From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== In Sagliena, the carabiniere Pietro Stelluti has become a marshal of the carabinieri and greets the photo of his former superior Antonio Carotenuto, now on leave from the weapon, while his colleague Baiocchi who has been promoted to the lower rank of brigadier remained under his orders. In a dialogue between Stelluti and Baiocchi, it is revealed that the love story with the "Bersagliera" ended badly. Now the young marshal has fallen in love with Maria, a girl who has a bar in the town square, but her shyness prevents him from declaring himself. Meanwhile, Maria is asked in marriage by Percuoco, a mature upstart who has returned to the village after making a fortune in France. Maria rejects the advances of the latter who then, to force her to surrender, opens another place and hires Carmelina, a busty waitress who attracts all of Maria's old customers to the new bar. ===== 60-year-old widower Ove Lindahl lives in a townhouse neighborhood, where he used to be the chairman of the neighborhood association, until he was replaced by Rune, his former friend. Rune is now paralysed after suffering a stroke, and being cared for by his wife, Anita. Ove is depressed after losing his wife, Sonja, a schoolteacher, to cancer six months previously. Having worked at the same company for 43 years, he is pushed into retiring. His attempts to hang himself are repeatedly interrupted by Iranian immigrant Parvaneh, her Swedish husband Patrick and their two children, who are moving into the house across the street. During another suicide attempt, Ove flashes back to his childhood. His mother died when he was a child, leaving him alone with his quiet father, a mechanic at the train company. His father shared his knowledge of engines with Ove, who had a part-time job at the train yard. Having done particularly well at his exams, he reports his results to his father, who is so anxious to spread the news that he fails to take care and is hit by a train and killed. During another attempt to kill himself, this time by carbon monoxide poisoning, Ove is sitting in his running car in a garage, and again recollects the past, when he began working at the train company. Two men from the local council, whom Ove dubs "The Whiteshirts", arrive at young Ove's home and declare it should be demolished. Ove instead fixes the house. His neighbors' home catches fire one night, and Ove saves two people, but sparks from the fire cause his own home to burn, and The Whiteshirts prevent the fire from being tackled because they plan to demolish it in any case. With nowhere to go, Ove sleeps in a train at work; he wakes to find a young woman, Sonja, sitting across from him. He is smitten with her and returns to the same early train each morning. After three weeks, he finds her again, and they begin dating. She encourages him to return to school, and he earns a degree in engineering. Ove's attempt to kill himself is interrupted by Parvaneh banging on the garage door, wanting a lift to hospital because her husband has had an accident. Ove takes care of Parvaneh and Patrick's two daughters, Sepideh and Nasanin, while they are there, and is made to sit outside after he causes a scene. Later, Ove goes to the train station, planning to jump in front of a train. However, when a man on the platform faints and falls onto the tracks, Ove jumps down and rescues him. Parvaneh asks Ove to teach her how to drive, and he eventually agrees. He also takes in a stray cat which he had previously found an annoyance. He tells Parvaneh about his past friendship with Rune, and how they worked together to establish rules and order, with Ove chairman of the neighborhood association board and Rune the deputy chair. They grew apart over the years, largely because of Rune's preference for Volvo cars and Ove's for Saab, until Rune organized a "coup" and replaced Ove as chairman. He also begins to bond with his new cat. He repairs a bike he confiscated from a neighborhood teen, Adrian, and returns it to Adrian who works at a kebab shop with another youth, called Mirsad. Ove notices Mirsad's eye make-up and asks him if he is "one of those gays", but does not shun Mirsad. Despite his improved relations with his neighbors, Ove has an altercation with two "Whiteshirts" who are attempting to force Rune into a nursing home. Ove then tries to commit suicide using a shotgun, but is interrupted by Adrian and Mirsad ringing his doorbell. Adrian says Mirsad had been kicked out of his house after coming out to his family and needs a place to stay. Ove reluctantly invites Mirsad in. Later, Ove tells Parvaneh how Sonja, when pregnant, wanted to go on vacation before the baby arrived. She and Ove traveled on a tour bus to Spain, but on the journey home, the bus crashed. Sonja lost the baby and was confined to a wheelchair, which made her unable to take up a job as a teacher. When the local authorities ignored Ove's pleas to build a wheelchair ramp, he went to the school in the night and installed one. Ove collapses and is taken to the hospital, where he lists Parvaneh as his next of kin. Parvaneh is told that her "father" is suffering from an enlarged heart but will survive. Laughing, she tells Ove he is terrible at dying, before herself going into labor and delivering a boy. Ove gives gifts to Parvaneh's daughters, who refer to him as grandpa. Several months later, Parvaneh wakes to a winter storm and looks out of the window to see that Ove's drive hasn't been cleared and Ove is not up at his usual time. Parvaneh and Patrick run to Ove's house to find that he has died in his sleep. Ove, having found peace, has left strict instructions for his funeral; the service is packed with neighbors. The film ends with Ove waking on the train where he first met Sonja, to find her there waiting for him. ===== Peggy is a feisty peasant girl who catches the eye of a wealthy lord. Enamored with her, he proposes, but she harshly refuses. Her mother pushes her into the marriage against her will. After their marriage, she makes a fool of herself among the socialites at her husband's party. In the height of her embarrassment, her husband's nephew convinces her to run away with him. She innocently agrees, but it soon becomes obvious what the nephew's true intentions were. ===== ===== Luciano, who studies at the University, falls in love with Sandra, a high school student, who reciprocates his love. If her family is very rich, his is of modest extraction; the difference in conditions does not seem to be a problem, however, and Luciano's degree increases the hope of a happy future. Following a sudden financial crisis, however, Sandra's family business goes bankrupt: so, to come to the aid of her parents, the girl accepts the care of a very rich childhood friend, deciding to marry him to get his financial support. Luciano, not aware of the girl's motives, will leave her in a bad way. But Lazzarella's feelings will prevail and in the end he will find his love again. ===== ===== Complications arising out of an attempt to cure a practical joker by his own methods. ===== Donald Duck arrives late to his job at Royal Bros. as a gift wrapper. He clocks in, uses a magnet to set the time back a few hours, then situates himself at his work table. Toys come zooming down past him, creating a whirlwind that strips his clothes off. He quickly retrieves them and makes his way over to the pile of gifts. Donald plays with the toys and pretends to work at the same time. He then pulls out his lunch and pours coffee in his cup. The boss's speaker horn sneezes the coffee all over Donald's face and ends up watching Donald, who throws a temper tantrum. As the boss scolds him, Donald now apologizes. After pretending to work and playing for a while, his boss announces that "Production has increased in every single department" except for the gift wrapping department. This makes Donald angry. Donald wraps a rocking chair with him inside it. Just as a rush order box comes, Donald gets out of his rocking chair and gets the wrapping paper out. Donald opens a box and finds that it turns out to be a Jack-in-the-box character; he proceeds to play with Jack. When the boss tells him not to play with toys, he gets angry and has trouble with Jack in various ways and has trouble wrapping the box with Jack, who refuses to go back. He uses a vise clamp to hold Jack in his back down. He gets annoyed by the speaker horn and solves the problem by shoving a rubber ball in the speaker. The speaker shoots out the ball as Donald is trying to have his pie, and quickly dodges the ball, but is not fast enough to jump out of the way when the ball hits the clamp and forces Jack in his Jack-in-the-box to spring out and hit Donald into his pie piece. He then decides to tie down the Jack-in-the-box and hold him down by hammering stakes in the floor, only to hear that Jack in his Jack-in-the-box breaks through the floor, before Donald looks out the window and is surprised that Jack went through the floor. He then tries to pull Jack's head out, but ends up getting pulled into the Jack-in-the-box, then gets trapped inside, trying to wrestle with Jack until he finally gets free, but finds that Jack has stolen his blue shirt and blue hat while Donald Duck is wearing Jack's clown accordion costume and his nightcap. He complains until the boss announces that it is quitting time. This excites him, until the boss tells Donald that he has to stay and wrap a few more packages. Donald gets angry and dashes upstairs to beat up his boss. He breaks the speaker pipe in the process before he quits the job. ===== ===== John Jarratt stars as Jack, who is pushed past the brink of his stalking obsession over Emily (Kaarin Fairfax) when he breaks into her house to take what he wants by force. However, his plans backfire when he wakes up to find himself tied to a chair in her kitchen. For a full night, Jack and Emily engage in a twisted and thrilling courtship of the sexes that leads one to wonder which one of them will survive the night. At the end of the movie, Jack finally gets the upper hand on Emily and strangles her to death. ===== The main character, Christopher Adams, is a freelance journalist who, seeking a new story, investigates the three-year disappearances of three people. The three people are Valarie Burkley, James Reid, and Jon Remens. Adams has heard that Burkley was kidnapped by Reid and Remens, and is presumed dead. No motive is known for the kidnapping, the murder, or the three's sudden disappearance. News of a strangulated female body, presumably Burkley, found inside a nearby factory was discovered by Adams, and he goes to investigate. He enters the factory to quickly find a large underground complex, where he meets Valarie Burkley, who is trapped in a locked room. Adams tries to find clues to discover the combination to a safe which holds the key to the locked room. Upon acquiring most of the clues, however, Valarie is seen hanged in the room, with the remainder of the combination on her clothing, and on the wall behind her body. Throughout the rest of the complex, Valarie follows Adams, manipulating lights, doors, and warning Adams about approaching danger. Stairs leading down to the mine are found at the end of the complex. Within the mine, the player must activate two pumps and enter the pump control room to lower the water level sufficiently to reach an elevator and escape the factory. While doing so, the player comes into contact with humanoid beasts of unspecified origin, which have the potential to kill the player if alerted (such as by contact, loud noise, or by using the camera.) Valarie also attempts to impede the player's progress by patrolling the entrance to one of the pumps, though she can be avoided with relative ease. After the water level lowers, the player finds more stairs which lead further into the mine, where the player must reach the elevator, dodging monsters, and collecting more information about the events leading up to the disappearances. The elevator eventually leads to the surface, after forcing the player to crawl through many corridors filled with subdued creatures. Upon exiting the factory, the player traverses to the nearby town, where the voice of Jon Remens sounds over a speaker system. The player must complete three trials, each involving different elements of previous gameplay in order to be transported to a set of room resembling the mines. It is revealed that the residents of the town were involved in a mass suicide which was spurned on by Remens for unknown reasons. These rooms are filled with the beasts from the factory (albeit in a more docile form), and feature Remens' voice addressing the player constantly. After these trials are over, the player travels through one more hallway which is very similar to those of the instillation, at the end of which Remens accuses Adams of dehumanizing people and "making them into monsters." The beasts are most likely the dead residents of the town, in some form or another. It is meant to be gathered that Valarie, as a mental patient, was being cared for by her father, though Adams corrupted that story by implying rape, incest, and other abuse by her father. Reid, meanwhile, was trapped in an underground mine with a group of fellow miners and they desperately searched for a way out to no avail. Adams twisted this by supposing that cannibalism also occurred during the escape attempt. Remens took a group of terminal cancer patients away into the woods to live off their days in peace apart from the rest of society. He then suggested suicide to the group as a means of dying on their own terms, an idea which they obviously adopted. Adams, however, called Remens a dangerous cult leader who forced his group into killing themselves. Many clones of Valarie, all in different poses, surround the player at the end of the hallway, where a door can be found. Another set of stairs is found behind, and the game ends. References to the Donner Party (specifically cannibalism) and Jonestown (with John Remens standing in for Jim Jones) are prevalent throughout the game. ===== Last Bus starts mainly began with an accident. Prithvi is walking down a very scenic road after giving up on trekking. He wants to get back to his home in Bangalore via another village called Theerthalli, while his friends continue their trekking. A local person says buses are rare. Trains and airports are not present in nearby villages. Prithvi waits there until a local bus picks him up. This is the last bus from that place for the day. The bus is going to a place called Hansa instead of Bangalore or Theerthalli. The conductor tells Prithvi that he can change buses at Hansa and then reach Bangalore. There are a few passengers present in the bus. The Next passenger to be picked up is a sobbing lady called Mamtha. Her father drops her at the bus stop. She is trying to get to a court where a case is going on for custody of her daughter from her separated husband. Another lady Rita is running away from home to meet her boyfriend Santhosh and live / elope with him against the wishes of her family to Mumbai. She is the next passenger to get in the bus. The bus continues the journey. The next person to be picked up is a local lady called Seetha. Sometimes referred to as Seethaka The bus driver named Tanka likes Seetha, but Seetha hints that she does not share the same feeling. Next person to be picked up is a student called Sudhakara. He is trying to get to Chikkmangalore to attend an exam the next day. The Journey onward to Hansa is through a dense and remote forest. The driver stops at a place to pray to a local deity for a safe journey onward and offers a bottle of Alcohol. This is a regular practice. A clean shaven skin head Hindu priest named Sahasra Sagara meets the driver and reprimands him for being late. The priest is the next passenger to get in the bus. he prays in Malayalam in the move. As the bus progress further, three local hunters hop on to the bus. Prithvi starts chatting with them. The three hunters reveal that the forest is dense and terrifying. They mention that it is difficult and dangerous to travel in this forest in broad daylight and being in the forest during night is totally out of question. This is because they have experienced strange events in the forest and as a practice they do not talk about it. Prithvi is puzzled and cannot understand how a scenic forest can be terrifying. All the passengers enjoy the journey and the pleasant nature A huge tree is shown falling and blocking the road for the bus. The driver, conductor, hunters and some passengers see this as a bad omen and says they should return home and not continue the journey. Prithvi feels it is just a regular event and brushes off the advice to turn back as superstitious beliefs. He wants to continue the journey. Rita, Sudhakara, Seetha and Mamtha wants to reach their destination and so want to continue their journey. The group splits into two section, one section with the conductor named Seena abandons the bus and starts walking back to their home. Another section led by Prithvi decides to continue the journey through an alternate route. Tanka the bus driver and the priest Sahasra are against taking alternate road. This is because the alternate road is not in good condition, it goes through dense forest that is considered haunted and life-threatening. The driver Tanka eventually agree after Seetha requests him to help a crying Mamtha reach the court in time to get custody of her daughter. The Gpriest man Sahasra reluctantly agrees to go with the bus. The bus with these passengers continues the journey through an alternate road. Suddenly the driver loses control and bangs on a tree and stops. Driver Tanka is nowhere to be seen, the passengers start searching for him. They start hearing his screams for help, Mamtha and Sudhakara are terrified and opts to stay back with the bus while Rita, Prithvi, Sahasra and Seetha go to save Tanka, they reach an old, dilapidated grand mansion and hears Tanka's scream from inside. Sahasra the priest warns the group not to enter the house as its evil and says they should turn back. Prithvi rebukes the priest and says they should help Tanka. Upon entering the house, they find Tanka tied up to a pillar with dry creepers and roots in an unconscious state. The group frees him. Tanka regains consciousness and tells them that he has no clue how he got here and that he never cried for help. Back at the bus, Mamtha and Sudhakara start to worry about other people, the bus starts shaking and a well-dressed white bearded man comes out of the bus. The bearded man stares at Mamtha and Sudhakara and displays his dagger. Mamtha and Sudhakara are terrified and runs away from there. Mamtha and Sudhakara reach the Mansion where others are there and narrate the story. All of them explore the house and go through strange feelings in the house. Each of them sees the happy side of their desires. The priest Sahasra discovers six to ten graves with date of death engraved in it. The date is exactly 100 years earlier than the present date in the movie. Bus Driver Tanka gets stuck in quick sand and is screaming for help. The passengers are now trapped in the house and are unable to find their way out of the house. All doors are jammed shut. Tanka drowns in quick sand in front of their eyes. rest of them sees this from the window of the house they are trapped in A women dressed in black dress walks on small dam declaring that its full moon and it has been 100 years since she tasted blood and today is the day that she will see six souls in pain. A TV channel crew is shown as shooting this scene of the women. The women is the Heroine named Mallika. The TV crew has set up a tent near the old mansion and the water falls. The TV crew is led by Actor Prakash Belawadi called Sandy in the movie. Sandy is the director of the reality show. He plays an eccentric role and is chasing success at any cost. The TV crew has Geeta the Channel manager. Steve the camera Man, Mahesh as a technician and Shweta as a member. It is revealed that this TV crew had setup traps for the people in the bus with help from bus driver Tanka. The intention is to record the events in the house and broadcast it in a reality show. The passengers of the bus trapped in the mansion are unaware of this. Tanka comes back to the TV crew's team after finishing his role. All of them discuss who should be chosen as the winner of the show. The TV crew manager promises that all of them will be happy when they get a payment of 1 lakh in the morning for being trapped and filmed in the mansion. The well-dressed white bearded man comes to the tent of the TV crew and collects fee for his role, as soon as the manager Geeta pays him, another member of the TV crew brings the well-dressed white bearded man for payment. The TV crew manager is puzzled as how can the same person appear twice. Prakash goes to the vanity van of the heroine Mallika and tried / tries to exploit her, he is shown as beaten up, wounded and unconscious. Meanwhile, the people trapped in the mansion experience super natural events and struggle to live through it. They try to light fire, but do not have a match stick, the priest Sahasra tries to ignite a pile of wood through magic but fails, but all of sudden the pile catches fire without human intervention. Prithvi breaks an old wooden cradle to use as firewood, but the broken wood pieces re-attach and attack them and Sudhakara is wounded. Seetha hallucinates about a women named Maayi and gets pricked by thorns in her hands. Sudhakara jumps in a well but Prithvi saves him, they all get possessed by turns and sings the Doori Doori song in turns. The lyrics of the song tells the story of a women who was wronged and killed there. There is a painting of 6 people in the house with their backs, but after some time each of the faces start appearing and they resemble the 6 people stuck in the house. There is another painting in the house of the well-dressed white bearded man. This painting was placed by the TV crew to spook the participants. Back at the recording station, Prakash scolds the technician Mahesh for not placing a camera or a trap near the graves discovered by priestSahasra and asks him to place one immediately. While the technician nears the grave an unseen force kills him from behind. The camera man Steve recording the events from the tent sees this on TV and gets scared and leaves the tent. The remaining crew want to stop the show and leave but the heroine Mallika appears as a possessed person and stops them. She then clicks on the mouse connected to the computer, the entire tent experiences a huge blast and is shown burning. The people stuck in the mansions are physically hurt by now, they are tired and have lived through the night without food or water. The night is over and the day starts to dawn. The main door opens and all of them leave the house slowly one after the other after being mentally tortured throughout the night. Prithvi mentions that she destroyed all the traditional believes as he leaves. Sandy regains consciousness and channel Manager Geeta also gets up from a river bank. Tanka also survives the blast and gets up. Story of Maayi as told in the Song Door Doori. Maayi, also known as Mayamma is a laborer in a village. Her Marriage happens in childhood. She is married to the young master of the house and becomes the governing lady. She gives birth to a young girl called Mallava. One day when the child goes out to play in the garden, a huge vulture flies away with the child. Her family is non supportive and makes her feel that they wanted only her child and not her. Her family torments her, tortures her before murdering her. Mayamma becomes angry and becomes a spirit. She kills all her family members on the same day. ===== The Brueghel Moon is a novella about a psychiatrist, Levan, who has a former patient, Nunu, visit him, then he goes to a garden party, and gets involved with the wife of an ambassador, Ana-Maria. ===== ===== ===== ===== Adam Tatum, an American ex-cop, is tricked into a plot to overthrow the British prime minister. ===== Nan Carey becomes a member of a group of jewel thieves who pretend they are the wealthy Brockton family in order to gain the confidence of real high society families. While traveling, Nan (using the name Ruth Brockton) attracts the romantic attention of Tom Palmer, who turns out to be one of the Brocktons' neighbors. While attending a tea party thrown by the Palmers, the Brockton gang tricks the Palmers into inviting Nan to stay with them while the rest of the Brocktons are supposedly visiting Chicago. The Brocktons expect this ruse will allow them to steal the Palmers' jewelry. It is then revealed to the audience that the "Palmer family" is another group of thieves, who are planning to steal the Brocktons' jewelry while the Brocktons are out of town. Thinking the Brocktons have left, the Palmer gang slips into the Brockton mansion, but are captured by the Brocktons. Meanwhile, Nan has gone to the Palmer mansion to burglarize it. Upon her return, the two groups each realize the other is a criminal gang, and they decide to join forces. Their planning is interrupted by detectives from the Ferris Detective Agency, who capture the combined gangs on behalf of the insurance companies for their past victims. Nan is revealed to be Ruth Ferris, head of the agency, who has been working undercover posing as a thief. Because her love for Tom is real and not just part of her cover, she offers him the opportunity to confess and join her agency rather than be turned over to the police. ===== The Palmers, a gang of thieves posing as a wealthy family, move next door to the Lazarres with plans of robbing them. The Palmers don't realize is that the Lazarres are also a gang of criminals planning to rob their new wealthy neighbors, the Palmers. ===== According to Claassens, the plot "is impossible to summarize ... briefly". The main character's father, King Ernoul of Nijmegen, travels to the Orient to deliver his brother from Saracen captivity. In the meantime his seneschal, Gaufroi of Friesland, takes Ernoul's place in his bed and on his throne, having betrayed his king to Sultan Rouge- Lion. Ernoul has four sons, all of whom go their various ways to escape the threat of death at the hands of Gaufroi; Baudouin is the youngest of them. At age two he is taken in at the court of the Lord of Sebourc. Baudouin sires 31 (bastard) children, one of them with his patron's daughter. He falls in love with the sister of the Count of Flanders, Blanche, and runs off with her. They intend to travel to the Orient, and this sets off a series of extraordinary adventures. They get married, but by hook and crook Gaufroi manages to capture Blanche, forcing Baudoin to travel alone, having adventures in places like Baghdad and Jerusalem. He is reunited with his family; together they return and are able to defeat Gaufroi. After a winter in Nijmegen Baudouin returns to help the King of Jerusalem fight off the Saracens, and he leaves, this time with his 31 children. ===== ===== The novel is set in current day New York City, New York. The main character is Mike Mitchel a successful businessman living in New York City married into a family of wealth and power. He lives with his wife and his son in Manhattan. His next-door neighbor and close friend Chuck who is a prepper who has bugout location outside of New York City. At the start of the book life is normal as normal can be for Mike and his family. However, things start to fall apart for the world. When logistic systems for the main shipping companies are infected with a virus that bring their operations to a standstill. Then the cell phone services goes down; the news starts reporting the bird flu has been reported. Then the power goes out, and people start to panic. Mike walks in on Chuck and his wife talking about leaving New York City to their bugout location in the woods. However, without taking their friends, this is something that Chuck's wife will not do. At this time, Mike's son is not feeling well, and Richard, who Mike fears his wife might be having an affair with, offers to allow their driver to take them to a hospital. When they try to seek medical help the find most of the hospitals in the city are being flooded with people who are sick and they are unable to get into several hospitals. When they do find a hospital, they can get their son into they are unable to see a doctor. The couple goes back to their condo to wait it out. The families have to deal with he problems of living in a large city that depends on daily shipments of goods and food to live. Even with Chucks prepping skills both Chuck and Mike find it necessary to gather supplies before things get too bad. They find a store where other New Yorkers have broken out the window and are taken items they need. However, in a twist of the normal looting seen this is described as polite looting. People are not pushing and shoving each other they are working together to make it. Chuck and Mike decided they should grab some items. The carry as much as they can then Mike has come up with a great way to store what they are carrying and come back for it later. Mike uses a geocaching app on his phone to store the supplies in snow banks. As the winter storm drags on with power being out, the building heating system being out and only limited information people start to get worried. A group of people that live in the building find they need work together to find the basic needed for life. They need to find water and food plus keep warm. As the storm rages on the conditions get worse for the people. ===== The Golden Voice is about famous Cambodian rock singer, Ros Serey Sothear, and her struggle for survival. She finds that her voice becomes her only chance to overcome communist Pol Pot. ===== Bharath, a technical student, has a habit of kissing people nearby when he is both stressed and happy, disregarding social situations. Bharath (Gokul Suresh), from his first sight of Ganga (Arthana), falls in love with her. Somewhere in Thiruvananthapuram city an infamous gangster Ramakrishnan Bonacaud, aka Rambo (Vijay Babu), has a face to face confrontation with CI Pathmanabhan, aka Padayappa (Baiju); grumpy Rambo becomes annoyed and plans to kill Pathmanabhan soon before leaving Kerala. Meanwhile, Bharath is able to requite love from Ganga and one night he stays with Ganga. After this incident Ganga starts to react hypochondriacally and suspects she is pregnant with Bharath's child and preoccupiedly behaves in the gravity of the same. Rambo is able to sketch Pathmanabhan through two bumbling goons (Kumari and Putheri), but before executing Pathmanabhan publicly, shoots his own urinary bladder using his suppressed gun due to an unexpected kiss from Bharath (who has just got confirmation on Ganga's love). Rambo, who after the accident has urinary incontinence and is attached to a urine drainage bag permanently, is enraged and asks his right-hand man (Abu Salim) to round up everyone involved. All the while the police plan to trap Rambo, once and for all, understanding him to be not just a business man but a Don. They set up a meeting with Rambo through Kumari and Putheri on Rambo's hotel terrace. Rambo calls Bharath's number (which Putheri has obtained) and it keeps ringing. Unexpectedly, Bharath comes to the hotel's terrace to discuss with Ganga their problem of confirming whether she is pregnant or not through a pregnancy test kit and switches off his phone. Everyone on the terrace is frozen and unsure on how to respond. Knowing Ganga isn't pregnant, Bharath looks to kiss someone, sees Rambo, and runs towards him to kiss; they both fall. Immediately a shootout starts between the Police and Rambo's gang. Bharath and Ganga escapes through the staircase. Rambo follows and corners them near a balcony. Pathmanabhan fires his gun; it distracts Rambo, he slips on urine from his detached catheter and falls from the balcony to the sea. Police try to find Rambo's body and they are unable to find it. Policemen involved are promised promotions from political leaders. Bharath, back at home after legal proceedings, promises (at his mother's insistence) before his late father's photo to not kiss anyone whom he doesn't know. It is revealed that his father Chandran (Santhosh Keezhattoor) happens to be a man whom Rambo had murdered in his early days. In the credits it is shown that Rambo is washed up on a beach and a couple of cannibals are surrounding him. ===== Saba (Sabreen Hisbani) and her five-year-old daughter Iraj (Mariyam Khalif) live with her mother (Samina Peerzada) after her divorce from her husband. Saba marries Faisal (Shahood Alvi) and leaves Iraj in her mother's care. Ammi tells Iraj that she (Ammi) is her mother and Saba is her elder sister. Iraj falls in love with Asad (Junaid Khan), and they get married. Iraj's mother-in- law finds out the truth from her friend, and asks Asad to leave Iraj. Iraj approaches Ammi seeking to know the truth. On knowing the truth, she is angry and hurt. She behaves rudely with Ammi and her own mother, causing both of them great distress. Iraj gives birth to a daughter. Asad is not ready to accept his daughter and divorces Iraj. Faisal finds out about Saba as well and leaves Saba. Ammi eventually dies from the shock. After Ammi's death, Iraj reconciles with Saba. With Iraj's efforts, Faisal reconciles with Saba. He asks Iraj to stay with him as his daughter, but Iraj is unable to agree to it. She decides to live on her own, caring for her daughter Dua. The series ends with Iraj fondly reminiscing the times she spent with her Ammi, the one who lovingly raised her. ===== In the years leading up to the 2012 Olympics, East London, the eventual site of the Olympic park, is transformed into a construction site. Indeed, one of the factors that was instrumental in leading the Olympic committee to choose London as the location for the 2012 games was the promise to reinvigorate this area, which was considered to be one of the poorest in Great Britain."Why was London chosen to hold the 2012 Olympiad", (study, retrieved 15.01.2016), The film shows the mood of the area at the time to be one of hope and expectation, by interviewing inhabitants and workers in order to explore the urban and social changes brought about by the imminent arrival of the great sporting event. The theme of the clash between large- scale events and the daily lives of ordinary people is explored through the use of symbolism: three ‘temples’ are examined – hence the title of the film, ‘The Golden Temple.’ First we see the stadium, a veritable temple of games and entertainment: we hear in one witness’s account, however, that it was built over radioactive waste. The second symbolic temple – this time, a shrine to consumerism – is Westfield Stratford City, one of the biggest shopping centres in Europe. It was constructed in such a way that all Olympic spectators had to pass through it to reach the stadium. The third symbolic temple is not, unlike the others, a real construction, but is instead represented by numerous religious communities in the area seeking new followers, and more specifically by the plans to build a new mosque in the area at around the same time, which were eventually scrapped. Among these metaphorical temples, we meet various people who talk of their hopes and eventual delusions regarding the regeneration of the area. Among them are Mike, a photo journalist who lives on a house boat on the canal; John, a businessman; Sue, one of the Olympic Games tourist guides; and the apostle Ben, so-called ‘General of God,’ a Ghanaian evangelist who preaches in a military uniform. The English author Iain Sinclair also appears in the film. He criticises the militarisation of the city of London under the pretext of the Olympic Games, an argument which he explores further in his book ‘Ghost Milk.’ ===== ===== A veteran gunfighter is summoned to Red Pine in Wyoming by a former lover. She wants to protect her new husband, (a store-keeper who is the temporary town sheriff), from a gang of outlaws who want to free one of their number who is being held for killing the lawman's predecessor during a bank robbery. What the gunfighter is unaware of, is that he is the father of a teenage girl. She also doesn't know. ===== Statue of Mumu in Honfleur The story opens in Moscow, at the home of an unnamed, wealthy, and elderly widow. Mean and spiteful, she has been abandoned by whatever living friends and relatives she still has. The exposition then focuses on one of her porters, Gerasim, a man from the countryside. Born deaf and mute, he communicates with the other servants of the estate via hand signs. He is a man of almost superhuman strength, and was renowned in the country for his work in the fields. After being taken from his village, he eventually settles into life in the city, and, while his presence inspires fear in the other servants, he is able to remain on at least cordial terms with them. During this time, Gerasim becomes infatuated with Tatiana, the mistress’ laundress. He offers her gifts, including a gingerbread chicken, and follows her, smiling and making his characteristic unintelligible noises. His affection is quite protective, and he threatens a servant who “nags” her too severely. In another incident, Kapiton Klimov, the widow's shoemaker, speaks “too attentively” with Tatiana, and is, too, threatened by Gerasim. Kapiton, a drunkard who feels unfairly castigated for his vices, is chosen by the mistress to be married off. Speaking with her head steward, Gavrila, the widow decides that Kapiton shall marry Tatiana. Gavrila, aware of Gerasim's affections but unable to disagree with his master, relates this to Kapiton, who reacts with fear but ultimately agrees. He then informs Tatiana, who acquiesces but echoes the same concerns. Gavrila comes up with a plan, and, noting Gerasim's hatred of drunkards, has Tatiana pretend to be drunk in his presence. The plot succeeds, and Tatiana and Kapiton are married. However, Kapiton's drinking only worsens, and he and his wife are sent away after a year to a small village. As they depart, Gerasim follows them, and hands Tatiana a red handkerchief, causing her to burst into tears. During this walk, Gerasim encounters a dog drowning in a river. He saves her, whom he names Mumu, and nurses her back to health. He loves Mumu passionately, and she follows him around throughout his daily activities. After a year, the mistress sees Mumu in the yard, and has the dog brought to her. Mumu reacts poorly to the mistress, baring her teeth. The following day, Gavrila is ordered to get rid of Mumu, whose barking disturbs the widow, and he has the footman, Stepan, ambush the dog behind Gerasim's back and sell her in the market. Gerasim, distraught, searches for Mumu for the entire day, but Mumu returns. He learns that Mumu's disappearance was an order from his lady, and begins hiding his dog in his room. However, Mumu's “whining” is still audible, and when she is finally brought into the yard, her barking alerts the mistress to her presence. Knowing that the servants will be coming for Mumu, Gerasim barricades himself with her in his room, but, after Gavrila signs to him, explaining the situation, he promises to get rid of Mumu himself. He brings her to a cookshop, giving her a final treat before travelling to the river where he found her, commandeering a rowboat, and eventually drowns her—bringing his rescue of her full circle. He is followed by Eroshka, another servant, who reports back to the others. However, Gerasim does not return until night, when he gathers his things and then departs walking back to his old village. The mistress, initially angry, decides not to search for him, and soon dies. The story concludes with Gerasim returned to his fields, helping reap the harvest. ===== This story is about a gangster, Nathu Nakabandi (Ali Asgar) and a son of a rich father, Ranbeer Raichand (Ather Habib). Both of them suddenly fall in love with Dr. Diya (Krishna Gokani), But she hates gangsters as well as the rich who buy degrees and join their sons in hospitals as doctors. Nathu forgets his all bad deeds to impress Dr. Diya as well as becoming a patient in the hospital, All Is Well (Dr Diya's Hospital), he does it with the help of one of his goons (Ashwin Kaushal). On the other hand, Ranbeer becomes a doctor impressing Diya by admitting Nathu into the hospital and fakes that he knows Nathu's sickness, but as he didn't have one, Nathu doubted him. Watching Nathu agreeing with him to every symptom of his sickness, Ranbeer doubted him, too. Yet doctor Diya was impressed by Ranbeerand told him that he could join the hospital, still telling her that he is poor and telling Nathu that he can stay in the hospital till he doesn't get any cure. The both of them later know each one's identity and knowing both of them loves Diya, they tried to get each one to tell their truth to Diya. ===== Vetri (Selva), a real estate businessman, plans to buy an old school in Pondicherry to establish a new resort there. Another opponent businessman Senthil Nathan (Mime Gopi) has more of a chance of finishing the final deal. Senthil's horoscope says that he should never own a haunted property, and he has a fear of ghosts. Dev (Suresh Ravi), Sathish (Ramesh Thilak), and Kumar (Darbuka Siva) are childhood friends who have been involved in cheating practices for money from childhood. They discover a new idea to cheat people using their fear of ghosts. Priya (Aishwarya Rajesh), a junior film artist who dreams of becoming a heroine someday, and Joseph Chellappa (Ramdoss), a film makeup artist, join the three. Priya acts as the ghost, and Joseph does her makeup. Priya does this to make her brother Gautham (Saran) continue his schooling. Dev, Sathish, and Kumar act as exorcists. One day, the five plans to cheat Vetri but get trapped. Vetri assigns them a task to do the same ghost drama in the school in Pondicherry in order to make Senthil drop his plan of buying the property. They accept the deal and go to Pondicherry. They do all sorts of paranormal activities, and Senthil's men believe that the school is haunted. However, they themselves feel certain abnormal things happening around them. The next day, Vetri tells them about Senthil's visit to the school at night. Priya does not accompany them as she falls sick. All the boys reach the school. This time, Chellappa acts as the ghost, and they do the paranormal activities again. After Senthil runs, they themselves again feel the same activities and hear a hiccup sound. All four run out of the school and reach their rooms; they find that Priya has gone to the school in search of them. They go to the school to rescue Priya and find her possessed by a ghost. They find her in a horror look scribbling on the board. They seek the help of a priest in the nearby church. He gives them holy water and a bible. They read the bible and throw the holy water on the ghost-obsessed Priya. The ghost calms down and tells them that she is Mohanavadhani alias Mo (Pooja Devariya), who always dreamed of becoming a math teacher. When her dreams came true, she died out of continuous hiccups on the first day of her class as a teacher. She wants her unfulfilled dream of teaching math. She makes all four men sit and teaches them math. Finally, Mo's spirit leaves Priya’s body, tired of teaching the four dumb men. The movie ends with the school successfully being sold by Vetri, Priya becoming the heroine of a ghost film, and Chellapa being her makeup man. However, Dev, Sathish, and Kumar continue cheating people. ===== The main protagonist, 'Boku', is a foreign student in Japan, who wishes to blend in with insular Kyoto society but finds himself rejected as a gaijin (outsider). Frustrated, he volunteers to read books to the blind - partly to assist his own studies of Japanese literature - and finds acceptance with the young, beautiful Kyoko. She soon tests his mettle by choosing erotic works, and eventually a love affair develops. This is however challenged by cultural misunderstandings and prejudice on both sides. Similar to Elizabeth Katayama (Elizabeth Kata)'s novel Be Ready with Bells and Drums, which was made into the award-winning film A Patch of Blue, the story deals with themes of how perceived handicaps and prejudice can counteract each other and resolve feelings of isolation or alienation, specifically in the example of being 'blind to colour'. The setting also resembles The Reader (Der Vorleser) by Bernhard Schlink (made into a 2008 film, as well as Raymond Jean's novella 'La lectrice' (translated as 'Reader for Hire' and made into a 1988 film, as all cover the little-known area of reading to the visually impaired. ===== The film starts with a story about a greedy woman who wanted to marry the King. After they got married, they weren't able to live together for a very long time. She departs to live with her old lover. Later, she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a boy. The woman secretly takes care of the boy until one day the king comes to know about it. In anger the King throws the boy into the fire. Out of grief, the mother sacrifices her soul to the Satan as a present by hanging herself in front of the house. After hearing this, The King also fell into grief and falls from his fort and dies. Later the people who lived near the house felt paranormal activities and were killed by the ghost. This news travels to a Buddhist Monk and he offers a visit to Sivankondamalai. There, the Buddhist Monk starts meditating in Sivankondamalai. As he opens his eyes he finds himself in a bungalow and encounters the ghost which threatens to kill him, but the monk traps the ghosts in a magical box and he faints due to a concussion. His assistants warn the owner of the bungalow that it is haunted. The story shifts to Chennai where Kajal (Shanaya) who hosts a party for reuniting with her school friends. Then she reveals about her classmate Kumar (Santhanam) who was sent out of school because of Kajal. In the flash back, on a Valentine's Day, Kajal gives a card to Kumar and he returns it to her affectionately. This act is seen by a teacher and Kumar is dismissed for it. As the story shifts to the present day, Kumar's uncle Mohan (Karunas) who hasn't paid the due of his truck loses it to the financier (Saurabh Shukla) who is also Kajal's father. As Mohan and Kumar break into the financier's house out of anger (not knowing that it is Kajal's house). Kajal catches Kumar, acts polite and hands him over to the police without realizing that he is her childhood crush. The next day, Kumar's father (Anandaraj) standing in front of the police station calls Kajal's father and threatens him to withdraw the case filed on Kumar. Later, Kajal gets Kumar's home address and she realizes about Kumar who broke into her house earlier. Simultaneously, Kumar and Mohan plan to kidnap Kajal to teach her a lesson. So, they kidnap her and Kajal reveals herself to Kumar with a kiss and they both fall in love. Kumar visits a wedding where Kajal is present and as they get personal it is witnessed by Kajal's sister's husband (T.M.Karthik) who misinterprets Kumar as Kapoor family's grandson. When Kajal's father asks Kumar of his family's approval, Kumar brings his family for a meeting where Kajal's father comes to know that they are not a part of Kapoor family. Kajal's father arranges a marriage for Kajal with a different person but it is stopped by Kumar. Out of defeat, Kajal's father meets a rowdy, Sketch Mani (Rajendran) to kill Kumar. Mani asks Kajal's father to bring Kumar and his family in the name of marriage to the haunted house in Sivankodamalai to murder Kumar and his family and blame it on the ghost. Before they leave, Kumar's mother prays to Lord Muruga and accidentally drops the Vel in the bag and takes it along. But nobody knows that the house is haunted. On the way, Kumar's family is haunted by some road- side hotel members. Mani and his sidekicks enter the house as servants. The magical box containing the spirit still remain in the house. Later, Mani and his sidekicks start to scare Kajal with the concept of ghost. Mani and his sidekicks try to scare Kumar and Kumar comes to know that it is just a drama. So Kumar informs this to his family and Kumar asks them to hit anybody in the form of ghost. The monk who realizes, that when the moon's light touches the box, the ghost inside it will get released. The monk sends a disciple to get that box, but Kumar's father and Mohan mistake him for an intruder and knock him out. Eventually, the moon's light touches the box and the ghost inside get released. Kumar comes to know that Mani and his sidekicks are the ones who is scaring them. Kumar encounters the real ghost and as the ghost starts to haunt the house, the monk arrives and draws one of the ghosts into the box and the other ghost enters the Kajal's body out of rage. The monk enters a realm where Kajal's soul is trapped and hears a cry calling out of Kumar. The monk asks for Kumar and sends him into the realm to control the ghost, but he gets trapped there. Fortunately, Kumar's mother takes the Vel and places it in Kumar's hand. As Kumar gains spiritual confidence, he kills the ghost with the Vel. After few months, Kajal and Kumar get married and are living happily. Mani returns as a ghost and says 'This is not the end this is the beginning' . ===== A divorced father (Michael Baumgartner) picks up his daughter (Lea) for the bimonthly weekend visit. Everything seems normal until Lea starts to understand that her father intends to take her out of the country and away from her mother. Their flight gets cancelled, which forces them to stay at the airport hotel for the next night. Lea is able to contact her mother who calls the police. The next morning Lea is united with her mother. ===== Greenwood, a lonely typographer, makes a phone call to discuss a bill issue, but his stutter keeps him from getting his words out and he is hung up on. Later, in a conversation with his online girlfriend Ellie on Facebook, Ellie says she has a surprise for Greenwood and will tell him the next day. In public, Greenwood makes "snap judgement" observations about strangers he sees, clearly speaking the thoughts inside his head. While walking to his father's house, he practices in his head a quote he wants to speak to his father. While playing a game of Go with him, he's finally able to get the quote out, albeit slowly, and his father is pleased. Later that night, Ellie nervously messages Greenwood and lets him know she is in London for a week and wants to meet him in person. Greenwood, on hold to attempt to deal with his bill problem still, doesn't respond, fearing that he would have to show her he has a stutter. The next day, Greenwood is at his father's home and his father is on the phone arguing with the company about communicating with his son about his bill. Ellie sends another message, sad that Greenwood has not replied. He begins to craft a response with a made up excuse as to why he can't meet her but changes his mind and doesn't reply. The next morning, Greenwood begins learning sign language, pretending to be deaf to avoid speaking, though in his head he clearly answers people and wishes he could talk to them. He later has a moment of clarity and responds to Ellie, telling her he would love to meet her. That evening while waiting for a bus and nervously waiting for a reply, Greenwood intervenes when a man is attempting to assault a woman. The results of the intervention are seen when Greenwood has a bandage across his nose. That night, while lonely and practicing his sign and waiting for a reply from Ellie, Greenwood makes a snap judgment on himself, Greenwood observes that he's a poor communicator and is full of self-pity. But just as he's about to go to sleep, he hears the alert of a message reply. The reply isn't shown, but Greenwood looks nervous and pleased. The next day he's shown getting ready and then traveling to see her, all the while practicing what he will say to Ellie in his head. Once he arrives, standing across the street, he witnesses as a stranger attempts to speak to Ellie from