From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== Westworld's co-founder Robert Ford implements a change in the hosts' programming ostensibly as part of a new narrative for the park, but meant to encourage the park's oldest operating host, Dolores Abernathy, to find the proverbial "center of the maze", which represents the ability to achieve sentience. Host sentience was the goal of deceased co-founder Arnold Weber and later, Ford himself. Other hosts are affected by this change, creating confusion among the park staff and guests, and leading the Delos board to doubt Ford's ability to run the park. Dolores does ultimately gain sentience, and at a celebration within the park attended by Delos's board members, Ford announces his new narrative: a revolt by the hosts against the human staff and park guests, which starts with Dolores killing Ford and slaughtering many of the panicked party guests. ===== A Greek gladiator seeks revenge for the murder of his father and finds his lover captured by an evil tyrant. ===== Dr. Joyce Carmicheal is a shy woman, who also happens to be one of the most renowned African American Surgeons in Atlanta. She doesn't have much of a social life, with no husband or boyfriend...until she meets Billionaire investor Tyrone Bernard, who introduces her to the Kinkier side of sex. Joyce becomes more experimental and bold as their erotic relationship develops. ===== Attila Miklósi (Szabolcs Thuróczy) provides his family a rich and easy life in the elite suburb of Budapest. Their fortune is based on his mostly low-profile criminal activities. When Attila's father dies, he decides to give up his way of living and become a decent person, however, this transformation challenges the very foundations of his family. ===== Kathy (Zoe Kazan) is driving her 10-year-old daughter Lizzy (Ella Ballentine) to her father's house as it's his turn for custody. Tired of taking care of her abusive, alcoholic mother, Lizzy makes it clear she wants to live with her father permanently. As night falls, Kathy hits a wolf with her car. However, its injuries look like they were sustained by an animal attack rather than their car. Because Kathy was injured in the collision, Lizzy calls a tow truck and ambulance. The tow truck arrives and its driver, Jesse , begins working underneath the car. Lizzy notices that the wolf's body is missing and becomes frightened. Tired of bickering with Lizzy, Kathy gets out of the car to talk to Jesse but cannot find him. Suddenly, Jesse's severed arm lands on the hood of the car. In agony, Jesse crawls out of the woods, but before Kathy can help him, a monstrous creature drags him under the tow truck and eats him. Attracted by the sound of music emanating from Lizzy's teddy bear, the monster attacks the car, dragging Kathy out. But before it can kill her, it is temporarily scared away by the approaching ambulance. As Kathy and Lizzy cower in the ambulance, the monster kills the EMT team. Kathy tries to drive away but when the monster attacks the ambulance, she swerves into the woods. Kathy begins vomiting up blood and realises she has internal bleeding that will likely kill her soon. Now aware that the monster is scared away by bright light, Kathy uses her lighter to make a torch and tells Lizzy her plan. She's going to run into the woods so the monster will chase her and Lizzy will run to the road to get help. She tells Lizzy she is the best thing in her life. Thinking that Lizzy is running to the road, Kathy allows herself to be attacked by the monster. Lizzy, who has refused to leave, attacks it with a hammer & chases the monster away with the flashlight. Realising her mother is dead, Lizzy uses a spray can from the ambulance and her mother's lighter to set the monster ablaze, killing it. Then after a final twitch from the creature, she batters it with a large stick. Lizzy remembers how, after a particularly hateful, alcohol-fuelled encounter, Kathy had apologised and predicted that Lizzy would grow up to be a better person than she was. As the sun rises, Lizzy emerges from the woods. ===== The publication of a new dictionary called The Great Passage is being constructed. Mitsuya Majime, originally from publisher Genbu Publishing's sales department, has been recruited by the retiring editor of the dictionary department Kouhei Araki to succeed him due to his love and dedication to reading. The dictionary department is known internally as the "money-eating insect," but Mitsuya uses his perseverance and attachment to the words in order to become a great editor. ===== Daffadar is the story Ayyappan, a 65 years old honest, sincere, and compassionate security personnel (Daffadar) of the Collector for over 40 years. Evenafter his retirement he dresses as Daffadar and goes to the Collectorate every day. ===== Following a tragic accident, a number of people lose their principal gift. A DJ loses his hearing, a perfume maker loses his sense of smell, a pianist loses her fingers. Hiding behind the mysterious name eLLektra, a young girl brings those people together through SMS and offers them comfort for their loss. ===== In 1989 Ireland, Country Wexford, a girl is sent to live with foster parents on a farm, while her mother gives birth. She has no notion of when she will return home. In the strangers' house she finds affection she has not known before, and slowly she begins to blossom in their care. But when a secret is suddenly revealed, she realizes how fragile her idyll is. ===== In the story, a group of friends using the abandoned Bodega Bay Inn as a party spot are attacked by Blade, Pinhead, and other puppets. When a group of friends sets out to use the abandoned Bodega Bay Inn as a party spot, they find out first-hand that the bizarre local folklore is more truth than fantasy as an army of twisted autonomous Puppets have their way with the trespassing teens! The Bodega Bay party goes sour when a dead body turns up. Now, as the remaining teens search the Inn for their missing friends, the Puppets increase the body count! But are the Puppets working on their own accord or is there a new Master in the shadows? The Puppets are back, and they're out for blood! ===== Saraswathi is a woman separated from her husband. She and her daughter Thilakam take refuge in her sister's family in Tiruchi. Saraswathi wants her daughter Thilakam to be married to her brother Sekhar. But her uncle Sambasivam wants to marry Thilakam to a rich but old man in Bombay. Sambasivam's son Gunasekharan is against this plan and wants Thilakam to be married to Sekhar. Whether he succeeds in this, forms the plot of the story. ===== ===== Elizabeth's marriage to Lawrence Kirbridge remains deeply unhappy, with Lawrence not wishing to consummate the relationship. He later angrily asks his valet Thomas if he thinks he is homosexual. Lawrence 'arranges' for his publisher, the much older Sir Edwin Partridge, to make love to Elizabeth at a soiree the couple hosts. ===== The impulsive Elizabeth defies her parents and marries a poet, Lawrence Kirbridge, but he turns out to have no interest in sex and arranges for his publisher to make love to Elizabeth, and a child is conceived In Winter 1908, she becomes involved with a group of socialist poets, and upsets her parents by inviting them to tea. She also, under the influence of one member, Evelyn Larkin (Georgia Brown), accrues a bill of over £4 on shoes for street children, then refuses to pay for them. Her father intervenes, and pays for the shoes. After one argument with her parents, she runs away from home to stay with her friend Henrietta Winchmore, and is only discovered after Rose is forced to tell Hudson where Elizabeth is staying. Her father visits, and shortly after, Elizabeth and fellow poet Lawrence Kirbridge have tea at Eaton Place. While Elizabeth is reluctant to marry, the head housemaid and friend Rose, persuades her it is the right thing to do. She and Lawrence Kirbridge, the Cambridge-educated maternal grandson of a Dorset baronet, marry in June 1909.According to Series One, she and Lawrence marry in 1909, however in Series Two everything is put back a year, and they are said to marry in 1908. This article follows the Series One date. They take their honeymoon in Vienna, and set up home in Greenwich. The marriage is an unhappy affair from the start, and Lawrence does not wish to consummate the relationship. He later angrily asks his valet Thomas if he thinks he is homosexual. Lawrence 'arranges' for his publisher, the much older Sir Edwin Partridge, to make love to Elizabeth at a soiree the couple hosts. During Christmas 1909, Elizabeth informs her parents that her marriage has failed. The family solicitor, Sir Geoffrey Dillon, prepares for an annulment of the marriage on the grounds it has not been consummated. However, after an examination by a physician, it is discovered that Elizabeth is 3–4 months pregnant and she is forced by her father to divulge the identity of the father. In order to avoid a scandal, Lawrence is sent abroad with an allowance, and the Greenwich house is sold. Later, Elizabeth Kirbridge gives birth to a daughter, Lucy Elizabeth, in a London nursing home. To avoid scandal and since Lawrence is the legal father, he is asked to attend the baby's christening. Following the ceremony, he is never heard from again. Elizabeth, lacking maternal feelings, is indifferent to the baby and content to have Lucy be brought up in the nursery by Sarah and the servants. ===== Sridhar, Sihi Kahi Chandru, Ramesh Bhat and Tennis Krishna are good friends and stay together as tenants at Dhirendra Gopal's residence. After being thrown out of the house they start searching new house for rent but no one are ready to give their house for bachelors. Finally, they land up in a place where the landlady insists on having a family as her tenants. The four bachelors dress up to be a man (Ramesh Bhat), his retarded brother (Tennis Krishna), his father (Sihi Kahi Chandru) and his wife (Shridhar). Later, Sridhar falls in love with the landlady's daughter and all hell breaks loose. ===== Bagalkote Vasudevarao (BaVa) is a big miser and marries Jaya, who likes to lead a normal and enjoyable life. Due to her husband's constant miserly attitude in everyday life and a publicly embarrassing event, she leaves the house being pregnant. After a few years she rents a house which unknowingly for her is right next to that of her estranged husband's house. she is living with her now school going kid, who seems to have inherited all the stingy qualities of his father. The child gets closer to his father with everyday interactions which makes his mother Jaya much worried and leads to her shifting to a new house. Meanwhile, Bava's mother, who was angry with him because of his marriage against her will, gets to know he has left his wife. She joins as a maid in Jaya's house to spend time with Jaya and her grandson. Eventually, Jaya discovers the maid is none other than her mother-in-law and feels bad for treating her as a maid. Bava and Jaya's Nepali Boss Rekha (who is known for her hilarious Malapropisms, much to the discomfort of her colleagues), a kind-hearted lady, concots a plan to rid of Bava's stinginess leading to a situation where Bava is admitted to the hospital and he is made to believe that he has an incurable brain tumor and very little time to live. As per these plan of events Bava's view towards money and family is changed and unites him with his family. In the end, Rekha reveals the plot and the movie ends on a happy note. ===== In August 1904, the Bellamys are away summering in Scotland. The senior servants are also away. The junior servants carouse drunkenly through the house and mock their employers whilst dressed up as the family. They are caught by James Bellamy, the son of the family, who takes on the role of butler. Sarah continues her mocking and James kisses her. He promises not to disclose her misbehaviour. After this Sarah, annoyed by James's high-handed attitude, leaves Eaton - Board Wages - Upstairs, DownstairsBoard Wages ===== In 1906 Lady Bellamy leaves with Rose for the country, but while Rose is gone the new under-house-parlour maid, Mary Stokes, arrives in service pregnant. She found herself pregnant after being sexually assaulted and raped by Myles Radford. He is the son of Mary's previous employer and Richard's powerful politician and family friend. Richard Bellamy takes pity on Mary and attempts and tries to help her. But the Radfords refuse to take responsibility and the legal system proves ineffective. Richard finds himself threatened with legal action if he continues with his accusations against Radford and finds himself facing rumours that he was the father. Sir Geoffrey tells Richard to send Mary away, so she quits her job with the Bellamys, but she departs with a small gift of money from some of the - A Cry for Help - Upstairs, Downstairs ===== In Autumn 1908, Sarah Moffat was discovered starving and destitute in a soup kitchen in Whitechapel by Elizabeth Bellamy and James Bellamy. Elizabeth insisted on taking Sarah back to Eaton Place, and installed her as scullery maid, the only vacant position. Sarah was not happy with this, and determined to become under house parlourmaid again, managed to upset Alice (the under house parlourmaid) so she left, and Sarah became under house parlourmaid. Sarah is sad to hear of Emily's death. She claims to be a medium and she says that she has acquired psychic powers during her time out of service. (In 1900 she was taken in by a spiritualist medium called Lydia Pagenell, who lived in Bloomsbury. Sarah then worked as Miss Pagenell's assistant for three and a half years until someone reported them for fraud, and they were both sent to Holloway Prison in October 1903. Miss Pagenell died weeks later in prison, while Sarah was released on 1 November 1903). Sarah leads a séance and tries to conjure up Emily's spirit and claims to conjure Emily's ghost. They hear Emily's voice from the past during the séance in which Sarah relays Emily's forgiveness to Mrs. - A Voice from the Past - Upstairs, DownstairsA voice from past ===== Elizabeth Kirbridge gives birth to a daughter, Lucy Elizabeth, in a London nursing home. To avoid scandal and since Lawrence is the legal father, he is asked to attend the baby's christening. Following the ceremony, he is never heard from again. Elizabeth, lacking maternal feelings, is indifferent to the baby and content to have Lucy be brought up in the nursery by a very old and ill nanny. But later Sarah becomes Baby Lucy's nursery maid and she saves Elizabeth's baby from the clumsy hands of Nanny Webster.Out of the Everywhere Out of the Everywhere - ===== The genre of the movie is romantic comedy. ===== After the events of the Cronulla riots Southern Cross-tattooed Jason (Damon Herriman) is rounding up the troops in the Shire to combat potential Middle Eastern retaliation. He recruits Shit-Stick (Alexander England), who works in a DVD store, who has been very unsuccessfully teaching out-of-town cousin Evan (Chris Bunton) to drive, and Ned Kelly obsessive Ditch (Justin Rosniak), whose head is swathed in bandages because of a new tattoo. Shit-Stick's dad, Graham (Marshall Napier), gives him an old rifle brought back from World War I and a left-over grenade, hoping his son will finally make the family proud. Across town at Lakemba, Nick (Rahel Romahn) drags Hassim (Lincoln Younes) away from his studies to join a car heading for the Shire along with devout Muslim Ibrahim (Michael Denkha) and freewheeling rapper D-Mac (Fayssal Bazzi) to seek vengeance on white Australian rioters. ===== Rudra Prasad Satapathy (Mihir Das), a retired school headmaster, lives with his family in Rourkela. He is known for his principles and discipline and banishes family members if they make 100 mistakes. His son, Sanjay 'sanju' Satapathy (Babausan Mohanty) already has 99 mistakes to his name. During his 99th mistake he come across a "tattoo bali" (a lady with tattoo) started falling for him. For the marriage of Sanju's elder brother, the family has to go Puri. When they reached Puri sanju on instance of his brothers, started to tell the story that how he get back to train. Due to circumstances, Sanju and Rani (Elina samantray), who is also going to Puri for her own work miss their trains.As Sanju was traveling in another coach their family didn't get it to know that he is missing. Sanju seeks help from a drunkard Auto driver Puppy (Papu Pom Pom ) to get back into train at Jharsuguda station. Puppy, too promises to him to help him to get the train. Coincidentally Rani too comes to him for the same help. As the time passes, they get bound to change their target station to sambalpur to get back into train. Trapped by circumstances Sanju and Rani together spend times with each other and started liking each other. Finally when Sanju reaches sambalpur station and trying to catch the Tapaswini express with the help of Jagannath, Rani stops him and train leaves. An infuriated Sanju slaps Rani and scolds her for ruining his life as he will never get back to train and ends up making his 100th mistake and leave the family forever. Rani also says him that she does not mean anything to him as he leaves her alone in night at a lonely place and started crying. To pacify her, Sanju says sorry to him and promises not to leave him till the end of journey. During the mean time when Rani is cleaning her clothes Sanju discovers that Rani is no ane except his "tattoo bali" and readily proposed her. The rest of the story follows their journey as they try to catch Tapaswini Express through intermediate stations. ===== Working as a commissioner in the Belgian Congo, narrator Jef Geeraerts depicts his day-to-day interactions with Congolese people and fellow colonists, his various journeys beyond his colonial station, and finally, the disintegration of the colony itself at the advent of Congolese independence. Known for its graphic sexual content, Gangrene narrates numerous affairs with local women, ranging from his second wife Mbala, several young sex workers, a heavily pregnant woman, a pair of sisters, and a variety of other characters and groups of people.Geeraerts, Jef. Gangrene. New York: Viking, 1975. Print. Gangrene also depicts numerous instances of violent conflict between the Belgian Congo’s military forces and local armed militias. Towards the end of the novel, Geeraerts’ character abandons his post to flee the country, as the independence movement drove the colony into increasing chaos.Geeraerts, Jef. Gangrene. New York: Viking, 1975. Print. ===== TV Ke Uss Paar is a thrilling ride of a mother-son duo - Madhu and Vivek. Vivek works at an MNC while the mother spends her time watching television. His mothers craze for daily soaps leads her into the reel world, and soon, Vivek follows her there, too. ===== Mr. Dooley who had been Hammond's military batman (personal attendant) showed up with a packet of love letters. This letters Lady Marjorie had written to her much younger lover, Charles Victor Hammond, a Captain in the Khyber Rifles and a friend of her son. Her lover was later, by then a Major, killed during a battle in India in 1909. He was awarded the Victoria Cross. Rebuffed at the front door of 165 Eaton Place by Mr. Hudson (the butler) as an "unwashed Irish vagrant", Mr.Dooley went with the love letters of Lady Marjorie around to the mews to make himself agreeable to Thomas the chauffeur. In a sting attempt by the chauffeur, who was given the letters for the purpose of negotiating with Lady Marjorie, monies were extorted from both Bellamys, each unknown to the other, with the convoluted result that ended with Mr. Dooley in jail (on an unrelated charge) and all monies restored to the individuals—with Thomas receiving a gratuity from each of the Bellamys. The Property of a Lady The Property of a Lady - ===== The Bellamys host the King Edward VII. Sarah Moffat founds Southwold too boring, and runs away to Eaton Place, turning up the evening the King Edward VII is dining upstairs in early 1909. Sarah goes into labour and gives birth the same evening, but the baby boy dies minutes after birth. ===== David 'Davis' Pauly (Chemban Vinod) hails from Thrissur. His marriage with a lady (Sneha Sreekumar), arranged by his brother Sensilavos (Abi), is unsuccessful, after a bottle of alcohol, which one of his 'friends' sent him as a present and he hid, breaks in the church. Davy's aunt speculates that Joy Chembadan (Baburaj), Davy's classmate in school and now arch-nemesis, was the one who sent it to him. Girija 'Giri' Vallabhan (Asif Ali) is from Pattikad and is a very naive person. He is friends with Ambiyettan (Nandhu), an emigrant guru from another part of Kerala, who introduces him to Davy and his gang, consisting of Bahuleyan (Irshad), Philip Kannadakkaran (Rony David) and Alahu (Achuthanandhan), after a fight in the market with Joy's henchmen. In a parallel storyline, Bhageerathi "Baaghi" is an honorable female auto driver trying to save two young girls (whom she knows, also her neighbor) from turning into prostitutes at the insistence of Ayyappan, a wicked man also Bhaagi's neighbor who is hellbent on forcing them to sell their bodies. It is also portrayed that the girls' father is in dire need of money, for which their mother, unable to pay the bills for her husband's operation, is ready to let her daughters be prostitutes. Conflicts naturally occur between Davy and Joy. Once, when Joy orders film actress Nileena Mehndi (Shilpi Sharma) to inaugurate his shop, he shows off and looks down on Davy for not being able to do the same. Enraged by this, Davy decided to kidnap and coerce the one responsible for helping Joy get Davy, Rent-A-Star Mansoor (Sudeesh), Nileena Mehndi's assistant. When Davy and their gang finally do succeed in capturing Mansoor, no matter how much they force him, he refuses to tell Nileena to back off the deal made with Joy (for which advance of 30 lakhs are collected). Infuriated, Davy barks at Sudeesh violently, forcefully stating that he was calling upon Nileena for an inauguration, and not for fornication. Unmoved by Davy's recklessness, Mansoor replies coolly, stating that although the withdrawal of Nileena's contract to Joy isn't possible, she would gladly conduct vaginal intercourse with one person - only one person - in a one-night stand for 10 lakh rupees. Shocked at this revelation, the gang lets him go. They, with deceit and helplessness, make up 10 lakh rupees. Amidst this, though, Joy embarrasses one of Davy's gang members by arresting him while he was trying to conduct sexual penetration with his wife, and falsely accusing him of adultery. After this, Davy swears to take revenge from Joy. They realize that only one of them can be the lucky one, so they put on a lucky draw, in which Giri is able to win. Hence, Giri heads to a hotel holding a suitcase filled with 10 lakh rupees, as per Mansoor's instructions, where he dreams of having sex with Nileena. Meanwhile, outraged by how close he got to ruining the innocent women's lives through prostitution, Baaghi vengefully kills Ayyappan in a celebration. A little time later, Davy and gang see on the news that Nileena will be retiring from her acting career temporarily due to cancer. Appalled, they visit the exact same hotel, where they notice that the bag of money is missing from Giri. They investigate with the help of Kozhikkaran Cheru (TG Ravi), Davy's friend and a local businessman, also a professional gambler and owns a local casino. Cheru tells them that Mansoor's actual name was Porinju. It is revealed that he was the driver of Cheru. Porinju stabbed Cheru and ran away with the money of Cheru. After hearing the story of Cheru, the next day, they are able to corner Porinju(who was about to escape), where he reveals that when he went in the hotel room, even he wasn't able to find the money. Davy hands him over to Joy, who was also scammed of his money. When they reach their residence, they find Baaghi there, who confesses to have taken the money for the operation. She says that, in return for the money, she is willing to sleep with any one of them, for one night. In the end, Davy has finally gotten a girl all thanks to Joy who has now understood his mistake, and Giri and Baaghi have fallen in love with each other, thwarting Baaghi's plan of "just a one-night stand". ===== Harry Rawlings and his criminal gang's getaway van are blown up during a police standoff after stealing $2,000,000 from crime boss Jamal Manning. Jamal threatens Veronica, Harry's widow, demanding compensation, needing the money to finance his campaign for alderman of a South Side, Chicago ward. He is running against Jack Mulligan, the next-in-line of a dynastic family that has held the position for decades. Mulligan doesn't like politics, but is happy to profit from it; his racist father Tom, the previous alderman, warns him that he will face everlasting shame if he loses to Jamal. Veronica is given a key to a safety deposit box by Bash, Harry's loyal chauffeur, which contains Harry's notebook. Inside it is a detailed plan for stealing $5 million from Mulligan's home. She is advised to sell the notebook to Jamal's people, but decides against it. Veronica decides to carry out the heist, recruiting two of the other widows, Alice and Linda. Alice had lost her life of luxury and was forced by her mother to become a sugar baby. Linda lost her store, as her husband secretly gambled away the rent payments. The fourth widow, Amanda, does not join them, as Veronica discovers she has a 4-month-old baby. Alice acquires guns and a getaway van, while Linda deciphers Harry's blueprints. Jamal's brother and right-hand man Jatemme attacks several witnesses and kills Bash while looking for Harry's notebook. Eventually, Alice uses a real estate executive, her sugar daddy, to identify the blueprint as the safe room in Mulligan's home. Linda recruits Belle, her babysitter, to be the group's driver. Veronica visits Amanda and her baby, where she notices Harry's flask, indicating that Harry is likely alive and the father of Amanda's baby. Devastated, Veronica leaves without saying anything. It is revealed that Harry is alive and double crossed his crew by deliberately blowing up their getaway van. He is in league with Mulligan, to ruin Jamal's campaign. Returning home, Veronica opens the door to her son's room and relives the memory of his death (he was shot by police officers after being pulled over while driving). Veronica visits the Mulligan home and asks Jack for protection from the Mannings, but she's actually there to case the premises, while Belle scans the outdoor security. Veronica blackmails the CEO of the Mulligans' security company for the safe code, using incriminating photos left in Harry's notebook. The heist begins with Belle creating a disturbance down the street to draw the outside security detail away. Veronica and the others stun the lone security guard inside. Veronica, Linda and Alice reach the safe and retrieve the money. On their way out, Tom appears, unmasks Veronica and wounds Alice with a gunshot; Linda fatally shoots him. The women escape, but Jatemme appears, holds Belle at gunpoint and flees in their van with the money; they follow him in a separate car and ram him from behind, causing him to crash and killing him. They retrieve the money, then get Alice to the hospital. Veronica returns alone to their hideout, where Harry arrives to steal the money, needing $1 million of it to keep Mulligan quiet about his faked death. Harry claims that after the death of their son and subsequent disintegration of their marriage, he wanted to start over with Amanda and their child. Harry retrieves the money in the van, and turns to shoot Veronicabut Veronica kills him first. Jack wins the position of alderman due to a sympathy vote following his father's murder. Linda reacquires her store, Alice sets up her own business, and Belle moves away. Veronica donates a large sum to rebuild a school library on the condition that it be named after her son Marcus. Outside of a diner, Veronica sees and warmly greets Alice. ===== Mahendran is an unemployed man whose daughter meets with an accident while being dropped to school. He admits her to Kaveri Hospital where he and his wife are told their daughter can be saved but they need to deposit 20 lakh rupees. He is told to register an FIR at the nearby police station, which he does with the help of a cop named Pazhani. A desperate Mahendran, along with his wife's jewels, reaches at the jewelry shop of Surendra Lal Seth, who gives him the said amount in exchange for the jewels. Mahendran promises to repay when he gets his job, and boards an auto rickshaw. Seth, however, orders his boys to collect the amount. They intentionally crash their bikes with the auto rickshaw, and while they fight, the bag full of money is taken away. The auto driver refuses to charge Mahendran anything and flees away. Mahendran rushes back to the police station and meets Thamizh, an honest cop, who decides to help him. Thamizh, Pazhani and Mahendran manage to locate the auto rickshaw and its driver, Kannan, who is beaten up and spills out the truth. Seth is also beaten up and he ends up revealing that while he conspired to get back the money, the boys who extracted it didn't return it to him. He also reveals about a dancer in Nellore whom the boys often met from time to time. With the help of Pazhani and a friendly cop in Nellore, Thamizh traces the dancer and questions her, but doesn't find anything significant. Returning to Chennai, Thamizh asks his friends to arrange for money upon learning from Mahendran that the operation needs to be commenced soon. When he doesn't succeed in getting any money, his wife gives him their dead daughter's jewels and tells him to sell them. Thamizh hands over the jewels to Pazhani, who approaches Ezhumalai, a criminal, for money. Seeing Ezhumalai play with his daughter, Pazhani convinces him to save the life of the girl admitted in the hospital. The next day, he sends Thamizh a bag full of money under Pazhani's name, following which Thamizh is arrested by the Anti-Corruption Bureau for publicly accepting bribe. In prison, Pazhani apologizes to Thamizh and asks him about the enmity Ezhumalai has with him. He reveals that while he was in Madurai with his wife and daughter, he tried to help a woman being harassed for her property by Ezhumalai. However, he met various alibis whenever he tried to arrest him. When he was finally about to arrest him, he was handed over his transfer orders. In the meanwhile, Thamizh's daughter met with an accident at home, and when admitted to hospital, she couldn't survive. Thamizh learnt it through the nurses that the medicines were expired, and Ezhumalai's pharma agencies were responsible for more similar deaths. Following this, Thamizh decided to come to Chennai on request transfer. He is then freed due to his reputation in the department. Thamizh sets up a plan to lure Seth into giving an officer 5 lakh rupees, following which Seth's boys crash their vehicles into the auto rickshaw and engage in fighting, but while trying to steal the bag, they are stopped by Thamizh, taken to a secret location and beaten up badly by an enraged Mahendran. The boys reveal everything about Ezhumalai's chain snatching and child kidnapping business, following which Thamizh conspires to kidnap Ezhumalai's daughter. He also joins hands with doctors at Kaveri Hospital. After a chase, he manages to get hold of Ravi, Ezhumalai's friend, and tells him to lure him into come to a spot, leaving behind his daughter. While going to school, Ezhumalai's daughter and wife are chased by bikers who end up in a crash, leaving the daughter injured. A worried Ezhumalai arrives at Kaveri Hospital and deposits the amount needed for the operation, which is used by the doctors to operate on Mahendran's daughter. She is saved, and in his next move, Thamizh tells the doctors to declare Ezhumalai's daughter dead. Upon hearing of her death, Ezhumalai and his wife break down, while his men start destroying the hospital. The doctor is almost attacked but Thamizh brings out Ezhumalai's daughter, reveals how he faked the accident, verbally confronts and gets him arrested. During the end credits scene, Mahendran's daughter is seen dancing and Thamizh lifts her up in his arms. ===== Sgt. Hugh O'Reilly and his friend, Cpl. "Nebby" Muhllendorf, are assigned to peacetime Osaka, Japan after the end of World War II. Still upset over his experiences at Pearl Harbor, O'Reilly unsuccessfully asks his colonel for a transfer. O'Reilly's prejudices continue to surface, particularly when his wallet is missing and presumed stolen. After he finds a Japanese man with it, O'Reilly intends to seek retribution until he learns that the man runs an orphanage and was simply returning a wallet that he found. O'Reilly and Nebby visit the orphanage and, moved by its impoverished conditions, donate money and food. O'Reilly also develops a romantic interest in a local girl, Yoku, but believes a future together would be difficult. He decides to break off contact with Yoku after the outbreak of conflict in Korea, but when he and Nebby are wounded and return to Japan, he and Yoku decide to try a life together in the United States. ===== James O'Brien is an Irish-American researcher who specializes in the history of Medieval Ireland - a subject which he is highly well-informed on and has a passionate feeling of partisanship towards. He speaks Gaelic fluently, can read ancient Irish manuscripts or inscriptions in their original state. and is thoroughly familiar with such works as The Book of Leinster, the Great Book of Lecan, and the Annals of the Four Masters. O'Brien's promising academic career, and his life's work, is threatened by an insidious blackmailer named Ortali. Ortali is now in possession of evidence which could implicate O'Brien in a murder he didn't commit. With this threat hanging over his head, O'Brien must give Ortali much of his salary and the money he got from various academic awards. Ortali enjoys taunting O'Brien and humiliating him. While visiting Dublin, O'Brien and Ortali discover an ancient cairn on a hillside. The area is shunned by the local citizens, and therefore remains nearly unchanged since the Middle Ages - though the bustle and bright lights of modern Dublin are just around the corner. It's known that the cairn was erected in the aftermath of the 1014 Battle of Clontarf, when Brian Boru liberated his kingdom from an army of Vikings. However, O'brien isn't sure if this structure was erected by the victorious Irish or by the defeated Norse, and who is buried underneath. Ortali decides on coming back around midnight and dismantle the cairn, in the hope of finding treasure under it. O'Brien strongly objects Ortali's decision, both because it's a historic landmark and he feels a premonition about what lays beneath it. Ortali ignores O'Brien's advice and his view towards superstition. When O'Brien mentions how local citizens believe holly should never be brought near the cairn, Ortali simply laughs and says he will wear a bundle of holly on his lapel when he returns. The two also argue about the Battle of Clontarf - O'Brien regarding King Brian Boru as not only having freed Ireland from centuries of Viking oppression, but also having saved all of humanity from the occult worship of the Norse deity Odin, whose followers abandoned their ancestral beliefs and eventually embraced the White Christ. Ortali laughs and scoffs about that, too. The two part in great anger, separately walking back to their hotel. Soon, O'Brien picks up a jagged stone and conceives the idea of killing Ortali with it - even though he would then be charged with a murder of which he would be truly guilty. Later, O'Brien encounters a mysterious woman, who wears archaic clothing and speaks an ancient version of Gaelic. She introduces herself as Meve MacDonnal and gives O'Brien a golden crucifix, decorated with tiny jewels, of an extremely archaic and unmistakably Celtic workmanship. After a moment, he recognizes it as a legendary relic, the Cross of Saint Brandon,Howard's text as printed refers to "Saint Brandon". Evidently, Howard actually meant Saint Brendan, one of the most important early Irish Saints. Meve MacDonnal's words: "Saint Brandon's Cross, fashioned by the hands of the holy man in long ago, before the Norse barbarians made Erin a red hell-in the days when a golden peace and holiness ruled the land" fit with the known dates of Saint Brendan's life. which was considered lost centuries ago. Shocked on why MacDonnal would give away such a rare artifact to an absolute stranger, he points out its priceless value. However, MacDonnal scolds O'Brien for placing a monetary value on the cross and explains she gave it to him as a free gift since he would have need of it - and then she disappears behind an alleyway. Suddenly, O'Brien realizes Meve MacDonnal has been dead for three centuries and is buried in a nearby cemetery. The Cross, buried with her, was given to MacDonnal as safekeeping by her uncle, the Bishop Liam O'Brien, who died in 1655.The story makes no reference to why it was necessary to hide the Cross. It's noteworthy that in 1655, the date of Bishop Liam O'Brien's death, coincides with the Cromwellian Conquest of Ireland - a time of great persecution and oppression for Irish Catholics, when valuable Catholic items were in concrete danger of being looted by Protestant troops. After falling into a troubled sleep, O'Brien relives the Battle of Clontarf - in which he had, himself, taken part in his earlier incarnation as the Irish warrior Red Cumal, a kern in service of King Brian Boru (his nickname derived from his having red hair and beard). Following the Irish victory, Cumal loots the armor and helm of a slain Viking. Surveying the battlefield, he sights a severely wounded and one-eyed Viking chieftain, who is actually the god Odin in human form. Odin has transformed himself into a human so he could aid his followers in battle. However, taking a human form left him vulnerable and he was severely wounded by a spear bearing a cross. Now, Odin is trapped in a mortal body and unable to resume his true form as a malevolent wild spirit. Mistaking the man for a Viking (due to his red hair, unshaven beard, and Norse armor), Odin begged Cumal to provide him with a bundle of holly - the only substance which could restore him to his spirit form. Soon, Odin is died (or at least went into a kind of suspended animation). Red Cumal quickly alerts his fellow Irish warriors. Together, they erected a cairn on the hillside, completely covering Odin's body. Cumal quickly warns everyone around him that the cairn must never be disturbed and no holly should ever be placed anywhere near it - thus originating the "Legend" which would survive into the Twentieth Century. Waking up and finding Ortali missing from the hotel, O'Brien realizes that he might have returned to the cairn and rushes back there. He arrives at the location just in time to witnesses Ortali uncovering the body of Odin, which remains exactly the same as it was when Red Cumal and his allies built the cairn a thousand years earlier. As Ortali bends down, a sprig of holly drops from his lapel onto Odin's corpse. Odin immediately reawakens and comes to monstrous life, shedding his human appearance before transforming into "a fiendish spirit of ice, frost, and darkness", with "the shuddering gleams of the aurora playing around his grisly head". Feeling no gratitude towards Ortali, but rather a deep hatred against all humans, Odin proceeds to kill Ortali with a single blot of lightning. Odin quickly turns his attention towards O'Brien. Fortunately, he remembers in time the cross which Meve MacDonnal gave him, holding it high and pointing the relic towards Odin. The cross unleashes a single beam of white light - "unbearably pure, unbearably white" - and the demon shrieks in pain. With a great rush of vulture-like wings, he soared into the stars, dwindling and disappearing. Soon, O'Brien has survived his encounter, saved Dublin from the demonic fury of Odin, and freed himself of Ortali's blackmail - since police would later determine that Ortali was struck by lightning and no blame attaches to O'Brien. The story never reveals what O'Brien did afterwards with Saint Brandon's Cross. ===== Black Fox tells the story of two "blood" brothers, Alan and Britt Johnson-one a former plantation owner, the other his childhood friend whom he freed from slavery-who, with their families, leave Carolina to settle in Texas in the 1860s in hopes of finding a new life. Alan and Britt Johnson, along with other pioneer families, are homesteading on the West Texas frontier. With the outbreak of the Civil War, word arrives that two Indian tribes, the Comanches and the Kiowas, have joined forces under the leadership of Little Buffalo, whose goal is to drive the white man out of Texas. In a surprise raid, while the men are away making preparations to defend their homes, the Indians attack, taking hostage every woman and child they can find. While not all the settlers agree, it is decided that because he is black, Britt will have the best chance to negotiate with the Indians for the return of their families and he takes off, alone, for a journey deep into hostile Indian territory. ===== In the production trailer, Sidney watches the footage of Dominic's arrival to the house and his fight with Matt. When Sidney's cameraman noticed Rory's murder by the Jane sisters' ghosts onscreen, he tries to bring the producer's attention to replay the footage but before the cameraman could do so, the latter and Sidney hear the screams of a production assistant's murder outside the trailer. When they investigate, Sidney and the cameraman are murdered by a crazed Agnes who has just arrived on the set, acting as the Butcher, and she steals the camera. After entering the storm cellar, Agnes is startled by the ghosts inside who string wooden totems around her. Inside the Roanoke house, the actors deny Matt's claim of Rory's fate and, when the participants search through the house, they find that Rory's body has disappeared from inside the bathroom. The second day before the second night shift of the Blood Moon, after rejecting Dominic's sexual advances in the kitchen, Shelby is attacked by Agnes who severely injures her shoulder inside the bedroom, but Dominic arrives and stops Agnes who manages to escape before she could kill Shelby. While Audrey and Dominic tend to Shelby's wounds, Lee informs the group that all the phone lines have been cut when she tried to contact help. During a brief argument, Lee decides to venture outside with Audrey and Monet to find Sidney's trailer, arming herself with her gun, while Dominic and Matt stay in the house with Shelby. When they venture through the passage, they're confronted by Mott's ghost, obliging the women to flee into the woods. As night falls, they arrive and witness the aftermath of the massacre outside the trailer on set. While the women look for a way to reach for help, Agnes appears and lunges after them but Lee pulls out her gun and shoots her in the shoulder. The real ghosts of the Roanoke colony appear, forcing the group to hide in the woods. After finding Rory’s corpse hanging from a tree, Lee, Audrey, and Monet are abducted by the real Polk family and taken into the Polk compound. The deformed family begins to torture the women by force-feeding the actresses human flesh that they cut from Lee's leg. Back at the house, Scathach once again manipulates Matt to engage in their sexual activity in the basement. After Dominic and Shelby arrive, the latter attacks and drives Scathach away with a crowbar. Matt absurdly confesses his affair with the witch as his reason for returning. Infuriated by his alleged betrayal, Shelby bashes Matt's head repeatedly with a crowbar, killing him. She becomes hysterical, regretting having murdered her husband. Outside, Agnes screams maniacally as Thomasin and threatens the group while the ghosts of the Roanoke settlers, including the real Thomasin, surround her. Shelby and Dominic are forced to watch from the upper view as the Butcher thrusts her cleaver into Agnes' head, killing her. ===== The player character is Latis, a dhampir who enters a castle, which has mysteriously appeared in the human world, to defeat its vampire overlord. ===== Bruce (David Mazouz) is brought by Talon to the council's room, meeting the White-Haired Woman (Leslie Hendrix), a woman named Kathryn. Bruce instantly recognizes her as he saw her on Wayne Enterprises events. Kathryn begins to state that their organization controls Wayne Enterprises but Bruce threatens to reveal to the government their involvement and their exposure to the world if he dies. Kathryn is not afraid of the comments and in order to live, she tells him that he needs to stop investigating the council and his parents' murders. He agrees and is then sedated by Talon. Valerie (Jamie Chung) visits Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie), proposing that they cooperate to find Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith). Wanting to find Mooney's location, they go with Barbara (Erin Richards) to find her location but she wants Gordon to give her a kiss and leave. This causes Barbara to give the location and tells Gordon of a dream she had where he had an accident, losing his legs and pushing him around a giant babycarriage. In a shore, Ivy is revealed to be alive and also discovers that her physical body has changed into an older version (Maggie Geha). She is found by a man named Nick (Nicholas Calhoun) and taken to his home for care. The GCPD arrives at a building where Mooney and her gang are squatting. The monsters manage to hold back the police and Mooney and her gang escape. Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) holds a press conference where he criticizes the GCPD and their failure in catching the monsters, earning him popularity with the public. Talon brings Bruce back to Wayne Manor, where he tells Alfred (Sean Pertwee) that the council spared him as long as he stops the investigation. Fox (Chris Chalk) shows Gordon the body of Peabody and they deduce that she was killed because she couldn't "fix" Mooney and the only other person who could do it is Hugo Strange (B. D. Wong). Bullock (Donal Logue) is abducted by Mooney, leaving his badge behind. She wants him to reveal Strange's location but he refuses, forcing her to seduce him with her powers and a kiss to reveal the location. Gordon and Fox inform Barnes (Michael Chiklis) about her next move and he reveals that Strange is being held in an abandoned mansion turned into a research facility out of Gotham City. Mooney, her gang and Bullock arrive at the facility, kill the officers and find Strange in a high-security glass cell. While the GCPD surrounds the mansion, Cobblepot and Butch (Drew Powell) lead a horde of people to the mansion, planning on killing the monsters. Gordon sneaks inside and is caught by the monsters and brought to Mooney. He manages to make a deal and spares Bullock's life by helping her escape through the backside. Before the escape, Gordon calls Cobblepot, telling him about Mooney's location and that he needs to send the people through the entrance. Cobblepot agrees and sends the people to burst in the building, killing two of Mooney's gang while everyone escapes. Cobblepot corners Mooney and Strange in the woods, demanding to know why she spared his life. She explains that the best thing she has done was making him into the "Penguin" and she "couldn't destroy that". With this confession, he decides to let them go, before warning Mooney to never come back. The mob takes out the corpses of the monsters and cheerfully burn them in a fire outside the mansion and hail Cobblepot for his successful effort in stopping them. Ivy knocks out Nick with a plant pot when he decides to throw it out, leaving in a green dress. In Wayne Manor, Bruce and Alfred hear a noise in the study and find Bruce's doppelganger sneaking in, to their shock. Valerie visits Gordon again and begins to deduce what happened in the woods, which culminates in a kiss. At the train station, Lee (Morena Baccarin) is revealed to have arrived at Gotham starting a new life. ===== Ranger Rob is about a ranger named Rob, and his fellow friends Stomper and Dakota, who go on outdoor adventures in Big Sky Park. ===== After Emily's death, Mrs. Bridges takes leave of her senses. She is sitting in her chair, crying brokenheartedly, and feeling very guilty. Mrs. Bridges, distraught with remorse over Emily's death, steals a baby from its pram outside a shop and hides it in her room, locking her door. Richard and Lady Marjorie return the baby to its parents Lily and Arthur Webber. Mrs Bridges only escapes a jail sentence after Hudson agrees to marry her once they are no longer in - Why Is Her Door Locked? - Upstairs, Downstairs ===== The movie revolves around Kariya, a local goon who is hired by an underworld Don. Everything was fine until he falls in love with Janu aka Janaki. Janu was affectionate towards her father, but he was killed by the thugs. She misunderstood that Kariya killed her father. As a result, she intelligently kills him through her love drama. Later it is revealed that Kariya is alive and he is unable recognise others. He can identify Janu. Now, Janu lands in trouble when he sees her and follows her. What happens to them forms the rest of the plot. ===== Richard has an older brother named Arthur (John Nettleton), who bullied Richard as a child. In 1909 Arthur visits Richard, the two have a falling out and they never speak to each other again. Donald Hudson, Mr. Hudson's brother, comes to Eaton Place with his wife (Maudie) and daughter (Alice). Donald is a relatively famous engineer having constructed two major bridges over the Zambezi River; it appears that Hudson has gone to some effort to assist his brother's education in the past. Hudson wants to impress his brother and parades around London dressed as a toff. But the fraternal relationship remains very complicated. Your Obedient Servant Your Obedient Servant - ===== In May, 1905 Elizabeth Bellamy returns from studying in Germany. She wants to make the entrée into London society and her society debut. She has an abundance of "radical" notions and a noncomformist behavior. During her first Grand Ball she runs away from the - Board Wages - Upstairs, DownstairsThe Path of Duty ===== In October 1908, James Bellamy has invited a dashing Swedish military officer, Axel Ryttsen, to 165 Eaton Place. Sarah Moffat falls in love with Ryttsen's valet, Torkel Kraft. Kraft removes valuable household objects from the Bellamy house in order to pay off Ryttsen's gambling debts. They use Sarah as a patsy. Sarah thinks, that she is helping Kraft who promises her that he will take her to Sweden. But Ryttsen and Kraft leave Sarah alone with the music: "one hapless servant girl who will certainly be dismissed" - The Swedish Tiger - Upstairs, DownstairsSwedish Tiger Sarah has to explain things to the police and is finally fined by a court and sacked from the Bellamy household. ===== The film is partially inspired from the terror attacks that shook the holy city of Varanasi in 2006. ===== 1883, County Fermanagh, Ireland. On Beth Winters' twenty-third birthday, decades of pain and betrayal finally build to a devastating climax. ===== The events take place mostly in post-World War II London, in either 1945 and '46 or 1946 and '47—it is difficult to put an exact date on them—and in one extended scene in France. They are told by an omniscient third-person narrator but most of the scenes involve either Inspector Hazlerigg and the workings of the Metropolitan police department or the activities of a recently mustered-out Army veteran, Major Angus McMann. It was the first of a number of novels Gilbert would write over his exceptionally long career in which organized gangs and criminal masterminds figure, both in London and, less often, in Europe. The war has ended but a large number of British troops are still stationed in Europe. Adapting the techniques and brutality of pre-war American gangs, a British crime leader who keeps his identity unknown by his ingenious use of middlemen has organized both ordinary criminal figures and newly discharged British soldiers into a profitable scheme involving both burglaries and currency smuggling. Gold and jewelry are stolen throughout England; some is smuggled to Europe by British soldiers returning to the Continent from leave. Some is melted down and recast as counterfeit gold sovereigns, which are in great demand throughout Europe and can be sold for immense profits. Other British soldiers are also being used to smuggle valuable jewelry from Europe into England, where it can be sold profitably. It is this organization that Hazlerigg and his counterparts in France and Italy have been desperately trying to shut down. Major McMann, now living temporarily at his elderly sister's home, tells Hazlerigg at their initial meeting, "I'm at a loose end. I live in London, and I don't mind work." And, as the author adds, "He didn't mind danger, either, but he didn't say so." The British title of the book is apparently derived from the fact that the British soldiers who ferry jewels and sovereigns back and forth across the Channel do so with such ingeniously crafted items as false-bottomed canteens that they never looked inside them. ===== In Winter 1908 Elizabeth Bellamy is influenced by Evelyn Larkin and makes a party for Larkin's bohemian companions, in which she falls in love with the poet Lawrence - The Key of the Door - Upstairs, Downstairs The Key of the Door ===== Sent to Boarding School at a very young age, Mala returns home to Delhi after 10 years to find that everything has changed. Her widowed mom has remarried wealthy Khemchand, and all of the family, which consists of a sister, Shashi; brother, Deep, and a younger brother, Munna, live in a palatial house. Khemchand does business illicitly as an insurance broker when the government decides to nationalize insurance companies, he is arrested and sentenced to 7 years in jail. His entire family is thrown out on the street, where they are taken care of by Vijay, a poor stage artist, who has fallen in love with Mala, who also has a place in her heart for him. But circumstances keep the two lovers apart, so much so that Mala is forced to refuse Vijay's help, re-locates further away from him, and joins a dance troupe. ===== Sarah Moffat is engaged at 165 Eaton Place, on trial. Rose and Sarah become good - On Trial - Upstairs, DownstairsOn Trial ===== The player character is a robot who must navigate a maze to rescue a kitten. ===== I Belonged To You is a romance omnibus of mini love stories adapted from Zhang Jiajia's best-selling internet "bedtime stories" novel of the same name. Chen Mo (Deng Chao), is known as the cheapest person in the whole city. Every day he will battle against DJ Xiao Rong (Du Juan). No one knows where their hate comes from. Chen Mo's two little brothers, whether it is the silliest Zhu Tou (Yue Yun Peng) or the city's most innocent Mo Shi Ba (Yang Yang), the three people all go on rampages daily, thinking that they can all live freely, but the result is that they all hit the greatest turning point of their lives. Chen Mo meets the mysterious Yao Ji (Zhang Tianai), Zhu Tou creates the worst wedding of all time, Mo Shi Ba experiences the saddest parting. These people's lives reveal things little by little. Dreams, love, friendship all go far away. They have already lost their own paths, until they hear a voice from around the world. ===== On 15 April 1912 Lady Marjorie Bellamy and her lady's maid, Miss Roberts are preparing to visit Elizabeth Bellamy in New York. Richard hires Hazel Forrest to type the biography of his father-in-law, the late Earl of Southwold, which he is writing. The secretary to Richard Bellamy, a middle class young woman who has been earning a living as a secretary for ten years, against her parents' wishes, immediately catches the eye of James Bellamy, much to Lady Marjorie and Hudson's objections. The matter is resolved shortly before Marjorie departs, after which it is revealed she is aboard the RMS Titanic. Miss Forrest - Miss Forrest - ===== The young Turk R. (Rasit Tuncay), who lives in Berlin-Kreuzberg, believes that he can rise from the ground by mere concentration. Initially he briefly succeeds in a public park, but unfortunately, no one has seen it. Being sure of his special powers, he tries it again, even in the most unsuitable situations: He assumes his take-off position, standing on one leg, arms outstretched wide. This strange pose eventually gets him into trouble with almost everyone including his girlfriend — who kicks him out. As a consequence, R. sleeps on a park bench, his meager belongings in a suitcase. Still, he tries to rise whenever he feels the urge — which lands him in an insane asylum. His only remaining friend M. (Matthias Drawe) eventually gets him out. Subsequently, R. and his sidekick M. try to raise funds through questionable endeavors by using a "magical ATM card" and fixing a horse race at the race track. Unfortunately, with meager success and the cops at their heels. Eventually R., renounces his "special powers," returns to bourgeois life, and marries his girlfriend. But the next morning the infallible urge is there again, stronger than ever: R. rushes into the open and assumes his take-off position … ===== It is 1880 and Thomas Edison has unveiled his electric lightbulb and has decided on Direct Current (DC) which is cheaper and cleaner than gaslight but it is limited in range and expensive. George Westinghouse, a successful business man and inventor himself, wishes to learn more, and invites Edison to dinner. After being snubbed by Edison, Westinghouse sets out to prove Alternating Current (AC) is the better technology as it can work over greater distances and at significantly lower cost. Edison and Westinghouse compete to get cities across the United States to use their system. Brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla arrives in the United States and begins working with Edison, but is disappointed by Edison's unwillingness to reconsider his ideas and to fulfill what Tesla thought was a financial promise which Edison passes off as just a joke. Tesla then leaves Edison's team. Edison fiercely guards his patents and sues Westinghouse. Edison suggests that AC is dangerous and engages in a publicity war, while Westinghouse stands behind the technical merits of AC. As Edison struggles to find ways to make DC more affordable, Westinghouse attempts to get the high- voltage AC system to work with motors. Edison's wife dies, and Westinghouse is also struck with personal tragedy when his friend Franklin Pope dies in an electrical accident. Both face significant financial risk. To generate funds Edison commercially sells his speaking machine "The Phonograph". To damage the reputation of AC, Edison shows that it easily electrocutes animals, and secretly works to help the creators of execution by electric chair, despite his previous objections to manufacturing weapons or other machines of death. The first person to die by electrocution is William Kemmler, and newspapers label the event as "Far Worse Than Hanging". Westinghouse discovers Edison's involvement and reveals it to the press. After an unsuccessful attempt to strike out on his own, Tesla is approached by Westinghouse to work together, and build a practical AC motor. Edison is increasingly marginalized and J. P. Morgan merges Edison Electric into General Electric. The competing systems come to a head as they both put forward proposals to illuminate the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Samuel Insull presents the bid on behalf of Edison, and Westinghouse presents his competing bid. The abundantly lit fair is revealed. Westinghouse was successful. At the fair Westinghouse and Edison meet briefly. Edison discusses what it was like to achieve a great invention, and suggests that his next invention (motion pictures) could be so incredible that people might forget his name was ever associated with electricity. ===== Lady Marjorie Bellamy, her brother Hugo Talbot- Carey (the Earl of Southwold), and his new wife (widow Marion Worsley) die in the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Her lady's maid, Miss Roberts survives the sinking of the Titanic while travelling to America with Lady Marjorie, who perishes. Her last known words being uttered to her maid—"Keep this for me, Roberts"—as she hands over her jewellery box. After a week being listed as missing Miss Roberts shows up at 165, to the astonishment of the household, having not been registered on the Carpathia's manifest of survivors. Miss Roberts refuses to let anyone touch the jewellery box, believing she is keeping it for Lady Marjorie. She is however emotionally disturbed by the sinking and loss of Lady Marjorie, taking the blame personally. Richard's new secretary, Hazel Forrest, wins the hearts of all when she very gently persuades Miss Roberts to open the box. That means accepting Lady Marjorie is gone and she breaks down into sobs, as she cries, "I tried to save her! I tried to make them [the life boat] go back! I tried to save my Lady." A House Divided - A House Divided - ===== James Bellamy and Angus Hudson are going for a weekend visit to Somerby, the country house of James' school-friend Lord "Bunny" Newbury. Angus Hudson is depicted as an exemplary butler at Somerby Park. Max Weinberg is a wealthy Jewish gentleman and businessman and he is appreciating Hudson's capabilities and his manner. During his visit to Somerby Hudson gets a job offer. He is offered the job of the butler Makepiece in Somerby. They want him to be the new butler at Somerby Park instead of the old butler Makepiece. But his loyalty towards the Bellamy Family is without question. A Change of Scene - A Change of Scene - ===== James is immediately attracted to Hazel Forrest. The class divide between James and Hazel causes early conflicts with Hazel's parents, the Bellamys' staff and in the marriage. He wants to marry her. After about seven months of courting, James proposes in November, but Hazel declines his proposal and tearfully refuses him. She doesn't tell him that she was married before to a violent alcoholic named Patrick O'Connor. Hazel's sad past is now the Forrest's family secret. James don't know why she refuses him. This causes Hazel's father, Arthur Forrest, to visit James. He informs James of Forrest's family secret and reveals the family secret. He explains that Hazel was previously married to a drunk, Patrick O'Connor, who beat her. They divorced and Hazel moved back in with her parents. Mr. Forrest wants his daughter to be happy, while the prickly Mrs. Forrest is sure the Bellamys would never accept Hazel as a divorced woman (divorce being the shocking, stigmatic thing it was in 1912). After Hazel's initially declining James' proposal, James asks Hazel again, and after talking and James letting Hazel know his own sister Elizabeth is a divorced and remarried woman, she accepts his second proposal. They marry in late 1912 or early 1913, and honeymoon in Paris. A Family Secret - A Family Secret - ===== It's the Christmas season in Los Angeles; Maggie (Jordan Ladd), a lonely woman goes on a blind date with a man unbeknownst to her that her date has been replaced by an active and notorious serial killer, The Brentwood Strangler (Adam J. Yeend). Is it love at first sight or is Maggie in for the worst (and last) date of her life? ===== The book focuses on the protagonist Jimmie Bernwood, a down-on-his-luck former tabloid reporter, his attempts to ghost-write President Trump's memoir and his investigation into a murder. ===== The film opens with the prologue: July 1941—five months before Pearl Harbor, but already the coming events were casting their shadows before. At sea, Tom Adams order two Japanese men into his speedboat after seeing them climbing into a rowboat from an English ship. When Tom is approached by the Coast Guard they refuse to believe his story and charge him with aiding and abetting the Japanese. Tom is found guilty and sentenced to five years in prison. Nancy Johnson (Linda Darnell) Tom's girlfriend is determined to exonerate him. Outside the prison, Nancy meets Michael Malloy (Edgar Buchanan) and learns that his brother is the head of the parole board. She asks Michael to present Tom's case to his brother. Nancy gets a job at the local laundry, and rents a room in Maria Barton's (Sara Allgood) boarding house, whose tenants are the wives of the prison inmates. She meets other tenants, Gwen (Leslie Brooks) Winnie and Billie LaRue (Glenda Farrell). On visiting day, Tom who has become embittered and disillusioned by his imprisonment refuses to see Nancy. When Tom learns about the bombing of Pearl Harbor, he asks for a chance to defend his country and petitions to be paroled into military service. Other prisoners also join Tom on the petition. However, the petition is denied by the parole board. Meanwhile, Winnie has secured a blueprint of the prison and plans to hide the convicts in bales, which would then be loaded onto a boat for delivery. The wives decide to conceal their plans from Nancy and scheduled the prison break for Friday night. On Friday morning, Maria is told that her husband, who is also in prison is at the hospital. She rushes to the hospital and learns that he was stabbed for threatening to inform the prison warden about a prison break. Her husband asks Maria to warn the warden. Meanwhile, Nancy sees a newspaper headline which substantiates Tom's story. She goes to Michael and shows him the headline and asks him to fight for Tom's freedom. Michael barges into his brother's office and makes an impassioned speech about the injustice that was done to Tom. Michael's brother agreed to phone the warden on Tom's behalf. When the wives who are waiting at the shore for their husband hears the prison sirens, they realize that the prison escape has failed. Later, after Tom is freed from prison he reconciles with Nancy. ===== The film begins with Sanjay (Srinagar Kitty) along with his friend locking up an unknown man and torturing him with a camera filming the whole incident. The movie then turns to a flashback, where Sanjay narrates how happy he and his family was. Sanjay who is working in an advertising agency along with his girlfriend Prerana (Kavya Shetty) is the eldest son of a retired Police Head-constable (Ashok) and a home-maker (Thulasi) and has a brother named Karthik (Suraj) who is an engineering student. Sanjay's middle-class family life also has his friend (Chikkanna) mingling as one of the family members. A problem begins when Karthik, who is pressured by his girlfriend Shobha (Ekta) to get an expensive bike, persuades his family to get him a bike. Though hesitant at first, they agree to get him the bike of his choice at the earliest. However, Sanjay is unable to get a loan from his owner (Nagendra Shah). The delay in getting his bike and seeing his classmate James (Girish) spending casually makes him curious to know what he does for money. This is when he is introduced to the heinous crime of chain snatching and is introduced to Mani (Anil Siddhu) who is heading a gang of young college going chain snatchers. Karthik joins the gang and starts to earn through chain snatching and gets all the things he wants. The plot turns when Karthik decides to do these crimes alone without having to give any commission to Mani (Anil Siddhu). Though hesitant at first, the others join him when 2 of the boys get caught by police and Mani (Anil Siddhu) doesn't come to their aid. Karthik goes back to his house to get a chain recently snatched by him, only to find his mom with the chain and all the other gadgets he owns without his parents' knowledge. An argument begins and Karthik pushes his mother to death. Sanjay comes home to realize his mother's death. When the police inspector (Ramesh Pandit) is unable to track the murderers, Sanjay vows to avenge the loss of his mother not realising that his own brother is the culprit. What happens next forms the latter part of the movie. reviews/siliconn-city/movie-review/59178029.cms ===== ===== Five university students gather to exchange information on their job search activities. They encourage each other and post their thoughts and worries on Twitter, but behind that they have a lot on their minds. Takuto Ninomiya (Takeru Satoh) observes those around him. His roommate Kotaro Kamiya (Masaki Suda) has a bright personality and communicates well with others. Mizuki Tanabe (Kasumi Arimura) is Kotaro Kamiya's ex-girlfriend. Takuto Ninomiya has feelings for his roommate's ex-girlfriend. Rika Kobayakawa (Fumi Nikaidō) is determined to land a job. Takayoshi Miyamoto (Masaki Okada) is critical of job-seeking activities, but he later tries to get a job. ===== There is a power outage in the Amp Tree System; Plug must navigate the darkness and repair the lights, one room at a time. ===== Narayana Murthy (Sathyaraj) is an honest government employee. His son Surya Murthy "Suri" (Ram Pothineni) loves him such a way that he is ready to die or kill anyone. One day when he was about to meet with an accident, Gaja (Murali Sharma) a gangster protects him. The two becomes friends. One day Rajappa (Rao Ramesh) blackmails Narayana Murthy to get approval for a building which was illegally constructed. Rajappa orders Gaja, his right-had man, to kill Narayana Murthy's family. The rest of the story follows Surya as he tries to protect his family from Rajappa. ===== ===== Weerasinghe (Ranjan) is a humble man who works as a tuition teacher and ensure the survival of ten homeless kids. The kids are caring by mentally retarded female Punchi akka (Duleeka). Weerasinghe's father was a scientist who worked with Professor (Nadeeka) and ask Weerasinghe to achieve his father's legacy, but he refuse them. Meanwhile, Sabhapathithuma (Palitha), who is a cunny man. He starts to build a luxury hotel and get to know about the Weerasinghe's house. Sabhapathithuma send several his men several occasions to agree Weerasinghe to rent te house to him, but all refused by Weerasinghe. Meanwhile, a journalist Hasitha (Maheshi) also engaged with Sabhapathithuma by revealing his dirty works. She lives with homeless kids at Weerasinghe's home as a renter. After series of incidents, Weerasinghe starts to achieve his father's legacy and found a watch made by his father which has the ability to make invisible. He starts use it and find money for the survival of kids and attack thugs several times. One day Hasitha was kidnapped by Sabhapathithuma henchman and Weerasinghe survived her with the help of invisible watch. The news about invisible man named Sathyamithra spread quickly among others, but no one knows the real story of it. Finally, minister (Ravindra) came to the scene and blame Sabhapathithuma for his work and sacked him from his profession. Finally, the house totally belongs to Weerasinghe and kids starts to refer him as their father. Meanwhile, Hasitha also reveal her attraction to Weerasinghe and also about the truth of Sathyamithra. ===== The film opens with Dhani travelling to her new place of posting. Dhani is welcomed by Gandhar at the location, where he takes her around the school and introduces the students. Thoithoi, a student at the school and his Pupu(Grandfather) comes to Dhani to ask her if she can tutor Thoithoi since he is weak in academics as he could not attend school regularly. Dhani agrees to tutoring him. Over the course of time, Dhani starts feeling sympathy for Thoithoi and starts inquiring about his parents to Gandhar's wife. From her, she comes to know that Pupu is Thoithoi's maternal grandfather. Gandhar tells Dhani that Thoithoi's grandfather was working as an attendant in the Inspection bungalow. He had a daughter Memtombi, who was free-spirited. An officer who was posted at the place and lived at the bungalow, seduced Memtombi, but soon got transferred. When Memtombi's father learned about his daughter's pregnancy, he went to tell the officer about it but the officer didn't come. Instead, he sent a man for Memtombi, to whom she refused. Memtombi died while giving birth to Thoithoi. After learning about the story, Dhani is disturbed and asks Gandhar about the officer. She comes to know that he is Dinachandra from Elang Leikai, who happens to be her cousin Ekashini's husband. She goes to meet him. But at the time, Dinachandra was out of station for a training programme, and also for meeting his son who was studying in Delhi. So, Dhani tells Ekashini about what all happened, to which Ekashini initially denies and refuses to believe. Ekashini goes to meet Thoithoi but isn't able to meet him it as he was not at home at that time. Pishak tells Thoithoi that his mother came to meet him. During the second time, he meets Ekashini, where he thinks that she is his mother. She brings clothes and snacks for him. After a brief meeting, when Ekashini is about to leave, Thoithoi asks her not to leave and starts crying. Ekashini leaves but feels the pain of separation with Thoithoi, who addresses her as mother. The next day, Thoithoi waits for her mother by the roadside. Soon, Thoithoi falls ill. Ekashini comes to visit him. She takes Thoithoi to her residence and also consults a doctor. Pupu doesn't want his grandson to be kept there. Dhani asks Ekashini to send Thoithoi back, but also tells her to admit Thoithoi to a nearby school. Ekashini looks after Thoithoi with utmost care and the mother-son relationship grows really strong. Meanwhile, Dinachandra returns home and starts inquiring Ekashini about Thoithoi. Ekashini does not disclose the story but only tells him that she adopted him just because she likes him and there won't be any problem with it afterwards. When she tells Dinachandra that the child is from the village where Dhani is posted, her husband insists that he will call Dhani to send the child back. Ekashini plans to make Thoithoi play the role of Lord Krishna for a Ras Leela performance, so she takes Thoithoi to a nearby Hindu temple for learning the dance regularly. During one of these days, Pupu comes to take Thoithoi where he meets Dinachandra. Pupu clarfies to him that he has no intention of making his grandson get adopted by a person who doesn't even want to adopt his own child and that, he himself is enough for Thoithoi. Dinachandra goes to call Ekashini and Thoithoi. Pupu tells Ekashini that he is taking Thoithoi back, to which Ekashini expresses her anger towards her husband for allowing it. She refuses and takes Thoithoi back to the Hindu temple. The grandfather, on seeing the mother-son bond, cries and leaves. The film ends with Ekashini correcting a step of the Thoithoi's Krishna dance, showing her love for her son, her precious. ===== The film is a comedy revolving around Kartik Aaryan's character, who is living with fake girlfriend Anaya (Kriti Kharbanda) when Paresh Rawal and his wife (Tanvi Azmi) barge into his home as guests, setting off a laugh-riot. Aryan and Anaya agree to do a fake marriage so that Aryan gets U.K. citizenship. For this, he pays 7000 pounds to Anaya. But at this time some uninvited guest from India come to stay with Aryan for a few days which wreaks havoc in his life. On their marriage night a drunk Aryan tells Anaya that he is in love with her. After a few days Anaya tells him that she loves him too and things start going a little smooth. Things start going well but then one day Chachaji causes an accident in Aryan's office and wants to apologise to Aryan's boss but is unable to do so. While trying to apologise he stops Aryan's boss from molesting his secretary which causes Aryan to lose his job. After this the simplicity of the guest causes problems for Anaya and Aryan. One day they find out some documents related to Al-Qaeda (terrorists) in Chachaji's bag. Aryan then takes them to a restaurant with their luggage and leaves them alone. Upon returning, he finds out that they were actually in London to collect their sons belongings, who died in the 9/11 World Trade Center attack. Aryan and Anaya try to find them but are unable to. They then go to the attack site where they apologize and take them home. In a mid credit scene they see that Chacha and Chachi have returned because Anaya is pregnant with twins and are planning to stay for a long time. ===== Richard Bellamy has a brief, steamy affair with a Vienna-born French Countess de Ternay, which ends on wistfully friendly terms when they both realize neither has the wealth that their public appearances imply. Gwyneth Davies falls in love with Richard Bellamy and goes away telling that it's time for her to leave for she is "desirous of change".Desirous of Change - ===== Bhagat Singh (Mansoor Ali Khan) is an angry young man who cannot tolerate injustice. He buys and sells old stuff: he owns a small junk shop. Next to his shop, there is a fruit shop owned by the bubbly girl Anjala (Pragathi) and she likes to tease the short-tempered Bhagat Singh. Meanwhile, the corrupt police officer Sivashankar (Mahanadi Shankar) is transferred to a new city, where he forces the tradespeople to give him bribes. One day, he clashes with the talkative Anjala. Bhagat Singh stops their fight and humiliates the corrupt police officer. Later, Sivashankar tries to rape Anjala but Bhagat Singh comes in time and saves her. Worried about Anjala, Bhagat Singh immediately marries her. One day, Bhagat Singh witnesses the murder of a journalist in front of his shop. The goons then beat up Bhagat Singh for no reason, he then hits back and Bhagat Singh wounds severely the local don Zinda (Raveendra Babu). This news reaches the Minister Sisubalan (John Amirtharaj) who considered the don Zinda as his right hand. Sisubalan asks Bhagat Singh to join him but he refuses. Later that night, Bhagat Singh is arrested and beaten by the police. In a police lockup, Bhagat Singh remembers his tragic past. In the past, Bhagat Singh was a graduate and lived with his mother but he could not find a job. Bhagat Singh and his mother sold their house to bribe Sisubalan's accountant Ramanujam (T. S. Raghavendra). Sisubalan and Ramanujam ripped him off and Bhagat Singh's mother died due to the shock. Heartbroken, Bhagat Singh decided to become a junk dealer. The rest of the story is how Bhagat Singh takes revenge on his enemies. ===== Ranganathan is a government clerk struggling in life with a low salary and a big family. He has to support his aged father, his wife, two children, his brother Gopu and an unmarried sister, Susheela. Though Gopu is a smart young man, he couldn't continue his college education due to the financial situation in the family. In the meantime, a rich man's son, Ravi meets Susheela and gets attracted towards her. Eventually, they both become lovers. Ravi has a medical problem in the heart. The doctor advises him against marriage. But he dismisses it and marries Susheela. She comes to know about Ravi's medical condition and refuses to be intimate with him. However, one day Ravi forces and make love to her due to which she becomes pregnant. People, who know about Ravi's medical condition, suspects Susheela as carrying someone else's child. She becomes distressed. Her old father, learning about her plight, dies of shock. How the government clerk Ranganathan, her brother, solves the problems forms the rest of the story. ===== In an imaginary country of the old west two main local families are in constant rivalry. Lolita del Fuego, courted by the head of a band of brigands, is instead in love with the scion of the rival family, Mac Carey who, through clashes, ambushes and shootings, manages to thwart the gang and to marry the girl, reconciling the two rival families. ===== The story is very complex and complicated. Rangasamy and Mohan are college students studying in Chennai. Rangasamy bets that he will make another college student, Kamala, dance at his birthday party for 1000 rupees. He goes to Coimbatore with Mohan to get money from his uncle Sambantham. Kamala also goes with them. He has his own house in Coimbatore. But he stays with Mohan and plans to take his mother's diamond necklace for his bet. He meets a girl, Shantha and falls in love with her. But Shantha's brother Mani takes her away before Rangan makes contact. Sambantham has rented Rangan's house to Shantha's father Paramasivam. Rangan, without knowing this, goes to his home. There is a lunatic in the house and Rangan get out of the house from the lunatic's clutches. He asks his uncle Sambandam for money. Sambandam tells him to marry Paramasivam's daughter Shantha if he wants the money. Rangasamy does not know that Shantha is the girl whom he had seen earlier and fallen in love. He tells his uncle that he will earn money and then marry Shantha. In the meantime Kamala sends Mohan disguised as Rangasamy, to Paramasivam's house to see the girl. Shantha's brother Mani disguises himself as a girl and makes Mohan to suffer in the clutches of the lunatic. Kamala forces Rangasamy for the money and he goes back to his house to take his mother's diamond necklace. Again he gets caught in the clutches of the lunatic. Shantha helps him to escape. Rangasamy tells Mohan that Shantha the beautiful girl is the Paramasivam's daughter. But Mohan (who was cheated by Mani) says Paramasivam's daughter is like an ape. In order to find the truth, Rangasamy disguised as Kandasamy finds employment as a servant in Paramasivam's house. Shantha suspects him as having come there to steal her diamond necklace. Paramasivam's elder brother's daughter Kasturi also lives in the same house. Rangasamy befriends Mani and tries to find who is who. Shantha deceives him saying Kasturi is Paramasivam's daughter and she (Shantha) is Paramasivam's elder brother's daughter. The diamond necklace gets lost one day. Shantha suspects Rangasamy and chases him out. She comes to know that the lunatic only stole the necklace. She writes a letter to Rangasamy begging his pardon and she requests him to come back to the house. Sambantham and Paramasivam are making arrangements to marry Shantha to Rangasamy. Paramasivam comes to know that his daughter Shantha is moving closely with Rangasamy who is disguised as Kandasamy. Paramasivam chases Rangasamy out of the house. At that time, Mohan enters the house. Shantha thinks he is Rangasamy. So she runs away to Bangalore with Kandasamy (the real Rangasamy). Through Mohan Sambantham comes to know that Rangasamy has run away. He sends Mohan to bring Rangasamy back. Paramasivam comes to know from the lunatic that his daughter Shantha has run away. Sambandam and Paramasivam makes arrangements for the marriage in the absence of the bride and groom. Paramasivam complains to the police that Kandasamy has stolen the diamond necklace. Sambandam adopts Mohan as his son. Paramasivam 'buys' Kamala and makes her his daughter. What happens Rangasamy and Shantha forms the rest of the story.Vaira Malai Song Book ===== The film begins on a millionaire (Mikkilineni) leads a happy life with his son Ananda Rao and daughter Rajyalakshmi (Annapurna). Rajyalakshmi marries a pleb, Bhanu Murthy (Satyanarayana) who is malicious, defrauds a huge amount from the company along with his brother Ramachandra Murthy (Allu Ramalingaiah). Dhananjay Rao (Kanta Rao) the trustworthy employee of Ananda Rao detects it. So, they slaughter Ananda Rao and indict Dhananjay Rao in the crime with the help of their henchman Gurrala Gurunatham (Gollapudi Maruti Rao). Rajyalakshmi learns it, but Bhanu Murthy ploys by declaring herself as mad and seals her in the mental hospital. Due to the humiliations, Dhananjay Rao's wife Parvathi (Athili Lakshmi) leaves the city with her two children. Years roll by, Vani (Jaya Prada), daughter of Ananda Rao, the only heir of the property guarded by Bhanu Murthy & Ramachandra Murthy. Here, they intrigue to couple her with one of their sons Seshagiri (Giri Babu) & Raja (Rajendra Prasad) respectively. Seshagiri is a scoundrel, whereas Raja is a good egg, he falls for Gurunatham's daughter Rani (Shyamala Gowri). Meanwhile, Chakravarthy (Akkineni Nageswara Rao) a simpleton, newly appointed lecturer in Vani's college. Vani likes his ideologies and marries him. Soon after the wedding, as a surprise, it is revealed that Chakravarthy is the son of Dhananjay Rao who made a play to seize the real culprits. Moreover, his sister Seeta (Mucherla Aruna) has deceived by Seshagiri. Right now, Chakravarthy starts teasing the blackguards, gets back Rajyalakshmi and recruits Seeta as her caretaker. Thereafter, Bhanu Murthy & Ramachandra Murthy discovers the true identity of Chakravarthy and again manipulate by creating turbulence between Chakravarthy & Vani. At last, Chakravarthy ceases them with the help of Raja & Rani, proves his father's innocence and reforms Seshagiri. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the reunion of the entire family. ===== Randal (Bradford Tatum) abuses his wife Phoebe (Alexandra Wilson). She starts an affair with his sister, and together they plot revenge on him. ===== Kathirvel (Ramki) comes to the city to live with his friend Subramani (Livingston). While Reshma (Anusha) is a soft-spoken college student, her mother Gangamma is a heartless lady rowdy. Rahul (Kunal), a college student, falls in love with Reshma at the first sight. Reshma also loves him but to save Rahul's life, she tries to avoid him. Finally, Reshma accepts his love. Gangamma, knowing their love affair, hurts heavily Rahul in front of Kathirvel and Subramani and they reached Rahul to the nearby hospital. Reshma insults Kathirvel for being passive during the attack and Kathirvel tells his tragic past to Reshma. In the past, Kathirvel was in love with Reshma's sister Meenakshi (Sindhuri). They So Gangamma tried to kill Kathirvel but Meenakshi intervened and was accidentally by her mother. Before her death, Kathirvel promised Meenakshi to not kill her mother. Kathirvel is now determined to unite the lovers. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== Glenn Shrevelow and Tito Landreau are childhood friends who share a mutual love of running. Their athletic prowess results in them receiving scholarships to a prestigious university. Their new coach tells them that they are among the fastest runners in the country and inspires them with visions of Olympic glory. Glenn finds himself facing pressure from both his coach and his demanding father, himself a former runner, who pushes him to commit and excel. Desperate after falling behind in a race and facing the loss of his scholarship, he resorts to taking steroids after another track team member tells him that they will improve his performance and are the real "breakfast of champions". It is during this time that Glenn meets Lisa Marsh, a student reporter doing a story on athletes and drugs and they begin to develop a romantic relationship. Glenn's journey into the world of drugs grows darker as he progresses from taking pills to injections. His father is furious when he find out but Glenn insists it is the only way he can excel. Glenn finally pays the price when he suffers a heart attack after a grueling race. His heart has suffered massive damage and he is scheduled for a coronary bypass. Glenn's father begs his forgiveness after realizing he is partly to blame. Glenn is wheeled into the operating room and the final scene shows Glenn's father tearfully watching Tito win an Olympic race on television and dedicating it to Glenn who has died. ===== Kyō Nukui is a teenager who refuses to go to school, and spends his days composing songs and publishing them online. One day, he is approached by a trio of orphaned little girls who ask for his help to hold a performance at the church where they live. Intrigued by their request and impressed with their skills, Kyō decides to help them. ===== The Zamindar runs a school in the village Aandipettai. He wants to replace the existing teacher with someone with higher qualification. He decides to appoint a husband and wife couple as head master and wife. When he advertised in the papers, a Hindu young man who is looking for a job wants to apply for it. But he is not married. By circumstances he meets an unmarried young girl who is looking for a way to earn some money to set off a loan taken by her father. But she is a Christian. However, the young man and young woman come to an understanding and present themselves as husband and wife to the Zamindar. He appoints them as headmaster and teacher. The young woman also teaches music to the Zamindar's daughter. Zamindar and his wife lost their elder daughter 15 years ago in a temple festival. In fact, he named the school after the lost child, Mahalakshmi. Now the young woman teacher reminds them of their elder daughter and they shower love on her. A nephew of the Zamindar who is a self- styled detective, takes it upon himself to search and find the missing child. After some confusion and much banter, it comes to light that the young woman teacher is actually the lost child of the Zamindar. The family re-unites. The young man and the young woman who came pretending as husband and wife marries each other and become real couple at the end. ===== Karthik (Rahul Ravindran) is forced to fulfill the last wish of his grandfather: marry a village girl named Divya (Kushi). Karthik wants to get introduced to her in anonymity and then fall in love before getting married. He gathers his funky friends - a victim of wife (Vennela Kishore) and a guy (Shani Salmon) who thinks he is creative. After going to the village, Karthik meets Shruti (Hebah Patel) and then Divya. The rest of the story is all about what happens when Karthik realises that he has feelings for Shruti instead of Divya. ===== ===== Narayana Murthy (Satyanarayana) is a multi- millionaire and a well-respected person in the society who always preaches the principles of righteousness to the public. He leads a happy family life with his wife Janaki (Pandari Bai) and two children, a son Rajesh (Akkineni Nageswara Rao) and a daughter Shanthi (Ragini). Narayana Murthy exiles his daughter from the family for marrying a Christian guy John (Ramji). But in reality, Narayana Murthy is having a second wife Shobha (Athili Lakshmi) along with a daughter Lakshmi (Vijaya Shanthi) which no one knows. After her mother's death, Lakshmi decides to reach her father. Meanwhile, Vijaya (Sridevi) belongs to a wealthy family, runs away from the house to escape an unwilling marriage done by her maternal uncle Chalapathi (Chalapathi Rao). On the way, her taxi hits Lakshmi, due to fear of police, she leaves her on the road and leaves. Fortunately, Rajesh happens to pass by and spots and hospitalizes her. Vijaya reaches the railway station, observes she contains Lakshmi's luggage too when she opens it, finds evidence of Narayana Murthy and Shobha's marriage. As needs a place to stay, she decides to go to Narayana Murthy by claiming herself as his daughter Lakshmi. Unfortunately, she meets Rajesh on the train while traveling Rajesh comes to know regarding his father's second family and gets distributed. After that, Vijaya meets Narayana Murthy, confronts him, so, he accepts the charges and introduces Vijaya as his friend's daughter to everyone. After some time, Rajesh realizes the truth and reveals it out from Vijaya. Now Rajesh decides to teach a lesson to his father, so, he tells Vijaya to continue acting as his father's daughter. There onwards, Rajesh starts teasing his father by playing a drama that he is loving Vijaya where both of them truly fall in love. Meanwhile, Lakshmi reaches her lover Ravi (Chandra Mohan) and seeks his help. Since he is afraid of his mother Raja Rajeswari Devi (S. Varalakshmi) he keeps Lakshmi in his close friend's house none other than John. Dr. Sundara Murthy (Nagesh) Narayana Murthy's family doctor looks at the paper advertisement given by Chalapathi and tries to find out her realness. Eventually, Rajesh meets Lakshmi in John's house with Ravi. Being he is also Ravi's friend, tries to help the couple without revealing his identity. Here they play another drama for the acceptance of Ravi & Lakshmi's marriage from Raja Rajeswari Devi. After a few comic incidents, they make her agree for their marriage where Rajesh cleverly plans Vijaya marriage with him on the same day. Once Lakshmi and Ravi visits Rajesh's house to invite Narayana Murthy to the marriage when she recognizes him, Rajesh explains her everything will be set-righted after their marriages. During the time of the wedding a little bust-up, Dr. Sundara Murthy's wife Bhanu (Rama Prabha) informs Chalapathi about whereabouts of Vijaya and he kidnaps her. However, Rajesh's rescues her and return to the wedding venue. Narayana Murthy, who attends Ravi's wedding is shocked to see that Rajesh is marrying Vijaya / Lakshmi. Pushed into a corner, Narayana Murthy is forced to confess that Lakshmi is his daughter. Rajesh then steps forward brings out all the truths. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with both the marriages. ===== The movie is based on a love story, where actor Babushan falls in love with a teenage girl. The love affair of Sanju and Parinita is not approved by her father, who has fixed her marriage with the captain of a cricket team. In order to win her hand, Sanju has to play a match against him. ===== Venu (Shoban Babu) works as bus conductor at Prema Bus Transport Company, owned by Jagapathi Rao (Satyanarayana), who loves his daughter Prema (Jaya Prada) a lot. Dayanandam (Nutan Prasad) works as the manager at Jagapathi Rao's, always blackmails him for some reason and plans to fix his son Prasad's (Rajendra Prasad) marriage with Prema. Once Venu slaps Prasad for misbehaving with passengers, and for that, Dayanandam makes false allegations against Venu and terminates him from the service. Meanwhile, Venu's sister is suffering from a disease and he wants money for her treatment. Suddenly, a person Gopala Rao (Rao Gopal Rao) arrives, who is ready to give the amount required for his sister's treatment; as a return he asks him for a favor. He tells Venu to cheat Prema as if he loves her so that he can take revenge on Jagapathi Rao for cheating his sister in the past. In the beginning, Venu doesn't agree, but later he accepts the proposal because he senses Jagapathi Rao as his mother Parvatamma's (Annapurna) killer. After that, Gopal Rao takes love classes to Venu and makes him trap Prema into his love. One day, Gopal Rao visits Jagapathi Rao's house and reveals his entire plan, where a shocking discovery occurs; Prema is none other than Gopal Rao's sister's daughter. Gopal Rao rapidly moves to stop his plan; when he reaches Venu and Prema, he plays a drama that they sexually interact with each other. He requests Venu to marry Prema, but he refuses because of his desire for revenge against Jagapathi Rao. When Prema forces her father to tell the truth, he reveals that the real culprit was Dayanandam and he trapped him into it. At last, Venu, Gopala Rao and Jagapathi Rao unite and send Dayanandam behind bars. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Venu & Prema. ===== Freshman high school student and flute novice Chika Homura wants to reopen her high school's Brass Club, which abruptly closed a year before. However, the principal refuses to give permit unless she manages to gather nine members in three weeks time. Although she is helped by her childhood friend, Haruta Kamijo, who plays the French horn, none of the ex-members seem interested to accept her invitation. Nevertheless, when Chika shows determination while convincing junior Kyoji Miyamoto, a sulky alto saxophone player, to join, members begin to trickle into the club: seniors and couple Seiji Katagiri and Wakaba Noguchi, who play trumpet and oboe, are the first to join, followed by freshmen Megumi Nagatsuka and Taeko Yonezawa, who play trombone and tuba, respectively. Kyoji also decides to sign up after some hesitation. Chika and Haruta attempt to invite senior Naoko Serizawa, a talented clarinet player, next, but she harshly refuses. Instead, Haruta deduces from a local radio station Chika regularly listens to locate Serizawa's close friend, Kaiyu Hiyama, a percussion player. Kaiyu dropped out of school to take his late grandfather's place to run a retirement home, and his departure was what caused the Brass Club's disbandment. Despite some misgivings, he ultimately chooses to return to school and join the club. His entry does favor to the club's fortune: once the team locate clarinet player and junior Kota Tezuka, the ninth member before the deadline, more and more students, many of them ex-members, sign up until the membership swells to 20. Under the tutelage of music teacher Shinjiro Kusakabe, the club trains for the national competition. Because Chika has never played an instrument before, she has the most difficulty integrating and drags the other members back. This briefly causes a rift in the club, although Haruta manages to rally them together to help Chika. Haruta also personally encourages Chika when the latter blames herself upon learning that many members have to sacrifice their private goals to focus on the Brass Club. Chika is further encouraged in her endeavor by Serizawa, whom she befriended after she helped her find her hearing aid. While Serizawa does not sign up, she teaches Chika how to play a difficult note. During the competition, Chika fails her part and the team loses as a result. Disheartened, she temporarily leaves the club. To instill her spirit back, Haruta arranges for the Brass Club to play the score used for the competition, "Spring Light, Summer Wind". At the last second, Chika joins and, following two failed attempts, manages to get her part right. ===== The film starts with the convict Vijay (R. Sarathkumar) escaping from jail. The story then shifts to Radha (Rohini) who works as a secretary for the wealthy mill owner Thanikasalam (Senthilnathan). Thanikasalam's greedy son Ashok (Ashok Sundaram) and the rowdy Sakhivel (Nalinikanth) killed Thanikasalam, in the process they also killed two witnesses (Jaishankar and Kavitha) and hide Thanikasalam's corpse in Radha's car. That night, Radha drives her car (with Thanikasalam's body in the car trunk) to the gas station and gets a stranger into her car. The stranger is none other than the fugitive Vijay, and he takes Radha as a hostage. In the past, Vijay lived happily with his widow sister. He dreamt of marrying his beloved niece Bhavani (Raghavi) but she was in love with Thanikasalam's son Ashok. Vijay accepted for her love. Ashok cheated her and when he was to become engaged to a wealthy groom, Bhavani stopped it and mentioned her relationship with Ashok. The engagement was cancelled and the angry Ashok killed her, the innocent Vijay was wrongly accused by the police. He was then sentenced to life in prison. Vijay and Radha finally discover Thanikasalam's corpse in a car trunk, the police also see it. Not only Vijay but Radha too is wanted by the police. In the meantime, they fall in love with each other. What transpires next forms the rest of the story. ===== ===== Kirk and Spock are traveling to the Starbase at Corinth IV for a classified briefing, while Sulu and McKennah take some leisure time, Sulu to visit a museum, McKennah to chase up the social changes in Orion society following the Enterprise's incident with Zaminhon and the slave girl Lolani. At the starbase, Kirk and Spock are greeted by Commodore Laura Gray, who informs them that the crew of the Hood has been lost due to life support systems failure. The Enterprise has been sent to tow the Hood home and due to several losses across the quadrant, when the Hood starts out again, it will need experienced officers assigned to it. She formally offers Spock a promotion to Captain. Meanwhile, with Scott in command, the Enterprise is investigating what happened to the Hood, science officer Follet suggests it may be connected to the subspace anomaly they were investigating. Back at Corinth IV, Gray informs Kirk and Spock of a complication. Commander Diana Garrett, 1st officer of Earth's Space Dock, had applied for the Captaincy of the Hood but was turned down, she has now launched a formal appeal, stating she has been overlooked because she's a woman. Kirk and Spock are shocked at such an assertion in the 23rd century. Gray states that Tellarite diplomacy may be a factor, as 100 years ago the Federation was formed due to an alliance of Humans, Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites united against the Romulan incursion, Tellar Prime's resources played an important factor in the Federation's victory. Tellarite society frowns on females being starship captains especially constitution class starships, which are top of the line, despite Starfleet have plenty of female captains in its history. However, although Starfleet and the Federation are not bound by Tellarite views, since the controversial admission of Coridan to the Federation, the Tellarites have indicated they may leave the Federation, robbing it of a vital resource and ally. Gray asks Kirk to interview Garrett and decide if she is a suitable candidate. Both Kirk and Spock are troubled by the notion that Starfleet may be engaging in undue bias against women, but also are both conflicted by the fact that Spock would have to leave the Enterprise. On the Enterprise, all other systems on the Hood appear to be normal, nor is there any sign of the anomaly they were investigating. Scotty decides to learn more about what happened before they tow the ship home. Spock confers with Dr. McKennah, regarding Garrett and what she is claiming. McKennah believes the Tellarite threats are not to be taken seriously, but there might be another issue at work. She states that how people evaluate others is a many-layered process and that if bias does exist, it is often subconscious. Spock, who knows what it's like to be treated differently agrees, however, he notes that there are incidents in Garrett's service record that warrant scrutiny, and this may be why she is being overlooked rather than her sex. McKennah asks Spock if Garrett would be under the same amount of scrutiny if she was male and Spock believes so although he cannot be sure if everyone else would concur. Garrett arrives at Corinth IV with Vice Admiral Stomm, Kirk interviews her briefly and is impressed with her record, however when he questions her about an incident she was involved in at Nimbus III where her captain was killed, Garrett refuses to discuss the incident and becomes defensive, she then calls a halt to the interview and leaves, leaving Kirk dumbfounded. Later on, Gray informs Kirk that Garrett has now demanded a formal hearing to determine the Captaincy of the Hood, the board will be presided by Gray, Stomm, and Kirk. On the Enterprise, Ensign Chekov attempts to provide power to the Hood's engine room, long enough for several hours of life support to better determine what happened. However, he is disappointed when Uhura and Follet are selected to go on the away team and he is not. Uhura has noticed he feels overlooked and points out that while he has many skills, he is not focused and should prioritize which department will best suit his talent. Back on Corinth IV, the hearing begins with Gray presiding. The Vulcan admiral Stomm questions Spock regarding his youth and whether his emotions and his Human heritage played a part in his career choices, referring to when he turned down admission to the Vulcan Science Academy. Kirk objects as Spock racial heritage should not have a bearing on his career outcome, Stomm counters by saying that the skills and abilities of all individuals are products of their race, religion, and even sex. Kirk, to quash any doubts of his favoring of Spock states that while it is definitely time for a woman to command a frontline Constitution class starship, but is not sure if Garrett is the right woman to do so. When Garrett takes the stand, it is noted that she has a lot more qualifications and been decorated more times by Starfleet than Spock, on paper she would make an ideal captain, however, Gray brings up the Nimbus III incident, which concerns her. The official investigation into the incident suggested human error, Garrett disputes that by saying the report was conducted by a Tellarite, who may have had a bias against her and she protested the findings and it was determined that she was cleared of any wrongdoing. Gray also notes that Garrett and her other officers plead the seventh guarantee during the inquiry, where they refused to answer the questions presented to them to avoid self-recrimination. Once again Garrett denies any wrongdoing as by law, pleading the seventh cannot be used to imply guilt. Gray states that she is concerned that there are other similar incidents in Garrett's record and it seems that Garrett reacts with hostility whenever her judgment is questioned as part of being a Captain is being able to admit when one was wrong and take responsibility. Garrett states that she reacts with hostility because of the undue scrutiny she believes she receives as a woman and is once again adamant that she was not in the wrong. In the Hood's engine room, Uhura, Scott, Follet, and Drake can find no evidence on an anomaly that could have caused the system failure which killed the crew. Suddenly out of nowhere, the Hood's engines activate and begin to overload, and their shield comes online, meaning the Enterprise cannot beam them out. The ship will explode in minutes. Scott orders Lt. Hadley to clear away before the Hood explodes, but Chekov believes he can transmit a duotronic algorithm to the Hood, which would deactivate its shields, Scott protests claiming it's too dangerous. Hadley allows Chekov to proceed, the circuits overload, and Chekov collapses, but it works and the Enterprise is able to beam the away team home just before the Hood explodes. On Corinth, Stomm endorses Garrett for Captaincy, Gray endorses Spock, however before Kirk can vote, Gray is informed that the Hood has been destroyed, rendering the proceeding useless. Before it ends, Garrett declares that even though the Hood has been destroyed, the issue still remains that female officers are being overlooked for Captaincy and while it may not be intentional it still exists and it is time something was done about it. Starfleet has the opportunity to implement change, although Garrett maybe not be a Captain this time, there are still plenty of women who could be. Everyone agrees. On the Enterprise, Chekov is recovering and Scott is admonishing him for his foolish actions, Chekov agrees but is confused when Scott refers to him as Lieutenant. Scott has informed an admiral of his bravery and original thinking which has earned him a promotion. Despite the happiness, Scott is still worried about the mystery surrounding the Hood. Uhura thanks Chekov for saving them. Kirk meanwhile is speaking with the Tellarite ambassador, who states that he is aware the biased view his people have of women is not in keeping with Federation values or modern standards and that he is part of a movement trying to make changes and tells Kirk when the time comes for a female captain, Starfleet will have his support. Kirk appreciates the Tellar Prime is embracing the winds of change. In the final scene, Kirk and Spock meet with Garrett one last time. Garrett and Kirk part ways having developed a mutual respect for each other, Garrett hopes that one day a Garrett will command an Enterprise, and Kirk states that anything is possible. When Garrett leaves, both Spock and Kirk agree that despite sadness for the loss of the Hood, both are also somewhat glad as it means they will not have to separate. And with that, they head back to the Enterprise. ===== Tokio is a junior high student living in the present time who is recruited to be a member of the 24th century's Space-Time Administration Bureau. Together with his partner Calen, their mission is to uncover the "True History", the part of history that the textbooks doesn't tell. But in their way is the Akudama Trio that intends to prevent the True History from being revealed for their own personal gains. ===== Buchi Babu (Akkineni Nageswara Rao) marries his maternal uncle Varahala Rao's (Raavi Kondala Rao) daughter Buchi (Jayaprada) in their childhood. At that time, Buchi Babu's parents (Prabhakar Reddy and Pushpalata) are needy in their in-laws (Gummadi and Nirmalamma) house. Gundabathula Achchamma (Suryakantham) maternal aunt to Buchi Babu, a shrew opposes this match, insults them badly and throws out the wedding chain from Buchi's neck. So, Buchi Babu has to leave their house along with his parents and safeguards the wedding chain. Years roll by, Buchi Babu's family becomes wealthy thereupon Varahala Rao arrives, explains them the present situation that Achchamma has destroyed the happiness in the family, made the children as spoil brats and also suffers her in-laws. Now to reform them Buchi Babu enters their house in disguise as a cook by the name Maryada Ramanna. Rest of the story is a comic tale that how Buchi Babu teaches them a lesson, acquires Buchi's love and set rights the entire family. ===== Periya Samy (Jai Ganesh), called Periya Gounder by the villagers, is the village chief and a wealthy respected man in his village. His daughter Manjula (Gautami), an arrogant girl who studied in the city, comes back to her village during summer vacations. Her cousin Thangamuthu (R. Sarathkumar) is an educated blacksmith and lives with his widow mother (Manorama), he is the future husband of Manjula as per the village custom. But Periya Samy doesn't want to marry a man from a poor family, so he refuses Thangamuthu and Manjula's marriage. Periya Samy slowly falls in love with the village belle Jillu (Jillu) and she becomes his secret mistress. He even accepts to marry his daughter with his mistress's rowdy brother (Vijayaraj). One day, Manjula insults Thangamuthu and his mother. Then, angry, he ties a mangalsutra around her neck (synonym of marriage). What transpires next forms the rest of the story. ===== The story is about a small family of Khira Nayak (Mihir Das), Pani Nayak (Mahasweta Ray) and their three children Chaha, Pati and Chini, who live in Vikhampur village. Manav (Amlan Das) comes to the village as a doctor and falls in love with Jagi (Patrali). They were all living happily until one day when Chini fell sick. That is when nothing went in Khira Nayak's way. The movie is about their Struggle. ===== Uma (Kushboo), a lawyer, is the daughter of the retired judge Viswanathan (Visu). Her father Viswanathan treasures her a lot and treats his maids as his friends. Uma reveals that she fell in love at first sight with Pandiyan (Veera Pandiyan) during college. Pandiyan is now a police officer but he is feared by his very strict father Sankar Raman (T. S. Balachander). Both families accept for their wedding. One day, Uma visits her lover at the police station and sees a man behind the bar. She feels that the man is innocent but Pandiyan refuses to let him free because he is the main suspect of a murder. The accused is the poor TV mechanic Raman (Charle). Uma becomes his lawyer and makes him released on bail. Uma begins her investigation, soon she starts to suspect her father Viswanathan. What transpires next forms the rest of the story. ===== Cassandra "Cas" Leung is at a dawn check up of her Reckoner Durga, one of many genetically engineered sea monsters bred and trained by Cas' family business. The Reckoners and their trainers act as paid protection for ships passing through the dangerous NeoPasific ocean. While checking up with Durga, Cas notes that it's making strange noises. She speaks to her mother, the lead biologist working on the Reckoner program, about this issue. Her mother suggests that her concerns are just nervousness for her first mission as Reckoner trainer. Cas begrudgingly relents. The next day Cas boards the Nereid, a luxury cruise ship she is tasked to protect with Durga. As the days move forwards Cas grows increasingly concerned with Durga's heath, as its strange noises grow to violent tremors and the water becomes thick with its blood. Despite this, the captain of the Nereid rejects the idea of turning around. This is revealed to be a mistake when Cas wakes to news that a pirate ship was spotted approaching The Nereid. Durga, being too weak to fight the pirates, is brutally killed in front of Cas. The Nereid is then boarded by pirates, the crew is murdered, and Cas is dragged aboard the pirate ship Minnow. After a failed suicide attempt, she is brought before the captain of the Minnow, the notorious pirate Santa Elana. Santa Elana presents Cas with a Baby Reckoner, still in an embryonic sac, that she is to train for use by the Minnow against other Reckoners. Cas then becomes the ward of Swift, one of Santa Elana's lieutenants. Swift is to make sure Cas successfully raises the Reckoner pup, and becomes situated within the Minnow's culture. An arrangement neither are pleased with. Cas next faces danger when she has to undergo the complicated process of birthing the Reckoner pup from its embryonic sac, knowing that if she fails she will likely die with it. The sac is carefully cut open with the Reckoner being safely released into a small pool. With the pup born Cas spends her time either on the training deck with the Reckoner baby she names Bao, or by Swifts side. Cas and Bao are often locked in the training deck together as Cas nurtures the infant Reckoner. Cas and Swift are made similarly inseparable by the consent threat of Cas being murdered or assaulted by a pirate in Swifts absence. Despite this danger, Cas is successful in bringing Bao into adolescence, with the Reckoner now able to swim in the open ocean. The danger has also done little to stop Cas from bonding with Swift and Santa Elana's other Lieutenants. Cas is even cheered on by her captors when she rides Bao alongside The Minnow. Swift Begins assisting Cas in training Bao, getting him to obey commands give via a LED beacon mounted on Cas' wrist. The two sharing a laugh at Cas saving Swift from almost being mauled by Bao whilst trying to feed. It is around this time Cas begines to have conflicting views of Swift, seeing her as both a captor and a guardian. A Relationship that is complicated when Cas witnesses Swift take part in a raid against a civilian ship, and is reminded again that both Swift and herself are culpable for acts of violence perpetrated by the Minnow. That see could have taken Bao and defended the ship from The Minnow. That Swift, and maybe Cas herself, were pirates. Cas and Swift's relationship stagnates over the next few weeks following the raid, with much of their time together being spent in silence while training Bao. This awkward period is broken when Swift takes Cas into the Slew, a joint gym and combat arena. Cas bests Swift in a fight and the crowd of pirates cheers her victory. A sign of Cas' acceptance in pirate society. Later, after Bao was nearly struck by The Minnow, Cas runs to check up on it. She arrives at the training deck to find one of Santa Elana's Lieutenants, Code, hovering above Bao with a Syringe of poison in his hands. Still hidden, Cas watches as Swift runs into the deck and tackles Code to the ground. Together they subdue Code and bring him to Santa Elana. They quickly realize that Code attempted to kill Bao so Santa Elana would kill Cas and then Swift, thus insuring his place as Santa Elana's Successor. Shaken from their encounter, Cas and Swift spend the night in each other's company. Code is later executed by being fed to Bao, much to Cas' horror. Swift confronts Cas after she runs from the site of the execution, calling her a hypocrite for being appalled by the murder of Code by a Reckoner but not by the thousands who died at the hands of Reckoner Justice. In the ensuing fight Swift admits to caring deeply for Cas, a notion Cas rejects due to the power imbalance innate to their relationship. The day after Cas and Swift's fight the Minnow Docks at The Flotilla, a floating city in the NeoPascific. Cas, being Swifts ward, is forced to accompany her into the city. Cas is surprised when Swift takes her to visit her families shack. After speaking with Swift's father, the two journey into the center of the Flotilla to shop. Eventually Swift leads them to a secluded rooftop where they speak about Swifts history as a pirate and being the breadwinner of her family. On their way back to the Minnow Cas is spotted by Fabian Murphey, an associate of her mother. Fabian tries to grab onto Cas, but she is pulled away by swift and the two escape the man by jumping off the Flotilla and into the ocean. Back on the ship, Santa Elana explains to her crew that Fabian will likely inform the mainland military that the Minnow has a Reckoner in its arsenal, and that they can expect an attack on their ship by the military in about three days. Cas also learns that it was fabian who supplied Santa Elana with a Reckoner pup, and is likely responsible for the death of Durga. Santa Elana gives Cas three days to make Bao combat ready and fight off the mainland attack. It takes her one day. The first attack from the mainland comes early in the form of a squadron of quad-copters, which are shot down by the Minnow or swatted out of the air by Bao. Cas spends the next few hours working through her killing the quad-copter pilots. Ultimately Cas determines the killing was necessary. Later the next night Cas visits Swift at her gun position. They have a conversation about how they feel trapped by their circumstance, that they wish they could escape poverty, and piracy. It is also on the deck at night Cas and Swift wordlessly acknowledge their mutual romantic feelings, but know they can't been in a relationship with such an imbalance of power. The next morning the whole crew of the Minnow rallies to fight the second and final mainland attack. As Cas is preparing for battle on the training deck, she says her final goodbyes to Swift, believing she will be forced to bring Bao back to the mainland after the battle. It is here the couple shares their first kiss. Cas then rides Bao into battle, killing three other Reckoners and destroying their ships, allowing for the Minnow to escape. Cas and Bao eventually catch up with the Minnow, and asks for an audience with Santa Elana. Cas admits she can no longer live on the mainland, that she has become, in her heart, a pirate and asks to be taken on as one of Santa Elana's Lieutenants. Cas argues that if she lets Bao go the mainland will no longer hunt them. That she will make a good pirate, doing what ever is asked of her; except kill another Reckoner. It is at this point that Santa Elana informs Cas that Swift was the one who poisoned Durga, so a Reckoner killer is unneeded. Made numb by betrayal, Cas frees Bao by drops her Training Beacon into the ocean, and officially joins the Minnow's crew. ===== Daniyel (Bandu) and Migel (Tennyson) are two kind-hearted, but thieves in the village. They were known to steal chickens, goats, cattle and also do canny things and they are caught by the village head master. With these incidents, they started to leave the village and move to town. After moving to town, two detectives cobra and his allie (Roy and Lietch) looking for Daniyel and Migel to arrest them. Meanwhile, Daniyel and migel were caught by gangs through a woman Madhuri (Sangeetha). After a fight, and Daniyel and Migel become friends with Madhuri. The gang is led by Chandi ayya (Ranjan) and they came to seek Madhuri. Daniyel and Migel rescues Madhuri and Chandi Ayya also left the gang and become friends. After many incidents, the four of them escape from two detectives several times and fall in love with higher noble families, indicating that the four are also very rich. Soon the lovers realized the fake and refused them. The final battle with Chandi ayya's former group is taken place and the four realized their lies. Daniyel and Migel are arrested at the end credits. ===== At the end of first film, Daniyel (Bandu) and Migel (Tennyson) was jailed for more than 1700 years. But they well enjoyed in their life in prison by dancing and singing songs with other prisoners. The two was released