From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== The heroine of the story Ridma (Udari) is a violinist, and Sangeeth (Amila) is a guitarist. Their romance is set against ethnic issues between the Sinhalese and Tamil people of Sri Lanka. The Ridma's adopted father Ayeshmantha (Sanath) is a politician and mayor of a city in the hill country. The Sangeeth's mother, Sakunthala (Veena), is a rich and noble woman from Colombo. Sakunthala goes to the hill country city seeking revenge on her former lover who deserted her 25 years ago. When the mayor finds that his daughter is in love with Sakunthala's son, he makes every effort to break up their romance. Sakunthala also attempts to break up the young couple since she knows that the mayor is her son's father. However, the mayor's wife reveals a secret which allows the young lovers to reunite and teaches a lesson in ethnic harmony. ===== Franck (Pierre Deladonchamps) is a regular visitor to a nude beach and the woods surrounding it, both of which are a popular cruising destination for gay men. He befriends Henri (Patrick d'Assumçao), an older man who seeks solitude at the beach after breaking up with his girlfriend, and Michel (Christophe Paou), a handsome man to whom Franck is instantly attracted. One evening, Franck observes Michel drowning another man in the lake. Though terrified by what he has seen, Franck is unable to resist his attraction to Michel, and continues to pursue him. When the body of the drowned man is discovered and identified, a police investigator begins to question the men at the beach; Franck tells the investigator that he did not see anything unusual on the evening the man drowned. Franck and Michel's relationship progresses, though Franck becomes increasingly frustrated by Michel's refusal to meet him anywhere other than at the beach. Henri, who has correctly intuited the events that have occurred over the past several days, warns Franck about Michel. When Franck goes swimming, Henri confronts Michel, and tells him that he knows he is the murderer. Henri leaves to take a walk in the woods, casting a glance back at Michel as he departs. When Franck returns, he discovers that the beach is suddenly deserted. He enters the woods, where he sees Michel walking away from a patch of tall grass. Upon entering the grass, he finds Henri, whose throat has been slit. Henri tells him that he got what he wanted. Franck, now being pursued by Michel, runs into the woods to hide. He sees Michel run into the inspector, whom he hits violently and stabs in the stomach with a knife. Night falls, and Franck remains in hiding. Michel calls out to Franck, saying that he needs his love and wants to spend the night with him. Franck does not respond, and Michel walks away to search for him deeper in the woods. After a time, Franck stands up from his hiding place, and calls out Michel's name repeatedly. ===== Anna (Carina Lau), a wealthy Hong Kong housewife, suddenly finds herself deep in financial trouble as her only source of income, her husband, disappears. Her driver, Fai (Chen Kun), who lives in Shenzhen with his wife, are expecting the couple's second child. But under China's One Child Policy, they need to find the money to pay the penalty or the couple must find a way for Fai's wife to give birth in Hong Kong. ===== In a remote village in Iraqi Kurdistan lives the Kurdish patriot Baran who since recently serves as a policeman. He cannot help but provoke the local villain Aziz Aga and finds himself supported by an attractive lady named Govend who works as a teacher. ===== Hard Landing is about an elite undercover cop, Dan ‘Spider’ Shepherd, assigned to foil an imprisoned, ruthless UK drug dealer, Gerald Carpenter, who has threatened witnesses, destroyed evidence, and murdered police to regain his freedom. Shepherd goes undercover in a high-security prison to learn how Carpenter is orchestrating his plans through contacts around the world. Shepherd's mission is to find Carpenter’s contacts and stop them before they destroy the case and murder Shepherd's family. ===== The game takes place a year after Tales of Xillia. Under orders from her father to find the mystical Land of Canaan, Elle Mel Marta boards a train which is hijacked before its departure. Ludger Will Kresnik follows her onboard and works with Jude Mathis to retake the train. The train crashes and the resulting medical treatment from Spirius Corporation puts Ludger in debt. Aware of the Kresnik family's ability to destroy parallel dimensions, Spirius CEO, Bisley Karscy Bakur, hires Ludger for this purpose since the spirit Origin can no longer sustain the abundance of souls in the worlds. At the same time, Ludger searches for his brother, Julius Will Kresnik, who has been declared the train hijacking's instigator. As Ludger works for Spirius, he is joined by the protagonists from Tales of Xillia in addition to Gaius and Muzét. It is slowly revealed that the world's current predicament is a millennia aged trial arranged by the spirits Origin, Maxwell, and Chronos, as a test on whether humanity was worth preserving. The first person to reach the Land of Canaan will have a wish granted by Origin. As part of the trial, Chronos gave the Kresnik their powers called Chromatus; overusing the Chromatus turns the user into a divergence catalyst which is the core of a parallel dimension. If the number of dimensions reach a million, Origin will release a miasma which will kill everything but spirits. In addition, a special Kresnik is born every generation with the power to take items from parallel dimensions and is dubbed the Key of Kresnik. To reach Canaan, a Key of Kresnik must obtain five objects, called Waymarkers, from parallel dimension. Having used Elle's Key of Kresnik powers, Ludger is able to gather four Waymarkers. In search of the final Waymarker, the party learns that Elle originates from a parallel dimension and her father, Victor, is a Waymarker and that dimension's Ludger. Victor tries to kill Ludger to replace him in the prime dimension but is killed instead. With all five Waymarkers gathered, the entrance to Canaan is revealed. Bisley takes Elle with him to Canaan, intending to use Origin's wish to enslave spirits. With Julius' sacrifice, the party follows and defeats Bisley. The party uses Origin's wish to destroy all parallel dimensions and Ludger is given a choice resulting in two endings: If Ludger does nothing, Elle's transformation into a divergence catalyst causes her to disappear with the other dimensions. Years later, Ludger is the CEO of Spirius and meets Lara Mel Marta during a business deal. If Ludger offers his life to save Elle's, Ludger disappears with the other dimensions. Years later, an adult Elle highlights the party's accomplishments. ===== Mary Beth, a museum tour guide, takes a group of school detention students on a secret museum tour, telling them, with wooden figures, the story of a Mexican town called San Angel from the Book of Life, holding every story in the world. On the Day of the Dead, La Muerte, ruler of the Land of the Remembered, and Xibalba, ruler of the Land of the Forgotten, see Manolo Sánchez and Joaquín Mondragon competing for the love of María Posada. They strike a wager: if María marries Manolo, Xibalba will no longer interfere in mortal affairs, but if she marries Joaquín, La Muerte and Xibalba will swap realms. However, Xibalba cheats by giving Joaquín his Medal of Everlasting Life, which grants the wearer invincibility. The story begins with scenes of young Maria, Manolo, and Joaquin playing together as childhood friends. María is sent to Spain to become a "lady" after freeing animals destined for slaughter. Years later, the day María returns to San Angel, Joaquín has become a military hero with the Medal's aid, but Manolo's musical aspirations are suppressed by his father Carlos, who trains him to be a bullfighter in their family tradition. At Manolo's first bullfight he defeats the bull but refuses to kill it, angering Carlos and the crowd but impressing María. That night, María is pressured by her father and San Angel's mayor, General Ramiro Posada, to marry Joaquín for his protection from the Bandit King Chakal. María and Manolo profess their mutual love before dawn but are interrupted when Xibalba sends his dual-headed snake staff, which bites her and sends her into a coma. Devastated by María's apparent death, Manolo allows Xibalba to kill him, believing he will be reunited with María in death. In the Land of the Remembered, Manolo reunites with his mother and his ancestral family. They travel to La Muerte's castle, discovering Xibalba, now the ruler of the realm, who explains the bet and smugly reveals that María didn't die because she was only bitten once and therefore survived. However, Manolo was bitten twice and died. Furious but determined to return to María, Manolo travels to the Cave of Souls to reach La Muerte. Inside, he meets the Candle Maker, the overseer of mortal lives and the Book of Life's keeper. The Candle Maker sees that Manolo's story in the Book of Life is blank and can be rewritten by himself, so he takes them to the Land of the Forgotten. They find La Muerte at Xibalba's castle and expose his cheating. Furious, La Muerte lectures Xibalba before offering a new wager at Manolo's request: Manolo's life will be returned if he completes a challenge of Xibalba's choosing, but if he fails, he will be forgotten and Xibalba will keep both realms. Xibalba sets Manolo against a giant bull skeleton made from the skeletons of every bull slain by the Sanchez family, believing that to be his greatest fear. Meanwhile, María has been awakened from her coma, learns of Manolo's death, and reluctantly accepts Joaquín's proposal. Their wedding is interrupted by Chakal, who leads his army to San Angel to find the Medal, which was previously his. Chakal kills Carlos, who arrives in the Land of the Remembered in time to see Manolo's fight. Manolo, realizing his fear is actually of being himself, refuses to fight and instead sings an apology to the bull, appeasing it and touching the hearts of everyone present (including Xibalba and Carlos). Impressed, the deities resurrect Manolo and send him and his family to San Angel to protect the town. Manolo is knocked unconscious when Chakal destructs himself, but he is protected by the Medal, which Joaquín had slipped him earlier. Joaquín returns it to Xibalba and resolves to be a true hero, while Manolo and María are happily married as Xibalba and La Muerte reconcile. In the present, Mary Beth finishes the story, and the amazed children leave the museum. Mary Beth and a security guard reveal themselves to be La Muerte and Xibalba in disguise. The Candle Maker appears and encourages the audience to write their own story. ===== The novel tells the story of MacKayla Lane or "Mac", the daughter of Jack and Rainey Lane, who works as a bartender in Georgia. After learning about her sister's death Mac travels to Ireland in hopes of finding her sister's murderer when the local police close the case. Soon after arriving in Ireland, Mac is spending the evening in a local pub when she sees an inhumanly beautiful man. As she stares, her vision starts to change and she sees a man in decay with a foul odor, who she terms the Gray Man, preying on a victim. No one else notices the sight except an elderly woman who startles her by hitting her in the head and telling her not to stare because that jeopardizes them all. The old woman continues to call Mac an O'Connor, which she does not understand. Days later Mac visits a local store by the name of Barrons Books and Baubles where she meets a mysterious man by the name of Jerricho Z. Barrons who informs her of a supernatural world of the Fae and the oncoming and unknown- to-humans war between their world and humankind's. He also teaches Mac that she is a sidhe-seer, as was her sister. Mac comes to believe that her sister was killed by a former Fae, who calls himself the Lord Master, who was using her in his search for the Sinsar Dubh (pronounced shee-sa-du), a Dark Hallow authored by the Dark King of the Unseelie, and which is said to hold all the deadliest magic in its pages. ===== The story picks up from the previous novel in 1850, when Omakayas is 9 years old and with the arrival of a group of Ojibwe refugees who have been driven off their land by the government. The title refers to the "game" that the elders use to keep the children quiet when the adults are having serious conversations, in this case, discussions with the refugees about how to interpret the government's actions and how to respond. The elders send four men on a year-long quest to uncover the causes of the government's hostility, only to learn that the answer is government rapacity and complete disregard for the Indians' rights. The story ends with Omakayas' people having to leave their home for new land out west. Meanwhile, Omakayas is growing up and learning to control her spiritual gifts, including healing and communicating with the spirits, and learning the values of her community, such as that her gifts are to be used to help others, that individualism and the group can co- exist, and that it is better to patiently work with the white people rather than resist and lose their lives. ===== A teenager wakes up inside an underground elevator with no memory of his identity. Some male youths greet him in a large grassy area, called the "Glade," enclosed by tall stone walls. The boys, the "Gladers," have formed a rudimentary society, and each assumes specialized tasks. Their leader, Alby, says that every boy eventually recalls his name but not his past. The boy learns that a vast Maze surrounding them is the only way out. During the day, designated Runners search the Maze for an escape route and return before nightfall when the entrance closes. No one has ever survived a night in the Maze. In a competition with another boy named Gally, the boy suddenly remembers his name, Thomas. The next day, he is attacked by Ben, a Runner who has been stung and left delirious by a Griever, one of the deadly techno-organic creatures that roam the Maze at night. Ben is forced into the Maze and left to die, as there is no cure for his condition. Alby and Minho, the lead Runner, later retrace Ben's steps inside the Maze. Minho reappears at dusk and is dragging Alby, who is stung, but they are unable to reach the closing entrance in time. Thomas runs into the Maze to help, which leaves all three trapped. Thomas lures a Griever into a closing passageway, which causes it to be crushed. The three manage to survive the night and return the next morning. The first-ever girl arrives in the elevator, with a note saying that she is the last one to enter the Glade. She recognizes Thomas, but he cannot remember her. Thomas, Minho, Frypan, Winston, and Zart enter the Maze; locate the Griever corpse; and remove a beeping mechanical device from inside it. Gally claims that Thomas has jeopardized the fragile peace between the youths and the Grievers, and wants him punished. However, Newt, the group's second-in-command, instead designates Thomas as a Runner. Minho shows Thomas a hand-constructed model of the Maze that is based on previous explorations. The Maze's numbered sections open and close in a regular sequence. Thomas realizes that the device corresponds to a section of the Maze. The girl, Teresa, has two syringes filled with an unknown substance. One is used on Alby, and he recovers from the Griever sting. Minho and Thomas venture back into the Maze with the device and discover a possible exit. A laser then scans the two, and the exit closes. Thomas and Minho start to run away, as traps activated by lasers nearly kill them. That night, the Maze entrance does not close, and others open, which let Grievers pour in. A massacre ensues, as the Gladers struggle to fight back or hide. Alby, Zart, Clint, and several others are killed. Afterwards, Gally punches Thomas and blames him for everything that happened. Thomas, who has been having disconnected memory flashes since his arrival, stabs himself with a severed Griever stinger in an attempt to revive his memory. The others inject him with the last anti-venom. Unconscious, he recalls that he and Teresa worked for the organization that created the Maze, WCKD. The boys unknowingly have been test subjects for an experiment. Thomas awakens and shares that information with Newt, Minho, Chuck, and Teresa. Thomas then reveals himself and Teresa and confesses that they worked with WCKD and studied the boys for years. Meanwhile, Gally has taken command and intends to sacrifice Thomas and Teresa to the Grievers to restore peace. However, several Gladers form a group, free them, and approach the Maze in an attempt to find an escape. Gally and a few others refuse to leave. Fighting Grievers as they go, Jeff and several other Gladers are killed. The Gladers eventually enter a laboratory strewn with corpses. In a video recording, a woman, Ava Paige, explains that the planet has been devastated by a massive solar flare, followed by a pandemic of a deadly virus, the Flare. The teens learn that they were part of an experiment studying for a cure. Paige is seen shooting herself on the screen as the lab is attacked by armed men. Gally suddenly appears with a gun. Having been stung by a Griever, he insists that they must stay in the Maze and aims at Thomas. Minho impales Gally in the chest with a spear, but Gally has already fired the gun, with Chuck fatally shot. While Thomas mourns over Chuck, masked armed men then rush in and take the rest of the group to a helicopter. It flies over a vast desert wasteland and approaches a ruined city. Later, the supposedly dead scientists meet in a room. Paige notes that the experiment has been successful: the survivors are now entering Phase Two. ===== Han Bok-hee is a girl who studies very hard and works at a brewery. When she was five years old, her parents divorced and Bok- hee went to live with her mother. Her father died in a coal mine accident. Her mother Yoon Jung-ae got remarried to Song Byung-man, the owner of Dukchun, a brewery company. Although Bok-hee addresses her mother as "aunt" in public, people later learn that Bok-hee is Jung-ae's daughter. As a result, her stepbrother Bok-nam is sent to an orphanage, and Bok-hee leaves for Seoul. Kang Joon-mo worked as a stuntman, but due to injury had to quit his job. He comes to Dukchun to work as a temporary teacher. Joon-mo meets Bok-hee for the first time when she peers through the window of a classroom in which he's teaching. Joon-mo sees the passion in Bok-hee's eyes and becomes her mentor. ===== Set in outer space, the series followed the adventures of a group of child astronauts,McNeil, Alex (1996). Total Television (4th ed.), pg. 777. New York: Penguin Books. who have acquired a treasure map and have to keep it away from their space pirate nemesis Captain Skyhook and his sidekick Static.Sinnott, John (March 27, 2011) Review ofSpace Kidettes and Young Samson . DVDTalk. Retrieved 2013-05-07 ===== Rose Hathaway, a seventeen-year-old Dhampir (half-human, half- vampire) guardian-in-training, and her best friend, Moroi (the peaceful, mortal vampires) princess Lissa Dragomir, are living discreetly, having escaped from the St. Vladimir's Academy boarding school one year prior. They are soon dragged back to the Academy in Montana and rediscover the dangerous hierarchy within it, along with lies, rumors and secrets, both struggling to fit into the school politics. Rose starts to form an attraction to her Russian Dhampir mentor and fellow Guardian, Dimitri Belikov. Mysterious messages threatening Lissa start to appear, written on the wall in blood and an exploding memorial to her family in the school church, but it turns out to be the work of classmate Mia Rinaldi, who once dated Lissa's brother Andre, a playboy who enjoyed non-committal relationships. Mia was clingy and focused her hatred towards Lissa as the only surviving member of the Dragomir line. Manipulating two other students using sex, she persuaded them to help her in her fear tactics against Lissa. A Moroi named Christian Ozera, who is viewed poorly by his peers because his parents became Strigoi (the evil, undead vampires of legend, which Moroi become if they completely drain their victims of blood), tries to romance Lissa but Rose manages to keep him away by lying to both Lissa and Christian. Rose also discovers that Lissa has the same rare power that the founder of their school St. Vladimir had, that of Spirit, a power which enables the caster to heal ailments, and saves the dying; however, using Spirit drains the user's life energy bit by bit with each use. At the same time, dead animals have been popping up wherever Lissa goes, including her beloved cat Oscar. At the Equinox Dance, Rose confronts Mia, believing she is responsible for all the dead animals. Mia, however, is horrified because she loves cats and gave Oscar treats. Soon, Lissa is kidnapped and Rose, Dimitri, and Christian go to save her. The Moroi responsible for Lissa's kidnapping and the threats against her is Victor Dashkov, a previous candidate for the throne, who has contracted a disease that leaves him too feeble for the job. He wants to use Lissa to cure himself, even knowing that the cure would cost Lissa's life as continued healing would eventually take its toll on her. Once captured and placed in the secure cells beneath the school, Victor explains to Rose that the reason she bonded to Lissa is that she was "shadow- kissed", having been brought back to life by Lissa's magic. While they are talking, Victor's daughter Natalie, who befriended both Lissa and Rose and was a very insecure student at the school, is enacting the tools of his escape having turned Strigoi by draining her crush to death. Rose helps Dimitri kill Natalie and detain Victor. During a speech by vampire Queen Tatiana Ivashkov, Lissa steps in and gives a speech of her own, announcing that Spirit is her type of magic, and that it is thanks to Rose that she can master it. Rose then goes outside to meet Dimitri and ask about his feelings for her. He states that he can't love her because if there was any danger between Rose and Lissa, he would save her instead of Lissa. Rose gives Dimitri a kiss on the cheek and walks back to the academy. A mountain cave not too far from the academy holds a massive army of Strigoi, among them being Sonya Karp, a teacher with Spirit Magic that turned herself Strigoi after being driven insane by her magic. She says it will be time soon. ===== The film is based on organ transplantation. Hero (Unni Mukundan) is a Brahmin boy who is from a financially poor family. On the other hand, Lal is a Muslim man who hails from a financially sound background. Lal is suffering from kidney failure and is in need of a kidney to transplant. Unni Mukundan who is need of money for his signers marriage agrees to sell his kidney. Meantime Lal's near relatives don't want him to be alive for long time as they will get his property and money after his death. The relatives make issues and delayed the transplantation by saying that an organ from Brahmin boy cannot be taken by a Muslim, as it is religiously not faithful. They want the hero to become Muslim to give the organ. Unni Mukundan agreed for conversion, as he badly needs money for signers marriage. The film goes by some thriller moments for the transplantation. Finally, Lal is no more alive when Unni Mukundan comes to Lal's home soon after he converted to Muslim. In the climax, Lal, before he died, had already given a cheque to his servant for handing over to Unni Mukundan for the pain he took for getting his signers marriage done. The film showcases the evil beliefs of society and religion. Film comes with some thrilling moments, emotions and marvelous songs. ===== Monsieur St. Clair (Louis Jouvet), an aging romantic leading man, has decided to retire from the stage, but he is broke and goes to an old-age home for elderly actors. There he meets the other retired actors, all of whom know each other from having worked the same places over the years. One actor, Marny (Victor Francen), is a melancholy soul primarily because years ago his wife left him to have a fling with St. Clair and died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. As an actor Marny was brilliant, but he never got the recognition he deserved, nor anything like the popularity of St. Clair. Cabrissade (Michel Simon), the third main protagonist of the film, is a prankster and free spirit who played mostly understudy roles during his career, and never even got the chance to star. Being actors they are each full of themselves in their own way. However, they are all equally dependent on this charitable retirement home for their support. Cabrissade, however, delights in defying the management's rules and playing practical jokes on both staff and residents alike. Unknown to him or any resident, the retirement home is nearly bankrupt, and the management plans to close it. A 17 year old local barmaid becomes infatuated with St. Clair, who woos her the way he has wooed many others before. However, she sees St. Clair only as a famous romantic and not the pompous self-absorbed has-been that he really is. Marny, her platonic friend, burns as he watches the girl fall under St. Clair's spell. However, when St. Clair comes into some money he leaves her behind and goes to Monte Carlo to blow it all. As the retirement home slides downhill, privileges like electricity after 9pm and evening wine are suspended, which prompts Cabrissade to lead a revolt of the residents against the management. But as they express their demands for better treatment, the director informs them that the home will be closing and each will be split up and transferred to other homes. This is frightening to this group of actors who really have nothing in common with ordinary folk. One couple who have been together for 35 years decide to marry as it will ensure they can stay together. The wedding takes place and at the party afterword the director announces that he has succeeded in obtaining financing to keep the home open. It is decided to put on a play for the new benefactors. St. Clair returns home broke and immediately begins to entice the young barmaid again. His ego is stroked as she professes that she would die for him. He presses her to prove her love, and a plan is made. The play goes on, and it is demanded that Marny play the lead role—a role which Cabrissade longs to perform. Cabrissade appeals to Marny to allow him to play the role, but Marny scoffs at the idea. As the pleading becomes more intense there is a tussle and Marny falls unconscious. Cabrissade dresses himself in Marny's costume and takes the stage. However, immediately upon seeing the audience he is struck by stage fright and cannot say his lines. The production stops and Cabrissade is deeply humiliated. Later, Marny performs the part. Cabrissade realizes he has been fooling himself all his life, and in despair dies. St. Clair goes to the bar to find the barmaid and get her to commit suicide to prove to himself that he has such power over women—even at his age. However, Marny is there already, discussing how the play went once it resumed. As he speaks with St. Clair he begins to realize what she is about to do and rushes upstairs to stop her. There is a shot, but no one has been hit. Marny is now unspeakably angry with St. Clair for nearly causing another person to die like his ex-wife. However, when he comes back downstairs St. Clair has descended into madness, performing scenes from Don Juan as if he were living them right there. St. Clair is sent to an asylum. Marny reads a eulogy for Cabrissade written by Cabrissade himself. Marny bites his lip as he gushes over the great talents of Cabrissade until he cannot go any further. At that point, he speaks from the heart about Cabrissade's love and loyalty to the theater and his nobility at following this path. ===== The novel is set in Yugoslavia in 1950. The communist regime has quarreled with the Soviet Union while being under blockade from the West. The country is isolated, poor, government secret agents are everywhere and people are disappearing during the night. The protagonist is a naive young man, 18 years old, a war orphan who wasn't accepted in the army because of his bad knee; he is disabled, so the authorities decide - with communist logic - that he should become a postman. He arrives in the town, into corrupt and dangerous world of double- (and triple-) crossing swindlers, armed only with his naive optimism. He will entangle himself into the deadly world of German Lottery, a unique charity where every ticket is free and everyone wins, where stakes are getting higher and higher, until one day somebody wins a jackpot … ===== The series centered on Captain Jim Riland of the homicide squad, and his daughter Chris, who was better at solving cases then her father's officers. ===== An anthropomorphic dog named Sture is talked into taking a trip to Paris by his friend Picasso. After a series of misfortunes they end up in Scotland instead, staying at a mysterious hotel. Picasso remains ignorant and believes they are in Paris. Sture befriends the novelist Miss Mops and gets to meet several mysterious characters living in the hotel as strange events revolving around an Egyptian artifact start to take place. ===== In 1970s New York City, Hilly Kristal is divorced and has filed bankruptcy for the second time. Despite setbacks, he is determined to own and manage a bar. With his business partner Merv Ferguson, Kristal convinces his mother to lend them the money needed to establish the dive bar CBGB, which Kristal intends to make into a country music venue. The business gets off to a rocky start as there are few customers and Kristal has difficulty finding country acts. However, a rock band called Television arrives at the bar and auditions. Seeing potential, Kristal books them. CBGB soon becomes a rock venue that caters to the burgeoning punk movement. New acts such as Blondie, Patti Smith, Talking Heads, and The Ramones begin to get noticed by playing at the club. The fledgling fanzine Punk also gets its start by reporting on the bands and debating the movement's ideology (or lack thereof). Despite CBGB's newfound success, Kristal poorly manages the club's funds (he keeps the money in his apartment freezer) and fails to regularly pay bills or rent. Kristal's daughter Lisa tries to take over the chaotic finances in an attempt to save the business. After The Ramones are signed to Sire Records, Kristal decides to manage CBGB regulars The Dead Boys. Lisa warns Kristal that he can't financially afford to take on a band. Kristal ignores her, as well as others who caution him about The Dead Boys' destructive and anti-social behavior. While on tour, the band crashes and totals their truck and equipment, leaving Kristal and CBGB broke. This leads to Ferguson threatening to leave the business for good, which Kristal doesn't believe. Soon afterwards, The Dead Boys gets into a fight with a group of thugs and their drummer, Johnny Blitz, is stabbed seventeen times and barely survives. Despondent and penniless, Kristal announces to his employees that CBGB will be closing. Ferguson and Lisa reveal that they have made many calls to grateful friends whom Kristal helped in the past. They've scraped together enough money to stay open long enough to stabilize the situation. The film ends with The Police auditioning for Kristal. The epilogue reveals that CBGB remained open until 2006. Kristal remains an important figure in the history of punk and rock and roll. Lisa went on to become a lawyer. Ferguson always wore a yellow construction helmet and no one ever knew why. Kristal continued to manage The Dead Boys until they broke up in 1979. The epilogue closes by stating Kristal's dog, Jonathan, had legendary bowels since he was known for defecating wherever he pleased inside the club. Over the final credits, the real-life Talking Heads' acceptance speech during the 2002 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is played, during which they invite Kristal to the stage and thank him for his support. ===== In the future, pregnancy is outlawed, and citizens are required to engage in loveless sex and narcotics are used to ensure happiness in the population. Babies are created in the lab, and every child's future is predestined into one of five classes. While most people are happy to retain this established order, including Thomas Grambell (Keir Dullea), a supervisor of human "hatcheries," resistance is growing, as evidenced by quirky malcontent Bernard Marx (Bud Cort) and other rebels. Bernard and his girlfriend Lenina Disney (Marcia Strassman) go to a primitive reservation which holds to 20th century values, and while there meet a native named John (also called the Savage) (Kristoffer Tabori). They return with him to civilization, and his presence further upends conventional thinking. John is seen as a freak and this grants him some degree of celebrity. John develops romantic feelings for Lenina, which are considered highly inappropriate, bordering on the obscene. John's parents are from the more technologically advanced part of the world, and he has educated himself using often banned works such as Shakespeare. John realizes that his sexual mores, based on the works he studied, are antiquated in this advanced society. He therefore asks to be assigned a solitary posting, but even as he mans the lighthouse alone, he cannot escape his memories of Lenina. ===== Donovan Matheson (Danny Glover) is a man trapped in the past. Once an esteemed physicist, Donovan worked on the Manhattan Project. In the years that followed, his regret spilled into his personal life, when he became obsessed with finding a theory for cold fusion to help benefit the world. Donovan's obsession led to the loss of his wife and child in an accident he believes he could have prevented. After a thirty-year absence, Donovan returns to his small town, where he finds himself caught up in events that echo the same tragedy. He witnessed a fatal car accident and somehow foreknew it would happen. He then walks out of a store and saves a girl who is standing under a scaffold from being struck by a falling power tool. Plagued by déjà vu, Donovan is convinced his young neighbor, Maggie, (Natasha Calis) and her mother, Sarah (Sonja Bennett) are doomed to die on the anniversary of his family's deaths. Struggling to unlock the pattern, Donovan attempts to decipher a puzzle that he believes ties the past to the present, and offers a path to redemption. Donovan tries to convince his brother-in-law, police Sergeant Finnley (Bruce Greenwood), but when his facts don't add up, Donovan's sanity is questioned. Is he losing his mind, or running out of time? ===== Act 1 Jean is sitting quietly at a cafe when she becomes increasingly frustrated at the endlessly ringing cellphone on the table next to her. Its owner won't answer it and Jean soon realizes it is because he's dead. In her panic, she begins answering the persistent phone calls, including one from the dead man's mother, and finds out the man's name is Gordon. She sits with him until the ambulance arrives. Jean attends Gordon's funeral and listens to a eulogy delivered by his rather blunt mother, Mrs. Gottlieb. During the funeral, Jean receives a call from a mysterious woman who asks to meet her. When Jean meets the woman, the woman confesses she was Gordon's mistress and wants to know his last words. In an effort to appease the woman, Jean lies and says Gordon's last words were declarations of love for his mistress. Gordon's cellphone rings and Jean answers. It is Gordon's mother inviting her over to talk. Mrs. Gottlieb welcomes Jean into her home and begins asking several intrusive and bizarre questions. Jean tries to deflect and ends up pretending she's one of Gordon's co-workers. This alarms Mrs. Gottlieb for a moment. When Mrs. Gottlieb begins to get emotional, Jean tries to placate her with another lie about how Gordon called her the day he died because he wanted to talk to her. This wins Jean an invitation back to Mrs. Gottlieb's home that evening for dinner. Jean leaves to grab a few items from the cafe. When Dwight, Gordon's brother, and Hermia, Gordon's widow arrive for dinner, Jean presents them with the cafe items, claiming they are gifts from Gordon. The gift to Mrs. Gottlieb doesn't go over so well and she storms away. When Dwight attempts to serve Jean some roast, she confesses she's a vegetarian and Dwight finds them some caramel popcorn to eat instead. They begin to bond over stories of Gordon and their shared love of stationery. Dwight works at a stationery store and offers to take Jean there. Jean and Dwight sit in the closet of the stationery store, feeling the paper. Dwight asks to braid Jean's hair and she agrees. While he braids, Jean talks about how she never owned a cellphone before and marvels at its ability to both bring people together and push them apart. Dwight demonstrates obvious disdain for his late brother but tears up when talking about him. Jean asks to see the braid and she and Dwight begin to kiss. Gordon enters the stage and opens his mouth to speak, but the lights go out before he can. Act 2 Gordon speaks directly to the audience - outlining what happened the day he died. He expresses his disgust with the current state of the world and confesses he sells organs on the black market for a living. The day he died, he decided he wanted to go to the cafe for a lobster bisque only to find out Jean had ordered the last one, so he gets lentil instead. As he sits watching Jean eat her soup, he begins to suffer a heart attack and tries to think of whom to call. Not satisfied with calling anyone he knows, he dies while watching Jean eat the soup that was supposed to be his. He says she looked like an angel and he was glad she got the last bite. Then he dies. Jean and Dwight hold each other after making love in the closet of the stationery store. Dwight tells her he's been thinking about the letter "Z" and that it should be their code word if they are ever separated and want to find each other. He confesses that he loves her just as Gordon's cellphone rings. Jean answers it and tells the person on the other end that Gordon is dead. Dwight becomes increasingly frustrated as Jean ignores his pleas for her to hang up. When Jean finally hangs up Dwight tries to forbid her from using the phone anymore. Jean becomes angry and refuses. When the phone rings again she answers to hear Hermia who is calling because she's drunk at a bar and needs a ride home. At the bar, Jean asks Hermia if she'd like to talk about Gordon. Hermia says yes but then begins to divulge extremely intimate details about her and Gordon's sex life to a visibly uncomfortable Jean. Hermia confesses she would often pretend to be someone else when she and Gordon made love, specifically Gordon's mistresses. She accuses Jean of having an affair with Gordon which Jean denies. Hermia begins to break down. Overwhelmed with pity, Jean tells Hermia that Gordon wrote drafts of a letter to her on the day he died. She begins to improvise a love letter which she recites to Hermia. Hermia, now feeling much better, thanks Jean and then lets slip that Gordon sold organs for a living. Jean is appalled. The cellphone rings and Jean answers. A woman on the other end tells her there's a kidney for sale in South Africa and that she'll meet her in the airport of Johannesburg before hanging up. Jean tells Hermia she's going to South Africa to make up for Gordon's mistakes before rushing out. Hermia calls after her, "Do you own a gun?". Jean arrives at the Johannesburg airport, only to be confronted by Gordon's mistress, now called The Stranger. The Stranger demands Jean give her the cellphone since it has all of Gordon's business contacts on it. When Jean refuses, they struggle and Jean ends up being smacked on the head by the Stranger. When Jean awakens, she's back in the cafe with Gordon sitting next to her - only now he can speak. He tells her she's in his "pipeline" because, after you die, you go straight to the person you love most. Jean tells Gordon she loved him because she didn't know him and, now that she does, she is horrified to be stuck with him for eternity. Jean says she's suddenly very lonely and Gordon points out that she can listen to cellphone conversations from heaven. Jean hears a bit of her first cellphone conversation with Mrs. Gottlieb and tells Gordon his mother truly loved him most. Gordon suddenly disappears into his mother's pipeline. Jean, left by herself, tries to call Dwight on the cellphone only for it to fail to turn on. In her frustration she yells "Z!" and wakes up back in the airport in Johannesburg with Dwight waiting for her. Dwight brings Jean back to Mrs. Gottlieb's house and Mrs. Gottlieb tells Jean that Gordon's mistress made off with the cellphone and has taken over Gordon's organ business. Also, Hermia has left to join the Ice Capades. When Mrs. Gottlieb begins to tear up at the thought of everyone moving on but her, Jean tells Mrs. Gottlieb that she's seen Gordon in heaven and that he's waiting for her in her pipeline. Overjoyed, Mrs. Gottlieb runs into the bonfire in the backyard so that she can be with Gordon. Jean is horrified but Dwight is happy his mother and his brother are together again. Jean and Dwight promise to love each other so they can be in each other's pipeline and Dwight offers to show Jean his new printing press saying, "Now, we kiss. And the lights go out." ===== The book begins with the words: "You could say I'm just like any normal kid. I have a family, I have a computer, I have an Xbox". August "Auggie" Pullman then talks about his family, and then it skips to: "My name is August. I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse". Auggie Pullman is a home-schooled fifth-grader living in North River Heights in Upper Manhattan with his parents. He has a medical condition, often equated with Treacher Collins syndrome, which has left his face disfigured. Due to his condition, August has been home-schooled by his mother; however, wanting him to experience a larger world, his parents enroll him into Beecher Prep, a private school, for the start of fifth grade. Auggie has a sister, Olivia "Via" Pullman, who is older than he is and often puts her brother's needs before her own. Before his first day of school, Auggie's mother takes Auggie to the school to meet the principal, Mr. Tushman, who also invites three other students — Jack Will, Charlotte and Julian — to take him around, and help him start getting the feeling of what it's like to be with other people. Auggie is immediately bullied by Julian, who acts "like an angel" in front of teachers. Jack and Charlotte instantly start defending him, but Auggie still doesn't feel comfortable around Julian. On his first day of school, Auggie tries not to draw attention to himself. His efforts are in vain, and Julian and his friends immediately start bullying him about his appearance. August's hopes for the school year are later raised slightly when he forms friendships with classmates Jack and Summer, both of whom defend him from Julian's taunts. The situation comes to a head on Halloween when Auggie, disguised as Ghostface when he had told Jack he would be Boba Fett, overhears Jack joining in with the bullying. As August isolates himself from his classmates and family, his sister Olivia's frustration grows, fueled by years of feeling ignored by her family. Returning to school, Auggie ignores Jack but admits to Summer that he had overheard the incident. Jack feels ashamed for his actions, and punches Julian in the mouth, causing him to get suspended from school. Over the winter break, Jack reconciles with Auggie, telling him the truth of how he didn't mean any of the words he had said. As the school year progresses, the bullying Auggie faces becomes more serious and extends to Jack as well. Julian manipulates several friends into turning against August and Jack. In addition, Julian's mother voices her concerns over Auggie attending the school, citing that his appearance may be too much of a burden for the other students to handle. Via confides in her mother that she does not want Auggie to attend her school play, as she had found comfort in the fact that nobody at her new school knew about her brother's condition. August overhears and storms out of the room angrily, upset that his sister too is ashamed to let her new friends see him. Meanwhile, Via's best friend Miranda has started avoiding her, for reasons unknown to Via. Both Miranda and Via audition for the lead in their school play and Miranda gets the part. However, on opening night, Miranda sees Via's family in the audience and feigns illness so Via, her understudy, can play the lead. It is revealed that Miranda (an only child upset by her parents' divorce) felt isolated at summer camp and pretended Auggie was her brother, gaining sympathy and friendship from other campers. Miranda's guilt over this deception had led her to avoid Via, but allowing Via to take the lead role provided a way for the two friends to reconcile. Via's family celebrates by taking both girls out for dinner. At the end of Auggie's school year, the students are invited on a three-day trip to a nature reserve. Auggie is initially concerned about going. However, upon hearing that Julian will not be attending (because of being suspended for two weeks for his behavior), August decides to join his friends on the trip. He has fun until the last night, when he and Jack go exploring in the woods. They are attacked by seventh graders who mock Auggie and start to beat him and Jack, but Julian's friends find them and fight off the bullies. Auggie starts to feel closer to the other students after this ordeal. With summer vacation approaching, Auggie is relieved to hear that Julian will not be returning to Beecher Prep. At graduation, August is awarded the 'Henry Ward Beecher Medal' for being 'notable or exemplary in certain areas throughout the school year'. Extremely proud of her son, August's mother comments that he is a 'wonder'. ===== Nick Wild (Jason Statham) is a recovering gambling addict who takes odd jobs in Las Vegas as a "chaperone" (his version of a bodyguard) to support his addiction. After helping a client impress a woman (Sofía Vergara), he accepts a proposition from a young man Cyrus Kinnick (Michael Angarano) to show him around Vegas and provide him with protection while he gambles. While eating at a diner, Nick's waitress friend Roxy (Anne Heche) hands him a message from a woman he knows, Holly (Dominik Garcia-Lorido), who wants him to stop by her house. Holly, a professional escort, explains she had a date the previous night at the Golden Nugget. Afterward, she was brutally raped and beaten by three unknown men in their hotel room. Holly asks Nick to find out who they are so that she can sue them. Nick discovers that the man responsible for raping Holly is Danny DeMarco (Milo Ventimiglia), a gangster. DeMarco had his two thugs dump her in a hospital car park. Nick goes to the hotel to confront DeMarco, disguised as someone sent by another criminal. A confrontation develops but Nick defends himself, overpowering DeMarco and his men, who are tied up as Nick calls Holly. In the room, Holly contemplates castrating DeMarco, who breaks down and begs her forgiveness, Holly decides to take the $50,000 from DeMarco's desk and leaves. Holly splits the money with Nick and leaves Las Vegas. Nick takes Cyrus to a casino. Playing blackjack with dealer friend Cassandra (Hope Davis), Nick then goes on a huge winning streak with the next dealer, amassing over a half a million. But when he goes to the cashier, he has a sudden anxiety attack, then decides to keep on gambling and unfortunately loses his winnings – as well as his original $25,000 – on a single blackjack bet with Cassandra. The next morning, Cyrus, revealed to be a self-made millionaire, wants Nick to mentor him on being brave, but Nick declines. At the bar, DeMarco's men arrive to deliver Nick to DeMarco, but Nick fends them off. Nick meets with Baby (Stanley Tucci), the mafia boss of Las Vegas. Baby has received a complaint from DeMarco, who claims that Nick broke into his hotel room, pistol-whipped him, and killed two of his men – all to fund his gambling addiction. Baby takes Nick to a room with DeMarco, where Nick tells his side of the story: that DeMarco killed his own men later and that DeMarco bears a cut on his penis. Baby tells DeMarco to drop his pants to prove Nick wrong, but he refuses and leaves. At the local diner, Cyrus offers Nick a check for $500,000 and a plane ticket to Corsica for what he has learned from Nick. DeMarco and his men appear in the diner. Cyrus shows his newfound manliness by singing loudly as a distraction so Nick can escape. Nick thinks about his sailboat and then kills the thugs and DeMarco with his utensils behind the diner. Afterwards, Cyrus insists Nick take the check and the ticket, and Nick accepts. Nick then drives out of Las Vegas. ===== Yoo-min (Yoon Eun-hye), Hye-ji (Park Han-byul), Soo-jin (Cha Ye-ryun) and Min-hee (Yoo In-na) were the best of friends in college. While majoring in theater and film at an elite university, they were united by their passion for Seoul's clubbing scene and luxury shopping, but life isn't so easy now that they're in the real world. Clueless about what to do with her life, Yoo-min takes up a job as an assistant to a famous TV scriptwriter in order to buy an expensive black mini dress (or "little black dress"), but her work turns out to be babysitting her boss's twin boys. Rich girl Min-hee plans to study abroad but she's not going anywhere until she improves her English. Socialite Hye-ji shoots to fame after appearing in a Levi's ad, but her newfound stardom creates a rift with her friends. Aspiring actress Soo-jin is at her wit's end after failing so many auditions, and things only get worse when her father goes bankrupt. ===== Franz Huber (Ludwig Donath), an Austrian actor known for his impersonations of celebrities, is captured by the Gestapo and forced to undergo plastic surgery to become a stand-in for Adolf Hitler. The conspirators are planning to poison Hitler and put Huber in his place - and under their control. Huber, who is a good anti-Nazi is able to foil the Gestapo and strike a blow for democracy but his personal life is put in jeopardy because his wife (Gale Sondergaard), who is also an anti-Nazi, doesn't know that her missing husband has become a Hitler look-alike. ===== At a warehouse in Los Angeles, trucks are loaded with stacks of tires to be delivered to a San Francisco warehouse. On a country road under cover of darkness, the tires are transferred to Joe Wembley (Frank M. Thomas), an underworld figure and operator of a nightclub at the beach. With the $50,000 earned from the transaction, Evelyn Harris (Doris Lloyd), who inherited the tire business from her late husband, plans to marry Eddie Moore (Jerome Cowan), a singer at Wembley's café. The two lovebirds head for New York City, but Moore insists on stopping at an unoccupied cottage he notices from the road. In San Francisco private detective Jess Arno (William Gargan) succeeds in clearing actress Dolly Adair (Phyllis Brooks) of a murder charge and becomes a media sensation. After the trial is over, Jess rushes to phone his sweetheart, June Terry (Margaret Lindsay), a real estate agent at the shore. June, jealous of Dolly, is upset when Jess informs her that he plans to shield Dolly from the reporters by hiding her at his beach cottage. Randy Brooke (Dick Purcell), a reporter and a rival for June's affections, convinces her to play a practical joke. They take a wax model to Jess's cottage and stick a knife in the figure's throat. Jess and Dolly arrive at the cottage and are horrified to find blood stains and a body of a woman in the cellar. Hurrying to Wembley's café nearby, they telephone Capt. Baker (Thomas E. Jackson) at police headquarters. When the officers arrive, accompanied by Randy and June, the body is missing and the dummy lies in its place. Believing that it is all a publicity hoax, the police ridicule Jess as a "front page detective." After the police leave, June admits her involvement in placing the dummy and offers to help Jess discover the identity of the murdered woman. A dress label found on the body leads them to an exclusive shop in Los Angeles, where they discover that the dress was sold to Evelyn. After an argument, Jess and June go their separate ways to solve the mystery. Upon learning that Evelyn left town to marry Moore, their investigation leads to Wembley's café. June begins to question Moore about Evelyn, whereupon he flees the café with the $50,000. His escape is aided by the sound of air raid sirens and a blackout at the beach. By pretending to be an air raid warden, Jess corners Moore at his apartment. After Moore denies killing Evelyn and accuses Wembley of engineering the murder and hijacking the tires, Jess phones Capt. Baker, but before he can relay the information, Moore knocks him unconscious and locks him in a closet. Moore is then confronted by Wembley and his henchman, Mario (Edward Norris), who have followed him. When the police arrive, they find Moore's body, beaten to death, and accuse Jess of the crime. After recovering from a blow to his head, Jess eludes the police and goes to the café, where he confronts Wembley and Mario with evidence of murder. In the ensuing fight, Mario and Wembley chase Jess into a banquet room where the hijacked tires are stored. The police then arrive and, seizing the tires as evidence, arrest Wembley and Mario. With the murder solved, Jess and June leave for their wedding and honeymoon. ===== Valeria Aguirre is a young, troubled young girl who was raised as an orphan. In order to meet her financial needs, she resorts to stealing, and she ends up in trouble with the law where she is sentenced to five years in prison. Behind this sentence is Miguel Reyes the prosecutor of her case. However, on the day that she is meant to leave prison and embark on a quest for revenge against the man who ruined her life, she becomes the victim of an unfortunate attack by a fellow prison inmate that leaves her temporarily blind. On hearing about the incident, Miguel realizes the injustice committed against Valeria and feels guilty. He visits her at the hospital where he pretends to be a doctor. With time, Valeria and Miguel develop feelings for each other, though Valeria is not aware that the man she has fallen in love with is the one who ruined her life. However, Miguel leaves her, knowing that Valeria will never forgive her. After leaving the hospital, Valeria meets Engracia and Encarnación, two sisters who cared for her as a child and are aware of her true origins. Valeria's new found happiness will be short-lived, as she will soon encounter Imperio Laya, a terrible and cruel woman who is Valeria's biological mother. Over the years, Imperio worked really hard to establish herself into a powerful woman in the eyes of society through the help of Vicente, her husband who placed all his wealth at her disposal. An unfortunate accident involving Lorena, Miguel's wife, will bring Valeria face to face with Imperio. She will enter Imperio's perfectly organized world and begin to disturb it, much to Imperio's fury. The only person Valeria trusts is Ignacio, Imperio's lover who will fall in love with Valeria. Overcome by jealousy, Imperio will do everything in her power to ruin the love between Valeria and Miguel. Little does she know that Valeria is the daughter she thought had died years ago.Toda Una Dama: Una Señora TelenovelaArgumento de Toda una dama ===== Ringo, a bounty hunter, has killed the father of Glenn Garvin (Glenn Saxson) to collect a bounty. Glenn kills Ringo and then takes his father's body to town to collect the bounty himself. There he befriends Gordon (Fernando Sancho in city clothes and a bowler hat instead of his usual Mexican bandit outfit), who tells Glenn that he stands to inherit half of everything in town, which his father had owned in partnership with Ken Cluster. Cluster's henchman Ward and his men try and fail to kill Glenn, so Cluster robs his own bank and frames Glenn for murder. Glenn escapes and is taken in by Cluster's wife, Jessica, who wants Glenn to kill her husband. However, it turns out that Jessica is also married to a stranger, Doc (Alberto Lupo), who had helped Glenn earlier. Jessica escapes to Ward, whom she convinces that Cluster wants him to stash the bank robbery loot in Mexico, in her name. Glenn, Doc, and Gordon ambush the convoy and kill Ward, while Jessica is arrested for the robbery, on the testimony of Cluster. Cluster and Glenn sign an agreement and there is a celebration. Doc leaves and liberates Jessica. She takes his gun and leaves with the money, despite Doc's warning that Cluster will kill her outside. The gun turns out to be unloaded, and Cluster fatally stabs her. Gordon and Glenn start a saloon brawl and sneak out unnoticed. At the cemetery, Glenn and Doc find Cluster. Glenn – who earlier, even before the partnership, learned that his father was framed and that Ringo was tracking him at Cluster's request – is offered part of the loot but chooses to avenge his father instead. He shoots Cluster's gun out of his hand and kills him when he draws a knife. He buries the corpse in the grave of Glenn's father. Glenn makes apologies to his father and posts a reward for Cluster, just as the latter had done for his father. Doc, Gordon, and Glenn leave, but the latter two decide to return when they discover that the gold in the saddlebag has been replaced with a note from the saloon girl Lucy, who Glenn had been reluctant to leave behind anyway. In the final scene we see Glenn, Gordon, and Lucy running the bank when Cluster's son appears to claim his half of the gold. ===== A 33-year-old lawyer, Derek Bradshaw courts and wins Amy Miller, an 18-year-old, sexy, virginal high school cheerleader. The slick lawyer is the epitome of creepiness: a straight-faced liar, a sneaky philanderer, and magnetically charismatic. He seduces Amy with romantic evenings and extravagant gifts much too adult for an 18-year-old. Amy's support system falters as she withdraws from her friends and her hard-working single mother, while a mystery stalker repeatedly threatens Amy's life. Is it Derek's suspicious wife Elizabeth, Amy's best friend Dana, a jealous ex-boyfriend, or some other anonymous competitor? When Amy finally acknowledges Derek's duplicity and attempts to end the affair, he won't let her off that easily, and the threats escalate as she becomes the victim of vicious pranks and ultimately, life-threatening attacks. ===== Mark (Joe Lo Truglio) offers Jeff (Joel McHale), his old partner, a position at his law firm, arguing Jeff is still a great lawyer. Jeff agrees to consider it. At Greendale, Jeff applies for graduation in Dean Pelton's (Jim Rash) office with little fanfare, but he eventually agrees to have a proper ceremony. Later, Jeff confesses to Britta (Gillian Jacobs) he is worried about how leaving Greendale will affect the group, particularly Abed (Danny Pudi). He decides to roll a die and watch Abed's reaction, given Abed's fear of other timelines. However, the die lands on its edge and no number comes up. Evil Jeff appears at Greendale, seeking to alienate Jeff from the study group and push him toward Mark's offer. Evil Jeff insults Annie (Alison Brie); Annie later encounters Jeff and runs away upset, to Jeff's confusion. Abed meets Evil Jeff and recognizes him as a doppelganger. Abed is shot with a specialized paintball gun and is sent to the "Darkest Timeline". There, Abed finds Evil Abed, who has become good again and provides his counterpart with supplies to defeat the doppelgangers. Jeff goes to apologize to Annie but unknowingly meets Evil Annie, who takes the opportunity to steal his phone. Evil Jeff insults the rest of the group. Jeff arrives at his ceremony to find no one there. Evil Annie arrives with Jeff's phone and urges him to call Mark. When Jeff tries to leave, Evil Jeff arrives to stop him, but Chang (Ken Jeong) protects Jeff. Jeff escapes and explains what has happened to the group. Abed proves Jeff's story by returning with the special paintball guns. The rest of the Evil Study Group arrives in the prime timeline to take on their counterparts but are slowly eliminated. With only Evil Jeff remaining, Abed reveals these events are occurring in Jeff's mind due to his anxieties about graduation. Abed reassures Jeff he has become a better person at Greendale. Jeff shoots Evil Jeff and reverts to the moment before he threw the die. He decides against tossing it. Jeff's graduation ceremony takes place, and he gives a heartfelt speech to the group. Pierce (Chevy Chase) interrupts the ceremony so he can graduate first. Afterwards, Jeff announces he will decline Mark's offer and search for work at a small firm, allowing him to "help the little guy" and stay close to the group. ===== Joel and Molly have dinner with an unhappy couple, Kyle and Karen, and recount how they first began dating. At the time, Molly owned a small- independent candy store, Upper Sweet Side, that was being bought out by Joel's company, a larger candy corporation called CSR. Joel lived with his girlfriend, Tiffany, until he caught her cheating on him with his coworker Trevor. On their way to the same Halloween party, Joel and Molly meet. They initially fight, but end up going on a date, where Joel meets Molly's son from a previous relationship. Joel admits that he is not over his relationship with Tiffany, and Molly leaves angrily. Joel apologizes, and the two begin dating. They break up after a trip to Molly's parents' house, who are revealed to be white supremacists. Joel begins dating Tiffany again, and Molly begins dating her banker, Eggbert. Molly and Eggbert become engaged, and Joel realizes that he is still in love with Molly, and races to the wedding. He arrives to find that she has already left Eggbert at the altar, and goes to the Brooklyn Promenade to find her. They agree to get back together, but Molly's ex-husband Spike, who was just released from jail, confronts Joel. Joel wins the fight, and Spike is taken by the police, only to be shot in the head when he tries to escape. Joel and Molly get married, and Joel opens a coffee shop attached to Upper Sweet Side. In the present, Joel and Molly reveal that they are getting divorced, as their marriage has since fallen apart due to increasing debts. Because of it Molly got addicted to pills and she started sleeping with Frank again. So, Molly and Joel mutually decided they should be friends. After telling their story to Kyle, Joel and Molly wonder and then agree giving their marriage another shot. ===== An investigation of a dead daughter begins when a military contractor Lex Walker (Craig Fairbrass) arrives in Los Angeles and he finds the body is not his daughter's. Lex Walker, a British mercenary battling in Afghanistan who drops everything to hurry to Los Angeles when he is informed that his daughter Samantha, who he has not seen in many years, has been found dead. When he arrives at the morgue to identify the body, he is for some reason unsurprised to discover that it is not hers. So he begins a one-man investigation into her whereabouts, trailed by the suspicious detective (Jason Patric) assigned to the case. He soon makes his way to Samantha's boss, Karl Schuster (James Caan), the millionaire CEO of a high-tech company who offers sympathy but little help. It quickly becomes obvious that Schuster is hiding something, since he displays no hesitation about shooting one of his henchmen to death in his own office. Aided by a sexy barmaid (Shannon Elizabeth) enticed by his offer of a $10,000 finder's fee, the take-no-prisoners Lex sets out getting to the bottom of the mystery, beating up or shooting the myriad human obstacles who get in his way. It all leads to his discovery of a massive identity-theft scheme engineered by Schuster about which Lex's very much alive daughter (Melissa Ordway) has the goods. ===== Bo is a Succubus who grew up in an adopted human family, unaware of her non-human nature and of the Fae world she descended from. She began to feel "different" when she entered puberty and didn't know she was not normal until she accidentally killed her high school boyfriend by draining his life energy during her first sexual encounter. When she told her parents what had happened, they broke the news to Bo that she had been adopted (see "Raging Fae"). Not knowing what she was and what she had done, Bo hated herself and ran away from home, exchanging her previous life for one without family or friends, moving from place to place and assuming a false identity whenever she killed again. In the first episode, Bo saves a young human woman, Kenzi, from a rapist who had surreptitiously drugged her with a "roofie" in her drink. The two quickly become friends and Kenzi decides they should team up to create a Fae/Human detective agency. Confronted by the Fae leaders of the local territory with a demand for her to choose a side – either "Light" or "Dark" – Bo declares herself neutral, deciding instead to side with humans after Kenzi risked her life to find out where Bo had been taken by force and what they were doing to her. Most of the Fae considered Bo an unknown entity that should either be eliminated as a risk to their secret existence or exploited for their benefit. Throughout the season, Bo learns more about the Fae world and herself while she searches for information about her origins. Along the way, Bo also develops romantic relationships with both Dyson, a Light Fae wolf shapeshifter and police detective; and Lauren, a human doctor and scientist in servitude to the Light Fae. ===== The movie takes place on the Day of the Dead of 1807, in the city of Puebla, New Spain. Leo San Juan, a shy 9-year-old boy, lives in the city with his grandmother, his older brother Fernando "Nando" and their nanny Dionisia, and run the town's bakery. Leo is shunned by children his age due to his stutter, augmented by the pranks and frightening stories Nando delights in telling him. Leo also wets himself when he is scared, a fact that Nando enjoys laughing about. On this particular day, Nando frightens his brother with the legend of la Nahuala: it tells of an old abandoned house inhabited by "La Nahuala". 