From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== The show focuses on a man named Kenji and his younger sister Yasuko, whose parents died in an accident 10 years earlier. Kenji was once the leader of a gang, but in order to support him and his sister, he began making a living as a shōjo manga artist. His character normally wears glasses and appears to be a gentle guy, but he throws off his glasses and reverts to his violent side whenever he tries to protect Yasuko from danger. Part of the story follows Yasuko's romance with an intelligent and good-looking man named Jun Tsubaki. Jun's older sister Erika Tsubaki now runs a flower shop, but Erika was once a leader of a female gang, and she used to be in love with Kenji during those days. ===== Damien and Tarrant return to the west and Jaggonath, where they agree to work together long enough to kill Calesta. Damien discovers that the Patriarch of the Church, who is firmly against sorcery, is actually an Adept himself. Tarrant further strains relations with the Unnamed by revealing this fact to the Patriarch, and is dragged off to Hell for his pains. Damien convinces another Iezu, Karril, to lead him through Tarrant's personal Hell to the Unnamed, where he bargains for the Adept's life. The Unnamed agrees, on the condition that its contract with Tarrant will be broken in thirty-one days. If the Hunter has not found another way to sustain his immortal life by then, he will die. The Patriarch, already displeased at Damien's saving Tarrant for the first time in the Rakhlands, comes extremely close to casting him out of the priesthood. In the end, however, it is Damien who chooses to no longer be a priest, because his faith has been questioned too much by the Hunter, by himself, even by the Patriarch. Gerald Tarrant, on the other hand, has found a way to destroy an Iezu: feed it with the opposite emotion it normally thrives on. Karril, who lives off Pleasure, can also accept Pain, but Apathy will destroy him. Calesta, who embodies sadism, can only be destroyed by Altruism- the ultimate sacrifice, which Tarrant, amazingly, is willing to pay. The pair make their way to Mount Shaitan, a Volcano exuding an amazing amount of earth fae. Tarrant forcefully binds Calesta by showing the depth of his sadism, then sacrificing himself, despite his belief he could still have lived forever, killing Calesta by exposing him to pure altruism. By this point, however, the Iezu's mother has been introduced. She created her children by taking emotions from human beings- in Karril's father's case, pleasure, in Calesta's, sadism. She takes away Gerald Tarrant's Hunter, the part of him that lives off pain and fear, creating the Iezu Riven Forrest. In the process, she shocks him back to life- human life. The Neocount of Merentha has been given a second chance. However, all is not well back in the forest. In the second book, readers learned that Tarrant had not killed all of his children when he made the sacrifice to the Unnamed- he let his eldest son live. Now, after many generations, Andrys Tarrant has joined with the Patriarch in a campaign of vengeance. Gerald and Damien return to the Forest secretly, but are accosted by Andrys in the library, where they are trying to rescue the Hunter's Iezu notes from the destruction. Knowing he is about to die again, Gerald sends Damien from the room. Andrys emerges outside minutes later with the Hunter's severed head. Gerald Tarrant's original sacrifice, however, has changed the nature of the fae, so now any human willing to work it must also be willing to die. The Patriarch sacrifices himself, in a moving semi-final chapter, to ensure this effect will be permanent. Damien Vryce is left wondering what to do with the rest of his life, mourning the loss of Tarrant when he is approached by an arrogant youth who suggests that if Tarrant had been willing to sacrifice his identity, so he could never reclaim his former life, he could have created the illusion of his death and survived. ===== (This plot summary is based upon the version of the story found in British Museum MS Cotton Caligula A.ii) The medieval story of Sir Eglamour of Artois makes use of a number of themes and motifs that are found in other romances of the period. Near the very beginning of the tale the reader, or listener, is at once introduced to two of them. Sir Eglamour is in love with his overlord's daughter. She is the child and heir of an earl. Sir Eglamour, a relatively poor knight, declares his love for Christabel and is immediately given three impossible tasks to achieve by her angry father in order to win her hand in marriage; just as Culhwch is given an impossibly long list of impossible tasks by Chief Giant Ysbaddaden in the Old Welsh Mabinogion tale How Culhwch won Olwen, in order to win the hand in marriage of his daughter and heir.Gantz, Jeffrey, 1976. The Mabinogion. Translated from Old Welsh with an introduction. Penguin Books Limited. How Culhwch Won Olwen, pp 134–176. Sir Eglamour's first task is to take a deer from a forest far to the west, where the Celtic Otherworld is often located.Loomis, Roger Sherman, 1927, reprinted 1997. Celtic Myth and Arthurian Romance. Academy Chicago Publishers, Illinois, US. Chapter XIX. Evalach, Avalon, and Morgan le Fay. pp 188–196. "The Britons were not unlike the Greeks in thus placing the enchanted abodes of the gods in islands of the sea. Beheld in the glamor of distance, surrounded above and below by an expanse of crimson and gold..." As sun deities, the old gods, according to Roger Sherman Loomis, were believed, by the Celts, to be found in the region of the setting sun. The Garden of the Hesperides that Hercules visited, in Greek myth, where apples of immortality grew, was to be found far to the west. The forest is surrounded by a stone wall and the deer are guarded by a giant who stands fifty feet tall. Despite these difficulties, Sir Eglamour manages to kill the principal stag of the giant's herd and then kills the giant himself. Having achieved this first trial, Sir Eglamour returns home triumphant, carrying the giant's head as well as that of the deer. Annoyed at Sir Eglamour's success, the next task that the earl gives his daughter's suitor is to kill the Boar of Sidon, a dreadful beast that has laid waste to the area where it lives. Sir Eglamour spends a month travelling out to Sidon where he locates this boar by seeing all the bodies of dead men strewn about the ground. After a struggle with this boar that lasts for three days, Sir Eglamour kills the ferocious creature. His feat of bravery and skill-at-arms is noticed by the King of Sidon, who is riding nearby on the day that Sir Eglamour at last overcomes this beast. The king takes Sir Eglamour back to his castle where his daughter (beautiful, of course) is being threatened by a giant. This giant is demanding her hand in marriage and when he appears, Sir Eglamour kills him singlehandedly. The King of Sidon at once offers to confer onto Sir Eglamour all his titles and lands, as well as the hand of his daughter in marriage. Sir Eglamour insists that he cannot stay – or in fact, it is Sir Adventurous who excuses himself in this way, since this is the name that Sir Eglamour has now assumed, without any explanation for doing so. As a departing gift, the king presents Sir Adventurous with a horse whose rider can never be toppled in any joust. His daughter, Organate, gives him a ring with the property that its wearer cannot be killed. :"Then seyde Organate, the swete thing, :'I schal you gyfe a good gold ryng, :Wyth a full ryche ston; :Whethur ye be on watyr or on lond, :And this ryng be on your hond : Ther schall no dede you sclon.'"Hudson, Harriet. 1996. Four Middle English Romances. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications. Sir Eglamour of Artois, lines 607–612. TEAMS Middle English text Sir Adventurous gratefully accepts these two gifts, Organate declares that she will wait for fifteen years for him to come for her. Sir Adventurous replies that he will have to see how things go. So he returns to Artois, reverts to his old name and presents to the earl, who is even less pleased than before to see him, the head of the boar and the head of the giant. The third task that the earl gives Sir Eglamour is the kill a dragon that is terrorising Rome. Before leaving for this final test, Sir Eglamour asks for twelve weeks to recuperate and the earl's noblemen support him in this request, so it is granted. During this time, Sir Eglamour gives Christabel a child. He also gives her the magic ring that Organate of Sidon gave to him. Then he goes off to Rome, where the dragon is soon lying dead at his feet. But he has been badly injured himself in the struggle to overcome this creature and will require many months of rest and recuperation before he can return to Artois. Meanwhile, Christabel gives birth to a baby boy. Her father is so angry that he swears to have her killed, so he puts her into a small boat with her new-born baby and they are set adrift without food or water, at the mercy of the winds and the currents, to share a fate that is suffered also by EmaréLaskaya, Anne and Salisbury, Eve (Eds). 1995. The Middle English Breton Lays. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications. and by Geoffrey Chaucer's heroine Constance in his Canterbury tale from the Man of Law. Soon they are driven onto a rock, and mother and baby go ashore to sit with the seagulls. A griffin appears from out of nowhere and carries the baby off. Now mother and father and son are all separated. But the reader or listener knows that they will be reunited at the end of the tale, for this is a romance; in essence a comedy, not a tragedy. The baby boy is carried to the kingdom of Israel, where the griffin is spotted landing, stork-like, with the baby. News of this is brought to the king, the child is named Degarébel and he is raised as the king's son. And his mother, in fact, suffers a curiously similar fate. Having set off again from the rock of seagulls, she is carried in the boat by wind and tide until she is washed ashore in Egypt where she is found by the king of that country. She tells him who she is and is informed by the King of Egypt that she is his niece. Quite quickly, as the tale proceeds, she becomes his daughter, in a plotting device that, although clearly inconsistent with the beginning of the tale, has similarities with a new identity, following separation, taken by Emare, and by Sir Degare,Laskaya, Anne and Salisbury, Eve (Eds). 1995. The Middle English Breton Lays. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications. by the boy Florent in the romance Octavian and by the blacksmith Sir Isumbras.Hudson, Harriet (Ed). 1996. Four Middle English Romances. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University for TEAMS. Fifteen years pass before she is made the high- ranking prize at a tournament for would-be suitors. Sir Eglamour has already recovered from the wound he received whilst slaying the dragon, returned home to Artois, been told the dreadful news about Christabel and after seizing control of Artois from the earl, has travelled to the Holy Land. But fifteen years have now passed and Sir Eglamour, at last, is making his way back home. Christabel is looking for a husband and is the prize at a tournament in Egypt. Her son Degarébel, in Israel, has just learned that a beautiful woman is available to wed. If he can prove his courage on the tournament field he can win her, so he is on his way to Egypt to take part in the fighting. Of course, the inevitable happens. Just as in the Middle English Breton lai Sir Degare, Sir Degarébel marries his mother. Following recognition of the device on his shield, however, mother and son are quickly made aware of each other's true identity and another tournament is swiftly arranged. By chance, Sir Eglamour is passing and resolves to take part in this tournament. Father and son fight together, each unaware of the other's identity, but Sir Eglamour knocks Sir Degarébel from his horse with the flat of his sword, wins Christabel in marriage, the device on Sir Eglamour's shield gives away his identity and the romance concludes with recognition, celebration and reunion. There is, however, one more loose end to tie up. Present at the tournament is Organate, the daughter of the King of Sidon who has been waiting for Sir Eglamour for fifteen years. But since Sir Eglamour has won Christabel in marriage, what better outcome than for Sir Degarébel, Sir Eglamour's son, to marry Organate? He does, and the celebrations are truly joyous. They all return to Artois and the old earl falls from his tower in terror at the sight of them, and is killed. The love of Eglamour and Christabel, though presented as classical courtly love, ends in marriage and children—a deviation from the original formulation of courtly love that grew common in romances of this era.Gervase Mathew, "Marriage and Amour Courtois in Late Fourteenth Century England", Essays Presented to Charles William editted by C. S. Lewis p 133 ===== The Bowery Boys' landlady Mrs. Kelly believes in a theory proposed by Dr. Simon Noble that through hypnosis, one can regress into a former life, or lives, from the past. Sach is hypnotized and recounts stories from several past lives. Evidently Sach once lived as Algy Winkle, an English tax collector in Charleston, South Carolina. Winkle managed to get a map from the famous pirate Captain Blackbeard leading to buried treasure, which becomes the focal point of the story. ===== The film opens when Sayo Arima, a girl brought up in a wealthy family and now an elderly woman, unexpectedly receives a manuscript written by Haigo, a circus clown whom she met many years ago. It deals with the events seventy years earlier when Sayo was friends with Sota, a poor village boy who lived with his grandfather and dreamt of being a painter. The film moves back to that time, when a circus came to the town where Sayo and Sota lived. Despite Sota's grandfather warning him not to go near the circus, Sota goes with Sayo. After the performance, they sneak backstage and are caught by the circus clown Haigo, who kindly gives Sota an egg, which he had intended to buy for his grandfather. Sota believes that the clown can read his mind, and calls him Kamisama, which means "god" in Japanese. Later, while talking to Sayo's classmates, Sota learns about a legendary paint nicknamed "Night-Sky" which can only be produced from materials unique to a particular pond. Sayo and Sota resolve to find the pond together. However, the route to the pond is dangerous, and involves passing through a train tunnel. In the tunnel Sayo trips and is nearly run over by a train. Sota manages to pull her out just in time, but is scolded by Mr. Arima, Sayo's father, for taking her to such a dangerous place. He tells his wife not to let them meet again. Later, Sota returns to the pond with the circus clown. Sota offers to paint a picture of him, but the clown refuses and advises Sota to paint whatever his heart desires. He decides to paint Sayo playing the piano after he watches Sayo play the "Clair de lune". To save money for the painting paper, Sota goes hungry and eats just a few grains of rice each day. Sota's grandfather dies, and after the funeral, Sota goes to the circus to find solace in the circus clown, only to discover that the circus has moved away. In the present again, the manuscript the old man brought has ended, and Sayo recounts the rest of the story. Despite the difficulties he faces, Sota manages to complete the painting, which he decides to give to Sayo. He and Chibi go to Sayo's house, where Sayo is having a birthday party with her classmates. Sota gives the painting to Soya's father, who agrees to pass the painting to Sayo. Sota continues walking in the snow. Just as he settles down to rest, he discovers that Mr. Arima's warehouse is on fire. Sota helps to put out the fire and calls for help. He leaves before Soya's father arrives, and Mr. Arima launches a manhunt to find Sota to thank him. When this hunt is unsuccessful, Sayo suggests that they look for him at the pond. They find him there, dead. In the present day again, the old man leaves and Sayo starts playing the "Clair de lune" on the piano. ===== (This plot summary is based upon the tail-rhyme version of the story found in National Library of Wales, Porkington MS 10.) King Arthur is in Cardiff with all his noblemen, looking forward to some fine hunting. The deer in the forest are fat and ready to unleash the dogs at. And so, as in the broadly contemporary Middle English story The Awntyrs off Arthure,Lupack, Alan. 2005. Oxford Guide to Arthurian Literature and Legend. Oxford University Press, p 304. the tale begins with the king and all his retinue riding out into the forest to hunt. Unlike the Awntyrs off Arthure,Hahn, Thomas (Ed). 1995. Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University for TEAMS. however, the scene is not Inglewood Forest; although curiously, it soon will be. Deer are slaughtered in their hundreds and Sir Gawain is soon riding with Sir Kay and Bishop Baldwin (these three figure in another late-14th-century Middle English Arthurian poem set, like the Awntyrs off Arthure, in Inglewood Forest: The Avowyng of Arthur, in which Sir Gawain undergoes a vigil at the haunted Tarn WatheneneLupack, Alan. 2005. p 306.Hahn, Thomas (Ed). 1995. For the nature of Tarn Wathelene, or Lake Wathelene, see the note to line 132 of The Avowyng of Arthur in this edition, which suggests: "Gawain's vow to [carry out a vigil] at the Tarn implies a willingnes to encounter supernatural forces."). They are riding after a very fit deer that leads them tirelessly through the forests around Cardiff, over moors and by late afternoon, rather strangely, through a mist and into Inglewood Forest. As daylight begins to fail and the weather closes in, the three of them arrive at the gates of a castle belonging to the Carle of Carlisle. Inglewood forest, near Carlisle, on the English borders with Scotland, lies about three hundred miles from Cardiff. This may possibly be a confusion on the part of the anonymous author of this tale. A principal city called Carduel is, after all, mentioned by Robert de Boron in his Arthurian tale of Perceval (the Didot Perceval)Bryant, Nigel. 2001, reprinted 2005. Merlin and the Grail: Josepth of Arimathea · Merlin · Perceval. The trilogy of Arthurian Romances attributed to Robert de Boron. D S Brewer. See, amongst others, page 121. and by Paien de Maisières in his early-13th-century Arthurian poem La Mule sans frein, The Mule Without a Bridle.Way, G L (translator), 1815. Fabliaux or Tales, abridged from French Manuscripts of the XIIth and XIIIth centuries by M Le Grand. The Mule without a Bridle, line 3 in the Way edition. Perhaps Cardiff and Carlisle have become conflated. Fionn mac Cumhail, however, in the legends and tales of ancient Ireland, which have many similarities with the very earliest (8th–12th century) Welsh fragments of stories of Arthur,Green, Thomas. 2007. Concepts of Arthur. Tempus Publishing. p 41. is often beset by distortions in space and time and is often led by a deer towards a magical encounter with the Sidhe, the fairy folk, the inhabitants of the Otherworld, and it is certainly something of this sort that these two Arthurian knights and a bishop now experience. Bishop Baldwin knows this habitation. The Carle of Carlisle has the custom of killing all those who spend the night in his castle. But it is raining, the wind is picking up and the brash Sir Kay has already rejected Sir Gawain's suggestion that they spend the night in the forest. He knocks on the gate with such force that the knocker nearly falls off and following an ominous warning by the gatekeeper, they are allowed entry. They are led into a hall where four wild animals are sitting beside a central hearth. A bull, a boar, a lion and a bear. These animals approach the guests menacingly, but are shouted at so fiercely by their master that they crawl away beneath a table in terror. A giant rises from his chair and comes over to his guests, welcomes them, offers them wine, which they accept. He is brought a four-gallon goblet for himself and sends it back, demanding one that holds nine gallons of wine instead. He is twenty- seven feet tall. :"Nine taylloris yerdus he was hyghtyt :Anf therto leggus longe and wyghtht :Or ellus wondor hit wer. :Ther was no post in that hall :Grettyst growand of hem all, :But his theys were thycker."Hahn, Thomas. 1995. Sir Gawain and the Carle of Carlisle, lines 259–264. In: Hahn, Thomas. 1995. Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University for TEAMS. TEAMS Middle English text 'He was nine tailor's yards in height and his legs were proportionately long and powerful – otherwise he would have looked ridiculous! There was not a pillar in the hall whose circumference exceeded that of his thighs.' The Green Knight who enters King Arthur's court on New Year's Day in the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is something of a giant: "... his lyndes and his lymes so longe and so grete, half etayn in erde I hope that he were – his sides and his limbs so long and so large, that I believe he may have been half giant..."Anderson, J J (Ed). 1996. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, Cleanness, Patience. J M Dent. The Everyman Library. p 173. And like that story, in which Sir Gawain, having beheaded this Otherworldly knight at King Arthur's feast on New Year's Day, has himself to receive a stroke of the axe exactly a year later, this tale of Sir Gawain and the Carle of Carlisle involves receiving what has already been given to another. Sir Kay goes out to see to his horse and puts the Carle's own colt out into the rain with a slap on its backside. The Carle immediately sends Sir Kay flying to the ground with a slap of his own. Sir Gawain, however, is kind to the colt and receives kindness in return from the Carle. As the others sit at the table, tucking into their food without a second thought, Sir Gawain stands on the floor of the hall, waiting courteously to be invited to the meal. The giant asks him to go over to the buttery door, to select a spear and throw it at his face. Sir Gawain complies and, as the giant leans down towards the knight invitingly, Sir Gawain casts the spear. It clatters against the wall behind the Carle, sending sparks ‘as though from a flint’. Whether it has passed straight through the Carle's head or whether Sir Gawain has (uncharacteristically) missed, the listener is not told; although in the 17th-century version, the Carle ducks. Seemingly uninjured by this spear, the Carle and his guests finish their meal; although Sir Gawain has become enamoured of the Carle's beautiful wife and eats little. Following a dinner in which the Carle appears to demonstrate an ability to read his guests’ thoughts, and then a recital upon the harp by the Carle's beautiful daughter, they all retire to bed. Sir Gawain is invited to spend the night in the Carle's own chamber. Here, a bed is prepared for him and the Carle's beautiful wife is soon lying in it. The Carle invites Sir Gawain to do as he wishes with her and Sir Gawain courteously complies. When their lovemaking is threatening to become rather too serious, however, the Carle steps in and offers Sir Gawain his daughter for the night instead. Sir Gawain spends the night with the Carle's beautiful daughter. In the morning, the Carle shows Sir Gawain the bones of all the knights he has killed, upholding the custom that requires every guest who arrives at his castle, upon pain of death, to do everything he asks of them. (In the 17th-century version of this tale, the Carle now leads Sir Gawain to a chamber where two swords hang. He invites Sir Gawain to cut off his head, which although at first reluctant to do, Sir Gawain does. Following this stroke, the giant becomes a man of normal size.) Sir Gawain, by courteously complying with the Carle's every request, has broken the spell and ended the dreadful custom of killing. Sir Gawain and his companions ride to King Arthur with an invitation from the Carle for the king to visit his castle. King Arthur makes the journey and he is welcomed with the finest feast imaginable. The Carle of Carlisle is made a knight, Sir Gawain marries Sir Carlisle's daughter and Sir Carlisle arranges for a church to be built, in which services can be sung for the souls of all those knights whom he has so unjustly slain, until Doomsday. That church, the listener is told at the very end of this tale, is now Carlisle Cathedral.Hahn, Thomas (Ed). 1995. ===== Perceval was brought up alone in the wild forest in Wales by his mother Like the boy Perceval in Chrétien de Troyes' romance Perceval, le Conte du Graal,Bryant, Nigel, 1982, new edition, 2006. Chrétien de Troyes: Perceval, the Story of the Grail. D S Brewer, an imprint of Boydell and Brewer Limited. the hero of Sir Perceval of Galles is brought up alone in the forest by his mother. He is the son of Sir Perceval and Acheflour, sister of King Arthur (probably a corruption of Blancheflour).Braswell, Mary Flowers. 1995. Sir Perceval of Galles and Yvain and Gawain. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University for TEAMS. Sir Perceval of Galles, note to line 23. TEAMS Middle English text of Sir Perceval of Galles. Sir Perceval, the father, was a valiant knight, killed in combat by the wicked Red Knight. Grieving over her husband's death, and distressed that her child might grow up to share this same fate, Acheflour retires into the forest to bring up her young son in seclusion, away from the temptation of arms. But the wielding of arms is in the boy's blood. When he is old enough, his mother gives him a small hunting spear, the only weapon that she had brought into the forest with her. Soon no animal is safe from him, and the young boy Perceval fills his mother's table with all the game of the forest. One day, in an episode perhaps indicating that Sir Perceval of Galles is itself a parody,Braswell, Mary Flowers. 1995. Sir Perceval of Galles and Yvain and Gawain. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University for TEAMS. and in line with advice given to the young Perceval in Chretien's tale which leads him into error,Kibler, William W., and Carroll, Carleton W., 1991. Chrétien de Troyes: Arthurian Romances. Translated from Old French with an introduction. Penguin Books Limited, pp 387-388. Perceval's mother tells him to honour the 'great God'. Soon afterwards, the boy encounters Sir Gawain and Sir Kay riding through the forest. Perceval asks if either is the Great God of whom his mother has spoken, who created the world in six days. Kay is characteristically rude to the boy, but Gawain answers politely, telling him that they are called knights. Perceval immediately wishes to become a knight himself. The first part of the tale follows Chretien de Troyes' story quite accurately, although in abridged form and laced with comic touches at the boy's expense. Perceval goes home to his mother with the intention of riding to King Arthur's court to be made a knight. On the way, he sees a clearing full of horses and, knowing now that knights ride horses, he captures one and rides it home. Horrified, Perceval's mother asks him why he is riding a mare. Perceval now imagines that all horses are called mares, a joke that will run throughout the story. The following morning Perceval rides his mare into Arthur's court, where he positions the animal so closely to the king that it nuzzles against Arthur's face as he eats. A red knight enters the court, insults the king and takes a goblet. Perceval rides out and kills this knight with his hunting spear, intending to be knighted by Arthur for doing so. Before arriving at Arthur's court, Perceval has already taken a ring from the finger of a sleeping maiden, exchanging it with his own, believing himself to be acting in accordance with advice his mother gave him on his departure. This ring will prove to be very important. From this point, the tale diverges from Chretien's story. The Red Knight has arrived during Perceval's visit to the king, not beforehand as in Chrétien's tale. In defeating the Red Knight, Perceval unknowingly avenges his father's death. Perceval tries to remove the dead knight's armour but fails, ignorant of the way that it is fastened. He prepares a fire in order to try to burn it off, but Gawain arrives, sees the boy's difficulty and helps him to disarm the corpse. Perceval puts on the armour, throws the body into the flames, and, in a final parallel with Chrétien's tale, rides off without returning to Arthur. Soon he meets the Red Knight's mother. Thinking it is her son who rides towards her, she reveals herself to be a witch and reminds him that, had rumours of his death been true, she would have been able to bring him back to life. Perceval thanks her for this warning, then skewers her on his lance, rides back to the fire, and throws her in to burn with her son. Perceval rides away and encounters relatives of his, a knight and his sons who flee in terror believing that their enemy the Red Knight is pursuing them. After some comic exchanges, mistakes are rectified and they ride back together to the old knight's castle. A messenger arrives, bound for Arthur and seeking help for a lady who is besieged by a sultan: > Mete and drynke was ther dighte, And men to serve tham full ryghte; The > childe that come with the knyghte, Enoghe ther he fand. At the mete as thay > beste satte, Come the portere fro the gate, Saide a man was theratte Of the > Maydenlande; Saide, 'Sir, he prayes the Off mete and drynke, for charyté; > For a messagere es he And may nott lange stande.'Braswell, Mary Flowers. > 1995. Sir Perceval of Galles and Yvain and Gawain. Kalamazoo, Michigan: > Western Michigan University for TEAMS. Sir Perceval of Galles, lines > 949-960\. TEAMS Middle English text of Sir Perceval of Galles "Food and drink was provided, men to serve everybody and Perceval found everything he needed. As they sat eating, the porter entered with news of a man at the gate who was from the Land of Maidens: 'Sir, he asks you for food and drink, for charity, for he is a messenger and cannot stay long, the porter tells his lord. Perceval rides off to the Land of Maidens in pursuit of this quest himself, "Als he ware sprongen of a stane, thare no man hym kende" (as though he had sprung from a stone, and nobody knew him). He arrives at the lady's castle, where he defeats all the soldiers besieging the castle gate. Not one is left alive; their "head bones hop like hail" on the grass.Braswell, Mary Flowers. 1995. Sir Perceval of Galles and Yvain and Gawain. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University for TEAMS. Sir Perceval of Galles, lines 1190-1192\. TEAMS Middle English text of Sir Perceval of Galles "Made the Sarazenes hede-bones hoppe als dose hayle-stones abowtte one the gres." Made the Saracen's head-bones hop as do hailstones about on the grass. The next morning, exhausted by his efforts, a sleeping Perceval is spotted resting against the outer wall and brought into the castle by its occupants to meet a delighted Lady Amour. She feeds him and offers him her body - provided, of course, that he can complete the destruction of her enemies. Another Saracen force gathers, which Perceval rides out to meet and quickly routs. Their blows bounce off him as though they are striking at a stone.Braswell, Mary Flowers. 1995. Sir Perceval of Galles and Yvain and Gawain. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Western Michigan University for TEAMS. Sir Perceval of Galles, lines 1370-1372\. TEAMS Middle English text of Sir Perceval of Galles "Thaire dynttis deris hym no mare then whoso hade strekyn sare one a harde stone." Their blows troubled him no more than if they had struck against a hard stone. As Perceval surveys the carnage around him, four more knights appear. He rides to meet them, and one approaches to engage him in combat. It is Gawain. King Arthur has arrived, having heard from the messenger that a knight had already ridden off in pursuit of the quest. Guessing from the description and from Gawain's account that it is the young Perceval, King Arthur had ridden fiercely in pursuit. Gawain and Perceval strike one another once. Perceval expresses his astonishment at the blow. Gawain recognizes the armour he helped to dress Perceval in, and they all retire into the castle. There, King Arthur knights the young Perceval, and Lady Amour bemoans his lack of manners. Soon, the sultan arrives outside the castle. Perceval rides out to meet him, and the sultan is vanquished. Perceval marries Lady Amour. A few days after wedding Lady Amour, Perceval rides off to find his mother. He encounters the lady whose ring he had exchanged for his own, and his superhuman prowess is now explained. The ring is a magic ring: whoever wears it cannot be killed. Perceval offers to return this ring in exchange for the one his mother gave him, but the lady tells him that a giant now has his ring. Perceval seeks out, defeats and beheads this giant, then rides to the giant's castle. The giant's servant tells Perceval that the giant had tried to woo Perceval's mother and she, recognizing the ring he wore and believing her son dead, had gone mad and run into the forest to live like a wild beast. Perceval searches for his mother in the forest. He finds her at a spring and carries her on his back to the giant's castle, where she is given an infusion that restores her to her senses. Perceval brings his mother back to his wife's castle to live. As the story reaches its conclusion, we are told that Perceval dies in the Holy Land, fighting for Christendom. ===== When infamous jewel thief Flambeau (Paul Lukas) announces his intention to steal stones from a diamond cross in Father Brown (Walter Connolly)'s church, the crime-solving cleric fights to retain the cross, and also to save the soul of the elusive Flambeau. ===== Arthur Askey and Stinker Murdoch, two out-of-work performers, are living on the roof of the Broadcasting House in Central London. After being called in for an audition with the BBC three months before, they were forgotten about and settled down to live there waiting for their big chance. One day an item from their clothes line falls and hits Claude Pilkington, a senior figure at the BBC, who has them evicted. They are forced to pack up all their belongings and leave. While driving home that evening one of the tyres on Pilkington's car gets a puncture from broken glass lying on the road. It has been put there by the owners of the Jack-in- the-Box restaurant, who hope their cabaret act will be given a contract with the BBC and have so far failed to gain an audition. Pilkington sits unwittingly through their act, including singers Jack Hylton and Patricia Kirkwood, barely noticing it while he reads the newspaper. When he discovers that they have caused his puncture, he storms off in anger. Meanwhile, Askey and Murdoch have found themselves in the countryside. Needing somewhere to live they go to a local estate agent hoping to pick up a cheap cottage. Instead they are offered a castle for £3 rent, which the owner is trying to get off his hands as it is haunted. After they settle down in the castle they begin to experience a number of sinister happenings which occur despite the estate agent's insistence that there is a "perfectly natural explanation for everything". When they encounter Jasper Blackfang, a ghost who claims to haunt the place, they flee and take shelter at the nearby Jack-in-the Box restaurant. Emboldened by the realization that the ghost is in fact the caretaker of the castle, who has been living there rent free, they return along with Hylton and Kirkwood. They discover a television studio inside the castle, which the caretaker claims is being used by a pirate commercial station. In fact it is being used by Nazi agents in Britain, but the caretaker is unaware of this. Frustrated by their failure to secure an audition at the BBC, they decide to use the studios to broadcast their own show. Arthur Askey does a performance on the same wavelength as the BBC television station, interrupting a programme by Pilkington himself, who has to be faded out. Pilkington is furious by the interruption, but the pirate show generates huge interest amongst the general public. Pilkington, meanwhile, gets Scotland Yard to hunt down the pirate station. Their determination to find the station is boosted by the realisation that the castle contains plans of British planes stolen by the Nazi agents, which are unwittingly held up by Askey during his broadcast. Askey has organised a major hour-long performance which ends in a finale with where the police, BBC officials and Nazi agents all converge on the castle, while a time bomb is ominously ticking down. The program is such a roaring success that the BBC are eventually forced to grant Askey, Murdoch and their associates their own show. ===== A professor invents a time sphere which takes a group of 1940s entertainers to Elizabethan London, where they encounter Queen Elizabeth and Sir Walter Raleigh and introduce them to jazz culture. They also meet Captain John Smith and a very heavy-drinking Pocahontas. The main female character meets William Shakespeare and feeds him some of his own lines, which he eagerly writes down. An over- lavish production in terms of costumes, many of which are immaculate, the film largely makes use of the Gainsborough wardrobe to get to films out of one set of Elizabethan clothes. ===== A barber named Sweeney Todd slits the throats of his unsuspecting customers, robs them and then dumps their bodies down into his cellar through a trapdoor. He and his partner in crime, Mrs. Lovett, cut up the bodies and use the pieces to make meat pies which she then sells in her bakery shop. In the end, it all turns out to be just a bad dream. ===== Asha(Kim) lives in a hostel and troubled by the nightmares of her deceased aunt. The hostel warden (Lalita Pawar) and her friend Shobha (Aruna Irani) take her to a psychiatrist Dr Vijay (Rajesh Khanna). Doctor finds nothing wrong with her and advises her to get away from old memories. Parents of other girl's from the hostel complains the administration about Asha's behaviour and she was told to vacant the place. Asha decides to go to her ancestral home. Dr Vijay and Shobha accompanies her. The huge manor is taken care by Vishwanath (A.K. Hanglal) and his daughter Gauri (Tamanna). Dr Vijay and Asha develop a bond and after a few days Dr Vijay goes back to city for some work. Same night Asha sees a scary looking woman walking in the corridors. The woman keeps haunting her every night and Asha's condition worsens. Dr Vijay comes back to help her and meets Asha's cousin Ashok (Danny) in the manor. Dr Vijay and Ashok plan a big party on the occasion of Asha's birthday. Ashok calls his wife who lives abroad to join them. Ashok's wife arrives, when Asha is cutting her birthday cake. Asha gets shocked to see her as she is the same woman who is haunting her from last many days in the house. She gets panicked and stabs Ashok's wife, who succumbs to her injuries and dies on the spot. Police inspector Sharma (Suresh Oberoi), who is a guest of the party arrests Asha on the charge of murder. The court suspends the hearing as Asha's condition is not stable and she is not suitable to go through the legal process. Dr Vijay treats Asha and tries to get the answer why Asha killed Ashok's wife. He tells Asha that Ashok's wife arrives in India on the same day and there is no possibility that Asha saw her before her birthday in that house. But Asha is adamant that it was Ashok's wife who was haunting her. Gauri also gets killed after a few days. Shobha starts watching another woman walking around the house. Dr Vijay investigates further with the help of Inspector Sharma and solve the mystery at the end exposing a web of lies and greed. danny-denzongpa-interview-i-follow-my-heart-and-i-follow-my-impulse ===== The game takes place on Halloween. Fraternal twin siblings Reynold and Wren are new in their neighborhood and are asked by their mom to use their trick-or-treating to make new friends in the neighborhood. The player at this point chooses which sibling to play as. The two dress in their costumes, with the non-playable character dressing as a piece of candy corn and the playable character dressing as a robot. A monster with a sweet tooth sees the non-playable sibling, and kidnaps him or her. The player character must now save their sibling in time and be home before curfew. The player character trick-or-treats at houses, tracking the monsters and their sibling from the neighborhood, then to a mall, and then to a country town, finding new party members along the way. Eventually the player character will confront the leader of the monsters, Dorsilla, who after defeating her reveals that she is actually working for a much more powerful monster named Cadaverous Big Bones. By defeating him the player character is able to rescue their sibling and return home, banishing the monsters back to their home world. ===== Two Irish families are evicted from their properties, but their children raise the money to regain them. ===== During World War II, the commanding officer of a sub reluctantly takes on board two Western diplomats to take them to the Canaries and arrange an armistice. When they get there, peace has been declared, but the sub's crew do not know that sonce its radio has failed. It