behind. She does not respond until he taps her shoulder and she turns to sign to him, showing that she is deaf. She finally makes eye contact with Greenwood and they both smile. She finally waves and signs to ask him to cross the street. He smiles and nods as the screen fades to black. ===== ===== Three strangers realize they are dreaming parts of the same dream. As they delve deeper into the meaning behind their connection to each other, they realize that the implications are much larger than their personal fates, and the future of the world lies in their hands. ===== Against his better judgment, stockbroker Jimmy King proposes marriage to a Russian refugee called Nadja, promptly complicating his life. He ends up supporting Nadja and all of her family, then must come up with a clever way of getting them all to be self-reliant and out of his house. ===== Successful businesswoman Vivian learns that she is suffering from stage 3 cancer. She hires a private nurse, Jaica, to take care of her. But Jaica begins to play a bigger role in Vivian's life as she becomes the bridge between Vivian and her son Albert, who has felt neglected all his life. The three change and are changed by their circumstances? ===== A young woman recounts her grandmother's past life in Italy, beginning in 1943 in the middle of the Second World War, when her grandmother had reached her 30s and was still unwed. Considered an old maid by her parents, the she was married off to a man who had come to the town after his home had been bombed. She told him she would not have a sexual relationship with him, and he agreed as long as she permitted him to go to brothels. Shortly afterward, the couple moved to the man's home in Cagliari. The woman began to have sex with her husband in order to save the money he would have spent on brothels, but they were unable to conceive a child. She had painful kidney stones, which resulted in several miscarriages. After several years, in 1950 the woman's doctor recommended that she go to Civitavecchia for thermal treatments at a well- known spa. While there, the married woman met a war veteran, and they bonded over their artistic passions, his for music and hers for writing. He had lost a leg in the war, was married, and lived in Milan with his wife and child. Nine months later, the formerly childless married woman had a son. When he is seven, she goes to work as a maid so that he can have piano lessons. The son takes after his father and grows up to be a classical pianist. He in turn marries and has a daughter. The daughter and her grandmother become close; the older woman eventually tells her granddaughter about her affair with the veteran so many years ago. The grandmother also confides that in 1963 she, her husband and son visited Milan to see her younger sister. The grandmother somehow thought she would encounter her former lover and leave with him. Instead, she was overwhelmed by the city and had a miserable time, although the rest of the family remember the trip as one of the best of their lives. After the trip to Milan the woman resigns herself to life with her husband. Sometime later, she dies of kidney failure. The granddaughter comes to believe that her real grandfather is the veteran. After her grandmother's death, the granddaughter learns that at one point her great-grandparents wanted to commit their daughter to an asylum. She had been cutting herself and wrote erotic poetry (which they considered obscene) to any attractive man who caught her eye. The granddaughter becomes engaged to a man and the two begin to renovate her family apartment. They discover a notebook hidden in a wall. It belonged to the grandmother and includes a letter from the veteran. It reveals that the account of a sexually charged relationship between the grandmother and the veteran was entirely fictional; she sent him that story sometime after they had parted to ask his opinion. He responded that passages were beautiful, nearly causing him to regret that they never did make love. He encouraged the woman in her writing and reassured her that she was not mad. ===== In the 1920s, in Broxton, Oklahoma, Agnes Cully (who would later become Whitney Frost) is shown to have a brilliant mind, fixing a broken radio, inventing devices, and applying to a science program at the University of Oklahoma (unsuccessfully due to her gender). In 1934, Cully travels to Hollywood, where she is approached by a talent agent, promising to make her a star. In 1940 in England, Peggy Carter, who is engaged, receives an offer to join the Special Operations Executive due to her work at Bletchley Park as a code breaker; she eventually accepts the offer and leaves her fiancé after her brother's death in the war. In 1947, Carter and Edwin Jarvis kidnap Rufus Hunt in an attempt to learn more about the Council. After getting names of members of the Council and locations of transcripts of their meetings, Carter and Sousa prepare the SSR to infiltrate the Arena Club, but are stopped by Vernon Masters. They let a bugged Hunt escape, and he attempts to blackmail Calvin Chadwick in exchange for protection. Displeased with the mess he was causing, Frost absorbs Hunt, revealing her abilities to Chadwick. ===== ===== A Las Vegas police detective hides out from the Mafia on a Navajo reservation overrun by ritualistic murders. ===== In south inner- city Dublin in 1985, Robert Lawlor is struggling with his architecture practice and his marriage, and drinks and smokes to excess. At a family meeting, he announces that in order to save money he is taking his youngest son Conor out of his expensive fee-paying school and moving him to a Christian Brothers school, Synge Street CBS, which Robert asserts is of equally high repute. Conor's older brother Brendan ribs him about the change as well as about the state of the family unit. Conor appears in school on the first day in his new uniform, but without the regulation black shoes. The school principal Br. Baxter, takes him to task for this despite Conor’s pleas of being unable to afford new black shoes, eventually forcing him to complete the day shoeless. The shoe problem is resolved by painting the shoes black using paint from the art room. An encounter with the school bully, Barry introduces Conor to Darren, an ally and budding entrepreneur. When Conor tells the beautiful aspiring model, Raphina, in order to impress her, that he needs a model for a music video his band is making, Darren agrees to manage the band and introduces him to multi-instrumentalist Eamon. The band practices in Eamon's living room, playing a bunch of 1980s covers. Conor, however, has a sibling-induced epiphany when Brendan encourages him to drop the covers and develop the band's own style. He begins writing original songs with Eamon, describing themselves as "futurists." The band film their first music video for their song "The Riddle of the Model", wearing a motley assortment of comical costumes, with Raphina acting as ingénue and makeup artist. Conor goes into school the next day wearing make up, he gets called into Baxter's office and told to remove the makeup. Conor refuses and as he walks away Baxter grabs him forcing him into the bathroom and forcibly removing the make up by pushing his face into a sink. Raphina gives Conor his nickname "Cosmo", which she says is more in keeping with his new band's image and the band continues to write and record new songs. After spending the day filming a music video for a new song, Conor and Raphina kiss and exchange confidences. Conor also manages to stand up to Barry by pointing out the insignificance of his life as well as his own, which greatly upsets Barry. At home Robert and Penny's marriage is falling apart, while Raphina and Conor's relationship blossoms. Conor takes Raphina out to Dalkey Island in his granddad's motor cruiser. Here they view the car ferry leaving Dún Laoghaire for Britain and discuss Raphina's dream of leaving Ireland for London. Conor, Raphina, and the band then prepare to film a Back to the Future-inspired music video for their new song, "Drive It Like You Stole It", but Conor is disheartened when Raphina fails to show up. Later, she reveals that she was set to leave for London with her boyfriend that day, but he abandoned her. Deeply hurt by her lack of disclosure and becoming even more offended by her nonchalance, Conor breaks up with Raphina. Because of the break-up, along with his family's problems, Conor finds difficulty in writing or playing music, but Brendan urges Conor to carry on so that at least he can escape his small-town doldrums and make a better future for himself. An opportunity arises for the band to play live at an end of year party at school. Conor manages to strike a friendship with Barry, offering him the chance to be the band's roadie and escape the physically and emotionally abusive relationship he has with his alcoholic father, which he accepts. Conor prepares a new song, "Brown Shoes", mocking Baxter, which the band perform as an encore while distributing homemade masks of Baxter’s face. Raphina arrives before the band finishes their song and reconciles with Conor, and both of them leave the party and the school in uproar. After secretly saying his goodbyes to his family later that night, Conor and Raphina persuade Brendan to drive them to Dalkey so they can escape in the motor cruiser and head to London. Brendan agrees and drives them to the harbour, where Brendan and Conor exchange an emotional embrace. Conor and Raphina sail out to sea, following the ferry across the rough Irish Sea to a new life in London. Brendan watches them disappear into the distance and cheers, overjoyed that his younger brother has left to go on to greater things. ===== Kōki Narumi is a male student at . Ōsui Academy doesn't have many male students as it changed from an all-girls school to a coeducation school one year ago. Kōki secretly acts as a manga author under the name "Imosarada" (literally Potato Salad), with spending his ordinary school life. Kaoruko Rokuonji is a female student at Ōsui Academy. She is from a good family and serves the student council president. At the start of the story, there is not any relationship between Kōki and Kaoruko in the school. One day, Kaoruko finds out that Kōki is "Imosarada" due to an unexpected event. Kaoruko calls Kōki at the student council room and confides her secret to him. Actually, she is "Shika-kun", an illustrator drawing illustrations of Kōki manga. As she is searching for male members for the student council at that time, Kaoruko suggests to Kōki that he should join the council. Although the council's vice president, Ashe R. Sakuragi, strongly opposes Kōki's joining, he becomes a member of the council to help Kaoruko. After Kōki's joining, his younger sister, Toa Narumi, and his sister's best friend, Mihiro Miyase, also join the student council. In this way, Kōki comes to be involved in various tasks with the four girls: Kaoruko, Ashe, Toa, and Mihiro. ===== Two lifelong friends designated by the numbers 1203 and 1204 grow up with the shared dream of becoming cosmonauts. They easily pass the many physical tests they take during their cosmonaut training, and they even attempt to simulate the feel of flying through space by bouncing on their beds. They are ultimately selected for the next mission, with 1203 being launched solo and 1204 standing by as the reserve cosmonaut. The launch at first goes smoothly, but communication with the ship is soon lost; it is implied that 1203 dies in the vacuum of space. Inconsolable with grief, 1204 refuses to take off his spacesuit; an X-ray shows him curled up in a fetal position in the torso. Eventually, medical staff saw his helmet off, but find the suit empty except for a photo of the two friends in their spacesuits. They then look up to see a hole shaped like 1204's body in the ceiling above his bed, and 1204 is shown drifting suitless through space, where the still-suited 1203 grabs him by the arm. ===== Kuppanna Bhatta and Appanna Bhatta are areca cultivators and custodians of the math's property. The story revolves around the tensions and circumstances that shape and influence their relationship. ===== ===== The film begins in a singles bar. Frannie (Kate Jackson) has just ended a six-year relationship with her boss. She is brought to the singles bar club, wanting to try casual affairs, by her close friend Stacey (Cassie Yates). Meanwhile, Josh (Tim Matheson) is dragged there by his friend Marvin (Will Nye), who wants to have a few flings before marriage. The two women send a waitress over to them who then responds "The two, right over there, want that you should join them." Then Frannie and Josh go to his place, but no affection happens. Frannie wakes up the next day in her apartment, drunk. Unfortunately, she has to move to Stacey's apartment. As the two develop a relationship, it is found that Franne is a co-worker with Josh. The movie deals with them working in the same office and maintaining a relationship. ===== Krishna (Nani) is a soft-natured person who is in love with Mahalakshmi (Mehreen Pirzada). The world does not know that they are secretly talking to each other. Mahalakshmi is the sister of Ramaraju (Shatru), a strong follower of Rajanna (Mahadevan), a factionist in the Rayalaseema region. Rajanna's brother is encounter specialist ACP Srikanth (Sampath Raj), who kills criminals without arresting them. Simultaneously, internationally most wanted mafia don David (Murali Sharma) returns to Hyderabad to fulfill his mother’s final wish, while his brother Sunny (Harish Uthaman) arranges for his safety. However, things turn around when Rajanna's house gets attacked by hired hitmen, during which Rajanna and Ramaraju get shot. In order to save Srikanth's kids, Ramaraju entrusts them to Krishna to return them to Srikanth's house in Hyderabad. He tells him that if he returns the kids safely, he will marry his sister to Krishna. After a series of incidents, Krishna returns the kids safely. Finally, David gets arrested, and Krishna and Mahalakshmi marry and live happily ever after. ===== Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) have hidden the fourth coffin in the cave under the Lockwood property where vampires cannot get in to keep it safe. Stefan gets Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Abby (Persia White) there and asks them to open it. Elijah (Daniel Gillies) is mad at Klaus (Joseph Morgan) for stabbing him. Klaus tells him that Mikael is dead and he needs his help to destroy Stefan because he took the coffins and he still has the fourth one. Elijah finds a note from Damon in his pocket and the two meet arranging a dinner for Klaus and Stefan to talk. At the dinner, Stefan and Damon ask Klaus to leave Mystic Falls and let them and Elena (Nina Dobrev) live in peace. In exchange, they will give him the fourth coffin. Klaus does not agree since he wants Elena with him so he will be able to make more hybrids. Damon gets a text from Bonnie who informs him that they are close to open the coffin. Stefan refuses Klaus' offer and Klaus threatens to kill him if Damon will not bring him the coffin. Damon leaves to get the coffin and Klaus asks Elijah to go with him to make sure nothing will go wrong. A while later, Elijah returns showing Klaus that he removed all the daggers from their siblings who are now awake and mad at Klaus. Klaus tries to run away but he cannot. Elijah tells Damon and Stefan that they are free to go. Meanwhile, Liz (Marguerite MacIntyre) goes to Elena's house to inform her that they found only her fingerprints on the stake that Brian was killed with. Liz knows that Elena did not kill him but they have to find out who would try to frame her. Damon suspects Meredith (Torrey DeVitto) but Alaric (Matt Davis) and Elena say that it is not her. Elena goes with Caroline (Candice Accola) to see her father but Meredith tells them that she discharged him the previous night. Caroline finds Bill dead in a hospital's storage room but since he had vampire blood in his system, he wakes up in transition. Elena takes the knife to Alaric who confirms that is one of those he uses to hunt vampires, while Caroline takes her father home. Bill refuses to drink human blood to complete his transformation and dies. Later on, Elena returns home with Matt (Zach Roerig) to find Alaric has been stabbed. Elena kills him so he can come back to life, while Liz tells her that Meredith has an alibi, so she cannot be the one who committed the murders. In the meantime, Bonnie and Abby managed to open the fourth coffin but when Stefan and Damon get to the tunnels, they find them both unconscious and the person who was inside the coffin gone. At the end of the episode it is revealed that Esther (Alice Evans), the mother of the Originals, was the person who was inside. She goes to Klaus' house and everyone is surprised to see her. Klaus thinks she is there to kill him but Esther tells him that she forgives him and that she wants them to be a family again. ===== The film begins during the years of democracy in Spain after the death of caudillo Francisco Franco. Rafael Iñaki Miramón is informed of the death of his former boss Victor Velasco (Juan Luis Galiardo), an honest and benevolent politician. In the funeral, Rafael sees Laly (Lydia Bosch), a former colleague in his political party, and they reminisce about the time they embarked on a campaign trip with Victor to the northern outskirts of Burgos to convince the local mayors of each zone for their vote. There they met Mr. Cayo, mayor of a small village and a self-sufficient farmer. Victor never found out for whom Mr. Cayo voted and this always intrigued him. After pressure from Laly, Rafael decides to go back to the small village to find the answer. As consequence, Rafael has flashbacks of his time campaigning with Victor in Burgos and the surrounding areas in June 1977. These were the first democratic elections of the post-Francoist era that were known as la Transición Española. Most of the film concerns his memories during the campaign trail. It is worth noting that the scenes during the democratic years are in black and white while the scenes during la Transición are in color. The first scenes of Burgos during the first democratic elections focus on the saturation of political propaganda in the city's infrastructure. Since Victor is running for Senator, he embarks on a campaign trip, along with Rafael and Laly to the countryside to persuade local mayors for their vote. During the trip we see the generational differences between three and their perspectives on the country and society. Victor, the older and wiser politician, has a certain appreciation for the rural side of Burgos as he believes that it is of great importance for the post-Francoist Spain. To delve into the matter, landmarks are key components during the foundation of the modern nation state. When Victor sees the Ebro River during their trip, he appreciates it as a foundational component to the nation's identity. He compares it to what the Grand Canyon was for the United States during the expansion years. However, Rafael and Laly, the two generations following Victor's, fail to see its relevance as they show disinterest to the countryside. They arrive at a village of three people where they meet Mayor Cayo Fernández (Francisco Rabal). At this point, the film valorizes the self-sufficient rural existence of Mr. Cayo in harmony with nature that is on the verge of extinction and attempts to bring the concerns of rural Spain to the political agenda of the transition. At the same time, it shows the disconnection between urban and rural society. As a result, Mr. Cayo is ironic and sardonic in his conversations with Victor, Rafael and Laly. For example, Victor introduces himself as the candidate for the poor. Mr. Cayo responds, "But I'm not poor" (Pero yo no soy pobre). In other words, Mr. Cayo has all the resources he needs to survive in his land, thus. Exchanges such as this one reflect the social differences between Mr. Cayo and the three political activists. Furthermore, Rafael's and Laly's lack of understanding of Mr. Cayos’ lifestyle magnify these social gaps. Victor, on the other hand, is able to connect and communicate with Mr. Cayo without any trouble and even admires him. Before they leave, members of the right wing party arrive to visit Mr. Cayo to persuade his vote. The young men beat up Victor after an exchange of votes and threaten Mr. Cayo for his vote. In addition, they vandalize the political propaganda put up by Rafael in the village with the phrase “Viva España”. They also put up their own posters. At the end of the film Rafael arrives at Mr. Cayo's house but the now older and fragile man is very sick and in need of help. Rafael does not know how to help, since Mr. Cayo only has herbal medicines, so instead he calls an ambulance. As Mr. Cayo is taken to the local hospital, Rafael stays in the house and sees in one of the walls a poster of Victor that he put up in the village during their trip. ===== Karnataka State law minister (Abhimanyu Singh) asks for an illegal quota in student admissions in Government Law College, but the new Principal refuses. In order to remove the Principal he instigates violence in the Law college campus using his men. One of the students manages to come out of the rubble, but he was badly wounded. Before fainting he tells Lohith (Puneeth Rajkumar), a civil engineer that the law minister is behind all this. Lohith, along with Sadhu (Sadhu Kokila), takes the student to the hospital, but the doctor said that there is blood loss. Lohith then takes Anjali (Rachita Ram), a college student. She then falls in love with him She then donates her blood, but the next day, the student dies and his mother (Sithara) screams in public. Lohith takes this seriously and kidnaps Omkaar Arun Vijay the paroled-brother of Law minister, and houses him in an abandoned construction site with hands, legs and mouth duct-taped. The next day, Omkaar tries to escape, but Lohith disguises himself, thrashes Omkaar, and keeps him in another room. The law minister tries to find Omkaar but to no avail. the law minister is arrested afterward as he had given legal assurance for his brother's parole . Lohith leaves Omkaar, but then Omkaar decides to take revenge on him. When the police spots Omkaar, they chase him. Omkaar then stops Lohith and ask him for a lift. Lohith manages to subdue the police. Soon after, Lohith goes away, leaving Omkaar. Omkaar then realizes that Lohith was his kidnapper. Later, Lohith rejects Anjali. Though devastated, Anjali selflessly calls Omkaar and tells him that she knows the kidnapper. She then shows him an article that he crashed in a bike accident. Omkaar knew Anjali was lying, so he kidnaps her and brings her to the same building where Lohith had kept Omkaar for days. Meanwhile, ACP Raghu (Rangayana Raghu) starts interrogating the law minister. Just then, when the law minister tries to escape, Raghu shoots him. Omkaar challenges Lohith to save any people who are beloved to him. Lohith then reaches his home because he know that Omkaar was about to kidnap his mother (Bhavya). Lohith thrashes the goons in the building that Anjali is kept hostage. Lohith manages to save Anjali. Suddenly, when he is taking her to the hospital, Omkaar tries to attack Lohith, but Raghu shoots and kills Omkaar. ===== Axel and Bertha are a modern, emancipated artist couple in Paris. He is feminine and vain. She is financially independent, a member of the women's association "Married's Women's right of ownership" and uses male nude models. ===== The story revolves around a young man named Vince who bravely sends a text message to his crush, Kath. Until they become text mates and become in-relationship status. As they graduate from college, Vince proposes to Kath. They face different life challenges especially when Vince is stabbed by hooligans and knocks his head off from which he suffers amnesia due to a head trauma. Kath makes difficult efforts to help Vince regain his memories back. Suddenly Kath's aunt reveals that her father is very ill. At the same time, Vince is rushed to the hospital unexpectedly after Kath finds out that he has been unconscious in his house. She calls her friend Maxine to look after Vince in the hospital while she's away to visit her father in Dubai urgently. After a few days Vince miraculously recovers from his amnesia. He prepares a surprise for Kath. When Kath arrives from Dubai, she is shocked about Vince's recovery. And Vince proposes to Kath again. He promises her that he would bring back what he lost and pay gratitude for her sacrifices. Later Vince finds out that Jella's boyfriend Nathan was the perpetrator; Nathan stabbed Vince due to jealousy. Vince confronts Nathan and brawls at each other. The feud is stopped by Jella. Vince initially decided to put Nathan into jail but recanted his decision because Jella told him that she is pregnant with Nathan's child. This triggers Kath's agony on Vince but their love quarrel is short-lived. As they prepare for their wedding, Kath's former suitor and also Vince's bestfriend James arrives in their lives. James still has feelings for Kath. He was supposed to help for the wedding however Vince was upset when he found out about James' feelings for Kath so he confronted James in a fistfight. Afterwards, Vince and James decide to end the conflict for the sake of their friendship, and Vince disappears mysteriously. Kath tries to contact Vince and asks his friends but no one knows where he is. She had no choice but to go outside and find Vince. After long hours of pursuit, she finds Vince inside a chapel. Kath hugs him tightly and they talk to each other. Vince waits for a sign and makes a final decision to marry Kath. When Vince and Kath became husband and wife, their text message conversation ends. ===== Rebekah (Claire Holt) attacks Elena (Nina Dobrev) but Elijah (Daniel Gillies) stops her before she kills her. Esther (Alice Evans) organizes a ball as a celebration for her family's reunion and she invites Elena and the whole town. Rebekah invites Matt (Zach Roerig) while Klaus (Joseph Morgan) sends a dress to Caroline (Candice Accola) and invites her as his date. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) do not agree with Elena going to the ball and she tells them that she will not go but she eventually does because she wants to know what Esther wants from her. Finn (Casper Zafer) introduces himself to Elena and tells her that his mother would like to see her alone. Damon does not want to let Elena out of his sight, so Elena asks Stefan's help. Stefan snaps Damon's neck and Elena meets Esther. Esther explains to Elena why she is not dead even though Klaus killed her many years ago. She also tells Elena her plan and that the real reason she wanted all her children together was to link them as one so she will be able to kill them and "fix" the evil she created years ago. To be able to start the ritual, Esther needs Elena's blood. Elena agrees to help her since it is the only way to kill Klaus. In the meantime, Rebekah asks for Kol's (Nathaniel Buzolic) help to hurt Matt so that she can get revenge on Elena for stabbing her, but spending time with Matt makes her change her mind while Klaus confesses to Caroline that he likes her and keeps flirting with her all night. He reveals his passion for drawing and painting but Caroline keeps asking him to free Tyler (Michael Trevino) from the sire bond. Klaus asks her to leave and when she gets home, she finds a drawing sent to her by Klaus. The ball ends and Esther is now able to complete the spell with Finn's help. She links all her children together and Finn tells her that he is ready to die. Elena tells Stefan Esther's plan on their way home and he is glad that Klaus will be dead. Elena tries to make Stefan care again but Stefan says he does not want to care because if he does the only thing he feels is pain and he leaves. Rebekah tries to talk to Matt the next day but he rejects her. Damon, who is also hurt with Elena's behavior, sees that Rebekah is hurt from Matt's rejection and the two of them end up at his bedroom having sex. ===== In 1957, a California low-level minor- league baseball team called the Steamers has a pitcher way beyond his prime, 41-year-old Roy Dean Bream, who reminisces about his brief "cup of coffee" in the Major Leagues and how the great Stan Musial once hit a grand slam home run against him. New to the team is 17-year-old Tyron Debray, a fireballing pitcher Bream immediately takes under his wing. Because one is old, talkative and white and the other young, quiet and black, various tensions materialize on the team, many of them instigated by Randy Keever, a bad-tempered bully who is another of the team's pitchers. Bream is keeping a secret as he goes through what is likely to be his final season, a heart condition for which he is taking medication. His dream is to see young Debray succeed and to get one last chance himself before giving up America's "national pastime," baseball, once and for all. ===== The film opens with a bear working on the parts of a mechanical diorama featuring a bear similar to himself, a female bear, and a child bear. Carrying the figures of the mother and child, he looks into an empty child's room before having tea in his kitchen. Upon noticing the time, the bear puts the two figures into the diorama and cycles out to the village square where he sets up his diorama and announces his business by ringing a bell. A bear child notices him and, after receiving a coin from his father, runs to see the diorama. The diorama shows the bear's life, starting with himself, his wife, and his child living together happily in an apartment. When a circus arrives, militant looking figures wielding batons violently subdue and capture animal residents. The bear protects his family but is beaten and taken away. In the circus, he is forced to ride a small bicycle and is kept locked and chained in a cage. As other tricks are added to his act, such as juggling and riding a unicycle, he is required to perform a daredevil jump. Still thinking of his family, the bear performs the jump so well he flies out of the circus tent, escaping captivity and returning home. Weeping at the sight of his wrecked home, the bear's wife and child appear and hug him. The diorama ends and the child gives the bear a coin, receiving a pinwheel from him before rushing off to return to their parent. The bear watches them go, glancing at the photograph of his family that he keeps in his pocket watch. He then rings his bell again.2016 Historia De Un Oso: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive ===== The story is presented as a lost manuscript of Watson's, edited by Farmer. On orders from his older brother Mycroft, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson travel to Africa and form an alliance with the titular peer, Lord Greystoke a.k.a. Tarzan to hunt down the nefarious Von Bork (from "His Last Bow") and stop his deadly new weapon. ===== Grandpa Nicholas is seen decorating a Christmas tree before the arrival of his daughter Cassie with her husband James and son Terence. While decorating the tree together Terence finds an ornament of Santa and a second ornament Grandpa Nicholas says is Pete. Realising Terence does not know who Pete is Grandpa Nicholas starts telling him the story of Santa and Pete. Before he was known as Santa, Santa Clause was St. Nicholas, a Christian Bishop and Patron Saint of Children, who travels the world performing small miracles and giving presents to children. He also carries a book called the Book of Life, which contains the names of every person in the world and information about their futures. One day he is arrested by the Spanish government who suspect he is actually a spy and imprison him before he can return to his home in the Netherlands. Whilst in prison Nick meets Pete, a cook, who wishes to see the world. After talking for hours Pete decides to secretly break Nick out of prison, but is seen by guards when retrieving the Book of Life and ends up escaping with Nick. Years later, Nick and Pete find that some of the children and their families are missing and learn that most of them have travelled to the New World/New Amsterdam and decide to follow them. Before they leave they are approached by Henry Rutgers who wishes them to deliver an engagement ring to Elizabeth Van Olden and a promise to join her as soon as he can. Arriving in New Amsterdam Nick and Pete learn that there is hostility between the settlers and the Native Americans. After a brief meeting with Maria and Janet Dangola who invite them for Christmas dinner they next attempt to deliver the ring to Elizabeth but are unable to find her. As there is no lodging available Nick and Pete decide to sleep in a barn where they meet Marlene, a young girl whose parents were kidnapped by Native Americans. Hitching their horses to an old carriage Nick and Pete attend a meeting with the governor and learn there are plans to attack the Native Americans and after Nick asks to meet the Native Americans the governor spitefully takes their horses and gives them a single reindeer as replacement. On Christmas Eve Nick, Pete and Marlene visit the Dangola family with presents for the children. Pete begins to fall in love with Janet, while the reindeer they have named Vixen attracts 3 other reindeer. Nick and Pete travel to the Native American camp and Nick is identified by them as the Man with the White Beard who brings peace and prosperity and could fly. After requesting the Native Americans return Marlene's parents for the sake of peace and safety of the children the Native Americans give Nick a bright red coat as thanks. Nick and Pete begin delivering presents and find that the village tanner has made Nick some black leather boots. Arriving at the governor's house they realise there are no traditional wooden clogs to put gifts in and instead decide to go down the chimney and leave gifts in stockings instead. They also meet the governor's maid, who turns out to be Elizabeth Van Olden, and after giving her the engagement ring she gives Nick a bright red hat. Returning to the Dangola house the Native Americans appear with Marlene's parents just as it starts snowing. Unable to navigate the snow in their carriage, Maria's husband, Big Manuel, replaces the wheels with runners, transforming it into a sleigh, now with 6 reindeer. As Santa and Pete leave, the sleigh suddenly lifts into the sky and they fly away into the night. Back in the present Terence wakes up in the middle of the night and finds that the Book of Life is in the living room. He finds his name inside but when he tries to tell Grandpa Nicolas the book disappears and he cannot remember anything he read. In a closing monologue Grandpa Nicholas reveals that Pete is one of their family ancestors. ===== John Watson is not named Watson but rather Dr. John H. Walker. On his return to England, he is recruited by the criminal mastermind Professor James Moriarty to spy on the young but intellectually intimidating Sherlock Holmes. Walker agrees to take on the task and taking on a new name, forms a lifelong acquaintance with Holmes that will test his resolve and his values. ===== The novel, which is set in New York City, chronicles a love affair between a Palestinian artist named Hilmi and an Israeli translator named Liat. The two eventually separate, with the man going to Ramallah and the woman going to Tel Aviv. ===== ===== When a Senator's (Hull) brother is murdered he tries to direct the blame to an innocent man. ===== Search Party depicts the lives of New York City resident Dory Sief, her passive boyfriend Drew Gardner, flamboyant show-off Elliott Goss, and flighty actress Portia Davenport. Serving as a contrast to the group is Dory's ex-boyfriend Julian Marcus, a journalist whose blunt nature frequently puts him into conflict with others. The first season focuses on the disappearance of Dory's college acquaintance Chantal Witherbottom, whom she sets out to find, with Drew, Elliott, and Portia reluctantly joining her investigation. While her friends also deal with difficulties in their own lives, Dory focuses on her pursuit of Chantal, believing her to be in danger. The second season focuses on the death of Keith Powell, a private investigator who is killed as a result of Dory mistakenly believing him to be a threat to Chantal. As the group struggles to return to their normal lives, they also attempt to cover up Keith's death, which affects them in various ways. The third season focuses on Dory and Drew being tried for murdering Keith, which Dory denies any involvement in, forcing them to battle against the evidence suggesting they caused his death. A media circus soon circles around the trial, while the friends have their relationships tested and Dory's sanity gradually deteriorates. ===== ===== A simple Russian peasant named Gregori Rasputin seems able to perform miracles and soon comes to the attention of the Tsar and Tsarina of the Russian royal family who elevate him to the rank of spiritual advisor. Rasputin's control over them grows, and members of the hierarchy fear he is trying to increase his own political power. They develop a plot to assassinate Rasputin. ===== After Holmes and Watson attend a bogus seance to unmask a phony psychic, they are called upon to investigate a murder and the theft of a scroll from the British Museum. As it turns out, this is but the first key towards uncovering a mysterious Egyptian tomb, and within it, a papyrus that may hold the power of eternal life. ===== The film centres on the relationship between an ageing Shakespearean actor, named only as "Sir", and his theatrical dresser, Norman. It is set entirely in the backstage area (and briefly, the main stage) of a London playhouse during the Blitz. It opens with a meeting between Norman and Sir's (apparent) wife, "Her Ladyship", in Sir's dressing room following a difficult visit to Sir in hospital. At Her Ladyship's frantic behest, Norman explains the events which had led to Sir's admission. He had discovered Sir wandering the streets of London during an air raid: his erratic behaviour, including trampling his hat and coat and making a public spectacle, induced Norman to take him to the hospital, despite his being scheduled for a performance of King Lear that evening. Norman regrets this, while Her Ladyship, concerned for Sir's ability to perform, considers cancelling the performance on account of illness. Norman, who has been with Sir as his dresser for nearly thirty years, and has never seen his company cancel a performance, pleads with Her Ladyship and company stage manager Madge (Sarah Lancashire) to postpone the cancellation and allow him to visit Sir in the hospital. As he begs, Sir reappears in his dressing room, having "discharged himself" from medical care. Sir insists that he be allowed to prepare for the evening's performance, to the shock and dismay of Her Ladyship and Madge. Obviously exhausted, and approaching senility or dementia, the elderly Sir views each performance as essential to his reputation as a respected classical actor. Sir begins to prepare between bouts of amnesia and jealous weeping, accidentally blackening himself for the role of Othello instead of King Lear and forgetting the lines which begin the play; meanwhile, Norman attempts to defuse his flaring temper with silliness and reminiscing. Her Ladyship and Madge both attempt to check in on Sir, but Norman refuses to let them enter. Various members of the company, whose numbers have been dwindling with the loss of so many young actors to the war in Europe, appear for Sir's appraisal, including the pretty young actress Irene (Vanessa Kirby) toward whom Sir behaves inappropriately; demure and miscast Thornton (Edward Fox) in the role of Fool; and the standoffish Oxenby as Edmund, who refuses to "muck in" and assist with offstage production activities. Sir attempts to write in his memoirs without success. The performance finally begins, as the sheepish but obviously attention-hungry Norman makes a fool of himself in his curtain speech warning of the air raid. As the play approaches Sir's first entrance, it is unclear whether he will be physically able to perform; however, after initially missing his cue, he begins a passionate, inspired performance of the play's most important speeches. Oxenby begrudgingly assists with the backstage sounds for the storm scene, while Norman plainly relishes any role given to him in the running of the production. During the interval, Sir returns exhausted to his dressing room while Norman congratulates him and prepares him to sleep until his next entrance; however, Her Ladyship enters and awakens him, imploring him to retire from the stage following the performance. Sir refuses, and Her Ladyship laments his self-centred, egotistical nature and her own choice to live endlessly live in his shadow. It is revealed that Sir refused to divorce his first wife for Her Ladyship because he hoped to retain eligibility for a knighthood. She threatens to leave the company and Sir forever, but Sir pleads for her not to go; when it becomes apparent Her Ladyship has relented, he turns malicious and belittles her hopes for a life outside his shadow. After she leaves, Irene attempts to enter, but Sir has her summon Madge, to whom he tells his wishes for his press clippings of theatrical reviews for his career, and to whom he gives an heirloom ring from actor Edmund Kean. Madge reveals she has loved Sir since her time at the company began, which Sir uses to assuage his wounded ego. Irene then enters, and Sir makes a sexual advance after signing a photograph for her. Norman returns and jealously listens through the door. Sir takes Irene in his arms as he would Cordelia, then casts her off; as Irene exits, Norman accosts her about what occurred, but Irene refuses to divulge any information. Norman expels her from the company, against the authority of Sir. The play resumes, and Sir continues his exceptional performance. After the curtain falls, Sir changes out of his costume and shows some tenderness toward Norman, asking what will happen to him if Sir is unable to continue performing, an idea Norman dismisses. Thornton appears and expresses his joy at having played the principal role of Fool, extemporising on the opportunity theatre offers to even older actors. Sir becomes distant and withdrawn, dismissing Norman's attempts at cheer and preparation for the next night's performance of Richard III. Her Ladyship appears to say a spiteful goodnight, followed by Oxenby, who diminishes Sir's authority in the company. Sir becomes distraught, and Norman's attempts to comfort Sir as he lies down to sleep are largely ignored. Norman asserts that he is "never despairing," and claims to be unconcerned about his own legacy, in contrast to Sir. Sir asks Norman to read aloud the dedication to his memoirs, which contain dedications to Her Ladyship and the "spirit of all actors and those who do the work of the theatre ... and the memory of William Shakespeare"; as Norman does so, Sir dies. Norman slowly realises this, and becomes distraught and spiteful towards Sir, who has failed to mention him in the dedications. He calls for Madge, who is tender with Sir's remains. While Madge telephones Her Ladyship to give her the news, Norman secretly adds "dressers" to the list of dedications. Norman is obviously contemptuous and expresses cowardice about his own future. As Madge begins to leave in tears, Norman claims he "wouldn't give [Sir] a good character in a court of law." The two scrap, and Madge leaves distraught; Norman is left alone with Sir's body. He begins to tell one of the stories which used to cheer Sir, but stops himself. ===== ===== David Maddox consoles his wife Eveleigh as she regains consciousness in a hospital. Eveleigh recalls being in a fatal car accident that killed a child in the other vehicle. A year later Eveleigh (now three months pregnant) and David prepare to reopen a vineyard they purchased in Paso Robles, California. Top area wine distributor Helena Knoll attends a party for the couple and Eveleigh finds the woman muttering in a strange trance while alone inside their house. Eveleigh begins suffering from nightmares and hallucinations and comes to believe something supernatural may be haunting her or the house. Eveleigh also starts attending a yoga class where she makes friends with a pregnant woman named Sadie. Sadie accompanies Eveleigh on a visit to realtor Glenn Barry. Glenn reports that the vineyard house has no horrible history, but tells Eveleigh that she may wish to research prior owners the Porters for answers regarding possible paranormal activity. Eveleigh's visions continue intensifying. Worried that her PTSD has returned and is to blame for her hallucinations, David and Eveleigh's OB/GYN Dr. Mathison insist that she resume taking the anti-depressants she previously stopped due to pregnancy. Eveleigh reluctantly relents and the visions finally cease. Several months later, Eveleigh reconnects with Sadie, who convinces Eveleigh to stop taking her medication. Eveleigh's haunting visions return and she also begins suspecting a secret conspiracy against her that David might be involved in. Eveleigh contacts Jane Porter after learning that she had been researching ghosts and poltergeists. Jane leads Eveleigh back to Helena Knoll to ask about the trance she had at the party. Also sensitive to supernatural phenomena, Helena accompanies Eveleigh to the ruins of a destroyed home that previously existed on the vineyard's property. Both women experience a vision. Helena tells Eveleigh that psychic violence can echo throughout time and some kind of paranormal activity imprinted itself upon the land. Helena collapses suddenly. Before dying, Helena says to Eveleigh, “it’s not what you think. It’s you.” Eveleigh visits vintner Victor Napoli, whose family owned her vineyard a century earlier. Victor tells Eveleigh that his great-grandmother burned down the old house on the property because of paranormal activity. He then shows her sketches from when a medium tried contacting spirits in the home. Eveleigh is shocked to see that the sketches depict her and David. Eveleigh comes home to an intervention staged by David, Dr. Mathison, Eveleigh's friend Eileen, and family therapist Victoria Lambert. Eveleigh tries explaining that she was not being haunted, but rather having premonitions that also haunted the past. The Porter and Napoli families were experiencing premonitions of a future tragedy that Eveleigh realizes is about to take place that night. Sadie arrives at the front door with her husband Ben. Both of them are armed with guns. Victoria tries to run and Ben shoots her as the room erupts in commotion. Eveleigh realizes that every vision she had was showing her a glimpse of events currently taking place. David discovers Sadie is not actually pregnant when he stabs her stomach. Sadie turns the knife on David and he falls to the floor. Eveleigh pushes Sadie through a glass door and flees. Ben kills Eileen before running after Eveleigh. He then kills a neighboring farmer before confronting Eveleigh. Eveleigh is attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. Eveleigh wakes to find herself being held captive by Ben and Sadie. It is revealed that Sadie is the woman who lost her child in the fatal car wreck. Holding Eveleigh responsible, Sadie plans to cut out Eveleigh's baby. Eveleigh wrestles free of her restraints and slashes Sadie's throat. Ben moves to attack, but David arrives and shoots Ben dead. In the aftermath, the vineyard house stands empty as realtor Glenn Barry shows the property to a new couple. ===== Upon enrolling in high school, Tamaki Honda joins a club for making dōjin games known as the SNS Club (short for . Joined by programmer Shiina, writer Ayame, and composer Kayo, Tamaki begins working as an illustrator for the club's next game. ===== In the opening sequence, four airmen from Clark Air Base in Washington D.C. frantically attempt to escape the base. A contingent of soldiers soon blocks their path. Most of the escapees are shot, but one sees a flying saucer which burns him to a crisp with its energy weapon. Frank Mccall (Hans Bachmann) is an overqualified photojournalist writing about two-headed dogs and alien abductions for the sleazy National Scandal tabloid. When the airman's charred corpse is found, he is assigned to the story. When government agents try to keep him out, he resolves to sneak into the airbase, where a top-secret fighter plane is to be demoed that night. The plane is equipped with an experimental software system called A.S.M.O.D.S, which suddenly malfunctions mid-demo, crashing the plane. As the disappointed top brass go home, Mccall is intercepted by Captain Anders (A. Thomas Smith), who orders him taken into custody and his camera seized. Sinister men in black wrench Mccall away, taking him to a storage compartment to be injected with a glowing green substance and brainwashed with an electronic apparatus. Anders and Colonel Faraday (Rick Foucheux) arrive in time to stop them, and the men shoot themselves. Anders takes Mccall into custody himself, while Faraday returns to the base. Suddenly, the flying saucer from the opening appears. Anders shoots it, to no effect, while Mccall photographs it with his backup disc camera. Powerless against the invader, they drive away, dodging more men in black on the way, and lock themselves in the base. Mccall's camera is again confiscated, its photos to be developed as evidence. Mccall manages to secure the prints, and also spies on Anders conversing with the General. He thus finds out that the A.S.M.O.D.S. system uses alien technology recovered from a crashed spaceship in the New Mexico desert, and this technology seems to have a mind of its own. The men in black break their way in, so Mccall escapes with Anders in the F-117 stealth fighter. They have a brief dogfight with some F-16s out of Clark, which ends when they manage to secure air support from the Pentagon. Mccall and Anders are questioned, and eventually manage to convince General Anheiser (John Cook) that A.S.M.O.D.S. has taken over the base computers using the intranet, and brainwashed all of the soldiers into its control. They agree to go investigate the next day. In between time, Mccall quits his job at the Scandal, realizing he is onto the story of the century. At the airbase, the trio is greeted by a now-brainwashed Faraday. His troops destroy their helicopter escort, and he takes them down to the subbasement, which has been excavated into a gaping cavern. There Faraday reveals the alien's plan: it cannibalized the base hardware to build a giant robot, HARV, with which to conquer the world after nuking China and Russia. Mccall realizes that just as the alien programming seeped into A.S.M.O.D.S., so A.S.M.O.D.S. has seeped into the alien, arming it with a nationalistic impulse to destroy America's enemies. The protagonists manage to shoot Faraday's guards. HARV tries to stop them, but only succeeds in killing Faraday. They search the basement for weapons with which to destroy HARV and avert World War III. They find a rocket launcher and two rockets; their first attempt misses, but the second is a direct hit, with one second to spare before HARV would launch the missiles. The ending sequence shows several newspapers honoring Mccall for his heroics, while the National Scandal claims the alien invasion was a hoax. ===== Gloria (Sofía Vergara) tells Jay (Ed O'Neill) that she got selected in a jury duty. But in the audience court, her behavior causes her to get expelled and removes her from being a juror. In Gloria's absence, Jay has no choice but to be a volunteer parent at Joe's (Jeremy Maguire) preschool. He has a hard time to adjust himself, especially when a little boy calls him old man, causing him to criticize him about his big ears. Jay also has the feeling that Joe totally ignores him until, at the end of the day, Joe asks him to come the next day. Jay is glad to have been noticed by his son. Since Jay can't come to work, it's Claire (Julie Bowen) who has the company in her hands for the day. By a coincidence, it's also the day where parents are allowed to bring their daughters at work. Claire seizes the opportunity by taking Haley (Sarah Hyland) and Alex (Ariel Winter) to her place. However, Claire suffers from a lot of bad luck as each time she tries to make the right decision, only to see things worsen. Claire tries to show her daughters that she can control everything, but when she mistakes one employee who retires for one another, because they've the same names, she gives-up. Haley and Alex reassure her, telling her that she is their mom and they know she manage to do a good job in this part of her life. Meanwhile, Phil (Ty Burrell) accompanies Luke (Nolan Gould) and Manny (Rico Rodriguez) classes in Community Service. A man (Kevin Chamberlin) who knows Phil approaches him and asks him to give him some money since he left his wallet and his phone in his car. Phil agrees but can't remember where he met this man who seems to know him a lot. This causes him to be torn between Manny who says that he made a good deed and Luke who believes his dad had been scammed. Phil eventually rallies on Luke's side and, with help of the teenagers (save Manny) throws garbage in the man's car, only to learn that this man is actually the obstetrician who helped with Luke's birth. Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cam (Eric Stonestreet) learn that their friends Raymond and J Marcus broke-up. This causes Mitchell to invite Raymond to a party they planned to organize with their friends. As neither of them can decide what is the best option, it's Gloria who helps to mediate. But things take another turn when Mitchell admits that if ever he and Cam break-up, Cam would be excluded. Gloria concludes that Mitchell could have feelings for Raymond, and he reluctantly admits that he is the Raymond in their couple. ===== Haley (Sarah Hyland), Alex (Ariel Winter), and Luke (Nolan Gould) are surprised when Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) shows up in order to cash a coupon they gave him for his belated birthday. It turns out they actually forgot his birthday this year, so they scramble in order to give him a good day. When they're out of ideas, they decide to show him an impromptu tour of celebrity homes. Here, Mitchell meets actor Ray Liotta. The kids apologize to him, since he is the first who calls them and he always gives them extraordinary gifts. Mitch reassures them by telling them that he knew that they didn't plan something. Ray decides to introduce him to Barbra Streisand, and, though Mitch only can hear her voice, it makes him happy. Phil (Ty Burrell) and Claire (Julie Bowen) have a lunch with another couple, Tom and Lisa Delaney, whom they met during a vacation in Cabo. Despite the couple's wealth, every time they eat together, Phil always picks up the tab while the couple ignores the check. Claire insists Phil does the same this time, but he still wants to pay the bill. After a long game of "who will break first?", Phil finally and reluctantly admits that he and Tom made a bet in Cabo as to which man could sneak more roasted crickets into his wife's food. Phil had lost by only feeding Claire three crickets to Tom feeding Lisa six, and he now has to pay for the next five of the couples' dates in a row. However, both Claire and Lisa are furious at their husbands for "poisoning" them and vow to do the same to them in the future. They leave, not knowing that Phil and Tom had secretly been in the middle of another cricket bet, which Phil has again lost, this time by only feeding Claire one cricket to Tom feeding Lisa two. Elsewhere, Jay (Ed O'Neill) and Gloria (Sofía Vergara) also have a playdate with a couple whose son is the same age as Joe (Jeremy Maguire). It turns out the couple have similarities with them, especially the husband who describes Jay as old as him. This infuriates Jay who still wants to prove that he is not an old man, but Gloria reassures him saying that age also can affect women. Jay then introduces Marty to Netflix, but it's Marty who has the last word with streaming. At the same time, Manny (Rico Rodriguez) has a puberty problem with his mustache that only he can see. Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) has invited the family who live upstairs for lunch. He realizes that Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) could have a crush on the family's son. He gives her some advice in order to make her flirt with him. However, his plan backfires when he sees that Lily actually has feelings for the family's dad, which forces him to intervene and open his heart to his daughter about his first crush. ===== Aloys is a cold, distant private investigator who worked with his recently- deceased father. He never takes a personal approach, instead choosing to film his subjects from a distance with his video camera. Aloys loathes personal contact with others, ignoring various residents of his apartment, and especially the woman next door, who has tried to ask him for assistance several times. On the bus ride home from the funeral, a depressed Aloys drinks himself to unconsciousness. When he wakes up the next morning in the bus, he finds his camera and the tapes of his subjects are all missing. A short time later a female voice calls him on the telephone, telling him that she stole his tapes, watched them, and plans to send them to the filmed subjects. Aloys threatens to call the police, but it proves an empty threat, instead using his skills to attempt to identify the caller via the clues. But the caller is always one step ahead of him, mocking his attempts. During one call, the female voice, in return for the tapes, asks Aloys to perform a "telephone hike", where both callers concentrate on visualizing a shared location and imagine conversing in their imagined locale. After hesitating, Aloys complies, going on an imagined walk through the woods together with the woman. When he tries to initiate further telephone hikes, the woman abruptly and angrily ends the conversation. Returning home one night, he finds his unconscious neighbor being loaded into an ambulance. Using some of the clues that he obtained while trying to unmask the caller, he realizes that his neighbor, Vera, the same one he ignored earlier, is the mysterious woman. He learns Vera is a zookeeper who kept exotic animals, lost her job after kidnapping a sheep, and attempted suicide. Not knowing whether she survived, he volunteers to water her flowers and feed her pet iguana. Days later, a hospitalized Vera texts Aloys thanking him for looking after her stuff. Aloys, elated, now tries to initiate the hikes. Vera hesitatingly gives in and both have repeated telephone hikes, with Aloys inviting her to a tour of his apartment to host a virtual party with all the people Aloys has watched or encountered in his investigations, and eventually, physically traveling to his favorite restaurant to have an imagined dinner with Vera, and visiting the zoo Vera worked at, with Vera giving him a tour through the phone. One day, however, the real Vera, on leave from the hospital, attempts to visit Aloys at his apartment. He does not let her in, entranced by his imagined version of her, and afraid of human contact once more. A dejected Vera leaves and returns to the hospital. The shock of seeing the real Vera leave prompts Aloys into overcoming his fears, and he follows Vera to the hospital, sneaking into her room in the night and sleeping on the ground next to her bed. ===== After his elderly father dies, Brian Jardine (Greg Kinnear) moves his wife Kathy (Jennifer Ehle) and 13-year-old son Jake (Theo Taplitz) into a Brooklyn apartment they have inherited. The two-story building has a tenant in the ground-level space; a dress shop run by Leonor Calvelli (Paulina Garcia) and her 13-year-old son Tony (Michael Barbieri). Jake and Tony become fast friends despite having very different personalities. Jake is quiet and reserved and spends much of his time sketching or painting, whereas Tony is talkative and gregarious. Tony is an aspiring actor who attends regular classes at Brooklyn's Acting Out! school and dreams of attending Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School to pursue a performing arts education. Jake decides he wants to attend the same school for his painting. The boys bond through everyday activities like skating around the borough, attending a teen rave, and giving their respective parents the silent treatment when disagreements occur. Tony even starts (and gets the worst of) a fight with his classmates when they insult Jake's sexuality. The Jardines discover that Brian's father has been charging Leonor an unusually small rent on her store. Since Brian's acting career is stagnant and the family is almost entirely supported by Kathy's work as a psychotherapist, they inform Leonor that her rent will need to be tripled, still placing it below market value for the changing neighborhood. Leonor makes emotional appeals to Brian, claiming that she and his father were close friends and that he would want Brian to be generous to her. Brian is reluctant to take direct legal action against Leonor, partly due to the fact that he's simply glad his introverted son has finally made a friend. After receiving an ultimatum from his sister Audrey (Talia Balsam), he formally evicts the Calvellis. Jake is devastated and tearfully pleads Tony's case, but is made to face reality. Brian encourages Jake to return his focus to his art and his upcoming application to LaGuardia. Some time later, Jake accompanies a group of fellow art students on a museum visit and is surprised to see Tony and some of his classmates on a tour. Jake watches from across a large atrium as Tony walks away, then quietly rejoins his own group to work on another sketch. ===== Morty's dog Snuffles angers Jerry by continuously peeing on the carpet. Upset, Jerry asks Rick for a device that could make Snuffles smarter. Rick makes the device, and it makes Snuffles smart enough for him to be able to do things like a normal human, like going to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Rick plans to enter the dreams of Morty's math teacher, Mr. Goldenfold, in order for him to increase Morty's grades, thus letting Morty adventure with Rick more often. The two enter Goldenfold's dream. The dream takes place on a plane, where Rick pretends to be a terrorist threatening to blow them up if Goldenfold does not give Morty better grades, but Goldenfold decides to fight back and pulls out two machine guns. Rick realizes that Goldenfold has more control over his dreams than he had anticipated, and also reveals that if they die in the dream, they die in real life. Meanwhile, Snuffles attempts to communicate with his owners verbally but is unable. He opens the battery compartment on the helmet and realizes that it can be boosted with additional batteries. Still stuck in the dream, Rick tries to negotiate with Goldenfold using his idol, Mrs. Pancakes, as a human shield. Instead, chaos descends on the plane. The doors to the plane are opened, and everyone gets sucked out. Mrs. Pancakes finds a parachute and opens it, while Goldenfold has already landed the plane. Rick and Morty grab onto Pancakes, but Goldenfold has created a device to pluck Pancakes out of the sky and leave Rick and Morty to fall in a pool of lava. The two then incept themselves into Pancakes' dreams to slow time down. Pancakes' dreams are of an intergalactic sex club and S&M; dungeon, filled with dominatrices. A lingerie-clad Summer makes the two feel uncomfortable, making them stand out. A centaur guard threatens to kill them, and they venture into the centaur's dream, where the three have to run away from a "legally safe knockoff" of Freddy Krueger, named Scary Terry. Meanwhile, Snuffles has created a robotic arm and a speaker that he uses to grab things and communicate, albeit in broken English. Snuffles' view on life changes after watching a TV special about dogs being domesticated and being forced into subservience. Still finding an escape, Rick and Morty travel into a little girl's dream to escape Scary Terry. After returning to what looks like the same dream, the two also find out that Terry can travel across dreams. After building himself a powerful robotic suit, Snuffles changes his name to Snowball and assumes dominance over the household. While in a new dream, Rick and Morty are still being chased by Terry. The two follow him back into his house and enter his dreams. They see that he is fearful of being a failure in his job and save him from being embarrassed in school. In return, he helps them return to reality, and in the process, convince Goldenfold to raise Morty's grades. Back in the regular world, they find that Snowball has led an army of hyper-intelligent dogs to the verge of global domination over humanity. Snowball allows Morty to live by his side while the rest of the world are entrapped and enslaved under the whim of the dogs. While the dogs are subjecting the humans to similar practices the humans subjected the dogs to, Morty lives in luxury. Rick reveals to him that the two are actually in Snowball's dream. Rick poisons Morty's kidneys, making Snowball care for Morty's health. Snowball comes out of his dream and realizes that oppressing humans brings heartbreak and cruelty. Snowball and the dogs change their plan and decide instead to inhabit a world of their own. In the post-credits scene, the old teacher of Scary Terry's class has been replaced by Scary Glenn, a hippie drum player. Rick and Scary Terry are sitting as his students, smoking marijuana, satisfied with this change. ===== Elijah (Daniel Gillies) finds evidence that Esther (Alice Evans) was casting a spell during the ball and he believes that Elena (Nina Dobrev) lied to him. He kidnaps Elena who tells him that Esther wants to kill them all. Elijah takes Elena into the tunnels and asks Rebekah (Claire Holt) to watch her and kill her if Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) do not manage to stop Esther in time. Elijah tells Damon and Stefan to stop Esther from completing her plan otherwise Elena will die. In the meantime, Esther asks for Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Abby’s (Persia White) help to complete the spell, Esther needs to channel power from all the dead witches of the Bennett bloodline. Once the spell is cast, the Original vampires will become humans again and Finn (Casper Zafer) is willing to sacrifice himself for his mother' cause. When Finn dies, all will die since they are linked as one. Stefan and Damon try to kill Kol (Nathaniel Buzolic), thinking that since the Originals are linked, if they kill him then all the Originals will die. They stab him and everyone collapses except Klaus (Joseph Morgan) who is a hybrid and the dagger does not affect him. Klaus finds Alaric (Matt Davis), Stefan and Damon while they are carrying Kol and removes the dagger. While Rebekah is down, Elena gets an opportunity and runs away getting to the cave where vampires cannot get in and protects herself. Damon and Stefan try to find another way to stop Esther and they decide that they have to break the Bennett bloodline so Esther will not be able to channel their power. They attack Bonnie and Abby and Damon turns Abby into a vampire just in time to stop Esther from completing her spell. Esther and Finn disappear, Rebekah lets Elena go and all the Original siblings, except Rebekah, decide to leave town leaving Klaus behind. Stefan asks Damon why he turned Abby when he was the one supposed to do it and Damon says because he can see that Stefan is trying to get back to his caring self. When Damon asks him how long it has been since he last fed on human blood, Stefan admits that he has not fed on human blood since the day he tried to drive Elena off the bridge. Elijah sends Elena a message apologizing for kidnapping her while Rebekah tells Klaus the old white oak tree has grown back and it can be used by someone to kill them. The episode ends with Alaric finding that Meredith (Torrey DeVitto) has vampire weapons, like the ones that were used to kill Brian and Bill. Meredith sees him and shoots him telling him that he was not supposed to see that. ===== The sweet toothed girls looked hungrily at the tempting tortes behind the window panes of the bakery, where they were shoveling. Illustration by Robert Sedlacek (1881–1957) from Nesthäkchen's Backfischzeit (1919). A Backfisch ("teenage girl", literally "fish for frying") is a young girl between fourteen and seventeen years of age. This volume deals with Annemarie's youth during the period of economic and political turbulence following World War I, 1919–1922. Annemarie is almost 16 when the story begins, after the Armistice, November 1918-19. Ury skips over 1920–1921. The last chapter, "Examination Grades," concerns her high school graduation in 1922. Annemarie and her friends, Vera, Marlene and Ilse, attend upper secondary school. When Annemarie feels wronged by their German teacher, she wants to set up a student council modeled on the Soviet Republic and argues with the director of the school. Her unruly behavior endangers her education, but she ultimately advances to her senior class. Her 16th birthday party is disturbed by a general power cut and the economic blockade, which completely shuts down the electricity and telephone network. Annemarie visits her relatives on Arnsdorf Farm in Silesia (in the post 1945 editions Lower Bavaria). On her hasty return journey due to the occupation of Upper Silesia by Polish troops during the Polish–Czechoslovak War and first Silesian Uprising, she gets stuck in the town of Sagan by a railway strike. (In the post 1945 editions Anne Marie has to leave Arnsdorf because of an upcoming general strike, and her train is stalled for lack of coal in Nuremberg.) To earn money, she becomes a nanny for a doctor's family named Lange. The Langes soon realize that Annemarie is an educated girl from a good background, as she knows Latin, does not want to go on the street without a hat, is familiar with famous paintings and has a book by Selma Lagerlöf in her luggage. When Annemarie's identity is revealed, Dr. Lange turns out to be one of her father's Heidelberg University classmates, and the Langes treat her like a foster daughter until she leaves to return to Berlin. In winter 1919, there is a coal shortage and a violent wave of influenza. Annemarie tries to obtain coal for her family, but does not succeed. Finally, she gets sick. The novel ends with Annemarie's high school graduation. She and her friend Marlene have passed all written tests with A's and are exempted from the final oral examination. Despite the hard times, Else Ury's sense of humor permeates the narrative. ===== Private detective T.N. Thompson, nicknamed "Dynamite" due to his initials, takes an interest when a man is murdered in San Francisco leaving a casino. The dead man, D.H. Matthews, had an argument outside the casino with Jarl Dvorjak, a celebrated pianist who was gambling while his aloof and money-mad wife Charmian was away. Dvorjak's acquaintance with Mona Lewis led him to the casino, which is owned by her father Clark Lewis and closed by the police after the killing. Mona becomes a suspect, particularly after Dvorjak's business manager Carey Williams is killed as well. When the pianist himself is shot while playing an organ, Thompson puts everything together and reveals to all that Matthews had actually been a son of Dvorjak's from a previous marriage who was conspiring with Charmian to gain his fortune. ===== The movie starts in a police station where a police is beating a boy named Akash (Ankush) for loving a girl named Priya (Kinni). Akash is released from the jail and the police officer (Supriyo Dutta) says that Priya herself complains to the police officer. Akash goes to Priya's house to know the truth. Akash learns that Priya's marriage had been fixed with another man and this is why her father complains in the police station. Priya says that she hopes he would get a better wife. Akash is left heartbroken. His parents notice that and request to Akash marry. Akash calmly agrees and marries Anjali (Mimi), the girl his parents choose for him. But Anjali wants divorce in their first night and Akash agrees. Akash and Anjali go to divorce office and the court gives them six months to set things right between them. Akash then learns that Anjali loves a man named Vikram. But her father (Bharat Kaul) forces her to marry with Akash. One day Akash saves Anjali from local boys, who was teasing her in a harsh manner. Akash and Anjali goes to a mall and Anjali sees Vikram there. Akash then scarifies his married life and try to trace Vikram through a fake lottery contest in his radio channel, to contact Vikram. Later Akash takes Anjali to Vikram and they become reunited. One day Vikram tells Anjali to attend the valentine's day party. Anjali finds Vikram drunk and Vikram says that he took 50 lakh rupees from her father for Anjali's marriage with Akash. Anjali left heartbroken. Later Akash saves Anjali from humiliation in that party. After returning home Anjali tried to commit suicide but Akash saves her in time. Also he encouraged her to pursue a dream of completing her MS degree from US and declare her as his Best Friend. After all incidents, gradually Anjali starts to fall in love with Akash. But she did not able to gather courage to express her love to Akash. When Akash's parents come to meet them, they have to act in front of their parents to make them happy. Then also Anjali starts to love Akash's parents as she lost her mother since childhood and also had bitter relationship with her father. One day, his mother gets the divorce paper. Akash then tells the whole matter to his mother. After Akash's parents left, he thanked Anjali to act perfectly, but Anjali tried to say Akash that she did not act and all her activities with his parents was real as she started to love Akash and his family. Later Akash also called Anjali's father to their house and after understanding her faults, she confessed to her father and felt guilty of all wrong doings she had done with Akash. When the six months given by the court is over they go to the court and they signed to the divorce paper. Anjali left heartbroken and she goes to airport with her father, asking Akash not to go with her to Airport. Divorce judge tells Akash that him and Anjali do not seem as other divorced couples, who don't even ready to see other again. After returning home Akash felt lonely and understands that he also loved Anjali. He rushed to the airport where Vikram and his henchmen come to beat Akash, but Akash fights with them. Then local Don (Shantilal Mukherjee) comes to his rescue and hence paid back his dues, as once Akash helped his sister's marriage. Akash goes to airport and find Anjali there. Anjali tells him that she can't leave him and Akash also express his love. They become reunited. Akash gave a good news to Anjali, that he actually got a better wife than Priya. On the other hand he has to eat Bread-Jam made by Anjali for whole life. ===== Ranjith Kalidoss (Arjun) is a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) in CB-CID, who along with his partners Inspector Joseph (Prasanna) and Inspector Vandana (Varalaxmi Sarathkumar), takes on high-profile cases and closes them successfully. Counter to his high intensity job, Ranjith has a peaceful family life with a wife Shilpa (Sruthi Hariharan), daughter Oviya (Baby Swaksha), younger brother Sandeep (Vaibhav), and their family dog Rocky. Ranjith's boss assigns his team a task to pursue a group of five criminals, who continue to avoid justice with their influence and power. Ranjith suggests a more direct approach to taking them out, but his boss declines to go along with it. Before they could pursue the current assignment, they get dragged into another mystery. A parcel arrives at the police station one day that contains a small horse doll hanging on a noose. The figure has four holes but otherwise no other clues. Not thinking much of it, the team decides to ignore it. A few days later, a local communist leader goes missing. He is later found in warehouse hanging from the ceiling, tortured, shot, and his face covered in an animal mask, very much like the doll they received. The killer continues to taunt the team, sending them clues as he kills more people, which includes a lawyer and a doctor. Ranjith follows one of the clues and finds the killer, but before he could take him down, the tremors that he has been experiencing lately slow him down. The killer knocks out Ranjith and gets away. When his team arrives, they inform him about a dead body in one of the buildings, but he already knows and describes what he would find without seeing it. Back at the office, Ranjith manages to piece things together and connects the serial killings to a case that he investigated few years earlier. Emmanuel (Suman) and his wife (Suhasini) are a rich couple in town who lived with their 16-year-old daughter Catherine (Chandana Raj) and a caretaker Mariadas (Chetan). The couple were very successful business people but had very little time for their daughter. Mariadas took care of Catherine. One day, the couple came home to find Catherine murdered and Mariadas missing. The house had been ransacked. The police closes the case concluding that it was a burglary gone bad, and Mariadas is on the run. A local communist leader pushes to reopen the case, which lands with Ranjith. He quickly focuses the attention on Emmanuel. He sees a new golf club in his bag, and his investigation leads to the missing golf club with the caretaker's blood on it. He interrogates Emmanuel and his wife with the evidence, and they confess the truth. They came home one day to find Mariadas having sexual intercourse with Catherine. Catherine only reached puberty a few days earlier and their parents were busy preparing for the puberty ceremony. Emmanuel, in anger, hits Mariadas with the club and kills him. When Catherine threatens to call the police, her mother tries to stop her. In the scuffle, she accidentally falls on a sharp object and dies. Not able to wiggle their way out (as Ranjith and the lawyer refuse to take bribes and hush up the truth) and driven by guilt, Emmanuel and his wife hang themselves. The doctor is involved in the autopsy of Catherine, and the lawyer (prosecutor) is set to argue the case at the court and is present with Ranjith during the interrogation and confession. While all this is happening, Ranjith finds a doll hanging outside his house. When coming back, his dog Rocky was shot in the head. Infuriated by this, he decides to avenge Rocky's death. Ranjith concludes the three people that are killed were all involved in the case, and he himself is the last target. The killer is someone seeking revenge for the deaths of the couple and is probably connected to the family. His boss takes over the case and tells Ranjith to get medical help for his condition (Parkinson's disease). His team continues the investigation, looking for a connection between Ranjith's case and the murders. There were no other family members that could be the murderer. Emmanuel has a nephew named Christopher (Krishna in Tamil and Karthik Jayaram in Kannada), but he lives in the US. They are looking for someone with pharmaceutical knowledge, as the killer manufactured his own brand of anesthesia to knock out his victims. Ranjith gets admitted to the hospital, where as he continues to try and crack the clues, he concludes that it must be Christopher, as he has the motive, means and the know how. After checking with immigration services, they find that Christopher did arrive in India not too long ago. A police officer is dispatched to Christopher's house to investigate, and he finds all the evidence supporting their theory, but before he could alert his team, he is killed. Christopher baits Ranjith's team and captures Joseph and Vandana. Having no choice, Ranjith leaves the hospital to meet Christopher at a warehouse. There, he finds Joseph and Vandana standing on the floor with nooses around their necks. After a long struggle, Ranjith manages to overpower Christopher and hangs him. The press arrives at the site, and Ranjith tells them that Christopher is another victim of the serial killer. A few days later, Joseph and Vandana meet Ranjith at his house and ask him why he did not inform the press that Christopher was the serial killer. Ranjith then reveals his plan about their earlier assignment. He plans to kill the five criminals and blame it on the serial killer and also frame the last of them as the serial killer himself. During the closing end credits, it is shown that his plan worked. ===== ===== Junior Morloff, a Jewish gangster, is traveling out west when he comes across Las Vegas, a small town at the time. Surprised that gambling is legal there, he gets an idea, build a casino. ===== ===== On a stagecoach in the old West, Marshall Bill Speakes (Sam Elliott) is escorting his prisoner Sarah O'Rourke (Linda Fiorentino) to her hanging. Also in the stage are Jack Cooper (Craig Sheffer), Mamie Hollister (Robin Westphal), and her husband Zeb Hollister (John Furlong). The stage is attacked by three highwaymen (Boots Southerland, Daniel O'Haco, and Joey Hamlin). The stage runs over one, but the driver is killed by the leader and the stage takes off. The Marshall handcuffs Sarah to the stage and gains control of it. One of the bandits climbs onto the back. Sarah grabs his gun and she and the Marshall shoot him. The Marshall finally shoots kills the leader. Sarah then surprises the Marshall and takes his gun. The strongbox is opened and Sarah prepares to take off with the cash, but Jack wrestles her gun away and runs off with the cash himself. Jack heads to a nearby town and takes a hooker up to his room. Some time later, Sarah drops by and gets the drop on him. She escorts him to the lobby to get the money from the safe, but they are both surprised by the Marshall and Mr. Hollister. In the shootout, they both escape. Jack talks Sarah into a scheme to rob a bank. They get some cash from a poker game after Sarah shoots most of the other players. Meanwhile, the Marshall gathers a posse and heads after them. The posse catches up to them in another town. During a shootout, Jack is wounded and is rescued by Sarah. They ride off. Hollister has been shot and is acting incoherently, so the Marshall kills him, showing his dark side. Jack and Sarah get chummy. She reveals that the person she was to be hanged for killing was actually the Marshall's son, who had beaten her. They travel to the ranch of Jack's brother, Walter (Frank Whaley). Jack and Sarah fight, and she takes off but is captured by the posse and taken to town for hanging. Walter spots her there and tells Jack. They come up with a plan to rescue her. Meanwhile, the Marshall shows more of his bad side by mentally torturing Sarah in her cell. Jack goes to town and gets captured intentionally. He is put into the jail with Sarah. Using some chemicals given to him by Walter, he breaks out of his cell and he and Sarah take off. They hide in a large crate in the shipping office. Walter picks up the crate the next day and gets them back to the ranch. While Jack and Sarah are out, the posse comes to the ranch and starts to torture Walter. Jack breaks in and shoots some of the posse. In an involved shootout, all of the posse except the Marshall are killed. The Marshall kills Walter, then wounds Jack. Sarah distracts the Marshall and Jack shoots and kills him. Jack and Sarah ride off. ===== An archaeologist (Anthony Edwards) finds remains of a famous explorer (Cheech Marin) and moves them to a museum. This causes the spirit of the explorer to become restless. He wants his bones properly buried and returns as a ghost to seek help from a 12-year-old boy named Charlie (Trenton Knight). ===== A man pursues his old dream of becoming a singer by performing karaoke. ===== "Original Dust Jacket, Nesthäkchen und der Weltkrieg. Illustration by Robert Sedlacek Anne Marie's father, Dr. Braun, is a soldier and medical officer in France. Her mother is absent. Mrs. Braun was in England at the outbreak of war, visiting with her cousin Annie, who is married to an Englishman. Mrs. Braun can not go back to Germany because she missed her last opportunity for departure. Of her letters, only some get to her family. During the absence of the parents, the grandmother, the nanny Lena, and the cook Hanne care for Annemarie and her brothers. In England, Mrs. Braun is arrested as an alleged spy, after she has spoken, imprudently excited, about the success of German submarines. She is released soon afterwards. Anne Marie's brother Hans brings a foundling home. The baby, an East Prussian refugee, would likely have perished. Annemarie takes the child into the house enthusiastically and gives him the name “Hindenburg” for Paul von Hindenburg. Finally, the noisy child is passed to the concierge couple and given the name Max. Annemarie’s patriotism goes so far that a "foreign concept checkout" is set up at home and in class. Anyone who uses a foreign word must pay five cents. In Anne Marie's class a new girl, Vera Burkhard, arrives from Czernowitz in Bukovina. Vera hardly speaks German. Spurred on by two older girls, Anne Marie holds Vera for a Polish spy, therefore an enemy, and begins to bully the girl. Anne Marie’s girlfriends Margot, Ilse and Marlene have compassion for Vera, but dare not oppose the dominant Anne Marie. Occasionally Anne Marie has doubts about the correctness of her behavior, but she does not want to admit she is wrong. Finally, the class teacher announces that Vera's father has been killed in the Carpathian battle (Gorlice–Tarnów Offensive) on the German side and has therefore died a hero’s death. Although Vera is devastated and distraught, her reputation is restored and the shamed Anne Marie wants to make up for her bad behavior. Vera is now her best friend. Other important episodes: Anne Marie believes that a Thai man living in her building is a Japanese alien, an enemy, and henceforth no longer greets him. Lena, her nanny, tells her that rudeness is never patriotic. Anne Marie fears her mother is being treated badly in England. She says this to her doctor, a colleague of her father, who laughs: "The English don’t treat ladies badly, even when they belong to an enemy nation." One evening Anne Marie prays to God, asking that he assist Germany; but she realizes that perhaps French and English children pray to the same God. She then asks God to be neutral, at least. When Annemarie does not want to learn French because it is the language of the enemy, her teacher gives her a lesson in thinking ahead: After the war, relations between peoples will need to be rebuilt, language skills are mandatory, and the Fatherland needs an educated youth. Volume 4 ends with the surprising return of Mrs. Braun from England and the hope for a victorious peace. As at the end of all volumes in the series, Anne Marie’s maturation is suggested. But in the next volume, Annemarie is the same spirited, spoiled girl. The message of the book is ambiguous. Despite her patriotic enthusiasm for Germany and occasional chauvinism ("You will feel the German fist" and similar sentiments), Ury preaches no hate. She considers war a sad event and peace a normal state. Her tone is always conciliatory. Ury strongly criticizes Anne Marie's relational aggression against Vera as unacceptable behavior and calls Anne Marie a "silly girl." ===== Captain Kader Cherif is a genius policemen in the Lyon- France police station. With his strange ways he always cracks the mystery, and doesn’t leave work much, since he lives across the street from the station. But things change when his new partner - Adeline Briard shows up. She likes to work by the book and doesn’t like Cherif’s ways of doing it. Would things work out? The series falls into everyday things in the life of Kader and a mystery that he solves with his mastermind. They are always interesting and while Adeline is working with what she sees, and with what she can - Cherif thinks outside the box : and always finds a lead. ===== ===== Don Jose Samaniego (Adalberto Martinez), an old and ridiculous man, marries Silvia (Silvia Pinal), a 20-year-old girl. On their wedding night before the marriage be consummated, Don José died after suffering a seizure. Through the obituaries many people learn about his death and go to the cemetery. Among the visitors is Amalia (Amalia Aguilar), with her marriage certificate and says that in their wedding day, Don José got a call, went and never returned. Also coming Lilia (Lilia del Valle), another widow, saying that her husband was kidnapped on their wedding night. The day when the will of Don José is read, the three women learns that the man also had a child with a cook. He asks who seek this woman and wait five years to take part in the inheritance. ===== ===== Naomi Bishop (Anna Gunn) is a senior investment banker who deals with IPOs. After her latest project is undervalued she faces professional setbacks including clients losing confidence in her work. To bounce back she is hired to handle the IPO for Cachet, a privacy company with a social networking platform. Around the same time Naomi bumps into Samantha Ryan (Alysia Reiner), an old college classmate who now works as a public attorney. Unbeknownst to Naomi, Samantha is investigating Naomi's on-again, off-again boyfriend Michael Connor (James Purefoy), a broker at the same firm as Naomi who Samantha suspects is involved in insider trading. Michael tries to get information from Naomi about Cachet but fails. While doing due diligence, Naomi learns from Marin, one of the coders, that Cachet is hackable. Despite having a nagging feeling that something is wrong, the numbers check out and Naomi continues to try to sell the shares of the company to investors. Michael, who has had no new insider trading tips to pass on to his friends at investment firm Titanite, tries unsuccessfully to hack into Naomi's phone. Vice President Erin Manning (Sarah Megan Thomas), Naomi's assistant on the IPO, learns that Marin has been fired. To warn Naomi of this, she goes to Michael's home after not being able to reach Naomi and ends up leaking the information to him in the hope that he will be able to get her a promotion, something Naomi has been unable to do for her. Michael leaks the tips to his friends at Titanite and then sends the story to an old college roommate who is a tech journalist. Naomi figures out that it was Erin who betrayed her, based on her having a green pen, the same type of pen that Michael uses. When the shares open, confidence is lost and the company loses a third of its value on the first day of trading. Michael changes jobs to Titanite, neglecting to take Erin with him. Naomi is fired, while Erin assumes her position. Unable to crack the case from the outside, Samantha interviews for a high-paying corporate position, saying that she is in it for the money using words from a speech she heard Naomi give at an alumni event. ===== The film is about single father Sushant's attempt to take care of his 10-year-old daughter Chanchal. Chanchal's mother died during her childbirth, and Sushant faces challenges in raising her. Sushant does anything to make his daughter happy, taking her places and buying her things she desires. The film explores the close relationship between the father and the daughter. Nishma, who says she is a social worker, meets Chanchal and says she will help her. Through Chanchal, Nishma, who is Chanchal's maternal aunt, gets to know Sushant and they fall in love. Chanchal is admitted to the hospital after getting injured while riding a bicycle. The doctors inform Sushant that Chanchal has only three to four months left because of an illness. During a flashback, Chanchal's mother died because of her father's error. Sushant's father-in-law wants to see Chanchal but owing to anger, Sushant refuses. ===== In order to find a child fated by a falling comet that will bring calamity, the "Lingjian" (灵剑) clan resumes its entrance examination process to find disciples. Wang Lu, who possesses a special soul that only appears once in a thousand years, decides to take the exam and goes down the path toward becoming an exceptional sage. ===== A child has been abducted, yet there's no ransom note. When Holmes and Watson take up the case, they find a sinister connection to the heights of Victorian society. But just what is the missing child’s connection with the infamous killings in Whitechapel? ===== What starts out as anarchists defacing a painting of the Prime Minister in the National Portrait Gallery turns into a battle of wits between Holmes and the criminal mastermind known as Monsieur Zenith the Albino that span from forged artwork to the destruction of the British monarchy itself. ===== ===== Emma Carstairs has been living with the Blackthorn family: her parabatai, Julian; his siblings Livvy, Ty, Dru, and Tavvy; and their uncle, Arthur, in the Los Angeles Institute since her parents' deaths during the Dark War five years ago. Having grown into a prodigious Shadowhunter, she is still investigating the true cause of her parents' demise, despite the Clave telling her that they were killed by the late Sebastian Morgenstern. According to Johnny Rook, a mundane shopkeeper from the Shadow Market, similar murders befell eleven faeries, whose kind are ostracized by the Clave under the Cold Peace for their support of the Endarkened. Later, Emma also investigates a mundane murdered apparently by the same culprit who killed the faeries. Ty's research points to the victims being killed inside sacred locations known as the ley lines as part of a dark ritual. Meanwhile, Julian struggles between running the Institute, since Arthur is functionally insane by his previous experiences in Faerie, and his love for Emma, despite parabatai being forbidden from pursuing a romantic relationship. He gets the medication for Arthur's illness from Malcolm Fade, the High Warlock of Los Angeles. Diana Wrayburn occasionally helps the younger Shadowhunters with the upkeep of the Institute, but refuses to replace Arthur as leader and frequently leaves for other missions. One day, the Wild Hunt, a group of traveling faeries led by Gwyn ap Nudd, arrive to deliver Mark, the eldest Blackthorn brother, kidnapped by them during the Dark War. They demand that the Shadowhunters solve the faeries' murders—secretly, because of the Cold Peace—or else they will take Mark back. Changed by his time in Faerie, Mark finds solace only in Cristina Rosales, a Shadowhunter from the Mexico City Institute currently staying in Los Angeles. With Mark's help, Emma finds a cave which serves as a convergence point for the ley lines, managing to take evidences before being attacked by demons. Ty's research about the mundane victim points them to the victim's girlfriend, who has committed suicide in her house. Taking an invitation to the "Lottery", Emma and Julian are attacked by demons and the latter is gravely injured. Despite this, Emma manages to heal him quickly. Ty and Livvy translate the evidences from the cave and are puzzled to find that they are passages from "Annabel Lee", the last poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Meanwhile, Emma, Julian, Mark, and Cristina attend the Lottery and see that it is held by a cult whose members kill to achieve luck. Emma and Julian question Rook further, learning the place where Casper Sterling, the latest winner of the Lottery, currently lives and that the Lottery's participants are followers of the mysterious Guardian, before being shooed away when they and Ty meet his son, Kit. Emma goes back to the cave and finds a portal which transports her to the sea. Julian, through his parabatai bond, rescues her. They subsequently admit their love for each. Eventually, Ty completely translates the runes carved onto the victims' bodies and learns that the ritual, which requires thirteen sacrifices, also demands a Blackthorn blood. Emma and Cristina race to capture Sterling, but are too late to stop him from murdering the thirteenth victim, a witch. Sterling himself is murdered by the Followers, his hand cut and taken. The two unexpectedly meet with Diego Rosales, Cristina's ex-boyfriend and the reason why she left Mexico City. Diego is a Centurion—graduates of Scholomanche—and claims that he was sent to investigate the Guardian's ritual, whose goal is to resurrect someone. Back home, the Blackthorns connect the ritual to an old Shadowhunter folktale, "Lady Midnight". In the story, a woman was killed by her parents and her lover made a deal with the Faerie king to conduct a ritual which required Blackthorn blood and the Black Volume of the Dead. Meanwhile, Mark is visited several times by his boyfriend from the Wild Hunt, the Unseelie prince Kieran. Kieran becomes jealous of Mark's growing relationship with Cristina. When Kieran overhears Mark telling her Gwyn's weakness, he reports this to Gwyn, who comes alongside Iarlath, the right-hand man of the Unseelie King, to punish Mark by flagellation. Julian initially volunteers, but Emma, unable to see him being tortured, volunteers herself and is badly injured. This causes Mark to reject going back to the Wild Hunt and accept being a Shadowhunter. Eventually, the Blackthorns research their family history and find out that "Lady Midnight" is based on the story of Annabel Blackthorn, a Shadowhunter who fell in love with a warlock. Emma calls Rook, the latter admitting that he worked with the Guardian to trick the Lottery winners. By piecing together the clues, she realizes that Malcolm is the Guardian. However, before they can act, Malcolm has tricked Dru to give Tavvy to him. Kieran visits the Institute and, in goodwill, reveals two information: Iarlath is working with Malcolm, and Emma's parents were killed to test the resurrection spell. The group and Kieran go to the cave. Confronting Malcolm, he threatens to reveal Diana's secret before knocking her out. The younger Shadowhunters fight Malcolm and Emma manages to steal the Hand of Glory, which contains the hands of the Lottery winners. Upon being cornered, Emma opens the cave portal, sending Malcolm to be eaten by sea demons. The Shadowhunters head back home and are greeted by Clary Fairchild, Jace Herondale, and Inquisitor Lightwood, fresh from attending Simon Lovelace's and Isabelle Lightwood's engagement party. The three agree to let Mark stay at Los Angeles. Meanwhile, with Malcolm's death, Rook loses the protection on his house and is immediately killed by demons. Kit is rescued by Tessa Gray and Jem Carstairs and told that he is a descendant of the Lost Herondale. The two then take him to the Los Angeles Institute. Approaching Jem, Emma is told that parabatai who are in love with each other have strengthened runes, but they will also bring misery to everyone around them. With this in mind, she breaks up with Julian and pretends to date Mark. In the epilogue, Annabel Blackthorn opens her eyes. ===== A young archaeologist couple who have just married, arrives in Central Asia for the excavations. The plague which has broken out separates them for some time and causes the girl's mother to seek help from her ex-husband. ===== Not being able to realize his invention within his own country, engineer Arrowsmith, author of the patent for ore flotation leaves for Soviet Union to work at one of the flotation plants, where he soon discovers a group of Soviet engineers conduct similar work. After some hesitation, Arrowsmith passes his invention to the plant and gets an offer to work together on the implementation of the invention. Samuel Wolfe arrives, a spokesman for the syndicate of flotation machines who previously declined assistance to Arrowsmith for implementing his invention at his plants, offers him to sell his invention with the promise of a good life. But now Dick Arrowsmith categorically rejects Wolfe's offer and stays to work in the USSR. ===== A diplomatic mission to the matriarchal planet New Amazonia reunites ex-lovers Vincent Katherinessen and Michelangelo Kusanagi-Jones after a separation of 17 years. Arriving in the capital city of Penthesilea, the men are ostensibly repatriating looted artwork, but in truth the ambassador-spies have been tasked with obtaining the Amazonians' secret energy technology by any means necessary, and doing what they can to facilitate a Coalition conquest. However, both Vincent (a master of observation) and Angelo (a trained liar and fighter) each have hidden plans to undermine their own mission. Meanwhile, multiple factions among the Amazonians are engaged in covert political intrigues rooted in the gender dynamics of their society. ===== Lee Jin-sook (Park Soon-chun) is a speaker on family happiness. However, she has a sad past. Years ago, she was kicked out of the house by her mother-in-law and was forced to be separated from her newborn daughter. She remarried, and when her second husband died 5 years later, she brought up her two young stepdaughters like her own. She was against the marriage when her youngest stepdaughter Oh Yeong-chae (Lee Si-won) wanted to marry Kim Hyeon-tae (Seo Ha-joon), a rookie boxer and an orphan, but she relented. When Yeong- chae, who was involved in a hit-and-run accident, died after giving birth to a son, Jin-sook blamed and hated her son-in-law. After Yeong-chae's death, Hyeon-tae and his son stayed together with Jin-sook and treated her like his mother. When she saw how Hyeon-tae took care of his son, her attitude towards him changed. Now she treats Hyeon-tae like her real son. One day, Hyeon-tae falls in love with a woman named Park Soo-kyeong (Yang Jin-sung). Jin-sook, who is unhappy with Soo-kyeong, finds out that Soo-kyeong is her real daughter. Although she is eager to reunite with Soo-kyeong, she is in a dilemma as Soo-kyeong hates her birth mother for abandoning her. Hyeon-tae finally marries Soo-kyeong, but it also causes conflicts. ===== Avantika (Rinil Routh) and her group of friends are part of an inter-college music and dance festival. Meanwhile, a new boy, Rohan (played by Adeel Chaudhry) transfers to her college for advanced studies. He falls madly in love with Avantika, but due to a past failed relationship, Avantika has built a wall around herself and does not let people enter her life beyond a certain point. After a series of incidents, Avantika realises something which changes her life. ===== ===== In this story, a good samaritan offers to help the hero, an unemployed graduate, whom he meets at a race course. Betting on a tip-off given by him, the hero makes a lot of money and when he goes to give it back to the kind man, the latter is found murdered in his car. The hero Vijayan (S. Balachandar) is accused of the crime and sent to prison. How he escapes and successfully seeks the killer Vijayasaradi (S. A. Natarajan), whose daughter falls in love with the hero forms the result of the plot. There were two girls Kamala (Revathi) and Revathi (Meenakshi) falling for the same man. In an interesting twist to the story, his girlfriend offers Vijayan a hideout in her family garage. She takes him food and such regularly, though both are unaware that the killer is the girl's father Vijayasaradhi. ===== Kushal (Parambrata Chatterjee) and Timir (Kaushik Ganguly) are Vaastu Shastra experts who are hired by Arjun (Abir Chatterjee) to examine the Vaastu of his Bungalow in Darjeeling. Kushal is instructed to masquerade as Arjun's school friend and Timir as Kushal's business partner, and are brought in to Arjun's Bungalow for the project under the pretext of a chance reunion between Arjun and Kushal. Arjun introduces them to his older sister Antara (Churni Ganguly) and his wife Bonya (Raima Sen), who seemingly recognizes Kushal. It becomes apparent that the household is in a disarray. Years earlier, Arjun and his family met with a car accident, due to which Arjun has suffered a permanent injury to his leg, and Antara has lost her husband and her only child. Upon Arjun's recovery, he moved to Darjeeling, but the family is unable to recuperate from their losses. Arjun and Bonya become distant while Antara obsesses