52 years ago, the house was the home of the affluent Villavicencio family, who were holding a feast for family and friends for the Day of the Dead. Unbeknownst to them, they were being haunted by a malignant nahuatl who wanted to be more powerful. It took over the cook's body, turning the woman into la Nahuala, and initiated a malignant ritual to take over. Nando ends the story saying she killed many people that night before she was "stopped", but that her soul and the souls of all the people she killed are trapped in the abandoned house - and she will 'get' Leo if night catches him too close to the house. Before Leo can shake his terror, the two boys are herded to mass by their grandmother and their nanny. Leo (who serves as altar boy) can't stop thinking of the legend of La Nahuala during the service and his trembling causes a series of accidents that disturb mass and humiliate Fray Godofredo, the Franciscan monk who officiates mass. Despite the mess, Fray Godofredo only gently reprimands Leo and soothes his fears by assuring him that La Nahuala is dead. Fray Godofredo shows him his hot air balloon, promising to take Leo on a ride once the balloon is ready to fly. During the festivities, Leo is shunned by two children in front of Santos' candy stand for his stuttering and for peeing when he's afraid (a fact Nando has been spreading). Santos assures Leo that the Villavicencio house isn't haunted - he says Leo should confront his fears by going into the house, and gifts him with a golden medallion: the Medallion of Miquitzli, which he claims keeps fear at bay. Before the two part, Santos gives Leo a brief show of the fireworks he has just acquired. Back at home, Leo's good mood is ruined when Dionisia gives him a large order of bread to be delivered to a Señor Machorro (later revealed to be Santos) at number ten Nahuala street, the very street where the abandoned Villavicencio house stands. Leo makes it to the front of the abandoned house, where Nando unexpectedly jumps out and frightens him; the shock makes Leo pee himself and drop the bread. Adding insult to injury, Nando steals the medallion of Miquitzli from Leo and dodges into the Villavicencio house, pretending to be caught by La Nahuala to further humiliate Leo. As Leo sadly walks away, the medallion begins to glow, and Leo turns in time to see a ghostly hand burst from the house and drag a screaming Nando inside. Leo goes to Fray Godofredo for help. The elderly friar reveals to him the real story of La Nahuala: 52 years ago, a young Fray Godofredo and a Nahua shaman joined forces to hunt the nahuatl when they caught wind of the appearance of La Nahuala in the Villavicencio house. The two men led a mob to the house, where La Nahuala had killed all the adults and prepared to consume the souls of three young girls, Teodora Villavicencio (the lord's only daughter), the servant girl Xochitl (pronounced So - CHEE - til) and Teodora's friend, Toñita San Juan - Leo and Nando's own grandmother. The party arrived too late to save Xochitl and Teodora, but Toñita resisted, ripping the medallion of Miquitzli from La Nahuala's neck and upsetting the ritual as Fray Godofredo and the shaman fought the witch. Although the ritual's failure stopped La Nahuala from gaining immortality and power, her spirit took over the house, leaving the friar and the shaman no choice but to seal the house and evacuate Toñita and the cook's young son, the only two survivors. Fray Godofredo warns that he must destroy the medallion before the night is over or La Nahuala will come back to life, prompting Leo to run back into the Villavicencio house. Fray Godofredo tries to run after him and is overcome by exhaustion. When he runs into Santos and attempts to enlist his help, the candymaker instead knocks Fray Godofredo unconscious. Inside the house, Leo runs into various frightening sights including two living sugar skulls, finally running into the ghost of Xochitl. The girl offers him her help, explaining that La Nahuala will enslave the dead and feed on the souls of all the living in Puebla if she can conclude the ritual (apparently using Nando's soul). The house itself seems resolved to kill Leo with living knives, lava-spewing pots and other apparitions. They also run into trouble from the cursed skeletons of the Villavicencios and their guests, who are starved and want to eat Leo. After escaping them, they run into the ghost of Teodora: though friendly to Xochitl, she is stuck up and spoiled. Leo has to trick her into opening the door to the next area of the house by convincing Teodora that her hairbrush is on the other side of a locked door she initially refuses to open. Elsewhere, Santos threatens Fray Godofredo. He reveals that he is aware of the medallion's power and orchestrated the night's events, as he was the young boy that was rescued from the Villavicencio house 52 years before: the son of La Nahuala. He is resentful of Fray Godofredo for sealing his mother away and manipulated Leo into entering in hopes of finally being with his mother again. Before he can hurt him, however, Fray Godofredo escapes. At the San Juan Bakery, Toñita finds her grandsons missing and rushes to the abandoned house with Dionisia when she concludes it must be La Nahuala's doing. Back at the abandoned house, the approach of midnight increases La Nahuala's powers. She makes Teodora and Xochitl succumb to her influence and confronts Leo, letting him choose between staying and leaving. She releases nightmarish apparitions on him when he insists he will stay to rescue his brother. The chase leads Leo to the house's library, where he meets a dragon alebrije and the Don Quijote-like ghost Don Andrés. The Alebrije (who presents himself as the Library Alebrije) reveals that La Nahuala can take any shape she wishes and puts Leo through a series of tests to make sure he isn't the evil spirit. When the boy passes all three, Alebrije concludes that Leo is not La Nahuala, but rather a boy singled out by destiny. Alebrije then shows Leo a vision of a warrior using a black skull to destroy something (referred to as 'the evil') inside the medallion to destroy the spirit. Leo runs into the house's chapel, where he is captured by La Nahuala. She reveals that it was Leo's soul she wanted for the ritual, and had used Nando as bait. Though his grandmother, and then Fray Godofredo, attempt to stop them, Santos knocks the old woman unconscious and fiercely battles Fray Godofredo to allow La Nahuala to complete the ritual. After La Nahuala's spell rebounds on them by way of Fray Godofredo using the skull of Tezcatlipoca's mirror, Santos begs his mother for help with his wounds. To his horror, La Nahuala reveals she isn't Santos's mother, but that she consumed his mother's soul and has chosen to look like her to keep Santos in her service. Betrayed and regretful, Santos sacrifices himself to allow Leo to escape. With Nando's help, and under directions from a dying Fray Godofredo, Leo uses the black skull of Tezcatlipoca to confuse La Nahuala, then hurls the skull on the evil that emerges from the medallion of Miquitzli. Once it's destroyed, a defeated Nahuala turns to stone. Before he passes on, Fray Godofredo bequeaths Leo his crucifix and declares himself at peace in the knowledge that Leo remains to defend Puebla. Freed from La Nahuala's influence, Teodora and Xochitl also move on (but not before kissing Leo's cheek in gratitude). A regretful Santos is collected by the real spirit of his mother, who forgives him for his trespasses. Santos rejuvenates into a ten year old boy as he ascends to heaven hand in hand with his mother. Before the night ends, Leo gently ridicules Nando for peeing himself in terror after the two sugar skulls (who reveal themselves to be on Leo's side) sneak up on him. A year later on the feast of the Day of the Dead, the San Juan Bakery is visited by a crowd of spirits: Santos, the Villavicencio family, Xochitl, Teodora, Don Andrés and even Fray Godofredo. The ghostly friar also relays a message to Leo: he must travel to Xochimilco, which is besieged by La Llorona. He, along with Alebrije, Don Andrés and the two sugar skulls (named Finado and Moribunda) depart on Fray Godofredo's hot air balloon. ===== Dagwood Bumstead is an architect who has managed to convince the prominent bank president Samuel Breckenridge to let his firm have the contract to erect a new bank building in town. When Dagwood’s boss at the architect firm, George Radcliffe, hears about the contract, he is ecstatic and offers Dagwood a modest raise of $2.50. When Dagwood immediately tell his wife Blondie the good news over the telephone, she mistakes the numbers and believes he has gotten a $250 raise. She tells her friends about the fantastic news, and word gets around that Dagwood has made a fortune on his success. A class reunion is around the corner and Blondie is on the committee planning the festivities. When the rest of the committee, including bigmouth housewife Cynthia Thompson and Paul Madison, who were Dagwood’s highschool suitor, hears about Dagwood’s fortune, they suggest he pay the bill of $400 for the fancy dinner at the reunion. Blondie has no choice but to accept to defend Dagwood’s honor. Dagwood panics when he hears what Blondie has promised in his name, and starts a desperate search for money to pay for the dinner he can’t afford. He sees no other alternative than to try to gamble up the money on the horse race track. He talks to a gambling expert named Pete Brody to learn how to bet, but the bank president hears about his keen interest in gambling and cancels the building contract immediately. Dagwood’s boss Radcliffe gets furious when he hears the contract is cancelled, and fires Dagwood on the spot because of this. Blondie helps out to raise money by making women’s hats, thus contributing with $200 to the bill, but when the day of the reunion dinner arrives, Dagwood is still short the other $200. He goes to an illegal gambling parlor and starts betting. He gets advice from an old lady, but still manages to bet the $200 from Blondie on the wrong horse. Despite this, he has good fortune and the horse wins, but the place is raided by the police. Dagwood helps the old lady escape unnoticed from the place, but is arrested by the police himself. The reunion dinner starts, and Blondie is present, but Dagwood is still in custody at the police station. He calls for Radcliffe to come and bail him out, but bank president Breckenridge beats him to it, arriving shortly after Radcliffe to the station. In company with Breckenridge is the old lady from the gambling parlor, who turns out to be Mrs. Breckenridge. Grateful for Dagwood's help to avoid a public scandal and humiliation, Breckenridge renews the contract to erect a new bank building with the firm, and as a condition he demands Dagwood be rehired. Dagwood throws in another condition for his own account - that Radcliffe pay for the reunion dinner as well. Dagwood gets out of jail and arrives to the reunion dinner in time to avoid any suspicion, and is able to pay for the festivities. ===== Rancher Bob O'Neill's father is gassed to death by lunatic Otto Zenz. In a bid to avenge his father, Bob tracks the scientist down, and they eventually have a showdown in the dry plains. ===== An auto driver (Kushal Chakraborty), sees Lucky Bhai (Rahul Dev) murder a journalist. The auto driver manages to capture Lucky Bhai & his henchman, and hold them until the Police arrive. Afterwards, the auto driver returns home to his wife and son, Raj. Unfortunately, Lucky Bhai & his henchmen break into their house that night. The auto driver is killed and his wife is severely injured. Raj survives uninjured. Raj's mother is in a critical condition but he & his uncle don't have enough money to pay for her operation. The local mafia leader's son has committed murder and offers Raj a deal. In order to pay for his mother's surgery, Raj has to go to prison for the crime. Twelve years later, Raj is released from prison. When he meets his uncle again, he finds out that his mother has died. Raj also falls in love with Madhurima who lives with her father (Rajatava Dutta). Officer Ajay (Supriyo Dutta) helps Raj get a passport. Raj plans to go to Bangkok to join a travel agency recommended by his uncle. Madhurima and her friends arrive in Bangkok as tourists. Raj is one of the tour guides. Raj seems to be irritable around Madhurima. Biku & his henchmen are bothering Madhurima. Raj saves Madhurima by attacking Biku and his henchmen. Few days later, Biku & his henchmen see Madhurima again. Charan has to fight Biku & his henchmen again. Raj & Madhurima use a water bike to escape. They get stuck in middle of the sea when their water bike runs out of gas. When Madhurima wakes up, Madhurima sees an island that is little far away. Raj & Madhurima have to swim to the island. Raj tells Madhurima that he loves her. Madhurima's father & the other people believe that Madhurima is kidnapped by Raj as they find out Raj was in prison for 12 years. He arranges helicopters to search for Madhurima. Raj sees one helicopter in the sky, but Madhurima doesn't want anyone to find them. Madhurima tells Raj that she loves him too and her father would never let her marry Raj. Raj loves Madhurima, but Raj didn't expect Madhurima to fall in love with him. He reveals that he came to Bangkok to kill Lucky Bhai. Raj found out that Lucky Bhai's a notorious international criminal with network in Hong Kong, Bangkok, and other places has shifted base to Bangkok. Raj tells Madhurima that Biku's none other than Lucky Bhai's son. In Bangkok, Raj tried to kill Lucky Bhai at a bar, but Lucky Bhai escaped & Lucky Bhai stopped coming to Bangkok. By the time Raj finishes telling his foiled plot to kill Lucky Bhai, a lot of guys in black robes and black suits come and then a fight starts. Just then Madhurima's father comes in a helicopter. Seeing her dad she runs to him and tells him not to hit Raj as he did not kidnap her but saved her. At first Madhurima's father tells to leave him, and the goons leave him, but when Madhurima tells him that she wants him and loves him, her father tells the goons to kill him. The goons hit Raj on the head and he falls down and they go away. Then a member of the company for which Raj works searching for him on a boat finds him and takes him back. A hot argument takes place between Madhurima and her father and she runs away to Raj. Then Madhurima's father calls Raj and tells him that his mother is still alive. His uncle lied to Charan that his mother died. Madhurima's father will trade Raj's mother for Sanjana. Raj takes Madhurima to a building where he tells her that he is going to trade her for his mother. He tells her that she has her father, but his mother has no one except him. Madhurima's father comes and takes her and gives Raj his mother back who was grateful to him. Meanwhile, Lucky Bhai sees the pictures of Raj and Madhurima on television, which was the effort of the Madhurima's father to find her, and recognizes Raj as the person who tried to kill him. Lucky Bhai's brother Vicky (Surajit Sen) then kidnaps Madhurima, and Raj goes to rescue Madhurima, in the meantime, Lucky Bhai asks Raj to come and see him, Raj realising that this is the time for revenge, goes to Lucky Bhai. Lucky Bhai then initially tries to find out as to who Raj is and as to why Raj wants to kill him, but after Raj's unwillingness to reveal the same, Lucky Bhai beats up Raj , and then after Raj insists upon seeing Madhurima,Lucky Bhai asks for Madhurima to be brought, Madhurima is then brought with Vicky ; Raj kills Vicky and then kills all of Lucky Bhai's henchmen, in the meantime, Lucky Bhai tries to kill Madhurima, Raj saves Madhurima in the nick of time. Raj then beats up Lucky Bhai and knocks him to the ground. Raj and Madhurima come towards each other, and just as it seems like everything is just about finished, Lucky Bhai comes to attack both Madhurima and Raj with a knife, Raj evades the knife and grabs the knife from Lucky Bhai and forces Lucky Bhai to the ground. Raj then tells Lucky Bhai that "Lucky had killed an auto driver 12 years back", and this is when Lucky Bhai realises that Raj is the son of that Auto Driver, Raj then tells Lucky Bhai that his only goal in life was to kill Lucky Bhai and then kills Lucky Bhai in the same way which Lucky Bhai had killed Raj's father. Note : Although Rangbaaz is a remake of the 2007 Telugu movie "Chirutha", it is not exactly a scene to scene remake, as there is considerably less to almost minimal violence in Rangbaaz while Chirutha was over loaded with violence, there are many more tiny differences in both the movies. ===== Three black revolutionaries gun down two New York City police officers. The policemen were gunned down in cold blood by the self-styled terrorists, who first elude to the law and then, for want of crucial evidence, conviction for their crime. Assistant District Attorney, Robert Tanenbaum, the man responsible for bringing the three cop killers to justice leads a tireless nationwide investigation that moves to San Francisco, New Orleans and Mississippi and finally back to a climax in a New York courtroom, during the desperate search for the killers. Tanenbaum is aided by his partner, a resourceful and equally determined detective, Cliff Fenton. ===== One night, Death (voice of Renato de Rienzo) swoops in and takes the life of a child. His mother (Angela de Matteo) will do anything to recover him, even lose all she has. ===== María Marta Domínguez is a humble provincial girl from Zulia who goes to Caracas in search of new and better opportunities, though she does not possess skills to help her land a job. When she reaches Caracas, she stays with her cousin who works as a prostitute in a bar called "La Zulianita". One night, while working at the bar, an unscrupulous client called Lastra who is the Zulianita Promotions Specialties, tries to take advantage of María, but she defends herself. Outraged, Lastra accuses her of stealing his wallet. María is sent to jail, but is soon released through the help of Claudio Linares, a kind lawyer dedicated to helping people who have no resources, since he too was imprisoned unjustly. María gets a job at the home of the Arocha's, a wealthy family in the city. The family is composed of Felipe Arocha, his wife Amelia, their children Juan Carlos who is an engineer, Jesus and Jenny, his aunt Olga and her children Diana and Tony. Back in the house, María meets and falls for Juan Carlos, although Claudio, who has since become a close friend to María, advises her that this family cannot be trusted because they sent him to jail accusing him of the death of his wife and daughter. María and Juan Carlos started a romance, and he breaks off his engagement to his girlfriend Idania Ferran.La zulianita de novelas y series ===== Vagrant transfer student Ryuko Matoi, who wields a scissor-shaped longsword that can cut Goku Uniforms, challenges the council as she searches for her father's killer. Although she is initially easily defeated by Takaharu Fukuroda, she finds a sentient sailor uniform that she names Senketsu, a which is completely made of Life Fibers and transforms her so that she can face Kiryuin and her trials and obstacles. She is befriended by her hyperactive classmate Mako Mankanshoku and lives with her family. When Satsuki reorganizes the allocation of Goku Uniforms through a battle royal and king-of-the-hill event known as Naturals Election, Ryuko faces the members of Satsuki's Elite Four, who wear powerful Three-Star Goku Uniforms, in a series of duels. Her final fight is interrupted by Nui Harime, the wielder of the other Scissor Blade and the murderer of Ryuko's father. In the ensuing fight, Ryuko transforms into an uncontrollable monster. With the Tri-City Schools Raid, Satsuki annexes the major schools in the other regions of Japan, and quashes , a paramilitary organization led by Ryuko's homeroom teacher Aikuro Mikisugi. She arranges for a festival that will host her mother Ragyo, the academy's director and the CEO of , a clothing manufacturer that has dominated the worldwide market. Mikisugi reveals that the Life Fibers, which have been woven into all REVOCS clothing, are actually alien parasites that consume their wearers. When they devour the festival audience, Satsuki turns on her mother, revealing her end goal to have always been destroying Ragyo, but the rebellion is short-lived as Ragyo has fused with the Life Fibers to attain tremendous power. Ragyo recognizes Ryuko as her own daughter and Satsuki's younger sister, who survived the termination of a Life Fiber experiment and was raised in secrecy by Ragyo's missing husband, Isshin Matoi. A month later, Ragyo and the Life Fibers have devastated Japan and have captured Satsuki, leaving the Elite Four without Goku Uniforms and forced to hide out with Ryuko and the others at Nudist Beach. When they rescue Satsuki, Ragyo captures and brainwashes Ryuko into fighting her. After Ryuko frees herself, she and Satsuki challenge Ragyo, who plans to use a space satellite to command all Life Fibers to consume their human hosts and detonate the Earth in order to propagate the Life Fibers throughout the universe. After taking down the satellite transmitter and blasting the cocoon that houses the Original Life Fiber, Ragyo absorbs Nui and flies in to space to manually activate the satellite, but Ryuko chases Ragyo and defeats her, causing the Life Fiber clothes to perish. Following the battle, Senketsu sacrifices himself and burns up on atmospheric re-entry to return Ryuko to Earth. In a follow-up OVA episode, Ragyo's secretary Rei Hououmaru disrupts Honnouji Academy's graduation ceremony, using leftover Life Fibers to create doppelgängers of Satsuki and the Elite Four. However, they are defeated by Ryuko, the real Elite Four, and Nudist Beach, and Satsuki convinces Rei to abandon her struggle. Honnouji Academy is shut down during the sinking of Honnō City, and everyone leaves to live out normal lives. ===== Hiro Hamada is a 14-year-old prodigy, a high school graduate, and robotics genius living in the futuristic city of San Fransokyo (a portmanteau of San Francisco and Tokyo, rendered in kanji as ). He spends much of his free time participating in illegal robot fights. To redirect Hiro, his older brother Tadashi takes him to the research lab at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, where Hiro meets Tadashi's friends, Go Go, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred. Baymax, the inflatable healthcare robot that Tadashi created, and Professor Robert Callaghan, the head of the university's robotics program. Amazed, Hiro decides to apply to the university. To enroll, he signs up for the school's showcase and presents his project: microbots, swarms of tiny robots that can link together in any arrangement imaginable using a neurocranial transmitter. At the fair, Hiro declines an offer from Alistair Krei, CEO of Krei Tech, to market the microbots, and Callaghan accepts him into the school. As the Hamada family leaves to celebrate Hiro's success, a massive fire suddenly breaks out in the showcase hall and Tadashi rushes in to save Callaghan, the only person left inside. The building explodes moments later. Two weeks later, Hiro, mourning Tadashi's death, inadvertently reactivates Baymax. The two find Hiro's only remaining microbot and follow it to an abandoned warehouse. There they discover that someone has been mass- producing the microbots. A man wearing a Kabuki mask attacks them with the microbot swarms. After they escape, Hiro suspects that the fire that claimed his brother may not have been accidental and in fact started by the man in the kabuki mask to cover the theft of the microbots. Seeking vengeance, Hiro equips Baymax with armor and a battle chip containing various karate moves and they track the masked man to the docks. Go Go, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred arrive, responding to a call from Baymax, and the masked man chases the group. The six escape to Fred's mansion, where they decide to form a high-tech superhero team to combat the villain. The group tracks the masked man, whom they suspect to be Krei, to an abandoned Krei Tech laboratory that was used for teleportation research until a test pilot was lost in an accident. The masked man attacks, but the group subdues him and knocks off his mask, revealing him to be Callaghan, who shielded himself from the explosion that killed Tadashi. Enraged at the discovery that Tadashi had died in vain, Hiro removes Baymax's healthcare chip and orders him to kill Callaghan. Honey re- installs the healthcare chip at the last second, preventing Baymax from carrying out the kill order. Callaghan barely escapes, recovering the mask as he does so, and Hiro leaves with Baymax, intent on avenging Tadashi. Back home, Hiro repairs the robot's damaged scanners and tries to remove the healthcare chip again, but Baymax blocks his access port, convincing Hiro with video of Tadashi running numerous tests during Baymax's development as a demonstration of Tadashi's benevolence and legacy. Hiro remorsefully apologizes to his friends, who reassure him they will catch Callaghan the right way. Video footage from the laboratory accident reveals that the lost test pilot was Callaghan's daughter, Abigail, meaning that Callaghan is seeking revenge on Krei. Callaghan interrupts Krei at a public event and attempts to destroy his headquarters using Krei's teleportation portal. After a lengthy battle, the team deprives Callaghan of his microbots and the mask, saving Krei, but the portal remains active. Baymax detects Abigail alive inside and leaps into the portal with Hiro to rescue her. They find Abigail in hyper-sleep, but Baymax is struck by debris on the way back out, disabling his thrusters. With no other option but to sacrifice himself, Baymax activates his armor's rocket fist and asks Hiro if he is satisfied with his care in order to deactivate him. Hiro tearfully agrees and Baymax fires his rocket fist before deactivating, propelling Hiro and Abigail back through the portal before it closes. Abigail is taken to the hospital while the remorseful Callaghan is forcibly arrested. Some time later, Hiro discovers Baymax's health care chip clenched in the rocket fist. He rebuilds Baymax's body, who keeps his memories and emotions due to his health care chip, and he and Hiro share a hug. The university awards Hiro a grant and dedicates a building in Tadashi's honor, and Hiro, Baymax and their friends continue protecting the city. ===== Aaram (1951) Shyam (Dev Anand) is a struggling artist. While returning home one night, he encounters a young woman, Leela (Madhubala), who, for unexplained reasons, is roaming the streets. A storm breaks out and Shyam lets Leela spend the night at his place. Shyam and Leela fall in love. A little later, Leela gets acquainted with a rani (queen) (Durga Khote). After Leela leaves Shyam's place, she takes refuge with the rani at the rani's haveli. The widowed rani's only son, the musically talented Kumar (Premnath), falls in love with Leela. For the sake of her son's happiness, the rani would like Leela to become her bahu. However, Leela tells them that she is in love with Shyam and both Kumar and his mother, the rani, end up accepting that. Through the rani, Leela even manages to get a painting of Shyam's entered in a competition through which Shyam attains fame. Leela and Shyam decide to travel to Shyam's village to have their wedding. But just as Leela is about to join Shyam, she is kidnapped in front of the rani's haveli by a former suitor from whom she had been running away, and who wants to force Leela to marry him and keeps her prisoner. It turns out later that while trying to prevent the kidnapping, Kumar was seriously hurt, even though nothing of the sort is actually shown on the screen. At one point, Leela almost manages to escape her dungeon with the help of a kindhearted underling of the main villain. After he recaptures Leela, on his own initiative, the villainous suitor arranges a bizarre and inexplicably idiotic meeting between Leela and Shyam to let them take a final leave of one another, at a restaurant where Leela and Shyam had usually been going, and where the owner is a friend of theirs. At that meeting, the villains are overpowered by Shyam, Kumar and others. During the struggle, Kumar is shot and wounded. The police arrive to take the overpowered villains into custody. Kumar tells his mother that his wound will heal. The end. ===== Across the city, a legend spreads of a man that sets women on fire and that he is a true master of exploring the feminine body. This man is Simón Luna, the most celebrated tourist guide responsible for taking vacationers to some of the most exotic locations in Venezuela. But one thing about Simón is that he has never truly fallen in love with any woman. But this will change with the appearance of Camila Rigores, a beautiful woman with an overpowering personality who is the daughter of Leon Rigores, owner of the biggest hotel in the capital. Camila has returned to Venezuela with the aim of managing her father's hotel, El Durado and revitalizing the tourism industry in the country. However, a tragedy occurs when her sister Isabel commits suicide due to unrequited love. In order to avenge her sister's death, Camila begins the search for the man that led her sister to commit suicide, and that man in none other than Simón. Camila draws out her plan for vengeance: she will seduce Simón and make him fall in love with her. Simón, who is unaware of Isabel's death, will be greatly affected by the appearance of Camila into his life and in one of the most impressive locations of nature in Venezuela. Camila makes Simón her business partner, and the two will begin the game of seduction that will ruin both of them. ===== Yubiri is a young woman with dreams of having a successful career and meeting the man of her dreams, but she still doesn't know how she will achieve all this. Through a visit to a fortune teller, she is told that on the same night at 12 midnight, she will finally meet her lover. However, the fortune teller's premonition is fulfilled, twice. Yubiri will meet Wilker, a young singer full of life and eager to conquer the world. At the same time, Juan Diego, a young man who has secretly been attracted to her, will appear in her life. Guerra de mujeres is a story about women who are in a constant fight to achieve their goals and dreams while always being guided by love.Guerra de Mujeres ===== Ganga (Kushboo), a Tamil girl who doesn't know Hindi, looks for her friend Malini in Mumbai. She then meets Bairavan (Raghuvaran), a Tamil man, who says that he knows Malini and Bairavan then sells Ganga to a brothel. The Tamil Nadu Police raids at the brothel to rescue Tamil women and they save most of them including the innocent Ganga. Anand (Jayaram), a police officer, is worried about Ganga and she tells him about her past. After Ganga's father died, Ganga lived in her sister's house but her brother-in-law (Nizhalgal Ravi) tried to rape her. She left the house and decided to go to Mumbai. So, Anand drops Ganga in her sister's house and to Anand's surprise, her angry brother-in-law beat her in front of him. Anand intervenes and saves her. Anand secretly marries her. Anand's family is a traditional Hindu joint family and they all live in a bungalow. He has a widowed mother Karpagam (K. R. Vijaya), a bachelor uncle Sundarapandi (R. Sundarrajan), an elder brother Shankar (Sarath Babu) and a sister-in-law Archana (Vaishnavi) who have two children, a little brother Vijay (Sanjay) who loves Sangeetha (Sanghavi) and a little sister Uma (Kasthuri) who loves Rajesh (Raja). Everybody blesses the young couple except Archana who wanted Anand to marry her sister Anjali (Vasuki). Soon, Bairavan surfaces and begins to blackmail Anand. Anand manages it intelligently but his family finds out that Ganga was in a brothel. It leads the entire family into a trauma. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== Vijay (Arjun) is a hitman who works for Sundaramoorthy (Radha Ravi). He kills anybody for a price, other than women and children and he lives alone in an apartment. Pooja (Pooja), a young girl, studies in a boarding school and comes to her father's house for the holiday. Between her abusive father, selfish stepmother and an arrogant step-aunt, Pooja feels rather badly but she treasures her lovely little brother Dinesh (Mahanadi Dinesh). Pooja tries to befriend Vijay but Vijay is not interested. Her father is a drug smuggler. One day, a corrupt police officer Jayanth (Raghuvaran) kills Pooja's family including her brother. Vijay decides to accommodate Pooja and Pooja compels him to teach her his skills as a hitman. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== Ruth Guthrie is walking across a field and is followed by Bob Muldoon, who tries to dissuade Ruth from leaving him to return to her mother's. Ruth is adamant and reveals that she is angry because Bob told Freddy that he was going to 'strike out on his own'. Bob says this isn't the case. Ruth reveals she is pregnant, and they reconcile. Later, Bob and Freddy commit a crime while Ruth waits in the getaway car. The police, including Patrick Wheeler, pursues them. A gunfight leaves their accomplice Freddy fatally shot and Ruth shooting Patrick. Bob takes the fall for shooting Patrick and the crime committed earlier so Ruth can avoid jail. Bob and Ruth surrender their weapons. They are apprehended and Bob jailed. Ruth tells Skerrit, Freddy's father, that she is going to wait for Bob. Bob writes several letters from jail, promising Ruth to be back with her and their child. Ruth gives birth to their daughter, Sylvie. Years pass. Ruth and Sylvie live a normal life in the small town of Meridian, Texas. Patrick, who does not know it was Ruth that actually shot him, notices Ruth and Sylvie around town, but Ruth avoids any contact with him. One day, Patrick makes a visit to Ruth's residence and tells her that Bob has escaped from prison. The local detective questions Ruth as to Bob's whereabouts, and Ruth tells him that Bob has not come to visit her. Meanwhile, Bob is traversing Missouri to escape the authorities. He makes it to Texas and obtains help from his friend Sweetie. Meanwhile, three bounty hunters, led by an individual called Bear, visit Skerrit's hardware store and make general inquiries about the town. Patrick visits Ruth to return her letters the police looked over after Bob escaped. He tells her that she should move to a safer place, which Ruth takes to mean as until Bob is caught. Bob visits Skerrit at his hardware store, where Skerritt tells him there are many people who want him dead and that Bob needs to stay away from Ruth and Sylvie. Patrick visits Sweetie's establishment, asking if he has seen Bob. As they go upstairs, Bob narrowly escapes but leaves behind a photo of Ruth and Sylvie. On the day of Sylvie's birthday party, Patrick gives Sylvie a guitar. While talking with Sylvie at the party, Patrick learns that Ruth has been planning a trip with Sylvie. Bob arrives at the house but notices Patrick and subsequently leaves. Bob returns to the original shootout location and encounters the bounty hunters. They shoot at him, and he kills one during a struggle, but he is also seriously wounded. He gets away but is chased by the third. Bob coerces a driver, Will, to drive him back to Ruth's house. Will tries to tell Bob that he should be taken to a hospital but Bob refuses, insisting to be taken to Ruth's house. Sylvie wakes up to find her mother sleeping on the sofa in Patrick's arms. They are startled by gunshots outside. Patrick runs out to investigate and finds the third bounty hunter in a shootout with Skerrit. Patrick shoots the bounty hunter dead and finds that Skerrit is fatally wounded. Ruth and Sylvie are taken to the police station for questioning and safekeeping. When Patrick returns them to their home, they find the front door open and Patrick goes in to investigate, finding a grievously wounded Bob. Ruth follows Patrick into the house and stops Patrick from approaching Bob. Ruth tends to Bob, and Sylvie enters to see her father dying in the arms of her mother. Patrick takes Sylvie back outside and comforts her, while her parents exchange a few last words. ===== While reporting back to duty, the Core Guardians are suddenly alerted to a major attack on the Facility – a major research centre, industrial development, and city in its own right. Skye takes a drop pod down to a Britech manufacturing and research centre in the middle of a Lume attack, which she defeats. After the Core Guardians regroup, they fend off Lume attacks on the park of a nearby hotel, a research lab, and eventually the main entrance to the facility centre. After fending off the final wave, which included a dangerous boss called a Walker Patriarch, the Core Guardians are ordered to travel to the nearby rocky fields area, named after its distinctive karst topography. Following their successful defence of the initial core, they are ordered to travel to three other outposts to defend their cores. Eventually, they reach the farthest outpost and receive the true intention of their mission: to reach the ruins of Brightholme and find an abandoned lab containing details on the origin of the attacks. Because of the high spore content of the area, the Core Guardians must travel from old Core site to old Core site, each time activating them to sterilise spores and defending the ensuing Lume attack. Upon finding the lab, it is discovered that the use of the Cores caused an overall increase in spore production, leading to an increase in Lumes. Skye and Haigen decide to keep the data from Britech and instead transmit it to Tsygan, whom they believe would make better use thereof. Off the radar, the Core Guardians then follow the fault lines of earthquakes, which travel in an arc through the areas they have defended. Using the stolen information, they also discover a massive cavern beneath the original facility, which seems to be artificial but has no link to the surface. After trekking through the swamp, they eventually find a massive cavern with a Lume of incredible size (previously shown in the distance in the Sanctum level Aftershock) that releases a torrent of Lumes. The beast, which is the presumed source of the Lume attacks, earthquakes and caverns, fails to destroy the Core, and so instead destroys the area and travels to the surface. The Core Guardians escape its wrath and reach the surface to see it, in full height and gargantuan size, marching towards the skyscrapers of Elysion 1 with a cohort of Lumes. As the credits roll, the barrage of missiles and lasers from the Elysion 1 defences seem ineffective against the beast, and the players are left on a cliffhanger. ===== Following the disappearance of his beautiful but mentally handicapped daughter, Avanzio Berzaghi (Raf Vallone) travels to Milan to track her down. Local detective Duca Lamberti (Frank Wolff) investigates the city's pimps and prostitutes for clues, eventually finding the girl's burnt body in a field. Apparently the pimps disposed of the young girl when they heard investigators were looking for her. Berzaghi vows to find the girl's murderer, eventually tracking down his quarry from a clue related to the girl's teddy bear. Berzaghi exacts his revenge, but finds no satisfaction from having done so. ===== Set in New York City, Thanks for Sharing centers around three people undergoing a 12-step process to recover from their sexual addiction. Adam (Mark Ruffalo) walks along the streets of New York, tempted to have sex by various advertisements and women on his way to work. Neil (Josh Gad), a doctor who is addicted to sex and masturbation, purposely grinds against a stranger in a train on the way to attend a sex addiction meeting. Mike (Tim Robbins) is a married recovering sex addict who leads the group. He sponsors Adam, who has not had sex in five years. Adam sponsors Neil. They are all at the sex addiction meeting, talking about their progress. Adam proclaims he's been 'sober' for five years, while Neil cracks jokes and admits he is only there because the court has forced him to. He goes back to masturbating the same night, and lies about being one month sober to the addiction group. Adam meets Phoebe (Gwyneth Paltrow) at a 'bug party' and they go out on a date. She reveals that she is a breast cancer survivor and that her ex-boyfriend is an alcoholic; he does not tell her about his own addiction for fear that she will reject him. They begin a relationship. Dede (Alecia Moore) joins the sex addiction meetings, and reveals at her first meeting that she has been addicted to sex since she was a young girl. Neil, a doctor, is caught secretly filming under the skirt of his boss, and is fired. He then begins to take the meetings more seriously, and admits he has a problem. Meanwhile, Mike's son Danny (Patrick Fugit), a recovering drug addict, has returned home and is attempting to make amends to Mike and his mother Katie (Joely Richardson). Phoebe eventually finds out about Adam's sex addiction when finding an addiction token in his pocket the morning after sleeping with him. She takes some time away from him, but eventually agrees to continue their relationship. Neil talks Dede out of having sex with her abusive ex- boyfriend, and they go to a dance together. They come close to kissing, but don't. Mike and Danny get into a fight when Mike assumes Danny stole his mother's pills. Danny reveals that Mike gave Katie Hepatitis C, and confronts him about hitting him when he was a child. Mike slaps Danny, who attacks Mike and knocks Katie over; upon realizing what he has done, Danny panics and runs out of the house. Phoebe has become frustrated with Adam's reticence to be physical with her, and breaks it off after they have a fight. Adam sleeps with a prostitute. Dede comes over to Neil's place, and helps him clean up his house and burns his porn. She admits she's never been 'just friends' with a man before. Mike finds Katie's pills, and realizes Danny didn't steal them after all. Katie tells Mike off for "always having to be right", and Mike goes to find Danny. While he is out, Katie calls him to tell him Danny is in the hospital after a DUI. Mike hugs his son in the hospital, who turns out to have been sober for the past eight months. Adam invites his ex-girlfriend Becky (Emily Meade) over, and as they start out by reenacting her father issues, she then wants Adam to slap her. When he refuses, she breaks down, locks herself in the bathroom and attempts suicide. Neil takes the train to get over to Adam's and breaks down his bathroom door to rescue Becky. Adam gets sober and goes back to Phoebe, who admits she too is not perfect. Neil confronts his inappropriately sexual mother, Roberta (Carol Kane), and all the addicts celebrate their sobriety. ===== Set in a post-earthquake Seattle, Tonguing the Zeitgeist is a story about Ben Tendo, a musician wannabe whose day job consists in taking orders at porno supplier Beautiful Mutants, Ltd. When every member of the reigning media- anointed grunge band is mysteriously assassinated, the music industry searches out a new pawn and zeros in on Ben Tendo, who they kidnap, turn into an addict, and implant with a new voicebox to increase the corporation's market shares. ===== The movie is centered around the young generation. The story is about a group of friends who have a music band and how they try to make it big in the field, in turn facing the hurdles and overcoming them. ===== The grandson of the Count of Monte Cristo is falsely accused of a crime and imprisoned on Devil's Island. He escapes and seeks revenge against those responsible for his imprisonment. ===== In 1992, Dr Contreras Sr. prepares to abandon a finca in Santa Clara, Colombia. He attempts to burn a number of files, stashing them in the dumbwaiter when he hears noises around the house. On the second floor, he is chased by what appears to be a group of children, falling to his death when he is pushed from the balcony. Twenty years later, Sarah and Paul move from the UK to Santa Clara with their daughter, Hannah. Sarah is to be the new manager at a paper mill that her father Jordan owns. They move into the finca, which is owned by the company. The small family adore the finca, though Hannah is frightened by the open dumbwaiter in the wall of her room. Shortly after their arrival, Sarah and Paul attend a dinner on the opening night of the Los Niños Santos festival, leaving Hannah in the care of her nanny, Catalina. Strange occurrences begin to occur around the finca, and a sleeping Hannah is woken by the door of the dumbwaiter snapping open. Seeing her favorite stuffed toy, Hannah climbs into the dumbwaiter to retrieve it, becoming trapped. Arriving home, Sarah and Paul discover Hannah, ill and developing a rash. Catalina uncomfortably mentions that she believes there was a ghost in the house and is fired by Paul. Over the following day, Hannah ails, her rash worsening, and the couple agree to take Hannah back to the UK for proper medical care. That night, as a storm brews, children who wear stained and dirty bandages appear and kidnap Hannah, taking her away through the jungle. The police are sceptical of Sarah and Paul's account, and a frustrated Paul searches for Catalina, desperate for answers. Catalina takes Paul to the church where he sees one of the children, following the boy back to a shanty house where he finds the parents of a boy who vanished mysteriously twenty years ago. Prior to his disappearance, the child exhibited the same symptoms as Hannah. Meanwhile, Sarah notices a drawing Hannah made of the dumbwaiter and investigates. Falling to the bottom of the shaft, she discovers the files of several children who died of mercury poisoning. Separately, Sarah and Paul make their way to the old paper mill where they meet and search for Hannah. Jordan aids in their search, crawling through a pipe to be confronted by the children, who begin to remove the bandages covering their burn-like rashes. He is attacked by the children because of his hiding the dead bodies instead of telling the police and the children's families about their deaths. He then sees Hannah and makes his way to her. Cradling his granddaughter, trickles of mercury emerge from her rashes and are absorbed by Jordan's body. Surrounded by the children, the mercury streaming from their bodies, he dies. Hannah awakens, now healthy, in her mother's arms. Over the credits, children play in a school named for the shanty town the missing children had lived in. Hannah is a student, and Catalina is now a teacher. ===== The protagonist of the game uses a time machine named Penny to travel to different pseudo-historical settings with their neighbor, Crazy Dave, to find Dave's taco. The protagonist is engaged in a race through time with Dr. Zomboss, the main antagonist of the previous game, who is trying to prevent a paradox.In-game dialogue, Modern Day, Day 32 level. "Your reckless pursuit of an already-eaten taco has shattered all of time!" ===== While trying to solve a vicious murder in a small town, two detectives Joe (Paul Bettany) and Chrissie (Stephen Graham) wind up murdering the suspected perpetrator. What follows brings them on a journey through fear and drives them to turn on each other. All whilst under the gaze of their police force colleague, Robert (Mark Strong). The investigation and ultimate crime turns their lives into a downward spiral of guilt and paranoia. ===== For many years, the houses of Hammerfell and Storn have been locked in perpetual conflict. Having lost his son and heir in a battle with the men of Storn, Rascard, Duke of Hammerfell, marries the much younger Erminie Leynier. The couple's union produces two sons, Alastair, the heir to Hammerfell, and his twin, Conn. When the children are about 18 months old, Storn attacks with clingfire. Erminie escapes with Alastair and her dog Jewel, while a servant, Markos, who is carrying Conn, is separated from her in the confusion. Eighteen years later, finds Erminie as Second Technician at Thendara. Her colleague at Thendara, Valentine Hastur, asks for Erminie’s hand in marriage, but she puts him off. At a social event, Alastair meets his cousin, Floria Elhalyn, whom he has not seen since he was a child. He is introduced to King Hastur, who indicates that he will support Alastair’s claim to Hammerfell, if Alastair will not pledge allegiance to Aldaran. In the remote mountains, Markos has raised Conn. He is living a Robin Hood-like existence, supporting the causes of the common folk who have been abused by Lord Storn. He presents himself to Valentine Hastur, who initially mistakes him for Alastair. Hastur arranges to reunite the family. Like Hastur, Conn finds little of worth about his brother. Alastair insists on riding to the mountains and leading a small army against Storn. A fire breaks out on the Storn lands, and somewhat against his will, Alastair joins the fire brigade. He realizes that he is attracted to Lenisa of Storn, the granddaughter of Lord Storn, despite being more or less engaged to Floria Elhalyn. While fighting the fire, Alastair is injured. Conn perceives this through the laran connection to his brother. A party sets out for the mountains. Alastair is taken to Storn Castle to recover from his burns. Lord Storn expresses a desire to see ended the feud between Storn and Hammerfell. Lord Storn tells Alastair that the land is played out, only good for pasturing sheep, but discovers that his soldiers have been burning out his tenants, rather than gently persuading them to leave. He explains to Conn what he has previously explained to Alastair, and suggests that the time for feuding is over. It's determined that Alastair will marry Lenisa of Storn, and Conn will marry Floria Elhayln. Erminie agrees to marry Valentine Hastur. ===== The film starts with the loan shark Balu (Mansoor Ali Khan) and his gang coming to ask his loaned money back from a couple who borrowed it. The couple says that they don't have money so Balu kills the man and he brutally rapes the woman (Varsha) in their house. The woman then runs to the nearby police station and commits suicide with a police constable's bayonet. Then the honest Assistant Commissioner of Police Raja Yesu Mohamed (Arun Pandian) beats the rapist Balu up and puts him behind the bar. A few hours later, Raja Yesu Mohamed is pressured by his superiors and the local politicians to release Balu. Balu's lawyers bail him out of jail and Balu vows to take revenge on Raja Yesu Mohamed. Balu, Marthandan (Ponnambalam) and J. K. B (Anandaraj) are brothers and criminals, the elder brother J. K. B is the most dangerous among them. Chandru (Chandru) and Sumathi, who are in love, secretly arrange to get married soon. A few days later, however, Sumathi disappears after trying to withdraw all of her money from a chit fund company. In the meantime, that chit fund company dupes over many people with the managing director of the company Sathiyaseelan (Dhadha Muthukumar) being found hanging in his office. J. K. B then threatens Chandru to kill his family if he doesn't withdraw Sumathi's missing-person case. When Sumathi's sister Anitha asks Chandru about Sumathi, Chandru lies to her that he has never known Sumathi. Anitha then complains to Raja Yesu Mohamed, he beats Chandru up and Chandru tells Raja Yesu Mohamed everything. Thereafter, Raja Yesu Mohamed arrests the chit fund company manager and he confesses everything. The chit fund company real owner was in fact Marthandan. Before joining Marthandan's company, Sathiyaseelan worked in many chit fund companies and enjoyed a solid reputation by the customers for being honest. The customers deposited a total of ₹25 crore. Marthandan decided to scam the customers, to shut its office and to disappear but Sathiyaseelan refused to cooperate. That day, most investors complained of not having received any returns as promised in its office. Marthandan hanged him in his office's basement and Sumathi, who witnessed the murder, was also killed by Marthandan. Raja Yesu Mohamed then arrests Marthandan. J. K. B's henchmen manage to kill chit fund company manager, the only witness of the scam and Marthandan is released. J. K. B then uses his power to transfer Raja Yesu Mohamed to a remote village. The people start demonstrating to not transfer the honest police officer Raja Yesu Mohamed. The Chief Minister (Latha) cancels the transfer and praises him for his work. Once, he is back to his post, Raja Yesu Mohamed beats up Balu and Marthandan and arrests them. Marthandan is then sentenced to life imprisonment and Balu is released for lack of evidence. One night, J. K. B and Balu enter with their henchmen in Raja Yesu Mohamed's house. They beat him up and tie him up with a rope. His wife Ranji (Ranjitha) and his son are gunned down by them in front of the powerless Raja Yesu Mohamed. Thereafter, J. K. B's match factory is caught on fire and 50 children died during the incident. Raja Yesu Mohamed finds out that the factory didn't fabricate matches but it fabricated grenades. Raja Yesu Mohamed takes a machine gun and goes to J. K. B's house. There, he goes berserk and kills Balu but J. K. B manages to run away. J. K. B is now wanted by the police. J. K. B and his henchmen go to a remote village and threaten the villagers with machine guns. J. K. B then calls Raja Yesu Mohamed, Raja Yesu Mohamed orders him to surrender but J. K. B threatens to kill the villagers if he doesn't come. Raja Yesu Mohamed manages to kill the henchmen and J. K. B begs to spare his life but Raja Yesu Mohamed cut his throat with a Machete. ===== Paramasivan (R. Sundarrajan) has two sons: Subramani (Sathyaraj) and Ganesan (K. Prabakaran). Ganesan, the eldest, gets married with Segamalam (Sandhya). In the meantime, Subramani and Segamalam's sister Parimala (Bhanupriya) fall in love with each other, even if they are from different villages. Devaraj (Mansoor Ali Khan), the owner of a gambling club, wants to marry Parimala but she refuses and ridicules him. So Devaraj decides to take revenge. Ganesan is a gambler and he even landed his family's bungalow to Devaraj. Later, Devaraj tries to sell it but Subramani settles the amount on time thanks to Parimala's help. Devaraj wants to absolutely split the lovers. Then, Devaraj creates a dispute between the two villages and it leads the government to separate both villages including the lovers. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== The Bumsteads are finally taking a vacation at a mountain lake. ===== Junior high school student, Shōyō Hinata, becomes obsessed with volleyball after catching a glimpse of Karasuno High School winning their game to qualify for Nationals on TV. Of short stature himself, Hinata is inspired by a player the commentators nickname 'The Little Giant', Karasuno's short but talented wing spiker. Though inexperienced, Hinata is athletic and has an impressive vertical jump; he joins his school's volleyball club – only to find he is its sole member, forcing him to spend the next two years trying to convince other students to help him practice. In his third and final year of Junior High, some of Hinata's friends agree to join the club so he can compete in a tournament. In his first official game ever, they suffer a crushing defeat to the team favoured to win the tournament – including third- year Tobio Kageyama, a prodigy setter nicknamed 'The King of the Court' for both his skill and his tyrannical play style. The two spark a short rivalry, and following the game, Hinata vows to defeat Kageyama in high school. Hinata studies and is accepted to Karasuno, the same high school the Little Giant played for, but is shocked to discover that Kageyama has also chosen to attend Karasuno.Haikyu!! Manga, Chapter 1 Karasuno is revealed to have lost its reputation as a powerhouse school following the era of the Little Giant, often being referred to 'The Flightless Crows' by other local teams.Haikyu!! Manga, Chapter 2 However, by combining Kageyama's genius setting skills with Hinata's remarkable athleticism, the duo create an explosive new volleyball tactic and develop an unexpected but powerful setter-spiker partnership. Along the way, Hinata and Kageyama push each other into reaching their full potential and Hinata develops relationships with his first real team, thus beginning Karasuno's journey of redemption to restore their reputation and make it to nationals. ===== Mr. and Mrs. Mead (Mead and Viva) are a married couple renting a seaside mansion to a group of young male surfers. Their daughter (Ingrid Superstar) is pregnant and on the hunt for a husband. Mr. Mead, who is gay, tries to pawn her off to one of the surfers. Meanwhile, Viva wants a divorce from her husband, who wants a surfer of his own. Tom (Hompertz), a surfer, is inveigled by Mr. Mead to urinate on him. In a close-up, Mr. Mead receives Tom's offering ecstatically, after which he comments, "I'm a real surfer now." ===== The movie starts in Hell where Satan plans to destroy Christmas by stopping Jesus's birth, and he decides to send three of his minions - Astarotte, Scarapino and Farfaricchio - in Naples from the barrel of Mount Vesuvius since it was the "Crib's capital". The three devils choose a little kid called Rocco, which is unhappy and jealous for the incoming birth of his little brother Francesco, and he's always angry with his mother and father. After a lot of tempting, the devils manage to make Rocco say the magic word "Opopomoz" and go into the crib's world, where he's determined to stop Mary and Joseph from coming in Betlem. But the three devils cause a lot of problems and never manage to accomplish the mission, so Rocco runs away. Meanwhile, his little Italo-American cousin Sara discovers what happened thanks to Rocco's cat and runs after him into the Crib's world, but doesn't manage to find and she's found by a young Saint Peter and his family. Rocco finally finds Sara who finally convinces him, with the help of an Angel, that he was wrong, so they send away the three devils. Satan's furious with them and decides to kill Mary by hypnotizing Rocco and devouring Sara's soul, but his spell fails after the boy looked at Mary's aureole and the three devils, who are tired of getting bossed and feel sorry for the little girl, wake her and encourage her to sing a song her grandmother taught her which could send away the devil, and so Satan is sucked back in Hell forever. Finally Jesus is born and Rocco's mother gives birth to Francesco right on Christmas's night and the three little devils are turned into an ox and two donkeys to watch over little Jesus. ===== Similar to the webcomic, the series features the eponymous police officer, his partner Flute Cop, and their allies Sockarang, Gray Diamond, Liborg, Bat Warthog Man, and Wexter as they fight various "bad guys" and avoid getting into conflict with the Normal Police. ===== In 15th-century Erdély (Hungarian Kingdom), Vlad Drăculea is the Prince of Wallachia and Transylvania. As a child, he was a royal ward in the palace of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and was trained to be a soldier in the Sultan's elite Janissaries corps, where he became their most feared warrior. He was called "Vlad the Impaler, Son of the Dragon", after slaughtering thousands by impaling them on spears, but became sickened by his own acts and abandoned his past. Now ruling his domains in peace, Vlad and his soldiers discover a helmet in a stream and fear that an Ottoman scouting party is preparing the way for invasion. The stream leads to Broken Tooth Mountain, the top of which has a cave carpeted in crushed bone. Within the cave, they are attacked in the dark by an inhumanly strong and fast humanoid creature, killing Vlad's retinue. Returning to his castle, Vlad learns from a local monk that the creature is a vampire, a Roman from the days of the Empire, who was tricked by a demon for personal success and great powers, but was trapped in the cave as price for this. Vlad celebrates an Easter feast with his wife Mirena and son Îngeraș, when an Ottoman contingent arrives at the castle. Vlad offers them the usual tribute payment of silver coins, but the emissary wants an additional tribute of 1,000 boys to be trained as Janissaries. Vlad refuses. Mirena believes Vlad can convince Sultan Mehmed II to show mercy. Vlad offers himself in place of the boys; but Mehmed refuses and demands Vlad's son in addition. Knowing war is coming, Vlad returns to the Broken Tooth Mountain cave to seek help from the vampire. The vampire tells him there are consequences and offers him some of his blood, which will temporarily give Vlad the powers of a vampire. If he resists the intense urge to drink human blood for three days, he will turn back into a human. Otherwise, he will remain a vampire forever, and the ancient vampire will be freed, the seal on his cave broken by having given the darkness a worthy offering to plague the world like himself. Vlad accepts the offer. He discovers that he has the ability to transform into a cloud of bats. When he returns to Castle Dracula, the Ottoman army attacks, but Vlad single-handedly kills them all. He then sends most of the castle's subjects to Cozia Monastery for safety. Mirena learns of Vlad's curse, as she sees him holding silver to keep himself weak when near his people to avoid revealing his condition to them or attacking them for blood. Vlad's sudden increased strength also arouses suspicion among his subjects. That night, the Ottoman army marches on the monastery. Vlad commands an enormous swarm of bats to repel them; however, the soldiers are actually a decoy force, allowing a handful of Turks to infiltrate the monastery, kill many of the inhabitants and kidnap Îngeraș. Mirena tries to defend her son, and falls from the edge of the monastery wall. Despite his superhuman speed, Vlad cannot reach her in time. Dying, Mirena pleads with Vlad to drink her blood before the sun rises and lifts his curse, so that he will have the strength to save their son. Vlad reluctantly drinks her blood, triggering his final transformation into a full-blooded vampire and granting him even greater powers, and in doing so he frees the ancient vampire from his cave by breaking the magical seal imprisoning him. As he does so, he summons black storm clouds to block out the sun. Vlad returns to the monastery and turns the small group of survivors and mortally wounded into vampires as well. At the Ottoman army's camp, Mehmed prepares for a massive invasion of Europe. Vlad and his vampires arrive, hidden by a large lightning storm, and easily massacre the terrified Ottoman soldiers, while Vlad himself goes after Mehmed, who is holding Îngeraș captive. Aware that vampires are weakened by silver, Mehmed has lined the floor of his tent with silver coins, making Vlad's strength and speed that of a human — and impairing his vision — as Mehmed fights him with a silver sword. He overpowers Vlad and prepares to impale his heart with a wooden stake, but Vlad turns into a flock of bats and evades him. Taking the name "Dracula, Son of the Devil", he kills Mehmed with the stake and drinks his blood. Vlad then sends Îngeraș away before his vampire army preys on him, and dispels the storm clouds so that the vampires, including himself, will burn away and die in the light. However, a man who had previously observed Vlad's nature and wished to serve him drags his dying body out of the sunlight and offers him his blood, which restores Vlad to life. With Vlad presumed dead and Europe saved from the Ottoman invasion, Îngeraș is crowned the new Prince of Wallachia. In the present day, Vlad meets a woman named Mina who strikingly resembles Mirena, in the streets of a modern city (London). The vampire who cursed Vlad watches them from afar. As they walk away, he follows, saying "Let the games begin". ===== In Murphysboro, Illinois, Tammy Banks strikes a deer on the way to her job at the fast food restaurant Topper Jack's, damaging her vehicle; when she arrives, her supervisor, Keith Morgan, is forced to dismiss her from the restaurant. After her car breaks down on the way home on Illinois Route 13, she walks home to find her husband, Greg, eating a romantic meal with their neighbor, Missi. Tammy leaves in frustration and walks two doors down to her parents' house. She tells her mother, Deb, about her plans to leave and takes her grandmother Pearl's Cadillac DeVille. Pearl requests to come along. Tammy initially refuses but ultimately agrees when Pearl proves that she has a large sum of cash. Tammy has beer with Pearl, and the next morning they wake up near a park where Pearl convinces Tammy not to go back home. Pearl wants to go to Niagara Falls with Tammy since she hadn't gone as a child. Along the way the two stop in a bar in Louisville, Kentucky, Tammy meets Earl Tillman and his son Bobby, and Earl hooks up with Pearl. Tammy and Bobby begin to make a love connection as Pearl and Earl drunkenly make out in the car. Bobby gives Tammy his number to call him so he can pick up Earl. Back at the hotel, Tammy is forced to sleep outside. The next morning, Bobby picks up Earl, and the two leave. Tammy, infuriated with Pearl, leaves her, but returns after feeling guilty. Tammy and Pearl are arrested after Pearl gets caught buying a case of beer for two teenagers as well as shoplifting a pint of whiskey for herself. Tammy is released, but Pearl stays at the jail for possessing illegal prescription drugs. To bail out Pearl, Tammy robs a Topper Jack's, where she converses with employees Becky (Sarah Baker) and Larry (Rich Williams). Finally having obtained the money, she rushes to the prison to bail Pearl out, but Bobby has already bailed her out. With the help of Pearl's wealthy lesbian cousin Lenore, they destroy the car to hide the evidence from the robbery. The two then stay at the home of Lenore and her wife, Susanne. At a 4th of July party thrown at the house, Pearl gets drunk and humiliates Tammy by making rude comments about her weight and appearance in front of all the guests. After Tammy runs off to the dock on the lake by the house, Lenore follows her with both comfort and some tough love. Tammy brings coffee to Pearl, who is presumably asleep outside. After repeatedly trying to wake her, Pearl does not wake up and Tammy assumes she is dead. She, Lenore, and Susanne grieve Pearl's death, but Pearl suddenly awakens, much to everyone's shock. Pearl was actually unconscious due to the large amount of alcohol she drank the previous night. Tammy is relieved, and she tearfully demands Pearl to get help for her drinking problem. The ambulance arrives and takes Pearl to the hospital. The police arrive as well, and Tammy is arrested for her robbery of Topper Jack's. Tammy is released from prison 38 days later, and her father, Don, picks her up. He offers to kill Greg for her, though she declines. Returning home, Tammy finds that Greg and Missi have packed Tammy's belongings. She and Greg agree to an amicable divorce. She walks down the street to her parents' place and finds out that Pearl is now living in Brookview Retirement Home. Tammy goes to Brookview to break her out, but Pearl is actually happy there. She has been attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings at the home, and she is dating one of the men there. However, they do still take a trip to Niagara Falls. At Niagara Falls, Bobby surprises Tammy there and they kiss. Tammy tells him about her choice to move to Louisville to get a fresh start in life and get closer to him. Missi leaves Greg to be with Keith and Tammy befriends Becky and Larry. ===== Divorcee Lauren Reynolds goes on a blind date with widower Jim Friedman at Hooters; it goes badly. Lauren talks to her friend Jen about the experience. Jim discusses his date with his co-worker. They both agree in the separate discussions that things could have gone better. Lauren and Jim run into each other while on errands to the pharmacy, and the cashier mistakenly switches their credit cards. Jim goes to Lauren's house to switch the credit cards back. Jen is at Lauren's house and has broken up with her boyfriend Dick, Jim's boss, although she and Dick had already paid for a trip to Africa. Lauren commits to using Jen's portion of the vacation package without knowing that Jim intends to use Dick's as well and that the hotel accommodation is for a romantic suite. The families are put together for a "blended familymoon", where they get together with other couples, including the oversexed Eddy and Ginger. Eddy's new bride is quite his junior, to the chagrin of their teenage son Jake, on whom Jim's oldest daughter Hilary develops a crush at first sight. The kids make an awkward impression with each other, with Brendan calling his mom "hot," and the others not knowing how to react to Espn acting like her mom is there with her, as she is not ready to let go of her quite yet. Over time the kids begin to bond with each other and each other's parent. Jim bonds with the boys, helping them with adventurous sports, while Lauren bonds with the girls, helping Hilary to change her tomboyish look into a more feminine one, leading to Jake becoming her boyfriend. As they become closer to their children, Jim and Lauren begin to warm up to each other. They inadvertently get together for a couples' massage and have fun with each other. When Lou asks Lauren to put her to bed, Lauren sings her "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," which, unknown to her, was the song Lou's mom used to sing. The other girls pretend to sleep, while realizing how much they truly love Lauren. She returns this feeling when she maternally kisses each girl's forehead as she says goodnight. Jim starts to realize the depth of his feelings for Lauren. On the last night of the trip, Lauren puts on a beautiful black dress that she admired earlier. She wears it that evening and receives admiration from everyone. Jim and Lauren are sat down for a romantic dinner, which Lauren soon discovers was actually planned by Jim specifically for her. They chat briefly about basic parenting techniques and then pull in for a kiss; however, at the last second, Jim pulls away, apologizing and explaining that he "can't do it". After returning to America, Jim realizes he misses Lauren and that he's fallen in love with her, which he admits to his daughters who are ecstatic with the news. Although Espn is not fully ready to move on from her mother's passing, she also doesn't want her family to lose Lauren. She starts to move on by telling her dad that her mom said that she had other things to do in Heaven and wouldn't be around as much. At the kids' behest, Jim goes to Lauren's house to give her flowers, only to find her ex-husband Mark there. Tyler gets excited to see Jim and wants to play ball; Mark bullies Jim into leaving, then ditches Tyler to answer a summons from work. Mark tries to make a move on Lauren, but she refuses his advances because of his continuous failure to be a good father, in addition to his having an affair during their marriage. Lauren and Brendan go to support Tyler at his next baseball game, along with Jen and Dick, whom Jen has worked things out with, and his five kids. Mark doesn't come to the game. Jim and his daughters arrive to show encouragement, inspiring Tyler to hit the ball as Jim had taught him in Africa. Jim then finds Lauren and they admit to wanting to be together, and they finally kiss, to the happiness of their kids, who realize that they are already a blended family. ===== Colin Evans has been imprisoned for over five years for manslaughter in the state of Tennessee. He is eligible for parole and during his parole hearing Colin claims he is a changed man and has been rehabilitated; but the parole board denies his release, claiming that he is not trustworthy enough. On the way back to prison, Colin outwits the corrections officers transporting him by killing them both and escapes with the van. In Atlanta, Terri Granger is a stay-at-home mother. Her best friend Meg suggests a "girls' night" to cheer Terri up after her husband Jeffrey abruptly leaves for a family visit, as she knows that Terri's relationship with Jeffrey has been suffering . Colin stalks his ex-fiancée Alexis and witnesses her meeting another man at an outdoor cafe. Colin follows her home where they argue violently, resulting in him murdering Alexis. Later that day, Colin loses control of his car and crashes into a tree during a storm. Walking down the road, he notices Terri's house. He asks her if he can use her phone to call for a tow truck. Apprehensive at first, she decides to help him, and eventually invites him inside. Meg later arrives and is shocked by Colin's presence. When Terri leaves momentarily to comfort her baby, Meg and Colin are left alone; Colin excuses himself for a cigarette break, but Meg follows him. Colin suggests that he is having an affair with Terri, but Meg does not believe him. As she begins to call out to Terri, Colin quickly grabs a shovel and bashes Meg in the head with it, killing her. As Terri returns, Colin tells her that Meg left, but Terri is suspicious, especially when she sees Meg's umbrella in the stand. Alarmed, she rushes to the kitchen to call the police, only to find out that Colin has disconnected all the wires and hidden all of her knives. Terri rushes into her daughter Ryan's bedroom to find Colin playing with her. As they exit the bedroom, Terri hits him with a fire extinguisher, making him fall down the stairs; she runs to get her children, but Colin has recovered. He tells her to put the children back in their rooms and reveals a gun. In a brief moment where she strikes him unconscious, she manages to flee to her home office and dials 911 for help. Colin recovers and discovers her in the office. She begs him to leave, explaining him that the police are coming and that his blood is all over her kitchen (because she managed to cut him earlier). Colin forces her to take the children into her vehicle and drive away with him. While walking out of the garage, Terri sees Meg's dead body on the floor. Colin makes Terri drive to Alexis' house, and introduces Terri to his dead ex- fiancée. The high winds from the storm cause Terri's car alarm to activate; worried that the noise will attract attention, Colin ties her up while he goes to check on the car. Terri answers Alexis' phone as it starts to ring and is surprised to hear Jeffrey, who is calling Alexis to find out why she has not arrived at the hotel for a rendezvous with him. Terri realizes that he was not out of town with his father and has been having an affair with Alexis. She also realizes that her encounter with Colin was not coincidencial as he wants revenge on Jeffrey because of his affair with Alexis. Terri tells her husband the truth and has him call 911. She misleads Colin into thinking that she and her children have escaped. When Colin finds her, she attacks him, grabbing his gun and shooting him until he falls out of a window. The police arrive with Jeffrey, he apologizes to Terri about the affair but she leaves him. Sometime later, a much more confident Terri returns to her career and has moved into a new house with her children. ===== The evening before he must supervise a large concrete pour in Birmingham (the largest non-nuclear facility, non-military concrete pour in European history), construction foreman Ivan Locke learns that Bethan, a colleague from a job in Croydon with whom he had a one-night stand seven months before (which resulted in her becoming pregnant), has gone into premature labour. Despite his job responsibilities and although his wife and sons are eagerly awaiting his arrival home to watch an important football match, Locke decides to drive to London to be with Bethan during childbirth. Locke never forgave his father for abandoning him as a child, and he is determined not to make the same mistake, even though he has no relationship with, nor any particular feelings for, Bethan. Over the course of the one and a half-hour drive from Birmingham to London, Locke holds a total of 36 phone calls with: his boss Gareth; his backup colleague Donal; Katrina, wife of 15 years, to confess his infidelity; his sons, Eddie and Sean, who call him separately with updates on the match and (eventually) the worrisome breakdown of their mother; St Mary's maternity unit medical personnel, Sister Margaret then Halil Gullu, who are working with Bethan through some troubling complications; the council head, Cassidy, and local police authority, PC Davids, required for the road closures needed to allow the 225+ concrete trucks to properly access the site; and with Bethan to reassure her during her labour. During these calls, he is fired from his job, banned from his house by his wife, and asked by his older son to please return home. He coaches his assistant Donal through preparing the pour despite some major setbacks, and has imaginary conversations with his dead father, whom he envisions (unseen onscreen) as a passenger in the car; he berates his father for abandoning Locke's family, and vows he will not repeat that mistake. When he is close to the hospital, Bethan calls to share the cooing of the baby, having had a successful birth. ===== Tom Tucker and Joyce Kinney do a news report on rising crime in Quahog. Glenn Quagmire is mugged by a criminal who doesn't know who Truman Capote was. At Quahog's Ocean World, a seal named Bojangles threatens his trainer for her bucket of fish and forces her to rub his belly. At the hospital, a woman gives birth to a baby who starts shooting everything. Some days later, the Griffins return home to find they have been robbed. After losing their peace of mind, Peter buys a farm and tells the family they are moving, selling their house on Craigslist. Despite some initial reservations, the family decides to go along although Brian is suspicious of their motives for taking him to a “farm” (thinking they will euthanize him) and briefly takes Stewie hostage. Arriving, they adjust to farm life. But Lois delivers news that they are hemorrhaging money and are in danger of losing the farm. Brian offers to go to college to learn something of value in farming to help out and heads out. During a tornado, the Griffins take shelter in a storm cellar and discover a methamphetamine lab. Lois wants to call the police, but Peter decides to use it to get back on their feet. Despite her reservations, she agrees to make meth just long enough to get profitable. Peter becomes paranoid as he develops a carrier pigeon delivery system as Stewie buys decongestants. Brian returns to find that the farm and the family have gone to hell and are only wearing their underclothes (except for Meg who is unconscious for some reason). A news report reveals that the family is responsible for a flood of drugs into Quahog, Tricia Takanawa and almost everyone else hooked on meth, worsening the crime problem. Lois, distraught by how their business is destroying Quahog and changing the Griffins for the worst, packs up and convinces everyone to go back home. Peter at first is reluctant to leave, but changes his mind when he suddenly remembers the lab going haywire at the moment, thus blowing up the farm immediately. Eventually, they're back at their original house, having managed to buy it back after property values plummeted during the crime wave. When Jodie Sweetin comes looking for a taste of their drugs, Peter has the family hide out while he takes care of the situation. ===== Sean is a divorced gay father with a successful, yet demanding, career. When his 14-year-old daughter moves in with him full-time, he is forced to juggle his work life, his pushy mom, and trying to be the best father ever. Determined not to give life a half-hearted attempt, he reads up on parenting and about keeping a vibrant family alongside a thriving career. However, sudden work pressures dampen his grand family plans and skew his work/life balance. ===== The series follows a clash of cultures involving two American families brought together by the couple formed by Junior, the valedictorian son of a Latino family, and Molly, the less academic daughter of an Anglo family. The two are finishing high school and Junior is Stanford bound. On graduation day, they discover that Molly is pregnant. The pair decide to get married, forcing a bonding and blending of their two very different families. ===== Dark and tragic, the story revolves around teenager Anna (Noomi Rapace), a pretty girl from a wealthy family, who is also fiercely ambitious and dreams of one thing only: making it as an actress. One day, Anna decides to pack her bags and leave, without telling her mother or father. She moves from Sweden to Copenhagen to pursue her dream. However, when she gets to the city, fate has something else in store for her. Anna discovers she will soon become a mother. Later, after giving birth to baby girl, she tries to chase after her dream, once again. Undoubtedly talented, she has one problem – being the single mother of a now 4-month-old baby. Though she struggles to give her daughter a good start in life, she ultimately fails to unite her dream of acting with a safe and loving environment for her child. Having to take her baby with her to auditions, the child's crying results in Anna not getting a part. Torn between her duties as a mother, and her passion for acting and the need to earn money, Anna is driven to the limits of her patience - with tragic consequences: she drowns her baby in a bathtub. What follows is a downward spiral: she begins working as a prostitute, and under the stage name 'Daisy Diamond', she acts in porn movies. In the end, she finally lands a role, and as part of that role, she plunges into a bathtub. ===== Marappan (Anandaraj) is the rebel leader of 'Puratchi Padai'. The rebel group only kills corrupted politicians who spoil the poor's lives. Whereas a corrupted politician Valluvadasan (Radha Ravi) misuses their name and he perpetrates murders of innocent people under their name. Vivekanandan (Sarath Babu), an IPS officer, lives happily with his wife (Raadhika) and his son. Vivekanandan is charged to arrest the members of 'Puratchi Padai'. ===== Muthurasu (Karthik) and Periyasamy (Nizhalgal Ravi) are brothers, and live with their father (Vinu Chakravarthy) and their grandmother (Kanthimathi). Meenakshi (Sasikala), Muthurasu's cousin, will marry another man (Anandaraj) but she must marry Muthurasu or Periyasamy as per the customs. The brothers then decide to kidnap Meenakshi. In the process, Periyasamy dies. The two villages then clash and arrange a panchayat to solve the problem. During the panchayat, Meenakshi says that she will stay in her uncle's house because Meenakshi hates the groom. Muthurasu's father decides to arrange the marriage between Muthurasu and Meenakshi but Muthurasu cannot forget his lover Dhanam (Monisha) who died a few years ago. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== ===== At the Quahog Gay Pride Day festivities, in a raffle sponsored by Weenie and the Butt, Brian wins tickets to see Celine Dion in Las Vegas. As they prepare to travel, Stewie convinces Brian to use the new teleportation device he has been working on instead. Stewie's device appears to have malfunctioned, and he believes it failed to work when it instead created a duplicate set of Brian and Stewie which was teleported to Vegas. The original Brian and Stewie then travel by plane to Vegas. As the duplicated pair check into the Bellagio hotel, their luck makes itself present immediately with the duplicated Brian winning a large jackpot at the slot machines near the entrance. The original Brian and Stewie arrive to find their room has been already taken. As the duplicated pair have the time of their lives, the original pair find themselves in a third-rate hotel. Trying their luck, they quickly lose all of the money they brought. The original Brian is ready to go home but Stewie admits that he already gambled away their return tickets. Brian admits that he cannot call for help after taking money from Lois. Using money they got from a loan shark, they bet on a basketball game and lose yet again. Preparing to leave, the duplicated pair sitting nearby accidentally take the empty backpack from the unlucky pair, while the original Stewie unknowingly takes the duplicated pair's backpack, which is full of money. As the pairs go their separate ways, an enforcer for the loan shark catches up with the duplicated pair (misidentifying the clones as the originals) to get the money back and they discover they have no cash. The enforcer orders Brian to decide whether he kills him or Stewie. Brian initially refuses to choose but when he panics, he tells the enforcer to shoot Stewie in the head, killing him, then the enforcer tells Brian to give him the money that he and Stewie borrowed or he dies next and leaves the room. Meanwhile, the original pair worry about getting caught. Stewie suggests that they make a run for it and head home, but Brian fears it will endanger the family. Stewie suggests that perhaps they should kill themselves and Brian reluctantly agrees. They prepare to throw themselves off the top balcony of the hotel but Stewie chickens out at the last second, leaving Brian to fall to his death. A panic-stricken Stewie trips over his backpack and finds the money the other pair had won. Returning home the next day, the duplicated Brian and original Stewie bump into each other at the bus terminal. Stewie realizes that the device had made clones of themselves. After deceiving each other about how their respective friend's deaths transpired to spare each other's feelings, the unlucky Stewie, realizing that the money was the lucky Brian's, hides it away from him to stop him from getting greedy and allow himself to return Lois' stolen money back to her. The two then return home while the duplicated Stewie and original Brian greet each other coldly at the pearly gates of Heaven. ===== Set in Downers Grove, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, the film is a teen angst thriller set in a high school gripped by an apparent curse that claims the life of a senior every year. The story follows the lives of two seniors: Chrissie, who is skeptical of the curse, and Tracy, who believes that she may be the next victim. ===== Riggan Thomson is a faded American actor famous for playing a superhero named Birdman in a film trilogy in the 1990s. He is tormented by the mocking and critical internal voice of Birdman and frequently visualizes himself performing feats of levitation and telekinesis. Riggan is trying to gain recognition as a serious actor for writing, directing, and starring in a Broadway adaptation of Raymond Carver's short story, "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love." However, the Birdman voice wants Riggan to return to blockbuster cinema and insists that he is an essential part of Riggan's identity. Jake, Riggan's best friend and lawyer, is producing the play, which co-stars Riggan's girlfriend, Laura, and Broadway débutante Lesley. Riggan's daughter Sam, a recovering drug addict with whom he is trying to reconnect, is working as his assistant. The day before the first preview, a light fixture falls onto Riggan's hapless co-star, Ralph. At Lesley's suggestion, Riggan replaces Ralph with her boyfriend, the brilliant but volatile and self-absorbed method actor Mike Shiner. The first previews are disastrous: Mike breaks character over the replacement of his gin with water, attempts to rape Lesley during a sex scene, and claims that the prop gun does not look real, which is hindering his performance. Riggan clashes continually with Mike, climaxing into a fight scene after Riggan reads a New York Times interview with Mike in which he steals Riggan's personal reason for doing a Raymond Carver play. Jake persuades Riggan to continue with the play. When Riggan berates Sam after finding her using marijuana, she insultingly rebukes and chastises him, telling him he doesn't matter and the play is for his own vanity. All the while, the Birdman voice continues talking with Riggan, judging him as well as everyone and everything around him. During the final preview, Riggan accidentally locks himself outside with his robe stuck in the fire escape door. He is forced to walk through Times Square in his underpants and enter through the audience to do the final scene. A concerned Sam is waiting in his dressing room after the show. She thinks the performance was very unusual but interesting. She shows him that the Times Square footage is going viral and explains how this actually helps him. Riggan goes to a bar for a drink and approaches Tabitha Dickinson, a highly influential (albeit cynical) theater critic. She tells him that she hates ignorant Hollywood celebrities who pretend to be serious actors and promises to "kill" his play with a deprecating review without even having seen it; offended, he angrily rebukes her criticisms as prejudiced bias and insults her, crumpling up her notes before she leaves in disgust. On the way back, Riggan buys a pint of whiskey, drinks it, and passes out on a stoop. The next day, walking to the theater with a severe hangover, he has a conversation with the now visible Birdman, who tries to convince him to abandon the play and make a fourth Birdman film. A brief, imaginary action film sequence takes place on the street nearby, and Birdman mocks the moviegoing public's love of spectacle while looking directly at the audience. Riggan visualizes himself flying through the streets of Manhattan before arriving at the theater. On the opening night, the play is going very well. In his dressing room, a strangely calm Riggan confesses to his ex-wife, Sylvia, that several years ago, he attempted to drown himself in the ocean after she caught him having an affair. He also tells her about his inner Birdman voice, which she ignores. After Sylvia wishes him luck and leaves the room, Riggan picks up a real gun, rather than a prop, for the final scene in which his character commits suicide. At the climax, Riggan shoots himself in the head on stage. The play receives a standing ovation as Tabitha stands and leaves. The next day, Riggan wakes up in a hospital with his face covered in a mask of bandages where his nose has been surgically reconstructed after he blew it off during the botched suicide. Sylvia is worried about him, but Jake cannot contain his excitement that the play will run forever after Tabitha published a glowing review acclaiming the play, which called the suicide attempt a new art, "super-realism," and just what American theater needed. Sam visits with flowers, which he cannot smell, and takes a picture of him to share with the skyrocketing number of followers on the Twitter account she has created for him. While she steps outside to find a vase, Riggan goes into the bathroom, removes the bandages revealing his swollen new nose, and obscenely says goodbye to Birdman, seen seated on the toilet. Fascinated by the birds flying outside his room, he opens the window, peers up at them, and then climbs out onto the ledge. Sam returns to an empty room and frantically runs to the open window, scanning the ground before slowly looking up into the sky and smiling. ===== The episode opens with Hit List moving to Broadway and being in previews. Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) sings "Pretender" in a Hit List number as Amanda's alter ego "Nina" performs for Sam Strickland's (Leslie Odom, Jr) manager character, who "Nina" is trying to get to be her manager. He introduces her to the Diva, played by Ana Vargas (Krysta Rodriguez), who fumbles her entrance and comes in late. Derek Wills (Jack Davenport) is concerned about Ana's mistakes. Derek talks about the show with Julia Houston (Debra Messing) (who's consulting) and Jimmy Collins (Jeremy Jordan). They all feel the show is missing something and aren't sure what. Jimmy, trying to keep the now deceased Kyle's spirit alive, doesn't want to change the writing. Derek publicly says that Ana, who's made several mistakes, needs a rest and decides to put in Daisy Parker (Mara Davi) (who is an old flame of Derek's and now in the ensemble) as the Diva for a night. Julia and Jimmy ponder that maybe the transfer to Broadway has lost a connection with the audience that existed in the off-Broadway show because of its smaller theaters. Ana is unhappy she's being replaced for the night and is suspicious of Derek's motives. Karen tells her she'll talk to Derek about it. When Ana tells her that Daisy was one of the women who accused Derek of sexual harassment the previous year, Karen confronts him about it. He divulges to her that after Daisy dropped the charges he went out with her a few times and during an intimate encounter, he promised her an understudy role in Hit List. The problem is that she filmed it and is blackmailing him with it and he says he doesn't have a choice. Karen is disgusted with him. Julia and Jimmy go to Jimmy and Kyle's apartment to check some of Kyle's notes for ideas. From an index card note, Julia remembers Kyle talking about wanting the audience to have a multimedia experience. They decide to put something in the show for that night's performance after the "I'm Not Sorry" number, basically tweeting the audience members and putting up a multimedia screen to engage them before the next number. Karen and Daisy perform "I'm Not Sorry" for Hit List, a performance that has "Nina" and the Diva performing at the Video Music Awards and trying to one-up each other. Eileen plans a Houston and Levitt tribute night for Tony voters to help get Bombshell some support for nominations. However, Julia is distracted with helping at Hit List and Tom is unhappy about it and word has got out that their partnership is splitting up. Tom, trying to get attention for his directing, turns the tribute into a cabaret revue that's more like an old time stripper show. He wants Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty) to sing a song as a stripper. Ivy, having heard some gossip about several bad things she's done in her past, is afraid of anything that will put her in a bad light for Tony voters. However, she agrees to do it and performs "Grin and Bear It". Julia only makes it to the last part of the show but she and Tom sing "The Right Regrets". Afterwards, they hug and express regret about their fighting and Julia wonders if they really have to end their partnership. She's kind of scared since they've been partners for 11 years. He says maybe that's why the partnership needs to end. Jimmy wants more help with Hit List, but Julia tells him she was only consulting and helping with the transfer to Broadway and has to be loyal to and work on Bombshell. He is angry but tells her he understands. Karen and Ivy run into each other on the street and are friendly to each other. Ivy congratulates Karen on going to Broadway. Ivy then suggests that with the run up to the Tonys, they make every attempt not to stab each other in the back. Karen agrees. Ana, Derek and Karen are in a bar, and Derek tells the ladies that producer Jerry Rand loves Daisy as the Diva and wants her to remain in the role. Derek is unhappy about it but feels there's nothing he can do. He stalks off and passes Ivy without talking to her. Ana, who is angry about losing her job, asks Ivy about losing her Bombshell role early on after sleeping with Derek. Ivy is angry that Karen told Ana about that and confronts Karen about it. Karen says she's not trying to backstab Ivy, she told Ana because they are friends, and she thought everyone knew already. Ivy retorts that the only thing better than winning a Tony would be beating her for it and Karen decides to leave. Ivy then gets a call from her doctor's office telling her that she's pregnant ===== Youkai are rioting and tsukumogami are turning up. Clouds gather, while a strong wind carries the sounds of a huge building. Gensokyo is full of sounds of dissonance. The weapons of the three protagonists start acting oddly; meanwhile, various youkai begin to rebel. It's their job to either take their weapons in hand and fight the youkai, or to cast their weapons aside. ===== Walter Sparrow plays the role of an elderly, emphysema-laden Yorkshire miner who is about to retire. In a bleak, post-industrialist landscape, the old miner meets a boy who is reciting a poem about Prometheus. The youth is played by Jonathan Waintridge. The miner eventually ends up in a depleted local cinema and, though sick with emphysema, he defiantly lights-up a cigarette. With the old miner at the theatre, the run-down projection equipment suddenly comes to life and projections appear on the old screen. The person directing these projections is Hermes, the messenger of Zeus. Both Hermes and Zeus represent capitalism in the film. Hermes is played by Michael Feast. Hermes, with a British upper-class accent which contrasts with the coalminer's warm, smoky, northern working-class accent, starts lecturing the coalminer about the failings of humankind. Hermes is presented as cruel and obnoxious, in one instance acting as the tallyman in a mine which has been designated to close, lowering the miners in the pit while attacking them in verse: As they give Hermes their tally, the miners quietly mumble expletives at him. In the pit scene Hermes also quotes verses 944-946 in ancient Greek from Prometheus Bound. Eventually, the old man starts seeing a huge golden statue of Prometheus, nicknamed Goldenballs in the film. It is revealed that the statue was made by melting the bodies of Yorkshire miners. The film traces the trip the statue takes in the back of a truck through Eastern Europe, revisiting the horrors of World War II European History in places such as Auschwitz, Dresden and the Polish industrial city of Nowa Huta. As they pass from these places, Hermes tries to have the locals denounce Prometheus for their condition and all the ills he has brought them with his gift, rather than Zeus. Sometimes he succeeds, but not in Nowa Huta where the locals refuse to denounce Prometheus much to the chagrin of Hermes, who then lashes out at them through rhyming verses. In the end, the old coal miner, who represents the spirit of Prometheus in the film, arrives in Greece where he speaks about the powerful impact of fire on humankind. ===== "The Way It Came" begins with a frame story prologue, a 'cover note' by a magazine editor who judges a diarist's 'fragment' to be as fantastic as it is stylistically suspect. Because the diary is undated, its author leaving no names or initials to identity herself or her two friends, the editor advises that there is little public benefit to publishing such a sensationalisic account unless some corroborative clue to the characters' real-life identities can be found. The (unnamed) narrator mentions to her (unnamed) male friend that his experience of "seeing" his mother at the moment of her death, though he was in fact far away and ignorant of her illness, parallels that of an (unnamed) female friend of hers who experienced something similar at the moment her father died. Both the man and woman express interest in meeting and comparing their accounts, but are apparently prevented from being introduced by a variety of accidents and thwarting circumstances. Their similar psychic visions, however, told among an increasingly wider circle of shared friends, gain added luster from the fact that the man and woman also share certain tastes, character traits, and superstitions, including a peculiar unwillingness ever to be photographed (thus they can have no idea what the other looks like, and would not recognize each other on a London street, for example). After several years of friendship the narrator accepts her male friend's proposal of marriage; she also insists he allow himself to be photographed for the first time. Inviting her female friend for a long-scheduled tea to meet her fiancé, she has last minute reservations about introducing them before her wedding. Laying blame squarely on her fiancé for his unexpected absence--she had written a note to him implying the woman's afternoon visit was cancelled--she shows her female friend the photo of her husband with his address on the back, which she apparently turns over and reads. Her fiancé's disapproval of her ruse prompts her to apologize to her female friend in person. But she arrives at her friend's home the following morning only to find she has unexpectedly died overnight. Describing her previous day's appearance and costume in detail, however, the narrator's fiancé hears the news of her death insisting that the woman in fact appeared to him without speaking for about 20 minutes in his home on the night of her death, echoing the spirit of his mother which appeared at the hour of her death. But investigation into whether the narrator's female friend had time to physically visit (and enter) the man's house before returning home, having learned his address from the photograph, proves inconclusive. The narrator grows increasingly jealous of the memory her fiancé has of meeting her late female friend, and in time breaks off the engagement convinced he is bonded to her ghostly presence and possibly even in regular communication with her. Six years later the man dies, still unmarried, with the narrator bitterly insinuating that he took his own life. ===== Satyanathen (Jayaram) is a teacher at Vivekodayam school, Thrissur. His wife Priya (Gopika) is a bank employee and they have a fourteen-year-old son Bhaskaran. Satyanathan is an alcoholic. After school hours, he can be seen with his friends in the local bar or at thekkinkad maithanam where they play cards. He is dissatisfied with his life and wife. He befriends some young men of the new generation whose lifestyle tempts him. During an outing to a beach he reveals to his newly formed friends that he is in love with a girl called Neena Kuruvila whose thoughts and personality match with his. Priya gets to know about this while logging on to his Facebook account without his knowledge. She then tells her close friends, who suggest she take him to a rehabilitation center. But Priya decides that she is not interested in taking any experiments and that she is disgusted with his behaviour. She files a joint petition for divorce and both sign it. They decide to live separately until the 6 months given by court to settle for their divorce. Satyanathen decides to live on first floor and Priya lives in ground floor with Bhaskaran. After some time, he notices a man dropping by to see Priya everyday and he gets jealous. One day Neena decides to meet Satyanathen at beach side. She asked for 4 lakh rupees as help and flirts with him. He somehow adjusts and gives her that money not realizing it's a trap. Later on Satyanathen realizes that she is fake and had been taking money from many men outside and doing illicit affairs when the news about a raid flashes on TV. Bhaskaran has been telling the flashback to a doctor while he collapsed after running from police. He had sex with his mentally disabled female friend recorded and saved it in a pendrive. Priya comes to know about the fact that her son is a porn addict and Sathyanathen also finds it and beats him up . Finally Dr Augustine brings Bhaskaran back to his home where he sees his friend Neha and breaks down. Satyanathen consoles him. Later on at the Family court, Priya and Satyanathen get divorced and expects them to change while living in the same house but separately. At the end of the movie Satyanathen and his son Bhaskaran takes an oath that they will change for good and Priya will come back to them. ===== Williams (Saikumar), a psychopath with a disastrous childhood unleashes terror by killing girls. He murders Pushpa (Sulakshana), wife of Dr. Sunny Joseph (Lalu Alex). Nimmy (Nimmy Daniels), her daughter witnesses the murder. Sunny remarries Shirley (Silk Smitha), without the consent of Nimmy. Shirley fails to make truce with Nimmy at home, which makes Sunny upset. One day Nimmy meets Williams on the road. She threatens him that she knows Williams had murdered her mother. To keep her quiet, she demands him to murder Shirley. Williams reaches the house of Sunny and tries to kill Shirley. Believing that Shirley is dead, he attempts to kill Nimmy, but falls down and is killed. Shirley regains consciousness and fatally attacks Nimmy, mistaking her to be Williams. ===== Jim Fowler is Western University's football hero and is constantly besieged by reporters. Jim's father Ezra comes to visit him and becomes reacquainted with an old Western football chum, Mr. Chandler, who happens to be the father of Jim's girlfriend Joan. Jim keeps his roommate, Andy, busy by sending him to collect money on their laundry concessions business, even though Andy is desperately trying to meet his girlfriend Thelma, who has just come for a visit. When the coach tells Chandler and Fowler that Jim is nervous and erratic, Chandler invites Jim to spend the night before the big game at his home. After-dinner conversation reveals that Jim sees football as merely a business, and feels devalued by his popularity because he thinks people are only interested in him because of football, not for who he is. Joan is disillusioned that Jim treats football as a racket, and the fathers are disappointed because they sincerely love the game. ===== The story of seven people: their lives and love affairs in Madrid during the Civil War. ===== Shadowed by persistent girl reporter Kay Bentley (Lynn Bari), private detective Michael Shayne (Lloyd Nolan) tries his best to secretly escort murder-trial witness Helen Carlson (Mary Beth Hughes) by train from Denver to San Francisco. Helen's testimony will free a man falsely accused of murder, which will also effectively destroy the election chances of a machine politician. ===== Out of work when their play about a police inspector closes, actors Keith and Scooter are traveling by bus when they run out of money to go farther. A passenger, Julie Graham, helps them find a room. They instead find a dead body, with police suspecting them of killing a rich businessman named Pratt. A new suspect emerges in the form of Pratt's secretary, Charlie Graham, when $5,000 in cash is found in his possession. Graham is arrested and daughter Julie calls family attorney Clarence Fredericks to represent him. The actors, meantime, are mistaken for actual detectives when police find the script of their play. They resist a request for their help until the attractive Julie also asks, as does Alma Pratt, the dead man's widow, who offers them a fee to investigate. The boys place themselves in danger, discovering that Fredericks is the actual killer. They get out of town safely, with Julie riding along with Scooter, now romantically involved. ===== A family of sharecroppers, the Weavers, takes up residence in the home of a rich man named Pittman after they are forced off their land. They sell off Mrs. Pittman's furs and meet Junior Pittman's troupe of dancing girls. After they befriend Mr. Pittman, they persuade him to play dead until he can learn exactly how the rest of his family feels about him. ===== After the death of his corrupt father, young Matty Burns enrolls in law school, not to seek justice but to learn how to represent criminal organizations while remaining within the law. He graduates with roommate Bill Whitaker, a judge's son, and is invited to come live at the Whitaker farm, where June Whitaker finds herself attracted to her brother Bill's friend. With a federal agent named Evans keeping a close eye on his activities, Matty becomes the legal mouthpiece of Jim Ramsey, a racketeer. Bill is beseeched by agent Evans to spy on his friend, which he does reluctantly at the urging of his law-abiding dad. Ramsey and his moll, Virginia Brandt, don't trust Bill and spring a trap, catching him red-handed seeking evidence. Bill is seriously wounded by thug Pinky's gunshot and rushed to a doctor by Matty, his friend. Both later hide out at the family farm, where Ramsey and his men come to finish the job. They are vanquished, but Matty must now do time behind bars. ===== On their 35th wedding anniversary, we hear the story of how the couple met in college. P. J. "Petey" Simmons is a wealthy newcomer, so rival fraternities fight over him. His ego swells as frat boys and comely co-eds alike bid for his time. Petey keeps getting into trouble, too, including an arrest. At a school dance, Petey's shy roommate has worked up the nerve to invite campus beauty Mirabel Allstairs to be his date. The increasingly arrogant Petey ignores his own date, Martha Scroggs, dancing with other girls instead. Petey pulls pranks on campus, going so far as to change a professor's clocks to delay an exam. A later act of vandalism leads to yet another arrest. This time the judge threatens to throw the book at Petey, sentencing him to six months in jail. Petey asks for a week's continuance before sentencing, then uses the time to court Martha, having discovered her to be the daughter of the judge. Once his scheme is revealed, Petey is locked in the town jail by the angry judge. Martha is smitten with him now, however, throws a rock to get arrested so she can end up in the next cell, holding hands with Petey between the bars. Back in the present, the old judge still can't believe how his daughter and son-in-law ended up together. They also hear that Petey Jr. has just been placed under arrest, which doesn't surprise the judge a bit. ===== Valentine's Day is approaching fast, when Joe Higgins gets a call from his boss, Mr. Simpson, interrupting the grand preparations for the celebration. It turns out that $5,000 in bonds, that was supposed to be paid as a security for the company through Sidney Higgins, Joe's son, haven't been delivered. When Joe confronts Sid about the money, it turns out they are lost. A desperate search for the money begins, and the last time the papers were seen was in the hands of little Millie Lou, the neighbor's daughter, as she picked them up, but she is now gone too. John Williams, who is Joe's daughter Betty Higgins' boyfriend, and a lawyer, tells Sid that the loss of the bonds papers could ultimately send him to jail. To save their son from incarceration, Joe and his wife Lil try to borrow money as collateral, first by taking a loan at the bank, which doesn't work, and then by getting grandpa Ed to marry a rich woman. The woman, Ella Jones, has been after Ed a long time, but he isn't interested the least to marry her. Ed agrees to try, and writes a love letter to Ella, confessing his love for her. The letter is then delivered by Millie Lou before Joe can give Ed the good news that the bank loan has been approved, and he doesn't have to marry Ella. When Ed tries to explain to Ella that he changed his mind, she is very upset and threatens to sue him. John tells Ed to either pay the money or get the letter, the proof, back. Ed chooses the latter alternative, and that night, he and Joe break into Ella's apartment to steal it back. The attempt results in disaster, and Joe is arrested when he enters the wrong apartment by mistake. A neighbor, Violet Stevens is also arrested, since she was fighting Elmer, her boyfriend, when Joe entered her apartment. Joe and Violet have to spend the night together in jail, making his wife Lil jealous. When everything is explained and sorted out, and Joe and Violet are out of jail again, Elmer agrees to help Joe out with a loan. Despite the confusion, Violet and Joe convince Elmer and Lil of their innocence, and Elmer even offers to help Joe secure the loan. But soon after this Violet is stuck with her dress in a car door, and Joe is the only person around to help her get a new dress. They are spotted by Elmer, Lil, Ed and Ella as they run into the building. Ella drops her lawsuit because the family seems too deranged for her taste. The story ends with Joe and Ed sitting outside an igloo by the Arctic pole. They hear over the radio that Sid has finally found the bonds, and that they are forgiven by their family and expected to return home."The Elgin also presents a highly entertaining comedy, "Meet the Missus", the latest edition of the Higgins Family series, starring Roscoe Karns, Ruth Donnelly, Spencer Charters, George Ernest, Lois Ranson, Polly Moran and Astrid Allwyn" (The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, Ont., January 31, 1941) ===== Lil Higgins become excessively worried that her newly retired husband Joe will die now that he has nothing to do all day. She has learned from a sales-eager insuranceman that the mortality rate is exceptionally high for inactive older men. To try to keep Joe alive, Lil wants him to make some home improvements in the kitchen. It turns out Joe is a catastophy in the kitchen, but instead Lil tries to make him run for mayor in town. Since Joe is a most reluctant candidate for "petticoat politics", ne needs a good reason to do as his wife wants. He gets one when he is denied membership in an exclusive lodge, the Knights of Bedlam, by a man named Wilcox. Joe is determined to show Wilcox that he made a mistake not accepting his membership application. When Joe is down at City Hall to file his application and pay the fee, he bumps into a hoodlum named Slats O'Dell, who works for infamous gangster boss Guy Markwell. Joe is lured into betting on his own campaign, with one dollar for every vote he gets against every vote he loses, even though Markwell practically controls the current mayor. Unaware that Joe has decided to run for mayor after all, Lil and her friend Ella Jones has persuaded Wilcox to be a reform mayoral candidate. When Joe hears about this, he and his father-in-law, Grandpa Edgar, try to get Wilcox out if the race. They arrange a duck hunt where Wilcox participates and "gets into trouble". Joe "rescues" Wilcox from drowning and out of gratitude Wilcox decides to drop out of the mayoral race. Joe has no idea that the real reason for Wilcox dropping out is that he has been threatened by Markwell. Soon Joe understands that there are forces who do not want him to win the election, and that he is the only candidate standing in the way of the sitting mayor, Williams, being reelected. Ella and Edgar try to help Je by attempting to steal information proving that Markwell is crooked and has blackmailed the candidates, but their plan fails. Without anything on Markwell, Joe is convinced he will be done off with if he does not drop out of the race. In the meantime, Wilcox has seen to it that Joe be accepted as a member of the lodge, trying to help him win the race. As part of the initiation, Joe is gagged and kidnapped by masked lodgers. Joe does not realize they are from the lodge, but thinks they are Markwell's goons coming to kill him. Je fights for hus life, but is overpowered in the end. They strap him to a sign high up above the ground, and try to convi ce him it's only part of the initiation. Joe eventually falls down, landing in Lil's car. The spectacular events surrounding the initiation make headlines in the newspaper afterwards, and helps Joe win the election. Markwell and his goons end up in jail, and Joe visits them to collect his prize for winning the bet. ===== A West Point cadet falls in love with a girl who sings in his brother's band. ===== When the Little Red-Haired Girl moves into his neighborhood, Charlie Brown becomes infatuated with her, though worries his long-running streak of failures will prevent her from noticing him. After Lucy tells him he should try being more confident, Charlie Brown decides to embark upon a series of new activities in hope of finding one that will get the Little Red-Haired Girl to notice him. His first attempt is to participate in the school's talent show with a magic act, helped by Snoopy and Woodstock. However, when Sally's act goes wrong, Charlie Brown drops his act and saves his sister from humiliation. Attempting to impress the Little Red-Haired Girl with his dance skills, Charlie Brown signs up for the school dance and gets Snoopy to teach him all his best moves. At the dance, Charlie Brown attracts praise for his skills, but slips and sets off the sprinkler system, causing the dance to be cut short and all the other students to look down upon him once more. Charlie Brown is partnered with the Little Red-Haired Girl to write a book report. At first, he is excited to have a chance to be with her, but she is called away for a week to deal with a family illness, leaving Charlie Brown to write the report all by himself. Hoping to impress both the Little Red-Haired Girl and his teacher, Charlie Brown writes his report on the collegiate-level novel War and Peace. At the same time, Charlie Brown finds he is the only student to get a perfect score on a standardized test. His friends and the other students congratulate him, and his popularity begins to climb. However, when he goes to accept a medal at a school assembly, he learns the test papers are accidentally mixed up and the perfect score actually belongs to Peppermint Patty; Charlie Brown reveals the mistake and declines the medal, losing all his new-found popularity. Therefore, his book report is destroyed by a Red Baron model plane, and he admits to the Little Red-Haired Girl he has caused them to both fail the assignment. In a subplot, after finding a typewriter in the school dumpster, Snoopy writes a novel about the World War I Flying Ace, trying to save Fifi from the Red Baron with Woodstock and his friends' help, using the key events and situations surrounding Charlie Brown as inspiration to develop his story. He acts out his adventure physically, coming across Charlie Brown and the gang several times along the way. Snoopy defeats the Red Baron and rescues Fifi from an airplane. When Lucy finishes reading, she calls it the dumbest story she has ever read, so Snoopy throws the typewriter at her in retaliation and kisses her nose causing her to run away in disgust yelling that she has "dog germs". Before leaving school for the summer, Charlie Brown is surprised when the Little Red-Haired Girl chooses him for a pen pal. Linus convinces Charlie Brown he needs to tell the Little Red-Haired Girl how he feels about her before she leaves for the summer. Racing to her house, he discovers she is about to leave on a bus for summer camp. He tries to chase the bus but is prevented from reaching it. Just as he is about to give up, thinking the whole world is against him, Charlie Brown sees a kite fall from the Kite-Eating Tree. The string becomes entangled around his waist and sails away with him. Amazed to see Charlie Brown flying a kite, his friends follow. Upon reaching the bus, Charlie Brown finally asks the Little Red-Haired Girl why she has chosen him in spite of his failures. The Little Red-Haired Girl explains she admires his selflessness and his determination and praises him as an honest, caring, and compassionate person. The two promise to write to one another; the other children congratulate him as a true friend and lift him up in the air, carrying him. ===== King Louis XIV of France assigns the design and construction of the Gardens of Versailles to landscape architect André Le Nôtre. Le Nôtre interviews several other garden designers who have submitted designs for the project, including one woman, Sabine de Barra. He sees her move a potted plant in his garden prior to her interview, and asks her if she gives deference to order in design. Sabine affirms her respect for his work but suggests that she would like to create something uniquely French rather than follow classical and renaissance styles. He shows her the door, and she leaves disheartened. Bosquet de la Salle-de-Bal at Gardens of Versailles, laid out by André Le Nôtre between 1680 and 1683. After all the interviews, André mulls over the candidates, oppressed by the weight of the king's expectations. A few judicious words from his assistant prompt him to reconsider Sabine's designs. Later that evening, André surprises Sabine at her home and, after examining her seemingly untamed but magical home garden, tasks her with responsibility for an outdoor ballroom at Versailles, surrounded by fountains and landscaping. André's plans had called for a constant supply of water from a distance at great expense, but Sabine devises another engineering solution: a reservoir from which water can be continuously recycled through the fountains. As work begins on her design, Sabine initially makes little progress with the workmen recommended by one of the designers rejected by André. Another competitor and an acquaintance of hers, Thierry Duras, intervenes and offers the use of his crew. As a striking commoner, artlessly beautiful and fearlessly honest, Sabine attracts attention at court, and is befriended by the King's brother Duc Philippe d'Orleans and his wife Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine. At times, Sabine appears haunted by recurring images of wagon wheels in movement and brief glimpses of a young girl or the girl's voice. Sabine and André become increasingly attracted to each other but do not act on their feelings. André quietly endures the infidelities of his wife Françoise, who insists that her husband's success is founded on her influence at court. When Françoise senses his interest in Sabine and warns him against an affair, he quotes her own speech declaring their right to seek comfort elsewhere, and becomes resolute in his intention to pursue a relationship with Sabine. Queen Maria Theresa dies suddenly. The king is stunned at the loss of his wife and takes refuge in one of his gardener's work areas, among his prized pear trees. Sabine finds the king there as she delivers perennials for a trade, initially mistaking him for the gardener. The king enjoys her warmth and forthrightness, and after she recognizes him she agrees to continue their conversation as equals. He invites her to travel with him and his court to the Palace of Fontainebleau. At the Versailles garden site, Sabine is visited by Françoise, who tells her that André's interest in her is only a whim and will prove short-lived. After they both have left the site, Françoise's lover opens the sluice gates from the reservoir in the middle of a powerful storm and floods the work site, destroying much of the earthworks. Sabine nearly drowns trying to close the gate, and André helps pull her from the gushing water. The next morning, Sabine works vigorously to mend some of the damage done by the storm and flood. That same day, Louis XIV visits Sabine's work site and assesses the project skeptically but allows it to proceed. Afterwards, André finds a glove at the worksite that he knows belongs to his wife Françoise. He realizes she is behind the sabotage of the project, confronts her with the glove, and ends their relationship. Sabine goes to court again, where Duc de Lauzun introduces her to the king's mistress, the Marquise de Montespan, who in turn introduces her to the women of the court. At first they tease her, but when they learn that Sabine is widowed and also lost her 6-year-old daughter, they reveal their own losses and welcome her into their circle, where they often discuss topics the king forbids at court. The Marquise formally presents Sabine to the king when he arrives, and Sabine offers him a four-seasons rose — the same kind found in the garden where they first met. They converse about the nature of the rose and its life cycle, beauty, hardships, and death, and the gardener's responsibilities -- all of it Sabine's veiled defense of Madame de Montespan, who has begun to lose the king's favor. Again, the king is charmed and touched by her observations. André waits for Sabine outside her room that night, and they finally make love. In the morning, André finds himself alone in bed. Sabine is upstairs, lost in the memory of the day her daughter and husband died: he was taking their daughter with him on a day trip. Prior to leaving, he reveals to Sabine that he has a mistress. He then rounds up their daughter and gets into the carriage. As they are leaving, Sabine sees that the carriage has a faulty wheel and learns from the footman that her husband is taking their daughter to his mistress's home — not on a business trip as he had indicated. She races after the carriage, and when she tries to block the carriage in the road, it veers off track and topples down a steep hill, killing both father and daughter. André finds Sabine in the grip of this memory, evoked by her conversation with the ladies of the court and her intense night with him, and he convinces her to stop blaming herself for their deaths. When Sabine's project is complete, the king and his court arrive for its inauguration. To the music of a hidden orchestra, everyone begins dancing as the fountains send water coursing down the tiers around the ballroom floor. After Sabine dances with the king, she and André leave the others and walk into the garden together. ===== In a village along the coast of Venezuela lives Maria Celeste, a girl with big dreams who is very cheerful and rebellious. She has been raised up by a kind family of fishermen, since she is the product of a rape, and her mother went mad after her delivery. during one summer, the mighty Leonidas Parras Montiel returns to town with his daughters, the selfish engineer Walkiria and the shy Zulay. Also, another person returns to the village: engineer Victor Manuel Galindez, a handsome man who hides a tortuous past. After spending time with each other, Maria Celeste falls in love with Victor Manuel. Leonidas wants to build a hotel and entrusts the project to Walkiria and Victor Manuel. Immediately they fall in love, but he is fascinated with Maria Celeste. Leonidas also falls in love with the humble girl and wants to make her his wife. But everything will change when Victor Manuel rescues a beautiful and strange woman from the sea, a woman that the villagers believe is a mermaid. In reality, she is Miriam, a woman who went insane after Leonidas and his family financially destroyed and burned her property, causing the death of her parents and her husband. Victor Manuel dedicates his time in helping this woman, and this causes Maria Celeste to become jealous. Again, a prestigious publisher named Daniel comes into town, and is marvelled at the exotic beauty of Maria Celeste. He offers to take her to the city to make her a model. She agrees and goes with him, adopting the stage name of Maria del Mar. In the city, Maria will fall in love and triumph in the capital, until she becomes paralyzed through an unfortunate accident.María del Mar Univision novelasyseriesArchivo de telenovelas y biografias "María del Mar"*(Venezuela, 1978) ===== Deep in the mountains of Gangwon, the private, elite Soo-sin High School is attended by the top 1% of students in the country. Their stellar marks are the result of constant pressure and a strict punishment system, to the point where students avoid any activities outside of studying. It is in this atmosphere that seven students and a teacher remain at school for the winter break, joined by Kim Yo-han (Kim Sang-kyung), a psychiatrist who was forced to take shelter with them after he was injured in a car accident nearby. Stranded from heavy snow, they spend eight days