer who runs the factory on her behalf. ===== Cesare, a journalist, recognizes among some prostitutes arrested by the police, the young woman that saved his life some time earlier, without his having learned her identity. He tries to help the woman, Maria, and convince her to change her life, but without success. Later on, Maria asks Cesare for his help. She is dying in a hospital, but cannot tell her parents, because, some time earlier, she had told them that she was married. So, in the last hours of her life, Cesare marries Maria, and then calls for her family to be with her. ===== Television news celebrity April Carson (Grey), working for station manager Fred Sandy (Lewis, in a cameo appearance), turns to the services of private investigator Isaac Beaumonde (Jesse Buck) to seek her missing sister, a stripper known as Gigi Spot (Jennilee Murray). Carson assumes a role in a horror movie in the process, eventually learning that the movie's director, Able Whitman (Hess), is not only the culprit, but that he has rendered her sister's body into props for the production.Zed Filmworks: Smash Cut description Whitman then requires more "props" for his film, which means more body parts, which in turn requires a killing spree. Meanwhile, detective Beaumonde pursues an increasingly deadly and grisly case.Imagination Worldwide: Smash Cut synopsis ===== The plot is set in the post-World War II years with the paranoia of communism and the background of heroism and treachery in Nazi-controlled Europe. John Emmett managed to avoid fighting in the war because he was a chemist in a safe but useful state-side post. However, both of his older brothers fought and died in the war, and he has questions about his untested courage. The novel starts with Emmett stalled out in a small town outside Chicago, his car having died. He is on a cross-country journey to California to a new job. He spots a young woman at the service station and makes a pitch to hitch-hike with her. To his surprise, she agrees. She is Ann Nicholson, and over the course of the novel it is revealed that she is the daughter of a rich industrialist from Chicago, and she was married to a French man before the war, and during the war she fought in the French resistance until she was captured and tortured by the Gestapo. As the car journey continues, Emmett is approached in a diner by a man and woman, who reveal that they are Ann's psychiatrist and his nurse. They were keeping an eye on her in Chicago but Ann suddenly bolted in the car and started driving cross-country. It is revealed that there was a murder in Chicago, an Army Air Force pilot who knew Ann and her husband in Nazi- controlled France, who had accused her of betraying her resistance group and her husband. Confronted with this, Ann claims to have amnesia after a point in her interrogation by the Gestapo, and she is driving to New Mexico where a male scientist who was a prisoner in the same interrogation camp with her can maybe tell her what happened and help her remember if she betrayed her husband. Along the way, Ann reacts badly by an attempt to detain her by a small town sheriff, putting her and Emmett's life at risk. Emmett is resentful of her, attracted to her, pities her, feels admiration for her, and is generally conflicted about his opinion of her. He decides to leave her in a town outside Denver, but changed his mind and returned, only to find her dying of an overdose. She is brought back, and her father and the psychiatrist rally about her, pushing Emmett away. He has more conversations with the nurse and FBI agents and is getting ready to continue on with his journey, but finds that Ann ran away and is hiding out in a fishing camp he had mentioned that he had a reservation for. He goes out to her, and determines that this time he is not leaving her, and he will get her to the scientist in New Mexico to completer her journey. There are people who try to stop them and he brutally attacks one on the road. Emmett realizes that he has no recognizable stakes in the game, so he bullies Ann into marrying him. Part of the reason is that Ann's father has been considering putting her in a mental hospital to sweep her out of the way for a while, because he is under investigation for war profiteering, and because her father believes she did kill the pilot in Chicago, even though the police have reluctantly stated she is in the clear. By marrying her, Emmett can prevent Ann from being tucked away in a quiet corner and forgotten. The couple finally make it to New Mexico, and push the FBI into letting Ann visit with the scientist, Dr. Kissel, the refuge from Europe. The FBI are interested in Dr. Kissel and the people who might be trying to contact him, accusing Ann Nicholson of being a communist agent. The FBI make a show of reluctantly letting Ann meet with Dr. Kissel, where upon he tells her she was brave and did not break, unlike himself. Ann breaks down at that point, and is pulled from the meeting. As they are driving away, Ann tells the FBI agent that Dr. Kissel is a fake. Emmett reasons that she couldn't tell that because of appearance, because a half-tortured prisoner will look markedly different from a healthy but damaged person, so she could only know that he is a fake, a communist agent, because she did break and betray her French husband and the resistance. She had been faking her amnesia to try to buy a little time for herself, to prevent the truth from coming out in an instant in Chicago. The novel ends with Ann shown to be a scared but strong person who broke under torture, Emmett still believing in her and maybe loving her, and her father offering Emmett a job in South America which would get the two out of the country for awhile. The FBI now know Dr. Kissel is a communist agent, and can feed the Soviet Union false information. ===== Yuiko Kubozuka is a high school student who loves animals, though unfortunately, animals hate her and flee from her whenever possible. When Leo Aoi, a strange student with a terrifying expression, transfers to Yuiko's class, she is surprised to learn that he is actually innocent and sweet-natured and animals are easily drawn to him. However, when attacked, Leo unconsciously becomes as violent as a bloodthirsty animal. Because Yuiko is the first to see beyond his frightening expressions, Leo quickly becomes strongly attached to Yuiko, who is his first friend. They fall in love with one another, but circumstances regarding Leo's family situation threaten to separate them. ===== John Parrish doesn't run, even when the local land baron tries to burn him out of his home. The former soldier has to stay alive long enough to outwit his enemies. ===== Spock, McCoy and Kailyn, the beautiful heir to the Shaddan throne are the only survivors of an Enterprise shuttle crash on the barren planet of Sigma 1212. The three must survive Klingon scouts and literally reclaim the Shaddan crown, or else risk a Klingon territorial takeover. ===== The U.S.S. Enterprise arrives to assist the Helvans, who are being plagued with outbreaks of many types of violence. Soon Captain Kirk becomes mentally ill. He is removed from command and Commander Spock takes over, but it is not exactly an improvement. Spock's orders seem to be just as irrational and cruel. ===== The citizens of the isolated planet Mercan cannot conceive of the existence of much past their home planet and their dangerous, flaring sun. The USS Enterprise, severely damaged, must somehow find a way to repair itself without exposing the Mercanians to societal concepts for which they are not yet ready. The Federation's 'Prime Directive' forbids interference in less advanced cultures. ===== An explosion destroys the bridge of the Enterprise, killing trainee crewmembers and severely injuring the main crew. Spock ignores a chunk of metal in his spine to take command and figure out exactly what happened. His investigation soon leads him and the Enterprise's Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott to the discovery of the Tomarii, an alien race who reveres war and conflict. Despite the urging from Scott and others, Spock refuses to take the time to have his injuries treated. Scott and Spock meet with a small grouping of Romulans and Klingons, all three races having been attacked. The grouping is captured by the Tomarii, who use them in other conflicts. Meanwhile, Spock has been framed for the explosion and Captain Kirk, recovering from his own wounds, must clear his friend's name. ===== Both Captain Kirk and Commander Spock have fallen in love with the same woman, Federation Free Agent Sola Than. This situation ties into the galaxy threatening danger of the immense intelligence known as the 'Totality'. ===== "Harry Caine" is a blind writer who shares his life with his agent Judit and her adult son, Diego. Slowly, events in the present begin to bring back memories of the past. Harry hears that millionaire Ernesto Martel has died; a young filmmaker, Ray X, appears and turns out to be Martel's son, Ernesto Jr. After Diego is hospitalized for an accidental drug overdose in a Madrid nightclub, Harry collects Diego from the hospital and looks after him to avoid worrying his traveling mother. The main storyline is told in flashback as Harry reluctantly tells Diego a tragic tale of fate, jealousy, abuse of power, betrayal, and guilt. The first flashback is to 1992, which introduces Magdalena "Lena" Rivero, Martel's beautiful young secretary, an aspiring actress. She becomes close to Martel, a millionaire financier, in order to find the money to help meet her dying father's medical bills. By 1994, she has become Martel's mistress. At this time, Harry is still living under his real name, Mateo Blanco, a well-respected film director. Martel is excessively possessive of Lena, but she is determined to become an actress and manages to win the main role in Blanco's film Chicas y maletas (Girls and Suitcases) by bringing Martel in as financier/producer. (The fictional film is similar to Almodóvar's 1988 release, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, except that the Shiite terrorists have been replaced by a cocaine dealer; several of the cast of the previous film appear in the fictional one.) Martel spies on Lena and Mateo by sending his inhibited, effeminate gay son, Ernesto Jr., to videotape the production of the film, ostensibly for a "making of" feature, then hiring a lip-reader to interpret the conversations. Martel, seething with jealousy, screens the videos as the lip-reader narrates the furtive whispers of Lena and Mateo's passionate affair. Furious, Martel confronts Lena, and when she threatens to leave him he pushes her down the stairs. But when she survives the fall, he relents and nurses her back to health. The filming completed, Lena and Blanco escape Martel's hold and go on holiday to Lanzarote. Lena takes a job as a hotel receptionist to pass the time. When she and Blanco read in El País that Chicas y maletas has received terrible reviews from critics, likely the end of Blanco's directing career, they decide to start over again together far from Madrid. Fate intervenes when Blanco is seriously injured and Lena is killed in a car accident, which is immortalized by Ernesto Jr., who has been trailing them with his camcorder. Mateo loses his sight permanently. Judit, his long- time production assistant, and an 8-year-old Diego arrive to help Blanco pick up the pieces and return to Madrid, where he eventually writes screenplays in braille under the pseudonym Harry Caine, represented by his agent, Judit. The story picks up where it began in 2008: Harry shares his birthday in a bar with Judit and Diego. Judit becomes drunk on gin and, stricken with guilt, confesses to Harry that she sold out to Martel in 1994 because of her fury at Harry for abandoning the film to run away with Lena; she also tells him of her involvement in providing Martel the phone number of the hotel in Lanzarote where Lena and Mateo were hiding. She confirms that Martel sabotaged the release of Chicas y maletas by using the worst take from each scene in order to destroy Mateo's reputation. The next morning she reveals to Diego that Harry is actually his father, a fact both men were unaware of. Having exorcised some of his demons, Harry decides to return to his life as Mateo Blanco. Though believed lost, the original reels of Chicas y maletas and Ernesto Jr.'s camcorder footage are recovered: Judit had ignored Martel's order to destroy them and instead had hidden them away. Mateo and Diego re- edit the film for its long-delayed release as the director envisioned it. ===== The story is set in approximately the 26th century, after nearly five centuries of expansion into space limited by the speed of light, as ships with intrepid crews travel to new solar systems and install instantaneous transportation terminals known as transmats, which tie in with a system based on Earth. The current ruler, who leads a small group of men chosen and trained as leaders, is dissatisfied with the light barrier and upon becoming the leader—the technarch—he made a public address calling on science to find a way to exceed that barrier. The first crewed FTL (faster-than-light) ship has reported in from its test flight, and upon landing, report their successful voyage through an alternate universe to distant locations in the galaxy, and of discovering the outer reaches of an alien civilization. The technarch convenes a meeting of the ruling group, receive a report from the star crew, then deliberate the technarch's intention to negotiate a division of the galaxy between them. He selects four men to accompany the five star crew back out, although the crew are exhausted and not enthusiastic about another long trip. The four men selected to go on the trip find they are very different in temperament and outlook, and tempers flare between two of them. They endure the long voyage that is unlike an instant transmat trip, and upon arrival, the crew meet the aliens. The linguist chosen by the technarch proceeds to teach the aliens English, then explain the situation about the expanding empires. The aliens say they cannot speak for their people and walk out, summoning more senior officials. The officials seem agreeable there should be no war, but impose not a division between the two peoples, rather, they tell Earth it can no longer expand, then they walk out. The FTL ship crew agree to return home with the bad news, which they believe will lead to war, but they get lost in the alternate space and return to normal space in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The captain believes they should simply concede and find a place to live, even as the Milky Way tantalizes them in the sky of the planet they are borne to by a mysterious alien. The Magellanic aliens summon the officials from Earth's opponents, and force an equal division of the Milky Way, then return the Milky Way citizens to where they were—the FTL ship right back to where it was before its faulty attempt to return home. This time, the flight home proceeds correctly and they arrive to inform the technarch of the Magellanic aliens' enforcement that would prevent the technarch's dreams of human settlement in other galaxies. ===== When legendary Australian war photographer Mike Langford goes missing in Khmer Rouge Cambodia in 1976, childhood friend Ray inherits his taped diaries. Using these, his own memories, and the recollections and records of others, Ray attempts to reconstruct Langford's life, to understand how he became a myth and why he went back into Cambodia. Eventually this will lead Ray to Thailand, to the Cambodian border and the truth about Langford's fate. Though different parts of Highways to a War are told from different perspectives, the overall result is a coherent narrative and a portrait of a life. It begins with Langford's childhood on a Tasmanian farm, his "novitiate" in Singapore, where he nearly starves before finding work, and his early experiences in Vietnam, in Saigon and in the Mekong Delta with the ARVN, the South Vietnamese army. The story then jumps from Saigon in 1966 to Phnom Penh in 1973. Among other dramatic episodes, Langford is captured by North Vietnamese troops and witnesses the fall of Saigon. The story is tense and gripping, but the centre remains Langford's development: he is a tough man, a survivor, but he is also an idealist and, when he loses his objectivity and becomes involved with the Free Khmer, his fate has a tragic inevitability to it. Its unity comes from its focus on Langford, but Highways to a War has plenty of other memorable characters. His fellow photographers and correspondents are a fascinatingly idiosyncratic bunch. And Langford's romantic idealisation of women makes them a key part of his life: in Australia, the daughter of a poor fruit-picking family and then the wife of his mentor, in Saigon an older French-Vietnamese woman, and in Phnom Penh the Cambodian woman whose fate becomes tied up with Langford's. Highways to a War also offers a vivid perspective on the course of the Second Indochina War. This, however, is implicit: Koch makes no attempt to write a history of that war (and readers without any background knowledge may find parts of the novel confusing), or to take sides in the debates over that history, and it is through personal stories and personal tragedies that he sheds light on the broader tragedies. ===== A deadly virus causes desperate Romulans to invade Canara and incite a battle with the USS Enterprise. Captain James T. Kirk, fully willing to get the antidote to the Romulans, has to deal with the ship's central computer which has developed romantic feelings for Kirk. ===== While on a hunting trip, Daffy Duck hopes to shoot a bear. An announcement from a nearby ranger station informs him of a boundary line drawn through the "hunting area." Hunters are told to remain on one side of the boundary and bears to remain on the other side, unless they want to get shot. Daffy chases several bears to the boundary line, and a ranger keeps him from pursuing them across it. One bear taunts Daffy from his side of the line. In order to catch this bear, Daffy devises many schemes, including using bacon to entice the bear across the boundary line, erasing the boundary line, and disguising himself as a tree. Each time, the bear outsmarts him or he is caught and reprimanded by the park ranger. In his last attempt to catch the bear, Daffy digs a tunnel underneath the boundary line. The bear discovers his plot, traces his way to the spot where Daffy would come out, and places a small cabin of dynamite above him before hiding. Daffy digs up into the cabin, causing the dynamite to explode, leaving him mostly featherless (except for his head). He gathers up his feathers, saying he is lucky that he keeps his feathers "numbered for just such an occasion." While re-attaching his feathers, he soon discovers that the bottom half of his feathers are missing, and he turns to see the bear wearing them as a headdress and necklace. Before he can retrieve his feathers, the ranger, having enough of Daffy's rule- breaking behavior, decides to close hunting season for the year and demands that he get out. Obviously irked, Daffy (wearing a barrel over his naked bottom half) tells the bear: "You're desthpicable. But, you haven't seen the last of me!!" As he turns to leave, the backend of the barrel falls away, revealing his plucked behind. ===== After the death of his girlfriend in a car accident, Mehmet's grandfather suggests that he marry Gümüş, who has loved Mehmet since childhood. Initially happy about the marriage, Gümüş despairs when she realizes that his heart is not in it. Eventually, Mehmet falls in love with her, and her dream comes true. ===== The film is a tragedy based on a tawaif (courtesan) 'Anjuman' played by Rani,a "tawaiif" who flirts with the emotions of a wealthy Nawab Wahahat Ali (Santosh Kumar) and later falls in love with his younger brother Nawab Asif Ali played by Waheed Murad. In order to save his older brother's marriage, Asif decides to frequent Anjuman's "kotha" in an "exchange" demanded by Anjuman, although Asif being in love with another girl Nudrat (played by Deeba).Noorulain Zartaj (Sabiha Khanum) ,wife of Nawab Wajahat Ali, eventually implores Anjuman to forsake her own love so that Asif can live happily. At the end, Anjuman has to face a fate worse than death, where she is invited to sing at the wedding of her lover. Lovelorn and disappointed Anjuman offers a woeful song, as she has swallowed poison, and dies at the feet of her lover. ===== During the opening titles, the song "With Plenty of Money and You" is heard. The camera pans down a stack of TV antennas and enters the underground home of Bugs Bunny, who is being visited by Daffy Duck. As they watch a TV game show called "Beat Your Buddy", an announcer says he will draw two names from the "buddy barrel", and that the first namee to reach the television studio will win "a million bucks." He then draws Bugs and Daffy's names. Bugs and Daffy race each other to the studio. Daffy finds himself continuously hindered, usually due to his own impatience. For example, he drives a moped onto a bridge under construction and winds up in the water below-forgetting that, as a duck, he can already fly and swim. Bugs, keeping a steady, simple pace, reaches the studio's building first. Daffy dons a jet pack, hoping to beat Bugs to the top floor. He flies to the top floor, grabs