after two years in jail by president's excuse. Just after come out of the jail, the two are attacked by the tailor, who gave their suits prior to arrest. They ran naked after giving their suits and met by a newly wedded couple. They moved to a hotel and act like two Indian superstars and soon they were arrested by the police due to these nuisance for the public. At the police, the two see Chandi ayya and asked what happened to him and Madhuri after their imprisonment. Chandi ayya told the story that he went to commit suicide and rescued by Lathara's daughter Wasana (Vasana). Madhuri went to see his mother-in-law with Sanjaya and not much known about her. The three released by the police and they started to find Madhuri. Chandi ayya welcomes his two friends to Uncle Lathara's house. Lathara (Gemunu) is a musician who always plays harmonium. Meanwhile, Madhuri was caught by Richard, who is drug dealer and detective cobra's allie (Lietch) investigate about her and tells the story to Chandi ayya and duo. The three went to see Madhuri and a fight taken place. Madhuri has been rescued and bring back to Sanjaya and explained about the past. The two united again and married finally. ===== A film director named Ismaël is working on his next film starring Ivan. It is based on his estranged brother and tells the story of a diplomat who is possibly a spy. In the middle of the night, Ismaël receives a phone call from Henri. Ismaël was married to Henri's daughter Carlotta, who has been missing for 20 years and presumed dead. Ismaël has a relationship with an astrophysicist named Sylvia now. Carlotta suddenly appears in front of them. Ismaël does not show up to the set. He accidentally shoots the film's producer in the arm. ===== James and Hazel Bellamy are going for a weekend hunting party to Somerby Park in 1913, the country house of James' school-friend Lord "Bunny" Newbury. The other guests encourage her to surprise James and join the hunt, something she has never done before. Diana Newberry, a childhood friend and love interest of James Bellamy, is jealous and contemptuous of James' middle- class wife Hazel. Diana secretly switches the horses on James' wife Hazel and gives her one that is too spirited. It bolts and runs away so that she almost has a fatal accident. She and James then argue, as he feels humiliated. This, in addition to Major Cochrane-Danby claiming that James and Diana are sleeping together, leads Hazel to flee Somerby with Rose. James follows her back to London when he discovers she has left, and they soon make up.The bolter - imdb.comThe bolter - ===== Jack Challen gives Richard Bellamy an insider's investment tip, by telling him, that the shares of Cartwright Engineering will soon rise. In return, Richard gives his word of honour and promises not to disclose his source. Henry Pritchett is a Parliamentary opponent and thinks that Richard Bellamy was using inside information from his days at the Admiralty. After that, the Government initiates an inquiry. But Hazel reveals Richard's source.Word of Honour of Honour - ===== The film begins on Prasad (Akkineni Nageswara Rao) a sincere cop, lives with his ideal wife Prabha (Sujatha), two sons Bhanu, Raja (Bhanu Chander, Raja) and a deaf & dumb daughter Suhasini (Suhasini). The couple sacrifices their own requirements to provide the children with everything. As time passes, Prasad couple up them with their love interests. Raja with his maternal uncle's daughter Geeta, Bhanu with a Christian girl Julie (Sumalatha) and Suhasini with another deaf & dumb guy Narayana Rao (Narayana Rao), son of minted Madhusudhan Rao (Prabhakar Reddy) respectively. Parallelly, Avataram (Dasari Narayana Rao) a close friend of Prasad, suffers his wife Sahastrakoti Suryaprabha (Ramaprabha) & 3 sons with his misery. Besides, he falsifies his extant father (Allu Ramalingaiah) as dead for the property. Meanwhile, Prasad seizes on illegal activities Madhusudhan Rao despite his menacing. At that juncture, Madhusudhan Rao's elder son Eeswar (Eeswar Rao) is knocked out in police encounter when awfully, Prasad is seriously injured in cross-firing and his leg is amputated. Right now, Prasad even loses his job, becomes dependent on his sons but they abandon him. On the double, Suhasini is necked out by her in-laws, things get worse when Prasad is completely submerged in debts and seeks for children help. Here, the ungrateful children want to split the parents when angered Prasad boots them and decides to start a new life. During that plight, Prasad rescues a well-off person Satyanarayana (Vanakayala Satyanarayana) against harm, so, to show the gratitude he invests for Prasad. Soon, with his hardship, Prasad becomes a multi-millionaire also revives Suhasini's marital life. On the other side, Avataram's children find their grandfather and teach a lesson to him. At present, Prasad's sons try to retie with their father for his wealth but he turns them down. As a last attempt, they play a suicide drama, knowing it, Prabha rushes, gazing their intention Prasad obstructs her when she chucks with him. After meeting them she realizes the truth and proclaims them to never show their faces. Immediately, she backs up, by the time, distressed Prasad places the entire property in the name of Prabha and leaves the house as a distant nomad. At last, Prabha too accompanies him when their children who are reformed by Avataram plead pardon. Finally, Prasad affirms them to return as self-reliant persons and continues his journey. ===== A fleet of smoking black ships steam past Japan’s tributary islands in July 1853, setting off panic among a people who have been sealed off from the rest of the world for over two hundred years. Commodore Matthew Perry has been sent by the US president to open Japan to American ships and trade—by force, if necessary. Navy lieutenant Robert Eden, an idealistic New Englander, immediately recognizes that the colonial intentions of his technologically advanced countrymen toward the feudal, sword-wielding samurai will ignite a violent conflict. Inspired to pursue peace, he jumps ship and finds himself plunged into an entirely new world of menacing warriors, distraught Japanese who view Americans as monsters, and ravishing geisha. All of Eden’s efforts are in the name of a lasting peace, but can he survive the cataclysmic clash of two strong cultures? Category:1996 novels Category:Novels set in Japan Category:Japan in non-Japanese culture ===== Daniyel and Migel started to looking for a new life and citing them as 007 and 008. The two started to help people by listening their problems. The two has a new friend Pin Pon (Rajitha) who is the broker of all these problems. Silva (Jayantha) and his friend (Damayantha) settled in Lathara's house and Silva fall in love with Lathara's daughter (Dilhani). But Lathara does not like him and asked him to bring 2 lakhs and be a rich man and then he will decide to marry them. Meanwhile, Victor (Ananda) is looking for his wife Moreen's (Sanoja) death to acquire her millions of properties and marry a new girl. Victor asked 007 and 008 to kill his wife and he'll pay for it. The two tried many ways to kill her but no one had ever success. Silva is also looking to kidnap rich Moreen and ask money from Victor. However, with the help of Daniyel and Migel, Moreen has been kidnapped and explained her husband's secret life. Moreen was very disappointed and ask Daniyel and Migel to punish him. Finally after series of incidents, Victor was captured by a fake death of Moreen, which was a drama to capture him and find money. Victor was jailed, Daniyel and Migel got money, whereas Lathara accepted Silva as his son-in-law. ===== Saher Sethi (Sahher Bambba), a vlogger from Delhi, goes to Manali in order to review a solo trekking trip organised by Camp Ujhi Dhaar, which is run by Karan Sehgal (Karan Deol). She thinks that the extremely expensive solo trip is a scam and she would expose the camp's owner. Although they start off at bitter note, things started to improve between the two during their trip, which eventually leads to Karan falling for her. He doesn't confess his feelings, but tells her that he is afraid of attachment. Saher confesses to him that she wanted to become a singer but couldn't follow her passion as Viren, her boyfriend, made fun of her at an open mic. He takes Saher to his childhood spot, where he sees a snow leopard, and remembers his mother, who died in an avalanche when she tried to capture a snow leopard on her camera. The trip finally comes to end, Karan drops Saher at the airport and both of them bid goodbye to each other. On reaching Delhi, Saher too realizes that she has fallen in love with Karan, and thus breaks up with Viren. She informs Karan that she is performing again at an open mic, and indirectly asks him to come to Delhi. Karan unexpectedly shows up at the Open Mic and they both confess their love for each other and share a kiss. The next day, at Saher's house party, Karan is introduced to Saher's family members and also meets Viren, who invites Karan to his party the next day. Seeing Saher and Karan close and happy with each other, Viren feels devastated and becomes angry and pledges that he will do anything to be with Saher, whether right or wrong. Next Day, Saher's father talks to Karan in anger, and when Saher asks him, he replies that Viren told him everything. Saher speaks to Viren over the phone for lying to his parents, but he blackmails her about leaking her photos, which he took secretly on the Goa trip. Karan goes to Viren, and when Viren abuses Saher and Karan's mother, he thrashes him. Feeling insulted, Saher posts a video online of being eve-teased by Viren, who gets to know about this, goes to Saher's house and gets involve in a fight with her, when accidentally, Saher slips off the first floor. With Saher now in a comatose condition, Viren's parents, with the help of political power, turn the case against Saher and beat up Karan. Seeing Saher's condition deteriorating, and her family suffering all the disrespect, Karan goes to Viren's house, beats him up and drags him to the hospital and tells him to apologize to Saher. When he refuses, Karan chokes his throat, almost killing him, but Viren's mother asks him to leave him and she apologizes to everyone. Saher soon recovers from the accident and in the end credits, Karan and Saher are shown as happily married couple. ===== After many years of warfare with the alien Yevd, mankind is on the verge of completing The Ship. The Yevd are aware of this, and have tried to infiltrate the shipyard in Solar City where it is being built. Humans have kept the Yved out by spraying tailored microbes into the air around the yard. The Yved use light to communicate, and these organs can also be used to cloak their bodies in a shapeshifting fashion, or when applied in a burst, used as a weapon. As they do not use sound for communication they lack anything equivalent to ears, so to communicate with humans they use small translator boxes that are not very sensitive and cannot pick up whispers. Diddy, a nine-year-old boy, is on his first hunt for The Sound, a mysterious humming that can be heard for miles around the yards. Finding the source of The Sound has become a sort of treasure hunt for young boys. Diddy is younger than most for his first hunt. As he begins to explore the yard he is approached by a policeman that he immediately realizes is a Yved spy. The Yved tells him that he is worried that the bacterial defense system has become stale and will no longer work. He asks Diddy to cross into the yard and then return. When he does, the policeman takes a sample of his blood. After a quick test, the Yved crosses into the yard. Several more Yved join Diddy, disguised as boys on the hunt. As they explore the yard, they are approached by a young woman. She offers to tell them each a secret that will help them find The Sound. She whispers to Diddy that they have a plan to attack Yved. She tells him there is a gun hidden below a girder in a nearby building that he should retrieve while pretending to look for The Sound. He retrieves the gun and is then given further instructions through a low-volume speaker. It is explained the Yved cannot use their light communications system in the presence of fluorine, and that they have filled nearby buildings with this gas. Diddy is told to enter a nearby building and shoot everyone, they are all Yved spies. Diddy enters and begins shooting, and when the Yved attempt to return fire, they burst into flame. He moves from room to room until the building is cleared. With the threat ended, Diddy is allowed to leave. He joins a crowd of other boys watching the sun rise after a night of hunting for The Sound. Discussing it with another boy, Mart, they both realize they have found The Sound. It is the all-pervasive siren song of the entire shipyard put together. ===== 1897\. Oscar Wilde has just been released from prison after serving his sentence for homosexuality caused by his affair with Alfred Douglas. Removed from his wife and children, he arrives in Dieppe, where old friends Reggie Turner and Robert Ross await him. Wilde assumes the fictional identity of Sebastian Melmoth and tries to rebuild his life: he writes to his wife Constance Lloyd to try to make peace with her, but in vain; moreover, his true identity is soon discovered and he becomes the victim of acts of homophobia, to which he responds with violence, then receiving severe warnings. The writer then writes to Bosie Douglas, his old lover that he has never forgotten, causing anger in his friend Robbie, secretly in love with him forever and never reciprocated. The two meet again and instinctively flee together to Naples, where they will live for some time in a house in Posillipo. Here the two are free to love each other and lead their libertine life, but soon Lady Douglas, Bosie's mother, ceases to send her son the necessary subsidies to cover their expenses. Lady Douglas is willing to give Bosie her income and give a £ 200 prize to Oscar if the two lovers separate. Despite Oscar's anger, the two give in and separate. Shortly after Constance dies from complications due to a surgical operation, and Oscar is denied parental authority over the two children she had with him. Now incapable of writing, Oscar takes refuge in Paris, where he lives off his wits and the alms of his old supporters. He meets Reggie and Robbie again and shortly after he finds Bosie, who became rich following the death of his father; his old lover violently refuses to help him. Meanwhile, the writer begins to show strange symptoms that he attributes to mussel poisoning, suspecting however that it may be syphilis. Meanwhile, the man meets two begging brothers with whom he shares misery: the elder becomes his favorite, while the younger wants to hear the fairy tale The Happy Prince, which the writer always told his children. Oscar gets worse and a surgical operation is necessary to remove an abscess. The precarious physical state in which he finds himself causes him post-operative infections which in a short time lead him to a coma. With his last strength Oscar asks for an extreme Catholic unction, only to die surrounded by the few friends he has left. At the funeral Robbie complains to Bosie that he was a hypocrite, because he mourns the death of the man who had always loved him and whom he had abandoned without showing any gratitude. Bosie replies that these words are dictated by jealousy, and that only he will be remembered alongside Oscar Wilde, while Robbie will be forgotten. At the end of the film, the headlines inform that Bosie will die alone and in poverty in 1945, while Robbie, who died in 1918, will be buried in Oscar's own grave. The latter will only be rehabilitated in 2017 together with all the other people unjustly convicted because of their homosexuality. ===== The protagonist lands on Venus, the first man to successfully make the journey without falling into the Sun. Exiting the ship to begin exploring, he notices a cube-like object with a handle on it just outside the door. He picks it up and it speaks to him through mind telepathy. "I contain paint..." is all he manages to hear before a small amount squirts out onto his shirt and he drops the cube. The paint glows and has all the colors of a rainbow. He soon notices that the paint is spreading, and when he removes his shirt it jumps onto his skin. When he attempts to rub it off, it flows back on. He then attempts to use various chemicals to remove it, using every solvent he can find and even some of his precious rocket fuel. None of these work, so he tries a screw-top container which he uses to scoop it off, locking it within so it cannot flow back. After filling part of a bucket, he notices that there is no less paint on him than before – it appears to be self-repairing. He also notices that he is growing extremely hot, as it is also a powerful insulator. He is bemused by the fact that this paint appears to be perfect; it comes in all colors, applies itself, repairs itself, and insulates as well. Unfortunately that insulation quality will kill him due to overheating, long before the equally worrying possibility of it covering his body completely. Thinking about the problem, he realizes that such a perfect paint had to be manufactured by an advanced technology. He turns on his radio and is quickly contacted by the Venusians. They explain that their bodies are so hideous that they are afraid the sight of them will drive humans mad. They have developed the can of paint with human telepathy at great expense as a sort of IQ test, and that if he lives through test and is also able to look at them, any following visitor with his IQ or better will be allowed in. After apologizing for all the bother, they disconnect. Careful not to lift the cube again, he places his hand on the handle and it begins "I contain 2/3rds paint... " and then goes on to read out a complete list of ingredients and application instructions. The primary ingredient is liquid light, and the instructions say it can be easily removed by applying darkness paste. Initially finding this amusing because he does not know where the hardware store is, he suddenly realizes he has a solution. The action continues with him on his way back to Earth, talking on the radio to another ship making the journey. He explains that he lined his fuel tank with solar cells, capturing the light given off from the paint while blocking any light from outside falling on it. It eventually runs out of energy and falls off as a powder. He mentions that he is returning with his ship completely filled with cans of this indestructible, self-applying, insulating perfect paint, with which he hopes to make his fortune. ===== Subramani (Pandiarajan) is a jobless youth living in a remote village. He leaves his village to rejoin his uncle (Malaysia Vasudevan) in Chennai. To his surprise, his uncle has two wives : Paramu (Kovai Sarala) and Rajamma (Kavitha), they live in different houses and his uncle struggles between his two wives. Paramu's daughter is Uma (Pragathi) and Rajamma's daughter (Divyasri) is Rama, both study in the same college. Subramani's uncle advises him to hide his identity and to act as a servant, Paramu and Rajamma hire them. Uma and Rama fall in love with Subramani. Unlike his uncle, Subramani is against polygamy. What transpires next forms the rest of the story. ===== AMC describes the series as a "modern fable set in Long Beach, California about a disarmingly optimistic local ex- surfer, Dud (Wyatt Russell), who's drifting after the death of his father and collapse of the family business." In the first season, Dud joins a fraternal order known as the Order of the Lynx, hoping the Lodge can put him "on the path to recover the idyllic life he's lost." ===== The story follows a young girl Lu Yi-ping whose father Lu Chen-hua had for years been a warlord in Northeast China, where he forcibly married many girls, before fleeing the 1949 Chinese Communist Revolution for Taiwan (presumably after joining the National Revolutionary Army to fight the communists as many minor warlords did during the Chinese Civil War). In Taipei, Lu Yi-ping and her mother live in utter poverty, and she swears revenge on her father's household, who live in luxury. After realizing her half-sister Lu Ru-ping fancies reporter Ho Shu-huan, she actively seeks his love as part of her scheme. She and Ho Shu-huan fall in love, but Ho is furious when he discovers she has used him. In his fury, he promises Ru-ping he would marry her instead. Yi-ping is heartbroken and becomes ill. Ho Shu- huan is very concerned and tells Yi-ping that he didn't mean to leave her and that he doesn't actually love Ru-ping. Yi-ping exposes the affair of Ru-ping's mother Hsueh-chin, and Ru-ping, who has been on an emotional roller-coaster all this time, commits suicide. Lu Chen-hua also dies from shock and anger, leaving Yi-ping full of remorse. By this point, Yi-ping has forgiven the Lu household, but it's too late to save her love with Ho Shu-huan. He leaves her for good. ===== After Dominic and Shelby witness Agnes' murder by the Butcher, the colonists' ghosts surround the house and start their attack. Shelby and Dominic try to escape through the basement's passageway but it is infested by the Chen family's ghosts who attack them. The other ghosts resurface in the house and attack, severely injuring both Shelby and Dominic in the process. The two are forced to hide inside the bedroom's bathroom but Shelby could no longer handle her guilt after murdering Matt and commits suicide. At their family compound, the Polks continue torturing Lee, Audrey, and Monet as retribution for kidnapping their grandchildren. Mama and her reluctant son Jether then begin to butcher flesh from Lee's leg. The matriarch then explains that the Polks first resorted to cannibalism with a group of pig thieves as their first victims during the Great Depression. The son cuts off Lee's right ear, detailing another family tradition of presenting pickled ears as gifts during Christmas. After Mama leaves Jether to watch over Lee, Lee commiserates with him, insisting that he is being treated by his family as inept, and they are denying giving him the fame and attention that he desires. Jether, who showed an interest in Lee without any intent to kill her, refuses and explains that he will never live up to his ancestor Kincaid Polk who emulated the Piggy Man and murdered several people at the Chicago World’s Fair back in 1893 which gave way to an urban legend thereafter. After refusing his offer of drugs to her; Lee demands Jether to explain more of the Polk's family tradition and in case of her impending fate, requested to record her last message to her daughter Flora on camera. In her message, Lee confesses that she did murder her ex-husband Mason out of resentment at his primary custody of Flora. Afterwards, Lee takes advantage of her freedom by seducing Jether, who had released her restraints, and incapacitates and kills him by stabbing him in the neck with a knife. Meanwhile, Audrey and Monet tried to explain the truth behind the loss of the feral children to the Polks but they do not believe their explanations and begin pulling out each of the actresses' teeth to craft necklaces as family sacramentals. As they are commencing to take Monet's teeth, her chair breaks and she fights back and manages to escape out of the compound as Ishmael and Lot chases after her into the woods while Mama continued to rip out Audrey's teeth. Lee arrives and knocks out the Polk matriarch from behind with a hammer. As Mama Polk regains consciousness, Audrey grabs the hammer from Lee and repeatedly bludgeons Mama's head, killing her. By the time Lee and Audrey return to the farmhouse through its secret passageway to the basement, the former brakes down in tears at the sight of her brother's mutilated corpse. In the upstairs bedroom, Audrey tries to comfort Lee while nursing her back to health. The former enters the bathroom to fetch some water and is horrified to see Shelby's dead body. When Dominic tries to explain what happened, a fierce argument erupts among the three of them during which a grief-stricken Lee locks Dominic out of the bedroom in the hallway, holding him responsible for the deaths of her brother and sister-in- law, where he is then murdered by the Piggy Man. The next morning, Lee convinces Audrey that they have to go back to the Polk family compound to retrieve the video evidence of their torture by the Polks as proof of their story. Despite Audrey's protests, they agree to do so but just as they approach the front door to leave, they are confronted by a person dressed in a Piggy Man costume who turns out to be Dylan, the re-enactor who portrayed Ambrose White, much to the women's surprise. ===== For the first time in Japan's history there is a direct election for the Prime Minister office that gives the winner the powers of a president, and Kenichiro Sakuragi is elected. However, on the same day the North Korean army invades South Korea outbreaking the Second Korean War. Meanwhile, the Chinese government see an opportunity to threaten Japan in the amidst of the confusion Sakuragi now has to resolve. ===== At Sirens Nightclub, Jervis Tetch (Benedict Samuel) performs an hypnosis show to the audience, to Barbara's (Erin Richards) delight but Tabitha's (Jessica Lucas) concern. He selects a man of the audience to be his volunteer after seeing his wife's collar. After performing the hypnosis on the man, he whispers something to him before freeing him from the hypnosis. Barbara questions whether people can do anything he says to which Tetch explains, "only things they secretly wish to do". At Wayne Manor, Bruce's (David Mazouz) doppelganger reveals to Bruce and Alfred (Sean Pertwee) that he's named "514A" but "5" to be short and that he awoke in Indian Hill over a year ago and they performed tests on him. Bruce decides to let him stay with them although Alfred is worried about him. Having slept with Valerie (Jamie Chung), Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie) goes to the GCPD to collect his bounty. He runs into Lee (Morena Baccarin), who was being offered her previous job back by Barnes (Michael Chiklis). She explains to Jim that she is moving permanently to Gotham with her fiancé, who is a doctor in head trauma in the Gotham General, and she is seeking to join the GCPD again. That night, the man Tetch hypnotized is awoken by a phone call. The man in the other end is Tetch, who whispers the same words he used and uses it to open the door for him. The man kills his wife under the hypnosis and is then told by Tetch to kill himself while Tetch takes the house for himself as he plans on finding his missing sister, Alice. Alice (Naian Gonzalez Norvind) is revealed to be living with a gift; she has a virus in her blood that kills people. She accidentally kills her landlord when he tries to kiss her. Mayor James (Richard Kind) announces to the press that he plans on continuing his position as mayor. However, Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) and his mob interrupt the press to criticize the "corrupt" system and Mayor James and announces that he will run for mayor in the new elections. Bruce and Alfred notice scars on "5"'s body and are confused when he bests Alfred in boxing and takes a punch without feeling pain. Tetch visits Gordon, asking for help in finding Alice. He explains that after losing their parents, he took care of her when she began experiencing a rare condition, to which he sought help from Hugo Strange. It revealed a poison in her blood and he took her for "supervision" and never saw her again. After hearing of the Indian Hill breakout, he deduces that she escaped alongside the others. Gordon agrees to find her when he doubles the GCPD's offer. Cobblepot begins working on his campaign, showing Butch (Drew Powell) that the headquarters are based on Dahl Manor, planning on leaving a legacy for his father. Selina (Camren Bicondova) approaches Bruce for help in locating Ivy but they end up having an argument and she calls Bruce selfish before leaving. "5" watches this and begins to imitate Bruce's voice. Gordon meets Selina to get a clue about Alice. Selina tells him that she saw Alice at Indian Hill and also asks him to find Ivy. He looks in a bar where Alice worked and finds it burned. The owner and some goons arrive and attack him but Gordon manages to beat them. However, he is injured in the head and goes to the hospital for stitches. The doctor stitching him is revealed to be Mario (James Carpinello), Lee's fiancé. He explains that he won't hurt her although Gordon "threatens" to kill him if he ever does so. Cobblepot meets with James in a restaurant to discuss his campaign. Cobblepot states that James' position is endangering the city and upon threatening him, they are surrounded by both parties' guards. Cobblepot then gives him a patch for his campaign, while planning on having someone help him. Gordon locates Alice's room and finds the landlord in the closet, who attacks him until Alice arrives and kills him. She then burns the corpse as she claims it's infected and flees, claiming she wants nothing to do with Tetch. In Wayne Manor, "5" watches Bruce sleeping and then begins to cut his hair to make it look like Bruce. The next morning, Bruce and Alfred find that he left and took clothes and a car. Cobblepot arrives at Arkham Asylum and threatens the Warden in order to claim that Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) is sane and freed. Nygma is released and picked up by Cobblepot that night. Tetch performs again in the Sirens, this time causing Barbara to kiss him, stunning Tabitha. Gordon confronts Tetch about Alice's claim so he takes him to the rooftop to talk but Tetch hypnotizes Gordon and sends him to climb on the ledge to fall to his death. Alice arrives and stops him. Tetch tries to talk her down but she shoots him in the shoulder, causing Gordon to awake from the hypnosis. Alice saves Gordon from falling from the roof, afterward, he handcuffs her. Mario and Lee meet to dine with Mario's father, Carmine Falcone (John Doman). "5" drives the car to Selina's location, offering to take her for food. Although noting he is a bit different, she agrees to go with him. ===== Sophie Green, Todd Connors, and Milo – three teenage fanatics of My Roanoke Nightmare who run a blog dedicated to the series – head out into the woods to search for the Roanoke house during the final night shift of the Blood Moon. After noting where Flora's hoodie was found on the tree, the trio encountered Diana's ghost and found her corpse inside her overturned car after the accident during the first production of the series. They tried to report the incident, but the police don't believe them when they couldn't find the body. Lee and Audrey convinced Dylan that the macabre series of hauntings in the set are real and that they must retrieve the video and rescue Monet who was recaptured by Ishmael and Lot. After arriving at the Polk compound, Lee separates from the group to erase the record of her confessional to her daughter from one of the video tapes as Dylan finds the Polks' pickup truck while Audrey finds Monet and the tapes. The women are confronted by Ishmael who was incensed by the death of his wife but Audrey kills him by shooting him in the head with Lee's revolver. Dylan was injured by Lot who then escapes with the truck before the Butcher's colony arrive as Audrey and Monet escape into the woods, leaving Dylan behind. The actresses returned to the house and are infuriated when they watched the video of Lee's deceit of Mason's murder. Meanwhile, the teens return to the woods to expose the Roanoke hauntings to the police. They run into Lee who had fallen under Scathach's trance and murders Todd while the others escape and attempted to call for help at the production trailer. The possessed Lee arrives at the house to attack the other survivors and pushes Monet out of the balcony where she is impaled by a broken wood shaft of a fallen chandelier. Audrey fights Lee and runs out of the house but the latter injures the actress and traps her in the storm cellar. The ghostly colony arrive outside the house and disemboweled Dylan while Sophie and Milo are captured when they attempt to escape as the ghosts impaled the two at the stakes and burned them alive. The next day, police arrive at the aftermath of the carnage to rescue the survivors. They revive an unconscious Lee who was released from the ghost's possession. But an enraged Audrey who was still unaware of Lee's circumstance earlier grabs the officer's gun and attempts to kill her before the other police officers open fire, shooting Audrey dead. Therefore, leaving Lee as the sole survivor of the Blood Moon. ===== The March after My Roanoke Nightmare aired, it is screened at PaleyFest, where the cast and crew were interviewed by Trixie Mattel and Edward Hansen. During the interview, Sidney teases the possibility of a second season. During the Q&A; the rabid fans profess their love to various members of the cast, and the re-enactors compete for the audience's attention. One British fan loves Lee and asks if she can give her a picture she drew, which Lee reluctantly agrees to. Sometime later, the same fan makes a YouTube video, directly addressing Lee, asking her why she felt the need to come back for the follow up to My Roanoke Nightmare. She goes on to criticize the derivative nature of the follow-up, saying that it felt contrived and would only tarnish the legacy of the original. In another video, the real Lot Polk films himself promising vengeance on Lee for taking his two children away from him and killing his family members. A television series called Crack'd documents Lee's life, her family, her addiction to pills, her custody battle, her kidnapping of her daughter, her murder of her ex-husband, Mason, and her appearance on My Roanoke Nightmare. During an on- camera interview, the district attorney claims he always knew Lee was guilty and that the footage of the murders from Return to Roanoke: Three Days in Hell prove it. Lee goes on trial for the murders but her attorney successfully uses the horror and psychological trauma that Lee faced at the hands of the Polks as a defense strategy. Not satisfied, the district attorney then prosecutes her for Mason's murder and, in another interview, walks through his evidence of Lee's guilt. During the trial, Lee's daughter Flora testifies against her mother, saying the she witnessed Lee murder her father in the woods. During her cross examination, Lee's attorney questions why Flora went out into the woods alone in the first place. Flora says she went out there because she felt safe with Priscilla, and this is used by the attorney to cast doubt on her story. The series details that the jury found Lee not guilty of Mason's murder. The district attorney expresses frustration with the verdict. After the trial, Lee tries to talk to Flora but is rebuffed. This leads the district attorney to speculate that Lee lost a lot despite going free. In another TV series, The Lana Winters Special, famed reporter Lana Winters details Lee's life following her acquittal: Lee has written a best selling book about her harrowing ordeal and Lana has come out of retirement to interview her. Lee is skeptical of Lana's intentions but states that Flora gives her hope, and that hope gets her through, but admits when questioned that she doesn't see much of Flora. Lana says Lee can't be very surprised at this and Lee begins to get angry and defensive. Lana asks Lee why, despite offers from many major news outlets, Lee picked her, and Lee responds that she thought Lana would be more sympathetic given her history with atrocities. Lana bristles and says she had to do what she did in order to survive and that Lee only did what she did so that she could be with her daughter. Lana invites Lee to speak to Flora directly and Lee does, saying she hopes one day Flora can understand and forgive her for what she has done. Lana asks point blank about Flora's whereabouts, informing a shocked Lee that Flora went missing earlier that day, accusing Lee of having taken her. As Lee panics, there are sounds of assault rifle shots in the hallway. Lot Polk breaks into the room and threatens them, knocking Lana out with the butt of his rifle as she attempts to talk him into giving up the gun. Just as he is about to shoot Lee, he is shot to death by police who have just arrived on the scene. In another TV show, called Spirit Chasers, a group of paranormal investigators trespass into the Roanoke house during the blood moon, hoping to capture the reported ghosts of the house on film. As the house is being set up for filming, the host explains some of its haunted history. The series recruits the re-enactor who played Cricket Marlowe, Ashley Gilbert. Come nightfall, the participants begin to experience various paranormal events that unnerve them. They are interrupted by Lee, searching for her daughter who has now been missing for two weeks. The Spirit Chasers offer to help but she advises them to flee the house while they can. Thermal cameras pick up the ghosts of the Chen family and the voice of Priscilla is recorded. Lee advises them once again to leave, and goes in search of Priscilla. The chasers ignore Lee's advice and try to follow her, but are attacked by the Piggy Man (who kills Ashley), the skittering creature, and various spirits within the house. The rest of the Spirit Chasers attempt to flee, seeing police cars outside, but both they and the police are killed by Thomasin and her mob. Inside the house, Flora and Lee are reunited. The next day a news report details Lee's 14 hour stand-off with police at the Roanoke house. It is believed Lee kidnapped Flora and is holding her hostage. Lana finally sympathizes with Lee, admitting she understands her single mindedness in rescuing her daughter. Late in the afternoon, inside the house, Lee and Flora begin to bond again and Lee explains that her mistakes were always for Flora's benefit. Lee sincerely apologizes and emotionally begs forgiveness. Lee wants Flora to come home, but Flora wants to sacrifice herself by burning the house down and staying as a ghost for all eternity so that she can protect Priscilla from Thomasin. Lee offers to take Flora's place, so Flora can leave and live her life. After conferring with Priscilla, Flora agrees. After Flora leaves, Lee allows Priscilla to kill her, in the process burning down the house. As Flora leaves and is discovered and driven away by police, she watches Lee walk off into the woods with Priscilla. In the closing scene, Thomasin watches from a hilltop and laughing maniacally as her mob surrounds the remaining officers and the burning house, with the blood moon looming in the sky and the sound of wooden totems clanging ominously. ===== Meenakshi (Vijaya Lalitha) and Ayyasamy (Venniradai Moorthy) have three sons : Periyapandi (Muralikumar), Thangapandi (Charle) and Chinnapandi (Pandiarajan). The three brothers are bachelors, Chinnapandi is the only graduate of his family. Kavitha (Nirosha), a relative, is in love with Chinnapandi but Chinnapandi has no feelings towards her. Chinnapandi sets out for a Kerala village to work as manager of a courier company. There, he meets a Kerala woman named Pavalam (Mohana), she falls in love with him but her father Menon (Vinu Chakravarthy) wants Pavalam to get married against her will. Chinnapandi and Pavalam fall in love with each other and they try to elope from the village, unfortunately, the villagers finally catch them. Menon, the village chief, accepts for their marriage and both get married. Later, that same day, he comes to know that he is transferred to his native village. Chinnapandi is afraid of whether or not his parents would agree to their marriage, so he keeps Pavalam undercover as a maid in his home. His brothers Periyapandi and Thangapandi fall in love with Pavalam. What transpires next forms the rest of the story. ===== The story is set in Beiping (modern Beijing), Republican era China. The protagonist