together ― from Christmas Eve to New Year's Day. Park Mu-yeol (Baek Sung-hyun) is an honor student who chooses to remain in school during the winter break after receiving an abusive letter. Jo Young-jae (Kim Young-kwang) is a detested bully who attacks other people to hide his inferiority complex. Yoon Soo (Lee Soo-hyuk) is a disturbed, but rich student fronting a rock band. Yoon Eun-sung (Esom) was once a popular girl in school before having a sudden change of personality. At a time when everyone else is celebrating the holidays, the students realize that the anonymous letters they each received were not the result of a harmless prank; there is a murderer in their midst. A question lies unspoken: Are monsters created, or are humans born monsters? ===== Prema Idhq Kaadal tells three love failure stories simultaneously. Story 1: Ranadhir "Randy" (Harshvardhan Rane) is a musician who runs a band in his cafe. One day after his performance, Sarayu (Vithika Sheru) meets him to applaud his talent. Eventually their encounter turns into love. Sarayu encourages Randy to perform on the stage. Even though, music is only a hobby for him, Randy performs for Sarayu on the stage. The concert becomes a huge success and he becomes famous. He starts performing as a full time musician. Due to his busy schedule, there is no time for personal life which leads to distance in his relationship with Sarayu. In giving concerts he becomes busy. Sarayu loses confidence in Randy's love as he avoids her. She pressurizes him to leave the music industry. He hesitantly agrees for that on condition that he gives one last performance. But Sarayu doesn't accept the condition and gives Randy an ultimatum to choose between her and music. Before Randy's concert, he goes to Sarayu's residence and pleads to allow his last performance but she doesn't agree. Suddenly Sarayu's angered brother (Ravi Prakash) catches them and creates havoc. Sarayu lies to her brother that Randy as a roadside Romeo. Heart-broken, Randy leaves her coming to terms with her selfishness. He realizes that music is his love and life and decides to move on with his life. Story 2: Royal Raju (Sree Vishnu) is a carefree boy and good for nothing from West Godavari district who comes to Hyderabad to woo a city girl. He wants to show off to his cousin that he can get a more beautiful girlfriend than his cousin's. He stays at his childhood buddy as a roommate. One night a car crashes into a pole in front of Raju. Raju saves the driver who is a drunk woman and safely joins her in hospital. She is Sameera (Ritu Varma), an ultra modern girl working as a Stylist in the film industry. They both become friends. Though Raju tries to get Sameera's attention, Sameera ignores him. He manages to join as Assistant Director in Millenium Star Mahanama (Satyam Rajesh)'s film to get close to her as she is the stylist for the movie. Several comical circumstances ensue. Mahanama asks Raju to get Sameera by casting couch. Enraged Raju slaps him but Sameera who doesn't know the back story misunderstands him and avoids him. Raju tries to apologize to her which results in her matrimonial matchmaking in a disaster. Eventually, Sameera realizes that he is innocent and apologizes for misunderstanding him. Later in a film function, both get drunk and make love. The next day, Raju expresses his feelings for her and proposes to her. But Sameera rejects the proposal and says that it's just an accident. She mentions that she doesn't have any feelings for him. Even though he is a dumb country brute, she was only having fun with him. Heartbroken Raju shares his pain with his friend and decides to aim big in life and add some purpose to his life. Story 3: Arjun (Harish Varma), an RJ in Radio Mirchi, is a playboy. One day he meets a traditional girl Shanti (Sreemukhi) from Chennai who is an IT professional through his friend Snigda 'Sid'(Snigdha). He tries to flirt with her but knowing his nature, she ignores him. Eventually, she agrees but only on some conditions. Arjun proposes to her to which she neither agrees nor disagrees. Then after some critical circumstances because of Arjun, Shanti's promotion is put on hold by her boss. She starts avoiding him mentioning that she is becoming close to her boss. Later in a pub parking lot, Arjun notices Shanti intimate with her boss in his car. He realizes that he loves her so much but also questions her true nature. Shanti blames him for her nature and mentions that she was inspired by him to flirt with her boss (who is also interested in her) to get a promotion. She says that if they both married, this would be the prime reason to get a divorce. She says goodbye to him and decides to go back to Chennai. Later Sid questions Arjun and Shanti's morals. Arjun replies that he thought the girl who cheated on him doesn't have character but after meeting Shanti, he realizes that he doesn't have character either. Finally Arjun, now a changed man, decides to apologize to every girl with whom he had a relationship. ===== La Mujer Prohibida is a beautiful story of an impossible love between two people who love each other deeply. Irene Rivas is a young woman of twenty-six who is mute. Unfortunately, in order to save her father from prison, she is forced to marry a man she doesn't love, Germán Gallardo. Germán is a man who is powerful, ruthless and arrogant, and he has nothing in common with the great love of Irene, Carlos Luis, the latter's son whom he met before being forced to marry him. Irene work hard to find happiness but discovers many secrets from the past that could destroy her future forever. Love, hope, passion, jealousy and intrigue, are the ingredients of this great telenovela, framing his strong and realistic story in the most beautiful locations of Venezuela and Spain.La Mujer Prohibida (1991) ===== During the Korean War, while American Air Force pilots Lt. John Willard (William Bryant) and his brother Frank (Dick Paxton) are flying a routine reconnaissance mission, their commanding officer, Col. Ed Wyatt (Dan Duryea) orders them to bomb an enemy position. Frank's aircraft is shot down, and John returns to confront his commander over the reason for the dangerous mission. Wyatt's executive officer, Maj. Scott (Michael Fox) stops him and relates a story about Wyatt's career during World War II. In the 8th Air Force, Wyatt commanded a bomber group whose reconnaissance missions provided valuable information for future bombing raids. War correspondent Jo McWethy (Frances Gifford) who was assigned to cover Wyatt's group, wanted to know the truth about his reputation for being a hard-driving and unsympathetic commanding officer. His pilots held Wyatt responsible for the death of his co-pilot during a dangerous mission and new co-pilot, Lt. Hobson "Hobbie" Lee (Mike Connors), becomes the replacement. During a "milk-run", Wyatt changed the mission to photograph heavily defended Bremen. German anti-aircraft batteries shot down several fighter escorts and badly damaged Wyatt's aircraft, killing three of his crew. Nursing the stricken bomber back home, Wyatt made the decision to dump everything to save the aircraft and its important film. Hobbie and waist-gunner Danny Nelson (Freeman Morse) had to ditch the bodies of the dead crew and parachute out. Wyatt then flew back with the injured navigator aboard. During his recuperation, Hobbie met Jo who was also unsure about Wyatt's decisions and when Hobbie followed Wyatt to North Africa, he was seeking confirmation that his commander was a ruthless martinet. During a dangerous mission over Romanian oil fields, Wyatt's bomber was shot down. Although five of the crew were saved, gunner Danny Nelson was killed. With the aid of partisans, Hobbie reconciled with the badly wounded Wyatt, and managed to convey the crucial roll of film safely back to England. When Scott concludes his story, Lt. Willard realizes that Wyatt does care for his men. A wire the next day informs him that his brother is still alive and has been rescued. ===== Calixto Maldonado is a working class man who owes everything to Augusto Marquez-Cata, an ambitious politician who is his best friend. Due to their strong friendship, Calixto has the opportunity of entering and interacting in the social and financial circles of high society, therefore making him Augusto's figurehead. However, their close friendship will be put to the test with the arrival of a young and beautiful woman with two names, Margarita Guanchez who comes from an affluent family in the provinces to escape to the city. ===== Safecracker Dom Hemingway (Jude Law) is released after spending 12 years in prison and seeks payment for refusing to rat out his boss Ivan Fontaine (Demián Bichir). He reunites with his best friend Dickie (Richard E. Grant) and they travel to Fontaine's villa in the French countryside. Dom flirts with Fontaine's Romanian girlfriend Paolina (Mădălina Diana Ghenea) and becomes angry that he spent 12 years in jail for Fontaine. He begins to mock Fontaine and storms out. At dinner, he apologises and Fontaine presents Dom with £750,000. They spend the night partying with two girls, one of whom, Melody (Kerry Condon) strikes up a conversation with Dom. When the group go driving in Fontaine's car, they crash into another car. While unconscious, Dom has a vision of Paolina asking for his money. He wakes up, resuscitates Melody, and finds Fontaine impaled on the car's fender. Melody tells Dom that, because he saved her, he shall gain good luck when he least expects it. Dom and Dickie head back to the mansion, where they find Paolina has taken Dom's money, but they see her leaving in a car. Dom runs through the forest and into the road, where he is almost hit by Paolina. She asks him if she strikes him as a woman who wants to be poor, and drives away. A few days later, Dom returns to London and collapses outside the apartment of his estranged daughter, Evelyn (Emilia Clarke). He wakes up and Evelyn's boyfriend Hugh (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett) introduces Dom to his grandson, Jawara. Hugh says that Evelyn is upset that Dom left her and was in prison, missing out on her childhood and his wife Katherine's death. Hugh suggests Dom visit Evelyn after her concert at a local club and attempt to reconcile. He goes to the concert, but leaves and meets Dickie. Dom says he wants to work for Lestor McGreevy Jr., the son of Fontaine's old rival. Dickie says Lestor is even worse than his father, but Dom says he needs work. Dom follows Lestor on his daily jog and learns Lestor holds a grudge for Dom killing his cat when he was a child. Lestor tells Dom to go to his club that night. They make a bet. If he opens an electronic safe he gets work, if he fails to open it in 10 minutes, Lestor will cut off his genitalia. Dom and Dickie go to Lestor's club and Dom opens a safe in 10 minutes with a sledgehammer, only to learn the real safe is inside that safe. Before Lestor can cut off Dom's penis, Dickie smashes Lestor on the head with a statue and Dom knocks out his thugs with the sledgehammer. They run away from Lestor's club and Dom goes back to the local club where Evelyn was performing. There, Evelyn tells Dom he would only have spent three years in prison if he had ratted on Fontaine; because he didn't, he missed out on her childhood and her mother dying. Evelyn tells Dom that all she wanted was a real father. She turns her back on him and leaves. The next day, Dom sees Melody on her scooter and says he hasn't received good luck. She says it will come soon. Dom visits the grave of his wife Katherine and apologises. He turns and sees his grandson Jawara sitting next to him. He walks Jawara out of the cemetery and takes him back to Evelyn. He asks if he can walk with them in silence, but she says they have to hurry home. She says Dom can take Jawara to school on Monday if he doesn't get drunk on Sunday night. As they walk away, Jawara waves to Dom, who waves back. He walks in the opposite direction and sees Paolina enter a restaurant with an older man. He enters the restaurant and grips Paolina's hand. He whispers threats and continues to clutch her hand, before leaving he kisses her. As he leaves the restaurant, he smiles as it is revealed that he has stolen Paolina's diamond ring. ===== The series follows the personal and professional lives of the members of the elite Los Angeles Police Department's multi-agency Gang Task Force as they take on the city's most dangerous gangs, including one with which a task force member has ties. Opening narration: (by Ramon Rodriguez) ===== ===== Hidden in the Woods tells the story of two sisters who have been raised in isolation, subjected to the torment of their abusive, drug dealing father. When they finally decide to report him to the police, he kills the two officers and is put in jail. But things go from bad to worse when the girls must answer to their Uncle Costello, a psychotic drug kingpin, who shows up looking for his missing merchandise which is hidden in the woods ===== Uneducated, disaffected white youths known as skinheads are attacking racial minorities in the US. A government agent investigating the incidents traces them to a wealthy, extreme right-wing, neo-Nazi businessman who is secretly bankrolling the skinheads to carry out his wishes, allowing him to keep his hands clean as he preaches a non-violent message to his wide following. Nick Stone (McColm) is an agent with the National Security Agency who wants to retire after his last job going undercover as a weapons dealer resulted in the death of a fellow agent. He meets up with his boss Col. West to tell him about his retirement, but West offers him one last mission. To take down Andrew Kendrick (Savage), a charismatic and dangerous white supremacist and his Neo-Nazi militia group hellbent on taking over the United States with his sleeper cells. Nick often works alone but West tells him that he will be working with a team composed of Commander Sam Guinness (Rubin), Vince D'Angelo (Ben Paul- Victor), a womanizing computer expert from Hollywood, Billy Ryan (Michael Covert), a redneck sharpshooter, Joe Nakamura and Winston Mad Dog Powell, (Real Andrews), a disgraced Detroit cop. Forming an elite group of soldiers, each with their own set of skills, the group's first assignment is to infiltrate a warehouse owned by Kendrick which may be housing "The Spear of Destiny", an ancient spear used in the crucifixion of Jesus and believed by Kendrick to give him ultimate power in his goal. The team storm the warehouse. The team however don't work together despite constant orders from Commander Guinness which results in Nakamura's death and the spear not being recovered. Despite the failed mission, Col. West's boss Colonel Gregori proposes to take the team to his cabin in the pacific Northwest. Under his guidance and training, the team become better and Gregori names them The Red Scorpions. A second infiltration is planned in which Winston enters one of Kendrick's gatherings and Ryan, who establishes himself there as a violent racist redneck from the south. Impressed, Kendrick offers Ryan a chance to work for him. Billy is taken to the group's own heavily guarded camp where Kendrick is training an army. However, after he sleeps with Kendrick's female assistant Donna (Kaiser), the game is up and Ryan gets thrown in a dungeon. Stone and Guinness then infiltrate the camp, who are about to launch a nationwide campaign of violent action unless they are stopped in time. The pair pose as a couple interested in investing within the group, however they are soon discovered, although they manage to successfully lead their team of high specialized assassins and technicians on the raid of the covert American hate group. Stone is later tortured by Hans (Kulich) who later fights him in a battle to the death. Guinness manages to kill Donna and help Winston and D'Angelo infiltrate the camp and in the chaos, the team take out the Neo- Nazi's. Kendrick dies when his lair where he planned to launch his sleepers explodes and he slowly burns to death. The team are then picked up by helicopter after killing Hans whom they viciously gun. In the film's closing scene, D'Angelo, noticing that the pilot is female, compliments her on what lovely eyes she has. ===== Bo is a young girl who was born with special supernatural abilities that she could not control. As these powers started evolving, the people who were protecting her were forced to turn to an outsider for help. This led them to William Tate, a wrongfully convicted death-row inmate, whom they break out of prison. Although he is reluctant to take on the role as her protector, the two eventually form a bond that guide them to helping each other, as well as others, while staying one step ahead of the evil forces that want the girl. ===== While investigating on a serial murder case of homosexual couples, Officer Jeff Lau (Sammo Hung) and his partner Alan (Alan Tam) are sent undercover to pose as homosexual lovers to track the murderer. ===== Backstrom centers on Everett Backstrom (Rainn Wilson), an "overweight, offensive, irascible" police officer who is engaged in a constant struggle with his "self-destructive" tendencies, and is part of a team of eccentric criminologists. ===== ===== ===== In the late 1920s, "Lucky" John Hart has a reputation as a stock market speculator. He does an interview with reported Phil "Stu" Stuart, which predicts the Wall Street Crash. Hart sells his investments just before the Crash. Later lawyers Simon and Nitto suggest Hart use his reputation to make money in receiverships. Hart agrees in part because he desires Elena, the wife of Nitto's nephew Frank. Elena and Hart begin an affair. Harper takes over receivership of the Excelsior Hotel whose president George Harper commits suicide. Harper's daughter Marcia seeks revenge. She falls in love with Stu. Frank discovers his wife's infidelity and shoots Frank. ===== In London, Henry Vane gets out of prison after serving fifteen years for murder and tries to rebuild his life. ===== A publisher bets an author that he won't be able to write a romantic adventure novel while on a walking trip from New York to San Francisco. ===== Gubernatorial candidate Glen Burton hates newspaper editor Dan Elliott, who married Glen's former wife, Alice. On election day in San Francisco, Glen and Dan are both voting in a tent when a truck runs into it. As Glen is taken to the operating room, political boss Corrigan tells him that he is wrong to hate Dan. In the operating room, Glen relives his life. In 1917 Glen and Alice were engaged, but Glenn is shipped out to serve in World War One and is reported as missing in action. Dan proposes marriage to Alice and she accepts but then Glenn appears, accusing Dan of being a war coward and trying to steal Alice. Glen and Alice get married and Glen studies to be a lawyer but is unable to find a job. Dan offers him one but Glen refuses. Glen gets a job on the waterfront and becomes foreman, but Alice is upset at his lack of ambition. This causes them to argue and she leaves him. Alice suggests to Dan that they use Glen's hatred of them to inspire his ambition. Corrigan gets Glen a job in the district attorney's office and Glen works his way up to district attorney. Glenn eventually runs for governor. Glen goes through the operation successfully and wakes up to discover he has won the election and that Dan has died. Glen reunites with Alice. ===== Oswald and his dog Elmer the Great Dane are in the woods hunting for birds, especially quails. Though equipped with a boomstick, Oswald finds it difficult to take down a single quail as the fowls are quite clever. He even has problems trying not to get pushed back each time he fires his gun. Heading further in the forest, Elmer chases a little quail. The dog follows until he naively runs past a cliff. Instead of letting the hound plummet into the ground, however, the little quail moves and breaks Elmer's fall. Elmer is most thankful and therefore befriends the small bird. While things are going well for Elmer and the little quail, a hawk appears before them and sets sights on the tiny bird. As the hawk goes for a strike, Elmer struggles to defend his little friend. Eventually, the hawk and the dog collide into each other, resulting the buzzard being naked and Elmer covered in feathers. Oswald finally shows up at the scene. Thinking the dog is a turkey due to the latter's feathery exterior, Oswald fires his gun at Elmer, blowing the feathers off. He then notices the little quail, and therefore begins shooting at it too. Elmer immediately intervenes and tells him the small bird is now friends with them. Elmer then embraces Oswald and the little quail in both arms. ===== Unscrupulous casino owner Anton Sebastian secretly runs a network of spies out of his hotel and casino, "The House of a Thousand Candles". After killing one of his spies, Victor Demetrius, via poison, he sends a secret message over the radio to a dancer, Raquel. Sebastian orders him to intercept a British intelligence agent Tony Carleton and steal some top-secret documents. British intelligence officer Sir Andrew McIntyre instructs agent Carleton to pick up some opera tickets in an envelope which contains secret information, and then to go to Geneva. Tony gets the envelope and boards a train, but is followed by his American admirer, Carol Vincent. On the train, Raquel slips Tony a drugged drink, steals all of his papers and then escapes to meet Sebastian at the hotel. Tony jumps off the train and Carol follows. They arrive at the hotel and register as brother and sister. Carol hides in Raquel's room when Sebastian plants a microphone. She goes to his study and sees his storage place for stolen papers. Then she listens in to Tony and Raquel. Raquel is about to tell Tony who she works for when she is killed by her maid Marta, who is loyal to Sebastian. Tony and the envelope are captured by Sebastian, who plans to kill him and make it look like an accident. Tony agrees to decode the information on the envelope to protect Caroo but she tries to stop him by burnig it. The flames reveal the real information. Sebastian leaves with the message, and Alf and Barrie, other secret agents, rescue Tony and Carol. They find Sebastian's secret codes, after which Tony sets out in pursuit of Sebastian. Barrie uses the codes to broadcast to Sebastian's men, saying Sebastian is a murderer who stole Sebastian's car - and they drive him off the road. Tony and Carol get married. ===== After losing all his money gambling on horses, former newspaper reporter Barry Gilbert and "Doc" Norton break into a vacant mansion belonging to the Reitters for shelter from the rain. Just as the pair are settling in, Willetts and three other servants arrive. Willetts, the butler, does not know what the long-absent, but expected John Clark Reitter Jr. looks like, so he assumes that Barry is him. Barry decides to impersonate young Reitter, the black sheep son of a wealthy New York newspaper publisher, for a while when he learns the family will be away for weeks. A neighbor, Patricia Hammond, develops an interest in Barry, while a showgirl, Peggy, wife of the real John Reitter Jr. (under the name Jay Rogers), shows up and tells him her husband is being framed for the murder of a political bigshot. Barry agrees to try to clear him in exchange for Peggy not revealing his masquerade. Barry reluctantly accepts a job on Reitter Sr.'s paper under an assumed name, and though editor Bill Harwood warns him not to play detective (a common tendency of new reporters), he does anyway. He gets into trouble with Patricia when he learns that her father, Judge Hammond, was with the victim the day he was killed. He jumps to the conclusion that the judge is the killer, but the real murderer - nightclub owner Luis Romano - is eventually caught (in spite of Barry's efforts), and John is released. When Patricia and her father are introduced to John by his father, who has returned early, they wonder who Barry really is. Meanwhile, Barry does his best to hide what has gone on and to present John in the best light to his family. John's mother learns the truth from John and Peggy, but is pleased to conceal the story from her husband, who is very proud of his reformed son. Harwood lets Barry keep his job and sends him to get the scoop on a rich widow's new husband, who turns out to be Doc Norton. Patricia catches up with him and demands to know what is going on. When Barry tells her it would take a lifetime to explain, she replies, "Darling, that's just what I mean." ===== Roberta Morgan has wealthy parents who give her plenty of material possessions but who basically ignore her. She acts out and torments the family butler Jenkins. The only person to take notice of her thirteenth birthday is her father's secretary, Williams. She makes friends with a black boy, Pinkie White, and visits his home. She is impressed by the love Pinkie's mother, Mrs White, shows Pinkie and his sister Arabella. Roberta invites Pinkie to dinner to say thank you and Jenkins angrily throws out Pinkie. Roberta's parents go away and Roberta starts behaving even more badly. Jenkins locks her in her room. She sets fire to it and escapes. Jenkins tracks her to Pinkie's house. On the way home in the car, they argue and Roberta grabs the steering wheel causing the car to swerve into an oncoming car and kill the driver. Roberta tells the police that Jenkins was drinking and the butler is sentenced to prison for manslaughter. Guilt ridden she confesses that she made it up. Roberta is sentenced to a special girls' school run by Helen Cosgrove. Helen manages to reform Roberta by getting her to help with younger students. When Roberta is allowed to return home, she refuses to leave. Her parents hear about this and change their ways. ===== ===== Radio commentator Dan Clifford takes desperate chances to save the life of a young girl, Norma Jameson, who has been kidnapped. ===== New York City newspaper columnist Ed Sullivan relates the story of crime boss Phil Daley's rise and fall. To the disappointment of his parents but delight of younger brother Danny, crime has paid off handsomely for Phil, but he isn't able to discourage Danny from following in his footsteps. Danny bribes a prizefighter to take a dive, costing rival gangster Mike Luger a lot of money in bets. Danny ends up dead, and Phil needs to lay low because Luger's looking for him, too. He manages to kill Luger, but ends up arrested, convicted and sentenced to die. ===== Dr. Ben Cameron is worried about 12-year-old Mickey, son of Jim Adams, a widower who leads a corrupt and complicated life. Jim rebuffs a request by Jim to have Mickey be raised by Veronica Hudson, the boy's maternal grandmother. Mickey idolizes his father and wants to remain with him. Pulling a bank robbery, Jim shoots and kills an unarmed teller. While on the run from the law, he realizes Mickey would be better off with Veronica and leaves his son in her care. Veronica enrolls the boy in school. His teacher, Sheila Roberts, is engaged to marry Ben. Jim sneaks into Veronica's house one night to see his son. He hides in the attic at night, then takes the boy along when he leaves. Desperate to get away, Jim hijacks a school bus filled with children. When the bus gets waylaid by a snowstorm, Jim abandons the kids and is unable to persuade Mickey to do the same. FBI agents shoot Jim, who realizes as he dies that Mickey's life will be better without him. ===== A prison warden (Victor McLaglen) can either keep loot for his family or save an innocent youth (Jackie Cooper) condemned to die. ===== One day in Mexico, magazine photographer Ann Larkin is in a museum when she happens to see a man steal a painting. Pursuing and accusing him, she believes the man, Brod Williams, to be a notorious art thief known only as "The Wildcat." Brod brings the stolen painting to Leon Dumeray, a gallery owner. Dumeray recognizes it as stolen property and notifies the police, who place Brod under arrest. Ann comes to visit Brod in jail, but after complying with his request to bring him a pineapple from a local fruit stand, she is shocked to find a gun has been hidden inside it. Brod makes a daring escape, forcing Ann to switch clothing with him and fleeing the jail dressed as a woman. Law authorities later congratulate Brod on his scheme. He is actually a police detective from New York City who is trying to smoke out Dumeray, who is the real Wildcat. He is offered a job by Dumeray, who now trusts Brod to be a dishonest man. Ann, however, doesn't know Dumeray is the thief and tips him off to Brod's true identity. Dumeray takes both as his prisoners, but Brod breaks free and calls for the police. ===== Football player Tod Lowell is the son of a man running for governor, who needs the support of a political boss. Tod's dad asks a favor, that Tod spend a few weeks squiring Gertrude Morgan, the man's daughter. Trouble is, Tod's been romantically involved with Betty Gilbert, a nightclub singer, while Gert's gotten engaged to Tod's football rival, Andy Mason. A few tricks are played on the parents to make them believe Tod and Gertrude are serious, but just as they are about to return to their former partners, the two realize they actually have fallen for one another. ===== Radio mystery script writer Sally Ambler is about to be married, then gets into a quarrel with her intended Kirk Pierce after he finds the story she wrote too contrived. The wedding is put off when a telegram from her Aunt Maggie arrives from Atlanta to let Sally know that her Uncle Charlie has died. Sally is followed to Atlanta after a phone call from a Dr. Benedict warns Kirk of danger lurking for Sally when she gets there. Sally discovers that her uncle's corpse is missing and he might have been murdered. Sally is the sole heir after Aunt Maggie is strangled, and her cousin Eve ends up dead as well after finding a secret room. A cache of priceless jade jewelry is involved as it is revealed how Dr. Benedict has been behind the plot. After he is apprehended just in time, Sally and Kirk return home, then begin arguing again during their wedding ceremony over what kind of mystery plot is too unbelievable. ===== When his sweetheart, barmaid Kitty Tracy, is annoyed by a customer, longshoreman Johnny Barnes slugs the guy. The man is later found dead. Johnny is tried for murder and convicted. Kitty and a priest, Father Cameron, believe in Johnny's innocence and search for a way to exonerate him. They discover that Monte March, a prisoner who has escaped Alcatraz prison, is the real killer, being helped by wife Frances in fleeing from the law. March is apprehended and Johnny's set free. The movie is noteworthy in that featured a fight scene between two of the actresses, Esther Ralston and Irene Hervey. Both women told director Arthur Lubin that they did not want to have stunt doubles perform the fight scene, described by press accounts as a "... whirlwind fistfight... said to overshadow the most hectic feminine movie battles seen in recent motion pictures." Hervey later described the fight as a "...terrific battle between me and Esther Ralston—with hair-pulling, kicking, the works." ===== Poverty stricken musicians borrow instruments from a pawn shop one night and form a band. ===== A young woman comes to a small rural town to serve as secretary for a blind woman, the town's wealthiest person. The town is awash in mystery owing to the inexplicable deaths of local ranchers' cattle. The young woman becomes entangled in a web of horror as she discovers that her employer, aided by the hideously deformed household servant, has used the blood of her predecessors to create a death serum when it is mixed with spider venom - and that her own blood is now being harvested at night, while she is in a drugged sleep, to continue the experiment. ===== In the time of the Arabian Nights, the city of Baghdad is ruled by Sultan Ali Bajazeth (Antonio Battistella) but actually controlled by the scheming Grand Vizier Ghamal (Daniele Vargas). The poor of Baghdad are aided by Karim, the Thief of Baghdad (Steve Reeves). Prince Osman (Arturo Dominici) is due to arrive at the palace to ask for the hand of Sultan Ali's daughter Amina (Giorgia Moll) in marriage. Karim sneaks into the palace, waylays Osman and impersonates the prince, using the opportunity to steal jewels from all of the assembled courtiers. When this is discovered Karim hides in Princess Amina's quarters. When her attendants leave, Karim reveals himself to her and the two are immediately drawn to each other (she believing that he is Prince Osman). The following night, Karim secretly returns to the palace. He meets with Amina, and they declare their love for each other. Climbing down into a courtyard to escape the guards, he lands in the middle of a group of prisoners who have been condemned to slave in the Desert Mills and is dragged off with them. Ghamal gives Osman a potion to make Amina fall in love with him, but she falls dangerously ill after drinking it. An old man appears and says that the only way Amina can be cured is for her to be given a blue rose by someone who truly loves her and whom she truly loves. The blue rose can only be found by passing through the Seven Doors. The sultan proclaims that the quest for the blue rose is open to all. At the Mills, Karim learns of Amina's illness and escapes. Returning to Baghdad, he is told by the old man about the quest. He tries to join the assembled suitors, but is recognized. Karim steals a horse and sets off. The suitors make camp for the night. Karim camps nearby and slips into the camp to steal food and water. Osman secretly slits the waterbags of the other suitors. The next day, the other suitors are beginning to die of thirst. Karim shares his water with them, and the First Door appears. They ride through and find themselves in a forest. That night, the trees come to life and attack them. Most of the suitors flee, but Karim uses a torch to fight off the trees, after which the Second Door appears. It leads to a plain of sulphurous geysers that erupt into a ring of fire. Karim realizes that this is an illusion and uses a rock to smash through, finding the Third Door. The Third Door leads to the Palace of Kadeejah (Edy Vessel), a beautiful woman who tempts Karim to give up the Quest and remain with her. Karim realizes that Kadeejah and her palace are a trap and finds the Fourth Door in a seaside cave. Meanwhile, Osman attacks Baghdad, and Ghamal turns traitor and joins Osman. The Fifth Door leads Karim to a winged horse, on which he travels to a castle in the clouds, where he finds the blue rose. He is immediately transported back to the desert, where the old man is waiting with Karim's horse. The man gives Karim a magic jewel, telling him it will grant him one wish. Osman demands that Sultan Ali surrender Baghdad, threatening Amina. Karim arrives and uses the magic jewel to create an army of Karims which, although armed only with clubs, defeats Osman and his army. Unfortunately, during the battle Osman's sword destroys the Blue Rose. Osman and his army flee. Karim rescues Amina and returns her to her father. The Blue Rose is destroyed, but Karim plucks a white rose and gives it to Amina, telling her that if she truly loves him then it is blue. She takes the rose and tells him that it is blue, and it immediately turns blue, curing her. The sultan welcomes Karim as his son-in-law and successor. Karim sees a bust of the mysterious old man, but the sultan tells him that it is a bust of his late uncle, the great Sultan Achim I. ===== In 1917 Mexico, the new government has commenced a war against the Church. Priests are rounded up and executed, churches burned down and religion outlawed. A carefree happy priest has to go on the run but returns to his nation to perform his priestly duties. ===== Carly Whitten (Cameron Diaz), a New York attorney, has started a relationship with Mark King (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), a man she's been having sex with for eight weeks. Carly, planning to introduce Mark to her father, Frank (Don Johnson), is upset that Mark has to go out of town on account of a flood at his Connecticut home, missing their dinner. However, she decides to go to his house to seduce him instead. She is horrified to meet Mark's wife, Kate (Leslie Mann), whom she'd originally assumed to be Mark's housekeeper. While initially hostile, both of the women befriend each other. Kate then discovers that he is still seeing another woman, who she thinks is Carly secretly continuing her previous relationship with Mark. After another fight, they discover together that Mark is seeing a third woman. Carly and Kate follow Mark and travel to The Hamptons, where they stay at the house of Kate's brother, Phil (Taylor Kinney). The duo spies on Mark and find him with his mistress, Amber (Kate Upton) on the beach, and when Mark leaves for the gym the two women inform her that Mark has been cheating on all of them. All three women decide to take revenge on him together. Kate spikes his smoothies with estrogen pills to swell his nipples; has their dog lick his toothbrush before soaking it in their toilet; and adds hair-removal cream into his shampoo. Carly spikes his water with a laxative to cause him to defecate heavy diarrhea. Amber uses an ugly drag queen sexual partner against him. In the course of carrying out the women's vicious pranks, they also discover that Mark has been embezzling money from various startup companies that his workplace helps develop. Meanwhile, Carly begins to connect romantically and feel a bond with Phil. The women's camaraderie begins to fall apart when Kate finds herself still in love with Mark after sleeping with him again. Carly exposes Mark's fraud before texting him, upsetting Kate and Amber. Later Mark goes to the Bahamas on a supposed business trip, and Kate decides to follow and expose him. When she arrives she is surprised to find Carly and Amber at the airport, who explain that Mark has been using Kate as the owner of the companies he defrauded from, which would—were his fraud to be discovered—result in Kate and Mark going to prison. Kate also finds out that Mark has been seeing yet another woman, someone he has met on this trip. This, and the possibility of her facing prison, motivates her to take action, with the help of Carly's legal expertise. In addition, Amber confides to Carly that she is seeing someone else as well. When Mark returns from vacation, he visits Carly at her office. He is then locked in a conference room by her assistant and friend, Lydia (Nicki Minaj), and is stunned to see all three women sitting in there together. They proceed to confront him with his infidelities and embezzlement. With Carly as her attorney, Kate presents divorce papers and a list of their assets. She reveals how she, as a CEO, has returned all of Mark's embezzled money to the companies he had robbed from, which saves both of them from prison time but leaves him bankrupt, much to his shock and hysterical outrage. Mark's former business partner, Nick (David Thornton), then arrives and acknowledges Kate's work while firing him. The three women all applaud each other, as Mark excuses himself from them, fuming. With his furious anger and rush to leave, he smashes into an empty glass room, which drastically cuts himself while rips his coat. Afterwards, he then finds his car being towed away before also receiving a departing punch in the face from Frank. In the film's epilogue, Kate takes over Mark's previous job with Nick and is a CEO of several successful companies, making big profits under her honest leadership. Carly and Phil fall in love, and the couple are expecting a child. Amber and Frank are now a couple and are traveling the world together. ===== Jay and Annie Hargrove are a married couple, who, after having two kids, have sex at every opportunity. After Jay struggles to get an erection, Annie suggests making a sex tape. They film themselves having sex in every position listed in The Joy of Sex. When done, Annie asks Jay to delete the recording, which they hate, but he ends up instead inadvertently synchronizing the video to several iPads the couple had given away over time. After failing to get it out of the cloud, they set out to get back all of the gifted iPads, leading to a series of awkward encounters and close calls. After collecting the iPads and deleting the videos, their friend's son, Howard, threatens to upload a copy of their sex tape to YouPorn unless they give him $25,000. After failing to get the money, they break into the YouPorn headquarters and begin to destroy their web servers. Their plan is quickly thwarted when an alarm sounds. The owner and his cronies confront them and threaten to call the police, but agree not to do so in exchange for $15,000 to cover the damage. He also removes their video and explains that all they had to do to have a video removed was send him an e-mail request for such removal. After they have deleted all videos, Howard comes over to the house and gives Jay the only existing copy of the video on a USB flash drive in exchange for being allowed to hang out with their son, Clive, since he is his only friend. Jay and Annie decide to watch the video once themselves. Afterwards, they take the USB flash drive containing the video and go outside to smash it with a hammer, blend it, burn it with fire, and bury the remains. ===== Four-year-old Colton Burpo (Connor Corum) is the son of Todd Burpo (Greg Kinnear), pastor of Crossroads Wesleyan Church in Imperial, Nebraska. Colton says he experienced Heaven during an emergency surgery. He describes to his incredulous family about having seen the surgeon operating, his mother calling people in the waiting room to pray, and his father in another room yelling at God to not let him die. He also speaks of incidents with people he never met or knew about: meeting a great-grandfather who had died long before he was born, an unborn sister he never knew about who had died in a miscarriage, and having met Jesus. Colton speaks about his experiences in Heaven, and Todd is faced with the dilemma of determining the legitimacy of his son's experience. Todd's wariness about discussing the situation erodes the confidence of the board members of his church, and he is contacted by several members of the media. When Todd is called by a radio station for an impromptu on-air interview, he invites them to attend his sermon the following Sunday. At church, he preaches about his son's experiences and reveals his support for him. Following the events at the church, Todd is doing research on the Internet and finds a story about a Lithuanian girl who had a similar experience. Her recall of Jesus was identical to that of Colton. Todd tries to speak to Colton further about the experience but he is interrupted by his wife revealing that she is pregnant with another child. Photos of Colton and his family are shown in the present day. ===== In early April 1945, the Allies make their final push into the dark heart of Nazi Germany, encountering radical and increasingly fanatical resistance. Don "Wardaddy" Collier, a battle-hardened U.S. Army First Sergeant in the Second Armored Division, commands an M4 Sherman "Easy Eight" tank nicknamed Fury and its veteran crew: gunner Boyd "Bible" Swan, loader Grady "Coon-Ass" Travis, driver Trini "Gordo" Garcia, and assistant driver–bow gunner "Red," all of whom have fought together since the North African campaign. Red is killed and replaced by Private First Class Norman Ellison, a clerk typist from V Corps who was transferred to be a replacement. As they move deeper into Germany, Norman's inexperience quickly becomes dangerous: he spots but fails to shoot Hitler Youth child soldiers who ambush the platoon leader's tank with a Panzerfaust, killing the entire crew; later, he hesitates under fire during a skirmish with anti-tank guns. Don is angered and worried by his lack of aggression; after the battle, he spots a captured German soldier wearing a U.S. Army coat and orders Norman to execute him. When he refuses, Don wrestles the pistol into his hand and forces him to pull the trigger, killing the prisoner and traumatizing Norman. With Don now the acting platoon leader, the tanks capture a small town with relative ease. Don and Norman then enter an apartment and encounter a German woman named Irma, and her younger cousin Emma. Don pays them in cigarettes for a hot meal and some hot water for a shave. Norman and Emma bond, and at Don's urging, the two go into the bedroom and are implied to have sex. Later, as the four sit down to eat, the rest of the crew drunkenly barges in, harassing the women and bullying Norman, but Don firmly rebukes them. They are called away for an urgent mission, but as the men prepare to leave, German artillery targets the town, killing Emma and further traumatizing Norman. The tank platoon is ordered to capture and hold a vital crossroads to protect the division's rear echelon. En route, they are ambushed by a SS Tiger tank, which wipes out the entire platoon except for Fury. Fury eventually destroys the Tiger by outmaneuvering it and firing into its thinner rear armor. Unable to notify his superiors because the radio has been damaged, Don decides to try to complete their mission. Upon arriving at the crossroads, the tank is immobilized by a landmine. Don sends Norman to scout a nearby hill; from there, he eventually spots a battalion of Waffen-SS infantry approaching. The rest of the crew wants to flee, but Don decides to stay, eventually convincing the others to stand and fight. The men disguise Fury to make it appear to be knocked out and then hide inside. While they wait, the crew finally gives Norman a nickname – "Machine" – to show their acceptance of him. They then ambush the Germans, inflicting heavy casualties in a long and vicious battle. Grady is killed by a Panzerfaust that penetrates the turret, Gordo is shot while unpinning a grenade and sacrifices himself by covering it before it explodes, then a sniper kills Bible and severely wounds Don. Out of ammunition and surrounded, Don orders Norman to escape through the floor hatch as the Germans drop potato masher grenades into the tank. Norman slips out just before they explode, killing Don. Norman tries to hide as the Germans move on, but is spotted by a young SS soldier, who hesitates, then leaves without alerting his comrades. The next morning, Norman crawls back into the tank, where he covers Don's body with his jacket. He is rescued by American soldiers who praise him as a hero. As Norman is driven away in an ambulance, he looks back at numerous dead SS soldiers lying around the disabled Fury while the American troops continue their advance. The camera pans out revealing the Fury at the center of the crossroads where their battle took place. ===== Cedric (Kevin Hart) begins by saying how Las Vegas has always been a place for casinos and showgirls, and is the perfect place for couples to get married. Cedric and his friends are all in Las Vegas for the wedding of Michael (Terrence J) and Candace (Regina Hall), with her son Duke (Caleel Harris) and mother (Angela Gibbs) joining them. Zeke (Romany Malco) and Mya (Meagan Good) arrive, with Zeke's womanizing past constantly being brought up by old friends and former flames, including the concierge at the hotel, who throws her drink in his face. Bennett (Gary Owen) and his wife Tish (Wendi McLendon-Covey) are trying to get a spark back in their marriage. Jeremy (Jerry Ferrara) and Kristen (Gabrielle Union) have married and are now trying for a baby. Dominic (Michael Ealy) and Lauren (Taraji P. Henson) are reunited after spending time away from each other, and they make out in the limousine. Finally, Cedric pulls up to the hotel in a gaudy sports car, happily getting away from his wife Gail (Wendy Williams). The men and women separate to enjoy their day. Cedric books himself a lavish suite and intends to go all out for a wild weekend. Michael's overbearing mother Loretta (Jenifer Lewis) doesn't approve of his engagement with Candace, still thinking no woman is good enough for her son. Loretta even takes over the bachelorette party duties, even though Lauren is the maid of honor. The women start to have a party for Candace, complete with their own blow-up doll (named Idris), until Loretta makes up her own party, which is boring. This, along with Candace's desire to have the perfect wedding, heaps on the stress. Among other problems plaguing the couples include Lauren being called by her boss Lee (Kelsey Grammer), who tells her she is being considered for a COO position in New York, meaning she will be separated from Dominic. Kristen tries to get Jeremy to have sex with her by roleplaying "Game of Thrones" characters, but Jeremy has reservations about becoming a father. He's also not thrilled about having to give up smoking weed, and he instead brought weed breath strips. Mya is ready to marry Zeke, but Zeke shows hesitation. While the ladies have to deal with Loretta, Lauren and Candace conspire to set her up with Candace's Uncle Eddie. Loretta takes the ladies out to dinner, and after plans to take Candace to see Dionne Warwick. Uncle Eddie (Dennis Haysbert) shows up and begins flirting with Loretta. The ladies leave them to go see Dionne Warwick together, so they can leave to have fun. Elsewhere, the guys are hitting the casinos, with Cedric trying to score as much as he can. They run into Michael's old frat brothers Isaac (Adam Brody) and Terrell (David Walton), who just want to party. Dominic is then pulled aside by a chef who offers him a position there in Vegas, which could possibly jumpstart his career. The ladies gives Tish a makeover and Mya giving her a black suit (complete with a montage) to undo her frumpy housewife look to a more alluring style. They then take the guys' party bus to the club, forcing the guys to either take a Chippendale-type bus, or walk. They choose the latter. On the bus, the ladies find Jeremy's weed strips and take them, while Lauren gets a call from her boss who officially makes her COO. Cedric finds himself in trouble when Gail finds out that he's been using her card to pay for his expenses, running her up to $40,000 in charges. He tries to win it back at the casino, putting it all on his "lucky number" 15. While his back turned, Zeke pulls the chips away to leave only one to spare Cedric the loss. However, the ball does land on 15, and Cedric is angry at Zeke. Meanwhile, the ladies start to feel the effects of dance clubs, and they end up making an impromptu video to Bell Biv DeVoe's "Poison". As a last resort, Cedric takes the guys to the club (the same one the ladies are at) for amateur's night, dressing in various costumes to try and win some money. This, however, turns into a disaster when Michael sees Candace getting a lap dance; he charges to attack the dancer, leading to an all-out fight between the guys, the ladies, and the dancers. They are all put in jail for the night. Realizing that the wedding is in a few hours, they all try to call someone for help, but with no luck: Loretta is busy spending the night with Eddie in her room; Gail is already shacking up with Drake (who appears as himself); Bennett's mother has gone to pick up his kid. Jeremy sees the way he talks to his child, and is influenced to become a father. The guys blame Cedric for getting them into this mess. Loretta sees the messages on her phone and rushes to bail them out. Everybody rushes to the venue for the wedding, but they are too late, and their spot has been taken; Candace runs away crying, and Michael leaves without a word. The couples decide to resolve their problems, except for Bennett and Tish. Jeremy decides that he's finally committed to being a father, and Kristen reveals she might be pregnant (though she claims to be a week late), bringing the two closer. Dominic and Lauren admit that they were considered for good jobs, but they each turned them down so they could be together. Zeke explains and apologizes to Mya for everything that's been going on, and finally proposes to her; Mya accepts. Loretta is unable to find Michael and looks for him in Candace's room. She tells Candace maybe it was for the best and that if she really loves her son, she would finish packing and leave him, making Candace more overwhelmed and fed up. Michael walks in on this and has become fed up with his mother and decides to show tough love and tells his mother that she must apologize to Candace, but she refuses. Michael declares that he will marry Candace whether she likes it or not, and that she will no longer be invited to the wedding. Candace disagrees with Michael, saying that he needs to apologize to Loretta, because as a mother herself, she would be heartbroken if her own son did not let her go to his wedding. Loretta, recognizing her mistakes, makes the first move and finally apologizes; the three reconcile. Cedric, feeling like a failure as a best man, packs his bags to leave Vegas; however, with the help of his personal butler, Declan (Jim Piddock), he finds another venue. Candace and Michael are married, and everybody, including Loretta, cheers and celebrates. In the end, Cedric becomes fed up with Vegas, and as the group leaves the hotel, he lets Bennett have his last dollar. Bennett then wins $100,000 on a slot machine. Cedric tries to claim the prize as it was his dollar, though everybody else tries to hold him back from fighting Bennett. ===== A man is haunted by the heart of a man he murdered. The film moves Poe's story into a contemporary New Orleans setting. Rose McGowan stars as a character who "may or may not be real". tale-heart/#.UZE76sVvaSo ===== Judd Altman (Jason Bateman) finds out his wife Quinn (Abigail Spencer) has been having an affair with his boss Wade (Dax Shepard) for a year. After he moves out, his sister Wendy (Tina Fey) calls to tell him their father Mort has died. The Altmans gather for the funeral at their mother's home where they reconnect with Wendy's ex-boyfriend Horry Callen (Timothy Olyphant), who suffered a brain injury years before, and his mother Linda (Debra Monk). Wendy is unhappy because her workaholic husband Barry (Aaron Lazar) neglects her. Judd reunites with his older brother Paul (Corey Stoll) and Paul's wife Annie (Kathryn Hahn), who had once been Judd's girlfriend. The youngest brother, Phillip (Adam Driver), arrives late with his new, older girlfriend Tracy (Connie Britton). The Altmans' mother Hilary (Jane Fonda) tells her children their father, though an atheist, wanted them to sit shiva, presided over by the Altmans' childhood friend, Rabbi Charles "Boner" Grodner (Ben Schwartz). Wendy is the only one in the family who knows about Judd's marital problems. Judd also reunites with Penny Moore (Rose Byrne), a woman who had a crush on him in high school. During a family gathering, Wendy drunkenly badgers Judd to tell the truth about Quinn. Phillip laments being seen as the family screw-up, while flirting with another woman in front of Tracy. Judd blurts out that Quinn was cheating on him and he plans to divorce her. Quinn shows up the next day and reveals she's pregnant with Judd's child. Phillip finds out about the pregnancy and reveals this to the family. Judd spends the night with Penny, and then spends the day with her. Wendy visits Horry in his backyard, and expresses remorse over causing the accident that caused Horry's brain injury. The family goes to temple, where the brothers sneak out to smoke joints Judd found in his father's suit. Annie, upset that she and Paul haven't conceived, tries to seduce Judd in hopes that he will impregnate her, but he rejects her. A few days later, after Barry leaves for a conference, Wendy sleeps with Horry, with whom she is still in love. Quinn calls Judd out of fear that she is having a miscarriage, and he admits to Penny that Quinn is pregnant. Judd gets to the hospital to be with Quinn where Wade also shows up. The baby, which is revealed to be a girl, survives. Judd and Wade get into a fight in the waiting room. When Philip and Wendy arrive, Wendy punches Wade in the face, and Judd gets a group of young men who witnessed the confrontation to flip Wade’s car. As he leaves, Wade tells Judd he's not ready to be a step-dad and leaves Quinn. The next day, Tracy talks with Judd and decides to break up with Phillip. Judd drives to Penny's house to talk to her, but she won't listen. Later, Annie apologizes to Judd, tearfully confessing that she is frustrated that she can't get pregnant. Judd replies that she should focus on what she and Paul do have. Paul sees Judd hugging her and assumes Judd is hitting on her. Paul attacks Judd as Tracy leaves Phillip, resulting in the three brothers fighting. Hilary silences everyone by kissing Linda passionately. She informs them that she and Linda are in love and that they had Mort's blessing. She admits the shiva was her idea, in order to come out to her children and get them to reconnect. The siblings are shocked, but see their mother is happy and accept it. One night, when the power goes out in the basement, Judd attempts to fix the fusebox, only to receive an electric shock and be knocked out. He dreams of a childhood memory of falling off his bike and of Mort comforting him. Judd wakes up crying, finally mourning his father. Judd apologizes to Penny for not being honest and promises to call her. Wendy leaves with her two children, tearing up as she again leaves Horry. The brothers reconcile and Paul offers Phillip a job at their father's sporting goods store. Judd quietly slips out, steals Phillip's Porsche, and drives up the highway to Maine, where he had dreamed of going. ===== Linda and Gene are excitedly showing off Gene's new baseball uniform at the restaurant. Everyone is impressed to various degrees and Bob is quick to show off something of his own; a new espresso machine. Bob offers a cup to Teddy who vehemently declines, so Tina drinks it. She quickly acquires a taste for it, bringing a thermos full of coffee along to Gene's first baseball game and rapidly chattering about anything that comes to mind, much to Louise's amusement. After an abysmal first game where Gene causes his team to lose, Linda resolves to help Gene. First she has Bob train him but their little game of catch dissolves into garbage throwing and injuries. Linda finds an ad for a pricy baseball camp online, run by "The Deuce", and filled with obvious editing that faked good results. Bob is against spending over $400 for the obviously fake camp but Linda decides to sell something to raise the cash. When Linda's little baby figurines don't fetch much at a pawn shop, Louise convinces her to sell Bob's espresso machine. The next day, Teddy decides to try a cup of espresso after all, and not having thought he'd actually make a sale, Louise and Linda play dumb about Bob's missing espresso machine. Jimmy Jr. stops by and spills the beans about Gene being at the expensive baseball camp because his little brothers, Andy and Olly, are there too. Tina, in a caffeine withdrawal craze, breaks some of her mom's baby figurines to try and force a confession out of her. It works and an angry Bob drags the family down to the baseball field to get their money back. When he finds the field empty, they use information in The Deuce's abandoned duffel bag and stumble upon Gene and the campers hitting a motel soda machine with bats at the instruction of The Deuce who was getting revenge for getting evicted from his motel room. Bob immediately accuses The Deuce of being a fraud but Linda defends him and they ultimately decide to set up a game in a nearby vacant lot; if Gene really has improved, then The Deuce can keep their money. On the first throw, Gene manages to hit the ball and despite Bob's disbelief and anger, it counts. In the end, The Deuce drives off and Bob reluctantly admits he's glad Gene's happy with his improvement. All the baseball camp kids celebrate in Bob's car by spraying a soda can around while Tina's left behind at the motel, chugging out of an old, communal coffee pot, still feeling the need for caffeine. ===== ===== Policeman, Mike Jones (Q), is given information by his athlete friend, Joey (Silvio Simac), about a terrorist group testing a virus on people. Whilst undercover, Mike tries to earn the trust of Slick Pete (Bradley Gardner), who is planning a bank robbery heist. Later Joey is murdered by his girlfriend, Ty (Shanika Warren-Markland), after refusing to throw his next martial arts fight at the request of Fast Eddie (Joseph Marcell). After Mike finds Joey dead and he suspects Ty was involved after seeing her with a few gangsters earlier. He pursues her for information, after she disregards him, he and his partner are followed back to his house by Rizzle (Gary McDonald) and Big D (Micheal White). Everyone except Mike is killed in a shootout, Mike suspects he was set up and resigns. Ty then orders Barry (Richie Campbel) and Tyson (Ashley Chin) to kill Mike. Mike goes on the run to solve the virus case and obtain the virus antibodies. Whilst Mike is being pursued by his old colleagues, he obtains diaries about drugs the virus has been planted in from sports-coach, Coach McKenzie (Martina Laird). After she is murdered, Mike gives the diaries to a journalist, Trevor McBride (Wil Johnson), who is then kidnapped for ransom money in exchange for the antibodies, tortured and murdered by Razor (Andrew Harrison). After Mike tells Pete that he is a policeman, Pete orders Kent (Leon Herbert) to kill Mike. For help, Mike visits Shazz (Maya Sondhi), an ex-scientist who is married to his ex-colleague, Ritchie (David Keyes). Ritchie sends Mike away to Jack Huey (Dermot Keaney) in Brighton to be tortured by Razor (Andrew Harrison). Mike escapes and kills Jack and Razor. Mike gives Shazz evidence incriminating Ritchie for her to pass onto Brighton police. Ritchie kidnaps Shazz and holds her hostage for ransom money. Mike enlists the help of a swat team, who help him kill Ritchie’s men in a warehouse. Ritchie is then killed by Mike’s former superior Whittaker (Justine Powell). Mike declines Whittaker’s offer for his old job. Barry and Tyson are killed by Ty for doing a drug deal on the side, Mike then kills Ty and warns Ty’s driver that if Fast Eddie comes back then he will kill him and Fast Eddie, and then employs him as an informant. Mike plans a holiday to Hawaii and goes back to his flat where he finds Slick Pete and his men, they all point loaded guns at Mike. The film ends as a gunshot is fired. ===== This coming-of-age story features a mediocre high school basketball player (Dempsey Pappion) who is given a pair of magical basketball shoes by a stranger (Gregory Hines). He quickly becomes a superstar shooter on his team. He is recruited by college basketball scouts and plans his future in college basketball, as he neglects potential academic scholarship possibilities. ===== A local teenager defies nature to reunite an abandoned polar bear cub with its mother in the ice fields of Northern Canada. ===== Having lived two years in isolation since the death of his daughter, psychic Dr. John Clancy is asked by his friend Joe Merriwether, an FBI special agent, to help him solve several murders committed by a serial killer. FBI special agent Katherine Cowles, Merriwether's partner, is skeptical about Clancy's gift, but soon comes to discover otherwise. The victims all turn out to have been suffering from terminal illnesses and Clancy realizes the killer has abilities exceeding his own. Merriwether is shot by the suspect and while in hospital admits he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. After the funeral, Clancy is confronted by the killer, Ambrose, who explains he is sparing his victims from a slow death, killing them out of mercy, and that he engineered Merriwether's death. He arrogantly declares he has seen all the possibilities but Clancy surprises him by doing something he hadn't predicted, nonetheless Ambrose escapes. Cowles and the FBI discover the killer is a man called Charles Ambrose. Clancy is forced to test his abilities to their limits and is able to intercept Ambrose as he poisons his latest victim. Clancy tells him he has no right to take time away from even the terminally ill, such as his friend Merriwether. Cowles and Clancy finally confront Ambrose in a subway car. Ambrose takes Cowles prisoner and forces Clancy to shoot him, believing that his death will set him on a path of killing. Clancy reconciles with his wife, but has a recollection of euthanising his own daughter as she was dying from leukemia. ===== In southern France during the Roaring