Bugs, and zooms out the other end of the building. They land in an antique glass shop and are taken to a hospital. Even though they are in bandages, with Daffy on crutches and Bugs in a wheelchair, they continue the race and Daffy crosses the finish line first. Daffy then discovers that the "million bucks" is actually a "Million BOX"—a huge box filled with one million little boxes. Considering the prize worthless, Daffy gives it to Bugs. The announcer then reveals that "inside each of the one million little boxes, there is a crisp, brand-new $1 bill"—thus Daffy has just given Bugs $1,000,000. "With Plenty of Money and You" is heard again, and the announcer asks Daffy if he wants to say something to the audience. Daffy's head slowly changes into that of a donkey, and he starts braying. ===== Father Francis Chisholm is visited in his old age by Monsignor Sleeth at his parish in Tweedside. The Monsignor informs Father Francis that the Bishop thinks it would be better if he retires, as Father Francis' somewhat unorthodox recent teachings have become a distraction. The Monsignor retires to his room in the rectory, and finds Father Francis' diary that recounts his story from 1878. As the Monsignor begins to read the diary, a flashback begins. One night during his childhood, Francis' father was beaten by an anti- Catholic mob during a rainstorm. As his mother attempts to lead her husband to safety, they both die in a bridge collapse, leaving young Francis an orphan. He is raised by his aunt, and the next we see of Francis, he is leaving for the seminary with his childhood friend, Anselm "Angus" Mealey. Francis studies at seminary for a year, but is unsure about all of the Church's teachings. He still finds himself in love with Nora, a girl from his home. However, he finds out that after he left, Nora had a child out of wedlock with another man, and she dies before Francis can return to see her. This prompts him to go back to seminary and follow through with his studies, and Francis becomes a priest. Francis' first two assignments as a priest are unfulfilling to him, so the Bishop asks Francis to be a volunteer missionary to China. Francis readily accepts the position, even though that means it would take him far from home as well as far from Judy, Nora's daughter. Francis arrives in Paitan, Chekhow Province in China to find the mission destroyed by floods, and not rebuilt because the true Christians all left, leaving only those who attended to receive free rice. Because the Church hadn't given the mission money for rice in over a year, "the faith left them when the rice gave out." Francis rents a small room in the city to evangelize, but because he has no money or influence, he is attacked by those same "rice Christians" who were supposed to help him. A young pilgrim named Joseph finds Francis in town, and restores his faith in his mission by offering to help rebuild the church out of Christian duty and not for money. Francis then receives medical supplies from his childhood friend Dr. Willie Tulloch, which allows Francis to offer services to the sick. Francis is summoned to the home of local official, Mr. Chia, to heal Chia's only son of his infection. Joseph is apprehensive because if Chia's son dies, Francis will be in danger, but Francis goes anyway. He saves the boy, but Chia and his household are ungrateful because Francis' methods and faith were so contrary to the local tradition. A few weeks later, Chia comes to Francis in order to convert to Christianity, but Francis rejects him because he would not be converting for the proper reasons. Instead, Chia thanks Francis by giving the mission many acres of land and all of Chia's workers in order to build a thriving mission. Two years later, the buildings are almost done, but the nuns arrive a day earlier than planned and Francis is disheveled when they show up. Francis' relationship with the Reverend Mother Maria- Veronica is tense, but they put aside personal differences when the town is the scene of a battle between republican and imperial troops. Willie visits from Scotland and is able to create a makeshift hospital, but the church is destroyed in a fire set by imperial troops. Willie is then shot, and eventually dies. The imperial general then gives Francis a choice: either all food and money from the mission are given to the general or the mission and everyone inside of it is destroyed. Joseph and Francis come up with a plan to sabotage the imperial troops, and Francis is forced to leave his impartiality and blows up the imperial troops. Later, Angus arrives—now a Monsignor—as he is making a review of world missionary sites. He tells Francis that the Church cannot pay for the rebuilding of the mission, and that Francis has the lowest conversion rates in the world. Angus implores Francis to convert rich Chinese and live in luxury in order to impress the locals, but Francis refuses. Meanwhile, the Reverend Mother apologizes for her "shameful" behavior towards Francis and begs for forgiveness, which she receives. Ten years pass, and Francis' mission is flourishing, and the area is peaceful. The Reverend Mother tells Francis that American Methodists are building a mission inside town, and Francis goes to visit them. Francis becomes friends with the Methodist missionaries, and peace continues. More years pass, and as Francis prepares to depart China, he learns that Angus is now Bishop. The flashback ends, and Monsignor Sleeth admits to Francis that he read the diary. Francis is flattered, and Sleeth tells Francis that he won't tell the Bishop anything is amiss at Francis' parish, leaving Francis be as he spends his remaining time doing what he loves doing: serving a parish. ===== Mike Wilson (Dameon Clarke) is a charismatic, educated, and articulate young man who has found his life's purpose in exterminating people. Determined to spread his message about the joy of serial murder, Mike recruits a lost soul named Bart (Matthew Gray Gubler) to be his pupil and leads his charge through the "ethics" of murder as well as teaching him various lessons in disposing of corpses, balancing work and play, methods of killing, and many more. Mike and Bart's curriculum is interrupted when Mike's girlfriend Abigail discovers what's beneath her boyfriend's charming exterior and Mike and Bart must kill their way out of being discovered by the cops. ===== Vespetta the chambermaid wheedles her way into marrying her employer, old Pimpinone. Once married she shows her waspish nature (the name Vespetta means "little wasp") and completely dominates her husband. ===== When Byron (George) hits the big time, no one is happier than his girlfriend Tiffany (Lewis) - that is, until she catches him flirting with his sly new project manager Carla (Kellita Smith). While contemplating whether to break it off with Byron, Tiffany's best friend tells her about a specialist for women whose men can not control their primitive urges. Enter Ms. Shanté Smith (Fox). Using her knowledge of the male psyche and her new Five Step program, Shanté gives Tiffany the necessary tools she needs to "train" Byron and teach him a lesson for his behavior. However, Byron also has expert advice in his corner, courtesy of his best friend Gizzard (Tony Rock). Once again, the battle for the title of the superior sex is on. ===== The movie commences with Pranchi (Jayasurya) revealing his feelings for Jenny (Roma) to a writer (Jagathy Sreekumar). Pranchi met Franco (Prithviraj) and Franko influenced his life and changed him to be better person. Franko (Prithviraj) is a young man who runs an automobile workshop by the beach. His sister Jenny (Roma) is a college student. Franco's friend Dr. Eby (Kunchacko Boban) likes Jenny. Jenny has an enemy in college called Rose (Bhavana). Rose and Jenny argue with each other every time they meet. Franco and Rose are in love, and they are hoping that one day Jenny will come to like Rose. At this point, Pranchi (Jayasurya) enters the story. Pranchi is a pickpocket. Pranchi tries to pickpocket Franco and is caught red-handed. They both reach the police station and due to some confusion, both end up behind bars. It is the local priest (Salim Kumar), doubling as a solicitor, who bails them out. The priest asks Franco to be Pranchi's friend and to guide him in the right direction. So Pranchi becomes an employee at Franco's workshop. Pranchi falls in love with Jenny, but Jenny isn't aware of this nor does she have the same feelings towards him. Having made a pact with her brother, she will only marry the guy whom Franco likes and vice versa. She starts liking Eby. When she tells Franco about her liking he goes to see Eby without Eby knowing about it, only to return and tell his sister that he did not like him. Jenny tells Eby this and they sort of break up. Jenny comes to know that Franco and Rose are lovers. Jenny feels betrayed. Franco feels guilty and with a heavy heart he ends his relationship with Rose. When Jenny learns about this she feels sad for both Franco and Rose. Jenny meets Rose and patches up with her. Meanwhile, Franco meets Eby and informs that he was against his relationship with Jenny only because he is afraid if Jenny learns that she is adopted, not his real sister. A fact only the Priest and Eby know. Eby promises that he will never reveal this truth to Jenny. Eby and Rose are childhood friends and neighbours. Eby Jenny, Rose and Franco get engaged on the same day. A jealous Pranchi with the help of his robber friend mixes sleeping pills in Rose and Eby's drinks and creates a plot which looked like Eby and Rose had spent a night together. Heartbroken, Franco and Jenny call off their wedding thinking that their partners have betrayed them. Eby and Rose, unable to prove their innocence, their families forcefully make them agree to their marriage. Franco announces Jenny's marriage with Pranchi before the wedding date of Eby and Rose. On Jenny's wedding day, from Pranchi's friend Franco learns about Pranchi's ploy to separate Eby and Jenny. Pranchi kidnaps Jenny but Franco saves her. Eby and Jenny, Rose and Franco get married and lead a happy life in the same house as both Jenny and Franco have dreamed from childhood so that they will never be separated in their entire life. ===== The story takes place in the world created by author Terry Goodkind in his fantasy novel series, The Sword of Truth. The three main provinces are Westland, the Midlands and D'Hara. Westland is separated from the Midlands by a magical boundary, which was created to prevent any magic from entering Westland. On the other side of the Midlands is D'Hara, which is ruled by Darken Rahl. Seekers are accompanied by a Wizard of The First Order and Confessors, an ancient order of women, who oversee the welfare of the people of the Midlands and the Seeker. The first season is loosely based on the first book of The Sword of Truth series Wizard's First Rule. Some of the stories feature events and characters not encountered in the books, while others loosely adapt events from the book. The story begins after the invasion of Darken Rahl's army into the Midlands. Kahlan Amnell, a Confessor, ventures into Westland in search of a wizard and the Seeker, who has been prophesied to defeat Rahl. Kahlan finds the wizard, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander, and the Seeker, a young man named Richard Cypher, who is forced to accept a destiny he never knew about. Together, they set off on a quest to seek out and defeat Darken Rahl. The second season is loosely based on Stone of Tears, the second book in Goodkind's series. It tells the story of how Richard, Kahlan, and Zeddicus discover that their quest during the first season caused them to unintentionally help the Keeper of the Underworld create tears in the veil which separates the land of the dead from the world of the living. Their new quest is to find the Stone of Tears, seal the rifts between the worlds, and defeat the Keeper. They are joined in this quest by Cara, a Mord-Sith and their former enemy. ===== Tyler's life is changed when he inherits a toy bear and a broken pocket watch. ===== Andrew Mitchell moves to Tiler's Cottage in East Anglia. He goes to his new school and meets Victor Skelton in General Studies class. The two slowly become friends and do things together, including going to RAF Coltishall to see the aeroplanes, which are English Electric Lightnings. Victor is devastated when he discovers that his beloved Lightnings are to be replaced with Jaguars. ===== Teaser, Planet of the Apes (1968) Astronauts Taylor, Landon and Dodge are in deep hibernation when their spaceship crashes into a lake on an unknown planet after a light-speed voyage. They discover their fourth crew mate, Stewart, dead due to a malfunction. The three abandon their ship when it starts sinking; Taylor remains on board long enough to see that the date is November 25, 3978, two thousand and six years after their departure in 1972. The astronauts set off through a desolate wasteland and discover an oasis in the desert, ignoring eerie scarecrow-like figures around the edge. Their clothes are stolen while they take a swim. The astronauts pursue the thieves, finding their clothes torn to shreds and their supplies pillaged as the perpetrators, a group of mute primitive humans, raid a cornfield. Taylor is shot in the throat and captured by armed gorillas, along with the primitive humans. Dodge is killed and Landon rendered unconscious in the chaos. Taylor is taken to Ape City where he is saved after a blood transfusion administered by two chimpanzees: animal psychologist Zira and surgeon Galen. However, Taylor's throat injury renders him temporarily unable to speak. Taylor is placed with one of the captive primitive humans, whom he later names Nova. He observes the enhanced society of talking apes and in a strict caste system: the gorillas serving as military forces and labourers; the orangutans overseeing the affairs of government and religion; and intellectual chimpanzees being mostly scientists and doctors. While their society is a theocracy similar to the beginnings of the human Industrial Era, the apes consider the primitive humans as vermin. Humans are hunted, either killed outright, enslaved, or used in scientific experiments. Taylor convinces Zira of his intelligence as she and her fiancé Cornelius, an archaeologist, take an interest in him. Dr. Zaius, their orangutan superior, learns of this and arranges for Taylor to be castrated. Taylor escapes and finds Dodge's stuffed corpse on display in a museum. When Taylor is recaptured, he suddenly regains his speaking abilities and much to the amazement of the onlookers, he shouts: "Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!" A hearing to determine Taylor's origins is convened. Taylor mentions his two comrades, learning that Landon was subjected to a lobotomy that has rendered him catatonic and unable to speak. Believing Taylor to be of a human tribe from beyond their borders, Zaius privately threatens to castrate and lobotomize Taylor for the truth about where he came from. With help from Zira's nephew Lucius, Zira and Cornelius free Taylor and Nova and take them to the Forbidden Zone, a taboo region outside Ape City where Taylor's ship crashed that has been ruled out of bounds for centuries by ape law. While Cornelius and Zira are intent to gather proof of an earlier non-simian civilization – which the former came upon a year before – to be cleared of heresy, Taylor is more focused on the evolution of the ape world and to prove he is not of that world. Arriving at the cave, Cornelius is intercepted by Zaius and his soldiers, with Taylor holding them off while threatening to shoot. Zaius agrees to enter the cave to disprove their theories and to avoid physical harm to Cornelius and Zira. Inside, Cornelius displays the remnants of a technologically advanced human society pre-dating simian history. Taylor identifies artifacts such as dentures, eyeglasses, a heart valve, and to the apes' astonishment, a talking children's doll. Zaius admits to Taylor that he always knew of the ancient human civilization. Taylor nonetheless thinks it best to search for answers, despite being warned that he may not like what he finds. Once Taylor and Nova ride off, Dr. Zaius has the gorillas lay explosives to seal off the cave and destroy the evidence while charging Zira, Cornelius and Lucius with heresy. Taylor and Nova follow the shoreline and discover the remains of the Statue of Liberty, revealing that this "alien" planet is actually Earth long after a nuclear war. Realizing what Zaius meant earlier, Taylor falls to his knees in despair and condemns humanity for destroying the world. ===== Jane Hardy, a schoolteacher in San Francisco, suffers a nervous breakdown following a divorce and the simultaneous death of her mother. To emotionally recover, she decides to spend the summer in the rural town of Blackford in a home left to her by her late aunt, Rebecca. Upon arriving, she is given keys to the house by Walter Pritchard, a local attorney who claims Jane's mother once promised to bestow him the property. Shortly after moving in, Jane begins experiencing supernatural occurrences, including witnessing apparitions of her aunt Rebecca, and a ghostly black hearse driven by a mysterious man that pulls into the driveway before vanishing. Furthermore, she is unsettled by the locals' passive-aggressive reactions to her presence in the town, including from Pritchard, who is deliberately unhurried to place the home in her name. Jane hires Paul, the son of the local hardware store owner, to help her make repairs on the home, and finds a trunk in the attic full of her aunt's personal mementos, including a diary in which she wrote of her life as a minister's wife. Late one night, Jane crashes her car on the way home, and is given a ride by Tom Sullivan, a mysterious but kind man passing by in a vintage black car. Tom pays for a tow truck for Jane, and returns the following night with her car. Jane accepts his invitation to go boating on a nearby lake. Later that night, Jane uncovers more details from her aunt Rebecca's diary that reveal Rebecca was indoctrinated by her minister husband, Robert, who was actually a devil worshipper, and convinced her to join him in a pact with Satan. Shortly after, Jane has a vivid nightmare in which she is taken away by the hearse as her aunt watches from the house, and observes her own funeral. Jane's mental stability is further challenged by other odd goings-on in the home, including the sounds of what she believes are people breaking in at night. She later sees a woman from one of her nightmares at the local church, but her fears are assuaged by the Reverend Winston. Once the house is finally probated to Jane, Pritchard confirms to Jane that her aunt Rebecca worshipped Satan, and that upon her death, the hearse carrying her body crashed on the nearby road, but both the driver of the hearse, along with Rebecca's body and her coffin, inexplicably disappeared. Since this event, locals have been haunted by the image of the hearse. Meanwhile, Jane continues her romance with Tom, and after a date, invites him into her home, where they have sex. Jane's romance with Tom upsets Paul, who expresses that he too is attracted to her. One night, after Tom fails to arrive for a date, a drunken Pritchard begins vandalizing the home, causing Jane to flee in terror. Paul arrives shortly after to leave flowers for Jane, only to be attacked by an unseen assailant. Meanwhile, Jane arrives at Tom's house, but finds it inexplicably abandoned and dilapidated; on a table lay a framed antique photo of a young Rebecca with Tom. Behind the home, Jane finds a gravestone inscribed "Robert Thomas Sullivan". A terrified Jane returns to her home to pack her belongings, intending to leave. In the bathroom, she finds Pritchard's corpse hanging in the shower, along with Paul's body. Jane is confronted by Tom, who professes his love for her, explaining that Rebecca was "too weak" and did not fulfill her pact with Satan. Promising Jane eternal life, Tom begins to cast a spell on her, but is interrupted by Reverend Winston, who arrives and begins an exorcism to save Jane. She flees in her car, followed by Tom, who chases her in the hearse. The chase ends in a collision that causes the hearse to topple off a cliff and explode. Back at the home, an apparition of Rebecca appears in the window as the house goes dark. ===== In the far future A.D. 2008 aliens have invaded the Earth and launched a full-scale war that threatens humankind. Earth's scientists have built two of the ultimate weapons, the Strike Gunner, piloted by Mark McKenzie and Jane Sinclair to repel the invasion and destroy the alien armies. ===== Ramakrishnan (Prabhu Ganesan) is a rich businessman in Ooty who owns an advertising company and is married to Mythili (Abhirami) who is very possessive about her husband. Mythili always suspects her husband fearing that he would end up having an affair with some other girl and this brings frequent quarrels between the couple. But Ramakrishnan is a kind hearted gentleman and he takes care of his wife with great love. Thirunavukkarasu (Prabhu Deva) is a poor photographer in the same town and initially, Ramakrishnan misunderstands Thiru to be a rogue. Later understands his good nature and provides him a job in his own company. Thiru is very loyal to Ramakrishnan and Mythili and respects Ramakrishnan as his brother. Ramakrishnan