From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ===== A sophisticated and sometimes surreal dinner party in Manhattan becomes a sounding board for a variety of cultural icons as they pontificate and argue about capitalism, terrorism, popular culture, feminism, food, wealth, heroism, morality, Eastern meditation, Star Trek, and justice. The evening is hosted by Suzie, a former caterer, in her beautiful dining room. She has invited Terence, a British journalist, Roger, an American writer, and Julia, an African-American, among others. The conversation veers from comedy to realism to satire and ends in chaos. Over it all hangs the shadow of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. ===== Wally Gibbs is sued for breach of promise by his former girlfriend Doris Chattaway. His current fiancée, Jane Elliott, breaks off their engagement. Wally ends up with Doris, and Jane pairs off with Wally's friend Hugh Delafield, who has been the Counsel for the Plaintiff in the lawsuit. ===== Sarah (Kate Bosworth) invites her childhood friends, Abby (Katie Aselton) and Lou (Lake Bell), to a remote island that they once spent time at in their youth, in hopes of bringing their distant group back together. Though Abby and Lou are reluctant, they go with Sarah to the island. While there, they use a hand drawn map to try to find a time capsule they had buried as kids. They give up after Abby picks a fight with Lou over Lou having slept with her boyfriend years ago, something Abby has never gotten over and which ruined their friendship. On their first night while camping on the beach, they run into Henry (Will Bouvier), Derek (Jay Paulson) and Alex (Anslem Richardson), three veteran soldiers who are hunting on the island. Lou recognizes Henry as the younger brother of a former classmate and Abby invites the three to camp with them. While drunk, Abby flirts with Henry and eventually takes him into the woods to make out. When she tries to stop, Henry becomes aggressive and tries to rape her. Abby hits him in the head with a large rock. Hearing Abby's screams, the rest of the group come running and find Henry dead. Abby tries to explain what happened but the men don't believe her and become enraged that she's murdered their best friend. Derek and Alex knock the three women unconscious. When they wake, they are tied together by the wrists on the beach. Derek, the more aggressive of the two men, is adamant about killing them, but Alex tries to stop him. Abby goads Derek into letting her go so they can fight hand-to-hand. When he does, Lou tackles him as Sarah throws sand at Alex's face to prevent him from attacking. The three women then separately escape and hide, and the two men vow to kill them. After hiding separately, they meet up at a childhood fort and decide to wait until nightfall before trying to reach their boat. Upon doing so, they discover the two men have cut the rope that tied the boat to the shore, sending it floating out to sea. Abby and Lou both believe they could swim it but Sarah believes it's too far and that they'd die from hypothermia before reaching it. As they crawl towards the shore, Sarah loudly protests the plan and runs back towards the tree line where she is shot in the head by the men. Lou and Abby try to swim for the boat but cannot make it, instead heading back to another part of shore. Alex falls down a hill while chasing them and breaks his leg. Lou and Abby return to the fort, take their clothes off and huddle together for warmth. Lou and Abby buried their clothes to fake their deaths. They vow to "stop being stalked and start stalking." In the morning, completely naked Lou and Abby find the time capsule and retrieve a Swiss army knife from inside. They sharpen sticks into weapons. As they do, they talk about the past and reconcile. They search the island and find the hunters camping on the beach, with an injured Alex sleeping nearby. Abby crawls over to Alex, prepared to slit his throat. However, she accidentally wakes him and he cries out for Derek. Lou runs at Derek, distracting him and Abby wrestles with Alex, eventually shooting him with his own shotgun. Derek chases Lou and Abby finally cornering them in an open field. He fires his gun, but realizes he has run out of bullets. He draws his hunting knife and the two women attack him from opposite directions. They fight, with a wounded Lou eventually slitting Derek's throat with his knife. Lou and Abby swim for the boat. The movie ends with the two pulling into the dock, the fisherman looking at them cautiously. ===== The film opens with a quote from Céline's Journey to the End of the Night: "Traveling is very useful: it makes your imagination work. Everything else is just disappointment and trouble. Our journey is entirely imaginary, which is its strength."Tiziano Peccia, "Critica e critiche alla grande bellezza", O Olho da História, numero 22 (aprile 2016) Jep Gambardella is a 65 years old seasoned costume journalist and theater critic, a fascinating man, mostly committed to wandering among the social events of a Rome immersed in the beauty of its history and in the superficiality of its inhabitants today, in a merciless contrast. He also ventured into creative writing in his youth: he is the author of only one work called The human apparatus. Despite the appreciation and the many awards he received, Gambardella has not written other books, not only for his laziness but above all for a creative block from which he cannot escape. The purpose of his existence has become to become a "socialite", but not just any socialite, but "the king of society". Jep is surrounded by several friends: Romano, a playwright who is perpetually on the leash of a young woman who exploits him; Lello, a mouthy and wealthy toy seller; Viola, a wealthy bourgeois and mother of a son with serious mental problems named Andrea who will commit suicide by crashing voluntarily with the car; Stefania, a self-centred radical chic writer; Dadina, the dwarf editor of the newspaper where Jep works. One morning, he meets the husband of Elisa, a woman who has been Jep's first and probably only love: the man announces that Elisa has died, leaving behind only a diary in which the woman tells of her love for Jep; thus, her husband discovered that he had been a mere surrogate for 35 years, nothing more than "a good companion". Elisa's husband, now afflicted and grieved, will soon find consolation in the affectionate welcome of his foreign maid. After this episode, Jep begins a profound and melancholic reinterpretation of his life and a long meditation on himself and on the world around him. And, above all, he thinks about starting to write again. During the following days, Jep meets Ramona, a stripper with painful secrets, and Cardinal Bellucci, in whom the passion for cooking is more alive than his Catholic faith; Jep is gradually convinced of the futility and uselessness of his existence. Soon his "vicious circle" also breaks down: Ramona, with whom he had established an innocent and profound relationship, dies of an incurable disease; Romano, disappointed by the deceptive attractiveness of Rome, leaves the city farewelling only Jep; Stefania, humiliated by Jep who had revealed her secrets and her lies to her face, left Jep's worldly circle; Viola, on the other hand, after the death of her son, donates all her possessions to the Church and becomes a missionary in Africa. Just when hopes seem to abandon Jep once and for all, he is saved by a new episode: after a meeting, pushed by Dadina who wants to get an interview, with a "Saint", a Catholic missionary nun in the Third World, Jep goes to Giglio Island for a report on the shipwreck of the Costa Concordia. And right here, remembering his first meeting with Elisa in a flashback, a glimmer of hope rekindles in him: his next novel is finally ready to come to light. ===== Lief, Barda, and Jasmine travel north to find the Sister of the North. They are captured and adopted by the Masked Ones, a circus troop who all wear masks physically fused into their faces. They were founded by Ballum, a close friend of one of the old kings, who was accused of being a traitor and forced to flee. During their stay, a mysterious specter keeps appearing and murdering people around the companions. They escape from the Masked Ones and meet the Lapis Lazuli Dragon, Fortuna. They find a castle near a village called Shadowgate, the northernmost point in Deltora. There they discover Bede, son of Bess (leader of the Masked Ones). They assume him to be the guardian, but it is revealed that it is actually Kirsten, a girl from Shadowgate who fell in love with him, but he loved her sister Mariette, so she grew jealous and turned herself over to the Shadow Lord to be the Guardian of the North if it meant she could keep Bede prisoner. The specter is a projection made by her which she uses to try and kill the companions, but always malfunctions. The Sister is discovered, and destroyed when the Emerald Dragon, Honora, awakens. Kirsten is killed, Mariette is released from her enchanted imprisonment, and she and Bede live together happily. ===== On a small island in the middle of the Rhone within the town of Geneva, the clockmaker Master Zacharius lives with his daughter Gerande, his apprentice Aubert Thun, and his elderly servant Scholastique. Zacharius is celebrated throughout France and Germany for having invented the escapement, and is fiercely proud of his successes. When the story opens, he is troubled by an inexplicable mystery: for several days, all of the many clocks he has made and sold have begun to suddenly stop, one by one. Unable to fix any of them or to find a reason for the phenomenon, Zacharius falls into mental torment and becomes seriously ill. Gerande and Aubert, who have gradually fallen in love with one another, manage to nurse Zacharius into better health, but are surprised by the appearance of a stranger in the town, a bizarre creature like a cross between a small old man and an anthropomorphic clock. The creature confronts Zacharius directly, taunting him about the failed clocks and suggesting that death is coming to him, but Zacharius rebukes him with "a flush of outraged pride": "I, Master Zacharius, cannot die, for, as I have regulated time, time would end with me! … No, I can no more die than the Creator of this universe, that submitted to His laws! I have become His equal, and I have partaken of His power! If God has created eternity, Master Zacharius has created time!" The creature offers to give Zacharius the secret of the clocks' failure in exchange for the hand of Gerande in marriage. Zacharius refuses, and the creature disappears. Over the following days, Zacharius's illness and angered pride continue to increase, as more and more of his former clients bring their broken clocks back to him, demanding refunds. One morning he is found to have disappeared from the town. Gerande and Aubert, consulting his account book and recalling words he had spoken during his convalescence, realize that he has left in search of an iron clock sold to one Pittonaccio in a castle in Andernatt: it is the only clock of his that has not been returned to him, and thus the only clock apparently still working. Aubert, Gerande, and Scholastique leave immediately in pursuit, find Zacharius at last, and chase helplessly as he runs frantically to the castle. The clock, a masterpiece representing an old church and presenting a Christian maxim for every hour of the day, is still there, but the visitors also find themselves face to face with the clocklike creature, who introduces himself as Signor Pittonaccio. The frantic Zacharius, believing his life to be wrapped up in the fate of the clock, agrees to let Pittonaccio wed Gerande against her will, thinking the marriage will grant him immortality. The clock strikes for each hour, but the old maxims have been replaced by statements of scientific hubris: "You must eat of the fruits of the tree of Science," "Man ought to become the equal of God," ""Man should be the slave of Science, and sacrifice to it relatives and family." At the stroke of midnight, just as the marriage is about to be solemnized, the clock breaks down and a new maxim appears: "Who ever shall attempt to make himself the equal of God, shall be for ever damned!" The clock bursts and its spring breaks out and flies across the hall, with Zacharius, shouting that it is his soul, in pursuit. Pittonaccio seizes it and disappears into the ground, and Zacharius, having become a slave of hubris who believes "there is nothing but science in this world," dies immediately. Aubert and Gerande return to Geneva, where they live for many years, praying for the redemption of the lost soul of Master Zacharius. ===== The Seagrave family are returning to New South Wales on board the Pacific when a storm strikes, wrecking the ship.Mary Virginia Brackett, (2006), The Facts on File companion to the British novel. Vol. 1, page 285. The crew escape in a lifeboat leaving the passengers to their fate.John Sutherland, 1990, The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction, pages 420-1. Stanford University Press. The Seagrave family, together with their young black female servant Juno, and the veteran sailor Masterman Ready, are shipwrecked on a desert island. The family learn to survive many obstacles, helped by Ready's long experience of life as a seaman. The worse threat comes when a band of marauders attacks the party, resulting in the death of Ready. Rescue comes when the captain of the Pacific, who the family thought had died in the storm, arrives in a schooner. ===== Reporters on rival newspapers, Christine Nelson (Claire Trevor) and Duke Lester (Cesar Romero), meet on the trail of a run-away heiress and engage in a series of tricks to get the scoop. After being fired due to deliberate misinformation, Nelson gets a job as a radio interviewer setting her sights on the Dionne Quintuplets. Lester gets wind of the interview, arrives first, and reignites the ‘war’. Nelson wins this round. To counter Nelson’s popularity, Lester fabricates a story about sextuplets. Thinking she is breaking the story, Nelson talks on air to Lester’s fake doctor. Other newshounds quickly expose the story as false; destroying a planned benefit for a New York orphanage-hospital. When Lester discovers the impact of his actions, he works to repair the damage and save the benefit. ===== Team Human is set in the town of New Whitby, Maine, the origin of America's compact with vampires and a place that sees them living side-by-side in relative harmony. When a century-old vampire joins their high school class, Mel is horrified when her best friend Cathy falls for him. Afraid that Cathy might be considering becoming a vampire herself, Mel starts on a quest to show Cathy how dangerous the undead really are, which means braving the vampire district and solving a mystery. As the book's tagline states, "friends don't let