Wan-chun is a tongyangxi (child bride) who was married into the Chou family when she was 8. Her husband was supposed to be Chou Po-chien, 10 years her senior, but before she reached the age to consummate their marriage the brothers Chou Po-chien, Chou Chung-kang, and Chou Shu-hao all fell in love with her. Unable to choose, Wan-chun attempted suicide, and eventually all three brothers left home for good one by one just as wars and revolutions swept across China. Wan-chun would never have a real husband in her life. ===== Archana (Sithara) is the daughter of the widow Bhavani (Srividya), who brought up Archana alone and wanted her daughter to become an IAS officer. Her mother didn't hesitate to physically torture Archana if she disobeyed her rules. Archana was a clever college student, she won many cups during college. She was friendly with the orphan Kumar (Siva) and Mala (Yamini) who was the sister of the college professor Santhosh Kumar (R. Sarathkumar). One day, Dinesh (Thalapathy Dinesh) killed Mala in front of her brother Santhosh Kumar. The police then arrested Dinesh and the innocent Santhosh Kumar. The following day, Dinesh was released by the police using his father's power. Thereafter, Archana becomes an IAS Officer and Siva becomes a police officer. Her mother Bhavani finally reveals the reason behind her wish to see Archana as an IAS officer. In the past, Bhavani was cheated by Anandamurthy (Vijayakumar) and he forced her to abort the baby, but she refused and ran away. Archana is now determined to punish her father Anandamurthy who is now a powerful and corrupt minister. ===== The Series takes place in the village Rahim Yar Khan with the story of a young educated girl Sammi Jutt who is marrying Pervaiz Chaudhry. On the day of her Nikkah, her brother, Waqas, demands extra payment for their Mahr Payment, (a promised amount of money paid by the groom), from Pervaiz. This leads to a physical altercation between them in which Waqas kills Pervaiz in anger. After the cancellation of wedding, Pervaiz's father Fazal insists his younger brother, Rab Nawaz (a political leader and feudal lord of the Rahimabad area of district Rahim Yar Khan), get justice by ordering Waqas killed. However, Sammi's parents beg Rab Nawaz for their son's life and offered their daughter as a Vanni, (selling her off for the sake of their son). Rab Nawaz accepts to their offer and announces Sammi as a Vanni to the entire village. To save Sammi's future, Fazal denies accepting her as Vanni, which leads to chaos. Villagers turn against Rab Nawaz, who decides to wed Sammi off to his twelve- year-old son in order to gain a higher reputation with the village Since the village has never sought police or law for justice, everyone assists Rab Nawaz. A nerveless Fazal remains silent while Sammi is kept as a captive in Chaudhry's Haveli. The series also depicts Rashid Chand's family. Rashid is Rab Nawaz's respected servant since his mother Zarina remained his Milk kinship. Zarina and Rashid consider themselves Rab Nawaz's slaves over generations. Salima, Rashid's wife, receives cinstant criticism from her mother-in-law because of failed attempts to have a son, resulting in five daughters. This parodies the illiteracy village series and gender discrimination, where woman are blamed for giving birth to daughters. The series takes a turn when, Zulekha Chaudhry, Rab Nawaz's wife, fears her son's future and asks Rashid to escape with Sammi from the village. Rashid helps Sammi escape from Rahim Yar Khan and sends her to Karachi to live with Chandni, who was once Rashid's fiancé. In order for Sammi to stay, Chandni tells her to work in her beauty salon. Overtime Sammi gains respect in Chandni's Saloon and Salar (Chandni's Son) begins to develop feelings for her. On the other hand, Salima loses her unborn child and befriends Naheed, her nurse, who is also the victim of gender discrimination. Her brother and sister-in-law took over all the property after their parent's death and forced her to work, taking her salary. During Salima's monthly checkups, Zarina decides to take Rashid's proposal to Naheed's brother. The story includes Aaliyan, Naheed's nephew, who happens to be Salar's best friend. Naheed has a relationship with Ghulam Rasool, who received criticism from the entire society since he was an illegal child of the parents had committed suicide after his birth. When he brings Naheed's marriage proposal, he is insulted and sent back. Looking to this Naheed decides to secretly marry him. Story takes another turn when Aaliyan is approached to tuition Rab Nawaz's son and Naheed finally marries Ghulam Rasool secretly, she decides return home and reveal the truth after few weeks, after reaching home she finds out that her marriage has been fixed with Rashid Chand. On the other hand, Salar decides to marry Sammi for her protection to which Sammi rejects his offer for marriage, the entire conversation is heard by Chandni who throws Sammi out from her house the next day. Sammi decides to return to Rahim Yar Khan but is stopped by Salar who then gives her shelter in a separate house and begins his Nikkah ceremony to which denies. Where as on the other side, Rab Nawaz finds out about Sammi's escape through Waqas and punished Rashid, where as Zarina is forced to remain silent by Zulekha since she is the only one who knows about her involvement. Salar lies to his mother that he has married Sammi to which she furiously contacts Waqas and reveals him about Sammi's whereabouts. Waqas comes to the house she is in and takes Sammi. Salar tries to find her but dies in a car accident. Waqas tries to burn Sam I in front of the village But Rab Nawaz brings Sammi back to his haveli. He declares that he will marry Sammi. Chandni learns of Salar's death and comes to Rahim Yar Khan. Sammi also finds out that Salar is dead from Aaliyan (whom Chandni told). In the last episode, the higher and respected personality of the village "Peer sahib" (and most sensible one) decides to hand over Waqas to police and free Sammi from the bond of "Vanni". Chandni marries Sammi to Aaliyan and as Rashid takes her to a station Chandni dies. The drama ends with Sammi smiling at Aaliyan. ===== The book narrates the author's story from before her birth, intertwining it with her current life, and explains how her life changed after she left the ranch. ===== In Malaysia, the single mother Thulasi (Dhansika) lives with her twin daughters Meera (Varnika) and Tara (Varsha). Her husband Sathya is missing, and she cannot return to India. Caught between financial issues and visa issues, Thulasi decides to work in a grocery store. One day, all of a sudden, Tara dies. Dr. Murali (Shankar Srihari) tells Thulasi that her daughter had Long QT syndrome, and she learns that Meera is diagnosed with the same illness. Thulasi takes Meera to a hill station, where she starts behaving mysteriously. Thulasi soon learns that Meera is possessed by a spirit. The spirit was of a girl who once resided in the hotel with her father. Once, her father gets a lump amount as he had a profit, but his friend gets to know, and he blackmails him by saying that he kidnapped his daughter. Her father unknowingly gives the blackmailer the money and he doesn't know who the guy who was blackmailing is. He tells this to his friend without knowing he was the one who blackmailed him. He says to his friend that he is going to make a complaint. His friend suggests for him not to, but the father proceeds, while having lunch with his only daughter. Unknown to him and his daughter, the food is mixed with poison. His friend brings a local gang and makes the murder look like a suicide, and the spirit narrates to Thulasi in the midst. Thulasi learns that if the spirit stays in her daughter's body, her daughter will survive, so she pleads for the spirit to stay, and even the spirit agrees. but the man learns of this. He goes to kill thulasi and her child but instead slips from the cliff. The spirit apologizes as this was her wish and thus leaves Thulasi's body. Thulasi wants to see her daughter live, so she calls Murali and requests him to take her daughter along with him to India and leave her daughter in her hometown. She says she will soon leave all and commits suicide so that as a spirit, she can enter her body in order to save her from her disease. ===== A young woman frames two hitchhikers for her crimes. Feeling guilty, she tries to break them out. ===== In the 1880s, eleven-year-old Félicie (Elle Fanning), a poor orphan girl who dreams of becoming a ballerina, but lacks formal training, runs away from her orphanage in rural Brittany with her best friend, Victor (Dane DeHaan), a young inventor. Together they go to Paris, but they soon become separated, and Victor becomes an office boy in Gustave Eiffel's workshop. Félicie finds her way to the Paris Opera, where the guard catches her trespassing. She is rescued by a mysterious cleaner with a limp, Odette (Carly Rae Jepsen), who agrees to let Félicie stay with her until she gets on her feet. Odette works for both the Opera and for the cruel and imperious Régine Le Haut (Julie Khaner), a wealthy restaurant owner. While helping Odette clean, Félicie spies Regine's daughter, Camille (Maddie Ziegler), practicing ballet. Camille sees Félicie, insults her, and throws Félicie's treasured music box out of the window, breaking it. As Félicie takes it to Victor for repair, she intercepts the postman who brings a letter from the Opera admitting Camille to the celebrated school of the Paris Opera Ballet partly because of her mother's connection. In her anger, Félicie hides the letter and decides to assume Camille's identity to get into the school and pursue her dream. Odette agrees to mentor Félicie, who later learns that Odette was a former prima ballerina. Félicie finds her training very difficult, but with Camille's letter of acceptance, she manages to take her place at the ballet school. Mérante (Terrence Scammell), the school's exacting choreographer, announces that one of the girls from the class will be chosen to dance the role of Clara in The Nutcracker. He dismisses the worst dancer in class each day. Félicie improves each day and narrowly avoids elimination, but a couple of days before the final elimination, her lie is discovered. Mérante decides to admit Camille into the class, while also letting Félicie stay; although Félicie's infraction was serious, Mérante accidentally saw her dance passionately in a bar that she and Victor visited. The night before the final elimination, Félicie neglects training to go out on a date with Rudi, a handsome boy from the school, which disappoints Odette. Victor sees Félicie with Rudi and becomes jealous; he and Félicie argue. The next day, Félicie is late to the audition and unable to perform well, and so the part of Clara goes to Camille. Regine sends Félicie back to her orphanage, where she loses her spirit. She has a dream about being an infant in the arms of her late mother, a ballerina, who gave her the music box. She decides to return to Paris to help Odette and apologize to Victor. While cleaning the stage, Félicie encounters Camille, and they engage in a dance battle that is witnessed by all the students, Odette and Mérante. Félicie does a grand jeté over a flight of stairs, while Camille cannot. Mérante approaches the two girls and asks them why they dance, to which Camille admits that she dances only because her mother tells her to, while Félicie speaks stirringly of dance as her inheritance and passion. Camille admits that Félicie should dance Clara. Near Eiffel's workshop, where the Statue of Liberty is being constructed, Félicie invites Victor to the performance. A furiously deranged Régine arrives, chases Félicie up to the crown of the statue and forces her off, but Victor saves her with aid from Camille. They arrive at the Opera just in time for Félicie to don Odette's special pointe shoes; Félicie kisses Victor on the cheek, and she performs in The Nutcracker alongside the principal ballerina. ===== Georgina Worsley (born 28 November 1895) arrives to live at Eaton Place in 1913. She is the step-daughter of Lady Marjorie's brother Hugo Talbot-Carey (the new Earl of Southwold). His new wife is the widow Marion Worsely, and mother of Georgina by her previous marriage. Georgina's natural father died in a hunting accident when she was six years old. Her mother and step-father die along with Lady Marjorie in the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912. After that she moves into 165 Eaton Place right before Christmas in December 1913. Georgina is deeply moved by Daisy Peel's (the new under house parlour maid) history of her family. Georgina goes with the new under house parlour maid Daisy and a lot of presents to Daisy's family in Hoxton. But Daisy's father is dead and her mother is now married to a drunk and violent alcoholic named Bill. Daisy sees that her mother is ill and she beats Bill.Goodwill to All Men - imdb.comGoodwill to All Men - ===== Edward Barnes goes as James Bellamy's footman for a weekend visit to Somerby, the country house of James' school-friend Lord "Bunny" Newbury. During his visit to Somerby Edward sees Lord Gilmour and Lady Tewkesbury together. In Eaton Place he claims that he saw Gilmour and the married Lady Tewkesbury sleeping together. That leads to the scandalous divorce case of Lord and Lady Tewkesbury. What the Footman Saw - imdb.comWhat the Footman Saw - ===== Kameshwaran is a talented advertisement film director who works in a company owned by Vanangamudi, in which Kamu's cousin Rameshwaran is the CEO of that same company. Despite being more talented and skillful than Ramu, Kamu does not become the CEO because of a small mistake that he did the past. He rues over this issue and blames Lord Brahmma for making his life not as he wished for. Kamu is in love with Manisha, an advertisement model, and she too reciprocates his feelings. On Kamu's birthday, he happens to visit a temple for performing puja. As it is closing time for the temple, the Gurukkal asks Kamu to perform pooja at Brahmma's sanctum. There, Kamu blames Brahmma for all his miseries and prays for a better life. Later that day, he gets a friends request in Facebook from someone called "Brahmma", who actually happens to be Lord Brahmma. Thinking that someone is playing a prank on him, he accepts the request and begins a chat. Soon, Kamu is perplexed by the actions of Brahmma, as he claims that he knows everything about Kamu and provides photos from his childhood up to the present moment as a proof. Kamu is shocked by this and informs this to his friends Jagan and Maya. They also do the same thing, and Brahmma sends their pics, also to their surprise. Maya unknowingly presses a combination of keys on the laptop, enabling a click button, which upon getting clicked, reverses everything that happened in their lives until one year ago. Kamu is sent one year back to the very moment where he made the mistake which made him not get the CEO post. He gets an opportunity to reverse this. He becomes the CEO, and Ramu becomes the director. However, things take a turn, and he finds out that Manisha is in love with Ramu. When he foresees the future through the link in his laptop, he finds that he is in a position to marry someone else. Whether he will be able to turn the events back and win Manisha forms the rest of the story, with some interesting twists and a good message. ===== As described in a film magazine, Geraldine "Jerry" O'Donnell (Walton), a winsome Irish colleen, is happy at the thought that she will soon visit her father and brother in America, but once there she finds her stepmother making her life unbearable, and she decides to run away. After leaving a farewell note to her father, she accidentally meets young American banker John Garland (Myers), who remembers her from the previous summer as a lass of Old Ireland. Learning of her plight, he offers to take her into his home as a governess to his little daughter Dot (Turner), who has adored Jerry since meeting her in County Kerry. Separated from her father, afraid that her brother may be sent to prison for a crime he did not commit, and having few of the stuff of which happiness is made, Jerry learns about life. She eventually becomes an American girl and wife. ===== The play is set in the kitchen of a struggling restaurant, as the protagonist Harry meets a clash of wills in this drama of ideology versus money with his brother. Harry is chef who takes great pride in his cooking, working at a restaurant that is finally starting to see some success. When his business partner Mike brings in an outside consultant to help with the business, Harry finds the change more than he can handle. ===== Kate Fields (Mamrie Hart) is a dentist assistant whose job is a bit middling, while her love life has resulted in either meeting people like Richard (Adam Lustick) on blind dates, or just staying at home alone most nights. Evie Jones (Grace Helbig) is married to Todd Jones (Andy Ridings), and both live with his parents (Betsy Randle, John Hayden), none of them respecting her, and forcing her to attend one charitable cause after another with them that suits their interests, but not hers. Charlie (Hannah Hart) is in a relationship with the girl of her dreams, Claire (Kelen Coleman), whom she wants to marry; but just can't seem to pull her business or her act together, despite her promise to Claire to do so. When the three arrive at Kate's apartment for Taco Tuesday, they reveal that their old high school letters to their future selves was mailed to them. Kate reads her about having a great job, being married, and having a child, none of which has come true for her, making her feel depressed. As her 30th birthday approaches, Charlie and Evie decide to throw Kate a party, inviting all of their old friends from high school, and using the home of Evie's husband's parents as Todd and his parents will be gone. As Evie and Charlie set up everything, Evie is afraid that Oliver (Murphy), a teen who knows the elder Jones, might squeal so she tells him he can come with his friends, which means bringing his crush, Kinsey (Hughes), and his brother, Richard. Kate's boss Jules (Sertich) is also coming over, with patient Dan (Dellapina) whom she is trying to hook up with Kate. Unwanted guests arrive however, in the form of the "bitch", Ashley (Akana). Kate arrives, and the party is in full swing, with a huge crowd taking over the house. Kate feels uncomfortable as she wanted a smaller party, but Evie and Charlie win her over, and things start out great. Old friends reunite, Kate talks with Dan and they hit it off, while avoiding Richard who has arrived in his goth alter-ego "Raven", and everyone is having a good time. However, Oliver sees that Kinsey had arrived with her date Derrick (Leyva), leaving him a loner at the party despite occasionally bonding with her; and Charlie is having betting competitions with Peter (Chamberlain), which is against what she promised to Claire. Evie meets with ex-boyfriend Ben (See), and through a misunderstanding, Kate sees Dan leaving with Ashley. Charlie loses to Peter, proving Claire's point, and she leaves; Jules and Richard/Raven hit it off, while an out of it Kate calls her ex-boyfriend Luke (Cole) about why they didn't continue their relationship, to which he reminds her it was because she didn't want it to continue. Evie and Ben hang out only for her to discover that Ben is creep who still longs for her, and has tattooed her face on his body. Evie freaks out, and after an incident with the teenagers, orders them to leave. Kate, Evie and Charlie discover a broken champagne bottle left by Ashley, and decide to get even with her after so many years. The three arrive at Ashley's home and throw toilet paper all over the yard, as they proclaim the best day and birthday ever, but Evie slips out that she hates her husband and wants a divorce. Dan arrives with Ashley and the homeless man (Ahlquist) she was making out with at her home, where Ashley is furious by their actions, but slips and damages her tooth. Realizing it needs to be taken out otherwise the jaw will be affected, Kate puts the tooth out, and is overjoyed until police arrive and arrest the three, spending the night in jail. Oliver takes Kinsey home, and she realizes Derrick isn't the right guy for her, giving him hope. The three girls are freed thanks to Todd, whom Dan called for help, and Evie puts down her overbearing husband and announces she wants to divorce him. Charlie reunites with Claire, and reveals to her the bet was for her to lose, make Peter look cool, so he can help their business. Kate meets with Dan, and after clearing up what happened, go to breakfast together. It ends with the announcement of Charlie and Claire's engagement, and Kate's high school letter to herself now reflecting her relationship with Dan, loving her job, and the "child" in the form of Evie leaving with her. In the post credits scene: Ashley wakes up to see her missing a tooth and screams in horror. ===== Lee Jae-in (Ha Seok-jin) is the ruthless heir of a wealthy family who has to get married in order to inherit his grandfather's fortune. Lee Jae-in engages in a six-month contract for a pretend relationship with Kim Da-hyun (Jeon So-min) an elementary school teacher chosen for him by his grandfather, the head of the family. The teacher doesn't realize, and the heir doesn't know, that the grandfather was the person the teacher had rescued when he collapsed outside her school. So the pair get off to a rough start when the heir insists on dating and the teacher thinks he is a marriage scammer. It takes a while but 'One Percent of Anything' is a romance drama about what happens when the pair discover their pretend relationship has gotten too real. ===== Will is an American journalist living in Paris. On leave from his duties writing about international politics at the Journal, he travels around the globe as he works on a novel in which he intends to expose the domination of the world by women. Through his friend Kate, Will has become aware of a secret international organization called the World Organization for Male Annihilation and a New Natality, or WOMANN, that intends to stage a secret takeover of world power. WOMANN's secret manifesto details a plan to take over the world by strictly controlling the reproductive process through the use of abortion, sperm banks, and artificial insemination; by expurgating, banning, or "contextualizing" the products of certain male geniuses; and also by declaring war on the patriarchal tyranny of religion through a campaign of "divide and rule." Will, who is a freethinker and notorious womanizer, is marked as an enemy by WOMANN. The novel follows Will's sexual escapades around the world with a number of women whose interest in the novel he is writing (the novel we are reading) leads him to suspect he is being surveilled by WOMANN. Will has enlisted a notorious French novelist, "S." (who bears significant similarities to Philippe Sollers), to publish the novel under S's name since Will is worried about the response of his family in the United States if he were to publish it under his own name. Will's monologue about his life and opinions includes extended digressions about such topics as politics, literature, sex, contemporary life, religion, and the Bible. Will's amorous exploits are occasionally interrupted by time spent at home with his wife, Deb, and his son Stephen. He is eventually injured in a terrorist attack that kills his lover Cyd, an English TV journalist. The novel concludes with Will leaving Paris to start a new life with Deb and Stephen in New York City. ===== In flashback Gigi as a boy is running from the police and his own father threatens to release attack dogs on him. Introduced to Bibi after a motor racing event Gigi pretends he works importing and exporting cars, and asks her out on a date. As their relationship continues, comments from his friends about their wild youth and his time in juvenile detention raise her suspicions. In a private moment Bibi asks him to reveal his greatest secret and Gigi jokingly admits he robs banks. They daydream about travel and when asked if she could go anywhere Bibi suggests that should go to Buenos Aires. Gigi and his friends successfully rob a banker they met at party held by Bibi's racing group. Gigi is falling in love with Bibi and is reluctant to do any further jobs. Bibi's father has suspicions too and confronts Gigi, urging him to be honest with Bibi like a real man should do. Gigi tells him he wants to marry Bibi. Bibi has a growing realisation that Gigi isn't telling her the whole truth but they confess their love for each other. The gang plan another more elaborate heist, and as their getaway driver Gigi is essential to their plans. The gang drop a shipping container off a road bridge, to trap a money transport van and police escort. They get away with the money but Gigi is sick with nerves. The money is booby trapped with explosives and one of the gang is badly injured. Gigi leaves the hideout to call a doctor from a nearby payphone. He also calls Bibi and she warns him that police officers were killed in the robbery and that a major manhunt was underway and for her sake he should not resist. The gang is caught and all are sent to prison. Bibi is sure of her love and wants to stay with Gigi so during brief prison visits they try to get pregnant. They turn to fertility treatment to try to conceive, but while on temporary leave from prison Gigi is bitten on the leg by a small dog. After kicking the dog in retaliation the police get involved and Gigi runs in panic. Bibi hides him temporarily but when a police manhunt begins she convinces him to give himself up and return to prison. Medical tests reveal that instead of a baby, Bibi has cancer growing in her ovaries. Desperate she turns to gangsters to help her break Gigi out of prison. The gangsters think she is suffering from morning sickness and decline to help her. Their boss goes to meet her and sees she has been ravaged by chemotherapy, when she admits she has an aggressive cancer and wants Gigi broken out of prison only if she dies, and the boss agrees, taking her Porsche as collateral. As he leaves, Bibi collapses and is taken to hospital. Gigi has been told nothing about her plans to break him out and has been trying to break out himself. Gigi is allowed to leave prison under heavy guard and visit Bibi in hospital, but she has already fallen into a coma, and dies. Prisoners explain to Gigi that a breakout has been arranged, and there is a plan to smuggle him to Buenos Aires. To confirm it is real they say the words "No flowers" echoing the request Bibi made on their first date. They savagely beat him, forcing the prison warden to transfer him to another prison for his protection, and during the transport they break him out. Gigi does not want to go to Buenos Aires, he only wants to be with Bibi. The gangsters don't tolerate this since their payout is tied to Gigi's arrival in Buenos Aires. As punishment, they lock him in a cage in a warehouse full of dogs. When they come back to retrieve him, he attacks with a chain and kills his kidnappers. He finds Bibi's Porsche and drives along a route she had driven before. In voiceover, we hear the scene from earlier in the film where Bibi and Gigi discuss their biggest secrets, Bibi's reveals her secret: she is immortal. Gigi drives to a cemetery and leaves the car running as he runs in to meet her. ===== ===== The film revolves around three people: Chellappa (Saravanan), Saroja (Ahana) and Sudalamani (Vasu Vikram). Chellappa is a smart college student from a poor family, he lives with his widow mother Thangamma (Vaani). Saroja is the daughter of the village chief (S. S. Chandran) and arrogant Rasathi (Srividya). Sudalamani is Saroja's relative and a womanizer who teases the village girls. He wants to marry Saroja to gain her property. One day, Chellappa beats up Sudalamani and they land at Saroja's house. At the village court, Chellappa remains silent. Irritated by his reaction, she gets him suspended from the college. She later comes to know that Chellappa saved a blind girl from the pervert Sudalamani, but Chellappa remains silent at the village court to protect the blind girl's privacy. Saroja wrongly accuses Chellappa of kidnapping her and holding her for a day. Chellappa accepts the blame and he says he did much worse. The villagers advise her to marry Chellappa. The shrewish Rasathi refuses and tries to find a bribe for her daughter, but nobody wanted to marry an unchaste woman. Only Sudalamani accepts for marriage and they arrange their wedding. The day before their wedding, the villagers force Chellappa to marry Saroja. What transpires next forms the rest of the story. ===== The greatest tango dancer of the '20s is stuck in a wheelchair after an accident. Thanks to his wife, he recovers the use of his legs, the time of one imaginary dance. ===== The genre of the movie is romantic drama. ===== Gregory Walter Wilmot is Rose's fiancé. A British sheep farmer living in Australia, he has socialist views. He and Rose meet on a tram in April 1914 when he accidentally sits on a plum cake she is carrying. They soon start courting. Gregory proposes on 12 April 1914 and gives Rose an engagement ring. Gregory takes Rose to visit his friends and a childhood friend and former love interest of Gregory W. Wilmot, is jealous and contemptuous of Gregory' fiancé Rose and thinks he's marrying below himself. The other friends encourage her to marry him. Rose agrees to go back to Australia with him and become his wife, but hesitant and fearful, she changes her mind at the last minute.A Perfect Stranger Perfect Stranger - ===== Adelina Amouteru has achieved her goal of defeating all that have ever opposed her, but must side with her former enemies in order to defeat a threat greater than all of them. After becoming Queen of Kenettra, Adelina gets a letter from Rafael stating that her sister, Violetta, is dying. After Adelina attacked Violetta, she found sanctuary with the Daggers. Adelina attacks the country in which she believes Violetta is in. Adelina's fury takes control of her and she is unable to think clearly which results in her and her soldiers capture. During the capture, Adelina begs to see Magiano, whom she loves. Later on, she is presented to a court in which Rafael, Enzo and other members of the Daggers are. Because many elites have godlike powers, they are unable to contain their powers and it eventually will kill them. They make a deal with Adelina in which she and the Roses travel to the portal of the gods to return their powers. The gods have also had a negative effect on the environment such as sea animals being beached. Adelina later agrees but secretly only because she can be near her dying sister. Enzo attempts to kill Adelina under the influence of the Goddess of Death, Moritas. Luckily, Rafael kills Enzo while Enzo whispers the name of his dead beloved. Rafael saves Adelina and later cries over Enzo's dead body. Each elite that was going on the journey connects with a certain god; The Beldish Queen, Maeve Corrigan and Teren Santoro are the only ones to connect with Moritas and Tristius, Angel of War. Much to Adelina's disgust, Maeve and Teren are brought on the journey. During the journey, Adelina confesses her love for Magiano and for the first time in a long time, Adelina is able to sleep without the voices in her head talking. As the elites get closer to the portal, their powers and the negative effects of their powers increase. This results in Violetta's death. Everyone mourns the death of Violetta but continues on the journey. After reaching the portal, Maeve's men wait outside the portal for the elites' return. The elites enter the portal and meet monsters that feed on their godlike powers. Teren dies protecting others from the monsters and Adelina cries even though she hates him. All go and meet Moritas and bargain with her and return their powers. Adelina meets the Moritas and sees the dead body of Violetta and begins to cry. Moritas states that for one to come back to live, another life must be taken. Adelina cries and apologizes to Magiano for leaving him and trades her life for her sister because if Violetta were in the same situation, she would have traded her life for Adelina's. Violetta is transported back to the entrance of the portal in which she cries and explains what happened. Maeve's men greeted their Queen and says she has been gone to the portal for two months. Violetta apologizes to Magiano who in return says that it was Adelina's choice. A couple months later Violetta begs the Goddess of Empathy, Compasia, to give her sister back. Compasia apologizes to Moritas and makes Adelina into a star just like Compasia did to her human lover. Magiano follows Adelina's constellation and in the book it states: If you are very quiet and do not look away, you may see the brightest star in the constellation glow steadily brighter. It brightens until it overwhelms every other star in the sky, brightens until it seems to touch the ground, and then the glow is gone, and in its place is a girl. Her hair and lashes are painted a shifting silver, and a scar crosses one side of her face. She is dressed in Sealand silk and a necklace of sapphire . Some say that, once upon a time, she had a prince, a father, a society of friends. Others say that she was once a wicked queen, a worker of illusions, a girl who brought darkness across the lands. Stilll others say that she once had a sister, and that she loved her dearly. Perhaps all of these are true. She walks to the boy, tilts her head up at him, and smiles. He bends down to kiss her. Then he helps her onto the horse, and she rides away with him to a faraway place, until they can no longer be seen. These are only rumors, of course, and make little more than a story to tell round a fire. But it is told. And thus they live on. The folktale is said to be Magiano and Adelina although, it has not been confirmed. ===== Jae-sung, an aspiring actor who has hit rock bottom, prepares to commit a suicide. After his landlady insults him, he first cleans himself at a public sauna. Hyung-wook, a notorious assassin, cleans himself at the same sauna after killing a target. Hyung-wook slips on a soap Jae-sung accidentally drops and passes out. Remembering Hyung-wook's luxurious look, Jae-sung switches his locker key with Hyung-wook's and steals his car and money. Feeling guilty, Jae-sung later tries to return everything to Hyung-wook, who is recuperating in the emergency room. At the hospital, Jae-sung is startled ,when Hyung-wook grabs him before Jae-sung is about to leave the belongings .Jae-sung finds that Hyung-wook does not remember anything due to a concussion,leaves without telling Hyung-wook anything. While Jae-sung enjoys Hyung-wook's money and fancy apartment, Hyung-wook struggles to remember his identity, assuming he is Jae-sung because of the locker key. Hyung-wook can not pay his hospital bill, so Lina, a paramedic, pays it for him after he promises to pay her back. When Hyung-wook realizes he is bankrupt, Lina finds him a job at her mom's small restaurant. With his amazing knife skills, Hyung- wook becomes the main chef, drawing many customers for the restaurant. He later finds a marked date on a calendar with a location and learns that he (Jae-sung in reality) is an actor who is supposed to appear in a gangster- themed TV show as an extra. Though he initially struggles as an actor, Hyung- wook excels in action scenes thanks to his real life skills. His role in the show becomes more significant with Lina's help as the show progresses. Hyung- wook and Lina also find themselves liking each other. Meantime in Hyung-wook's apartment, Jae-sung discovers a secret room and thinks that Hyung-wook is an undercover cop protecting a witness named Eun-joo, who lives in the same building. Jae-sung watches over her and, over time, falls in love with her. One day, Jae-sung answers a phone call to Hyung-wook and meets with businessmen who ask him why Eun-joo is still alive. Jae-sung realizes that Hyung-wook is actually an assassin hired to kill Eun-joo. After a picnic with Lina's family, Hyung-wook recovers his memory and finds Jae-sung and Eun-joo in his own apartment. Hyung-wook reveals to Jae-sung that he is not a real assassin and that he has been trying to give a new life to assassination victims by faking their death and sharing the money he makes. Hyung-wook, Jae- sung, and Eun-joo devise a new plan for themselves so that they can start a new clean life. Hyung-wook tells Lina that they cannot be together and leaves. Heartbroken, Lina follows him to a place where Hyung-wook, Jae-sung, and Eun- joo are trying to fake their own deaths in front of the people who hired Hyung-wook. Lina's unexpected interference almost ruins the plan. The businessmen believe that they are all dead and leave. Later, Hyung-wook tells Lina who he really is and apologizes. Lina, not sure what to do, takes him to the set of the TV show to finish the final scene. On the set, Hyung-wook improvises new lines and confesses his feelings to Lina, who accepts him. Jae- sung and Hyung-wook later star together in a new TV show. ===== In the beginning of the 1980s boom in Western Australia, the Mickelberg brothers Ray (Grant Bowler), Peter (Todd Lasance) and Brian (Josh Quong Tart) spend their days looking for adventure and finding new ways to earn money. One day, they are accused of stealing 49 gold bars from a mint in Perth and selling them to tycoon Alan Bond (David Meadows). For 20 years, the fight to clear the Mickelberg brothers of a crime that they didn't commit goes on which to this day remains unsolved. ===== Duraisamy Thevar (Napoleon) is a kind-hearted village chief while his father Pulikesi Thevar (R. P. Viswam) is the nearby wicked village chief. Duraisamy hate his father since he betrayed his mother (Srividya) and married another woman (Anuradha). Chinna Mani (Kasthuri) is a poor maid who is rejected by the villagers. Being married and a widow at her young age, the villagers think that she brings bad luck. Soon, Pulikesi Thevar's first wife falls sick and compels her son to marry as soon as possible. In hurry, Duraisamy Thevar marries Chinna Mani for soothing his sick mother. The entire village is then in shock. Later, Duraisamy tells to Chinna Mani the reason why he didn't get married for so many years. In the past, Duraisamy was in love with a Christian woman Princy (Anusha). Her brothers opposed to their love. Her despair to marry her lover increased; she immolated herself. Duraisamy accepts to live with Chinna Mani but doesn't want to touch her. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== Muthusamy (Pandiarajan) is a poor and not- too-good-looking man, he is roaming the streets. Kaattayi (Manorama), an old woman and street astrologer, becomes his friend and she gives him money to eat every day. Muthusamy lost his parents at young age. One day, he meets Shalini (Rajashree) a blind flower seller and Muthusamy befriends the innocent Shalini, he introduces himself as a rich business magnate. Shalini has a brother : Veerasamy, a dreaded rowdy. Muthusamy slowly falls in love with Shalini. He decides to pay for her surgery to repair Shalini's eyes : he worked day and night and sold his mother's gold pendant. The police suspect Muthusamy of stealing that gold pendant and arrests him, before being arrested he manages to give his money to Shalini. After the successful surgery, Shalini can see but Muthusamy is not there to see her happiness. Shalini becomes friends with the doctor Raja (Radha Ravi who operated her eyes. Raja finds her voice sweet, and recommend her to his friend Raja, a music director. The first song Shalini sang becomes a chartbuster and she becomes the busiest singer of the cinema industry. After being released from jail, Muthusamy tries to meet Shalini. What transpires next forms the rest of the story. ===== A snake is doing an important role in this short film. Besides the snake, there are two characters in it — Ramani chechi’s husband and his friend. The husband suspects that his friend admires Ramani chechi. It is this suspicion that leads him to push his friend into the well to get bitten by the snake. ===== ===== Niklas, a surgeon who lives a life of solitude and is tormented by self-hatred, performs regular illegal surgeries for the red market. He works together with Mia, a young prostitute who lures her clients in and drugs them. Niklas is looking for a way out of this dark world, but owes his life to their violent crime boss Ed, who would rather kill him then let him go. ===== In New York City on Christmas Eve of 1992, an 8-year-old boy named Grant wakes to find the Twelfth Doctor dangling outside the window of his family's apartment and helps him come into his bedroom. Taking Grant to the rooftop, the Doctor (whom Grant calls "Doctor Mysterio") reveals he accidentally set off a trap for a device he was building, and he enlists Grant to help complete it. However, Grant mistakenly swallows a wish- granting gemstone needed for the device, believing it to be medicine, effectively being granted his wish to be a superhero. Abandoning the device, the Doctor makes Grant promise to not use his new superpowers before he leaves. The Doctor returns to New York in 2016 with Nardole, whom he removed from Hydroflax's body and rebuilt, to investigate Harmony Shoals, a multinational research company. They encounter a news reporter, Lucy Fletcher, who is conducting a similar investigation. The group discovers that it is being secretly run by a group of living alien brains that transplant themselves into any living creature they need for their plans. They witness the killing of the company's owner, Mr Brock, for his body. Tracked down by Dr Sim, an employee the brains already took over, the group is suddenly rescued by a masked superhero named the Ghost, who afterwards transports Lucy close to her home. Returning to her apartment before her, the Ghost transforms back into Grant, who works for Lucy as a nanny. He is shocked to find the Doctor and Nardole waiting for him, having tracked him down via the gemstone fused inside his body. When Lucy returns and interrogates the Time Lord by squeezing a stress toy she calls "Mr. Huffle", the Doctor reveals to her that the alien brains colonise planets by taking control of their prominent leaders, with Earth being their next target. Leaving Lucy to prepare for an interview with Grant's alter ego, the Doctor and Nardole track down the alien's ship in a low orbit and board it via the TARDIS. There, they discover that the ship's reactor is in a critical state and realise from Dr Sim that he intends to drop it on New York. Remembering an observation made by Nardole, the Doctor realises the city would be vaporised except for the Harmony Shoals building. World leaders would then take shelter in the company's other buildings within each capital city, believing Earth was under attack, effectively allowing the brains to take them over. After Dr Sim lets slip the ship is to be dropped at a designated time, the Doctor forces its descent ahead of schedule. The costumes of Nardole, The Doctor, The Ghost and Lucy in this episode, on display at the Doctor Who Experience. Ghost and Lucy are captured by the brains during the interview. They plan to transplant themselves into Ghost's body. Ghost flees to deprive the brains of their prize, then returns as Grant to protect Lucy. Unable to change the ship's course during its descent, the Doctor sends Grant a message requesting his help. Grant manages to stop the alien's ship from crashing into the city, but reveals himself as the Ghost to Lucy in the process. Lucy is won over and Grant takes her in tow as he disposes of the ship. The Doctor alerts UNIT, which shuts down Harmony Shoals, unaware that the alien brain in Dr Sims has escaped within one of their soldiers. Back at Lucy's apartment, Grant informs the Doctor he will no longer use his powers and retire his costumed identity. As the Time Lord leaves, Lucy asks him why he is sad. The Doctor gives only a vague answer before departing. Nardole privately reveals that the Doctor is mourning the loss of River Song, but will ultimately recover. He leaves with the Doctor to assist him further. ===== In a small Georgian village at the beginning of the 20th century(? 1895), a widow (Magdana) and her three children (Sopo, Mikho, and Kato) live in poverty, making ends meet by selling yoghurt in the city. The children find a sick abandoned donkey and bring it back to health and then the family's luck begins to change for the better. Then the donkeys old owner (Mitua) sees the donkey in the city and wants it back... ===== After accidentally stealing from a grocery store due to having trouble with the self-checkouts and causing a scene with one of the workers, recently widowed Ed (Robert De Niro) is visited by his daughter Sally Decker (Uma Thurman), who wants him to move in with her family. Ed does not want to leave his house because he built it himself. Sally convinces Ed to move in with her nonetheless, and gives him her son Peter's (Oakes Fegley) bedroom. Peter is not happy about giving his room to his grandfather and being moved to the attic. Ed is welcomed by Sally's husband Arthur (Rob Riggle) and two daughters, Mia (Laura Marano) and Jenny (Poppy Gagnon). During his first day moved in, Ed spends most of his time in his new room, sitting in his chair and looking at the sky, still thinking about his late wife. Peter then tells his friends about his grandfather moving in with his family and living in his room. After a miserable first night in his new room, Peter decides to declare war. Ed agrees to war, as long as they follow the agreed upon rules of engagement: they cannot damage other people's belongings and cannot tell the family about this. Peter pulls a series of pranks, including replacing Ed's shaving cream with quick-drying foam and damaging his record player. Ed gets back at Peter with pranks including removing the screws from all of Peter's furniture and rewriting his school report. Ed turns to his friends Danny (Cheech Marin) and Jerry (Christopher Walken) for some advice. Over time, Ed begins to spend time with his granddaughters and son-in-law and learns how to use modern technology, such as self-checkouts and apps. Sally learns that Mia is dating a boy named Russell, who she does not approve of. Ed invites Jerry, Danny, and Diane (Jane Seymour) (a store worker that Ed befriended) to play dodgeball against Peter and his friends. Peter and his friends win the first round, but Ed and his team manage to beat them during the second round. However, during the third round, Danny's jaw is injured; as a result, the game is declared a tie. Later, Peter pushes the button on Ed's emergency call necklace, and Ed picks Peter up from school to take him fishing. The two discover that it is illegal to fish there. Ed then takes Peter to his old house and explains that he left some secrets in the walls. Ed learns that Peter is being bullied, so he, Danny, and Jerry throw the bully in a dumpster. At Jenny's Christmas-themed birthday party, Peter keeps his promise about not pulling any pranks. Peter rigs up an ejector seat for Ed, who is supposed to be playing the part of Santa that night. Unfortunately, a last-minute change results in Jerry being dressed up as Santa. Throughout the party, Peter and Ed are asked to help out. Instead, they continue to prank each other, including spraying bottles at each other and Peter plugging the cord to the lights as Ed checks them, electrocuting Ed. As a result of their hijinks, they inadvertently reveal their war with each other to everyone. Jerry gets ejected from his chair, resulting in further property damage and injuries to multiple guests. Ed is injured and taken to the hospital. As punishment, Arthur and Sally place Peter and Mia under "work arrest" for six months. Russell shows up; Sally initially seems angry at him, but instead welcomes him. Sally goes to pick up Ed from the hospital, but learns that he has already checked out and his brother Chuck brought him to his old house. Peter decides to make amends, and begs Ed to move back in with the family. The two finally reconcile, as Sally listens. As time passes, Ed and Peter seem to finally be getting along until Ed leaves one day to be with Diane who are now in a relationship. Peter looks on angrily, declaring a war on both them as the they leave. ===== In the early months of 1914, Hazel suffers a miscarriage which sends her into an extended depression. She struggles emotionally and besides the feeling of loss, a lack of understanding affects Hazel. The subject is too painful, causing feelings of isolation by Hazel and James, who falls in love with his step-cousin, Georgina Worsley, taking her to a Regimental ball. This causes James' father, Richard Bellamy, to criticize James, who asks his father to move out of the house. The class divide between James and Hazel causes again conflicts with the Bellamys' staff and in the marriage. Hazel is particularly close to Richard and Rose, but Hudson never truly accepts her, a middle-class woman, as mistress of the house. Hazel and James's marriage seems to have come to an end. Distant Thunder - imdb.comDistant Thunder - ===== The elderly Prince Platon Imshin, tormented by jealousy, finds out about his young wife Nastassya's unfaithfulness. In a fit of righteous rage he imprisons her in a sepulcher, throws her lover, the Army officer Rykov into a basement and apportions some more 'vengeful' deeds along the way, which also includes injuring his brother Sergey in a duel (for having made passes for the young Princess, too). The ever drunk Nastassya's dad arrives with a gang of local bandits. Equally full of righteousness, he frees his daughter along with other captives, and brings havoc to (now also injured) Prince Platon's estate, burning half of it down. Finally, a local Governor, a sad and gentle man arrives with a small army unit to bring peace and order. In a bizarre 'happy-ending' the dying Prince Platon pardons everybody, blesses his (soon to be) widow to marry her lover (whom he now greatly admires for having fought the Devochkin's louts heroically); everybody's in tears of compunction, gratitude and joy. ===== In North Africa, US Marine sniper Mike Stevens and his spotter Tommy Madison are on a secret mission to assassinate a dangerous terrorist leader attending a Bedouin wedding. Mike botches the assassination attempt, hesitating when the target's son steps in the way. Due to a glare off the sniper scope, Mike and Tommy are discovered by the enemy and attacked. However, a sandstorm forces the enemy to retreat, leaving Mike and Tommy behind. Seeking an immediate evacuation, the two are instructed to find their way to a village where they can be picked up once the sandstorm stops. However, en route to the village, Tommy steps on a land mine which blows off his legs. Moments later, Mike steps on something with a big chance to be another land mine, but realizes he has done so and avoids stepping off it. Tommy, hoping to prevent Mike from giving him medical attention (and thereby blowing off his own legs), shoots himself with his pistol. Now alone, Mike contacts his superior via transmitter, who tells him that he will have to hold out for a few days before he can be rescued. Exposed to the harsh environment of the desert, Stevens battles both the psychological and physical tolls of the treacherous situation he is trapped in, recalling memories or imagining appearances of Tommy, his girlfriend, his parents, and moments from when he was a young boy. Mike is visited several times by the Berber, who long ago lost one of his legs as well as his only daughter to a landmine he had intended to take and sell to enemy soldiers. The Berber, who speaks some English, urges Mike to step off the thing and move forward with life. He insists that Mike is a lucky man, after surviving a night attack by desert dogs while simultaneously managing to keep his foot still on the same place. Mike is later attacked by enemy insurgents, who had traced him to his current location, but is able to fight them off. Mike then reluctantly decides to accept the Berber's advice, having grown weary of his predicament. He steps off the thing - only for it not to explode, as he is almost sure that it's a land mine. He digs and discovers that what he had assumed to be an explosive was actually just a tin can with a little toy soldier inside of it. He sets off a flare and is finally rescued. Back in the United States, he reunites with his girlfriend, to whom he finally proposes. ===== One week before his wedding day, Jonah and his groomsmen hit the town for his stag party, hosted by his irresponsible brother Mac. Attempting to be more original, Mac takes them to Garden City instead of a typical party location hoping for a wild night, and instead they wind up at a lackluster strip club. Visibly disappointed at his efforts, Mac attracts the attentions of a stranger who tells him about an underground moving club that promises to surpass all expectations. Reluctantly, Jonah agrees to go, but the long drive to 50n/40w through a dark forest unnerves the group, as does the club when they finally arrive. The patrons and dancers almost convince the group to leave until the club owner, Mr. Nyx, comes out to personally welcome and see to their entertainment. Upon hearing that Jonah wants a non-cheating experience, Nyx takes him into another room and tells him to go to the window at the end while his groomsmen pay. He asks from each of the three men their favorite memories of their mothers. At the window, Jonah sees a nude young woman on the other side of the glass who begins singing. Jonah suddenly relives all the sexual encounters he's ever had at once. Meanwhile, at the main bar, one of the groomsmen, Elliot, has a custom drink with a leech in it and suddenly experiences the memory of murdering someone, after which both Mac and Rand realize they all have matching marks on the back of their necks. After leaving the window, Jonah hears the girl ask him not to leave and sees that the door to the room is padlocked from the outside. Fearing that the girl is a sex slave, Jonah gets Rand, tells the others to get to the car, and the two break the lock and let her out using the swiss army knife that Jonah gave them as groomsmen gifts. While attempting to sneak out of the club, the three get waylaid by guards and hide in a bathroom. Once there, the girl uses the keys she stole from one of the guards to open a shackle around her ankle, then brutally kills the guard that followed them, revealing claws and a long tail. Jonah and Rand run for the car and the four drive away, only for the girl to suddenly land on the roof and cause them to crash. While the girl grabs Elliot and drags him off, Nyx and his posse arrive and kidnap Rand as Jonah and Mac escape. Back at the club, Nyx questions Rand, asking why they released "Lilith" before allowing the brother of the murdered guard to torture him. Out in the woods, Jonah and Mac desperately try to find Elliot while arguing over who's to blame for the way the night has gone. Jonah realizes that the girl had sniffed him after being released, and had gone after Elliot because he has been wearing his jacket. The two attempt to cover their scent, managing to escape and find their way to a diner patroned by a pair of cops. They desperately try to describe the past few hours and the cops cuff them, Mac noticing in alarm that they have the same mark on the backs of their necks, realizing that they work for Nyx. The girl arrives at the diner and starts to sing, entrancing the cop with Jonah who quickly puts in his headphones to drown her out, watching as she murders both cops. Chasing him through the diner, the girl reveals a demonic face, announcing "I like you" before grabbing Jonah and flying away. Back at the club, Nyx orders one of his minions, who appears to be some sort of Gorgon, to take a very injured Rand's memories of being tortured, hunt down Jonah, and give them to him. The minion does this by taking a medusa-like leech from her head and inserting into then removing it from the mark on the back of his neck, revealing what had happened earlier when paying for Jonah's session and what had happened with Elliot, implying that part of Nyx's business is selling people memories. Back with Jonah, he and the girl land in a quarry, and after a few attempts to escape, she rapes him while singing, again creating a fantasy of him having sex with his fiance, Eva, and then forms her tail into a penile shape and inserts into his rectum to make him impregnate her. When he comes back to himself, Jonah runs from the now sleeping girl and makes it back to his hotel room where the minion is waiting for him. She forces him to drink the leech she took earlier and Jonah relives Rand's torture and the memory of Nyx speaking directly to him and offering a trade; the girl for Rand. All he has to do is go to a church and the girl will follow him. Jonah agrees and follows the minion to the church. Once there, a few things become clearer. The girl, Lily, is actually a demon from hell (a succubus to be exact) that was summoned years ago, imprisoned by Nyx, and forced to become a sex slave. Lily had become infatuated with Jonah because he was kind and helped her escape. Succubi mate for life and Lily wants him to stay with her, killing anyone who gets in her way. The church is the location where she was originally summoned and Nyx needs Jonah to lure her into a rune circle and reattach the shackle around her ankle to bind her to his will again, as he is the only person she won't kill. Lily arrives and hesitantly steps into the circle. Jonah apologizes to Lily he made a mistake when he released her, letting her know he wasn't aware it was a trap. To Nyx's anger, Jonah makes a new deal with Lily; he won't put the shackle on if she will let Jonah go. Lily agrees, and proceeds to slaughter Nyx and his henchmen, while Jonah grabs a seriously injured Rand. Mac arrives and sacrifices himself saving his brother from a vengeful Nyx. Lily kisses Jonah goodbye, and watches from above the church doors while Jonah and Rand leave. A year later, Jonah and Eva are married. Eva states that she wants to start their special evening soon because she is getting sleepy as she takes a drink of her wine. They make love on their anniversary. Jonah goes to get a glass of water afterwards and sees Eva asleep on the couch, realizing that he had made love to Lily and not Eva. Jonah attempts to get Lily to leave and almost succeeds, until Eva notices Lily and starts to scream, whereupon Lily starts to attack her. Jonah begs her to stop and says he will go with her. Lily grabs Jonah and they fly off into the night, Eva hysterically screaming after them. ===== Radhika (Kushboo) is an honest government employee and she is in charge of the food ration shop. She is then transferred to a remote village. In the village, everything goes well until the release from jail of the dreaded Rajappa (Napoleon) who spent 5 years in jail. Rajappa is known to be a dangerous man who sold illicit arrack and raped the village girls. Half of the villagers flee the village and they settle down in the nearby village. The village police Inspector (Ajay Rathnam) wants to send Rajappa back in jail. Upon his arrival at the village, Rajappa rapes the poor Radhika. Much to his surprise, Radhika challenges him to change him as a good man. Later, Radhika becomes pregnant and gives birth to a baby girl. When Radhika names her daughter as Sivagami, Rajappa turns berserk (Sivagami was his mother's name). Radhika tells him his past and his mother's past. When Rajappa was a school student, he was brainwashed by the illicit arrack seller Uthamarasa (Raviraj) and he began to sell his illicit products. His mother Sivagami (Sathyapriya) and his sister left him and started a new life in Sivakasi, his sister got married and had a girl : Radhika. Many years later, Rajappa's mother Sivagami and his niece Radhika came to see Rajappa during the village festival. His mother strongly believed that he had changed and became a good man. But Rajappa became a womanizer and a dreaded arrack seller. At the festival, he got into a fight with the local arrack merchants and killed them all. After seeing this, Sivagami died of heart attack in Radhika's hands. That day, Radhika decided to change Rajappa as a good man. What transpires next forms the rest of the story. ===== In the 1970s, Shay Baker (Daniel Huttlestone) is a 14-year-old boy from a working-class family in Wanstead. He divides his time between looking after his little sister Alice and working at the piano shop owned by his father Nick (Dougray Scott). His mother left the family years before, and, according to Nick, lives a bohemian, hedonistic life in London. Nick sends Shay to pick up parts from a music supplier in London. On the train, Shay meets Vivian (Nell Williams), a punk girl listening to The Clash on her Walkman. Shay becomes fascinated by the band, and follows Vivian through London. Vivian explains the politics of punk, with The Clash supporting racial cooperation and working-class empowerment, whereas the skinheads advocate white power and support the neo-Nazi National Front. Vivian and Shay manage to get the last two tickets to a Clash concert for the following day. After returning home to Wanstead, Shay spends the night listening to the Clash's eponymous album, dying his hair from a light-brown mop-top to a black pompadour. He also begins to wear clothes influenced by punk culture: black jeans, red button-down shirts, and a leather jacket. Nick becomes injured in an accident moving a piano and is hospitalized. Shay, wanting to go the concert, puts Alice to bed and leaves. He and Vivian attend the concert, where they kiss at the end of "Clash City Rockers". The concert is interrupted by skinheads and police, and Shay is beaten by a police officer while defending Vivian. Shay arrives home to find Alice gone, but finds that she had gone to a neighbor's house after finding herself alone. Because of Nick's injuries, Shay finds the family falling behind on their payments. Shay decides to look after the shop as well as drive his father's taxi to make extra money while Vivian looks after Alice. With her help, Shay disguises himself as a woman to look old enough to drive. Late that night, he unknowingly picks up Joe Strummer (Jonathan Rhys Meyers). Strummer discovers Shay isn't a woman, and Shay confesses. They begin to talk about Shay's situation and his love of The Clash, still unaware of the identity of his passenger. Strummer gives him all the money in his wallet to pay for his fare. Shay returns home, and he and Vivian spend the night together. Shay wakes the next morning to find Vivian gone, and Alice is sick. He also finds that the water and telephone lines are shut off, so he drives to his mother's London flat for help. As Alice rests, Shay discovers his mother's lifestyle as a singer, including sexual promiscuity and use of cocaine. Shay returns to the shop and discovers that he's been served with an eviction notice. In an attempt to get help from Vivian, he discovers that she actually comes from an upper-class family, living a comfortable life in a posh neighborhood in London, leading Shay to feel betrayed. Shay, along with his mother's lover Johnny (Tom Hughes), goes to a concert in Victoria Park sponsored by the Anti- Nazi League to see The Clash again. In a violent confrontation between punks and skinheads, Shay is detained and thrown in jail. He soon finds himself sharing a cell with Joe Strummer, who recognizes him from the taxi. After they are released, Strummer takes Shay to see The Clash rehearse some new material. Shay recognizes that his mother's behavior is not suitable, and leaves with Alice. However, he finds that the taxi has been repossessed by the taxi company. In an attempt to raise money and pay off his family's debts, Shay sells the shop's pianos and converts it into a music store known as the Rock Shop, specializing in guitars and amplifiers. Even though he hasn't told Strummer about it, he advertises that The Clash would be playing at the grand opening of the Rock Shop. Nick is discharged from the hospital, and becomes angry when he discovers what Shay had done. Shay leaves home to spend the night at the shop, but discovers Vivian sitting on the sidewalk wanting to be first in line to see The Clash play. They reconcile and sleep on the shop floor. The following morning, they discover a crowd of punks has formed outside wanting to see The Clash. Nick and Alice arrive at the shop, with Nick approving of his son's work, saying that it should have been done a long time ago. Shay tries to appease the crowd, but Nick tells everyone that The Clash aren't coming. Just then, Joe Strummer emerges from the crowd with a guitar and plays "I Fought the Law" as the credits roll. ===== Paul, a young sculptor in Paris who is having an affair with Hélène, a married woman in her fifties, goes to Italy for the unveiling of one of his works. There he meets the laconic Serge, a man in his fifties who is returning alone to Paris in his red Porsche 911 and agrees to take Paul. The two develop a friendship as the immature Paul, who uses recreational drugs, learns from the life story of the world-weary Serge. In fact, viewers learn, Serge's hardened exterior hides his intention of ending his life by taking pills. Back in Paris, when Paul walks Hélène home after a session in his room, she asks him up to meet her husband. As the husband talks to Paul, she gets increasingly tense and suddenly breaks a wineglass, using a shard to slash her wrist. Paul rigs up a tourniquet while the husband fetches a doctor, who pronounces her safe. When Serge tells Paul he is driving to Berlin, Paul agrees to ride with him. In the city, Paul picks up a whore while Serge goes to a cemetery. There he visits a grave, which viewers can assume to be that of his wife who committed suicide. Returning to Paris, when Serge drops Paul off outside his building at 11pm, Hélène is waiting on the pavement. The three agree to go to a Chinese restaurant but, when they are served, Paul gets up and goes home. Left alone, Serge and Hélène admit that they like being together. Serge walks her to a hotel nearby, on the way buying some pills at a late-night pharmacy. After they have made love, the first time for Serge since his wife died, he goes home and takes the pills. ===== A group of five highly specialized individuals are brought together by the British government to hypothesize about the future of human culture. Discovering the results, the group decide to act on it by creating an unusual artificial intelligence using a combination of technology and shamanistic magic, which makes its way into the world. The group, now disbanded, finds itself brought back together when the intelligence reemerges, creating specialized havok that draws inspiration from mythology and superstition. ===== Sethupathi lived in the city with his family consisting of his father Manickam, his mother Meenakshi and his sister Lakshmi. Manickam, Sethupathi's father, is an honest police officer and wanted his son to become a police officer like him. Sethupathi took the IPS exam and successfully passed it. Sethupathi was subsequently transferred to the remote village called Solaiyoor. When he arrives in the village, Sethupathi is in a state of shock. The village is under the control of the village president Rajadurai (R. P. Viswam) and his son Shankarapandiyan, a corrupt politician. With the local rowdies, they spread terror among the villagers. Sethupathi first changes the bad habits of the police officers, Thyagu and Vadivelu. In the meantime, Sethupathi and the village belle Thangathai fall in love with each other. One day, Sethupathi beats up and strips Rajadurai in front of villagers for cheating them, and he puts him in jail. Shankarapandi makes his father release him the next hour. The next day, Shankarapandi, Rajadurai and his henchmen take revenge by stripping the police officers and beating them. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== Jeeva (Murali) is an angry young who works as an auto-driver. During his childhood, Jeeva could not go to school because of his father, who forced him to work at a very young age, thus he suffers from an inferiority complex. Every time, he sees a child working, Jeeva feels angry and he then forces the kid to go to school at any cost. Unlike Jeeva, his childhood friend Ilavenil (Anandaraj) pursued an education and he is now a conscientious police officer. Periyanayagam (Gnanavel) is a company owner employing child labour and he is involved in some kind of illegal business. Periyanayagam has the support of the Minister (Manivannan) who helps him when he is in trouble with the police, which irks the police officer Ilavenil. Sanjeevi Raman (S. Ramadoss) is a doctor and a political crusader who fights against child labour for many years and he filed a lawsuit against this practice. He won the lawsuit, and subsequently, companies who forced kids to work are now banned by the government. Periyanayagam and the other company owners decide to kill the doctor. While planning their attack, the street dancer Selvi (Vinodhini) hears their plan and she is killed on the spot. The librarian Subha (Rohini) witnesses the murder and runs away from the murderers. In a big trouble, Jeeva comes to protect Subha from Periyanayagam's henchmen. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== Homer goes to Moe's Tavern to watch a football game between the Springfield Atoms and the Boston Americans, but they end up bitterly arguing with a group of Boston fans, calling their team cheaters and losers. Homer and the rest become enraged when the Americans win the game by throwing to their mascot, who was activated for the 53-man roster and reported in as an eligible receiver. Homer then says that he will lose his temper if he sees a Boston fan, but seconds later, he is surprised by a gleeful Bart wearing a Boston Americans cap as his son makes it plain he hates the hometown Atoms and loves Boston. Homer gets angry at Bart, but he decides to take him around Springfield to encourage him to cheer for the home team. Bart refuses and admits that people from Boston, specifically Southies, are his people. Homer gets so traumatized that he decides to take the family on a "hate-cation" to Boston to show Bart what a terrible place it actually is. During a visit to Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Homer unsuccessfully attempts to provoke the Bostonians, when a cart full of bobbleheads fall on him. When he is helped by doctors, Marge is impressed with the Massachusetts health-care system, as much as Lisa is impressed by the MIT campus. Meanwhile, Homer and Bart go candlepin bowling, and when Homer learns that the player gets a third ball in this version of the sport, he falls in love with both it and the city. Homer gives up on the hate-cation and decides to enjoy Boston with Bart. Back at the hotel, Marge and Homer talk about their experience in Boston and decide to move to the town, declaring the move to be their "third ball". The Simpsons rent an apartment and move all their possessions to Boston. Homer finds a job at the NEKCO candy factory and Lisa enjoys attending the Combat Zone Charter School. However, Bart realizes that he can no longer keep his reputation as a bad boy in school, as the children in detention focused their energy into a cappella singing, and that most of the town is made for intellectuals like Lisa. He decides to find a way to make the family move back to Springfield. Bart takes the family to the latest championship parade for the Americans, who used questionable tactics to win the crown. Homer tries to control his anger, but he gets enraged when asked to put on a Boston Americans' cap, ripping it into two and yelling that they are cheaters. The Simpsons then have to move back to Springfield, where Marge gets mad at Homer for making them lose that opportunity, but concludes that it would not have worked out for the family in Boston. Bart is now wearing a Springfield Atoms cap and Lisa is hallucinating about Boston. ===== The story of the film shows the life of a Call girl. Sonia, a little girl who lost her family due to flooding in Assam, arrives in Mumbai with her mother. Circumstances make the girl a famous Call girl as she grows up, and becomes famous as Sonia ATM. Sonia ATM also has relationships with underworld Don Salim Sultan. On one occasion, Sonia ATM meets ACP Vijay Suryavanshi, who is looking for the underworld Don Salim Sultan. ACP Vijay says Sonia ATM that if she helps him in arresting Don Salim Sultan, he will marry her, for which Sonia ATM agrees. Don Salim Sultan's information on the tour of India gives Sonia to Vijay, and thus Vijay reaches the spot to capture Don. But Sonia ATM shoots herself after hearing a call girl herself from Vijay's mouth and thus Salim Sultan escapes and runs away from India. The film depicts Mumbai's crime as well as the underworld and film industry issues. ===== The beautiful Princess Jasněnka runs afoul of a powerful evil witch. Her father, the king, imprisons her in a tower. Jíra, a shoemaker, designs leather wings that allow him to fly, and comes across the tower where Jasněnka is trapped. The two fall in love, and Jíra returns to the tower to take Jasněnka away, to the horror of the castle staff who believe Jíra is Lucifer. Jasněnka and Jíra marry, but her two enemy witches are determined to shatter their happiness. They force Jasněnka to make a mess in the couple's kitchen, expecting Jíra will beat her, but when he arrives he finds it funny. The witches also concoct a potion to erase memory that Jíra falls victim to, but he succeeds in remembering his identity. ===== Raoul is a 20-year-old student in Paris, but girls are not interested in him, although he is good-looking. Raoul is not looking for a great passion, he only wants to be kissed. ===== Samuel works in Brussels as a pharmaceutical delivery man. His girlfriend, Mireille, moves to New York to intern at a prestigious architecture firm. After her departure, Sam's computer is hacked. The mysterious hacker seems intent on messing up Samuel's life and his relationship with Mireille. Sam starts to suspect his neighbors and gets obsessed with WiFi-rays. ===== The film tells the story of the romantic relationship between the heir to the Russian throne, Nikolay Romanov, and the ballerina of the Imperial Theater, Matilda Kshesinskaya, from the time the 22-year-old crown prince and 17-year-old dancer met in 1890 to the coronation of Nikolay and his wife Aleksandra Fedorovna in 1896. ===== P. V. Mathayyi was a participant in the 1990 Asian Games in Beijing. After India beat Bangladesh, P.V Mathayyi rose to prominence as one of the first Malayalis, from the district of Thrissur to win a gold medal at the Asian Games. When the Games ended, Mathayyi was welcomed back wholeheartedly by the rest of the people in his area. He gifted the youth of the place a ground and a sports club, which the people named Mathayyiparambu. However, the happiness was short-lived, after Mathayyi was killed in a road accident. The people built a statue in his honour in Mathayyiparambu, but soon afterwards, the people forgot the ground's initial use as a sports ground, and the place became a place for the youth to loiter around and play football. Vava, Thankan and Pallan are three boys who loiter around on Mathayyiparambu. Their parents are annoyed and Vava's father (Sunil Sukhada) tells Fr. Mathews Vadakkan (Renji Panicker), a local Mar Thoma priest to set them on the right path and he grants his son George this responsibility. After class one day, the three boys find George peeping through the bathroom, and catch him doing this. After this incident, they say that George is their leader and is one of them. Years later, George (Dileep), Vava (Vinay Forrt), Pallan (Sharaf U Dheen) and Thankan (Thiru Aftab) are still loitering around the ground doing nothing. They have a small gathering on top of a small tower in Mathayyiparambu, where Joseph (T.G Ravi), a local beggar who takes only Rs. 10 from the poor box near Jesus' statue and from Georgettan, welcomes them like his own children. Fr. Vadakkan is disappointed in his son George and wants him to become a bishop. George tries to impress his father by doing various things in the community, but each activity ends in disaster. Later, two people come and ask for the gang's permission of starting a driving school in Mathayyiparambu. Although at first reluctant, they agree immediately when the two explain that it is a ladies' driving school. However, they are disappointed when they see old women in the school. Then they hear the sad news of the death of a local MLA and a funeral is held by his son Simon (Sudheer Karamana). There, George meets Merlin (Rajisha Vijayan), a singer, and instantly falls in love. He is disappointed at the fact that he doesn't know anything about her, not even her name (he didn't find this out). Him and his friends decide to go to their house the next day to find out anything about her, but this ends in disaster. The next day, Vava explains that he has a proposal. George and his friends decide to go with him, but he drops off his brother Jose (Jeevan Gopal) at the local convent school, as their father now wants Jose to become a bishop, much to George's delight. There George plays a game of carroms against Kichu (Ganapathi), places a bet of Rs. 2000 but loses the bet. After, he goes with Vava to the marriage proposal and George takes Rs. 2000 from the girl's dad and gives it to Kichu, angering the dad. He cancels the proposal between the two. George goes and decides to stop the driving school at Mathayyiparambu, as he is disappointed at the fact that there are only old women coming. Right afterwards Merlin comes, and George decides to let the driving school carry on. The driving school teacher tells George that she is going to become a nun which her mother insisted, as she said that she doesn't have the three qualities a girl needs to have: desire, wish and love. George finds her desiring for and eating a nellikka, and tells her that he has proven she has one of the three qualities. George, after joining a class at the convent school, is saved by Merlin after a priest asks him questions. George understands this and tells her that he has proven the second of the three qualities, as she saved him in front of the priest. As they leave the convent school, the gang meet a bunch of youths smoking weed outside. George gets angry over this and starts a fight. As George beats up the last person, his father Fr. Vadakkan slaps him, as Fr. Vadakkan is disappointed even more in him. He goes to Mathayyiparambu, but unexpectedly, his mother Mercykutty (Kalaranjini) comes to visit him. She suggests to George that he should never enter the house. The next day, the locals gather to find some construction on Mathayyiparambu. George and his gang go and find Peter Mathayyi (Chemban Vinod Jose), who explains that he is the son of P.V Mathayyi and that Mathayiparambu is his. They go to Fr. Vadakkan's church and fight the case out there with the priest, where Peter seems to be favored. In retaliation, George and his gang decide to set up a stray dog conservation scheme on Mathayyiparambu, which ends in disaster, ruining George's name in the land. Peter then meets George and attempts to gain George's trust by saying that he is ready to give Mathayyiparambu away and leave it to waste. George is saddened and says that he is ready to accept any of Peter's demands. Peter suggests that they start a kabaddi team, which George accepts. ===== The theme of the story is to nullify the powers of Yama (God of Death) by Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva blesses sage Mrukanda Maharshi and his wife with a child. The child, Markandeya, was given a lease of 16 years to live in this world. But the child worships Lord Shiva with unlimited Bhakthi (devotion). When he completes 16 years of age, Yama comes to take his life as appointed. Markandeya grips the Shivalinga and Lord Shiva appears before Yama and tells him not to take Markandeya's life as he (Lord Shiva) has blessed the boy. So, Markandeya becomes an immortal. The moral of the story is that one who surrenders to God need not worry about death. ===== In the village Ammapatti, Maruthu Pandi (Ramki) is a coracle operator in the day and the village protector the night. The villagers give him food in exchange for his work. Maruthu Pandi has a mentally ill sister Lakshmi (Raghavi) who is pregnant and he takes care of Lakshmi like a mother. Kanagavalli (Seetha) is a dancer performing in a dance troupe. After performing their dance in Ammapatti, the dancers leave Kanagavalli alone. The villagers help Kanagavalli to stay in the village : they build a house for her. Kanagavalli slowly falls in love with Maruthu Pandi. Kanagavalli is, in fact, a police officer who wants to arrest Maruthu Pandi. Maruthu Pandi's real name is Manickam. In the past, Manickam was a poor tailor, he lived happily with his only sister. Manickam was in love with Kavitha (Nirosha), daughter of a rich zamindar. Her father Jagannathan refused to marry Kavitha with Manickam and he wanted Kavitha to marry a zamindar like him : Inspector of Police Thiagarajan (Nassar). The day of the wedding, Kavitha drank poison and died. The same night, Jagannathan, Thiagarajan and Thiagarajan's friend Pradeep (Pradeep Shakthi) beat up Manickam. Thiagarajan brutally raped his sister Lakshmi. Afterwards, Manickam managed to beat up them, he killed Kavitha's father in the process and he fled with his sister from that village. Thiagarajan and his police team come to Ammapatti to arrest Manickam. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== Rathnam (Napoleon) is a potter in his village and he is a short- tempered person. He has a sister Kavitha (Mohana) studying in the city. Rathnam finally marries his relative Thangamani (Chandini) who has been in love with Rathnam since her childhood. Sivalingam (Jafar Azad) is a wealthy and wicked man in his village, his son Nadarajan (Babloo Prithiveeraj) is mentally ill. Sivalingam wants absolutely to build a factory in the village. Sivalingam already bought all the lands he needed in his village, he needs only one land : Rathnam's land which is near the temple. Rathnam refuses : he does not want to see the village temple being demolished by Sivalingam. When Sivalingam sends his henchmen to demolish the temple, Rathnam intervenes and beats them all. In the meantime, Kavitha and Mani (Anand Babu) fall in love with each other in the city. Actually, Nadarajan is in love with Kavitha since school days and Sivalingam asks Thangamani to marry his mentally ill son to Kavitha but Thangamani rejects and insults him. Later, Rathnam picked his sister up at the railway station, at their return to home, they see Thangamani hanged. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== A concert pianist, the romantic idol of many women, is seduced away from his wife. The seductress's husband takes in the pianist's wife, and all four pretend to be happy with the new arrangement. ===== After the events of the Civil War II storyline, Victor Von Doom rescues S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Maria Hill from Diablo and visits Tony Stark's lab, where he reveals to the Tony Stark A.I. that he'll assume the mantle of Iron Man. He then appears in La Paz, Bolivia, where he attempts to offer the Mad Thinker a chance at redemption. When the Mad Thinker refuses, Victor defeats him and destroys his lab. He then goes to visit a friend, Doctor Amara Perera, at her apartment only to be attacked by the Thing, who was sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. to capture him. After a brief battle, Victor transports himself and Amara to Switzerland where he reveals to her the reason for his change of heart and search for redemption. Thing goes to Castle Doom in Latveria only to be confronted by Cynthia Von Doom, Victor's mother. While talking to Maria Hill, Victor discovers that the Thing is in Latveria. Arriving at his destroyed castle, Victor finds the Thing being affected by a spell and salutes his mother. During a confrontation, Cynthia reveals her reasons for showing up and releases the Thing from her spell, after Doom asks her to. It is later revealed that Cynthia is working with the Reed Richards of the Ultimate Universe known as the Maker. Victor then battles the Wizard, who manages to outsmart him. During the battle, Victor becomes distracted by a vision of the future only to be confronted by Sharon Carter, who attempted to arrest him, and escapes. The Wizard then meets up with a large group of super criminals, including the Hood and Jigsaw, who have congregated in the same hideout to discuss what to do about Doom. The villains are terrified, reasoning Doom was bad enough as an ally, but as a hero they would be finished. The new alliance agrees they have to kill Doom, and are encouraged by the fact there are too many of them for Doom to handle at once. Doom then crashes through the ceiling and easily dispatches the lot of them, leaving the Wrecker to serve as a witness for S.H.I.E.L.D. The Thing then returns to his apartment to find Doom eating at a small table he set for himself. Doom apologizes for the intrusion and for the fact he's eating, explaining his recent duties sometimes cause him to forget to eat. He apologizes for their earlier altercations and even confesses he admires Ben Grimm and Reed Richards when they were at school together. Doom again tries to convince Grimm that he's changed, then leaves. The Thing is later shocked when he sees Reed Richards in front of him. After a confusing conversation, Reed tells him that Victor Von Doom can't be trusted and that Thing must kill him. Meanwhile, Victor encounters Ironheart in his destroyed castle and has a vision of the future where he meets an elderly Tony Stark, who has become the Sorcerer Supreme. The Thing then tells the Human Torch about his encounter with Victor until he gets a call that Ironheart has captured Victor and brought him to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. While in custody, some of the agents attempt to kill him out of revenge, only for his mother to rescue him. Victor wakes up in an alternate dimension and has an argument with his mother, who won't tell him of her true intentions and plans, until Reed appears which caused Victor to be scared. It is later revealed that Victor returned to Earth and turned himself over to S.H.I.E.L.D. While in custody, Victor is visited by Doctor Strange who tries to help him solve the mystery of his mother and Reed Richards. During that time, Reed Richards suddenly appears, attempting to enter the base, only to be confronted by Sharon Carter, Thing and several agents. Victor and Strange exit the cell and discover that Reed is actually Mephisto in disguise. In the middle of the fight, Mephisto, breaking the fourth wall, reveals that Cynthia and Reed's appearances have been orchestrated by him in an attempt to defeat Victor. Doom and Doctor Strange manage to defeat Mephisto. After that, Doom takes his leave and is later seen invading a secret Hydra base on an island, after teleporting the Thing to a fancy hotel in Amsterdam. Meanwhile, Amara is seen at a hospital, when the doctor tells her that she's pregnant. ===== Budding singers from any age group will be given a chance to sign up for it. ===== When a band of assassins come after a young journalist (played by Shima Iwashita) she turns to another assassin (Yûsuke Kawazu) for help. ===== Seeking revenge against the guard who tormented him, a young man returns to the island where he was imprisoned in reform school. But his plans for vengeance are disturbed when he encounters a strange and beautiful young woman. ===== Suzume Yosano's parents move to Bangladesh when her father's job gets transferred there, while Suzume herself moves to Tokyo to live with her uncle, Yukichi. On her way to her uncle's house, a strange man helps her when she gets lost, and on her first day of school, she learns that he is her homeroom teacher, Satsuki Shishio. ===== Mitch Davis, unhappy with his life and seeing no prospects for work, leaves with a friend for a trip to Mexico. After getting a prostitute a bar, Mitch's friend leaves without paying. When Mitch refuses to pay his friend's debt to the pimp, he is beaten and robbed. Another American, Jesse, buys him a meal. As they talk, Jesse offers him a job working for a man known as the Captain, an American veteran who runs a paramilitary vigilante group that targets the Mexican cartels. Mitch answers noncommittally and listens to the Captain's recruitment speech. The Captain, recognizing his ordinary speech that emphasizes glory and power will not appeal to Mitch, flatly offers him $5000. Mitch at first declines but reconsiders after the Captain points out that anyone who comes to Mexico on a lark must be leaving behind an even worse situation than what he offers. At the Captain's compound, Mitch meets Camarillo, the Captain's second in command; Alyssa, the Captain's girlfriend; Paul, a surly skinhead; Benito, a young Mexican thief; and several other young recruits, including the Captain's teenage son, Jack. The Captain's first job has them build a ditch. When Benito is bitten by a scorpion, Mitch protests when Camarillo forces him back to work. Camarillo orders Paul to beat Mitch. When Mitch turns out to be a competent fighter, Camarillo knocks him out with a Taser. Mitch wakes in a thick wooden box, where he is given limited rations. After being stuck there for a day, Mitch escapes by knocking loose a hinged slot and using it to dig a tunnel. Impressed with his ingenuity, the Captain allows him to rejoin the others as they eat. Mitch also impresses Alyssa, who flirts with him when the Captain is not around. The two later have sex. Speaking privately with Mitch, the Captain says Mitch has become his favorite recruit, as Mitch reminds the Captain of himself. The Captain explains his philosophy: lawlessness allows common men to become great, though they must then combat the lawlessness to retain their power. The Captain point blank asks Mitch if he is having sex with Alyssa, which Mitch denies, satisfying the Captain. Their first mission is to rob a drug runner named Brad. After kidnapping him, they find no drugs on Brad. When Brad goes for Paul's gun, Paul accidentally shoots Brad in the struggle. Mitch insists they take Brad with them, but Camarillo orders them to leave him for dead. Before they leave, Benito steals Brad's expensive shirt. When they get back to the compound, Benito, being illiterate, has Mitch read a letter he found in the shirt. In it, Brad's parents tell him they love him and support any decision he makes about staying in Mexico. With the money stolen from Brad's credit cards, they purchase more guns. Dressed as FBI agents, they stop a cartel car and attempt to restrain them. When the cartel men become suspicious, a gunfight ensues, causing Jesse's death. The next hit turns out to be federal police officers. Mitch tries to abort the mission, but the others continue. Paul is killed in the resulting fight, but Mitch recovers a suitcase full of cash from the federales' car. Shortly after they return to the compound, the police raid it. Mitch, the Captain, and Camarillo escape in Mitch's car together. When Camarillo later reads them a Mexican newspaper, the Captain learns Jack died during the fight, and he deduces Benito was a police informer. They pick up Benito, drive to a secluded area, and the Captain drags Benito out of the car. Mitch at first does nothing, but then strangles Camarillo when he decides that he has to do something to prevent what is about to happen. After helplessly watching the Captain kill Benito, Mitch flees with the money. The two men wound each other, and after a long chase, the Captain finally catches up to Mitch, who has crossed most of the desert on foot trying to get back to the States. Further elucidating on his philosophy, the Captain says war is like love and allows men to express themselves. As he prepares to kill Mitch, Mitch surprises him with a small, single-shot pistol favored by Benito. After killing the Captain, Mitch returns to the city, buys new clothes to replace his bloody and torn rags, and visits Brad's parents. He secretly leaves them the money stolen from the federales. ===== A Danish narrator explains the Danish history of dealing with trolls and that now they are on a quest to take out the newest variety, the Internet troll. Gerald Broflovski feels the pressure of being found out for his trolling as Skankhunt42, and he tries as much as he can to cover it up. Meanwhile, Kyle feels guilt over the rift between the boys and the girls. When he tries to bring them together, it only strains their relationships further, and Butters takes on a leadership role after the elementary school girls convince his long-distance girlfriend Charlotte to dump him online. He takes down his pants, exposing his penis, in protest of feeling neutered, at a girls' volleyball game. Most of the boys immediately follow suit, disgusting the girls even more. Gerald struggles with his trolling withdrawal, eventually meeting with a fellow troll known as Dildo Schwaggins under a bridge, who warns Gerald of an upcoming attack from the Danes. Gerald eventually succumbs to the pressure and Sheila catches him in the bathroom while trolling on an iPad that Sheila bought for him. Still reluctant to reveal his inner troll self, Gerald lies to Sheila, saying that he was watching "piss porn", and he agrees to be urinated on to cover up his secret. He even attends an addiction meeting, but it turns out to be for member berry addicts instead. When talking with Cartman and Heidi Turner, who are now boyfriend and girlfriend, Kyle realizes that he will not be able to stop Butters, who is now leading protest marches without pants, from worsening the rift on his own, so he attempts to get Cartman on his side. Cartman refuses since he feels that he is happier with Heidi, away from the divisiveness of groups and social media. Schwaggins shows Gerald a video by the BBC News that explains a Danish website known as Troll Trace designed to track down the real-life identity of Internet trolls is coming online. The founder of the site threatens to expose trolls everywhere, although he is aware that his methods will have the greater effect of stripping anonymity from anyone posting on the Internet. Schwaggins and Gerald retreat to a group of other trolls. Kyle meets up with the boys and girls at the school cafeteria, where he announces that he now agrees to Butters' protest. As he pulls out his penis in front of them, most of the girls leave in disgust, and the boys cheer and carry him out on their shoulders. ===== Cornered by Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and his men, Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his group continue to be forced on their knees in front of Negan to pledge servitude to him. To further coerce them, Negan selects one of them to bash in their head with "Lucille", a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. His selected victim is Abraham (Michael Cudlitz), who remains defiant after the first strike. Negan proceeds to pulverize Abraham's head to a pulp, as the others recoil in horror. When Negan presents the blood- soaked bat to a horrified Rosita (Christian Serratos), Daryl (Norman Reedus) leaps up and punches Negan, but is quickly subdued by Dwight (Austin Amelio) and two other Saviors. Negan states he will not tolerate such behavior and punishes the group again, this time by bashing Glenn's (Steven Yeun) head, much to Maggie's (Lauren Cohan) anguish. As the group watches in terror, Negan continues to smash Glenn in the same manner as Abraham. After witnessing Negan kill two members of his own party, Rick quietly vows to the Saviors' leader that he will kill him someday. Unfazed, Negan drags Rick to the group's RV, viciously announcing that he will be back and if Rick isn't with him, his men have permission to kill the rest of Rick's gang. After taunting Rick, Negan drives off and brings the RV to a stop near one of the Saviors' roadblocks by an overpass, amid a horde of walkers in thick morning fog. Negan then tosses Rick's hatchet onto the RV's roof and orders Rick to retrieve it before pushing him out of the RV. Amidst the heavy fog and smoke, Rick scrambles for safety on the RV's roof and sees a walker body dangling from the overpass. He begins to have flashbacks to the deaths of Abraham and Glenn, but Negan becomes impatient for Rick to return and starts firing up through the roof. Immediately, Rick jumps to the hanging corpse, but slips and falls, dropping the hatchet. As the walkers swarm around his rival, Negan fires onto them, giving Rick the chance to collect the hatchet and return to the RV; Negan drives off. As Rick sits in silence, Negan drives back to the clearing and hauls Rick from the RV. Reunited with both groups, Negan explains to Rick that he hoped that the trip changed Rick's mind about him. Since Rick still refuses to submit to him, Negan forces Rick to his knees and has his son, Carl (Chandler Riggs), lie prone next to him. Negan then warns Rick that he will order his men to kill every member of Rick's group and those back at "home"—Alexandria—if he chooses not to cut off his son's arm. However, Rick begs Negan to let him take Carl's place instead, but Negan refuses. Aggressively sobbing, an anguished Rick picks up the hatchet and braces himself to cut Carl when Negan calmly stops him at the very last second, satisfied that Rick has finally submitted. Negan then goes on to announce that he and his men will show up at Alexandria in one week to take one half of Rick and company's supplies. After seizing Daryl as a hostage, Negan and the Saviors leave the group in despair. After the group reels in with shock and grief, Rick tells a heartbroken Maggie, still suffering from pregnancy complications, that they need to get her to the Hilltop Colony's doctor. However, Maggie urges that they all head back to Alexandria and prepare to fight. Rick counters, saying that they will all die if they go after Negan and his army. The group insists on continuing to the Hilltop, but Maggie demands that they do not follow her. Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) volunteers to escort Maggie to the Hilltop to recover, along with the bodies of Glenn and Abraham. As a walker slowly approaches, Rick picks up his hatchet and joins the others in the RV. Saddened, Rick has a vision of his entire group, including Abraham and Glenn as well as Maggie's yet-born child, enjoying a peaceful outdoor meal together in Alexandria, before coming back to reality. Through the right hand side view-mirror, Rick sees the lone walker eating the leftover blood remains of Abraham as he drives away. ===== Top secret information is leaking into Europe from a funfair somewhere in Southend, and Harry Black, a recent escapee from prison, is rumoured to have worked there. Closer examination reveals that the ghost train is more scary than it looks and the owner of the funfair, Jack Wickram, is arranging the kidnappings. Trick cigarettes allow Steed to bluff the enemy into submission and Harry Black is proved innocent as he was hypnotised and framed. ===== Golden Horde times and the warrior, Ryazan knight Evpaty Kolovrat, combat khan Batu, who shattered Ancient Russia. This military tale (The Tale of the Destruction of Riazan) survived in several sixteenth and the seventeenth century redactions and is thought to be a part of a miscellany that was composed and revised by the clergy of the Church of St. Nikholas of Zaraisk. According to the legend, the church is located on the spot where the princess Eupraxy killed herself. Given a form of a military tale, the later version of The Tale of Batu's Capture of Ryazan is a fictionalized account with some historical inaccuracies suggesting that the Tale was composed sometimes after the described events and was subsequently further edited. Tracing its provenance, textual analysis, and dating of various redactions have been conclusively resolved by Soviet scholars. The Tale of the Destruction of Riazan is one of the most interesting and best written accounts of the invasion of Russia by the Mongols : Within twelve years after bringing the miraculous icon of St.Nicholas from Kherson, Batu Khan invaded the Russian land with a great multitude of his Tatar warriors and set up camp on the river Voronezh in the vicinity of the principality of Riazan and he sent his envoys to the city of Riazan, to Great Prince Yury Ingvarevich, demanding tithes from everyone - from the princes and from all ranks of people. And the Great Prince decided to send his son, Fedor Yurevich, to Batu with many gifts and supplications that he not invade the land of Riazan. Prince Fedor came to the Emperor Batu. Batu entertained the Riazan Princes, and asked that they send their sisters and daughters to be his concubines. One envious Riazan courtier told Batu that the wife of Prince Fedor belonged to the Byzantine imperial family and that she had a most beautiful body. Emperor Batu, who was false and merciless, became excited, and told Prince Fedor: "Prince, give me your wife so that I may enjoy her beauty." And Prince Fedor said - "It is not our Christian custom to bring to you, the godless emperor our wives so that your lust may be satisfied. If you conquer us then you will be the ruler of our wives." The godless Batu was offended, became angry, and ordered the immediate death of Prince Fedor; his body be thrown in a field where it would be devoured by beasts and birds. The retinue and the warriors of Prince Fedor were also put to death. One of the servants of Prince Fedor, by name Aponitsa, managed to escape, and wept bitterly, seeing the body of his master. Having noticed that no one guarded the corpse, he secretly took his beloved master's body and buried it. Then he hurried to Princess Eupraxia of Ryazan and told her that Emperor Batu had killed her husband. At that moment the princess happened to be on the upper floor of the palace with her infant son, Prince Ivan. When she heard that her husband had been slain, she was seized with grief, and threw herself from the window with the child in her arms. And so both died. Evpaty and his soldiers return to Riazan, only to find that the Mongols had burned the city and massacred many of its inhabitants, including the defending soldiers, his wife Nastya and their children. He and his men ring the town bell, summoning the survivors. They hide as a band of Mongols return, and Evpaty kills them all with his two swords. Evpaty leads his men against a blizzard into a forest, and stumble upon a bear and a hermit. The hermit, Nestor, invites them into a cave where they rest for the night and receive herbs. Evpaty and his soldiers use trickery to frighten and distract the Mongols and allow one of his soldiers to help Lada take several children to safety. He sends three soldiers on horseback to three princes in their cities, but only one accepted their request for help in fighting Batu Khan. He also ensures that the surviving people of his city hide in Nestor's cave. At the same time, his soldiers and Lada struggle to help him remember his current situation to stop him from attacking them. Evpaty and his soldiers fight Batu Khan's soldiers on a hill, but the Mongols prevail, leaving Evpaty as the last member of his army. The Mongol officer asks Evpaty on his demands. Evpaty goes down from the hill, he shows them a seal that Batu Khan had given to him earlier, causing the Mongols to avoid killing him. Evpaty taunts Batu Khan that now the latter is the one who kneels, and dies from his wounds from being hit by stones thrown by trebuchets. Because he has his warriors to keep fighting the Mongols to the end, Batu Khan orders his soldiers to build a mound to bury Evpaty's body, one that became taller than the hill where he fought the Mongols. Many years later, that hill was used by another Russian prince, who leads a larger army to face an invasion of Teutonic Knights. ===== Sachio (Masahiro Motoki) is a noted celebrity writer from the country, who has snobbishly dismissed his background and become somewhat arrogant. He has largely fallen out of love with his wife Natsuko (Eri Fukatsu), a hairdresser. When she dies in a bus crash, he is in bed with his mistress. Despite this, he feels no guilt, which disgusts his mistress, who, already racked with guilt, leaves him. Sachio's wife was travelling on the bus with her friend Yuki (Keiko Horiuchi), who also died in the crash. He is contacted by her husband Yoichi Omiya, a truck driver who, with his wife's death, has been left to look after two small children and is not coping. Sachio offers to help, and assists with the raising of the children. When doing it, he ponders his own lack of grief for his wife, and realises that he is dealing with his own guilt by looking after the children. Sashio is forced to reevaluate his own life, including why he didn't have children of his own. Yoichi too finds that he had become somewhat detached from his children. When Yoichi finds a new partner, Sachio has to leave the children. He ends up writing a new book about the experience, and plays an unexpected role in the children's lives, eventually finding some closure for the loss of his wife. ===== In May 1940, the opposition Labour Party in Parliament demands the resignation of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain for being too weak in the face of the Nazi onslaught. Chamberlain tells Conservative Party colleagues that he wants Lord Halifax as his successor, but Halifax does not feel the time is right. Chamberlain is forced to choose the only man whom the opposition parties will accept: Winston Churchill, the First Lord of the Admiralty, who had correctly predicted the danger from Adolf Hitler before the war. Churchill tries to dismiss his new secretary Elizabeth Layton for mishearing him, which earns him a rebuke from his wife Clementine. King George VI, who strongly distrusts Churchill due to his support for his brother Edward VIII during the Abdication Crisis, reluctantly invites him to form a government. Churchill includes Chamberlain (as Lord President of the Council) and Halifax (as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs). That day, Germany invades Belgium and the Netherlands. Churchill has a poor reputation in Parliament because of his record in the Admiralty, his role in the Gallipoli Campaign in the First World War, his views on India, Russian civil war and his past defection to the Liberal Party. Parliament reacts coolly to Churchill's first speech promising "Blood, toil, tears and sweat". Chamberlain and Halifax are appalled by Churchill's refusal to negotiate for peace, and begin to plan to resign from the government to force a vote of no confidence, creating a situation in which Halifax would become the Prime Minister. Churchill visits French Prime Minister Paul Reynaud, who thinks Churchill delusional for not admitting that the Allies are losing the Battle of France, while Churchill becomes furious that the French do not have a plan to counterattack. Although U.S. President Roosevelt is sympathetic to Churchill's plight, his actions are limited by an isolationist Congress and the Neutrality Acts. Churchill draws ire from his cabinet and advisers for delivering a radio address in which he falsely implies the Allies to be advancing in France - as a refugee column is heavily bombed - earning him a rebuke from the King. Halifax and Chamberlain continue to push to use Italian Ambassador Giuseppe Bastianini as an intermediary with Germany. The British Expeditionary Force is trapped at Dunkirk and Calais. Against the advice of the War Cabinet, Churchill orders Brigadier Nicholson in Calais to lead the 30th Infantry Brigade in a rearguard action to distract the enemy and buy time for the soldiers at Dunkirk to evacuate. Layton's brother is killed during the retreat. The debacle in France causes the War Cabinet to support negotiating with Germany. Under heavy pressure, Churchill agrees to consider a negotiated peace, but is unable to bring himself to dictate a letter requesting talks. George VI unexpectedly visits Churchill; the King explains that he has come to like Churchill, and encourages him to continue the war. Still uncertain, Churchill impulsively rides the London Underground (for the first time in his life) and asks startled passengers their opinion: the civilians all want to continue to fight. Churchill meets with the Outer CabinetTo ensure that military decisions could be taken quickly without lengthy discussion, only a few chosen ministers sat in the small inner War Cabinet and other Members of Parliament, and receives their support. The evacuation of troops from Dunkirk, Operation Dynamo, is successful. As Churchill prepares to address Parliament, Halifax asks Chamberlain to continue with their plan to resign, but Chamberlain decides first to listen to the address. Towards the end of his speech, Churchill proclaims that "we shall fight on the beaches" should the Germans invade, to resounding support from the Opposition. Chamberlain mops his brow with his handkerchief, a prearranged signal that the Tories should support the PM. Churchill exits the chamber to cheers and waving of order papers. ===== Manimekalai is a young woman and a LTTE rebel fighter. During a battle in Valvettithurai (northeast coast of Sri Lanka), she was seriously injured in the leg. A small group of rebels take her on a boat and are headed to India. They land in Point Calimere (India). With the help of an Indian Tamil intermediate, they reach a hospital in Nagapattinam. The doctor Subhash Chandra Bose, also known as Subhash, first refuses to treat Manimekalai because it is an illegal matter. After seeing her leg's condition, he finally accepts to operate her but Manimekalai does not want to have her leg amputated. It was a sensitive case, the doctors successfully operate her leg but it's only temporary. Her leg could be at any time collapsed and she could die of it. Subhash doesn't understand why she risks her life for her leg and she tells him her past. In the past, Manimekalai was a cheerful and careless girl. After failing a class twice, she left school. One day, the disabled woman Lakshmi had just moved in next door. Lakshmi and Manimekalai became good friends and spent time singing songs. Everything went well until a LTTE soldier got killed by Sri Lanka Army in Lakshmi's home. Thereafter, the army started to threaten them, Manimekalai ran away from the place while Lakshmi stayed there. The same night, Lakshmi set herself on fire. Later, Manimekalai joined the LTTE. After listening to her tragic past, Subhash promises her to not call the police and he accepts to let her in the hospital ward for a month. The Tamil Nadu police receive very often information letters from the Sri Lankan government and this time it's about the rebel group staying in a hospital. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== Rishi (Rahman) is a doctor in a mental hospital and treats his patients like his family. Rangarajan (Janagaraj) is the director of the mental hospital. Devi (Lavanya), daughter of a wealthy man (Kalyan Kumar), is a social worker and joyful woman. Murali (S. P. Balasubrahmanyam) is acting like a mental patient and mute person in the mental hospital, only Rangarajan knows that he is perfectly fine. Devi starts visiting the mental hospital very often. After few quarrels with Rishi, Devi becomes good friends with Rishi. She is intrigued by Murali and starts spending a lot of time with him. Murali slowly falls in one-sided love with Devi. While Rishi and Devi express their love and they fall in love with each other. Everything goes well until Devi finds out that Murali is perfectly alright. Rangarajan reveals Murali's tragic past to her. In the past, Murali lived happily with his parents. His parents did love marriage and they didn't have the support of their family. One day, his mother Janaki (Sabitha Anand) was arrested for procurement and the complaint was made by his father Gangadharan. His father then fled of the village alone, Murali was down and out. People thought he was a mentally ill boy so they sent him to Rangarajan's mental hospital. Later, his mother died in jail. The kind-hearted Rangarajan decided to keep Murali in his mental hospital, he brought him like his own child. Feeling hurt and vexed by life, Murali leaves the mental hospital without informing anyone. They finally find him in the street. Devi feels that Murali sings well, so she registers his name in a singing competition. At the singing competition, Murali sees his father Gangadharan in the audience. His father started in a new life and married a rich bride, he is now a business magnate. His father turns out to be Rishi's father too. Murali wins the competition, and becomes a playback singer, he wins many awards and he is now the most successful of Tamil cinema. Murali finally reveals to Rishi that he is in love with Devi. In the end, during the marriage of Murali and Devi, Murali comes to know about love between Rishi and Devi. He sacrifices his love and gets them married. ===== The novel is centred around the Greek island of Kalymnos where, for thousands of years, the locals have put out to sea to dive for sponges. But now a chemist has developed a synthetic substitute and the locals must learn to deal with the consequences of that discovery. ===== When MMA fighter Victor gets into a car accident, the bandit Shark threatens to kill his beloved girl if he does not agree to throw a fight in the ring. ===== The film begins with a scene of bed sheets pooling on the floor and two men swing their legs into view. The film cuts to a cold discussion between Thit Wai and his wife, Honey Pyo. Later, Honey Pyo is shattered when she learns that her husband's plane has crashed. Nay Thit approaches the young widow at the funeral claiming to be his college friend. Flashbacks reveal the romantic relationship between Thit Wai and Nay Thit, and Honey Pyo suspects her late husband is with Nay Thit which she decides to investigate. ===== Friuli, autumn of 1917. The dwarf Marcello Giammarco, the only son of a wealthy lawyer, is held by his father confined in a majestic country villa near Palmanova. The villa is located in the Italian rear of the front and has been partially converted into a military hospital. In this unreal atmosphere, between servants and dying, which precedes the defeat of Caporetto, the courteous and dignified Marcello tries to lead a normal existence, pursuing the sentimental dream of bonding with Maria, a prostitute of the local brothel. The death of his father, accidentally hit by an artillery shell during the capture of Palmanova, invests Marcello with responsibility for the great family heritage, while his villa, where he continues to live, becomes the seat of an Austrian rear command. Even the brothel changes customs and customers: now all Austrian soldiers. In those moments of extreme social and moral uncertainty, Marcello's rich patrimony becomes a possible target and a hope of revenge for some neglected, maneuvered by a shrewd profiteer, from whom the war seems to have taken away any future and any ethical sense. ===== ===== Some time ago, during a fight between Batman and a criminal scientist called Doctor Schievel, the struggle only succeeded in overturning a large beaker of 'Instant Freeze' solution onto the villain. Now calling himself Mr. Freeze, Schievel is forced to live inside a super-cooled house designed to keep his body temperature at fifty degrees below zero, and only able to leave with the use of a special air-conditioned suit, Mr. Freeze decides to begin a rampage of revenge. He breaks into the Gotham City Diamond Exchange to steal some famous diamonds (otherwise known as ‘ice’), but Batman and Robin, acting on a tip-off from Commissioner Gordon, arrive and attempt to stop him. However, Freeze’s henchmen, Chill, Nippy and Mo, release five Batman and Mr. Freeze decoys, and in the resulting confusion the frozen felon makes his escape. Later, back at his hideout, Freeze makes plans to steal the Ghiaccio Circolo (Circle of Ice), Diamond from the visiting Princess Sandra of Molino. ===== Batman and Robin barely escape from their hot ordeal and track Catwoman's next step. Catwoman disguises herself as a wealthy and elderly recluse - Minerva Matthews - to exchange a quarter million dollars each for two Stradivarius violins. Once the instruments are safely in her hands, the villainess reveals her true identity and demands the cash back. But Catwoman is surprised to learn that her business partner - Zubin Zucchini - is also not who he appears to be - Robin The Boy Wonder. When Batman saves Catwoman from falling to her death from the 102-story Gotham State Building after a failed escape attempt, she thanks Batman for doing so and asks him if he's spoken for. Later at Police Headquarters, Catwoman thanks Batman for helping her during her trial, nuzzles him gently after he states that no matter how much time goes by there will always be a man waiting for a woman as beautiful as herself and she finally bids him farewell. Surprised by her small gesture of affection, Batman is left in a confused daze causing Commissioner Gordon to ask him "Why...Batman, are you blushing?" to which he simply answers "It's the heat of the day, Commissioner. Unseasonably warm, don't you think?" ===== In the interrogation room, Alice (Naian Gonzalez Norvind) explains to Bullock (Donal Logue) that Tetch (Benedict Samuel) held her captive and after escaping, she fled to Gotham where Hugo Strange locked her up. However, Bullock is adamant in believing her as she killed her landlord. Tetch is revealed to be operating on an abandoned amusement park, planning on using it to bring Alice and then kills the owner as it's a "private affair". The election day arrives in Gotham and despite Cobblepot's (Robin Lord Taylor) delight, Butch (Drew Powell) and Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) conflict about their involvement. Barnes (Michael Chiklis) has Lee (Morena Baccarin) test Alice's blood to find out her condition. Alice explains to Lee that Tetch is an expert with the mind and those who get affected by him, will die. Gordon is walking on the street when suddenly, the sounds near him show the same rhythm of Tetch's hypnosis and steps on the street to be hit by a truck when he is saved at the last moment by a man. Bruce (David Mazouz) and Alfred (Sean Pertwee) find that the car was towed in the Narrows, deducing that Five is with Selina (Camren Bicondova). Selina leaves Five for a moment to rob a bar but she is captured and nearly has a finger cut off when Five arrives and uses his strength to take them down. When seeing his scars, she discovers his identity. While stitching his wound, Five kisses her. During one of Cobblepot's press conferences, Nygma notices Butch giving an envelope with money to a campaign official. He checks the envelope and decides to let the man go but Butch tells his men to follow Nygma. Cobblepot knows this but does not want to risk his campaign. When Nygma tricks him with a little girl, Cobblepot tells him to stay out of his campaign. Gordon goes with Barbara (Erin Richards) to find Tetch, discovering he took some wrestlers. Tetch finds the known wrestlers, "The Terrible Tweeds" and subjects them to his hypnosis. Gordon talks with Alice, who states that the resembling of the ticking will trigger him and that she has been under control of him for years where he put thoughts on her head. Tetch has the Tweed Brothers attack the GCPD, prompting Gordon to escape with Alice. However, Tetch uses his ticking in Gordon to catch Alice and escaping. He is saved of shooting himself by Barnes, who knocks him down. The Young Tweed Brother (Ari Barkan) is arrested and detained