send its passengers ashore to go out to face a final battle. ===== On the eve of his own marriage, a man offers shelter to a runaway wife with whom he strikes up an unexpected bond. ===== John Bradshaw (Robert Griffith), a young naval officer, attends a lunchtime concert at Westminster Central Hall where he meets Reverend Peter Britton (G.H. Mulcaster) and his daughter Katherine (Brook). After the concert the three share a taxi, and after seeing her father off on the train to a conference Katherine agrees to have tea with John. They enjoy each other's company and later go to see a film, followed by dinner and a stroll along the Thames Embankment. John impulsively tells Katherine that he has fallen in love with her, but she reminds him that they hardly know one another, and since her brother's death in the Far East she has to devote herself to her father. The couple finally part, agreeing to meet again the following day. However Katherine receives a telegram at her hotel, stating that her brother Dennis (Hanley) has turned up alive and will be arriving home the next day. She returns home early the next morning, leaving a note of explanation for John. Unfortunately John forgets the name of Katherine's hotel, so does not receive the note and is distraught when she fails to turn up for their rendezvous. Meanwhile, back at home, Katherine finds that Dennis is accompanied by Max Borrow (Manning Whiley), an old admirer who still wants to marry her. He has sustained serious eye injuries while saving Dennis' life, and Katherine as a result feels she must accept him. Dennis himself immediately rekindles his courtship with local schoolteacher Stella White (Sheridan). John remembers that Katherine's father is due to return to London from the conference and waits at the station until he arrives. They learn from the hotel why Katherine departed so hurriedly, and Rev. Britton invites John back to their village where he knows the local squire is looking for help in cataloguing his library. John is deeply upset to discover Katherine is engaged, and also resentful towards Dennis and Stella for their obvious happiness together. Katherine finally admits to John the reason she and Max are engaged, and John agrees to not pursue matters unless Max can be cured. Max goes off for a medical examination, and John is recalled to his ship. As he is about to leave, a fire breaks out in a storage shed where children are playing. Max, having been told that his sight is safe, arrives back while the drama is in progress, and John is injured as he rescues the children. Katherine's reaction leaves Max in no doubt as to her feelings. That evening he tells her that he knows the situation, and will release her from her obligation to him so that she may marry John. ===== Teesh (Susie Porter), an unemployed single mother in her twenties, shares a flat with an older, divorced friend, Trude (Linda Cropper). Teesh is starting to crack under the strain of taking care of her son Kenny (Mason Richardson) and her problems only get worse when her abusive father (Bill McClusky), who's just been released from prison, visits. Trude is also having problems with her macho boyfriend Rod (Peter Phelps), who must complete a major paving contract at the shopping mall to save his ailing construction company. Meanwhile, Trude pines after her own children, who are apparently living with their father in a different state. ===== Casey is a troubled teenager who wants to be a serial killer. He teams up with Sasha, his suicidal classmate who wants to be his first victim, to plan his murders. However trouble soon arises when it turns out there's a real serial killer in town who turns his victims into furniture, and that killer is Casey's gym teacher. ===== On a given night, a school-bus driver named Jang Kyung-chul encounters a pregnant woman named Jang Joo-yun, and offers to fix her flat tire. After beating her unconscious, Kyung-chul executes her with a makeshift guillotine at his home, and scatters the body- parts into a local stream. When a boy discovers one of Joo-yun's ears, the police arrive en masse to conduct a search, led by Section Chief Oh and Squad Chief Jang, the latter being Joo-yun's devastated father. The victim's fiance, Kim Soo-hyun, who is an agent of the National Intelligence Service, is also present and vows to take revenge against the murderer. Soo-hyun learns of the four suspects from Squad Chief Jang, and proceeds to privately torture and interrogate two of them. Upon searching the home of Kyung-chul, the third suspect, Soo-hyun finds Joo-yun's engagement-ring, proving that Kyung-chul was the perpetrator. A short time later, as Kyung-chul brings a schoolgirl home and sexually assaults her, Soo-hyun beats him unconscious. Rather than killing Kyung-chul and being done with it, Soo-hyun decides to shove a GPS tracker down his throat, allowing him to see Kyung-chul's location in real-time, and to listen to his conversations. Waking up injured, Kyung-chul walks along the road and is offered a ride by a taxi already containing one passenger. Upon getting in, and correctly guessing that the driver and passenger are, in fact, two bandits intending to rob and murder him, he strikes out preemptively and kills them both, afterward finding the body of the real taxi-driver in the trunk. Kyung-chul throws out all three bodies, and drives to a small town where he sexually assaults a nurse. Soo-hyun arrives to subdue him, and slashes his Achilles tendon before releasing him once more. Kyung-chul visits the home of his friend Tae-joo, a murderer and eater of human flesh. After explaining his situation to Tae-joo, the latter remarks that whoever is after him must be the relative of one of his victims. Soo-hyun arrives and incapacitates both murderers along with Tae-joo's girlfriend. The next day, Tae-joo and Se-jung, still unconscious, are arrested by the police and sent to the hospital. Soo-hyun's trusted subordinate arranges for Soo-hyun and Kyung- chul to evade the police and receive treatment for their wounds at a separate facility. The barely conscious Kyung-chul hears Soo-hyun and the subordinate talking about the transmitter. Soo-hyun releases Kyung-chul again, but the latter outsmarts Soo-hyun by removing the transmitter this time and dashing away, but not before slashing the throat of a pharmacist. Soo-hyun enters Tae- joo's hospital room to question him, and learns too late that Kyung-chul is going after Squad Chief Jang and his other daughter Jang Se-yun. Angered, he breaks Tae-joo's jaw. Kyung-chul arrives at the house of Squad Chief Jang, and proceeds to brutally assault Squad Chief Jang and Jang Se-yun, killing them. Shortly after, Kyung-chul attempts to avoid Soo-hyun's revenge by surrendering to the police. However, Soo-hyun drives by and kidnaps Kyung-chul right in front of the police's eyes. Taking him to the earlier warehouse, Soo-hyun tortures him and places him under the makeshift guillotine. Kyung-chul's son and elderly parents, whom he had abandoned some time ago, are told of his whereabouts and try to visit him. Upon opening the door, the guillotine is dropped and Kyung-chul's head rolls to their feet. With Kyung-chul finally dead, Soo-hyun, who was listening through the transmitter some distance away, emotionally breaks down and begins crying in the street. ===== A sophisticated but murderous physician (Basil Rathbone) woos, weds, and murders several of his wealthy women patients for their fortunes. The women appear to have died prematurely, with their above-suspicion doctor husband diagnosing their deaths as coming as a result of disease. The doctor's loyal male assistant (Martin Kosleck) tampers with the victims buried bodies in order to hide the incriminating evidence. The ex-fiancé of the doctor's latest bride (Ellen Drew) is able to save her from suffering the same fate of her predecessors, while also informing the authorities of just how the women died. With the police coming for him, the doctor has no recourse but suicide, in the form of a fatal plunge from a skyscraper. ===== Charlie Chan is attending a police convention in New York City; he is an intended murder victim here, but avoids death by chance. To find his would-be-killer(s), Charlie must outguess police reps from both Scotland Yard and New York City Police. ===== Kramer gets Jerry into trouble when he reveals Jerry's dislike of Sally Weaver (Kathy Griffin) directly to her when they meet on the street. Elaine obsesses over the meaning of a cartoon that appears in The New Yorker. George gets upset when Kramer comments that George's new girlfriend Janet (Tracy Nelson) looks exactly like Jerry. Kramer makes a number of remarks about it that make George (and Jerry) uncomfortable including "just because they look alike, that doesn't mean you're secretly in love with Jerry." After Sally claims that Jerry has ruined her life and she's quitting show business, Jerry confronts Kramer about his big mouth always causing problems. Kramer therefore decides to stop talking and communicate non-verbally from that point on. Elaine goes to The New Yorker offices to seek an explanation for the cartoon but discovers that even the editor (Paul Benedict) didn't understand the cartoon either – he simply liked the drawing. Elaine decides that she would be able to do a better job of drawing New Yorker cartoons herself and the editor invites her to draw one. A bitter Sally opens her new one-woman show called "Jerry Seinfeld, the Devil" where she complains about him. Unsurprisingly, Newman becomes a big fan. But each time Jerry confronts her about it, she adds his angry remarks to her show. Jerry eventually threatens her with a cease and desist order and cuts off all communication. Elaine gets her cartoon published The New Yorker. She is delighted, until she shows it to her boss J. Peterman, who discovers that it was plagiarized from a Ziggy comic. Elaine later supposes that she copied it subconsciously because her boyfriend David Puddy has Ziggy bedsheets. Sally runs into Kramer at Monk's and is unhappy about her lack of material due to Jerry ending all communication. She prompts Kramer out of his vow of silence and he provides her with a whole new series of secrets about Jerry for her show. An uncomfortable George is desperate to learn that his relationship with Janet is not about her appearance. But she makes him feel worse when she reminisces that all of his first comments to her were about her looks. When she gets gum in her hair at dinner she goes home to cut her hair, revealing a new hairstyle that looks exactly like Jerry's hair. A horrified George runs away. Later, George and Jerry say that they should "never speak of this again". ===== Ywain, one of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, while at Arthur's court hears from Sir Colgrevance about an encounter he had with a knight, who defeated him in a fight. Ywain sets out, kills the knight and marries the knight's widow Alundyne with the aid of her serving-lady Lunet (or Lunette), moving into the castle of Alundyne's late husband. However, when Arthur and his men visit them, Gawain encourages Ywain to go off adventuring, leaving his wife behind. During their adventures the two are separated, then find themselves fighting each other but recognise each other and are reunited. Ywain returns to his wife Alundyne and with Lunet's help they are reconciled."Introduction to Ywain and Gawain", Mary Flowers Braswell, Rochester University website. ===== ===== Ten members of "The Riot Club", an exclusive Oxford University dining club, have rented out a country pub's dining room for their termly dinner. Their president, James, who is about to leave university, is falling out of love with the club and promises the suspicious landlord Chris and his waitress daughter Rachel that he will keep things under control. While James avoids his presidential duties, others vie for his position. Inspired by his godfather Jeremy, a former Riot Club member and now a Tory MP, Guy tries to impress the boys with a "ten bird roast'. Others are less restrained; one has hired Charlie the prostitute. When Charlie arrives she refuses to get under the table and perform oral sex on the boys; they are surprised at her scruples. As the members get more drunk and rowdy their bullying of each other and of Chris and Rachel gets worse. They try to force Rachel to kiss them all; she runs out and they wreck the room. Chris bursts in outrage and the members assault him, knocking him out. Horrified, they panic and bar the door, despite the landlord being seriously hurt. Hugo calls an ambulance, much to everyone else's discontent. Eventually they all agree to pin the blame on Alistair, who has consistently riled them throughout the night. They agree that, as they will all end up being successful, they will look after Alistair after university and make sure they 'see him right'. They open the door to the distraught Rachel and the ambulance approaches. Weeks later Alistair meets with Jeremy, who has managed to weaken the charge against Alistair and effectively get him off the hook. Intrigued by Alistair's politics, Jeremy promises Alistair that he will be keeping a close eye on him in future and that he has high hopes for him. ===== ===== A typical episode starts with Rufus reluctantly getting out of bed and walking to the BBC Television Centre where he will be filmed as a co- presenter on an episode of FunLab, a live science-based children's show. Every time he is introduced incorrectly by FunLab presenters Gill (calling him amongst others Randoff, Ricky, Randy and Richard) and Barry, to whom he gives a different answer to the question "That's odd. Have I met you before?" each day. He begins presenting a different experiment, often related to the theme of the show, when his future self (referred to as 'my meddling future self' by Rufus) turns up and transports himself and Rufus into his time (at the park) and presents Rufus with a few ordinary objects, usually to his discontent, but these objects, such as a tin of cat food or a rubber ball, later turn out to be exactly what Rufus will require later in the episode. Rufus is sucked into a parallel universe where television and movie special effects are part of everyday life. It's a world inhabited by evil but incompetent "genius" Dr Muhahaha, ruler of the Multiverse, who is trying to take over the Earth, and his (according to Rufus, 'geeky') sidekick Steve. In each episode Rufus again meets Gill and Barry as different characters (but usually called Gelina and Buck) who help him. Developed by the team behind BBC Three's innovative sketch show The Wrong Door, Rufus must thwart Dr Muhahaha and find his way home. At the end of each adventure Dr. Muhahaha rewinds time and Rufus crashes back into his own universe, finding himself back in his flat about to start the same fateful day again. Just before he enters the Television Centre at the beginning of each episode, Rufus always says 'You never know, maybe one day I'll wake up and it might be tomorrow' (or at the very least, he'll remember about an offscreen bird that defecates on him). ===== Dawn French and Alfred Molina star in this comedy series focusing on the everyday, seemingly trivial trials and tribulations faced by a middle-aged married couple. The bittersweet comedy looks at how they get on in the first half an hour after walking through their front door. It is set in the fictional area of 'Southmoor', in the south of Bristol. ===== In the near future, a technology enabling time travel has been developed and is now in commercial use. A group of unaging (thanks to anti-aging pills, which have also been developed) former Nazis conspires to alter the results of the Second World War by traveling back in time and supplying Adolf Hitler with a hydrogen bomb. To this end, they bribe the corrupt time machine pilot Karel, who agrees to assist them. On the day of the scheduled journey, Karel chokes on a croissant and dies. His identical twin brother, Jan, cannot bring himself to tell Karel's fiancée Eva and begins to impersonate Karel. He is also later mistaken for Karel by the Nazis and stumbles along with their plot. Having been a designer of the rocket-ship time machine, he is able to pilot the ship and take them all back in time. When he realizes the nature of the Nazis' plans, Jan resolves to prevent their success. After triggering several paradoxes by travelling back and forth in time, he manages to defeat the Nazis and resolve the consequences of his twin's death. ===== Years after he turned his back on his hometown, a burned-out major league ballplayer who "forced himself into retirement by the depths of his own jerkiness" returns to teach physical education at his old middle school. Still trying to reclaim his fame he starts on a comeback—righting his previous wrongs along the way—only to unwittingly sabotage his own efforts. While not based on the life of former Major League Baseball relief pitcher John Rocker, the show's creators do cite Rocker's attitude as an inspiration. Former major league pitcher Mitch "Wild Thing" Williams has often been cited as the inspiration for the Powers character, though Williams himself has disavowed any connection. Explaining the tone of the show, McBride has stated that he and co-creators had intended to "make fun of a South where you could learn an ancient martial art like Tae Kwon Do in a shopping center next to a tanning salon.”Friend, T. (June 5, 2017). ===== Shyamprakash (Mohanlal) a leading criminal lawyer in the city. He decides to take revenge against business tycoon, Mohan (Devan) who had gotten away after murdering his sister. ===== A young anarchist and shipbuilder refuses to listen to his conservative father. ===== In a town on the French coast, English antiques dealer Maurice Lawes (Wilfrid Hyde-White) is a witness to the night-time murder of a gendarme. The killer spots Lawes at his window, and realises he has been seen. The following evening, Lawes' daughter Janice (Petula Clark) finds her father also murdered. An investigation is launched by the local police and a private insurance investigator Dermot Kinross (O'Herlihy). The initial assumption - that Lawes was murdered by the gendarme's killer to prevent identification - soon comes into question as several other individuals connected to Lawes are revealed to have plausible motives for the murder. Lawes' son Toby (Jack Watling) is found to have been embezzling funds from his father to pay off a blackmailing ex-mistress; Toby's fiancée Eve (Kirk), living directly opposite the murder scene, is investigated and found to have in her possession bloodstained clothing which she cannot satisfactorily explain away. Eve's ex-husband Ned (Franklyn) turns out to have a particular interest in a rare snuffbox from Lawes' personal collection which is discovered to be missing, and may have killed Lawes when disturbed in the process of burglary. Eve comes under particular scrutiny as it is considered she could have been an accomplice of either Toby or Ned. It falls to Kinross to unravel the actual chain of events and arrive at the correct solution. ===== At the start of the movie, Blue, Mr. Salt, and Mrs. Pepper welcome us into the house. They are preparing for a big music show in the backyard and now they can really get ready. There is one character that is missing though, Steve. They can hear him snoring, it seems that he is still in bed sleeping. Mr. Salt says that it is time for Paprika to have breakfast, and leaves with Mrs. Pepper and Paprika. As Steve mumbles in his sleep, Blue and Tickety Tock manage to wake him up by yelling out "Wake up, Steve!!". Steve groggily sits up and he said that the viewer is here really early this morning. Steve realizes that today is the big music show and he has overslept by mistake. Fortunately, he tells them, through song, that if we work fast and hard, we can still be ready in time for the "You Can Be Anything You Want to Be" show, which is about what everyone wants to be when they grow up. After getting ready, the residents of Blue's house walk into the kitchen for a big breakfast. Blue gives Steve a clipboard of things that they need to do to get ready for the big day. Having their breakfast is the very first thing. Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper, and Paprika serve various food such as pancakes, toast, fruit, cereal, and orange juice. While eating, the characters begin a conversation about the big music show. Periwinkle eavesdrops on them, believing them to be talking about a magic show. Afterwards, Periwinkle leaves to rehearse. Inside, Steve crosses breakfast off of his list of things to do. The characters talk about what they are going to be doing in the show. Slippery Soap says he wants to be captain on a boat when he grows up. Shovel and Pail are going to sing about being animal doctors. Mailbox says he plans to sing about being a comedian. Blue and Tickety are going to sing a duet about being teachers. However, while rehearsing, Tickety's voice starts becoming raspy. Steve tells her that she can still be a part of the show by ringing her bells. However, this leaves Blue without a singing partner. Blue was very sad because she does not want to sing all-alone, but Tickety thinks that as long as Blue does not give up, she can go on with a new singing partner. Blue perks up and agrees and decides that they will play Blue's Clues to figure out who it is. Steve adds it to the checklist. Steve goes to get his handy-dandy notebook from Sidetable Drawer, but is called by Mr. Salt, who needs some help in the kitchen. While Steve goes to check on the problem, Sidetable sadly sings to herself about how she wants to be in the show, but is too shy to say anything about it. When Steve returns, Sidetable tries to tell Steve her desires, but gives up and lets Steve take his notebook. Steve tells the viewers at home that he loves songs and he loves making up songs. In fact, he wants to make up a song to sing with them in the big music show, so he adds it to the to do list. As Steve begins to look for clues outside, he laments to the viewers how he never found a clue without their or anyone's help, and how he would like to try and find one himself before the viewer spotting it. However, the first clue is revealed to be on the notebook, as pointed out by the viewers. Steve compliments their clue finding skills, saying that he wishes he was as good at finding clues as the viewers were. Surreptitiously, Periwinkle nabs Steve's checklist, hides it under a cape, and shows the viewers a trick where he makes the checklist appear. He then leaves it on a table and goes to look for Steve, who shows up and finds the clipboard. Sidetable tries to talk to Steve again, but Slippery calls him to help out with making hats. The viewers are left alone with Sidetable again and she vows that this time, she is really going to tell Steve that she wants to be in the show. Meanwhile, Slippery and Steve come in with many hats and start singing a song called Silly Hat. Sidetable tries to talk to Steve again, but her shyness gets the best of her again, causing her to just say she wants to help out in the show. Steve then tells her to hold the hats on her table, which leaves her sad. Several of Steve's friends (including Green Puppy and Magenta) appear with multiple props, asking him what to do with them. Through song, Steve helps them and they all finish the stage. Steve then checks the costumes and stage off the list. Periwinkle shows up yet again, trying to get Steve to view his magic, but Mr. Salt needs Steve's help in the kitchen again. This time Mr. Salt was trying to find the chocolate chips to make the cookies. While Steve was in the kitchen, Periwinkle shows the viewers another magic trick. Periwinkle was going to make a green knob disappear. He does so by moving it behind him with his tail. He then leaves, uncovering a clue on a different knob. Steve appears and is disappointed that he had not found it himself. Then he realizes that he left his notebook in the house. While Steve gets his notebook, Periwinkle returns to find that Steve had left. He sadly comments that he is sure Steve would like his tricks, if only he had a chance to show him. When Steve returns, he draws the knob in his notebook. There is still one clue left, though, so he figures that maybe he will find that one. After Mr. Salt delivers cookies, Steve checks snacks off the list and then notices that they still need to finish their song. So, Blue, Steve, and the viewers skidoo into a music sheet. There, Steve meets an anthropomorphic G Clef, who offers to help him write a song. While in the music sheet, Steve learns about notes. Some notes are high, and some notes are low (as shown on a staff). The notes then sing in unison from different pitches about putting the notes together. Steve also learns about rhythm and tempo. Steve then comes up with a song, consisting of the words "beep bop bay". However, he feels his song is incomplete, even with rhythm and tempo. G Clef tells him that music comes from inside. Soon, Steve develops a complete song and now there is only one thing left to do on the checklist, and that is to find the last clue. As Steve searches around for it, Periwinkle shows up for the third time to show Steve a magic trick. However, just as Periwinkle left to get the trick ready, Steve is called to Tickety and Blue to help Slippery, and walks away. As Periwinkle came back, the viewers tell Periwinkle that Steve left again to help somebody. He complains that with Steve being so busy, he will never get to see his magic tricks. Meanwhile, Slippery is having trouble rehearsing his act. He is afraid he will slip on stage. Steve tells him not to give up, but to go on. After hearing this, Slippery feels better. Upon returning to the real world, Sidetable tries to tell Steve her desires again, but once again fails. Steve then has her collect tickets. After that, Steve tries to find the third clue himself, with no avail. He begins to think that he might never find it, but his friends tell him in song what he told Slippery; "Don't give up, just go on." Steve returns to finding the clue, and runs into a stack of boxes. A cardboard drawer lands in his hands, which is revealed to be not only the final clue, but Steve's very first clue! As he looks directly at his very first clue, Steve feels very triumphant and victorious. Steve happily gets out his notebook, draws the clue, and runs to the Thinking Chair before the show can start. After analyzing the clues, Steve and the viewers come to the conclusion that Blue wants Sidetable to be her new partner, so he checks the clues off the list. Steve then goes to tell Sidetable, but then remembers that Sidetable was collecting tickets. So, Steve and his friends look for Sidetable by the end of the fence post. Once they got there, however, Sidetable's nowhere to be seen, so everybody decides to split up and try to find her. Periwinkle appears again, asking Steve if he will watch his trick. Steve, instead, assigns Periwinkle and the viewers to look for Sidetable together in the backyard. They find her, and it turns out that she was hiding from the others because she believes she is not going to be in the big music show, and she is too shy to ask. She sings her song again, and after Periwinkle compliments her, she becomes happy again and is ready to tell Steve about her desires, yet again. Periwinkle then comes up with an idea to do for a magic trick. Periwinkle tells Sidetable that he will make her appear for everyone to see. He hides her under his cape and yells for everybody to come here. Steve and his friends see Periwinkle and he tells them to say the magic words, "Peri pocus, hocus crocus!". The trick works and Sidetable tells Steve she wants to sing in the music show and Steve tells her that they were looking for her because Blue wants to be her singing partner in the music show. However, Periwinkle is confused by all of this, as he thought it was a magic show. Everybody tells him that it is not a magic show, it was a music show, where they can do various things, like make up songs, do dances, tell jokes and wisecracks, wear costumes, and sing. This, however, does not make him happy because singing is not his strong suit, magic is. Disappointed, he hides under his cape. Tickety goes to Periwinkle and tells him not to give up and she offers that Periwinkle could do something else in the show. Purple Kangaroo then tells the group that the crowd is getting impatient. However, nobody is ready yet: Mailbox forgot his jokes, Slippery does not have his costume, Sidetable and Blue need more practice, Shovel and Pail search for the animals, and Tickety tells Steve that they need more time. Steve has them go practice, and tells Periwinkle to perform his magic to entertain the audience to keep them busy, while they get ready for the show. As everyone prepares backstage, the audience is delighted by Periwinkle's tricks, until finally everyone is ready to start the show and he performs his final trick; "Peri pocus, ocus crocus, gotta go-cus." When everybody is ready, Slippery goes onstage, and slips, just like he was worried about. Everybody tells him to not give up and go on. Slippery picks himself up and continues. After Shovel and Pail's doctor act, Mailbox joins in the show with a joke, getting stuck at first, but they help him to get free. After this, Blue and Sidetable both go on and sing (while Tickety rings her bells). Steve then goes up and sings his song, overcoming his nervousness, and finally everyone joins in for a reprise of the main number. The curtain closes, and opens revealing everyone. They thank the viewers for their help with a group singing the slower, Broadway- style version of the So Long Song. Steve tells everyone, including the viewers, to take a bow, and everyone proceeds to do so, as the movie draws to a close. ===== The story is set in a village called Mallayapuram near Theni. The villagers believe the Rain Gods will favour them after the annual Temple Festival (Thiruvizha), during which the deity is taken around the village on a wooden horse. They are in for a rude shock when the horse goes missing. At the same time, Azhagarsami, a youngster who earns his livelihood by ferrying loads on his horse in Aagamalai village in Periyakulam, gets ready for his marriage. His horse also goes missing, and his marriage is put on hold. Whether the villagers and Azhagarsami find their respective horses or not forms the rest of the story. ===== Hridoy (Shakib Khan) is the son of a police head constable Rahmat Ali (Prabir Mitra). Hridoy is a guy with carefree attitude. He is beaten by a rival gang at night and was rescued by a beautiful girl Priya (Sahara). She pays his hospital bills and donates her blood. She is gone from the hospital by the time Hridoy became conscious. When Hridoy's friends tell him who rescued him, he starts loving her immediately for her good-heartedness though he did not see her. Priya later turns out to be the sister of the city police commissioner Rashed Rayhan Chowdhury (Misha Sawdagor). ===== Kubrilesque is a Rock Burlesque Musical. The plot is an original story about a filmmaker who decides to make a movie that will unveil some of the secrets behind one of the most famous mysterious cults. The story is told through a series of Rock musical numbers, and with characters that will chronologically parody some of Stanley Kubrick’s most famous films. ===== Mavis Hogan (Gish) lives with her uncaring aunt (Margaret Yarde) in a squalid Limehouse tenement. Her beauty attracts the attention of an unsavoury Chinese man (Gibb McLaughlin), whose intentions are encouraged by the aunt. While wandering around Limehouse, she is spotted by an artist (Adelqui Migliar) who is in the area sketching East End scenes and people. He persuades her to allow him to sketch her portrait, which he later puts on display in his West End studio. The portrait is seen by Lady Arbourfield (Daisy Campbell), who notices a remarkable resemblance to her own daughter, now deceased. Finally finding the attentions of the Chinese man too much, Mavis leaves her home and walks to the West End with no real idea as to what she will do when she gets there. Coincidentally, she happens to cross the path of Lady Arbourfield. She is offered a home and the chance to make her way in "society". Adapting remarkably well to her new milieu, Mavis falls in love with the Lady Arbourfield's nephew (John Manners), but is distraught when she is passed over in favour of another young woman (Elissa Landi) who has had him in her sights. In her grief, she leaves her new surroundings and returns aimlessly to Limehouse. However the artist tracks her down and asks her to marry him, which she happily accepts. ===== Farmer Chris Lowe (Hartnell) meets and falls in love with Molly (Raye), a chorus-girl. Despite the fact that she is a city girl through and through, she accepts his proposal of marriage and after the wedding goes to live on the farm. Chris realises that the transition for Molly will be difficult, and in an attempt to ease her into farm life, buys her a strawberry roan calf to look after. Unfortunately Molly finds the adjustment to rural life extremely difficult and does not settle down. She fails to integrate into the local community and starts to feel she has made a big mistake. She tries to quell her unhappiness by spending her husband's money, but goes to excess and eventually leaves Chris facing financial ruin. In despair she takes off on her horse and suffers a fatal fall, leaving Chris destitute and overcome with guilt. ===== Lee and Vivien Warren are trapped in a nightmare marriage. Vivien is despising, devious and habitually unfaithful while Lee is pathologically jealous. On his return from a lengthy business trip to New York, suspicious after his wife failed to write to him or call, Lee finds several cards addressed to Vivien signed "Love Always" and determines to kill her latest lover, Richard Fenton. He confronts Fenton, who admits to his affair with Vivien, and persuades him to end the relationship by writing her a farewell letter. He then kills Fenton, and stages the scene to look like a suicide, believing he has committed the perfect crime as the letter which Fenton had just written at his dictation has all the appearance of a suicide note. His scheme goes awry when he discovers immediately after the fact that Vivien and Fenton had in fact broken up some time before, and Fenton had been humouring him by writing the note. He is guilt-stricken at having killed Fenton needlessly, and realises that any suggestion of suicide on Fenton's part in despair over Vivien will now seem absurd to the police. When he discovers that Vivien now has a new beau, Jimmy Martin, he takes the opportunity to frame Martin for the crime, reasoning that this will serve the dual purpose of shifting suspicion away from himself while at the same time getting Vivien's current lover out of the way. While he arranges matters so that all the evidence points to Martin, the policeman in charge of the case, Inspector Pembury, has his doubts about the case but is unable to catch Lee out. Vivien begs her husband to intercede on Martin's behalf, promising to remain faithful in the future if he can devise a way to save Martin from the gallows without incriminating himself. Lee changes his testimony to the police to say that Fenton had died of suicide but that he had later manipulated the crime scene to look like he was murdered by Martin. Vivien convinces Lee to write a letter unbeknownst to him is intended to act as a suicide note. She gives him a drink containing an overdose of his regular medications. While Lee is dying, Vivien confesses to lying to him and that she only loved Martin. She attempts to reunite with Martin who wants nothing to do with her. Vivien returns dejectedly back to her apartment and, despite initially feigning distress at her husband's death, is arrested by Pembury for Lee's murder. Her lover Jimmy Martin's ring is given back to her stating 'til death do us part'. The film ends with her laughing cruelly, symbolising her downfall into madness. ===== Sam Doonby (John Schneider) is a mysterious drifter who gets off a bus one afternoon in a small Texas town to change and improve the lives of all he comes in contact with. It is a story of greed and envy, played out against the backdrop of the classic country and blues music that is performed in Leroy’s Bar. The film has been described by the producers as Crazy Heart-meets-It's A Wonderful Life, while Schneider described it as "It's A Wonderful Life without the Wonderful." ===== In the wake of losing Corrie and Kevin, and not knowing how either of them are faring in enemy territory, the group's morale deteriorates. Homer suggests the group attempt to track down Corrie and Kevin. They release a smoke bomb into the hospital and investigate during the evacuation. They discover that Corrie is comatose and that Kevin was beaten when he arrived. Fresh from the discovery of what had happened to their friends, the group agrees to make an attack on the convoys on the highway to Cobbler's Bay. While preparing their ambush, the group is surprised by a small patrol. Homer kills one soldier and injures another with a sawed-off shotgun at close quarters before going into shock. A third, and final, soldier panics and flees into the bush away from the highway leaving their pack and rifle behind. Ellie takes charge of the situation, kills the wounded soldier and makes the decision to continue on with the attack. The attack succeeds and the group return to Hell. They decide that their next course of action should be to investigate the other paths in and out of Hell to determine where they lead. Chris, however, decides not to go and to stay behind instead. Their exploration leads them to a group of free Australians called "Harvey's Heroes" led by former school principal and army reservist Major Harvey. He refuses to allow any portion of the group to return to Hell to find Chris. Although Harvey brags about having made several attacks on the enemy, these attacks are revealed to be low-risk acts. The group is invited to spectate as Harvey's Heroes destroy an abandoned tank, but they are led into an enemy ambush and have to flee from the scene. Fi is chased by an enemy soldier. Homer and Ellie ambush and incapacitate the man as he prepares to rape Fi but cannot bring themselves to kill him when they discover that he is a teenager like themselves. Lee arrives and stabs the soldier in the heart, disturbing the others. When they return to Hell to find Chris absent and then head into Wirrawee. The group take refuge in Robyn's music teacher's house, where Ellie and Lee consummate their relationship for the first time. They move on to a church, where they keep watch over some of the early colonists. Here they discover that Major Harvey, presumed dead in the ambush, is now working directly with the enemy. Reeling from this discovery, they arrange to blow up several of the houses. The attack is successful, but on their way back to Hell they see an overturned vehicle near a dam; further investigation reveals that Chris had overturned the car and died weeks ago. The book ends where it begins, with the group depressed and with low morale. The story continues in The Third Day, the Frost. ===== Ik Kudi Punjab Di tells a richly textured tale from a keenly female perspective set against the backdrop of male-dominated Punjabi society. It does so with a Shakespearean credo of “all the world’s a stage” and a lively cast. SP Singh (Amrinder Gill) is a boy from a wealthy family who meets Navdeep (Jaspinder Cheema), the girl of his dreams, at his college drama class. They quickly bond, much to the chagrin of bad-boy student Vicky (Aman Dhaliwal) who prizes Navdeep for himself. The male-chauvinist Vicky has no chance with the progressive-minded Navdeep. Even Singh, the man who she admires enough to call a friend, is in for a shock. Navdeep doesn’t want to get married; she’s intent on being the guardian of her loving parents because the family lacks a male heir. Singh tests his own view of women by agreeing to all of Navdeep’s demands, including becoming a ghar jamai. This is seen as both revolutionary (by her classmates) and an affront to Punjabi society and tradition. ===== Four friends, Luke (Kay Kay Menon), Murgi (Aditya Shrivastava), Joy (Joy Fernandes) and Pondy (Vijay Maurya) are wasted by youth and self-destruction and play together in a band along with a fifth female member named Shiuli (Tejaswini Kolhapure). Luke, the lead singer and self-imposed leader of the pack ensures his dominance in the group by providing accommodation, drugs and food for his wasted and broke friends. Pondy is fascinated by Shiuli who sleeps with rich guys for money. The movie revolves around a kidnapping plot gone wrong, in which the four male band members plan to kidnap another friend Nikhil (Pankaj Saraswat). Nikhil is part of the plot and agrees to get himself kidnapped to extract money out of his rich but miser father. In the process excess of drugs and uncontrolled anger leads to the murder of Nikhil by Luke. Luke blackmails all others and ensures that nobody leaves or confides into the cops. Meanwhile, Shiuli also gets entangled in the plot. The money hungry youngsters then go on to kill the father of Nikhil and a cop (Sharat Saxena) investigating the murder. The plot thickens with a set of betrayal and counter-betrayal leading to an interesting end. ===== Wealthy businessman F.X. Benedik (Rome), head of the Rynox company, claims to have been receiving threats from a mysterious stranger named Boswell Marsh. Benedik is subsequently found murdered and the hunt is on for the elusive Marsh. Benedik's son Tony (Longden) takes over the running of the business and tries to find some lead on Marsh, and why he should have borne a murderous grudge against Benedik Senior. His investigations lead him to the unexpected finding that Marsh never existed. After discovering that he was terminally ill, his father had committed suicide, having staged the elaborate deception about the non-existent Marsh in an attempt to cover the fact that he intended to take his own life. ===== The novel begins as a hard-boiled detective thriller in what is presumably New York City, about thirty years or so after the end of the Second World War - a future date at the time of writing. Once the chase is on, the story moves into science fictional themes, and shifts to a hi-tech hideout deep in the jungle, where Nazis are cloning an Aryan master race. While the clones zip around in flying saucers, the Nazi high command prepares for world domination by tricking the USA and Russia into starting a nuclear war. ===== The backdrop of the film is sports. The film deals with the game of Cricket. Antagonism for World Cup 2011, Indian team is going on and teams from different countries are participating. One of the very strong players Ravi Indulkar from India. In the end of the last decade of the 20th century, a slow but sure dispute between gangsters created roughness in the underworld. Some very high-profile people and businessman were extorted, but the media covered this news extensively and the government took a strict action against the underworld. And the braking impact was created when home minister R.R.Patil completely banned the dance bars in Mumbai. In such conditions when circumstances were not so good. Then underworld centralized attention on sports as a source of making money, and they aimed the most glamorous game "Cricket". Ravi Kapoor is playing the main lead, as Caption Ravi Indulkar of the Indian Cricket team. His four friends Rajpal, Hiten, Irfan and Balwinder, they fix a World Cupp match held in 2007 against Pakistan with a bookie- Shobhan. And then the twist as always they are exposed by press reporter Balakrishnan. BICI bans the caption Ravi Indulkar and his four teammates for four years. Ravi's girlfriend Soha (Manisha Chetterjee) also leaves him because of his deeds and in the meantime Ravi also loses his dad. The coach once again gives chance to Ravi and his four teammates after proving their patriotism to play World Cupp 2011. Once again India faces its arch rivals Pakistan in final. Everyone has a doubt in their mind and as we know history repeat itself, king of bookies Shobhan once again tries to fix the match with the help of Ravi. This time Ravi refuses his offer, in retaliation he kidnaps Ravi's girlfriend Soha who is Physiotherapist of Indian cricket team. As soon as Ravi comes to know about Soha's kidnapping he informs the Home minister who then puts an encounter specialist on this job. The encounter specialist rescues Soha at the risk of his life. On the other hand, Ravi is struggling to win World Cupp 2011. ===== In July 1912, Booker DeWitt is taken by Robert and Rosalind Lutece to an island lighthouse off the coast of Maine. Told to "bring us the girl and wipe away the debt," Booker enters the lighthouse, which doubles as a rocket silo and transports him to Columbia. Booker is soon pursued by the city authority when he is found bearing a scar of the letters "AD," matching the description of the foretold "False Shepherd" who will corrupt Elizabeth and overthrow Columbia. Freeing Elizabeth from her tower, Booker narrowly evades her captor, The Songbird. Reaching an airship, Booker promises to take Elizabeth to Paris; when she realizes they are going to New York City to wipe away Booker's debt, a tearful Elizabeth knocks him out. Booker awakens to find the airship under the control of Daisy Fitzroy, who offers to return the ship if Booker helps her arm the Vox Populi. Booker and Elizabeth join forces to secure weapons from a local gunsmith. However, several twists of fate result in Elizabeth having to overlay the contents of various Tears onto the present reality. Ultimately, they land in a world where Booker is a martyr of the Vox Populi whose "sacrifice" sparked open warfare between the two factions. Fitzroy, convinced that the non-dead Booker is "either an impostor, or a ghost," turns her forces against him. With Booker's help, Elizabeth kills Fitzroy to prevent her from executing a Founder boy. As they attempt to leave by airship, the Songbird attacks the duo and they crash back to Columbia. Continuing onwards, they unravel a conspiracy behind the city's founding: Zachary Hale Comstock had the Lutece twins construct a "Siphon" device to inhibit Elizabeth's powers; Elizabeth is Comstock's adopted daughter, whom he plans to groom into taking over after his death; and Comstock plotted to kill his wife and the Luteces to hide the truth. Elizabeth is again captured by the Songbird, and as Booker pursues, he ends up brought forward in time to 1984 by an elderly Elizabeth, showing him the devastation that Columbia is causing while attacking New York City. The older Elizabeth prepares to return Booker to 1912 and gives him information on controlling the Songbird, in hopes he can recover her younger self and erase the years of torture and brainwashing she had suffered in becoming Comstock's tool. Once returned, Booker rescues Elizabeth, and the pair pursue Comstock to his airship. Comstock demands that Booker explain Elizabeth's past to her and the two begin to argue; an enraged Booker smashes the back of Comstock's skull on a baptismal font before drowning him. Booker denies knowledge about Elizabeth's missing little finger, but she asserts that he has simply forgotten. Controlling the Songbird, the pair fend off a massive Vox Populi attack, before ordering the Songbird to destroy the Siphon. As the Songbird turns on Booker again, Elizabeth's powers fully awaken, allowing her to open a Tear and transport them to the underwater city of Rapture. Booker and Elizabeth materialize inside the city, from where they see the Songbird crushed outside by the water pressure. Elizabeth takes Booker to the surface lighthouse, explaining there are countless alternate lighthouses and versions of Booker and Elizabeth; they are within one of infinite possible realities dependent on their choices. She shows that on October 8, 1893, Robert Lutece approached Booker on behalf of Comstock, requesting that he "bring us the girl and wipe away the debt," referring to Booker's infant daughter, Anna DeWitt – Booker's "AD" branding. Booker reluctantly agreed, but, having changed his mind, soon gives chase; Comstock barely escaped through a Tear, and its closing severed Anna's finger. Comstock then raised Anna as his own daughter, Elizabeth; her severed finger, which caused her to exist in two realities simultaneously, is the source of her ability to create Tears. Robert Lutece, angry at Comstock's actions, convinced Rosalind to help him bring Booker to the reality where Columbia exists to rescue Elizabeth. It is also revealed that Booker in fact willingly agreed to come to Columbia to save his daughter, but the mental strain of crossing dimensions caused him to rewrite his own memories such that he combined giving Anna away with his attempt to secure Elizabeth. Elizabeth explains that Comstock will always remain alive in alternate universes, as the Luteces have enlisted the Bookers of numerous different universes to try to end the cycle. As stopping Comstock requires intervening in his birth, Elizabeth takes Booker back in time to a baptism he attended, in the hope of atoning for the sins he committed at Wounded Knee; she explains that, while Booker changed his mind, some Bookers in alternate universes accepted the baptism and were reborn as "Zachary Comstock." Comstock, later aware of his connection to Booker and sterility from overusing the Lutece Tear machine, abducted Anna to provide a biological heir for Columbia. Booker, now joined by other universes' Elizabeths at the baptism, allows them to drown him at the moment of his baptismal choice, thus preventing Comstock's existence. One by one, the Elizabeths begin to disappear, the screen cutting to black on the last. In a post-credits scene, a Booker awakens in his apartment on October 8, 1893. He calls out for Anna and opens the door to her room before the screen cuts to black. ===== Curley (Knight) is a lift operator in a block of exclusive London apartments. Emily (Lockwood) is a cleaning-girl with a client, Canley (Henry Mollison), in the block, and she and Curley are attracted to one another and long to be married, but their poor economic prospects stand in the way. Emily has to spend some days in hospital, and Curley wants to treat her when she returns. He decides to prepare her a special dinner, using an apartment belonging to a tenant who is away on business and has entrusted Curley with a key to keep an eye on the property in his absence. Unfortunately, in the middle of the romantic meal, the apartment owner returns unexpectedly and is furious to discover the unauthorised use of his apartment. The situation degenerates into a physical fight, and the apartment owner subsequently files a charge of illegal entry against Curley. Things look bleak until the amiable Canley learns what has happened and steps in to set matters right. ===== Mops (Ray), so called because of her striking curly hair, is an orphan living in the East End of London with her guardian Turnips (Talbot O'Farrell), whose nickname derives from his craft of carving flowers out of vegetables, which he sells to earn a few extra coppers to augment his income as a lighting-man at the local music hall. Mops performs there and earns a living wage, but has to contend with the unwanted advances of the manager. When he tries to force himself on her, Turnips beats him up and both he and Mops are sacked. Unable to pay the rent, they are turned out of their home and decide to head off for Kent, where they know there is seasonal work to be found picking hops. The work is hard and ill-paid, and finding enough to eat is a problem. Mops strikes up a friendship with a younger itinerant (Longden), who seems downhearted but is soon cheered up. One evening Turnips goes to a bakery to buy a loaf but does not have enough money. He begins to argue and a fight breaks out; Turnips is arrested and sentenced to a term of imprisonment. Mops visits him in the cells and he suggests she return to London and register with a training centre to try to obtain a position in service. Having taken the advice, Mops finds a place as kitchen-maid with Lady Chard. As the lowest in the servants' pecking-order she is given the most menial jobs and is bullied by more senior domestics. Early one morning when she is alone in the kitchen she hears a knock, and opens the door to find the man she befriended on the road. She helps him out of a predicament, and they begin walking out together after he successfully applies for a position with playwright Frank Dale. Some time later Mops is dismissed from her post after being blamed for starting a fire in the house. She goes to visit her beau, and finds him smartly-dressed and in conversation with a theatrical impresario. He admits that he is really Frank Dale, and all along he has been using her as research material for his new play. On being told of Mops' music hall background, Frank and the impresario offer her the lead role in the play. Both the play and Mops are overnight sensations, and she is welcomed by society. After Frank has rid himself of his grasping fiancée, and Mops has exacted her revenge on the magistrate who imprisoned Turnips, the couple are married and the future looks bright for them and the newly released Turnips. ===== Major Starr (French) is an ambitious newspaper reporter who has taken undercover employment as chauffeur to Lady Susan Loman (Isla Bevan) in the hope of witnessing high-society goings-on which he can use in a feature article he is planning. Lady Susan's father Lord Longbourne (Spencer Trevor) meanwhile is experiencing financial embarrassment, and is persuaded by professional criminal Mandel (Marsh) to conspire in an insurance scam whereby Mandel will steal a diamond belonging to Lady Susan from the West End jeweller where it is currently on display, Longbourne will claim the cash and Mandel will return the diamond to him for a cut of the proceeds. Mandel steals the diamond in an audacious smash-and-grab raid but the crime is witnessed by Starr and Lady Susan, who happen to be passing at the time. Starr heads off in pursuit of Mandel and corners him on a rooftop. There is a struggle and Mandel falls to his death. With the scam foiled and the diamond retrieved, Starr proposes to Lady Susan, who is happy to accept. ===== The book RAW is the story of Brett Dalton's experience at The Farm, a detention/rehab centre, after being caught breaking into a liquor store at night and stealing alcohol, cigarettes, cash and condoms. When he gets to The Farm after an awful, hot, dehydrated trip in the back of a paddy wagon, he is determined not to cooperate or enjoy himself. This does not work in his favour. On meeting most of the inmates Brett makes enemies. He has confrontations with both of the “main guys” in the detention centre, Josh and Tyson. On the first night he decides he's going to run away. He sneaks out at night and plans on hitch-hiking to civilisation but the first car that picks him up is Sam. After being on the run, and realising how hard his plan is he decides on going back to The Farm. Then he tries skipping class, (which is compulsory). When he doesn't succeed he starts arguing with the teacher and gets sent out of class, which is just what he wants. He nicks off to behind the wood work shed to have a smoke, and spots a girl carrying supplies from a truck into the kitchen, he is stunned by her beauty. Eventually he meets this girl, Caitlyn and later they become more than friends. Brett meets up with his ex-girlfriend who has a new boyfriend, who tries selling drugs to Frog, (Brett's roommate) and this causes them, and Josh to cover for each other. When Brett gets up the courage to ask Caitlyn out this come in handy, as the guys covered for him when he snuck out with her, that and the fact that they would but punished to. But things go downhill after he pushes his relationship with Caitlyn too far. She breaks up with him. This makes him angry so he meets up with Rebecca and they steal alcohol and get drunk. This led to Brett drink driving and crashing Sam's ute. This led to Sam and Brett constantly fighting and Sam ends up sending Brett the magistrate. When Brett realises that he only has five days left in town he wants to 'make things right' with Caitlyn. This doesn't go well and leaves Brett more heart-broken and angry. Before he leaves town, Brett is forced to go the big Ride (a cattle drive). On the Ride Josh and Brett get paired and learn more about each other. Brett learns the real reason that Josh is at The Farm, he was raped. Brett is later re-arrested by the cops for his newest crimes, the novel ends with Sam telling Brett that one can only change their own life. Brett now considers Sam to be an old friend of his. Brett also finds out that he has lost something and gained another. ===== Dai Davies (Eric Wyn) is a Welshman running a cash-strapped farm in modern Wales and raising his orphaned granddaughter Gwen (Sian MacLean) with the help of her godmother Nerys (Lynette Davies). When he dies unexpectedly, he leaves Gwen's guardianship to his estranged son Alan (Daniel J. Travanti), who has returned to Wales accompanied by his stepson Cliff Dean (Patrick Loomer). Alan's return pits himself against land developer Howard (Dafydd Hywel) and Cliff against Gwen's would-be suitor Gwilyn (Richard Lynch). As Alan and Gwen try to connect in the background of readying the farm's prize stallion Mabon for a race that could save the farm, Howard resorts to dirty tricks to try and force through the farm's sale. ===== The Whisperer is a fantasy novel. The story is told in third person. It follows the adventures of Griff, a thirteen-year- old boy who works in the circus, and Lute, Crown Prince of Drestonia. Griff can eavesdrop on other people's thoughts. When the circus master discovers Griff's amazing ability, he forces the young boy to appear in his show. Griff knows what he is doing is wrong and escapes from the circus with Tess, a fellow performer, and her magical creatures. Meanwhile, Prince Lute's uncle Janko is scheming to overthrow his brother and become the next king. Lute is forced to flee, and seek help from a bitter dwarf and an angry pirate. One day, Griff hears a mysterious voice crying out for help in his mind. He calls the voice the Whisperer. With the help of his friends, magical and human, Griff realises that the Whisperer, whoever he is, is in great peril, and that it is up to him to save the mysterious voice. ===== Veeranna (Balakrishna) is the grandson of Mangamma (Bhanumathi). Anitha is her daughter and Gokina Rama Rao the son-in-law. Malli (Suhasini) is their daughter and granddaughter of Mangamma. Mangamma does not like her son-in-law's family, resulting in frequent quarrels. But Veeranna and Malli love each other. Yeleswaram Ranga is the big rhythm of the neighboring village. He does not like Mangamma. Every year, there used to be bull fights. Rama Rao bets in the race and promises to marry his daughter with the winner. The opponents cheat them and win in the bull fight. Rama Rao commits suicide. They attack Balakrishna. He kills them and runs away from the village. Everyone thinks he is dead. Finally, he returns from Military service with a girl he would like to marry. The reasons behind the twist are rest of the story. ===== The principal character of the novel is Arthur Haggerston, an intelligent but rebellious teenager who lives with his mother, Peg, and her lover, Harry Parker, a former seaman who works in a sardine-canning factory. Arthur leaves school without qualifications and takes up various menial jobs before using the influence of his Uncle George to obtain work installing sewage pipes for the local council. He conducts an affair with Stella, a married woman with a seafaring husband, and develops a friendship with another teenager, Nosey (or Stanley) Carron. After several altercations with a gang led by Mick Kelly, Arthur and Nosey form their own gang, while Nosey begins a relationship with Kelly's sister, Teresa. The violence between the two gangs escalates, which makes Arthur uneasy. After a fight between the gangs, Arthur is pursued by the police and hides in a church hall where a service is being conducted. He makes the acquaintance of the Pastor, Mr Johnson, and of Johnson's daughter, Dorothy. In a spirit of reconciliation, Arthur attends an open-air brass band concert with Harry and Peg, but Peg spots Arthur's estranged father playing with a military band. Arthur 's father is confronted, and confesses to bigamy, but agrees to a divorce, even if it means that he will face prison. Nosey claims that Kelly has beaten Teresa, and persuades Arthur to help him exact revenge. In the ensuing fight, Arthur severely injures Kelly, and later hears that Kelly's father has alerted the police. Afterwards, Nosey and Arthur decide to spy on Nosey's brother Crab, who has been conducting an affair with Mildred, the daughter of Charlie Nettlefold, a local scrap-dealer. They witness Crab leaving the scrapyard, and discover that Crab has shot the couple. After rumours of Arthur's involvement in Kelly's beating spread, he is fired from his job, after which he traps the foreman, Sproggett, and Uncle George in a large pipe, forcing them to dig their way out. Believing that the police will be searching for him in connection with the shooting, Arthur flees, and sends a night sleeping rough in the countryside. He returns to Newcastle and visits Stella, who tells him that she will be moving with her husband to another part of the country. He returns home, to find that Kelly's father did not contact the police, and that Crab Carron has been arrested for the shooting, in which Mildred died but Charlie survived to testify against Crab. Distraught by Crab's arrest, Nosey tells Arthur that he seduced Dorothy after telling her about Arthur's relationship with Stella. Some time after Crab's execution, Arthur discovers that Nosey has converted to Christianity and has begun preaching for Pastor Johnson's church. Arthur accepts Harry's marriage to Peg, and accepts a job at the sardine-canning factory. ===== In a post-apocalypse North America where almost everyone was killed by a plague over 1,700 years prior, little is known about the ancient "Roadmaker" civilization that is said to have built the devastated ruins of enormous cities, and the magnificent roads that still cover the landscape. In the valley of the Mississippi River, a number of towns have united again, trade and science have begun anew. When a copy of Mark Twain's novel A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court is discovered in the estate of the sole survivor of an earlier expedition to the north, a young woman named Chaka Milana, whose brother died in the previous expedition almost a decade ago, decides to gather a band of explorers and try to find Haven, a legendary stronghold where the knowledge of mankind is said to have been collected and kept safe for future generations. A long voyage ensues, taking the group, among other places, to the ruins of the ancient city of Chicago. After losing several members of their team and traveling by an extraordinary means of transport that still functions after hundreds of years, the team eventually finds Haven and salvages some of the knowledge stored there before the facility is struck by a disaster that they themselves cause.McDevitt, Jack: "Eternity Road." (New York) Eos, 1998 ===== King Ardus of Aragon and his wife, Margaret, have no children, so he pledges to go on crusade in the hope that God will grant him an heir. A son is conceived the night before he leaves for the Holy Land, though neither of them know it. During the king's absence his steward, Marrok, attempts to seduce the queen, who firmly rejects him. In retaliation, when the king comes home Marrok tells him that the queen was unfaithful while he was gone and that the child is not his. The king exiles the pregnant queen without explanation, and she leaves court accompanied by an old knight, Sir Roger, and his dog, True-Love. As they pass through the woods, Marrok and a company of his retainers attack the queen and Sir Roger who, despite his lack of armor, fights valiantly with the aid of True-Love but is killed. The dog tries to heal him and then buries him, refusing to leave his grave except for brief trips to the king's court in search of his master's killer. He finally finds Marrok and kills him, which reveals the steward's treachery to the king. Ardus hangs Marrok posthumously and gives him an ignominious burial. Sir Roger is buried with great honor, and True-Love remains at the gravesite until he dies. The queen escapes Marrok's attack and makes her way to Hungary. She gives birth to a son, Tryamour,In Sir Launfal, Tryamour is the name of the knight's fairy mistress, who exemplifies trouthe and justice. in the woods, and they are found by Sir Barnard, who takes them to his home where they are cared for and live for years. Ardus searches for the queen but can't find her, and is unaware he has a son. In his youth, Tryamour wins his first joust; the prize is Helen, the seven-year-old heiress of the king of Hungary, her lands and her people. Immediately after her father's death civil war breaks out, and upon advice of her counselors a tournament is held to find a husband for Helen. He must be a strong and just ruler, able to inspire fear and respect in the people, and be of noble lineage or superlative prowess. She chooses Tryamour based on his victory against many powerful knights from diverse lands in the jousts. After the tournament Tryamour removes his armor and is attacked by a jealous opponent whom Tryamour had defeated, Sir James, son of the emperor of Germany. Sir Barnard and King Ardus come to his aid, and Tryamour kills Sir James, but he is badly wounded and returns home to his mother to be healed. When Helen prepares to announce the victor and finds Tryamour gone, she will accept no one else and sets a two-year respite in which to search for him. After recovering from his wounds, Tryamour asks his mother about his father's identity; she tells him he must first fulfill his responsibility to Helen, and he sets off seeking adventures. When the emperor learns of his son's death, he swears vengeance on Ardus and Tryamour and besieges the king's lands. The emperor and Ardus agree to settle the conflict through a combat between champions at a day set, and the siege is halted. Ardus trusts that he will be defended by Tryamour but can't find him. Coincidentally, Tryamour goes into Aragon and gets caught poaching deer. Rather than pay the penalty of losing his right hand, he kills the foresters. In need of a champion, when the king hears about a man of such prowess, he has him brought to the court. Ardus recognizes Tryamour, and when he tells him of his plight that has resulted from the killing of Sir James, Tryamour agrees to challenge the emperor's champion, Moradas. While awaiting the day of combat, Ardus and Tryamour spend time together at sport and pleasure. When the hiatus ends and before the battle begins, Ardus knights Tryamour. The king also offers to make him his heir, but Tryamour defers the subject until a later time. Tryamour wins the combat after a fierce battle and wins great honor, then remains for some time with the king, who gives him many rich gifts, kisses him upon their parting, and repeats his intention to make him his heir. Tryamour travels to many lands, winning fame for his victories in combat. When he tries to return to Hungary, his way is blocked by two brothers who guard the pass, waiting for Tryamour in order to avenge the death of their brother Moradas. They inform Tryamour that their other brother, Burlond, intends to marry Helen and is attacking her lands and barons. If she does not find a champion by a certain day, she will have to marry the giant Burlond. Tryamour kills the two brothers, goes to Hungary, and meets and defeats Burlond by dismembering him. Helen greets Tryamour and grants him her love, her barons acknowledge him as their lord, and the wedding day is set. Having successfully defended Helen and her land, Tryamour sends for his mother and asks again about his father. She tells him it is King Ardus and how she had been exiled without explanation, and that they had been fostered by Sir Barnard. Tryamour invites Ardus to his wedding, and after the ceremony and his coronation as king there is a great feast. Ardus and Margaret are seated together but he doesn't recognize her. She identifies herself and relates her story, after which they are blissfully reunited. Ardus acknowledges Tryamour as his son, and he and Margaret return home to Aragon and live happily. Tryamour and Helen also live joyfully together and have two sons. When Ardus dies, Tryamour names his younger son his father's successor. ===== A hard-working but unlucky peasant named Daietsu- no-suke prays to Kannon, the goddess of mercy, to help him escape poverty. Kannon tells him to take the first thing he touches on the ground with him and travel west. He stumbles on his way out of the temple and grabs a piece of straw. While traveling, he catches a horsefly that was bothering him and ties it to the straw. In the next town, the buzzing horsefly calms a crying baby and the thankful mother exchanges it for three oranges. Taking the oranges, he continues on his journey and encounters a dehydrated woman. He gives her the oranges and she thanks him by giving him a rich (silk) cloth. The peasant meets a samurai with a weak horse. The samurai demands the silk cloth in exchange for his horse. The peasant nurses the horse back to health and continues west. A millionaire is impressed by his horse and invites him to his home. The millionaire's daughter turns out to be the same woman he saved with his oranges. Seeing this as a sign, the millionaire insists that the peasant marry his daughter, making him a millionaire. As part of oral tradition, the details of the story have changed over time and there are several competing accounts of the tale. Some versions portray the peasant as a soldier who trades the horse for rice fields and becomes a successful farmer, omitting the millionaire's daughter. ===== In the small village of Høtten, six months after the rape and murder of a 13-year-old girl, one of the suspects is found dead. Nicholas Ramm (Reidar Sørensen) has to investigate the crime. ===== Taxi driver Jim (Verno) befriends Ruritanian child King Ludwig while the latter is on a visit to London. A plot is afoot by sinister forces to kidnap Ludwig, and Jim becomes caught up in the drama. After the child is abducted Jim uses all his ingenuity, including cross-dressing as a Countess and becoming involved in a car chase, to rescue him from his captors. ===== The story is narrated from the perspective of aspiring furniture designer Vanessa Walling (Shawkat), whose plan to stay at home for a few months after college has turned into years. She makes up increasingly stupid reasons why she does not like all the apartments that her mother and colleagues find online for her. She witnesses the heartache between her parents, David and Paige Walling, (Laurie and Keener) as their relationship falls apart from years of pretending to be happy. Their best friends, Terry and Cathy Ostroff, (Platt and Janney) live across the street in their suburb of West Orange, New Jersey. The friendship between the two men is so predictable you could "set your clock by it". This all changes, however, when prodigal 24-year-old daughter, Nina Ostroff, (Meester), returns from a 5 year absence after her fiance, Ethan, disliked by her parents, dumped her. Nina and Vanessa had been childhood best friends before Nina moved on to new friends during high school, and Vanessa is unhappy to see her back. However, both sets of families (at least the mothers) would like to see newly-single Nina and jet-setting son Toby Walling (Brody) form a relationship, and Cathy is excited when the two go to the basement together after their Thanksgiving meal. Despite flirtatious back-and-forth, Toby falls asleep after drinking, leaving Nina alone in the house. She goes to find David in the pool house where he said he was watching "late night TV", and they sit together briefly, watching a Korean basketball game. There is a chemistry between them, and they share a kiss before David pulls away. The next day, Toby goes to the Ostroff house to drop off a sweater Nina left behind the night before. Cathy is keen to hear what went on, but Nina is less inclined to gossip. Toby invites her to dinner at the Walling house that night in order to spend more time with her. After playing a family board game, David says he'll go out and get a movie, and Nina offers to join him, and whilst driving to collect the movie, and having just stated that "last night was a mistake", they kiss again. No one is aware of the budding relationship between David and Nina until Cathy follows Nina to a motel after she said she was going out with Toby, whom Cathy discovers had already left for Washington, D.C. that morning. Cathy finds Nina at the motel, and bumps into David as he's bringing ice to the room. She puts the pieces together and deduces that David and Nina are at the motel together. Then, the meltdown of both families begins. Vanessa witnesses the resulting fight between her parents who have slept in separate bedrooms for years, pretending to be happy. Paige moves out to the only B & B in town, leaving David to wallow. The relationship between David and Terry is strained and they don't take their usual morning jogs together. The relationship between David and Vanessa is strained too. David and Nina don't see each other until they meet for coffee some weeks later. Nina still has feelings for David and asks him if he is happy. Then, she asks him that if there were no rules, would he lean across the table and kiss her, and he says yes. They leave the cafe and get into David's car, saying they have 51 hours before he has to be back at work, and they head off to Atlantic City, where they gamble, go to the beach and have an awkward encounter with one of David's colleague and his wife. They discover that their relationship is real, and they truly have feelings for each other. When they get back from Atlantic City, they gather all members of both families (minus Toby, who is in China) in the lounge and announce that they are in a relationship. This causes conflict between all parties, especially Vanessa, who asks her father "if you had to fuck someone half your age, why did it have to be her?". Nina moves in with high school friend Meredith. Upon finding Nina's bag in her house, Vanessa takes it and is seen walking towards a garbage truck when Nina pulls up in her car, demanding to know what Vanessa is doing with her bag. The two struggle over the bag, resulting in Vanessa getting a head injury and being treated by Terry, who has a heart-to-heart with her about the situation. A few days before Christmas Eve, Ethan shows up outside David's house, begging Nina to take him back. He first goes to the Ostroff's house across the street where Cathy gives him a set of keys. He lets himself in David's house and hears Nina telling David that she loves him. After asking Ethan to leave multiple times, David forcefully removes him and throws him on the lawn. Toby arrives home for Christmas from China. Ethan stays outside David's house until Christmas Eve, when Paige shows up in her car. They briefly talk before Paige drives her car into the Christmas ornaments in David's front yard after noticing her former caroling group. When David comes out to stop her, she chases him in her car knocking down the ornaments. Everyone runs into David's house. Toby, still shocked about the news, gives everyone gifts from China. David makes a short speech that Paige finishes. Vanessa breaks down crying. Nina apologizes to Paige who reacts violently. Later that evening, David finds Nina upset, and they talk about running away to Mexico, but Nina asks "but what then, David?" to which he has no reply. Vanessa narrates, explaining that Nina broke up with everyone that night. She is seen talking to a put-out Ethan after leaving David in the house. Next, Vanessa is seen moving into a tiny apartment in Manhattan, her dream since she was young. She continues and says that Nina traveled around Europe before getting a job as a chef in Rome, and a 'Greetings from Rome' postcard is shown on Cathy's fridge. Vanessa explains that what happened at Christmastime was important for everyone. ===== John and Siri Lill are around forty and have been together for most of their lives, without getting married. When John's drinking gets out of hand, Siri Lill decides to move back with her parents. John goes on a drunken binge, and just as the apartment is in a terrible mess, Siri Lill decides to return. ===== Pub landlords Jim and Carol Radford (James Booth and Joan Collins) are grieving for the death of their young daughter Jenny, who was raped and murdered by Seely (Kenneth Griffith); Jim has two other children by his first marriage, Lee (Tom Marshall) and Jill (Zuleika Robson). Seely is arrested for the crime by the Inspector (Donald Morley), but ultimately released due to a lack of evidence. As well as Jenny, Seely is suspected of also killing the daughter of Jim's friend Harry (Ray Barrett). Seely himself lives a quiet, hermit-like existence, but he is observed stopping at a primary school near his house to watch the children. Seeking revenge, Harry and Lee urge Jim to kidnap Seely and keep him in the cellar of his pub. After some persuasion, Jim agrees to the plan; they capture Seely, beat him beyond recognition and keep him locked beneath the pub. This puts pressure on the Radford family, who don't dare release him but are too afraid to kill him. Having Seely in the cellar puts a strain on the relationships within the family, especially between Carol and Lee, and also on the business, when Carol tries to prevent brewery deliveryman Fred (Geoffrey Hughes) from delivering the stock. Things reach a head when it seems that Seely may be innocent after all, and the relationships between Jim, Harry and Lee become more fractured. ===== Two ex-RAF pilots set-up an airline between Singapore and Hong Kong. They run into trouble when their plane crash lands. ===== A young girl attempts to kill a UN peacekeeper after the war in Croatia, leading to an investigation into the circumstances of their first meeting. ===== Richard Hammond, an aggressive and ambitious business mogul inventor, with little or no time for his wife, friends or family, is blinded in an explosive accident, on the same day his long-suffering wife had planned to leave him. He becomes convinced that he is going mad, but it soon becomes apparent this is a deliberate attempt by someone else. A devious woman, the inventor's wife, is plotting with her lover in an attempt to make her husband think he's going insane, in the hopes he will take his own life and leave them free to pursue their illicit affair in peace.The Times, The Gaiety That Was Greece, 21 November 1960 ===== A civil servant who is extremely frugal with the government's money, suddenly inherits a large fortune and becomes a spendthrift. ===== In India, a British soldier saves the jewelled eye of a sacred idol. ===== When their eight-year-old son Tony (Anthony Lang) draws a horse on his father's office wall, complete with reproductive organs, surgeon father (Cecil Parker) and psychiatrist mother (Anne Crawford) come to blows over how to deal with the boy's behaviour. The father favours discipline and a beating for the child, the mother wants to spare the rod and reward Tony for so freely expressing himself. The resulting marital bust up causes the wife to leave for her parents home, and from thence to Dieppe. ===== High school freshman Victor Knudsen (Devon Werkheiser) tries to think about how to fall in love for high school senior Anya Benton (Scout Taylor-Compton). When introducing himself he hiccups and a few other students, including Anya's boyfriend Peter (Ken Luckey), mock him. At a party that night, Victor and Anya run into each other and Victor daydreams of Anya falling in love with him. The next day at school, Victor overhears Peter and Marisa (Tania Verafield) talking about Anya's virginity in the bathroom. Victor believes that Peter and Anya are not falling in love, so he goes to her house to warn her of Peter's intentions but he instead chickens out. Later that night, Peter and Anya are under-age drinking in her bedroom while Victor looks on through her window. Peter and Anya start making out to which Victor interrupts it a couple times by ringing the door bell, and then tries to postpone Anya and Peter's hangout by washing the dishes. Peter becomes fed up of Victor's actions and throws him out of the house. However, he is horrified when he opens the door to find that Anya's parents have arrived back home. The next day, Victor receives an invitation to Anya's 18th birthday party, which unbeknownst to Victor was actually made by Brian (Adam J. Bernstein). As Victor's brother Zack (Daniel Polo) and Brian want Victor's attempts to woo Anya to fail so they can successfully publish their production film, they advise Victor to buy her a tarantula (which Brian names "Hugo") for her birthday present claiming that she has always wanted one. When Anya opens Victor's present the party guests panic, except Anya's dad Roger (Ray Wise) who finds it hilarious. In Anya's bedroom, Anya gets Victor to relax but her father informs the two they can't find 'Hugo', and then offers Victor a ride home. Sometime later, Victor apologizes to Anya and offers to take her out for lunch which she accepts, much to the annoyance and confusion of Peter who originally planned a different date. Anya breaks up with Peter, and Victor takes her to Pyramid Lake where they rent a row boat. While relaxing on the boat, Anya says that Victor hasn't failed and kisses him. She then asks if Victor is also a virgin, and when he replies that he is, she invites him to come over to her house on Wednesday to have sex with him, as her parents will be out playing cards. Victor goes to a drug store with the intention to buy condoms but is too embarrassed to do so. With the help of Zack, Victor pays him to buy them. On Wednesday night, Victor arrives at Anya's house for an intimate moment, but Anya's parents arrive back home just minutes later. Roger requests that he have a personal conversation with Victor in the kitchen. During the conversation, Roger says he realizes that Anya and Victor both like and care for each other and that protected sex is fine with him since he works as a director for an advertising agency that promotes condom use. The next day, Anya invites Victor to hang out with her and Marisa, but just as they arrive they see an unidentified girl kissing