is also very kind to Thiru. One day, Thiru meets a girl Susi (Gayathri Raghuram) and the both fall in love with each other. Susi is a social activist who voices for women empowerment. Vishwa (Livingston) is a close friend of Ramakrishnan and is married to Amudha (Vindhya). But Vishwa is a play boy and has affairs with so many girls. One day, a small quarrel erupts between Ramakrishnan and Mythili following which Ramakrishnan worries thinking about his wife's continuous suspecting behaviour. Vishwa plans to relax Ramakrishnan by engaging a call girl Thilothama (Monal). Ramakrishnan although not interested in it, finally decides to spend some time with Thiliothama when Mythili is away to Tirupathi. Thilothama comes to Ramakrishnan's guest house where Thiru lives. Suddenly, Mythili cancels her trip and returns home. On the way, she finds Ramakrishnan's car in Thiru's home and she also comes to Thiru's home. Mythili gets shocked to see Thilothama and Ramakrishnan in Thiru's home. Ramakrishnan suddenly manages the situation by lying that Thilothama is none other than Thiru's lover. Mythili believes this while Thiru does not reveal the truth knowing that it would separate Ramakrishnan from Mythili. Then it is cat and mouse game where Thiru tries to act as Thilothama's love in front of Mythili, at the same time tries hard not to get caught by Susi as she is short-tempered and hates someone lying to her. Finally, Mythili and Susi get to know about the lies told by Thiru and Ramakrishnan. Ramakrishnan and Thiru try hard to find Thilothama and make her tell the truth that nothing happened between them. But to their surprise, Thilothama committed suicide and they have no other proof now. Susi decides to break up with Thiru while Mythili applies for divorce with Ramakrishnan. Finally, in the court, Ramakrishnan expresses how much he loves Mythili and tells all the truth and requests her to believe him. Also, Amudha and Vishwa convince Susi and Mythili whereby Amudha says that she very well knows about Vishwa's affair with so many girls but she still lives with a hope of getting him back as a loyal husband someday. Mythili and Susi understand Ramakrishnan and Thiru's good nature and they unite in the end. ===== On February 22, 1882, the S.S. Illinois docked at the foot of Federal Street on the Delaware River in South Philadelphia. Among the passengers on board were 225 European Jewish refugees, most of whom settled nearby. By the close of World War I, a little over 40 years later, South Philadelphia was home to over 100,000 Jewish immigrants, making it the second largest Jewish neighborhood in the United States. However, the thriving community didn't last long. Soon after World War II, the Jews began moving to other parts of the city and surrounding suburbs. By the beginning of the 21st century, the Jewish community of South Philadelphia had almost completely vanished. Using a mix of interviews, archival photographs, home movies and present day footage, Echoes from a Ghost Minyan documents a once thriving neighborhood by illuminating the lives and perceptions of those who once lived, worked and worshipped there, including the filmmakers themselves. ===== Rose and Maggie Feller are two young sisters who share little in common except their shoe size. Rose is the eldest and has been watching after Maggie since they were young children and their mother Caroline died in a car accident. They were raised by their father Michael (perpetually in mourning for Caroline) and stepmother Sydelle (who resents them both). Rose is a thirty- year-old single, successful lawyer who struggles with her weight, and who resents her younger sister's beauty and sexual attractiveness and lack of stability. Rose feels responsible for her sister and is frustrated with how each attempt to help Maggie backfires on her. Maggie, a twenty-eight-year-old who uses her beauty and charming nature to hide the obstacles she faces due to dyslexia and related learning difficulties, resents Rose's academic success and consequent wealth. Maggie is resentful of only ever holding a series of minimum wage jobs that leave her dependent on the charity of others especially her father and Rose. After middle school, standardized testing sets them on different paths in high school: Rose's success on the exams leads to Princeton University and University of Pennsylvania Law School; Maggie is unable to take the exams and is consequently sidelined in high school and due to her inability to cope with school work, she drops out of high school. She is unable to hold on to any job for long and struggles to manage her money so much so that she is evicted from her flat. Rose offers to support Maggie until her life gets sorted out by giving her a place to stay. Both are nearing the age of their mother when she died, Rose and Maggie each feel as if there is a vacuum in their lives which they are unable to fill. After wearing out her welcome with Rose (by sleeping with Rose's boyfriend in Rose's bed) and being evicted from her father's home by her stepmother, Maggie runs away, choosing to hide in Princeton University, which she had visited when Rose was a student. Finding shelter in a lower level of the library (with a fully equipped bathroom/shower), Maggie fills her free time doing something that she had avoided her entire life: reading. She also accepts a part-time position as a care-taker for a nearby elderly woman. Maggie is surprised to find that when reading in her own way at her own pace, she enjoys the activity and even begins to attend a poetry class. Eventually, however, a boy (whose wallet she had stolen) discovers her belongings in the library. Realizing her charade at Princeton is over, Maggie runs away. She travels to find her long-lost grandmother, whose old letters she had discovered previously in her father's desk. Rose, meanwhile, leaves her career in law in order to avoid the boyfriend who betrayed her. As a result of this break she accidentally discovers what life as a dog-walker would be like. She also begins to date Simon Stein, a colleague at the law firm. Grandma Ella had been forced out of the lives of the girls by their father. He had blamed her for Caroline's death — she had been mentally ill and not taking her medication at the time of her death. Grandma Ella had previously tried to track the girls via the Internet (only finding information on Rose) is delighted to see Maggie and invites her to stay in her home. Gradually Maggie, Ella, and eventually Rose reconcile with each other, and in the process come to terms with both the life and death of Caroline. Maggie finds her true calling: being a personal shopper to the old people in the community that Grandma Ella lives in. Eventually she is successful enough to open her own shop. She shows Rose that she has become a better person and proves her love by making Rose's wedding dress for her. ===== A much needed peace mission to the Orion Arm is delayed when the Enterprise becomes damaged while in orbit around a living planet. Further problems arise when a mysterious female guest causes much of the crew to become hardline pacifists - ruining the real mission. Kirk must now lead the rebellion against his own crew. ===== The plot follows the main character, Lucas Hutchman, an "undistinguished mathematician", who invents a machine that may detonate virtually instantaneously every nuclear bomb in the world, by inducing a "self-propagating neutron resonance". Overcoming technical and personal difficulties, Hutchman manages to build the device and to warn Earth's governments of its existence, but is tracked down and prevented to use it. At the end, Hutchman realises that rather than to the elimination of nuclear weapons, his invention just led to further investments in them, to create new bombs impervious to neutron resonance. The ending "shows precisely and prophetically . . . the flaw in [the Eighties'] plans for 'star wars' energy- beam defences"David Langford, "Spring Fever" in White Dwarf, issue 65, May 1985; also in ===== Barjo (Hippolyte Girardot) is eccentric, naive and obsessive. After he accidentally burns down his house during a "scientific" experiment, he moves in with his impulsive twin sister Fanfan (Anne Brochet), who is married to Charles "the Aluminum King" (Richard Bohringer). In his new surroundings, Barjo continues his old habits: cataloging old science magazines, testing bizarre inventions and filling his notebooks with his observations about human behavior and his thoughts about the end of the world. Through Barjo's journals we see the development of conflict and sexual tension between Fanfan and Charles, and the descent of Charles into madness. ===== The film begins with Ludwig van Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" playing as the scene descends on a book store. The camera pans across an array of various books (including a gag in which Uncle Tom's Cabin now has a Federal Housing Administration sign in front). Porky Pig, featured on the cover of The Westerner, comes to life and sings "Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride." Across the way, Daffy Duck, featured on the cover of The Ugly Duckling, comes to life and sings "Git Along, Little Dogies." Daffy finds his way to Black Beauty and comes out riding not a horse, but a big black woman, whom he rides to The Lake. A wolf emerges from the screenplay of The Wolf of Wall Street, sneaks behind The Green Bay Tree and lures Daffy to him using a female duck decoy from the book Toys. Daffy follows and grabs what he thinks is the decoy but is actually the wolf's nose. Once he realizes he is in danger, Daffy tells the wolf that he is not worth eating (he claims to have so many diseases that even the draft rejected him) and runs away. Daffy uses the books to defeat the wolf. He opens a copy of The Hurricane to blow the wolf away, and lightning from the book Lightning strikes the wolf. The wolf surrenders, fittingly under Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls. Daffy returns to the decoy. Porky enters the scene addresses in derision of Daffy, saying that Daffy and the decoy could never "mean anything to each other." Daffy sticks up his nose and swims away with the decoy, followed by four tiny decoys that look like Daffy. ===== The planet Trellisane is the breeding ground for a three-way war. Captain Kirk ends up as a passenger on a Klingon warship. Dr. McCoy is stuck with cannibals. The USS Enterprise is surrounded by Romulans and the Neutral Zone is filled with more danger than ever. ===== A sentient force of protostars, called 'Corona', endangers a team of Vulcan scientists. Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise arrive, their onboard situation complicated by a female reporter and a new computer system that can override Kirk's commands. The situation further degrades when it is learned the protostars might restart the entire universe. ===== Porky Pig presides as judge over divorce proceedings at the "Court of Inhuman Relations." He calls the case of "Duck vs. Duck." Daffy and Mrs. Duck approach the judge's stand. Mrs. Duck shouts over and over: "I want a divorce!" Porky asks her to relate to the court what happened. She explains that she had left Daffy in charge of keeping their egg warm while she visited her mother. Daffy grew bored, so he took the egg and performed a magic trick, causing the egg to disappear and then reappear. Impressed with himself, he tried the trick a second time but was unable to make the egg reappear. Despite countless frantic attempts with his trick, the egg never reappeared. When Mrs. Duck returned home, Daffy had replaced the egg with a door knob, hoping to fool her. She discovers this, and ends her story by shouting "I want a divorce!" once more, but this time, not in a blind rage, but extremely close to tears. Porky then sternly asks Daffy what he has to say for himself. Daffy pleads for one more chance, and Porky grants his request. In tears, he tries the trick again and the egg reappears, much to the court's shock. The egg immediately hatches and the ducks reconcile their differences. Junior, seated on the judge's podium with his glasses and Porky's gavel, then says, "Case dismissed, step down!", hitting the gavel twice at the end of the cartoon. ===== The game begins as an unnamed Hero, the last member of the Kusagari Clan, is being dragged across the desert, tied to the back of a motorcycle. He manages to break free, but Payne, the leader of the Jackals - a vast gang of thugs, murderers and thieves - steals the Hero's katana. While running from the Jackals, the Hero rescues his old swordsmaster Jian who was to soon be executed by the Jackals. After the rescue, Jian allows the Hero to borrow his sword until the Hero can recover his own from Payne. The Hero meets up with Tamiko, a member of his clan's research division, as well as Caldera's sheriff and Tamiko's father, Judd. They provide information for the Hero to help him track down Payne, while sabotaging the Jackals' operations in the Upper City, as well as meeting a fight club-operating businessman named Songan. The Hero eventually locates and defeats Payne in the Jackals' hideout, Rojo House, recovering his katana during the battle. He interrogates Payne and, before killing him by throwing him off a ledge, learns that his entire clan had been annihilated by a man named Shinjiro. The Hero travels to the Lower City, encountering another rival clan called the Katakara. He finds Shinjiro in the Kusagari Temple and the two swordsmen fight. After a fierce battle, the Hero breaks Shinjiro's katana and pushes him to the edge of the Temple's roof. However, before the Hero can strike his foe down, a mysterious ninja saves Shinjiro. Jian then tells the Hero that the katanas of the Kusagari, called Sora Katanas, have great unpredictable power and that the method to make these is known only to them, and Shinjiro, who trained with the Kusagari as a child, plans to make more of them. Following a tip from Judd, the Hero discovers Shinjiro trying to escape the city on a train and manages to board it before it leaves. After the Hero fights his way through the train, which is full of ninjas and Katakara, he finds Shinjiro atop the front car; however, the "escape attempt" is revealed to be a trap. As the Hero approaches the front car, Shinjiro detaches the front car from the rest of the train. Shinjiro then throws a grenade to kill the Hero and destroy the rest of the train. The Hero survives, but is forced to walk through the desert for three days before finding a deserted town. While exploring the town, however, the Hero discovers Songan, who explains that the ghost town is a Jackal ammo dump. The Hero drives off the Jackals and survives an attack by a Katakara force, led by the lieutenant Calhoun. After reestablishing communications with Tamiko, Judd, and Jian, the Hero learns that the trio have tracked Shinjiro to the isolated mining community of Rattlesnake Canyon. The Hero then takes Songan's advice and uses an old locomotive in the town's deserted train depot to travel there. While exploring the Canyon, the Hero is attacked by the leader of the Katakara, Okaji, but manages to defeat him, only for him to return from the dead, ready for the Hero to fight at a later time. Following Tamiko's plan, the Hero then uses explosives stolen from the mining quarry to destroy the gate protecting Shinjiro's hideout, the Tiger's Nest. However, Songan then betrays the hero and his allies, Tamiko, Judd, and Jian, are captured. Shinjiro demands the Hero's katana in exchange for his friends. As the Hero is about to give it to him, the two engage in a gun duel, where Tamiko is shot. The Hero pursues and confronts Shinjiro who now has created a new katana. After a fierce battle, Shinjiro is defeated. As he is weakened, Shinjiro tells the hero that other clans will fight him for that katana. The Hero then thrusts his katana through Shinjiro's chest and breaks it in half, killing Shinjiro in the process. The game ends as the hero throws the other half of the katana off a cliff and looks out into the distance with Shinjiro's dead body behind him. ===== While traipsing through the Ookaboochie Swamps, Daffy Duck seeks to deliver a telegram to "Chloe". Unable to find the telegram's recipient, and suffering from a severe case of hiccups, he stumbles upon the home of "Dr. Jerkyl" and hopes that the physician can cure his condition. Daffy's hiccups are so severe that they cause him to damage or destroy everything around him. Dr. Jerkyl captures Daffy and restrains him to a doctor's chair. Hoping to scare Daffy in order to cure his hiccups, Dr. Jerkyl created and drinks a potion that turns him into Chloe, a grotesque yet effeminate ogre. Daffy, realizing he has reached his destination, then reads Chloe the telegram: the lyrics to "Happy Birthday To You," sent to her by a Mr. Frank N. Stein. Chloe, who is enamored with Daffy (who in turn is now cured of his hiccups), chases the duck around the laboratory until the radio is accidentally switched on, prompting him/her to dance. Once the music ends, the chase resumes. Daffy scrambles to the lab table and mixes a potion, which turns Chloe into an infant. As each brandishes a hammer insisting each one doesn't know the other that well, the action moves offscreen, a large thud is heard, and the bird from the doctor's cuckoo clock displays a large sign reading “He Dood It!” ===== Masanam (Prakash Raj), a local thug and criminal who kills people, slowly rises up the ranks to be a minister. Shakthivel (Nithin Sathya) is a die-hard fan of actor Vijay and studies in college. He falls in love with Masanam's sister Thulasi (Sindhu Tolani) and challenges him (he has a reason for that), and a cat-and-mouse game ensues. What follows is a series of incidents between the two that leads to a melodramatic climax.About the film ===== Seth and Jay are holed-up in a filthy cockroach-infested apartment while something terrible but unspecified is going on outside. After a series of trivial arguments it is decided that the need for water is such that one of them must go outside the heavily barricaded house to fix the supply - a job which requires going onto the roof. Jay reluctantly goes having accepted it's his turn. While he is on the roof having restored the water supply, an anxious Seth hears a shot from the pistol Jay was carrying. A bathroom window is broken from the outside and Seth's anxiety increases. Seth's shouts to Jay are met with silence as blood begins to flow through the faucet. Seth sits trembling on the floor, back to the wall, and clutching a table leg with nails through the end ready to defend himself against whatever is out there. ===== Sorn (Everingham), a Thai photographer visiting Laos, falls in love with his beautiful Laotian tour guide, Noi (Pallawong). The film features several tourist sites in Laos. ===== The series follows the life of High School student Keita Kusakabe, who is given a magical box by his friend and fellow student Natsuki Morishima. Keita has obtained the box in hopes that, as per legend, his wishes will be granted. He opens the box and out pops Maki a powerful devil, she at first tells Keita she's a genie that will grant three wishes whatever they may be. At first Keita can't decide what he wants and decides to sleep on it, later the next day Keita accidentally walks in on Maki who has just finished taking a shower. Now that she is without clothes Keita spots Maki's wings and tail, and realizes that she is in fact a devil. Maki reveals that once Keita has used all three wishes, she will take his soul. Unfortunately for her evil plans, she is inexperienced and doesn't even know how to be evil. She must stay with Keita until she can trick him into making his third wish while also teaching herself to be evil, but matters are complicated further when she starts falling in love with him. ===== On a donkey and pulling a trailer, recently retired singing cowboy Daffy Duckaroo moves from Hollywood to the American West, where he comes upon an Indian encampment. He is about to run away when he is wooed by an Indian girl. He serenades her and follows her into her teepee. The Indian girl, actually a New Yorker named Daisy June, says she would love to be Daffy's girlfriend, but her boyfriend, a hulking Indian man named Little Beaver with a reputation for taking scalps, will never allow it. When Little Beaver arrives, Daffy hides in a dresser and emerges disguised as an Indian girl himself. Little Beaver quickly forgets Daisy June and falls for the costumed Daffy. When Little Beaver discovers Daffy's ruse, he chases Daffy through the Painted Desert, the Petrified Forest and into Los Angeles until he calls for aid with smoke signals. The Indians surround Daffy's trailer, and in a non sequitur ending, they remove the tires and run off, only for an Indian to return them a few seconds later as they do not fit his golf cart; a sign reading "keep it under 40" is seen on the back of the cart as the cartoon ends. As with most Warner Bros. cartoons of the era, the cartoon is peppered with then-current pop culture gags . A shootout during the chase contains no bullets, as Daffy has saved them "for the Army" and the World War II effort; the "keep it under 40" ending is also a reference to the 35 mph speed limit imposed during the war to ration gasoline. ===== The USS Enterprise is contacted by Ael i-Mhiessan t'Rllaillieu, a Romulan commander with whom Captain Kirk has