friends date vampires." ===== The Outcasts told the story of William Redfern and his attempts to build a hospital in Sydney in 1808. ===== ===== Act One: Time (the narrator) explains that Guy has done great deeds in order to win the love of Phillis. Guy tells Phillis that in his selfish pursuit of her love he has neglected God, and that he has determined to travel to Jerusalem and fight the Mohammedans. Phillis beseeches Guy not to go, for the sake of the child she is carrying. Guy leaves, giving her a ring to give to the child if it be a boy. Phillis gives Guy her own wedding ring. Philip Sparrow’s father confronts him about the pregnancy of their neighbor, Parnell Sparling. Young Sparrow refuses to marry her, and announces his plan to join Guy on his journey to the Holy Land. Act Two: Guy and Sparrow meet a hermit who blesses their journey. Guy and Sparrow reach the Tower of Donather, where an incanter’s spell paralyzes them. They are released from the spell by the music of King Oberon and his fairies. Oberon gives Guy a wand that he uses to dissolve the tower. Then Oberon conducts Guy and Sparrow to the Holy Land. Act Three: At Jerusalem, Sultan Shamurath and the King of Jerusalem parley regarding the Sultan’s siege of the city. The King refuses to surrender and the Sultan orders an attack. Guy arrives at Jerusalem and fights his way into the city. The tide of the battle turns, Guy captures the Sultan, and converts him to Christianity. The battle won, Guy vows to see the Holy Sepulcher, lay down his arms, and lead a life of peace and repentance. Act Four: Twenty-one years after Guy left England, his grown son Rainborne leaves England to find him. Now an old man, Guy returns to England. When he departed on pilgrimage, Guy had pledged to remain unknown to his people for 27 years, so he returns unannounced. He is so aged and battle-weary that no one recognizes him. England has been attacked by the Danes, and King Athelstone and the Danish King Swanus parley at Winchester. Swanus agrees to leave England if Athelstone can find a champion to defeat the Danish giant Colbron. The worried Athelstone wanders at night, and determines to pick the first man he sees to be his champion. The King comes upon Guy and does not recognize him, but Guy convinces him to follow fate and let him fight the giant. Guy takes up arms and slays the giant. He reveals his identity to the King, but requests that no one else learn of his return until his pilgrimage vow is discharged, six years hence. Guy journeys to Warwick, where he will remain incognito and live off the charity of Phillis’ court. Act Five: Guy lives in a cave near Warwick. He encounters Phillis, and pretends to have been a comrade of Guy’s in the Holy Land. He tells her of Guy’s exploits and, pleased by the news of Guy, she offers him shelter at Warwick Castle. He refuses, saying that he must continue in his pilgrimage. Phillis departs, and Guy thanks God that he was given such a wife. Rainborne meets Sparrow on the Continent. Sparrow tells Rainborne that he and Guy were separated long ago, and that Guy is probably in England now. Rainborne and Sparrow return to England. One week before his pilgrimage vow will be discharged, Guy is visited by an angel who tells him that he will not survive to see it happen. Torn between his vow and his desire to see Phillis, Guy decides to hold to the vow. He returns to his cave to live out his days in prayer and contemplation. Rainborne and Herod of Arden prepare for a feast to celebrate the completion of Guy’s pilgrimage. King Athelstone will come to the feast. Rainborne hears a groan and finds Guy in his cave. Guy tells Rainborne that he is near death. He gives Phillis’ wedding ring to Rainborne and asks him to give it to Phillis as compensation for the meals she has given him. Rainborne departs, and Guy dies. Phillis recognizes her ring and hurries to Guy, but is too late. All mourn, and King Athelstone designates suitable monuments to Guy. ===== In Pennsylvania, Keller Dover, his wife Grace, son Ralph, and daughter Anna celebrate Thanksgiving dinner with their friends Franklin and Nancy Birch and daughters Eliza and Joy. The four children go for a walk and notice a parked RV. After dinner, daughters Anna and Joy go missing. Keller calls the police to report their disappearances. Detective Loki responds, locates the RV at the edge of the woods, and arrests the driver, Alex Jones. During interrogation, Loki realizes Alex's diminished IQ prevents him from planning a kidnapping, and that his RV contains no forensic evidence of the missing girls. Loki runs down leads on local pedophiles and finds Father Patrick Dunn, a priest with a corpse in his basement. Dunn admits to killing the man after he confessed to murdering 16 children for his "war on God." Loki releases Alex to his aunt Holly. Convinced of Alex's guilt, Keller assaults him outside the police station. Alex tells Dover that "they didn't cry until I left them." When Loki deems the new information inconclusive, Dover kidnaps Alex and begins to torture him in an abandoned apartment building. At a vigil for the girls, Loki notes a suspicious man in the crowd who subsequently flees. Loki releases a police sketch of the suspect to the local community. That night, the suspect sneaks into the Birch and Dover houses. Grace hears him and calls Loki who learns that Dover spends his nights away from home. He tails Dover to the apartment building, where Dover claims he sleeps to hide his grief and alcoholism from his family. Loki gets a call from a clerk who recognizes the suspect in the sketch. Loki tracks the suspect, Bob Taylor, to his apartment, and finds walls covered in maze drawings and crates filled with snakes and bloody clothes of children. Loki discovers Taylor was abducted as a child. As Taylor meticulously scribbles maze drawings, Loki assaults him and demands the location of the missing girls. Taylor grabs an officer's gun and kills himself without revealing their location. The Birches and Dovers view photos of Taylor's apartment and identify several bloody clothes as Joy's and Anna's and conclude the girls are dead. At Taylor's apartment, Loki realizes many of the clothes are store-bought and are soaked with pig's blood. Dover tortures Alex, who cryptically talks about escaping from a maze. Dover visits Alex's aunt Holly, apologizing for Alex's disappearance while hiding his own involvement. Holly says Alex's speech disability comes from a childhood accident involving the snakes her husband kept as pets. While devoutly religious, Holly and her husband lost their faith after their son died of cancer, and adopted Alex as a way to cope. At the police station, Loki matches the maze pattern in Taylor's drawings to a necklace worn by the murdered man in Father Dunn's basement. Joy is found alive and rushed to a hospital. Grilling her for information, Dover hears her mumble: "you were there" and rushes out. Loki gives chase and travels to Dover's father's apartment expecting to find Dover but instead finding Alex. Dover confronts Holly and accuses her of kidnapping the girls. Holly explains that before her husband disappeared, they abducted children as part of their "war on God" to avenge their son's death and create demons out of the traumatized parents. Alex was their first abduction, Taylor their second. Holding Dover at gunpoint, Holly drugs and imprisons him in a hidden pit in her yard, where he finds an emergency whistle belonging to his daughter. Loki arrives to inform Holly that Alex has been found and enters her house. A photo of the late husband wearing the same maze necklace as the corpse in Dunn's basement prompts him to search for Holly who is about to kill Anna. The two exchange gunfire which kills Holly and injures Loki. Loki is able to rush Anna to the hospital in time. Grace thanks Loki, despite the knowledge that Dover will likely go to prison when found. Loki returns to Holly's house to supervise a forensic excavation. Just after halting work for the night, he faintly hears a whistle blowing. ===== The story is set in a village called Green Valley, where Piconzé lives with his friends: Papo Louro the parrot and Chico Leitão the pig. When Gustavo Bigodão kidnaps Maria Esmeralda, Piconzé's girlfriend, the three set off to the rescue. Along the way, they encounter a dragon and a witch, crossing the kingdom of Saci. ===== A family is a lot like the rice dish bibimbap – different flavors and ingredients mixed together to strike a delicious balance. The family drama Assorted Gems revolves around four siblings of the Gung family. All were named after precious jewels: eldest daughter Bi-chwi ("Jade"), eldest son San-ho ("Coral"), second daughter Ryu-bi ("Ruby"), son Ho-bak ("Amber"), and the youngest son, then who was a baby Tae- ja("Prince"). Bi-chwi and Ruby are two pretty but shallow women who wish to marry rich men to live comfortable lives. San-ho's goal is to pass the bar exam and gain wealth and status as a prosecutor, and then there's Ho-bak, the youngest in the family, who's always getting into fistfights. Like an assortment of beautiful gems, the four are each bright and attractive in their own way, but their colors sometimes clash and their sharp edges chip away at each other, leading to conflicts within the family and in their love lives, like when Bi-chwi meets and falls in love with Young-guk, the son of a respectable family very unlike her own. ===== Dr. Keel rescues a young girl who tries to commit suicide by jumping into the Thames River. The girl is a trapeze artist with a visiting Eastern European circus. Foreign agents are trying to use her to force her father, a defecting scientist, to return to his country home. ===== As the name suggests, the film is a romantic film starring Sandeep Kulkarni and Pallavi Subhash. The film is directed by Tejas Deoskar and is a fun ride in the world of romance. ===== Sang-jin, a formerly promising vocalist, now works as a high school music teacher after suffering from a vocal cord tumor. His ordinary life becomes full of drama when Jang-ho, a local teenage gangster, is transferred to Sang-jin's school. Jang-ho is a thorn in Sang-jin's side, but upon hearing Jang-ho sing, he is deeply impressed with his natural talent and decides to commit to his training. As the 2 develop their special bond, an unexpected conflict arises between the two gangs in town which forces Jang-ho into a critical situation. Will Jang-ho overcome the obstacles and fulfill his destiny as a world-class vocalist? ===== In 2014, the New Founding Fathers of America, a totalitarian political party, are voted into office following an economic collapse. They pass a law that sanctions an annual "Purge": for 12 hours each year all crime, including murder, arson, theft and rape, is legal during the period, except against government officials, and all emergency services are unavailable until 7 am. By 2022, the United States has become virtually crime-free and the unemployment rate has dropped to 1%, ostensibly because of the Purge. James Sandin returns to his home in an affluent Los Angeles gated community to wait out the night with his wife Mary and their children, Zoey and Charlie. The family is assured that the security system manufactured by James' company will keep them safe. While the family awaits the start of the purge, Zoey meets her boyfriend Henry, an older boy whom James dislikes as he is eighteen, deeming him too old for his daughter. James enables the security system, and as the purge begins, the family disperses in their home to go about their normal routines. Zoey returns to her room to unexpectedly find Henry, who had snuck back in before the security system was engaged, and says that he plans to confront her father about their relationship. Meanwhile, Charlie watches the security monitors, and sees a wounded man calling for help. He temporarily disables the system to allow the man into the house. James races to re-engage the system and holds the man at gunpoint. Henry comes downstairs and pulls a gun on James, but James fires back, mortally wounding Henry. During the chaos, the wounded man disappears and hides. Through the surveillance cameras, the family witness a gang of masked, heavily armed people arriving at the front lawn. The leader warns them that failure to surrender the wounded man will result in invasion. Mary asks James if the security system will protect them, but James admits the system will not actually resist a determined assault. They decide to find the man and give him to the purge gang outside, but after capturing him they realize they are no better than the gang. They decide to spare the man, and defend themselves against the gang. With their deadline having passed, the gang uses chains attached to a truck to rip the metal plating off the front door and enter the house. James fights back with a shotgun and kills several gang members before he is stabbed by the leader. Charlie views the surveillance cameras, and notices their neighbors leaving their homes. The neighbors overpower and kill the remaining gang members. Mary is captured and humiliated by two purgers, one of whom tickles her. Before they can finish her off, they are killed by the neighbors. The gang leader reappears, brandishing a shotgun to kill the family, but is fatally shot by Zoey, who is wielding Henry's handgun. James succumbs to his wound and dies in front of Mary, Zoey, and Charlie, leaving them in tears. Mary thanks their neighbors for their support, but one of them, Grace Ferrin, reveals their hatred for the Sandins due to the wealth acquired at their expense. They tie Mary, Charlie, and Zoey up with duct tape, pulling them out into the hallway to kill them, but as the neighbors make a ritualistic preparation for the murder, the man whom Charlie let in earlier re-emerges. He shoots Mr. Cali, one of the neighbors, dead and holds Grace hostage, forcing the neighbors to free the Sandins. Mary prevents the stranger from killing the other neighbors, deciding that they will all wait out the remainder of the Purge without any violence. The next morning, in the last few minutes of the Purge, Mary, Grace, the stranger, and the neighbors wait in the living room. Mary asks a neighbor, Mr. Halverson, if he enjoyed Grace's "Purge party" (the meeting of the neighbors to discuss the plans for the murders), to which Halverson affirms. As Charlie and Zoey mourn James' death, Grace attempts to seize a shotgun from Mary; Mary regains control of the shotgun, rams the stock of the gun into Grace's nose and throws her head down onto a glass table, furiously ordering for an end to the violence. Mary orders Grace and the neighbors out of the house as the siren sounds, signaling the conclusion of the Purge. After the neighbors depart, Mary thanks the stranger for his help and he bids the Sandins good luck as he leaves the gun behind that he was using. During the credits, news reports are heard, which