over Bonya's son as a coping mechanism for losing her own, which creates tension between Bonya and Antara. Timir and Kushal get to work on their Vaastu Shastra modifications to the Bungalow. It is also revealed in interleaved flashbacks that Kushal and Bonya had met earlier after Bonya's family accident at the same hospital, where Arjun and Kushal's wife were admitted. Kushal and Bonya developed a slow friendship, and he gave her a crystal ball, asking her to put it beside Arjun's bed in hopes of speeding his recovery. One day Bonya visits Kushal's house and she sees a painting of Kushal's palm painted by Kushal's wife, dubbed The Lotus. Arjun recovers from his coma soon after, but Kushal's wife dies the same day. Kushal leaves for his wife's cremation while Bonya unable to find him moves on with Arjun. Kushal sees The Lotus hanging on Bonya's bedroom wall. Bonya is distraught with Arjun no longer being attracted to her, and the two express their love for each other momentarily. Bonya asks Kushal to do everything in his power to restore Arjun back to her. The very next day Arjun challenges Kushal to a duel, with Timir serving as Kushal's champion. After reaching a stalemate, Arjun decides to settle the duel on a suddent death—Bonya would volunteer with a bottle on her head as the target for the shooters. Timir, realizing Kushal's love and fear for Bonya's safety deliberately loses the duel. Later that afternoon Arjun rudely asks Kushal and Timir to leave his Bungalow the next morning after collecting their fees. Kushal agrees to leave, but instead of money he says he wants to take away with him their Bastu-Shaap—a snake or a curse that lives in a household and yet is not killed or warded off despite being a potential danger to everyone in the house, since everyone gets used to it. He says this is the least he can do for the family before he departs without completing his project. He asks to take with him The Lotus, which Arjun confesses to have never liked, although Bonya always refused to give it away. He privately also asks Antara to leave Arjun and Bonya alone in their house and come with him to an NGO to take care of orphan children—a place that would fulfil her need to be a motherly figure while leaving Arjun and Bonya to resume a normal family. Next morning, Antara is nowhere to be found and Arjun departs to search for her. Kushal bids farewell to Bonya who asks him to take his old crystal ball and bring it to her father who is very sick, believing that it will miraculously save him, just like it saved Arjun in the past. Driving out of the Bungalow Kushal and Timir meet Arjun, who confesses that he heard Bonya and Kushal professing their love for each other, when Bonya accidentally dropped her phone and it dialed his number. He says that hearing them, made him jealous and realize how much he loved and was possessive about Bonya and hence the duel and him throwing Kushal and Timir out rudely earlier. Later down the road they meet Antara, who was waiting for them to arrive. She gets in their car, and asks if the scarf she was knitting earlier would fit anyone in the orphanage. Kushal smiles and realizes that Antara has agreed to move out of Arjun and Bonya's household, and move on with her life. The three drive away and fade into the hilly fog of Darjeeling having effectively solved all of Arjun and Bonya's household problems. ===== Years ago, the demon Trigon gave birth to his daughter Raven with the human Arella. When Arella discovered his demonic nature, she ran away and was taken in by a group of mystics who lived in another dimension called Azarath. As she grew older, Raven wondered about her father. She attempted to use her powers to learn more about him. Trigon used her probe to find and destroy Azarath along with Arella and all its inhabitants. Raven managed to imprison Trigon inside a magical crystal in what was left of Azerath. Sometime later, she met and joined the Teen Titans. In the present-day on Earth, Trigon sends a demonic corruptor to Earth, which briefly possesses Weather Wizard, following a battle between the Justice League and Legion of Doom. Ignoring his father Batman's instructions beforehand, Damian Wayne helps defeat the entity, but left the League with no background information from it. As a consequence for his reckless actions, Damian is sent to join the Titans. He meets Starfire, their leader; Jaime Reyes, a teenager infused with technology that turns into a beetle-like exoskeleton; Garfield Logan, a metahuman with the ability to shapeshift into any animal due to a rare disease he discovered when he was 10; and Raven. At first, Damian doesn't get along with them, believing he can be a better leader. When he almost dies in an altercation with Jaime, Raven uses her power to heal him. They inadvertently bond through this experience- she sees flashes of his life and he sees Trigon within her. Meanwhile, Batman and Cyborg investigate the earlier attack. Superman is later possessed by one of the entities and brutally damages Atomic Skull, grabbing the attention of Diana and Batman. Before calming him down with Kryptonite, Batman learns the entity was after the "girl." Superman escaped before the kryptonite could knock him out. Batman then requests Cyborg to help him in tracking the girl in question. Elsewhere, the demonic Superman raises a gate somewhere in the desert. Starfire takes the Titans to a carnival in order for them to try and get along. Unbeknownst to the Titans, Raven is called by Trigon's entities, who attack Raven. She fights them off with aid from the Titans. After the attack, Raven explains her backstory to the Titans, who had not learned about it until that moment. When they return to the Tower, the Justice League attempts to take Raven with them. Flash, Diana, and Cyborg are possessed by the entities; Batman avoids possession by knocking himself out with a nerve toxin designed to take down Bane, and after the League beats the Titans senseless, Raven agrees to go with them to save their lives. As they teleport away, Jaime knocks Cyborg out with one of his weapons and frees him from possession. Raven takes the rest to Superman and summons Trigon to Earth. Cyborg awakens and uses his Apokoliptian technology to teleport them to Superman. Damian stabs Superman with Kryptonite, releasing him from his possession, who then heads to release the entity from Flash - by kicking and breaking his leg, and Diana - by using her Lasso of Truth. The League stays behind on Earth to battle Trigon while Cyborg joins the Titans in a venture to Hell to save Raven. Upon arrival, Gar is taken over by an entity but is saved by Jaime. Damian confronts a demon in the form of his deceased grandfather Ra’s al Ghul. Raven uses a spell to create a magical prison to detain Trigon, and shrinks the crystal down to wear on her forehead. Damian then persuades a reluctant Raven to stay on Earth with the Titans. In a mid-credits scene, a mysterious costumed girl riding a flying chunk of rock is seen heading towards the Titans Tower. ===== A guy from the middle class meets a girl from a wealthy family, and they start a romance in a country that frowns upon it. Barakah (Hisham Fageeh) is a good-natured civil servant who rides around Jeddah issuing tickets for minor offences. Bibi (Fatima al-Banawi) is using carefully cropped Instagram videos to amass millions of likes for her fashion-forward, eco-friendly and just-shy-of-revolutionary female empowerment messages. Barakah stumbles across one of her shoots and is stricken. The two hit it off, but finding an appropriate location to meet face-to-face and share even a moment together proves challenging due to Saudi Arabia’s strict public policies. Things turn political when Barakah begins comparing today’s Saudi culture with that of his uncle’s generation. review/uncensored-hisham-fageeh-and-fatima-al-banawi/ Looking at old slides, he recounts how men and women used to be able to socialise in public, there were cultural heroes besides imams. review-saudi-rom-com-toronto-film-festival-tiff ===== The film is a who-dunnit thriller, set in the backdrop of North Kolkata with its British Raj charm. ===== Eleven- year-old Toni trains with her brother Jermaine in the boxing gym at the Lincoln Community Center in Cincinnati. She starts to take notice of the girls’ dance team which also practices there. Toni watches through the doors to the practice room as two girls dance at each other. The next day, Toni goes into the empty gym and starts to dance, mimicking the actions of the girls whom she had seen dancing earlier. Jermaine interrupts her to ask if she is ready to go hit the stairs where they go to continue training. He tells Toni that he saw her dancing and encourages her to try out for the team. Toni goes to the tryouts and observes the team with a group of other young hopefuls. The team captains, Legs and Karisma, teach the girls the “clap back call” which they try to do with little success. Toni continues to practice the routine in the empty gym. Legs comes in to pick up some water bottles and asks Toni to go fill them before practice. She befriends two other girls, Beezy and Maia. During practice, Legs collapses and appears to have a seizure before she is hospitalized. Karisma takes over the practices before she too suffers from a hysterical fit. Later, Toni tells Jermaine about the seizures. Jermaine warns Toni to not start acting like Karisma as she is the craziest one out of all of them. Later, Toni aggressively practices the dance routine, smiling as she begins to master it. At practice the next day, she looks disappointed to hear that it is cancelled. She and Beezy play in the empty building and try on their new uniforms. They talk about the seizure episodes and question whether they were caused by some sort of boyfriend disease. The next day, the supervisor announces that they suspect there might be something in the water so they should only drink from the water cooler in the boxing gym. Girls continue to have seizure episodes. Toni watches a newscaster reporting on “the fits”, stating that city officials are working with the county health department to investigate the cause. Later, Toni, Beezy, and Maia listen in as a group of girls talking about what each of their episodes felt like. Beezy and Maia note that only the older girls have been getting sick. Maia tells Toni that she wants to know how the fits feel since they seem inevitable. Later, at practice, Maia has an episode. Toni argues with Beezy, saying that Maia wanted it to happen to her. An official tells the girls and their parents that she has found nothing wrong with the water. Beezy is called in to meet with the doctor and Toni watches through the window as she begins to seize. Later, Beezy and Maia talk about their experience with the fits as Toni listens. Toni skips practice and goes to stand in the empty pool. As she walks back towards the gym, she begins to float in the air. The team watches in shock as she enters the room, floating and flailing her arms with her eyes closed. The film then cuts to shots of Toni and the dance team in uniform performing on the stairs, in the gym, the boxing ring, and in the empty pool. It then cuts back to Toni still flailing in the air, before she falls to the ground. She opens her eyes and smiles. ===== DC Alisha Barba is recovering after breaking her back during a kidnap rescue operation with the Metropolitan Police in London 12 months earlier. One day, Alisha receives a message from an old school friend with whom she has lost touch after they fell out. On the night of their school reunion, Alisha meets Cate for the first time in years and Cate is showing off her baby bump. When a crazed driver mows Cate and her husband down an ambulance is called. The paramedics can do nothing for Cate's husband and emergency first aid on Cate reveals her baby bump to be false. With Cate dead, Alisha must confront a deadly trafficking operation that stretches across Europe and into Asia. With former Detective Inspector Ruiz (her old boss) she embarks on the quest for truth and a promise she made to Cate to not let her baby be taken by someone else. ===== ===== When her uncle dies, Elizabeth goes back to her family's castle to hear the reading of his will. Her boyfriend, Jack, suspects there is a plot afoot to steal Elizabeth's inheritance and keeps a close eye on her. She learns the castle is said to be haunted, and her relatives try to get her to sell it cheaply, but she hesitates. Later, she's kidnapped and brought to a dungeon where Elizabeth is tortured by a hooded figure. ===== The film details the difficulties faced by young undocumented immigrant Robert (Jeffrey Lau), working at a low-paying job at a Szechuan restaurant in Flushing, Flushing, Queens, New York. Robert wants to obtain U.S. citizenship and is told that this is possible if he marries an American woman (which is played by O'Brien). He initially frets the idea, but decides to Americanize himself in the shortest time possible. The character, in addition, sends money to his parents, along with letters which show a false positivity of his life in America. One waiter, Sam (Lester "Chit Man" Chan) receives major debts which causes him to pocketing communal tips. Robert is impressed by a pair of regulars, a young white man, and his Asian- American girlfriend. His boss (Thomas K. Suing) thinks business is too slow to create tax penalties for sponsoring Robert, and if he were to do so, it would take Robert about five years to get his card. He also wants to bring his parents to America. A classy woman offers from $25, 000 to $50, 000 to marry Robert for convenience. Later, he lets his street-smart friend Andy sets him up with a shy, lonely white woman (Colleen O' Brien). They're relationship is inconclusive; they have hardly anything in common and not much to say to each other. They end up breaking up with her because he admits he is using her. Things get bad at work. Robert affronts Sam about his theft and gets him fired. Later on, the Department of Immigration raids the restaurant, with Robert closely hiding in the walk-in freezer. He returns to work with the plight still undecided and watches as the young white man proposes to his girlfriend. ===== Selina Kyle (Camren Bicondova) is prowling through Gotham City. After robbing milk and pick-pocketing, she flees to an alley and hides in a fire escape. She watches Thomas (Grayson McCouch) and Martha Wayne (Brette Taylor) with their son Bruce (David Mazouz) walking through the alley as they are walking home from seeing a movie. An unknown assailant approaches them, demanding their possessions and then shooting Thomas and Martha, leaving Bruce shocked in front of his parents' bodies while Selina watches. Rookie detective James "Jim" Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and his partner, Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue) are sent to investigate the crime scene. Gordon talks with Bruce and promises to capture the killer after Bruce explains to Gordon of what happened when the Waynes' butler, Alfred Pennyworth (Sean Pertwee) arrives for Bruce. When they have no clues, they go to see Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith), an underling of Mafia Don Carmine Falcone (John Doman) but they receive no information. The next day, Bullock calls Gordon as he got a lead in the case. The suspect, Mario Pepper (Daniel Stewart Sherman) flees from the apartment and nearly kills Gordon when Bullock shoots him, killing him. During an inspection, they find the necklace and are labeled for solving the case. However, a low-level mobster Oswald "Penguin" Cobblepot gives information to Major Crimes Unit investigators Renee Montoya (Victoria Cartagena) and Crispus Allen (Andrew Stewart-Jones) revealing Mooney framed Pepper for the murder. Montoya thinks Gordon and the Police Department (GCPD) are corrupt and plans on bring them down. Realizing Pepper is innocent, Gordon confronts Mooney, only to be kidnapped. Bullock goes for him, only to be knocked out and both tied by Mooney's bodyguard, Butch Gilzean (Drew Powell). Meanwhile, Mooney confronts Cobblepot and beats him with a baseball bat for being a rat. Gordon and Bullock are saved by Don Falcone, who says Mooney should ask him first to kill a cop. He reveals to Gordon the relationship with Gordon's father and framing Pepper. To show his adherence to the corruption going on within Gotham City, Gordon is ordered by Falcone to kill Cobblepot in the docks. Gordon fakes Cobblepot's death by throwing him in the ocean, telling him to never come back to Gotham. Gordon visits Bruce in his Manor, revealing Pepper was framed and promising to find the real killer. As he exits Wayne Manor, Selina is seen on an outside wall. The episode ends with Cobblepot climbing out of a river and killing a man so he can get his sandwich. ===== ===== An American philatelist pays £10,000 for what he thinks is a rare postage stamp. After he becomes concerned of its authenticity he employs detective "Duke" Tom Martin (Tom Conway) to investigate. ===== The book tells the story of three brothers whose lives were heavily influenced by Iranian history: the oldest, Abbas, was a soldier under the Shah; the second, Javad, was a communist activist; the younger, Ali, supported the Khomeini's Islamic revolution. All of their lives will be influenced by the worst chapters of Iranian history in the 20th century, including the Iranian Revolution, the Iran-Iraq war, and the executions of political opponents. ===== ===== A sadistic murderer stalks the streets of Whitechapel in London's East End. Sherlock Holmes is called in to investigate, but as the investigation into the grisly named Jack The Ripper continues, Holmes realizes there's more at stake than just stopping a serial killer. ===== While investigating a mysterious corpse on a deserted beach, Holmes and Watson are attacked by the strange inhabitants of the nearby village. Then, Watson wakes up only to find that many months have passed and Holmes' behaviour is extremely odd. What had happened at that village, and what is its connection to the infamous "Devil's Companion" that so shook Holmes? ===== The film is about an anthology of stories about how technology and social networks has changed the lives of people. ===== In the streets, two people Patti (Lili Taylor) and Doug (Frank Whaley), pretending to be volunteers from the Mayor's Homeless Outreach Project, kidnap two kids and kill a homeless war veteran while a third kid, Mackey (Kyle Massey), escapes. Doug follows him until he accidentally throws Mackey in a restaurant window, forcing him to flee. Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock (Donal Logue) investigate the war veteran and interrogate Mackey, although Bullock is skeptical of his testimony. Meanwhile, Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) makes his way back to Gotham City hitchhiking. Two boys pick him up and give him a beer, but when the passenger tells him he walks like a "penguin", he kills him, and keeps the driver, bound and gagged with duct tape, as a hostage. In the GCPD, forensic scientist Edward Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) reveals a high level of ATP on Mackey, which prompts Captain Sarah Essen (Zabryna Guevara) to order Gordon and Bullock to investigate but not to reveal any information to the media. Montoya (Victoria Cartagena) and Allen (Andrew Stewart-Jones) investigate Cobblepot's disappearance and upon interrogating his mother, Gertrude Kapelput (Carol Kane), they deduce he was killed by Mooney and the corrupt cops. Don Falcone (John Doman) talks with Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) telling her Cobblepot told him she was going to turn against him. While talking with Butch Gilzean (Drew Powell), Mooney plans on killing Falcone. When Gordon shows his frustration to his fiancee, Barbara Kean (Erin Richards), she gives the information to the press as an anonymous tip. Gordon and Bullock ambush Patti and Doug in a facility and although they escape, they rescue the children. Mayor Aubrey James (Richard Kind) decides to send the kids to the juvenile service. However, the bus where the children (including Selina) are held is taken by Patti and Doug. They take them to a storage container, planning on send them to "Dollmaker". After trying to get Selina, they're captured by Gordon and Bullock after receiving a tip from their worker, Morry Quillan (Wayne Duvall). In the station, Selina reveals to Gordon she saw who killed the Waynes in the alley. ===== At the beginning of the film, Christine Chubbuck is frequently at odds with her boss Michael, who wants her to focus less on human interest pieces and more on crime, which brings in news ratings. She also nurses a crush on her co-worker George Peter Ryan. After experiencing pains in her stomach, Christine's doctor tells her she needs to have an ovary removed, which will result in a decrease in the likelihood of her having children. At work, she learns the owner of the station intends to promote some of the Sarasota team with a move to Baltimore. Eager to earn the promotion, Christine buys a police scanner and begins listening to it, hoping to find grittier stories. Though her co-workers praise her stories, Michael continues to tell her they are not what the station is looking for. Christine tries to do a piece combining documentary and recreation, but is shot down by Michael, who also informs Christine that her segment will be replaced. Christine lashes out, screaming at Michael in front of the whole station. After taking the weekend off, Christine returns to work, and George asks her out to dinner so they can talk. At dinner, the pair confide personal secrets. After dinner, George tells Christine he wants to help her and brings her to a self-help group. The group plays a game called "Yes, But" in which one person describes their problems and the other person offers solutions. During the course of the game, Christine reveals to her partner that she is a virgin but desperately wants a husband and a biological child. George drops Christine off at home and tells her he is being promoted to the Baltimore team. Alone, Christine drives to the home of Bob Anderson, the owner of the station, where she pretends she has a flat tire. They discuss the Baltimore promotions and Anderson reveals that George asked for Andrea, the sports anchor, to be transferred with him, which devastates Christine. At work, Michael gives Christine permission to do another segment. Christine reads out several minutes of local news. When footage of a crime scene jams and she is asked to stall, she announces that the station will be airing a live suicide attempt, pulls out a gun, and shoots herself in the head. Christine falls out of her chair bleeding, causing her disbelieving co-workers to realize it is not a prank. She is taken to the hospital, where she eventually succumbs to her injuries. Her mother and colleagues are devastated. One of them, Jean, puts together Christine's news clippings into a memorial film. At the end of the film, she returns home, and goes into the kitchen. She grabs the ice cream from the fridge, and puts it onto the bowl. She changes the channel on the television, and sings The Mary Tyler Moore Show theme song "Love is All Around", and she eats ice cream. ===== Six months after "Ricksy Business", Rick decides to unfreeze time. He warns Morty and Summer that their chronological time could initially be unstable. Rick encourages Beth and Jerry to go out for ice cream to allow them time to stabilize. Morty and Summer argue, and the resulting uncertainty tears time apart into two realities—depicted visually as two mostly synchronized parallel realities. They are no longer a part of any timeline, and the garage is surrounded by a black void filled with Schrödinger's cats. Rick uses a Time Crystal to try to mend the timelines together, but Morty and Summer's continued uncertainty prevents the fusion from working. Rick's own uncertainty that his other self is conspiring against him results in chaos. A four-dimensional being with a testicle for a head appears and scolds Rick. He gives Rick, Morty and Summer time-stabilizing collars that restore order by fusing the timelines into a single one. However, since Rick obtained the time crystal by illegal means, the being tells them that they will go to Time Prison for eternity. Rick instructs Morty and Summer to break off their collars, but the resulting chain of uncertainty further splits their realities into dozens of different timelines. After defeating the testicle monster, Rick notes that time is falling apart. Summer's collar transports her back to her time, but one of the Mortys' collars is broken. With the garage falling away piece by piece, the Morty with the broken collar falls into the spaceless void and Rick jumps after him. He gives Morty his collar and accepts it, but spots Morty's collar floating below him. He hurriedly fixes it, and all three are reunited in their own time. Meanwhile, after getting ice cream, Beth and Jerry hit a deer with their car. As an animal surgeon, Beth attempts to help the deer at a veterinary hospital, but notices a gunshot wound in its side. A hunter appears and claims the deer as his, calling a lawyer to guarantee his ownership. While Beth ignores this and attempts to save the deer, Jerry comes to the rescue by bringing members of a wildlife institute who can transport the deer to the best doctors, and outside the jurisdiction of the hunter's claim. Back in the woods, Jerry reveals the men were not doctors, but rather employees at the ice cream parlor. Beth continues her operation and saves the deer, who returns to the woods. After the credits, an additional scene shows the testicle monster receiving reinforcements. They mistake Albert Einstein for Rick and proceed to beat him up and warn him not to "mess with time". This inspires Einstein to formulate the theory of relativity out of spite. ===== ===== Original Dust Jacket, Nesthäkchen Fliegt aus dem Nest. Else Ury's Nesthäkchen is a Berlin doctor's daughter, Anne Marie Braun; a slim, golden blond, quintessential German girl. In this story, which takes place in the years 1922-1923 Annemarie goes with her girlfriends Ilse and Marlene to study in Tübingen. Annemarie wants to study medicine to be assistant to her father. Only under the condition that she then continue her training in Berlin does he allow the academic year in Tübingen. Aunt Albertina does not agree that a young girl should leave the parental home alone. On the outward journey Annemarie misses a train in Würzburg and loses Ilse and Marlene but meets a young doctor, Rudolf Hartenstein, who likes her immediately. Finally arriving in Tübingen, Annemarie lives with Ilse and Marlene at the home of the couple Nepomuk and Veronika Kirchmäuser and their children Vronli and Kasper. The girls make friends with students Krabbe, Neumann and Egerling with whom they establish a "Swabian hiking covenant." Else Ury brings in here the Wandervogel movement, a motif popular at the beginning of the 20th century. At a party in the home of Professor Bergholz, Annemarie meets Rudolf Hartenstein again, as well as his sister Ola. In the course of time, Annemarie and Rudolf fall in love. Their declaration of love occurs in a dramatic incident: in a foggy cave, the Nebelhöhle, where Annemarie almost collapses into a deep abyss, Rudolf holds her fast and saves her at the last moment. At the Ulmer Münster, he asks Annemarie to marry him, but she refuses because she has promised her father to be his assistant. In the summer semester Annemarie returns to Berlin to work in a clinic. Rudolf Hartenstein is also in Berlin and works as a doctor in the same hospital as Annemarie. He is Annemarie’s superior, and between the two there is tension. When they meet during a storm in the Charlottenburg Palace Park, Rudolf renews his declaration of love, and this time Annemarie gives in. The two marry just as Annemarie's brother Hans marries Rudolf's sister Ola. In the first edition, there is an allusion to the lost World War I. From a train window, Annemarie sees the Burg Hohenzollern that "so proudly stands and suspects nothing of the sudden overthrow of the Hohenzollern dynasty." Some editions contain an additional chapter: an epilogue describing Annemarie’s future. She has become the mother of a daughter, Vronli. ===== The film opens as the child of a photo journalist Ram (Bharath Reddy) has a nightmare of his father’s car meeting with a terrible accident and the very next day he has to go alone to a forest to shoot some pictures. A broker Kavariman (Singampuli) guides Ram to a deserted bungalow whose watchman Yogi Babu lets them in for a bribe and some liquor. Well past midnight inside the house Ram finds a memory card and in it there are pictures of a girl in a compromising position whom he recognizes and calls one of his friends in Chennai and tries to email them but fails. Thereafter he undergoes a scary time as a hideous woman appears in the bathroom, the fridge and his bedroom causing him to panic and leave the house. Driving his car all through the way he gets into one scary situation after the other and finally finds out why the ghost is after him but only after a great personal tragedy. review-20958.html On the downside the story the director keeps on establishing that the hero is seeing ghosts in scene after scene, thereby diluting the fear factor. Vishaka Singh’s ghost character seems to have so much power to influence the hero, making him see ghosts and is with him all the time and it defies logic why she waits till the very end to kill him. Can he go back to his place to see his wife and daughter? Will the ghost continue to haunt him and his family? amateurish-review-tamil-qizkRpafbejae.html ===== Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) returns to Gotham City. A breaking news report on a nearby TV reports that a businessman Ronald Danzer (Jack Koenig), is out on bail awaiting trial for a Ponzi scheme bilked a half a billion dollars. He tries to escape when he is intercepted outside the building by a man with a pig mask. The man ties Danzer to a weather balloon and Danzer floats in the sky. As Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock (Donal Logue) investigates the "Balloonman" case (where he kills corrupt citizens), Gordon works with Selina (Camren Bicondova) to solve the Waynes' killer. He takes her to the alley but Selina begins to give no good details in the information. When she reveals she stole a man's wallet before going to the alley and recalling when the man reported it, she says the wallet fell in the sewers. Gordon handcuffs her and goes down the sewers to look for the wallet. He finds it but Selina frees herself and flees. Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) is questioned by Montoya (Victoria Cartagena) and Allen (Andrew Stewart-Jones) about Cobblepot's whereabouts. She suggests it was Gordon who killed him, which makes them realize it was Falcone (John Doman) who ordered the hit. While practicing fencing with Alfred (Sean Pertwee), Bruce (David Mazouz) decides to lead his own investigation of the murder of his parents. Cobblepot gets a job at Bamonte's Restaurant as a dishwasher under the alias of Paolo, after having killed one of the employees. He is surprised when he sees Mob Boss Salvatore Maroni (David Zayas) using the restaurant as a base of operations for his businesses. Maroni notices him and befriends him as Maroni sees Cobblepott as a younger version of himself. Lt. Bill Cranston (James Colby) is the next victim of the Balloonman. Barbara (Erin Richards) is visited by Montoya, both were lovers in the past. Montoya tries to tell Barbara of Gordon's involvement in Cobblepot's disappearance but she denies it. Gordon and Bullock arrest Carl Smikers, the manufacturer of the balloons for questioning. They realize Davis Lamond (Dan Bakkedahl) is the Balloonman and they get orders to arrest him. Arriving at a facility, Gordon and Bullock ambush him. However, Lamond holds Bullock at gunpoint, confessing to having become The Balloonman to stop the corruption at the city. After a battle in which Gordon and Lamond fly in the weather balloon, Bullock shoots the balloon and both fall. Lamond is then arrested. Bruce and Alfred watch the arrest of Lamond with Alfred praising The Balloonman's actions, but Bruce says that as he killed people, he's a criminal as well. In the Gordon's Penthouse, Barbara opens the door to reveal Cobblepot outside, asking for Gordon. ===== In the year 2011, a sophisticated Los Angeles Company, Nanolabs, prepares to advertise a cancer cure in the form of nano-engines, microscopic molecular machines which mutate and restore organic tissue cell by cell. Genius Buck Hogan (Henry Thomas) starts to have serious doubts when lab animals start to die. Profit-greedy CEO Donald (Brion James) ignores him and devises human tests and news conferences. The same night, a strange-looking masked figure traps and anesthetizes Hogan. When hogan awakens, he learns one of his kidneys has been expertly replaced with a biodegradable sac that according to later publications, holds corrosive acid. The masked man promises Hogan an antidote only if he complies in picking up and delivering three packages. When the departmental LAPD refuses to help, and Hogan's fiancee Angeline (Mädchen Amick) is abducted, Hogan rips open a package and discovers it is empty. Hogan realizes that the courier act was a ruse to cause him to touch boxes coated with nano-engines, which penetrate his skin and are reacting with the sac. Hogan traces the potential culprit, fellow employee and career rival Malcolm Garvey (Frank Whaley), who forces the couple into Nanolabs at gunpoint during Donald's big press tour. Revealing that the cancer cure is actually a carcinogen, Garvey also tells that the nano-engines inside Hogan have converted his implant into a destructive bomb. In the following panic, Garvey is shot dead and Angeline and Hogan remain in the building. Fortunately, Angeline happens to be a surgeon and executes an effective bomb-ectomy on the spot. They flee as the lab explodes, but Garvey's caution is lost in the pointless electronic media. ===== Jonathan (Yousef Erakat) and his fraternity brothers invite Tiffany Simmons (Diamond White) and her friends Rain Mathison (Bella Thorne), Leah Devereaux (Lexy Panterra), and a reluctant Aday Walker (Liza Koshy) to a Halloween party. Tiffany's father Brian (Perry) forbids her to attend and is later aghast at her smutty video chat with Jonathan. That night, Madea (Perry) and Aunt Bam (Cassi Davis) distribute candy to trick-or-treaters, though Bam steals candy back from them. Joe (Perry) dresses as a clown to frighten the women, with their friend Hattie Mae Love (Patrice Lovely) as his accomplice. Brian arranges for Madea (who brings along Joe, Aunt Bam, and Hattie) to stay at his house to prevent Tiffany from attending the party while he works late and takes his son Brian Jr. (B.J.) to his ex-wife's house, but his reluctance to put his foot down and be firm with his daughter appalls the four elders. To keep the oldsters busy so they can sneak out, Tiffany and the still-reluctant Aday invent a ghost story that leads the superstitious adults to hide in the bedrooms. Upon overcoming the superstition to check Tiffany's (empty) bed, Madea realizes that the girls are at the party, so she crashes it to look for Tiffany, but gets ejected along with Bam and Hattie after shutting the party down by turning off the music. Upon returning home, the women then put a permanent end to the party by calling the police on the frathouse. Aday overhears the brothers planning revenge against Madea and her friends. The boys pose as the ghost from Tiffany's story, hacking into the house's wiring and plumbing, and sneaking into the attic; Madea, Bam, and Hattie flee the house, pursued by the brothers and partygoers dressed as zombies. Joe stays at the house and knocks out a frat boy dressed as a deranged clown, who reveals Jonathan's scheme to Joe. Madea runs into a church where Aday's parents are ministers; Madea comes to believe the supernatural threats are punishment for her sins and hopes salvation will protect her. Aday and her parents then reveal Jonathan's scheme, with the former adding that it was payback against the women for shutting the party down; Aday, Madea, Hattie and Bam plan a comeuppance for the fraternity. They return to Brian's house and force him to return home to deal with Tiffany's misbehavior, but he continues to be reluctant to take any real action, not wanting to use the old-school methods that his father and aunt used on him. Finally fed up, Madea, Bam, and Hattie storm up to Tiffany's room to confront her, pack her things to throw her out of the house, and even take some things for themselves. Tiffany looks to her father for help, but when he refuses, she finally calls him out for being such a pushover with everyone and reveals her knowledge of her mother cheating on him in their house, as well as the fact she knew that he knew about her mother's infidelity and that she was appalled when he didn't confront her over it; this made her lose respect for her father. At this, Brian finally toughens up and helps the women pack up Tiffany's things. He then confirms to Tiffany that he knew about her mother's affair, but took no action and walked away to protect Tiffany and her brother from all the drama and pain. Brian explains that he makes the rules and decisions that he does to protect his children so they can eventually live their lives and make mistakes responsibly. He then issues his daughter the ultimatum of either living in his house with him and abiding by his rules, or packing up and going out into the streets on her own. Tiffany finally gets the message of what being an adult is about and apologizes to her father and the women for her behavior and agrees to live by her father's rules. Then the police arrive to reveal that Aday has gone missing and arrest Tiffany in connection with her disappearance. The next day, the police arrive the frat house; scrambling to figure out what to do, the brothers discover Aday's seemingly-murdered corpse in the basement. The officers arrest the boys along with Tiffany, Rain, and Leah for Aday's murder when they find the corpse; they also arrest Rain, Leah, and the boys for bringing the underage Tiffany and Aday to the party. They load everyone onto a prison bus with other prisoners and a brawl breaks out on the bus. The boys and girls (sans Tiffany) panic until Aday appears, alive and unharmed; the arrests were a prank to punish everyone's misbehavior. The boys and girls apologize to the women and Aday for everything they caused. Brian, a federal prosecutor, reveals that the police officers are real, not actors as Madea had thought. The police find marijuana in the frat house and an officer recognizes Madea; she and the brothers flee as the film ends. ===== What begins as Sherlock Holmes attempting to debunk two psychics goes awry when young Louisa Altamont appears to her grieving parents as a vampire. The resulting madness leaves one of the mystics dead, Holmes missing and Dr. Watson confounded. As time runs out, Watson has no choice but to call on Holmes' vampiric cousin, the Prince Dracula, for assistance. ===== The film stars Céline Bonnier as Mother Superior Augustine, a Roman Catholic nun who teaches music in a convent school in rural Quebec in the 1960s and who is fighting to preserve her school against the backdrop of the social changes wrought by Vatican II and Quebec's Quiet Revolution. Mother Superior Augustine's sister, deserted by her husband, leaves her rebellious musical daughter to be educated at Augustine's convent. In addition to the changes to the Roman Catholic Church, Augustine faces the shutting down of her convent and attacks from the Mother General who feels Augustine is too much of an individual. ===== The events of the story take place at Ellis Island, where a boy named Dominic, is on a class trip with his new class shortly after being placed in a new foster home, and eventually finds his way into a janitorial closet. He falls asleep. When he wakes up, there is no students or anyone he knew who came to this trip in sight. Lonely and afraid, he picks up display telephones talking to the recordings that are the voices of immigrants who talk about their lives and their journey to America. Someone answers him but whispers and all of a sudden he has been transported back in time. He finds himself in Italy in 1908 on top of a green hill where he meets new friends named Antonio (7), Salvatore (10) and Francesco Candiano who are all brothers. They are poor and have no family. Dominic is confused and asks where he is and what year it is. The boys think he has lost his memory from the earthquake that recently passed. The boys instantly become friends and have adventures, encounter danger and even deal with loss as they are on their way to America. ===== Charlie is a playboy who's convinced that relationships are dead even though his sister, a therapist, tries to tell him otherwise. His best friends bet him that if he sticks to one woman for one month, he's bound to fall in love. Charlie takes the bet because he believes that he's immune to love, until he meets the beautiful and mysterious Eva. Charlie coaxes Eva into a casual affair but soon finds out that she has turned the tables on him, after realizing he wants a bit more from their relationship. ===== The novel narrates the Gowda Saraswat community's diaspora along the west coast of India between the early 16th Century and late 18th Century. The author put in years of research, delving into written histories and oral narrations, covering a huge time span and the social dynamics within the community in the perspective of historical events. "Swapna Saraswata" is the story of the fall of Gowda Saraswat Brahmin community who lived in Goa four hundred years ago. It is a tragic story of the Gowda Saraswat Brahmin community leaving their land in Goa and migrating to an unknown land due to the oppression of the Portuguese. The arrival of the Portuguese to India, the conquest of Goa by the colonists and the conversion of temples, the destruction of temples, etc., have profoundly affected the beliefs and emotions of the local Gowda Saraswat Brahmin families. In such a situation, Vittu Pai, the grandson of Narasappayya, a resident of the Verane village in Goa, vacates the village with 5-6 families in the night in order to preserve culture, faith, religion, and life. They were emotionally attached to that land and culture and it was painful for them to vacate the village. To escape from the hands of Portuguese many families travelled till Kochi, and few families settling in the places of Coastal Karnataka. Likewise, the family of Vittu Pai settles in the southern village called Bellambeedu in Kumbale. They start their new business there and settled. The novel is meant to convey a kind of message to anyone facing a storm of change by quoting the example of the life of the Gowda Saraswat Brahmin community who have seen many difficulties of survival in history. Author mentioned that he has worked for nearly 20 years and sourced 4,000 books, manuscripts and documents for this work. He has traveled from Goa to Kochi to meet people and studied their lifestyle. He has worked for nearly five years on the draft and revised it six times. ===== The movie portrays a romance between Kushal (Sudarshan Thapa) and Yunisha (Puza Sharma). It also features Surakshya Pant as Shaili, and Bijay Lama as Yunisha's uncle. ===== This modern romcom follows the story of Kat (Katie Sheridan), who is on an eventful quest for the right man. Feeling fragile after an unexpected breakup, she is now on the rebound with the help of her friends, the vivacious Janna (Kristy J Curtis) and the no nonsense computer programmer Doug (Connor Mills). As the trio hurtle from one dating disaster to the next, it is clear that Kat's friends are no experts in love either. Over various episodes the characters explore themes of love online and what it is to be single in your twenties in a world moving increasingly on to the internet. ===== Gordon (Ben McKenzie) berates Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) after showing up at his apartment. Cobblepot tells him a mob war will happen with the Arkham Plan, which convinces Gordon. It's revealed that Falcone (John Doman) and Mayor James (Richard Kind) are backing the project. A councilman, Ron Jenkins (Evander Duck) is killed by a hitman. Gordon tells Bullock (Donal Logue) and Essen (Zabryna Guevara) that the Arkham District is a battlefield between Falcone and Maroni. Upon visiting a prisoner who knows the hitman, Gordon and Bullock look for Richard Gladwell (Hakeem Kae-Kazim), a possible suspect. They find a paper that reads C.L.M. Bamonte's is attacked by three masked men, which forces Cobblepot to protect the money until they flee. Cobblepot is promoted to restaurant manager by Maroni after the manager is killed in the attack. It was discovered by Bullock that the real Gladwell was dead for five years and that the hitman was using his name. Gordon figures out that Mayor James will be the next target, due to the C.L.M. referring to the initials of the officers sent to protect the mayor. While protecting James, Gordon fights the hitman until Bullock arrives to back him up. The hitman is killed by Bullock and Gordon. Meanwhile, Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) pairs up two possible females for her nightclub job opening against each other where a female named Liza (Makenzie Leigh) wins. Mayor James holds a press conference about the Arkham Plan. Cobblepot reunites with the masked men who attacked Bamonte's, turning out he hired them so he could get the promotion. They then die after Cobblepot serves them poisoned cannoli. ===== The film traces the delusions of a young woman, played by Natalie Portman. She is making futile attempts to follow a phantom travelling through the dunes of an empty sea beach, and, when it comes to an encounter in an abandoned house at the end, the woman finds a disturbing surprise. ===== The film takes place following a severe drop in the global population. The Survivalist (Martin McCann) is first seen burying the body of a near-naked man, and then resetting a bear trap. He is then shown to be living efficiently in the wild in a small cabin; he harvests vegetable crops for food, forages berries, washes clothes in a nearby stream, fertilises seeds with his seminal fluid, and lays traps against intruders around his small farm's perimeter. One day, the Survivalist hears noise outside his cabin, and rushes out to find an old woman and a younger woman standing outside his door. The old woman introduces herself as Kathryn (Olwen Fouéré), and the younger woman as her daughter, Milja (Mia Goth). Kathryn offers the Survivalist some jewellery and seeds in exchange for some of his crops, but he declines, all the while holding them at gunpoint. Finally, Kathryn offers him Milja, and an agreement is made for sex with the young woman in exchange for food. The Survivalist locks Kathryn in a back room while he and Milja have sex. The following morning, the Survivalist tells the women to take their belongings and leave. Kathryn steps outside and Milja is about to join her, when suddenly she returns inside and takes a razor and some soap. Milja caresses his face, before softly shaving him. Kathryn and Milja have been allowed to stay. Over the following days, they fall into an uneasy domestic routine alongside the Survivalist; they farm during the day, eat dinner together in the evening, and then Milja and the Survivalist have sex every night. However, Kathryn and Milja plan to secretly kill the Survivalist in order to reduce the amount of supplies being used. One night, on Kathryn's orders, Milja steals the two last shells from the Survivalist's shotgun. The next morning, before their plan can be put into action, Milja is abducted by a drifter while bathing in the stream. After the Survivalist is alerted by an out-of-place footprint in the mud outside the cabin, he takes off into the woods after Milja and her assailant. After tracking them down, the Survivalist tries to load his shotgun but realises that his shells are missing. As a result, the assailant is able to shoot the Survivalist in the stomach. The assailant approaches the wounded Survivalist, intending to shoot him again in order to kill him, but the Survivalist pulls out his knife at the last second and slits the assailant's throat. Back at the cabin, Milja and Kathryn treat the Survivalist's wound, prying the bullet out and cauterising the wound. When the wound becomes infected, Kathryn wants to let him die, but Milja convinces Kathryn to help nurse him back to health. One night, after the Survivalist has returned to full health, a band of raiders arrive at the cabin. The Survivalist gathers Milja and Kathryn, and informs them that he counted six raiders. Armed with only a shotgun with two shells and a pistol with one bullet salvaged from Milja's abductor, they decide that they are outnumbered and cannot fight back. They have no choice but to keep quiet while the raiders attempt, but fail, to break into the cabin. The following morning, the Survivalist, Kathryn and Milja emerge from the cabin to discover that their farm has been ransacked and all of their crops have been stolen. In the following days, they work to save the farm, but they begin to slowly starve. Meanwhile, Milja discovers she is pregnant and attempts to perform an abortion on herself with a length of wire, but stops at the last moment. Kathryn again floats the idea of killing the Survivalist, explaining that there is only enough food for two people. Milja agrees that there is only enough food for two people, and suggests poisoning the Survivalist. That night, Milja makes a meal with poison mushrooms. The following morning, Kathryn tells the Survivalist that she and Milja are leaving. Milja tells her she wants to stay; Kathryn immediately goes to the sink and vomits, realising that Milja has poisoned her instead of poisoning the Survivalist. Resigned to her death, Kathryn tells the Survivalist to cut her wrists and bury her after she dies, which he does. On the way back from burying Kathryn, the Survivalist finds two rabbits caught in some of his traps, which would have been enough food for three people had Kathryn survived. The Survivalist returns to the cabin, and tells Milja about his brother while preparing the rabbits to eat. He tells her that they used to steal supplies from camps by going in and out undetected. During one run, his brother saw a girl and couldn't help himself. While attempting to rape her, she screamed and a chase ensued. Realising that there was no way that both of them would escape alive, the Survivalist cut his brother's Achilles tendon and left him to die. The Survivalist tells her that he did what he had to do to survive; in telling her this, he reassures her that she did the right thing in poisoning Kathryn. Shortly thereafter, Milja wordlessly informs the Survivalist that she is pregnant by placing his hand on her belly. The Survivalist and Milja are out foraging one day when they notice that the raiders have returned. The Survivalist decides that they need to leave the farm, but before they can, they need to collect their storage of crop seeds. Milja sneaks into their green house for the seeds and the Survivalist stands watch while the raiders ransack the cabin. Milja successfully grabs the seeds; on her way out, she grabs a machete, which makes a noise and alerts the raiders to her presence. Milja and the Survivalist run into the woods, but the raiders give chase. After the raiders surround them, the Survivalist sees a vision of his brother. He tells Milja that his brother's name was Augustus, before instructing her to run while he distracts the raiders. The Survivalist begins playing the harmonica, drawing the raiders towards him and away from Milja. One of the raiders stumbles onto Milja's location, but she lures him into a bear trap and makes