Twenties, Philip Bang, a notorious master con man serving his time in prison, is relocated to a high security facility for hard labor after causing an uproar at supper. This, however, is actually part of a plan to spring him from prison, arranged with the aid of his former wife and partner, Belle Duke (proprietor of a casino yacht and herself a con woman), and his daughter, Charlotte. But on his way to a transit prison facility, as Bang prepares to vacate the train via a wagon restroom, he suddenly finds himself the unwilling escape aide of another con man, young Italian "Felix", who leaves Bang in the soup. But before Felix can enjoy his new-found freedom, he is picked up by Belle Duke's men, who mistake him for Bang. Once his true identity is found out, Belle Duke is less than delighted at his presence and demands of him to free Bang. When Felix manages to escape her thugs, Belle Duke uses Charlotte to set him up, leaving him no alternative than to agree to her request. Using his own experiences with the transit facility, a purloined priest's cassock and a cuckoo clock bomb, Felix breaks Bang out, but Bang proves reluctant to return to Belle Duke, since he had fleeced her of her wealth before going to prison, and for that reason Belle is likely wanting to see the return of her money and revenge exacted on him. After testing Felix's talents and attitude, they become partners, joined by Charlotte, who has fallen in love with Felix. In order to fool Belle Duke once again, Bang decides to use the money he and Felix have appropriated to buy a worthless piece of swampland, arranging a fake archeological sensation (using real museum exhibits and Bang's old gang) and an alleged black market scheme to convince Belle Duke to purchase it at an astronomical price. The plan works out splendidly, but Felix decides to raise the stakes of the game by claiming that he has kidnapped Charlotte, using Bang's sincere distress to fully convince Belle Duke of the "veracity" of their con scheme. Felix makes a run from Belle's men with the money, but supposedly dies when his escape boat crashes into a boathouse and explodes. Shortly afterwards, the police, called upon the scene by Felix as part of his plan, arrives, supposedly arresting a dismayed Bang. But once again a double bluff is played as the police squad turns out to be Bang's con gang, and an unexpected motorcycle escort to be Felix in command of a few shop-window mannequins. After convincing Bang with some effort that his kidnapping sham was actually meant to throw off their opposition, Felix, Bang and Charlotte narrowly escape Belle Duke, who has since discovered the deception, via single-engine airplane. And as a final point, Felix cannot resist one last bluff when he accidentally spills the fleeced 100 million Francs out of the plane's open door, only to reel them back in, with each bill meticulously tied to a long line ... ===== Daisy, a neurotic American teenager, is sent to the English countryside for the summer to stay with her Aunt Penn and her cousins, Eddie, Isaac, and Piper. She arrives at Heathrow Airport to tightened security and reports of a bombing in Paris, and Isaac drives to her cousins' farm, which she discovers to be dilapidated and very messy. Although initially abrasive, Daisy warms to them upon learning that her deceased mother used to stay there frequently. She also falls in love with Eddie, her eldest cousin, finding him to be as introverted and strong-willed as she, and noticing his unusual, almost mystical connection to animals. A few days after her arrival, her aunt flies to Geneva to attend an emergency conference because she is an expert in terrorist extremist groups, and the group takes advantage of her absence to explore their local woodlands. Their summer fun ends when a terrorist coalition detonates a nuclear bomb in London that potentially kills hundreds of thousands; the nuclear fallout reaches as far away as their home. In the aftermath, electricity goes out, and they learn from an emergency radio broadcast that martial law has been imposed. The next day, an American consular official arrives at the house and offers Daisy passage home. Unable to help her cousins, he advises them to remain indoors and wait for evacuation. After they move to a nearby barn, Daisy and Eddie make love and she decides that she would rather stay with them. The next day, however, the British Army storms the shelter and takes them to a nearby town. There, they learn boys and girls are to be evacuated to separate parts of the country. Both Eddie and Daisy resist separation, and Daisy is restrained with cable ties; Eddie calls to her to return to their home when she gets the chance. Daisy and Piper are taken to the home of a British Army major and his wife, who foster them. Determined to escape, Daisy discreetly begins hoarding supplies, but their neighbourhood is attacked by the enemy before she has time to take everything she needs. As Daisy and Piper hike through the countryside, Daisy interprets her dreams of Eddie as indications of his current situation. One night, Daisy is woken up and witnesses a gang-rape. She and Piper flee, but after Piper starts whining, Daisy threatens to abandon her. Already disturbed by the prior experience, they discover a massacre at the camp where Isaac and Eddie were taken. Daisy reluctantly checks the bodies; although Eddie is not among the dead, Isaac's body is. She mournfully takes his glasses and later buries them. As they leave, they are spotted by two armed men, who chase them through the woods. Piper and Daisy decide to hide, but the men discover Piper. Daisy threatens them with a gun and impulsively shoots them both; she kills one and wounds the other. The horror of what she has done, along with her fears, begins to take its toll on Daisy. Later, she realises that they have lost their map and compass, and the girls are on the verge of giving up when they see Eddie's pet hawk fly overhead. They realise it will lead them home and follow it. Upon arriving home, their elation turns to horror when they discover that the military garrison stationed there has been massacred; the house is ransacked and empty; only Jet, Piper's dog, remains. Eddie is not at the barn where they took shelter either, and although Piper is elated to be home, Daisy breaks down in tears outside. The next day, however, the two hear Jet barking, and Daisy runs out into the woods, where she finds Eddie lying unconscious; he has severe burns, gashes, and his eyes are swollen shut. As she nurses him, a ceasefire is announced, electricity is returned, a new government forms, and the country begins to recover. However, it becomes clear Eddie suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and is mute. After he accidentally cuts himself while gardening, Daisy tenderly sucks the blood from his cut, which mimics his actions earlier. She kisses Eddie, hoping he may soon recover. ===== In 1850, author Herman Melville visits innkeeper Thomas Nickerson, the last survivor of the sinking of the whaleship Essex, offering money in return for his story. Nickerson initially refuses, but then finally agrees when his wife intervenes. The story turns to 1820: a whaling company in Nantucket has refitted the Essex to participate in the lucrative whale oil trade, and 14-year-old Nickerson signs on as a cabin boy. The owners hire veteran whaler Owen Chase as first mate, though he is disappointed not to receive a captain's commission. The captain is George Pollard, an inexperienced mariner from an established whaling family who envies Chase's skill and popularity. Chase and Pollard clash, leading Pollard to sail into a storm against Chase's advice. The two agree to put their differences aside, rather than risking their reputations by returning to port without profit, and soon, the crew kills their first bull sperm whale. Three months pass with no further successes, and Pollard realizes that the Atlantic Ocean holds no sighting of whales. The Essex sails past Cape Horn to the Pacific, hoping for better luck in catching one. In Atacames, Ecuador, the officers meet a Spanish captain who tells them his crew found the bountiful "Offshore Grounds" 2,000 miles to the west, but claims that a vengeful "white whale" destroyed his ship, killing six of his men. Dismissing the story as a myth, Pollard and Chase lead the expedition west. They find the undisturbed grounds, but when they launch the whaling boats, the white whale, a massive albino bull sperm whale attacks, damaging the boats and turning on the ship. Chase harpoons it from the Essexs deck, but the whale staves the ship in half, killing two men. The crew abandons the sinking Essex in the three intact whaling boats, and must sail hundreds of miles to shore with very limited supplies. The whale follows and attacks again, but they escape to the tiny Henderson Island. While gathering food, Chase discovers the corpses of earlier castaways, and concludes that the crew will soon die on the island before another ship passes by. Four men decide to stay, while the rest set sail again on the boats with hopes to find land. Soon after, one of the men dies, and the remaining crew reluctantly decide to cannibalize him. The older Nickerson is overcome with remorse for his cannibalism and stops his story, thinking his wife could not love him if she knew about it; however, when his wife comforts him, assuring him that she still loves him, he feels encouraged enough to finish. Back in the 1820s, the three boats are separated by the currents and one is lost. The other two further resort to cannibalism to survive, with Pollard's cousin Henry Coffin sacrificing himself. The white whale suddenly returns, and Chase gets into position for a final attack. The whale breaches for a moment, allowing Chase to observe a portion of his previously thrown harpoon still embedded above the whale's eye. Chase hesitates, and stares into the whale's left eye, as the whale stares back at Chase. After a moment of thought, Chase lowers his harpoon, deciding not to kill the creature. Following this encounter, the whale swims away peacefully, and is never seen again. A passing ship rescues Pollard's boat, but Chase's boat continues to drift with no food or water. Finally, with the survivors on the verge of death, they reach land. The survivors are all brought back to Nantucket, where they finally reunite with their distraught families. The Nantucket ships' owners ask Pollard and Chase to cover up the story to protect the industry's reputation, but Chase, deciding he has had enough of their dishonesty and that he no longer cares about them, refuses to go along and resigns. Pollard reveals the truth in the inquiry, much to their anger. Nickerson relates that a ship was sent to Henderson Island to rescue the surviving men there, Chase continued sailing the seas and became a merchant captain, which his wife had said earlier would not change her love for him, and Pollard led another expedition to find and kill the whale. However, he was never able to find the animal and the ship ran aground off the Hawaiian Islands and he was forced to retire. Melville departs to compose his novel, Moby-Dick, beginning by writing its first line: "Call me Ishmael". ===== At a nuclear plant in Chai Wan, Hong Kong, a hacker causes the coolant pumps to overheat and explode. Not long after in Chicago, the Mercantile Trade Exchange gets hacked, causing soy futures to rise. The Chinese government and the FBI determine that the hack was caused by a remote access tool (RAT). An army officer in China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) cyber warfare unit, Captain Chen Dawai (Leehom Wang), is tasked to find the people responsible for the attacks, and enlists the aid of his sister Chen Lien (Tang Wei), a networking engineer. He meets with FBI Special Agent Carol Barrett (Viola Davis) in Los Angeles and reveals the code in the RAT was written by himself and Nicholas Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth), his brilliant college roommate, in their school days at MIT, years before Hathaway was sent to prison. Dawai asks that the FBI arrange for Hathaway to be released from prison, where he is serving a sentence for computer crimes. Hathaway is offered a temporary release in exchange for his services. He negotiates a deal with the U.S. government to have his prison sentence commuted as time served if his assistance aids in the apprehension of the hacker. However, he must wear an ankle bracelet monitor and be monitored by a Deputy U.S. Marshal named Jessup (Holt McCallany). Hathaway manipulates the update system on the Marshal's phone GPS that tracks his location, so he can follow his own lead and arranges a meet with the hacker's partner to a restaurant. While they are waiting, he tells Lien about his past, but the hacker's partner never shows. Hathaway discovers a camera watching them and messages the hacker on the restaurant's computer that he is on his trail now. Hathaway identifies the criminal who aided the hacker in his penetration of the Exchange's computer servers and develops a romantic relationship with Lien. Clues uncovered by Captain Chen and Special Agent Barrett next lead the team to Hong Kong where the team works with Police Inspector Alex Trang (Andy On). The team traces the stock trade money to a known paramilitary operative named Elias Kassar (Ritchie Coster). Hathaway, Jessup, Chen, and Trang, along with a Special Duties Unit team, raid Kassar's hideout. Things go wrong as Trang's Hong Kong Surveillance team tracking Kassar is found dead, having been exposed due to Trang’s camera reflection in sunlight. A shootout ensues in a tunnel, Trang and numerous officers are killed and Kassar escapes by boat. Meanwhile, the nuclear plant has stabilized enough to retrieve a data drive from the control room but it is corrupted. The NSA's Black Widow software has the power to repair the data, but the NSA does not want the Chinese using it. Hathaway successfully hacks the NSA to use Black Widow, discovering that the hacker's server is based in Jakarta. Lien finds out the hacker has been buying high- resolution satellite photos of a site near Seri Manjung, Malaysia. Hathaway's hack into the NSA does not go unnoticed and the U.S. government, NSA and FBI demand his return to prison. Dawai's superiors advise him to turn Hathaway over to the U.S. government, but he instead alerts Hathaway to their plans. Outside, one of Kassar's men secretly plants a tracking device on Dawai's car. Barrett is ordered to arrest Hathaway, but finds he has escaped custody. Dawai is killed by Kassar, as are Barrett and Jessup, who shortly arrive on the scene. Lien and Hathaway barely escape into the subway. Lien uses her connections to acquire a plane to go after Kassar. Mourning Dawai's death, Hathaway and Lien travel to Malaysia out of revenge to figure out the hacker's goal. After discovering a set of tin mines, Hathaway realizes that the hacker's attack at the nuclear plant was merely a test for a later plan to sabotage a large dam with huge spill ways to destroy several major tin mines that are down stream in Malaysia, allowing the hacker to make a fortune buying tin options. The two travel to Jakarta and hack into the bank's computer to successfully drain the hacker's bank accounts, forcing the hacker, Sadak (Yorick van Wageningen), to respond. Sadak and Hathaway agree to meet and discuss becoming partners. Hathaway knows that the meeting will be a trap and arms himself with makeshift weapons and body armor, using his prison knowledge. He conceals the weapons under a loose fitting jacket and scarf. Hathaway insists Sadak and Kassar come alone but they bring their henchmen. Lien spots them and alerts Hathaway, who orders them to a new location at nightfall, a crowded parade in a large park. Hathaway trails Sadak and Kassar from behind. Kassar draws a machine pistol on Hathaway as he approaches. As Kassar is frisking Hathaway, he is overpowered and fatally stabbed with a screwdriver. Two of Sadak's men catch up and a firefight ensues, wounding Hathaway despite the armor, who manages to kill both men with the pistol. Hathaway is stabbed by Sadak, but manages to kill him. He regroups with Lien's help, and she gives him medical attention. The film ends with Lien and Hathaway leaving Indonesia, with Sadak's money still in their bank account, although they are now fugitives at large. ===== The story is about a boy, Masarin, and his dad, Loranga, who live together in a house. Out in the woodshed lives Masarin's grandfather, Dartanjang, who is hypochondriac (and suffering from slight dementia). Loranga, constantly wearing a robe and a floral tea cozy on his head, is a childish and irresponsible bohemian. Therefore, Masarin is usually the responsible one; for example, he is the one taking care of his great-grandfather who thinks he is a cuckoo and lives at the top of a pine tree in the forest. Masarin is not disturbed by this; he is delighted with the fact that his dad is playing silly games with him. For example, they often play hockey with an overripe tomato. Other characters in the book are Gustav the Thief, the Angry Old Man and the Hot Dog Vendor. ===== ===== The series centers around a young married couple who live in Forest Heights, New York. ===== Many years have passed since the events depicted in previous DoDonPachi games. In the past, the Element Doll Electronics Laboratory was designing the ultimate Element Doll to assist the human species, dubbed "Project Haruuara." The first units produced were Extra Z-001 "Hina" and Extra Z-002 "Saya." Though they lived as sisters and were taught the importance of being close with humans, they were trained as enemies in combat. When Hina decided that the ultimate answer to humanity's problems was to eliminate the human person, the project was immediately shut down and the Element Dolls were frozen. Prior to the beginning of the game, Hina, now known as Hibachi, was mysteriously reactivated and destroyed the laboratory, and the incident was covered up. Hibachi now controls a computer system governing from deep within the technologically advanced City of Ideal, a paradise where humans live in harmony with nature. Believing that the only way to save humankind is to have them adopt a better form, she begins a war to force all humans on Earth to become machines. Hastily, the remaining humans of Earth revive the ancient DonPachi Corps to fight Hibachi's army of mechanized people. The new DonPachi's mission is to destroy Hibachi and her powerful computer system. If the requirements are met to face Hibachi at the end, with her last words she expresses a realization that non-mechanized humans are the ultimate form.SDOJ translations on shmups.system11.orgofficial story description on ===== Ana and Anny live, along with their deformed brother/son, in the desolate southern Chilean countryside, after having been sheltered from society by their drug dealer father for their entire lives. One day the police come calling to investigate, and after bullets are fired and chainsaws are revved up, the three siblings find themselves on their own, and on the road. The trio is also on the run from their father’s crazed drug kingpin boss Uncle Costello, who is convinced the sisters know where his valuable supply is hidden. He sends an army of trained killers to track them down... but Costello and his gang find that they might be in for more than they bargained for. Amidst a world of bloody executions, roadside prostitution, sexual assault, and even cannibalism, the bodies keep on piling up. ===== Marina Rangel is a courageous and young physical therapist struggling to support her family by working at a public hospital. Here, she will meet the rich and handsome Dr. Samuel Montalbán, and this is where all her troubles will begin. Dr. Samuel forms an instant dislike for Marina and finds an excuse to have her fired. Finding herself jobless and desperate, Marina finds a job as a nurse in a private home caring for a woman who has recently become blind. However, her patient is none other than Andrea, Samuel's frustrated and conniving wife who makes everyone around her, especially Marina, suffer due to her handicap. It is in the middle of this conflict that Marina and Samuel form a passionate bond of love, but their happiness will face many challenges. Andrea recovers her sight but hides this from Samuel in order to keep him at her side. Also, Marina's former lover comes back into her life, and it turns out that he is Samuel's brother. But when he is murdered by a jealous lover, Marina is accused of the crime. Believing that she killed his brother, Samuel abandons Marina. Years later, Marina, now married to another man, meets Samuel who assures her that their feelings for each other are over. But is it?Resumen de Todo por tu amor ===== Gonzalo Landeata was a rich landowner who suffered a terrible betrayal from Vicente Echeverría who stole his land and his wife thereby making him die in sorrow. His three beautiful daughters Manuela, Emiliana and Camila, are filled with a strong passion that Vicente, who has raised them with a firm hand, will ensure that it ends. Manuela is to be married to Ezequiel, but she begins to have a change of heart when she meets Rodrigo, a man whose tenderness and passion causes her deep confusion. Emiliana is torn between the love of a man and respect for her father when she falls in love with Juan Cristobal Landeata, an older man who is her father's worst enemy. Camila goes to defy her father by falling in love with Dario, her childhood playmate whom Vicente views as a simple peasant unworthy of his daughter's affections ===== Justin (Freddie Highmore) lives in the kingdom of Gabylonia, where lawyers control everything and knights have been ousted. His dream is to be one of the Knights of Valour, like his grandfather, Sir Roland. But his father Reginald (Alfred Molina), a widower and the chief counsel to the Queen (Olivia Williams), wants his son to follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer. After an argument with his father, Justin seeks comfort from his grandmother (Julie Walters), a friend of the Queen, who encourages him to follow his dreams. Justin notices that his grandfather's sword is missing and decides to find it as his quest. His grandmother gives him a key which originally belonged to his grandfather and tells him to go to an abbey where three wise monks would train him. Before Justin leaves, he visits his crush Lara (Tamsin Egerton), who is a spoiled brat and the daughter of the kingdom's greatest businessman. He says farewell to her, though she is not really listening and rather uncaringly gives him a sock as a token. Justin embarks on his quest to become a knight. Along the way he meets a beautiful, feisty girl named Talia (Saoirse Ronan), a weary barmaid who works at the Broken Eagle Inn, and a quirky wizard called Melquiades (David Walliams). Meanwhile, Justin's grandmother visits the Queen, who tells her that she regrets her decision of ousting the knights. A thief overhears their conversation and disguises himself as a knight, naming himself Sir Clorex (Antonio Banderas). He becomes popular with the townsfolk and is used to attract customers at the Broken Eagle Inn, but Talia sees that he is a phony. Justin finds the abbey and trains with the monks, Braulio (Barry Humphries), an inventor who suffers from fits when stressed, Legantir (Charles Dance), a wizard and head of the abbey and Blucher (James Cosmo), a knight and an old friend of Sir Roland. They train him using the ways of the Knights of Valour. The monks then receive news that a banished former knight, Sir Heraclio (Mark Strong) and his second-in-command Sota (Rupert Everett), have returned from exile and have started rounding up an army (broken out of prison by Sota and his halfwit brothers Champ & Copas) to seek retribution on the Queen & Reginald for outlawing knights. The monks later reveal to Justin the Hall of Heroes, where all the statues of the finest knights were kept. Justin finds his grandfather's statue and notices that his grandfather's sword is not in the chest below it, and Sir Heraclio's statue has been removed. Blucher then tells Justin what really happened to his grandfather, who defended his son & the Queen and was killed by Heraclio with his own sword. Justin realizes that his grandfather's sword is with Heraclio. The monks attempt to challenge Justin by battling a dragon, which turns out to be a crocodile with mechanical wings and fire. Justin ends up near-fatally injured but is saved by Legantir and Blucher using a healing spell. The monks decide to end the training. Before he leaves, Blucher gives Justin his sword and tells him that he will need it. On his way back home, Justin saves Talia when she gets intimidated by thugs. Talia helps Justin defeat the thugs, resulting in her getting fired, though she happily quits first. Justin is amazed that Talia is a proficient fighter, which she says is from having five older brothers. She is disheartened when she learns that Justin has feelings for Lara. Meanwhile, Justin's grandmother tells her son Reginald to understand Justin's dream of becoming a knight, just like his father understood his dream to become a Lawyer. She persuades Reginald to bond with his son at Lara's party, an event that Justin wouldn't miss. Justin attends Lara's party with Talia as his date. He is shocked when he finds out that Lara has fallen in love with Sir Clorex. Sota and his brothers invade the party in order to kidnap Lara. Justin attempts to save Lara, but Sota drugs him. Clorex enters the scene. Sota and his brothers think that he is a knight and flee. Lara mocks Justin about his desire to become a knight, and Reginald attempts to bond with his son, but Justin sadly tells him that he will go to Law School. Sir Clorex and Lara share a seemingly romantic moment together, until Sir Clorex "kidnaps" Lara and rides off with her. On his way to Law School, Justin bumps into Talia who tells him that Lara has been captured. Justin is her only hope, as the townsfolk become infuriated with the lawyers. After some encouragement and persuasion, Reginald finally accepts his son's desire to become a knight and allows Justin to stand up against Heraclio. Justin, Talia and Melquiades go to Heraclio's hideout, where they find Sir Clorex, being questioned by Heraclio about his knighthood, and Lara being help captive. Justin and Talia break into the room and briefly fight. Sir Clorex then grabs Lara and runs off with her. Justin and Talia defeat Sota and his brothers, before coming face to face with Heraclio's army. Talia confronts Sir Clorex and engages in a fist fight with him. She eventually corners him and finishes him off by kicking soot all over him, telling Sir Clorex that it's not armour that makes a knight; it's the man inside. Talia then rescues Lara and they both fight off the army and help Blucher while Justin and Heraclio are fighting for a battle. Blucher arrives with Gustav to aid Justin and defeat Heraclio. Gustav scares the army away, while Heraclio and Blucher engage in a duel which ends with Blucher being stabbed. Justin then duels with Heraclio. The two get stuck on a watermill above a waterfall where they fight over Sir Roland's sword. Heraclio slips and falls to his death while Justin retrieves the sword. Blucher is on the brink of death while Talia, Lara and Justin desperate to heal him and Justin and Melquiades use the same healing leaves from before on Blucher, proving Justin has become a true knight. The Queen then gives Justin the title of Sir Justin and praises him for his bravery. She decides to re-establish the knights by signing a new contract. Reginald is hesitant at first, as he fears that his son would follow the same fate as his father, but signs the contract as it would make his son happy. While it seemed as though Justin still has feelings for Lara, he returns the sock she had given him and then turns her down much to her disappointment and surprise, as she was starting to like him. He then approaches Talia and tells her that he wants her to continue accompanying him on quests, as he has realized that she is the girl of his dreams. Talia happily accepts and kisses him, becoming his girlfriend much to Lara's further dismay. At the abbey, the monks have finished creating a statue of Justin in the Hall of Knights. A wall is then torn down revealing another hall for future knights. The credits reveal that what shown after the events of the film such as Lara getting her hair done, Justin and Talia resting in the hill with Gustav, enjoying their time together as a couple. ===== A love triangle forms between Angela, Emilia and Francisco Leon, a young doctor. Francisco is married to Emilia, but falls in love with Angela without knowing that they are related. Angela has been out of the country for three years, and before going to the capital to meet her family, she stops at Margarita Island where she casually meets Francisco who is there for a medical congress. Angela suffers a small accident while scuba diving, and Francisco comes to her aid. It is through this that they fall in love with each other. After a brief romance, they agree to meet each other, but they never do. Angela goes to her parents' house where they have organized a welcome home party. When her sister Emilia introduces her to her husband, she discovers that it is Francisco.Telenovela "Niña bonita" (Venevisión, 1988)VENEVISION (1988) Niña Bonita ===== The storyline of Satya 2 is narrated by a voice (Makrand Deshpande) about the underworld whose activities have slowed down from the last decade in Mumbai (Hyderabad in Telugu version). The story is based on Satya (Puneet Singh Ratn/Sharwanand) who comes to Mumbai and starts working for Lahoti (Mahesh Thakur), a construction magnate. In trying to beat a competitor in a deal, he gets involved with the mafia and other underworld elements who don't have the clout anymore. Later, he kills RK who is the retired mafia leader and his son since his son wanted to kill Satya due to a feud between them. During this time, he gets his friend production money for a film and gets a flat and brings his girlfriend Chitra (Anaika Soti) to live there. He makes enemies all around and in a shootout with cops, loses his girlfriend and also his friend. But, even thought he is captured, he is able to get out of jail through the Company he creates with his connections and begins his reign as the newest underworld leader in Mumbai/Hyderabad. ===== On the morning of the 2014 NFL Draft, Cleveland Browns general manager Sonny Weaver Jr. must decide how to use the seventh overall pick to improve the team, but he has other problems on his mind. His semi- secret girlfriend Ali Parker, the team's salary cap analyst, is pregnant, and the recent death of Sonny's father causes tension with his mother. Sonny had fired his father, a legendary coach for the Browns which he later admits was for his mother's sake because his father refused to retire even with failing health. The Seattle Seahawks hold the first overall draft pick, and general manager Tom Michaels offers to trade it to Sonny; this would allow the Browns to draft highly-rated quarterback prospect Bo Callahan. Sonny initially declines, but under orders from team owner Anthony Molina to "make a splash," reluctantly makes the deal, trading away the Browns' first-round draft picks for the current season plus the next two years. The unexpected opportunity to obtain Callahan excites Browns fans, but splits the team's front office and players. The trade goes public after a tweet by Ohio State linebacker Vontae Mack, who had been Sonny's original choice as first pick. Vontae tells Sonny to re-watch college footage of him and Callahan playing against each other, with Mack coming out on top. Sonny begins to have doubts about Callahan's ability under pressure, and the Browns' investigations also bring Callahan's character into question. When the draft begins that evening, Sonny agonises over the choice before drafting Vontae Mack at number one. Roger Goodell's announcement of the selection shocks the rest of the league, and disrupts many of their plans for their own picks. Molina is irate and flies back to Cleveland, intent on firing Sonny. Head coach Vince Penn is also incensed and threatens to resign. Rumors spread about Callahan as other teams avoid selecting him. However, the Seahawks are still in contention to pick Callahan with the seventh pick, and Sonny senses an opportunity. He convinces the rookie general manager of the Jacksonville Jaguars to trade him their pick at sixth in exchange for the Browns' second-round draft picks for that season plus the next two years. Sonny then calls Michaels; in return for passing on Callahan, Sonny demands his first-round picks back, along with punt returner David Putney. After fraught negotiations, the Seahawks seal the deal and choose Callahan at sixth pick. With his now-restored seventh pick, Sonny appeases Penn and Molina by selecting skilled running back Ray Jennings of Florida State, himself the son of a former Browns player. Molina and his team celebrate an outstanding draft for the Browns. After the draft party, Sonny reconciles with his mother over his excellent draft performance and her soon- to-be first grandchild. ===== During a battle of the English Civil War, an alchemist's assistant named Whitehead flees from the strict Commander Trower. Whitehead is saved by a rough soldier named Cutler, who kills Trower before he can apprehend Whitehead. Whitehead then meets two army deserters, the veteran Jacob and the witless Friend. The four leave the battleground in search of an ale house that Cutler claims is nearby. Cutler instead leads them to a field with many mushrooms growing in it, where he cooks a meal with some mushrooms and encourages the others to eat, in order to make them more obedient; save for Whitehead who is fasting. Following their meal they haul an Irishman, the Wizard O'Neill, seemingly out of the ground using a rope wrapped around a strangely carved wooden post buried in the ground. O'Neill is a rival alchemist for whom Cutler works; and who had stolen documents from Whitehead's master, which Whitehead is trying to recover. O'Neil quickly asserts authority over the group and tells them of a treasure hidden somewhere in the field. The group goes to O'Neill's camp, where O'Neill tortures Whitehead into subservience to use him as a human Divining Rod. After using Whitehead to locate the treasure, which it turns out is near the camp, O'Neill orders Jacob and Friend to dig for it while he leaves Cutler to supervise, and goes to sleep in a tent. Jacob soon succumbs to the influence of the hallucinogenic mushrooms, and after several hours of digging he attacks Friend. Cutler laughs and urinates on them, and when Jacob attempts to attack him, Cutler accidentally shoots Friend. Whitehead is unable to save him, and Friend dies, telling Jacob to deliver a message to his wife, telling her that he hates her. Cutler is forced to finish digging by himself, while Jacob lies down in the undergrowth, and Whitehead deposits Friend's corpse in a thicket. Cutler eventually nears reaching the treasure, attracting the attention of O'Neill, who discovers Jacob and Whitehead gone. Reaching where Friend's corpse is, O'Neill pursues Whitehead, who ingests a considerable quantity of mushrooms, heightening his awareness but suffering a hallucinatory experience, wherein he conjures a violent wind to blow away the camp's tent. Cutler discovers that the "treasure" is just a skull, which he shoots in anger. Jacob comes back to join Whitehead in escaping from O'Neill. Cutler angrily berates O'Neill, blaming him for trusting Whitehead and lying to him about the alehouse - which was simply a ploy to entice Jacob and Friend - and abuses him. O'Neill promptly kills Cutler and then pursues Whitehead and Jacob, who scavenge Cutler's weapons and return to the overturned camp. As they are preparing for an attack, Friend appears alive and reveals their location to O'Neill. As Jacob throws Friend to the ground to stop him, O'Neill shoots Jacob in the gut, but Jacob returns fire breaking O'Neill's leg. Jacob dies from his injuries, after he and Whitehead surmise that the treasure was the friendship they shared. Friend brandishes Cutler's pike and charges O'Neill, but O'Neill kills him with his last shot. Whitehead takes advantage of the situation to finally kill O'Neill by shooting him in the back of the head. Whitehead buries his friends' corpses in the hole and leaves the field. Wearing O'Neill's clothes, he gathers his master's stolen documents and returns to the hedgerow where he first met Cutler, Jacob and Friend, from which battle sounds are rising. After he wades through the hedge, he sees Friend, Jacob and himself standing together, implying he is still under the effects of the mushrooms in the field behind him. ===== Yukina Himuro, a third year junior high student, has a reputation as the by her classmates based on her icy gaze and demeanor. Yukina is also the popular cell phone novelist , known only to Akira Shimotsuki, Yukina's cousin. Yukina writes stories but they have been falling in the ratings. In order to fix this, she chooses to write a love story but does not know where to begin. One day, Yukina overhears student council president Shigure Kitami, who is popular with the girls and good mannered, turn down one of the girls who confesses her love to him, he then writes down something in a book that Yukina sees. Afterwards, Shigure bumps into Yukina who is not impressed by him and then he goes on his way, Yukina then notices that he had dropped his book that she saw him write in. To Yukina's shock the book contains the names of girls with some of them crossed out, something Yukina picks up on that Shigure is not what he seems to be. Yukina then has an idea to blackmail Shigure into loving her in order to feel what it is like as she figures it will be good for her cell phone romance novel. Yukina approaches Shigure with the info and makes him do things to and for her which she calls "Missions" but over time Yukina begins to question if it is real love between them something Shigure continues to try to deny or just ideas she is getting by doing the missions to put in her novels. Things become even more complex when Yukina's cousin confesses his love to her as well, and wants to be "more than just a cousin" to her. ===== The story begins as the main character, Humphrey Arbuthnot—a writer of adventure stories—is married to his wife Natalie. Shortly thereafter, she claims that she is going to die soon even though she has been given a clean bill of health from their doctor, Bickley. Right as Natalie dies, she tells Arbuthnot that soon he will want to travel somewhere, and that is where the two shall meet again. Natalie dies, and shortly thereafter Arbuthnot has a sudden urge to travel to the Pacific islands. He gets on a yacht with two friends, Bickley, a doctor, Bastin, a minister, and Arbuthnot's dog, Tommy. The craft is then taken by a cyclone after all the crew abandons ship. When the three adventurers awaken, they find themselves shipwrecked on the South Sea island of Orofena. Here they meet the Orofenan people who worship a God called Oro. The men win the love of the Orofenans as Bickley teaches the men western medicine techniques and saves a few lives. They are told not to go to a part of the island named Orofena which is a volcano. After a dispute in which Bickley destroys a symbol of Oro and kills one of the natives who was about to be sacrificed. They flee to a small volcanic island in the center of a lake at the center of the island of Orofena. The men search a cave in the side of the volcano and find two crystal coffins with two people in them. First they revive an old man who is the original Oro. Next they revive his daughter Yva. After being revived, Oro makes astronomical observations to confirm by stellar movements that he and his daughter have been unconscious for 250,000 years. Yva claims they know the position of the stars as they came from a society that was filled with wisdom known as the age of wisdom. To describe what the age of wisdom was like, Yva conjures up scenes from the age of wisdom by showing the men a hallucination of the past. As the men are talking about the modern age and learning about the age of wisdom, each of the men attempts to court Yva. It is revealed that Yva will only marry a man from her own era who was killed by her father. She intimates to Arbuthnot that she has the soul of Natalie inside her, and that he is a reincarnation of her lost love. She falls in love with Arbuthnot, and they decide to be married. Using a form of remote viewing or astral projection, Oro forces Arbuthnot to show him the current state of the world, including events taking place in England and France (where World War I is ongoing). After forming a negative view of humanity in this era based on these events, he decides to destroy half the world so that he may rule the surviving remainder of humanity and create a new golden age. He prepares a ritual which will make an earthquake that will destroy the whole world. Yva sacrifices herself to prevent Oro's plan, thus saving millions of human beings from death. Brokenhearted, Oro allows the men to escape the island, and eventually they return home to England. Once home, they wonder if Oro was telling the truth the whole time or if he was a madman. The story ends after Humphery Arbuthnot, along with Tommy, dies, and they are buried next to Natalie. ===== The first season of MyMusic, a mockumentary, documented the antics of MyMusic, a transmedia production company. The staff members refer to each other by music genres which they associate each other with, rather than their real names. CEO and founder Indie heads the team. The company claims to have been given the YouTube original channel, and has a documentary crew filming them day to day. The first season's events and plot were recapped by the Fine Brothers, prior to the second season. ===== While searching for the remote, Stewie finds his harmonica then accidentally leaves it in the bathtub. Peter accidentally sits on it causing it to get stuck in his rectum. Since it is too expensive to remove, Peter decides to make the most of the situation by performing tunes and annoying the family. He makes an appearance on America's Got Talent, and while performing the theme to Sanford and Son he does well until it is dislodged by flatulence. Returning home, Chris hits it off with a girl named Amanda and scores an invitation for the family to the Barrington Country Club as she is a member of the Barrington family. At the club, Carter is annoyed to find Peter there and tries to kick him out until he finds they are there at the invitation of the Barrington family. Carter tries to use the opportunity to get closer to the Barringtons but only annoys them, acting towards Mr. Barrington in the manner of Chester towards Spike in the Looney Tunes cartoon Tree for Two ("You and me is pals, ain't we?"), and finally getting kicked out of the club after "wasting fruit" doing the Carmen Miranda dance. Peter gets to take his place. Peter invites Carter as his guest so he can laugh about him with the other members and play pranks on him. Later, Carter comes by crying that he cannot live without the country club and blames Peter for getting him kicked out. Lois extracts an apology from her father and gets Peter to put in a good word for him. Peter tries but is rejected and quits when they cannot both be members. Peter apologizes and Chris reveals that he was also cut off from Amanda. Using Brian's advice, Peter decides to make Carter bigger than Barrington so that he has to look up to him. Arriving in a helicopter, carrying a ship, carrying a limo, with a helicopter inside, they pass themselves off in fancy uniforms as Viscount James Earl Tennisracquet and the Duke of LaCrosseteam on business with Carter. Mr. Barrington invites them into the Barrington Room and is ready to give them another chance until Peter blows their cover, angering Carter. Carter then makes Peter sing jump-rope songs about vegetables until he cries. The abuse of Peter wins Carter a second chance in the club while Peter is thrown out by Carter and Mr. Barrington as the real Viscount James Earl Tennisracquet and the Duke of LaCrosseteam have arrived only to be told of their previous arrival. Back home, Peter is happy to be himself. As a way to end the season, Lois asks him for money for a haircut, but claims that it's too expensive and ruins it by cutting it himself. ===== In May 1996, several commercial expeditions at the base camp of Mount Everest prepare to climb to the summit. Rob Hall, who popularized commercial Everest missions, leads Adventure Consultants; Scott Fischer is the chief guide for its rival, Mountain Madness. Rob's clients include Beck Weathers, an experienced climber; Doug Hansen, a former mailman pursuing his dream; climbing veteran Yasuko Namba, who hopes to complete her final Seven Summits ascent; and Outside magazine journalist Jon Krakauer. Helen Wilton manages Rob's base camp. A month earlier in New Zealand, Rob says goodbye to his pregnant wife, Jan, and promises that he will be home for the birth. At the base camp, Rob receives a fax from her, informing him that their unborn baby is a girl. He wants to name her Sarah, but Jan disagrees. Worried about climber crowding, Rob persuades Scott to cooperate to reduce delays. On the summit attempt, Rob's group departs from Camp IV before dawn, planning to complete the ascent and begin descending by 2:00 PM., the latest safe time to ensure return before nightfall. The group is delayed by over an hour after discovering that guide ropes are not installed on the upper reaches of the climb. Beck has eyesight problems and stops. Rob tells him to return to base camp if his condition does not improve in a half-hour. Scott hurries down to camp to help another climber, but plans to re-ascend. Rob warns him about overexertion. Rob reaches the summit on time and is joined by other climbers including Yasuko, who jubilantly plants her Japanese flag. Descending, Rob encounters Doug struggling to ascend just above the Hillary Step and orders him to descend. Doug insists on continuing, saying that he will not get the chance again. Rob reluctantly agrees and they reach the summit two hours later, well past the safe return time. Doug is exhausted and suffering from altitude sickness. With them is Scott, exhausted and ill from high-altitude pulmonary edema. As Rob helps Doug descend, a blizzard strikes, while Doug's oxygen tank is empty, causing him to suffer hypoxia. No extra bottles are stored on the route as Rob asked and he radios Helen to send some oxygen. Doug, left briefly by Rob, semi-consciously detaches himself from the guide rope and walks unsteadily along the narrow path, then silently topples to his death. Scott's condition worsens. He tells his fellow climbers to continue descending without him. He lies down and later dies. Descending climbers reach Beck, whose vision remains impaired, but they all become lost as the blizzard obliterates the trail. Three climbers go for help, leaving Beck and Yasuko. Guide Andy 'Harold' Harris reaches Rob with spare oxygen, but the cylinder aperture is frozen shut. They huddle together in the storm. While Rob sleeps, Andy begins to have hallucinations. He then strips off his outer clothing and slides to his death. In the morning, Rob radios Helen that Doug and Andy are gone, and that his extremities are frozen. Helen calls Jan, hoping that Rob will respond to her voice. Jan tells Rob that he must start moving. Rob tells her that he is cold but comfortable, and asks her to name their baby Sarah, dying soon afterwards. Returning climbers tell the camp that Beck and Yasuko are stranded. The weather, however, makes a rescue impossible. Helen calls Beck's wife, Peach, and informs her of the situation. In the morning, Beck miraculously awakens, sees that Yasuko is dead, and stumbles down to camp alone, severely frostbitten and in need of medical help. Peach calls the American Embassy and organizes a helicopter. Nepal Army pilot Lt. Col. Madan Khatri Chhetri flies a high altitude mission to take Beck to hospital. Meanwhile, one of Scott's guides, Anatoli, finds his body, and moves it off the trail. Returning home, Helen has an emotional reunion with Jan, who later gives birth successfully and names her daughter Sarah. Beck returns to his family, heavily bandaged. Closing titles reveal that he lost both hands and nose to frostbite, and that Rob's body remains on Everest. ===== Following the mysterious disappearance of an oil rig and a reconnaissance mini-submarine in the Gulf of Mexico, scientist Dr. Margaret Adams initiates the Armada Program, which consists of giant robots designed for deep sea rescue. The three robots — piloted by Red, Tracy and Jim — dive nearly 800 fathoms to the sea bed, where they not only discover the mangled remains of the oil rig, but encounter the monster that brought it down. Red pursues the monster, against orders from Admiral Hadley, prompting the Admiral to order every naval fleet on the East Coast to converge on the oil rig's site. Red emerges on a beach to warn the bystanders to leave the area; he is suddenly attacked from behind by the monster as their fight takes its toll on the city. An F-18 Hornet piloted by Spitfire assists Red in taking the monster down. Red, however, is arrested for disobeying a direct order. He is locked in solitary confinement until he is briefly released by Adm. Hadley and later given a medal of honor for his heroic actions, before serving the rest of his confinement. Later, Adm. Hadley is informed by Sheldon Geise of a top-secret sonar program that discovered the monsters, which are hundreds of millions of years old and lay their eggs on a mixture of crude oil and saltwater. Two eggs have been discovered, one of which hatched into the monster that Red and Spitfire killed. Adm. Hadley orders a search for the other egg, but he is too late, as it has already hatched, with the second monster, much bigger than the first, feeding on the corpse of the first monster and destroying a whole naval fleet before wreaking havoc on the city. As the monster attacks the naval base, Tracy and Jim scramble to spring Red out of solitary before they are picked up by Lt. Wexler. Meanwhile, Geise informs Adm. Hadley that the President has authorized a nuclear strike on the monster, but Adm. Hadley defies that decision and orders everyone to evacuate the base. The monster retreats after a Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit drops a payload on it. Adm. Hadley is later informed that another egg has hatched off the Atlantic Coast. Dr. Adams gives the trio special "halo" headbands that neurally link them to their robots, increasing their reflexes by using their direct body movements instead of joysticks. The system's downside is the pilot feeling pain for every damage the robot takes. After a crash course on the new system, the trio fly their robots to New York City to battle the monster. Following numerous refusals by Adm. Hadley to launch a nuclear strike, Geise orders the USS Virginia to launch a warhead. Red intercepts the missile and jams its frequency, saving the city from a nuclear holocaust. In retaliation, Geise threatens to shut down the robots, but is quickly subdued by Lt. Wexler, despite shooting the Admiral in the arm. During the battle, Tracy loses consciousness when her neural level goes critical. Jim takes Tracy to safety while Red grabs the warhead and the monster before flying them to the atmosphere. He then kicks the monster to deep space, detonating the warhead in the process and sending him crashing back to Earth. The trio and Adm. Hadley celebrate by heading to the local bar for some tequila shots. ===== This book has two major plots. The two major plots involve cases in which Boxer quickly becomes involved. Someone is gunning down San Francisco drug dealers and also an undercover cop is gunned down by the same killer. One of the weapons used was taken from her own department's evidence locker, indicating the involvement of a rogue cop. The second major plot involves Boxer, when two heads appear unexpectedly in the garden of a mansion owned by a world-famous actor. More heads are unearthed in the website. The first plot concerns Noelle Smith, a violinist, who is giving a gig in front of her father, Chaz Smith, who's killed in the bathroom by a lone avenger, Revenge. He used a cop, so the circle closes down. But Chaz Smith is revealed to be a cop, too; and Revenge is finally captured by Lindsay Boxer and Rich Conklin; his real name is William Randall and he decided to take revenge on pushers in the name of his son, who was killed by drugs, without anyone paying for his premature death. The main plot concerns Janet Wolsley, a woman who finds severed heads in the garden of the mansion she keeps, Elssworth House. The heads are marked with numbers and the investigation starts from there; more heads are found in the garden and the Wolseys become suspected; but Nicole, their daughter, takes them on the trail of Connie Kerr, a former tennis player, who's now gone nuts but seems to know many things. Connie Kerr reveals she has found and dug out many more heads in the garden; she intrudes Nicole Wolsey's house to interrogate her but Nicole tries to stab her; Janet comes out and says it was actually her! It's finally discovered it was both of them, in their thirst of revenge against Harry Chandler - Ellsworth's House's owner - who was Janet's lover but cheated on her with many lovers, who became the victims of their furious anger. ===== Martin Sharp (Pierce Brosnan) is contemplating suicide on New Year's Eve on the roof of the Toppers Building, high above London's streets. He is interrupted by a woman, Maureen (Toni Collette), who has the same fate in mind. She shyly offers to wait her turn, until two other strangers, a young woman named Jess (Imogen Poots) and a pizza deliverer called J.J. (Aaron Paul), also turn up. Martin is recognized by the others, having been a popular television personality before going to prison for a relationship with a girl who turned out to be 15. After talking things over, the four strangers form a pact, vowing to wait at least until Valentine's Day before taking their lives. Maureen has a disabled son she adores, but little life beyond that. Jess is the daughter of a politician (Sam Neill) and their relationship is strained. J.J. is an American who once played in a band, but while his three new acquaintances are suicidally depressed, he claims that he is terminally ill with cancer. To profit from misfortune, Martin hatches a scheme that makes them the talk of London, claiming their mass suicide was interrupted by a vision. They end up on his old TV chat show, where Martin's former co-host Penny (Rosamund Pike) makes her guests feel humiliated and even more depressed. The four go off to a vacation resort to get away from London's attention. They enjoy each other's company, at least until a confession by one of them and the intervention of a reporter named Kathy drives them apart. Matty, Maureen's son, has a heart attack but recovers. Jess and Martin visit Maureen in the hospital but J.J. can't be contacted. They realise it's Valentine's Day and that their pact has ended. All four end up back in London on the very same rooftop with the other three coaxing J.J. off the edge successfully. On New Year's Eve that year, they video call each other. Martin is looking after his daughter, Maureen is enjoying herself at a New Year's party, and J.J. and Jess are in a happy relationship. ===== Not long after the invasion and occupation of Earth by a race of powerful robots wanting human knowledge and ingenuity, humans are confined to their homes. Leaving without permission would be to risk their lives. Monitored by the electronic implants in their necks, the robot sentries are able to track the movement of humans in order to control them. If any person attempts to exit their home, they are given warnings by the robot sentries to return their home. If he or she does not comply within ten seconds, they are killed. At the beginning of the film, a teen going by the name of Sean Flynn (Callan McAuliffe), is seeking his father, who went missing not long after the robots invaded, sending out hand- drawn lost posters hidden in tennis balls and fruit. Later, Nathan, a friend of Sean's, is seen attempting to repair his PlayStation, when Connor, a young boy, accidentally shocks Nathan, while a girl named Alexandra watches. The group discovers that Nathan's implant has been turned off by the electrical shock, and then perform the same procedure on each other to stay outside without being tracked down. The group enters a local museum before Sean suggests that they go look for his father, Danny (Steven Mackintosh) at the school, where the files on all the people are kept. They discover that Danny is still alive, having been moved to a hotel, but are then caught and brought to a room with a deep scanner after their implants reboot. Here, Robin Smythe (Ben Kingsley) asks them how they turned off their implants. When they refuse to answer, Sean's uncle is brought in, and receives a black implant, before being subjected to a deep scan, a painful process that searches through all of a person's mental faculties before rendering them unable to eat, causing them to die in a few days. When the children still refuse to answer, Sean is also given a black implant before being subjected to a deep scan. In the midst of it, Sean insults Smythe, causing him to accidentally interrupt the deep scan, allowing Sean to escape the deep scanner alive. A few seconds later, Connor, who had been left outside, bursts in with a makeshift fireworks launcher and frees the other children. The children hide in a bowling alley, where they turn off their implants once again before running to the hotel. When a large robot walks by, the four children hide next to a doorway, where Sean inadvertently controls the robot. The children then meet Monique, a woman who wants to know how to turn off the implants. In exchange, the boys meet Morse Code Martin (Roy Hudd), who has had his implant removed by a watchmaker, and also tells the children to go to Stonehenge. However, an announcement reveals that Sean's mother, Kate, has been taken a prisoner in the area headquarters, a castle. With Monique's help, the children successfully get to the castle. However, they are caught by a large robot. Sean then discovers that he can take control of the robots because of his black implant, after discovering that the large robot responds to his movement. Meanwhile, Smythe is speaking with Kate about how he and she could live together before an alarm goes off. Smythe leaves to go see what has happened. A few moments later, a young guard is tricked into giving the keys to the door to Kate. Meanwhile, outside, Sean appears to have been caught by the large robot, with Smythe scolding him. Sean then turns the large robot's weapon on Smythe and his team, forcing them to drop their weapons, which are picked up by the other children. Kate suddenly dashes by on a horse, causing Smythe and his team to follow. This opens the line of fire for two clankers, insectoid robots with a top-mounted weapon, which destroy the large robot, forcing Sean to hide behind it. One of the clankers then jumps down and prepares to fire at Sean, before Sean takes control of the robot and uses it to destroy the other, before commanding the clanker to deactivate. The children then track down Kate, before heading to Stonehenge, deciphering a message written in graffiti to find the location of a human camp, an old tin mine. Meanwhile, Smythe is told by Mediator 452, a recurring character in the film, that a large number of deep scanners are arriving and that Smythe will be the first to be scanned if Sean is not captured by the time that they arrive. Sean and his friends are seen arriving at the human camp, where Sean is reunited with his father. The small group has their implants removed. The next day, the robots descend on the community seeking Sean, who is quickly discovered to be missing. Sean is seen reinstalling his black implant, before mentally controlling a robot craft that rams and destroys the cube, the local robot mothership, halting the invasion. He narrowly escapes the impact. He interfaces with a damaged Mediator, a robot in human form, and mentally sends commands to end the invasion of the Earth, destroying the robots and their craft. The film ends with jubilation as the local population celebrates in town. In the closing scene, Sean looks up at the stars. ===== Dozens of people from Copiapó, Chile, work in the San José mine. The owner ignores the warnings of the failing stability of the mine, which collapses a short time later. The only path inside the mine is completely blocked, and the thirty-three miners manage to get to the rescue chamber. They discover that the radio is useless, the medical kit is empty, the ventilation shafts lack the required ladders, and there is very little stored food. Mario Sepúlveda becomes the leader of the miners, dividing the foods rations and stopping the outbursts of violence and despair. The mine company does not attempt any rescue, and the relatives of the miners gather around the gates. The government of Chile decides on active intervention, and orders the use of drills to reach the chamber. The first exploratory boreholes move off-target, but a later one reaches the required destination. The miners attach a note to the drill bit to announce their survival. They receive new food and clothing, and television communication with the surface. A second, bigger, drill system is prepared to retrieve the miners one by one. There is drama and tension during the weeks before the successful rescue of all 33 miners, over two months after they became trapped. The story is derived from the August 2010 mine collapse and subsequent rescues in Copiapó, Chile. ===== While driving home in a state of intoxication after celebrating winning a court case, ambitious young Chicago District Attorney Mitch Brockden (Dominic Cooper) is accidentally involved in a fatal hit and run. In an effort to preserve his legal career, he covers it up. Clinton Davis (Samuel L. Jackson), a 55-year-old car mechanic (whose wife and child had been killed in a home invasion by a parolee) is arrested for the murder, and has reported ties to a series of other unexplained crimes. Brockden becomes the prosecutor for the case and ensures that Davis is acquitted for the crime. After another man is mysteriously murdered in a similar manner as previous unsolved cases soon after Davis' release, Brockden and Det. Blake Kanon (Gloria Reuben) suspect that Davis is a serial killer who murders parolees in an attempt to prevent them committing further crimes. Brockden searches Davis' house for evidence to prove his suspicions. At the same time, his stepbrother Jimmy Logan (Ryan Robbins) tails Davis to a warehouse. While on the phone with Brockden, Logan is attacked by Davis leaving him in a coma. Brockden is arrested by the police and while in custody, Davis threatens to kill Brockden's wife (Erin Karpluk). He breaks out of prison to stop him. In a confrontation, Brockden is wounded by Davis, but is saved when Detective Kanon fatally shoots Davis. During the aftermath, Brockden introduces Logan to his wife and infant daughter. ===== In 2018, in a dystopian Detroit, abandoned brick mansions from better times house dangerous criminals. Unable to control the crime, city officials built a colossal, 40-foot-tall containment wall around this area, known as Brick Mansions, "the projects", or the "no go zone", to protect the rest of the city. Police monitor all movement in and out of Brick Mansions, and schools and hospitals within it have been shut down. For undercover cop Damien Collier (Paul Walker), every day is a battle against corruption after the death of his father. For French-Caribbean ex-convict Lino (David Belle), every day is a fight to live an honest life. Lino is hunted by drug kingpin Tremaine Alexander for stealing a massive amount of heroin and emptying it down a bathtub. Lino evades capture and so Tremaine has his men capture Lino's girlfriend, Lola. Lino attempts to free her and together they manage to escape and capture Tremaine in the Projects, turning him in to police at the border wall. However, Lino is shocked when