tangled several times before. Ael has become disillusioned with the Romulan Empire's politics, and is especially concerned with a secret project she has discovered which seeks to use captured Vulcans for medical research with the goal of allowing Romulans to develop extensive mental powers. She convinces her crew to cross the Neutral Zone into Federation space, where the Enterprise is patrolling with the Starships Constellation, Intrepid and the Denebian Defender-class battleship Inaieu. Ael hopes to convince Kirk to launch a strike against the medical facility. The Captain declines, but when the USS Intrepid mysteriously vanishes during an ion storm, Ael convinces him that the ship has been captured by Romulans and its Vulcan crew will become part of the project. This convinces Kirk to take the Enterprise with Ael's ship, Bloodwing, into Romulan space in a rescue mission. The plan involves Ael's ship pretending to capture the Enterprise, taking it back home through the Romulan defences on a course which will pass close to the research station. The plan proceeds smoothly until a double cross by Ael's son, Tafv threatens to leave the Enterprise genuinely captured. This attempt is overturned, the Intrepid and her crew rescued, the base destroyed, and the Enterprise duly heads back to Federation space. Ael and Kirk go their separate ways, he back to duty and she to a life of exile as a traitor. Before leaving she tells Kirk all of her names and their meaning, a highly symbolic act for a Romulan which is only done to "one closer than kin". She tells him her names will be purged from the records back home, rendering her essentially a non-person in Romulan eyes. On returning to Earth Kirk hangs a pennant with Ael's names on it in a remote valley, symbolically counteracting this status. ===== Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise joins with the Klingons to investigate a spatial anomaly that has already swallowed one starship. Kirk suspects the problem has something to do with the nearby life forms on Taygeta V, beings which are preyed upon for the jewels they secrete at the moment of their death. Unfortunately a Klingon officer has mutiny on his mind and the anomaly threatens to destroy all of known space. ===== Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy travel to a hospital facility on Vulcan to acquire treatment for a badly wounded Enterprise crew member. Kirk encounters Spock's mother, Amanda Grayson, and Spock's father, Sarek, and soon becomes heavily involved in Spock's personal life. Then people begin to die. Kirk, trying to solve the case, is hampered by some Vulcans' belief that it would be illogical for murder to be happening on their home world, and that the deaths are therefore accidents. But he knows criminal behavior when he sees it, and presses on. ===== Lt. Uhura's friendship with a cat-like diplomat from Eeiauo becomes vital when a plague threatens the population. The songs they shared are key to the cure. When the plague begins to infect humans starting with Dr. McCoy, the crew of the Enterprise must work to decipher the songs and cure the plague. ===== The film starts in a Budapest Hotel with a narrative introduction by Perlasca. His chambermaid warns him of a raid of Hungarian Arrow Cross storm troopers coming to arrest him. He escapes and manages gets to the railway station, where he tries to sneak onto a sheep transport wagon. Discovered by a local officer named Glückmar he is arrested (as Italy has surrendered to the Allies, Italian citizens in Hungary are considered enemies). While he is being taken away, an Allied air strike hits the station and Perlasca escapes. He goes to an upper-class party to get information from Contessa Eleonora about Resistance members who can help him leave the country. Another squad of troopers, led by Captain Bleiber, arrive on the scene and arrest some guests, including Italian military officers. The contessa uses her Hungarian social rank to get Perlasca out safely and sends him to Professor Balázs, a doctor. Perlasca finds he is sheltering Jews who have left the ghetto, at a time when they are being deported to Nazi death camps. Perlasca spends the night at his clinic, but the place is investigated by Bleiber and his Lieut. Nagy. Escaping the immediate threat, the Jews leave the house in fear and most are caught and killed by Bleiber and his forces, who had been waiting outside. Perlasca survives with Magda, a young Jewish woman, and her daughter Lili. They reach the Spanish Embassy where, thanks to a safe-passage letter signed by Francisco Franco, he gains an audience with the ambassador Sanz Briz. He sends them to a Spanish safe house, protected by embassy sovereignty. They are accompanied by a local Hungarian Jewish lawyer working for the embassy. At the safe house, Perlasca meets more refugees from the clinic, and Eva and Sándor, a Jewish couple. He helps get groups to collaborate within the house. He and the lawyer leave the house for s drink but upon his return he recognizes that the house was indeed cleaned up illegally by the Arrow Cross soldiers. He begins searching for Magda first in the railway station where the fascists have already started to gather and load the Jews to wagons ready to roll out. For the second time, he confronts Glückmar, who helps him . Perlasca is sent to the SS-Führer of the station who is easily bribed and thus lets him compile a list of Jews needed by the Spanish Embassy. He cheats with the list and actually calls more people to his truck than it is permitted, except Magda, who isn't on the train. He then visits an Arrow Cross Interrogation base, where he finds a lot of executed Jews but saves those few who survived the torture with Magda among them. Returning to the Embassy, Briz tells him that the Spanish are withdrawing from Hungary and ceasing to operate. This is the point where Perlasca decides to take on the role of a so-called consul and to lie, saying he is of Spanish nationality and have others call him "Jorge". He refuses to let the Arrow troopers in and acts as if the Embassy is still functioning and is therefore sovereign territory. He organizes education, alert duty and supplies within these buildings. He visits Gábor Vajna, the Arrow Cross Interior Minister of Hungary as consul and claims that the Jews housed by the Spanish are Sephardi Jews. Meanwhile, Lt. Nagy – according to the local rules – forces the protected Jews to the streets to clear debris caused by air raids. He then attempts to escort the group to the railway station for deportation, but is stopped again by a dispatch reporting Perlasca's and Vajna's agreement. Then comes the aforementioned encounter with Adolf Eichmann where Perlasca saves the lives of two siblings. He then falsifies 5000 'Schutzbriefs' (protection letters) when he is informed of his own Spanish passport waiting for him at the Hungarian border. He still chooses to stay because Magda's life is in danger. A final raid on the safehouse results in Nagy taking all the Jews (except a half dozen of them who remain in hiding) to the Danube bank, while Perlasca is attending a ball where he tries to borrow a train-wagon for his protégés to be sent to Switzerland. While running away from the safehouse, Magda's father is shot on sight by a young militiaman, who tries to test him by asking him to recite the prayer, "Our father, who art in ... ". As a Jew he can not do so, and the soldier yells, "Where is our father?" When Sándor responds, "I don't know where he is," he is shot immediately. Perlasca and the few remained Jews find shelter at Professor Balázs' flat. At the Danube river the 1944/45 Danube executions take place and despite recruiting aid from Major Glückmer, Perlasca arrives too late to the scene. He manages to save only Eva. Upon hearing the news of plans to burn down the Budapest ghetto and its inhabitants, he decides to convince the Jewish community to take up arms and to fight if necessary. He also makes his final visit to Vajna's office and, with a successful bluff, he convinces him to let the ghetto stand and thus be freed by the Red Army days later. In the final scenes, Cpt. Bleiber is seen hanged in the street and Perlasca leaves the city with the help of Glückmer, who was originally ordered to arrest him because of his previous fascist affiliations. ===== Elmer Fudd is hunting ducks with his dog Laramore. After missing Daffy several times ("Confidentially, those hunters couldn't hit the broad side of a DUCK!" snickers Daffy to the audience) and leaving a duck-shaped hole in the clouds after each shotgun blast, Elmer manages to graze Daffy with a load of buckshot; this merely blows off his tail-feathers but causes him to fall. Laramore ensures there is a pillow waiting to cushion Daffy's landing. Daffy then gives the dog a lesson in how to retrieve a duck. When Laramore takes the duck to Elmer, Elmer apologizes for shooting him, explaining that he had to "pwug" Daffy because he is "a gweat spoowtsman". An indignant Daffy sits up and heatedly retorts that Elmer doesn't know the meaning of fair play ("What chance has a poor little fluffy winged creature like me against a well- equipped hunter like you?!") and adds that Elmer wouldn't be so tough without various accoutrements, including his big shotgun, knife and even his hunter's apparel - which Daffy actually removes from Elmer. He finishes his tirade asking what protection he has got ("A bullet-proof vest, I suppose!") and inadvertently opens his feathered chest to reveal one ("How did that get there?"). Subsequently, he challenges Elmer to a "fair" fight. Intimidatingly, Daffy maneuvers Elmer into a boxing ring which is surrounded by many duck spectators The burly referee of the fight is also a duck, named Ducky Wheeze. He struggles to stop laughing at pathetic Elmer long enough to introduce him; when he finally does, Elmer stands up and meekly says, "Hewwo." The crowd boos overwhelmingly; only Laramore, from separate and otherwise empty bleachers, cheers; he is immediately knocked over by various objects thrown at him from the crowd. The referee gives Daffy "Good to His Mother" Duck a resounding, loving introduction. The duck spectators cheer wildly; Laramore, back in his spot in the separate and otherwise empty bleachers, boos; he is again knocked over by thrown objects. Before the match starts, the referee exhorts the two opponents to "fight clean", turning to wink at the duck spectators who, knowing what is coming, collectively shout, "Oh, brother!" The referee then calls "no rough stuff -- none of THIS! Or THIS! Or like SO!", each time demonstrating an illegal move on Elmer and knocking him silly. Daffy, in turn, picks up where the referee left off, asking, "You mean none of THIS? Or THIS?", manhandling (or duckhandling) Elmer similarly, and leaving him beaten up. At this point, Laramore suggests that there is "something awfully screwy about this fight, or my name isn't Laramore. And, it isn't." As Elmer is slouched in his corner, Daffy beats up on him once more before the referee calls them out to shake hands. Daffy manipulates Elmer into "choosing" which of Daffy's hands to shake, and the result is Elmer being bashed on the head with a hammer. He falls to the mat as the referee rings the bell for Round 1, then rushes over to provide a ridiculously fast ten-count. He then declares Daffy Duck the winner and new champion. Elmer, perplexed, walks over and says, "I'm not the one to compwain, Mr. Wefewee, but I thought you said no wough stuff! None of THIS! Or THIS! Or wike SO!" as he demonstrates the same illegal moves which were exhibited on him earlier on both the referee and Daffy. ===== A local crowd gathers at a baseball park for a game between the Droops and the Drips. A policeman (voiced by Harold Peary, even doing his signature laugh from The Great Gildersleeve) stands at the park entrance discouraging spectators who have not paid to see the game by poking their eyes. Woody notices that kids returning baseballs can get in for free, so he tosses the cop a cannonball and enters the park. Woody tries to watch the game but is discovered by the officer. He escapes by shaking a soda pop bottle and spraying it into his adversary's face, adding "No stopper, Copper!" Woody joins the game as the pitcher for the Drips. When he is up to bat, he causes so much trouble that the entire team chases him along the baselines while the policeman waits for him at home plate. He escapes by pecking his way through a barrage of baseball bats. However, instead of getting away with it, Woody ends up being assaulted with a barrage of baseballs as soon as he pops out of the park's scoreboard. ===== Woody Woodpecker visits a traveling circus. He attempts to sneak into the big top but a caretaker kicks him out. He says that if Woody wants to see the show, he will have to water the elephant. Woody attaches the elephant to a water spout and attempts again to enter the tent. The caretaker chases him around the circus and into the big top. He continues to try to catch Woody but finds himself caught in several circus performance contraptions, including a trapeze, a tightrope, a perch pole, a lion's cage and a bicycle. ===== While driving his car, Woody sees a sign that reads: "Conserve gas & tires. Is this trip really necessary?" Woody refers to himself as a "necessary evil" while changing his appearance briefly into a devilish version of itself with deranged eyes and speeds down the road after changing back again. While cresting a hill, he runs out of gas and rolls to the gas station below. The gas attendant asks to see Woody's "ABC" book (see below), and Woody hands him an alphabet book. Insulted, the attendant grabs a hammer and knocks Woody's car into a salvage yard. Woody decides to steal gasoline from the wrecked vehicles in the lot. He unknowingly siphons gas from a parked police car. A cop chases Woody around the salvage yard. They get caught up in stacks of tires, and Woody ends up riding the cop like an automobile out of the yard and end up crashing into a large storage unit of gasoline which explodes, killing them both. In Heaven, the cop leaves the "Wing Rationing Board" with a small pair of wings. He starts chasing Woody again when he realizes that the wings Woody has received are much larger. ===== Prince Vikram of the planet Angira has spent some time studying on Earth. He plans to return home with new ways of changing his homeland. Accompanying him are Spock and Hikaru Sulu. Resistance comes from Angirans who hate new technology. The two Starfleet officers are swept up in the fighting and must use primitive weapons themselves to survive. ===== In this dog-eat-dog world, people either have to stand up and carve a living for themselves or risk getting trampled by others in the rat race called life. This is the dilemma Ditas (Kristine Hermosa) has faced every day of her life. Born to a destitute family, Ditas has resigned herself to the fact that her life will be a struggle, but she still has the strong resolve to make it in life, no matter what. As such, Ditas will not let her lowly stature in life hamper dreams of a promising future. She makes a living by selling her babies to the highest bidder, a lucrative job that is problem- free until a well-to-do couple approaches her one day and changes the rules of the game. The picture-perfect couple Rodel (Diether Ocampo) and Fina (Rica Peralejo) are young, good-looking, and rich. The couple couldn't wish for anything more since they seemingly have everything anyone could ever want. With one exception. Both Rodel and Fina are eager to start a family; unfortunately, Fina has a medical condition that prohibits her from bearing children. When they hear rumors about a certain surrogate mother who happens to be Ditas, the couple sees an opportunity to finally fill the void in their lives. Problems arise when Rodel perceives qualities in Ditas that he deems his wife is lacking. Soon the casual business deal becomes entangled and a more intimate relationship develops between Rodel and Ditas. Now Fina must do everything to make the family whole again even if means having to beg Rodel for his once undivided love and affection. ===== The USS Enterprise is on patrol near the Romulan neutral zone and the crew is experiencing unusual dreams. Captain James T. Kirk and Science Officer Spock both confess that they are having dreams that Spock is Captain of the ship and Kirk is an Ensign. Kirk informs Spock that Starfleet intelligence has discovered that the Romulans are attempting to use time travel and are sending more ships to investigate. Captain Kirk goes to sleep, and awakes as Ensign Kirk on the VSS ShiKahr, which appears to otherwise be the Enterprise. The Ensign is a drug addled ex-convict who has been on board for only a day. The Romulans had attempted to travel back in time and destroy the Federation, but they instead created a Federation dominated by Vulcans. They shielded a ship from the changes and compare the differences, realising that it needs to be reversed. Meanwhile, Captain Spock begins to act protectively of Ensign Kirk, but the Captain is injured on an away mission. After Doctor McCoy conducts a series of mental scans, the crew of the ShiKahr realise that history has been altered. The Romulans plot to use Kirk to force Spock to impersonate their leader. Spock mindmelds with Kirk, each realising their personas from the main timeline. Romulan agents board the ShiKahr and capture Kirk. Spock agrees to their demands and travels with them. Whilst en route, Spock enters pon farr and finds that he is linked to Kirk, but mates with the Romulan Thea to allow it to pass. They retrieve Kirk, and discover that taking Kirk and Spock was a ploy to have them both travel back in time to stop the Romulan agents from preventing the formation of the Federation. They travel back in time and disable the agents, but Spock is seriously injured and dying. Kirk and Spock mindmeld as reality shifts once more and restores the original timeline. ===== On the planet Vulcan, several representatives of each Federation world are kept as "Warrantors of the Peace". As close relatives of the leaders of their worlds, they serve as hostages against the actions of their planetary governments, and are immediately killed if their world attacks another Federation planet. Six of these Warrantors - an Andorian, a human, a Vulcan and three Deltans - are kidnapped and held by the Romulan Empire. The Andorian is killed during the kidnap, and the three Deltans are tortured to death by their Klingon captors, acting for the Romulans. The plot focuses on the cultural differences and eventual friendship between the two surviving captives, T'Shael and Cleante. ===== Jean Czerny, a Federation survivor of an earthquake, is suffering from amnesia. She becomes involved in a Klingon crisis, caused by an empire-wide famine. Captain Kirk and the Klingon Captain Kang clash over the potential war brewing and the fate of Jean. ===== Monica grew up in a male-dominated household. Her witty and free- spirited attitude caught the attention of Carlitos. He, on the other hand, lives in a female dominated household, where everyone depends on him. They start to get to know each other more everyday, hang out together and share each other’s feelings. And as they draw closer to each other, they start to fall in love. Little did they know that their family ties will be the factor that will make or break their budding relationship.Reunited in a movie remake ===== Woody walks about town and realizes that all of the restaurants are closed. He finds one store with a sign in its window that reads: "We stuff birds." He assumes that it is a restaurant when it is actually a taxidermist's shop. He approaches the counter to place his order. From his coat pocket, the taxidermist, an anthropomorphic cat (voice by Hans Conried), removes an ad from the Museum of Natural History announcing a $100,000 reward for a stuffed king-size woodpecker. He secretly places knock- out drops in the food he prepares for Woody. The food puts Woody to sleep, but he recovers on the cutting table. He escapes the taxidermist by climbing onto an elevator; the taxidermist falls down the elevator shaft to the basement, where he abandons his $100,000 ambition ===== Enma, Yukiko-Hime and Kapaeru are part of the Yokai-Patrol. They go after ghosts that have escaped from Hell into the human world. ===== Show's Main Cast All their lives, Barbara always gave way to her younger half-sister Ruth so she would be accepted by her new family. When they were older, she met Fritz and they instantly fell in love with each other. But Ruth also wants Fritz. She told them she would kill herself if Fritz would not marry her. So Barbara again gave way and made Fritz marry Ruth even with a heavy heart. She stayed in the States as a hospital nurse, but one day she received a call from the Philippines saying that Ruth killed herself and it was witnessed by her only daughter Karen. She quickly came to the country to mourn with her stepmother and to take care of her currently unstable niece. But when she arrived, strange things start to happen. It seems that Ruth killed herself because of her paranoia that her husband is seeing Barbara in the States during his business trips. Ruth always knew that Fritz will always love Barbara and not her. To exact revenge on Barbara, she haunts the house through the doll, Chelsea and through her own daughter. She hurts and even