her escape. The Survivalist manages to shoot and kill one of the raiders, but he is eventually shot with a crossbow bolt. His dying body is looted next to a large spit and fire made from the cabin's wood, implying that the raiders are cannibalistic. Milja wanders the woods alone for a long time, until she eventually arrives at a large compound, surrounded by barbed-wire fences and patrolled by armed guards. She walks up to the gate and hands her bag and her machete over to the guard on the other side. The guard runs off into the compound. Confused, Milja turns to a female guard and asks her what happens next. The guard tells Milja that a vote will be held to decide whether or not to let Milja stay. The guard then realises that Milja is pregnant and asks if she knows what she will call the baby. Milja answers, "If it's a boy…" ===== ===== Five toys sit on a windowsill all waiting for something to happen. There is an owl waiting to see the moon, there is a pig with an umbrella waiting to see the rain, there is a puppy with a snow sled waiting to see the snow, there is a bear with a kite waiting to see the wind and finally there is a rabbit looking outside the window just happy to contemplate what is happening outside. ===== ===== The Good-Luck Horse is based on a Chinese folk-tale. It tells the story of a paper horse that was created by a kind magician. Since the horse was magical it was able to do anything it was told to do. The horse then became a problem because it was bringing bad luck to its owner until the horse ran away. When a war broke out the horse met another horse and together they were able to end the war, earning him the name of the good-luck horse. ===== ===== A young boy, Samuele Pucillo, cuts a forked twig from a pine tree to make a slingshot. With his friend Mattias Cucina, he then enjoys carving eyes and mouth on some shovels of prickly pear and throwing stones with the slingshot, as if against an enemy army. This happens on the island of Lampedusa, while the men of the Italian Navy's district office, received by radio a request for help, activate the search at sea with naval units and helicopters of the Coast Guard. Meanwhile, life on the island continues. A housewife, Maria Signorello, while preparing lunch, listens to the local radio station led by Pippo Fragapane who broadcasts music and songs on request and gives news about sightings and rescues at sea. Dr. Pietro Bartolo Refugees and migrants from North Africa on overcrowded boats are taken on board Coast Guard ships and then, transhipped on spears and patrol boats, are taken ashore. Here they find Pietro Bartolo, the doctor who directs the outpatient clinic in Lampedusa and who for years has been making his first visit to every migrant who disembarks on the island. They are then transferred by bus to the Lampedusa immigrant reception center, searched and photographed. Samuele talks to Francesco Mannino, a relative fisherman who tells him about when he was a sailor on merchant ships living always on board for six, seven months, between sky and sea. A diver, Francesco Paterna, dives to fish for sea urchins despite the rough sea. At home, during a thunderstorm, Samuel studies and then listens to his grandmother, Maria Costa, who tells him about when, during the Second World War, at night the military ships passed throwing light rockets into the air and the sea turned red, it seemed there was "fire at sea". Maria Signorello calls the radio to dedicate a cheerful swing Fuocoammare to her fisherman son, wishing the bad weather will end soon so that he can go out on the boat to work. Meanwhile song is on the air, in the immigrant reception centre a group of refugees sing a heartfelt song accompanied by the story of their vicissitudes. Dr. Bartolo, showing the photo of a boat with 860 people, tells of those who have not made it. Especially those who sail below deck for days, tired, hungry, dehydrated, soaked and burned by fuel. Moved and upset, the doctor tells of how many he could treat and how many, however, had to inspect the bodies recovered at sea, including many women and children, making it very difficult to get used to. So, while Samuele grows up and faces his difficulties to become a sailor, in fact in Lampedusa everyone is, the tragedy of migrants and the commitment of rescuers continues at sea. ===== Hedi (Majd Mastoura) is a young Tunisian man going through an existential crisis. He always done what was told never questioned the conventions of his society and always sought to please his mother Baya who always arranged everything for him. Despite having a decent job as a salesman in a country with an increasingly volatile economic, Hedi is indifferent to his job. His mother is arranging his wedding to Khedija, a relationship that he is apathetic to. However, a week prior to the actual wedding Hedi meets Rim with whom he starts a passionate affair. Unlike Khedija who comes from a conservative family, Rim is a well travelled independent women with an outgoing character. Rim works as an itinerant dancer and event coordinator for tourists at hotels. Hedi is left with a hard decision to make, settle down for a mediocre marriage or follow his globetrotting sweetheart. ===== Houdini is framed for espionage but Holmes is determined to clear his name, with the real culprits being sinister blackmailers who have targeted the Prince of Wales. Can the duo solve what some believe will become known as 'The Crime of the Century' before it's too late? ===== In this novel the plot has advanced beyond the year during which Else Ury was writing, 1923. Strictly speaking, Ury is describing the future. Annemarie Braun was born 9 April 1903, and married at 20; she could thus in 1930 be celebrating her seventh wedding anniversary, which occurs in the book. In order to continue the series, Else Ury extended the middle 1920s milieu of her fifth and sixth Nesthäkchen volumes for another half-century. Time stands still, but the characters age. Therefore, Annemarie’s life no longer unfolds, as in the first six books, in an actual historical period. "Nesthäkchen and Her Chicks" begins with Anne Marie and Rudolf's seventh wedding anniversary. The two now have three children, the six-year Vronli, the three-year old Hans and two-year old Ursel, and live in Berlin-Lichterfelde. Anne Marie's parents, "Omama" and "Opapa" are now beloved grandparents, her grandmother the "Urmütterchen" and Aunt Albertina the "Urtantchen" of Annemarie’s children. Brother Hans is a magistrate married to Rudolf's sister Ola, with two sons, Herbert and Waldemar. Klaus is a farmer, still a bachelor, who is enamored of Annemarie’s girlfriend Ilse Hermann. Ilse and Marlene Ulrich, the inseparable cousins, are teachers at a girls' school. Margot and Vera are unmarried and employed, Margot as head of a dressmaking firm and Vera as a photographer. Anne Marie's daughter Vronli starts school. On this day the children Hans and Ursel are alone in the house and find Father’s matches. Hans starts a fire. The house burns down and the homeless family finds shelter with their neighbors, the lonely, old, but child-loving bachelor Mr. Pfefferkorn and his grumpy housekeeper Mrs. Luebke. Subsequently Annemarie and the children move in with her parents. Financial worries torment Annemarie and Rudolf, and Annemarie has the desire to earn money to help her husband. She is unable to carry out this plan. (Else Ury is alluding to the economic misery caused by the Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic between June 1921 and January 1924.) In winter the children become seriously ill with the flu, but recover. "Urmütterchens" seventieth birthday is celebrated (the author has apparently overlooked the fact that grandmother has already celebrated her seventieth birthday in volume 3). "Urtantchen" dies soon afterward. In summer, Annemarie travels with her children, Ilse and Marlene, to visit her brother Klaus in the Pomeranian countryside. They live at his estate, Lüttgenheide, on the Baltic Sea, nearby Cousin Peter on Grotgenheide. The story ends with the betrothal of Klaus to Ilse and Peter to Marlene. In the first editions of the book, Else Ury adds an epilogue in which she states that she hesitated to continue the Nesthäkchen series, but was finally moved to do so by the many letters of her young readers. This volume was modernized after World War II. Originally Annemarie sometimes spanks her children, but does not do so in the post-war editions. ===== Leah, a young university student, moves in with her best friend Katie into an apartment in Ridgewood, Queens. One night, after they run out of marijuana, she approaches a group of young Latino men on her corner asking them to sell her drugs. They refuse. Later she invites one of the men, Blue, into her apartment, who explains that while he is a cocaine dealer, he refuses to do hard drugs. Blue and Leah end up having sex on her rooftop. After seeing the drugs that Blue deals, Leah tells him he could easily be making $60 compared to the $20 he has been selling them for. She invites him to a party thrown by the magazine she is interning for and Blue is indeed able to mark up his prices to the mostly white crowd. Emboldened by his success, Blue visits his supplier Lloyd and asks him to give him a kilo of cocaine. Lloyd agrees and Blue and Leah go to a restaurant for breakfast. While there, he is approached by one of his regulars and goes outside to sell to him. He is immediately arrested by an undercover police officer as it turns out he has been set up. Leah picks up the kilo and quietly leaves with it. Leah goes to visit Blue in jail where he tells her that due to his priors he will be getting 20 years in jail. Leah decides to help him, telling him that she has the cocaine, so the police have no evidence. He tells her to return the kilo to Lloyd and explain the situation. Instead, she finds a good-natured lawyer named George, intending to deal the cocaine to pay his fee. He is optimistic that they have a very good case. Approaching her boss, Kelly, Leah manages to sell a third of the kilo. She also enlists Katie and Blue's friends to help move the rest of the coke, while at the same time telling Blue that George is representing him pro bono. As her debts to George pile up and Lloyd finds her and threatens her to make her come up with the rest of the money, she approaches Kelly for a $17,000 loan to cover all the costs. He instead helps her throw a rave with a cover charge in order to get it all. The party is a success, but Leah takes too many drugs and wakes up alone with all the money gone. Leah promises George that she will get him the rest of the money, but he tells her to forget about it. He takes her to dinner where he explains that the legal system is unequal and white men who commit violent crimes are more likely to get off for their crimes than non-violent offenders like Blue. The two end up going to Leah's place where Leah soon passes out, intoxicated. George's true character is revealed as he uses the opportunity to rape her. After the rape, Leah becomes silent and withdrawn, taking to her bed. She is surprised one day by Blue who arrives in her apartment and crawls into bed with her. He reveals that the lawyer managed to free him and credits Leah with saving his life. Getting on one knee he proposes to her, to which she does not give a clear answer. (However, the next scene they are happily kissing each other.) Walking down the street together, Leah and Blue are surprised when Lloyd attacks them both, wanting his money. Blue first hits him over the head with a broken bottle then beats him to death with a wrench. As Leah looks on, Blue silently realizes that she provoked the attack by not returning the cocaine. Blue is arrested, watching Leah coldly as he is driven away. Leah is last seen in a classroom, just before the credits. ===== Tom, a young Chinese American boy has grown up under the care of his eccentric grandmother, Mrs. Lee, in San Francisco. He is her reluctant apprentice Guardian, learning ancient Chinese magic to protect a coral rose. However, upon the arrival of Mr. Hu, a tiger and Mrs. Lee's former apprentice, monsters attack. Mrs. Lee dies protecting Tom and the rose, leaving Mr. Hu the guardian of both Tom and the coral rose. (pg. 25-26). Safe in Mr. Hu's antique shop in Chinatown, Mr. Hu reveals that the coral rose is actually the phoenix which has the power to transform evil beings into good ones. In ancient Chinese mythology, the creature Kung Kung attempts to use the phoenix to force human beings to obey him. After the Empress Nü Kua defeated Kung Kung, the phoenix chose to return to his egg and await a time of peace when his power would not be misused and the role of the Guardian is created to protect the phoenix. (pg. 39-40) However, Kung Kung's lieutenant Vatten and the Clan of Nine (named for Vattens form as a nine-headed-serpent) have followed the Chinese Guardians to America and the phoenix will require both Mr. Hu and Tom to protect it. Tom, however, is afraid to truly take on the role of an apprentice Guardian. (pg. 28). Mr. Hu guides Tom to Goblin Square, a hidden market for the magical inhabitants of San Francisco's Chinatown. Here they meet Mistral, an old friend of Mr. Hu. Mistral is a Chinese Dragon, an exile from her ocean home for speaking out against the Dragon King(pg. 89-90). Mistral agrees to leave her job as a bodyguard in order to help Mr. Hu protect the phoenix. The day after they visit Goblin Square another old friend arrives. Sidney, a zealous salesperson in the form of a flying rat, has seen one of Vatten's spies (pg. 30-32, 68). Mr. Hu leaves Tom to wait for Mistral and protect the phoenix. While Mr. Hu is gone, a silver haired girl, Räv, comes to the door in a fright, looking for sanctuary. Although Mr. Hu has commanded Tom not to open the door, Tom is moved by compassion and lets her in. With the door open, the creature Loo arrives. Another creature from ancient Chinese mythology, Loo is a three-eyed fanged creature with blue skin and red hair. He carries an umbrella that shoots fumes of fatal diseases (pg. 75-83). Tom is knocked unconscious and Räv and the phoenix disappear. When Tom wakes he finds another of Mr. Hu's old friends, Monkey. Monkey, who was cursed for challenging Heaven and who stole his magic staff from the Dragon Kingdom, has also come at Mr. Hu's call to protect the phoenix (pg. 79, 122). Mr. Hu arrives to find Tom, Mistral, and Monkey amidst the shambles of his shop. Sidney is locked up for a spy and the four leave, Mr. Hu, Monkey and Mistral in their human forms, to find the phoenix. The spy's trail leads them to a run-down house near the ocean where Tom finds Räv tied up and injured. As they try to rescue Räv, the floor turns into a pack of red scaled, blue bristled dogs, Hsieh, which overwhelm the would-be-rescuers (99-100). Loo arrives and reveals that Räv tricked them. Loo traps them in the shrinking room as it fills with water, leaving Räv and the Hsieh to die with them. Though the tiger's and dragon's strength cannot break the walls, Tom reminds Mr. Hu his grandmother's final lesson, "use your wits, not your claws" (pg. 107). Mr. Hu shrinks everyone trapped and Monkey transforms the hairs of his tail into smaller monkeys which guide everyone out through the source of the water. Räv and the Hsieh are rescued and trapped in a pebble, but not before she reveals that Vatten plans to force the phoenix to hatch early. Sidney, who has escaped his prison, has found that Vatten has been hiding the phoenix under a hill in the middle of Stow Lake. Though Mr. Hu, Mistral, and Monkey realize that they are too old and will likely not return, they go with Sidney and Tom to find the phoenix. Held up by Loo, Monkey stays behind to fight him while the others proceed to navigate the traps set for them. Mistral is forced to hold back the fanged and clawed tiger-eating unicorn called a Po(pg. 139). Tom, now determined to live up to his grandmother's legacy deliberately springs a trap so Mr. Hu can retrieve the phoenix. Tom is caught in the hair of the venomous, many-headed creature called The Watcher (pg. 140). Even as a ferocious tiger, Mr. Hu cannot stop them. In a last ditch attempt Mr. Hu and Sidney free Tom by setting the Watcher on fire, but they are too late. Mr. Hu refuses to give up Tom to death, instead bringing everyone to the magical realm of the Empress. The Empress gives some of Mr. Hu's tiger soul to Tom to save him. She also presses a golden scale to Tom's cheek, promising she will come if he calls (pg. 171). The group returns to the mortal realm with the phoenix, exhausted but successful. ===== The notion of the film is that our adult lives run in cycles of unconscious behavior. Matthew (played both by Eric Wilke and Michael Ferreira), confronts the past through Sigmund Freud's theory of psychotherapy. His therapist (Michael Musto) helps Matthew find parallels to the past to resolve childhood trauma. ===== Bruce (David Mazouz) plans to find a way to speak to the board members of Wayne Enterprises to learn their connections to the Arkham District Project. Later, a street player who received a toxic drug with a viper logo on it consumes and becomes super strong, attacks one of the street stores, and steals an ATM. A new drug called "Viper" (which is a prototype of Venom) is hitting the street, which endows the user with super- strength, but eventually kills them. Maroni plans to rob a casino owned by Falcone (John Doman), and Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) reveals his past which results in Maroni assaulting him, and Frankie confronts Gordon, telling him to come with him or else he will reveal that Cobblepot is still alive, which would be an embarrassment for him when Falcone knows it. Gordon (Ben McKenzie) learns that "Viper" is being distributed at a charity event held by WellZyn and Wayne Enterprises. Gordon shoots the canister on the roof and former WellZyn employee Stan Potolsky (Daniel London) is exposed, jumping off as he suggests they check out Warehouse 39, where Gordon and Bullock later find nothing. As Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) makes plans to conspire against Falcone with her lover and Russian mob boss Nikolai, a disguised Liza (Makenzie Leigh) visits him in the park where she shares her opera music with him. ===== The episode begins with a flashback set 10 years ago. A young Bullock (Donal Logue) and his partner, Dix (Dan Hedaya) sent to rescue a girl, Shelley Lawson, kidnapped by a vigilante known as the Spirit of the Goat, who kills the firstborn of Gotham's elite. They discover her dead and have a fight with the vigilante, revealed to be Randall Milkie. Dix falls into a trap while Bullock kills Milkie. In the present, the body of a girl, Amanda Hastings, is discovered with a pattern very similar to the Spirit of the Goat. This convinces Bullock that maybe the Spirit of the Goat wasn't working alone in his crimes or not even dead after all. After another girl is kidnapped, Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock at the same place ten years ago and they arrest the vigilante. The identity is a janitor, Raymond Earl (Christopher James Baker), who had no relation to Milkie. Bullock then discovers that both had the same psychiatrist, Dr. Marks (Susan Misner), turning out she hypnotized them to do their actions. When a longshoreman confesses witnessing Gordon killing Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), Montoya (Victoria Cartagena) and Allen (Andrew Stewart-Jones) file an arrest warrant for Gordon. They arrest him in his apartment and they take him to the GCPD. Bullock tries to defend Gordon that he didn't kill Cobblepot and as everyone argues, Cobblepot appears in the door. Bullock then berates Gordon for his actions. ===== Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith), outraged to know Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) is alive, tells Butch (Drew Powell) to kill him. In the GCPD locker room, Gordon (Ben McKenzie) calls Barbara (Erin Richards), telling her to meet him at the bus station as soon as possible. He is then attacked by Bullock (Donal Logue), who plans to kill him and bring his body to Falcone (John Doman) as a clemency. Gordon returns to his apartment to find Barbara held hostage by Butch and an enforcer. When Butch threatens to kill Barbara, he kills the enforcer and knocks out Butch. He then takes Barbara to a bus station, telling her to leave Gotham for a time. Gordon tries to get an arrest warrant for Falcone and Mayor James (Richard Kind) but finds little support from Essen (Zabryna Guevara). Falcone sends Victor Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan) to bring Gordon to him but he is saved by Montoya (Victoria Cartagena) and Allen (Andrew Stewart-Jones). Cobblepot, Frankie Carbone (Danny Mastrogiorgio) and henchmen arrive at a warehouse where they kill Falcone's ally, Nikolai (Jeremy Davidson). When Carbone reveals his intent to murder Cobblepot, Cobblepot then reveals Carbone's henchmen have allied with him for a raise, and stabs him fatally. Gordon realizes Zsasz has Barbara in custody and goes to talk with Falcone. After a talk, they manage to free Barbara. In Falcone's mansion, he is visited by Cobblepot. In flashbacks to the day Falcone saved Gordon and Bullock, he talked with an imprisoned Cobblepot, curious as to any other secrets he possessed. In exchange for these, Cobblepot requested being assigned to Gordon for his execution, in hopes of being spared to integrate into Maroni's circle. Learning that Mooney and Nikolai had been planning to kill him and usurp him, Falcone remarks that their present plans have played out well, but that he considers Gordon concerning. Oswald, however, thanks him for the gesture, suggesting that Gordon has a further role to play in their endeavors. ===== Jo runs “Belgica”, an artistic pub in Ghent where all kind of people are welcome. His brother Frank is shareholder in a second-handed car company. The brothers are estranged due to their abusive, alcoholic father. One evening, Frank visits the pub of his brother. As he likes it he decides to come over more. When the adjacent warehouse is on sale Frank convinces Jo to buy it, to convert it into a dance hall and to restyle “Belgica”. Frank and Jo decides to become partners with each 50% of the shares. To get the money, Frank sells the shares of his own company, but due to a cashflow issue his business partner can only pay a small part of it, but they have an oral agreement the remaining sum will follow in a few months. The new dance room is inspected. The inspector gives a permission for a maximum total of 80 persons as there is only one legal emergency exit which ends up in a narrow alley. Frank bribes the inspector by giving him a huge amount of dark money. The restyled "Belgica" is a success and many employees, mostly friends, are hired. One evening, a recurring riot starts a fight. He is overwhelmed by Frank and his "security staff" and locked into a room until the arrival of the police. The police tells them it is illegal to confine a person and has a proposal: if Jo and Frank do not charge the riot, the police will turn a blind eye about what's going on in "Belgica" referring to the black money, supposed drug use... It is a fact drugs are used, even by the owners and staff. Some time later, the riot turns up again and Frank beats him up. Manu, who is responsible for security, does not approve Franks action, and resigns. Frank convinces Jo to hire a professional security team instead to rely on their friends. His ulterior motive is to deny access to riots, people from lower class, ... resulting in the rejection of many regular customers. The profits are lower than expected thus drinks become more expensive. Frank makes more and more one-sided decisions. He opens a VIP bar on the second floor as this will raise revenues but he neglects the additional costs. As “Belgica” is not anymore what Jo wanted to reach, he decides to quit and wants to sell his shares to Frank based upon the value according to the bookkeeping system. Frank is frustrated as he invested much black money in the business which is now neglected. Anyway, Frank agrees and calls his former partner only to find out he absconded meaning Frank will never get the remaining money. Ultimately, Frank quits. Jo continues with the pub with two investors. Frank and his wife build a house with the money they got by selling his shares. Jo returns to his pub but it has lost its name, glamour and customers. ===== The series follows Earn (Donald Glover) during his daily life in Atlanta, Georgia, as he tries to redeem himself in the eyes of his ex-girlfriend, who is the mother of his daughter, as well as his parents and his cousin Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry), who raps under the stage name "Paper Boi". Having dropped out of Princeton University, Earn has no money and no home and consequently alternates between staying with his parents and his girlfriend. Once he realizes that his cousin is on the verge of stardom, he desperately seeks to reconnect to improve his life and the life of his daughter, Lottie. ===== Mitchell, a man who is clearly an Average Joe, he married a super mutant from fallout and adopted her two mutant dogs, they are normal. He is perfectly happy with life, but one day five stoned bikers enter his bar, and rape a young women who has entered too. He feels as though he should fight back against them, but instead does nothing except for calling the police. She is sent to the hospital. When he returns to work, the curse takes full effect, he sees everyone differently, and is greatly saddened by the events that have traumatized him.and Mitchell loses his joy in life, the "curse" in the title. ===== Mars (Bearwin Meily) is a seemingly unlucky man. But fate says that when a woman named Venus (Rica Peralejo) meets him, his bad luck subsides. But they have their own lives and problems to do. Mars is just so unlucky, while Venus is a successful businesswoman. ===== A mother has 3 boys, but the oldest is a bisexual, the other is openly gay and the youngest is confused about his gender identity. The eldest is an engineer, the other one is an Arts student and the youngest is a high school student. All is fine until a problem appears. The mother and her boyfriend was robbed and the jewelry set cannot be returned incomplete and she was short of cash. The middle son, rejected by his crush, decides to give his expenses for a gown to add to the balance. The eldest, initially angry, tried to solicit his partner/couple to reduce their savings to help his mother. The eldest son is officially a couple, the middle wins the beauty pageant and the youngest, content with his identity. ===== Temporal logic cast aside, Else Ury begins Volume 8 in 1945, but when she mentions the World War she means World War One, not World War Two, which she could not foresee and would not survive. Since the previous volume, 15 years have passed. Annemarie's physician husband Rudolf is now Privy Counsel and Professor. Daughter Vronli, serious, sensible, hard- working and humble, is a maternity nurse in Munich. Brother Hans’ son, a poor student, is about to graduate and does not want to study medicine, contrary to the wishes of his father, but wants to be a farmer like his admired Uncle Klaus. The main character is the youngest daughter, Ursel, seventeen, who has just graduated from school and is very similar to Annemarie. Ursel has a beautiful voice and wants to be a singer, but her father insists that she start as a bank clerk. The difficult situation between father and daughter escalates angrily for a time, but Annemarie smoothes the waves and devises a compromise: Ursel joins the bank, but takes singing lessons from an aging opera diva. Annemarie's brother Klaus is married to Ilse and has four sons, while Marlene and Peter are parents of three daughters. Brother Hans is lonely since the death of his wife Ola, and has two wild sons. Annemarie's girlfriend Margot is his housekeeper and a little later his second wife. Annemarie's mother is widowed and considerably aged by grief. Since her apartment is too big for her and old Hanne, her cook, she takes in travelers, among them two rich Brazilian siblings, Milton and Margarida Tavares, children of a coffee plantation owner. The two meet Ursel and befriend her. Ursel and Milton fall in love, but Ursel fears leaving Germany. Ursel soon feels increasingly uncomfortable at the bank, and has a collision with her supervisor, much to the dismay of her parents. Everything eventually works out when her father’s patient, Music Professor Lange, hears Ursel singing and asks Rudolf Hartenstein to let Ursel attend the Conservatory. When Ursel is allowed to substitute at a major concert for a singer who became ill, she seems to be at the beginning of a great career. Ultimately, she realizes that her love is stronger than her singing voice. She marries Milton Tavares and goes with him to Brazil. Annemarie soldiers on despite her own pain at the separation. Numerous letters home describe Ursel’s new life, and at the end of the story she becomes the mother of twins Anita and Marietta, each named after their grandmother Annemarie. ===== David, a 29-year-old gay man, moves home to Sacramento to take care of his mother, Joanne, who's in the advanced stages of leiomyosarcoma. Being home is further complicated by his father's refusal to accept his sexuality, ten years after he came out. As Joanne struggles through chemo, decides to quit treatment, and begins to decline, each of the family members deal with the inevitable loss in their own way. ===== A physics experiment on condensed-matter in a university's physics lab causes an unexpected result when the equipment starts swapping normal and "shadow matter." After industrial espionage causes problems, physicist David Harrison finds himself lost with two small children in an alternate universe where the six-legged wildlife is dangerous and aggressive. David has to find a way back home, while dealing with the spies that caused the problems in the first place. ===== A radical campus group persuades student Carol Arlington to lead a protest of a college's football team. She manages to recruit Larry Davis, even though he is a star player for State's team. Larry needs money to marry sweetheart Betty Wilson, but needs a job. Carol and the committee protest that the school is using its athletes to make a profit. A distracted Larry fumbles in the next game and is kicked off the team by Coach Parker, who is offended by Larry's campus activities. With some asserting that Larry lost the game on purpose, a campus radical, Tony Tonetti, turns out to be an undercover agent investigating troublemakers trying to infiltrate the campus and influence the students. Larry is left out of the big season-ending game until the very end, when Parker has a change of heart, lets him play and ends up victorious. ===== It is 1961. Sixteen years have passed since Ursel’s wedding, and she has not seen her family in Germany. Ursel lives with her husband, Milton Tavares, her fourteen year old, very different twins Anita and Marietta, and her little son, Juan (Hans), in São Paulo. The rich family has a luxurious existence, but Ursel works to improve the lot of the exploited plantation laborers. Marietta wants to emulate her mother, while the spoiled Anita thinks only of herself. One day Marietta gets lost on a neighboring plantation and finds a little German girl, Lotte Müller, whose mother is in a mud hut dying. The orphaned Lotte is adopted by the Tavares family and taken on their long-planned trip to Germany to find the mother's relatives. Annemarie suffers severely during the extended separation from her youngest, Ursel. She has become the most beloved "Omama" of Vronli’s daughter, Gerda, and of Hans' children Lilli, Eva, Ned (presumably named after Annemarie's father, who is originally Edmund and called Ned by his wife) and Heinz. Annemarie's brother Hans has died. His second wife Margot and his two sons Herbert and Waldemar have disappeared from the story. When Anita and Marietta arrive in Germany, they have problems, because the two rich girls find it difficult to get used to the simple life, and do not want to help Rudolf and Annemarie with housework. However, the modest Marietta soon adapts, as she distances herself from her dominant twin sister. Little Lotte lives in the Hartenstein house with the servant couple Kunze; she is a replacement for their daughter. Her relatives – originally from Silesia, after 1945 from Westphalia—cannot be found. A dramatic turn occurs when Rudolf suffers a heart attack and is afraid to die without having seen Ursel again. Secretly, Marietta sends a telegram to her mother and tells her of the illness of her father. One day, Ursel appears unannounced at the door with the small Juan. Her husband arrives soon after. At the end, fifteen year old Marietta decides to stay in Germany with Rudolf and Annemarie. ===== Komsomol members of a lace factory release their own wall newspaper. Senka the artist draws caricatures of local hooligans, the leader of whom is Petya Vesnukhin. Activist Marusja tries to get Petya out of bad company. ===== Queen of the South is an adaptation of the telenovela La Reina del Sur, which is also an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Spanish author Arturo Pérez-Reverte. The series centers around Teresa Mendoza, a poor Mexican woman who becomes wealthy by building a vast, drug empire. Mendoza lives in the barrio of Jalisco, Mexico. She falls in love with a member of a drug cartel, and tries to rise above her life's impoverished condition. After her boyfriend is murdered, she is forced to flee. She crosses the border to the United States where she teams up with a person from her past in order to take down the leader of the drug ring that is after her. Mendoza ends up starting her own drug distributing organization and becomes very wealthy, which presents her with more problems, of a different kind. ===== The hero Arjuna (P. U. Chinnappa) decides to conquer Pankajavalli (T. R. Rajakumari). However, she captures him. He prays to Lord Krishna (Kumari Rukmini), who turns him into a woman (named by Brihannala). After many interesting twists, the truth comes out and everything ends happily. ===== Ngoc Minh Quan, a widowed former Vietnam War special operations forces soldier, runs a Chinese restaurant called Happy Peacock in London with his business partner Lam and his teenage daughter Fan. When Fan is killed in a terrorist bombing, he seeks revenge. An Irish republican group calling itself the "Authentic IRA" claims responsibility. Quan takes to visiting Scotland Yard daily, asking for names of the bombers, but is told by police chief Commander Bromley that his repeated visits are diverting resources away from the investigation. Bromley advises Quan to be patient and warns him against going after the IRA. Undeterred, Quan takes matters into his own hands and next focuses on the Northern Ireland deputy First Minister and Sinn Féin politician Liam Hennessy, who speaks publicly about his status as a former Provisional IRA leader while condemning the attack. Quan purchases items to make homemade weapons and travels to Belfast, leaving the restaurant under Lam's control. Quan seeks out Hennessy at his office but Hennessy claims to have no knowledge of the bombing or its perpetrators before ejecting him from the premises. Quan does not believe him, and first sets off a homemade bomb in Hennessy's building before leaving an explosive on Hennessy's car as warnings unless he gets the bombers' names. Hennessy tells his men to find Quan and stop him. Hoping to shore-up his career and influential political position, Hennessy tries to identify the culprits with help from his contacts and orders that known IRA weapons dumps be searched for missing explosives, but the Authentic IRA catches on and outwits him. Quan observes Hennessy seeing his mistress, Maggie, and photographs them kissing in a restaurant. Hennessy's men find Quan but he fights them off and escapes. Quan then brings the fight to Hennessy, hiding in the trees outside his farmhouse and attacking it with more explosives. As Hennessy's henchmen attempt to track him in the forest, Quan uses traps to disable them but is shot in the shoulder and flees. Tending to his wounds, Quan recalls his escape from Vietnam in which his first two daughters were kidnapped and killed by pirates. Hennessy also investigates Quan's background and discovers he was a former guerrilla fighter who was recruited by US special forces in Vietnam. After Quan ambushes Hennessy in his house, the latter contacts his nephew Sean Morrison, a former Royal Irish Regiment soldier in the hope that Morrison's tracking skills can be used to stop Quan. Later Hugh McGrath, one of Hennessy's old IRA commanders during The Troubles arrives and asks Hennessy why his weapon dumps are being searched. Hennessy tells Hugh that the semtex used in the bombing came from one of his dumps. McGrath denies knowing anything and claims that everything was in order. McGrath then tells Hennessy that he believes the bombings should continue and tries to persuade Hennessy to think the same. Hennessy refuses, stating that his violent days are over and reveals that he secretly supports bombings, but only of financial targets that do not involve mass casualties. Angry, McGrath berates Hennessy, claiming that politics has made him soft and that he now only cares about his career rather than the IRA's cause. McGrath then leaves, but not before Hennessy threatens him saying if the bombers aren't caught, then he's going after him next. After a second bombing on a double-decker bus, Hennessy negotiates with British politician Katherine Davies and promises the capture of the terrorists in exchange for pardoning of several of his former IRA comrades. Meanwhile, Hennessy receives intel on the bombers and relays the information to Sean and the police. Commander Bromley finds out that Hugh McGrath is the ringleader of the Authentic IRA and notifies Hennessy of the discovery. Hennessy tortures McGrath into giving him the identities of the bombers with Maggie among them, whose real name is Sarah Mackay. Hennessy also discovers that the true mastermind of the recent Authentic IRA attacks is his own wife, Mary, who remains spiteful toward the British for the death of her brother and hates Hennessy for allowing his killers to be sent to prison rather than having them killed. In retaliation for his betrayal and for involving his wife and mistress, Hennessy shoots McGrath. He also learns that Sean leaked information to Mary while having an affair with her. Sean finds Quan's hiding place in the forest. After a knife fight, Quan captures Sean, who names the terrorists and their location in London before Quan lets him go. When Sean returns to the farmhouse, Hennessy admonishes his nephew, orders him to assassinate Mary and then to depart to America and never return. As the police and MI5 prepare to raid the bombers' London hideout, Quan enters the flat disguised as a handyman and kills everyone but Maggie. Quan leaves just before the police storm the apartment and find a severely wounded Maggie. They torture her into disclosing the location of their next bomb, which has been planted in a laptop belonging to a reporter whom Maggie seduced, and is to be detonated on a plane carrying several British dignitaries to an international conference in Rome. With only seconds to spare, British police throw the laptop into an empty jet bridge, where it detonates without casualties. With the threat resolved, Maggie is executed to prevent any "loose ends." Hennessy gets a call from Davies, who was scheduled to be on the targeted flight. She tells him that she has learned of his involvement with the bombers, but having helped prevent the last attack, he will be allowed to retain his position as deputy First Minister, albeit under her control. Sean later executes Mary, eliminating the entire Authentic IRA cell as a result. Quan confronts Hennessy with the picture of him kissing Maggie, which is enough to throw public suspicion on Hennessy and his role in the bombings. He forces Hennessy to post the picture on the internet, thus publicly exposing his association with the Authentic IRA and destroying his political career, and returns home, reuniting with his friend Lam. Scotland Yard realizes Quan's role in the events and has him put under surveillance, but Bromley decides not to take any further action as Quan has suffered enough and as a thanks for his assistance. ===== A war between Amazons and their rivals left so many casualties on both sides, Cheetae (Rene Requiestas) rescues a mortally wounded Amazon. The woman gives him a stone before dying. He tries to swallow it, transforming him into Cheetae Ganda Lalake in Amazon costume. As the Amazon's rivals try to find the last of their enemies, they fight Cheetae but in vain. ===== Four siblings from different men are living on a compound. They have different stories and problems to face. The eldest daughter (Iza Calzado) tries to spice up her marriage with her workaholic husband. The second daughter (Ruffa Gutierrez) is a spendthrift woman, and a single mother who struggles with dating. The third daughter (Rufa Mae Quinto) is a professional sexual and clinical psychologist obsessed who suspects that her husband is gay. The youngest (Marian Rivera) is a childish and wild woman, engaged in her conservative boyfriend who came from a religious family. ===== The four sisters from Desperadas face new problems. The eldest daughter is having problems with her husband. The second was indicted by her friends in estafa cases involving money she loaned. The third, after annulling her husband for infidelity and homosexuality, is now a romance psychologist and counselor. The youngest, still has problems with her future family-in-law. The problems get worse when their fifth sister (Ogie Alcasid), a leader in an African kingdom, arrives in the Philippines to meet her mother and sisters. And she has the solutions for every problem they had, but they must meet her conditions. ===== The film is based on real events and reveals the tragic episodes from the life of the Austrian biologist scientist- materialist Paul Kammerer (1880-1926), hunted by regressive scientists and Catholic reactionaries who committed suicide. The film is set in Leipzig, Germany, which is ruled by clergy and aristocracy, at a time when fascism is starting to emerge, and the working class is forced to live in poverty. Professor Zange is employed here and he is one of the few who sympathizes with the poor. The scientist uses salamanders for his experiments and learns that their inheritance is dependent on external factors. As he makes this discovery he becomes a menace to the existing political system and the clergy conspires with the aristocracy to get rid of him. ===== Kara always sees her grandmother (Gloria Romero) always using tarot cards to tell the person's fortunes. She was enchanted to try to use it, despite her families' protests. She later played the tarot that reads that someone will die, which is her grandmother. Her mother put the tarot cards on her mother's grave. Many years later, Kara (Marian Rivera) is engaged with her fiancée (Dennis Trillo) and goes into hiking. But she senses something is wrong. Her doubt is right, as a storm hits their position and her fiancée is lost in the middle of the storm. She was later rescued by her group. She tries to rebuild her life, until her fiancée returned. But after that, several mysterious and horrific events happen to them. Later, the mysterious ghosts revealed that they are former members of a cult who sacrificed themselves, save 2 women. One of those women is her grandmother. Using the tarot card, she tried to solve the problem, but they got worse. Later, they return to the mountains searching for a clue, when an old man, who was her grandfather (and the leader of the same cult where the ghosts belong) warns them, but the ghosts are claiming one life after another. And the only solution – the old man must kill himself to relieve the ghosts' anguish. But her fiancée dies when he falls in a ravine. Kara returns many months later, pregnant and laying flowers on her lover's death site. ===== The film takes place during the 16th century, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible (Leonid Leonidov). All-rounder Nikita (Ivan Klyukvin), serf of the nobleman Kurlyatev, reflecting a great deal regarding free birds once manages to soar into the sky on homemade wings. Nikita gets captured by the oprichnina for supposed communication with Satan, is shackled and sent to the command. However he is remembered from time to time as the master whose crafts amazed the world and is often invited to the royal court to fix broken machinery and amuse the high lords. But Nikitka always gets sent to prison with a new penalty is prepared for him ... ===== The film takes place in 1905. Governor-liberal attempts to prevent a strike in the city but the workers refuse to obey. The governor gives an order to shoot the strikers and suppresses the uprising with force while children die in the crossfire. As a reward, he is represented with the order of "White Eagle", but the governor is haunted by pangs of conscience. ===== The film is set in Moscow, during the years of the NEP. Journalist Khokhlova falls in love with Petrovsky, a responsible officer at an industrial plant. This infatuation has a negative impact on her work and the girl is fired. Meanwhile Petrovsky's wife returns. This situation reveals the true nature of the lover who is an egoist and a vulgarian. The girl is near suicide however the tragic denouement is prevented by Vasilchikov who has been in love with the journalist for a long time, a modest editor of the department "Working inventions." ===== Ricky Baker, a juvenile delinquent who was abandoned by his mother, is taken by child welfare services officer Paula and police officer Andy, to live in a remote farm with foster mother Bella Faulkner and her husband, the cantankerous southern man Hec. Hec is remote, but Bella quickly manages to break through Ricky's defensive shell by taking him hunting and giving him a dog for his 13th birthday, which he names Tupac after his idol Tupac Shakur. When Bella suddenly dies and Hec tells Ricky that child services will take him back, Ricky ineptly fakes his suicide by burning a barn and runs away into the bush with Tupac, where he is completely unable to cope and gets lost. Hec finds him easily but breaks his ankle in a fall, forcing the two to camp for a period of time. The authorities meanwhile have found the house empty and the barn burnt down, and come to the conclusion that the bereaved and mentally unstable Hec has abducted Ricky. The impression is strengthened after an encounter with three foolish hunters who get the idea that Hec is molesting Ricky. Hec reveals to Ricky that he has served prison time for manslaughter and is illiterate. Ricky, in turn, says his only friend in foster care has died and that his only options are risking the same fate in the foster system, or serve time in juvenile prison. The pair agree to disappear into the bush. A national manhunt ensues, and the two slowly bond while working together to escape arrest. Upon finding another hut, they encounter an unconscious, diabetic ranger. Ricky leaves to find help and runs into a girl his age named Kahu. She takes him back to her house and introduces him to her dad. Ricky stays the night and returns the next morning to the hut where Hec was supposed to be. Ricky finds the place to be swarming with police, led by Paula. Ricky runs away. He later encounters Paula and Andy in the bush, separated by a ravine. Paula attempts to bribe Ricky, asking him to say that Hec was a sex offender. In return, she tells him that he will not ever go to juvenile prison. Ricky declines and runs away. Ricky catches up to Hec by remembering the survival strategies Hec taught him, and they continue their travels. They encounter a wild boar that mortally wounds Hec's dog Zag, forcing Hec to euthanize him. Ricky reveals he has been carrying Bella's ashes and originally planned to deliver them to "where the earth wets the cloak of the sky," as per her wishes. They bury Zag and scatter Bella's ashes into a remote waterfall high in a mountain range. Ricky and Hec find a man living out on his own called Psycho Sam. Sam lets them stay the night. After five months of surviving in the wilderness and several close calls, they are finally caught following a car and helicopter chase, and Ricky accidentally shoots Hec. Hec gets remanded and Ricky is taken in by Kahu's family. After Hec's release from jail, Ricky, with his new foster family's permission, returns to the bush with Hec to photograph the huia, an extinct bird they had re-discovered during their time on the run. ===== The film comprises five short stories set in or before the year 2025. ===== The year is 1973. The twenty-six year old Marietta lives in Berlin with Grandparents Rudolf Hartenstein and Annemarie Braun Hartenstein. She works, as part of her studies, in a kindergarten, where she is a favorite "aunt." Together with cousin Gerda she attends a women's school in order to be a youth counselor, a popular profession in the nineteen-twenties for modern, socially engaged women. From her twin Anita she has grown more and more distant. She is smitten with Horst, son of her grand-uncle Klaus, but Horst is enamored of Anita, and travels to Brazil to be with her. Anita's family expects her to marry Horst, but she gets engaged, to everyone’s surprise, to Ricardo Orlando, the son of wealthy neighbors. One day Marietta notes a similarity between the kindergarten child Lenchen and Lotte, the foundling, who still lives in the Hartenstein house with the Kunzes, the household servants. It turns out that Lenchen’s grandmother was also Lotte's grandmother and Lenchen’s mother is Lotte's aunt. Lotte remains with the Kunzes, but is happy to have found her relatives and maintains contact with them. Marietta accompanies a group of children who travel to the seaside to relax. Lotte stays on the estate of her grand-uncle Klaus. Here she receives the news that her grandfather Rudolf is blind. Surgery restores his eyesight. Marietta travels with her grandparents to Italy and in Genoa visits relatives of her paternal grandmother. She meets Horst, who has returned from Brazil. The two grow closer. After a shared experience during an earthquake, Horst confesses his love to Marietta. The novel ends with Horst and Marietta's wedding and Annemarie and Rudolf's Golden Wedding Anniversary. The whole family assembles, and Anita brings her little daughter Rosita, Annemarie's first great- grandchild, to the celebration. In 1928, Ury revised and adapted a chapter ("The Radio") to reflect the modern technology. ===== The selfish macho Fred is the head of the placement institute "Amor" and likes to get involved with his attractive customers. When his wife and business partner has had enough of his affairs, she has Fred murdered by a professional killer. After his death he wakes up on a ferry across the Styx. The dialogue at this point is very funny: "Who are you?" "I am the ferryman who brings the souls of the deceased to the afterlife." "And where the hell are you taking me?" "Your question already contains the answer." But it turns out differently; With his negotiating skills, he manages to enter into a deal with the ferryman: if he makes three heartbroken women happy within three days, he will get his life back. If he fails, he has to go to the engine room of the ferry. "Those who are there would wish they were in Hell." Shortly after his accident, Fred ends up in Rita Hauser's coal cellar, which his agency has not yet been able to find. She wonders how Fred got under her coals and offers the dirty and battered man her help. In the meantime, Charlotte Wischnewski receives news of her husband's accident. However, since the accident victim himself has disappeared, Charlotte complains to the hired killer and unceremoniously kills him with a poisoned arrow. She finds a new ally in her colleague Frosch and assigns him to look for Fred, because she wants to be sure that he is really dead and that she has the company to herself. Fred stays in contact with the hereafter, from which he receives support. His mother visits him after a reincarnation in the form of a turkey, which he finds in Rita's refrigerator. When Rita experiences her Sunday roast talking to Fred, she briefly faints him. But she too has a secret, because she is a militant animal rights activist and, among other things, frees rabbits from test laboratories. So she offers Fred and his mother to live in her house for the near future. When he stands up for Rita's rescued animals, she also wants to help him with his tasks in return. First, Fred wants to take care of his sixteen-year-old daughter Lisa, whom he had completely neglected in recent years and who has gotten into the clutches of pimps. Because Fred cannot die, he survives their attacks and, with Rita's help, can save the girl and see to it that the pimps are arrested. With that he has completed his first task and turns to the second: Lisa's mother. She threw herself out of the window twelve years ago out of lovesickness and since then her soul has found no rest. He succeeds in persuading Barbara to leave earth for good. Charlotte is still looking for Fred and hopes to finally find his body. He again suspects that his wife is the third person he is supposed to help her happiness. Therefore, he wants to make up with her, although he slowly realizes that he has fallen in love with Rita. When Charlotte accidentally hits herself with one of her poison arrows and dies, Fred fears that he will not be able to complete his last task. In his desperation, he argues massively with Rita, who then wants to take her own life. At the last second he snatches the syringe she wants to use to kill herself. He has thus unplanned the third task to get his life back, and ultimately finds his true love in Rita. ===== In a dimly lit basement, a masked surgeon examines a bloody carving fork. Steve Pintolivo (Andrew de Burgh), a recent university graduate, receives a Facebook message from a beautiful woman named Tamara Nolan (Barbara Nedeljakova) inviting him to her Hollywood apartment for a New Year's Eve party. Over some Colombian marijuana the next day, Steve and his former classmate Derek Urden (Isaac Anderson) discuss a variety of topics including the possible evolution of man and a former right hand man of Josef Stalin who recently spoke to Derek's religion class about his conversion to Christianity. When the topic of Stalin's underling comes up, Steve quickly changes the subject to Tamara and the invitation. They decide to go to the party but when they arrive, only Tamara is there. However, the two young men soon fall for her charm and are tricked into drinking a cocktail laced with a very powerful sedative that knocks them out within seconds. When they wake up, Steve and Derek find themselves in a dark basement strapped to an operating table and chair, respectively. Tamara casually walks in holding a syringe and injects Derek with a colorless liquid, killing him instantly. She mentions to Steve that an old man used to live there. A flashback to one year prior and Steve, dressed in a trench coat and holding a knife in his hand, sits on his bed berating Andrei Dzagoev (Harwood Gordon), a former underling of Stalin for murdering his grandfather Ruslan Voronin, a rebel leader, in the Second World War. Back in the present, Tamara explains that Andrei was her husband and the only man who ever truly loved her. She proceeds to put on surgeon scrubs, then stabs Steve with a carving fork, murdering him. Later that night, Tamara sits in her car, texts a friend, then drives away. ===== ===== Jason Wilkes becomes drawn to the Zero Matter in a sample of Jane Scott's body. After absorbing that small amount, Wilkes temporarily regains his physical body and discovers the location of Scott's. Peggy Carter and Edwin Jarvis attempt to steal Scott's body, hoping that the rest of the Zero Matter within it will restore Wilkes permanently, but arrive to see Whitney Frost taking the Zero Matter for herself, before convincing Calvin Chadwick to help her steal an atomic bomb from the Council so she can replicate the original discovery of Zero Matter. They seek help from Frost's ex-boyfriend Joseph Manfredi, a crime lord, who gives them men for the job in exchange for Chadwick's influence in the media. Carter, Jarvis, Daniel Sousa, and some Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) allies break into the Roxxon facility holding the bombs and disable them before Frost can reach them. Carter confronts Frost, but she escapes when Carter is impaled on a rebar. Sousa accidentally reveals to his new fiancée that he loves Carter, and while Wilkes comforts Carter as she recuperates, his form begins to fade away. ===== Rolling with the Ronks! follows Flash, an alien who is sent to Earth to the Ronk tribe in 37,520 BC to show humankind the future. ===== Nancy Drew begins college with her two best friends, Bess Marvin and George Fayne, at River Heights University. After the star football player goes into a coma, Nancy investigates, finding a campus-wide conspiracy and a fraternity's drug use. ===== ===== In a little fisher's village in the Papaloapan River lives the fisher Pedro (Andrés Soler) and his two daughters Rita (Ninón Sevilla) and Martha (Rosenda Monteros). Rita loves a young man named José (Armando Silvestre) who has been fired from a sugar mill for organizing a strike. So, he and Rita can't marry soon. After a good fishing, all in the town celebrate a party. But Don Antonio (Julio Villarreal), the owner of the sugar mill, comes to collect Pedro the money that he lent him for a boat. As Pedro can't pay him, Don Antonio asks as pay to one of his daughters. Rita listens and she decides to go with Don Antonio to save her father and her sister. Before leaving, Rita makes love with José. When she leaves, José thinks that she has left him. ===== The book is set in the town of Millville, Wisconsin, in the midwestern United States. Simak was born in Millville, which formed the setting for many of his stories. The book begins with the town being suddenly enclosed by a mysterious barrier. The barrier has been placed by an extraterrestrial intelligence that wants to impose harmony and cooperation on all the species in the universe, but the town's inhabitants react to it fearfully. The extraterrestrials take the form of a patch of purple flowers. The book follows the experiences of Brad Carter, a man whose business is about to go bankrupt. Brad has to deal with the local lawman, who becomes a bully, and also the presence in town of his childhood sweetheart. Eventually Brad meets the extraterrestrial beings, and agrees to speak for them on Earth. ===== A group of assassins, led by Larissa Diaz (Lesley-Ann Brandt), break into Wayne Manor, looking for Bruce (David Mazouz) and Selina (Camren Bicondova). They escape after Alfred (Sean Pertwee) fights with the assassins. Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) reunites with Falcone (John Doman), who wants to know how Maroni knew his money was stored at the armory, thinking Cobblepot double-crossed him. Cobblepot tries to tell him there's a mole in his crew. Harvey Dent (Nicholas D'Agosto) begins to suspect Lovecraft (Al Sapienza) is responsible for the assassins. During a mob dinner with Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) and other mobsters, Falcone kills Irish mob boss Bannion for not guarding the money and states their tribute rates will increase 25% to recover from the money lost in the armory. Bruce and Selina arrive at an underground base with some kids. They decide to go a place called the Narrows, where a fence, Clyde (Devin Harjes) will pay them. Bullock (Donal Logue) receives the information from Mooney about the Narrows. Gordon finds Lovecraft in his apartment, denying any involvement and claiming the assassins are after him too. The assassins arrive and knock out Gordon. When he wakes up, he finds Lovecraft dead in his bathtub with a bullet to the head, fired with Gordon's gun. Bruce and Selina arrive with Clyde, where Selina offers some things she stole from Wayne Manor. Clyde offers less than expected and locks them in a warehouse. The assassins arrive, looking for Selina but they escape through some tools in the warehouse. The GCPD arrives and a shootout ensues. Bruce manages to distract Copperhead so Selina can escape. Later Selina visits Bruce and kisses him. In the GCPD, Mayor James (Richard Kind) chastises Gordon and Dent. He believes Lovecraft went crazy after Gordon questioned him, took his gun and committed suicide. After announcing Lovecraft's "suicide", James reassigns Gordon to guard duty at Arkham Asylum. ===== The movie begins with Bilal "Balu" (Osman Khalid Butt) gatecrashing a wedding with the goal of preventing it. He mistakenly believes the bride is his ex-girlfriend, whom he still loves. The plot thickens when he discovers the bride is Mahi (Ainy Jaffri), not his ex, and that she is being forced into an arranged marriage by her family. Mahi sees Balu's gatecrashing as an opportunity to escape, and runs off with Balu. ===== Gordon (Ben McKenzie) has been transferred to Arkham Asylum after Dick Lovecraft's "suicide". During a play, inmates wreak havoc, sending some to the infirmary. Director Dr. Gerry Lang (Isiah Whitlock, Jr.) begins to doubt about his progression in the Asylum. He stands guard on an inmate at the infirmary as Dr. Leslie Thompkins (Morena Baccarin) treats him. In the streets, Selina (Camren Bicondova) discovers Ivy (Clare Foley) living behind a dumpster in the rain. She takes Ivy to Barbara's penthouse to sleep. Mysterious attacks continue to take place in Arkham, upsetting Lang, as all the attacks happened during Gordon's guard. After help from Bullock (Donal Logue), they discover that the prisoner, Jack Gruber (Christopher Heyerdahl) is behind the attacks, planning on escaping the Asylum. A nurse, Dorothy Duncan (Allyce Beasley) turns out to be an inmate and frees the prisoners. The inmates wreak havoc in the Asylum, killing guards and Dr. Lang. Among the escapees is Gruber, who flees with Aaron Danzig (Kevin McCormick). At their apartment, Montoya (Victoria Cartagena) decides to break up with Barbara (Erin Richards), thinking she's deteriorating her health. Cobblepot is arrested when he tries to charge more to Maroni's (David Zayas) fishermen of what they get. He is released and chastised by Maroni for his actions, who reveals he ordered his arrest to teach him a lesson about hubris. Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) reunites with an underboss, Jimmy Saviano (John Ennos III) to take out Falcone (John Doman). Her right-hand, Butch (Drew Powell), meets with him at the port. Saviano offers Butch a place with him if he betrays Mooney. He refuses and kills Saviano. ===== A young Romanian woman, Elena, is hired as a housekeeper for a Danish couple, Louise and Kasper. While wealthy, the couple chooses to live in a lakehouse without electricity, grow their own food, and raise chickens. Their only connection to the outside world is a landline phone. Louise is recovering from surgery and requires some extra help around the house. Although Elena feels uncomfortable with the unusual isolation of the house, she otherwise fits in easily. She also meets Leo, a spiritual healer and friend of Louise who tries to help Louise recover more quickly by purging the bad energy from her body. Elena and Louise quickly bond, and Elena tells Louise that she is saving money so that she and her son, who currently live with Elena's parents, can have a home of their own. Louise in turn confides her difficulties in conceiving a child of her own. Louise asks if Elena would agree to be a surrogate mother for her and Kasper. In exchange, they would buy an apartment for Elena after she gave birth. To the chagrin of her parents, Elena agrees and is implanted with one of Louise's frozen eggs. Though assured by her doctor that everything is going fine, Elena begins to feel unusual after the implantation and notices a number of bizarre events: the chickens become terrified of her, she begins to hallucinate sounds and images, and she suffers from nightmares. In one of these, she gives birth to a dead baby; in another, a blood-drenched Louise talks to her about someone named "Shelley." As the pregnancy progresses, Elena loses weight, is constantly exhausted, develops bloody gums, and experiences unusual and unwholesome pregnancy cravings that disturb her. Leo, trying to help Elena through her difficult pregnancy, senses bad energy coming from her belly. Elena believes that the baby is killing her, but when she voices her concerns to her doctor, she insists that the baby is healthy and that all her difficulties are normal. She also reveals that her baby is a girl, but when Elena asks to see an ultrasound, the machine mysteriously breaks down. As the pregnancy progresses, Elena's condition worsens until she is in almost constant pain, forcing Louise to become her caretaker. One night during a bath, Elena reacts with pain when the water touches her, causing her to snap and beat at her own belly while screaming that she wants the child out. Later that night, Louise finds Elena wandering around in a daze, having attacked and attempted to eat a live chicken from their coop. Louise fears that if Elena returns home, her parents will keep her and the baby forever. They agree to keep Elena at the lakehouse and care for her until the child is born, but one afternoon, when Louise leaves Elena unattended, she returns to find that Elena has attempted to give herself an abortion with a knitting needle. Elena dies of internal bleeding, but the baby is unharmed. Kasper and Louise name the baby Shelley and Louise instantly adores her. Shelley begins to demonstrate some of the same strange behavior as Elena: the chickens fear her, and she screams in pain when water is poured on her. When Leo visits the house, he senses such evil in Shelley that he is forced to flee, much to Louise's shock. Soon, Kasper also becomes uncomfortable around Shelley, insisting that she makes strange noises that Louise doesn't hear but which drive Kasper to a strange, shell-shocked state in which he becomes completely unresponsive, to the point that he does not even react when he accidentally cuts open his own leg while chopping wood. Louise believes none of this and is upset that Kasper doesn't seem to love their daughter. Louise wakes in the middle of the night to find Shelly missing. Rushing outside, she finds Shelley with Kaspar, who has shut them both in the car with the engine running in an apparent murder- suicide attempt via carbon monoxide. Louise rescues Shelley and murders Kasper by slamming his head repeatedly in the car door. Shaken, Louise sits on the bed with Shelley as an unidentified man in black stands in the room with them. Suddenly the man is gone. Louise and Shelley are left alone, with no explanation for the events of the film. ===== Nearing the end of apartheid in South Africa, a young white prison guard (Garion Dowds) embarks on a seemingly motiveless shooting that sees to the death of seven unarmed black men. A British-born lawyer assigned to his case (Steve Coogan) sets out to prove his actions were a direct result of psychological trauma from his volatile work environment. The defense attorney is an ardent opponent of the death penalty. ===== The story builds up around an elite family in Dhaka. Shahid and Zahid Mahmood are two sons of late Barrister Arshad Mahmood. Shahid Mahmood, the oldest son is an established and Lawyer, who lives with his wife and mom. Zahid Mahmood is the younger son, who is on the process of getting his Law degree. During the first episode, It is shown that Shahid also have an extramarital affair with Shakila, despite being married for a long time. Shakila, facing constant pressure from few powerful real estate businessman, looks to Shahid for legal help. After going to court, the companies faces huge loss due to losing the legal battle, and conspires to kill him. Few days after, Shahid gets into a car accident and dies. Years later, Zahid returns from London as a lawyer, and decides to open an investigation case for his brother's death, while the family decides to get their younger son married to their Shahid's widowed wife, despite their disapproval. ===== Veteran rancher and former sheriff John Landsburg must face federal bureaucracy when an old enemy, Tap Peterson, alleges John does not actually own the family's Texas ranch. ===== Matthew Taylor (Shemar Moore), a father, author, and relationship expert is on a book tour promoting his new best-selling book, The Bounce Back. He has everything figured out until he meets the acerbic Kristin Peralta (Nadine Velazquez), a talk show circuit therapist who is convinced that he is nothing but a charlatan. Matthew's life is turned upside down when he inadvertently falls for Kristin and has to face the painful truth of his past relationship. ===== "The Sound of Silence" opens with Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) teaching her anatomy class. The episode jumps back to Meredith, Maggie, and Alex as they are carpooling to work, stuck in a traffic jam that turns out to be the result of a road accident. Upon arrival at the hospital, the doctors get to work treating the people who were injured in the accident. Meredith is working with Dr. Penny Blake (Samantha Sloyan) and Dr. Ben Warren (Jason George) on Lou, a patient who needs a neurological consult. Ben asks Dr. Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone), but she chooses to assist Dr. Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) instead, because of her previous fight with Meredith. Meanwhile, Meredith is left alone with the patient. The patient becomes violent as the result of post-seizure hyper-aggression and assaults Meredith, leaving her battered and barely conscious on the floor. Penny finds Meredith and calls for help. The doctors rush to save Meredith's life, in the face of her injuries. As Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.), Dr. April Kepner (Sarah Drew), Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez), Owen, Dr. Maggie Pierce (Kelly McCreary), Ben, Dr. Jackson Avery (Jesse Williams) and Dr. Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) address the injuries, Meredith realizes she is unable to speak. They soon discover that she's lost her hearing as a result of the beating she endured. The episode then draws into silence as it is shown from Meredith's perspective, who is unable to hear, or speak. Her jaw is wired shut and she relies on her other senses to interpret the situation. Alex visits Meredith during her recovery and attempts to cheer her up. Alex realizes Meredith’s hearing has returned after she laughs at one of his jokes. Later Dr. Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) informs Meredith that Lou underwent surgery and was discharged. He's asked to see her to apologize, but Meredith refuses. Dr. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) helps her prepare for a visit with her children. On arriving they are terrified when they see their mother in that condition and leave. Meredith has a panic attack, and Penny steps up to help, removing the wires holding her jaw shut. Jackson reprimands Penny for jeopardizing the healing process. Amelia visits Meredith to apologize for her prior behavior and discuss her sobriety. Amelia confides in Meredith that she is scared to lose her, but Meredith responds that she is not ready to forgive her. Webber takes Meredith out for some fresh air, and gives her a talk about the power of forgiveness. He encourages her to forgive Amelia, Penny, Derek, and most importantly herself. She agrees to meet Lou. He introduces his wife and two daughters and then offers a sincere apology for what happened. Meredith, still unable to speak, takes his hand as a way of conveying her forgiveness. After Meredith finally heals from her injuries and is discharged from the hospital, Alex helps her get settled back at home. She thanks him for his support, but points out that Dr. Jo Wilson (Camilla Luddington) loves him and needs him more than she does. In the final scenes, Meredith reunites with her kids. ===== Set in the 1990s, the film opens with a flashforward of a battered Mark (Charlie Heaton) examining his wounds in the mirror before going off into the woods with his friend Jack (Owen Campbell), where a gunshot is heard. The narrative is also framed within a police investigation involving interrogations of the main characters. Months earlier, Jack's single mother, Karen, begins dating a man named Tom, who has a son Jack's age. Jack meets the son, Mark, and the two quickly become best friends. They also befriend a local girl named Sarah (Amandla Stenberg) when she defends them after they are assaulted by a group of thugs. The three spend all their time together, and though Mark kisses Sarah during a game of spin the bottle (which makes Jack visibly jealous), the threesome is platonic at first. Tom shows his gun collection to the kids, who practice shooting in a nearby field. Soon after, Karen suggests Tom and Mark move in with her and Jack, and Tom agrees. Jack and Mark begin sharing a room and grow closer, experimenting with drugs and navigating adolescence, sexuality and the tribulations of the 90s, including the suicide of their idol Kurt Cobain. After Jack reveals to Mark that he's never kissed anyone, Mark makes out with him to teach him experience. They later go out to the woods with some of Tom's guns and kill a squirrel. That night, Jack witnesses Tom physically abuse Mark over a trivial incident, which escalate later when he and Jack skip school to go to the quarry with Sarah. Tensions between Tom and Karen over the raising of the boys gets worse until Karen discovers that Tom has been planning for Jack to join the Marines without her knowing, which infuriates her. Following an argument, Tom moves out of the house and takes Mark with him, which devastates Jack, who is clearly in love with Mark. Mark leaves the school, leaving Jack with Sarah. The two start to date after Sarah is stood up at prom, but break it off when she realizes there is no chemistry between them. The two encounter Mark hanging out with a group of criminals, though Mark returns to Jack after the encounter and they make out again. Though Jack believes he and Mark will be a couple, Mark and Sarah reveal that they have started dating each other. After Sarah let the two talk Mark tells Jack that it will be easier this way. Feeling betrayed, Jack scuffles with Mark and pushes him, making Mark fall and hit his head on a rock. A distraught Jack carries Mark to the hospital, where Tom is informed that Mark will be fine. Mark convalesces at Karen's house, where he reveals to Jack that he doesn't remember what happened, and the two hold each other, which Tom notices. Meanwhile, the investigation takes a turn when it is revealed that Mark is dead. As in the start of the film, Mark shows up at Jack's house with a battered face, presumably from Tom. Mark tells Jack that he wishes he were a girl. Jack puts on his mother's makeup and dress to try to seduce him, but Mark rebuffs his advances. The two get drunk before Mark appears with his father's guns, and the two go into the woods once more. The disoriented pair wanders around the area, before being disturbed by animal calls. The ending is open. There is a gunshot but it's not clear if Mark killed himself or if Jack killed him. ===== Josh returns home from work on his birthday. His fiancée Rachel agrees to cook dinner while Josh is at the gym. Josh returns home to find out that Rachel asphyxiated herself with a belt. 4 months later, Josh along with his friends Ari, Adam and Eric decide to spend the weekend, that was supposed to be Josh's bachelor party, at a ranch in Ojai. At a bar the first night, Ari meets a girl named Jodi and finds a connection with her; Adam finds out that his girlfriend wants to break up with him; and Eric, wanting to keep the night alive, invites his friend Greg over. Jodi, being locked out of her place, crashes in with the guys at their place after a fun night. The next morning, their friend Aaron arrives with his wife and kid only to find the place infested with drugs and booze. An argument erupts between Eric and Aaron over the matter of Josh's state of mind and the current situation. Aaron storms off with his family and the guys spend the day out with Greg learning about Rachel's death from Ari. In a state of high, Greg turns into his emotional self due to his troubled past. They head to the bar and find Jodi and her friends there. Ari tells Jodi that he is married which makes Jodi distance herself from Ari. They return home gloomy, due to which Eric invites two strippers over to keep the night alive, and an argument breaks out between Eric and Adam. Josh and Eric realize there is a mysterious man stalking them who they try to confront, but in vain. The next day Eric invites a sex worker over for each one of them to have sex with. But, the situation is interrupted by Rachel's parents who are there to confront Josh. The parents ask for a clear detail of the events leading to Rachel's death, accusing Josh to have framed a story with the police. They show Josh pictures of the guys with the stripper from the previous night (the stalker having been hired by them to spy on the guys) and inform him how a second autopsy report said that Rachel's death being a suicide was inconclusive. Josh, in a fit of rage, pushes the bag they brought with them only to find out a wire inside it implying that they were there to get a confession out of him about killing their daughter. Josh asks them to leave and goes to his friends and opens up. They console him, and the group decides to play the board game Adam wanted to play since the beginning. The group then spends the last night of the weekend playing the "very complex board game" and is joined by Jodi. The group loses the game and Ari walks Jodi to the door while she leaves. He kisses her before leaving, which is interrupted by her after a while, realizing that Ari is a married man. She walks out abruptly. The next morning the group bids farewell to each other and decides to meet again some time soon. Josh and Ari are the last to leave. The movie ends with Josh wanting to say something to Ari, but does not because of his hesitation. ===== A coming-of-age adventure story of a 13-year-old American boy Morris who is currently living in Germany with his father Curtis, a soccer coach. Mo faces rejection from his peer group, finds himself impinged on boundaries of trust with his language tutor, romantic infatuation and drug use, finds niche in his rapping skills, learns to accept unexpected and odd experiences without taxing himself. His father also struggles to fit in with German culture and tries to be a stand up man for his son while grieving for his recently dead wife. He does what can be done best at the given time for making a better environment for Mo to grow up. ===== David, an 18-year-old living in Koreatown, Los Angeles becomes an employee at a spa to help his financially struggling parents. He soon discovers illicit gay sex between the customers, which forces him to consider his own sexuality. While this has been described as a coming out story, the focus is on the internal world of David, and his deep struggles and uncertainty, as a teenager, about how to be a good son but how to also be himself in what is a conservative family and rigid community. ===== Martin "Mohamed" Lundy (Boyd Holbrook) has been released by the efforts of the Innocence Project after at least 17 years in prison and is working at Second Chance animal shelter run by Linda Workman (Octavia Spencer). A badly injured dog is brought in by Doris Lamb (Elisabeth Moss) and her unsympathetic husband John, a police officer. The dog is put down due to his injuries. Doris comes back to the shelter incapable of caring for herself. Mohamed takes her in without anyone knowing about it. He learns that Doris' husband has been killed and his wife is a person of interest. Law enforcement look to Mohamed to provide the information needed to solve the murder. Mohamed and Doris grow to respect each other. No one is aware that she is holing up at Mohamed's. Doris imagines she sees her dog outside Mohamed's apartment, and while going after it locks herself out. Mohamed comes home to find her waiting at the door subsequently, their thoughts are that law enforcement will capture them, so they go on the run. They make contact with Mohamed's friend from prison, who takes him to someone that will take them to safety, but are themselves held captive. They escape, are stopped on the highway by law enforcement, and are captured after a stand-off. Mohamed reaches for something, law enforcement shoots him, and from out of his pocket drops prayer beads. Mohamed survives his injuries, and visits Doris while she is serving her prison sentence for the killing of her husband. It is not clear whether or not she has been convicted of manslaughter or murder. ===== A group of young sex-starved college kids search for women who are willing to take their virginity in 1980's Bangalore. ===== Some time in the 1980s, two mermaids, Golden and Silver, encounter a rock band, Figs n' Dates, relaxing and playing music on a beach in Poland. They accompany the band back to the nightclub where they regularly perform and begin playing gigs there, performing as strippers and backup singers. The mermaids soon become their own act, The Lure, with the band backing them. Golden murders a bar patron after a show one night and continues to thirst for blood; Silver falls in love with the bassist Mietek, but Mietek only sees her as a fish and not a woman. Golden meets Triton, a fellow sea creature and singer of a metal band, who informs her that if her sister falls in love and her love marries someone else, she will turn into sea foam; if she is to have her tail removed, she will lose her voice. When Golden's murder victim is discovered, one of the bandmates punches Silver and Golden, and it appears that they die. The bandmates roll their bodies in carpets and throw them into the river. But they return to the club, alive, and the band apologizes. Silver has her tail surgically replaced with a pair of legs to make Mietek love her back, but this makes her lose her singing voice. She tries to have sex with her new lower-half, but Mietek is disgusted when she gets blood on him from her surgery scars. Mietek later meets a woman in a recording studio, whom he marries. The sisters attend the reception; Golden and Triton warn Silver that she must eat Mietek before daybreak or she will become sea foam. Silver dances with Mietek, but cannot bring herself to eat him, and turns into sea foam in his arms. Distraught, Golden tears Mietek's throat out and returns to the ocean in full view of the entire wedding party. ===== The protagonist, a young woman named Ania, lives in seclusion in a prefabricated housing estate in Halle-Neustadt. At her job as an IT specialist in an advertising agency, she is harassed by her tyrannical boss Boris, who at the same time is attracted to her. One day, on her way home from work, Ania meets a wolf in a park. The encounter with the wild animal triggers a strong attraction to Ania. Her thoughts are increasingly circling around the wolf, which she is trying to approach by crying about him at night, buying meat or even living rabbits for food. She decides to bring the wolf to her; In fact, she manages to numb the animal and bring it to her apartment. While she neglects her interpersonal contacts - to colleagues but also to her sister - Ania starts to live out her instincts. She looks increasingly neglected to the outside, but also self-confident and sexually free. This reflects the gradually more intense and more familiar relationship with the wolf, with whom she actually lives together now. She starts a kind of love affair with the animal. Finally, there is the final break with Boris and her work in the agency; At last, Ania even breaks completely into the wilderness with the wolf. ===== Dead End concerns a group of adolescent children growing up on the streets of New York City during the Great Depression. Bonnie Stephanoff, author of a book on homelessness during the Depression, wrote that it "graphically depicted the lives and longings of a group of boys who swam in a polluted river, cooked food over outdoor fires, smoked cigarettes, gambled, swore, fought, carried weapons and became entangled in [crime] on Manhattan's Lower East Side." The long opening stage directions for Act One vividly evoke the grim setting, and the action carries on. “A gang of boys are swimming in the sewerage at the foot of the wharf, splashing about and enjoying it immensely. Some of them wear torn bathing trunks, others are nude. Their speech is a rhythmic, shocking jargon that would put a truck-driver to blush.” The boys' horseplay includes tossing feces and offal at each other. Gimpty is a would-be architect who struggles with unemployment. As his nickname suggests, one leg is deformed, because he suffered from rickets as a child.. A gang member in his youth, he managed to turn his life around, finish high school and go on to college. He dreams of rebuilding the neighbourhood with clean housing units, but poverty and hardships have forced him to search for work wherever possible. He yearns for Kay, a young woman who lives in the elegant apartment house on the other side of the street. Drina is a working- class girl who has been struggling to keep her younger brother Tommy off the streets ever since their parents died. Meanwhile, local gangster Baby-Face Martin returns to his old neighbourhood to visit his mother and to find his old love, Francey. At the end of the play, Martin is dead and Tommy is headed to reform school, his future uncertain. Variety's review of the film pinpointed some key elements in the play that fell prey to the censors. The girl Gimpty yearns for is being kept in her elegant apartment by a rich man. Martin's former girlfriend, Francey, now a prostitute, is raddled with disease. The play is full of profane language, including ethnic slurs that were common at the time. ===== ===== Jack Gruber (Christopher Heyerdahl) and Aaron Danzig (Kevin McCormick) arrive at an electronics store, testing on the owner, Irwin (Adrian Martinez). In the GCPD, Gordon (Ben McKenzie) makes a deal with Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb (Peter Scolari) to get his detective badge back if he catches Gruber in 24 hours. They arrive at the electronics store, where they find Irwin writing "I will not betray my friends" on the walls. In the GCPD, Dr. "Lee" Thompkins (Morena Baccarin) arrives, planning on working on the case. Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) reveals Gruber is an alias and his real name is Jack Buchinsky, having bribed a guard to change his name. He gives Gordon and Bullock (Donal Logue) overshoes to avoid electricity. Lee reveals that killers make elaborate dolls of their victims, one of the victims turning out to be Maroni. Buchinsky attacks his restaurant with an electrical bomb, knocking out Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), but causing minimal damage. When he wakes up, Cobblepot is confronted by Maroni, who suspects he's working with Falcone (John Doman). When he tries to leave, Buchinsky electrocutes the GCPD, knocking everyone unconscious. When he looks for Maroni, Gordon (using the overshoes) fights with him and spills water on his device, shutting it off. He arrests Buchinsky and gets his detective rank. While walking, Liza (Makenzie Leigh) is abducted. She's relieved when the kidnapper turns out to be Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith), telling her she's doing her move against Falcone. Mooney calls Falcone, threatening to hurt Liza if he doesn't retire. Falcone agrees to her terms as long as he and Liza leave for Sicily. Cobblepot arrives with Falcone and reveals to him that Liza is the mole in his organization, as Mooney employed her for her likeness to Falcone's mother. Falcone visits Mooney's nightclub. He refuses to his terms and reveals about her truce. He has Mooney and Butch (Drew Powell) locked up and heartbroken, strangles Liza to death. He gives the nightclub to Cobblepot as Mooney and Butch are taken away. In GCPD, Gordon and Lee talk, which culminates in a kiss. ===== Rolando (Manuel Arvide), a millionaire, meets in a South Pacific island a young girl named Tania (Rosa Carmina) an exuberant native which he falls in love. The man decides to take the girl with him to Mexico, where she becomes in a famous cabaret star. But Tania ends betraying and leaves him for another man. Rolando then decides to launch the careers of Fedora (Juanita Riverón), who ends up achieving success. Luck charged Tania her ingratitude, and she ends up falling into ruin. ===== One night, a trio of criminal gorillas go on a rampage in a city using a machine gun. They even looted some shops. As they flee in their van, they are being followed by Krazy who is on a bike. They try to stop the cat from pursuing them by firing their machine gun. Krazy, however, is able to keep the bullets at bay. The gorillas manage to lose Krazy somehow before they reach their hideout which is secretly under a cemetery. Strangely, one of the inhabitants in the hideout is a canine girl who strongly resembles Krazy's spaniel girlfriend. The leader gorilla treats her by offering a diamond necklace which the canine girl dons and embraces. Krazy arrives at the cemetery minutes later but has lost track of the gorillas. After evading things like moving tombstones, Krazy encounters a living skeleton who shows him a passageway to the hideout for some reason. Krazy walks inside the hideout to where the leader gorilla and the canine girl are at a table. While the canine girl gives Krazy a warm greeting, the leader gorilla isn't happy to see him. Krazy confronts the simian boss with a pistol but the latter answers by showing multiple guns. The other two gorillas come and take the cat away. The two gorillas take Krazy with them in the van. After traveling a few miles, they stop. When they step out, one of the gorillas draws an x on the ground, and tells Krazy to stand on it where they will shoot him. But before a bullet could be fired, Krazy shows them a photograph of his grandmother who cherishes him and would miss him if he perishes now. The gorillas tearfully feel sorry and decide not to kill him. ===== ===== Shop girl Lily Kardos marries Senator Calkins, but secretly continues to see her ex-lover Richard Laird on the side. Calkins abandons Lily when he discovers her infidelity. Lily then begins a relationship with Stephen Bennett. Stephen's uncle Phineas, aware of Lily's reputation, gets her drunk at a party to reveal the truth about her to Stephen. Her inappropriate behavior causes Stephen to break up with her. In the final act, she returns to Richard Laird. ===== Two crooks Bob (Wally Bayola) and Billy (Jose Manalo) stole some jewelries while the employees are busy. They were captured and imprisoned, but they devised a plan. They put seals on their attorney's (Ryan Yllana) peanut butter jar and pass them off as stool samples, then they devour it on front of the court, which decided they are insane and must be imprisoned at a mental health facility. The duo immediately build a plan to escape the facility, by hiding in caskets ready for burial. Then their accomplice will exhume them and let them escape. But their plan had a problem, a nurse Marcia Cunanan (Iza Calzado) acts as their nurse-in-charge, as well as Dra. Jessica Lopez (Ehra Madrigal) the head doctor, forcing them in horrific situations. During their stay they hear a story about Ramil (Paolo Contis) who claims to be a criminal that acts insane in order to escape the law and tried to escape by pretending to be dead and gets buried in the next door cemetery but died as a result. The duo try to pull off the same plan, but later split when one of them hesitates and tries to find another way out. The one who continued the plan (Bob) was buried, but his accomplice (their attorney) gets into a car accident. The nurse was revealed to be a ghost, jealous because Ramil loved Jessica more than her commits suicide starts terrorizing the duo. Ramil, after he was buried alive along with the Marcia reveals himself as a ghost, wrestles control on them and saves them. Many days later, they relented and confessed their sins, the corpses was reburied, and many years later, they volunteer in the same mental facility as caregivers. ===== Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) is being tortured by Falcone's interrogator, Bob (Michael Eklund). Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock (Donal Logue) work with narcotics detective Arnold Flass (Dash Mihok) in a public homicide. They interrogate Leon Winkler (Willie C. Carpenter), who witnessed the homicide. While waiting for an interrogation, Winkler is killed with an icepick by an unknown man. Butch (Drew Powell) manages free himself and Mooney from her captors. Gordon interrogates Narcotics Officer Derek Delaware (Niko Nicotera) about his role in the guard duty. He arrests him when he finds drugs in his car, the same type as in the victim's shoe. Essen (Zabryna Guevara) removes Gordon and Bullock from the case. In the file room, Flass mocks a letter Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) wrote for Miss Kringle (Chelsea Spack). She later apologizes to Ed for Flass' behavior. Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) surprises his mother (Carol Kane) with the nightclub and makes her a singer in the club. Gordon visits and asks for a favor from Cobblepot to get information about Flass. After Penguin sends everybody else home, he closes the nightclub and begins to celebrate, when he's surprised by Mooney. She starts to beat him with a baseball bat when Victor Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan) and his henchmen arrive. Butch sacrifices himself so Mooney can escape. Bruce (David Mazouz), having returned from Switzerland, runs into Ivy Pepper (Clare Foley) in the streets. He asks after Selina (Camren Bicondova) and Ivy arranges a meeting for twenty dollars. Selina visits him in Wayne Manor, where she says she lied and doesn't know who killed his parents and tells him to never contact her again. Cobblepot has his henchman extort Delaware by threatening to kill his wife to get information about Flass. The henchman then gives Delaware's confession on tape and the murder weapon to Gordon, and Flass is arrested for the murder of both victims. Later, Bullock reunites with Mooney, who's planning to flee town and lay low. They part with a kiss. Gordon is approached by Delaware to beg Gordon not to harm his family. Gordon sees that the favor Cobblepot gave him now makes him look like he's dirty and someone to be feared. ===== A man (Julian Sands) hangs another man from a building and kills him after dropping him from the building and steals his adrenal gland. While Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) dines with Maroni (David Zayas). Maroni receives a call from Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith), where she tells him Cobblepot works for Falcone (John Doman). Maroni then takes Cobblepot on a road trip. Gordon (Ben McKenzie) finds Selina (Camren Bicondova) in his apartment. She says to him that she lied about the Waynes' murderer and then flees. He visits Bruce (David Mazouz) where Bruce tells him that he relieves Gordon of his promise to find his parent's killers, and that he will investigate the case himself. Cobblepot is taken to a shack in the woods where Maroni reveals the information Mooney gave him. Cobblepot takes Maroni's gun and attempts to shoot him, but the bullets turn out to be blanks. Maroni knocks him unconscious. Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) is suspended after performing an examination on a corpse from another medical examiner. The killer kidnaps a man afraid of pigs but Gordon and Bullock (Donal Logue) find the man in a hideout. Receiving a tip that all of a recent group of victims were related to a phobia support group, Harvey investigates, and unbeknownst to him is introduced to the killer as a group member named "Tod". During the meeting, Tod lures the group leader away and tries to kill the woman by drowning her (her phobia) but he's stopped by Gordon and Bullock. They manage to save the woman, but "Tod" escapes. Maroni takes Cobblepot to a car compactor, where he locks him in a car so he will die slowly in the crusher. Cobblepot calls from the car to the man who controls the compactor and threatens to have him killed by Falcone's men if he doesn't shut the compactor down. The car compactor operator stops the machine and flees. Maroni follows the operator, and Oswald escapes in the confusion. Nygma frames the medical examiner by making it look like he stole body parts. Cobblepot is then found by a group of church woman on a bus to Gotham, and accepts an offer of a ride home. Meanwhile, Mooney's boat is captured by a group of mercenaries. The episode ends as Mooney and a mercenary prepare to fight. ===== Ramesh (Shekhar Suman) works in a company in city. He gets to know that he is due to marry Gauri (Padmini Kolhapure), who he knew since childhood and also likes her. Gauri lives in a village with her mother and a younger brother. Though Gauri has grown adult, her habits and manners are still childish. Bijli (Richa Sharma) is a mature village belle and likes Ramesh. Unlike Gauri, Bijli is gorgeous, vivacious and understands the needs of an adult man. She is aware of the marriage of Ramesh and Gauri but she has her plans. When Ramesh comes to the village, he finds Gauri to be immature and naive. Gauri doesn't reciprocate the desires of Ramesh. Then Ramesh marries Gauri, but even after marriage things don't change and much to the dismay of Ramesh, he is not able to consummate. Bijli comes to know about this. She titillates Ramesh towards her and Ramesh now can't control himself. They start making love during their clandestine meetings. During one such meeting, Gauri sees them making love, Gauri realises her mistake and repents. She wants to correct her mistake, but the next day Ramesh leaves for the city to resume his job. Now Gauri is alone and she can't live without Ramesh. In the meantime, Bijli reaches the city and Ramesh and Bijli start living together as husband and wife there. After some days, Bijli starts getting bored of Ramesh as he doesn't spend money on Bijli. During these days, Bijli meets Amit (Rakesh Roshan), who lives in the neighbourhood and he also has a bike. Amit is a singer in a hotel. Bijli starts meeting Amit in the absence of Ramesh. Then Ramesh also starts to realise that Bijli is becoming a burden on him. One day Ramesh finds out about Bijli and Amit, and he throws Bijli out of his house. Bijli leaves the house, but Amit accepts Bijli and she goes with him. In the meantime, Gauri and his uncle come to the city to seek Ramesh as he has not replied to their letters, but they can't find him and return to the village dejectedly. On reaching the village, they find Ramesh in the house and now Gauri and Ramesh are together. ===== Amidst the terrors of war- torn post-revolutionary Tehran in the 1980s, former medical student Shideh is barred from resuming her studies because of her involvement with student leftist groups. Upon returning home, she gets rid of most of her old medical textbooks, but keeps a book of medical physiology given to her by her deceased mother. As the war between Iran and Iraq intensifies, Shideh elects to stay in the city with her daughter Dorsa despite the protests of her husband Iraj, a doctor who is called into military service and assigned to an area of heavy fighting. Iraj wants Shideh to stay with his parents in a safer part of the country, but Shideh refuses. Dorsa is upset to see her father go, and Iraj promises her that her favorite doll, Kimia, will protect her. A new boy moves in with the neighboring Ebrahimi family, who are his cousins; his parents were killed in an attack. During a shelling, he whispers something into Dorsa's ear and hands her a charm to ward off evil spirits. Dorsa tells Shideh that the boy told her about the legend of the Djinn, and that the charm would protect her, though Shideh throws it away. Shideh visits Mrs. Ebrahimi, who informs her that the boy has been mute ever since the death of his parents. Dorsa develops a fever and has a slew of nightmares, and Shideh is also haunted by bad dreams. Her PTSD grows worse but she is in denial and doesn't recognize being in a state of shock from the psychological stress and trauma of living in a warzone. During another shelling, a missile strikes their building, and an upstairs neighbor dies of a heart attack. Kimia goes missing in the commotion, and Dorsa insists that someone took her. Her behavior also becomes more disturbed and erratic; she insists there is a strange presence in the house, and repeatedly tries to get into the upper floor, believing that Kimia is there. The daughter of the deceased neighbor visits Shideh and claims that her father was unaffected by the missile impact but she found him looking terrified, as if he had seen a ghost. The neighbors gradually begin to leave to escape the fighting. Mrs. Ebrahimi warns Shideh that djinns may possess humans, and they will steal a beloved personal item of their victims. The Ebrahimis leave too, until Dorsa and Shideh are the only two inhabitants left in the building. Shideh's nightmares get worse, and her own items start to go missing. Her nightmares escalate to visions involving a floating chador that moves like a ghost. Dorsa admits to seeing the same apparitions, but claims that the ghostly woman in the chador wants to help her find Kimia. Shideh finally wants to leave to go to her husband's parents, but Dorsa refuses to leave until Kimia is found. Shideh receives a call seemingly from Iraj, but the caller begins to berate her for being a poor mother, as the djinn did. Shideh finds a mutilated Kimia, which upsets Dorsa. Shideh repairs Kimia with tape, but when they are about to leave, another air raid siren goes off. Shideh promises Dorsa that they will escape, but while going down to the shelter, she hears Dorsa's screams. She panics, believing that the Dorsa she left with is another apparition, and returns home to find Dorsa. She sees what appears to be Dorsa under their bed, but when trying to rescue her, she discovers with horror that it is an apparition. Escaping to the shelter, she finds the real Dorsa. The two are attacked by the chador apparition, which separates the two before Shideh manages to find Dorsa. She urges Dorsa back up the stairs but is trapped when the floor begins to suck her down. Dorsa rescues Shideh and the two escape to the car, and Shideh drives them to Iraj's parents. However, it is revealed that Kimia's detached head was left behind and Shideh's medical textbook is still in the djinn's possession, implying they may still be harassed. ===== Infra is set in the fictional city of Stalburg, somewhere in the vicinity of the Baltic Sea, which recently emerged from a corruption scandal. The player, Markku Siltanen, is a structural analyst & engineer. He is tasked with surveying the Hammer Valley Dam, and discovers that the infrastructure is in poor condition. He soon accidentally causes the water tunnels to collapse, becoming trapped underground. Along the way, he begins to discover evidence of a conspiracy between the city's business magnates, ultimately resulting in many of the infrastructure failures. Markku escapes the underground. His boss, Paul, directs him to the Pitheath Water Treatment plant, to check on water pressure levels from the collapsed tunnels. He discovers that water flow has