state that this year’s purge was the most successful to date. Other stations broadcast that the stock market is booming due to the massive sales of weapons and security systems. A man’s voice speaks of the loss of his patriotism after the death of his sons the night before. ===== Ollie Radway (Mary Boland) is a daffy dowager who, with equally eccentric brother John (Hugh Herbert), runs a thriving newspaper. After firing the managing editor for failing to keep her niece Virginia (Carol Hughes) out of the newspaper business, she hands the job to David Partridge (Frank McHugh), a minor employee with a crush on the girl. In short order, Partridge is assigned to keep Virginia away from fortune-hunting editorial artist Dimitri Kyeff (Mischa Auer). Girl/articles.html ===== Richie Furst used to have a lucrative career on Wall Street; this history prevents him from receiving tuition assistance at Princeton, so he funds his master's degree by referring students to online gambling, for which he receives a cut. After the dean threatens to expel him for these activities, Richie tries to win his tuition using his excellent poker skills in online gambling, but he loses all his money to a cheater, something he is able to prove by statistics. Richie travels to Costa Rica to confront Ivan Block, who runs the biggest empire of online gambling websites in the world, including the one Richie lost his money on. After Ivan sees the statistics, he finds that coders have coded the software to allow them to cheat. After firing those involved, Ivan tells Richie he'll pay him millions per year to stay in Costa Rica and assist with the site. Richie slowly begins a romantic relationship with Rebecca Shafran, ex-lover of Ivan, who appears to have no objections. Ivan has Richie blackmail a gaming affiliate with videos of his infidelity to force him to sign with Ivan. FBI Agent Shavers kidnaps Richie and threatens to ruin his life in various ways if he does not assist in getting Ivan convicted. Shavers cannot do anything legally as he has no authority in Costa Rica, but he takes advantage of this to use tactics that would be illegal and unethical for law enforcement inside the U.S. Ivan tells Richie that everyone in the organization ends up confronted by Shavers at some point. Over time, Ivan's organization is revealed to be less than ethical. He sends Richie to bribe Costa Rica gaming director Herrera with too small a payment, which leads to Richie being beaten. Ivan tells him it comes with the territory of such a lucrative career. When Richie tries to leave the country, Shavers has drugs planted in his bag and offers to overlook it if Richie agrees to cooperate. A local police officer reveals that the police dislike Ivan but that he would buy his way out of any trouble and destroy whoever tried to take him down. Richie's friend Andrew Cronin, who works on the software design for Ivan, suggests that Ivan is running a Ponzi scheme; the players' accounts have no actual money, and Ivan uses the money as his own bank account, keeping just enough to allow players to cash out when they need to. Aware that Richie might be wanting out, Ivan buys the massive poker debts of Richie's father and brings him to Costa Rica, using him as a hostage. Ivan throws Herrera and his bodyguard into the river to get eaten by the crocodiles, but pulls them out before they are eaten. Cronin disappears and is later found nearly beaten to death. Thanks to Rebecca betraying Ivan, Richie finds out that he has been setting him up all along; Ivan is about to move his operations out of Costa Rica, planning to leave Richie behind as the fall guy. Richie gives out massive bribes to local officials, including low-level police officers. When the moving day hits, Ivan calls to sarcastically apologize to Richie, telling him he will be busted, as Ivan flies away on a private jet. When Ivan lands, he finds he has been betrayed: the bribed pilot has instead flown him to Puerto Rico, an American territory. Shavers and other FBI agents move in to arrest him as Richie and Rebecca fly away on the private jet. Shavers says they're free to go because Richie left a flash drive for him containing sufficient evidence to convict Ivan. ===== Two urban female internal affairs inspectors join the police department of a small village in order to investigate the murder of an Algerian man who was an informant. ===== The film follows the story of Guto, an actor who lives in São Paulo and dreams to become a great actor. He prepares, practicing, and going to all auditions, believing that his big chance may come anytime. His greatest idol is Zeca, an old comedian, somewhat decadent, but that still inspires a generation. Their paths are crossed and the luck starts to change for Guto.SUPER NADA - Ficha Técnica - Cineclick ===== Rick is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles, California. He is successful in his career, but his life feels empty. Haunted by the death of one brother and the dire circumstances of the other, he finds temporary solace in Hollywood excess. Women provide a distraction from the daily pain he endures, and every encounter brings him closer to finding his place in the world. The film is divided into eight chapters (each named after a tarot card, except the final chapter, "Freedom"), plus a prologue, each loosely based around the central character's relationship with somebody in his life: I. The Moon – Della, a rebellious young woman. II. The Hanged Man – His brother Barry and father Joseph. III. The Hermit – Tonio, an amoral playboy. IV. Judgment – His physician ex-wife Nancy. V. The Tower – Helen, a serene model. VI. The High Priestess – Karen, a spirited, playful stripper. VII. Death – Elizabeth, a married woman with whom he has a relationship and who becomes pregnant with a child that may be his. VIII. Freedom – Isabel, an innocent who helps him see a way forward. ===== Raidy, a wandering sword fighter, roaming the land of Else. Stop at a small village call Sadd to resupply, when she arrived it looked like a ghost town because there were no young people and only the elderly.the people told her that the young Women are being abducted from the village and imprisoned by the monsters in a tower nearby. Raidy decided to help the people and investigates the tower to rescue the captives. ===== Few details are known other than the plot involves "a poisonous gas which will enable its users to dominate the world." Peter Fleming conceded that this was "the sort of preposterous, cosmic story-line which might have occurred to Ian." Traditional Bond elements such as M, Miss Moneypenny and Universal Exports also appear, though the story contains more sex than other Bond novels. ===== The book opens in a hospital in 2008. Charles Manx, a convicted child abductor, briefly wakes from a coma to threaten a nurse. Her coworkers don't believe her claim, because he exhibits only limited brain function. The book flashes back to 1986. Young Vic McQueen discovers that she can find lost things by riding her bicycle through the Shorter Way Bridge. The Bridge always takes her to the location of whatever she is seeking. Traveling this way takes a mental and physical toll on her. She has to lie about how she finds things, because the truth would not be believed. On one such trip, she travels to an Iowa library where she meets Maggie, a librarian who can use Scrabble tiles to determine the location of missing items or information. Similar to using the Bridge, this divination process takes a toll on Maggie, causing a severe stutter. She warns Vic against Manx, whom she calls "the Wraith" after the model of car he drives because she is unable to pronounce his real name. Vic travels home, but loses her bike and develops a terrible fever. Manx enlists chemical plant worker Bing to acquire a gingerbread- flavored sevoflurane that the factory produces. Bing believes that Manx is taking the children to a place called "Christmasland" where they can be happy forever, and uses the sevoflurane to incapacitate the parents of the children Manx targets. In 1996 a teenage Vic uses the Shorter Way after she has a fight with her mother. She asks her estranged father if she can stay with him, but he rebuffs her. Vic uses the Bridge to travel to Manx's house, thinking that her abduction will hurt her mother. Once there she attempts to rescue a child locked in the back of the Wraith, only to find that he is apparently in league with Manx and has rows of sharp brown teeth and cold mist coming from his nose. Vic barely escapes from Manx after his house catches on fire. She runs into overweight motorcycle rider Lou Carmody, who takes her to a gas station to call the police. Manx arrives at the same station to purchase gas, and is captured by the police after he sets fire to a serviceman. The story returns to 2008. An adult Vic had a relationship with Lou and gave birth to a son, Bruce Wayne Carmody. Unhappy and scarred by the past, she restores motorcycles and develops a successful series of children's books. She is tormented by phone calls from Christmasland's vampire children who chastise her for Manx's arrest. Vic's torment destroys her relationship with Lou, but they part amicably and she eventually recovers. Maggie appears on Vic's doorstep in 2012 and confronts her with the uncomfortable fact that Manx died in prison, resurrected himself, and then escaped. Vic denies this, accuses Maggie of insanity, and sends her away. Meanwhile, Manx reunites with Bing. They kill Vic's neighbors and move into their house, watching from a distance as Vic and Wayne repair an old motorcycle. When Vic takes the motorcycle for a test drive, Manx and Bing kidnap Wayne and severely injure Vic. Wayne is able to call Lou to alert him of the kidnapping. Vic calls the police to report the abduction, but they refuse to believe her since Manx is officially dead and they believe his body was simply stolen. FBI psychologist Tabitha Hutter is assigned to psychoanalyze Vic after suspicion falls on her of being involved in her son's disappearance. Despite a cell phone trace that reveals Wayne's location as "Christmasland" on a severely distorted map of the United States, Hutter doesn't believe Vic's story. Vic escapes protective custody and uses the Shorter Way to find Wayne. She arrives at Bing's house and he attacks her, but she kills him in self-defense by igniting his sevoflurane. Vic calls Lou (who is still with the police) and tells them about Bing's house, also giving Lou a hint to meet her at her father's house that the police do not understand. Then Vic takes the Shorter Way to Maggie's library. The two women search for answers using Maggie's Scrabble tiles. Vic discovers that the way to destroy Manx is to destroy his 1938 Rolls-Royce Wraith. Maggie is killed when Manx arrives at the library while Vic is sleeping. Narrowly avoiding capture by local police, Vic takes the Shorter Way Bridge to her estranged father's house, where Lou and her father give her explosives that her father uses in his demolition work. Hutter and the police arrive to detain Vic. While Hutter seems to be willing to listen to Vic's version of events after she reveals information about Maggie's death that had happened only a short time earlier and many states away, the police under Hutter's command are more aggressive and shoot Vic's father dead when he attacks one to protect Vic. Vic and Lou escape, arriving at Manx's home. Vic leaves Lou behind and travels via the Shorter Way to Christmasland. She blows up the town, but one of Manx's children mortally wounds her. Manx and one of his two vampire daughters escape in the Wraith through the Shorter Way, but they are killed when the Bridge implodes. Vic dies shortly after she and Wayne return to reality. Later that year, Lou has lost a lot of weight and has begun a relationship with Hutter. Wayne has nightmares about Christmasland in which he becomes one of Manx's children and participates in gruesome games. He feels that he is losing his humanity for real and is being transformed into one of Manx's creatures. Lou takes Tabitha and Wayne to the ruins of Manx's house. He smashes Christmas ornaments that are hanging around the property. As each ornament is destroyed, a child that Manx had kidnapped appears, restored to human form. Lou finds the ornament that represents Wayne and destroys it, apparently returning him to normal. In an alternate ending, included in a special edition but left out of the main edition, some of the ornaments escape destruction and Manx's surviving daughter and some other vampire children arrive into the real world. ===== A 16-year-old teen named Bobby is emotionally damaged by the early death of his mother. After accidentally causing a nun's death, he unleashes a chain of supernatural events that lead him into the pits of Hell. ===== As Judy Danner is about to marry her college sweetheart Danny Reynolds, she starts to question if marrying the man she loves is the right decision, considering how her parents, psychologist, Aaron, and Norma, have divorced bitterly. The film is told mostly in flashbacks, as Judy, and her younger sister Debbie, reflect their parents' marriage. As children, Judy and Debbie were very happy, living with their parents under the same roof. Norma, however, is unhappy with her marriage. She constantly gets upset with Aaron and suspects that he might have an affair with one of his patients due to his recurring late night visits to them. Despite the children's protests, they decide to divorce each other. Judy and Norma have difficulty adjusting to their new home situations, and try - without luck - to reunite their parents. Norma quickly begins to date an artist named Bryan Forma. Aaron falls in love with, and eventually marries Laura. During Aaron and Laura's wedding, Judy bursts out in tears and tells her dad that she wants him to get back together with Norma. Even after the divorce, Aaron and Norma are constantly fighting with each other, which assures Aaron that he will never have a future with his ex-wife. Judy and Debbie do not get along with Laura's daughter Cathy. Conflicts ensue when Aaron tells Judy that they cannot spend time together 24/7 and that he needs to be with Laura sometimes. Judy feels rejected and vows to never speak to her father again. Years later, in college, Judy meets Danny. Though hesitant at first, she agrees to date with him and they both fall in love. As they are about to marry, Judy starts to worry that it might be a wrong decision, considering how everyone around her divorces at one point. Aaron has split with Laura, and Norma recently broke up with Bryan, because he moved to Rome. Norma and Debbie both try to comfort Judy, but eventually Aaron convinces her that she should not break off the wedding. In the end, Judy and Danny marry. ===== The game's story takes place 200 to 300 years after the events of Summon Night 3, in an alternate parallel dimension, and contains