kills all the people that are dear to Barbara until there is nobody left but Barbara herself. ===== Mrs. Murphy's Theatrical Boarding House is a place where young performers reside. A group of those young people try to escape after finding out they are unable to pay the rent. However they get caught by the landlady and fellow tenant Marvo the Great is forced to sell his clothes to pay the rent. They next set out to the radio network WECA to visit singer Anne Payne. Anne is a former boarding house member who now works at the radio station with the Andrews Sisters and Woody Herman and His Orchestra. When Marvo is later conversing with Anne at her apartment, her wealthy neighbour Sue Courtney drops in their conversation and wonders if she can join the group. Meanwhile, at the Courtney estate, Sue's uncle and aunt, J.P. and Agatha, meet with their advertising counselor Bob Riley. She complains that the radio station only plays classical songs. Sue offers to help them out by asking her new friends to make swing music for the radio station. They do so and Bob notices Anne, whom he immediately falls in love with. Sue meanwhile falls in love with young performer Tommy. ===== Barbara (Susan Roces) has always been overly indulgent of her little sister, Ruth's every whim. Years later, Barbara meets and falls in love with Fritz (Dante Rivero), who is smitten with her. But the spoiled Ruth (Rosanna Ortiz) confesses to her older sister that she too is in love with Fritz and threatens to kill herself if he does not marry her. So with a heavy heart, Barbara once again accommodates Ruth's demands and convinces Fritz to court her younger sister instead. In a twisted act of devotion, Fritz reluctantly agrees to marry Ruth, to prove his love for Barbara. After the wedding, Barbara decides to start a new life abroad, to give Fritz a chance to fall in love with Ruth and for Barbara to get over her feelings for him. Her past comes back to haunt her when Barbara receives news that her younger sister has killed herself and was witnessed by Ruth's only daughter Karen (Beth Malongat). Barbara immediately returns to the Philippines to mourn her sister and comfort her unstable niece. Upon Barbara's return, she learns the reason surrounding Ruth's mysterious death. Throughout their marriage, Ruth felt that Fritz never loved her, but harboured feelings for her sister. In a state of paranoid delusion, she suspects that Fritz was having an affair and used his business trips to the States as an excuse to rendezvous with Barbara. In a jealous rage, she commits suicide and haunts the household through a doll to exact revenge on everyone who wronged her. ===== Being the loving older sister, Barbara (Lorna Tolentino) has always been overly indulgent of her little sister Ruth's every whim. Years later, Barbara meets and instantly falls in love with Nick (Tonton Gutierrez), who is mutually smitten with her. But the spoiled Ruth (Dawn Zulueta) confesses to her older sister that she too is in love with Nick and threatens to kill herself if he does not marry her. So with a heavy heart, Barbara once again passively accommodates Ruth's demands and convinces Nick to court her younger sister instead. In a twisted act of devotion, Nick reluctantly agrees to marry Ruth, to prove his love for Barbara. After the wedding, Barbara then decides to start a new life abroad, to give Nick a chance to truly fall in love with Ruth and for Barbara to get over her feelings for him. Her past comes back to haunt her (in more ways than one) when Barbara receives news that her younger sister has killed herself and was witnessed by Ruth's only daughter Karen (Antoinette Taus). Barbara immediately returns to the Philippines to mourn her sister and comfort her unstable niece. But strange events happen upon Barbara's return and she learns the reason surrounding Ruth's mysterious death. Throughout their marriage, Ruth felt that Nick never really loved her, but instead still harboured feelings for her sister. In a state of paranoid delusion, she suspects that Nick was having an affair and used his business trips to the United States as an excuse to rendezvous with Barbara. In a jealous rage, she commits suicide and haunts the household and everyone she deemed who have wronged her. It was later revealed that ever since Barbara left her for the US, she indulged herself of everything that can ease her helplessness which includes witchcraft and spiritual medium sessions. Through this she learned that even after death she can return to the world of the living on a limited time to haunt and exact revenge on anyone she wants. Maestra Beatriz, whom Barbara sought advise and also was responsible for teaching Ruth black magic offered help and have tried to make contact with her tormented soul via spiritual session together with Barbara and her maid. During this session Ruth possessed her only child and manages to kill the old woman. Through an act of sacrifice, Maestra Beatriz manages to drive away Ruth's spirit. All seems well, until Barbara and Nick learned that what happened during Barbara's encounter with Ruth's spirit was only temporary and now, since it was the 9th day of Ruth's passing, she now have grown more powerful and with the help of evil spirits whom she now have given purpose. Ruth appears and manages to convince Barbara to join her in the world of the tormented souls until Nick arrives just in time and instead sacrificed himself by holding the physical manifestation of Ruth and plunging both themselves to the fiery pits of hell. ===== Four grown demons (Enma, Yukihime, Kapaeru, and Grandpa Chapeauji) are part of a Yokai- Patrol searching for demons that have escaped from Hell into the human world. They form the group known as the Enma Detective Agency as a cover for their activities. ===== During a glorious Southern California summer, high school student Benny King (Hopkins) is doing time flipping burgers. Benny's father wants him to learn the work ethic, rather than have him sit around the house all summer, dreaming and writing. When his old friend Durrell (Brian Hooks) comes by with a more attractive alternative, Benny jumps at it. His family goes on vacation and Benny borrows his father's Mercedes and heads on down to the beach with Durrell. At the beach, they meet the Mikey Z, a homeboy wannabe, played by actor Gregg Vance. They have told themselves that they are there to sell beach-goers cheap sunglasses, but they are really there to show off their 'phat' box and attract the finest girls with portable beats on the beach. Comic encounters with the beach girls and a continuous playful banter between Mickey Z and the Durrel-Benny duo form the mainstay of the movie. ===== Two Lost in a Dirty Night follows two Brazilian illegal immigrants living in New York City, United States. Paco, a tomboy whose real name is Rita, is very aggressive, strange and mysterious. Antônio, nicknamed Tonho, wants to return to Brazil, because he had no success living in America. They live in a kind of loft. They met each other while Paco was acting as a male prostitute, doing a blowjob on a man (Guy Camilleri). Then, he discovers that Paco is a girl and became furious, trying later to rape her. Tonho saves her and invites her to live with him. ===== Elizabeth Allen, older and not having a spoiled personality, goes on to her second year for Whyteleafe School. She makes two enemies, Robert and Kathleen. Robert is a bully and Kathleen plays mean tricks on Jenny and Elizabeth. Elizabeth does not want to misbehave again, but someone tries to make sure that she does not forget her nickname of 'the Naughtiest Girl in the school'. Elizabeth tries to hunt down the sneak who is playing tricks on her and her friend Joan, resulting in many adventures. ===== The US military is running a test for a special type of radio transmitter, to be used to communicate with submarines, in a deep system of caves in Central America. When the signal from one of the transmitters suddenly disappears, a team of soldiers led by Major Elbert Stevens (Bottoms) and cave specialists led by Rupert 'Wolf' Wolfsen (Powell) including scientist Leslie Peterson (Blount) are sent in to find out what happened. Exploring deep underground, they stumble upon a tribe of albino cave-dwellers who have apparently been isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years. The cave-dwellers are hurt by radio frequencies and are able to see in infra-red frequencies, tracking the explorers by their body heat. ===== Esmeralda, the gypsy, is the darling of the people around Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Three men are romantically interested in her: Phöebus, the commander of the city guard, Quasimodo the bell ringer of Notre Dame and Claudius Frollo, the archdeacon of the cathedral. The latter, however, is confused by his strong affection for Esmeralda and cannot resolve the conflict caused by his vow of celibacy. Out of jealousy, he stabs a knife in Phöebus's back when he meets with Esmeralda in an inn. Esmeralda is falsely accused and charged with this crime. The resultant death sentence is to be executed on the forecourt of the cathedral. Quasimodo rescues the gypsy and brings her up into the bell tower to safety but Frollo violates the sanctuary and has Esmeralda executed by hanging. Quasimodo then angrily throws Frollo from the bell tower to his death. ===== The TARDIS arrives on the planet Hurala. Whilst investigating the deserted site the Doctor makes his way to the base's computer data core room, where he is locked inside by the computer along with the corpse of another person previously trapped inside. Five days later, the bounty hunter ship Wayfarer lands on the planet, its crew hoping to use the fuel stores to refuel the ship. They soon come across the TARDIS, and then hear a repeating tapping noise. One of them, called Scrum, realises that it's a Morse code SOS message. They quickly trace it to the computer data core room where they find and free the Doctor, who has been sending it out with a spoon. On the insistence of the Doctor and another of the bounty hunters, Stella, the group investigate the computer's systems. They discover an override which, when activated, took control of the base and trapped the Doctor. Someone had used the computer to set a trap. Who did is soon answered when the group are attacked by a Dalek patrol. The Doctor and the bounty hunters, who now reveal that they kill Daleks for a living, race back to the Wayfarer, escape to the TARDIS being blocked by Daleks. They manage to take off but the Daleks blow up a refuelling pump, sending debris flying into the ship through the open landing ramp, badly wounding Stella. As the crew attempt to put her into cryo- freeze a Dalek manages to get into the ship through an air-lock, and exterminates Stella. Before it can kill anyone else the Doctor freezes it using the emergency cryo-charge intended for Stella. With the Dalek immobilised Stella's body is also frozen and the crew make a course for Auros, Stella's home world. On the way, the Dalek's eye stalk is removed so that the crew can claim the prize-money for killing it, and it is placed in the cargo hold. Whilst talking with the crew the Doctor realises that he's travelled back along the time line to before the Time War. At this point in history the Daleks are locked in a huge galactic war with Earth's first empire, at a moment when victory can go either way. The Doctor also learns more about the crew. Commanding the ship is Bowman, a former Earth trooper who has been fighting the Daleks for years and is a veteran of the Draconian Wars. Scrum is the crew's technician, Cuttin' Edge is a former Space Marine who was dishonorably discharged and Stella was the ship's Medic. The other crew member, Koral, is a humanoid alien whose planet and people of Red Sky Lost were destroyed by the Daleks. Upon arriving at Auros the Doctor and the crew discover that the planet's population are abandoning the planet as the Daleks are preparing to invade. Using the Osterhagen Principle, they detonate a series of nuclear bombs and destroy the planet to prevent it falling to the Daleks. The Doctor and Bowman realise that the Daleks will now ambush the retreating convoy. They try to warn them but before they can the Daleks arrive, forcing the convoy to surrender and destroying its flagship as a warning to the other ships. Furious at the loss of Stella and her home world, the crew of the Wayfarer decide to interrogate the captured Dalek. With the Doctor's reluctant help they disarm it, and then Koral uses its claws to open the casing. They then remove the creature inside and torture it, despite the Doctor's protests. Eventually they give up when the Dalek tells them nothing. After they've left the cargo hold, however, the Doctor returns and reveals to the dying Dalek who he is. The Dalek, amongst its predictable ranting, lets slip that the Daleks plan to 'eliminate all humanity from its very beginnings!' Eventually the Dalek dies, and the Doctor works out what it meant. He reveals to the crew that the Daleks must be looking for the Arkheon Threshold, a schism in time and space which, if opened, will give the Daleks access to the Time Vortex. Deciding that the Doctor is telling the truth, Bowman orders the crew to head for the remains of the planet Arkheon, which had been destroyed at the start of the war. When they arrive they find that the planet has been split in two, with the surviving half still retaining a breathable atmosphere. The Wayfarer lands and the Doctor and the crew disembark. Whilst looking round the devastated landscape they encounter dozens of mutated Arkheonites, devolved by the radiation fallout. They chase the crew to the very edge of the planet, where they are captured by Daleks. After destroying their weapons the Daleks force the Doctor and the crew onto a lift, which descends down the side of the planet towards they core. Here the Doctor discovers that the Daleks, far from searching for Arkheon, have been on the planet for years. They have constructed a huge underground base where thousands of human prisoners from Auros are mining the core, looking for the Threshold. The base also contains experimentation labs, and the largest Dalek Prison outside of Skaro. The Doctor and the crew are taken into the base where they are scanned for 'suitability'. Scrum is found to be of marginal use. Cuttin' Edge and Koral are both sentenced to work in the mines. When Bowman is scanned it is discovered that he is in fact 'Space Major Jon Bowman', the designer of Earth's defence system and high on the Dalek's list of wanted people, causing the commander to be alerted. Upon being told by the Command Dalek that Bowman will be taken for brain excoriation, which will kill him, Koral, who is secretly in love with Bowman, lashes out at the nearest Dalek. In retaliation the Daleks kill Scrum, the weakest member of the group. As the Daleks prepare to take Bowman away the Doctor stops them and whispers something to the Command Dalek. The Command Dalek, suddenly terrified, orders two of its minions to scan the Doctor. They immediately identity him and prepare to exterminate him. The Doctor persuades them to interrogate him first, however. News of the Doctor's capture is sent to the Supreme Dalek on Skaro, who sends the Primary Intelligence Unit, led by the Dalek Inquisitor General, to interrogate the Doctor. Cuttin' Edge and Koral are sent to work in the mines, replacing a group that is exterminated for being too slow. The Doctor is placed in the same cell as Bowman, who reveals to him that the Dalek Inquisitor General, called 'Dalek X' by the Earth authorities, is second in command to the Supreme Dalek and is described as being 'the Devil in Dalek form'. Dalek X accepts his Earth designation to cause fear. Dalek X arrives at Arkeon aboard the Exterminator, the Dalek Empire's most advanced ship, containing 500 Daleks and accompanied by a small fleet of Dalek saucers. Upon arrival Dalek X takes over command of the base, and exterminates one of its mining Daleks for failing to meet its target. He then orders that every hour the weakest group of workers will be exterminated. Soon after the Doctor is brought to the interrogation room, where Dalek X measures the Doctor's capacity for physical pain using a mind probe, simply out of curiosity. Dalek X reveals he gave the order to destroy the Auros Ship. After an unknown length of time in pain the Doctor is released from the mind probe, and shown around the base by Dalek X. Meanwhile, the Wayfarer is destroyed, and Bowman is taken to have his brain removed. Dalek X reveals to the Doctor that once the planetary core has been extracted, the Daleks will locate the Threshold using a Large Chronon Collider. They will then open it, access the time vortex and defeat the Time Lords. There is a chance that the collider won't work properly, however. To ensure success the Daleks need a control element; the Doctor's TARDIS. The Doctor refuse to co-operate, but the Daleks threaten to exterminate a woman and her daughter from Cuttin' Edge's and Koral's work force if he doesn't comply. Eventually, the Doctor agrees to help, but under the condition that Cuttin' Edge, Koral and Bowman come with them to help him operate the TARDIS. The Daleks agree and Bowman is released, just before he is about to be killed. The Doctor tries to have the Woman and her daughter taken as well, but the Daleks refuse. The Exterminator and its escort fleet head for Hurala, with the Doctor, the surviving Wayfarer crew members and the Dalek Temporal Research Team on board. When they reach the TARDIS the Doctor claims to have lost the Key, saying it is in the room he was locked up in at the Dalek Base. As they head for it, Cuttin' Edge recognises the identification symbol on one of the Daleks. It is the same one that killed Scrum. He lashes out at it, knocking it down the steps, and is exterminated by Dalek X, though he pulls another Dalek into the ray, destroying it. The Doctor, Koral and Bowman use the distraction to escape into a maintenance duct. After escaping the Doctor reveals his plan. There is still enough astronic energy fuel on the planet to cause a huge explosion. If they can detonate it they can destroy Dalek X, the Temporal Research Team and the orbiting Dalek fleet. They make their way to a silo that still contains fuel, and the Doctor starts to rig it to explode. Dalek X, enraged by the Doctor's escape, catches up with them and prepares to exterminate the Doctor. Dalek X is attacked by Koral and Bowman, who eventually disable it and push it over the edge of the gantry they are standing on. The Doctor is nearly finished, but realises that he can't stop the safety override by remote control. Someone will have to stay behind and hold the manual override lever down until the silo reaches critical. Bowman volunteers to stay behind, refusing to leave despite protests from Koral. Eventually he knocks out the protesting Koral so that the Doctor can take her back to the TARDIS and safety. The Doctor and Koral make it into the TARDIS just as the Daleks arrive. In the silo Bowman holds the lever down as the Daleks approach, and as the whole base beings to shake the Daleks retreat. Finally the silo reaches critical mass and Bowman prepares to face death. He is saved at the last second by the Doctor, however, who materialises the TARDIS on the gantry. Bowman leaps into the TARDIS just as the Command Dalek tries to exterminate him. A second later the silo explodes, killing every Dalek on Hurala, as well as destroying the Exterminator and its escort fleet. Back on Earth Bowman and Koral report to the Earth authorities. They learn that the Dalek fleet is in complete disarray thanks to them, and a task force is preparing to attack the Dalek base on Arkheon and release the prisoners. The Doctor leaves as Bowman and Koral prepare to go and meet Bowman's parents. The Doctor travels to Hurala, which has been sealed off for 5,000 years due to radiation fallout. There he finds Dalek X, badly damaged but still alive at the bottom of a pit. The Doctor informs it that Arkeon has been taken by the Earth forces, the Daleks are in full retreat on all fronts and that he has sealed off the Threshold. The radiation will help Dalek X keep alive, but by the time the Quarantine is over Dalek X will be dead. Regardless of the Doctor's revelations, Dalek X rants that the Daleks are never defeated. The Doctor replies that the Daleks are always defeated, because they can never accept that every other form of life in the Universe is better than the Daleks. To prove this the Doctor points out that there is no form of life in the Universe that would volunteer to be a Dalek. As the Doctor prepares to leave Dalek X vows to hunt him down. The Doctor responds by simply stating that he'll be waiting. The Doctor then finally departs Hurala, leaving Dalek X trapped on the planet, alone. ===== In a near-future totalitarian state, so-called "social deviants" are sent to mass prison camps for re-education and behaviour modification. The new arrivals at Camp 47 are Chris Walters, a shopkeeper accused of helping a rebel; Rita Daniels, a suspected prostitute; and Paul Anders, a political dissident who has escaped from several other camps. Camp Master Charles Thatcher subjects his wards to brutal, inhuman treatment; Chris barely avoids being raped by the sadistic guards, and Paul is tortured for intervening. Their cellmates Griffin and Dodge