Victor. Though Victor does not know the girl, Anya assumes Victor was only pretending to love her to show off to his friends. Victor tries to explain the situation but Anya runs back home devastated, and abandons him. The next day, Zack and Brian show Victor the film they have been making, which reveals that the unidentified girl was Peter's cousin, Lisa, whom he paid to kiss Victor in front on Anya and Marisa the day before. Victor then takes the film to show it to Anya, however he gets into a car accident, ending up in hospital whilst the DVD is crushed by the car. Anya visits Victor in hospital and apologizes that she didn't believe him about the girl who kissed him. The two make up and reconcile and Anya explains to Victor that Zack and Brian had extra copies of the film which she watched and then destroyed. Anya claims that the film was good enough to expose Peter as a "cousin lover" as Zack and Brian filmed Peter and Lisa kissing. Meanwhile, at school, Peter is humiliated and bullied by all the students who have seen the clip. Meanwhile, Zack and Brian try to make another film with them again but their camera's battery dies. During the credits, Victor performs the song "If Eyes Could Speak" to Anya. ===== In the series' second hour-long movie, it is BTR's first event for the release of their CD, and Gustavo hopes to boost their dreams of becoming a hit boy band. They go through many rehearsals until the point where all their Palmwoods friends, including Jo and Camille, cheer them on in their dress rehearsal. However, Griffin breaks their dreams by officially cancelling Big Time Rush saying that accounting has just released their risk and feasibility report on BTR and decided that it's "too risky and not feasible". He also tells them that the company we'll be shifting their strategy to children's books on tape (as they have a high profit margin and are super-cheap to make). They say goodbye to their friends and Kendall and Jo share their first-ever lip-to-lip kiss, while Camille says goodbye to Logan by slapping him (a running gag in the show). They return to their old homeland, Minnesota. They attempt to head on for other goals, but over the course of length, have come to a point where they focus on their current dream. Kendall wants to be a successful hockey player, Logan wants to be a doctor, Carlos wants to be a superhero named "El Hombre Del Flaming Space Rock Man" and James (still wanting to become a singer) abandons the guys after they tell him to move on. Gustavo buys Big Time Rush from Griffin for $2 million, selling his mansion and all his equipment along the way. Gustavo and Kelly go to Minnesota and take Kendall, Carlos, and Logan back to LA. James has already returned to LA with Gustavo's enemy, producer Hawk. Hawk alters the crib to suit James' personal style(which includes sushi chefs and a butler called Sebastian). He refuses to go back saying:"You guys told me to move on. So, I did." So, as retaliation, Kendall, Carlos, and Logan hold auditions to replace James. Meanwhile, James learns that Hawk is going to fake James' singing and looks with digital means and call him "Jamez" (Jah-mez). He thinks about going back, but changes his mind when Hawk shows him the BTR audition ad for his replacement in a newspaper. However, the auditions are unsuccessful and they decide to only have 3 members in the band. James(with a little help from Sebastian) decides to go back to Big Time Rush and they begin to plan their first concert by putting posters around town and advertising on TV (much to Hawk's anger and surprise) with the help of Katie, Jo, Camille, Guitar Dude and the rest of the kids from the Palmwoods. On the night of the concert, the boys walk into what looks like a dressing room, later Hawk and his assistant, Rebecca kidnap the guys. He drives off to an unknown location, ties the boys to chairs, and tells them that when they miss their first concert, their music career will be dead. Hawk takes all four of their cellphones and exits the building, leaving them stranded because he told the boys he wants to see Gustavo get angry and faint. Carlos jumps in his chair to near the staircase and falls down it, breaking it and freeing him. He unties the other guys and they escape, ending up in the suburbs of LA. When they think all is lost, a black limo shows up, and the driver, Sebastian, tells them that he quit working for Hawk, and drives them to the concert. Meanwhile, backstage, Kelly and Gustavo are worried because they can't find the boys. As Hawk and Rebecca arrive at the concert, he pulls the curtain up, causing the crowd to stop cheering. After long, the fans start booing, and they begin to walk out. But then, the boys show up at the last second to save the day. A dismayed Hawk orders Rebecca to stop them, but Sebastian throws two hot towels at them, burning their faces. As they perform, the fans' excitement level turns up to eleven. They go insane and chase the boys off the stage, which excites them for their album, and signing as a major boy band, to come. Gustavo demands Griffin give him his mansion back and have his studio restored while Kelly demands that he should run to his office and write down on a hundred sheets of paper that he won't do this to Big Time Rush again. The final scene shows the boys' neighbor, Mrs. Majikowsky (who helped the boys get to the auditions in the series premiere) in the limo with Sebastian, who is now her personal driver, and there is a rack that promotes Big Time Rush and has several copies of their album. The movie ends as the words "And the musical journey continues..." on the screen, a reference to the end of the pilot episode, Big Time Audition with "And the musical journey begins...", ending the first season. ===== Canadian ex-serviceman Bob Regan (Walton) returns to Oldchester, the English town where he was stationed during the war, hoping to find Pat Lane (Shaw), the girl he fell in love with. He meets up with Mike Collins (George Merritt), an old acquaintance who now manages Oldchester United, the local football club. He also renews his friendship with Collins' daughter Jackie (Margaret Harrison). Mike tells Bob of an odd proviso surrounding the allocation of £25,000 from the estate of a recently deceased businessman and supporter of the football club - if Oldchester United win promotion to the next division of the Football League that season the money is theirs, if not it goes to the man's nephew. He remembers Bob as a skilful footballer, and asks him to sign up for the team to boost the promotion quest. Bob agrees. The nephew Nick Hammond (Wheatley) is determined that the money will be his, and is worried that Bob's football prowess may well propel the team to on-pitch success. He is acquainted with Pat, now living in London, and persuades her to join him in a scheme to scupper Oldchester's chances. Knowing of Bob's fondness for Pat, and that Pat cares nothing for Bob, he proposes that if Pat can tempt Bob away from Oldchester and the football team, and the team fails in its promotion bid, he will give her a share of the inheritance. The mercenary Pat jumps at the prospect, begins to work her charms on Bob and soon lures him to London to be with her. He is talent-spotted by scouts, and signed up by Arsenal F.C. In due course Bob becomes aware of Pat's true colours, seeks his release from Arsenal and returns to Oldchester, where reformed jail-bird Tony Warren (Houston) becomes his unofficial bodyguard. The end of the football season approaches with Oldchester needing to win their final home match to gain promotion. The game starts well, with Bob's goal giving the team a half-time lead. However Nick, in a last attempt to derail Oldchester's chances, succeeds in kidnapping Bob at the half-time interval. Following a car chase involving Tony and Jackie, the tables are turned and Bob is freed. He gets back to the football ground during the closing stages of the match, to find Oldchester trailing by one goal. Returning to the pitch, he scores two late goals to seal Oldchester's victory, promotion and financial windfall. As a bonus, he realises his attraction to Jackie and the couple embrace. ===== The film spans one day in the life of Anjelica Soto, aka “Rascal”, a 15-year-old Latino gang leader in Watts, as she struggles to survive. Surrounded by escalating violence and racial tensions, Rascal realizes her days in the gang are numbered. Encouraged by Mr. Shannon, her English teacher, to apply for a writing program in Iowa, Rascal hopes to use the material from her life to write her way out of Watts. The forces around Rascal thrust her into a deadly cycle of violence that seems almost impossible to escape. To leave, she will have to make the dangerous decision to renounce her loyalty to the gang. ===== A physics professor (David Warner) is removed from his post because his classroom teaching methods are considered to be too philosophical. He leaves for Israel to work on a project combining science with his love of philosophy. Six years later he returns to an America now governed by an administration that has brought in strong anti- privacy laws. He is carrying a disc containing the fruits of his research to give to a former student, John Davis (Jim Fitzpatrick), when black ops agents track him down with a view to obtaining the disc and killing him. He manages to hide the disc and make a phone call to John before the agents catch up with him. In subsequent police interviews with Davis he is able to assure them he did not know what was going on, a situation that changes after he listens to his phone messages. The professor had been working on a code in Israel based on the Pentateuch, the first five books in the Bible, and had found answers to some of life's most basic questions. The formula he has discovered can also solve problems yet to be formulated. John's software company is pleased with the research since it helps them with their current anti-government privacy project: keyless encryption. Before he is able to complete the sale and distribution of the software to a major company, government agents raid his home and company, confiscating all his computers, files and computer programs. While trying to leave the area with his family and move to a more congenial environment, his wife and children are killed in a plane crash. In shock, he turns to friends who help him to escape undetected. Not only American agents but the Mossad give chase as he flees to the Bahamas. ===== In 1934, off the coast of Alaska, a mysterious four-year-old island is stirring. Within it is a vast citadel, where the Dreamers sleep. Also on the island is an institute, where a Lovecraftian horror writer has a terrible secret that even he doesn't know. ===== In 1897 Aurora, Texas, schoolteacher Alain Peebles inherits the town's failing newspaper after her father's death. Meanwhile, a UFO appears in the woods outside the town. Late at night, local resident Irene is startled by the appearance of a short alien-looking man at her window, followed by beams of light. Alain begins to investigate Irene's story to publish it in the newspaper, which causes Irene to become a pariah in town. Shortly after, one of Alain's students, Sue Beth, witnesses the UFO near a river, as well as the extraterrestrial. He leaves behind a strange crystal, which Beth brings to Alain to examine. Meanwhile, Charlie, a local drunk, encounters the extraterrestrial, whom he senses is benevolent and invites into his home. The two drink beer together and play checkers, though the alien does not speak. Alain's eagerness to cover the stories about the encounters frustrates Sheriff Ben, who believes it to be irresponsible journalism. Despite this, Alain travels to Austin to meet with the governor and discuss the incidents, but she is dismissed. Charlie continues to be visited by the extraterrestrial, but his claims are refuted by locals who consider his stories to be mere drunken ramblings. Sue Beth brings her classmates, Ginger and Becky, to a native burial ground where they find various animal bones painted and arranged on sticks. The ground suddenly collapses beneath them, and the girls find themselves trapped in a cavern containing ancient artifacts, hieroglyphs, and skeletons. This terrifies the young Ginger, and the girls panic further when the cave begins to collapse on them. Meanwhile, Texas Ranger Phillip Sheraton witnesses the UFO emerging nearby from the woods, and it causes his rifle to disappear in a beam of light. Before the cave entirely collapses on them, the girls are saved by the extraterrestrial, who is summoned by the crystal and causes the girls to levitate out of the cave to safety. After their experience, Sue Beth, Ginger, and Becky visit Alain and tell them of their experience. The next day, Phillip visits Alain and informs her he too saw the UFO. Alain arranges a public attempt at summoning the extraterrestrial in town with the crystal. The attempt is successful, and the UFO descends on the town, much to the horror of the nonbelievers, Alain, Charlie, and the young girls are elated. As the extraterrestrial exits the UFO and approaches Sue Beth, Alain, and Ben, he is shot by Phillip. The townspeople watch as he returns inside his vehicle, which subsequently crashes into the town water tower before exploding. A devastated Sue Beth removes the extraterrestrial's body from the wreckage. A proper funeral is held for the extraterrestrial, attended by Alain, Charlie, Ben, Irene, and the girls. During the burial, Sue Beth lays the crystal atop the casket, which causes it to glisten and glow blue before it launches into the sky, disappearing in a torrent of light. ===== Pamela Dickson (Sally Ann Howes) is about to marry her fiancé Joe Trent (Nigel Buchanan), when her long-lost father (Guy Rolfe) arrives. Ostensibly a cad, he turns out to be just the opposite, so she immediately puts her own plans on hold to arrange a reconciliation between her father and mother (Nora Swinburne) before marrying her beloved Joe. ===== The story opens with Josef Divonne arriving in Rondo, on the shores of the Dead Delta of the Danube, having flown in from Lower Europe. Josef believes he is driven by ideology but, in fact, it is the mystery of his mother egg (he was a free born child) and his hero father's (Uwe) record in the Purifications of Africa and the Italies which is really behind his uncertainty. Leaving the chateau outside 2me Lyon at the start of High Thermidor, he joins up with a bunch of dissidents - the Lovers of Rondo - in the 'free state' of Rondo. Overwhelmed by all he sees, Josef goes native. After a short while, he decides to become a citizen of Rondo, embracing his personal god, Zinze, following the Sublime Path and obeying all the instructions of his mentor, Adnan. He divorces his wife by electric mail. Despite melancholy flashbacks to his childhood, during the Second Sida Cycle, he decides his future lies in Rondo. But all is not as it seems. After an illegal visit to the Circus with Nor Nor, an Asian he despises, he is confronted, in his cups, by a restaurant owner who whispers to him in Lower European 'S'gibt rien aqui!'. Slowly, Josef comes to realise that he is not in a 'free state' but in a prison colony for dissidents. Waking on the night he is due to fly out of Rondo, he finds he has been left behind and that Nor Nor, his only true confidante, has been killed in a mysterious fall from a balcony. He also finds that someone has been stealing days from him, here and there, for many years. Josef is left in Rondo, as nothing more than the catamite of the great Adnan, leader of the first crossing to Rondo. He has a much coveted dragonfly in a glass case by his bed. But he has nothing. There is no home now. He will wear out his days in the realisation that to embrace the Stanislavsky method, in Rondo, is his only salvation. ===== The film portraits the early life of the director in his home city, Alexandria. ===== Raghu (Akkineni Nageshwara Rao) is brought up by his brother Narasaiah (B. R. Panthulu) and his sister-in-law Shantamma (Kannamba). Shantamma covers for all mischievous deeds of Raghu, even petty crimes, without bothering to correct him. Soon, he grows into an irresponsible young man addicted to gambling. He meets a young woman Lalitha (Savitri), who dreams of becoming a movie star. He promises to introduce her to movies. Meanwhile, the family decides to get him married to a modest young woman Chitti [Pandari Bai) in the hope that he would become a better human being. Raghu leaves home along with Lalitha to make a movie. Needing money for the productions, he steals from the shop where his brother Narasaiah works, resulting in the kind man losing his job. Raghu gets involved in the printing of fakes notes and when his brother seeks help, he gives him the counterfeit currency, resulting in the arrest of Narasaiah. Rest of the story is how Raghu realizes his mistake and protects his brother. ===== During the German occupation of Norway, nightclub owner Tor Lindblom (Såheim) makes a fortune by collaborating with the Germans. With the help of SS-Sturmbandfürer Krüger (Otto), he plans to exploit the construction of a new aluminium plant for his own benefit. At the same time he is also romantically involved with Eva Karlsen (Nystrøm), a singer at the nightclub, who is a British double agent. ===== The game follows the protagonist, El Presidente, as he works towards restoring the power that he lost in the Caribbean after averting a nuclear war perpetrated by the US vice president in order to rise to power. It is divided into three acts: El Presidente arrives at his new island where he begins his goal to build an ideal nation for his people. To do so, he focuses his administration on several islands, developing the economic potential of each one, until he is ousted from power after being framed for the murder of the current US president. He is then forced to flee his country and heads off to other parts of Tropico. Forced to take a new identity and flee his republic, El Presidente begins his revenge by establishing a base of power at Isla Oscura. There El Presidente learns that he was victim of a conspiracy involving Keith Preston, the CEO of Fruitas Inc. (a parody of the United Fruit Company), the rebel leader Marco Moreno (a parody of Che Guevara), UN Inspector Brunhilde Van Hoof (a parody of Margaret Thatcher) and his former mentor Generalissimo Santana (a parody of Fidel Castro). After enacting his revenge on the conspirators and clearing his name, El Presidente regains his position as rightful ruler of Tropico. Reinstated into power, El Presidente focuses on rebuilding his nation, until his former enemies reappear and sell him information about the true mastermind behind his downfall, the US Vice President Nick Richards (a parody of Richard Nixon), who had the US president killed to assume his place. Around this time, perestroika hits the USSR and Tropico offers their assistance to the nation in exchange for evidence incriminating Nick Richards that leads to his demise. El Presidente and his antagonists show parallels to Salvador Allende and his ousting, with El Presidente having socialist policies by default and being overthrown by a dictator backed by both Richard Nixon and Margaret Thatcher stand-ins. ===== Coach McGuirk volunteers to assemble Paula's large and complicated new grill, but he proves to be both incredibly inexperienced and largely incompetent at performing such a task. Meanwhile, Brendon, Melissa, and Jason decide to screen their latest movie in front of a focus group that consists of their schoolmates Fenton, Junior, Perry, and Walter. The focus group members harshly criticize it, and in the midst of trying to find the movie's flaw, the three friends discover that the first movie they ever made together — in which they are a biker gang contemplating whether or not to fight an unknown adversary — is missing an ending. The three cannot agree on a conclusion for the movie, so they decide that each of them will film their own, and then screen the three potential endings in front of the focus group. None of the three endings are well received. After the focus group leaves, Brendon, Melissa, and Jason watch a reel composed of scenes from several of their film projects; they come to the consensus their movies aren't fit for an audience, and that they've been filming them out of pure habit. When McGuirk believes that he has finally completed the grill, he gathers Paula and the three kids together to witness its first ignition, but he ultimately causes a large explosion. The five go off on a drive, covered in soot. Brendon, filming the road out the window, accidentally drops his camera on the road, where it is run over by a car. He groans "oh no," and almost begins to tell the others about what has just happened, but ends up getting drawn into a conversation about where to go for dinner. The episode and series concludes with Paula, McGuirk, Jason, Melissa, and Brendon chattering about tapas, as Brendon's broken camera briefly shoots an empty road before the picture flickers and turns to static. ===== ===== Go-eun (Song Yoon-ah), a wedding dress designer and single mom, has only a limited number of days to live. Before parting from her young daughter So-ra (Kim Hyang-gi), Go-eun wants to do everything she can for her, including making a beautiful wedding dress for So-ra for the future. As her condition worsens, So-ra finds out about the cancer and tries to fulfill her mother's wishes one by one, in secret. ===== Diana Whitcombe (Bouchier) works at her aunt's country inn, but dreams of escaping to London and making her way in society. When chance provides her with the necessary funds, she makes her way to the big city and takes up employment in a hairdressing salon where she befriends French fellow assistant Annette (Ena Moon), and moves into the same hostel in which Annette is living. One day Diana spots a kitten in danger on a busy road, and dashes into the traffic to rescue it. Her kind action is witnessed by singer Jerry Dean (Lester), who strikes up a conversation and invites her for lunch the next day at the Ritz Hotel. Diana is worried that has nothing suitable to wear to such a rarefied establishment, but is delighted when Annette produces a beautiful dress which she offers to loan to her. Unknown to Diana however, the dress has been stolen by a maid friend of Annette's from her wealthy employer, and passed to Annette for safe-keeping before it is sold to a dealer. Diana and Jerry meet for their Ritz rendezvous. Unfortunately, also present is the Countess Delavell (Vera Bogetti) lunching with her theatrical friend Dudley Chalfont (Charles Cullum), and it is the Countess' stolen dress which Diana is wearing. At the end of the meeting Jerry, explaining that he has to leave to fulfil engagements in Scotland, proposes to Diana and she accepts. Meanwhile, the Countess' maid, aware that she is already under suspicion, steals some valuable jewellery, alerts Annette and the pair take off for France. The Countess, believing Annette to be implicated in the thefts, visits the salon, identifies Diana as the girl who was wearing her dress, and Diana is arrested for receiving stolen property. She is found guilty and imprisoned for a month. She writes to Jerry at the address he has given her, but receives no acknowledgement. Jerry has in fact been seriously injured in a road accident en route to Scotland and is hospitalised for a lengthy period, but unaware of this, Diana believes he has abandoned her. On her release from prison, she decides to seek stage work and runs into Dudley. Dudley believes in her innocence and that she has been wronged, and offers her accommodation in his flat. He soon falls in love with her and asks her to marry him. Jerry is finally released from hospital and returns to London to look for Diana. Finding her living in another man's flat, he confronts her over her fickleness and in anger at his lack of faith in her, she sends him away. She realises that her feelings are still for Jerry and it would be unfair of her to marry Dudley, so in despair she leaves London and returns to her home village. Aware of what the situation must be, the kind-hearted Dudley travels to the village with Jerry, where he engineers a reconciliation between the two. ===== Shortly after Robert Mendham (played by Stephen Dorff) turns 16, he finds out from his parents (David Birney and Joan Van Ark) that he was not only adopted, but stolen from his childhood home (a fact unknown by his parents until that time). He then runs away from home to search for his biological parents and ends up in a small town in Ohio where, using the public library files, he tracks down his mother Ruth Monroe (Patty Duke) and father Earl (Richard Masur). He then manages to befriend his biological brother and get taken in as a runaway by them, while trying to find out where he belongs, all the while keeping his true identity from them. ===== Dr. Ray Matson, (Karl Weber)Terrace, Vincent (1999).Radio Programs, 1924-1984: A Catalog of More Than 1800 Shows. McFarland & Company, Inc. . P. 101. is a frontier physician based in a small western town in the 1870s called Frenchman's Ford. The stories are told by a recurring character named Pablo (Bill Griffis), a gypsy peddler who has a talking raven named Midnight as his sidekick. As his name implied, Matson was equally at home with using a gun or using his medical skills to solve problems. ===== The swordsman Zhang Zhen is injured in a misadventure and rescued by Eldest Sister of Changchun Sect, who has a crush on him. However, Zhang falls in love with the maid Yuenu instead, and conceives twins with her. The couple are killed by a group of evil pugilists later. The Eldest Sister is angry with Zhang Zhen for not accepting her and plans to make Zhang's children kill each other as revenge. The baby girl (Xiaolu'er) is saved by Zhang's friend, Lian Lanyan, while the male infant (Hua Yuchun) is taken away by the Eldest Sister. Lian Lanyan encounters the Ten Villains when he passes through Villains' Valley. He is overwhelmed by them and knocked out in a fight. The baby Xiaolu'er is taken away by the Villains, who surprisingly do not harm her, and instead intend to groom her to become the greatest villain ever. Eighteen years later, the twins meet each other by coincidence. ===== Three boys, Kyle, Tasty, and Doobie, go to Costa Rica to help Kyle's Aunt Carla at her motel. However, a former pro surfer, Brad, is trying to destroy Carla's motel. So another former pro surfing champion, Dinger, challenges Brad to a surfing competition to try and save the motel. During the competition, Dinger prays and lightning hits Brad, resulting in a win for Dinger and saving the motel. ===== On November 20, 1969, 50 miles off Soviet waters, the USS Acushnet dives under the ice. A young Ahab listens to sonar for enemy submarines when suddenly he detects an unknown target. When the captain listens, he hears nothing, but Ahab insists on a presence in the emptiness. The target dives into a trench, but the captain abandons his search in favor of photographing the target. The target attacks the submarine as Ahab hears a roar. The sub is brought to the icy surface, and the target identifies itself as a gigantic, white, whale-like creature. Ahab survives, but loses his left leg to the beast when it hauls the other half of the sub back underwater. In the present day, Dr. Michelle Herman (O'Connor) and her assistant Pip (Derrick Scott) test a whale song generator when the USS Pequod surfaces behind them and Lieutenant Commander Starbuck (Grimes), the executive officer, persuades them to come aboard. In the sub, Starbuck tells them about several attacks in which eyewitnesses all report seeing an enormous whale. Although Michelle explains that the whale song generator needs a recorded whale vocalization, Captain Ahab (Bostwick) comes to the deck and gives her the recording he took of Moby Dick back in 1969. Although Michelle disagrees on joining a Navy sub with the intent of killing an animal, she has no choice. In San Diego, Captain Boomer (another survivor of the attack of '69) is told by his superiors of suspicious activity revolving around the Pequod. He is assigned to investigate, and thanks to a survivor from a recent attack by the White Whale, he comes to the conclusion that Ahab is on the hunt for Moby Dick. Meanwhile, the USS Essex is searching for the Pequod off Hawaii. When they go to active sonar, it attracts the attention of the wandering Moby Dick. The Essex engages what appears to be the sub they were searching for, but realizes too late that their adversary is biological just before the sub is destroyed by a torpedo it shot. Later the Pequod comes to their location with no sign of the whale, but encounter the corpses of the Essex's crew. Rousing his crew with a speech, Ahab moves on to search for the beast. A helicopter in search of the Pequod encounters it while the sub is following a 600-foot target. As the helicopter engages them, the sub fires a nuke at the unknown target, but the confused helicopter crew tell them they shot a school of giant squid just before they are swallowed alive by Moby Dick. The whale then attacks the S.S. Rachel, a cruise liner, when the Pequod intervenes with Michelle's whale-song generator. This, however, causes the whale to attack them, subsequently destroying a fin on the Pequod. The sub fires a harpoon made from the Acushnet's hull on top of Moby Dick's eye, which forces him to dive deeper, dragging the Pequod with it. As the water pressure begins to damage the hull, the line snaps and Starbuck forces the ship to surface. Moby Dick surfaces too, and the Pequod, along with the help of Boomer in a helicopter, forces the whale into an atoll. The sub gets trapped in shallow water, and three boats are sent out to face the whale with guns and Ahab's harpoon. Moby Dick destroys two of the boats and forces the survivors onto the island's shores. The whale attacks them again, resulting in the death of Queequeg (Michael Teh). Ahab takes the last boat and fires his harpoon at the whale's other eye. Moby Dick destroys the boat, killing Ahab. The remaining crew of the Pequod, including Starbuck, and Pip, follow Ahab's orders and fire nukes at the island. Moby Dick dodges the nukes and crushes the Pequod just as the island explodes. The White Whale survives to wreak havoc another day; Michelle swims to the surface just as a rescue helicopter arrives. ===== Every 18 years, the martial artists' community hold a martial arts contest to elect a new leader. Eva Palace's ruler wins the title and is tasked with eliminating the Ten Villains, who live in the Villains' Valley, a sanctuary for criminals, for stealing charity funds for victims of a flood in Eastern China. Yin Nam-tin (Eva Palace ruler's husband) believes that the villains are innocent and attempts to stop his wife from killing them. The couple turn against each other and Yin eventually manages to defeat his wife, but becomes paralyzed and mute. Eva accepts a girl called More as her disciple and raises her to disguise as a man while intending to groom her as her successor. Meanwhile, the Ten Villains accept Yin's son, Fishy, as their student and plan to "nurture" him to become the greatest villain ever and defeat Eva. 18 years later, the grown-up Fishy is sent by the Villains' Valley to participate in the Champion of the Martial World held every 18 years, as well as finding two former members of the village who stole charity funds. While he is accompanied by his surrogate parents Big Mouth Lee and Sissy To, Fish wanders off during the journey and is captured by the Black Widow into her palace, where she is served by male slaves. Shortly after, More leads an attack in the palace where she kills the Black Widow. Fishy helps Kong Yuk- long, one of the slaves, escape the palace amidst the chaos and encounters More and is enchanted by her beauty. Fishy, Big Mouth and Sissy arrive at a gathering of the participants of the Champion of the Martial World, where Fish re-encounters More and Yuk-long while latter's father, Kong Pi-hawk and mentor Monk Blackie. Big Mouth, who thinks More is a man, decides a plan for Fishy to sodomite More to tame her reputation and kick her out of the competition before Fishy reveals her gender. They sneak into More's room and put sex- inducing powder in her wine and around her room but More finds them hiding in her drawer and attacks them, causing Big Mouth to consume some of the powder. Sissy, who was watching for them outside, leads constable Madam Ti and her team to More's room where Fishy, Sissy and Big Mouth puts up an act which threatens More to reveal her true gender and takes the chance to leave. At the first round elimination competition, Fishy, More, and the Kong father and son make it to the finalists, and Monk Blackie schemes with Yuk-long to use Fishy and More to destroy Eva and help Yuk-long become the Champion of the Martial World. At night, Big Mouth and Sissy disguise as the Twin Martial Supremes and trap Fishy and More in an underground hole in order for Fishy to woo More, which succeeds as she becomes smitten with him. In the meantime, Big Mouth and Sissy encounter the real Twin Martial Supremes and mistakes them for the former villains who stole the charity fund and reveals their identity and were ambushed by Pi-hawk. Fishy arrives and helps Big Mouth and Sissy escape, while More also comes to help Fishy escape, only for the latter to be caught and brought back by Eva. However, the Twin Supreme demands any personal conflicts to be resolved after the competition. Afterwards the Kongs reveal to Eva about More's affection for Fishy while secretly serving her Mad Wine, which skies deteriorates her energy and martial arts. Fishy meets More in her room wanting to tell her the truth when he feels her love for him but is attacked by Eva, who scolds More for falling in love with a man and forces More to consume the Fatal Luosha Pill and will be only given the antidote once she defeats Fishy at the Champion of the Martial World competition the next day. At the competition, Fishy is pitted against More and during their match, More refuses to deliver a powerful strike to Fishy so Eva steps in to attack him, but More takes the strike and Eva delivers another strike to Fishy. Monk Blackie then attacks Eva and reveals that Fishy is her son with Yin. Eva then goes insane due to remorse for hurting her son and the Mad Wine taking effect and the Kongs take the chance to kill her while Yuk-long also finds the antidote to the Fatal Luosha Pill. Fishy and More flees with Big Mouth and Sissy, while Yi-hawk is declared Champion of the Martial World when Yuk-long refuses to fight his father until the Twin Martial Supremes arrive and reveal his crimes in stealing charity funds from an account journey stolen by Yuk-long from the Black Widow's palace. Yi-hawk attacks his son for betraying him and the Twin Supreme strikes him before Yuk-long fatally destroys his father's pressure point and is declared the Champion of the Martial World. The Twin Supremes mentor Yuk-long and teacher him the Ice Cold Flaming Palm. Yuk-long masters it within couple of days and ungratefully repays his mentors by disabling their martial arts when they have used a big amount of their energies training him and have them be chased by their enemies. Fishy marries the gravely injured More in front of his mother's spirit tablet and comatose father. The wedding is then interrupted by the Twin Supremes who are being chased by their enemies with Fishy and Big Mouth settling the dispute. The Twin Supremes then suggests and teachers Fishy to use the comatose Yin's energy to save More from succumbing to the Fatal Luosha Pill, but Yin dies after More is saved. The Twin Supremes also teach Fishy and More the Affectionate Couples' Sword to defeat Yuk-long. Kong Yuk-long captures other members of the Ten Villains and publicly executes two of them before being interrupted by Fishy and More, who sabotages him to kill Monk Blackie. Fishy and More then leads Yuk-long to a forest a battle with help from Big Mouth and Sissy and eventually kills Yuk- long by impaling their swords at him which blows him up. ===== Caramel (George Cole) goes for an interview for the position of a doctor at a factory for the company Healman and Co. Despite drifting into daydreams during his interview with company board members, Cloon (Richard Pearson), Lame (John Le Mesurier) and McWithers (Bryan Pringle), he is hired for the job. When he moves into the company flat, however, he spends all his time taking baths and watching westerns on television, and refuses to come out and get on with his job. The board members become increasingly worried about the new appointment and decide not to tell the company chairman, Sir Roy (Kynaston Reeves), unless it is absolutely necessary. Caramel proves immovable, however, and starts billing the company for cigarettes, éclairs, whisky, Turkish delight and other luxuries. Cloon is the first to crack, writing to Sir Roy about the mistake. We discover that Caramel is not really a doctor at all, and has stolen his dead brother's identity. Sir Roy comes to the factory and beats on Caramel's door, but his fury at the man's behaviour causes him to collapse out of his wheelchair and die, leaving the board members to struggle for control of the company. ===== A former cop (James Brolin), aligns with a street smart young clerk from the New York City dog pound (Julie Carmen) on a search for his daughter, who is kidnapped by a psychopath (Cliff Gorman) after being mistaken for a wealthy man's daughter. His search is met with obstacles as he runs afoul of the police in his pursuit, including a corrupt former colleague bent on revenge against him. Meanwhile, the kidnapper is just as prepared to kill anybody, including his young hostage, unless his ransom demands are met. ===== Marijuana-smoking, Grand Rapids slacker pizza delivery driver Nick (Jesse Eisenberg) has trouble completing the "30 Minutes or Less" policy and is reprimanded by his boss Chris (Brett Gelman). Nick's school teacher friend Chet (Aziz Ansari) discovers that Nick slept with his twin sister, Kate (Dilshad Vadsaria), on the night of their high school graduation, causing Nick and Chet to end their friendship. Separately, Dwayne Mikowlski (Danny McBride) and Travis Cord (Nick Swardson) are miserable living under the shadow of Dwayne's domineering father, The Major (Fred Ward), who about 10 years prior won over $10 million in the lottery. Dwayne confides in lap-dancer Juicy (Bianca Kajlich) about his contempt for his father and his presumed inheritance. At Travis's suggestion, he and Dwayne devise a plot to kidnap a complete stranger and strap a remote- controlled bomb to his chest. They order a pizza and wait for a driver to come to their hideout. When Nick arrives, Dwayne and Travis assault him and knock him unconscious. When Nick wakes up, he finds a vest rigged with explosives strapped and buckled onto his torso, with both a timer and a cellular phone- activated trigger. Dwayne and Travis tell him his situation: the bomb will detonate unless he robs a bank within ten hours. They also threaten to detonate the bomb if Nick notifies the police. He goes to Chet's school job and alerts him of the situation, to which he reluctantly accepts. En route to the bank, Nick manages to quit his job and then goes to see Kate for the last time. Nick and Chet hold up the bank and obtain money while the bank manager pulls the alarm, forcing Nick and Chet to flee quickly. Dwayne says he and Travis will meet Nick at an abandoned rail yard to make the exchange. Dwayne and Travis go to a restaurant instead as Dwayne calls up Juicy to get her hit- man ally and to head to the rail yard. Juicy and the hit man Chango (Michael Peña) arrive to pick up the money. Nick hands Chango the money and expects Chango to give him the code which will deactivate the bomb. However, Chet appears and strikes Chango with a metal bar while Nick incapacitates Juicy. The two grab the money and escape. Overly frustrated by the turn of events and when Nick refuses to answer the phone again, Dwayne activates the speed dial number on his phone for the bomb to explode, but Travis alters the numbers. Rethinking their plan, he and Dwayne head to Kate's apartment in their masks and kidnap her. Chango breaks into the Major's house to find information regarding Dwayne's location and finds a hand-drawn map to the scrapyard. While there, the Major attacks him with a pen gun. The Major is then shot by Chango after a struggle. Upon applying some peroxide, Chango uses the information he found in Dwayne's room to head to the scrapyard. Dwayne threatens to kill Kate unless Nick meets up with him at the scrapyard. At the scrapyard, Dwayne gives Nick the code 69 69 69 to deactivate and unbuckle the bomb with just minutes to spare. Dwayne has them at gunpoint but Nick has Chet fake having a sniper on them by pointing with his laser pointer. After believing him, Dwayne and Travis drop their weapons and leave with the money. However, Nick is knocked out by Chango who now has Dwayne at gunpoint, demanding the money. Dwayne gives him the money but Chango decides to still kill him and is torched with a flamethrower by Travis. While being burned on the ground, Chango wounds Dwayne and shoots the gas tank on Travis's back, causing it to explode. Nick takes the money and leaves with Kate and Chet. Dwayne chases after Nick and steals the money and when he has Nick at gunpoint