references to the past game's world and characters. The game follows one of two main protagonists, determined by the player's selection: Folth, the male character, who has a "gun-arm" that shoots out "energy-hands", or Arca, the female character, who uses a pole arm as a weapon. The player may also chose one of four "Cross characters" to partner their selected protagonist with, with different combinations leading to different weapons and abilities becoming available. Each character is from each of one of the game's four worlds; Pariet from the Phantom Beast World, Kagero is from the Ogre world, Spinel is from the Spirit World, and Dyth is from the Machine World. ===== Yossi, a 34 years old closeted gay man, works as a cardiologist in a hospital in Tel Aviv. He has never completely recovered from the death of the love of his life, ten years before. Unhappy in his personal life, Yossi has thrown himself into his work. When not on call, the physician finds comfort in greasy take-out noodles and soft core gay porn. One patient, who shows up for a check-up at the hospital, whom Yossi recognises as Varda Amichai, the mother of Jagger, his dead lover. Insisting on treating her, she asks him if they had met before, but Yossi denies it. During the test he tries to get information from her. Varda claims to have no children. At the end of the test he meets her at the exit from the hospital, apparently by accident, and offers her a ride home. During the trip, Varda opens up to him and tells him that in fact she had a son who was killed in Lebanon, and shows him his picture. Yossi is faced with the demons of loneliness and desperation, compounded by his age and being overweight. He tries online dating but he arranges a meeting using an old and misrepresentative photo. His date, a narcissistic bar owner, is clearly disgusted that the doctor does not match his much slimmer profile. A mistake in a botched procedure, that nearly costs a patient his life, makes Yossi's supervisor gently upbraid him for not taking a vacation. At work, there are rumors that the quiet and withdrawn Yossi might be gay. Nevertheless, he has attracted the interest of Nina, a nurse infatuated with him. When she kisses him while he is asleep, Yossi wakes up and rebuffs her. Unable to address his sexuality with his colleagues, Yossi has to face a compromising night out with Moti, a fellow doctor who self-medicates with dope. Recently divorced, Moti is eager to have a good time and takes Yossi along with him to the straight bar scene, inviting him for drinks, drugs and easy women. At a bar, Moti, uninvited, follows Yossi to the bathroom to get him to have sex with a girl, but Yossi flees the scene. Crying, and mourning his dead lover, Yossi spends the night in his car in front of Varda's house. The next morning, he is invited in by Jagger's father. Unburdening his heart, Yossi tells them about his two-year love affair with their son, and the circumstances in which he was killed. The revelations do not go down well with Varda, who asks him to leave, but Jagger's father invites Yossi to see their son's bedroom. Yossi decides to leave Tel Aviv for an impromptu vacation in the south, intending to go to the Sinai coast. On his way, he meets four young soldiers in a rest stop. They've missed their bus and Yossi gives them a ride to their hotel in Eilat. The soldiers include Yossi in their friendly insults, making fun of the music he has. Dropping them off at a resort, Yossi initially resists their invitation to join them, but changes his mind at the Egyptian border, turning back to take a room at the same hotel. One of the soldiers, Tom, who is openly gay, and is teased about it by his friends, takes it upon himself to befriend Yossi. He gives Yossi a gift certificate for a massage, which Yossi accepts, but doesn't use; he remains shy and circumspect. At night, during a show by singer-songwriter Keren Ann, Yossi is joined by Tom. They continue to spend time together on a promenade, talking about Yossi's time in the military, and Tom's coming out to his fellow soldiers, but not to his family. Tom goes skinny dipping in the ocean, but steps on a sea urchin. Yossi treats Tom's wound in his hotel room, while Tom flirts with him, but Yossi does not respond. Tom leaves the room, but comes back shortly after and asks Yossi for a kiss. They kiss and go to bed, where Yossi turns off the light, but Tom turns it back on. Shy and overweight, Yossi is embarrassed to be seen naked, but they embrace. After driving down together to Sinai, as they sit on the beach, Tom declares that he would like to stay there, and Yossi surprises him by stating that he'd also like to stay there "forever". ===== In 2009, London-based Iranian-Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari is detained in Iran after he reports on violence against protesters of the country's presidential election, as well as giving a satirical interview with Jason Jones of The Daily Show. While his pregnant fiancée waits for him, Bahari spends 118 days at Evin Prison being brutally interrogated. Bahari is usually blindfolded while being interrogated, and his interrogator's sole distinguishing feature is that he smells of rosewater. ===== Anwar (Habib), who comes from a wealthy family, defies his father, Khan Bahadur (Agha Talish), and marries a poor but pretty woman (Meena Daud). He is asked to leave the family home. Both settle elsewhere and soon are the proud parents of a daughter, Razia (Aasia). They meet with the parents of young Munawar (Munawar Zarif) and arrange a child-marriage of their daughter with Munawar. Anwar and his wife die in crisis. Luckily, a loyal employee, Baba Peeru (Saqi), saves their daughter's life. He takes her to Khan Bahadur, who accepts her with tears in his eyes. Years later, Munawar and Razia have grown up. While Razia still lives with her wealthy grandfather, Munawar's father has died, leaving his widow (Najma Mehboob) destitute. When she goes to confirm their marriage, Razia shuns and humiliates her. This enrages Munawar who then vows to make Razia apologize to his mother, as well as confirm their marriage. To escape marriage, Razia tells Khan Bahadur that she's already married. Munawar travels to city to become an actor and find Razia, there he meets a famous actress, Mumtaz (Mumtaz), who falls in love with him. Munawar meets Razia and recognizes her, Coincidentally, Razia hires Munawar to act as her husband, so that she can get her grandfather to back off. During this period Razia falls in love with Munawar. Razia after slapping Munawar twice for teasing her to marry Mumtaz expresses her love. Munawar tells Mumtaz about Razia, heartbroken Mumtaz commits suicide. Before dying she expresses her love to Munawar. Munawar and Razia decide to marry before Khan Bahadur knows about the truth, he overhears them, insults Munawar and arranges Razia's marriage. Munawar rescues Razia, and takes her to his mother. Razia apologises to Munawar's mother. Khan Bahadur and police chase them. Finally, Khan Bahadur finds out that Munawar is the same person Razia was engaged to. He realises his mistake and decides to marry them. ===== Homer invites himself to Ned Flanders's house for breakfast and finds Ned's beatnik parents there. Ned begins to feel uneasy when his parents begin to take a liking to Homer rather than him. After a morning jog, Ned comes home to find Homer and his parents smoking "medicinal" marijuana and watching TV. Ned becomes so enraged he punches Homer in the face, giving him a black eye. Homer is furious at Ned, who does not know what he has to do in order to be excused. Ned eventually finds a solution in the Bible ("an eye for an eye"), and encourages Homer to punch him in order to make them even. However, Homer refuses to punch him, citing that he is the bigger man by not punching Ned and brags about it, causing Ned to punch Homer's other uninjured eye. Meanwhile, Lisa learns that Ms. Hoover has taken leave due to a bout of severe depression, and the class gets another teacher, Mrs. Cantwell. Cantwell takes a liking to everyone in the class except for Lisa, whom she bullies by giving her lower grades and taking the paper cutout joeys off the kangaroo- themed "good behavior" board. Homer and Marge try to get Principal Skinner to do something, but the bullying worsens and Lisa is sent to detention, where the bullies are shocked to learn that Cantwell as a teacher is such a bully to a student like Lisa. Homer eventually finds a solution to Lisa's dilemma and Ned's own: he will accept Ned's apology if his wife Edna Krabappel gives advice on how to get rid of the bullying teacher. Edna says the only way is the "nuclear option" - which means putting Bart in Cantwell's class. When Cantwell leaves to go to the bathroom, Bart brings chaos to the classroom and then shows Cantwell a compromising video of herself in the bathroom cursing Lisa and tells her he posted it online. The plan works in getting Cantwell to leave, but it does not get Cantwell to be nice to Lisa. When Lisa tries to catch up to Cantwell before she drives off, Cantwell admits that she was only jealous because Lisa is pretty, and that pretty girls like Lisa have it easier than girls like Cantwell, who have to use their brains to get by in life. This is an idea that Lisa happily accepts — even after Cantwell splatters mud on her as she drives off. The story ends with Homer having a barbecue with Ned and his parents, and Ned's father revealing to Marge that he got Homer and Ned to be nice to each other by slipping marijuana in their food. ===== In 1988, when Katrina "Kat" Connors was 17, her beautiful but mercurial mother, Eve, disappeared without a trace. The story weaves back-and-forth with flashbacks of Eve's past life and the present day. In the flashbacks, Eve was a wild girl who gradually changed into a domesticated housewife after marrying Brock, an ordinary man who leads an uneventful life. While Kat explores her blossoming sexuality with her handsome but dim-witted neighbor and schoolmate, Phil, Eve struggles to deal with aging and quenching her youthful wildness. She tries to be sexy when Brock is away, even luring Phil's attention. After Eve disappears, Kat deals with her abandonment without much issue, occasionally releasing her own wild side, seducing the detective investigating her mother's disappearance. The film then jumps forward three years to the spring of 1991. On a break from college, Kat returns home and seems unfazed to learn that her father is in a relationship with a co-worker. The detective Kat has been having an affair with informs her that Brock might have killed Eve after catching her cheating. Kat dismisses this theory, just like she did three years ago, but after mentioning the topic to her friends Beth and Mickey they tell her they suggested this same theory to her and she dismissed them as well. Kat suspects Phil of having slept with Eve and confronts him the night before she is to return to college, but Phil angrily rebuffs it and tells her that her father knows where her mother is. After having recurring dreams about her mother being stranded in the snow, Kat begins to unpack Brock's suspiciously locked freezer in their basement, but is stopped when he walks in on her. She questions him about her mother's disappearance, asking if he does in fact know where she is, but he denies having any knowledge of her whereabouts. Believing her father, Kat bids him goodbye and tearfully boards her flight, returning to college. It is revealed that this was the last time Kat sees her father, as he went out to a bar shortly thereafter and drunkenly admitted to murdering Eve. He is soon arrested and later hangs himself with a sheet in his jail cell, also revealing that he moved Eve's body from the freezer the night before Kat unpacked it. The film ends with a flashback of Eve's death; she came home from shopping the afternoon of her disappearance to find Brock and Phil in bed together. Phil dashed out of the room and Eve began laughing hysterically at Brock, incredulous. A humiliated Brock repeatedly begged her to stop, but Eve continued laughing until he grabbed her by the throat and choked her to death. ===== Dolores Finley (Zoë Daelman Chlanda) is a deranged young woman that appears suddenly and asks to work at Beech's Funeral Home, the local mortuary for the dying rural town of Port Oram. The Beechs find her work and Dolores begins her job, but soon shows that she is a necrophiliac. However Nettie Beech (Katherine O'Sullivan) sees her dead daughter in Dolores and opts to try to keep her around at all costs. ===== The plot of the film is based on real historical events in Taganka Theater, when its leader Yuri Lyubimov left the USSR (1984), and made a number of anti-Party statements, after which he was removed from the management of the theater and deprived of citizenship. Sons of bitches tells how the troupe has apprehended these events and the pressure the state put on them, and also shows events that have not happened – the actors' strike, the hunger strike, the threat of self-immolation. A functionary is sent to the theater from the Ministry – Yuri Mikhailovich, who is to restore order in the rebellious cultural institution. The story ends in tragedy – with the death of one of the protesters. ===== While things are being decided about Bombshell, Tom Levitt (Christian Borle) and Derek Wills (Jack Davenport) visit a stage and Tom imagines how a Bombshell song "Public Relations" would be choreographed, with Karen Cartwright (Katharine McPhee) singing as Marilyn and Tom playing various journalist types. Julia Houston (Debra Messing) and Peter (Daniel Sunjata) feverishly work to finish the new script for Bombshell so they can do a read-through with Eileen Rand (Anjelica Huston), Jerry Rand (Michael Cristofer), Derek, and Tom. Because of gossip she heard, Julia worries that she can't trust Peter and that he'll mess with her by writing a new script and take credit for it. The read-through of the script goes very well. Jerry thinks it's a terrific script, but he won't produce Bombshell with that script. He doesn't think a story about Marilyn as told through the men she was involved with would make a good Broadway musical. It turns out Tom feels the same way, as he sent an older draft to Jerry that they both liked. Tom, Jerry, Julia, Peter, and Derek argue about it and decide to let Eileen make the final decision. The episode ends before she announces her decision. Karen and roommate Ana Vargas (Krysta Rodriguez) discuss Karen's attraction to songwriter Jimmy Collins (Jeremy Jordan) and what his kiss (in the previous episode) meant. Ana says that Jimmy is hot and talented but a player and suggests Karen keep their relationship just to business. Karen and Ana meet Jimmy and his writing partner and friend Kyle Bishop (Andy Mientus) and suggest a read-through of their Hit List musical with friends. Things get awkward when a female