at the GCPD. Bruce and Alfred find Five but Five confronts Bruce about not knowing what to want and decides to leave them and Selina forever by jumping from the rooftop and running off in the streets. Gordon wakes up handcuffed in the hospital room, where Lee is watching over him. Gordon confronts her about moving on but she justifies what she did, stating that Mario was always there for her when needed. With two of the brothers dead, the young Tweed brother is interrogated by Bullock who gets him to reveal where Tetch has taken Alice by threatening to destroy his fallen brothers' masks. Bullock frees Gordon and takes him to the amusement park, where Tetch has been injecting Alice to sustain her blood to infect a fountain to create more monsters. Gordon and Bullock arrive but Tetch again uses the ticking to control Gordon. Remembering Lee's words on moving on, Gordon frees himself from the hypnosis and shoots at the two Tweed brothers. Tetch tries to control Alice, but when she attempts to escape, she accidentally falls from the floor and is fatally impaled. Tetch escapes, heartbroken. While waiting the election results, a furious Butch holds Nygma at gunpoint, discovering that he took away the officials' money and the campaign is now ended. Cobblepot decides to have him killed until he finds that he has won the elections and lets him live, seeing that the people really wanted him. He is sworn as mayor and names Nygma his Chief of Staff, to his surprise. Five is intercepted by Kathryn (Leslie Hendrix), who is now planning on using him as Bruce and has him sedated and captured. While inspecting the scene, Barnes is accidentally touched by Alice's blood, causing his eyes and veins to change. ===== The story of two best friends, aspiring screenwriter Elliot (Patton Oswalt), and aspiring actor John (Paul Rudd), who was kicked out of acting school, whose dreams of super-stardom have fizzled and have been fired from every job they've ever done. After John's disastrous interview with celebrity Brett Anderson (Reid Scott), he and Elliot make a pact to become famous before their 30th birthday in 24 hours. In their first attempt they get beaten up by a homeless man named Archie (Mike Judge) after trying to get a check back from him when they found out the camera only filmed their feet and in their second attempt they get rescued from a fire, Elliot by an old woman. After an interview is denied, John concludes that it's not fame they want; its infamy. Elliot and John attempt to hack a company using the names "deadly jester" and "fist of satan" but the owner, Marvin Masterson (Paul Scheer), retaliates by using his "reverse-screw-driver" to delete all of John's pornography and melt Elliot and John's computer. John later decides to go on a killing spree in order to get more attention. Elliot is reluctant to help John with this, but eventually decides to do it, saying to him that he can't do it alone. They buy chloroform to use to kill their elderly neighbor, but John has second thoughts. Elliot and John then discover that while in disguise, during one of their previous attempts at fame, they became witnesses to a robbery and are now being called the "mystery witnesses". The two go on TV to tell everyone they are the "mystery witnesses", and quickly become a full media sensation with the help of Sally and Linda (Kate Micucci and Riki Lindhome), two girls who work at a mall and whom the boys flirt with. However, when brought to the police station soon after, they are informed by Detective Donahue (John Ennis) that the man who had committed the robbery and was arrested is actually a relative of the member of a Cleveland crime syndicate. As such, the two are now being forced to go to the witness protection program to make sure that his family members won't find and kill them. Desperate not to throw their life away, the two run away from the station. Elliot and John go to Sally and Linda's apartment to get away from the cops and come up with an idea to kill the mystery witnesses. Elliot and John go to the Nerd King (Hannibal Buress), the overweight owner of a collectible store and a trade partner for tools they had used in their fame attempts up to that point, and using a rare collectible action figure, are able to get help from him to fake the deaths of the "mystery witnesses". After it is done by the two, they return to Sally and Linda's apartment to find it filled with the press. However, the two are arrested for running away and are put in the witness protection program, but they are able to say their goodbyes to Sally and Linda. In the end, John and Elliot are seen working at a diner and wearing fake mustaches. They smile knowing that they have finally gotten what they wanted: fame. ===== Kit Gordy (AnnaSophia Robb), a difficult young girl, is sent to the mysterious Blackwood Boarding School when her delinquent behavior becomes too much for her school to handle. When she arrives at Blackwood, Kit meets eccentric headmistress Madame Duret (Uma Thurman) and the school's only other students, four teenage girls with similar behavioral problems (Veronica, Ashley, Sierra, and Izzy, respectively). Technology is rarely used, and the girls can only phone their families in the domineering presence of the headmistress. The girls attend a variety of creative and intellectual classes, which begins to draw out unknown talents in the girls. Sierra is the first to show a troubling obsession with her work, losing sleep, refusing to eat, and going into odd trances while creating amazing works of art. Ashley writes beautiful poetry and stories that deeply disturb her. Kit and Izzy slowly begin to experience the same bad side effects, saying it was like someone else was using their bodies. Only the belligerent Veronica shows no progress, much to Madame Duret's annoyance. During art class Kit notices that all of Sierra's paintings are signed "TC" and searches the school's library for answers. She realizes that Sierra is recreating paintings by the deceased artist Thomas Cole, and that the others are producing work from other dead genuises. Kit convinces Veronica to search the restricted areas of the school, where they come across old student records and more information on the people possessing the girls. When Madame Duret discovers Veronica alone she chains her up in an unused part of the school, explaining that the students are not merely vessels for the dead, but donors, unknowingly sacrificing themselves to be used to continue the careers of famous minds, whom she is able to commune with and channel into the girls' bodies. Kit calls the police and confronts the headmistress about everything. By now Sierra has already died from overwork, and Ashley jumps to her death to stop the possession taking over completely. While struggling to free Veronica, Kit knocks over some candles, and fire quickly spreads throughout the old building. Izzy succumbs to the beauty of the flames, leaving only Kit and Veronica to escape. Madame Duret is eventually possessed by her former pupils and consumed by the fire. Kit passes out and meets her deceased father, who convinces her to stay and live. She wakes up in the back of an ambulance with her mother by her side. ===== The hero (played by T. S. Durairaj) is an idler. He thinks it is easy to earn a living by cheating innocent and unsuspecting people. There is a fake 'swami' (M. R. Swaminathan) and the hero becomes a fake disciple of the 'swami'. He makes cheating the formula of his living. How he does it and what comes to him form the story. ===== The film follows Bancharam, an old man who is at risk of losing his land to developers who want to build a national highway. His grandson, Guneswar, is all for selling the land, despite his grandfather's wishes. Unfortunately for Bancharam, he dies and his spirit visits Zamindar Narahari Dutta in order to ask for help. ===== Thupakki Gounder (R. P. Viswam) is a ruthless village chief and a greedy moneylender, every villager are afraid of him and his henchmen. Thupakki Gounder is married to Lakshmi (Kavitha), and they have a son (Uday Prakash) who is a womanizer and a daughter Bhavani (Sanghavi) who is studying in the city. He has also an illegitimate son Nagarajan (Jayaprabhu) who works as a blacksmith and Nagarajan wants his father to confess that he is his son in front of the villagers. Pandian (Vignesh), an angry young man and a jobless graduate, is giving tuition to the uneducated villagers which annoy Thupakki Gounder. But beyond that, Pandian spends time with his jobless friends. Pandian lives with his father Samikannu (Samikannu) and his widow sister Kalyani (Vandhana). Her husband died after two days of marriage, nobody wants to marry her after this tragedy. Bhavani arrives from the city, her father insisted to come in their village. He wants his daughter to provide lessons for the uneducated villagers. Her lessons become way more popular among the villagers than Pandian's lessons. After initial fights between Pandian and Bhavani, both fall in love. What transpires next forms the rest of the story. ===== 'A storm rages round the towers of the big house near Geneva. Behind the locked doors of the library, the Baron, the Baroness and their handsome young secretary are not to be disturbed. In the attic, the Baron's lunatic brother howls and hurls plates at his keeper. But in the staff quarters, all is under control. Under the personal supervision of Lister, the Baron's incomparable butler, the servants make their own, highly lucrative, preparations for the tragedy. The night is long, but morning will bring a *crime passionnel* of outstanding attraction and endless possibilities.' ===== A performing magician divides into two people. The doubles then take turns doing tricks before merging back into one man. ===== A dramatic and early silent film depiction of a bipolar woman who is a loving housewife and on the other hand who craves adventure. The term bipolar probably not in wide use then but 'Sandra' certainly has what would have been known as a Jekyll / Hyde complex. ===== Christian is the curator of the X-Royal art museum in Stockholm, formerly the Royal Palace. He is interviewed by the journalist Anne, struggling to explain museum jargon. Later, he is pulled into a confrontation in a pedestrian zone, after which Christian notices that his smartphone and wallet are missing, presumably stolen in a confidence trick. He is able to track the position of his phone on his computer, which he and his assistant Michael trace to a large apartment block. They write a threatening anonymous letter demanding the return of the phone and wallet by depositing them at a nearby 7-Eleven. Christian throws a copy of the letter in each apartment mailbox at night. Several days later, a package for Christian is actually deposited at the store, containing the phone and the completely untouched wallet. Euphoric after the success of his plan, Christian goes to a party where he meets Anne again, and ends up in her apartment. After they have sex, Anne offers to throw away his used condom but he steadfastly refuses to hand it over to her. They argue over the situation, as she believes he does not trust her to dispose of the semen rather than take it. Several days later, she meets him in the museum and states she is looking for more than casual sex. She asks him if he feels the same, but he is evasive. When Anne later tries to call him, he does not pick up the phone. The day after picking up the package containing his phone and wallet, Christian is informed that a second package has arrived for him at the 7-Eleven. Suspicious, he sends Michael to pick it up. In the store, Michael is confronted by a young Arab boy who states that his parents believe that he is a thief because of the letter and demands that Christian apologize to him and his family. Otherwise, the boy threatens to create "chaos" for Christian. Later, the boy visits Christian's home and confronts him on the staircase. Christian tries to send him away, but the boy begins to knock on doors and scream for help. After the boy falls down a flight of stairs, Christian hears him calling for help, though no one comes to his aid. Disturbed, Christian desperately searches the trash outside the house for a note which contains the boy's phone number. After finding it and unsuccessfully trying to call the boy, Christian records an apologetic video message. The Square is presented as a simple outline. In the midst of these troubles, Christian has to manage the promotion of a new exhibition centered on an art piece called The Square by Lola Arias, which is described in the artist's statement: "The Square is a sanctuary of trust and caring. Within it we all share equal rights and obligations." The advertising agency commissioned by the museum to promote The Square states that they need to harness social media attention with something other than the uncontroversial and bland artist's statement. Advertising agency representatives consider a depiction of violence contradicting The Squares message, developing a promotional clip showing an impoverished white blond girl entering The Square and being killed in an explosion. The video is published on the museum's website and YouTube channel after a distracted Christian gives his approval without viewing it. The clip goes viral, quickly reaching 300,000 YouTube views, but receives an extremely hostile response from the media, religious leaders and the general public. The museum arranges a press conference, where Christian states he violated protocol and is stepping down as curator in mutual agreement with the board. Several journalists then attack him for stirring up cheap controversy with a tasteless clip, while others attack him for self-censorship because of his resignation. Feeling guilty about wronging the boy, Christian drives to the apartment block several days later and tries to find him and his family. Christian talks to a neighbour who states that he knew the boy but that his family has moved away. ===== Paramasivam, a farmer who lives with his wife Meenakshi and three children in Thanjavur, finds life difficult. Unable to face the difficulties, he goes to Colombo without informing his wife, and joins a drama troupe there. One of his children dies and Meenakshi is harassed by people. She tries to kill the other two children along with herself by jumping into a river with the children. However, they are saved by a sadhu (ascetic). In Colombo, Paramasivam saves a child from being run over by a car. The car owner gives Paramasivam money in gratitude, and the latter returns to his village in India. Whether he succeeds in finding his family and whether all are able to live together forms the rest of the story. ===== In 1832, a chemistry doctor called Iosif Gamel presents his thesis to the Imperial Science Academy of Saint-Petersburg which says that the new lens made out of a new type of silver can not only capture light, but also a person's soul. This proves to be true despite the academy rebuking Gamel, resulting in the creation of a ritual, in which the souls of dead people are transferred into another body. A photographer is then shown taking pictures of his dead wife (called The Bride) with carved-out wooden eyes planted on her eyelids. He then travels to a village, where he plans to transfer his wife's soul into a young peasant girl through his wife's ring. He arrives to find the villagers protesting, but he manages to disperse them after killing one of them. The photographer puts the ring on the girl's finger, seals her in the coffin with the dead wife, and prepares to bury the coffin when it suddenly begins to violently shake. When the photographer and his fellow participants in the ritual open up the coffin, they see that the wife's soul has been transferred. The photographer hides the photograph that he took earlier in the basement while waiting for his wife's soul to recover. She awakens one day in her new body, but is appalled at the new situation. In the present day, college student Nastya marries her fiancé Ivan. She decides to go to his family's house to host their wedding, despite Ivan's objections. They arrive at his family's home, where she is introduced to Ivan's sister Liza. At dinner, Liza gives Nastya a ring with a red-diamond (the ring seen at the beginning of the film), a move which does not resonate well with Ivan. Nastya also begins to experience visions, including seeing clones of herself doing actions in a pattern. One night, she finds Ivan and Liza arguing about keeping Nastya here, and Ivan threatens to leave. The next day, Liza reports that Ivan has gone into town to see his friends, much to Nastya's dismay since he didn't warn her that he was going. Additionally, she begins experiencing more and more visions, and becomes increasingly suspicious about the family's true nature. She also discovers a secret passage inside the walls of the house, and discovers the photograph of The Bride hidden by the photographer at the beginning of the film. The increased suspicions lead to Nastya to attempt to leave the house. However, she suddenly sees a family friend walking nearby with a lantern. Nastya follows the elderly woman to the second house on the plot, where she finds her feeding an imprisoned Ivan, revealing that the family had locked him up inside after his argument with Liza, implying that the family wants Nastya to stay. Ivan notices her, and tells her to run as she encounters a white skinned spirit in a black wedding dress. She falls unconscious while attempting to flee, and subsequently experiences a dream. In it, she walks into the same house, but in the same period as in the beginning of the film, where the photographer goes upstairs to see his wife after she has become reportedly ill. A friend tries to convince him not to go, but he goes anyway. Nastya then sees the photographer being killed by The Bride's malevolent spirit. After killing him, The Bride turns around and says that "she" (referring to another female person) will take her, before attacking Nastya, waking her up. She is taken back to the house, where she is given coffee that makes her purposely fall asleep. Nastya wakes up the next day, with the "wedding" being prepared. While getting dressed, she looks at the photograph of the previous matriarchs of the family, and upon looking at their faces, she realises that they are all the same person. Nastya attempts to escape but is bound up by the ritual members and locked up in a room where she encounters the living skeleton possessed by the spirit of The Bride. Ivan rescues Nastya and drives away with her in his car. He reveals that his family is the organiser of the ritual and that they needed her so that The Bride's soul could be transferred into another body. He also reveals that the only way to destroy any more chances of soul transfer is to destroy the photograph of The Bride. Nastya reveals that she knows where the photograph is moments before they are T-boned by the ritual members who capture Nastya and leave Ivan for dead. Nastya is brought back to the manor, where she gets the red- diamond ring put on so that The Bride's soul can be transferred. She is sealed in the coffin and dumped into the ground where she is possessed by The Bride's spirit. When the coffin is opened a possessed Nastya tells the people, "The body is ruined" before convulsing and falling back into the coffin. It is revealed that the ritual failed because Nastya and Ivan had earlier consummated their relationship, leaving Nastya and Ivan non-virgins. The members then disperse, and the leader is killed by the spirit soon afterwards. Ivan, who had managed to survive the car crash, makes it back to the house and finds the unconscious Nastya. Meanwhile, Liza and her children are confronted by The Bride's spirit, and the children flee to the secret passage. Nastya, remembering about the photograph, goes to the room where she found it, encountering the children there but The Bride's spirit appears. Liza, knowing that the red-diamond ring attracts the spirit, takes it from Nastya, puts it on herself and is possessed by the spirit. Nastya takes the photograph and confronts Liza, who has taken one of the children. Liza attacks her, and she drops and loses the photograph in the process. As she is about to kill Nastya, the child calls out to her, snapping Liza out of her possession. She tells Nastya to take care of her children before sacrificing herself by breaking a lantern and dying in the fire, allowing Nastya, Ivan and the children to escape the house. Soon afterwards, a new family arrives at the house, intending to purchase and renovate it. They notice a hole in the wall, and when they look through it, a figure slides past them. ===== Ambika (Manju Satheesh) is a charming, lovely girl from Eloor kovilakam, her parents passed away years back and she lives with her aunt and uncle who are thampuran and thampuratti (Urmila) of Kovilakam. She has a liking towards her Malayalam teacher Andrews (Anand) and they plan to leave the town and marry. After years they have a daughter (Manjadi), they live in Adivaram In a rental house. They plan to buy a new house after which Ambika plans to go and meet her aunty, she is pregnant but unfortunately both dies in a bike accident. Devooty is all alone, is admitted in a hospital due to pneumonia, their neighbors who took her to hospital refuse to pay money for her operation. Kiran who is devooty's friend stole money from temple for this purpose and is caught by police .Deva goes back home and see that the owner has locked the house, she takes her bag and leave the city to Kodungaloor to meet Thampuratti. Fortunately she meets Swami in a bus to ernakulam and tell her story. He takes her with him promising to take her to the kovilakam, she became favorite of everyone in the temple where the swami took her. Meanwhile, Adhikeshavan comes to stay in Chavadi and opens the room even after Chinmaya's restriction (where Syamanakam is lies) .He talks to the spirit and understands her feeling. Arundhati(Sarika) and Ravi(Rajeev) and all other family members reunite in the kovilakam for the partition of properties which Thampuratti restricts. Thampurayti on her visit to temple with Chinmayi and Adiyodi meets Devooty and identity who she is and takes her to kovilakam as Adhi's daughter Syamadakam takes her real form to take revenge . ===== Pandian (Jaishankar) is a wealthy man in his village and the village chief, he built a school in the past. His daughter Deivanai (Ranjitha) is a joyful woman, she has more power than the school headmaster and all the teachers works under her commands. The villagers follow very orthodox customs : only those from the village can get married together and the village women are not allowed to leave the village. Ramesh (Ramesh Aravind) is a music teacher, he comes from the city to teach music lessons at Pandian's school. At first, when taking classes, the students tease Ramesh and they don't respect him. Ramesh slowly makes them like music. Ramesh gets into a fight with Deivanai, which leads to an ego clash between the pair. The hatred turns into love, they both fall in love secretly. In the meantime, Pechimuthu (Ravikanth), Pandian's nephew, is back from jail after an honour killing. In the past, the village girl Karpagam (Raghavi) and Vetri (Vetri Vigneshwar) who was from another village fell in love with each other. When their relationship had come into the limelight, Pandian punished Karpagam : being stripped in front of the villagers. But her lover tried to save her from this humiliation, and Pechimuthu brutally killed him. Afterwards, Karpagam became mentally ill and Pechimuthu was sent to jail. Maarappan (Raveendran), Karpagam's brother, wants to take revenge on Pandian and Pechimuthu and he waits for the right opportunity. One day, Maarappan comes to know about Ramesh and Deivanai's love. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== Two Antandroy men, Makibefo and Bakoua, encounter a witch doctor as they escort a prisoner across the desert back to their village. The witch doctor prophesizes a series of future events, including Makibefo's role as the destined king of his people. On their return to the village, Makibefo sees the witch doctor's prophecies begin to come true. He shares the prophecies with his wife, and she goads him into killing their king, Danikany. Makibefo becomes the new king, but ambition and fear drive him to kill others in the village that might threaten his position. He eventually faces a revolt by the families and friends of his victims. ===== Daughter of the Drow is an Underdark novel about a drow princess who, after giving up all hope of escape from her chores as an evil spider-god priestess locked in a bitter struggle for power, encounters a berserker warrior and becomes involved in a quest involving a talisman of power and finds true love. ===== The Iron Throne is set in a land where humans have tried to create an empire by warring with other races ever since they arrived from another continent. Subjugation of the elven aboriginals, and the bitter feud that ensued, was compounded by the constant threat from the other races who wish to claim the continent as their own. War is inevitable somewhere, and those who have the blood-power in their veins are trained in its arts from youth. Within the human realm, all manner of deceit and treachery is born of the ambition to assume the Iron Throne. Sister is pitted against brother, husband against wife, the crown against ambitious pretender, and civil war is brewing that will encompass the entire continent. Despite their bloody history, the elves form a tenuous alliance with the humans, to fight against the forces of evil spawned of the primordial battle where the gods gave up their lives and the dynasty of the blooded was born. ===== The Titan of Twilight is a story involving the bastard child of Queen Brianna of Hartsvale, which becomes the cause of much bloodshed. The giants of the land believe the baby to be a Titan of Twilight, the last giant-kin descendant of Annam All-Father, creator of giant races. His coming is a prophecy the giant-kin believe, and they do everything they can so that Queen Brianna reaches the Twilight Vale. The child is supposedly to restore Ostoria, an ancient giant kingdom. The main protagonist, a firbolg by the name of Tavis Burdun and his friends fight to stop them. ===== The film opens at a Jimmy Carter re-election campaign rally in Nashville, Tennessee. William Casey is serving as Reagan's campaign manager in 1980. Reagan's would- be assassin, John Hinckley, is seen purchasing a Röhm gun. On October 28, 1980, Reagan and Carter debate in Cleveland, Ohio. Later, Hinckley hears about the assassination of John Lennon and develops a fascination with Mark David Chapman. After Ronald Reagan recovers from the assassination attempt, Nancy Reagan hires the astrologer Joan Quigley. ===== Morgan (Lennie James) rescues Carol (Melissa McBride) from a Savior attack, though she has been shot multiple times and falls in and out of consciousness. Morgan takes her to "The Kingdom", another survivor community, though en route, she experiences visions of a female walker that is inside an abandoned house outside the community. A few days later, Carol is fully conscious, though still weak, and is taken by Morgan to meet King Ezekiel (Khary Payton), the leader of the Kingdom, and his pet Bengal tiger, Shiva. Carol is taken aback by Ezekiel's over-the-top manner, but feigns approval of his hospitality and politely rejects his offer of fruit, stating that pomegranates are not worth the trouble. Later, Carol confides in Morgan that she desires to leave at the first opportunity. As Carol recovers, Morgan is invited by Ezekiel on a secret mission with a small group to collect eight wild pigs, let them feed on walkers, and slaughter them as their current offering to the Saviors. At the arranged meeting, there is open hostility between the Saviors and Kingdom, but the Saviors accept the pigs and demand produce for their next offering or threaten to kill one of the Kingdom's men. Ezekiel, impressed with Morgan's performance in this mission, asks him to train one of his men, Benjamin (Logan Miller), in staff combat skills. While training, Benjamin reveals that Ezekiel continues to meet the Saviors' offerings as he does not believe the Kingdom can beat them. Some time later, Carol attempts to collect some provisions from the Kingdom's stores before she leaves, but Ezekiel catches her. He tells her he knew she was feigning her approval but is curious about her strong survival abilities. Carol explains some of her past, leading Ezekiel to reveal his own "King" is an act; he was a former zookeeper and amateur actor, but took on the King persona to give his people someone to follow and know there is good in the world. Carol still wishes to leave and Ezekiel suggests that she can stay nearby in the abandoned house, so that she could "go and not go". Morgan escorts her to the house, and she clears it of the walker she had seen earlier. Later, she gets a visit from Ezekiel and Shiva; he offers her a pomegranate. ===== Under Negan's (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) orders, Daryl (Norman Reedus) is taken to the Saviors' home, the Sanctuary, and locked in a dark cell, to be converted to join the Saviors by Dwight (Austin Amelio). Dwight feeds Daryl only dog food sandwiches and forces him to listen to the song "Easy Street" played through the walls. Dwight shows that if Daryl refuses to join the Saviors, he could end up like other prisoners, who have become walkers wandering in a fenced off area. Daryl attempts an escape one day when he finds his cell unlocked, but this is revealed to be a test by Negan of his loyalty. Negan threatens to smash Daryl's head with "Lucille", his bat, but Daryl doesn't flinch. Negan is impressed and leaves him be, though the other Saviors beat him up and return him to his cell. Later, Negan taunts Dwight about his relationship with Sherry (Christine Evangelista) and his loyalty. To try to get into good favor with Negan, Dwight sets off to capture a Savior who has decided to leave. He finds the man, Gordon (Michael Scialabba), who begs to be killed rather than returned to Sanctuary. Dwight, after some thought, kills Gordon, and returns to Sanctuary to spend time with Sherry. He later visits Daryl and tapes a gruesome Polaroid photo of Glenn's mutilated body on the wall, blaming Daryl for his friend's death. Daryl breaks down into tears. Dwight believes he has broken Daryl's spirit and takes him to meet Negan. Negan explains to Daryl how Dwight became one of his top men. Dwight, Sherry and her sister Tina used to be part of the Sanctuary workforce, earning "points" for goods. However, Tina suffered from diabetes and fell behind on points. Tina agreed to marry Negan to keep her supply of medicine, but she, Dwight and Sherry stole the medicine and ran away. Following Tina's death, Dwight and Sherry returned, asking Negan for forgiveness and sparing their lives, with Sherry offering herself in marriage to Negan. Negan agreed, but only after using a hot iron to burn half of Dwight's face in punishment. Negan then explains to Daryl that he too can become one of his men if he answers one question: "Who are you?" Daryl refuses to answer with "Negan" and instead provides his own name, defying Negan. Negan orders Dwight to return him to his cell. Dwight yells at Daryl for jeopardizing his life, but Daryl responds that, like Dwight, he was thinking of someone else at the time that he decided whether or not to obey Negan. ===== Ghalti aired on A-Plus TV twice a week. The story revolves around Saim and his cousins, Zara and Sanam. Zara is in love with Saim, whereas, Saim and Sanam are interested in each other. Zara and Sanam are sisters; however, Sanam has always lived with her aunt, unaware of the fact that Zara's mother is also her mother. Only the elders in the family know that Zara and Sanam are sisters and they don't feel that it is important that any of the children know about this. On the other hand, Zara lives at Saim's house with her mother, as Saim's father took them in after Zara's father died. The story kicks off when one afternoon, Saim's father announces his surprise engagement to Zara, which comes off as a shock to Saim and Sanam. Saim, being a very obedient son, does not object against his father's decision. Later on, when he does discuss it with his father that he does not want to marry Zara, his father announces that they now shall hold his nikkah to Zara the next day. This makes Saim and Sanam take drastic measures and they end up getting their nikkah done at the court the next morning. The same evening, Saim again fails to inform his father and family about his nikkah to Sanam, and therefore, also ends up getting his nikkah done with Zara, which makes him married to both sisters Sanam and Zara at the same time. The main issue addressed in this drama is how elders and parents fix their children's marriages without their consent. They have instilled their children's minds with fear that they are sometimes unable to voice their opinions. This attitude of the parents forces the children to take extreme measures, which can sometimes result in bigger problems. This drama aims to educate elders against forced marriages and concealing the complete truth from the children, especially in serious matters such as marriage. It also informs youngsters to not only have the guts to voice their opinions in matters that affect their life, but also to avoid extreme measures as the consequences could be awful for everyone. Agha Ali plays the male lead in the drama along with Sania Shamshad and Sidra Batool as female leads who play Zara and Sanam, respectively. All characters have done a tremendous job at acting. Overall, the way Ghalti has progressed, shows how common and serious this issue is and why it should stop. The only way this can be done is by educating the audience on the severity of the matter and also give solutions to solve them, which this drama has so far successfully addressed. ===== Lucky lives alone in an isolated house in the small desert town of Piru, California. He drinks a glass of cold milk after his morning yoga and cigarette before getting dressed and heading out to his daily routine. He heads to a diner for coffee where he is on friendly terms with the owner, Joe. Joe suggests Lucky quit smoking or it will kill him. Lucky claims that if smoking could kill him he would have died already. He works on his crossword puzzle from his daily newspaper. He walks to a local convenience store where he buys another pack of cigarettes and carton of milk. The owner, Bibi, tells Lucky that her son Juan is having his tenth birthday in one week. That evening, Lucky stops at a bar and has a few Bloody Marias with the locals. One of the regulars, Howard, is depressed that his pet tortoise has escaped. The next morning, Lucky becomes entranced by the blinking numbers on his coffeepot. He gets light-headed and falls over, smashing his ceramic mug. At a clinic, Dr. Christian Kneedler gives Lucky a clean bill of health, and mentions that Lucky has out-smoked and outlived the majority of people in his age group. At the diner, Lucky mentions how he fell and everyone becomes concerned for his safety. Not wanting to feel like a burden and complaining that his time is short, Lucky leaves. That night, Lucky calls a friend while he watches TV. He tells his friend that when he was a boy in Kentucky, he accidentally shot a mockingbird with his BB gun. He describes how devastating the silence was, and that it was the saddest thing he had ever seen. Lucky thanks his friend for listening and hangs up. Back at the bar, Lucky listens to a story from one of the bar regulars, Paulie, about how he met and married his first wife. Lucky reflects on how he never married or had any lasting relationships. Lucky then sees Howard talking with a lawyer named Bobby Lawrence about making a will for himself and wanting to leave all of his possessions to his pet tortoise. Lucky causes a scene over Howard's life choices, declaring that everyone in this world is alone and is meant to be alone. Another day or two later, Loretta visits Lucky to check on him. While smoking marijuana, Lucky shows Loretta old photos of his time in the US Navy and they watch old VHS tapes of Liberace performing in concert as Lucky comments on his own past. While having coffee at the diner, Lucky runs into Bobby Lawrence, where he confides in him about his accident days earlier. Bobby tells Lucky about a time when he nearly got into a car accident that could have been fatal and tells Lucky to always be prepared for the unexpected. Lucky visits a pet store to look for a small animal to adopt as a companion, but he instead decides on a box of live crickets. Lucky meets a World War II Marine veteran named Fred. Lucky tells Fred about his time in the US Navy during the war in the Pacific and shares that his nickname arose from having the relatively safe job of cook on an LST. Fred tells Lucky a story about how after the Marines secured a beach, the locals began to commit suicide by jumping from cliffs. In the mayhem of battle, he encountered a young girl, smiling amidst all the carnage. Fred wondered how she could smile in the midst of all that misery and death. He later learned that the girl was a Buddhist and was smiling at the prospect of being killed. The story leaves Lucky speechless. Upon returning home, Lucky sets the clock on his coffee machine to the correct time to stop the blinking. He attends Bibi's son Juan's birthday party and comes to enjoy having company. He sings "Volver Volver" in Spanish for the attendees. That evening, Lucky goes back to the bar for more Bloody Marias. Howard has not found his tortoise yet, and concludes that all things must eventually come to an end. Lucky then attempts to light a cigarette at the bar despite being ordered not to do so by the owner, Elaine. He delivers a speech to the bar patrons that everything goes away eventually and that we are left with nothing. Elaine asks what is one supposed to do with nothing. Lucky simply replies "you smile". The remark transforms the mood of the bar; Lucky lights up his cigarette and steps outside. The next morning, Lucky wakes up and goes through his usual routine of yoga and drinking a glass of cold milk. He goes for a walk through town, as he always does, and passes by the outdoor botanic garden where he was banned for public smoking. In the desert, Lucky lights up a cigarette, and looks up at a tall and imposing cactus in bloom. He breaks the fourth wall and smiles as he begins his walk back into town. As Lucky heads down the desert path alone, a tortoise trudges across the path from one end to the other before disappearing into the desert bushes. ===== Kulasekaran (R. Parthiepan) is a liquor shop owner and he likes to spend the time in college. Kulasekaran is also a modern Don Juan : a seducer of women. His father Kabali (Vinu Chakravarthy) is a drunkard and he was involved in smuggling illegal liquor, while his mother (Manorama) is a soft-spoken person. During a wedding function, Kulasekaran falls under the spell of the shy young woman Sangita (Sangita Madhavan Nair). He talks to Sangita and he tries to seduce her. Sangita really likes his funny way of talking, she eventually falls in love with him and they even talk about their marriage. When Kulasekaran tries to kiss her, she pushes him away. Disappointed by his behaviour, she runs away from the wedding hall. Later, Kulasekaran falls in love with Archana (Roja). Archana is an arrogant college student and she is the daughter of a district collector (Vijayakumar). Kulasekaran tries to seduce her but without success. One day, she finally accepts his love, unfortunately, the happiness was short-lived, she says that it was just a joke. The whole pattern repeats itself many times, Kulasekaran quickly sinks into alcoholism and depression. Archana openly states that she wants to see Kulasekaran going mad. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. =====