as he’s about shoot at him the bomb hits 00:00:00 his van explodes, seemingly killing him. Nick reveals he reactivated the bomb and put it in Dwayne's van. While Chet looks at the money, it squirts blue dye on his face. In a post-credits scene, Dwayne (who survived the explosion), Travis, the Major recuperating in a wheelchair, and Juicy are seen in an advertisement for their new family business called "Major Tan: Tanning Salon". ===== Hanna Heller is a fifteen-year-old girl who lives with her father, Erik, in rural northern Finland. Since the age of two, Hanna has been trained by Erik, an ex-CIA operative from Germany, to be a skilled assassin. He teaches her hand-to-hand combat and drills her in target shooting. Erik knows a secret that cannot become public and Marissa Wiegler, a senior CIA officer, searches for him in order to eliminate him. Erik has trained Hanna with the intent that she will kill Marissa. One night, Hanna tells Erik that she is "ready" to face their enemies. Erik digs up a radio beacon that will alert the CIA to their presence. Although he warns Hanna that a confrontation with Marissa will be fatal for either her or Marissa, he leaves the final decision to Hanna, who activates the beacon. Erik leaves, instructing her to meet him in Berlin. Hanna is seized by special forces and taken to an underground CIA complex where a suspicious Marissa sends a decoy to interrogate Hanna when Hanna asks for her by name. While talking to the double, Hanna starts to cry and embraces the double tightly, which makes her captors uneasy. They send guards to her cell to sedate her. As they enter the cell, Hanna kills the double along with some of the guards and escapes, discovering that she is in Morocco. Hanna meets Sebastian and Rachel, who are on a camper-van holiday with their children, Sophie and Miles, by chance. Hanna stows away in the family's camper-van on the ferry to Spain, seeking to reach Berlin. The family is kind to her, and she and Sophie become friends: Hanna even tells Sophie about the Berlin rendezvous and they even share a kiss. Marissa hires Isaacs, a sadistic former agent, to capture Hanna while other agents are searching for Erik. Marissa kills Hanna's maternal grandmother after failing to learn anything useful from her. Isaacs and two skinheads have discovered from the Moroccan hotelier with whom Hanna stayed about the family and trail them, cornering Hanna and the family, but she manages to escape after a vicious fight. Marissa interrogates the family and discovers that Hanna is heading to Berlin. Meanwhile, Erik fights off an attempted assassination and tries but fails to kill Marissa. Arriving at the rendezvous, Hanna meets Knepfler, an eccentric magician and friend of Erik's, who lives in an abandoned amusement park. Before Erik arrives, Marissa and Isaacs appear. Hanna escapes, but overhears comments that suggest Erik is not her biological father. Later, Hanna goes to her grandmother's empty apartment where she finds Erik, who admits that he is not her biological father but loves her as his own. He once recruited pregnant women into a CIA program where their children's DNA was enhanced in order to create super-soldiers. After the project was shut down, its subjects were eliminated. Marissa and Isaacs arrive; Erik acts as a distraction to allow Hanna to escape. Erik kills Isaacs, but is shot dead by Marissa, who then goes to Knepfler's house finding Hanna, who has just discovered Knepfler, who had been tortured to death by Isaacs. After Hanna flees, she is cornered by Marissa at an abandoned theme park. In a final confrontation, Hanna turns her back to Marissa who shoots at her; but Hanna wounds Marissa by firing an arrow at her. A now-staggering Marissa, pursued by Hanna, trips down a slide leaving her badly injured. Hanna picks up Marissa's gun and uses it to kill her with two shots to the heart; a method she used while hunting deer at the film's beginning. ===== Kuberan (Karthik) works as a tour guide in Kodaikanal and is the sole money-earner for a large family, which consists of his good-for-nothing father (Manivannan), the latter's two wives and their children, and Kuberan's sister (Anju) and her unemployed husband (Thyagu). Kavitha (Kausalya), a singer, becomes a new addition to the house when she is cheated off her money by Kuberan's father. Romance blooms between her and Kuberan, and Chandra (Mantra), who also harbors feelings for him, opts out. Kuberan and Kavitha are married, and she too takes part in the sacrifices that he commits for his family. ===== Frank Solway, an average Joe, is having an ordinary day. As he tries to hail a cab, he notices that the streets are eerily empty. He then notices something above him — which turns out to be a cab falling from the sky. He dodges it, only to find more objects of all descriptions raining down on him: sofas, houseplants, vending machines, pianos. Frank keeps dodging the falling debris and climbs the ever-growing pile. Gradually he rises above the city, past the nearby mountains, and into the sky, eventually leaving earth's orbit and reaching outer space, where he hopes to discover the source of the falling objects. Frank eventually floats into a white void with what appears to be a portal in the middle. A slightly older Frank approaches from the other side. It is revealed that the older Frank also attempted to hail a cab, but instead it was sucked into the air, followed by other objects from his world; the portal drew objects from one world and deposited them in the other. Finally the two Franks touch the portal together, causing a bright light to fall on Frank's town, saving his world. After the game is cleared once, the player can play through it again in "Beard Mode", as the older Frank. ===== Prem (Shakib Khan) always helps a lot of people, specially cases with love trouble. That's why people named him "LOVE GURU". But he does not love any girl, then he accidentally meets Priyanka (Mim) and falls in love with her. Initially, Priyanka does not reciprocate Prem's feeling because Prem is a son of a very rich businessman. Priyanka does not like rich people. But when Prem proves in many ways that his love for her is pure and very real, Priyanka could not refuse him. When they slowly start dating, Priyanka's brother, (Misha Sawdagor) becomes an obstacle between them. Priyanka's brother considers Prem as an enemy since his mother was killed by Prem in a road accident. It was just an accident, but her brother convinces Priyanka that it was all intentional. Priyanka misunderstands Prem and tries to take revenge. But one day Priyanka realizes her mistake in accusing Prem, he is innocent and her brother is the main culprit who is coming between their relationship. Then she calls Prem and clears their misunderstanding. So heroically Prem comes and takes his bride away from her evil and conspicuous brother. ===== The show is about Dan, a jobless misanthrope with a soft spot for animals, caught in odd misfortunes and unable to provide income for himself. Accompanying him is his better-off friend Chris, a big softy, who lives in a comfortable home and has a steady income (he even reluctantly pays for the little or big expenses that Dan needs). His dull day-job and stressful work causes him to be unable to resist going along with Dan's wild plots to get even, despite how ridiculous they may seem. Even when Dan gets on his last nerve, he can't abandon him, "knowing there is something worth saving in him". Both their friendship, stemming from a bad experience at summer camp, through High School these two, along with Elise, go after the things that make society even more unbearable than it already is. The third regular character is Elise, Chris's wife, who objects to Chris's participation in Dan's revenge quests, but, on occasion joins in due to some of Dan's plots sharing similarities with her childhood annoyances or her secret operative work for the government. Elise's character enables advanced help with some of Dan's revenge missions due to her skills and most of her missions act as a subplot in the show. The show is set primarily in the Los Angeles area, and background scenes often show notable landmarks in and around Los Angeles. ===== David Sloane (Dean Martin) is an attorney and a bachelor whose married pal Harry Hunter (Eli Wallach) is having an affair. David decides to do something about it so Harry doesn't mess up his home life. The scheme is to make a play for Harry's mistress himself. David meets and courts Harry's attractive employee, Carol Corman (Stella Stevens), determined to break up her fling with Harry once and for all. David's plan goes wrong because he has the wrong woman. Harry's actual mistress is Carol's next-door neighbor, Muriel Laszlo (Anne Jackson). As soon as he learns (mistakenly) that she is seeing another man, Harry decides to give his marriage to Mary one more try. Carol and Muriel come to realize what happened. They decide to team up, giving David and Harry a taste of their own medicine. ===== The story is set in 1956. After losing his job as a traveling salesman of children's furniture, Tommy Wilhelm leaves Massachusetts for New York City. He is under financial strain because of the financial demands of his wife, from whom he is separated. He moves into the same hotel housing his physician father, Dr. Adler, with whom he has a strained relationship. Flashbacks show Tommy's past, how he moved to Los Angeles, changed his name, and tried to become an actor, which failed. His marriage failed because he left his wife, and he is estranged from their two sons. In New York, Tommy becomes involved with Dr. Tamkin, an acquaintance of his father who speculates in the commodities market. He agrees to open an account managed by Tamkin on a 50-50 basis, but Tamkin persuades Tommy to put up most of the money. When prices decline and Tommy wants to cash in the account, Tamkin urges Tommy to remain calm and "seize the day." The commodities venture collapses, and he has lost his life savings and cannot even pay his hotel bill. His estranged wife is unsympathetic and his father refuses to help him or even provide emotional support. Tommy tries to find Tamkin, who has vanished. He winds up at a stranger's funeral, where he cries and is mistaken for a mourner. ===== The film tells the story of Alice (Alexandra Negrão) who confesses to a detective named Anita (Asia Argento) that her mother Eva (Frances Barber) is a dangerous killer. Eva is also a very powerful and wealthy leader of a vast crime syndicate. She discovers that her daughter met with the police and tries to stop her. Unbeknownst at first to both Anita and Eva, Alice escapes from France and leaves for Portugal to reunite with her supposedly dead father. Eva's henchmen chase after her. Alice meets a mercenary while escaping, Hugo (Jean-Marc Barr), who then joins Alice as her protector on her journey to find her father. Anita travels after her, as well. After Eva's henchmen close in, Eva reappears to "reclaim" her daughter. ===== Political and public pressure coerces the government into allowing two well-known reporters and their assistants limited access to the ultra-secretive Area 51. The group consists of 20-year news veteran Sam Whitaker (John Shea); his camera-woman Mindy (Lena Clark); Claire Fallon (Vanessa Branch), an ambitious writer, journalist, and head of an acclaimed news blog called The Fact Zone; and her cameraman Kevin (Damon Lipari). The four tour the base and things go well for a while, but when one of the base's "occupants" attempts to liberate both himself and those of his fellow species, Area 51 changes from being a secured government facility to a place of horror. ===== Another single-shot Lumière Brothers film, this time showing the demolition of a wall in the grounds of the factory. ===== The movie revolves around Dr. Ajay "AJ" Kumar (Siddharth) who comes to Hyderabad (Chennai in the Tamil version) and introduces himself as Mano. He rents a house owned by elderly couple S. V. S. Murthy (T. S. B. K. Moulee) and Jayam (Geetha). A do-gooder, Ajay lives life with a purpose. He gets along with everyone and wins the hearts of those whom he is close with. D. "Vidya" Vidyalakshmi (Nithya Menen), a newspaper photojournalist, gets acquainted with him. Ajay is the sort of person who finds satisfaction in helping others. He sponsors the education of street children with the help of Vidya, who is attracted by his good nature. Things take a turn when she tells him about her feelings. Ajay, without informing her, decides to leave the city. Meanwhile, a flashback reveals that Ajay was a doctor in San Francisco, where he meets Renuka "Renu" Narayanan (Priya Anand), an interior designer. They get married only to be told months later that Ajay has pancreatic cancer and has about six months left - hence the title 180 (180 days). As Ajay is about to leave Chennai, Vidya meets with an accident and has to be operated upon. Ajay takes Vidya to San Francisco for treatment. While in San Francisco, he meets his friend RJ "Sam" Sambasivam (Sricharan) who asks him to meet Renu, but Ajay leaves as he sees her life happier without him. It is revealed that Ajay had faked his death to make Renu believe that he had died so that she would not suffer thinking about him every day. Now seeing her content, he decides not to meet Renu. He misses his flight to India and goes to Brazil instead. Now in Rio de Janeiro, he goes by the name Jose. He is seen playing football, waiting for his death. ===== Victor Vauthier, a lovable rogue and mythomaniac who does not want to give up his ways, leaves prison, causing great sadness to his guards, who had come to like him during his three-month imprisonment. He immediately pulls off a series of thefts and frauds. Meanwhile, he has to report to his parole officer, Marie-Charlotte Pontalec. Victor and Marie- Charlotte immediately hit it off. This does not prevent Victor, encouraged by his father figure, uncle Camille, from trying to profit from his proximity to Marie-Charlotte in order to steal a triptych by El Greco. The picture is located in the Senlis Museum, where Marie-Charlotte's father works as a custodian. However, she ends up figuring out Victor's plan. ===== During the reign of Oliver Cromwell, barrow boy Sidcup Buttermeadow is unknowingly used as a spy by the exiled Charles II to pass on a message. ===== Rain (Georgina Lightning), is a Native American woman living on the Fond-du-Lac reservation in Minnesota. One day, after she swerves to avoid some children in the road and winds up in a car accident, she finds out some of the children she's been seeing running around the community are not living children, but the spirits of dead children. The unquiet dead are the little girls and boys who were murdered at the Indian boarding school that used to kidnap, institutionalize, and abuse children in the community. While at first she is frightened that she is seeing things no one else can see, through traditional Indigenous spirituality, Rain comes to accept her visions. She realizes her entire family, and the entire community, has been affected by this terrible secret. She realizes she is not crazy, but that the spirits of the children are speaking to her so the truth can come to light and that, maybe, the community can finally find healing. ===== A will is contested in court after a fortune is granted to an unexpected heiress. ===== Haapus throws light on an important aspect the life of Malwani People. 'Haapus' is a Marathi film based on the farmers who are engaged in the cultivation of Haapus Aamba (Alphonso Mangoes) in Konkan area of Maharashtra, India. Basically it is a story about one family from a village where the young son of an astrologer wants to break the vicious circle of the mango-farmers getting peanuts from a rich business man who earns millions in the market, and to do so he has to contend with his father's immense belief in astrology. It is a light-hearted comedy, which people of all age groups can enjoy. Anna Gurav is terror personified! In Wanarwadi, in the picturesque Konkan, Anna’s word is the LAW- because of his command over Astrology. But he is loggerheads with Ajit, his only son who has developed a new breed of mangoes - the major bread-earner of this region. The Gurav family also has twin daughters - AMRUTA, the rebellious one and ANKITA, the docile one who is in love with the local rickshaw driver SUBHYA. Enter school teacher DIGAMBER KALE, from Aambejogai Marathwada, who soon becomes an integral part of the Gurav family. Ajit wants to break the vicious circle of the mango-farmers getting peanuts from the CHAJED who earns millions in the Market. Anna opposes his view of going into the market himself with the mangoes as Anna’s astrology says that this business is not conducive to the Gurav Family. ===== The film is about the life of a young couple Robert (David Hemmings) and Claire Williams (Gayle Hunnicutt), whose idyllic existence is turned topsy turvy when their 6-year-old son David (Adam Bridge) dies accidentally by drowning. Through a series of flashbacks it is shown that Claire was deeply traumatized by the loss of David and after numerous suicide attempts due to her mental breakdown, she was finally hospitalized in a mental hospital. Her husband Robert had been trying to cope with the stress as well but it is apparent that the situation had become increasingly difficult for them both. After Claire gets released from the hospital, with the hope of Claire's full recovery, the couple plans a trip to the countryside where they can relax in the Georgian home, a secluded large manor which was left to Claire by her recently deceased aunt. Their trip gets hindered due to the foggy weather. The fog is so thick that Robert avoids ramming into an oncoming car and hits a tree. When they finally reach the ancient mansion, it seems like the perfect setting for the couple to rekindle their romance but things disintegrate quickly. The situation reaches a breaking point after Claire begins hearing strange unidentifiable voices in the house. Eventually the voices take shape and Claire comes face to face with the ghostly figure of a young girl Jessica (Eva Griffiths) playing with a toy ball who doesn't seem aware of the couple's presence. But she isn't the only ghost haunting the old house. Her mother and brother are also present. Claire desperately tries to convince Robert that she had indeed seen the ghosts but he refuses to do so. However, later both Claire and her husband Robert experience a series of unexplained supernatural events that leave them questioning their sanity as well as their very existence. When the couple finally decides to leave the house and go back to their car, they find out they are dead. Their car had indeed crashed into a tree and their bodies were still inside the wrecked car. ===== A trio of confidence tricksters from the British Army (Attenborough, Hemmings, and Stewart), attempt to swindle an African state into buying crates full of scrap metal instead of anti-tank guns. ===== Aircraft manufacturer Tom Denning (John Mills) is married to Kay (Phyllis Calvert); they have a daughter, Liz (Eileen Moore). Liz is dating Mados (Herbert Lom) who Tom "accidentally" kills by punching him. Instead of calling the police, Tom disposes of the body in a ditch. He tries to disguise the victim by placing a large overly-ornate ring on the victim's finger. Later, torn with his guilt, he goes back to pick up the body only to find that it has disappeared. ===== In 18th-century France, the King's mistress Madame Pompadour (Dorothy Gish), frees her jailed lover, political prisoner Rene Laval (Antonio Moreno), to make him her bodyguard. ===== A recently married heiress named Laura Fairlie keeps seeing visions of a woman in white around her estate. Laura is unaware that her husband Sir Percival Glyde is plotting to steal her inheritance. Her sister Marion learns of the plot, but falls ill before she can warn Laura. When Marion recovers from her illness, she learns that Laura has died and has been buried. Laura's old boyfriend Walter Hartwright discovers however that Laura isn't really dead. It seems Laura had a lookalike (the woman in white) who actually died, and Laura's husband had Laura committed to an insane asylum and pretended that it was she who died. ===== In late 1944, the Hongerwinter famine is starting to bite in the occupied northern and western Netherlands and Nazi persecution is rife. The farm of Jan Alting (Lovell), a Dutch patriot who has disowned his son for his collaboration with the occupying German forces, is known by the Dutch Resistance as a place of refuge for those who are in danger from the Germans. With the help of his daughter Elly (Carol van Derman), Alting is currently providing shelter for Jewish couple Mark and Mary Meyer (Martin Benson and Agnes Bernelle); van Nespen (Bruce Lester), an aristocrat with active links to the underground movement, and Bakker (Julian Dallas), a Communist wanted by the Germans for sabotage. All are aware of the constant risk of betrayal and exposure. Jan's son Anton (Jordan Lawrence) returns unexpectedly to his former home, and discovers that his father and sister are harbouring subversives. He orders his father to turn them out immediately, threatening to shoot them all if this is not done. Jan is faced with the seemingly irreconcilable demands of patriotism and responsibility for the safety of his shelterers, set against the feelings he still has for Anton, despite the latter's betrayal of all Jan stands for. He faces the stark moral choice of failing those to whom he has given refuge, or conspiring with them to kill his own son. ===== During World War I, Captain's wife Dorothy Glenister finds it hard being separated from her husband, so she travels to France to the village where he's stationed. Dorothy disguises herself as the daughter of a local, which leads to complications when she's suspected of being a German spy. ===== Limerick City, Ireland 1188AD: Several templar knights pursue a fleeing figure in a red cloak on horseback through a wooded area. The figure reveals herself to be a banshee and kills several knights with its scream before the last knight decapitates it with his magical cross shaped shield that folds into a cube around the head, severing it and sealing it away. Present Day (2011): At a university, archeology professor Maura Whelan is working late with several students on an artifact cataloging project when they are sent a mysterious box containing an Irish gauntlet and a hand-drawn map of “section 3”, a storage area rarely used. One of the students, Otto and Whelan’s daughter Shayla investigate the map and uncover a small room hidden behind a false wall. Inside is crate with the name “DUNCAN” spray painted on it. Inside the crate is the magic box/shield used to defeat the banshee 800 years earlier. Whelan notices similarities between the designs of the box and gauntlet and uses the armor to open the box, revealing the mummified Banshee head. When Whelan is out of the room on a phone call with the Dean, the head opens its eyes and starts screaming, causing Otto and Janie’s ears to bleed and incapacitating everyone within earshot of the scream before the head bursts into flames and disintegrates. Nearby university security officer Pete Sioux’s earpiece is damaged from the scream and he attempts to remove it in the bathroom. He’s attacked when the banshee, in an old grotesque woman form, rushes from one of the stalls and kills him with her scream. That night, each person who heard the banshee’s scream is haunted by the creature in some way: Whelan, while she is sleeping; Otto, as he plays video games; Janie, while she bathes. The following day at university, they all discuss this and Whelan tells the others she found information on the “Duncan” whose name was on the crate. Together they discover he was Broderick Duncan, esteemed professor at the university who was fired over an assault charge and has since become a disgraced internet “doomsday prophet”. They also discover he once had an assistant, Samuel Page, who might know where he currently lives, so Whelan decides to visit him. The group discovers Officer Sioux’s body stashed in section 3 and report it to the police. Afterwards, Otto walks Janie home and Whelan goes to visit Page. Page gives her background on the box and how it was found. He offers to help them find Duncan. Whelan drives Page, Otto, Shayla, and Shayla’s boyfriend Kurtis to Duncan’s house when she falls asleep at the wheel and crashes, killing Kurtis. They continue on foot to Duncan’s house. When they arrive, he lets the four in but soon begins shooting at them and demanding the box/shield used to kill the banshee. Duncan comes to a standoff with Whelan and Page before agreeing to help them kill the banshee. He shows them a special two pronged sword that will make a banshee vulnerable if they use it on the creature. When the banshee appears in the form of dead Kurtis and attacks Shayla, Whelan stabs it with the sword and they cut the banshee's head off with the magic shield. A mortally wounded Duncan tries to make off with the box, but Shayla stabs him with the sword, killing him. The final scene mimics the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark with the banshee’s head being placed in a new crate and stored in a warehouse. ===== The unnamed Mademoiselle (Brody) helps her aunt to run a restaurant in Armentières. British soldier Johnny (Stuart) has fallen in love with her, and she shows signs of reciprocation. The local liaison officer asks Mademoiselle whether she can find out anything about a customer named Branz, who has aroused suspicion. By working her charms on him to gain his confidence, she discovers that he is a German spy. Mademoiselle has to keep her mission secret to avoid giving away her real motives. However Johnny misinterprets the attention she pays to Brandt, assuming her to be fickle. Johnny is summoned to the fighting line before Mademoiselle can explain herself. Once she has fulfilled her mission, she goes in search of Johnny to put him in the picture. She finds his regiment in a captured German trench, with Johnny wounded. Then the trench is recaptured by the Germans with Branz in tow. Things look bleak until the British forces counter-attack and once again take the trench, killing Branz in the process. Mademoiselle and Johnny are trapped when the trench wall collapses, but manage to extricate themselves and look forward to their future together. ===== In February 1965, reformed alcoholic Freddy Rumsen (Joel Murray) has returned to Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce after a several year absence, working freelance and primarily trying to help Peggy Olson (Elisabeth Moss). He has delivered Ponds Cold Cream to the agency but does not want Pete Campbell (Vincent Kartheiser) - who previously got Freddy fired when Pete informed Roger Sterling (John Slattery) that Freddy peed his pants years before - to work on the account. Ponds complains to Roger that they feel Clearasil is their main competition (even though Clearasil is an acne cream aimed at teens and Ponds is a cold cream aimed at women). Roger orders Pete to tell his father-in-law Tom Vogel (Joe O'Connor), a high-level executive at the Vicks Chemical Company that SCDP needs to drop the Clearasil account because it represents a conflict of interest, and Ponds bills more. Pete is worried this will affect his already-rocky relationship with Tom and diminish his standing at the firm. Pete telephones Tom and tells him he has something to tell him, arranging to meet at a bar. They both show up early, and a very nervous Pete is afraid to tell him they are dropping Clearasil. As Pete starts to speak, Tom says: "You crazy kids!" Pete is confused, and then stunned, when Tom informs him Trudy is pregnant, only realizing afterward that Pete didn't know. Pete is so shocked that he tells Tom they are changing the creative on the Clearasil account. When Pete arrives home, Trudy is crestfallen over how Pete heard the news (she wanted to wait until their (fifth) wedding anniversary to surprise Pete, but he is simply overjoyed at the news. Dr. Faye Miller (Cara Buono) is conducting interviews with single women about their beauty regimens and what products they use to keep beautiful. However, the discussion quickly turns to men treating them badly. In this group is Don's secretary Allison (Alexa Alemanni). Weeks earlier, a drunken Don seduced Allison at his apartment; since then, he has acted strictly professionally toward her, which Allison has taken as brusque and dismissive. Allison feels hurt and used by Don and grows emotional during the meeting. Don, Peggy, and Freddy are watching the women through a two-way mirror and Allison, knowing Don is behind it, looks directly at him, making him uneasy. She soon runs out of the session in tears. Peggy, who was also once Don's secretary, tries to comfort Allison, who is angry that men always take what they want and get away with it; she insinuates that she thinks Peggy also slept with Don and used this as leverage to get herself promoted to copywriter. Peggy, offended, tells Allison: "Your problem is not my problem ... Get over it!" Pete and Harry Crane have lunch with Ken Cosgrove (Aaron Staton), who is engaged to the daughter of Corning's CFO. When Harry leaves to take a call, Ken says his fiancée knows Trudy from a garden club and demands that Pete stop bad-mouthing him behind his back. Pete denies the accusation, telling him it is the sort of thing Harry would do. Ken has been shifting from firm to firm since the collapse of Sterling Cooper but expresses dissatisfaction with where he is now. Pete subtly insinuates he might do well to hire on with Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. Allison informs Don that what happened between them was a mistake, and she is leaving. She asks for a letter of recommendation so she can find a job elsewhere. Don tries to dissuade her, but she wants a change. He offers to let Allison type her own letter on his stationery, and he will sign it. Allison takes this as indifference on Don's part and throws a brass cigarette dispenser at him, smashing some framed prints on the wall. The noise startles several employees, who lean into the hall to see Allison storm off. Peggy even stands on her desk to peek through the shared glass partition into Don's office. Don tells Joan to get him a new secretary, then immediately starts to get drunk and doesn't leave the office until late. The next day, he finds that Allison has been replaced by Bert Cooper's former secretary, the aged Miss Ida Blankenship (Randee Heller). Peggy makes friends with a young photo editor at Life magazine named Joyce Ramsay (Zosia Mamet), who also works in the Time-Life Building. One day, Peggy is called out to reception at work, where Joyce invites Peggy to a party at a sweatshop converted into a loft, and Peggy says she'll come. After Joyce heads back, receptionist Megan Calvet (Jessica Paré) seems to dislike Joyce, suggesting that she is a bit pretentious. Peggy pretends to agree, although she clearly has taken a liking to Joyce. Later, at the party, Joyce introduces Peggy to her friends, who are a group of marijuana-smoking bohemian artists. Peggy fields a pass by Joyce, who seems to be lesbian, but finds herself attracted to Abe Drexler (Charlie Hofheimer), an abrasive yet charming underground newspaper writer, whom she soon kisses while the pair are hiding out from a raid which police have launched on the building. When the coast is clear, Peggy and Joyce escape down the street, laughing. Pete decides to "force Tom's hand" and wants his father-in-law to give him the entire Vick's Chemical account, with advertising billings worth over US$6 million (equivalent to US$ million in ). Tom would also have to transfer Clearasil to another agency so it wouldn't conflict with Pond's. Tom is angry, yet impressed, at what he considers blackmail. While Trudy and Tom's wife are looking at the future nursery room in Pete's apartment, Tom mumbles "son-of-a- bitch" at Pete's back, which is turned while Pete pours drinks. Pete just shrugs. He later informs Lane Pryce that they will be handling Vicks, and so the firm can drop Clearasil. A secretary comes into a break room where Peggy and Joey Baird (Matt Long) are sitting. She wants them to sign a greeting card, and Peggy thinks it is for Pete's bringing in such a big and prestigious account. Peggy is shocked when she sees the card has a stork on it and realizes it is for Trudy's pregnancy. The rest of the staff is unaware that Pete impregnated Peggy the night before his wedding, exactly five years previously. Peggy does not sign the card and instead goes into Pete's office. Pete thinks she's there to congratulate him on Vicks Chemicals, but instead she says: "Congratulations about the baby." Pete thanks her before remembering that Peggy had given up their son a few years earlier; her awkward statements render Pete at a loss for words. Peggy walks back to her office, trying to catch her breath, and bangs her head on her desk several times. Dr. Miller enters Don's office and announces the results of the Pond's focus group. She reports that the best strategy for marketing Pond's is to tap into young women's desire to get married - essentially, to imply Pond's will improve their marriageability. Don rejects this strategy as old-fashioned: "Welcome to 1925." His skepticism about Dr. Miller's psychological approach, hinted at in previous episodes, boils over, and he dismisses her role in the creative process as useless and intrusive. He says that his job is not to pander to emotions but rather to enable people to experience new emotions they did not realize they had. Clearly miffed, an offended Dr. Miller leaves. Peggy is lying on her couch when Joyce telephones Peggy to meet her and her beatnik friends in the lobby for lunch. Meanwhile, Pete is waiting in the lobby with Roger and important executives from Vicks Chemicals for a lunch meeting. Peggy, while waiting outside SCDP's glass doors with her young, artsy friends, looks through the glass at Pete, standing with the older men in suits. Pete catches her looking at him, and the two share a moment, thinking of their past connection, sharing a private smile before finally leaving each other's sight. ===== Desiring a change of pace, Sherlock Holmes decides for once to play criminal instead of crime- fighter. His attempt is eventually foiled by Watson. ===== The film is about dragon Mrak. King Jan is scared of him even though Mrak is not evil and even befriends a girl Lidka. ===== The film is set in 1947 Beskydy. It follows a 10-year-old boy who regularly shepherds cows next to a destroyed German tank. He grandfather usually looks after him because the boy doesn't have a father and mother has to work. One evening, he meets two mysterious persons. He thinks it is a king of slapsticks with his scribe. They are in fact members of Ukrainian Insurgent Army who plan to plunder the village. ===== Petr's father marries Dorota and dies soon afterwards. Dorota wants to get rid of Petr and uses her courtship to governor who has Petr arrested. Petr meets count's daughters Angelina and Adélka during his escape attempt and falls in love with Angelina. Angelina isn't interested in poor Petr while Adélka falls in love with him and tries to help him. Petr is forced to join the army where he is bullied by corporal. Meanwhile an inexperienced Chort Janek is sent to take Dorota to hell. He makes mistake and accidentally takes Petr's grandmother. Lucipher is angry at Janek and sends him to correct his mistake. Janek accidentally joins army and loses his powers when soldiers burn his wolf's tail. He meets Petr and befriends him. Petr decides to help Janek to get his powers back. He manages to get him a new Wolf's tail. They escape army and abduct Dorota and drag her to the hell. Petr works in hell and Lucipher eventually decides to release him and fulfill him three wishes. Petr wishes a magic coat that allows him to find a golden ducat every time he slips into pocket, release for his grandmother and corporal being taken to hell. Lucipher agrees but also wants Governor Petr and Jan to take Governor along with corporal. The coat changes Petr's look to unknowing and he gets attention when he gives money to all people who need. This helps him to lure Governor and Corporal to Janek who takes them to hell. Count also decides to go for help as his principality is broke. Petr agrees but only if Count allows him to marry his daughter. Count agrees with the deal but Angelina doesn't like it as Petr looks like a Chort but Adélka recognises Petr and happily agrees. Petr then takes as many ducats as he needs and puts down the coat and loses him. He goes to Duch's castle as an elegant gentleman to ask for his daughter's hand. When Angelina sees him she changes her mind and wants to marry him but Petr declines and states that he asked for Adélka's hand. Petr then marries Adélka and Angelina marries Lucipher. ===== Juraj Hordubal returns home to Carpathian Ruthenia after eight years of hard work in America. He is looking forward to seeing his devoted wife Polana and daughter Hafia. Everything is greatly idealised in his eyes as he expects everyone to welcome him warmly. However, the reality is different, he is accepted very coldly but hopes that things will get better soon and everyone will get used to his presence. He believes that Polana was a faithful wife during the time he was abroad. Unfortunately, he later discovers that she had an affair with the farm keeper Stepan Manya who was helping her with managing the farm. The relationship between Hordubal and Manya becomes very tense and eventually, Manya is forced to leave the farm. That, however doesn't influence Manya's love affair with Polana. They still keep meeting despite the fact that Hordubal knows about the affair. Manya and Polana decide to get rid of Hordubal in order to begin a new life together. They are also motivated to do it as Hordubal's savings are big enough to ensure a convenient life for a long time. Hordubal is killed by Manya in the middle of the night. The ending of the book describes the investigation of the criminal act. All the evidence lead to Manya. He is sentenced to life. Polana is found guilty of planning the murder and is sentenced to 12 years in prison in spite of being pregnant. In the end, Polana's sinning is considered much more severe as she misused her husband's kindness and devotion and was unfaithful. The highly religious society detests her for her sins. ===== The novel is set in England over a period of eighteen months in the years 1460-61 during the internal war generally known as the Wars of the Roses between the houses of Lancaster and York. It tells the tale of a young boy's early life, leaving his family’s farm first to an apprenticeship in York and later getting caught up in the bloody and decisive victory for the Yorkists at the Battle of Towton (29 March (Palm Sunday) 1461).The Manchester Guardian Dec 4, 1953 Books for Uncertain Years (A brief mention) ===== During a rugby tour of Britain and Ireland in 1888, a young New Zealander searches for his father who he has never met. While there he falls in love with the daughter of an aristocrat. ===== ===== The Doctor invites his granddaughter and recently discovered great-grandson to have Christmas dinner in the TARDIS with him and Lucie. Little does he realise that a long forgotten danger is lurking in the TARDIS and somehow it is draining all of the power. ===== The Fifth Doctor investigates the Vault of Stellar Curios, where he has observed evidence of time leakage. But then the Daleks attack, looking for the contents of the mysterious vault. The Eighth Doctor also shows up and he and his former self create a time loop trap, spanning between their lives. This sends the Daleks to the Seventh Doctor's encounter with Michael Faraday in 1854 and the Sixth Doctor's visit to an early Dalek battlefield. ===== Class valedictorian Chris Johnson is a high school senior whose only interested in one thing: maintaining his 4.0 GPA and moving on to an Ivy League school. But when he blows up a classroom in a chemistry class mishap, he receives a devastating "F" that threatens his ambitions. So Chris strikes a deal with the school's principal and agrees to spend one Saturday of detention in the woodshop in exchange for wiping the grade from his record. What Chris didn't count on was having to survive the ex-Army Ranger who runs the woodshop, the eccentric students in class and one kid's plan to blow them all up. ===== Siu-bak-choi (lit. "Little Cabbage") is a female servant of the physician Yeung Nai-mou. Yeung is open towards the topic of sex, which is usually considered taboo in traditional Chinese society. He invents a type of condom to help people avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases, but his idea was not accepted and he was scorned at. Lau Hoi-sing, the lecherous son of a local judge, has an adulterous affair with Yeung's wife, but they are discovered by Little Cabbage. Yeung's wife tries to send Little Cabbage away by forcing the latter to marry Gok Siu-dai so as to prevent Little Cabbage from telling Yeung about her secret affair. Lau has been eyeing Little Cabbage for some time and he rapes her, but is discovered by Gok. Yeung's wife is afraid of being implicated so she instigates Lau to murder Gok and frame Yeung and Little Cabbage for the deed. The pair are put on trial