the police free Tremaine and arrest him instead; it turns out that the police have long been in Tremaine's pay. While arrested, Lino kills a police official in a failed attempt to escape. In the meantime, city officials have discovered that Tremaine has gained hold of a nuclear explosive and a small missile, which he plans to launch into downtown Detroit unless he obtains a ransom. Damien is sent undercover as a prisoner in order to free Lino so that the two can destroy the bomb together. Together, the two manage to escape from a police van. In the beginning they fight each other, both verbally and physically, but they eventually decide to work together - though not before Lino deduces that Damien is actually an undercover cop. Together the two face off against Tremaine and his gang in order to free Lola and defuse the bomb. As they are set to defuse the missile, Damien discovers that Tremaine was bluffing and never planned to actually launch it - and that Damien was sent not to defuse the missile but to unknowingly launch it, not into downtown Detroit but into Brick Mansions itself, in order to kill its inhabitants and clear the entire area for upscale development. Damien also finds out from Tremaine that his father was not killed by criminals but by his fellow officers, and that the mayor of Detroit was behind both plots. Damien, Lino and Tremaine confront the mayor at his office and get him to admit his plan - then reveal that they have been secretly recording his statements. The mayor is then arrested. Brick Mansions is welcomed back into the city, with Damien and Lino continuing their friendship. Tremaine runs for Mayor of Detroit, promoting the idea of equality and freedom. ===== Emilia is a young middle- class seamstress who is struggling to work hard in order to support her grandmother, her sister Nereida and her brother Chente. Emilia's family lost their vast fortune, but despite the fact that they are struggling to make ends meet, they cannot resign themselves to accept poverty, as they dream of regaining their former wealth. In the same neighborhood lives Tano, a young man who is in love with Emilia, though Emilia only views him as a friend. Each member of her family has their own path. Her grandmother lives in a fantasy world, Chente enters the criminal world while Nereida becomes the mistress to a rich, old man called Pipo who is married to Yolanda Aguirre. It turns out that Nereida's older lover is the father of Emilia's boyfriend, Alejandro. Alejandro is a playboy who is committed to marry Marcia, a selfish and capricious woman who will try to separate him from Emilia after Alejandro leaves her in order to marry Emilia. However, Alejandro later discovers that his father is having an affair with a younger woman, and all the evidence points to Emilia. Emilia tries to defend herself, but Alejandro does not believe her, and he breaks off their engagement. One night, drunk and angry, Alejandro comes to Emilia's house and rapes her, only to discover that she was actually a virgin. Humiliated, traumatized and left expecting a child, Emilia decides to forget Alejandro, and she will meet Dr. Maselli, her new love interest. ===== Josef Mengele is in exile in Argentina in 1960, living under a new identity. He makes a long journey by road to a new location by following a family, as the roads are dangerous. Mengele has his own place to stay in Patagonia, but he takes an interest in Lilith, who is the daughter of the family, and he moves into their hotel by paying six months' rent. Lilith was born prematurely and, as a result, she is much shorter than her classmates. She is bullied at school because of her size. Mengele is working as a doctor and suggests that he can help her grow more quickly, and Lilith's mother Eva agrees to this. Meanwhile, people who have been searching for Mengele believe that they have found him and begin to gather evidence on his true identity. Eva is pregnant with twins, to Mengele's fascination. He compiles copious notes on them, Lilith, and the rest of her family as he continues to aid in her growth. Lilith becomes sick as a side effect of the growth hormones that Mengele has given her. Her father Enzo is furious and demands that Mengele leave the hotel. Eva goes into labour, and Mengele is the only doctor nearby and is allowed to help with the care of the newborn twins. They are born prematurely, and Mengele starts to experiment on them. He is conscious of the fact that people are trying to find his true identity, and when he's almost caught, he escapes the remote location on a seaplane. ===== Aaliya Kamal (Aida El-Kashef) is a visually impaired and celebrated Egyptian photographer in the process of undergoing a cornea transplant that will restore her vision. Though the surgery is a success and Aaliya's vision is restored, she has trouble adjusting to her new found sense of sight and is dissatisfied with her resulting photography. Maitreya (Neeraj Kabi), an erudite Jain monk, is part of a petition to ban animal testing in India. When he is diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, his reluctance towards animal-tested medication is questioned and he must now depend on the people he's been fighting against – a path he refuses to take. A young Indian stockbroker, Navin (Sohum Shah), has just received a new kidney. He soon learns of a case of organ theft involving an impoverished bricklayer, Shankar. He initially fears that his new kidney was the one stolen from Shankar. When he learns that the recipient of the kidney lives in Sweden, he decides to go there to help Shankar get his kidney back – but is Shankar perhaps better helped by a large financial settlement instead of having two kidneys again? Ship of Theseus ends with the Platonic Allegory of the cave. The philosopher Plato argues that human beings are imprisoned in the cave of their own existence, falsely believing the temporary as having permanence. The job of a philosopher, he argues, is to help people find a way out of the cave. In the last scene of the film, we see the shadow of the man in the walls of the cave he is exploring. Those who received his organs (including Aaliya, Maitreya and Navin) watch this short clip. The man who we see only as the shadow in this clip did not make it out of the allegorical prison-cave described by Plato. ===== Liechtenhaus (a fictional tiny European principality) is ruled by Prince Max, but the little country is nearly bankrupt. In fact, if he can't get an infusion of cash quickly, he may have to sell the royal palace to American developers as a casino complex. Fortunately, he's got a very pretty daughter, Princess Sofia and the dowry he will get from marrying her off to the unappealing, but wealthy heir to a similar nearby principality will more than get his tiny country in the clear. Unfortunately for him, his daughter is adamant about refusing this arranged marriage and prefers romance with a handsome but penniless windsurfing instructor to saving her country. Nefarious schemes are called for and when the Princess is kidnapped, something must be done. ===== In Atlanta, Georgia, Mabel "Madea" Simmons (Tyler Perry) has been talked into getting a job at a local store by her great-niece Eileen Murphy (Anna Maria Horsford). Madea gets fired on her first day. Meanwhile, Eileen's daughter, Lacey Williams (Tika Sumpter), a teacher at a small school in Alabama, is married to a white man named Conner (Eric Lively). The school does not have enough money to fund their annual Christmas Jubilee, forcing Lacey to ask her ex-boyfriend Oliver (JR Lemon) to fund the school through his business. Lacey calls her mother and says she will be unable to come home for Christmas, but Eileen, determined to see her daughter, brings Madea and Oliver with her to visit. Eileen hopes that Lacey and Oliver might still work out as a couple; she does not know that Lacey is married to a white man, which is not what she wanted for Lacey. Lacey brings Oliver to a town meeting and asks Madea to look after her class. One of the girls steals Madea’s purse while Madea tells the class a rather unorthodox version of the story of the first Christmas. When she finds her purse is missing, she loses her temper and ties the guilty party to a cross decoration in the classroom. Conner's parents, Buddy (Larry the Cable Guy) and Kim (Kathy Najimy), arrive at Conner and Lacey's house for Christmas and are told to keep the marriage a secret since Eileen is staying for Christmas as well. Eileen offends Kim by cutting down her father’s memory tree; though she didn’t realize the meaning, she shows no remorse for the act. She is convinced Buddy and Kim are part of the Ku Klux Klan after seeing Buddy with a sheet over his head (though he was merely engaging in foreplay with Kim), and promptly bars the door to the room she and Madea are sharing. Lacey finds out that the sponsors are forcing the school to make the Jubilee a holiday theme as opposed to a Christmas theme, and that the sponsors are responsible for many of the town’s citizens losing their jobs. Angered by these facts, Tanner (Chad Michael Murray), a man who consistently gives Conner trouble, demands the mayor fire Lacey, which the mayor does. Lacey’s conflict at home reaches a boiling point when Eileen and Kim argue; Lacey tells the truth about her marriage to Conner, and Eileen’s true feelings about whites are revealed: her husband left her for a white woman (Eileen had lied to Lacey all those years, saying he was killed by a white man). Hypocritically angered by the lies she has heard, Eileen storms out, vainly hoping for a taxi to pick her up. Lacey admits to Conner that Tanner caused her to lose her job, setting Conner off. As Eileen walks into town, she sees Tanner in his overturned, burning truck and saves his life. Conner walks up to the scene and punches Tanner before demanding Eileen get in his truck. Tanner then follows Conner to apologize for everything and to thank Eileen for saving him. Eileen also accepts Conner and Lacey’s marriage. At the Christmas Jubilee, Lacey thanks the sponsors and announces their promises to help the town (which were not in the original agreement), knowing the repercussions the company would face if they were to back out. She reveals to Oliver that she is married to Conner. ===== The film opens as Josh Manning (Miles Heizer) is recording his own songs in his college dorm room for demo and is interrupted by one of his floor mates looking for someone. He stops recording, annoyed at the interruption. Meanwhile, his father Sam Manning (Billy Crudup) has succeeded in landing a large account at his advertising firm, and calls Josh to celebrate with him and skip that day's classes. Josh tells him he cannot make it but his father insists, though Josh begins to make his way to the campus library anyway. Sam continues to wait at the bar where he told him to meet him and even leaves a message for Josh who has apparently stood him up. He is distracted by a news report of a school shooting incident at his son's campus library on the television in the bar. Later, a memorial wake is being held at Josh's home by his mother, Emily (Felicity Huffman). It is inferred that Josh was one of the victims in the shooting. Due to the media coverage received, Sam has a difficult time being able to grieve in his own way with press being cordoned at the end of the street by police, and a news helicopter hovering above the family home. Sam is consoled by family and attendees while sitting alone to one side as his wife is greeting others. Sam walks into Josh's bedroom to look around, attempting to find some kind of understanding over the loss, and is interrupted by Kate Lucas (Selena Gomez), who tells Sam that she and Josh had been dating the year prior. Sam then makes his way to his own home and finds the media coverage is interfering with his daily life, and he eventually succumbs to alcoholism, as far as showing up intoxicated at his firm; acting erratically and kissing his receptionist in a drunken state, for which his employer is advising him to take time off to better cope with the situation. Two years later, Sam has removed himself from his former life and is now living on a sailboat on a lake, far from home, having taken a job as a contractor's assistant and for the most part drinking away his free time. His habits are causing habitual lateness and annoying his employer, who cautions Sam about repeated lateness. Getting up to relieve himself from the side of the boat has caught the chagrin of the governing board of the lake and the "wrath" of Alaird Dupree (because it is openly visible to other tenants and the small seafood restaurant nearby), the agent acting on behalf of the board. It is clear he dislikes Sam, and the feeling is very much mutual. Going for a drink with some coworkers after his day of working, he hides the details of his previous life and his true identity from everyone, even making up humorous stories about his past. (He tells his coworkers that he "fingered" Gotti and is in the protection of the Federal Witness Protection Program), Sam notices that "The Trill" tavern hosts open mic events for musicians. Returning to the marina, he encounters Emily waiting for him, who says she is moving to Tulsa and is now the mother of a new son. She requires his signature to place their former house up for sale. She has also brought the remainder of Josh's possessions—demo discs, instruments and gear—which Sam emphatically states he has no room for on his tiny sailboat. Emily tells him she was certain he would want it because they had played together since Josh was younger. Hours pass after Emily leaves. He tries his best to ignore the collection of his son's possessions over a meal. He storms over to where Emily had left it beside the road and begins to place it in a dumpster but stops, noticing the notebooks and discs, and begins to listen to them back on the boat, and read through the collection of lyrics and writings Josh left behind. He even begins to teach himself some his son's material. After work the next day, Sam decides to perform "Home", one of Josh's songs, at The Trill, and catches the attention of Quentin (Anton Yelchin), a young guitarist who was excitedly moved by the performance. The next day, Quentin brings Sam coffee and food and discusses the previous night performance, stating he believes there are other songs, and if there are, they could perform them together. Sam declares he is not interested, and continues to listen to more and teach himself his son's material. Quentin tries again the next day and shows him an alternate arrangement possibility for the song. The two end up sharing a meal and playing instruments together for the rest of the night. Sam neglects to tell Quentin that he was not the piece's actual author. At the end of the night, Quentin gets Sam to agree to perform together at The Trill, adding more and more to each arrangement, including a percussion section in the way of Aiken. The next day, Sam is introduced to Del (Laurence Fishburne), the owner and operator of the local music supply store, who reveals that he is selling his business and plans to retire and tour by motor home with his wife in his later years. Quentin shows Sam the 1978 Gibson Les Paul hanging in the store, but is unable to afford it (a source of good- natured joking between Quentin and Del). Upon leaving the store, Sam watches a staged meeting between Quentin and Willy, a bass guitarist, in hopes that they can include him in their performances, but Sam is resistant to starting a band. The next day, the quartet meet to practice in Quentin's garage beneath his apartment, and Quentin is very evasive about his own past. The group, now complete, has impressed The Trill owner (played by director William H. Macy) who asks them to perform regular Saturday nights as house entertainment, to which the band agrees—even Sam, reluctantly. The new name, “Rudderless”, quickly gains notoriety and local fame. Meanwhile, Quentin is revealed as extremely shy of the opposite sex, which Sam attempts to help him through, though Quentin finds the advice generally unhelpful. Sam arrives at Quentin's apartment one afternoon and meets his mother, Joyce, who Sam mistakes as an older prostitute after seeing Quentin hand her a small amount of cash as they hug. Quentin is embarrassed because his mother has had issues with (unspecified) responsibilities, even spending his junior year of high school living in a car, and has vowed never to lower himself to that level of poverty again. At the mall, Sam buys Quentin new clothing to give him a style, and develop confidence from it. It does help a little, and Quentin begins to enjoy the attention Rudderless has gained him. Following the show, as the band members are to go to a party, Sam sees Kate—now calling herself by her middle name, Ann, who shames him for playing the songs in public. The next day, Sam visits Josh's grave and finds it vandalized as Josh Manning is revealed to have been the killer in the school shooting incident where he died. Emily arrives with cleaning supplies, and implies that it is a fairly regular occurrence, and the two parents begin to clean off the graffiti from the headstone. Afterward, the two share some tequila, and it is revealed that today is Josh's birthday. Emily tells Sam that a couple of the other parents have reached out to her to forgive them for Josh's actions, but Sam still appears to be in denial. Emily insists that they had acted properly in their parental roles and they have nothing to feel guilty for and that Josh had to have been mentally ill to carry out such an act of violence. Continuing to drink into the Saturday he is scheduled to work, Sam goes to his job and, finding a yard hammock, falls asleep. His employer finds and fires him. Sam assures him that he had already quit and walks away. Later that day, the other members of the band arrive with girls, and spend the afternoon on Sam's boat. As Sam goes below, the other members plead with him about a local block party they have been invited to play, and it is entirely possible it could lead to bigger and better opportunities for Rudderless in the way of airplay and exposure. But Sam is reluctant, now knowing that Josh's songs would never be accepted when people find out the truth of their authorship. Sam visits Del the next day to acquire a new amplifier tube, and finds Del and wife Tina having gotten the RV stuck. Sam manages to get it out onto the street. Del asks him why he will not play the show, and Sam begins to question why he is really doing all of this. He arrives at Quentin's garage and insists that the song Quentin wrote will be the final song, finally pushing him out of his comfort zone. Feeling good about the outcome, Sam makes his way toward the street stage and is surprised to find Kate/Ann talking to the other three members on the stage, presumably telling them the actual origin of the songs they all assumed Sam wrote. She confronts him and tells him that the incident and her association with it had so interfered with her life that she had to change her name and leave school. She had been pursued and harassed by people and media alike, asking humiliating questions, even suggesting they had been members of a cult. Quentin asks Sam if it was true, and Sam acknowledges the truth for the first time. Quentin outright refuses to play the material and strikes Sam as he is walking away despite the other two trying to persuade him to play the material one time only, and then move on. Sam again goes into a drinking binge and returns home to the marina to find the Board had the area sealed with a chain link fence. Sam attempts to climb it and falls over to the opposite side, breaking the guitar neck of his guitar strapped to his back, ruining it. The next morning, the scheduled sailing regatta Alaird warned him about is loudly underway. The sailboat procession is disrupted by Sam playing the 1812 Overture on his electric, sailing directly into the course of the other boats, and casting some over the sides of their own craft, for which Sam is arrested. He calls Del to bail him out and is surprised when Del tells him he knew who he was the entire time, but did not know the songs were written by Josh. The next day, Sam visits the site of the shooting, and finds the erected memorial identifying the shooting victims by name. Sam breaks down in tears of grief over the guilt of Josh's actions, but finally accepts that he has lost his own son despite what he has done. Sam then visits Emily, bring her Josh's discs, and says that one day, the new baby will want to know who his half brother was beyond what history will paint him to be. Sam then visits Del's store and discovers Quentin has discarded his instruments, telling Del to sell them on consignment. Sam then asks if the offer on the store was a "good offer", implying that Sam would be interested in buying Del's store. He then goes to visit Quentin at the donut shop where he works, and implores him to continue playing and writing even if it is without Sam. Sam tells him that he found performing Josh's material addictive, offering catharsis to his life and the bond with Josh. He concludes the visit, having brought back Quentin's guitar cases. One contains the Les Paul that Quentin so long idolized and wanted. Finally, Sam performs the songs he had been working on, first admitting and telling the audience who Josh was, what he had done, and that he had written the song he was about to play. Closure for Rudderless lets us see Sam has been replaced by a new guitarist. Del has been given Sam's sailboat (presumably in payment), and Emily finally decides to listen to Josh's music. Sam completes the song, including (presumably) improvised lyrics about missing his son in the song's climax and leaves the stage. ===== A feckless troupe of European exotic dancers and their piano player led by a bumbling manager stumble upon a castle after encountering a ferocious storm. The castle, inhabited by Count Gabor, his assistant and a vampire, is little refuge for the traveling showgirls as they slowly fall under the spell of the un-dead demon. Vera, one of the reluctant dancers and the living doppelgänger of the vampire's dead wife, Margherita Kernassy—who has been dead nearly 200 years—becomes the object of affection for both Count Gabor and the vampire. ===== This movie is all about the life of Madhavan Mahadevan (Dileep),who is a social worker from Idukki. He comes to Kochi with sister-in-law and her daughter after the death of his brother Customs Officer Sudhakaran (Ganesh Kumar). He is in Cochin to know the mystery behind his brother's death. He visit's LIC office claiming the insurance amount of his late brother. Manimekhala (Lakshmi Menon) is authorised to deal with claims. From the LIC advisor, he realises that his brother's death is a well-planned murder. He later decides to find the mystery behind the death. Meanwhile he falls in love with Manimekhala. He comes to know that CI Jeevan is involved in the murder. Since then, Madhavan has killed everyone who caused his brother's death. Just before the end of the story he understands that his brother was murdered by Sri Rama Krishnamoorthy aka SRK. ACP Gowtham reaches and takes Moorthy into his custody. Soon receives a call informing him a protest is going on nearby. Madhavan kills Moorthy by creating a blast in ACP' car in which Moorthy was handcuffed. Karimban John gets killed by his rival. After completing all his revenge, Madhavan takes his now pregnant wife Manimegala back to home. ===== ===== Lieutenant Raymond "Ray" Dower (Ralph Bellamy) commands a United States Coast Guard cutter. His best friend in the Coast Guard, Lieutenant Thomas "Speed" Bradshaw (Randolph Scott), is a highly regarded, but reckless pilot. In a daring rescue at sea, both men are involved in saving Tobias Bliss (Walter Connolly), the captain of a tramp steamer. At the base hospital, the two officers visit the rescued man and meet Nancy (Frances Dee), his granddaughter. Both friends fall in love with her, but Speed proposes first; broken-hearted, Ray still acts as the best man at the wedding. The marriage falters, and when Nancy is fed up with many lonely nights alone, she leaves Speed. In trying to win her back, Speed crashes while stunting over her house. Grounded and facing a court-martial, the disgraced pilot finds out that his best friend is missing while on an Arctic rescue mission. Nancy coaxes Speed and his co-pilot, O'Hara (Warren Hymer), to attempt a rescue, and after a harrowing crash-landing in the Arctic, an injured Ray is located. Speed manages a dangerous takeoff and flies his friend back home, to find a relieved Nancy waiting for him. ===== Aaru Sundarimarude Katha tells the story of six women whose destinies affect each other as they bond together for their respective families in the face of adversities which includes the murder of one among these. ===== Daniel "Nardo" Narducci (Thomas Middleditch) is having a bachelor party with his best friends, Jason (T.J. Miller) and Evan (Adam Pally). Nardo tells his friends he isn't sure he is doing the right thing while under the influence of marijuana. The next day in the middle of the wedding Jason tries to stop Nardo from getting married, which makes the bride Tracy (Shannon Woodward) storm out. Tracy goes alone to the honeymoon vacation in Mexico. Nardo goes after her to get her back, but on his way he is carjacked and left naked. He calls Jason for help. Jason puts Evan in the car while he is asleep and heads towards Mexico. They stop in California to get a fake ID because Jason has lost his. Nardo arrives at a town in Mexico and calls again, he is next to a wire service company and Evan offers to send him money through it. They go to a casino to meet a friend who can help them transfer the money. Evan hits on a girl in the casino, but she drugs him and takes him to a room to steal his kidney. Jason finds Evan and eventually rescues him from the criminals. While escaping, one of the criminals shoot them with burning arrows and one arrow hits the car, the car then burns and explodes. Failing to get any money, the woman who agreed to help Nardo gets angry and he runs from her (naked) and jumps right into a cocaine pickup truck. When found, he is tied to a chair. At some point Nardo frees himself, jumps into the truck and drives away. He gets to see Tracy through a hotel window but before he gets to her, he gets caught by a guard and sent to jail. After that, Nardo sends for help by making a phone call to Evan. The rescue is successful, and Nardo and Tracy get married. The post- credits scene shows that Berk (who we haven't mentioned yet) is coming for revenge. ===== The United States turns its military into a much smaller force, switching its priorities to domestic matters, beginning with using the U.S. military budget to fill the gap in Social Security's trust fund left there by past Congresses and presidents who spent the money on other things, and continuing onward in the same theme. As the U.S. is downsizing its military, China becomes a world superpower, building new supercarriers and becoming a dominant naval power in addition to a growing economic power. Eventually, China goes down the route of conquest. China begins to conquer Eurasia to such an extent that it reaches the borders of the European Union in the west. With most of Asia under its domination, including Japan, everyone assumes China is coming for Europe next; however, through a strategy of misdirection making the Europeans think they will invade Western Europe, they actually pin the European naval force in the Mediterranean and blockade it, neutralizing it as a threat without the cost of invasion. China instead throws its resources into attacking the Caribbean. Due to the Monroe Doctrine, new President Bill Baker, who came to office on a pro- war platform, has to make a critical decision: to try to halt them with conventional forces, or use nuclear weapons. The U.S. must make a decision as the Chinese invasion forces in Central America gather steam: to build traditional naval super-carriers to meet the new Chinese ones, or to build highly experimental arsenal ships capable of firing thousands of missiles at once, showering its target with overwhelming force while having a crew of only around 100 due to the extent of automation. They might be more effective but are also untested, and the U.S. does not have the resources for both. Baker decides to back the arsenal ships. As the likelihood of invasion via the Gulf of Mexico comes, many Americans leave the exposed states. The Joint Chiefs of Staff are not sure if this is another diversion attempt and the Chinese might come from the east or west coasts. The U.S. President orders the military to plan for those eventualities as well. A full war economy along with total mobilization is called up, including all able-bodied women, which includes the U.S. President's daughter. Baker refuses to order a nuclear strike and orders the military to meet the threat with conventional arms come what may. He is convinced any nuclear strike will lead to a series of escalating exchanges that will leave the two countries so destroyed that neither side can achieve any victory. Baker is frequently meeting in the situation room, or the Map Room of the White House (returned to its original purpose) to oversee plans. There is tension between the Chinese military and civilian leaderships and Baker is trying to make a behind-the-scenes deal with the civilian leaders. Baker tells the National Security Council, "We will die as a united nation of 50 states or we will win; there will be no territorial concessions". In the meantime, the U.S. braces for invasion. ===== The movie takes place over a five-year period, from the beginning of Jamie and Cathy's relationship in 2009 to their divorce in 2014. It alternates between songs featuring Cathy and songs featuring Jamie, telling the story backward and forward in time: Cathy's songs start at the moment she finds out Jamie has left her, and move backwards in time until the beginning of their relationship, while Jamie's begin at the point when they first start dating and proceed forward to when he leaves her. The two timelines meet at their wedding for the duet "The Next Ten Minutes," and then pass each other again. ===== Jerry (Ryan Reynolds) is an upbeat man who works at a bathtub factory, and lives in a modified apartment above a bowling alley with his dog, Bosco, and his cat, Mr. Whiskers. Jerry is a schizophrenic who chooses not to take his medication and enjoys delusions and hallucinations that manifest in the form of his pets talking to him. Bosco often represents his good intentions while Mr. Whiskers represents his more violent nature. Jerry has a workplace crush on an English woman named Fiona, and asks her out on a date at a local Chinese dinner theater called Su Shen. She agrees to go, but stands him up to go to a karaoke party with two other women from work, Lisa and Alison. Fiona's car doesn't start, leading her to flag down Jerry as he drives by. While driving her home, Jerry accidentally hits a deer which crashes through his windshield. Jerry's hallucinations show the deer urging him to put it out of its misery. Jerry does as told, using a hunting knife to cut its throat. Terrified, Fiona runs off into the woods. Jerry chases her, still carrying the knife, to explain but ends up tripping over Fiona, and accidentally stabbing her. As Fiona bleeds out, Jerry tearfully apologizes for hurting her and says that he loves her. To end her pain, Jerry stabs her again, and she dies. Upon returning home, Bosco suggests he go to the police and confess, while Mr. Whiskers says there is no shame in what he did, but insists Jerry needs to dispose of the body. Jerry collects Fiona's body but leaves a bloody shoe and pile of organs. He dismembers Fiona, packing her innards in numerous Tupperware containers and placing her severed head inside his fridge. As his delusions increase in intensity, Fiona's head comes to life and starts talking to him. Jerry attempts to apologize once again, but she rejects his apology, citing the good life she had before she died. Fiona then demands Jerry take his medication. Jerry takes his pills, and the next day, he experiences nightmares of his emotionally abusive father. When he wakes up his hallucinations have ended; his pets no longer speak to him, his apartment is a mess, with animal waste and garbage littering his living room, and blood stains all over his kitchen. Fiona's head no longer speaks and is foul and rotting. He throws away the pills in terror, and the next morning, his hallucinations return and his life is back to 'normal'. Fiona tries to convince Jerry to kill another person "so she has a friend". Jerry asks Lisa on a date. He takes her to his abandoned childhood home, where it is revealed his mother had admitted to her insanity and was about to be taken away by the authorities when he was a child. When they arrived, she decided to commit suicide by trying to slit her throat, but couldn't do it herself and so she begged Jerry to finish the job to end her suffering. The police found Jerry standing over his dead mother and he was committed instead. Jerry sobs in front of Lisa, who comforts him. They go to her house and spend the night together. Lisa goes to Jerry's house. She wanders in and discovers the state of the apartment, including all the containers of organs and blood stains, becoming hysterical when she discovers Fiona's disembodied head on the coffee table. Despite pressure from Mr. Whiskers, Jerry refuses to kill her. Jerry tries to explain, but Lisa flees and locks herself in the bathroom. When Jerry breaks in, Lisa starts hitting him with a towel hanger and runs to his room. Jerry tries to calm her with an apology, which she seems to accept. When she tries to escape, Jerry throws her back into the room, causing the back of her neck to hit a shelf, badly breaking it, leaving her paralyzed and slowly dying. After she dies, Jerry dismembers her, placing her head in the fridge next to Fiona's. Other workers realize Fiona and Lisa have gone missing. When Alison goes to Jerry's house to investigate, Jerry immediately kills her, taking her head as well. Jerry confesses his killings to his counselor Dr. Warren. She tries to call the police, but he takes her hostage and flees into the countryside, desperately wanting her to help him. She calms him down and shows understanding, seeming to make some progress with Jerry. Meanwhile, two other workers from accounting break into Jerry's home, letting Bosco escape through the front door, and immediately call the police. Shortly after Jerry returns home, still holding Warren hostage, the police surround his house and prepare to move in. Jerry flees down into the basement, accidentally breaking a gas pipe while doing so. After rescuing Dr. Warren, the police are knocked back from an explosion caused by the gas leak. Jerry realizes the bowling alley is on fire and he is in grave danger. The voices of Bosco and Mr. Whiskers speak to him in his own mind. Mr. Whiskers insists that he get out of there and find another place to live, to hide, so that he may continue killing and feeling alive. However, Bosco tells him that there is no place for him in life any longer and that he should let the fire "put him to sleep". Choosing to stay and end his own misery, he lies down and waits until he blacks out and eventually dies from the smoke inhalation. In a white void, Bosco and Mr. Whiskers confess that, despite their opposing beliefs, they did like each other, before going their separate ways. Jerry then appears with his parents, Fiona, Lisa and Alison, and he apologizes to the women for killing them. Jesus appears, and they all dance and sing together. In the end, Jesus ascends Jerry in a forklift. ===== John Day is a bank manager of Royal Citizen Co-operative Bank and lives with his wife Maria Day. The couple has recently lost their only daughter Pearl in a forest fire accident while she was on a trip with her boyfriend Kanishk. Maria is always depressed and never opens up with anyone. One day when John is away for office work, a courier-boy enters the house and takes Maria as a captive. He then calls up John informing him about his wife is a hostage and tells him that a man will visit him at his bank and John has to do his work. It is shown that actually it was a planned bank heist where the visitor gagged John, opened up the cash locker and fled. Meanwhile, the kidnapper hammered Maria causing her a serious brain damage and she got admitted to the hospital in a state of coma. The news spread like wildfire in all TV channels. An impatient and short tempered Police Officer Gautam (Randeep Hooda) is shocked and calls his girlfriend Tabassum (Elena Kazan) to collect a very important document stored in a locker of the bank. Inside the bank, the bank authorities in the presence of the police are giving away claims to bank customers, when Tabassum approaches and claims her documents which are revealed to be some property papers called "CASABLANCA ESTATES". This surprises John Day and he follows the duo in his car and observes them depositing the file in a government property office. John bribes the office personnel and procures the original Casablanca files and investigates. During his investigation he comes to know that police Officer Gautam is also in pursuit of the files and wants to sell them to a Mafia-based organization in Dubai. Gautam is under pressure from the Mafia to handover the original documents of "Casablanca Estates". John vows to take revenge on the people who has injured his wife and actually eliminates all the informants including the kidnapper, the bank robbers and others involved. He then takes Tabassum as a captive and calls Gautam and another powerful Mafia Khan Saab(Sharat Saxena) at Gautam's place and there the truth is revealed. Casablanca estate is nothing but 8000 acres of forest land being acquired illegally on papers by Mafia Lord Khan Saab and Dubai based Al Hunain along with the help of Police Officer Gautam who works for Khan. They had acquired the land, registered it with the insurance company and then set fire to the jungle in order to get heavy compensation. It was revealed that on that fateful day when the fire erupted John Day's daughter Pearl was there for a jungle trip and perished in the same while her boy-friend escaped unhurt. Meanwhile, Gautam has a plan to sell the papers for billions to the Dubai- based AG group and settling with his girlfriend abroad. When Khan is about to shoot Gautam for his treachery Tabassum opens fire to save him. An ensuing shoot out occurs in the room and results in Tabassum being killed, Khan and his associates badly wounded and finally, Gautam getting shot multiple times by John. John then shoots Khan Saab too. Later he is shown weeping at the graves of his daughter and wife. The film ends with a Biblical quote by Mark "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Mark 8:36". ===== The Saint arrives in Sydney to look for a friend's daughter who is caught up in the Asian slave trade. ===== A young mother, Diane, physically abuses her baby. ===== During the 1921 Mallee drought, sixteen- year-old Shawn Hoffner leaves behind farm life to find work to support his family. He finds work on a Murray River steamboat. ===== The film starts in Miami on the boat of crime lord Antonio Pope. His hacker, A.J., is going through a list on the computer. Pope calls Port Commissioner Griffin on the phone and accuses him of stealing money from him. Griffin denies ever getting the money. With one of his hitmen in the room, Pope has Griffin killed in his office, then orders his hitmen to find whoever took his money. Meanwhile in Atlanta, James is with his partner, Detective Mayfield, as they go to infiltrate a vehicle meet to find an infamous drug dealer named Troy. James gets close enough to Troy, but Troy pulls a gun on him. Ben sees this over the camera and sneaks out to help. He threatens Troy by acting tough, only to drop his badge in front of the crook. Then, within seconds, a brief shootout occurs leading to a random plan "B" with Mayfield getting shot and Troy making his escape. James and Ben go after him, with Ben nearly getting himself run over, though James follows Troy long enough until Troy drives out of a parking garage and onto another car. James then captures Troy and removes a necklace he was wearing which was also a flash drive. Mayfield is later hospitalized, and at the hospital. Lt. Brooks assigns James to go to Miami and see who Troy was working for. Ben wants to go so that he can prove himself ready for detective work, but nobody believes in him, especially after the mess he just caused. At home, Ben begins to plan his wedding to Angela, but he clashes with the wedding planner. Later, as Angela tries to seduce Ben, he complains about not being able to go to Miami. Angela calls James and tries to get him to take Ben, not just for himself, but so she can have him out of her hair while the wedding is planned. James refuses, but then changes his mind when he thinks he can prove that Ben doesn't have what it takes to be a detective. He goes to their house and James and Ben drive down to Miami together. Ben starts to do his detective work, but gets punished by homicide detective Maya Cruz for using her computer without permission. Later, James and Ben find the hacker, who tells them about a safe in a club that contains something important, but first they have to meet with someone there. The guys go to the club for work. However, the man they are supposed to meet is also Pope's hitman. A.J. causes a distraction and escapes while James engages in a brief shoot-out with the hitman. Afterward, the two are met by Maya at the crime scene. The safe turned out to be empty. Before the guys can leave, James realizes a bomb was planted under his car, which goes off and destroys his car. Ben realizes he kept A.J.'s phone on him, so they find his girlfriend Tasha to get a lead on his whereabouts. Ben convinces Tasha to spill the beans when he shows her that he's been hooking up with other women. The guys locate A.J. once more and bring him in on the investigation. He reveals to the team that Pope is the real crook, despite him having a public image as an entrepreneur working alongside the new port commissioner, Nunez. The team is at the home of Maya's friend/associate, Alonso, whom Ben accidentally shoots after getting scared. Despite getting shot, Alonso backs up A.J.'s word that Pope is a crook. James, Ben and Maya go to a party hosted by Pope in his mansion. Maya distracts Pope by dancing with him while James and Ben gather info, and A.J. is their eyes and ears. After narrowly escaping from the jaws of Marcus, Ben reconnects with the team and they get their information, but Pope catches them and knows they're cops, though he lets them go. The team uses their information to locate a group of shipping trucks that may be carrying Pope's contraband. However, when they attempt to stop the trucks at the port, they discover that the trucks are empty. Hernandez scolds the team, as Pope shows up and acts angry for what the team did. The team goes to a bar to think about what they did wrong. Maya then questions as to why Nunez would have shown up so fast at the port. A.J. mentions that Nunez's name was on a list of guys on Pope's payroll. James realizes that Pope knew he would have gotten caught, so he had a decoy in the trucks, and the real contraband items are being brought in somewhere else at the port. James, Maya and A.J. go after Pope, but Maya handcuffs Ben to a pole. However, Ben breaks free and goes to Alonso's house to get the cuffs off. James, Maya and A.J. are at the port in the morning to catch Pope. They have a shoot-out when Ben arrives and moves a truck to knock over a container with flammable barrels, causing them to explode. Pope runs and takes A.J. hostage, then tries fleeing in a truck. James runs to the truck and doesn't find Pope. Pope tries to shoot James, but Ben jumps in the way and takes the bullet. James shoots Pope a few times to bring him down, then sees that Ben was wearing a bulletproof vest. Pope rises and shoots again, but James uses Ben as a human shield, and Maya shoots Pope. James and Ben are off the hook for taking down Pope and Nunez and being commended for their services. They drive home in a yellow Lamborghini that Maya got for them to drive back to Atlanta for the wedding. Ben and Angela are married and are ready to go off on a boat ride, but Ben wants James to make a speech. Reluctantly, James speaks and says that while Ben has gotten him into a lot of trouble since meeting him, he has also saved his life, has made Angela very happy, and has helped James grow into a better man and cop. Ben and Angela then go on their boat ride, but Ben gets distracted and is thrown out of the boat when he rides over a bump, much to James' amusement. ===== A film about a community of Upper Egypt residents living in El Gezira (the Island). They have their own set of rules, ethics and traditions. But they also plant drugs and buy arms from Sudan. The officer in charge of the region turns a blind eye to these happenings, and in the beginning, the government takes no heed of the Island. At the start of the film, we witness the death of the old 'Kabir el Gezira' (the island's ruler), leaving the land to his son Mansour. The first half follows Mansour as he takes control of his land and must deal with a band of other drug lords who are greedy to take control of the island. The second half of the film deals with the political conflict. It follows the government's side of things (which finally decides to take action) at the same time as Mansour's side, as the two react to each other's threats and the conflict escalates ===== The film opens with the wedding of a Nigerian couple, Ayodele (Issach de Bankolé) and Adenike (Danai Gurira) Balogun. Adenike is given fertility beads by her mother-in-law, Mama Ayo (Bukky Ajayi) and although the couple make love on their first night of marriage, Adenike struggles to become pregnant. Despite drinking a tea that is supposed to help with fertility, Adenike is still unable to conceive and faces growing pressure from Mama Ayo. A visit to the doctor reveals that Adenike can receive help on the issue, but Ayodele refuses to cooperate. Sade (Yaya Alafia) mentions adoption but Adenike insists that she wants to give birth to the child herself. Mama Ayo raises a controversial option: Adenike could conceive the child with Ayodele's brother, Biyi (Tony Okungbowa). Biyi initially refuses to participate in the scheme but eventually gives in. Following this Adenike becomes pregnant. Ayodele believes he is the father. The guilt becomes too much for Adenike to bear, and she finally tells her husband the truth. Ayodele subsequently walks out of the marriage and confronts his mother. Adenike goes into labor, and the film concludes as Ayodele joins the others at the hospital. ===== Largely plotless, the show consists of vignettes in the lives of various New Yorkers as they come into direct or indirect contact with The Guy. The web series was shot throughout various neighborhoods in Brooklyn and occasionally Manhattan, and its episodes range from 5 to 20 minutes in length. The television version continued the practice of on-location photography. "Freed of the constraints of thirty-minute or one-hour formulas, the episodes are luxurious and twisty and humane, radiating new ideas about storytelling," wrote television critic Emily Nussbaum in an article for The New Yorker. When the series moved to HBO, its episodes expanded to the half-hour format. ===== Is about an Roma family are in a fight to keep their culture but they are in big fight. ===== In June 1950, while stationed at Kimpo, South Korea, Captain George Slocum (John Hodiak) finds out from his friend, Lieutenant Jerry Barker (Todd Karns), that he has to go to Japan. At the airport, he meets Barker's younger brother, Pete (John Derek), who takes up a Stinson L-5 Sentinel liaison aircraft and begins showing off. George reprimands him for careless flying, but sticks up for him when the military police want to arrest Pete. Pete later meets Kate (Audrey Totter), an Army nurse, while George's wife Nancy (Maureen O'Sullivan), is surprised by his sudden appearance. Both pilots receive news of North Korea's attack on South Korea and are ordered to Pusan, but are diverted to Seoul. En route, they land at bombed-out Kimpo to find a critically wounded Jerry, who dies when the two aircraft are attacked on the way to safety. Pete is devastated and vows to get back at the enemy. On another mission, in unarmed L-5s again, Pete and George are flying the U.S. ambassador and the Korean president to safety, but are ambushed by enemy aircraft. George manages to skillfully fly low and force his pursuer into a hillside. Pete wants to take a more active role, rigging up a bazooka under his wings, but when he attacks a group of tanks, despite having some success, he is shot down. George reports the loss and attempts to convinces Major Hacker (Rex Reason) to mount a rescue mission, but is turned down, as the base is now cut off and under constant attack. However, Pete makes it back to the base, with the help of a group of South Korean Army soldiers. Both pilots continue to fly desperately needed supplies, but George is badly wounded in an attack on the base. Pete flies him out to a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital unit where he meets Kate again; she has to tell Pete that George succumbed to his wounds. Pete comes back to the front, more determined than ever to take the fight to the enemy. When Private Swenson (Richard Erdman) and Sergeant Maxie Steiner (Harvey Lembeck) install a powerful radio in his L5, it allows Pete to signal fighter jets overhead that North Korean tanks are about to attack. The fighters destroy the enemy tanks, but the L-5 is shot up. A wounded Pete and Maxie make it back to the base, but crash on landing, barely making it out alive. ===== Reserved, lovely 17-year-old Jade (Gabriella Wilde) graduates from high school with an impressive college scholarship but few friends, having focused on her studies rather than a social life. David (Alex Pettyfer), another graduating senior, has had a crush on her for years but never acted on it. Hoping to make some summer memories, Jade asks her parents, Hugh (Bruce Greenwood) and Anne (Joely Richardson), for a graduation party. She invites the entire class, including David. The two hit it off and are caught fooling around in a closet during the party. Hugh worries that David's impulsive and carefree nature will adversely affect his daughter, who is preparing to leave for a medical-school internship. David, who works at his widower-father Harry's garage, tries to please Hugh by fixing a car which belonged to Jade's brother Chris who died of cancer years ago. Ironically, Hugh is the only one not pleased by David's gesture. Late that night, Jade invites David into her family's study where - at her own urging - they make love. The two strive to make the most of the ten days she has left at home. Ultimately, Jade opts to decline the internship and spend the rest of the summer with David...which infuriates Hugh. Later, Jade invites David to accompany the family to their lake house; he is welcomed with open arms by everybody except Hugh, whom Anne urges to give David a chance. Anne points out that Jade seems truly happy for the first time since Chris passed away. One night, David sees Hugh cheating on Anne with another woman; the next morning Hugh intimidates David into keeping quiet about the affair. David and Jade, along with Jade's brother Keith and his girlfriend Sabine, sneak into a local zoo after-hours for a night of fun. Jenny, David's jealous ex-girlfriend, calls the police; when they arrive, David allows himself to be caught so the others can escape. Hugh agrees to bail David out, on the condition that he breaks up with Jade and she takes the internship as planned. Against Hugh's orders, Jade goes to meet David at a restaurant where he's eating with his friend Mace...who, unbeknownst to either David or Jade, has invited Jenny (he figured David could use a sympathetic ear, after being forced to stop seeing Jade). Jade suddenly turns up, and jumps to the obvious-but-wrong conclusion; frustrated, she drives off and gets into an accident. At the hospital, Hugh gives Harry a restraining order to keep David away from Jade...who has suffered only minor injuries. Upon leaving the hospital, she tries to contact David - having realized by now that he was never unfaithful to her and never would be. But Harry won't allow this because it would land his son in prison. Over the next few months, David and Jade each attempt to move on with their lives by seeing other people; still, both are unhappy. David runs into Anne at a bookstore. She tells him that - despite the tension between her and Hugh - she admires his and Jade's love for each other. Anne arranges for David to meet Jade at the airport when she comes home for the holidays. The couple reaffirm their love, and Jade plans to move in with David that night, while Anne confronts Hugh about his obsession with destroying Jade's life. Anne also learns that Hugh prevented her recommendation letter for David from being sent out to college. Back at home, Hugh reams Keith and Sabine for listening to records from Chris's collection. Keith seconds his mother's sentiments regarding what losing Chris has done to Hugh. When Keith subsequently announces that he's moving in with Sabine, Anne opts for going with him. Hugh then finds Jade preparing to leave with David, who is waiting outside. Hugh charges outside in a rage, knocking over a burning candle on the way, and furiously attacks David with a baseball bat. Jade rushes to his defense...proclaiming that it was Hugh himself, not David, who tore their family apart. The defeated Hugh goes back inside, and discovers the fire which has started in Chris's room; Jade and David see the house in flames, so David rushes back in to save Jade's father, who is struggling to gather up Chris' possessions. When David falls unconscious, Hugh decides to leave the things and help David to safety instead. Outside, David and Hugh put aside their differences while they wait for medical attention. Anne and Hugh amicably separate but remain determined to rediscover the love, inspired by Jade and David...who are flying out to California, having been selected as maid of honor and (respectively) best man at Sabine and Keith's wedding. Both couples celebrate on the beach, where they camp for the night. Sharing David's bedroll, Jade fondly recalls how her first love - the relationship she shares with him - was everything all at once, the kind of undying love worth fighting to keep. ===== Mac Radner and his Australian-born wife Kelly are adjusting to life with their infant daughter, Stella. The restrictions of parenthood make it difficult for them to maintain their old lifestyle, which alienates them from their friends Jimmy Blevins and his ex-wife, Paula. Delta Psi Beta, a fraternity known for outrageous parties, moves in next door. The fraternity's leaders, Teddy Sanders and Pete Regazolli, aspire to join Delta Psi's Hall of Fame by throwing a massive end- of-the-year party. The Radners ask Teddy to keep the noise down, and to earn their favor, he invites them to join the party. Kelly meets Teddy's girlfriend Brooke Shy, and Teddy shows Mac his bedroom, which includes a stash of fireworks and a breaker box that controls the house’s power. Teddy agrees to manage the noise, but has Mac and Kelly promise to always call him instead of the police. The following night, when the party next door keeps Stella awake, Mac is unable to reach Teddy. Kelly convinces Mac to call the police anonymously, but Officer Watkins identifies them to Teddy. Betrayed, Teddy leads Delta Psi in hazing Mac and Kelly, resulting in Stella nearly eating an unused condom after the fraternity dumps their garbage on the Radners’ lawn. Mac and Kelly go to the college dean Carol Gladstone, but the school has a “three strikes” policy before it will intervene; Delta Psi's first strike was burning down their old house. Failing to force the fraternity to move by damaging their house, Kelly manipulates Pete and Brooke into having sex, and Mac leads Teddy to catch them in the act. Teddy and Pete fight, and a barbecue grill injures a passing professor. This gives Delta Psi their second strike and places them on probation, effectively ending their party plans. Determined to shut down the fraternity, Mac and Kelly enlist the help of Jimmy, who is jealous that Paula is sleeping with Delta Psi member Scoonie. To acquire evidence of Delta Psi's hazing, they hire a pledge nicknamed Assjuice to stand up to Teddy and record him threatening retaliation. When Teddy instead shows him kindness, he reveals that Mac and Kelly hired him and are trying to sabotage the fraternity. A vengeful Teddy violently pranks the Radners and Jimmy with airbags. They send Teddy a counterfeit letter from Gladstone lifting Delta Psi’s probation. The fraternity prepares for their end-of-the- year party, which Mac, Kelly, and Jimmy widely publicize to ensure it will be out of control. Once the party is in full swing, they notify the police, but Teddy realizes what the Radners have done, and stops the party just as Watkins arrives. Jimmy throws himself from the balcony to distract Teddy, allowing Kelly to sneak into Teddy's bedroom as Mac fights him off. Unable to open the breaker box to restart the party and alert Watkins, Kelly shoots one of the fireworks at his patrol car. Paula convinces Scoonie to turn on the power, reigniting the party, and she reunites with Jimmy. Teddy takes the blame for the party, convincing Pete to flee with the others, and is arrested; the fraternity is shut down. Four months later, Mac runs into Teddy, who is working as a shirtless greeter at Abercrombie & Fitch. They greet each other warmly and Teddy reveals he is attending night classes to complete his degree. Mac takes off his shirt and jokingly acts as a greeter with Teddy. Later, Mac and Kelly take pictures of Stella in various costumes for a calendar. They get a call from Jimmy and Paula inviting them to attend Burning Man. Mac and Kelly decline, accepting their new roles as parents. ===== Nuclear-apocalypse survivor Ann Burden lives out an agrarian life on her family's valley farmstead, sheltered from radioactive contaminants by rocky hillsides, favorable weather patterns, and an abundant ground-fed water supply. One day Ann encounters fellow survivor John Loomis, a highly skilled engineer, who, aided by medicines and a radiation suit, has traveled from a distant military bunker to the safe confines of Burden's valley. Loomis bathes in contaminated water, and immediately sickens, but is nursed back to health by Ann, who welcomes him into her farmhouse. Loomis regains his strength and gradually becomes part of Ann's humble rustic life. He helps Ann to pump diesel from local petroleum pumps and gets the farm's long-disused tractor running, hoping to stockpile food for the winter. Ann tells Loomis about her parents and younger brother who left the valley to find other survivors but never returned. Loomis speculates that hydroelectric power might be generated from the nearby waterfall, using a water-wheel fashioned from the Burden church's planks and beams. Ann is uncomfortable with this proposal, citing her father's past involvement as preacher and her own deeply-held Christian beliefs. Loomis chooses not to pursue the project further. Ann and Loomis grow closer, cultivating crops and preparing for long-term habitation. Their domestic accord is marred by occasional tensions, notably involving matters of religion and Loomis' drinking. The two come to the verge of initiating a sexual relationship, but Loomis demurs, stating that further intimacy will change things between them, and that more time is needed. Mysterious phenomena (including stolen food supplies and a half-glimpsed shadowy figure) culminate in the arrival of a third survivor, Caleb. Though Ann welcomes Caleb into the farmhouse, friction develops between Caleb and Loomis. Loomis questions Caleb's backstory and motives; Caleb repeatedly emphasizes the religious connection he shares with Ann (in stark contrast to Loomis), and half-jokingly suggests a wager for the farm-girl's affections while the two men go out turkey hunting. The three survivors slowly settle into a marginally-stable partnership. Both men relate post-apocalyptic horrors they witnessed before reaching the valley; Loomis describes a radiation- sickened youth who begged him for death; later, he privately confides to Ann his belief that the dying boy may have been her long-absent brother. Caleb pressures Ann to go forward with the water-wheel project, and work commences on tearing down the church for materials. Perceiving their mutual attraction, Loomis awkwardly gives Ann consent to pursue a romantic relationship with Caleb, but belies his grief and anger in losing Ann through a racially tinged remark. Shortly thereafter, following a celebratory dinner, a heavily- intoxicated Loomis tells Ann he loves her before passing out in his bed. After failing to wake Loomis, seeming to want his affection, Ann joins Caleb in the adjoining bathroom, where the two engage in sexual activity. Further tensions arise between Caleb and Loomis following the sexual encounter. The two men finish the water-wheel, moving it and its wooden flume into place atop the waterfall. Encumbered by the bulky radiation suit, Caleb slips twice during his rope-assisted climb up the slick mossy cliff-side. During the second slip, the two men silently lock eyes, both holding the rope, while Caleb teeters on the cliff's edge. Loomis returns to the farmhouse alone. Ann apologizes for her earlier indiscretion; Loomis tells her that Caleb has left in search of other settlements. Ann takes this news badly, chasing after Caleb but not finding him, and lapses into a sullen silence. The farmhouse's electric lights and refrigeration are restored. Ann finds that her beloved church organ and three roughly fashioned pews have been moved into the barn. The two appear to exchange brief uncertain glances, Ann playing a hymn, Loomis sitting and clasping his hands, as the scene fades to black. ===== The play starts with the two archaeologists shown doing excavations in situ at Oxyrhynchus in 1907. While both are depicted in the play deeply involved with their work, Apollo intervenes and commands Grenfell, in rhyming verses, to find an ancient play where the God plays a prominent part: Grenfell and Hunt on the site of the excavations. Harrison's play features them as central characters. The two dons are shown in the play to feverishly search for the fragments and they finally find them. Grenfell, in particular, is shown as possessed by Apollo. After their excavations, the Oxyrhynchus papyri, including those with the Sophoclean play, are packed in wooden crates and sent to Oxford for further study. Upon arrival at Oxford, the crates open up and a satyr chorus springs from inside, clogging. A metamorphosis then happens. Grenfell becomes the Greek god Apollo while Hunt turns into Silenus, the leader of the satyrs. The characters then start following Sophocles' play and begin looking for Apollo's missing cattle. Apollo strikes a bargain with the satyrs according to which the satyrs will become rich and free if they find his cattle. The satyrs finally find the cattle only to discover that the cows are also keeping amongst them baby Hermes who although an infant has just invented the lyre. Apollo is happy now that his cattle has been found and keeps his end of the bargain by granting the satyrs the riches and freedom he had promised them. However the satyrs also want to keep the newly discovered lyre but Apollo rejects that idea telling them that satyrs do not deserve such a highly artistic instrument and advises them that they should instead concentrate on low-level art. The satyrs are very unhappy and they become even more so since the gold bars that they received from Apollo have turned into gold leaf-covered boomboxes blaring a music they cannot even dance to. Having lost their chance to get involved in "High Art" the satyrs rebel and 2500 years later they become hooligans coming out of the crates and destroying the very papyrus to which they owe their existence in modern