overnight guest of Jimmy's comes into the room for coffee. The reading is held later in the day (including Jimmy reprising part of "Caught in the Storm") and the participants reluctantly tell Kyle and Jimmy that while the songs are great, the dialogue is terrible. Afterwards, Kyle feels bad and they discuss what to do. Karen suggests that they change the script to be all singing and Kyle and Jimmy agree and decide to get it ready for a reading at a fringe festival the following week that Derek had suggested. Karen sings "Some Boys" while trying to figure out her relationship with Jimmy. Jimmy, after a warning from Ana, suggests to Karen that they keep their relationship to just business. Ivy Lynn (Megan Hilty) is rehearsing with the cast of Liaisons when the star Terry Falls (Sean Hayes) finally arrives, after a week's delay. He seems confused by the tone of the show and starts to play it as a comedy. Ivy talks to him and suggests to him that the show is really a drama. He seems to get it, but the next rehearsal, the producer says he's talked with Terry and says the tone should be more comedic. Ivy plays her part with drama, which seems to shock Terry and he runs out. He later asks Ivy how she can feel so deeply and she tries to give him advice. He suggests that he wants to feel the material as emotionally as she does, so he tells her he has stopped all his medication so he can do better in the role and feel it more. Needless to say, Ivy is worried. ===== Kunju lakshmi and her grand father Moose lives in their old property and Moose does the living by treating snake bitten people. He never charges them and see it as a cause, so their life is also a struggle due to financial issues, but the people are always there to support them. Kadaikkinukkattu family aim for Moose's property but loses the court battle on the same. They hatch a plot against Moose and Kunju lakshmi with assistance from police as well. Now the people tries to bring a savior ( Kalari Vikraman ) to protect Moose, but he is serving a jail term. Will he able to fight for Kunju lakshmi and Moose form the climax. ===== Robert McCall is a former Marine and DIA operative who faked his death, after promising his now-deceased wife that he would leave his old life behind. For the last few decades, McCall has lived a quiet life in Boston working as a manager at a Home Mart hardware store, where he befriends many of his co- workers and helps a friend named Ralph pass his qualification exam to become a security guard. Unable to sleep, McCall spends some late nights reading in a 24/7 diner where he befriends Alina, a teenage prostitute working for the Russian mafia. One night, Alina is hospitalized after being brutally beaten by her pimp, Slavi. Hearing of the beating, McCall visits Alina's hospital room and speaks with her friend, Mandy. McCall visits Slavi and offers to pay $9,800 for Alina's freedom. Slavi refuses, dismissing McCall as old and impotent. McCall then kills Slavi and four of his men with skillful close combat efficiency, using the men's own weapons, various objects in the office, and his bare hands. Vladimir Pushkin, Slavi's boss and a powerful mafia kingpin, sends his enforcer, Teddy Rensen, to find and eliminate the culprit. In the meantime, Ralph withdraws his security guard application, and instead takes a second job with his mother at the family restaurant. When McCall learns that the restaurant was set on fire by corrupt policemen as an act of extortion, he confronts and beats the officers, forcing them to pay back all the money they have extorted by threatening to publicize their crimes. Ralph then returns to Home Mart and passes his test, becoming a security guard at the store. Rensen visits Mandy, questioning her about who could have killed Slavi. When Mandy tells him that "a nice man--a black man" had come to visit Alina in the hospital, he kills her to cover his tracks. A robber holds up McCall's store and steals a cashier's ring. After the ring is mysteriously returned, McCall is seen cleaning a sledgehammer with a bloodied cloth and putting it back in the store. After finding video footage of McCall entering the club where Slavi was murdered, Rensen visits McCall at his apartment disguised as a police officer and later makes two attempts to capture him. However, McCall escapes after killing a hitman who tries to ambush him at the diner and knocking out one of Rensen's associates. McCall then visits old friend and fellow former DIA operative Susan Plummer, who uses her resources to give him information on Pushkin and his operations. Plummer also informs McCall that Teddy Rensen's true name is Nikolai Itchenko, a former member of the Russian secret police with Spetsnaz training. Stepping up his actions against Pushkin, McCall subdues Frank Masters—a crooked detective on Pushkin's payroll who has been helping Rensen—and forces him to help him gain access to one of Pushkin's local money-laundering operations. Once there, McCall holds the gangster running the operation at gunpoint, subdues his cronies, and orders Masters to inform the police of the money-laundering operation. From Masters, McCall obtains a memory stick loaded with information about Pushkin's illegal activities, which he emails to the FBI. McCall then confronts Itchenko at a restaurant, revealing that he knows his history and pledging to bring down Pushkin's criminal enterprise. When McCall destroys a container ship Pushkin used to smuggle goods, Pushkin has had enough and orders Itchenko to kill the operative. Itchenko and his men go to Home Mart and take Ralph and several of McCall's other co-workers hostage, threatening to kill them if McCall does not surrender. After arriving at Home Mart, McCall kills Itchenko's henchmen one by one using booby traps constructed with items in the store; however, he is wounded in the process. After a struggle between McCall and one of Itchenko's men, Ralph comes back to pull the injured McCall out of the store, but is shot in the leg himself. After Ralph escapes, McCall confronts Itchenko and kills him with a nail gun. Three days later, McCall travels to Moscow, kills all of Pushkin's guards at his mansion, and tricks him into electrocuting himself. After his return to the United States, McCall is approached by Alina outside a neighborhood grocery store, learning that she has started a new life after being freed from Slavi's control. She thanks McCall for giving her a second chance. McCall is inspired to continue using his skills to help people in need and posts an online advertisement, now identifying himself as "The Equalizer". ===== In March 1997, Loomis Fargo & Company was robbed of $18.8 million in Jacksonville by company security guard Philip Noel Johnson. This gives Steve Eugene Chambers (Owen Wilson) and Kelly Campbell (Kristen Wiig) the idea to also rob Loomis. They involve Loomis armored car driver David Scott Ghantt (Zach Galifianakis). After some awkward training in preparation for the robbery, the team has David go inside Loomis' vault and load the entire money supply into the company's van. Before he leaves, David takes out three CCTV tapes, but misses one. The next day, David flees to Mexico with $20,000 and takes the cover name "Michael McKinney", which is the name of a friend of Steve's. Meanwhile, Steve takes most of the heist, around $17 million. FBI Special Agent Scanlon (Leslie Jones) and her partner (Jon Daly) take the case, and immediately have David as the prime suspect, but have no idea of Steve's involvement. Steve plans to cut David loose but Kelly thinks it would be wrong to abandon him. In Mexico, David narrowly escapes from the three Interpol agents looking for him, and then calls Kelly about what happened. Unfortunately, he inadvertently learns Steve's name from the ID in a wallet that Kelly gave to him. With his cover blown, Steve hires the real, but unstable hitman, Michael McKinney (Jason Sudeikis) to hunt David down. He finds David and attempts to shoot him, but the gun backfires and David escapes. David phones Kelly and learns that Steve is trying to kill him, and that Steve will not send the money for him as expected. David is then knocked unconscious by McKinney. When David regains consciousness, McKinney is about to kill him but reconsiders upon looking at "McKinney"'s birth certificate, thinking that David was born under the same circumstances; they become friends. David calls Steve, threatening to surrender himself to Interpol if Steve doesn't wire $6 million into his bank account in two days. Kelly is then attacked by Jandice, who learns her engagement with David, at the mall and escapes. When Steve refuses to wire the money, his two friends kidnap Kelly and he tells David to get a ticket to South America in exchange for her release. At the airport, he meets McKinney, who is returning to the States, but as he bids farewell he sees Kelly's name written on his hand and he tells McKinney that he knows her. Realizing that he can't bring himself to kill her, they switch tickets just as the three Interpol agents attempt to catch David. While Steve is hosting a party, the FBI puts a wire on one of the party members in an attempt to record Steve's confession. David sneaks in and rescues Kelly. They escape by stealing Steve's BMW but it crashes as they attempt to drive through the gate. Steve catches and assaults him, until David realizes he is near the FBI van with the agents inside. David tricks Steve into admitting that he was the mastermind of the whole plan, giving the agents enough reason to arrest all of them, including Kelly. David is sentenced to seven years in prison, while Steve served 11 years. About $2 million is still unaccounted for. Upon David's release, he is picked up by McKinney and they drive to visit Kelly. ===== Twenty years after the first film, Lloyd Christmas has been committed at Baldy View Sanitarium, a mental institution, ever since he discovered Mary Swanson was married. During a recent visit, his best friend Harry Dunne discovers that Lloyd pranked him into thinking he was depressed the entire time. They head to their apartment, where Harry reveals he needs a kidney transplant. They go to Harry's old home, but Harry cannot get a kidney from his parents because he was adopted as a baby. Harry's dad gives him his mail that has been piling up since he moved out. It includes a postcard from his ex-girlfriend, Fraida Felcher, from 1991, stating that she is pregnant and needs Harry to call. Fraida admits that she had a daughter named Fanny that she gave up for adoption. She wrote Fanny a letter, only for it to be returned and instructed to never contact her again. Hoping she can provide a kidney, Lloyd and Harry drive a hearse that Fraida gave them to Oxford, Maryland, where she now lives. Dr. Bernard Pinchelow and his wife Adele are Fanny's adoptive parents. Fanny, who has taken the name Penny, is going to a KEN Convention in El Paso, Texas to give a speech on her father's life work. Penny is given a package to be given to one of the convention heads but, being dim-witted herself, ends up forgetting the package and her phone. Adele is secretly trying to poison Bernard to have his fortune, with the help of her secret lover, family housekeeper Travis Lippincott. Harry and Lloyd arrive to inform the Pinchelows of their situation. Bernard realizes Penny forgot the package, which he says contains an invention worth billions. Adele suggests that Harry and Lloyd deliver the package to Penny. So that he and Adele can get the box, Travis accompanies Harry and Lloyd. After a near death causing prank, Travis attempts to kill them but dies in a train collision. Adele hears of the death from Travis's twin brother Captain Lippincott, a former military man who agrees to help her kill Harry and Lloyd. When the duo arrives in El Paso, Harry impersonates Bernard, so he and Lloyd are invited to a seminar. They get into an argument when Harry discovers that Lloyd has developed a romantic attraction to Penny. After being escorted out of the convention due to not being on the attendance list, Lloyd gets a call from Penny. After informing Penny that he is in town with her dad, they arrange a meeting at a restaurant during which Lloyd deduces that he, not Harry, is Penny's father. Adele arrives at the convention with Lippincott and exposes Harry as a fraud, telling the convention heads that he stole the package. Fraida also arrives and triggers the fire alarm to create a diversion after she and Penny are denied entry. As the building is evacuated, Harry runs into Fraida and Penny, only to have Lippincott and Adele corner them with guns in a bathroom. At this moment, Lloyd returns, having been to Mexico to have one of his own kidneys removed for Harry. Lippincott and Adele are about to shoot, but three FBI agents who were with Penny bust in with a cured Bernard, who reveals that he knew that Adele was trying to poison him. It is revealed that it was Adele, not Penny, who wrote "do not contact again" on Fraida's letter, and that the "invention" was just cupcakes. Angrered by the fact that her plans got ruined, Adele attempts to shoot Penny, but Harry takes the bullet and is severely injured. Adele (who gets beaten up by Frida) and Lippincott are arrested. Harry is rushed to the hospital where he reveals that he was pranking Lloyd about needing a kidney while they both laugh. Fraida reveals that Penny's biological father is Harry and Lloyd's deceased high school friend, Peter "Pee-Stain" Stainer. As the duo leave El Paso, they spot two women walking in their direction and shove them into a bush as a joke. Harry and Lloyd run off and high-five each other. In a post-credit scene, Lloyd and Harry are driving home in a Zamboni and toss their milkshakes into a truck belonging to Sea Bass. He and his friend recognize the duo and try to ram them, only for the movie to end with an ad promoting a sequel called "Dumb and Dumber For" releasing in Summer 2034, with Lippincott blending to the background and walking away. ===== Five highly qualified applicants for a position with the mysterious, powerful Carcharias Corporation wake up trapped together in a locked room without any hope of escape. After exchanging stories about how each of them had been sedated and abducted they receive a phone call from their interviewer, known only as The Employer, who informs them that they have to kill each other; only the last surviving candidate would get the job. ===== Having saved her from a band of Indonesian bandits, widower Choon (Chen Hanwei) announces his plans to marry Indonesian-Chinese Na (Carmen Soo). Na is mysterious in nature and says little about her background. Amongst the items she brings with her is an urn, which contains the eponymous "Ghost Child", otherwise known as a toyol. The toyol causes much distress to Choon and his estranged teenage daughter, Kim (Jayley Woo). Among other strange happenings, family photographs get torn apart