separately plot escapes, but their on-going attempts is unknowingly surveyed by the guards. Every year, Thatcher and his circle of VIPs; Secretary Mallory, Jennifer, Tito, and Tito's beastly accomplice Alph, select five prisoners to be human prey in a "turkey shoot"; a deadly 12-hour hunt in which defenceless quarries are released into the nearby wilderness to be stalked and killed by the armed hunters. Paul, Chris, Rita, and Dodge are chosen to be the prey, told that they will be freed should they survive the time limit. Griff is added to the group after starting a fight with Dodge in the dorms. With a three-hour head start, the prisoners are sent out at half-hour intervals and quickly become separated. Dodge is the first to be caught, Alph breaking off and eating his little toe under Tito's instructions before chasing him down and beating him to death. Thatcher toys with Paul by firing near-misses with a sniper rifle, forcing him to scale a difficult rock formation and preventing his scramble to find Chris. Paul manages to redirect Thatcher's pursuit by causing a rock slide, while Griff jumps Red and takes his assault rifle, placing him in a trap that later kills him. He tries to mount a counterattack, but is pinned down by Jennifer and Thatcher and incapacitated with arrows before being run over and killed. Jennifer proceeds to stalk Rita on horseback, trapping her before raping and killing her. Tito attempts to bisect Paul with the tractor shovel attached to the front of his buggy, Paul manages to get out of the way and Tito inadvertently kills Alph. Mallory and his guide, Chief Guard Ritter, track Chris through dense jungle into a sugarcane field. Ritter attempts to smoke her out by setting the field aflame, when Mallory stumbles into Chris. Before he can rape her, Paul jumps him and gets his gun, shooting him in the groin and escaping with Chris as he burns to death. The two run to what they think is the end of the wilderness, only to realize upon reaching coastline that they're on an island, and that there is no way out. Ritter catches up to them, but Chris manages to kill him with his own machete. The two resolve to fight back, killing Tito and stealing his buggy. Armed with a mounted machine gun, they storm the camp and free the other prisoners. The uprising leads to the RAAF scrambling a bomber to destroy the camp and quash the revolt. The prisoners raid an armory for arms, fending off the guards while Chris destroys the communications centre and kills Jennifer with an explosive arrow. Thatcher attempts to lead a counter-attack, but is killed by Paul, and the prisoners flee into the jungle just as the camp is destroyed by a napalm airstrike. Armed with supplies, the now-rebels led by Paul and Chris make their way into the mountains. ===== The peaceful planet of Aritani becomes the center of a Romulan plot to gain power. A Romulan double agent and a severely injured Spock further complicate the situation. ===== On the planet Centaurus, the planetary capital of New Athens has been annihilated by a terrorist antimatter bomb. Millions are dead; because of a computer malfunction, the planetary defense system is preventing any rescue ships from approaching the planet. No subspace communication is possible, and traditional speed-of-light radio is blanketed with heavy static. Despite an emergency do-not-approach warning (known as Code 7-10, which went unheard), the first three relief ships, carrying hundreds of medical personnel, are destroyed by ground-to-air missiles as they assumed standard orbit. The USS Enterprise has been sent to assess the situation and offer what relief they can, but they are in need of help themselves as the ship is falling apart around them due to an unexplainable massive computer malfunction of their own; the transporter is made inoperable by the antimatter's residual tachyon radiation. The tragedy has a personal touch as well-- Dr. McCoy's daughter Joanna is among the missing, as well as friends and relatives of other crewmembers. While Spock attempts to disable the planetary defense computers, Captain Kirk, Mr. Sulu and attorney Samuel T. Cogley become involved with the terrorists when the terrorist leader contacts Cogley and ask him to represent them in Federation court. Despite his personal feelings, Kirk is determined that the terrorists will get a fair trial under Federation jurisdiction, but certain individuals in the patchwork government are equally determined that the terrorists will not leave Centaurus alive. While the surviving Centauran government engages in an all-out search for Kirk and party, Kirk learns that three more antimatter bombs are somewhere on the planet, and is forced to take refuge in the one place he cherishes most - the little cabin he had built in Garrovick Valley, on the river Farragut. On seeing the names 'Garrovick' and 'Farragut' on a map, Commander Spock correctly surmises where Kirk is hiding, and a scan from orbit reveals an army of government hovercars flitting around the cabin. By leveraging the Enterprise's crippled warp drive's controls, engineer Montgomery Scott and his second-in-command succeed in enabling the Enterprise to enter the atmosphere. The government hit squad's weapons are no match for a starship's phasers set on stun; the captured terrorists are taken in custody, but the secret of cheap antimatter synthesis is lost: its creator was the suicide bomber who set the first weapon off. In the epilogue, Spock traces the computer malfunction to a quantum black hole accidentally forming, against all odds, within the Enterprise in warp, drilling a hole straight through a good part of the computer memory banks. ===== The novel begins with Lt. Piper (no first name), a native of Proxima Beta, taking the Kobayashi Maru simulation at Starfleet Academy. After her "ship" takes several hits and takes heavy damage, Lt. Piper uses an unusual method to issue commands to the ship's computer via handheld communicator. The technique results in the computer controlling the simulation crashing. The simulator's commander comments during the debriefing that she has come closer to checkmating the no-win scenario than any other command-line candidate, then tells her that she has been reassigned to the starship Enterprise by special request. Lt. Piper meets briefly with Brian Silayna, an Academy cadet in the engineering program and her friend and lover. Piper and Silayna had originally been assigned to the same ship, but with Piper's reassignment (which Silayna reveals was from Captain Kirk, who had been observing the Kobayashi Maru simulation) they wind up saying their goodbyes instead. Lt. Piper takes a shuttle to the Enterprise and reports to her assigned cabin. Here she meets her cabin-mates: a Gorn named Telosirizharcrede, a human from Earth named Judd "Scanner" Sandage, a humanoid from Altair Four named Merete AndrusTaurus, and a Vulcan named Sarda. It is revealed that Piper and Sarda have a history together which has generated animosity between them. Shortly thereafter, Lt. Piper is summoned to the bridge where she finds out that a top-secret Federation vessel named Star Empire, first of a new class of heavily armed and shielded dreadnought, has been stolen by persons unknown and that the Enterprise has been dispatched in pursuit. The head of the dreadnought project, Vice-Admiral Rittenhouse, is in pursuit as well aboard the destroyer Pompeii. She also finds out that the Star Empire has transmitted rendezvous coordinates to the Enterprise and that Piper's unique biocode would be needed to enable transmissions at the rendezvous point. After a conference, Piper retires to her cabin and has a conversation with AndrusTaurus, where it is revealed why Sarda and Piper have strained relations. Sarda has a talent for defensive weapons design, which Starfleet keeps developing for offensive uses as well and that is something which Vulcans considered immoral. Piper, in her ignorance, informed the Academy staff of Sarda's talents, which led to his great personal embarrassment and being ostracized by other Vulcans in Starfleet. Piper and AndrusTaurus do some research on Vulcan and decide to consult with a Vulcan embassy that specialized in human-Vulcan relationships. Upon arrival at the rendezvous point, the Enterprise finds Star Empire being attacked by four Klingon vessels. The Star Empire is apparently helpless, its crew unable to fight while the attacking Klingons inflict heavy damage on the dreadnought with phaser fire. Enterprise moves in to help the crippled dreadnought, engaging the Klingons with phasers and photon torpedoes. One is damaged and retreats to hide in an asteroid field. Hard fighting results in another Klingon ship being destroyed. However, the Enterprise is also damaged in the fighting and is left facing long odds against the two remaining Klingon ships. Suddenly, movement is detected in the asteroid field, and a second Star Empire appears. Engaging the damaged Klingon ships with heavy photon torpedoes, this unhurt Star Empire destroys two of them and sends the last one fleeing. Then it is revealed that the damaged Star Empire is in fact a sophisticated sensor projection when it dissolves from sight shortly thereafter, followed by the creation of five more dreadnought projections. This projection device is one of Sarda's weapons projects he finds embarrassing. Captain Kirk hails the Star Empire and after Piper's biocode is transmitted communication is established. To everybody's great surprise, Brian Silayna appears on the screen. He reads a message from Commander Paul Burch stating that they have seized the dreadnaught in the name of galactic civility and request an ambassadorial party of Kirk, Piper, and a Vulcan. Kirk refuses to comply and orders Piper arrested for conspiracy with terrorists, then cuts the transmission. Kirk orders the security guards to confine Piper to her quarters. In her quarters, Piper reflects on the situation and decides she had to get over to Star Empire to find out what was going on, why Silayna was on the dreadnought, and why he had never revealed his intentions to her. She tricks open the door by cutting the fire-alarm circuits to the bridge then triggering the heat sensor with a curling iron so that the safety features override the door lock and lets her out. Piper runs to the nearest transporter room and begins to activate the equipment with the intention of beaming over to Star Empire. Sarda finds her there, having deduced her intentions and location after discovering her missing from her quarters, and informs her that the Star Empire has moved out of transporter range. Instead, they move to the hangar bay, open the doors, steal a 2-seat Arco-class light attack "sled", and head towards the Star Empire. During the flight Sarda informs Piper that 3 more starships (Hood, Lincoln, and Potemkin) have been ordered by Admiral Rittenhouse to the location, and also accidentally reveals another benevolent invention that Starfleet weaponized and that he is embarrassed about. Their trip to Star Empire is cut short, however when the destroyer Pompeii drops out of warp, intercepts the attack sled and uses a tractor beam to haul it inside its hangar bay. They meet Vice-Admiral Rittenhouse, who informs them that Commander Birch was his personal aide but had deteriorated until Rittenhouse believe he had become sociopathic. They discuss the situation of Piper and Sarda briefly with Captain Kirk, then Rittenhouse discusses the recent galactic political situation and hints at his desire to unite the various galactic governments under a common flag of peace. He then leaves the conference room to attend to other duties. Piper, sensing something in the hints that Rittenhouse dropped, uses the destroyer's computer to access Starfleet and Federation organizational charts. She and Sarda find a disturbing pattern: men that had served with Rittenhouse over the years had been placed in high levels of the civilian and military leadership, including the captains of the three other starships en route. Believing Rittenhouse may be planning a military coup, Piper tries to contact the Enterprise, but Rittenhouse and Dr. Boma, a civilian scientist who also worked on the dreadnought project, stop her and order Piper and Sarda thrown in the destroyer's brig. While in the brig Piper and Sarda discuss Earth history and Piper explains the pattern of socialist political, military, and economic changes that Rittenhouse is repeating and how it would affect the Federation and its galactic neighbors. Suddenly, the power to the brig is briefly interrupted (by Boma, after he realizes Rittenhouse's plans for Star Empire's crew), and Sarda acts quickly, throwing himself through the cell's doorway before the forcefield could re-activate. Sarda then turns off the forcefield and he and Piper flee the detention area. Moving through the destroyer, they spy the senior officers from the Enterprise and three other starthips walking through the Pompeii’s corridor into the conference room. Fearing for the safety of Kirk and his officers, Sarda and Piper move to the engineering section, bluff past the engineers there, and find an isolated spot from which to contact the Enterprise. Sarda contacts AndrusTaurus and Sandage, who transport over. With Sandage's help they manage to use the ship's intercom system to listen in on the meeting. During the meeting, Rittenhouse and his hand-picked captains square off against Kirk, with Rittenhouse advocating for harsh measures and indifferent to the potential deaths of the crew on Star Empire and Kirk advocating talks and negotiation with the Star Empire. Kirk becomes increasingly suspicious of Rittenhouse's unwillingness to let him contact the dreadnought's crew and disregard for their lives and balks. Rittenhouse finally orders security to arrest Kirk and his officers and lock them in a stateroom. Piper, Sarga, Sandage, and AndrusTaurus surprise and disable the guards outside the stateroom and an effort to free Kirk and his officers. They find that Kirk and his officers have disabled the guards inside their room and were planning to come and rescue them. They then sabotage the Pompeii’s phasers before meeting in the transporter room. Kirk, Spock, Scott, and McCoy beam back first; however, before the others can leave the Pompeii’s crew disable the transporter. They move immediately to the hangar bay; where they have another encounter with a security team. A fight ensues, ending when AndrusTaurus grabs a guard's dropped phaser and shoots him with it. Against regulations the phaser is set to disintegrate instead of stun and the guard is vaporized. AndrusTaurus feels horrible guilt about her action as they continue to flee to the hangar deck. Once at the deck, they are confronted by Rittenhouse and more guards. Piper threatens to self-destruct the Arco attack sled they arrived on and take the destroyer with it. Rittenhouse, seeing that she's serious, withdraws from the deck and allows them to escape. The four of them escape in two attack sleds, skimming along the destroyer's hull to avoid being shot by the Pompeii’s phaser batteries. Piper destroys one phaser bank, then the two sleds vector away from the destroyer and towards the Star Empire before the Pompeii can bring more phasers to bear. They escape to the Star Empire and rush to the bridge. There they find a skeleton, untrained, largely bureaucratic crew that has only basic control over the ship's systems. Commander Burch explains the situation and they try to contact the Enterprise. Pompeii tries to jam the signal, and when that fails the destroyer opens fire on the ill-prepared Star Empire. A fierce battle then ensues. The Pompeii's phasers were disabled after the initial shots, leaving three other starships against Enterprise and Star Empire. Piper is able to unlock the ship's systems, giving Star Empire increased shielding and weapons ability to withstand the heavy attacks by the opposing starships. However Star Empire still takes significant damage, as Burch is not a combat commander and is reluctant to fire on other Federation vessels. Enterprise feigns fatal damage, luring Rittenhouse to order two other starships in to evacuate the Enterprise crew. Kirk then fires on the two starships, inflicting heavy damage and evening the odds. The two sides maneuver warily, until Commander Burch is disabled in an attack. Piper is forced to take command of Star Empire and begins to move aggressively, using the dreadnought's multiple phaser banks and newly activated secondary shielding to dish out heavy hits on the opposing starships. With Rittenhouse's three starships considerably damaged, Piper bluffs their commanders by arming Star Empire's heavy photon torpedoes, a single hit from which would destroy any of the damaged starships killing all on board. Rittenhouse's ships fall back, and Star Empire presses in. Rittenhouse, seeing that he no longer has the upper hand and that victory is out of reach, orders Pompeii to make a suicide run on Star Empire. Kirk, seeing this, moves in quickly and destroys Pompeii before she can collide with Star Empire. With Rittenhouse dead, the commanders of his three other starships surrender. The novel ends with medals being awarded to several of the crew and Piper gets promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Then Captain Kirk extends an offer to Piper to go sailing with him on his schooner. ===== A strange device found by a scientific expedition is taken to the planet Vulcan. It begins taking people over one by one, replacing them with malevolent power-hungry entities. The crew of the Enterprise, those not yet replaced, must contain this threat to Vulcan and defeat it. This story is continued in the Star Trek: The Next Generation novel Possession, also by J.M. Dillard, where it is revealed the device is one of many. ===== Paolo Martini, a doctor of chemistry and Italian veteran returns home to Rome after spending some time in a British Prisoner of War camp during the Second World War. After returning to find his son, Sandro, grown some years. He finds his wife, Patrizia, had some difficulty during his 6 years away. He also meets the Professor, their new next-door neighbor who lost his wife and daughter in the bombings of Napoli. After readjusting to his new life at home, Paolo is frightened when Patrizia suddenly disappears. After searching through Rome with the Professor, he finally finds her in custody at the police station. She has been accused of murdering a man. Patrizia admits to Paolo that during the desperate war years, she prostituted herself to pay for medicine to keep Sandro alive. Paolo is at first outraged and pushes her away. He even tried to confess to the murder to spare Patrizia, despite the advice of the investigator not to. Patrizia is eventually acquitted of the murder, but Paolo admits to wanting to leave her. The Professor's speech to Paolo at the end of the film convinces Paolo to stay and try to restart his life anew with Sandro and Patrizia. ===== The story is set in Paris in the middle of the 19th century. Caspar (Totò) and the Baptist (Campanini) are two poor homeless staying in an orphanage, not knowing where to stay. One day the two orphans are called by the director to solve a very special case: Susanne, a girl from the orphanage would like to marry a rich young but his father is against it because he does not know anything about the origins of his girlfriend. So Gasparre has the bright idea to cut a lock of hair to swap it with that of Susanne and so the father of the rich man discovers that the owner of the hair is of noble origins and thus a relative. Caspar along with the Baptist enters the new family but the nobles Parisians have in mind to delete the new emperor Napoleon III of France and the two tramps are involved against their bungling. Being in the real room of the emperor, Napoleon immediately catches them and makes them stop, so Caspar and Baptist are sentenced to the guillotine. But just as the ax is about to fall on their heads, the two orphans wake up with a start: it was all a dream. ===== Italy is about to take the famous cycling race of 1948, the event is seen by everyone, even by Dante Alighieri and by the Roman Emperor Nero from top of the Paradise. Totò is a mild professor who knows nothing about cycling and bicycles, but to make a good impression with his students is at stake practicing day after day. But Totò proves to be a total failure and so desperate calls the devil. This really comes and offers him a contract: Totò would win all cycling races past champions like Gino Bartali or Fausto Coppi, but in the end he had to give his soul and life after the demon. Totò initially includes only the first part of the contract or to win all the races, but then the demon appears to him a second time to remind him of the price you pay. Totò is desperate and does everything possible to not win the last race, but the legs on the pedals are as haunted and Totò can not stop. Approaching the last race and Totò is on the verge of collapsing morally, but his friends and the lovely Dorina, which Totò was madly in love, you invent a trick so clever as to deceive even the Devil. ===== The ballet is an ironic tale of slovenly work in a Soviet factory. The lazy Lyonka hates work and together with a local priest and anti- Soviet plotter he plans to sabotage the machinery by putting a bolt in it. Their plan is foiled by a group of Young Communists. ===== Set in Rwanda, Anne