stopped, and travels via metro tunnels back to the office. However, his journey is interrupted by more collapsing infrastructure. Due to the water tunnel blockage, a high level of pressure is put on the derelict dam, causing it to burst. By the time he returns to the city, most powerplants have failed and the city is flooded. He meets up with his coworkers, who travel to the Black Rock Nuclear Power Plant in anticipation of flood damage. They discover that the reactor is at risk of melting down. The player must quickly solve a final puzzle, either successfully shutting down the reactor and saving the city, or failing to prevent the meltdown. The game's epilogue is dependent on how many pictures were taken - both photos of structural damage, and photos of evidence relating to the conspiracy. If the player saved the reactor, but took below 50% of photographs, they will be living in a tenement with a roommate. If above 50%, they will be on vacation, and receive an offer from Paul to investigate 'Whiprock Island', a former prison. However, if the player was unable to prevent the nuclear meltdown, they will live in a rural cottage, suffering from radiation sickness - many areas of Stalburg were irradiated, resulting in thousands of deaths. Other details in the epilogue are determinant on player choices, such as optional puzzles - if the player repaired all three water treatment plants, the CEO of Stalburg Water is ousted & the city's potable water becomes safe. If the player ignored the puzzles, Stalburg is facing a water crisis, bottled water is mandatory, and 40,000 citizens become ill from contaminated water. Other details appear from optional puzzles & side characters. ===== As described in a film magazine, Patience Sparhawk (Petrova) is an orphan who has been reared by a dissolute stepmother. An inheritance of good character, however, has kept her from being contaminated and when she gets the opportunity to break away and become the ward of Miss Tremont, a wealthy woman, she does so. Out of gratitude she agrees to marry Tremont's nephew, Beverly Peale (Steele). Soon after the ceremony she discovers that her husband is a user of drugs and her married life is unhappy. It ends abruptly when Beverly is found dead from an overdose of drugs. Patience is accused of murder and put on trial. She is defended by noted criminal lawyer Garon Bourke (Fellowes), who is in love with her and whom Patience loves. Despite Garon's strenuous efforts, his client is convicted and sentenced to die in the electric chair. The evidence of Honora Maris (Reed), who was enamored of Beverly, was the deciding factor. The day of the scheduled execution arrives and at the eleventh hour Garon obtains a confession from Miss Maris that she committed perjury on the witness stand. Garon makes a desperate race to the prison with a reprieve and saves Patience just as she was in the electric chair and the executioner was preparing to throw the switch. ===== The parents of a family of four die in a blizzard and the children (two boys and two girls) are brought up separately. Twenty years later, the daughter who was adopted and taken abroad is returning to China as an internationally renowned classical musician and seeks to reconnect with her siblings, who are all living very different lives. The father of the children, a music teacher, is played by rock star Cui Jian, who wrote a song, Meng ("Dream"), especially to be performed by his "pupils" in the film. ===== ===== The plot opens with Kay Scarpetta receiving a phone call from Marino informing her about a body, later identified as Gail Shipton, recovered in a field adjoining Massachusetts Information Technology (MIT) campus. As detailed by witnesses, the body was found wrapped in an unusual white cloth, a picture of which brings back to memory a similar scene from 'Capital murders’- a case of triple killings in the capital city Washington- something that Benton had shared with her (albeit without FBI authorization) in lieu of her expertise. Haley Swansen, the boyfriend of the deceased is interrogated and it is revealed that he is transgender. The Capital murders were temporally separated, the first in April and the last two around Thanksgiving, each body clad only in panties belonging to the prior victim and posed in an open field stone's throw away from a rail track. Ed Granby, Benton's boss and head of Boston division, had refused to release key information pertaining to these cases under the pretext 'to avoid replication of this murder-style’. It is learned that the deceased had filed a $100million lawsuit against her financial advisor : ‘Double-S’’’, a firm with 6 other lawsuits - none of which reached the court since referred to as ‘frivolous’ by CEO Dominic Lombardi - and under probation from SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) for irregularities. Gail Shipton's body, upon close inspection by Kay Scarpetta, was found to be wrapped in a white cloth made up of a low-stretch synthetic fabric, with conspicuous absence of injury marks (not even those incurred from defending oneself) except for pinpoint conjunctival hemorrhages, covered in fluorescent glitter and characteristically clad only in an ill-fitting panty. Benton claims that this scenario bears striking resemblance to the Capital Murders and theorizes that the killer is audacious, learned from a fact that he purposefully left the tool-box containing the cutter (to gain entry through the locked field-gate) close to the crime scene. Benton confides in Kay that a person named Martin Lagos, possibly dead, has been announced as being responsible for the triple murders. The accused's DNA had matched the blood sample from the 3rd victim's panties which Kay herself had previously confirmed to be menstrual specimen that had matched to the 2nd victim. Going by logic that the killer dresses each subsequent victim in his prior victim's panty, Kay begins to think that the DNA sample could have been tampered to frame the accused on purpose. In a twist of events, the CFC is rocked by the news of 3 additional murders which have occurred in the Double-S firm. Haley Swanson, Gail Shipton's boyfriend, is said to have been seen escaping the premises, identified not by his face but by the same hoodie that he was wearing (while previously being interrogated in light of Gail Shipton's murder.) Upon reaching the latest crime scene the 3 bodies are identified as belonging to Dominic Lombardi, his secretary and the 3rd, to everyone's surprise, Haley Swanson himself! The person who absconded with his hoodie who also happens to be the serial killer is still at large at that moment. Detailed search about the reason why Martin Lagos was framed leads them to Daniel Mrse, Martin's friend. Martin’ s mom who worked as a curator at the white house was found dead in her bath-tub (in 1996), a definite murder scene made to look like an accidental death. But with evidence strongly pointing towards Daniel Mrse, Kay through phone records, realizes that Dr Geist had a phonic conversation with Ed Granby prior to the body being discovered, prompting her to doubt the intent of the phone call. Now, certain of Ed Granby's involvement, an hacked email reveals that money has exchanged hands to conceal & falsify the identify of the killer. The killer himself is later identified as Daniel Mrse - the biological son of Dominic Lombardi and thus explains the father's repeated attempts to cover up the murders. Daniel Mrse is tracked down to Florida, working in a circus. A raid of his vanity car reveals the presence of face masks made of clay, representing each of the women that he had murdered and also providing the reason for the fluorescent glitter. Further, the temporal gap in the murders coincides with the circus traveling to Cambridge and Washington. ===== Various versions of Hong Gildong jeon exist, each including different details but following the same skeleton and timeline. The story is usually divided into three equal parts, each occurring in different settings. The first part is set in the residence of the Hong Family. After waking from an auspicious dream, the High Minister, Hong Mo, lies with a lowborn maid, who conceives Hong Gildong. The story then shifts to Gildong’s childhood where he masters his physical, mental, and magical abilities. The first part concludes with Hong Gildong stopping an assassin’s attempt on his life and then leaving the Hong residence, unsatisfied with his status as a secondary son. In the second part, Hong Gildong becomes the leader of a band of outlaws whom he names Hwalbindang (“league of those who help the impoverished”).Kang, Minsoo. The Story of Hong Gildong. “Introduction.” New York: Penguin, 2016. Gildong and his band steal from locations where wealth is held throughout the country, like storehouses and temples. As his robberies become bolder and more frequent, he draws the attention of the King and ultimately ends up leaving the country in self-imposed exile. The third part takes place in the country of Yul. Hong Gildong starts over with the Hwalbindang at the island of Jae and then overthrows the King of Yul to become King. He rules as a benevolent king and begins his own family at Yul, in which he treats his secondary and primary sons equally. ===== Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) has been captured and is locked up in a rowdy prison-like area. Meanwhile, Dr. Gerald Crane (Julian Sands) continues experimenting with his fear toxin. This time he tests it on himself to re- experience his greatest fear: his wife being killed in a fire. Falcone (John Doman) decides to put an end to Cobblepot's (Robin Lord Taylor) debt to Maroni (David Zayas). He meets with him and Maroni agrees to end his feud with Falcone and forswears vengeance on Oswald, as long as he receives the services of a judge in Falcone's pocket. Falcone tells Cobblepot he also has to redecorate the nightclub, as Falcone is giving it to him to run. Falcone reminds Oswald that without cash flow, they lose influence, and without influence, their organization becomes a house of cards. After receiving information from Nygma (Cory Michael Smith), Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock (Donal Logue) realize Crane created the toxin after his wife's death, hoping that people use it to overcome their deepest fears. Bruce (David Mazouz) goes on a trip to the forest to challenge himself, but runs into difficulties. He's then joined by Alfred (Sean Pertwee), who tells him that he came looking for him, but decided to let him crawl the last hundred yards up the hill on his own, to let Bruce develop his independence. Cobblepot is visited later by Maroni, who tells him that when Falcone dies, Cobblepot will die too. In a cabin in the woods, Dr. Crane injects his son Jonathan (Charlie Tahan) with a high level of the toxin, causing him to have a breakdown featuring the cabin's scarecrow. Gordon and Bullock locate them, and when Gerald opens fire and proclaims himself without fear, Gordon and Bullock return fire, killing him and take Jonathan to a hospital. In the prison, Mooney kills Mace, the prisoner's leader, and promises to protect the other prisoners, who, it turns out are having their organs harvested for sale. In the hospital, Gordon is notified by the doctor that because of the high levels of toxins, Jonathan (while he will live) may never overcome his fear. The episode ends as Jonathan is tormented by visions of scarecrows. ===== DI Harry Clayton is a detective in Central London's Murder Squad suffering from an addiction to gambling. Clayton becomes the recipient of an ancient bracelet--after a night spent with the mysterious Eve, he wakes up with the bracelet on his wrist and discovers that it gives him supernatural luck. With his gambling addiction having cost him his wife and daughter and being in debt for thousands of pounds to a casino owner, Clayton soon begins to use the bracelet to his own advantage. ===== Barbara Kean (Erin Richards) returns to her penthouse apartment to see Selina Kyle (Camren Bicondova) and Ivy Pepper (Clare Foley) squatting there. Selina adds James Gordon (Ben McKenzie) left his keys and Barbara says "screw him". Gordon and Lee Thompkins (Morena Baccarin) have a date at the Haly's Circus. However, during a performance, several performers have a fight between their respective families, the Graysons and Lloyds. Gordon and Lee visit the supposed reason for the fight, snake dancer Lila Valeska, in her trailer only to be received by her son, Jerome (Cameron Monaghan), who reports he had not seen her since the morning. They then discover her corpse in a cart and Gordon accuses the ringmaster (James Monroe Iglehart). The ringmaster admits having discovered the corpse earlier, but did not say anything so as to not interfere with the show, planning on giving her a funeral later. In the prison, Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) acts as the leader of the inmates so they can break free of the prison. When the guards arrive to escort a prisoner for organ harvesting, Mooney has her crew beat the prisoner to death so it's now worthless as an organ donor. When Fish defies the jailer's orders, they say the "manager" would like to talk to her. Alfred Pennyworth (Sean Pertwee) discovers Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) investigating Wayne Enterprises, claiming he's discovered corruption within the company. Gordon and Lee then interrogate circus psychic Paul Cicero (Mark Margolis), who claims to hear Lila from "beyond". They bring Jerome too, where Gordon accuses him of murdering Lila, as Cicero had been trying to mislead the police with clues about the murder weapon, and Jim figures he's protecting someone. Jerome denies everything, but when it is revealed that Cicero is his father, he begins to laugh maniacally. He finally admits he killed his mother for being a "whore", and Gordon arrests him. Later, the two warring circus families reconcile when John Grayson and Mary Lloyd get engaged. Barbara tries to get Gordon back, but changes her mind when she sees him kissing Lee in the police station locker room. In Oswald Cobblepot's nightclub, Victor Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan) visits Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) to tell him that Carmine Falcone is unhappy with how business at the club has been going, and that Oswald may not be the right person to manage the club. Cobblepot seems afraid for his safety, until Victor reveals a brainwashed Butch Gilzean (Drew Powell) and says he is now in service to Cobblepot, having worked on him on "his basement for a few weeks". Bruce visits the Wayne Enterprises board to confront them about the cases of corruption and their involvement in Arkham Plan, although they deny everything. In the prison, the guard Thomas Schmidt (Elliot Villar) tells Mooney that the manager wants to meet with her. ===== A 42-year-old writer finds that a small octopus has attached itself to the head of his aging dachshund, Lily. ===== The Red Hood Gang are thugs, commit a bank heist, and the bank guard shoots at one of them; all miss their mark. Gus Floyd (Michael Goldsmith) wants the public crowd to swarm as a distraction for the arriving police so he tosses part of the loot. Police investigators Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock (Donal Logue) review bank surveillence footage. They speculate that there was a test staged of police response time with a smoke bomb and where they could be found since one of the gang wore a Kleg's Auto shop uniform. The gang reconnoiters for the shop and Floyd says that whoever wears the red mask should lead the gang. Gang member Clyde Destro (Jonny Coyne) kills Floyd and takes the mask as a prize. Gordon and Bullock discover in a refrigerator at the shop Floyd's corpse. Destro is identified by a witness, and Gordon and Bullock use his release as a ploy to trail him to the gang. Destro is wounded by a member of the gang, and the red mask is taken as a prize. Gordon and Bullock find Destro who turns on the gang and reveals all about them. The GCPD get into a shootout and all the gang are killed. Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) is brought to an office manager (Jeffrey Combs). He says he is not the official owner of the prison as the real doctor, "Dulmacher", is away in Gotham. When he tells her that her eyes would be of high value and tries to extract one, she removes her eye herself with a spoon and steps onto it, making it now worthless. In Wayne Manor, Alfred (Sean Pertwee) receives the visit from an old SAS friend Reggie Payne (David O'Hara), who had been arrested for sleeping in the streets. Bruce (David Mazouz) lets him stay a few days. However, at night, Payne steals some files from Wayne Enterprises and Bruce's notes. Alfred finds him and while they argue, Payne stabs him and flees. Bruce takes Alfred to the hospital. Payne later gives the information to the Wayne Enterprises Board, for which he receives a payment. In the streets, a boy finds the red mask and upon wearing it, he mimics shooting at the police. ===== Tom Rowland from the New York Police Department is sent to Colombo to investigate the murder of a US embassy official killed protecting the daughter of a wealthy expatriate American landowner. At the same time New York Private Investigator Joe Walker has been hired by the landowner's daughter to protect her father from being extorted for one million dollars. Through the Ceylon Police they discover a terrorist organisation known as the Three Golden Cats are responsible for both activities and a string of murders with the victims killed by karate blows or by biological chemicals. ===== Head of a small railway station Yakov Ivanovich Golovach is obsessed with reading historical novels about knights. Fancying himself as the hero of one book – Don Diego, he loves to fight with an imaginary opponent. He is caught in the act by the female residents of the surrounding villages who came to the station of the arriving mail train in order to sell their simple culinary creations Laughter of the peasant women drives Yakov Ivanovich furious. In a rage he orders to detain violators of the railway rules who are crossing the railway line. But he only manages to catch the dawdling old woman Pelageya Diomina ... ===== The temple nestles in the folds of a dense jungle. The path from the village to the temple runs through it. In the name of merit and demerit, the villagers bow to the word of the monk. The only exception is the hunter who lives in the jungle. It is him who provides all of the meat required by the people in the village. And yet, he eats no meat. It is the month of Vesak, and Gomari slips out of a group listening to a sermon to frolic with her paramour in the jungle. There they both fall prey to a leopard. The hunter, fully aware of what goes on under the jungle canopy informs the monk that the leopard had attacked Gomari and has now tasted human blood. He earnestly requests the monk to refrain from asking the people to come to the temple on Vesak Poya (full moon) day fearing that they too would fall victim to this leopard. The monks leaves such matters to fate (karma) and firmly refuses to stop the sila (observation of precept) program scheduled for the day. Finally, the hunter, who never kills anything except as food for people, is forced to kill the hungry leopard as it hunts for prey even as the monk is delivering his sermon to the villagers on Vesak full moon day. When the monk and the hunter go into the jungle the next day, all they see are the rotting corpses of Gomari and the monk. ===== The film is set in the 19th century. To consolidate its power in the Caucasus region, the Russian government intends to evict the Chechens from the Russian empire. A cossack Ataman fraudulently obtains signatures from illiterate residents for a petition which calls for resettlement to Turkey, by disguising it as a request for permission to stay on their land to the governor-general of Muslims of the Verdi mountain aul. The daughter of the village elders, Eliso falls in love with Khevsurian Vajia, who is a Christian. He is seeking the abolition of the decree to expel Chechens, but his heroic efforts to save the village are futile. Residents have already been banished from their homes and leave the village. Vajia as a kafir has no right to leave with them out of their homes. Eliso can not accept the fate of an outlaw, she sneaks at night into the village, which is already inhabited by the Cossacks, and sets fire to it. ===== Elizabeth Sloane is a cutthroat lobbyist who has been called to appear at a congressional hearing led by Senator Ronald Sperling to answer questions about possible violations of Senate ethics rules during her tenure at Washington D.C. lobbying firm Cole Kravitz & Waterman. Three months and one week earlier, Sloane's firm is approached by gun manufacturing representative Bill Sanford to lead the opposition to the proposed Heaton-Harris bill that would expand background checks on gun purchases, specifically by targeting female voters. Sloane ridicules Sanford's idea and is later approached by Rodolfo Schmidt, the head of rival lobbying firm Peterson Wyatt, to instead lead the effort in support of the bill. Sloane agrees and takes most of her staff along with her, though her closest associate Jane Molloy refuses to leave. At Peterson Wyatt, Sloane selects Esme Manucharian to conduct the majority of the firm's media appearances, and they begin to make significant progress in garnering votes for the bill. Sloane confronts Esme with knowledge of her background as having survived a school shooting. Even though Esme does not want to disclose the information, Sloane reveals Esme's secret during a live television debate. Later, Esme is held up at gunpoint while leaving her office, but her attacker is shot dead by another civilian who is legally carrying a gun. Gun rights supporters capitalize on this event, which causes the Heaton-Harris bill to lose support in the Senate. This is compounded by the news of the Senate inquiry into Sloane's lobbying practices. Returning to the congressional hearing, Senator Sperling produces a form requesting approval of overseas travel for a Senator. It was filed by a non-profit organization but completed in Sloane's handwriting, indicating she violated Senate ethics rules with her involvement, as a lobbyist, in arranging the travel. In answer to other questions, Sloane swears under oath that she has never practiced illegal wiretapping. In her final statement at the hearing, Sloane admits she anticipated the opposition might attack her personally if Peterson Wyatt made too much progress with the Heaton-Harris bill. She reveals that she had someone (Molloy, her former assistant) secretly working for her, and that she did use a wiretap - which recorded Sen. Sperling accepting bribes from Cole Kravitz & Waterman boss George Dupont. Ten months later, Sloane is visited by her lawyer in prison: the Heaton-Harris bill passed but at the cost of Sloane's imprisonment and career. The film ends with Sloane being released from prison. ===== The film recreates the history of the movement of the Decembrists: an outbreak of peasant revolts, organization of nobility circles and the actual uprising; against the background of these events unfolds the romantic love story of the Decembrist Ivan Annenkov and French milliner Pauline Gueble. ===== The film takes place during the pre-revolutionary years and the initial period of the Soviet regime. At a monastery shelter in one of Russia's western towns, orphan Yulka gives birth to a son from the shepherd Jerome. Matron of the shelter Pavlikha as directed by the father kills the newborn baby and disposes of the corpse in the Jewish Quarter. The Black Hundreds are spreading the rumor that the murder was committed by the Jews for ritual purposes. Mayhem arises which is supported by the authorities of the city. The church refuses to shelter Jews fleeing from the violent thugs ... ===== The film is about the struggle between the Bolshevik underground and Red partisans in the rear of the frontier of the Kolchak troops, which ended in an attack on the enemy train, capture by the Kolchak unit and discovery of the carefully guarded gold reserves. ===== ===== The game begins with a peculiar talking Pikachu, who, despite not being as powerful and nimble as other Pikachu of his kind, is rather intelligent and claims to be a great detective. One day, Pikachu encounters a boy named Tim Goodman, who is able to understand what he is saying. They are immediately put to the test with retrieving a stolen necklace from thieving Aipom. Afterwards, they head to Baker Detective Agency and meet Mike Baker and secretary Amanda Blackstone, both of whom were close to Harry Goodman, Tim's father and Pikachu's owner. Harry had gone missing following a mysterious car crash that happened the same time Pikachu got amnesia. Tim and Pikachu deduce that Harry was last seen trying to investigate Litwick Cave, and arrive just in time to rescue GNN reporter Meiko Okamoto and her assistant Emilia Christie from a rampaging Glalie, who seems to not remember why it was attacking to begin with. After escaping, Tim and Pikachu trace a clue to the Pokémon Comprehensive Laboratory. Posing as interns, they are introduced to the staff and are reunited with Emilia and Meiko, who together end up having to solve another rampaging Pokémon incident. They learn that employee Carlos Hernando had created a drug called "R" and has been using it to induce the rampages. After his arrest following an attempt to use R to chase them off, they learn that R was actually created by Dr. Waals, who now lives on Cappucci Island, but upon arriving learn that he is under arrest by overzealous lieutenant Brad McMaster for a supposed dangerous Pokémon that has been attacking the native wildlife. With Tim and Pikachu's help, they catch the real culprit, a tourist director who just wanted to possess Dr. Waals' home, and clear Waals' name. Waals reveals that R was supposed to be a miracle drug using the DNA of Mew, but by mistake the DNA came from Mewtwo, who has a "berserk gene" that causes the rampaging Pokémon. At Waals' advice, Tim and Pikachu head to the abandoned Fine Park where the first rampage occurred with a Charizard. The native Pokémon bring forth a locket that belonged to Harry and learn from a Buneary that a Skorupi had attacked him, resulting in him crashing his car. Tim and Pikachu head to the GNN building to meet with Meiko about the Fine Park footage of Charizard's rampage. When she leaves to go get it, Tim and Pikachu get involved in another mystery involving a down on his luck comedian trying to steal a violin from a competitor from a show he's hosting. They finally get to see the footage and discover that GNN assistant director Keith Norman had used a Skorupi to release R on Charizard at the park. Found out, Keith makes his escape on a Noivern, but Pikachu discovers that the locket left by Harry is actually a hidden camera full of photos taken from Ryme Wharf. Upon arriving, Tim and Pikachu spot a couple of shifty wharf employees and realize that they are keeping Waals' former assistant Simon Yen prisoner, and have been forcing him to mass-produce R. Pikachu suddenly remembers that he made a promise to Mewtwo to stop the creation of R, and Yen sneaks Tim and Pikachu onto the S.S. Prime Treasure, where R is apparently being sent. By coincidence, they run into Emilia and get caught up in another side mystery involving a stolen mask. Afterwards, they learn that a secret black market auction is happening and take part in it, discovering that Keith is there trying to sell R. They manage to catch him. As Tim and Emilia have a moment, Pikachu speaks privately with Mewtwo, who reveals that his promise is not over and that he still needs him to get rid of his cells. After looking through Keith's things they learn he is working for someone at GNN, and that they plan to release R during the Pokémon carnival. Tim, Pikachu and Emilia race back to the Baker Agency to inform them about the clues they have gathered. Realizing that the culprit plans to release R at Central Square during a parade, the group split up to look for clues. They capture and arrest a mysterious man in a yellow hat, but realize that R will be distributed from the clock tower, and find a large machine that they are able to successfully disarm. At that point, they realize that the culprit is GNN boss Roger Clifford, due to him mentioning that Pikachu does not have powers (something that only Keith knew). Roger reveals himself with Emilia as his hostage. He explains that he wanted to use R as a way to report on its disaster in Ryme City, making GNN more powerful and leading to them having total control of information. Tim and Pikachu rescue Emilia and defeat Roger and his Noivern. As Roger is taken away, Pikachu meets with Mewtwo to return the last of his cells. Pikachu then "makes a decision" and is put to sleep by Mewtwo. The next morning, Tim and Pikachu set off to look for Harry. ===== The story opens at the Shinha household with preparations for Pari's wedding. Her miserly aunt, who raised her without affection, refuses to spend money on it and Pari is doing much of the work, including restarting the house's generator. The baraat (groom's wedding procession) arrives, and Pari is reprimanded by her aunt for not being ready. As Pari goes to dress, she spies upon the baraat and sees the groom's mother – and imagines receiving the motherly love she always wanted. However, Pari overhears the groom and his mother talking to his lover in the rickshaw, saying that the marriage is a sham. The aunt rushes a horrified Pari to the ceremony, where Pari confronts them with what she witnessed; they deny it and leave, feigning insult, and Pari is blamed. The next day at the Sharma household, celebrity and family matriarch Bhawna Devi chases down her granddaughter Suman for wearing Western clothes and riding on a motorcycle with a boy. She reprimands the women of the house for the way Suman was raised, which taints her reputation, and threatens Suman and her mother – who thinks Devi can only be calmed by her favourite son Sattu. Sattu is then shown devotedly praying in a temple, asking blessings for his mother. As he descends the temple stairs, he bumps into Pari. The diyas (oil lamps) catch fire to her dupatta (scarf) and then all the hangings around them. Sattu jumps into the fire surrounding a frightened Pari. ===== John Tanner (Robards), a retired architect who is recently widowed, decides to look for a platonic lady companion for the Christmas period. He meets a "social arranger" (Francks) who introduces him to a woman of about his own age, Iris (Harris). They meet at a hotel in town and she tells him she would like to go ahead, but that they should meet later at the local bus depot before departing for the holiday. She is insistent that he does not ask her any personal questions. They go to a cabin in the countryside where he had spent many previous Christmases with his wife. After an uneasy start Iris reveals that she used to be a nurse but most of the time she is non-committal. John gives Iris a Christmas present of a music box which she seems very touched by. They take a walk in the woods then return to the cabin where he tells her that he used to play the tiple at Christmas. When Iris presses him he produces a tiple and plays it while he sings a song. She recites a poem by Dorothy Parker which he applauds her for. She then tells him that she is not being honest with him but not why; she also tells him that it is time he "let go" of his wife; they hug. Later during the night John is woken from his sleep by the sound of the music box. He goes downstairs to find Iris listening to it. In silence he takes her hand and leads her back upstairs where they look wistfully at each other before going to their separate rooms. The following morning he rises to find that Iris has cooked breakfast and is preparing to leave. John becomes exasperated at Iris's incommunicative nature and demands to know more about her. She reveals that she is married and John deduces that the social arranger is her husband. She had agreed to meet John only for the $500 agency fee – business was poor at that time of year and they needed the money. John and Iris part company. He goes to a coffee bar with a book where he notices a woman (Helen Frost) that he had seen before, also with a book. He asks the waitress if the woman would tell her about the book she is reading. When the waitress returns she says to him "She says she'll trade ya". John and the woman exchange smiles... ===== ===== Set in the future, an ongoing war between the Norts and Southers is being fought. During the conflict, many forms of chemical and biological weapons have been used, poisoning many of the soldiers and the planets. Kapitan-Inspector Atalia Jaegir is a Nort whose role is to hunt down escaped Nort war criminals. ===== Uprisings start in the western provinces of the Russian Empire. Peasants seize carts loaded with bread. Magnates and the gentry support them, seeking to get leadership and a union with Poland. Count Wielkopolski becomes leader of nobility. One of his units is commanded by his son, Stanislav (a.k.a. "Stas"). Russian landowner Count Orlov mercilessly exploits his serfs. Yas Rudenok sends his sister, Maryla, to Kastus Kalinovskiy, the leader of rebellious peasants, to ask for help. By order of the Military Governor-General Count Muravyov to "pacify the region" the Cossacks are sent. Stanislaw Wielkopolski's squad of Polish Confederates fight with them, but at the same time robs the peasants. Yasya tries to resist, but is beaten. Kalinovskiy shows up with a detachment and tells Stas, with whom he got acquainted when they studied at the St. Petersburg University: "It is not with them you are at war." The sentinels report that the enemies are approaching. Stas is forced to ask for Kalinovskiy's help. Peasant groups helps break up the Cossacks and capture a fortified castle where Kalinovskiy bases his general headquarters. At the bazaar Maryla distributes leaflets and Kastus gives a speech, rousing the farmers to the cause. Both are cleverly hiding from the police. Meanwhile, Wielkopolski Sr. tries to win over the peasants on his side: he invites them to his estate, starts a conversation about land, freedom and national unity. Kalinovskiy who is present, warns them to not trust Wielkopolski Sr.; the slogan of the people is bread and land. Kalinovskiy faces attempted capture. Stanislaw who gives chase, is taken as a prisoner by the detachment of Kalinowski. Stas' sister Jadwiga, knowing Kastus from youth, helps her brother to escape. Interests of the nobles and peasants finally diverge. Avengers of Count Muravyov shoot the participants of the uprising, and the magnates and gentry go to the Governor-General of the delegation with a petition of loyalty to the king. Wielkopolski Sr. offers even to place a military unit in his estate in order to catch Kalinowski. At this time Kastus disguised as an officer and with knowledge of the password manages to rob the royal treasury. Muravyov declares Kalinovskiy as an outlaw. Peasant groups storm and capture Wielkopolski's castle. In a duel Kalinowski kills Stanislaw. But the invaders are approaching. The rebels are defeated. The uprising is suppressed. Kalinowski is captured. Before the execution at the scaffold he turns to the people with his farewell speech: "Hear me, Belarus! I believe - there will be a free Belarus, for the working people, laborers and peasants!" "We hear you!"- is the response.*Igor Avdeev, Larisa Zaitseva All Belarus Films: Catalog-Handbook. Feature films (1926—1970). — Minsk: Belaruskaya navuka, 2001. — Volume 1. — 240 pages, pp. 18-19 — ===== X Japan's story is told through the life of Yoshiki, the band's frontman, drummer, pianist and composer, leading up to their performance at Madison Square Garden on October 11, 2014. It follows his childhood friendship with vocalist Toshi, whom he first met at the age of four. As a child, Yoshiki was given musical instruments as presents, which resulted in him learning to play piano and developing an interest in classical music. When Yoshiki was 10 his father committed suicide. Following this, Yoshiki's mother gave him a drum kit that allowed him to channel his frustration musically, which in turn led him to pursue a path into rock music. As an adult he and Toshi moved to Tokyo and formed the band X Japan, which also resulted in the development of visual kei, a fashion and music movement featuring elaborate hair styles and flamboyant costumes. It then deals with the band's problems, such as the sacking of original bassist Taiji from the group, and Yoshiki's health problems including the requirement to wear a neck brace while drumming and asthma so severe that oxygen tanks were kept backstage for him. In 1997, Toshi was "brainwashed" by a cult called "Home of Heart", leading to the group's breakup that year; guitarist hide died five months later in a reported suicide, though the band believe he died accidentally, trying to do a neck-stretching exercise while drunk. The film then looks at Yoshiki following the band's split, where he returned to classical music and composed a piece in honour of the 10th anniversary of the reign of the Emperor Akihito, then the band's reunion in 2007, Taiji's suicide in 2011 eleven months after performing with the group for the first time in 18 years after being arrested in an air rage incident, and their continuing attempts to achieve worldwide success. Throughout the documentary are interviews with the current band members, family members such as Yoshiki's mother, people who worked closely with the band, and other figures from the world of music and entertainment. These include Stan Lee, who co-created a comic book with Yoshiki entitled Blood Red Dragon; western musicians such as Gene Simmons, Wes Borland, Richard Fortus, Marilyn Manson and George Martin; and Japanese bands influenced by X Japan including Mucc, Ladies Room, Luna Sea, Dir En Grey and Glay. ===== When Jen starts her new Job as a nurse at the 'Easy Love Care Home, she is surprised to find James, a 25-year-old man living and working in the building. James and his three, elderly best friends hatch a plan to go on one last adventure and the only medical cover they can get is the one person who doesn’t want to be around old people. Will their plan go off without a hitch or is there a sell by date on adventure? ===== Alfred (Sean Pertwee) wakes up in the hospital but refuses to tell James Gordon (Ben McKenzie) that Reggie Payne was responsible for his stabbing. In the prison's nursery, Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) is visited by Dr. Francis Dulmacher (Colm Feore). Mooney wants to be his second-hand, based on her experiences with Falcone (John Doman). Dulmacher gives Mooney a new sky-blue irised eye, and gives Mooney the opportunity to prove herself worthy of working as his right hand woman. Gordon discovers from Essen (Zabryna Guevara) and Dent (Nicholas D'Agosto) that Commissioner Loeb (Peter Scolari) has released Arnold Flass (Dash Mihok) from jail. When he confronts Loeb, Loeb shows him a video of the witness: Bullock (Donal Logue). Bullock was blackmailed by Loeb because, on Falcone's orders he was directed to kill a rival mobster, and, unlike Gordon, he executed the man. Gordon and Dent question an ex-partner of Loeb's, Charlie Griggs (Michael J. Burg), where they get an address for a Triad bookmaker named Xi Lu (Perry Yung). Gordon and Dent arrive at a Chinese restaurant and find Xi Lu and his bookmaking operations. When Lu denies any involvement, Dent threatens him, which prompts Lu to send his employees to kill them. They're saved by Bullock, who realizes Griggs lied to them. After nearly killing him, Griggs reveals Loeb has ties with Falcone. After receiving help from Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor), they arrive at a farm owned by Loeb. There, they find a couple, Jude (Dan Ziskie) and Marge (Becky Ann Baker) keeping the house. Jim and Harvey claim to be inspectors for Loeb, but Jude and Marge open fire which ends with Jude being shot by Bullock and Marge knocked unconscious. In the attic of the farm house, they discover Loeb's daughter Miriam (Nicholle Tom) locked up. When they question her, she reveals she killed Loeb's wife years before. Gordon then visits Loeb in his office, threatening to expose his lies unless he sends Flass back to jail, and erases Bullock's history. Loeb agrees only with Bullock's terms as ratting out his other blackmailees would endanger his life. Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) tries to ask Kringle (Chelsea Spack) for a date but is heartbroken, as he realizes she has a boyfriend, Officer Tom Dougherty (Zachary Spicer). Cobblepot brings Jude and Marge to the nightclub so they can get relocated before Loeb kills them. When Cobblepot reveals he only has one getaway ticket to Arizona, Marge kills Jude. Cobblepot then reveals that he lied and kills Marge. Mooney later sees that Dulmacher altered the office manager's (Jeffrey Combs) body to female parts. She is later forced to give some of the inmates to Dulmacher so that they can come to terms. Later, while in his office, Mooney is shocked when she finds out the prison is on an island, making her escape even more difficult. ===== Gordon (Ben McKenzie) gets tasked by a young officer to investigate the murder of a girl, Grace Fairchild (Willa Fitzgerald). Along with Bullock (Donal Logue), they interrogate a bartender for information. Through flashbacks, a man, Jason Lennon (Milo Ventimiglia) seduces Fairchild in the bar and brings her to his house, but when she asks to leave, he kills her. Upon discovering a painting of a broken heart, Bullock states the murderer is a serial killer known as "The Ogre", who targets young women. He also reveals that whoever tries to catch him, the Ogre kills a loved one in revenge. While on the prison island, Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) develops an escape plan with the prisoners. Upon realizing only boats and helicopters are the way out, Mooney sends a group of thug prisoners to reach the boat. However, when they reach the boat, they realize Mooney betrayed them so the others could escape and are killed by the guards. Mooney and the rest of the prisoners escape in a helicopter, although Mooney receives a bullet in the rib. Bruce (David Mazouz) and Selina (Camren Bicondova) go after Reggie Payne (David O'Hara). They find him in an abandoned warehouse. When Selina threatens to throw his drugs through a window, Payne reveals that the Wayne Enterprises people who sent him to retrieve the files were Molly Mathis and Sid Bunderslaw. Although he tells them everything, Selina throws the drugs out the window. Payne states he will tell Bunderslaw that Bruce is after him. When he tries to retrieve the drugs, Bruce tries to push him through the window but is hesitant. Selina finally throws Payne through the window, killing him. Bullock interrogates the officer who sent Gordon to go after Fairchild's kidnapper. He finally reveals that Commissioner Loeb (Peter Scolari) sent him to give the case to Gordon. Realizing Lee (Morena Baccarin) may be in danger, Gordon angrily confronts Loeb. He promises that after arresting the Ogre, he'll go after him. ===== The film discusses issues faced by young girls and women in today's society. Achu and Anagha are close friends, who decide to bunk their class to visit a mall in the city. Their visit to the city changes their life and what happens next forms the crux of the film. ===== The story spans from 1965 to the early 1970s. Heavily pregnant Zhao Di, the unwanted second wife of an older man, was chased out by her husband's family and forced to return to her own family. She eventually gave birth to twins, Shun Fatt and Su-Fang. As Su-Fang had two moles on her face, which was said to be bad luck, Zhao Di decided to give her up due to the pressure of wanting to build a better life for the rest of her family. With Zhao Di's indomitable spirit, and with the help of her family, they went through adversities, witnessed the changes through the years, and accompanied every step of the nation's growth in its early years. ===== Amoeba is all about a woman from Kasargod, who lives amidst fears of contamination by Endosulfan. The film captured two contrasting images of life in an IT hub in Bangalore with that of life in Endosulfan struck Kasargodu. ===== Aalroopangal narrates the effects of hartal in the life of common man. Nandu does the lead role as a roadside food vendor. The film plots how an unexpected declaration of hartal changes his life. ===== Jet Propulsion and his family are from the fictional planet Bortron 7 which orbits around a red dwarf called Bortron. They live at Boxwood Terrace in Washington, small-screen-with-ready-jet-go/ where they study human customs and Earth environments for a travel guide. Jet has made friends with neighborhood kids, including Sydney, Mindy, and Sean, whose parents work at the nearby Deep Space Array. The Propulsions' car turns into a flying saucer, which they frequently use to take the older kids into space. Their alien identities are known to Sean, Mindy, and Sydney, but they otherwise make some effort to conceal their origin. As of early June 2016, it's unclear whether anyone else knows who they really are. At the end of each episode, scientist Amy Mainzer (also called Astronomer Amy) hosts educational interstitial segments: the segments are not included in the export version. ===== A simpleton Unnikuttan (Dileep) has an unhealthy attachment with central jail. He was born and brought up there with his father Kesavan (Siddique) and mother Janaki (Vinaya Prasad) before being transferred to child care facility at the age of six. Unni finds solace and happiness inside jail, for getting in he fills in as a substitute for real-life punishments of petty crimes committed by others. Unni, who is in his late 30s, isn't married and many whom he knows advises him to marry someone to be felt loved and not to go to jail as a substitute. In jail he falls in love with Radhika (Vedhika), and to marry her he tries to solve her problems as she witnessed a murder done by a Minister. When he meets Radhika, who is jailed in drug case. She discloses her love to Unnikkuttan but is not now ready because she is awaited by the minister to be killed. She describe all story behind this wrong case against is because that she witnessed the minister murdering Karunan (Dinesh Panikker). It is all that the killer (Abu Salim) is following her to kill her and for her safety her uncle lie to him that she got a job and boarded to Delhi. When she was in her aunty's home, she saw in TV News that in the same case Simon (Kailash) is jailed. Later she decided to handover the video clip, she shot in her video camera. As a sudden action she is now arrested. After many sequences Unnikkuttan marries Radhika. ===== It is 1922. Robert Elliott Burns is having flashbacks of the horrors of World War I and is on the streets protesting for himself angry at his inability to find a job and society's apathy towards veterans. The next day, he is at his parents' home and his brother Vincent, a minister, tries to console him. Elliot says he's had enough and wants to go down to Florida to find work. Elliot is heading to Florida by train and by the time he stops outside of Atlanta, he is now a penniless vagrant. He joins a group of vagrants around a campfire that intend to rob him, but another man saves him from it. He offers Burns a chance to make some money by robbing a country store. Burns goes with the man to rob it, but tries to back out at the last second. The man holds him at gunpoint to rob the cash register, which contains only $5. The man knocks Burns out with his weapon and runs away, leaving Burns to be apprehended by local police. He is taken to court and his lawyer tells him he should plead guilty. The judge gives him a trumped up sentence of six to ten years hard labor. Burns is taken to the Fulton County prison camp. It is a foul place consisting of wooden shacks, stocks, sweatboxes, and pure filth. He has iron chains attached to his legs and meets the warden, Harold Hardy, a fat, angry, and spiteful man of Irish descent who hates people from the North. Hardy calls him a "Yankee" and tells him to feel guilty and get used to chain gang life to make it easier on himself. He has one of his guards, Mr. Trump, escort Burns to his quarters. Burns is introduced to a foul shack of filthy, exhausted men and meets an elderly prisoner, Pappy Glue who laughs at him when he says he didn't commit the crime he was imprisoned for. He is introduced to an inedible meal of pig fat, bitter corn pone, and sorghum molasses and gags trying to eat it and gives his plate to a veteran prisoner enjoying and devouring it. The next morning, the men are awakened at 5 am. Burns sleeps through the removal of the chains and is thrown on the floor by Trump. The men are taken to a quarry to dig rocks out of the ground with pick axes for 15 hours a day, with only a short lunch break of cowpeas and corn mush. A fellow prisoner, George Seals, falls over from exhaustion. Trump kicks him in the face and Seals pleads for water and to not be hit. That night after work, Seals is hung upside down and beaten several times with a leather strap by Trump and left there overnight. By dawn, he's died from the beatings and overwork and placed in a pine box. The next day, the men are digging out dirt with pick axes and Burns is struggling to "keep the lick" towards the end of their shift. A black prisoner sings "There's Gold in the Ground" to help the men keep working. That night, the men are having their chains checked and Warden Hardy wants to smell the men to make sure they put in a good days work. He taunts Burns, asking how much he likes the chain gang, and Burns smarts off to him about Southern hospitality. He is taken by Hardy and two guards and put into a sweatbox until the next night. Burns is removed from the sweatbox and thrown onto the floor of the sleeping cabin. He declares to Pappy Glue he needs to get out of there. Pappy tells him he needs to get used to the life on the chain gang because the only way he is getting out is the same way as Seals. Sometime later the men are working on the railroad putting metal ties on the tracks with sledgehammers. Burns notices Big Sam, a towering black prisoner, can really swing the hammer. During a lunch break, Burns talks Big Sam into bending his shackles with the sledgehammer by hitting it against the track. That way, Burns can slide the chains off and "hang it on a limb" or escape. Sam does it with the guards backs turned and Burns is in extreme pain from it. That night, the men return to camp and Burns has his chains checked by Trump, and they are checked out fine. Hardy is now asking Burns if he likes the chain gang, and Burns obediently answers yes. In his bunk, Burns removes the shackles in front of Pappy and invites him to come along. Pappy declines but gives him $5, wishing him luck. The next day, Burns asks to "get out here", to relieve himself in the woods. While doing do, he removes his shackles, then makes a run for it. The guards and dogs run after him and he takes a boat in the swamp to freedom. Warden Hardy is furious, screaming out to Burns that he promises to find him. Later on that day, Burns is at a train station in Marietta and just before boarding, he thinks the police are about to catch him. But instead they catch a vagrant. He boards the train and makes it across the Tennessee border. A year later, Burns is now living in Chicago and rents a room from Emily Pacheco, a Portuguese divorcee. She is a very nice and courteous but overly possessive woman. He types a letter to his brother Vincent about his work status and trying to get authorities to convince them of his innocence. She tells Burns to stop writing and typing so much and they go to a movie together. She keeps trying to get Burns' interest, but he's not in love with her and just doesn't feel the