and Kim's grandmother gets injured for no apparent reason. At first suspecting her dead mother's ghost for causing these, Kim soon learns about the toyol and attempts to get rid of it, but her efforts are to no avail. Could she save her family by ridding this unspeakable evil? ===== A tormented writer named Victor journeys through a mysterious, dream- like landscape in search of a group of performers from a theater that mysteriously burned down. As he continues through the landscape, he begins to uncover a bizarre cult under the hallucinatory influence of a nearby factory, and a sinister pact he once made with its owner. All the while he is tormented by visions and a strange humming sound that emanates from the factory. ===== Sebastian (a.k.a. Seban) (Asif Ali), Abu (Sreenath Bhasi), Ambrose Perera (Balu Varghese), Fernando d'Silva (a.k.a. Ferno) (Baburaj), Angel (Bhavana) and Sara (Archana Kavi) are close friends in Fort Kochi. Angel's brothers HC Michael (Lal), Martin (Amith Chakalakkal), Father Collin (Suresh Krishna), and Antony (Assim Jamal), nicknamed "Punyalanmar", are dangerous businessmen. Angel's family brings in a proposal for her from the city SI George. Angel asks Seban if he has feelings for her, to which he says he does not, before she admits that she had feelings for him. However, on the night before her marriage, a drunk Seban breaks into Angel's house with his friends and proposes his love to her. He elopes with her that night with his friends' help. Ambrose, drunk and senseless writes a letter and leaves it in Angel's room to inform the Punyalanmar, that they helped Seban and Angel to elope. The next day Sebastian wakes up to see Angel with him. He is shocked to see her since he doesn't remember the previous night's events. Punyalanmar go in search of them, and they are on the run. Punyalanmar destroys Sebastian's house and burns Ferno's house. Seban and Angel decide to escape through the harbor. Abu, Ambrose and Ferno planned to confront and surrender to buy Seban and Angel time to escape. Punyalanmar captures Abu but Ferno and Ambrose threaten to kill their wives. Ferno calls Seban (who is on a boat) and says they are going to sacrifice themselves, and Ferno is stabbed by Michael's goon. Seeing Angels brothers coming after them they decide to suicide. Seban and angel kiss each other passionately. then it is revealed in the flashback that her brothers did not kill Seban's friends and that they were also there with her brothers in the boat they were coming after. But without knowing this Seban and Angel jump into the sea after kissing each other. Seban's friends jump into the sea to save them. The film has a happy ending in which all are praying together at Punyalanmar's father's tomb. and then heading for Seban's and Angels wedding. ===== The film depicts scenes of life in the "North of Superior" area, including fighting forest fires and the work of reforestation afterwards. It also shows the varied geography of the region with numerous aerial shots. The film is 18 minutes long, the length of time a single IMAX reel could hold at the time. The film used aerial shots while flying over Lake Superior and Ouimet Canyon. The film begins with an aerial shot of flying over water, displayed on a small sub-section of the screen. After a few seconds, the image expands to the full six-storey height of the IMAX screen. The aerial shot, along with the large IMAX screen, induced the "Kinesthetic effect" which meant that viewers would experience the flying sensation due to eye perception over-ruling the inner ear balance. Viewers were warned to close their eyes if they experienced any discomfort. ===== Two teenage girls become interested in boys, and the girls' parents are making more problems rather than solving them. ===== Zane's latest series follows five 30-something frat brothers and their women as they grapple with issues like commitment, fidelity and forgiveness. ===== This book is about a secret prototype attack submarine the United States is developing and the efforts of a ruthless multimillionaire who wants to seize it by any means and sell it for a hefty profit. This millionaire antagonist also is bent on monopolizing most of the world's rare earth mineral mining operations and sell these minerals for a huge profit. This novel has many subplots and is set in a variety settings throughout the world. These subplots involve many characters, as well. Clive Cussler makes a habit of writing himself into cameo appearances in his books. In this one he makes a short appearance, working as a barge captain who gets roughed up by those working for this tale's antagonist. ===== A group of xeno-archaeologists, together with interstellar pilot Priscilla Hutchins, attempt to unravel the mysteries surrounding tremendous monuments left near several habitable worlds in the solar neighborhood. ===== The story primarily follows Priscilla Hutchins – also known as "Hutch" – a prestigious starship pilot for the Academy (the organization responsible for many on- and off-world scientific endeavors). Hutch receives orders to take the Academy ship "Winckelmann" and evacuate the final archaeological team on the planet Quraqua. This evacuation is the result of a complicated series of political maneuvers, and is not favored by the Academy, which until this point had conducted extensive surveys of the planet in an attempt to learn about the former alien inhabitants of the world. The now-extinct Quraquans had a complex history spanning tens of thousands of years, and scientists had expected to have an unlimited timeframe for scientific discovery. Instead, they were being driven out after only 28 years, so that Quraqua could be terraformed; as the most Earth-like planet discovered so far, there was a tremendous pressure to begin transforming it into a New Earth, due to the deteriorating conditions of Earth itself. A total evacuation was called for, due to the nature of the terraforming process. Many nuclear devices were to be detonated in the planet's polar ice caps, in order to raise the world's sea level and bring about a warming climate change. This terraforming effort was being led by the wealthy corporation, Kosmik. Just before Hutch was set to leave Earth, the science team on Quraqua – led by Henry Jacobi – made a significant discovery. They uncovered a series of carvings that depicted mostly the native Quraquans, but additionally, they discovered one that bore an uncanny resemblance to the statue on Iapetus – presumably, one of the Monument-Makers. Even more perplexing, the apparent Monument-Maker took the form of a god of death in the artwork. Given this startling connection between the Quraquans and the Monument-Makers, the Academy desperately tried to postpone the terraforming process, but overwhelming political pressure prevented this from happening. Instead, one of the leading experts on the Monument-Makers, Richard Wald, joined Hutch on the voyage to Quraqua, so he could lend his expertise to the dig during the little time they had remaining. After a journey through space lasting nearly a month, Hutch and Richard arrived at the Quraqua star system. Before landing on the planet, however, Richard wanted to explore a unique feature on the planet's moon: a giant "Monument" that had been named "Oz." Oz superficially resembled a city, composed of giant cubic and rectangular structures. These structures, however, had no interior space and no exterior features. Until this point, nobody in the scientific community had been able to offer any theories about Oz's existence or construction. Many scientists, including Richard, did not even believe it was a product of the Monument-Makers; all of the other known Monuments were elegant and many were floating in space, and this faux-city was crude and unwieldy by comparison. But with the discovery of the depiction of a Monument-Makers on the planet below, Richard was intent on reevaluating Oz, in the hope of finding a definite link between the two cultures. In the end, they discovered several facts: (a) The monument was built approximately in the year 9000 B.C. (b) Many of the structures featured damage and mysterious scorch- marks, which also dated to roughly 9000 B.C. (c) The "city's" layout was perfectly symmetrical and composed of regular cubic units, with the notable exception of two cylindrical towers. (d) One of the towers held a short inscription that was in one of the ancient languages of the Quraquans. This was bewildering because the Quraquans never developed space travel; someone else must have inscribed it. Although they could identify the language, they could not read the inscription. After investigating Oz, Hutch and Richard made their way to Quraqua's surface. Hutch made one more attempt to get the terraforming operation postponed by contacting the terraformin project's director, Melanie Truscott, who resided in a space station in orbit around Quraqua. Unfortunately, Truscott is dead-set on adhering to her orders, and refuses once again to delay the operation. Faced with this reality, Hutch attempts to fulfill her mission quickly and efficiently – evacuate the remaining Academy personnel, equipment, and artifacts from the surface before the deadline. Her efforts are hampered by the fact that many of the scientists want to squeeze every second they can from their remaining time, and are reluctant to depart until it is absolutely necessary. The science team on the surface was excavating "The Temple of Winds," a sprawling complex that served many different functions over its thousands of years of history. The Temple was originally above ground, but tectonic forces had lowered it below sea level. Consequently, the archaeology team was based in an underwater dome structure, and the excavation of the site had to deal with slow movement, and shifting mud and silt – unusual obstacles. Their main mission at the time was to search for more examples of "Linear C," the language of the mysterious inscription on Oz. The team's philologist, Maggie Tufu, was convinced that she could decode the message if they could just find some more substantial examples of text to add to their scant library. To accomplish this, the team was excavating at break-neck pace deeper and deeper into the unexplored temple. Meanwhile, Hutch familiarized herself with the personnel while taking load after load of artifacts and scientists up to the "Winckelmann" via the ship's shuttlecraft, "Alpha." Richard was also brought up to speed on the history of Quraqua. Although the society existed for many thousands of years, they never achieved a high level of technology, but rather stagnated for long periods of time, and experienced many Dark Ages. In particular, there were several recorded "discontinuities," where it appeared that some mysterious and rapid disaster befell the planet. One such event coincided with the construction and damaging of Oz. The dig team had just discovered a potentially significant artifact, (a printing press that could unlock the Linear C language,) when disaster struck. Convinced that the Academy team would willfully ignore the terraforming deadline, the Kosmik operation decided to give them a demonstration of the dangers of remaining on Quraqua. They willfully nudged a small comet out of orbit that crashed into the sea, creating a tsunami that caused significant damage to the dig site. The personnel had enough warning to shelter themselves, but the wave buried the printing press before they could excavate it. Angered, Hutch and her new friend Janet Allegri created a faux-comet out of packing foam and launched it from orbit at the Kosmik space station. This caused a panic and evacuation of the station, but no physical damage. Melanie Truscott, director of the station, secretly decided that she couldn't very well hold a grudge for being played by her own game. Around this time, Richard made some inquiries to a colleague who was studying the planet Nok. It would come to be known that Nok, in addition to Quraqua, had apparently suffered mysterious "discontinuities" in its long and troubled history, and a pattern emerged from this information: a period of roughly 8,000 years lay between each discontinuity. In addition, a number of new Monuments were discovered in deep orbit around Nok – a series of free-floating, enormous cubes, which were scorched and damaged – very reminiscent of Oz. With the printing press buried, many on the team felt defeated, but many others were more determined than ever to excavate the machines. The evacuation continued but Henry and several others were not quite able to load the machines and themselves by the time the deadline passed, and the nuclear devices were detonated at the planet's poles. In the end, the presses were retrieved and all of the personnel made it out – with the exception of Richard, Hutch's friend and the expert on the Monument-Makers. This angered many of the team, and there were differing opinions as to who held the most blame for Richard's death: Henry, for pushing his team too hard in the face of danger; Maggie, for her insistence that the alien machines had to be recovered; or even Hutch, who Henry felt had only hurt the situation by her desperate pleas to leave well enough alone and get out of harm's way. Fortunately, Maggie was soon able to decipher the perplexing inscription from Oz: "Farewell and good fortune. Seek us by the light of the horgon's eye." A horgon was a mythical beast on Quraqua, and the passage referred to a part of a stellar constellation – it pointed the way to the home of the Monument- Makers. Using the out-of-place cylindrical towers on Oz as waypoint markers, Hutch and Frank (the second-in-command of the Quraqua expedition) were able to make a list of potential stars that the passage might be referring to. Then with a powerful radio telescope, they surveyed all the candidates and found one that was broadcasting a faint artificial transmission – Beta Pacifica. Ecstatic, the Academy quietly approved an urgent mission to investigate the star system. The mission would consist of Hutch, Frank, Maggie, Janet, and George Hackett, another veteran from Quraqua. At the last minute, they received orders from the government to halt their mission – apparently, the idea of charging into the potential heart of an unknown space-faring civilization was something they didn't trust to an Academy scout ship – but the crew willfully ignored the instruction and leaped into hyperspace on their weeks-long journey to Beta Pacifica. Specifically, they knew that the source of the radio transmission originated not on a planet, but at a point in space roughly 15 AU from the star. On the long journey, the five crewmates grew quite close, and a romance blossomed between Hutch and George. Upon arrival at Beta Pacifica, disaster struck again. They emerged from their jump extremely close to a mysterious object in space, a vast black mass larger than Earth's moon which, inexplicably, the