and subjected to tortures to force them to "confess" to the crime. ===== At the end of the Civil War, Confederate soldier Dal Traven (Sam Elliott) is about to be executed by a firing squad when he is rescued by a cavalry force led by Major Ashbury. Ashbury plans on continuing to fight the Union and invites Dal to join his group. Dal declines, deciding to go back to his home in Texas instead. On his way there he meets his brother Mac (Tom Selleck) who served as a Union officer. Despite serving on different sides the brothers bear no ill will toward each other. Dal and Mac arrive home to find that their home has been looted and their two sisters, their brother Jesse (Jeff Osterhage), and Dal's girlfriend Kate (Katherine Ross) have been kidnapped. It is Ashbury who looted their home (along with many other homesteads). Ashbury has made camp by the Gulf of Mexico, where he is waiting to meet a smuggler by the name of Holiday Hammond. He plans to trade the goods, livestock, and prisoners he has stolen for guns to fight the Union. Jesse and Kate attempt an escape, but it does not go according to plan. Desperate, Jesse swims into the Gulf, but is shot and presumed dead. Hammond arrives by boat and takes all of the prisoners, except Kate, to Mexico to be sold. Ashbury accompanies him. Dal and Mac track the Confederates and come across their wounded brother. The three of them attack the Confederate camp and rescue Kate. Kate informs the brothers that their sisters have been taken to Mexico. However, none of them have the local knowledge needed to navigate Mexico. Dal and Mac break their uncle Jack (Ben Johnson) out of jail to guide them. Meanwhile in Mexico, Ashbury confronts Hammond. Hammond has continually deflected Ashbury's questions about the guns promised to him. Hammond reveals that he never had any intention of selling any guns and imprisons Ashbury. Jack successfully leads the group to Hammond's hide out and a battle commences. During the battle Ashbury escapes, but is caught by Dal. Dal prepares to shoot Ashbury for kidnapping his sisters, but spares him as Ashbury had earlier saved his life. Hammond takes the Traven sisters and attempts to escape by train, but Dal and Mac pursue him on horseback, eventually catching the train. The brothers save their sisters and capture Hammond, but just as the Travens are reunited, the Texan sheriff who put Jack in jail arrives to arrest him again. However, the Travens convince the sheriff to trade Jack for Hammond (the most wanted man in Texas). With the rest of the prisoners freed, all five Traven siblings, Kate, and Jack begin the trip back to Texas. ===== Nick Hendricks and Dale Arbus are friends who despise their bosses. Nick works at a financial firm for the sadistic Dave Harken, who hints at a possible promotion for Nick for months, only to award it to himself. Dale is a dental assistant being sexually harassed by his boss, Dr. Julia Harris; she threatens to tell his fiancée Stacy that he had sex with her unless he actually has sex with her. Nick and Dale's friend, accountant Kurt Buckman, enjoys working for Jack Pellit at a chemical company, but after Jack unexpectedly dies of a heart attack, the company is taken over by Jack's cocaine-addicted son Bobby, whose apathy and incompetence threaten the future of the company. At night, over drinks, Kurt jokingly suggests that their lives would be happier if their bosses were no longer around. Initially hesitant, they eventually agree to kill their employers. In search of a hitman, the trio meet Dean "Motherfucker" Jones, an ex-con who agrees to be their "murder consultant." Jones suggests that Dale, Kurt and Nick kill each other's bosses to hide their motive while making the deaths look like accidents. The three reconnoiter Bobby's house, and Kurt steals his phone. They next go to Harken's house, where Kurt and Nick go inside while Dale waits in the car. Harken returns home and confronts Dale for littering, but then has an allergy attack from the peanut butter on the litter. Dale saves Harken by stabbing him with an EpiPen. Nick and Kurt think Dale is stabbing Harken to death and flee, with Kurt accidentally dropping Bobby's phone in Harken's bedroom. The next night, Kurt watches Julia's home, but she seduces and has sex with him. Nick and Dale wait outside Bobby's and Harken's houses, respectively, to commit the murders. Harken discovers Bobby's phone in his bedroom and uses it to find his address, suspecting his wife Rhonda is having an affair. He drives over and kills Bobby, while Nick secretly witnesses the murder. Nick flees at high speed, setting off a traffic camera. The trio meet to discuss their reservations about continuing with their plan. They are questioned by the police, who believe the camera footage makes them suspects in Bobby's murder. Lacking evidence, the police are forced to let the trio go free. The trio consult with Jones again, but learn that he never actually killed anyone, having been imprisoned for bootlegging a movie. Jones suggests that they get Harken to confess and secretly tape it. The three accidentally crash Harken's surprise birthday party, where Nick and Dale get Harken to confess to the murder before realizing that Kurt, who has the audio recorder, is elsewhere having sex with Rhonda. Harken threatens to kill all three for attempting to blackmail him. They flee by car, but Harken gives chase and repeatedly rams their vehicle. Believing they have committed a crime, the car's navigation-system operator remotely disables Kurt's car, allowing Harken to catch and hold them at gunpoint. Harken shoots himself in the leg as he boasts about his plan to frame them for murdering Bobby and attempting to kill him to get rid of the witness. The police initially arrest Nick, Dale and Kurt, but the navigation-system operator, Gregory, reveals that it is his company's policy to record all conversations for quality assurance. Gregory plays the tape that has Harken confessing to Bobby's murder. Harken is sentenced to 25 years to life in prison, while the friends get their charges waived. Nick is promoted to president of the company with a raise under a nice, but crazy CEO; Kurt remains in his position under a promoted co-worker; and Dale, with the help of Jones, blackmails Julia into ending her harassment. ===== Adventure-seeker Ted Osborne (Phillip Reed) and his fiancée Carole (Virginia Grey) are at a cafe in Singapore, looking for a charter to an island supposedly inhabited by dinosaurs. They come across the ruthless, two fisted, alcohol-suffering Captain Tarnowski (Barton MacLane). They decide to talk, and Osborne asks if Tarnowski is willing to give them a charter in his ship to the unknown island. Initially Tarnowski refuses, but then Osborne tells that during World War II he was a pilot in the US Navy. He had flown over many remote islands, and on one he reported seeing large, moving creatures that looked like Brontosauruses. He shows Tarnowski a photo, and the captain finally agrees to take them there. Before departing, Tarnowski introduces them to John Fairbanks (Richard Denning), an old friend of his, who agrees to help them with their quest. Fairbanks and a group of friends had been shipwrecked on the island with Fairbanks being the lone survivor of attack by the dinosaurs. As Fairbanks had been drinking incessantly to forget the events of the past since his rescue, his account of the dinosaur island was believed to be the result of alcoholism and insanity. Since Fairbanks and Osborne's stories collaborated, Tarnowski agrees to allow his ship to be hired, but specifies that no one in the crew be told of their destination. They sail aboard Tarnowski's ship, heading for weeks in the direction of French Polynesia, where the island is supposed to be located. During the voyage, it becomes clear that Fairbanks is obviously becoming attracted to Carole, even though she is the fiancée of Osborne. Tarnowski acts mad at Fairbanks because he is afraid of the dinosaurs, and that the island might not be a safe place for Carole. Some of the crew realize they are headed to a dangerous island, so they mutiny and attack the officers. They lose the fight and are forced to proceed to the island. The next morning, the ship's first mate spots the island in the distance. As they approach, he notices feeding brontosauruses. With the conformation of living dinosaurs inhabiting the island, they become cautious. They unload supplies, and a camp is set up in a forest clearing not far from shore. Whilst exploring the island, they find more Brontosauruses and later, a Dimetrodon (a sail-backed synapsid). Then, as they venture out onto the flats of the island, they find Ceratosauruses. Knowing these creatures can be a threat, the crew are ordered to guard the camp at all times. After a near fight between Fairbanks and Osborne because of Carole's safety, a giant sloth appears and prowls around the camp. Carole screams and the men are alerted, but they soon fend it off with gunfire. The next morning they go back to the flats where they find even more Ceratosaurus. The crewmen try to persuade them to leave, and when the first mate agrees with them, he gets into a fight with Tarnowski and is killed when one of the crewmen accidentally throws a knife into his back. The crewman is shot and killed by Tarnowski while the officers focus on driving away the dinosaurs with grenades and gunfire. Fairbanks still tries to convince Osborne to leave the island but still he refuses. Eventually though, he feels he has observed the dinosaurs long enough and decides to leave shortly. Tarnowski, however, will not leave the island until he brings back one of the dinosaurs alive, which none of the other men think is right. He starts saying bad things about the men due to the overdose of whiskey he has been drinking. The crewmen, knowing that the officers are not treating them well, try to steal the lifeboat and get off the island. The officers are alerted, but the crewmen are able to dodge their gunfire and escape. However, they are all killed when a giant wave topples and smashes the boat. The survivors come back to the camp and find it destroyed, because Tarnowski carelessly threw away his match. Knowing that they must soon leave the island, they gather wood and begin building a raft. While Fairbanks and Osborne are working on the raft, Carole is grabbed by Tarnowski, who plays a cruel trick on her. A Ceratosaurus attacks the pair but Tarnowski kills it with a grenade. Tarnowski carries her off, while Fairbanks and Osborne argue about her safety again. Tarnowski tries to convince Carole to leave the island secretly with him but she refuses, and eventually, after he says he will protect her, she doses off with him. Fairbanks meanwhile sets off in search of Carole. While Carole and Tarnowski are waking up, the dimetrodon attacks again. Carole is able to fend it off with Tarnowski's gun, and as he tries to kiss her Fairbanks arrives. The two men fight and Tarnowski is knocked out, giving Fairbanks and Carole time to escape. Then, the giant sloth reappears and devours Tarnowski. As Fairbanks and Carole reach the shores of the island, they are trapped behind a rock during a fight between the giant sloth and a Ceratosaurus. The dinosaur loses and the sloth walks away. The two are shortly reunited with Osborne and another passenger, and the four break camp and leave the island on Tarnowski's boat, looking back as the island slowly disappears from sight. ===== Johnny Rizzo, a young man who dreams of working in radio, is engaged to Claire. When Claire demands that he pursue a more realistic goal than following his dreams, Johnny's uncle Terry attempts to tempt him away from the relationship with a decadent party. Johnny resists his uncle's hedonistic lifestyle but meets a free-spirited woman named Brooke, whom he quickly befriends. Alarmed by the direction Johnny's life is taking, Brooke encourages him to pursue his dreams and avoid selling out. When a misunderstanding causes Claire to incorrectly believe that Johnny has been cheating on her with Brooke, Johnny and Claire break up. Now free to pursue a romance, Johnny and Brooke begin dating. ===== Midnight on Dagger Alley is a solo scenario for multiple characters, which uses a strip of transparent red film called the "magic viewer" to reveal hidden details of text and the map as needed by the player. The adventure is set in a dangerous thieves' quarter. The module includes a large map of the district which can only be read with the magic viewer. The action takes place in the "narrow mud alleys of the city of Goldstar". ===== The play is set in New York in 1972, where young fireman Michael Doyle decides to join the IRA to live up to his Irish heritage. Costello, the "Big Fellah" recruits Michael, wanting to use his apartment in The Bronx as a safe house for an escaped killer.The Big Fellah homepage, Out of Joint website, Accessed 17 August 2010 As the play continues, it is clear that someone in their circle is leaking information and can not be trusted. ===== Satyam (N. T. Rama Rao), a middle-class employee, leads a happy life along with his younger collegian brother Shekhar (Shobhan Babu), as well a younger sister Sharada (Chandrakala). He is in love with a school-teacher, Susheela (Krishna Kumari), and both hope to get married after Sharada and Shekhar's marriages. Luck shines upon them and Sharada's marriage is arranged with Dr. Ramesh (Harinath), while Shekhar decides to wed Lalitha (Vanisri), the only daughter of a wealthy man, Rao Bahadoor Ranga Rao (Nagabhushanam). Satyam mortgages his house with his paternal uncle Dharmaiah (Relangi). Then things turn sour after Sharada loses her vision in an accident; the wedding gets canceled. Satyam decides to remain single to look after his sister and permits Shekhar and Lalitha to get married. The marriage takes place, and Lalitha moves in. Shortly thereafter misunderstandings crop up, and lead to arguments, with Shekhar and Lalitha leaving the house. Then Satyam is fired from his job, Dharmaiah takes over the house, and asks him to leave. Homeless, they turn to Shekhar for help, but he refuses to assist them in any way. Then Satyam falls ill and gets separated from his sister, while Shekhar takes to horse-racing and alcohol, and a path that will only lead to self-destruction. ===== The episodes take the form of a video blog with Jeffrey speaking to the camera about his plan to bring about the demise of Dr. House. In his "Bitch Tape", Jeffrey locates members of staff at Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital whom he believes have information about illicit activities in which Dr. House may have been involved. Most of the characters featured in the show are minor characters in House, however Lisa Edelstein appears as Lisa Cuddy in the final episode. ===== In Venice, the musketeers Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, with the help of Milady de Winter, steal airship blueprints made by Leonardo da Vinci. However, they are betrayed by Milady, who incapacitates them and sells the blueprints to the Duke of Buckingham. A year later, d'Artagnan leaves his village in Gascony for Paris in hopes of becoming a musketeer as his father was, only to learn that they were disbanded. At a rural bar, he challenges Captain Rochefort, leader of Cardinal Richelieu's guard, to a duel after being insulted by him, but Rochefort merely shoots him while he's distracted. Once in Paris, d'Artagnan separately encounters Athos, Porthos and Aramis and, accidentally offending all three, schedules separate duels with each. Athos brings Porthos and Aramis to the duel as his seconds, causing d'Artagnan to realize their true identities. Richelieu's guards arrive to apprehend them, but, inspired by d'Artagnan, the musketeers fight together and win. All four are summoned before the young King Louis XIII and Richelieu urges him to execute them, but Queen Anne is impressed by their bravery and the king decorates them instead. Richelieu instructs Milady, now his accomplice, to plant false love letters among Queen Anne's possessions, steal her diamond necklace, and take it to the Tower of London in order to frame her as having an affair with Buckingham, which would force King Louis to execute her and declare war on England. At this point, the people would demand a more experienced leader: Richelieu himself. In order to secure her own position, Milady demands that Richelieu declare in a written authorization that she is working on behalf of France. The false letters are found and given to King Louis, who is advised by Richelieu to set up a ball at which Queen Anne would be forced to wear the necklace. If she doesn't, then her affair is real, and there will be war. Queen Anne's lady-in-waiting Constance Bonacieux discovers Richelieu's plan and pleads with the musketeers to stop him. They follow Milady and Buckingham to London, while Constance is captured by Rochefort for helping the musketeers to escape from him. In London, Milady tells Buckingham the musketeers have arrived to take revenge on him and exposes to him all their tendencies in battle. D'Artagnan is captured, but he is in fact acting as a decoy following the plan Milady would have expected the Musketeers to follow, allowing his associates to hijack Buckingham's airship and rescue him. Milady's getaway coachman reveals himself as the musketeers' manservant Planchet and delivers her to his masters, who retrieve the necklace from her. Athos prepares to execute Milady for her treachery, but she leaps off the airship, seemingly dying on her own terms. The musketeers depart back to Paris, only to be intercepted by Rochefort in a much larger airship, for Milady had given Richelieu copies of da Vinci's blueprints. Rochefort offers to exchange Constance for the necklace, but captures d'Artagnan and mounts an assault as soon as he retrieves the jewels. His superior airship has the upper hand and severely damages the opposing vessel, but the musketeers use the clouds to rally and counterattack. The fight ends when both ships ram each other, crashing onto Notre Dame. On the roof, d'Artagnan challenges and ultimately kills Rochefort, recovering the necklace in the process. Constance is sent ahead to quietly return the necklace to Queen Anne. The musketeers arrive at the ball and, for the sake of King Louis and his people, lie by claiming that Rochefort tried to sabotage an airship that Richelieu built for them, and that they executed him for his treason on Richelieu's permission. To convince the king, Athos presents Milady's authorization, which the former accepts. Richelieu, satisfied, offers the musketeers a place in his guards, but they refuse, and Richelieu vows revenge. Meanwhile, Milady is found alive at the English Channel by Buckingham, who declares his intention to exact revenge. The camera then pulls back to show him advancing towards France with a massive fleet of battleships and airships. ===== ===== In the everlasting war between the Orcs and the Griffin Empire, led by duke Pavel Griffin, Toghrul, an Orc shaman, summons the demons in order to help him and his tribe get rid of Pavel. The demons then overpower Pavel and slay him, but his sister, Sveltana (a necromancer) is able to trap Pavel's soul in the Griffin familial sword with which he has fought. However, before she can intervene, an Angel descends and steals the sword. Counseled by Angels in the impending war against the demons, Emperor Liam Falcon posts a decree enabling Duke Gerhart of the Wolf duchy to exterminate Orcs in the Empire. Duke Slava, Pavel's son, retaliates in solidarity with the Orcs, and the Dukes' bickering forces cause the Archangel Uriel - Michael's brother - to intervene. Uriel decides that Slava's eldest daughter, Irina, is to be betrothed to Gerhart to force a lasting peace. A decade passes, and Sandor learns that Irina has been imprisoned in the Wolf Duchy's jails for injuring Gerhart. He rouses an army of Orcs to free his half-sister, and the renegades flee to the Jade Ocean, where Sandor leaves Irina in Hashima and departs. Irina quickly befriends the native Naga and assists them in destroying a Wolf trading port, before discovering she is pregnant with Gerhart's child. Gerhart accuses Slava of orchestrating Sandor's attack, and the two dukes are called before the Emperor, where Slava's daughter Anastasya - Uriel's pupil and lover - kills Slava with a concealed knife before the court. Anton is crowned Duke, but the inquisition tries to force a confession from Anastasya, fearing she is in league with the Faceless; Anton elects to euthanize his sister before she can be tortured. He learns that Jorgen - one of Slava's former advisers - is an undercover Faceless, but not Slava's killer, while Anastasya is resurrected by Sveltana as an undead. Resolving to learn who manipulated her into slaying her father, she frees Jorgen from the inquisition before traveling onward to Heresh with her aunt. Meanwhile, Kiril finds himself abandoned in Sheogh by his mentor, the Archangel Sarah, with the soul of a demon prince sharing his body. Desperate to expunge the demon, he pursues Sarah as a renewed demon invasion begins. Sveltana is kidnapped by Anastasya's rival, Miranda. Suspecting her of Slava's murder, Anastasya kills Miranda, and she explains that Anastasya was controlled with a comb empowered by Faceless magic. Irina ransacks the Wolf duchy, slaughtering Gerhart, and both she and Sandor devote their resources to the eradication of the demons. Michael dispatches Anton to assist Gerhart against the Naga, but Anton soon learns the Duke has already been killed. Using the comb, Anastasya enters the mind of her betrayer: Uriel, who had sought to use her soul to reincarnate his mother. Enraged, Anastasya destroys Uriel's mind, and both he and Emperor Liam are slain in battle, leaving Anton to eliminate the remaining demons. Kiril finally apprehends Sarah, who reveals she sold Kiril's soul to the demons in order to cripple the Faceless by destroying their repository of knowledge; Kiril usurps the repository and frees himself of possession, while Sveltana discovers that Pavel's soul was used to resurrect Michael. With the demons overcome, Michael appeals to the Griffin heirs to assist him in ending his war against darkness. If the alignment of the player's chosen heir is Tears, the heir rejects Michael's calls to arms and leads armies against the Angels, alongside Cate. Michael is killed in battle and Cate succeeds in sending the remaining deceased Angels' souls to Elrath, but the ritual ultimately results in her death. Alternatively, if the heir's alignment is Blood, they launch an offensive against Cate, sponsored by Michael, and succeed in slaying her to apparently prevent the impending conflict. In both instances, the Griffins lament Cate's death and bury her with Slava, while Jorgen conspires with the Dark Elf Raelag to instigate the war against Elrath in the wake of her absence. ===== In the (fictitious) Lancashire mill town of Hindle, preparations are being made for the annual summer wakes week holiday. Fanny Hawthorn (Brody) is seen packing her suitcase in preparation for her trip to Blackpool with her friend Mary Hollins (Peggy Carlisle). Meanwhile, Allan Jeffcote (Stuart), son of the owner of the mill in which Fanny works, and employed in the offices, has had his own holiday plans disrupted due to his fiancée having to cancel their arrangements at the last minute. After a final day's work, the factory hooter sounds and Fanny and Mary board the excursion train to Blackpool, while Allan and a friend decide to travel there by car. In the bustle and throng of Blackpool in peak season, Fanny and Mary meet up with Allan and his friend and enjoy the excitement of the resort as a foursome. Allan and Fanny are attracted to each other, and Allan persuades Fanny to leave Blackpool and instead accompany him for a stay in the more upmarket resort of Llandudno in North Wales. Knowing what this entails, Fanny agrees and writes a postcard to her parents, which Mary promises to post from Blackpool later in the week. Soon after, Mary is tragically killed in a boating accident. When Fanny's father hears the news he travels to Blackpool, only to find Fanny not there, and the unmailed postcard in Mary's luggage. At the end of the week, Fanny and Allan return separately to Hindle, where Fanny, previously unaware of Mary's death and shocked by the news, is interrogated by her parents and reveals that she has spent the week with Allan in Llandudno. In indignation, the Hawthorns go to the Jeffcote home and confront Allan's parents with his caddish behaviour. To their surprise, they find Allan's father equally appalled by the situation. Mr. Jeffcote determines that Allan must marry Fanny to prevent a scandal. Allan initially opposes his father's demand but explains the situation to his fiancée, who insists that in the circumstances the only decent thing for him to do is to comply with the insistence that he marry Fanny after having compromised her reputation. That evening the Hawthorns visit the Jeffcotes to make arrangements for the marriage. Fanny registers her defiance by refusing to dress up and insisting on wearing her working clothes. Allan makes a formal offer of marriage, and to everyone's amazement Fanny turns him down flat, saying that she is just as entitled to enjoy a "little fancy" as any man. Allan and his fiancée resume their engagement, while Fanny moves out of the family home to get away from the wrath of her mother. She strikes up a friendship with a fellow mill worker, and agrees to a date with him. ===== Joe Priggle (Joe DeRita) is an inventor staying at a rest home where he tells the story to its proprietor (Vernon Dent) his strong dislike, eggs. It all starts when he fouls up one of his inventions to a client (Emil Sitka) when he finds an egg with an address written on it, the address belongs to a single woman Florabell (Dorothy Granger). He ends up marrying her, but soon finds out that she has an obnoxious brat of a son Rudolph (Norman Ollestead). He causes nothing but trouble for Joe by shooting him in the rear end with a slingshot, a BB gun and gets blown to bits by a miniature cannon. Meanwhile, Joe is busy working on his latest invention, a state-of-the-art dishwasher. The first time he uses it, it destroys all of Florabell's fine chinaware. ===== Balu (Manoj Manchu) has only one goal in his life - to become a great playback singer like SP Balasubramanyam. He challenges a landlord in his village and comes to Hyderabad to become a singer. Captain Rao (Mohan Babu) stays in the opposite house. He is an old-fashioned man who hates the lifestyle of new generation. Sravya (Tapsee) is an NRI girl who stays in her father's friend Captain Rao's house. She is in India to do documentary on traditional Telugu music. Balu acts ae to her and in the process, they fall in love. Captain Rao doesn't like them falling in love with each other. The rest of the story is all about Captain Rao's restrictions and how the lovers emerge unscathed. ===== After a wave of unsolved car thefts, an insurance company calls in private investigator Pete Novick (Joe Don Baker) to solve the case. While the chief of police isn't thrilled about having an outsider come and show up his men, one of the officers is a former girlfriend of Novick's who's more than willing to help him out in any way she can. After a long and convoluted investigation with false leads, psychics and the mafia, Novick at last unravels the identity of the thief. ===== Vashti Blue is an out-of-work actress who we watch make a series of prank calls throughout the night, that causes a chain of events. She is eventually revealed as being medically unstable, as a telephone contractor turns up to her home to confiscate the handset due to arrears with her phone bill. It is revealed that her telephone line was disconnected some time ago, much to her denial. As he struggles to take the handset, she strikes him in the head and stabs him with a knife. ===== Jim Tevis (Brandon deWilde), shortly after arriving in 1856 Arizona from the East, meets up with Mose Carson (Brian Keith), self-proclaimed big brother of legendary frontier scout Kit Carson. According to Mose, Kit learned everything from him and it should really be him that is famous. Mose consoles himself by staying drunk and avoiding Indian fights. Captain Ewell (James Whitmore) is a veteran Indian fighter and Paul Durand (Richard Long) is a misfit soldier and ladies' man. Carson and Ewell take a quick liking to the young Tevis and both agree to make him Mose's junior scout. Together they all wind up in a search for buried treasure with Captain Malcione (Nehemiah Persoff) as the primary villain. ===== Set during the 1987–89 JVP insurrection, Ratnapala (Jagath), a student at the University of Colombo and former member of the JVP, comes to visit his mother in Anuradhapura. He is killed by a former comrade (Roshan) on the basis of leaking JVP secrets to the Sri Lankan government. The comrade sustains serious injuries from this encounter. The comrade runs from the scene, attempting to make his way back to his base camp. Instead, he ends up near the Anuradhapura nunnery. Uppalavanna (Sangeetha) comes across him and after much deliberation, decides to heal him. Throughout the days she spends helping him, she reflects back on her time as Upuli, a laywoman. Upali, the daughter of an Ayurvedic doctor (Suminda), fell in love with her dance teacher's son. They eloped, which caused her mother much pain and eventually, a premature death. Upali and her husband go to the funeral, and there, her father shoots him dead. Her father goes to jail, and Upali explains to him that she wants to repent for all of their sins by joining the nunnery. This reflection coupled with her secret assistance changes how Uppalavanna acts. The chief nun (Malini) senses this, warning Upallavanna with her namesake's story. Eventually, the villagers find the assassin and take him away to kill him. Learning that he received medication from the nunnery, the villagers refuse to offer alms to the nunnery. Accepting the guilt unto herself and establishing the innocence of the other nuns, the film ends with Uppalavanna leaving the nunnery carrying only her alms-bowl. ===== Vincent Brooks is unwilling to commit to marrying his longtime girlfriend Katherine. One night at the Stray Sheep Bar, a drunken Vincent meets an enigmatic young woman named Catherine; they have a one-night stand which turns into an affair. Simultaneously, Vincent begins experiencing surreal nightmares where he and other men must ascend a tower while outrunning terrifying demons; if they fail in the dream, they die in real life. The stress of his double life and the growing intensity of his nightmares eventually compel Vincent to end the affair with Catherine. In a violent confrontation between Vincent, Catherine, and Katherine, Catherine is seemingly killed; however, the incident is revealed to have occurred in the nightmare, from which Vincent and Katherine escape. The next day, Katherine — who has retained no memory of the nightmare, but having discovered his infidelity — breaks off their relationship. Vincent realizes he is the only person aware of Catherine's existence, and that all of her messages have vanished from his phone. Vincent confronts Mutton, the proprietor of the Stray Sheep who is the only other person he has witnessed Catherine speaking to. He learns that Mutton is Dumuzid the Shepherd, and that Catherine is a succubus who aided Mutton in his game to kill men who would not commit to marriage and family. Vincent enters the nightmare world one last time, on the condition that he and the other men will be freed if he reaches the top of the tower. Vincent is victorious and defeats Dumuzid, who is revealed to be an associate of Astaroth. In Full Body, Rin moves in next door to Vincent after taking a job at the Stray Sheep playing piano. Vincent and Rin grow close, with Rin comforting him in his nightmares by playing the piano. During one meeting, Vincent accidentally discovers that Rin is a cross-dressing man, which causes a rift between them following Vincent's shocked reaction. If Vincent chooses to reconnect with Rin, he appears in Vincent's nightmare and is captured by Mutton, with Vincent rescuing him by defeating Astaroth. Alternate endings for Katherine and Catherine are unlocked if Vincent sends them a recording of Rin's piano music. From here, there are several possible endings, depending on the player's actions throughout the game: *Katherine Ending: Vincent meets with Katherine, and asks her to take him back. In the "bad" ending, she refuses. In the "good" ending, she forgives him after Mutton and Vincent's friends reveal his ordeal. In the "true" ending, they are married. In the Full Body ending, Katherine again leaves Vincent, gaining new self-confidence while fondly remembering her time with Vincent. *Catherine Ending: Vincent summons Catherine, and asks to marry her. In the "bad" ending, she refuses. In the "good" ending, she accepts; they live together in Hell despite the objections of Nergal, the King of Hell and Catherine's father. In the "true" ending, Vincent overthrows Nergal, becoming the King of Hell with Catherine as his queen. In the Full Body version, Catherine transports Vincent back to his high school days and appears as a human, allowing them to fall in love and start a family. *Freedom Ending: Vincent realizes he does not desire marriage. Having won against Mutton, he demands payment from him, which he immediately uses to bet on a wrestling match. In the "good" ending, he loses the bet. In the "true" ending, he wins and uses the money to fulfill his dream of visiting outer space. *Rin Ending: In the "bad" ending, Rin leaves while wishing Vincent the best following Astaroth's defeat. In the "good" ending, Rin is revealed to be part of an alien race of "angels" after his brother challenges Vincent to a final challenge to determine mankind's fate; Vincent wins, and he and Rin become a couple. In the "true" ending, Rin performs a piano concert for humans and many alien races, with Vincent as his producer and partner. In all of the game's endings, Trisha states in a closing narration that the purpose of Vincent's story, and the player's actions in directing his story, was to determine whether the player desired a life of comfort or a life of excitement. She explains that the tower was a metaphor for the journey to adulthood, and that "there is no right way to climb the tower." In a secret ending unlocked when the player clears the game's challenge stages, Trisha speaks directly to the player and reveals that she is Ishtar, with Astaroth having been one of her avatars. Tired of Dumuzid's infidelity, the events of Catherine were a test to find someone worthy of her love. She offers to make the player into a deity so that they can become her consort. ===== Branded as a "nerd" and harassed by the school bully, twelve-year-old Arthur is rescued by a magical alchemist/troll who holds the secret to defeat an evil dragon, but is soon able to return the favor. Arthur's loving mom Laura, struggling to keep her devious former husband from gaining custody of Arthur, dismisses her son's "fantasies" until she realizes the all too real immediate danger and joins forces with Arthur, the troll, the Knights of the Square Table (Arthur's pals Natalie and Tim), and a dashing fantasy card-game creator named Shane Barker. Together, they hope to conquer an unleashed dragon and the wicked vice- principal who threaten civilization. ===== Peter and Joe target Quagmire for this year's Halloween pranks, including bombarding him with eggs, Joe dressing up as a girl and sleeping with him, and infecting him with an unknown disease carried by a mosquito from Senegal. Afterwards, Peter praises Quagmire for being a good sport and the two decide to go drinking. Deciding to approach Joe, they convince him to allow them to follow him in his police car. Agreeing to do so only if they stay in his car, Peter and Quagmire soon become a nuisance. Ultimately, they drive to an old airfield where they discover a Mitsubishi Zero, which is a Japanese fighter plane used during World War II. Quagmire flies the two into the sky and pretending to have Japanese heritage and the urge to do kamikaze he eventually takes them on a high speed dive into the ocean near Quahog Harbor, stopping only inches from crashing stating that it was payback for making him have sex with Joe. Meanwhile, Stewie discovers trick-or-treaters (at first thinking they are real monsters and shooting at them with an M16), and soon wants to partake in the activity. Deciding to dress as a baby duck, he is subsequently bullied by a gang of three older boys who steal his candy. Searching for Brian, Stewie blames him for causing him to lose his candy and convinces him to steal back the candy from the bullies. Approaching the bullies to get the candy back, Brian is immediately painted pink. Seeking revenge, Stewie half jokingly suggests to Brian that they kill the bullies, though they both agree they can't actually do that. When his plan to threaten them with a bazooka fails (and ends up killing a Godzilla-like monster instead), Stewie goes to "Plan B" and begins crying for his mother. Lois then confronts the lead bully Justin's mother and becomes her bully instead, demanding Stewie's candy back, demanding Justin's candy, and $40. But because she does not have any money, Lois takes their welcome mat and says she'll be back tomorrow for $80. The same night, Meg decides to go trick-or- treating with her friends and attends a party held at Connie D'Amico's house. Excited no one can see through her slutty cat costume (even her father, Peter, who says "Ugly bitches!" to her and her friends), Meg eventually wins at spin the bottle; she unknowingly begins making out in a dark closet with her brother Chris, who is wearing an Optimus Prime costume that conceals his identity. When Connie opens the closet, the siblings are in their underwear, and immediately horrified at the revelation. During the credits, Stewie and Brian reminiscing of the night and sorting their candy just as Meg and Chris come home. Meg and Chris both make light of the situation by convincing each other that they successfully hooked up with a hot date. Meg states that her date might even call back, but Chris immediately says that she might be disappointed, even though she was most likely just playing along. ===== ===== On a snowy day in Portland, Oregon, Mia, her mother, her father, and her little brother, Teddy, decide to go for a morning drive. The snow causes their car to swerve into another lane where a car crashes into theirs, causing serious injuries for the entire family. When Mia awakens, she finds herself detached from her body, which is barely holding on. She finds the bodies of her mother and father, who died from the crash. She also finds her own body, on the brink of death. Mia realizes that she is having an out of body experience, and follows her physical body to the hospital. She watches her extended family rushing to take care of her, while her best friend Kim and her boyfriend Adam struggle to reach the hospital. Through her stay at the hospital, Mia reflects on her life, reminiscing about the development of her relationship with Adam, the development of her passion and talent for playing the cello, and the obstacles of being a teenager who feels out of place no matter where she goes. Mia goes back and forth between deciding whether to stay with her remaining family, as well as Adam, or whether to leave, to be with her parents and Teddy, who have passed on. Her decision is almost made up to leave until Adam finally reaches the room where her body is being held. He begs her to stay, and at that moment, she sees how her whole future would go on if she was to stay. At that moment, she decides to stay alive. ===== A witch named Reti, an architecture enthusiast, happens upon a hidden shrine surrounded by a barrier, and when she undoes the barrier she meets a sheltered miko named Tsumugi. Tsumugi has never left the shrine, and she then decides she wants to travel with Reti. Over the course of the series the two of them fall in love. ===== The story is told in the first-person by Jestyn the Englishman as he recounts his life and how he ended up in Constantinople. After being orphaned, he is captured by Viking raiders and sold into slavery in Dublin. His owner Thormod frees him for good service, and Jestyn joins the crew of Thormod's ship when they leave Dublin to return to Denmark. Upon return, Thormod finds his father killed by childhood friends, and swears the blood feud after which the novel is named. Jestyn and Thormod swear blood brotherhood and set off to pursue the killers. The journey takes them across the Baltic, up the Dvina and down the Dnieper to Kiev, where they enlist in the service of Khan Vladimir who has agreed to fight for Basil II in return for the hand in marriage of Basil's sister Anna. The fighting is resolved, and both Thormod and Jestyn join the newly formed Varangian Guard. The feud is ultimately resolved, but with many twists and turns, and Jestyn finally settles to live in Constantinople. The theme of the novel revolves around Jestyn's struggle to find belonging, as he is caught between conflicting values, conflicting cultures, and conflicting religions. The historical background depicts the Christianization of Kievan Rus', and Jestyn's mixed feelings as he carries an original Christian