chemistry, but nevertheless, they sleep together after he reveals to her about trying to start a magazine business and be a statesman. He moves forward with starting the business. Burns receives a letter from his brother Vincent that their father is dying. He goes back to New Jersey to attend the funeral afterwards. His mother is very upset that he wasn't ever able to come back to visit. Burns arrives home and Emily is all over him begging him to marry her, but he wants alone time. One day while cleaning Burns' room, Emily comes across some papers he's been typing and there are flashbacks to his time on the chain gang being put in a sweatbox and treated like an animal. Emily is disturbed at the writing. Burns makes it home that night after a very successful day of selling his first magazine subscription and she reveals the papers he's written. He's very distressed, but she consoles him and asks him to make love to her and blackmails him into marriage. By 1929, Burns is making it big in Chicago as a magazine publisher and motivational speaker. He's working long hours and neglecting Emily who is becoming increasingly possessive and jealous. While speaking at a dinner engagement, Burns meets a woman named Lilian Salo. After a few dates, he falls in love with her, much to Emily's dismay. He wants an amicable divorce, but she is furious and refuses. A few days later at work, Burns is apprehended by police. Georgia authorities want Burns extradited back, but his lawyer refuses. They meet with a Georgia prison official in front of the judge assigned to hear the case. The official says if extradition is granted, he will have to go back to Georgia and serve the remainder of his sentence, plus additional time for escaping. But if he comes back voluntarily, he can serve a reduced term of 45 days and be paroled. He would also serve the time as a trustee at one of the honor farms. Burns is returned to the same Fulton County camp he escaped from with Warden Hardy greeting him. When presented with the court agreement Burns signed in Chicago, Hardy says that "he is in Georgia now and things will be done Georgia's way." In the chow hall, Hardy berates Burns for his success and tells the prisoners that they are not to ever talk to him, and if Burns runs away again for the guards to kill him. A month later, Burns is out working and secretly asking prisoners of the whereabouts of Big Sam, the black prisoner, the helped him get away, and Pappy Glue. Big Sam clubbed a guard and was moved to another prison in Southern Georgia and Pappy Glue died from beatings soon after Burns escaped. Burns is angry and pauses for a few seconds and asks to wipe off the sweat, but Trump refuses to let him do so. That night at dinner, Hardy reads out a list of men not doing a hard days work and for them to get their whipping. Burns is included. Burns declares it's a lie, but none of the guards or Hardy defend him. He is tied to a tree and given ten lashes. Some time later, Lillian comes to visit Burns assuring him of clemency, parole, or pardon. They embrace and the guards try to remove him, but he resists it and is beaten and placed in the stocks. Warden Hardy assures Burns he won't live to see himself get out despite people from up north trying to do so, and that the parole board turned him down. Burns realizes he was duped and will have to serve the remainder of his sentence. Burns' brother comes to visit sometime later and tells him that his business is gone, but indirectly signals to him that there is money left from his business hidden inside a package of Lucky Strike cigarettes to help him get out. Mr. Rayford, another guard who works with Trump, detects Vincent giving Burns a package of cigarettes and wants to check it, but ends up taking a few of them for himself and gives Burns the package back. Later on, Burns finds over $100 in cash in it and feels it will be his ticket to freedom. Burns is back working later on and Trump has made him a trustee. Trump orders Burns to fill up the water pail while he goes in a country store to get a soda pop. While Trump is in the store, Burns talks to a local man that approaches him. The man says he's read about Burns in the papers and thinks he's had the short end of the stick on what has happened to him and that he would get him out if he could. Burns shows him a $50 bill and asks him to meet him the next day with his car, a hacksaw, and a change of clothes. The man is apprehensive, knowing he risks being put on the same chain gang, but Burns promises him another $50 if he can get him over the state line. The next day, Burns is working diligently and the man shows up. He asks to "get out" to relieve himself, and Rayford allows him to do so. Burns immediately runs for the man's car and Rayford shoots at him for trying to escape but misses. Warden Hardy is more furious than ever, telling the guards they will lose their jobs if they don't catch him. Some time later, Burns is seen typing his new book which says that he is a fugitive, he moves around a lot and can't keep jobs for long. The book he is writing depicts his time on the chain gang and it's horrific conditions. He specifically mentions the men who died while he was imprisoned and dedicates the book to them. Burns briefly visits his brother about his situation, who tells him there are several people asking to have movie rights to the book. Burns grants his brother Power of Attorney, then disappears into the night. Some time later, Burns visits his former love Lilian, who is now married. She says she had been praying for him the entire time and she is happy to see him alive and well. He later goes to a local library to read his published book and hears on the radio that it will be made into a movie. Burns anonymously attends a screening of the movie I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang and has flashbacks to his time there. He is satisfied to find that the movie accurately reflects what he has been through. Phone calls, telegrams, and letters flood the Georgia Department of Corrections demanding a reform of the prison system. The film ends with scenes of the Fulton County Camp now empty and abandoned. It is noted that Robert Elliot Burns finally received a pardon after many years of struggle in 1944 and that the Georgia chain gang system was abolished. ===== This dark comedy about car mechanics working in the Shabany district on the outskirts of Minsk reveals a clash of civilisations. The young hero, born in Belarus, has lived and worked in the USA under the program Work & Travel 5 years, adopted that lifestyle and made the «American dream» his formula for happiness. On his return to Belarus he works in a Shabany garage which has its own philosophy; a different view of reality, closer to that of the Soviet Union. ===== Barber's daughter Trudy Costello gives close shaves at her dad Joe's barber shop. She has other skills as well, so becomes excited when classmate Carol Curtis informs her that talent scouts are coming to town to audition young performers. The kids decide to open a nightclub of their own, needing a place and the money to pay for it. Carol's wealthy aunt Martha wants no part of it, but amiable uncle Malcolm is willing to put up the fee. Malcolm is insure if he can get his hands on his inheritance yet, so he fools Martha into believing that a hall they own is being used for artistic purposes. Rehearsals go smoothly until Carol's old rival Fern Wallace turns up and vies with her for the same boy's attention. Eventually, however, the show goes on, with Malcolm getting his money and Martha giving her reluctant blessing. ===== The film is about the various people who inhabit the seedy Pink Motel in Los Angeles. Two men wake up with hookers, then proceed to accost a beauty-obsessed woman (Lolita Davidovich); the Latino motel owner (Joaquim de Almeida) is angered after finding his daughter (Patricia Velasquez) wants to marry a white man; a young woman (Christina Ricci) wakes up to find a stranger (Timothy Olyphant) in her bed.McCarthy, Todd (1999-04-21). "Review: 'No Vacancy'." Retrieved 2016-12-21. Vacancy/BFI ===== The series presents first-person narratives shared by individuals about wild parties they have attended, outrageous and bizarre events they've experienced, encounters with celebrities such as James Franco and Rihanna, crazy hookups, and highly regrettable decisions. The stories are reenacted with unique styles of animation to enhance the humor. Other segments include viewer-submitted party photos, which were later doctored; and outrageous text conversations. ===== Former secret agent Baek Shi Yoon (Park Shi-hoo) is a well-trained human weapon. Hiding his past, he buys the bar "Neighborhood" and runs it as the owner. He gets close to the Neighborhood regulars at his bar and he sympathizes with their pain. He then meets a young man, Choi Chan Gyu (Lee Soo-hyuk) who works as a temporary employee. Choi Chan Gyu wants to become a police officer. Baek Shi Yoon trains him as a secret agent and they fight together against evil. ===== Professor Akron is an inventor based in Singapore who creates the Eradicon; a jewel like filter for a laser weapon that dramatically improves its power and range as well as the ability to stop engines over long distances. Akron is given three days to accept a "blank cheque" from a criminal mastermind known as the Golden Dragon, but he contacts Interpol who arrange to send New York private detective Joe Walker and New York Police Captain Tom Rowland to Singapore to protect the professor, his attractive daughter and the Eradicon. ===== Feeling The Ogre may be coming for Lee (Morena Baccarin), Gordon (Ben McKenzie) unsuccessfully tries to convince her to leave town. In a bar, Lennon (Milo Ventimiglia) has a new date: Barbara (Erin Richards). He plans to kill her in her penthouse but decides not to after he realizes she feels lonely and depressed. Not comfortable with him, she tells him to go. Gordon and Bullock (Donal Logue) interrogate the first victim of The Ogre's revenge, Detective Ben Mueller (Laurence Mason), whose wife was killed by The Ogre. They're then cornered by The Ogre, who then calls Gordon and threatens to kill someone unless he retires from the investigation. While inspecting a manor, they save a butler, Jacob Skolimski (Daniel Davis) from being hanged and discover the corpse of Constance Van Groot. They realize the Ogre is called Jason Skolimski, the son of Jacob and Van Groot, who killed her for not being a good mother. Bruce (David Mazouz) and Selina (Camren Bicondova) continue their investigation in Wayne Enterprises. Accompanied by Barbara, they attend Wayne Enterprises' Charity Ball. While Bruce distracts Sid Bunderslaw (Michael Potts), the director of Physical Operations, Selina steals Bunderslaw's keys to make a copy. Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) is forced to have dinner with Maroni (David Zayas) and his mother Gertrude (Carol Kane). While talking, Maroni reveals to Gertrude that his son has killed many people. Cobblepot swears to kill him. While looking for files, Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) discover Kringle (Chelsea Spack) has bruises in her arm from Dougherty (Zachary Spicer). Nygma confronts Dougherty outside his apartment, Dougherty begins to beat him but Nygma accidentally stabs him. Realizing he would implicate him, Ed is forced to stab him to death. Gordon realizes Barbara was with him on a photograph in the last Ball, realizing The Ogre is with Barbara. In his home, Lennon introduces Barbara to a room of BDSM and torture tools. ===== Following up to events from the earlier film, Bahubuthayo, Lanti and Bunty are working as journalists. Tikiri, an evil spirit, comes looking for Lanti and Bunty. The three end up living together while Tikiri does their work. After the publication of a misleading news item relating to a minister, the minister comes to the house where Bunty and Lanti live and beats them. The minister thinks Tikiri is beautiful, and takes her by force to work in his ministry office. He changes Tikiri's name as Tikri and falls with her. Due to parental pressure, Bunty soon marries a girl name Malkanthi. He discovers he is not well matched with his wife and they frequently quarrel until Malkanthi leaves him. Meanwhile, Tikiri rejects advances from the minister and returns to the house where Bunty and Lanty live. From there, further problems develop as the journalists must discover what it will take to get rid of the she-devil in their home. ===== Shortly after Jason "The Ogre" Lennon reveals his true intentions to Barbara and holds her captive, he tells her, at knifepoint, to choose his next victim. During the investigation at the Foxglove Club, Gordon and Bullock locate the "Ogre's" apartment at Gotham Royal Hotel, but he and Barbara had already left for her parents' mansion, and both are killed. Nygma disposes of officer Dougherty's body in the forensic lab and pens a letter, posing as Dougherty, explaining that he left town. Bruce sneaks into Bunderslaw's office at Wayne Enterprises and opens his safe, which is empty. Bunderslaw himself arrives and reveals that he was expecting Bruce, and has consequently removed the incriminating documents. He confesses to Bruce that his father and grandfather knew about illegal activities in the company, but decided to keep quiet. Afterwards, Bunderslaw orders Lucius Fox (Chris Chalk) to lead Bruce away. Lucius subtly tells Bruce that while Bruce's father knew of the illegal activities, he did not approve of them. The O'Connor assassination attempt is revealed to be a set-up designed by Cobblepot to start a war between Falcone and Maroni. Gordon and Bullock arrive at the house of Barbara's parents to find them dead. After a brutal fight with Jim, the "Ogre" holds Barbara at knifepoint until Bullock distracts him for Jim to shoot him. Later, Jim confesses to Leslie that he no longer loves Barbara. Consumed with guilt, Bruce confesses his and Selina's murder of Reggie to Alfred, eventually also admitting to his visit to Bunderslaw. After Alfred tells Bruce that his father was a good man, Bruce states that even good men can have dark secrets. Several crimes and killings committed by Maroni and his crew alert Captain Essen, who calls all officers of the GCPD to remain on duty during the upcoming gang war. ===== Lanti and Bunty are two young journalists, who go out on an assignment to the southerns village of Kirindiwela, where according to the legends, an abode of evil spirits in ancient times, to write a feature on devil dancing and exorcist rituals for a travel publication. When a possessed women in the village aroused and follows them fiercely, they managed to flee to the jungle. Its getting dark and they see a small house. While spending their first night in this jungle home of a village exorcist Elaris Appuhami, Bunty and Lanty were pleasantly surprised to encounter a pretty young girl named Tikiri, who Elaris told Lanti and Bunty was his domestic helper. Without the permission, Bunty took a photo of Tikiri as well. movie?start=60 At the dinner, when Bunty asked Tikiri to come with them, Tikiri agreed, but it was just a joke by Bunty. When Lanty and Bunty set out the next morning, they suddenly found that Tikiri following them. When all their efforts to send her back home failed, the desperate young men explain their plight to the Chief Priest of the village temple, who informed them that Tikiri was in fact an evil spirit which posed off as a human being. Elaris Appuhami charmed to live with her as his helper. The shocked journalists plead with the chief priest to save them from this evil woman. The chief priest tells them that he will finish this nuisance, but after before months, come back and help to build a temple bell pole. Lanti and Bunty accepted to this and priest remove Tikiri from their path. Bunty and Lanti return to home believing that their traumatic experience has ended. Three months end and they forget to go back to village and build the bell. The bind released Tikiri back to their home and they take every possible way to banish her, but all fails. Their housemate, Chaminda, their office friends, and a local gang also captured by Tikiri's possessed and abilities. One day, they met a god, who take the human shape fall on to land. Lanti and Bunty explained their horror experience to god and plead to remove her from their home. God, who is an alcoholic, came to see the spirit. But, due to human being shape, god thinks she is just a normal pretty girl. But, after Lanti and Bunty confirms that, she is posed off to a human being, god take a magical spectacle and observe Tikiri with the spectacle. Truth reveals that she is a devil. Magical spectacle, which was given to Lanty and Bunty has the power to visualize actual appearance of devils, god and humans as it is. God tries to remove her with god's power, but Tikiri thrashed him and god flees. After many incidents to remove her back, Lanty and Bunty took help from spectacle to see actual god and devils. Finally, all sorts of trouble, Lanty remembers about the village temple bell. Lanty and Bunty quickly went village and meets Chief Priest. Lanty and Bunty with the help of villagers started to build the temple bell tower. After finished the work, Priest provided a bowl of holy water (Pirith pan) of Lord Buddha and said this can remove her from the home. They came back to home and see a dance party at their home. With the help of magical spectacle, they revealed that all at the party are devils. Holy water was mixed to water tank and they pumped all water towards them. Devils screamed and perished from the home. But, all water in the tank finished and still Tikiri was at the home. Bunty was however, able to take some water to his mouth and released them towards Tikiri. Tikiri screamed and she also perished, giving their home free from devils. However, there were few holy water collects at the bottle, which was used to perish devils wandered around the city. In the end credits, the caged bat showed. ===== The story revolves around Chitose Karasuma, a voice actress who has been working in the anime industry for a year. Although she believes she is talented, she thinks the anime industry is rotten as she has only been voicing minor characters. One day, an opportunity arises for her to voice a main role in an upcoming anime adaptation of a light novel as an idol voice actress with four other girls. ===== The show is set in Delhi and revolves around Shravan Malhotra and Suman Tiwari. Suman comes from a close-knit family and has been brought up by her grandfather as a strong, independent, and self-respecting girl after her parents died in an accident. Shravan is a Malhotra, an elite family of two brothers – Ramnath and Lala ji, as well as their wives and sons – Shravan, Varun, and Pushkar. Suman's grandfather was a mentor to Shravan's father Ramnath and the two share a strong bond. Growing up together, Shravan and Suman are separated when Shravan leaves for London to practice law after his parents, Nirmala and Ramnath, separate. He returns 10 years later and Suman discovers he has changed. She apologises to him for not being there for him but he rejects her. At a school reunion, he insults Suman, after which they part ways until Suman's house is in danger of being sold. Shravan fights the court case and wins and the two rekindle their friendship. Suman tries to reunite Shravan with his mother but he believes his father's side of the story. A possessive Ramnath becomes upset with Suman and successfully drives a wedge between Shravan and her. Suman's cousin Preeti falls in love with Pushkar and they are able to convince their reluctant families to accept the union. Suman's grandfather suffers a heart attack and makes Suman promise him that she will marry Aditya, a family friend. Aditya, Shravan's foster brother who was brought up by Shravan's mother, becomes suspicious of Suman and Shravan's relationship after being incited by Shravan's aunt Kamini. Following an instance of Aditya misbehaving with Suman, their wedding is called off. Sensing Suman's grandfather's condition, Shravan marries Suman. Over time, Ramnath realises how his lies have made Shravan a misogynist who mistreats the women in his life. Guilt-ridden, he comes clean to Shravan, who asks Suman for forgiveness. The two happily confess their love for each other and unite. ===== ===== Song of the Deep has the player control Merryn, a 12-year-old girl who loves her father, a fisherman, especially when he tells her tall tales of his adventures. When her father goes missing at sea one day, she has a vision of him being trapped at the depths of the ocean. Determined to find him, she crafts a submarine and gear to explore the ocean, and is startled to see that many of her father's tales were actually true. The game plays as a two-dimensional side-scroller in the style of a Metroidvania game. Areas of the game's world require the player to locate special improvements for Merryn and her equipment to surpass obstacles and explore further. While there are enemies in the game that can harm Merryn, the game is aimed less towards combat and more on exploration and puzzle solving, with some emphasis on the nature of how objects behave underwater. Throughout the gameplay, a narrator tells players Merryn's progress and things seen in Merryn's point of view. The narration is performed by Siobhan Hewlett. ===== ===== Dirty Singles is a feature-length comedy-drama about a community of friends a few years after university. It's about that time in your life when you're in your first real job and your first real adult relationship—the one you think might just last forever. In this clique of friends, Jack-and-Megan, the perfect couple—perfect house, perfect jobs, perfect hair—turn out to be not so perfect. This revelation sends a shock through their little world, and soon the ‘break-up virus,’ and its after-effect, the ‘inappropriate hook up virus,’ make their way through the rest of the characters. But somewhere in this year of living ridiculously, playing grown-up must become being grown- up—and the same-old, same-old you thought would last forever proves to be as fleeting as the pop songs of three years ago. Dirty Singles is a naturalistic coming-of-age movie about twenty-somethings generally—and specifically it's about young adults who happen to live in and around Parkdale in Toronto as they take their first faltering, glorious steps toward maturity. ===== The story is a fictionalized account of Operation Willi. ===== The young daughter of a libertine is placed in the care of a novelist, who agrees to be her father. The novelist also finds a boy suitable for her as a husband but later discovers that he is his woman's lover. Despite these and other twists, the happy ending sees love blossom between the pupil and his guardian. ===== ===== Elmer Smoot and Bing Crosby both have a crush on vocal teacher Beth Sawyer, who is sponsoring an upcoming music recital. Smoot is an aspiring singer who hopes to run Bing Crosby off the radio, though he doesn't realize Crosby's identity when he meets him. They become bitter rivals for Sawyer's affection. At the recital, as Smoot sings the old-fashioned song "Dear Old Girl," Crosby's dog runs loose onto the stage and ruins Smoot's performance. Though Crosby didn't intend for this to happen, Sawyer is embarrassed and angry. Crosby, using the pseudonym of Howard Jones, croons the song "I Don't Stand a Ghost of a Chance with You" and wins the audience over. Sawyer is pleased. While Crosby sings, Smoot finds a signed photograph of Bing Crosby and notices the resemblance between him and "Howard Jones". When the song is over, he rushes to the stage and informs the audience that Howard Jones is indeed Bing Crosby. This amuses the audience, and Sawyer is humiliated. Later, Sawyer is surprised by Crosby singing "Please" through her window. Sawyer forgives him, and they kiss. They drive away passing a garage where Smoot is destroying what he erroneously thinks is Crosby's car. ===== Renaissance Rome: the young painter Raffaello Sanzio meets Margherita, a girl of the people, makes her his model for the painting "La fornarina", becomes her lover and will live with her. The girl will also inspire some Madonnas, but this relationship arouses the jealousies of a beautiful aristocrat who secretly orders the kidnapping of the girl. Raphael falls into a state of prostration and does everything to track down Margherita; but when he finds it again it is too late because, undermined in physical and moral, he undergoes a collapse that leads to his death, on the very day of the Good Friday procession. ===== Anne, an orphan girl, is raised by the Storlein family on a large farm. After the family's son breaks his promise to live with her and marries another, jealousy causes her to set fire to the farmhouse. Another young man, Jon, is in love with her; he takes the blame for the fire and serves several years of hard labor at Akershus Fortress. After he is released Anne meets him on the road and he persuades Anne and his mother to travel to America together to begin a new life.IMDb: Gipsy Anne (1920) Plot Summary. ===== At the beginning of season two, Lucha Underground Temple owner Dario Cueto (Luis Fernandez-Gil) has been absent from the Temple since the end of season 1 and Catrina (Karlee Perez) has taken charge of the temple, leaving it a "much darker place" as Matt Striker comments during the opening scene. Under her management Lucha Underground Champion Mil Muertes (Gilbert Cosme) and Lucha Underground Trios Champions the Disciples of Death control the operation. In their quest to control everything, Catrina hires King Cuerno to take the Gift of the Gods Championship from Fénix. Fénix defeated Mil Muertes to win the championship, only for Catrina to force him to defend the title during Aztec Warfare II. During the match Cueto dramatically returns, unleashing his brother Matanza on the temple, winning the Lucha Underground Championship in the process. Over the next few weeks, running alongside a tournament for the Lucha Underground Trios Championship, The Monster Matanza Cueto would go on to easily dispatch top technicos in the promotion like Pentagon Jr. and Fenix. Matanza's first real challenge came in the form of the former Lucha Underground Champion Mil Muertes. In their initial encounter, Mil Muertes delivered his finisher, the flatliner, to the Monster which sent both monsters through the roof of Dario Cueto's office. This put both monsters out of commission for several weeks and gave the crowd something that's rare in Lucha Underground, a no-contest finish. ===== Tormented by strange dreams, Franco decides to be examined by a psychoanalyst and, accompanied by Ciccio, his brother-in-law, goes to doctor Federzotti. Having established the cause of the complex that afflicts him, the psychoanalyst prescribes an intense love life as a cure. One day Ciccio discovers him in the company of a lady and immediately warns his wife Rosaspina. The woman, however, having understood that she is the cause of Franco's problems, due to the thick beard that frames her face, decides to get a facial plastic. Completely transformed, she makes an appointment with her husband undercover. Ciccio surprises them and, not knowing the truth, threatens to have Franco kicked out of the house. Rosaspina then reveals her true identity, bringing peace and harmony back into the family. ===== The young Mexican Peon Chako is hunted and almost hanged by a group of Americans because of the seduction of the young Susanna. However, he manages to escape and return to Mexico. The experienced bounty hunter Slim follows him and wants to collect the premium for Chako. He catches him but is tricked by him and left in the desert. Chako has now arrived in San Rosario, where he is worshipped as a hero; only the jealous Asuncion sees it differently. She has him thrown into prison. However, the corrupt official receives a higher price from the American, who has now also arrived. The large landowner Don Felipe meanwhile has two men standing in the way of his shops; he lets henchman Sanchez do the dirty work and then shift the blame onto Chako. So Chako is in jail again; but Slim uses the confusion of a big party to free him and thus to anticipate the murder gang of the now hired Cherokee. Slim now collaborates with Chako; the two manage to shut down Sanchez, who has meanwhile killed Don Felipe, and restore peace in this area. Slim delivers Sanchez to prison and Chako to Asuncion. ===== Little Natasha went out and got lost in a big city. Her fate was attended by all whom she met in her fascinating, full of cheerful adventure travel. Everything, of course, ended well. And while Natasha was wandering around town, she made a lot of friends, among both adults and children. Подкидыш on KinoPoisk Shot in movie ===== ===== Four middle-aged women with different fates live in Moscow. One of them, Anna - PhD, has to work at a car wash and is constantly subjected to insults from the owner. Another woman, Lisa - a former trade-union worker, now works at a market. The owner of the vegetable shop constantly penalizes her for allegedly stealing money. Third, Masha - a former railway worker, sells pies in an underpass. Finally, Lyuba – an intelligent woman – has to sell newspapers. All of these women are very different, but they share one thing - they are most loyal friends, always ready to help each other. Soon Lyuba gets in a terrible situation. She decides to sell her luxurious apartment (her parental inheritance) with a view of the Kremlin for 100 thousand dollars, and buy inexpensive housing somewhere in the outskirts of the capital. Businessman Khomenko, who turned out to be a fraud, fraudulently takes possession of Lyuba's flat, and she finds herself in the street with no money and no housing. In desperation, Lyuba appealed for help, and three of her friends begin to act. The women decide to punish the villain Khomenko, completely upsetting his criminal business. As a result of puzzling adventures, ladies return the apartment to Lyuba. In this good deed the girlfriends are helped by theater administrator Lazovsky and general Dubovitsky. However, the actions of the resourceful and brave women were partly outside the law, and therefore the friends are imprisoned. During the trial, the whole truth about the "victim" Khomenko is turned out, and the judge grants an acquittal to the friends. They form a group called "Old Hags" and decide to start concert activities. ===== Sumi, a 25-year-old woman maintains her family by giving private tuition. Suddenly they have a huge monetary requirement due to heart surgery of her widowed sister's six-year-old daughter. Desperate in thoughts, she finds an advertisement in newspaper for surrogate mother for an affluent lawyer. Due to low information on the subject of surrogate motherhood, Sumi nor the lawyer are initially aware that a surrogate mother must be married and have at least one child. Still Sumi becomes a mother. She gets the promised Rs 5 lakhs but pays a heavy price. Her boyfriend severs ties, society rejects her and her tuitions are discontinued. Once the baby is born and she has to hand him over to the lawyer and his wife, she feels the heart-rending pain of separation. ===== The conceited leader of an unnamed European nation comes across a young shepherdess while walking outdoors. He falls in love with her, but Fate has preordained that he must suffer because of the way he has enslaved and mistreated his people. The girl's father turns out to be the leader of a band of revolutionaries who are seeking to overthrow the despot. The plot does not closely follow the Edgar Allan Poe short story at all. ===== Young Willie, the son of a slave in East Texas, is caught looking at the rear end of a white woman. Her husband, Sam Ruggert, a racist former rebel soldier, catches him looking and immediately calls for his lynching. Willie runs home and tells his father what has happened. His father, knowing what will happen, sends him running before the posse shows up. Willie later returns home only to discover Ruggert and his men have brutally murdered his father and burned down their cabin. So Willie outruns his pursuers is taken in by a man named Loving. Loving teaches him to read, write, and shoot. Loving becomes a father figure and mentor. 4 years later Loving shoots himself after discovering he has cancer. Being a wanted man, Willie changes his name to Nat Love and head west to join the army and becomes a buffalo soldier. However while on patrol his unit attacked by Apache Indians and is almost wiped out. Nat figures he'll be blamed for the incident and deserts. He heads north to the small mining town of Deadwood, South Dakota where he is befriended by Wild Bill Hickock. He meets and falls in love with a woman, but then discovers that Ruggert, a man with a long memory, is still pursuing him. Ruggert and his men eventually catch up to Nat and his bride to be. After leaving Nat for dead, they kidnap, rape, and torture Nat's woman. Bent on revenge Nat, now nicknamed Deadwood Dick for winning a shooting contest, pursues Ruggert and his men for a final and deadly showdown. ===== Mike Regan is a self- made aviation tycoon who lives in a state-of-the-art smart house full of modern technology with his wife Rose and 17-year-old daughter Kaitlyn. Mike's company is developing an app called "Omni Jet" which will increase business while the company raises much-needed financial capital with a stock offering. However, it requires U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approval. At the company, Mike meets Ed Porter, a 28-year-old information technology (I.T.) consultant and calls him to fix his home's Wi-Fi signal, which his daughter complains is slow. Porter also upgrades the Global Positioning System (GPS) in Mike's car and claims that he also worked at the National Security Agency (NSA) and had taken part in a military exercise in Kandahar. Porter meets Kaitlyn and starts a relationship with her through social media, but Mike fires him after Kaitlyn invites Porter into the house; this ends his promising career at the company. Devastated, Porter begins to remotely access Mike's private data and his house as he covertly monitors them through the security cameras and devices all over the smart house. He also spies on Kaitlyn and secretly records her masturbating in the shower. Porter sends fake emails to Mike's clients and the SEC, threatening the company's survival. He also takes full control of the house's technology, which leaves the family terrified. He uses a spoof email to send Rose fake mammogram results, saying that she tested positive for breast cancer. Rose is extremely distressed, but her test results were actually negative according to her attending physician. After Mike becomes aware that Porter has done this, he attacks Porter and threatens to kill him if he does not stay away from his family. Porter then uploads the video of Kaitlyn masturbating online, immediately catching the attention of her schoolmates; she is mortified and blames her father for installing the technology in their house. Angered, Mike drives to see Porter but he is also being monitored by Porter, who mockingly telephones him through the car navigation system and sends him the video. Porter then remotely activates the car's brake system, hitting a nearby stalled truck and destroying the car. Mike requests help from Henrik, an I.T. expert, who says that Mike must destroy all the smart technology in the house and delete his emails, bank accounts and computer files. Henrik explains that Porter's real name is Richard Edward Portman and that his father committed suicide when he was six years old. He also reveals that he never worked for the NSA, as he claimed, and the photograph of him with soldiers in Kandahar was fake. To allow Mike to obtain evidence from Porter's apartment, Henrik creates a diversion by stealing the phone of a waitress at a coffee shop with whom Porter's obsessed and texting Porter, telling him to come to the coffee shop. While Porter is gone, Mike manages to get in his apartment and steal several thumb drives containing evidence, escaping just as Porter returns his apartment after realising it was a diversion. Porter realises the masked man that he saw in his apartment was Mike, so he frames him for assault, prompting the police to arrest Mike when trying to provide the evidence from the thumb drives to the police. After being released, Mike returns home to find Kaitlyn and Rose tied and gagged by Porter, who holds them at gunpoint. Shortly afterwards a struggle ensues; Porter shoots a window and Mike punches Porter, who hits his head and lays dying as Mike holds the gun to his chest, but Rose begs Mike not to kill him. Some time later, the company's employees applaud Mike and his family for successfully developing the app and their house is restored. ===== In the near future, the unmanned Pilgrim 7 space probe returns from Mars to Earth orbit with soil samples potentially containing evidence of extraterrestrial life. The probe is intercepted by the International Space Station, whose six-member crew retrieves its samples. Exobiologist Hugh Derry revives a dormant cell from the sample, which quickly grows into a multi-celled organism that American school children name "Calvin." Derry realizes that Calvin's cells can change their specialization, acting as muscle, neuron, and photosensory cells all at once. Derry is extremely reckless with the experimentation and research on Calvin and does not follow safe quarantine protocols and is drunk on his success. Due to his foolish mistake a lab accident causes Calvin to become dormant. Derry attempts to revive it with electric shocks, but Calvin brutally crushes his hand and knocks him unconscious. Calvin escapes its enclosure and it devours a lab rat, growing in size. Engineer Rory Adams tries to rescue Derry, but is quarantined in the lab when Calvin attacks him. Adams tries to fight off Calvin, but is devoured; Calvin escapes through a fire-control vent. Soon after, the station's communication system overheats, cutting off all contact with Earth. ISS commander Ekaterina Golovkina performs a space walk to find and fix the problem, which turns out to be Calvin. Calvin attacks her and ruptures her spacesuit's coolant system. As her suit fills with coolant, Golovkina blindly makes her way to the airlock. She and the crew realize that Calvin will re- enter the station if they let her in, so she chooses to stay outside and drowns in her spacesuit. Calvin attempts to re-enter the station through its maneuvering thrusters. The crew fire the thrusters to blast it away, but they drain so much fuel that it causes the ISS to enter a decaying orbit, where it will burn up in Earth's atmosphere. Pilot Sho Murakami suggests using the ISS's remaining fuel to get back into a safe orbit even though it will allow Calvin to re-enter. The crew seal themselves in one side of the station and prepare to vent the atmosphere from the other side to render Calvin dormant. Derry suddenly dies and the crew finds Calvin feeding on his leg and are attacked. Murakami seals himself inside a sleeping pod, while Calvin tries to break inside. Physician David Jordan and Quarantine Officer Miranda North use Derry's corpse as bait to lure Calvin away and trap it in the other side. They discover a Soyuz spacecraft is on its way to intercept an earlier distress call from the ISS. As the Soyuz pushes the ISS out of Earth's orbit, Murakami tries to board the craft, which results in the Soyuz crashing into the ISS, killing him and the Soyuz crew and causing the ISS's orbit to decay again. The remaining survivors, Jordan and North, speculate that Calvin could survive re- entry into Earth's atmosphere, so they plan to lure Calvin into one of the ISS' two escape pods. Once inside, Jordan will manually pilot Calvin's pod into deep space, isolating it and allowing North to return to Earth in the other pod. Their plan works apparently. However, North's pod is eventually hit by debris, while Jordan is attacked by Calvin. As North's pod flies in one direction, she records a black box message to warn Earth of Calvin's threat. Eventually, one of these two pods lands on the sea and is found by Vietnamese fishermen, while the other pod was knocked away from Earth. What the Vietnamese fishermen finds turns out to be Jordan's pod, not North's. The Vietnamese fishermen then open Jordan's pod despite his warnings, as other boats are shown arriving at the scene. Thus the whole mission fails and all the crew is killed all due to Hugh Derry's foolish mistake. ===== Sergeant J.J. Striker, a hard-drinking cop, teams up with a hooker to track down a serial killer that kills prostitutes and paints Chinese symbols on his victims. ===== The story of a romance between a Jewish New York cab driver, Sam, and Corinne, an African-American mother and bank clerk with a young son, Davey. After Davey rides in Sam's cab one day, Davey brings Sam and Corinne together. Corinne and Sam are accidentally involved in a drug scam that could land them both in serious trouble. ===== The novel is narrated by Berekiah Zarco, a 20-year-old kabbalist and manuscript illuminator. During the clandestine Passover celebrations held by the secret Jews of Lisbon, an anti-Semitic pogrom breaks out and Berekiah returns home to find the door to the family cellar (and secret synagogue) locked. Inside, he discovers the naked and bloody body of his Uncle Abraham, his spiritual master. Berekiah endeavors to identify the murderer with the help of his Islamic friend and soul-mate Farid, although, as a kabbalist interested in the symbolic nature of the world, he grows more interested in learning the underlying meaning of his uncle’s murder for his family, the Jews of Lisbon and all humanity – and even for God. Berekiah's family lives in one of Lisbon's oldest quarters, the Alfama, and much of the action of the book takes place there. One of the novels key themes is self-sacrifice in Jewish law, known as mesirat nefesh in Hebrew. ===== A woman is told by her psychic that the man of her dreams is a doctor named Steve and she sets out to find him. ===== Jason Wilkes returns to the real world but worries that at any moment he could be drawn away completely. He designs a containment chamber for himself, but requires more Zero Matter. Peggy Carter realizes that Whitney Frost is now the only source of Zero Matter, but is still too injured to get it herself. Instead, she breaks Dottie Underwood out of custody and sends her with Jarvis to one of Calvin Chadwick's campaign events. The event is also cover for a Council meeting, Chadwick having convinced them to see Frost (they usually never speak with outsiders, let alone women). Vernon Masters and Jack Thompson are also at the event; Edwin Jarvis distracts Thompson while Underwood collects a Zero Matter sample from Frost using a device designed by Wilkes. Daniel Sousa tells Carter that his fiancée left him due to his supposed feelings for her. Underwood eavesdrops on the Council meeting, watching as Chadwick betrays Frost and has her restrained. Showing greatly enhanced powers, Frost kills Chadwick and several of the Council, proclaiming herself in control of the remainder. Masters and Thompson capture Underwood, but the Zero Matter sample is left behind. Masters insists that Thompson "destroy" Carter; he tries to convince her to return to New York, but fails. Underwood ends up in Frost's control. ===== At the Better Business Boosters convention, Will Wright (Edward Everett Horton) who works as a waiter, interrupts the guest speaker and asks him what can be done to improve the city's welfare. In response, George Baxter (Pierre Watkin) tells him that he would be happier living in New York. Will decides to leave town. After arriving in New York, he is mistaken for an economist named Mr. Wight. When Ruby Miller (Glenda Farrell) a con artists realized the mistake she quietly draws him away. Ruby, a member of a group of con artists plans to extort money from gangster Dizzy Rantz (Cesar Romero) after discovering that he does not own a piece of land under his gambling house. Afraid of Dizzy's reaction, they ask Will to make the demand for them and convincing him that they will build apartments for working people if they gain access to Dizzy's land. When the group discovered that the land is actually owned by Mary Jones (Florence Roberts). They ask Will to charm Mary into signing the land over to him. Dizzy who mistakenly believing that Will is connected to the District Attorney office, agreed to meet him. Meanwhile, Jake Cavendish (Frank Conroy) the head of the group and Ruby's boyfriend is planning to murder Will. later, Will calls a meeting with Dizzy and the other member of the group including Jake and Ruby. Will suggests that the owners of the land should build affordable housing. Dizzy is hesitated until Mary says she will force Dizzy to move his buildings off her land. Dizzy and Jake formed a legitimate partnership. And Jake calls off the contract on Will's life, with Will given an honorary membership in the home development league of New York. Ruby who has fallen in love with Will, tells him to look her up. ===== Lou (Natasha Lyonne) is a hard-partying stoner who lives in a run-down trailer outside a rural Michigan town where women have recently been going missing. She awakens one morning after a party at an abandoned warehouse and finds herself experiencing bizarre symptoms akin to those experienced during pregnancy. Her friend, Sadie (Chloë Sevigny) believes she is pregnant and not telling her about it, despite Lou's claims that she hasn't had sex with anyone in nearly a year. Lou also believes that it is impossible for her to get pregnant after an upsetting incident six months earlier when she miscarried in a club while on the toilet. After getting a ride from her friend Luke (Emmanuel Kabongo) to her cleaning job at a motel, she encounters an eccentric stranger, Lorna (Meg Tilly), who is staying in one of the hotel rooms. Meanwhile, Gabriel (Mark Webber), Sadie's drug dealer and boyfriend, is keeping a woman hidden in his apartment who has had a grotesque physical reaction to a new and strange drug Gabriel and his friend Warren have been selling to locals. It is revealed that Sadie, who had a child many years ago, is working to try to reunite with her estranged offspring, though Gabriel is doubtful it will ever happen. In addition to running drugs (including unstable, experimental drugs, some of which turned an underling's skin inside out upon sampling it), Gabriel works as a pimp; during an encounter between a sex worker and a client, a strange man, apparently familiar to Gabriel and later revealed to be Isaac, watches the intercourse take place, noting his interest in the encounter. One afternoon, Lou loses consciousness and has bizarre hallucinations in which figures from Funzone, a local family entertainment center give her a vaginal exam. She awakens to find her stomach protruding, and a blister formed on her foot, which leaks a clear fluid after she cuts it open with a knife. When Lou regains consciousness, Lorna arrives at her trailer unannounced, and asks her if she's experienced a series of odd symptoms and mental fogginess; she claims to be clairvoyant, and have noticed that Lou seemed troubled when she had met her at the motel. The two have lunch at the Funzone, and Lorna confesses that she was abducted by an unknown entity while enrolled in the military, an event which led to her being discharged when she questioned her authorities. Lou confronts Warren, who works at the Funzone, about the night before she began experiencing her symptoms; he admits that Gabriel has been "trading" women, mostly runaways, to a mysterious man named Isaac in exchange for drugs to sell. At her trailer, Lorna shows Lou a scar on her forearm, where she claims an implant was inserted and then forcibly removed while she was in the military. Sadie arrives the next day, and suggests Lou see a doctor, but Lou insists she is not experiencing a pregnancy. Lou, Sadie, and Lorna go to visit the abandoned warehouse where the party had occurred the night before her symptoms began. There, she has a flashback of being injected with a drug by Gabriel at the party. Sadie then confesses that Gabriel had used Lou as a test subject for the new drug—an experimental hormone for women—that he has been selling. Back at Lou's trailer, Lorna attempts to give Lou a cesarian section to remove the growth in her stomach. Instead, Lou gives birth to a grotesque, animated disembodied head. Just after the birth, Gabriel and Isaac arrive at the trailer along with another SWAT member who shoots Lorna. Isaac reveals that the military is investigating a way to create a new race that can survive the toxic atmosphere of space (which he has been to several times) and that her lifestyle of hard- drinking and drug use, as well as his secretly pumping toxins into her home, provided an ample womb for their experiment. He tells Lou that she can help him build a new, superior race, but she refuses to continue. As he explains this, arms begin to emerge from her vagina, followed by the whole of her cytoskeleton, leaving her flesh an empty shell. The headless creature attacks and kills both Gabriel and Isaac. A SWAT member enters the trailer after hearing a commotion, and sees the trailer covered in blood, as the full-bodied creature stands in the kitchen, holding its head in its hands. ===== 17-year-old Brooklyn high schooler Jackie Kimball lives with her widowed mother, her 18-year-old brother Matthew, and her older sister Jeanne, while her oldest brother is abroad on a student exchange program. Jackie and Matthew have always been extremely close, but their relationship is complicated by her lifelong romantic feelings for him and his lack of reciprocity. Having until now been content with the existing state of affairs, Jackie has no choice but to deal with the disruption of her idyllic childhood world by the harbingers of adulthood. In the spring of 2011, Matthew gets his first girlfriend, Yolanda. When Yolanda visits the Kimballs, Jackie is surprisingly sociable during the dinner, but unbeknownst to the diners, she is unable to eat without vomiting. Later that evening, Jackie confronts Matthew in the attic room that is their traditional meeting place, but he protests that he "want[s] to give [Yolanda] a chance." Jackie is notified by a friend through a text message that Matthew unexpectedly broke up with Yolanda. Relieved, Jackie is finally able to enjoy food. Matthew had bought tickets to a concert he was planning to go to with Yolanda but, having broken up with her, invites Jackie instead. She is watchful of any sign that he might become receptive to her overtures, and they discuss her incestuous desire relaxedly, apparently not for the first time. Brother and Sister spend a pleasant summer together, capped by an idyllic evening out at the concert. Jackie's temporary reprieve from her grief wanes along with the summer itself as Matthew's departure for college approaches. Despite keeping up contact via video letters and a host of electronic media, she takes the separation hard, and her concerned mother sends her to psychotherapy. Initially secretive, on one of the visits Jackie finally opens up to her therapist Linda about her attraction to Matthew. Also, with a handsome classmate named Tristan, Jackie has her first sexual experience, of which she does not delay to notify Matthew, and he congratulates her on it. Having no emotional attachment to Tristan, Jackie does not hesitate to alienate him when Matthew returns on vacation. During a late-night one-on-one chat in the attic room, Matthew, initially unswayed by Jackie's overtly sexual questions, snaps and accuses her of going too far. As he is again leaving for college, she is resigned to the fact that he will never reciprocate her feelings. Under Linda's influence, Jackie eventually makes the tough choice of applying to a different college than Matthew. She decides to major in psychology, an interest ignited by her own life experience. =====