times. In the Delphi performance the satyrs destroy the backdrop papyrus screens of the play and are depicted playing a soccer match with a ball fashioned out of the Ichneutae papyrus. In the National Theatre performance Silenus is shown destroying the physical papyrus screen which functions as the backdrop of the theatrical play and commenting that the papyrus "could be put to better use as bedding material for the homeless of London's South Bank". ===== The cartoon opens with an animated Earth sleeping in a snoring fashion. It then moves to a cat trying to enter a house's front yard only to be shooed away by a resident dog. The scene once more moves to a house where the ghost of Hungarian composer Franz Liszt rises from a bust, and plays Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 on a piano. Moments later, a flock of storks are flying across the night sky, carrying infants in sacks. One of them gets hit by lightning and therefore drops a sack. The sack falls into a house where it opens. The baby that comes out is none other than Krazy Kat in diapers. Despite being so young, the kitten has a knack for making music, especially in the jazz genre. As he plays Down Home Rag with one instrument and another, the others come to life and play along. After spending time playing in the house, the young Krazy and the instruments take to the skies in an airplane. They then play Saint Louis Blues around the globe, and those who hear it dance to the rhythm. People who enjoyed their performance include: a man and a bull in a bullfight, Russian hooligans, Dutch clowns, and an African tribe. In no time, the animated Earth is awake and in an upbeat mood. Finally, Krazy and the instruments are parading on the street with thousands of spectators watching. When they reach the end of their march, a man in a tophat approaches and awards Krazy the key to a particular city. ===== Yakoob owns a small town theatre Kanyaka Talkies that mostly plays soft porn films. A series of personal tragedies force him to hand over the property to the church. The building is converted to a chapel with a young priest as its vicar. Strangely enough, the priest starts hearing bizarre, disturbing noises from the building, and its disreputable past begins to intrigue him. ===== Alicia Donadio's child, the result of her rape in The Twelve, is stillborn. She forces herself out of her stupor and decides to hunt down Zero. Michael Fisher sails around the continent looking for the storied mines that were placed to keep the viral contamination at bay. He learns the virus has spread to the rest of the world, and realizes that the mines do not exist, and neither does the rest of the world; human civilization was completely wiped out by a mutated version of the virus. He finds an ocean liner beached in the Gulf of Mexico, and determines to fix it and sail to a safe island to save some portion of humanity. Lucius Greer has been keeping Amy and Carter alive in the cargo hold of their own ship by bringing them blood to feed on. Amy has no control over herself as a viral while Carter seems to be able to control his impulses. Peter Jaxon is raising his nephew Caleb in Kerrvile, the capital of the Republic of Texas. In his dreams, he lives with a human Amy, though he has not actually seen her in years. He accepts a request from the newly elected president of the Republic of Texas to join her administration, leading an initiative to open the town's security gates, since the virals have not been seen for years, allowing humanity to branch out. Alicia finds Zero in New York City, but learns he is her infector, thus she can not kill him. He befriends her and reveals he was originally Tim Fanning, who had a crush on Jonas Lear's girlfriend Liz during college. Later in life, when Jonas' science pulled him away from home in search of a cure for Liz's cancer, Liz and Tim had a brief tryst, though she turned down his request to stay with him. After Liz died, Tim eventually joined Jonas in his research to find a solution to humanity's challenge (resulting in Amy). The rest of his story is chronicled in the beginning of The Passage where Tim becomes the only one to survive infection, and thus becomes the first viral; Subject Zero. He reveals how almost drowning was what reverted him to human form, but retains everything else bestowed on him by the virus. Michael has worked for twenty years to rebuild the ship. Peter is now President of Texas, but finds that the human colonies have been able to spread so far that this may be the last presidency. Alicia, having lived with Zero for a few years, learns of his plan to kill the remaining humans in his quest to destroy Amy. Alicia leaves to warn her friends, while Zero sends his Many (infected virals) towards Texas in a plan to draw Amy out of hiding. The Many kill/convert the outer colonies, finally converging on Kerrville. Amy is restored to human form by Peter with the help of Alicia's knowledge of water. Carter transfers his Many over to Amy to assist in defending Kerrville. Zero's army prevails, leaving only 700 human survivors when the morning sun drives the virals off. Peter and Michael lead the people to the ship, arriving on the coast at dusk. Zero's Many attack, but Carter sacrifices his life to help Amy and the rest achieve the safety of the ship. Virals Alicia and Amy are joined by Peter and Michael, leaving the ship to find and kill Zero in order to end the plague. Peter is bitten by Zero, but his love for Amy prevents him from killing her at Zero's command. Zero is killed by Amy, who saves Peter with her own blood before he is destroyed along with the rest of Zero's Many. A near drowning has removed all traces of the virus from Alicia, who then decides to jump to her death. Michael takes a ship to England. Virals Amy and Peter live together, until he dies of old age after a couple of hundred years. The Kerrville survivors sail to the safe island, becoming the cradle for humanity. After 1000 years (Which is said to be the minimum required time for the virals to die off on their own in case they would not be stopped), their descendants return to North America. They find an ancient Amy, who tells them her story. ===== The family of a doctor is taken hostage by a team led by a rogue FBI agent the night before she is scheduled to perform surgery on the President of the United States. She is ordered by the kidnappers to assassinate the President during surgery in order to save her family. ===== The plot revolves around Neha Malini (Soha), who is a Non-resident Indian returning to India in order to start a school in a village in north Bihar. Starting off optimistic and happy about her endeavor, she is unaware of the hardships, obstructions and risks awaiting her in this small, serene village. She is pleased after meeting three boys Awadhesh, Hari and Gorakh but soon finds out that it is the beginning of a nightmare. Being hardcore criminals, these three boys become the center of her activities. After seeing this, she vows to stop the criminal and sexual exploitation of the children in the village. Her meeting with Janaki (Seema Biswas) – the mother of one of the boys, Awadhesh – helps her understand the deeply embedded political-criminal nexus that pervades the system. Neha is resolute to free the three of them from this world of crime. interviews/Soha-to-shoot-with-slum-kids/articleshow/14319321.cms Khans-film/15138076 ===== Set in 1939, the early days of World War II in Siam, the film begins with Angsumalin meeting for one last time with her childhood friend, a young Thai man named Vanus. He is leaving for England for schooling, and hopes that Angsumalin will wait for him and marry him when he returns. Shortly thereafter, Thailand is invaded by Japanese military forces. In Thonburi, opposite Bangkok on the Chaophraya River, the Imperial Japanese Navy establishes a base. The forces there are led by Kobori, an idealistic young captain. One day he sees Angsumalin swimming in the river and falls for her. She, being a proudly nationalistic Thai woman, despises him because he is a foreigner. Nonetheless, Kobori persists at seeing her and a courtship develops. Angsumalin finds that Kobori is a gentleman and starts falling for him, but she kept her feelings secret because of the war and because of her involvement with the resistance. Then, for political reasons, Angsumalin's father - who is the leader of the Free Thai resistance, insists that she marry Kobori. Understanding that Angsumalin is not marrying him out of love, Kobori promises not to touch her, but he breaks that vow after the wedding. Despite this, Angsumalin develops tender feelings for Kobori, but is still torn by her feelings for her nation and feeling guilty towards Vanus, upon whose return sets in motion a conflict between the two men. ===== The series follows the story of a family man who finds the body of a young boy and quickly becomes the prime suspect in his murder. Not content to let the police do their work, and becoming increasingly frustrated at being questioned repeatedly, he decides to try to find the real killer as his marriage, his kids, his reputation, and his sanity are all at stake; a decision exacerbates his life. ===== The game takes place in a world allegorical to the spiritual aspects of the human heart. The player represents a Christian who enters his own heart to do battle with spiritual forces of temptation and to become a true 'Saint of Virtue.' ===== Donald Duck parachutes into the jungle of a remote Pacific island to wipe out a Japanese airfield undetected.Shull, Wilt (2004), p. 166Akita, Kenney (2013), p. 53 He loses most of his equipment in the process of landing and is nearly eaten by a pair of crocodiles. He uses a rubber raft to travel down the river. He is located by Japanese snipers, including one disguised as a rock and one disguised as a slant-eyed and buck- toothed tree. He initially mistakes their bullets for mosquitoes and presses onwards. His raft is caught beneath a waterfall and starts inflating. He makes sure the raft hits nothing that would pop it. When he gets to the edge of a cliff, he sees the airfield. The raft has already exploded, causing water to flow. This large amount of water splashes onto the airfield, wiping the whole thing clean, but leaving disfigured airplanes. Upon seeing the ruins of the airfield, a proud Donald declares his mission accomplished ("Contacted enemy, washed out same"). ===== Arash is an Iranian scholar in Europe who is visiting his mom in Shiraz, Iran. He is also lecturing a course in sociology at the same time. His parents are divorced long time ago and he hasn't visited his father who is living in Tehran for a very long time, until suddenly his nephew visits him and informing his father's hospitalization in Tehran and persuade him to visit his father. At the same time due to some unexpected problems he cannot get his passport to leave the country on time. While Arash is going to Tehran is reviewing his memories of bad treatment with his father, and the way his mother and brother also treated in the worse situation. He also remembers the memories of his brother who fled from home due his father's misbehavior. Later on his brother joined to the Iranian volunteer forces in Iran-Iraq war and soon after got killed in the war. His father dies shortly after Arash's visit in Tehran. After death of his father, Arash faces with newer problems about the family heritages. ===== Arvind Chandrasekhar (Mammootty), a very successful lawyer with a track record any one would dream about, is appointed judge in the Karnataka High Court. Happily living in Bangalore with his wife Sangeetha (Pallavi Purohit) and their adorable children Arya and Aditya, the man has little to fret over. Before taking the oath, he visits his parents in Kerala. There he is harassed by threatening phone call from a veiled assailant who says he is not fit to be a judge. Arvind ignores the calls at first but things get serious when his wife and children face dangerous situations. The film narrates how he unveils the mystery with the help of his close friend Neil George (Anoop Menon), an IPS officer. ===== An immigrant named Sonny (Chon) joined the Chinatown gang "The Green Dragons" when he was a kid, and worked his way up through the gang hierarchy. But as he quickly rose up the ranks and became notorious in the community, his life falls apart around him. ===== Wyoming, 1879: Chad Santee, a former Cavalry sergeant, is a passenger on a stagecoach bound for Cheyenne, along with saloon singer Rose Fargo and a gambler known as Blackjack Silk. Chad is on his way to see brother Jubal's ranch for the first time. What he doesn't know is that Jubal is among masked outlaws who rob the coach. Chad intends to defend himself, but Blackjack, fearing a gunfight, knocks him cold. Rose takes umbrage, telling the gang about money Blackjack's hiding in his boot. Chad awakens to find Blackjack slapping the woman, so he flattens the gambler with a punch. A posse forms, led by Yellowstone Kelly, who used to be Chad's army commander. Yellowstone would like Chad to join him in Jackson Hole in the fur-trading business. Chad first hopes to capture the outlaws and retrieve a keepsake brooch of Rose's. Chad meets an Indian maiden named Meeteetse and treats her kindly, not knowing she's in league with the outlaws. She takes a liking to him. Chad discovers that Jubal's ranch is actually a hideout, with Shawnee Jack the gang's leader. He notices that Meeteetse has the stolen brooch and realizes Jubal is an outlaw. Shawnee now wants Chad dead for knowing too much. Chad promises not to betray his brother and Jubal vouches for Chad's honesty. The brooch is returned to Rose, but since Chad had possession of it, the law concludes that he must have been among those who stole it. Chad is placed under arrest. After finding out Chad loves Rose and has invited her to go to Jackson Hole with him, Meeteetse makes a deal with the sheriff. She will return the stolen loot if Chad is set free and Rose sent to jail. Blackjack plans to ambush Chad and is stabbed to death by Meeteetse. After a gunfight, the law realizes who the real robbers are and Chad is allowed to leave. He rides off with Rose to a new life in Jackson Hole, beginning a new trade and a family. Jubal accepts an invitation to join them. Shawnee Jack bides his time, then rides to Jackson Hole to kill Chad. He is distracted long enough by Jubal to permit Chad and Rose to remain unharmed. Jubal dies saving them, so in his honor, they name their baby girl Jubalee. ===== Will Sabre, an outlaw, decides to reform and ride to a new territory to begin a new life. This angers the gang's leader, Jake Dunsten, who gives chase. Will encounters a 10-year-old boy burying his father, killed in a covered-wagon attack. Dunsten's men ride up and shoot it out with Will, who uses the man's grave for cover. Taking the boy, Robbie, with him to the town of Durango, an attempt is made by Will to start fresh. He calls himself Dan Tomlinson and finds a job in a bank. He renews an acquaintance with a former sweetheart, rancher Judy Ollivant, who believes his story that he is no longer an outlaw. Sheriff Howard is suspicious of the stranger, however, and sends a wire seeking information about the notorious Will Sabre, even though a Texas Rangers captain vouches for "Dan." Dunsten's gang kidnap Robbie and hold him hostage, forcing Will to help them rob the bank. Will goes through with it, but personally captures Dunsten and returns the stolen loot, earning a pardon from the governor that enables him to settle down with Judy and Robbie for good. ===== Before initiating an undercover investigation in Tombstone,Arizona., Capt. Matt Sloane (George Montgomery) sets out to build a reputation for himself as a ruthless man. Sloane distributes "wanted" circulars describing his supposed criminal exploits, drops off his young son, Terry (Scotty Morrow), with a friend and joins a vicious gang headed up by his target, reckless outlaw, Johnny Ringo (Jim Davis). As Sloane works his way into Ringo's inner circle, Terry goes home in search of his father. ===== The gangster Augie Martello is riddled with bullets in an assassination attempt organized by Tony Ledo, a mob lieutenant. Mafia boss Johnny Lucero is returning after 10 years out of the country. Ledo intends to kill Lucero and take over. The family of airstrip traffic controller Rod Balcom, including his daughters, is taken hostage as the gang members await Lucero's plane, with gunman Sam Galey assigned to stand guard over them. Ledo intends to have the entire family killed after Martello's death and his planned takeover, but Lucero gets the drop on him and shoots Ledo to death. Lucero is then captured by the police. ===== A radical plan is enacted when Dr. Paul Furman is assigned by the governor to take charge of a youth reformatory, replacing Colonel Walton, with a notion to offer inmates more trust. Not only does Furman ease the institution's usual strict discipline, he changes it from an all-boy detention facility to co-ed. Juvenile delinquent Eddie Bassett observes with interest as new female inmates like Kitty and Babe arrive along with adult supervisors Grace Hartwell and Bess Monahan, who will look after the girls. As soon as the bashful Kitty expresses an interest in Eddie, the extroverted Babe causes trouble for her, causing Kitty to be injured in a fight and later attacked by another boy. Furman is also physically assaulted by Eddie. Various misdeeds lead to the governor's firing Furman and restoring Walton and the previous routine of discipline. Eddie, beaten by a guard named Quillan, steals the guard's gun, knocks him out and leads a revolt. The only one able to quell the uprising is Furman, who, with Kitty's help, successfully appeals to Eddie to give up before it's too late. ===== Scott (Ron Foster) is a frustrated police detective constantly being passed over for promotion. When he's assigned to gain the confidence of Holly (Patricia Blair), the girlfriend of a suspect in a robbery, the couple fall in love, plot to murder Holly's boyfriend, and run off to Mexico with the loot. ===== Marty Brill's (Cameron Mitchell) Los Angeles gang plot to assassinate visiting Asian Prime Minister Gourem-Nara (Frank Lackteen). They break into the home of airport flight controller Hal Parker (John Lupton) and hold his family hostage. Brill threatens to kill Parker's wife June (Lyn Thomas), unless he broadcasts a coded message to identify which plane taking off from the airport is the premier's. They then plot to shoot the plane down. Meanwhile, special agents Ben Scanlon (Paul Langton) and Ray Maguire (Logan Field) close in on the gang. ===== A small-time crook steals a briefcase full of plans belonging to enemy agents. ===== Young outlaw Billy Wade, determined to reform, is roped into a robbery by rich businessman George Landon then framed for it. Landon springs Billy's brother Matt from prison, on the condition he get Billy to go along with the theft. During a struggle for a gun Matt is accidentally killed, and his teenaged son Ted and others mistakenly believe Billy killed him in cold blood. Billy pretends to help bandit Ike Garvey but ultimately assists in his capture, earning Ted's forgiveness. ===== Like his swimming champion father, Won-il (Seo In-guk) was once a promising swimmer. But when his father dies during a swimming competition (where he was doing his specialty called "no breathing"), followed soon after by his mother's death, Won-il quits swimming for good. Instead, he lives life hopelessly and recklessly, like there is no tomorrow. With Won-il in danger of being expelled from school, his father's longtime friend Jae-suk (Park Chul-min) drags him to a physical education-focused high school, hoping that he'll start swimming again. There he meets his long-ago rival, Woo-sang (Lee Jong-suk) who in the past had always been overshadowed by Won-il. With Won-il's absence from the sport, Woo-sang is now in first place and is a national swimming star. But he gets disqualified from the national tryouts after getting into trouble, so he has to start from ground zero and ends up at the same phys-ed school as Won- il. Woo-sang is Won-il's complete opposite in personality, and all he cares about is winning so he finds Won-il's return to the sport unwelcome. Then there is Jae-suk's daughter, Jung-eun (Kwon Yuri) who captures both Won-il and Woo-sang's hearts and further reignites the rivalry between them. The two very different young men begin training for an upcoming swimming competition, battling for love and friendship as they undergo the rite of passage of growing up. ===== Trans-Coast Airways Flight 60 leaves Los Angeles on a flight to Washington, D.C. Three scientists on board the transcontinental flight have been summoned to a classified meeting at the Pentagon, concerning the "beta bomb", a new bomb design and the rocket to deliver it. Mid-flight, the Douglas DC-6 airliner mysteriously begins to climb, to over 10 miles high. Back at the airline headquarters, Operations Manager Hank Norton (John Bryant) tries to keep in contact with the flight, but is sure that nothing can be done to save the passengers and crew. The engines stop, and passengers pass out due to lack of oxygen. Crazed passenger Walter Cooper (Harvey Stephens) who has tried to convince others that using the secret bomb is essential, jumps from the aircraft. Three scientists, Dr. Carl Morris (Dayton Lummis), Tom Endicott (Craig Hill) and Marcia Paxton (Paula Raymond) find themselves in a limbo state, watches stopped and no heartbeats. Meeting the Examiner (Gregory Morton), the trio of scientists leave the aircraft for judgement from those of the future. They find themselves in a moment between time, which explains the stopped watches and lack of heartbeats. They are shown, in brief, a future where their bomb has been used and having destroyed the atmosphere, has killed off all life on the planet. They are judged guilty and sentenced to live in the moment with no time for the rest of eternity, where the future and past meet. After the Sage (Addison Richards) objects that the scientists from the past cannot be judged by a future society, they are returned to the present on this technicality. The passengers have no memory of any of the actions on board before passing out, with the exception of Endicott, the rocket engineer and Dr. Morris. Marcia Paxton only thinks the event was a dream. Walter Cooper reappears, and the flight crew do not seem to have any recall of the emergency that took place on the flight. When Captain Hank Norton (John Bryant) calls for landing instructions, the airline office is perplexed. When their airliner lands at Washington, the passengers and crew discover they are 24 hours late, thus proving Endicott's fantastic story of the trial and judgement. Dr. Morris, the nuclear bomb designer, disposes of his notebook containing the formulas and designs for the bomb. ===== Case Silverhorn (Jim Davis), a professional gambler, wants to retire from the gambling life and purchases a ranch through the mail. On the way there he saves the local Sheriff's life, who got into an ambush. The ambush did leave one man dead: the man Silverhorn purchased the ranch from is murdered before the title-deed can be recorded. Neither the Sheriff, nor the seller's children, Jud (Don Dorrell) and Sharon Donovan (Merry Anders) have any knowledge of the transaction and will not vacate the ranch. Taking a job at the local saloon, Case discovers that rustlers, unknown to the Donovans, are using the ranch-lands to hide the stolen cattle. Jud learns of the operation and is killed by the gang, and Case is framed for the murder. ===== The World Society of Sexual Arts and Sciences holds its annual meeting to select the year's winners of the World Sex awards. The selection committee views film clips of the various contestants (a series of sex-themed comedy sketches). At the final awards show, the golden "dildies" are presented to the winners and Keefe Brasselle sings and dances with showgirls. ===== Reporter Skip Hanlon (Ron Foster) is in love with Janey Fowler (Merry Anders), whose father (Barry Kelley) is a sea captain employed by the Mafia. The mob pay the captain to transport gangsters out of the U.S., but when a murder occurs, Skip blows the whistle on the captain. Janey sides with her father, and goes on the run with him to Mexico, with Skip hot on their trail. ===== After her auto-racing son is killed in a crash, wealthy Leonora wants custody of her grandson. Her daughter-in-law Sabena absolutely refuses, even when Leonora's attorney, Preston Morgan, approaches her with an offer of $500,000. Sabena's twin sister, Dara, wants the money, no matter what. She and her accomplice Jay Flagg scheme to push Sabena's car off a cliff, then collect the half-million dollars for themselves. Their plot is foiled, however, and while Leonora sees the error of her ways, Sabena develops a romantic interest in Morgan. ===== Frank Bogan (Warren Kemmerling), a violent criminal sentenced to the death penalty, escapes from prison and vows revenge against those he blames for his capture. Local sheriff Chuck Morton (James Brown) is tasked with warning Bogan's likely victims. At the top of Morton's list are Bogan's ex-wife, Janice (Peggy Stewart) ; her new husband, Dr. Dean Knudtson (John Pickard) ; and Jeff Baxley (Herb Armstrong), whose testimony in court helped convict Bogan. ===== A policeman must prove the teenager he shot was a delinquent. ===== Ross Granger is hired by the Overland Pacific railroad to investigate sabotage. Posing as a telegraph operator, Granger goes to Oaktown, where a fellow Civil War veteran he knows, Del Stewart, is now owner of the Silver Dollar saloon. Del is engaged to Ann Dennison, whose father runs the railroad. A jealous Jessie Lorraine, his dance-hall girl, loves Del as well. Del and his cohorts are secretly selling repeater rifles to Chief Dark Thunder and the Comanche Indians, who do not want the railroad crossing their land. Del and rancher Broden want the Overland Pacific to re-route through Oaktown, where they own property. A hired gun and corrupt sheriff both end up dead. Ann breaks off her engagement upon learning Del's scheme, pleasing Jessie until she discovers the true nature of Del, then is shot by him. It is left to Granger to win a shootout with Del, after which he and Ann commence a romance. ===== After he drifts into town with Fairweather, a card- playing partner, Cruze accepts a job as town marshal and takes on the corrupt Moran brothers, cattle rustlers who are cheating rancher Charlotte Downing and her brother Cass. ===== Four oil company employees crash-land in the desert of North Africa. They have limited food and water, no radio, no way to repair the plane and, with no hope of rescue, face a slow death. Then one of the crew spots the antenna of a German tank from World War II sprouting from the sands. Digging down, they discover the ‘Steel Lady’ of the title, complete with mummified crew, lost in the dunes ten years before, out of water, fuel, and supplies, rather like themselves. After burying the German crew, they attempt to repair their radio with parts from the tank's radio; only marginally successful, they manage to tell the outside world that they are alive, but can only pass on their latitude before the jury-rigged radio burns out. It is then that they come up with a wild idea. If they could dig out and clean up the tank, they can use the petrol left in the plane to drive out of the desert. ===== A former outlaw, Billy Ringo, clashes with his old gang. Ringo decides to hang up his guns, buy a ranch, wed Arlene Reach (Helen Westcott), and let his nephew Chip Ringo live with them. Chip’s father Matt Ringo (John Dehner) is serving a prison sentence, and Billy is determined to keep Chip off the outlaw trail. Billy is trying to keep on the straight and narrow, too, but three other outlaws - Dixon, Hollaway, and Hoke - frame him into pulling a bank robbery with them. Pretending to side with them, after accidentally killing Matt, Ringo informs Marshal Wyatt Earp of the gang's plan to rob a Wells Fargo express wagon. A gunfight ensues at the robbery, the three outlaws are killed, and Ringo turns Ike Clinton, the ringleader, over to Marshal Earp. ===== Outlaw Sam Bass terrorizes Texas. Johnny Carver and Buff Smith are released from jail by the head of the Texas Rangers to help capture him. ===== In 1757 the French around Montreal are poised to move south. A young American volunteer in the British Army Sergeant Tom Cutler is sent northwards carrying a dispatch which orders the garrison of Fort Williams to reinforce the vulnerable Crown Point outpost. Cutler is murdered on the way by two men acting as British scouts, one of whom is an Ogane, a French-allied Huron posing as a Mohawk. Crown Point is not relieved in time and falls to the French Returning home after two years away, Sergeant Cutler's elder brother Nat "Hawkeye" Cutler and his companion, a Delaware Indian Chief Sagamore investigate the killing of Tom, who is now wrongly believed to have been a traitor by the authorities. Nat and Sagamore enlist as scouts for the reinforcements being sent out to Fort Williams. They escort the British Captain West carrying important despatches, and Marion Thorne, the daughter of the Fort's commander. They foil an attempt by Ogane to betray them to the Hurons and bring them safety to Fort Williams. However, their apparent insubordination leaves their commander's suspicious of their loyalty. General Montcalm is being supplied with information by a spy inside the Fort, which is carried out to him by Ogane. Montcalm ambushes a force of American infantry and advances with the French Army to lay siege to the Fort. Hawkeye is able to expose the traitor as Captain Brownwell a French-born officer serving as quartermaster to the British forces, but is too late to stop further information passing out to Montcalm. Aware that the Fort is indefensible, Montcalm offers it favorable peace terms. This outrages Ogane who wants vengeance against the Anglo-Americans, and he leads his Hurons in a night attack in which they kill many of the Fort's defenders. Marion Thorne is kidnapped by Ogane who wants her as his wife. Hawkeye, Captain West and Sagamore follow the Hurons and rescue Marion. They are then pursued by Ogane until they reach the shelter of the Ottawa tribe, rivals of the Hurons. The Ottawa leader suggests they can go free if one of them can defeat Ogane in single combat. Hawkeye fights and kills Ogane, and they are allowed to return home. Hawkeye is appointed as chief scout to the British forces as they prepare a fresh offensive for the following year. ===== Dr. Kenneth B. Ford (Dennis O'Keefe) is researching a revolutionary new anesthetic at Boston Mass Hospital. He receives news that he is about to be awarded by being elected into the Society of Scientific Research and is overjoyed. His joy is lessened however, by the arrival of district attorney investigator Winters (Frank Fenton), and the news that he is investigating a big jewel theft. Winters wants to question Kenneth about a piece of jewelry he bought two years earlier, but Kenneth says he doesn't recall anything of the sort. Winters suspects Kenneth of not telling the whole truth, and calls him to testify in court the next day. Right after Winter leaves, Kenneth calls his former girlfriend Gertie Kettering (Marie McDonald), an artist, and enquires about the jeweled garter she got from him two years earlier. It had an inscription on it: "To Gertie from Ken, with all my love". Kenneth is now happily married to Patty (Sheila Ryan), and doesn't want his gift to Gertie to be known to his wife, which would cause a scandal on his behalf. Kenneth wants Gertie to give back the garter to him. Gertie tells him his request is impossible, since she is about to wear the garter at her wedding the following day, and she has already sent away it to Ipswich where the wedding is taking place. Patty is waiting for Kenneth at the laboratory when he gets back to perform his research experiment. Patty understands from Kenneth's behavior that something is wrong. She gets jealous of Gertie and follows Kenneth when he goes to Ipswich that night, to visit his best friend Ted Dalton (Barry Sullivan), who is marrying Gertie. When Kenneth and Ted talk about the garter, Gertie eavesdrops on them and comes to believe that Ted would disapprove of the fact that she has accepted a gift from another man. Gertie demands that Kenneth tells Ted the truth, and she decides to keep the garter in case she needs to prove her innocence. Kenneth refuses, determined to keep the garter a secret to his wife. Instead he plans to take the garter back. Patty sees the discussion between Kenneth and Gertie, and gets more jealous. When she falls into a water barrel, Gertie's brother-in-law Billy (Jerome Cowan) helps her with dry clothes, and his wife Barbara (Binnie Barnes) becomes jealous of them when she sees them in the barn. The butler has gotten hold of the garter and wants to use it to blackmail Kenneth. Eventually Ted sees Kenneth and Gertie together, and later Kenneth finds Patty with no clothes in the barn, and Barbara discovers Billy covered only in hay. In vain, Kenneth and Gertie try to explain about the jewelry theft investigation. Everyone is jealous of everyone else, and no one trust their respective partners anymore. Then the butler appears with the garter, and everyone believes Kenneth and Gertie. Everyone makes up with their partner and all is well. ===== Jim Mason was once a distinguished figure in the sport of horse racing, but his reputation was ruined by a crooked race that caused the death of a horse and a jockey. He becomes an alcoholic and a drifter, forgotten by all. On a freight train, hopping a free ride, Mason runs into a young runaway boy called Goldie, who has experience as a stable boy. As they become friends, Goldie helps him to give up drinking. They attend a horse auction where, due to a technicality, they are able to buy a horse for just two dollars. Goldie rides the horse successfully in races, with Mason training him. But when the boy's mother, Eve Barnes, turns up looking for him, Mason realizes to his astonishment that Eve is his ex-wife, making Goldie his own son. At her behest, Mason spares him from a risky future in horse racing by pretending to revert to his previous corrupt and drunken ways. Goldie refuses, however, to deliberately lose the big race as the crooked gamblers demand. ===== An American diplomat's son, Steven Early, having been educated in England, comes to West Point and enrolls, nicknamed "The Duke" by the others because of his background and bearing. Steve becomes a scholar and athlete, excelling in ice hockey. His roommates and friends are cadets Sonny Drew and Jack West, and he develops a romantic interest in Ann Porter, angering another cadet who loves her. When word reaches him that Jack's mother is having trouble with the business and needs help, Steve sneaks off campus after Taps to wire money to her, so that Jack will not have to give up West Point, making her promise not to tell who sent it but to tell Jack that all is well. Caught upon his return, Steve lies as to where he went so that his friend will not find out about the money. The lie is in violation of the Honor Code and results in his being shunned by all other cadets for the next year, given the silent treatment. Before a big hockey game against a team of cadets from Canada, a serious accident befalls Sonny that leaves him unable to play, with possible permanent damage. Steve wears his friend's jersey and helps West Point win the game, but has made up his mind to submit his resignation as soon as the game ends. But then, the others learn from Jack's mother what Steve did for her and Jack, feeling very guilty, they all welcome him back among them. ===== A film detective believes he actually has the skills to solve a real life case. Bill Martin's (Jack Oakie) boasts irritate the real detectives of the Los Angeles police, as well as studio publicist Mary Strand (Ann Sothern), who loves Bill but doesn't appreciate the actor's arrogance. A mysterious killer known as the "Poison Pen" decides to murder Bill, annoyed with his last movie. Bill and Mary go to amateur sleuth Professor Herman (Eduardo Ciannelli) for advice, unaware that the professor and the murderer are one and the same. By mistake, film co-star Ralph Waring (Bradley Page) is killed by the Poison Pen, and stand-in Larry Frank (Alan Bruce) is suspected of the crime. To save Bill from the killer and from himself, Mary arranges for him to be locked up, but the gullible Bill gets Professor Herman to bail him out of jail. Mary and the cops come to his rescue just in time. ===== A piano virtuoso has a child out of wedlock to her fiance, who is killed trying to save her life. Their son is brought up by foster parents and becomes a musician. The cast was headed by Josephine Hutchinson, George Houston and John Halliday. ===== An FBI agent tracks down a gang leader. ===== In 1987, football coach Jim White loses his job after he loses his temper and accidentally injures a team player in the locker room. He and his family relocate for his new job at McFarland High School in McFarland, California, which is predominantly Latino. The rest of his family has trouble adjusting to the Hispanic neighborhood and lament being unable to move to Bakersfield. White is first put as assistant football coach, but ultimately loses his football coaching status when he pulls a player out, fearing he would be badly injured on the field. Discovering that some of his students are strong runners, he has the school's principal authorize cross-country as a sport and organizes an all-boys team. Its seven members have little hope for their future, specifically Thomas Vallez, due to hardships with his father. White's devotion to the team leads to his own hardships with his family, including forgetting to pick up his daughter Julie's birthday cake. After a few regional competitions, the team wins its first race. Shortly after, the Diaz brothers are taken off the team by their father, who wants them to work for his team of field pickers instead. In response, White convinces them to come to meets and races at earlier and later times of the day, to which they finally address him as "coach". White's wife Cheryl organizes a tamale and car wash sale with the rest of the neighborhood to raise money for new uniforms, where the family and the neighborhood become better acquainted. Eventually, the McFarland team competes in and wins their first State race, and White takes them to the beach to celebrate. White also makes amends with Julie by throwing her a quinceañera with help from the neighbors, though it goes wrong when Julie is taken out on "parade" and the group is attacked by street punks. Jim is offered a full-time position at Palo Alto, upsetting Thomas, who wanted to commit suicide. Cheryl implores him to continue to be there for the McFarland team and their friends in the neighborhood. The day of the state championships comes, and thanks to White's rigorous training and encouragement, McFarland comes in first, while White also turns down the Palo Alto position in favor of McFarland. Under White's guidance, the team becomes outstandingly successful, winning nine state titles over fourteen years. All the members of the first team become the first in their families to go to college or into military careers. Almost all members continue to attend the practices that Jim White held for successive school cross country teams even after graduation from college. White continued teaching and coaching in McFarland until his retirement in 2003. ===== While drunk, Robert (Mike Damus), the groom-to-be, 'accidentally' shoots the maid of honor of his fiance in the face during a skeet-shooting event, and his scheming mother does whatever needed to ensure the wedding will occur, even to conspire with her ex-husband or kidnap the maid of honor. ===== A gunfighter, Kip Tanner, is ambushed by three men who believe Kip's brother Gene swindled their boss, rancher Seth Heinline. A last- minute arrival by Marshal Wilkinson results in the men riding off and Kip coming to town, where he intends to find out what happened to Gene. Kip concludes that Seth's men framed Gene, which concerns Seth's daughter Alice Heinline, who wanted Gene to marry her. Her own brother Jud makes an attempt on Kip's life, but hotel desk clerk Raquel Tareda comes to his rescue because she knows Gene to be innocent. Seth shoots at the wrong man, accidentally killing his own son instead of Kip, and ends up shot himself in a final gunfight. ===== Brian Bloom (Anton Yelchin), a struggling 24-year-old writer in New York City, meets a 33-year-old French woman named Arielle Pierpont (Bérénice Marlohe). They feel powerfully attracted to one another. After their second meeting, Arielle reveals that she is married to a much older diplomat, Valéry (Lambert Wilson), and they have two young children. Arielle and Valéry have an agreement that each is permitted to have extramarital affairs as long as they are limited to the time between 5 and 7 p.m. on weeknights. Brian is perplexed at this information and tells Arielle that he cannot continue the relationship with her, believing it is an unethical affair. Arielle says that, should he change his mind, she will continue to smoke on Fridays at the same place they met. After three weeks Brian decides to meet again with Arielle. She gives him a hotel key and in the evening at the hotel room they consummate their relationship. They begin to meet regularly at the same hotel room in the evenings. Valéry, who is aware of Brian's affair with Arielle, approaches him on the street and invites Brian to his house for dinner. At dinner, Brian meets Arielle and Valéry's children and is introduced to Valéry's lover, a 25-year-old editor named Jane (Olivia Thirlby). Arielle later meets Brian's parents, Sam (Frank Langella) and Arlene (Glenn Close). Upon learning that Arielle is a married mother of two, Sam tells Brian that he disapproves of the relationship, while Arlene accepts that they love each other despite the circumstances. When Brian is invited to a New Yorker ceremony to receive an award for one of his short stories, he is joined by Arielle, Valéry, Jane, and his parents. Jane tells Brian that her boss Galassi (Eric Stoltz), a publisher, has read his story and wants Brian to write a novel. Brian meets Arielle at the hotel and asks her to marry him, giving her a ring. Brian insists that he is truly in love with her, and Arielle accepts his proposal, telling him to meet her the next day at the hotel. Valéry shows up at Brian's apartment that night; he slaps Brian and expresses anger at Brian's betrayal of the rules and boundaries of an open marriage. He then gives Brian a check for $250,000 for Brian to give Arielle the life she deserves and leaves. The next day, the hotel doorman gives Brian a letter from Arielle in which she explains that although she loves him deeply, she cannot leave her husband and children, and asks him not to contact her again. Jane later ends her relationship with Valéry because it feels like a betrayal of her friendship with Brian, and Brian's first novel is published by Galassi. After some years, Brian is walking down the street with his wife, Kiva (Jocelyn DeBoer), and their two-year-old son. They run into Arielle, Valéry and their now-teenage children outside the Guggenheim. Valéry asks about Jane, and Brian tells him that she is married with a son. Arielle shows Brian subtly that she still wears the ring he gave to her before they part again. ===== The "music box" is a submachine gun owned by ruthless gangster Larry Shaw (Ronald Foster) in 1920s New York. Larry is working his way up a bootlegging syndicate but reckons without his decent wife Margaret (Luana Patten), who one day has enough of her husband's activities. ===== A gunman takes on a corrupt land baron. ===== In 1988 Nina Simone is financially unsound, mentally unstable and an alcoholic. Her 1960s heyday is far behind her. After threatening a lawyer with a gun, she is forcibly committed to a Los Angeles psychiatric hospital for twenty-four hours. While in the hospital, Nina hires orderly Clifton Henderson (David Oyelowo) as an assistant. He accompanies her back to Bouc-Bel-Air, France. Nina drinks heavily and refuses to take her medication. She proves to be difficult and confrontational. She verbally abuses Clifton, assaults a patron at a nightclub performance and makes Clifton get her random men with whom she has one-night stands. Her behavior drives Clifton back home to America. Nina is told by her doctor that the results of a biopsy are serious and she needs treatment for cancer. Nina arrives unannounced at Clifton's family home in Chicago, much to the amusement of his family and his embarrassment. She tells Clifton that she wants him to be her manager. He is hesitant, but agrees to work for her again. Clifton attempts to book shows in France, but nearly no one wants to deal with Nina's difficult behavior. Nonetheless, his efforts eventually pay off and she performs marvelously at a gig. He gets a studio and she begins recording new music. It is implied that they begin a sexual relationship. Worried about her health, he convinces her to undergo surgery for her cancer. Once recovered, Nina returns to America for a live performance in Central Park. A crowd flocks to see her and she opens her concert with the song "Feeling Good." ===== During the 1840s a wagon train is headed west with Davy Crockett (George Montgomery), a young man who shares a name with his famous frontiersman uncle, acting as one of the train's Native American scouts. After the passengers narrowly survive a series of ambushes from Native Americans, they come to believe that a spy is on board, helping plot the attacks. Suspicions fall on Davy's innocent partner, Red Hawk (Philip Reed), so he and Davy set out to find the real culprit. ===== A stagecoach is robbed in South Dakota and its driver is killed. A dying man, Gene Walden, tells the sheriff, Sam Galt, that it was Sam's son Benjie who shot the driver. Benjie is engaged to be married to Walden's daughter. Benjie is placed under arrest. Newspaper publisher Phil Quincy demands to know what Walden said, but Sam won't say. Quincy and the sheriff are in love with the same woman, Claire, whose father was a lawman killed in the line of duty. Sam brings in a prominent lawyer, Roger Pollock, to defend his son and hires a detective, Sutherland, to help find the real culprits. In time, all evidence points to Benjie being the killer, and against his lawyer's wishes, Sam testifies to what Walden told him. Benjie is found guilty and sentenced to hang. Coins from the robbery are found in Kathy's hope chest. Kathy's father, Walden, robbed the stagecoach because his health was failing and he wanted his daughter to have enough money to support herself. Leveret, a telegraph operator who knew the stage's schedule, ambushed it and murdered the driver shortly afterward, not knowing that the money had already been stolen. Walden honestly thought Benjie had committed the murder. Sam manages to bring Leveret to justice in time to save his son. ===== Norm the polar bear is the son of the King of the Arctic. In his youth, he discovers that he has the ability to speak to humans, a trait shared only by his grandfather. Because of this, he is made an outcast from the other animals, only being accepted by Socrates, a wise seagull, and Elizabeth, a female polar bear whom Norm is in love with. Years later, Norm's grandfather has disappeared and human tourists are filling the Arctic. Socrates shows Norm and three Arctic lemmings a luxury condo that has been installed on the ice. Inside this condo is Vera, a representative for wealthy developer Mr. Greene. After Norm saves Vera from an avalanche, Mr. Greene tells her to find an actor to play a polar bear for their campaign. Socrates convinces Norm and the lemmings to stow away on a ship to New York City. In the city, Norm, pretending to be an actor dressed as a bear, auditions for Mr. Greene's commercial and is taken to dinner by Vera. Greene, who realizes that Norm is a real bear, suspects that Norm has come to free his grandfather, whom Greene has captured. During a public incident involving Greene trying to shoot Norm with a tranquilizer gun in the restaurant, Norm subdues Greene, gaining the attention of the media and heightening Greene's approval ratings. Greene decides to hire Norm as his mascot. Before going on a television show, Norm meets Vera's daughter Olympia, who tells Norm to raise Greene's approval ratings and then speak out against him to save the Arctic. Norm's popularity heightens the approval ratings, but Greene sabotages Norm's plan by playing recorded dialogue stating that Norm supports Greene's developments. Defeated, Norm is comforted by Vera and Olympia, who reveals that Greene is developing more homes to install in the Arctic. Norm and the lemmings discover that Greene is bribing a high-ranking member of the Polar Council, and exposes this to Pablo, one of Greene's investors. Vera resigns her position and is hired by Pablo, while Norm and the lemmings chase the truck holding the houses. Greene sends another truck carrying Norm's dead grandfather, and Norm is captured as well. After being freed by the lemmings, Norm carries his grandfather's body up to the boat carrying the houses to the Arctic, and is able to detach the houses. However, Norm is separated from his grandfather's body. Norm awakens in the Arctic and is reunited with the lemmings and the other animals, who reveal that his grandfather was dead. Because of his heroism, Norm is crowned the King of the Arctic, but not before his grandfather arrives at the funeral service. Meanwhile, Mr. Greene is humiliated after his plan is exposed, and Vera and Olympia are happy with Pablo as their new boss, while Norm and Elizabeth have three cubs together. ===== Vishwa (Akhil) is raised by Swami (Y. G. Mahendra), a leading sculptor. Although Vishwa is a graduate, he has also learned the skill of sculpting from Swami. Vishwa meets Kavitha (Sija Rose), and both of them like each other. Meanwhile, there is a village where many sculptors come to finish a god's idol that is left incomplete a few years back, but all efforts go in vain as the sculptors are frightened and sent away by a ghost which prevents the completion of the idol. Sarath Babu is the village head, and Rajeshwari (Roja) is his wife. Rajeshwari has enmity with her relative Devanna Gounder (Aadukalam Naren), who happens to be Kavitha's father. As per the advice from an astrologer, Devanna meets Swami, requesting him to visit his village and complete the god's idol. However, Swami insists Vishwa to do the job on his behalf. Swami tells a flashback to Vishwa. Vetri (Ramki) is the only brother of the village head who falls in love with Masani (Iniya), a lower caste girl from the same village. Masani gets pregnant, and Vetri decides to marry her against Rajeshwari's wishes. However, Vetri stands firm in his decision, while Rajeshwari poisons and kills Vetri. She also insults Masani for getting pregnant before wedding and isolates her out of the village, asking no one to help her. Masani undergoes many hardships as she is left alone. Swami comes to the village to make the god's idol and sees Masani in labor pain. Despite his attempts, no one comes forward to help her. Masani delivers a baby boy, informs about her life to Swami, and passes away. Swami gets furious on the village people and leaves the village without completing the idol, believing that the entire village will one day realize their mistake. Swami adopts the baby, and he is none other than Vishwa. Vishwa comes to the village and successfully completes the idol. Masani's soul thrashes Rajeshwari which makes her confess all the truth to villagers. Rajeshwari then gets killed by Masani's soul. Swami arrives and informs that Vishwa is none other than the son of Vetri and Masani. The entire village realizes their mistake and apologizes to Vishwa. Finally, Vishwa is married to Kavitha. ===== It's 1893 and gold is being smuggled out of the country. Instead of stealing gold bars, the outlaws are stealing high grade ore, having it smelted, and then having it plated to look like lead. The Government sends agents Bret (George Montgomery) and Larry (Jerome Courtland) who arrive in Cripple Creek posing as Texas gunfighters. While their partner, Strap (Richard Egan) works on the inside as an informant, Bret finds the smelting operation and Larry learns of the payoff. The crooked town Marshal is suspicious of the two men. The reply of his inquiry to Texas exposes them, putting their lives in danger. ===== First Sergeant Wayne Santley has finished his final enlistment with the 7th Cavalry and is looking forward to going into business with his brother Brad in Wyoming who has told him he has a large ranch with 2,000 head of cattle. He discovers that his brother and his associates are in a much different kind of business that Wayne wants no part of. ===== District attorney Temple Houston who prosecuted an Indian chief gets the case re-opened to find the real killer. ===== The movie is told in non-chronological order, with present scenes intercut with flashbacks that slowly reveal the details of the past as the movie progresses. 18-year-old Ronnie Fuller and Alice Manning have just been released from Juvenile Hall after serving 7 years for the kidnapping and murder of the bi- racial infant granddaughter of the county's first black judge. When asked about the crime, Alice continually insists that she is innocent, a victim of Ronnie's machinations, including Ronnie planting her jack in the box at the scene of the murder to frame her. In flashback we see the girls walking home from a pool party, when Ronnie sees the baby unattended in a stroller on a porch. Despite Alice's pleas not to, Ronnie takes the baby and runs off with her, insisting to Alice that they can take better care of the baby and that it is theirs now. In the present Ronnie is working at a bagel shop in town, while Alice spends most of her days apparently aimlessly walking around town eating junk food, but lying and telling her mother she is searching for employment as per her request. Alice also secretly dreams of finding validation through reality TV stardom, and is shown several times practicing a speech about being a "victim" of the justice system. Alice's mother Helen Manning is a teacher at the elementary school, and it is apparent she and her daughter have a contentious relationship. Helen is ashamed of Alice being overweight, her unsophisticated tastes, and her lack of interest in the kind of things Helen likes. It is also shown in flashback that before the kidnapping Alice and Ronnie were forced to hang out and go to the pool party together by Helen, who showed favoritism toward Ronnie in front of Alice, connecting with Ronnie over art and with her more free-spirited attitude. Two weeks after Ronnie and Alice return home a couple are shopping in a furniture store with their young curly- haired bi-racial daughter, Brittany Lyttle. While the couple are arguing about couches their daughter goes missing, prompting panic. The two detectives assigned to the case that come to visit the parents include detective Nancy Porter, who worked on the Fuller/Manning case, which still haunts and traumatizes her. Soon the connection between the current case and the previous kidnapping becomes apparent, including the resemblance between Brittany and the previous kidnap victim. Porter and her partner question both Alice and Ronnie. Ronnie is evasive and withdrawn, while Alice tries to subtly suggest Ronnie is responsible. Helen Manning is hostile when questioned. Porter and her partner then dig into the girls lives during juvenile hall and discover some disturbing truths. Ronnie tried to kill herself several times and frequently got into fights. But more alarmingly, it turns out Alice gave birth to a young bi-racial baby girl in prison. Bringing in both Alice and Helen for questioning, the truth begins to unravel. It turns out at age 15 in Juvenile Hall Alice fell into a sexual relationship with a janitor named Rodrigo who worked there, and who was eventually fired when their affair was uncovered. By the time Alice realized she was pregnant it was too late for her mother to force her to get an abortion, so instead her mother forced her into relinquishing the child for adoption. According to Helen, Alice remained fixated on her child, obsessing over it endlessly. In an attempt to placate Alice, Helen lied to her, saying that she had seen her child living with a family in a nice part of town. She said that the girl had beautiful curly hair, and had a heart shaped birthmark on her back. However, unknown to Helen, upon being released from prison, Alice reconnected with Rodrigo, the janitor who had previously impregnated her. Alice’s supposedly aimless "walking" had actually been her combing the town, searching for her child. Upon seeing Brittany in the furniture store Alice took her and found that she had a heart- shaped birthmark on her back. Believing Brittany to be her child, Alice took her with the help of Rodrigo, who then took the child to stay at his mother’s house. Their plan was to keep Brittany there while Alice framed Ronnie for the crime, after which they would go be with their child. After being shown birth certificates that proved Brittany was not her child, Alice was convinced by Porter to take her to Rodrigo's mother's house, where Porter collects Brittany. This is intercut with Ronnie at home in her bathroom, where still overwhelmed by guilt over the original kidnapping and murder, she commits suicide by slitting her wrists in the bathtub. Porter returns Brittany safely to her grateful and tearful parents. It is revealed shortly after that Alice made a deal with the district attorney, and that all charges against her have been dropped while Rodrigo is arrested for the kidnapping and statutory rape. Porter and Jones watch in disgust and Alice revels in the media attention, and gives the speech she practiced about being an innocent victim of the justice system for the news cameras. Finally, the details of the ending of the first kidnapping are revealed. It shows Ronnie worrying about the baby, and begging Alice to let her take the baby back. Alice is then shown manipulating and forcing Ronnie into strangling the baby, running away as Ronnie does it. Horrified, Ronnie goes to Helen and confesses what has happened. Helen says that she can make sure that Alice is punished equally along with Ronnie, and we discover that it was Helen who gave Ronnie Alice's jack in the box, telling her to plant it at the scene of the crime. Finally, in the last scene we are again shown the porch on the day of the original kidnapping, except this time Alice is shown standing over the baby carriage instead of Ronnie. This implies that it was actually Alice who instigated the whole kidnapping to begin with, and that it was Ronnie who was the innocent tag-along, not Alice. ===== Alicia (Juno Temple), making her first trip outside the United States, arrives in Chile where her cousin Sara (Emily Browning) is studying, to accompany her on a road trip with Sara's boyfriend Agustín (Agustín Silva), as well as his sister Bárbara (Catalina Sandino Moreno) and his friend Brink (Michael Cera). However, Sara soon receives a call which reminds her of an important exam that she cannot miss. Alicia is nervous about being left alone with a group of Sara's friends, but is reassured that Sara will be back in only a day. She leaves, while the rest of the group continue on to the island where they are to stay. Several unexpected events along the journey result in Alicia becoming concerned that Bárbara is irritated with her presence. They all finally reach the island, where Alicia grows increasingly isolated due to both the lack of a phone signal in which to reach Sara, and the behavior of Brink, whom she finds self-centred and antagonizing. Having not had much sleep, Agustín invites her along for a walk the next morning, where she becomes upset after Brink kills a macaw with the air rifle he had brought along. She runs off into the hills and finds a phone signal to call Sara, who says that she'll have to stay in the city for one more day. Alicia becomes exasperated, calling the group "sadists", but the signal dies before Sara can respond. Alicia returns to Agustín and Brink, and also finds a wandering sheepdog, which she happily pets until she realizes that it is humping her leg. She recoils in disgust and Brink laughs as Agustín chases the dog away. Later that night, Alicia continues to be mocked by Brink about the incident; he begins to play wrestle with her until she becomes frightened and kicks him in the nose. Alicia becomes increasingly uncomfortable feeling unwelcomed and humiliated by the group. She tearfully manages to call Sara again, who arrives on the island the next day and speaks to Alicia in private. Alicia references the call from the previous night, but Sara says she did not get a call from her. In a whispered conversation Sara reveals she did not have to take a test but had an abortion. The group decides to cliff dive into the water later that day. Agustín, Brink and Sara all manage to perform the dive, yet Alicia becomes extremely fearful of the jump. Ultimately, she has an attack of vertigo and is brought back to the cabin. Sara is concerned that Alicia does not seem well due to a lack of sleep, but the group does not pay much attention. That night, Agustín demonstrates hypnosis on Alicia, who they think begins to loosen up when she performs the tasks Brink playfully orders her to do. However, she snaps out of her trance when he tells her to put her hand in the fireplace and she burns herself. Sara puts Alicia to bed after the incident and leaves with Agustín. Alicia, however, begins to suffer hallucinations of Sara and Brink in the room. Later in the night, she wanders around the house and hears voices of the others talking about her disparagingly, but finds only Brink asleep when she investigates. In his room, she finds the air rifle and momentarily aims it at him, before pulling down her pants and waking him up by forcing his face into her crotch and leaving. When Sara returns to the cabin, she notices that Alicia has covered all of the mirrors. The next day, Brink angrily confronts Alicia, but she becomes distraught and denies that it ever happened. As Sara and Agustín attempt to calm the situation, Alicia runs off and breaks down in tears in front of Melda (Roxana Naranjo), another resident of the island. Melda takes her and the group to her home, where she treats Alicia's burn with herbal remedies. They all then return Alicia to the cabin and put her to bed again. Sara suggests to the group that Alicia should be taken to a hospital, but is told that the nearest one is five hours away. They then discover that she has escaped her room under the cover of darkness and has consumed all of Bárbara's sleeping pills; after intensively searching the island, the group discover Alicia back at the cliff face. They all attempt to talk her down, but she finally jumps in and is recovered. The group desperately bring Alicia back to Melda, where she finally suffers a complete mental breakdown. Melda brings her to the island's only healer, who begins an ancient ritual that involves the body of a lamb and ritualistic music. Sara begins to panic as Alicia becomes calm and is convinced that she has died; the healer insists that Alicia's soul has only left her body temporarily for purification. The film ends as the group brings Alicia to the mainland on a motorboat, as Sara desperately tries to revive her cousin. ===== Joe Albany was an accomplished jazz pianist during the 1960s through the 1980s, performing with the likes of Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, and Charles Mingus before his descent into heroin addiction. The film tells the story of Albany's life from the perspective of his daughter, Amy-Jo Albany, a frequent witness to his drug use (and related legal trouble) as well as his passion for music. ===== Chandhu (Aadi) is an orphan who falls for Nandhu (Rakul Preet Singh), a college student and decides to marry her. Later on, he comes to know that Nandhu is the only sister of a rich business man, Siddharth (Sri Hari). One day, Chandhu directly meets Siddharth and reveals his desire of marrying his sister. A shocked and upset Siddharth challenges Chandhu to make his sister fall in love with him. How does Chandu woo Nandu and wins her heart ? and Will Nandhu accept Chandhu’s love. That forms the rest of the story ===== Miami-born Carl Casper is the head chef of Gauloise in Brentwood, Los Angeles. While popular with his kitchen staff and hostess Molly, Carl clashes with the restaurant's owner, Riva, who wants him to stick to "classics" rather than innovative dishes. Carl has a strained relationship with his tech-savvy preteen son, Percy, and rich ex-wife, Inez. When Carl has the chance to serve prestigious food critic and blogger Ramsey Michel, Riva demands he prepare old favorites at the last minute; Carl concedes, leading to a scathing review. On Twitter, Carl insults Ramsey, not realizing that his reply is public, and gains a large online following. Carl comes up with a new menu that his staff loves and invites Ramsey to a "rematch", but leaves after confronting Riva, who wants the old menu again. At home, Carl prepares the menu he wanted, while his sous-chef Tony serves Ramsey the same dishes from his prior visit. Ramsey tweets negatively about Carl, causing Carl to confront him at the restaurant and publicly berate him. Videos of Carl's meltdown go viral, leaving him humiliated and unemployable. Carl reluctantly accepts Inez's invitation to accompany her and Percy to Miami, where he rediscovers his love for Cuban cuisine. At Inez's encouragement, her ex-husband Marvin offers Carl a dilapidated food truck. Carl and Percy bond while restoring the truck and buying groceries, and Carl gives him a chef's knife. Martin, Carl's friend and former line cook, turns down his promotion at Gauloise to join Carl, who has reignited his passion as a chef. Carl, Martin, and Percy drive the truck across the country to Los Angeles, serving Cuban sandwiches and yuca fries. Percy promotes them on social media, and they find success in New Orleans and Austin, where their daily specials include po' boys and barbecued brisket, made with local ingredients. Back in Los Angeles, having strengthened his relationship with Percy, Carl accepts his son's offer to help with the food truck. Ramsey visits the truck to explain his bad review: though an early fan of Carl, he was disappointed by a meal he felt was beneath Carl's skills. Impressed with the chef's return to form, Ramsey offers to bankroll a new restaurant where Carl will have full creative control. Six months later, the successful new restaurant is closed for a private event: Carl and Inez's remarriage ceremony. ===== The series begins with the meeting of Count Arthur Strong, an eccentric, septuagenarian, former music hall performer, with Michael Baker, the bookish son of his former comedy partner. The television project heralds a new chapter in the life of Count Arthur Strong as compared to the character in the radio series: none of the characters from the radio programme are featured (Geoffrey, Wilf Taylor, Sally Marsden etc) and the series is set in London in and around Arthur's home and his local café rather than in Doncaster. The café is run by its belligerent Turkish owner Bulent who is helped by his sister Sinem; the other main characters are the regular pension-age customers at the cafe. ===== Ram Sundar (R. Sarathkumar), also known as Ramu, is a rich businessman and he is married to Meenakshi (Meena). They have an arrogant daughter Priya (Also Meena). Ramesh (Vignesh), a graduate who works as a car driver, falls in love with Priya and lies to her that he is a rich man. They eventually fall in love with each other until Priya knows the truth. So, Ramu tries to reason with her and tells his daughter about his past. In the past, Meenakshi was the daughter of a rich businessman (Kitty) while Ramu repaired slippers in the street with his friend Ponnusamy (Goundamani). One day, Ramu saved Meenakshi from goons and Meenakshi fell in love with him. Ponnusamy and Meenakshi made a plan to seduce Ramu. Under the name of Mayil Aatha, Meenakshi has finally won Ramu's heart and he reciprocated her love. Meenakshi's father didn't accept for the marriage, so Meenakshi rejected her rich life and she married Ramu. Thereafter, Ramu worked hard and he became one of the richest men in India. Priya understands that money is not the only measure of success in life. Afterwards, Ramu clashes with Krishnamoorthy (Raghuvaran), an influential man. ===== Singarasu (Rajkiran) comes to a remote village with his daughter. Singarasu looks for his wife's murderer and only his daughter witnessed the murderer Mookaiyan (Sooriyan). Although, Mookaiyan follows them to kill the witness. Meanwhile, the daughter of the village chief Chinna Raani (Roopa Sree) falls in love with Singarasu. In the past, Singarasu was the gram panchayat president: he was a rough and irresponsible man who spent a lot of time playing rummy, but he was a kind-hearted man. The rowdy Mookaiyan killed a newborn girl in the other village and supported female infanticide. Later, Singarasu clashed with the other village's chief Ayya (Vittal Rao) for supporting this practice. To punish Ayya, Singarasu kidnapped his daughter Raani (Sangita) and sequestered her in his house. Ayya then called the police to arrest the murderer Mookaiyan and Mookaiyan was sent to jail. Thereafter, Raani fell in love with Singarasu and refused to go back home. Singarasu married Raani but he was still an irresponsible man. Later, Singarasu decided to work hard and he became a respected man in the village. Upon his release from the jail, Mookaiyan decided to take revenge on Singarasu so he murdered his innocent wife Raani. Back to the present, Singarasu clearly objects to wed Chinna Raani and he is determined to punish the heartless Mookaiyan. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== ===== Gabriel Vaughn is a high-tech intelligence operative enhanced with a super-computer microchip in his brain. With this implant, Gabriel is the first human ever to be connected directly into the globalized information grid. He can get into any of its data centers and access key intel files in the fight to protect the United States from its enemies. Lillian Strand, the director of the United States Cyber Command who supports Gabriel and oversees the unit's missions, assigns Secret Service agent Riley Neal to protect Gabriel from outside threats, as well as from his appetite for reckless, unpredictable behaviors and disregard for protocols. Meanwhile, Gabriel takes advantage of his chip to search for his wife who disappeared years ago after being sent by the C.I.A. to infiltrate and prevent the Lashkar-e-Taiba from carrying out a terrorist attack in Mumbai, India. ===== ===== As the raging monsoon lashes Mumbai, the commercial and mafia capital of India, the police struggle to keep up with the gangsters who are ever more emboldened. Adi, a principled rookie cop as his first assignment on the force, joins an elite, anti-extortion unit of the Mumbai police led by Khan, a cop in the ‘Dirty Harry’ mold. On his first evening on the job, Adi had planned to meet his ex flame Anu and to get back with her, but he misses the date when Khan has set up an ambush for a dreaded gangster. However, the ambush goes wrong and Adi chases Shiva, a seemingly armed and dangerous criminal into a dead-end alley. Unsure if Shiva is, indeed, the wanted gangster, Adi has a moment of reckoning; whether to shoot or not to shoot. Whatever his decision is, every decision will take him on a journey that pits him against a system which demands a compromise of his morals. As he lives through the dramatic consequences of each decision, he realizes that every choice has its price. ===== In the year 2199, humanity eagerly waits for the dawn of the new century, following the end of a series of devastating magic wars. Word spreads that Ragna the Bloodedge, an SS-class rebel with the highest ever bounty on his head and a powerful form of Ars Magus known as the "Azure Grimoire", has appeared in the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi. To collect the bounty and his Azure Grimoire, a motley array of fighters converge on Kagutsuchi. ===== The story begins with four men pulling a heist together. The men rob a man named Khan (Omar Sy), a well-known French heroin dealer, of his drugs and money. Ben Tuttle and Bobby emerge from the building first. Ben shoots Bobby and runs off with all of the money and drugs. The two other men, Jack Witkowski (Sam Spruell) and Marshall (Diarmaid Murtagh), exit later. They find Bobby dead, and run off before they get caught. Tom Wright (James Franco) and his wife Anna (Kate Hudson) are living in London and have fallen into severe debt while renovating their family's home. They are trying to have a baby, but have been unsuccessful thus far. After their downstairs tenant doesn't respond to their requests to keep it down, the couple go downstairs to discover their neighbor, Ben, is dead. The official cause of death is ruled by the police a heroin overdose. While cleaning the apartment, the Wrights discover £220,000 in a loose ceiling tile. They debate what to do with the money, as well as the remainder of Ben's things. After some time, Tom spends some money paying off the house they were renovating, and Anna spends some money to go to a fertility clinic. Meanwhile, Detective Halden (Tom Wilkinson) suspects that the Wrights are withholding information. He begins tracking their movements, as he seems to believe Ben's death is connected to his daughter's. A man is shown being threatened by Jack Witkowski to reveal the location of his cousin, Ben. As soon as he reveals this, he is killed. Witkowski and his partner Marshall break into Ben's old apartment to look for the money, but are unsuccessful. Khan approaches Tom Wright about his money, claiming that Tom must choose a side, his or Jack Witkowski's. Tom refuses to choose a side and when he arrives home, Witkowski is waiting for him. Witkowski tortures Tom, but Tom refuses to give up the location of the money. Detective Halden arrives and Witkowski and his partner run off. Halden tells the Wrights he wants to use them as bait, off the books, to arrest Witkowski, as Witkowski has inside connections with law enforcement. The Wrights schedule a money drop with Witkowski, and then meet with Detective Halden and Khan separately to devise a plan. During the drop, Witkowski realises Halden is a cop and Marshall shoots Halden. The Wrights run off with the money and Khan tells them they are on their own, as he believes he has been played. Halden is shown recovering in the hospital, as he was wearing a bulletproof vest. Witkowski and his men take Anna's friend Sarah (Anna Friel) and her baby, Julian, hostage. The Wrights agree to meet Witkowski at the house the Wrights were renovating, where they've been hiding. The Wrights inform Halden of the plan and rig the house in preparation for their meeting. Witkowski falls through the floor and Tom puts nails through Marshall's feet. Khan and his men arrive at the house, to the surprise of everyone. Halden arrives at the house and kills one of Khan's men with his car as Sarah and her baby escape, but Halden is knocked unconscious. A game of cat and mouse ensues throughout the house between Khan and his men, Witkowski and Marshall, and the Wrights. Khan's other man is killed by Tom and Khan kills Witkowski. Tom fights with Khan, who is about to kill Tom when a shot from Marshall, directed at them both, kills Khan. Anna is nearly choked to death by Marshall until a revived Halden enters the house and shoots Marshall dead. The movie ends with the house burning to the ground, the Wrights moving out of their apartment, and Anna telling Tom that she is pregnant. ===== A man named Un-cheol (Yoon Kye-sang) is looking for a girlfriend. He goes on a series of unsuccessful dates, culminating in a disastrous blind date with Yoo- jin (Park Soo-jin), and his awkward banter, stupid jokes, and complete insensitivity to her feelings, leads Yoo-jin to ditch him while they're playing the game Rock-paper-scissors. In a flashback to Un-cheol's childhood, his father had taught him Rock-paper-scissors and given him some life lessons. As Un-cheol morosely wanders the streets that night, he finds a missing dog, which he returns to its owner, Eun-hee (Park Shin-hye). She insists on giving him a monetary reward, but instead, he asks her to play Rock-paper-scissors with him—if he wins, she goes on a date with him, but if he loses or it's a draw, he walks away and never bothers her again. ===== The morning melodrama follows three women who reunite for the first time after leaving high school eighteen years earlier. Now in their 30s, the women find themselves facing difficult challenges in their personal and romantic lives. ===== Samorost 3 starts when a magical flute falls near the Gnome's house. The Gnome decides to find out where it came from and sets out on a journey through the cosmos. He speaks to an engineer and asks him to build a toadstool rocket, which he builds by reusing parts found scattered on his home planet. The Gnome flies from planet to planet and meets multiple creatures whom he helps with their problems using the flute. The Gnome eventually discovers two illustrated books and learns that the flute belongs to four monks. Not long ago, the monks were all at peace, until a giant orange space octopus arrived from a black wormhole and started consuming planets. The monks saw the octopus coming and consulted an engineer (the same one from the Gnome's home planet) to build a three-headed watering spaceship controlled by the flutes on the back of which they can fly, and a mechanical knight powered by a black orb with which to fight the octopus and save the universe. The knight dismembers and kills the octopus, then the knight goes to sleep on a moon, and the orb is locked away and protected by a guardian monk. In the second book, one of the four monks uses his flute to create evil spirits, and the other three monks banish him for doing so. He secretly takes the spaceship and converts it into a three-headed fire-breathing mechanical dragon. Flying on the dragon, he snatches the other three flutes from the monks and casts the monks out of their mountain castle. However one of the flutes flew away, and this is the flute that landed on the Gnome's planet. He then uses the dragon to consume good spirits which he finds on other planets and then seizes the black orb so that the knight cannot be awakened. The Gnome eventually reaches the planet of monks, sneakily steals the black orb from the evil monk, and uses it to revive the mechanical knight who then slays the dragon and presumably killing the evil monk in the process. The Gnome celebrates by playing music with the remaining three monks, who reward him with the power to travel instantly across all the planets and returns the black orb to its guarded storage. The Gnome finally returns to his home planet to greet his dog. ===== The game tells the story of Olaf who is a son of the great dragonslayer Halvard. He lives a calm and peaceful life with his friend Alia. That changes when he meets the witch Pripogala. She orders him to kill the snow giant Krugell who just woke up and wants to avenge his brother, who was killed by Olaf's father. ===== The film is set in Lucknow, where widower, Nawab Mirza Sultan(Sapru) lives with his daughter Zeenat Jahan (Meena Kumari) in an old mansion. She falls in love with Nawab Yusuf (Pradeep Kumar), but in a twist of fate, his uncle connivingly fixes her marriage with Nawab Sikandar Mirza, though she assumes it is with Yusuf. When she finds the truth, it is the day of marriage, thus she visits a nearby dargah (Sufi shrine), hoping to meet Yusuf, not knowing that he is out of town. Thus, he never arrives and Zeenat faints. Back home, marriage commences without her, while she wakes up the following day, at the home of the courtesan, Nazeeran Bai (Lalita Pawar), who had rescued her from the dargah. At Nawab Sikander Mirza's Haveli, the 'doli' comes empty. Unknown to him as to what happened, he and his sister Suraiya hide the fact that Bahu Begum isn't in it but instead proclaim that she is ill. ===== Prague deals with the inner conflicts of Chandan, a passionate architect who comes to Prague for a project along with his friend Gulshan whom he idolizes and wants to emulate but is also strangely scared of. In Prague Chandan meets a gypsy girl, Elena. This girl becomes the love of his life, his inspiration and also the pain of his soul because his past from India refuses to leave him alone. Chandan's experiences have made him mistrust his own shadow and his insecurities have made his life a living hell. His only ally in his darkest times is his friend Arfie but then it is revealed at the end that Arfie perhaps does not exist and Gulshan is an extension of Chandan himself suggesting that it was Chandan who created these characters in his head. ===== ===== In 1963, at the height of the Cold War, professional thief-turned-CIA-agent Napoleon Solo extracts Gaby Teller, daughter of Dr. Udo Teller, an alleged Nazi scientist-turned United States collaborator at the end of World War II, from East Berlin, evading KGB operative Illya Kuryakin. He later reports to his superior, Sanders, who reveals that Gaby's maternal uncle Rudi works in a shipping company owned by Alexander and Victoria Vinciguerra, a wealthy Nazi sympathizer couple who intend to use Teller to build their own private nuclear weapon and give it to lingering Nazi elements. Due to the potentially world- ending nature of this crisis, the CIA and KGB have reluctantly teamed up, and Solo and Kuryakin are ordered to stop the Vinciguerras from succeeding, with both men secretly assigned to steal Udo Teller's research for their respective governments. The trio travels to Rome, where Gaby and Kuryakin reluctantly pose as an engaged couple, and Solo pretends to be an antiquities dealer. Solo deduces they are being monitored and instructs Kuryakin not to defend himself from muggers so as to preserve this cover. Despite their hostilities towards each other, Kuryakin heeds his advice and does not react when his father's prized watch is stolen. Later, at an auto racing event promoted by the Vinciguerras, Solo and Gaby flirt with Victoria and Alexander to obtain information about Teller. Meanwhile, Kuryakin acquires evidence the Vinciguerras were recently exposed to radiation, indicating that their weapon is near completion. Solo and Kuryakin begrudgingly join forces to break into a Vinciguerra shipping yard, in which they find traces of uranium. After accidentally setting off the alarm, they escape into the water but find their way blocked. During a scuffle with the guards, Kuryakin nearly drowns. Solo escapes but surprises himself by returning to save Kuryakin. Although a suspicious Victoria pursues them with her henchmen, Solo and Kuryakin manage to slip past into their own rooms undetected. Victoria and Solo spend the night together. The following day, Gaby meets with Rudi and Alexander to discuss a job, but unexpectedly betrays Kuryakin and Solo to them. Kuryakin escapes but Victoria drugs and captures Solo and takes him to a nearby warehouse. There, Rudi, who is revealed as an infamous Nazi war criminal, tortures Solo in an electric chair. Solo is rescued by Kuryakin, who tortures Rudi. Rudi reveals that the weapon is hidden in an island fortress where Gaby has been reunited with her father; while Solo and Kuryakin discuss what they should do with Rudi, the chair malfunctions and causes a fire which kills him. Solo and Kuryakin travel to the fortress. To protect Gaby, Dr. Teller pretends to resume work on the weapon but intends to sabotage it. Victoria quickly sees through this deception, and has Alexander imprison Gaby as an incentive. Victoria kills him as soon as he has finished the weapon. Meanwhile, Solo and Kuryakin are approached by Alexander Waverly, a high-ranking MI6 operative who reveals that Gaby is an undercover agent under his employment. He and members of the Special Boat Service help Solo and Kuryakin infiltrate the Vinciguerras's compound. While they search the compound, Solo finds Kuryakin's stolen watch on a guard. Alexander Vinciguerra then attempts to escape with Gaby and the warhead, but is intercepted and killed. Solo retrieves the disc with Teller's research, but realizes that the warhead Vinciguerra was taking with him was a non-nuclear secondary missile. Victoria has left undetected on another boat with the real warhead. Solo is able to contact Victoria via radio and keep her on the line long enough for Waverly to locate her and launch a homing missile, destroying the nuclear weapon and the boat, taking Victoria with them. Kuryakin is ordered by his commander to kill Solo and steal the disc. Furious at the order, but threatened with being sent to Siberia if he fails, a broken Kuryakin confronts Solo in his hotel room. When Solo produces Kuryakin's father's stolen watch, Kuryakin admits what his assignment was, only to have Solo reply that he knew this, and had the same orders. They instead share a drink on the terrace and burn the contents of the disk, so as to not give either of their countries the upper hand in the arms race. Reuniting with Gaby and Waverly, they are told that the trio has been reassigned to a new international organization under Waverly's command. Waverly gives them a new mission in Istanbul under a new codename: U.N.C.L.E. ===== The film opens as San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb interviews drug dealer Ronny Quail, who is outraged that the government used civil asset forfeiture to keep his house even after he was acquitted. Webb's ensuing article about the abuses of forfeiture garners repeated phone calls from a woman named Coral, whom he agrees to meet when she says she has documents that prove the government sponsored cocaine sales in the U.S. Coral gives Webb a transcript of grand jury testimony (normally kept secret) which was accidentally released to her boyfriend, an accused drug dealer, during discovery. After Webb reveals to the prosecutor in the case that he has the transcript, the government drops the charges against Coral's boyfriend in order to protect their main witness: Oscar Danilo Blandón. Webb researches Blandón and comes across the pending case of "Freeway" Rick Ross, who is stunned to learn that Blandón is a paid informant. Armed with this knowledge, Ross' attorney is able to elicit from Blandón under oath the outlines of the conspiracy: With support from the Central Intelligence Agency, Blandón and his partners smuggled cocaine into the U.S. and used the profits to benefit the Nicaraguan Contras. Webb travels to a prison in Managua and speaks to Blandón's partner Norwin Meneses, who confirms Oliver North's involvement in the basic "drugs for guns" scheme to use profits from cocaine trafficking to fund the Contras. In Washington, D.C., Webb tracks down Fred Weil, a National Security Council employee who was an investigator on the Kerry Committee report, which touched on the same issues. Like many other people that Webb speaks to, Weil warns him that the subject may put him into danger. For good measure, federal agents summon Webb to a meeting where they warn him against publishing what he has learned. The paper publishes Webb's story as a three-part series with the title "Dark Alliance"; it is an immediate sensation. Humiliated by being scooped by a regional paper, the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and New York Times all dig into Webb's reporting. Webb views their follow-up reporting as being far too deferential to the CIA. Eventually, their reporting turns to Webb himself, including an affair he had while working at the Plain Dealer. Webb is banished to the newspaper's Cupertino bureau to cover mundane local news. However, he continues to work on the story. He is awoken in his motel room one night by John Cullen, who is precisely the kind of CIA source with direct knowledge of the scheme that Webb's reporting needs. Webb's exhilaration at finding Cullen is quickly dampened when the paper reveals its plans to write an open letter calling into question aspects of its "Dark Alliance" reporting. At a Society of Professional Journalists dinner honoring Webb as the Bay Area "Journalist of the Year", he submits his resignation to his editors. Epilogue tells that in 2004 Gary Webb was found dead in his apartment, shot twice in the head. His death was ruled a suicide. ===== Groenten uit Balen is based upon real events which took place in the Belgian community Balen. In 1971 it turned out the workmen of Vieille Montagne in the other Belgian plants had a much higher salary for similar work. The workers in Balen wanted a raise. This led to a dispute between the workmen, the trade unions and the directors board. The 1500 workmen in Balen went on a strike, but this was not accepted by the trade unions. As a result, the workmen did not earn any money at all. The strike went on for 9 weeks. Many charity was set up by inhabitants of Mol and Balen. Jef Sleeckx, a politician, convinced the banks to cancel payments temporarily for affected workmen. Houselords did not ask rent during the strike. Shops gave food for free or gave the impacted workmen a temporary job. At the end, the directors board agreed and the workmen even got a higher wage than requested. The novel is about the fictive family Debruyker. Father Jan is unskilled and works at Vieille Montagne. He frequently writes letters to king Baudouin of Belgium. His wife Clara does the householding and always intercepts the letters and burns them. Their daughter Germaine is 18-year-old and just finished high school. Grandfather is retired and lives in. The family lives in a working- class neighborhood not that far from Vieille Montagne. Germaine hopes for a better life. Her father does not earn that much and they live in a small, rather poor environment. The houses have no luxury and the toilets are still outside, which obliges the families to use outdated chamber pots during night or freeze periods. Furthermore, Germaine is convinced all earth in a rather large area is poisoned with lead and zinc. There is already proof as there are almost no trees and plants. Life becomes complicated when a strike starts at Vieille Montagne. Grandfather is from another generation where workmen had almost no rights. According to him, Jan should be happy he has a job and he should follow the decisions of the directors board even if he has a lower wage in comparison with the other factories. He forces his son to go to work and forbids him to go on strike. Jan wants to follow the advice of his father, but once at the factory it seems those who wants to work are being thrown in the canal or beaten up by the other workmen. This results in a strike of all 1500 employees. Jan writes a letter to the king and requests him to do something about the situation. Of course, the letter is again burnt by Clara. In meantime, Germaine works at the GB-warehouse in Mol as a cashier but gets fired after she stole glue. This means the family has no income at all. Thanks to the actions of politician Jef Sleeckx, their situation becomes somehow better. Germaine meets Luc, a student at the university, during a party. They fall in love. Not much later, Germaine gets ill and must vomit frequently. After a visit to the doctor, it seems she is pregnant. As this is a scandal and abortion is a taboo, Germaine should marry Luc. However, Luc does not want to raise the child and focusses on his studies. That's why Clara decides to visit his parents who live in a mansion. Although Clara is a rather assertive person, she is bribed with expensive chocolates and drinks. Luc gets aware of Germain's situation and changes his mind. He does want to raise the child whilst combining his studies with some job. There is also good news from Vieille Montagne: the directors board decided to raise wages. Jan once again writes a letter to the king to thank him. Jan is convinced his previous letter was partially the key to the solution. ===== Isabel is the kind of secretary every executive dreams of: she is efficient, intelligent, hard working and reliable. But as a woman, she leaves much to be desired, as she is drab and insignificant. She has developed a shyness that was formed due to the influence of Lucrecia, her dominant and overprotective mother. Lucrecia is a religious fanatic that has made her daughter grow up with low self-esteem and a lack of interest in making herself attractive to men. Jose Manuel, Isabel's boss, is a handsome businessman who sees Isabel merely as an employee. Jose Manuel is a widower who has raised his daughter Maria Jesús with the help of his mother-in-law who is not impressed that he has already begun to forget her daughter's memory by seeking other women, and she is forced to endure the presence of Ligia, Jose Manuel's frivolous girlfriend. Isabel has feelings for Jose Manuel, but she cannot dare tell him about them. Jose Manuel seems to be happy with Ligia, but what he doesn't know is that Ligia is bored with their relationship, and she cheats on him with her best friend's boyfriend. Jose Manuel soon discovers this deception, and devastated, he falls into depression. Ligia and her lover flee the city for fear of Jose Manuel's retaliation over the betrayal. In his sadness, Isabel tries her best to comfort Jose Manuel, and it is then that he begins to see the goodness and sweet nature of Isabel's heart, the secretary that he merely greeted every day with "Good morning, Isabel". But Jose Manuel makes the wrong decision and proposes to Isabel, not because he loves her but out of desperation, in an attempt to forget Ligia. The two finally get married, but the next day, Jose Manuel regrets his decision. Heartbroken, Isabel flees his cruel treatment and goes in search of his mother. But the experience has turned Isabel into a strong young woman and not the shy, weak secretary. Seeing that she cannot be able to control Isabel any longer, Doña Lucrecia falls ill and dies. Through a friend's recommendation, Isabel travels out of the country. Meanwhile, Jose Manuel realizes that his secretary meant more to him than he wanted to admit, but seeing that Isabel isn't around, he decides to wait for his wife. Ligia comes back with an attempt to win Jose Manuel back, but she is only faced by rejection. When Isabel comes back, everyone is shocked to see her transformed into a well groomed, beautiful woman ===== ===== Juan Miguel Saldivar is a prestigious psychiatrist who has dedicated his time to the rehabilitation of young rebels and criminals. This serves as a distraction from his failing marriage to his wife Viviana and a rape he committed during his youth while he was drunk. But fate will bring him face to face with Milagros, the girl whom he raped several years prior, though Milagros does not remember him. In order to assist with her rehabilitation, Juan Miguel takes Milagros to the house of Judge Clemente Ruiz, a very strict man. Cecilia, the judge's wife, welcomes Milagros with open arms, but she receives a cold welcome from her daughter Monica. While on a trip overseas, Viviana, Dr. Saldivar's wife, is involved in a terrible accident and she is reported to be dead. Seeing the perfect opportunity, Monica, who has been secretly in love with Juan Miguel, plans on seducing him so that he can marry her, but she discovers that Juan Miguel is in love with Milagros. She accuses Milagros of theft, and in order to save her, Juan Miguel proposes to Milagros. But fate intervenes when on their wedding night, Milagros realizes that the man she married is the same one who raped her years earlier. ===== Two years after his supposed death (depicted in The Reichenbach Fall), Sherlock Holmes has been completely exonerated of the slanderous accusations against him originated by Jim Moriarty and secretly returns to London to help his brother Mycroft uncover an apparent imminent and huge terrorist attack. An interleaved scene shows a version of how Sherlock might have faked his death: by jumping from the roof with a bungee cable, bouncing back and entering the building through a window, leaving Moriarty's body with a Sherlock mask to mislead John and other onlookers, John himself being hypnotised by Derren Brown to give the time for this to be set up (see "The Reichenbach Fall"§Speculation and response to the cliffhanger). This version of events is later shown to be a conspiracy theory invented by Philip Anderson, who feels responsible for Sherlock's death. John now has a girlfriend, Mary Morstan (Amanda Abbington), to whom he intends to propose in a restaurant. At this point, Sherlock, disguised as a French waiter, approaches the couple, but is not immediately recognised by John. When Sherlock reveals his identity, John attacks him three times in three different restaurants. When John refuses to accept his explanations, Sherlock enlists Molly to assist him in his next case, that of an underground skeleton behind a desk containing a manuscript: How I Did It by Jack the Ripper, revealed toward the end of the episode to be a fake planted by Anderson to lure Sherlock out of hiding. Later that day, Mary receives a text in a skip code (first and every three words) telling her that John has been kidnapped by unknown assailants and will die if he is not rescued in time, along with a coded location. Sherlock and Mary come to his rescue on a motorcycle and manage to drag him out of a lit bonfire on which a "guy" (Guy Fawkes effigy) was about to be burned. Sherlock is shown a video by a London Underground employee of a mysterious vanishing of a passenger from a train between two stations near Parliament and later identifies the passenger as a member of the House of Lords, Lord Moran, whom he knows to be a foreign agent and who is also acting unusually. He notices that it is not only Moran who vanished but an entire carriage of the train and deduces that the attack will be on the Houses of Parliament, which will be holding a late-night hearing on a new anti-terrorism bill on Guy Fawkes Night, 5 November. Sherlock and John enter the abandoned station near Parliament, finding the secretly diverted carriage. It is rigged with explosives to make an enormous bomb. Sherlock manages to defuse the bomb by turning the off-switch, but not before making John believe the bomb can't be defused, leading Sherlock to apologize to John for getting him involved and saying that John would have had a future if he hadn't come back. This all had the intended effect of causing John to panic and reveal to Sherlock how much he has missed him, to John's later embarrassment. Another cut-scene intercut with the above shows Sherlock visiting Anderson and revealing to him how he faked his death as part of a plan to persuade Moriarty of his lost credibility and death, allowing him to successfully dissolve Moriarty's network. Sherlock tells Anderson that he and Mycroft had anticipated thirteen possible scenarios that could happen on the roof, and that while John's view was obstructed, members of his Homeless Network rolled out an inflatable mattress and took their roles as shocked bystanders and paramedics. With the aid of a squash ball under his arm to temporarily stop his pulse, Sherlock convincingly faked his own death. Anderson casts doubt on the veracity of this version of events, arguing it would be nearly impossible to ensure John remained exactly where Sherlock wanted. Anderson points out that he is "the last person" Sherlock would tell, but when he turns around the room is empty. Anderson then begins tearing his theories from the wall, laughing hysterically, and the intercut scene ends. Moran is ambushed by the police and arrested as he leaves his hotel suite. John asks Sherlock who abducted him and why, questions to which Sherlock has no answers yet. In the final scene, a bespectacled man with blue eyes is seen observing footage of Sherlock and Mary rescuing John from the fire. ===== Boyd Mitchler and his family must spend Christmas with his estranged family of misfits. Upon realizing that he left all his son's gifts at home, he hits the road with his dad in an attempt to make the 8-hour round trip before sunrise. ===== When a businessman's plot to steal from criminals goes south, he learns that he stole from the wrong guy, and when a dangerous drug cartel shows up, all hell breaks loose. A businessman (Trey Chaney) uses his nightclub to target criminals for theft, but gets double crossed by his long-suffering girlfriend (Tila "Tequila" Nguyen) after using her as the bait. ===== Aidan Bloom is a 35-year-old father of two struggling to be an actor in L.A. while his wife, Sarah works a tedious data job. In order to send their kids, Tucker and Grace, to a good school, they rely on help from Aidan's father, Gabe, who insisted they go to an Orthodox Jewish day school. When Gabe reveals his cancer has come back, he tells Aidan that he's decided to put the rest of his money into a new stem cell treatment, meaning his grandchildren can no longer afford to attend their school. After school administrator Rabbi Twersky refuses to provide any aid to the Blooms, Sarah suggests that Aidan homeschool his kids, and their adventure of self-discovery begins. Through teaching them about life his way, Aidan gradually discovers some of the parts of himself he couldn't find. His brother Noah is a virtual shut-in who can only be bribed to babysit for his brother and refuses to see his dying father, from whom he is estranged. Noah falls for his neighbour Janine who is a furry costume maker, which gives him the idea to impress her by making a costume for San Diego Comic-Con. As Gabe nears death, Aidan grows closer to his wife and children, his faith through the support of young Rabbi Rosenberg, his brother and his father. ===== Manena is on vacation in the south of Chile with her father Francisco, a capitalist landowner and wildlife hunter. Francisco is obsessed with eliminating the carp fish in his aquaculture, resorting to increasingly extreme methods such as using explosives. Manena seems to be the only one who perceives the growing tension her father’s actions provoke in the local Mapuche community, who claim access to these lands.El verano de los peces voladores. Encyclopedia of Chilean film (in Spanish). Retrieved 21 May 2013.The Summer of Flying Fish. Alpha Violet. Retrieved 21 May 2013. ===== Don Champagne (Patrick Wilson) runs a successful furniture business. His wife Mona (Katherine Heigl) has everything planned according to the book of her goals. One day an attractive young woman named Dusty (Jordana Brewster) applies for the job as saleswoman at Don's store. After consulting with his partner Les (Jim Belushi) Don hires Dusty. Don is desperate because of his poor sex life with his wife. Shortly, Dusty seduces him and they start having an affair. Later, Dusty shows up at the birthday party of Don and Mona's son Andrew (Aiden Flowers) she tells Don that she is pregnant and wants to keep the baby. Don is desperate and Les advises him to pay Dusty money. Meanwhile, it is revealed, that Dusty is actually the abused girlfriend of a criminal named Murphy (A.J. Buckley) and she is lying to Don about the pregnancy. Don offers Dusty $13,000, which she refuses, telling Don that it will not be enough. Don is not sure whether Dusty will keep her mouth shut, and Les advises him to tell Mona the truth before she finds it out from Dusty. Don confesses to Mona and she demands that Don kill Dusty. Murphy is not satisfied with the amount of money, so Dusty calls Don and demands $25,000. Don agrees, but instead prepares poison for Dusty together with Mona. Dusty shows up to take the money and drinks the poisoned drink. Don and Mona put an unconscious Dusty in the car and take her home. Dusty wakes up, so Mona kills her with a hammer. Later she saws Dusty's body into pieces and buries it in the garden, and reveals to Don that Dusty wasn't actually pregnant. Murphy and his friends, Freeman (Kevin McKidd) and Benji (Heath Freeman) discover Dusty is missing, and suspect that something went wrong and attack Les. Murphy also threatens Don by leaving his son a letter, in which he demands a meeting at a strip club. Don meets Murphy and his gang and convinces them that Dusty went to Dallas. Murphy tells Don that she had his money and threatens to rape his family if he does not pay him $20,000 the next day. Don and Mona dig out the body of Dusty and go to the place where the gang lives. While Mona is trying to hide body parts in the freezer, Freeman comes home with his girlfriend. Mona mortally wounds Freeman, stabs and kills his girlfriend, and shortly calls the police to report a disturbance at the house. Before dying, Freeman calls Murphy and tells him what happened. Murphy and Benji arrive and find Freeman and his girlfriend dead. Murphy also discovers parts of Dusty in the freezer and realizes he has been set up. Soon the police arrive and find Murphy and Benji at the crime scene. The police shoot Benji, while Murphy escapes. The police decide that Murphy and Benji were responsible for the murders. While alone, Don asks Mona about the reason that she is cold-blooded, and if it was due to her upbringing. Mona threatens to kill him if he asks her that question again. At a house party the next day, Don finds the neighbor's dog dead in his freezer, and Mona displays very antisocial behavior with their guests. Afraid, Don stages an accident to kill Mona. After her death, Don and his children move to a new house and are seen in the driveway getting into a new car and driving away. The movie ends with Murphy going after their car. The screen turns black and the end credits roll. Two shots are heard followed by a prolonged honk and children's screams, indicating that Murphy had killed Don. ===== The film follows Tommy Wicker (Steve Austin), a man tasked with delivering a mysterious package to "The German" (Dolph Lundgren), a dangerous crime lord. Along the way Wicker is attacked repeatedly by a rival gang that wants what he is carrying, eventually he discovers that his cargo is not what he was initially thought it was. However, Tommy arrives at a bowling alley and beats up a rival for not paying back Big Doug. Afterwards he visits Big Doug who tells him he wants a package delivered to the German. En route he is pursued by a rival gang who wants what he is carrying, forcing him to fight them off and run. Eventually Tommy is captured by the rival gang. He manages to escape, and is captured by the German and brought to see if he has compatible DNA with the German. He then breaks free and has a final showdown with the German, killing him. He then wishes Big Doug that the incident be filed away and they wish each other a hearty godspeed. Tommy then calls his wife about the cash and tells her "I love you." ===== It should be an easy day's work for former black ops operative Cross (Steven Seagal) and his partner Manning (Stone Cold Steve Austin). They and their group have been hired to oversee and orchestrate the decommissioning of a secret military penal facility, and organize the transport of the inmates to their new civilian prison. Cross shows who's boss early on by beating up a large inmate who steps out of line, while Manning is given the task of running the prison's garbage facility. The day gets worse when a rolled up note is found that was accidentally dropped by an inmate, detailing times and locations for an attack on the facility. Cross, on his way back to the prison from running an errand, and Manning, still dealing with that garbage facility, are suddenly involved in a foothold situation as Chris Blake (Michael Pare) and his mercenaries, posing as marshals, take over the complex. Blake and his men are after the two newest inmates—Samantha Mendez (Steph Song) and Charlotte Walker (Aliyah O'Brien)—for their own purposes—Blake wants the information that's in an implant that's inside of Samantha, who is a CIA courier, because it could lead to a lot of money for Blake, and it turns out that Charlotte is working for Blake. It's up to Cross, Manning, and their team to stop Blake and his men. MP Fields turns out to be a traitor and kills two of the others. Blake cuts off Warden Samuel's finger to force him to know where the detainees are. Manning is attacked Collins and his team. He manages to kill two and flee the area. Cross returns to the complex and kills two of Blake's men. Blake holds Warden Samuels hostage, forcing him to do anything so Blake can reach Charlotte. Later on Charlotte escapes as she wants to get paid. Eventually both sides meet up. Blake thinks he has Cross and Manning outgunned and then flees the scene, with Cross pursuing him. Manning catches up with Collins and kills him by impaling him on a bench. Samantha kills Charlotte, while the remnants of Blake's mercenaries including MP Fields are killed by Bradley and the others. Cross and Blake exchange gunshots till both run out of ammo. Blake attempts to strike Cross only to be thrashed around and badly injured. Cross talks to him about being a warrior in which Blake replies 'well that's me im the f***ing bad guy'. Cross says he's the good guy then hurls Blake into the laser trip wires, killing him. He reunites with Samantha and Manning. He jokes that 'in ain't over till we're dead'. ===== Set in a remote town on Australia's spectacular and rugged coastline in the early '70s, Drift tells the story of two brothers at the genesis of the modern surf industry. Determined to escape a life of factory work and petty crime, headstrong older brother Andy (Myles Pollard) and his wayward surf prodigy younger brother Jimmy (Xavier Samuel) form a volatile alliance. With their seamstress mother Kat (Robyn Malcolm) they fashion custom-made Drift wetsuits and new shorter surfboards out of their back yard garage. Their fledgling business generates a powerful buzz amongst the hard-core local surfers, but the brothers’ progressive ideas are soon at odds with their conservative town and find themselves embroiled in a violent feud with a drug- dealing biker gang looking to manipulate Drift's early success. Enter JB, an infamous surf filmmaker (Sam Worthington) and Lani (Lesley-Ann Brandt), his gorgeous Hawaiian companion who drift into town just as the brothers' business and troubles begin to escalate. The travellers embody the era's anti- establishment vibe and are skeptical, but soon realize if the brothers can survive and stay true to their surfing roots, they might be part of something greater than they ever imagined. Based on true stories from the era, Drift is the action filled story of a complex family of outsiders who struggle to escape their troubled past to forge a successful future…stumbling upon the worldwide multibillion-dollar cultural movement we know today. ===== A Jersey City auto mechanic travels to California in search of his dream girl, the "California Girl", a girl he saw in cosmetics commercials. He meets the woman of his dreams and a Hollywood photographer, who show him the good life of Los Angeles. The "dream girl" convinces him to follow his dreams and open his own garage with an inheritance from his father. However, the manager may have other plans, and he sees that having his own business is not as hunky dory as he believed. He is a great mechanic, but, because he lacks business acumen, he ends up doing all the hard work at the garage. He is left high and dry as the business goes belly up, the manager skips town, and his girlfriend has a new beau, thereby throwing him out on the street, just as a California earthquake strikes. Turns out, it is all a dream/nightmare, and the mechanic has second thoughts about going to California after all, but is convinced by his bowling buddy to give it a shot. Upon arrival, he is shocked to learn that it is not much different from his hometown, i.e., rude people, dreary weather, until he meets a nice, down-to- earth woman who also came from New Jersey. ===== Erin flees her abusive alcoholic husband, Kevin, takes on a different identity and changes her name to Katie. She arrives in Southport, North Carolina. Finding work at a seafood restaurant, she becomes friends with her neighbor, Jo, and gets to know the town's general store owner, Alex. Katie is interested in Alex, who is a widower with two children. Alex and Katie's relationship becomes romantic, encouraged by Jo. Alex's former job had trained him to recognize signs of an abuse victim. Katie reveals her past to Alex, who wants to know why she did not go seek help from the police. She explains that Kevin is a police detective. She fled from his abuse because she knew he would kill her if he located her. Her created identity is based on a neighbor's dead daughter who resembled her. Kevin is furious with his wife for leaving and drank more to dull his pain. He learns of Erin's new identity and searches for her. Kevin arrives in Southport, while Katie is caring for Alex's children. Kevin sets the house on fire, thinking it would kill both Katie and Alex. She fights Kevin, and the children escape. Alex, arriving home, finds his children and takes them to Katie's house where he thinks they will be safe. He returns to the fire and finds Kevin attempting to harm Katie. Desperate, Alex drives toward Kevin who is firing a gun at him. The vehicle hits Kevin, breaking his hand and disarming him. Katie retrieves Kevin's gun, and she and Alex are reunited. Kevin, however, is able to drive away. He goes to Katie's house. When she learns that Alex left the children at her house, she is terrified, knowing that Kevin will hunt her down at her house, putting the children's lives in danger. As they reach Katie's house, Kevin attacks Alex with a crowbar. Kevin is going to shoot and kill Katie, but when he fires the gun, the bullet hits Kevin in the stomach and he dies in front of Katie. Alex had been given an unopened letter from his dead wife, Carly. After he and Katie recover from their injuries, they locate the safe in the ashes of the burnt home. He gives Katie the unopened letter to read. She goes home to read it and is shocked when she sees Jo's house looking like no one had ever lived in it. Startled, she begins to think that Jo had been a complete figment of her imagination. Upon reading the letter, Katie realizes that it was written by Alex's late wife, Carly Jo, whom friends called "Jo". Katie realizes that her friend Jo was really Carly's spirit. In the letter, Carly Jo asked Katie to take care of Alex and the children. After Katie reads the letter, she sees lights in her neighbor's house and Jo standing in the window, waving farewell. The next time she glances at Jo's house, it is dark and has returned to the appearance that no one has lived in the house for years. ===== Jodha Akbar is an epic drama about a sixteenth-century story of a political marriage of convenience between a Mughal emperor Akbar and a Rajput princess Jodha Bai. The show focuses on how their political marriage brings love between them to an extent that it changes the fate of India. This period drama also portrays the wars of that time along with the relations between the Mughals and the Rajputs. The drama focuses on the functioning of the queens, the courts, courtesans, the ministers and their influence on the love story of Akbar and Jodha. The show highlights how Mughal emperor Jalaluddin acquired the title of Akbar from the people and covers most of his reign from 1557–58 up to 1598, also showing the life of Akbar's children, a secondary love story of Prince Salim and Anarkali. ===== Gauri lives in a small village in India with her crippled ex-army-man & freedom fighter dad, Laxmandas, and a younger brother, Gulab, and makes a living working as a laborer. One day she notices a man lurking around their house, this man subsequently introduces himself as Ranjeet, who has just arrived from Bombay. Ranjeet and Gauri become friends after he treats a wound on Gauri's foot, and then both fall in love with each other. Ranjeet starts working for the Government which is in the process of building a dam, where Gauri also works. Ranjeet starts work as a laborer also, but is subsequently promoted as a crane operator. What Gauri and Laxmandas do not know is that Ranjeet is in this village for a reason - greed for the suitcase of gold that he himself had buried in Gauri's front-yard - the very same gold that he was caught smuggling five years ago and the very same gold that he had spent five years in prison for. ===== In the year 2079, there is a country in the far east where a super computer controls all of the information in its cities, and crimestopping was supposed to be perfect. However, criminals who can not be found by the control system, called Ghosts, have infiltrated the country. The government has set up a special police organization, Ghost Chaser, to stop Ghost terrorists. ===== KL Gangster tells the story of two brothers Malek (Aaron Aziz) and Jai (Ady Putra) who are entrapped in the gangster world. Malek was imprisoned for years due to being betrayed by his own group's masterminded, Shark (Syamsul Yusof) who is a stepchild to the King (Ridzuan Hashim), a leader of the most influential secret societies in KL. For Malek, after his release from prison, he wants to change the perception of life and stay away from the black life as a gangster. Routine normal life while caring for his aged mother, but as a former prisoner stigmatised by society is quite difficult for Malek at first. He is often interrupted by former gangster members who still bear a grudge with him, until the King appears, and offers help to Malek start so he can start his new life. The King had ordered his men not to disrupt Malek, which is disliked by Shark, who wants to be the next "King" in KL. In contrast, his brother, Jai, who is still alive, has continued to link himself with the gangster world. For Jai, the material luxuries of life is everything, and believes that this can only be achieved with the black world of work, willing to do anything for money and power. To do this, Jai completes missions for Shark. Jai is the one who will step forward to help Shark in any fight or gang confrontation, quickly becoming his right-hand man. But with the emergence of Malek, Shark feels increasingly threatened, feeling challenged. With various possible ways to bring down Malek, every single plan is constantly thwarted by his stepfather, King, who often defends Malek, regarding himself and Malek as friends. King does not enjoy the hassle of constantly thwarting Shark's attempts to get at Malek, with Shark now involving other gangster groups to get at Malek. This makes the relationship with King and Shark cold. For King, reconciling with Malek is helping and showing a good gesture towards him. For Shark, Malek causes everything wrong. With Shark ordered to remove Malek's brother, Jai, to get at Malek directly, loyalty becomes tested. ===== Max Rose (Jerry Lewis) is an aging jazz pianist who learns that his wife of 65 years may have been unfaithful to him. Though his career was not everything he had hoped it would be, Max Rose always felt like a success because his beautiful, elegant wife (Eva) was by his side. While going through her things, however, Max discovers an object bearing an intimate inscription from another man, a shocking revelation that leads him to believe his entire marriage, indeed, his entire life, was built on a lie. Coping with anger, withdrawal and his own fragile health, Rose embarks on an exploration of his past, all the while searching for Eva’s mystery suitor, hoping to find the answers he needs to be at peace. ===== The film revolves around two rebellious high school students and brothers Paul (Andy Lau) and Dee (Jeem Yim), and Paul's relationship with Sze (Prudence Liew), a Vietnamese refuge. Paul and Dee's father, Larry (Elliot Ngok) is a prison officer who is very strict to his sons. When Larry, who is divorced, decides to marry a younger woman (Winnie Chin), his two sons become more rebellious, leading them to a path of destruction. ===== ===== The story is about the problems faced by a lawyer in his personal, social and professional lives when he undertakes the murder case of a trade union leader in which his brother-in-law is the main accused. ===== In a mining town south of Venezuela lives Mariana Montenegro, a young, romantic woman who is rumored to be cursed, as all the men who fall in love with her end up suffering in a fatal accident. Mariana is motherless, but lives with her father Atilio Montenegro, a wealthy landowner who owns several mines where he has enslaved the employees by making them work hard while paying them little. Atilio is very tough and cruel to anyone opposes his will. Atilio is also a very stern father with Mariana, as she has become his favorite, causing suspicion and envy in his other daughter Chachi. However, Atilio hides a secret: Mariana isn't his daughter, and what he feels for her is far from paternal affection. Atilio has two sisters. Isabel, the eldest, is a kind and loving woman who raised Mariana and loves her as her own daughter. Marcia, the youngest, is arrogant and vain, and she works at the mines where she is hard and cold-hearted to the miners. Atilio keeps the people terrified through using his goons. But this continues until Ignacio Lugo comes to town, a young and attractive journalist who introduces himself under a false name in order to search for his origins. He calls himself Nacho Luna and is looking for work in the mine, arousing intrigue with all the townspeople. Nacho gets a job in the mines and one night when he goes for a walk, he meets Mariana in the fields where an instant attraction develops between them. Ignacio knows he can never love another woman other than Mariana. But what Mariana doesn't know is that her Aunt Marcia, who has never known love, has also fallen passionately in love with Ignacio. She is consumed with jealousy when she discovers that Ignacio and Mariana are lovers. Angry and resentful, Macaria tells his brother about the relationship making Atilio inquire about the origin of Nacho, and he finally discovers that Ignacio Lugo Navarro is his son, the product of an affair with Lucrecia, the owner of the restaurant in town. Atilio is determined to kill Ignacio. However, the fate saves the life of Ignacio when an accident occurs at the mine and Atilio is wounded. Mariana learns that Atilio isn't her real father and is horrified to learn that he loves her. Desperate and believing that she is in danger, Mariana flees the village, pregnant with Ignacio's child. Marcia advantage of the situation to marry a man she does not love and she becomes pregnant, but after an abortion, she manages to seduce and steal Ignacio and Mariana's son, and passes him as her own in order to force Ignacio to marry her. Mariana's story is a harrowing and gripping story, a surprisingly complex plot of intrigue and dark secrets that dominate the life of a small mining town full of unforgettable characters, superstitions, rumors and legends. As the legend of the beautiful woman who always wears black because she weighs about a terrible curse: Mariana de la noche. ===== In 1977, fifteen years before the Bosnian War ravaged their lives, Halima's (Alma Prica) niece Safija (Olga Pakalović) became pregnant by Slavomir (Mijo Jurišić), a Serb man. Beaten and ostracized by her Bosniak family, Safija gave the infant boy to the childless Halima to raise, telling Slavomir it was stillborn. Twenty-three years later, the devastating war has ended. Bodies are being identified through DNA samples and returned to families for burial. Halima's husband is found, but Mirza's bones cannot be returned to her without a blood sample. And that would have to come from Safija who ran away years ago and married Slavomir. When Halima finally locates her, Safija refuses the blood test because she is afraid her husband will discover her deception. And other deceptions could be uncovered as well, including the shocking identity of the soldier who took Halima's husband and the boy to their deaths. ===== After years of trying, Sultan Darman Syah of Kembayat Negara and his wife have a son, whom they name Zainal Abidin. They raise him to be a devout Muslim and, at age six, Zainal Abidin is sent away to learn to read the Quran and study martial arts. Elsewhere in the kingdom, after a riot at the markets leads to the execution of a Chinese merchant, all ethnic Chinese flee the kingdom and return to China. The Chinese empress, furious at the treatment of her people, orders her seven daughters to prepare for a war against Kembayat Negara. After dreaming of a beautiful woman, the adult Zainal Abidin departs Kembayat Negara to find her. Upon arriving at an island he hears a beautiful voice reciting the Quran. Following the voice he finds that it belongs to Siti Zubaidah, daughter of the island's religious leader and former king. He is stricken by her beauty and the two are married. On their way back to Kembayat Negara Zainal Abidin helps the King of Yaman repel an enemy attack, for which he is granted the hand of Princess Sajarah in marriage. Together with his wives, Zainal Abidin returns to Kembayat Negara. Later, when the Chinese army attacks Kembayat Negara, Zainal Abidin and Sajarah are captured. The pregnant Siti Zubaidah, however, is able to escape into the woods. Giving birth there, she abandons her child and continues her journey; the child is later taken in by Siti Zubaidah's brother. Siti Zubaidah allies herself with Princess Rukiah of Yunan, who was exiled from her kingdom by invaders. The two train in martial arts and, disguising themselves as men, are able to retake Yunan. In return, Rukiah agrees to help Siti Zubaidah in a war against China. With the forces of Yunan and its allies, Siti Zubaidah – still masquerading as a man – is able to conquer China. Zainal Abidin and Siti Sajarah are released. Meanwhile, the empress and her daughters are captured and forced to convert to Islam. Zainal Abidin then marries the empress and Siti Rukiah. Siti Zubaidah removes her disguise and returns to her husband's side, becoming queen of Kembayat Negara. ===== Anthony is member of a gang. As a revenge for something not clearly said, he gets caught and placed by Jack and another man into a garage. Here Jack is torturing and sexually abusing Anthony. Bruno comes into the garage and is doing the same while Jack is leaving, although he comes back rescues Anthony and both starting in return torturing Bruno. They go away leaving wounded Bruno in the garage. Some times later Anthony lives together with Donna and her gay brother. While they were playing at home, Donna receives a phone call, telling her that her father died. Anthony and Donna decide to drive to the funeral. On their long journey they meet several people. For the nights, they stay in motels and have sexy plays with two male prostitutes, one called in by Anthony. The other called in on the next night by Donna. In their journey they also meet Jack; the second time at a petrol station, where Anthony and Jack have sex in the toilets. Anthony falls for Jack and decides to stay with him, while Donna decided to leave them and is driving home. ===== The story revolves around two old lovers Raj Jakhotia and Divya Malhotra, who are separated by circumstances. ===== In 1980, an annual gathering of teams of idiosyncratic nerds compete in a nondescript California hotel to see which of their computer programs can best the others at computer chess. A grandmaster (Gerald Peary) presides as master of ceremonies with a videographer and microphone in tow. Clunky, primitive personal computers are carted from room to room. Bad haircuts, dorky shirts, “birth control glasses”, and other social impedimenta are ubiquitous. Bull sessions on the dystopian possibilities of artificial intelligence are pursued. The Pentagon's interest in the goings-on is intimated. The only female geek (Robin Schwartz) in attendance is repeatedly hailed and “welcomed” by the MC. Simultaneously at the same hotel, a human potential movement group (the “seekers”) has occasional run-ins with the geeks, generating awkward and humorous moments. A painfully shy young computer programmer (Patrick Riester) attracts the interest of a swinging older couple (Cyndi Williams and Chris Doubek). The twin threads of “spiritual” exploration and cybernetic innovation imply an unspoken and implicit hidden connection. In a startling scene, a prostitute — apparently solicited by the young programmer — reveals herself to be infinitely more than expected. =====