value system of his youth alongside the commitment of blood feud and blood brotherhood of Norse paganism. ===== In the London of 1912, Carol Deane (Daniels) becomes famous for a portrait of her painted by artist Mark Poynton (Arthur Margetson), who is infatuated with her. Carol however marries Lord Robert Brenning (Michael Drake), much to the chagrin of Poynton. She gives birth to a son then with the outbreak of World War I, Lord Robert goes off to fight on the Western Front while Carol becomes a nurse. Poynton is admitted as a patient to Carol's hospital, and tells her he is still in love with her. Carol tries to make light of his persistence, but after being released Poynton calls her to insist that she come to see him, threatening that if she does not, he will make her the subject of a public scandal. Carol goes to visit Poynton, who pulls a gun on her, demanding that she return to live with him. There is a struggle, during which Carol accidentally shoots Poynton dead. Carol goes on trial for murder and Lord Robert is summoned as a character witness, but is killed in action before the trial begins. Carol is found not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter, and is sentenced to a lengthy term of imprisonment. Her son grows up knowing nothing of his mother or her crime, and on her release in the late 1920s Carol relocates to New York. She meets Englishman Francis Scott-Vaughan (Wyndham Goldie) and becomes involved in his shady gambling businesses. Ten years later the pair return to England to set up a similar establishment in London. On the opening evening she recognises one of the punters as her son (Peter Coke), now married and whose photographs she has seen in newspapers. He has the air of a compulsive gambler, and Carol engineers proceedings to prevent him from losing large sums of money in wagers. She takes him under her wing and helps him repair his relationship with his wife, who had been aghast to discover his gambling habits. Carol never reveals that she is his mother, and soon contact between them is lost again. ===== Louis, a rich man who lives quietly with his beautiful young wife, Julie, in St Tropez, has cardiac and alcohol problems. They sleep in separate rooms and, when she meets Jeff, a writer, she has an affair with him. They decide that she will kill Louis and that Jeff, after dumping the body off a boat, will lie low in Italy. To her dismay, Jeff disappears and, with him, all of Louis' money. She is left without husband, lover or assets and under police surveillance. Then Louis reappears, alive, fit, alcohol-free and ready to forgive her. ===== Geena (Preeya Kalidas) is a Bollywood fanatic from a respectable Gujarati family. She has finished school, and is at university doing a business studies course. She is dating Dilip (Ronny Jhutti), an ambitious computer whizz, but wants her love life to be like it is in the movies. However, Dilip only wants sex. Geena's family owns Ganesh Global, a clothing company which imports materials and saris from India. Geena has a part-time job working in the shop. She is also in a secret band with two other girls, Anjali (Kat Bhathena) and Neeta (Karen David). Jay (James McAvoy) is a young guy from Somerset who joins his brother Dean (Ciarán McMenamin) in London, who also works in the clothing industry, for someone called Frank (Ian McShane). He owns a guitar, of which he is extremely protective. One day, when Geena is walking along the road, Jay and his brother happen to be managing some poles. One of the poles nearly falls on Geena, but Jay lunges at her and pushes her out of the way before it can crush her. Geena, disgusted at this, hurries along, leaving her phone behind. Jay sees the phone and takes it, but his brother Dean repossesses it. Jay then takes the phone back and gives it to Geena, who then thanks him for saving her life. She then gives him her phone number, and they begin to meet up regularly. The two start to fall in love, meeting up in secret regularly and hiding from Geena's family. However, Dean comes to know of the affair and launches an attack on Ganesh Global. One of Geena's brothers also sees the two together, and Geena gets into trouble with her family. Her brother then takes away her phone. Geena's brothers then beat Jay up, leaving him bleeding. Jay and Geena then run away together and escape their family. Dean is in hospital, and Jay visits him and takes away all his money. Eventually, Jay and Geena return to London and Jay settles his dispute with his father and brother. Geena then turns up for her relative's wedding, dressed in Indian attire, and sings with her band. She then attempts to reunite with her family, and it is revealed her brother, Sanjay (Amerjit Deu) is a criminal, and is handling illegal suits, and that her brother, Tariq (Saraj Chaudhry) is gay. Jay and Geena then leave in the bride and groom's carriage, and her mother says to her father, "She'll be back." ===== Johnny (Slater) is a long-distance lorry driver returning to London from a provincial delivery, after having taken in a show by Joan Rhodes on the way. Late at night he stops to give a lift to an attractive female hitchhiker whose car has broken down and who is in a hurry to get to back to London. Later, Johnny pulls in to a transport café to make a telephone call and buy a coffee. When he returns to his truck, the woman is gone. Assuming that in her hurry she has picked up a lift with another driver, he goes on his way, and a few miles down the road is flagged down by another driver to help with a woman who has been found laid at the roadside. It turns out that the woman is Johnny's hitchhiker, and that she is dead. The police soon establish that Johnny was the last person to see the woman alive, and consider him the prime suspect in her murder. Johnny goes on the run, and tries to find out as much as he can about the woman and why anyone should have wanted her dead, while trying to elude the police. He soon finds himself caught up in the shady world of drug smuggling and has to use all his wits to bring the real killers to justice. ===== The book begins as Willard Phule, a multimillionaire, is court-martialed by the Space Legion for ordering the strafing of a treaty signing ceremony. For his punishment, he is given command of an Omega Company full of misfits on Haskin's Planet, a mining settlement on the edge of settled space. He quickly goes to his duty station and leverages his personal money and a knack for managing people to get the company to come together as a unit. His antics attract the attention of the local and interplanetary press, but create a very cohesive unit of the Legionnaires. When a contract for an honorary duty is awarded to the Regular Army on Haskin's Planet, Phule convinces the governor to leave the contract up for competition between the Space Legionnaires and the Regular Army. The Army sends some of their most elite troops to take part in the competition, and through an impressive show of cooperation and teamwork, Phule's company ties the regular troops. In the final episode of the book, Phule's company encounters lizard-like alien explorers from the Zenobian Empire. Quickly reverting to his business instincts, Phule negotiates a business deal to sell swampland to the creatures in exchange for new technologies. This again enrages some of his superiors, but because of a show of support from the Legionnaires for their commander and a complete conviction of his own innocence, Phule evades court-martial again. ===== In pre-World War I London, handsome young aviator Alex St. George (Stuart) meets and falls in love with shopgirl Kitty Greenwood (Brody). He asks her to marry him, to the horror of his snobbish, class-bound mother (Dorothy Cumming), who is appalled by the notion of her son marrying into a family who run a tobacconists shop. Before the wedding can take place, war breaks out and Alex is called up to serve as a pilot. Seeing her opportunity to sabotage the relationship, Mrs. St. George sets about trying to poison Alex's mind against Kitty by feeding him via letter a string of malicious and false tales about Kitty's behaviour, alleging that in his absence she is frequently to be seen around town flirting and behaving in an improper manner with other young men. Alex becomes so unnerved and distraught about his mother's stories that his concentration is affected and he crashes his plane, suffering not only critical injuries which leave him in danger of paralysis, but also amnesia. Alex is repatriated to England for treatment and faces a long and painful physical rehabilitation and the struggle to regain his memory, while at the same time a battle of wills is being waged by his mother and Kitty, both trying to convince him that the other is lying. Eventually Kitty succeeds in rekindling his love for her, and Mrs. St. George is crushed. ===== Ivek (Slavko Brankov) and Kruno (Žarko Potočnjak) are best friends, both passionate supporters of a suburban Zagreb football club. When a nouveau riche businessman Čabraja (Goran Grgić) enters the club's managing board with ambitious plans, and soon becomes the club's president, the two friends are divided. While Kruno is enthusiastic over the club's newly found success, Ivek is distrustful towards Čabraja and does not approve of his shady methods. Their friendship becomes increasingly strained... ===== Cha Heon- tae, a Korean-born American, was adopted with his sister to American parents. He appears on a Korean television program in search of his mother. Since Heon- tae is a trained alpine skier, he is approached by Coach Bang who wants to recruit members for a new national ski jumping team for the approaching 1998 Winter Olympics. The other members are Choi Hong-cheol, a night club waiter; Ma Jae-bok, who works at a meat restaurant and has a strict father; and Kang Chil-gu, who lives with his grandmother and autistic brother Bong-gu. All are good skiers, but are out of practice. To gear up for the qualifying match at the World Cup, they overcome their fear and train in unusual places, such as from the top of cars, amusement park roller coasters, etc. After almost getting disqualified because of a fight the night before, they succeed in qualifying at the World Cup. But the victory is bittersweet once they hear the IOC opted for Salt Lake City over Korea's Muju County. Unfortunately, because of deep fog, Chil-gu injures his leg and becomes unable to compete. Bong-gu decides to jump as a substitute but does not make the required distance for a gold medal and nearly loses his life. Despite their loss, the athletes rejoice because Bong-gu survived the jump, and the Koreans back home are proud of them. ===== The story of Cairo Exit takes place in a small town in the outskirts of Cairo, Dar El Salaam, a city inhabited by mostly lower-class, working-class Egyptians. From ancient times until the 1960s this was very fertile land but is now slums. The town is close to Maadi, an upper-class neighbourhood that locals call "the American Neighbourhood". The Nile runs through it. The city is one of the many slums that surround Cairo. In 20 minutes a person can leave old Cairo, the slums of Cairo that look like a medieval places to Zamalak or Maddi with their westernized hotels, houses and internet cafes. It is precisely the journey of the main character, Amal, through Cairo from the slums, to modern Cairo, to Coptic and Islamic Cairo. This journey in the bewildering chaos of the city, the visual turmoil and disorder of colour is all part of the frame in Cairo Exit. In this story everyone wants to leave and everyone has a secret of his or her own. Cairo is a city of layers, ancient civilizations crumbled over each other, covered by modern way of life. The challenge is to capture the light and dark contrasts of the city with fresh eyes— to create a visceral, immediate experience for audiences, immersing them in the sweltering heat and small alleyways. Since we're shooting in the heart of the city's infamous but rarely explored slums, capturing their energy and urgency on-the-fly, with an unforced realism. By using a hand-held camera to reflect the urgency of the city, the disorder of details and to activate the perception of loneliness for the characters. With a distilled narrative and a closely attentive camera, the story offer up characters, often members of what might be called the struggling classes, who are humanized through their daily choices. Though the film is scrupulously naturalistic, in lighting, camera work, sound design, still somehow it belongs to the suspense genre, though it is suspense of character, not of plot. It is not so much a question of what will happen next, as of how the characters arrive, or fail to arrive, at a decision to act. The Camera and the natural lighting will capture the rhythms of life and the raw reality of the streets. Using caressing natural light, early morning breath, orange tone for the city, dusty green for the in doors locations like the house of Amal. Earthy colours from most of the characters and capturing the neon blue, red and green lights that sweep Cairo at night. The whole film is a constant discovery, each new image striking our eye in a fresh way; the impression unfolds before us. Another key feature is the moving between indoors and out doors location, completely objective, where the camera just happened to be. The main character and the main focal of the story is Amal Iskander a poor 18-year-old Coptic Egyptian girl. Her Muslim boyfriend Tarek is planning to leave Egypt on an illegal boat-crossing to Italy. Amal tells Tarek she is pregnant but he gives her an ultimatum - abandon the country with him, or have an abortion. Amal, who loves Tarek and wants the baby, rejects both choices. But when the battered scooter she uses for food deliveries is stolen. Amal is fired from her job and suddenly finds herself with even fewer options. Her future, limited from the start, looks even more uncertain. In the poor neighborhood of Bashtel where Amal lives with her mother and a stepfather who is a compulsive gambler, day-to-day existence is difficult for everyone. Her sister, Hanan, is also an unwed mother with few paths to a better life. Her best friend, Rania, is trying to raise money for an operation that will disguise the fact that she is no longer a virgin so that she can marry a wealthy, older man whom she does not love. Amal seeks guidance in prayers to the Virgin Mary, but with few real possibilities left, she takes the only job she can find - in a hairdresser with low pay. The new job opens up the underworld life within Cairo that Amal never imagined - a life of luxury, leisure, expensive homes and cars - but also one of vice. At one of her destinations, a high class brothel in an exclusive part of town, she discovers her sister Hanan working as a prostitute in order to support her child. Devastated, disgusted by the life of the underworld, she gives up her only possibility for self-sufficiency. Neither desiring a loveless marriage like Rania's, nor wishing to end up destitute like her mother and sister, Amal decides that she must abandon her family and their difficult existence in Egypt to join the man she loves and take the risky journey across the sea to another life. ===== Upendra plays a lovelorn nerd Surendra who can do anything to get Manisha (Felicity Mason) to love him. Desperate to impress her and unable to do so himself, he seeks the help of his maverick scientist professor (Ananth Nag). The professor comes up with a clone of Surendra who will do the bit of impressing Manisha, and once the task is accomplished, the real Surendra will take over. However, things go berserk after the professor gives Surendra's clone - an android robot - the ability to think and act like humans. He bestows the clone named US 47 with human discretion and human emotion. The idea of the clone backfires when US 47 starts using his discretion and falls in love with Manisha. Using his robotic strength and human intelligence, and of course the help of a lab monkey (Seenu), US 47 proves to be a formidable enemy to Surendra over Manisha. Now the mad professor, Surendra, his twin brother Upendra and Manisha need to get together to solve the problem.Movie review ===== The series is based on the Heaven's Gate story arc of the manhua series. A mysterious stranger wearing an ice mask approaches Nie Feng and tells him he has the ability to resurrect the dead. To everyone's surprise, the stranger revives Di'er Meng, Nie Feng's lover, who died in the first series. However, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun gradually realise that they are falling under his control and being manipulated by him. The stranger, who claims to be a god and possesses supernatural powers, is revealed to be Dishitian, the leader of the martial arts clan Tianmen. Several well-known fighters have joined Tianmen, either out of fear for Dishitian or temptation by the rewards he offers. Dishitian's intentions become clear later: He is planning to recruit the fighters – including Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun – who wield the seven most powerful weapons in the jianghu (martial artists' community) to join him in his quest to slay the Dragon and obtain the precious Dragon Orb, which can boost a martial artist's inner energy by several times after consumption. The mission is successful but the Orb breaks into pieces and the fragments end up in different locations. In greed, Dishitian consumes more pieces than his body can take and causes internal injuries to himself. His treacherous servant, Duan Lang, seizes the opportunity to kill him and absorb his powers. Duan Lang then morphs into the Qilin Demon and becomes a dangerous threat to the jianghu. Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun join forces to defeat Duan Lang. ===== Pauline Deschapelles has jilted the Marquis Beauséant. Claude Melnotte, the son of Pauline's gardener, is in love with her. Beauséant persuades Melnotte to disguise himself as a foreign prince to trick Pauline into marrying him. When Melnotte takes Pauline to his widowed mother's home after the marriage, she discovers the ruse and gets the marriage annulled. Melnotte enlists in the army to assuage his remorse. Pauline's father is then threatened with bankruptcy, and Beauséant is willing to pay the debt if Pauline will marry him. Melnotte becomes a war hero, and Pauline realises that she is truly in love with Melnotte after all. ===== On 16 September, superstar Sidharth Shankar (Rahman) gets ready for the release of his new film. On the same day, Traffic Constable Sudevan (Sreenivasan) joins back on duty, after having been suspended from service for taking bribe as he wanted to pay the fees for his niece's admission. The day is special for Dr. Abel (Kunchako Boban) who is celebrating his first wedding anniversary. Raihan (Vineeth Sreenivasan), an aspiring television journalist, starts his first job with an interview with Siddharth Shankar the very same day. On the same day, at a crowded traffic junction in Kochi, Raihan and Rajeev (Asif Ali), travelling in a bike are fatally hit by a speeding car at the signal. Raihan is all set to interview the superstar, Siddharth Shankar. Also at the junction, in another car, is the surgeon Dr. Abel. Raihan goes into coma and is declared brain dead although he is kept alive using ventilator in Lakeshore Hospital Kochi. Meanwhile, Siddharth's ailing daughter Riya's (Namitha Pramod) condition becomes worse. She is admitted to Ahalya Hospital Palakkad and she urgently needs a heart transplant. At first Raihan's parents do not agree to take their son off the ventilator and donate their son's heart but Rajeev and Raihan's girlfriend Aditi (Sandhya) persuade them into it. Now that the heart is available, the problem was with transporting it from Kochi to Palakkad. No helicopters or chartered flights are available due to bad weather and time concerns and so the heart will have to be taken by road. Someone will have to drive the 150 kilometres from Lakeshore Hospital in Kochi to Ahalya Hospital in Palakkad in under two hours during the rush traffic. City Police Commissioner Ajmal Nazar (Anoop Menon) is asked to carry out the mission. He initially refuses considering the complexity and risk involved in the mission. But finally he heeds to the persuasion of Dr.Simon D'souza (Jose Prakash). Sudevan, being an experienced driver who has driven as an escort for ministers, volunteers to be the driver of the Mahindra Scorpio which will transport the heart because he wanted to regain the name he lost due to the bribe incident. Accompanying him on this mission is Dr Abel and Rajeev. Everything goes smoothly for sometime. But at a point Dr. Abel threatens Sudevan that he would kill Rajeev if he didn't comply, forcing Sudevan to deviate from the highway into a forest road (Puttukad forest area) in order to save himself from the police. However Rajeev retaliates leading to a fight. He phones his sister Miriam (Roma) and speaks that he had hit his wife Shwetha (Remya Nambeesan) with a car as he was infuriated with the fact that she was cheating on him with his best friend Jikku (Krishna) and that she has possibly died, so he wishes to save himself from the clutches of the police. Here Siddharth Shankar phones him and convinces him that he can save Abel, however Abel is shown not to be so convinced. In the nick of time, Shruti(Lena), Siddharth Shankar's wife explains her mental traumatic condition due to the heart problem of her daughter for the last 13 years. And explains that no other problem can be bigger than this one. Abel now convinced, advises Sudevan and Rajeev to leave. However Sudevan decides to have Abel with them in the team and in spite of the repeated suggestions from the Commissioner Nazar to get him arrested. They are then shown to enter a road 8 km ahead of the route time table, thus making up for the time they lost in the forest. However after some time Riya's conditions worsen, forcing the team to take an alternate route through a communally sensitive place called Bilal Colony. It is shown that police cannot enter the place due to its strong minority. Rajeev seems to know the place well and advises Siddharth Shankar to get the place cleared for the vehicle to move. Siddharth Shankar personally phones Thanzeer(Baiju Ezhuppuna) the Fans Club President who goes out of his ways and means to clear roads for the vehicle. Rajeev exits the vehicle as soon as they enter the colony to ensure the roads are clear. In midway, Abel also exits the vehicle to remove two vehicles which are blocking the route. After which Abel boards the car by Thanzeer's assistance, however Rajeev is unable to board the car. Sudevan drives at high speeds and ensures that they reach Ahalya Hospital at time. Covering the challenging 150 km feat in a daunting 1 hour and 58 minutes. It is shown that Shwetha is out of danger and has no complaints regarding the accident against Abel, thus freeing him. Rajeev is offered lift to Kochi by an unnamed man (Nivin Pauly). Raihan's parents invite Aditi home as a symbol of acceptance and prepare for the last rites of Raihan. Riya opens her eyes, bringing joy to her family, Nazar feels a sense of satisfaction and phones Dr. Simon D'Souza to thank him. Sudevan en route to his home finds a few people fighting on the road regarding a minor accident, where he signals them to stop the fight. Thus the movie ends on a happy note. ===== Hotel heiress London Tipton (Brenda Song) and twins Zack (Dylan Sprouse) and Cody Martin (Cole Sprouse) are to attend a new semester in Seven Seas High School on the SS Tipton, a cruise ship owned by Wilfred Tipton (voiced by Bob Joles and played by Adam Tait in The Suite Life of Zack & Cody; played by John Michael Higgins in the special Suite Life On Deck episode "Twister"). (which was seen in one episode of the predecessor). Meanwhile, Mr. Moseby (Phill Lewis) tricks London into thinking that she is on vacation (which is not true), and a girl named Bailey Pickett sneaks into the bathrooms to disguise herself as a male, doing so since there are no more cabins left for women. London bribes her roommate Padma (Tiya Sircar) into leaving, so she can have the room to herself, and soon finds out she has to attend school. Cody ends up sharing a room with Woody Fink (Matthew Timmons), who is very messy, while Zack eventually is with Bailey (Debby Ryan) (currently disguised as male, trying to hide her identity). The twins decide to exchange roommates, but Zack in the end refuses after finding out she is a girl. However, her gender is eventually revealed to the people on the ship, and is happy to find out that the cabin from London is free for one more person, but this is the last straw for London and she flees to Parrot Island via helicopter, leaving the plot for the following episode. ===== In a once peaceful decade, a mysterious man named Badao appeared among the pugilists of Central Plains. He mercilessly killed the entire troop with his sword fighting skills. Meanwhile, in Baihua Valley, Feng Wuque and Jiang Feiyu appeared to live peacefully with their wives and newborn sons. Then, a group of pugilists led by He Yuntian of Huashan Sect delivered the news and sought for their assistance to retaliate Badao. The two swordsmen left and fought Badao until Yue Longxuan appeared before them. It was later found out that Badao was forced to duel Feng Wuque and Jiang Feiyu in exchange of his family's life, but Yue Longxuan silenced him. Feng Wuque and Jiang Feiyu combined their strength and managed to defeat Yue Longxuan and died. In the meantime, their wives (Xiaofeng and Roulan) were chased by some pugilists and jumped off a cliff with their sons. Twenty years later in Longyang Town, Xiaoyu, a young man who loves to play pranks and deceive people, lived as a young master to a big gambling house. On the other hand, Wuji grew up as a common woodcutter living with his parents in the outskirts. The two first met in a small shop where Xiaoyu was dining and Wuji supplied wood for the shop owner. Xiaoyu had a "familiar feeling" towards Wuji. Then, Wuji went home from work devastated as he discovered that his house was burnt and his parents were killed. He found a jade pendant which led him to the assumption that Xiaoyu murdered his parents and searched for him to avenge their death. The Mingyue Palace was attacked by a group of Tianmen scouts but were single handedly killed by Mingyue, a formidable Chief known to the pugilists world. She then settled to leave her palace for a mission. While running for errands, Xiaoyu met and fought Wuji with a false claim that Xiaoyu murdered Wuji's parents. Wuji spared his life in an agreement that Xiaoyu should determine the real murderer in three months. Their investigation led them to Bu'er Manor linking a piece of evidence they found at Wuji's place. They left for Bu'er City and enlist in the manor's congregation however they needed a recommendation letter as recruits. They secured a letter from an elderly man, who happened to be the Chief Steward of Bu'er Manor. The two passed the registration and joined the strict selection process. After a series of tests, the two succeeded as Bu'er Manor's disciples, met the other entrants, Xiaojiang and Xueyu, and Chang Chun, a divine physician. During their adventures, Xiaoyu and Wuji met an unnamed skilled swordsman, whom Ziyan was also pursuing. The swordsman looked like the legendary Yan Haotian, Mingyue's former lover. He was used by the Tianmen to lure Mingyue and dispose her since she was a threat to the Tianmen's chief's desire to dominate the pugilist arena. Her fight with the Tianmen sustained her injuries causing Chang Chun to save and cure her. Ziyan also found out that her juniors were massacred by a Tianmen cavalier and struggled to fight him. She was rescued by Xiaoyu and brought her to the manor to recuperate. While at the manor, Xiaoyu and Wuji learned of other mysteries within like headless ghosts, missing artisans, and explosions. Their investigations gave them the answers to secrets in Bu'er Manor - Chief Yuwen Pu is a branch leader of Tianmen. Chief Yuwen Pu intended to kill all the attendants on the day of the congregation and become one of the four main sects leader. A battle was ensued and everyone was locked inside the gathering hall fighting off a poisonous fume and Chief Yuwen Pu was assassinated by Xiaojiang and Xueyu but Wuji was mistakenly identified by Yuwen Shuang as her father's murderer. Meanwhile, Mingyue faced off Yue Longxuan, the Tianmen Chief, and was severely injured. At the manor, everyone was saved by a dying lady, Guo Roulan (Feng Wuque's wife), and revealed that Xiaoyu and Wuji were Jiang Feiyu's and Feng Wuque's sons respectively. This discovery led Chief He Yuntian of Huashan to adopt the two as his disciples and imparted his knowledge in martial arts. Xiaoyu, Wuji, Ziyan, Dongwei, and Chang Chun left the city in search for Mingyue. The group stopped at Yi Lou, an establishment that trades almost anything, and found Mingyue who was caught with amnesia and served as a hostess with a new name (Xiaolan). Also, Yuwen Shuang was accepted by Zhu Xiaotong, Yi Lou's owner, and sold herself to whoever kills Wuji in her desperation to avenge her father's death. Mingyue's presence at Yi Lou has spread and steered every pugilist to execute her. The group managed to escape from their perpetrators and dwelt at the Evil Forest, where they stayed at Du Qiaoqiao's place. Xiaoyu met Du Qiaoqiao beforehand and is one of the Ten Evils and raised Jiang Feiyu. Zhu Xiaotong later revealed that she is Senior Xiaoyao, Mingyue's disciple, but betrayed her master because of love. The group remained at the Evil Forest until help arrived. While at the forest, Wuji took Yuwen Shuang as his disciple and taught her his sword fighting skills to execute him as a pact they agreed upon whilst Xiaoyu was hypnotized to kill Mingyue/Xiaolan. Xiaoyu's hypnotic state was Du Qiaoqiao's ploy and is apparently a Tianmen branch leader. Xiaoyu, Wuji, and Chang Chun fled the forest to awaken Mingyue's/Xiaolan's power whereas Ziyan, Dongwei, and Yuwen Shuang were captured by Yue Longxuan as bait. Dongwei sacrificed herself with a divine crystal injuring the Tianmen. Chief He Yuntian arrived in time and managed to drive Yue Longxuan and his men. Ziyan went missing for three months but eventually reunites with Xiayou as he and Wuji searched for Xueyu to retrieve the Tianmen Token. They eventually captured her but was later rescued by Xiaojiang. Again, Xiaoyu was poisoned and helpless as mysteries arise. Yuwen Shuang has forgotten about her hate and revenge towards Wuji. In a while, Chief He Yuntian was revealed to be the man behind the conspiracies and he was in fact Ziyan's father. Xiaoyu's intelligent skills lured He Yuntian into fighting Yue Longxuan, killing him. The shocking revelation caused Xiaoyu's and Ziyan's breakup. With the Huashan Sect's downfall, Wuji was elected as its new chief. Few months have passed, Xiaojiang announced his treachery with Tianmen and joined forces with Wuji and Xiaoyu at the Golden Eagle Fort under Chief Ye Tianzhao's guidance. Wuji was chosen as the forerunner in directing the pugilists to take down Tianmen. The death of the Winter Threesome, appearance of Duan Tianbao, abduction of Yuwen Shuang, disownment of Xueyu from Tianmen, and the truth behind Xiaojiang's and Wuji's identity caused an uproar at the Golden Eagle Fort and the pugilist arena. At the same time, Ziyan has welcomed Buddhism and decided to become a nun, Wuji has announced his marriage to Yuwen Shuang, and Luo Yunbing/Madam Bing consulted Chang Chun for treatment. After a battle at the fort, Xueyu pleaded for Yue Longxuan's mercy and rejoin Tianmen. She was accepted and initiated her plot against her foster father in attempt to avenge Xiaojiang's supposed death. After a series of events, Xiaoyu decided to undergo training and discipleship under Yao Haotian. In place of Yao Haotian, he was trained by Yan Piaoxiang, Yan Haotian's grand niece, at the Flower Palace. Once more, Xiaoyu reconciled with Ziyan through Yan Piaoxiang's aid. Wuji's relationship with Yue Longxuan caused him to step down as a chief and lived as a commoner. He found Yuwen Shuang, who was reluctant to see him as she feared he might not accept her because of her disfigured face after a tragic fate. Still, Wuji accepted her and lived with her in a farmland. The Tianmen attacked the Golden Eagle Fort leaving the main characters alive. Mingyu's duel against Yue Longxuan caused her death which shattered Chang Chun, refusing to leave her grave. The remaining survivors (Madam Bing, Duan Tianbao, Boss Yu, Ziyan, Xueyu, and an aide) traveled to Evil Forest to recruit more pugilists to continue their rally against Yue Longxuan. There, they were reunited with Wuji and Yuwen Shuang and the couple were shortly married. After the wedding ceremony, Yuwen Shuang was kidnapped and Xiaojiang appeared to save the group. Wuji was then compelled to be with his father in exchange for Yuwen Shuang. A letter was sent out to challenge Xiaojiang, Feng Wuque's real son, and Xiaoyu to a duel against Wuji. They had an intense fight but Wuji was seen as the victor. Witnessing this, Yue Longxuan was proud of his son's achievement but he was enraged when Xiaoyu revealed himself disguised as Wuji. As the combat continued, Xiaoyu was saved by Madam Bing's and Duan Tianbao's tandem. Madam Bing soon exposed herself as Yue Longxuan's wife and Wuji's biological mother. Yue Longxuan begged for his wife's forgiveness as his actions led him in misery. As Madam Bing was about to give in, Yue Longxuan assaulted her but Wuji blocked his attack, severely injuring him. This infuriated Yue Longxuan and he was bound by guilt driving him mad. At the end, Wuji accepted his fate as Yue Longxuan's son but chose the path of righteousness thanking Xiaoyu and the rest of the gang. ===== Serena and Blair enjoy their summer vacation in Paris trying to take their minds off of home. Chuck is recovering after being found and healed by Eva. Meanwhile, back in New York, Eleanor helps make arrangements for the Fashion's Night Out gathering at the Van Der Woodsen apartment and Dan and Nate prepare to face Serena. ===== Factory girl Joan Dodd (Medina) and Jack Fowler (Hanley) are in love and expect to marry in due course. When Jack is called up for war service however, Joan's socially- ambitious mother (Ellen Pollock) seizes the chance to meddle in her daughter's life by encouraging the attentions of Joan's older boss Adolphus Pickering (Claud Allister), who is infatuated with her. Pickering proposes marriage, and under pressure from her mother, Joan accepts. The preparations for the marriage are under way when Jack returns unexpectedly on leave from the army. On visiting Joan's, her mother hides him in another room whilst Joan's suitor arrives to request her father's permission to marry Joan. On the morning of the wedding, Joan finds out that Jack is back and visited so decides to go and explain to Jack. When she speaks to Jack's mum, she finds he's gone to the station to go to Scotland so rushes to catch him. Unfortunately, while on the train talking, the train sets off and Joan is forced to stay on. The pair decide to visit Joan's aunt and uncle in another area, Unfortunately, her aunt and uncle assume that she and Jack are just married, and prepare a bridal chamber for the couple, much to their embarrassment. Comic misunderstandings ensue all round until Joan finally demands the right to marry the man of her choice. ===== Ben is haunted by painful memories of his abusive father, and is suffering even more at present due to his increasingly eccentric mother. He is eventually toughened by this condition. Sam, meanwhile, is still grieving the murder of his activist boyfriend. Both boys turn to recreational activities to forget their painful precedents; Ben becomes involved in basketball, while Sam takes up dancing. Although Ben is surrounded by friends, he is unhappy, until a deep emotional connection and mutual admiration brings Ben and Sam together. Although Ben is confused, Sam is persistent and sincere, and their liaison eventually blossoms into something deeper. ===== The main characters are: Paddy de Courcy, a charismatic politician; Lola Daly, a stylist; Grace Gildee, a journalist; Marnie Hunter, Grace's alcoholic sister; and Alicia Thornton, Paddy's fiancée. The story is told predominantly from the viewpoints of the first three, although there are occasional sections from Alicia's point of view. Lola, Paddy's girlfriend, is heartbroken when she hears of his engagement and moves to County Clare to get away from him. Marnie, who was Paddy's college girlfriend and still has feelings for him, is an alcoholic and eventually loses her job, husband and children; her sister Grace attempts to help Marnie, get an interview with Lola, and hide her relationship with Paddy from her partner Damien. Over the course of the book it is revealed that all three women - plus various other ex-girlfriends of Paddy's - have been abused by him. ===== As springtime begins to break up the ice on a frozen river, a handsome young novice monk rescues a naked girl who has apparently fallen into the water. She disappears suddenly, but returns time and time again over the ensuing months—first demonstrating her dolphin-like swimming ability (and her surprising technique of catching fish in her teeth!) and then winning the young man's heart with her coquettish flirting and beautiful singing. The young monk's elderly master comes to understand that the rusalka is actually the drowned spirit of a girlfriend he himself had loved and betrayed as a youth, and takes steps to protect his naive apprentice from her supernatural revenge. But when the mermaid recognizes the old monk as the man who had once jilted her, it may not be the young apprentice who is in mortal danger. ===== The calm of a peaceful English village is shattered when a series of anonymous letters starts being delivered to village homes, containing scurrilous allegations about the recipients and their families. Upstanding and respectable inhabitants find themselves and their loved ones accused in lascivious detail of all manner of moral, sexual and criminal misdeeds. The Reverend Rider (Tate) and his sister Mary (Robson) attempt to defuse the increasing consternation of the villagers by pointing out that the letters should be ignored as the malicious nonsense they are. Their efforts meet with little success, and Rider's daughter Ann (Todd) also becomes a target with lewd accusations being made about her fiancé David (Geoffrey Toone). As the letters continue to arrive with ever more outlandish content, the social fabric of the village starts to fall apart. The letters all bear the local postmark, and people start to look suspiciously at their friends and neighbours, wondering who could be behind the campaign. Despite Rider's insistence that the contents of the letters should be disregarded, some notice that the letter-writer seems to have a very detailed knowledge of their personal circumstances, and start to question whether there may be a grain of truth in what is being written. Personal relationships too come under strain. Soon the entire village is overtaken by suspicion and paranoia, and fingers start to point at Connie Fateley (Catherine Lacey), a shy young seamstress who lives alone and does not tend to socialise. Convinced that hers is exactly the kind of personality that would find vent in a malicious poison- pen campaign, the villagers turn against Connie, openly accusing her of being the guilty party and ostracising her from village life. Tragedy follows when the despairing Connie hangs herself from the bellrope in the village church. Rider preaches a sermon in which he expresses his disgust with his congregation for having driven Connie to suicide without a shred of evidence against her. Most, however, believe privately that Connie's death was an admission of guilt and feel relief that the ordeal is over. But letters are soon arriving again and the police become involved, keeping watch on local letterboxes in an attempt to catch the culprit. David now starts to receive letters detailing Ann's alleged infidelity, and unstable villager Sam Hurrin (Robert Newton) is targeted with information that his wife Sucal (Belle Chrystall) is dallying behind his back with local shopkeeper Len Griffin (Edward Chapman). After drinking himself into a rage, Hurrin goes out to confront Griffin and shoots him fatally. The police now begin a round-the- clock surveillance of all letterboxes in the village, the collected letters are analysed and everyone who has been recorded as posting a letter is required to provide the address on the envelope. A handwriting expert is also brought in. The investigations lead in a surprising direction, towards Mary, the vicar's sister and a respected community member who has managed to hide a severely disturbed mind behind a mask of caring efficiency. Realising that the net is finally closing in, the perpetrator descends into a destructive mental frenzy before fatally jumping from a cliff above a local quarry. ===== ===== Hagen Arnold (Christopher George) is an American spy in the year 2118. The geopolitical climate of Earth has changed significantly over the years with Sino-Asia (China) being the only other superpower and enemy of the United States. Overpopulation is a looming issue. On a covert mission to Sino-Asia, Arnold sends a message