instruments claimed had no measurable mass. At their current velocity, there was no way to divert from the object in time, and the crew resigned themselves to a quick death via collision. Their death never came, however, because they somehow passed "through" the object – although not without suffering heavy damage in the process. They lost many ship's systems and sent out a general distress call to the nearest human presences, at Quraqua and Nok. When they received word that rescue would be slow in coming from Nok, the crew felt dismayed and helpless. At one point it appeared as if they would run out of air before rescue arrived, but Hutch managed to remedy the problem at the last minute. Eventually, help arrived not from Nok, but from Quraqua, in the form of their former foe, Melanie Truscott. Truscott had been accompanying Kosmik employees back to Earth when she diverted her course to lend assistance to the crew of the "Winckelmann." At first, Truscott was unwilling to stay in the Beta Pacifica system for any reason, because she was anxious to complete her mission to return her batch of employees to Earth, but quickly changed her mind after a rapid series of tantalizing discoveries made it clear that this star system was of major importance. First, they determined that the object that Hutch's crew ran into was a vast dish-shaped telescope, and that the alien radio transmission emanated from its center. Further, the dish was one of eight such objects orbiting the star, although the rest appeared to be defunct. In addition, the structure was "organic" in nature, and had already nearly healed the damage caused by the impact event. The reason the ship survived, and the reason the object registered as having so little mass, was because the dish was extremely thin. At the present time, the telescope array was not pointed at any particular object in the sky, but they determined that roughly 10,000 years ago, the network would have been observing the Large Magellanic Cloud, the largest satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. Besides the dish array, there was one terrestrial planet in the star system that bore a startling resemblance to Earth in terms of physical characteristics. From all appearances, settling of the planet could, in principle, begin immediately, with no terraforming required. The crew had high hopes that they had discovered the home planet of the Monument-Makers, but the night side of the planet showed no artificial light sources, and the planet emanated no artificial electromagnetic waves of any kind. However, there were two anomalies. First, the largest of the planet's four moons featured a giant cube of stone, which was damaged and scorched just like the Monuments at Quraqua and Nok. Second, they discovered an artificial space station in orbit around the world. They immediately set out to investigate. To their dismay, the space station was not the creation of a highly advanced race, as the Monument-Makers were known to be. In actuality, the level of technology was even below current human standards. Nevertheless, the Academy crew, along with Truscott and her lieutenant, boarded the powerless and airless space station to investigate. What they discovered was very unsettling: dozens of alien corpses, apparently the same race as the Monument-Makers, who had all committed suicide by strapping themselves to their chairs and venting the atmosphere of the station. No one could come up with a good reason for this event, which they all found very disturbing. Nor could anyone explain why the Monument-Makers were inhabiting a station of such inferior technology. One theory was that the station remained from their earliest days of space exploration, but in order for that to be true, the station would have to be many tens of thousands of years old, which did not seem plausible. Luckily, in order to date the station, they discovered a photograph of the planet's four moons in perfect alignment, and extrapolated how long ago such a configuration would have happened. The answer was 4743 B.C., a time well after the Monument-Makers were known to possess advanced technology. The surface of the planet held only ruins, and the Academy team went down to investigate. What they found were structures much too primitive to have been made by a hyper-advanced space-faring race. Sadly, tragedy again befell the Academy crew when they were attacked by a mysteriously unrelenting horde of predatory crab-like creatures with razor sharp claws and mandibles. George, Maggie, and their Kosmik pilot were killed, and Frank and Janet were severely wounded. They escaped thanks to Hutch's piloting skills, but were saddened by the price they paid. Back on the Kosmik starship, though, Hutch was struck by inspiration. When she included the dates of the Discontinuities of Quraqua and Nok with the final days of the primitive Beta Pacifica space station, she discovered a repeating pattern of sweeping devastation that spread outward, going from one planet to the next. If her theory was correct, she could extrapolate the current position of this destructive wave in space: they could plot a course and go see what had caused numerous disasters across multiple inhabited planets. Leaving the Kosmik ship for the newly arrived Academy vessel, they set out, once again, to try and solve their cosmic mystery once and for all. They arrived in an unnamed star system that had already been surveyed decades previously. At first they found nothing unusual, and decided to make their OWN monument – a set of giant cubic structures, in an attempt to recreate the environment of the other disasters. They used a cutting laser and a shuttlecraft to begin to transform some natural stone plateaus into giant cubes, just like at the other planets. Shortly thereafter, they detected two strange anomalies – giant clouds in space, traveling at a high rate of speed. Although the clouds were quite large – planet sized, at least – they were far too small to be natural objects. With insufficient mass, they should have been ripped apart by the star system's gravity. One of the mysterious clouds was on the far side of the solar system, but one would pass relatively close to the moon on which they were creating their fake Monuments. The mystery deepened when, suddenly, the nearby cloud began to change direction and reduce speed, on a direct course for the moon and the new monuments. This was, obviously, inconsistent with any natural phenomena. In the end, the mystery cloud was drawn towards both the cubic monument and the roughly cubic shuttlecraft, and annihilated them both. The crew survived by evacuating the shuttle, and finally discovered the nemesis that had plagued advanced societies for thousands of years. In fact, they deduced that biblical disasters on Earth corresponded to the pattern of destruction as well. They arrived at the conclusion that the Monument-Makers had constructed their creations in an attempt to be lures for the deadly clouds – which came to be called Omega clouds. They attempted to save the populations of the planets in question by luring the clouds away from the right-angles and regular structures of their buildings and roads by putting geometric shapes in other locations. This strategy had not succeeded, and the clouds had attacked the alien populations and the Monuments. The clouds had even hit the Monument- Makers themselves, throwing their society into a technological dark age – the space station and ruined buildings at Beta Pacifica were the remnants of their second, lesser civilization, which itself was nearly annihilated when the cycle repeated on its 8,000-year timescale. It was discovered that the remnants of the space-faring Monument-Makers – or Cholois, as they were called – were observing the Large Magellanic Cloud because they evacuated to that location. The implications were that the Omega clouds menace the entire galaxy, and the only way to escape them is to leave the galaxy entirely. In fact, the cycle of the clouds meant that they would be upon Earth in just 1,000 years. Given that the Monument-Makers were more advanced than humanity, and that they had even more time to deal with the problem and failed, the outlook for Earth's future looks bleak. ===== The protagonists are Hugh and Hope Morrison, a couple with a young son in a near-future, post-climate change London during the "Warm War". The United Kingdom is governed by the Labour Party in a technocratic government that pursues a policy of a "free and social market" by, in the words of one of its MPs, intervening to allow people to make the choices they would have made if only they had had all the information. In practice, this amounts to an attempt to create a conformist dystopia, "strongly encouraging" its citizens to make "the right choice". This brings the pregnant Hope into conflict with the state when she decides that she does not want to take "the Fix", a single-dose pill that would correct genetic errors in her unborn child. This draws her, Hugh and the state into a moral dilemma as she struggles against the pressure to conform. ===== The book is told as a First-person narrative by Lucius Valerius Quintius, prefect of the fictional city Tarcisis during the reign of Marcus Aurelius. He faces threats both internal and external, as Moors from North Africa are attacking the province, which is beset by social and political unrest. At the same time, the new Christian faith is gaining strength in the Roman lands. Quintus tries to deal justly with all these problems, inspired by the ideas of his role model, the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. As tension builds in the city, Quintius must decide how to punish Christian subversives led by the beautiful Iunia Cantaber, the daughter of an old friend of his. The prefect hesitates, for he has fallen in love with Iunia. He is both fascinated by and frustrated with the followers of the new religion; these people who "worship fish", as he puts it. He also reflects back on his visit to Rome ten years earlier, where he met his hero Marcus Aurelius. ===== Within the mind of an American girl named Riley are the basic emotions who control her actions—Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, and Anger. Her experiences become memories, stored as colored orbs, which are sent into long-term memory each night. Her five most important "core memories" power aspects of her personality which take the form of floating islands. Joy acts as the leader, and she and the rest of the emotions try to limit Sadness's influence. At the age of 11, Riley moves to San Francisco for her father's new job. She at first has poor experiences; the new house is cramped and old, her father hardly has any time for her, a local pizza parlor only serves pizza topped with broccoli, and the moving van with their belongings ends up in Texas and won't arrive for weeks. On Riley's first day at her new school, Sadness retroactively turns joyous memories sad, which causes Riley to cry in front of her class and creates a sad core memory. Joy tries to dispose of it by using a vacuum tube but accidentally knocks the other core memories loose during a struggle with Sadness, deactivating the personality islands. Joy, Sadness, and the core memories are sucked out of Headquarters and sent to long-term memory storage. In Joy and Sadness’s absence, Anger, Fear, and Disgust are left in control, with disastrous results, distancing Riley from her parents, friends, and hobbies. Because of this, her personality islands gradually crumble and fall into the "Memory Dump", where memories are forgotten. Finally, Anger inserts an idea into the console, prompting Riley to run away to Minnesota, believing it will restore her happiness. While navigating the vast long-term memory area, Joy and Sadness encounter Bing Bong, Riley's childhood imaginary friend, who suggests riding the "train of thought" back to Headquarters. The three, after extreme inconvenience caused by the islands' dissolution, eventually catch the train, but it halts when Riley falls asleep, then derails entirely with the collapse of another island. In desperation, Joy abandons Sadness and tries to ride a "recall tube" back to Headquarters, but the ground below the tube collapses, breaking it and sending Joy and Bing Bong plunging into the Memory Dump. A crestfallen Joy discovers a sad memory that turned happy when Riley's parents and friends comforted her. Joy finally understands Sadness' purpose: alerting others when Riley is emotionally overwhelmed and needs help. Joy and Bing Bong try to use Bing Bong's old wagon rocket to escape the Memory Dump but are unable to fly high enough due to Bing Bong's weight. On their final attempt, Bing Bong jumps out to allow Joy to escape and fades away, forgotten. Joy reunites with Sadness and manages to return to Headquarters, but arrives on the scene too late as Anger's idea has disabled the console, rendering Riley apathetic. To the surprise of the others, Joy hands control of the console to Sadness, who is able to reactivate it and prompt Riley to return to her new home. As Sadness reinstalls the core memories, transforming them from happy to sad, Riley tearfully confesses to her parents that she misses her old life. Her parents comfort her and admit they also miss Minnesota. Joy and Sadness work the console together, creating a new core memory consisting of happiness and sadness; a new island forms, representing Riley's acceptance of her new life in San Francisco. A year later, Riley has adapted to her new home, made new friends, and returned to her old hobbies while acquiring a few new ones. Inside Headquarters, her emotions admire Riley's new personality islands, and all work together on a newly expanded console with room for them all. ===== Day-to-day practice of any religion goes as per the customs evolved through i find instances of "intelligent" interpretations of these very tenets by unscrupulous people to serve their own interests. One such instance is the exploitation of woman for the sheer thrill of man in a male dominated society taking advantage of the ‘custom’ of ‘marriage’ particularly when the woman is struck by ignorance, fear and poverty. "Munnudi" is a preface written by the waves of Arabian Sea on the plank of the sand. An untold pain of a woman in a pictorial parody, a mirror to an open mind. In Sheriah (Islamic Law) prostitution is deliberated as the worst crime on earth, which solicits heavy punishment to the culprit's life after death. "Munnudi" makes an attempt to discuss the misuse of ‘Sheriah’ by certain canny men, who maintain that they could elude both ‘Crime’ and ‘Punishment’ for transgression on woman by sheltering themselves beneath the testaments on ‘Nikha’ and ‘Talaaq’. Munnudi is the story of a mother of a teenaged girl who lived in a small village on the coast of Arabian Sea, who raised the first dissident cry against the barbarian