Aghion, the director, interviews a genocide offender who has been released back into his community, and the victims of the genocide. The film follows how at first, the coexistence between the people who instigated the genocide and the victimized people is unbearable. Many of the victims feel rage toward their former oppressors. But gradually, the victims and oppressors start talking to the camera, and then to each other as they start the difficult task of living with each other. The documentary portrays how the people's spirits cannot be crushed by the Rwandan genocide, the 1994 mass killing of hundreds of thousands of Rwanda's minority Tutsis and the moderates of its Hutu majority by the Interahamwe and the Impuzamugambi. ===== The story is the harried attempt of a Sicilian partisan (as part of the Risorgimento) to reach Garibaldi's headquarters in Northern Italy, and to petition the revered revolutionary to rescue part of his besieged land. Along the way, the peasant hero encounters many colorful Italians, differing in class and age, and holding political opinions of every type. The film ends on the battlefield, making Italian unification a success, despite brutal losses. ===== The story begins with the wizard exam of second class jr. wizard Ben Muzzy. Things go awry when he accidentally teleports himself to a mysterious forest. There he meets twins named Gemma and Joel who pledge to help the lost wizard find his way back home. ===== A handful of close friends, due to turn 30, discover that their dreams for the future are running headfirst into the realities of adulthood in this character-driven comedy-drama. Natalie is a banker who is happy with her job, but is tired of being single, and her pursuit of a husband is taking her down several blind alleys in the world of dating. Joy has developed a similar desire to settle down and get married, but while she has a long-term boyfriend, Leland, he is not so sure he wants to make a lifetime commitment. Troy is a comic who has been on the verge of a career breakthrough for years, but he is starting to wonder if his big break is ever going to arrive. Malik is a white-collar executive who thinks life is passing him by, and is pondering giving up a stable career to start over as a male model. And Stephanie is comfortable with her job in real estate, but she is not so comfortable with herself as she struggles with a weight problem she's had since childhood. ===== Shelley Darlingson (Anna Faris) is an aspiring Playboy Playmate living the life of luxury in the Playboy Mansion. The day after her 27th birthday, she awakes to find a note, seemingly from Hugh Hefner, asking her to pack up and leave which is later revealed to be a forgery by jealous rival Playmate Cassandra (Monet Mazur). She happens to stumble upon a group of girls who remind her of herself: beautiful and fun. She follows them and sees that they live in luxury too. They turn out to be the Phi Iota Mu sorority, and snobbishly reject her when she tries to join them. She makes her way down to the Zeta Alpha Zeta house, which appears to be far less luxurious than the first sorority she visited. The members of the Zeta house are dowdy, socially awkward, and caught off guard by Shelley's bubbly nature, prompting them to initially reject her. Once they see Shelley's ability to attract boys, the Zetas change their mind and take in Shelley as their new "house mother", hoping that she can save them: their sorority is in danger of being shut down unless they can get thirty new pledges to join. During her time spent with the Zetas, Shelley meets and becomes attracted to an intellectual, altruistic guy named Oliver (Colin Hanks), who works at a retirement home. Shelley goes out on a date with Oliver, and while her flirty tactics work with most guys, they fail with him, for he is a guy who actually wants to get to know Shelley rather than just sleep with her. To impress Oliver on their upcoming second date, Shelley starts attending classes and reading books, and tones down her appearance. The second date is also a disaster because she wears glasses that are not meant for her, and brings along note cards to help her sound smart. Having gotten a makeover and lessons on how to attract guys and be popular, the Zetas throw a party, which is a huge success. Later, the Zetas are reviewing the girls who are hoping to pledge to Zeta, but their new popularity has made them conceited, forgetting the true value of sisterhood. When they realize what they have become, they blame Shelley—just as she returns from her unsuccessful date. Although Shelley had just been invited back to the Playboy Mansion (after Hefner had learned of the forged dismissal) and decided to stay with the Zetas, the unexpected attack from them makes her reconsider, and she calls back to accept the invitation. The Zetas then feel guilty, and decide to give themselves a second makeover, this time being "Half-Shelley and Half-Themselves". They also decide to draw the pledges out at random, instead of judging them for their physical looks and popularity. They show up at Shelley's photo shoot and ask for her to come back, to which she agrees, having changed her mind about her dream of being a centerfold. The rival Phi Iota Mu sorority intercepts the invitations and prevents them from being mailed out, so the Zetas are again in danger of being shut down at the campus meeting of the Panhellenic Council. Shelley crashes the meeting and gives a heartfelt speech about what her experience with the Zetas has taught her about love and acceptance, and asks for pledges on the spot; gradually thirty students agree to pledge, and the sorority is saved. Oliver and Shelley reconcile, and Shelley explains that she likes Oliver a lot and was trying too hard to impress him. They decide to start over with their relationship and Oliver is looking forward to getting to know the "real" Shelley. The film ends with the Zetas and their new pledges celebrating. Shelley has remained in close contact with Hefner and her friends at the Playboy Mansion. ===== Jake Tyler has recently moved from Iowa to Orlando, Florida with his mother, Margret, and younger brother, Charlie, to support Charlie's shot at a professional tennis career. Jake was a star athlete on the football team at home, but in this new city, he is an outsider with a reputation for being a quick tempered brawler after an internet video of him starting a fight at one of his football games after a frustrated player from the opposing team taunted Jake about his father, who died in a drunk- driving car crash (with Jake in the car), circulates around his new school. Making an attempt to fit in, at the invitation of a flirtatious classmate Baja Miller, Jake goes to a party where he is unwillingly pulled into a fight with the MMA champion at the school, Ryan McCarthy. Originally, Jake does not wish to fight until Ryan taunts him about his father. Ryan easily defeats Jake, with video of the event circulating at their school and leaving Jake humiliated. A classmate, Max Cooperman, introduces himself to Jake and tells him about MMA. He sees a star in Jake and asks that he meet with MMA master Jean Roqua. Roqua agrees to take Jake as a pupil, but under the condition that Jake refrains from fighting outside of the gym which Jake agrees to. Baja attempts to apologize to Jake for luring him into the fight with Ryan, but he refuses to forgive her. Baja then confronts Ryan about the fight with Jake and proceeds to end their relationship when Ryan shows no remorse. Ryan begins to create a scene before the entire school but Jake tries to step in to defend Baja. After Ryan insults him again and leaves, Jake attends training with Roqua. Still angry about the incident, he is unable to calm down and train effectively. After he and Max leave the gym, Jake gets into a road rage brawl with a group of men whom Jake easily disposes of while Max films. This video again circulates around the school, raising Jake's social status but agitating Ryan in the process. Ryan then proceeds to challenge Jake to compete in the Beatdown, an underground fighting tournament of which Ryan is the reigning champion. After having been banished from the gym by Roqua after his fight is discovered, Jake begs for forgiveness saying his anger is quelled when he is training with Roqua. He agrees to allow Jake to train at his gym again, but does not take it easy on him anymore, making Jake prepare to compete in the Beatdown. While training with Roqua, Jake inquires why he lives in the gym. Jake discovers that Roqua is from Brazil and he is in a self-induced exile because he believes he is the reason for which his father had disowned him; Roqua explains his brother was killed when a man whom his brother had defeated in a bar fight returned with a gun to exact his revenge. Jake then apologizes to Baja for not listening when she first apologized and the two proceed to begin a relationship. Upon hearing that Jake has decided not to compete in the Beatdown, Ryan invites Max to hang out at his house; there he feigns interest in sparring with Max before assaulting him and leaving him at Jake's door. Jake and Baja take Max to the hospital where Jake decides to fight in the Beatdown. Despite Baja's pleas against his decision, he states that doing nothing has consequences. Before he goes to the tournament, he has a brief argument with Roqua about his decision to fight. Roqua eventually assents and tells him to "control the outcome" of the fight. Jake arrives at the tournament and both Ryan and he make their way through each fight, each emerging victorious. Jake makes it to the semifinals in spite of an injury he received in the previous match. Baja arrives to not only support him, but to tell him that she understands why he insists on fighting: so that he would never have to do it again. After learning that Ryan was disqualified in his semifinal match due to an illegal eye gouge, Jake forfeits, seeing no reason to continue. While he and Baja attempt to leave, Ryan confronts him and the two finally fight outside in the parking lot. Jake is still limited by his injury, and Ryan at first gains the upper hand, applying a choke on Jake. However Jake escapes and knocks out Ryan using one of the first combinations Roqua taught him. The next day, a visibly injured Max has been released from the hospital. Jake has won the respect of his fellow students, including Ryan, and Roqua closes the gym with a ticket to Brazil, signaling his intention to reconcile with his father. ===== In Libya in 1942, Captain Alex Foster (Burton), an intelligence officer with the British Army, allows himself to be captured by a German Afrika Korps convoy transporting British prisoners, pretending to be injured. Once integrated with the prisoners, remnants of a commando force and a medical unit, Foster outlines his plans to take over the convoy, with the help of the prisoners, and redirect it towards the Libyan port town of Tobruk. On the way, they find an unexpected concentration of German tanks, and they surmise that a fuel depot must be hidden nearby. Foster, in Afrika Corps uniform, and Major Tarkington (Clinton Greyn), the medical officer as his 'prisoner', gain access to the depot and meet Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (Wolfgang Preiss). During a friendly dispute over philately between Rommel and Tarkington, Foster notices a map which indicates the location of the fuel depot. They make excuses, leave, capture a tank, and blow up the fuel dump. They escape towards Tobruk, where they destroy a coastal battery. The prisoners are embarked in boats launched by attacking Royal Navy warships. However, Foster and Tarkington are captured by German soldiers. The film leaves their fates unexplained. ===== Sunita (Jiah Khan) is a medical student working on a project about the human brain with her classmates. When she was denied access by her professor to the curious case of Sanjay Singhania (Aamir Khan), a Mumbai-based businessman who has anterograde amnesia, because it is under criminal investigation, Sunita decides to investigate the matter herself. It is later revealed that Sanjay loses his memory every 15 minutes. He uses a system of photographs, notes, and tattoos on his body to recover his memory after each cycle to remind himself of his mission: to avenge the death of his girlfriend Kalpana (Asin). He systematically kills the people who were involved in the murder. His main target is Ghajini Dharmatma (Pradeep Rawat), a notable social personality in Mumbai, and the man directly responsible for Kalpana's death and Sanjay's condition. Police inspector Arjun Yadav (Riyaz Khan) tracks Sanjay down to his apartment and knocks him unconscious. Yadav finds two diaries in which Sanjay has chronicled the events of 2005 and 2006. The film flashes back to 2005 as Yadav reads the diary. Sanjay Singhania is the chairman of the Air Voice mobile telephone company. In the course of business, he sends his men to meet Kalpana, a struggling model of Mumbai, about putting up a billboard above her apartment. The owner of Kalpana's advertising firm misinterprets this as a romantic advance and, in view of a possible lucrative Air Voice ad campaign, encourages Kalpana to accept the overture. Kalpana thinks of it as an innocent prank that may fetch her better modelling work and decides to act as Sanjay's girlfriend. Sanjay goes to confront Kalpana about this but falls in love with her at first sight. He hides his identity and introduces himself as Sachin, and the two begin spending time together. The diary ends with Sanjay proposing to Kalpana and promising himself that he will reveal his actual identity if she accepts. When Yadav is about to read the 2006 diary, Sanjay wakes up and attacks him, tying him up. Ghajini realizes that someone is trying to kill him but is unable to figure out who. Sunita visits Sanjay's flat and discovers Sanjay's plan to kill Ghajini. She takes both his diaries before finding Yadav, beaten and bound, and freeing him. Just then, Sanjay arrives, he remembers neither of them and chases them out. Yadav is hit by a bus as he flees in terror, and Sunita, believing Ghajini is the good guy in danger, informs him about Sanjay. Meanwhile, Sanjay discovers that Sunita had warned Ghajini and he goes to her dormitory to kill her, but Sunita calls the police and Sanjay is arrested and given a sedative to knock him unconscious. The police dial Ghajini's number which was tattooed on Sanjay's body and he lies to the police that he is a friend of his. Sanjay is taken home to rest but Ghajini and his men break into his flat and destroy all his pictures so that he won't remember anything and remove all the tattoos on his body. Back in her dormitory as Sunita reads the diaries, the film flashes back to 2006, where it is revealed that Kalpana had accepted Sanjay's proposal. When this diary ends abruptly, Sunita investigates further and discovers that Kalpana was travelling to Goa for a modelling assignment when she came upon 25 innocent young girls being trafficked. She had saved the girls with the help of some army soldiers on board, who named Ghajini as the ringleader of the racket. Outraged, Ghajini broke into Kalpana's apartment with his goons to kill her. When Sanjay returned home from a business firm in London, he found Kalpana stabbed. Ghajini hit Sanjay on the head with an iron rod which resulted in a brain injury. Sanjay's last sight was Ghajini brutally murdering Kalpana with the iron rod. Kalpana's last word to Sanjay was "Ghajini." Sunita, now aware of the shocking truth, finds Sanjay in the hospital and tells him the truth. He flies into a heartbroken rage and tracks down Ghajini with Sunita's help. He fights off all of Ghajini's henchmen with a superior and anger-fueled strength. Ghajini, upon realizing Sanjay is too strong for him, flees. Sanjay's amnesia strikes again, and he forgets who Ghajini is. Ghajini takes this opportunity to stab Sanjay and taunt him with the grisly tale of how he murdered Kalpana. As he is about to make Sanjay relive the experience by killing Sunita in the same exact way, Sanjay recovers the memory of Kalpana's murder, and overpowers Ghajini in a flash of strength. He finally kills Ghajini, in the same way Ghajini had killed Kalpana. The story ends 6 months later, with a cured Sanjay who is once again the Chairman of AirVoice and is volunteering at an orphanage named after Kalpana. Sunita gives him a gift that reminds him of his bond, with Kalpana, and Sanjay sees Kalpana by his side. Sanjay is finally at peace with himself. ===== Life looks good for Becky Bloomwood. She has a great relationship with boyfriend Luke as well as a steady job giving financial advice on television. Furthermore, she is on good terms with her bank manager, Derek Smeath. Life becomes problematic for Becky when Mr. Smeath retires from Endwich Bank and Luke announces he wants to make it big in New York, big changes are in store for Becky. She takes to New York like an angel to heaven. Becky has never been happier and the reader is treated to Becky seeing the Guggenheim in a unique way, winning the attention of employees at Barney's and discovering sample sales. Becky spends a substantial amount of money, but is sure she's financially secure, with the job offers on T.V. piling up. She also justifies her expenses by convincing herself that the items are an investment in the future. An article in the Daily World reveals her high debts, calls her a fraud for telling people how to manage their money when she is herself feckless. This causes a fight between her and Luke, as there are current rumours about that his PR company, Brandon Communications, will lose Bank of London as their client, and her being revealed as in debt (and Luke not even knowing about it) doesn't help situations. More and more opportunities are ruled out, when more and more people read the article. She even loses her current job on Morning Coffee, and is replaced by her former co-worker Clare Edwards, who Becky never liked, being boring and smug. She returns home to her roommate and best friend Suze, while Luke remains in New York, and their relationship comes to an apparent end. Becky and Suze go to Becky's new bank manager to ask for a bigger overdraft, but are met with nothing but hostility and disgust. A woman who worked for her former employers Morning Coffee contacts her and asks her to lunch, Becky becomes hopeful, but it turns out she only wants her to come on and be told off by Clare for TV. She becomes depressed and Suze tries to comfort her. On a trip to Luke's office to collect a package for her delivered there, Becky decides that she will see Mel, Luke's secretary, for a bit because she missed her. She collects her package, but also notices how quiet it is with no moral. She hides in Mel's desk just in time so no one catches her in the office. During that time, she overhears Alicia's conversation with her fiancé, Ben Bridges, and another Brandon C. worker, which confuses her. Becky discovers she, along with her colleagues and Bridges, are planning to steal Luke's clients, along with Bank of London, and run the company out of business to embarrass Luke. She waits for them to leave, which they do after a few tense minutes and she safely leaves Brandon C. Instead of going home to Suze and tell her about what she had witnessed, Becky decides to do a little detective work and find out more about Alicia's plans. She heads down to King Street and ask a tenant about any new businesses coming into the street. He tells Becky the empty 2nd floor of the building he owns, will be the future home of a financial public relations business called "Bridges and Billington" and the Bank of London will be one of their future clients. Furious at Alicia's actions for what she did to Luke as well as herself, Becky thanks the tenant for his help and leave for home. After returning home, she immediately contacts Luke's colleague in America, Michael Ellis, and tells him the truth about what she had seen. He thanks her for informing him, but Becky requests that Michael does not tell him that it was her. When asked about her reasons against it, Becky admits that she's concerned that Luke will think she's spreading rumors by gossiping behind his back to prove a point after a remark she made about Elinor. Michael agrees to cover for her by telling Luke that he found out from an anonymous tip and will look into it. The next day, Suze suggests for a healing and empowering exercise that Becky throw out all her unnecessary possessions. She was against it at first, but later agrees when she saw how cluttered her room is and needed something to take her mind off of losing her job and Alicia's plans. While trying to tidy up, Becky comes up with a better idea after watching an art sale auction on TV. When Suze and Tarquin comes in to her room, Becky tells them the great idea that she had in mind. She has decided to sell off all her unnecessary possessions in a sales auction to make a lot of money. To her surprise and relief, Suze and Tarquin are on board to helping her advertise the sale. During that time, Becky gets a call from Michael, who invites her to lunch at the Savoy Hotel. At the Savoy Hotel, he congratulates her for helping them out because her information saved Brandon C. from being run out of business by exposing Alicia and her colleagues for trying to ruin the company's reputation with their clients. Michael reveals that Luke has