to his handlers in the U. S. stating that "The West will be destroyed in fourteen days". He then takes an anti-torture drug that renders him an amnesiac. Hagen is safely brought back to the USA and placed in cryogenic preservation until the government can devise a way to get the information out of him. With the key to discovering the secret weapon the Sino-Asians were working on locked inside his mind the American scientists resort to using a holographic memory reading device that can see inside his mind while he is asleep. The scientists also create an elaborate historical reenactment of the 1960s (Arnold has a history degree centered on this tumultuous decade) as a means to create a role-playing mechanism that may coax the information to the surface of the unsuspecting Arnold. To keep his suspicions down in the 1960s mock-up, they also create a 1960s personality matrix to implant in his mind. He is led to believe he is a criminal hiding out at a farmhouse and cannot leave lest he be arrested. As the days tick down until the East destroys the West, Hagen comes into contact with a futuristic factory worker named Karen Summers (Greta Baldwin) who causes slight anachronistic errors with the 1960s facade. An unseen sniper scares her off, leaving Hagen suspicious but none the wiser about the facade he is experiencing. The government finds and detains Karen but tension mounts as not only has Hagen not divulged the secret they need but another agent, the unseen sniper, a man known as Gregory Gallea (Monte Markham), enters the scene in an attempt to coax the memories out of Hagen. His intention is to obtain the prized info so he can double-cross the U. S. government. Gallea has been gone for two years and presumed dead, apparently killed in action while keeping tabs on Sino-Asia. It was he who helped Hagen escape Sino-Asia. The memory viewing and holographic machinery unleashes a mental power in Hagen. The mental power creates an energy field that kills Gallea in a spectacular display of light and fury. His death however becomes the key the scientists were looking for. They extract Gallea's brain from his body, and, while keeping it alive in a nutrient tank, perform the same brain reading exercise on it as they did with Hagen. Gallea's memories show how the Sino-Asians plan on destroying the West. Gallea injected Hagen Arnold with a myriad of medieval diseases which will, in fourteen days, make him a living plague bomb capable of spreading the diseases throughout the U. S., thus effectively destroying it from within. The lead scientist, Crowther (Henry Jones), recalls that Arnold was in cryo-suspension most of the fourteen-day period, so there is still time to immunize him and save the West. They do so while he is unconscious and then implant a third identity into him, one in which he is living in the future, and happily married to the beautiful Karen Sommers. Arnold wakes up in a bright and happy new future, a married man who will be allowed by the state to have two children with his new wife.Turner Classic Movies Review ===== Cassie Nightingale has settled comfortably in Middleton with a successful boutique and is now engaged to Chief of Police Russell (Chris Potter). Having gifts for everyone else, finding one for Cassie proves to be a little more tricky for Jake. He sets his heart on letting Cassie wake up with a family on Christmas Day after getting married on Christmas Eve. With 7 days to go, everyone gets involved in the planning. Martha Tinsdale, who is looking for a job after her husband announces they're broke, discovers her talent for wedding planning. She eventually overcomes her struggles not to let her own vision undermine the bride-to be's. Betty, the owner of a local bakery, is in charge of the menu, including the cake, and comes out more confident after Cassie gives her a necklace. As the Chief of Police, Jake Russell has additional concerns, as Leon Deeks, a man he put in jail for robbing a bank 10 years ago, got out of prison early. The money that was stolen had never been found. Leon appears at his former home. His daughter Jody is happy to see him, but his wife has filed for divorce and kicks him out. Jody is in a relationship with Brandon and the two of them visit Cassie's shop. Lori has been left to look after it for a bit and has been put in charge of Cassie's wedding ring, the last thing she still owns from her mother. After the three of them talk for a bit, Jody suddenly has to leave. Immediately after, Lori notices the ring's gone missing. She feels horrible about losing it. Lori suspects Jody to be involved in the ring's disappearance and visits her at home. Before she can ring the doorbell, Brandon sees Lori and accuses her of harboring preconceived notions of Jody only due to the prior indiscretions of her father. He continues to get mad at anyone suspecting Jody. They later find out that Martha, who had previously been in the shop, had accidentally put it in her purse. Problems continue when the marriage certificate is first difficult to acquire, then gets switched up by accident, only to be followed by the minister's car breaking down and a dog eating the wedding cake. George considers moving to Montreal, but Cassie makes him want to stay and move into Grey House after she moved in with Jake after the wedding. He welcomes his new job as a caretaker for the property. All other problems are resolved just in time for the wedding. Leon retrieves the robbery money from underneath the tiles in Cassie's shop, where he had hidden it back when it had still been an abandoned building, and returns it to Jake. He decides to stay in Middleton to regain peoples' trust and his family decides to give him a second chance. Cassie wakes up the next morning with a family. ===== In the Paris of 1893, sculptor Charles Garrie (De Marney) enters into an illicit relationship with the married Christine Minetti (Greenwood). Christine's husband Anton (Egan) is also a sculptor, and mentally unstable. Anton finds out about Christine's affair and soon after she vanishes without trace. Although the police consider Anton the prime suspect in being involved in his wife's disappearance, they can find no incriminating evidence, nor any lead as to her whereabouts, alive or dead. Anton's mental deterioration gathers pace, and in due course he is arrested for the murder of his mistress and in this case there is no doubt of his guilt. He still refuses however to give any indication of what happened to Christine. Charles remains desperate to discover Christine's fate, and relates the whole story to a criminologist (Frederick Valk). A psychic is called in and a séance is held in Anton's studio, revealing that Christine has always been much closer to home than anyone could have realised. ===== The film begins with Shelley Morrison (Brooke Bundy) packing to run away from home because she feels she is not loved by her widowed father (Lloyd Bochner). She tells their maid (Isabel Sanford) that to her father she is not his daughter, but a product. She has overheard him telling columnist Army Archerd that he is testing some of his psychological theories about teenagers on his own daughter. Shelley catches a ride with an older man. He tries to put the moves on her, and they have an accident when he loses control of the car. She escapes without her suitcase and winds up in Chicago. She meets a prostitute named Joanne in a diner, and Joanne tells Shelley that she is a model. Joanne offers Shelley a place to stay, with the ulterior motive of turning Shelley into a working girl. Kevin Coughlin plays Dewey, who runs away from home because he fears he has gotten his girlfriend pregnant. He first stays in a boarding house run by Sage (Dick Sargent). There he meets Terry (Richard Dreyfuss), who has an allergy to work and makes fun of Terry for wanting to find a job. Dewey gets a job at a gas station for $1 per hour and moves into a rooming house. He is coming home one night during a downpour and meets Shelley, who has run away from Joanne the prostitute, after Joanne has taken her on a double 'date'. Dewey convinces the police that Shelley is his sister and they allow her to go with him. She stays with Dewey (on the sofa, of course) and soon they are falling in love. Deannie (McCormack) cannot stand her shrewish mother (Lynn Bari) constantly telling her what to do, runs away to Chicago and meets Loch (Ken Del Conte), a musician who is just a tad possessive. She moves in with him, but began to have feelings for his roommate Curly (Lance LeGault). Loch comes home and finds Deannie in bed with Curly. In a rage, he beats them both to death. Joanne's pimp is afraid that Shelley will lead the police to him, so he has her kidnapped and held in a basement. The police find her in time, and she returns home with her father. She and Dewey promise to keep in touch. ===== Raja (Narasimha Raju) was a king in his previous life. When he goes to the forest once to hunt animals, he gets attracted to an orphan stick selling lady Mohini (Jayamalini) and lusts after her. He seduces her and enjoys having sex with her in the forest. After a week he leaves her in the forest itself promising that he would return to marry her and will make her his queen. But Raja is a lustful womanizer and he just betrayed Mohini. Knowing this Mohini commits suicide vowing that she will return to get him in his next life. Raja in his next birth goes to the same forest to drink water where Jaganmohini, now a ghost, appears to him and lures him with her beauty. But he is married to another pious woman (Prabha). She regains him by praying to her Goddess, whom she believes in strongly. She is helped by a Monkey and Snake. Jagan Mohini at last gets her "moksham" and goes to heaven. ===== The story begins in a bar called The White Bird. There, the unnamed female protagonist, a trader, meets Venn, an aspiring musician. They become lovers and the protagonist takes him to planet Habille, where she has trading businesses to do and he expects to find inspiration for new music. Habille is a planet that was colonized centuries ago and cut off all relationships with other planets, but has recently rejoined galactic society and has become open to trade. Once on Habille, the protagonist and Venn's relationship suffers due to difficulties from the protagonist shifting her attention to her work, and Venn's lack of inspiration in the dull, oppressive city. In an attempt to save the relationship, they move to a village. There, they meet Reni Laer, a musician who plays soul-stirring music with a strange instrument. After listening to his music, the pair meet Wara Duleen, a music student, that explains that the instrument Laer was playing was a flute made of a bone of his dead wife. The protagonist leaves for three weeks due to some work commitments. When she returns, she finds Venn has abandoned her. She confronts him and learns he's now in love with Wara Duleen. Ten years later, the protagonist learns that there's a musician from Habille doing a concert at the hotel where she's staying. There, she meets Venn and Wara Duleen in a way she least expected to. ===== A street performer befriends a ribbon dancer named Mai, and their partnership begins to lead to a better life, until a rich kid shows interest in her. ===== In present-day Havana, Chico, a shoe-shiner, tunes his radio to the Radio Progreso station, which is playing old Cuban hits on a program called Melodies from Yesterday. As he listens, the station begins to play a romantic arrangement of A Taste of Me (Sabor a Mí) by Mexican composer Álvaro Carrillo (1921–69) which causes him to remember his life back in 1940s Cuba. In 1948 Havana, Chico and his best friend Ramón are struggling dandies in a low-life bar. Ramon arranges a double date for the both of them with two American tourists. They take the women to a bar where Chico falls in love with the band's beautiful lead singer, Rita. Chico attempts to talk to her, but an American tourist refuses to let Rita leave him. Chico and Ramón go to the Tropicana Club with their lady-friends, and sneak in through the performer's entrance. While walking around, Chico sees upon Rita and her gentleman friend arguing. The Maitre d' overhears that Chico is an accomplished pianist and persuades him to substitute for the main event's missing pianist. Chico fills in, playing at first sight a new piece—Ebony Concerto by Igor Stravinsky. Chico, initially nervous, ends up performing the piece with aplomb, to the delight of the band. Rita finally agrees to ditch her date and flee with Chico on Ramón's motorcycle and sidecar, along with the Americans. After a dangerous chase, the American man finally crashes into a car dealership, and the others escape. Rita and Chico leave the rest of the party and go to a bar where Chico introduces her to bebop music, which she takes up quickly. Afterwards they go to Chico's place and have sex together. The next day Rita wakes up to find Chico playing a new composition on the piano, which he names "Rita". As they play and kiss, Juana, Chico's former girlfriend, walks in and picks a fight with Rita. The two women angrily leave Chico, feeling betrayed. However, Chico is still smitten with Rita and begs Ramon to convince her to perform with him for an upcoming radio contest. Ramon pays Rita to sing with Chico but after the contest, Rita leaves Chico without speaking to him. He follows her to the house of a santera, who predicts that Chico will cause her much suffering. That night, the station announces that Chico and Rita have won a month's engagement at the Hotel Nacional. A few weeks later, Chico and Rita are having great success in their performances. Rita's beauty mesmerizes all the men, which ignites Chico's jealousy. One of the admirers, Ron, asks Rita to his table to discuss business. He offers to take Rita to New York City to make her a star, where jazz and Latin music are a burgeoning scene. However, Rita insists that the offer must include Chico. Meanwhile, Chico has been watching from a distance and becomes jealous, believing Rita wishes to leave him for Ron. Rita attempts to explain that she is fighting for both of them to go to New York together, but Chico storms off. Rita goes to his apartment and waits for Chico, but falls asleep in the courtyard. She is awakened by Chico stumbling home with Juana. Hurt, Rita agrees to go to New York with Ron, alone. After her departure, Chico becomes depressed and he and Ramon eventually secure the means to go to New York to seek their fortunes as well. Chico and Ramón give Chano Pozo a letter of recommendation they received from his sister in Cuba. Chano is receptive and excited to meet fellow Cubans. However, he is involved in drugs and has a short temper. After discovering he was sold oregano instead of marijuana, Chano attacks the dealer, who later finds him in a bar and kills him. Chico finds work as a party musician, and Ramón as an usher at the Plaza Hotel. At one of his party gigs, Chico runs into a successful Rita again, who is hurt by the racist doubts of her fellow party goers about her upcoming film project. Chico and Rita run away in her new car and spend the night together again. The next day, Ron locates Ramón and proposes a deal to finance his artist-agency business, as long as Ramon finds jobs to keep Chico away from Rita. Ramón complies with his end of the bargain and signs Chico with Dizzy Gillespie, who gives him a gig in Paris and a European tour. Rita becomes a big film star while Chico finds a new girlfriend in Paris. One morning, while playing "Rita" at the piano, the girlfriend's dog, Lily, comes in and sits by Chico. He decides to change the name of the song to "Lily". Back in New York, despite her wealth and success, Rita is still mistreated socially due to her skin color. While being driven to a set, the radio plays a new Jazz hit that she instantly recognizes as the piece Chico composed for her. She is moved to tears when she learns Chico renamed the song. In New York, Rita goes into a bar and sees Chico playing "Lily". She waits for him outside the bar and demands to know who Lilly is. He teases her about the mystery female's identity, but finally reveals that he renamed the song after a dog. The two passionately kiss and make up. A paparazzo captures the kiss in a photograph that appears in the newspapers. Chico and Rita agree to marry that New Year's Eve, after Rita's debut in Las Vegas. Chico tells Ramón, who worries that their reunion will ruin his business. Ramón slips a packet of drugs into Chico's coat, which police discover during a search after a raid on his gig at the Palladium in New York. They arrest Chico, and won't let him make a phone call to Rita, who waits in vain in a Las Vegas motel. Chico is soon deported back to Cuba. Upset, Rita becomes drunk before her New Year's Eve performance, believing that Chico left her again. Despite Ron's urging to not "spoil it all now", Rita deliberately sabotages her career by denouncing the racism of the Hollywood industry and the hypocrisy of being a celebrated black artist. Meanwhile, Chico enters Cuba right at the beginning of Castro's regime, and the new Cuban revolutionary authorities seize his passport. All venues are now forbidden to play jazz because it is "imperialist music." Disappointed with life, Chico gives up music altogether. Sixty years later, when Chico is shining shoes for a tourist, a young man rushes to him and tells him that a famous young singer and her entourage are eagerly asking for him and his jazz music. He reluctantly agrees to meet them and for the first time in years he plays his music for an audience. The singer asks him to record a song with her and Chico agrees. It becomes a big hit and takes him on a world tour, giving him success for the second time. After the tour, Chico is allowed re-entry into the United States. He searches for Rita, starting in New York. He eventually finds Ron in a nursing home and discovers that his friend Ramón has died and learns Rita is in Las Vegas. He goes there and knocks on her door and she reveals that she has stayed for 47 years in the same motel room, working as the motel's housekeeper and waiting for him. The film ends with their reunion. ===== The story involves a young American who falls obsessively in love with a mysterious courtesan named Melania against the backdrop of a dilapidated Eastern European landscape. ===== When violence threatens the frontier boomtown of Warlock, a Citizens' Committee determines to take action against criminal cowboys and cattle rustlers. A gunslinger named Clay Blaisedell, who has achieved considerable renown in Texas, is hired as town marshal to keep the peace. He is followed to Warlock by his close friend Tom Morgan, a gambler and saloon owner with a sour reputation, and Kate Dollar, a former prostitute bent on vengeance. Though Blaisedell at first manages to assert his authority with his stolid demeanor and expert gunmanship, Abe McQuown and his troublesome gang of cowboys seek to antagonize him. One of McQuown's former associates, John "Bud" Gannon, hopes to repent for the horrors of his past by becoming a deputy sheriff in Warlock, while his younger brother Billy continues to ride with McQuown. Bud's decision unsettles both the gang and the town's citizens, and he is forced to confront suspicion about his loyalties from both sides while trying to maintain his official neutrality. When Blaisedell declares several of McQuown's company banned from Warlock, the outlaws disobey the posting and ride into town. Morgan saves Blaisedell from an ambush in the ensuing shootout, and three of the outlaws, including Billy Gannon, are killed. Much of the town expects Bud to retaliate against Blaisedell out of respect for his brother, but the deputy remains impartial. Anticipating the ferocity of rumor that will inevitably surround accounts of the gunfight and wanting to avoid the distrust and ressentiment of the town, Blaisedell turns himself in for trial in neighboring Bright's City on the charge of murder. Meanwhile, employees of the local silver mines go on strike, demanding better pay and a new boss. Doctor Wagner, the town physician, is the miners' staunchest advocate, but implores them to organize a union and negotiate peacefully rather than resort to mob violence and sabotage. At the same time, the Citizens' Committee tries to avert open conflict by formally requesting Warlock's incorporation as the seat of a new county, which would permit them to hire their own full-time sheriff. They are discouraged by lengthy delays and the general reluctance of officials in Bright's City to hear their pleas, including the commander of the resident army detachment, General Peach, a decorated veteran of the Apache Wars whose senility borders on complete insanity. As tensions mount and rumors swirl, the concepts of morality and justice in the legal no-man's-land become ever more ambiguous. Blaisedell is soon acquitted of murder but resigns his position as town marshal and begins dealing faro at Morgan's saloon. Kate Dollar takes an interest in Bud Gannon, seeking to use him to enact her retribution upon Blaisedell and Morgan for orchestrating the murder of her fiancé back in Texas. ===== Makoto Niwa transfers to a new school and moves in with his aunt, Meme Tōwa. He is confused when he meets his first cousin, Erio, because he thought his aunt lived alone. Erio, who claims she is an extraterrestrial lifeform, does not attend school and wraps herself in a futon. Surprised by his cousin's eccentricity, he needs time to adapt to the tumultuous new life that has been sprung onto him. ===== In June 1944, Air Commodore Paul Collyer (Farrar) crash lands his plane on return from a reconnaissance mission. He appears to be suffering from amnesia and is unable to pass on the vital information he learned from the mission. The surgeon diagnoses no actual injury to the brain, but states that the memory loss is most likely attributable to shock, and in such cases memory is most often recovered through some mental jolt from the past. Moira Barrett (Campbell) is summoned to his bedside; he seems to recognise her, and his mind starts to go into flashback mode. Paul is seen as part of a flying circus display at which Moira is a spectator. A serious accident to one of the planes brings them together. That evening he meets old flame Eve Heatherley (Sonia Dresdel), who is now engaged Paul's friend Jack Graves (Jack Livesey). He runs into Moira again, and they talk of her passion for flying. The display accident causes the flying circus to fold and Paul is out of a job. He drifts from job to job for a time, before running into Chuck Rockley (Eric Barker), a fellow performer in the old flying circus, who informs him that he and Jack are starting a new flying circus to be financed by Eve, now married to Jack. Paul accepts the offer to join them, and together they open the Pegasus Flying Field. The venture is a success, but Eve soon loses interest and starts to take an interest in Jerry Frazer, a local ex-pilot. One afternoon an aircraft makes an emergency landing at Pegasus, and it turns out that the pilot is Moira, who is training for a record-breaking long-distance flight. She says she is looking for a co-pilot and asks Jack, who is talked out of it by Eve, and Paul, who refuses on the grounds of the plan being too risky. He does however agree to give Moira instruction in blind flying. The Pegasus pilots are offered the opportunity to earn extra money by flying at night to give the local RAF station the opportunity to practise searchlight operations. Moira accompanies Paul on one flight, but the plane develops engine trouble and they have to land away from base. They check into a local hotel for the night and realise that they are in love. Meanwhile, Jerry, encouraged by Eve, is working on an idea he has for freight-carrying gliders. When Eve dies suddenly and unexpectedly, Jack steps in to help Jerry with his ideas. Initially there is little commercial interest in the glider idea, until finally an aviation company offers to build a prototype if Pegasus will agree to finance a transatlantic test flight. Moira agrees to front up the cash as long as she is allowed to join the flight. The glider is built and preparations are finalised for its inaugural flight when an inspection by the Air Ministry calls a halt, as the prototype is too close in design to a craft secretly being worked on by their own designers. In recompense, the Air Ministry offers to buy out the Pegasus concern and provide the Pegasus men with RAF piloting jobs. Everyone is happy apart from Moira, who is bitterly disappointed about losing the chance of a transatlantic flight. Paul asks her to marry him. The action returns to the present, where Paul's memory is obviously returning. He starts to question Moira but she tells him that he is over-tired and they will discuss things the following day. She leaves his bedside and goes into an ante-room, where she is met by two small children asking, "Can we see Daddy now?" ===== Mark Sherwin (Ayres) is driving in the country when he notices a man lying at the side of the road. Assuming the man is the victim of a hit-and-run, he stops to offer assistance, only to be coshed and left stunned while his wallet and car are stolen. On recovering his senses, he staggers towards a nearby farmhouse where he collapses. He is found by the farm owner, who summons a doctor. Meanwhile, the car thief comes to grief while speeding round a corner on a clifftop road, the car plunges over the edge and explodes in flames. Sherwin regains consciousness, but is suffering from complete amnesia with no idea of his own identity or how he came to be found in such a remote location. The farm owner and his daughter agree to look after Sherwin while he recuperates. The police investigate missing persons reports but find no case to match Sherwin's age and physical description. Some days later Sherwin is on the mend, and happens to find in his overcoat pocket a ticket stub from a theatre in a town some 50 miles away. Hoping to find some clue as to his identity, he takes a train to the town and walks the streets to see whether anything will jog his memory. He comes across a house which he seems to recognise and walks in through the unlocked door. Inside he finds a flower-covered coffin in the front room. A woman (Norden) enters and on seeing Sherwin, screams and faints. This jolts Sherwin's memory back into gear and he recognises the woman as his wife Christine, who has believed him dead since there was no reason for anybody to consider that the body found in the burned- out car was not his. Sherwin is bothered by his wife's odd demeanour, particularly her excessive concern about whether or not anybody could have seen him in the street or arriving at the house. His suspicions aroused, he decides to continue to play the amnesiac. Saying he is going upstairs to rest, he eavesdrops on her telephone calls and soon realises that she is speaking to a lover of some time standing, the gist of the conversation being the need to dispose of Sherwin quickly before anyone else finds out that he was not the crash victim. Gradually, he finds out that Christine and her lover (Anthony Forwood) had been intending to sell the house and cash all his assets, and his inconvenient reappearance has derailed their plans. Aware now of Christine's true colours, he decides to play along with her schemes until he can engineer a suitable come-uppance for the pair. ===== In New York City, avant garde sculptor Lily McGuire (Lesley Ann Warren) lives a complicated and frustrating life as she tries to not only provide for herself and her daughter, but debut her latest artwork known as Apology. The design is a two-part exhibit consisting of a walkthrough sculpture of advanced mechanical design and a phone service that allows callers to anonymously leave confessions of whatever they desire on the answering machine. However, someone has been calling the line and using it to announce a string of recent high-profile killings. After contacting the police, Detective Hungate (Peter Weller) advises Lily to take the threats seriously. Eventually, the serial killer stops his phone calls and intends to murder Lily to the sounds of the exhibit's programmed confessions. Charles S. Dutton, Harvey Fierstein, and Chris Noth co-star. ===== The focus of much of the novel is the community of Etxelur. Etxelur begins as a typical stone-age civilisation, remarkable only for its flint, which is prized throughout most of Northland. It is nominally ruled by a figure known as the "Giver", but as Kirike, the current Giver, is missing, leadership falls to Zesi, his eldest daughter. Every year, Etxelur and its neighbours, the brutish "Pretani" (located in modern-day England), hold a ceremony known as the Giving on Etxelur soil. Representing the Pretani leader are brothers Gall and Shade, who share the house with Zesi and her 14-year-old sister Ana. Gall, the eldest brother, has been promised Zesi as a bride by his father, but Zesi instead sleeps with the younger brother Shade, enraging Gall. To make matters worse, Gall kills a member of the neighbouring "Snailhead" tribe during a communal hunt. Tensions come to a head during the giving, whereupon the Pretani leader (or "Root") arrives and demands that Shade and Gall resolve their dispute by a fight to the death, in which Gall is killed. Kirike also returns to Etxelur, along with outsiders Ice Dreamer (rescued from North America by Kirike during his travels) and Novu (a slave who killed his master and escaped, with a particular skill for making bricks). Kirike resumes leadership of Etxelur, much to Zesi's resentment. Zesi ultimately decides to leave with the Pretani to challenge them in a hunting contest on their own territory. Meanwhile, back in Etxelur, rising sea levels result in a tsunami, known to the locals as the "Great Sea". Most of Etxelur is destroyed, and many of its inhabitants are wiped out, including Kirike. With Zesi absent, Ana becomes the de facto leader of Etxelur. During the tsunami, Ana witnessed seabed formations resembling Etxelur's religious symbols, and, believing them to hold spiritual significance, ultimately resolves to build a dyke to hold back the sea and enable the formations to be reached once again. Novu, who has the most experience, obsessively oversees the construction of the dyke, and Ana adopts increasingly Draconian measures to ensure construction continues. When Zesi returns to Etxelur, she violently opposes Ana's work. She breaks one of the giant pools which holds water that is meant to flow back into the sea and kills a Snailhead child. This ultimately results in her being exiled and her child taken from her. Vowing revenge on Ana, Zesi ultimately returns to Pretani territory, where she convinces Shade (now the Root of the Pretani) to help her destroy Etxelur. Together, they plan to offer slave labour to Etxelur, with the intention of organising a slave uprising and then attacking Etxelur in the chaos. Before this can be done, however, Ana uncovers the plan and frees the slaves herself. The Pretani attack is beaten back, and Zesi is killed during the fight. The novel ends some years later, where construction of the dykes is finally complete, and the undersea formations Ana sought to uncover have finally been reached. ===== Disillusioned with the men in their lives, two friends, Hélène (Sanda) and Lucie (Chaplin) embark on a journey together to the South of France. As the pair continue to travel they recount their sexual histories, and repeat some of them along the journey. ===== Norway at the beginning of the 20th century: Several inhabitants of a small village on a fjord are boarding a ship to emigrate to the United States. Marit Skjølte refuses to follow her parents because she is in love with Anders Bjåland. Anders tells her that he is going to travel for a couple of years and will marry her when he comes back. He gives her his mother's brooch as token of his engagement. Four years later, Marit discovers that Anders is marrying the rich Kari Bjørve. She expresses her contempt towards him and goes to work for an old man in the mountains. One day, Tore, the man who always loved her comes to renew his offer to marry her. Marrit accepts to follow him. Wedding Boat Procession Many years have passed. Marit has become a rich widow, living with her son Vigleik and her daughter Eli. Anders poor and sick lives with his son Bård. Eli falls in love with Bård, and despite her mother's prohibition and her brother's threats, marries him and goes to live on his farm where she takes care of her sick father in law. Several years pass. Anders' wife has died poor and derelict. Marit begins to soften up and sends anonymously some food to her daughter. One day Vigleik, who has drunk too much, goes to the Bjåland farm, drags Anders out of his bed and throws him out of the house. Eli carries him to her mother who takes care of him. When Anders regains consciousness and sees that Marit has always carried his mother's brooch, he is full of remorse. They remember when they played bride and groom as children. Vigleik, ashamed by his behaviour emigrates to the United States and Marit and Anders spend their old days together.Synopsis, review and complete film: ===== Liz Erickson (Jeanne Crain) is a young, naive woman who has recently graduated from high school. Along with best friend Janet Shaw (Beverly Dennis), she leaves her parental home to attend Midwestern University, where her mother was once a legendary student. Liz and Janet dream of being pledged by the elite group of girls who call themselves Tri-U Sorority. Liz thinks that joining a sorority is more important than her education, and is surprised that her roommate Adelaide Swanson (Mitzi Gaynor) is not interested in Tri-U. During her first weeks of college, Liz has no trouble befriending Tri-U's members, including Dallas Prewitt (Jean Peters), Marge Colby (Betty Lynn), Merry Coombs (Helen Westcott) and Casey Krausse (Carol Brannon). Janet, on the other hand, does not make an impression on the snobbish girls. Neither does shy Ruth Gates (Lenka Peterson), whose mother was a respected Tri-U, but she (unlike Janet) is admitted to the pledge due to her family name. Liz is pledged as well. She feels guilty for seeing her dream come true, while Janet, crushed by the rejection, is leaving the college. Liz also meets Joe Blake (Dale Robertson), a college senior and former soldier who is opposed to sororities due to their snobbish cliques. Liz is pushed by arrogant Dallas to date Chad Carnes (Jeffrey Hunter), the most popular fraternity boy, whose reputation is as a drunken womanizer. Chad wins her affection but convinces her to help him cheat at an important exam. Her sorority sisters acclaim her as a hero, but Joe disapproves of her lack of ethics. "Hell Week" begins, which includes humiliating and playing pranks on the new pledges. On the insistence of Dallas, Ruth is released from the pledge, while Liz is assigned to go on silly errands. She runs into Joe, agreeing to accompany him to a party. Chad is tipped-off by a fraternity pledge that she went to the party, and he chastises Liz for ignoring her duties. Joe sticks up for her, and the two men get into a brief one-sided fist fight. Realizing that Joe is the one she wants to be with, she rejects Chad, removes her pledge pin and returns to Tri-U. Liz is disgusted to find out that Ruth has been de-pledged. She finds Ruth wandering the streets. Liz takes her to a hospital, where she is diagnosed with pneumonia. Ashamed for being part of a clique that has done this, Liz heads back to Tri-U to return her pin. The girls feel that she must be out of her mind for doing this, but Liz castigates them for their hypocrisy and snobbishness. She leaves with Joe, wondering how her mother will react. ===== Jack Carlisle is a disillusioned 13-year-old boy. His mother is always away at work since his father left. He decides to run away, as he feels his mom won't miss him. As he is ready to leave, his nanny convinces him to read a 'magic book' that belongs to her. The book is about a pirate adventure on Magic Island. As Jack reads the book, he is sucked into the world and goes on numerous adventures with Prince Morgan, while fleeing the evil Blackbeard the Pirate. He is even saved by Lily, a beautiful mermaid, whom he falls in love with. Lily is given the power to turn into a human and accompanies Jack on his adventure. Along the way, Jack encounters sand sharks, a tree that grows the favorite food of the person who climbs it, and a cursed temple full of treasure. Jack also uses items he brought along with him in his "magic" bag to stop the pirates. Blackbeard was transformed into a gold statue by a guardian wizard. Eventually, Jack had to say goodbye to Lily, letting Morgan keep a rug embroidered with gold & jewelry, and Jack is able to return home. He wakes up to his loving mother, and finds that his jeans are still torn and frayed and the flag on Prince Morgan's ship has transformed into his bag—signs that his adventure may have actually happened. ===== A year after the events of the second film at Black Lake, in Aroostook County, Maine, young couple April and Jason go skinny dipping and are attacked and killed by a group of baby crocodiles. Meanwhile, at the house of the deceased Sadie Bickerman, her nephew Nathan, his wife Susan, and their son Connor, are cleaning out the house so they can sell it. However, Sheriff Tony Willinger soon arrives and convinces Nathan and Susan not to sell. Connor chases an escaped pet lizard down to the lake where he encounters the baby crocodiles, and begins to secretly feed them. Two years later, Connor has continued to feed the now adult crocodiles stolen meat from the supermarket, but he is soon caught for shoplifting by Dimitri and sent home by Susan to his babysitter, Vica. However, Connor goes to the lake to feed the crocodiles, followed by Vica who is attacked. Vica, whose arm is badly injured, finds Susan at Sadie's house, where they tend to Vica's arm and Connor confesses to feeding the crocodiles. Meanwhile, Nathan is searching the lake due to a number of elk disappearances. He meets four teenagers - Ellie, Tara, Aaron and Charlie - who are camping on the lake. The teenagers show Nathan an elk head they previously found, leading Nathan to believe it was the act of hunter Reba, but he persuades Sheriff Tony to search the lake to ensure that it is clear of crocodiles. While the teenagers camp, they decide to go swimming and the girls go into the woods to strip off their clothes and get into their bikinis. Charlie spies on them and watches them stripping their clothes and taking pictures, but then is eaten by a crocodile. Reba is approached by teenager Brett, to help him find his girlfriend Ellie, who he fears will be taken advantage of by Aaron. Reba agrees and takes Brett out onto the lake in her boat with Jonas and Walt. As they stop to hunt elk, a crocodile attacks the boat and knocks the group into the water. Walt is devoured, but the others escape to shore and are stranded in the woods. After hours, Ellie and Aaron search for the missing Charlie, leaving Tara by the lake where she is killed by the crocodile. Ellie and Aaron return to find her missing, so they decide to try and get help. They discover Charlie's corpse, then find what Ellie thinks is Brett's jacket. Ellie decides to search for Brett, upsetting Aaron, who walks the other way, only to be attacked by a crocodile. After searching the lake, Nathan and Sheriff Tony arrive at Sadie's house and join Susan, Connor and Vica. They decide to try and escape from the house to go to a hospital but, as they do so, Vica and Sheriff Tony are devoured, and the car is submerged in the lake. Nathan, Susan and Connor take shelter in the house. Meanwhile, Brett, Reba and Jonas manage to shoot a crocodile dead, but another crocodile arrives and decapitates Jonas before attacking Reba, who manages to escape. Desperate, Reba and Brett travel on Reba's boat to Sadie's house and meet with Nathan, Susan and Connor. Determined to find Ellie, Brett escapes to Reba's boat and searches for her. He finds Ellie, but a crocodile kills him. Reba kills a crocodile that breaks into the house, then leaves with Nathan, Susan, and Connor. Ellie joins them, and they make it to the town. The group break into the supermarket to call for help, setting off the alarm and attracting Dimitri, but he is swiftly devoured as a group of crocodiles enter the supermarket. The group is ambushed but manage to kill most of the crocodiles, but Reba is seemingly killed in the process. The only remaining crocodile chases Nathan, Susan, Ellie, and Connor to the gas station, where the group manage to ignite gas with a lighter, causing an explosion that kills the crocodile. An ambulance then comes and helps Nathan, Susan, Ellie and Connor. Sometime later, Nathan, is taking a group of tourists around the lake, telling them of the crocodiles that are believed to be extinct. However, a baby crocodile is seen swimming in the lake, before an adult crocodile attacks the camera and the film ends. ===== The film is set during World War II in Zagreb. Partisan Vjera Dogan (Saša Novak) breaks up with fellow activist Mirko (Bata Grbić). She admits to him she has fallen in love with Vilko Klančar (Boris Hržić), impressed with the way he withstood torture at a police interrogation. However, Vilko has actually turned informant, and Vjera's poor judgment will affect the destinies of people around her. =====