returned to London to try and salvage his company's reputation with his clients while trying to keep interest open in America. He also mentions that because of Alicia's fiancé's wealth, Ben was a key player in her plans and he was able to finance the project that they've been working on for some time. They were planning to steal all of Brandon C.'s clients and set up business elsewhere in King Street. As soon as Luke left with Becky for New York, she and her colleagues got to work immediately by telling their co-workers and clients a bunch of rumours that he will close the UK branch. As a result, clients are threatening to sue him and workers were leaving earlier, all the while she was telling him a different story. Once Michael told Luke the truth, he immediately returned to the UK branch of Brandon C. to search their desks and found plenty of evidence. Furious, he took Alicia and her colleagues by surprise in the meeting room and he fired them for it. Michael mentions that Luke plans to press charges of embezzlement against Alicia, Ben and four others involved in their scheme. Noticing that Becky has no job and is in debt, he offers her a job in Washington D.C. and can help her with immigration as he's got a good lawyer and friends in immigration to convince them. Michael also offers her good advice in finding work that she's real passionate about and not fall into a job she doesn't like. That night, Becky holds an auction for her clothes and items. She sells all of it, even her Denny and George scarf, a big symbol for her and Luke's relationship, which makes more than three times her money back to pay off her debts. Becky accepts the slot on Morning Coffee, but shocks them all by telling them she has no more financial problems, has paid of all her debt, and is heading off to New York now to work at Barneys as a personal shopper (all of which is now true). Her former co-workers beg her to stay and answer questions from people on the phone wanting to know how she got out of debt. Becky refuses and heads to the airport with her travelling luggage ready to head to New York. Though unable to get an upgrade, the clerk was able to get her a window seat near the emergency exit with plenty of leg room. Becky comes across an article from the Financial Times, detailing Luke's risky business plans to save his company. Though feeling bad for him, she also accepts the fact it's over between them and she must move on with her own life. Luke turns up at the airport and tells Becky that Michael told him all about what she did for his company. He thanks her, although Luke admits he was angry about it because she should have told him. Becky defends herself by stating she was worried that Luke wouldn't believe her if she came to him about Alicia and would think she was gossiping behind his back. Thus, she thought telling Michael about Alicia's plans was a safer bet since he would not betray her. While having a drink at the airport bar, Luke revealed that he confronted the reporter from Daily World that wrote the bad article about Becky to reveal her source and was enraged when he found out Alicia was involved. After returning to London, Luke did extensive search in her desk and had found bank statements that belonged to Becky. This revelation makes her feel bad for leaving her bank statements behind, unaware of the trouble it and the excessive shopping caused her. However, Luke reveals that he was Alicia's real target and she was a mere stepping stone. He admits he realized his mistake in accusing Becky for ruining his deal and apologizes after learning Alicia ruined her T.V. career intentionally so she had an easier shot at embarrassing him by ruining Brandon C's reputation with their clients and running it out of business. She tells Luke that it was also her own fault, because if she had been keeping tabs on her money and not gone shopping excessively in New York, she wouldn't have put herself in the mess she was in. In a lot of ways, Becky was glad she read the article because she realized she had to grow up and start paying back her debts. Luke begs her to stay, to come and work at Brandon Communications. He also reveals how much Alicia decimated his staff, including firing his trustworthy secretary, Mel, when she suspected Alicia and a few others for lying to him. Becky refuses and tells Luke that she doesn't want to settle down at a job she doesn't want, as she's too young for that. When he asks her reasons against it and starts to believe she has taken up Michael's offer to live in Washington DC, Becky reveals her intent to return to New York to work at Barneys as a personal shopper. She also admits that she didn't take Michael's offer and that he was being a good friend in giving her good advice in finding a job she is passionate in working at. Realizing this, Luke apologizes to Becky again for his assumption. Before she leaves, Luke gives Becky back her Denny and George scarf, revealing that the two bidders pitting against each other were him. Becky leaves for New York to accept a job at Barneys. Some time later, Becky is working as a personal shopper at Barneys in New York. She has regular TV appearances representing fashion styles, which gains her more than three times her viewers back. Becky is helping out a female customer to accessorise an outfit, when Luke shows up as a customer. Becky soon realizes she really missed him and they get back together. ===== In the outer circle of a nested narrative, a woman named Sheila writes to her childhood friend Charlie about her brother, Johnny, a psychiatrist who recently committed suicide. Sheila suspects it was due to a patient Johnny referred to in his notes anonymously as the eponymous "N". In the inner circle of the narrative, N. is diagnosed by Dr. John Bonsaint as suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder and paranoid delusions related to "keeping balance". N. has become convinced that a circle of stones in a field on the outskirts of a nearby town, Ackerman's Field, contains a potential doorway (best described as a place where the walls between realities are thin, or perhaps breaking down) to another reality, where a terrifying monster, repeatedly said to be a "helmet-headed" being named Cthun, is trying to break through. A warning sign of the monster's imminent penetration is when a person viewing the field sees seven stones, when there are in fact eight. N's belief, shared by those who came before him, is that verifying the presence of eight stones when he is in the field, and his obsession with order when he is absent, somehow strengthens the barrier between our world and the one Cthun dwells in. However, the process is a perpetual and exhausting struggle. N.'s obsession eventually leads to his death by suicide, despite Johnny's best efforts. Following a mysterious compulsion, John goes out to the field to see the stones for himself. He begins to suspect that N. might not have been delusional after all when he suffers from the same symptoms as his patient. Most notable are his obsession with numbers: odd numbers are bad, especially prime ones, even ones are safe, especially if they have a lot of factors, and if the sum of their digits is also even. The effect recedes as winter sets in, since the level of danger seems to be synchronized with the solstices (winter is safest, summer is most dangerous). However, as June approaches, John is driven to madness, and finally kills himself. A newspaper clipping reveals Sheila's fate: after she read her brother's manuscript, she jumped from a bridge near Ackerman's Field and killed herself, in a manner identical to her brother. A copy of an e-mail indicates that Charlie intends to visit the field in Maine. ===== In the mid-17th century, the Manchus conquer the territories of the fallen Ming Empire and establish the Qing Empire. Out of fear that the wulin (martial artists' community) will pose a threat to them, the Qing government forbids the common people from practising martial arts and possessing weapons. Prince Dokado, a Manchu noble, leads an army to eliminate those who defy the order. Dokado and his men kill many martial artists before assaulting Martial Village, which houses rebels from the Red Spears Society, an anti-Qing resistance movement. Two young villagers, Han Zhibang and Wu Yuanying, break out of the siege and follow Fu Qingzhu, a former executioner seeking to redeem himself, to Mount Heaven to seek help from Master Huiming, a reclusive martial artist and sword forger. Huiming allows his four apprentices – Chu Zhaonan, Yang Yuncong, Xin Longzi and Mulang – to join Fu Qingzhu, Han Zhibang and Wu Yuanying on their quest to save the wulin from the Qing government's persecution. Each of the seven men receives a special sword from Huiming. They call themselves "Seven Swords". The Seven Swords return in the nick of time and save the villagers from Qing forces attacking them. To avoid Dokado and his troops, the Seven Swords and the villagers flee into the mountains and hide inside a cave system. However, they soon discover that Dokado has planted a spy among them. The spy poisons their water supply, attempts to destroy their escape route, and frames Yang Yuncong for the deed. After escaping from the caves, the Seven Swords agree to split up for one year to avoid trouble. Han Zhibang and Mulang remain with the villagers, while Fu Qingzhu, Xin Longzi and Wu Yuanying go to the imperial capital to assassinate the Qing emperor. In the meantime, Chu Zhaonan falls into a trap and gets captured by Fenghuo Liancheng, a ruthless Manchu general. He falls in love with Fenghuo Liancheng's slave, Lüzhu, but their romance ends in tragedy when she sacrifices herself to help him escape. Chu Zhaonan slays Fenghuo Liancheng and ventures far into western China, where he encounters Yang Yuncong. The two swordsmen join the Desert Eagles, an anti-Qing tribal group led by the legendary heroine Feihongjin. During a battle against Qing forces, Yang Yuncong is wounded but is saved and nursed back to health by Nalan Minghui, a Qing general's daughter. They fall in love despite standing on opposing sides, but are not fated to be together as Nalan Minghui's father has arranged for her to marry Dokado. However, Nalan Minghui is already pregnant with Yang Yuncong's child and she gives birth to a baby girl later. In the imperial capital, Fu Qingzhu, Xin Longzi and Wu Yuanying sneak into the palace and attempt to assassinate the Shunzhi Emperor. They end up saving the emperor from a coup staged by some nobles. In Hangzhou, Han Zhibang becomes the new leader of the Red Spears Society for his heroic actions in rescuing his comrades who were captured by Qing forces. Following the reunion of the Seven Swords, Chu Zhaonan pretends to defect to the enemy in the hope of finding an opportunity to get close to Dokado and assassinate him. Chu Zhaonan's plan ultimately fails because Dokado sees through his ruse and manipulates him into committing atrocities against his own will. The rebels and the other six swordsmen become increasingly suspicious of where Chu Zhaonan's true allegiance lies. Eventually, to prove his loyalty, Chu Zhaonan challenges Dokado to a battle on the banks of the Qiantang River and asks the other swordsmen to join him. Although the battle concludes with Dokado's defeat, it also causes the dissolution of the Seven Swords. Yang Yuncong is killed in action; Xin Longzi goes missing after entering a fit of insanity; Mulang returns to Mount Heaven in shame with Yang Yuncong's infant daughter after carelessly allowing the enemy to infiltrate the rebels' hideout; Chu Zhaonan is so deeply traumatised by the devastating experiences he went through that he abandons his fellows along with his conscience. While Fu Qingzhu and Wu Yuanying search for their missing comrades, Han Zhibang stays behind to help the surviving rebels rebuild their forces. ===== Gideon Banks, an electronic engineer, twenty years ago lost his wife Liz and son Simon in a horrific car crash. At that period of time he was working at the so-called Neural Archiving Project — NAP for short. This technology was developed to create smart computers by transferring human engrams into computers. The company eventually gave up on the technology, but Gideon didn't. After years of quietly perfecting it, he built at home a small robot, using parts he stole from Concorde Robotics, where he now works. Zoe, Gideon's niece, discovers Gideon's secret, that the robot contains actual neural engrams from Gideon's dead son Simon, which Gideon has integrated into the robot in hopes of re-creating his son. And now, the robot actually has memories of the real Simon. Zoe becomes worried not only about Gideon but also about the robot that sounds and acts a lot like her little cousin used to. And she begins to realize that Simon may not have been the lovable little angel that everyone believed he was. "Simon" becomes more and more demanding, putting pressure on Gideon, who could lose his job. When he asks Zoe to "babysit," the robot attacks during a tantrum and injures her. When Gideon returns they argue about "Simon" being a robot or as Gideon insists, a true boy. Zoe leaves upset. Later, Gideon apologizes over the phone and asks her to look after Simon again as he has to work. Zoe does so, but this time gets along much better with "Simon" who also apologizes for hurting her. Gideon's boss finds out about the robot, and claims that since it was built from company equipment, it belongs to the company. When he tries to forcibly take "Simon" away, Gideon becomes enraged and clubs the man on the head, killing him. Gideon and Zoe begin to argue, but "Simon", who becomes distraught at recognizing the seriousness of the situation, shouts for them to stop and claims that he is ultimately the one at fault. Upset, "Simon" confesses that "he" was responsible for the car crash: when Liz refused to take Simon to the toy store, Simon threw a temper tantrum and grabbed the steering wheel, causing the fatal crash. To him, that unwise tantrum was the first domino to start the chain reaction that has now led to this moment. Realizing what he's done could seriously impact Zoe, Gideon ushers her out, assuring her that he'll remedy the situation and do the right thing without affecting her. Soon afterwards, Zoe hears a gunshot and rushes back in, only to discover that Gideon has copied his own mind into another robot before committing suicide. Zoe can only look on in horrified silence as the two robots chat like father and son. ===== A crime ring is kidnapping women to sell them to the harems of rich Emirs, but the Vice squad put an end to it. ===== The episode begins four years into the future. Peter, who has a scar on his face, is being chased and enters a hangar. Claire tries to shoot him, but Peter stops time and time travels to the present day, taking Claire's gun with him. At Nathan's press conference, Future Peter shoots Nathan, as seen in "Powerless". Nathan is rushed to the hospital, where he dies. A short time later, Nathan awakens, prompting him to believe that God gave him a second chance at life. Nathan is later visited by Mr. Linderman, leading him to believe Linderman was the reason he was healed. The governor of New York watches Nathan on the television, and breaks the news to the woman he slept with: Tracy, a woman who looks identical to Niki. He tells her he thinks he has found what he is looking for. Matt later catches Future Peter trying to find the gun he had hid earlier, prompting Future Peter to teleport him to the desert because he knows too much. When Angela Petrelli arrives at the hospital, she tells Future Peter she knows he is impersonating his past self, and tells Future Peter that he actually got the ability to dream the future from her. Future Peter tells Angela that he put his present day self somewhere safe. At the Company headquarters, in one of the Level 5 prison cells, a bald man screams that he is Peter Petrelli. Noah Bennet is also locked up in an adjacent cell. Sylar arrives at Claire's home, leading Claire to try and escape. Sylar, however, manages to pin her down and steal Noah's files of people with abilities. Sylar cuts open Claire's forehead, but due to Claire's power, she does not die. She remains conscious as Sylar lays her on a table and examines her now-exposed brain, claiming he is looking for answers. Due to the lack of nerve endings in the human brain, she does not feel any pain. Sylar obtains Claire's power and Noah's files, puts Claire's scalp back on her head and turns to leave. Claire's scalp heals, and she then asks Sylar why she is still alive. He tells her she is unique and can't die, and from now on, neither can he. Sylar leaves, and Sandra and Lyle return home to find Claire crying, still with dried blood on her forehead. In his office at Yamagoto Industries in Japan, Hiro Nakamura tells Ando that he is bored without a quest. A video message from Kaito Nakamura is delivered to his office, which tells Hiro to never open Kaito's safe, which holds a secret. Hiro immediately opens the safe, and finds another video, with Kaito repeating that he was not supposed to open the safe. Hiro finds one half of a molecular formula, which gets stolen by a blur before he can comprehend what it means. Hiro stops time to see that the blur is a trail left by a woman with superspeed. She moves at normal speed while time is stopped, and comments that Hiro did not stop time completely. She hits him in the face and leaves with the formula as time resumes. Hiro jumps to the future to see how the world is destroyed. He sees Japan in a panic, and himself talking to Ando, arguing about the formula. Future Hiro yells at Ando saying that Ando betrayed him. Future Hiro is ready to strike with his sword, when Ando shoots what appears to be red electricity at Hiro, apparently killing him. Ando takes the formula from Hiro's body and walks away. The sky opens up and the world starts exploding, and Hiro jumps back to the present. Maya and Mohinder Suresh are at his apartment and he realizes that powers are controlled by the adrenal glands. Mohinder thinks he has isolated something that controls powers, and could give powers to anybody. Maya says the powers are a curse, and asks him to destroy the formula. On the docks, Mohinder considers throwing away the syringe with the formula. Instead, he injects himself, and collapses. Two muggers attempt to accost Mohinder as he lays semiconscious on the ground. However, he exhibits superhuman strength, repelling them. In the background, there is a giant painting of the Earth exploding from the inside. In the closing scenes of the episode, Mohinder narrates the William Butler Yeats poem "The Second Coming", the title's namesake. Matt wakes up in the desert, with no one in sight. As he walks across the desert, he stops in front of a rock where the picture of the earth exploding is painted, identical to the one behind Mohinder. ===== Jack Bender (Dean Cain) suddenly finds himself in a hostile situation as a group of highly trained and well-armed terrorists, led by Greg Gilliad (Anthony Michael Hall), seize the airplane on which he is traveling, a Lockheed L-1011 of Infinity Air Flight 732 from Newark International Airport to LAX. Bender must re-immerse himself into a world he thought he left behind forever. ===== Lt. Commander Piper is taking a vacation from Starfleet following the events of the novel Dreadnought!, in which she prevented a military coup from taking over the Federation. However she is swept up into intrigue when Captain Kirk is arrested for the theft of transwarp drive, a new technology which could radically shift the balance of power across the galaxy. Piper, Commander Spock, and Dr. McCoy attempt to solve the mystery as the major powers of the galaxy scramble for the new technology. ===== While mapping gravitational anomalies, the USS Enterprise is hurled millions of light-years off course. They find themselves in a galaxy devastated by war and soon they are under attack by both warring fleets. Captain Kirk risks his ship and crew in order to stop the war and get home. ===== Admiral Kirk and the Enterprise visit the ocean-world of Akkalla for diplomatic reasons. Soon Spock and Chekov become lost. A civil war and secrets under the water threaten the entire planet and the Enterprise. ===== A mysterious distress call leads to the USS Enterprise being attacked by the same forces assaulting the other ship. Dozens of Enterprise crew members die in the attack and Chief Medical Officer Leonard McCoy is critically injured. Although the Doctor recovers from his injuries physically, mentally he has lost all sense of his former identity. Kirk discovers it is much more difficult tracking down their new enemies without McCoy's always valued advice. ===== Deep-cover Federation spy Agent Terise LoBrutto has her carefully maintained life disrupted by an unpleasant discovery. The chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise, Dr. McCoy, has been captured. It's up to LoBrutto to rescue McCoy. ===== I.D.I.C. – Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination. This is a philosophical cornerstone of the Vulcan society. Currently, a mysterious plague has hit the planet, a plague somehow tied into I.D.I.C and the fact hundreds of races also currently make their home on Vulcan as well. Unfortunately Vulcan is also a central part of Starfleet and the Federation as well, so if it falls, war might follow. =====