act of man, the act that every folk was made to believe, that cherished the sanctity of the Holy Book. ‘Munnudi’ is the story of the first woman who burnt her silence against this ritual, wherein every woman of the village was to go to bed as temporary wife with a new alien annually, decorating herself in trousseau. Munnudi deals with this kind of gender discrimination – a crime perpetrated by man against woman in the guise of ‘marriage’. The story goes like this. Mutthuchera, a tiny seaside village, has a special attraction to Arabian traders who have been regularly coming to this village. They come in a particular ‘season’ and stay on for about three months during which they settle contracts for buying wood, spices, etc. Local traders vie with each other to woo the Arabians to their side by providing them all comforts including ‘temporary wives’. For this, they have evolved an ingenious method. They induce poor local women to agree to a ‘system’ in which they marry the Arabians and live with them as their wives in nearby posh hotels. After about three months, it is time for the Arabians to go back. They give divorce (Talaaq) before leaving. These women return to their huts and wait in silence for the next ‘season’ to become ‘new wife’ for some ‘new’ Arabian husband. These women get some good money as Meher, as a part of marriage custom every time they marry. There are other inducements as well, like visas for their kith and kin to go to Arab countries for work. There are agents who fix such marriages for a commission. Their trump card is knowledge of Arabic language. For ages, these women have accepted this system as a way of life. No one questions the ‘sanctity’ of such events as everything is done as per the ‘rules’ of marriage (Nikaah) and divorce (Talaq); ‘Meher’ and ‘Visa’ are anyway too tempting for a woman struggling for two meals. As if by exception, an Arabian who marries Rukhiya develops true love for her. Rukhiya too loves him. He does not divorce her and promises to return soon to take her back with him. Rukhiya gets a daughter (Unnisa) through this marriage. Sixteen years pass by; the Arabian does not return. But Rukhiya's love and hope are so strong that she continues to wait and wards off pressures and inducements for remarriage taking shelter under the fact that she is not divorced. Meanwhile, sensing the concern of the local youth group, a pious religious leader explains the complexities involved in Nikaah and Talaaq and advises the group to deal with the situation as a social problem. This youth group becomes a stumbling block to the local trader and the agent. But the system has to go on, as otherwise the trader suffers! So, what was going on openly takes the form of secret marriages!! As a part of his job, Hasanabba (the Agent) turns his attention to Rukhiya's daughter. Rukhiya tries to avoid her daughter falling prey to such a system. She wants to marry her off to some local boy. But it proves impossible as no one is prepared to marry a girl whose paternity is not known – not even any member of the youth group!! This stark reality and the mounting pressures of the agent and the trader compel Rukhiya to painfully agree to such a ‘marriage’ for her daughter. But the sight of the corpse (floating in the river) of another girl recently married in such a manner unshackles her pent up anguish. She bursts into the trader's mansion where the marriage proceedings are going on and stuns all the men folk by breaking the marriage of her daughter and vows to ensure that such a marriage will never take place in the village, thus taking a lead to walk away into freedom – freedom from fear and oppression. This film is based on the short story ‘Mutthuchera’ by Boluwar Mohammad Kunhi, well known for pioneering the projection of various aspects of Muslim Life in Kannada Literature. Boluwar Mohammad Kunhi has won three Sahithya Academy Awards including Fellowship. With this maiden directorial venture, P. Sheshadri, opens up a new avenue for fresh and sensitive subjects for films. ===== Mary Roberts Rinehart based the play on her novel, The Circular Staircase. Elderly, single Cornelia Van Gorder is renting an old, isolated Long Island mansion owned by the estate of Courtleigh Fleming, a bank president who had reportedly died several months before. On a stormy evening, the electricity flickers on and off. Most of the servants, convinced that the house is haunted, have made excuses and fled. According to a news report, a mysterious criminal known as "the Bat" has eluded police in the area. Cornelia is in the house with her maid, Lizzie, and Billy, a Japanese butler who is part of Fleming's household staff. They are joined by Brooks, a gardener recently hired by Cornelia's niece, Dale Ogden. Dale and Dr. Wells, the local coroner and an old friend of Fleming's, arrive for a visit. They tell Cornelia that Jack Bailey, a cashier at Fleming's bank, has disappeared and is suspected of stealing over a million dollars. Cornelia tells Lizzie and Dale that she has invited a police detective to visit because someone has been trying to break into the house at night. Wells leaves, and Detective Anderson arrives. Cornelia tells Anderson that she suspects Fleming embezzled from the bank and hid the money in the house. While Cornelia shows Anderson to his room, Dale warns Brooks (who is actually Jack Bailey, and Dale's fiancé) that Anderson is a detective. Brooks also believes that Fleming hid the money, and wants to clear himself by finding it. Dale summons Fleming's nephew, Richard (who rented the house to Cornelia), to learn about possible hiding places. Richard shows her a blueprint of the house, with a hidden room where the money might be. While they fight over the blueprint, a figure appears in the darkness and shoots Richard, ending the first act. Cornelia calls Dr. Wells back to the house to examine Richard's body. Dale asks Wells to hide the blueprint she took from Richard because the others might think that she killed him for it. Reginald Beresford, a lawyer waiting in his car after he drove Richard to the house, comes inside. Reginald recognizes Jack, and the exposure of her fiancé makes Dale admit that she gave Wells the blueprint with the hidden room. Wells claims that he does not have the blueprint; Cornelia reveals other evidence incriminating him, and Anderson asks to question him alone. Wells knocks Anderson unconscious during the interrogation and drags him into another room. Before Wells can go to the hidden room, a stranger claiming to have lost his memory after he was attacked and tied up in the garage appears at the terrace door. When the guests try to identify the unknown man, they discover that they have been locked in the house. At the end of the second act, Cornelia finds the Bat's calling card, a black paper bat, tacked to a door. The third act begins on the upper floor of the house, where a masked man is seen in the previously-hidden room taking a money bag from a safe. When Dale finds the room, the man flees, leaving her and the money locked inside. The others find her there, unconscious. Anderson reappears and accuses Wells of stealing the money and killing Richard. Cornelia begins to present an alternative theory, but is interrupted when the unknown man comes upstairs and Anderson asks him about his amnesia. Cornelia says that she sees a man on the roof, and most of the group leaves to look for him. Cornelia uses the distraction to tell Dale, Jack and the unknown man that she thinks the money is still in the room. When they search for the money, Jack finds the body of Courtleigh Fleming, who was killed only recently. As Cornelia, Dale and Jack argue about what has happened, the unknown man locks the door and orders them to be quiet. When the masked man sneaks in through a window, the unknown man apprehends him and reveals that he, the unknown man, is the real Detective Anderson; the Bat (the masked man) had pretended to be Anderson. ===== Young girl Diane is falling in love with Chico during World War I in France. ===== The film tells the story of a young boy, Igor from Warsaw, who has problems with drugs and was sent to his aunt at Silesia. Igor treats arriving in Silesia as the worst event that happened to him so far. With time, however, he begins to see the beauty of this place, and between him and Hanna begins to be born feel. The film also shows the image of Silesian culture (much dialogue is conducted in the Silesian dialect), including work in the mines and customs typical of the region. In the film, were among other people with disabilities, for whom this was the first opportunity to test themselves against of camera. ===== The plot of the episode featured the funeral service of J.R. Ewing, as well as the memorial service, held at the Dallas Petroleum Club. Guests in attendance include Cliff Barnes (Ken Kercheval), J.R.'s longtime rival who comes to pay his "disrespects"; Gary Ewing (Ted Shackelford), J.R.'s reformed alcoholic brother; Ray Krebbs, J.R.'s half brother; Lucy Ewing (Charlene Tilton), Gary's daughter and J.R.'s niece; J.R.'s second wife Cally Harper Ewing (Cathy Podewell); and Mandy Winger (Deborah Shelton), J.R's longtime mistress in the 1980s. Appearing as themselves are Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, and Dallas mayor Mike Rawlings. As a result of Hagman's death, and therefore his character's, the remaining season's plot will focus on the same question raised in the original series, "Who shot J.R.?" dubbed into "Who killed J.R.?" ===== Burton played Reid Lawerence, an actor "paralysed by a falling lift." A media report claims that Burton would play an Academy Award-winning actor down on his luck who suddenly wins another Oscar. The film was to be shot in Rome and Nice. Another media report claims that the story was about "a famous actor" who "fakes a grave illness" to collect insurance money. ===== Yūji Kazami transfers to Mihama Academy, a school with only five female students and prison-like features. Every student in the school has their own "circumstances" for being there, but Yūji is not required to do anything about their situation as he asked for a normal student life. According to the decisions he makes while at Mihama Academy, however, he will eventually choose to become involved of his own accord. ===== A Husband who would rather listen to jazz and drum on pots and pans than mop the floor is whacked over the head with the mop by his wife when she hears him listening to I’ll Be Glad When You Are Dead You Rascal You. He falls into a dream in which he is the king of "Jazzmania," sitting on a royal throne with servants to fan him. In the dream Louis Armstrong plays and sings jazz for him while dressed in a leopard print cave man outfit. When he wakes up and sees his flustered wife still standing over him, he smiles and breaks a vase over his own head. ===== Set in the cable internet turf war of Mumbai, Sonali Cable is the story of a girl Sonali (Rhea Chakraborty) and her ‘internet boys’, including her brother Sadda who are working in their own internet cable wire shop. One day when a new police station starts in their region Sonali reaches there for giving connection. There she meets her old school friend, now graduated from a university in the U.S., Raghu (Ali Fazal) who remembers her name, and even her roll number 43 while they were studying in school. They fall in love. During that time Sonali faces problem because of a big industrial company "Shining" starts providing broadband services. During Ganapati festival Sonali and Raghu consummate their love. On the same night Sadda, Sonali's brother gets hit by some local goons trying to vandalize their shop. Sadda succumbs to his injuries. Sonali gets determined to take revenge on the company. Sonali Cable is like a 'David versus Goliath' story, in the thick of the cable internet turf war in Mumbai. At last Sonali wins the war by spying on the corruptions of the people who worked against her. Later Sonali starts an internet cable shop in the name of her brother Sadda. Raghu joins her in the shop and in her life. ===== The story of Daagh drama serial completely revolves around the life of a house wife named Umama (Mehar Bano) who has four daughters. Umama belongs to a middle-class family who lives with her parents and two sisters. Her father has is of a very conservative personality. Umama marries Murad (Fahad Mustafa). Murad also belongs to a middle-class family and lives with his mother and two sisters. Initially Murad's cousin Deeba (Sana Askari) was interested in him and wanted to get married. But he chooses Umama as his life partner. With the passage of time, Umama gave birth to four daughters but her mother-in-law demands a baby boy (for the sake of family name). After the birth of fourth daughter Murrad's mother forces him to marry Deeba. After Murad's second marriage, Deeba wanted Murad to divorce his first wife Umama. Eventually deeba gives birth to twin sons and gains importance in Murad's eyes. Murad starts neglecting Umama and her daughters. Umama after sustaining a lot of insults leaves Murad's house. She is hired by a school and stays in her father's house. It is known afterwards that Murad's sons were having developmental abnormalities. Murad understands his mistakes. Deeba is regretful, too. Murad apologizes to Umama but she refuses to go with him again and lives independently with her daughters. ===== In order to save her newborn son from certain doom, Ynaguiginid—the goddess of war—is forced to sacrifice her own immortality. Safe and alone in the forest under the watchful eyes of Magayon, the deity of flying creatures, Ynaguiginid's child is rescued by a native couple who name him Malaya. As Malaya grows up he manifests god-like powers which were inherited from his mother. His powers are witnessed by the villagers and Malaya is eventually looked upon as their savior. However, as Spanish conquerors descend upon the land, Malaya is captured and enslaved. Years gone by and Malaya—now called Simeon—will have witnessed how terribly the Spaniards mistreat his countrymen. No longer able to bear the suffering and pain of his people, he is roused by Magayon of his true purpose. Simeon must fulfil his destiny to fight off the Spanish invaders and liberate his country. ===== Balaram (Venkatesh) is a good- hearted strongman of the village of Bheemarajapuram. He treats everyone with fairness and takes care of their needs. However, there is one thing that Balaram cannot tolerate: lying. If Balaram catches someone lying, he metes out a severe punishment to the offender. Into this scenario comes in Rahman (Ram). Along with his sister Sania (Anjali), Rahman comes to the village in search of a job. With a brave deed, he falls into the good books of Balaram, but circumstances force him to change his name to Ram. He soon becomes a trusted aide of Balaram, and all is well for a while. However, Balaram catches Rahman while he is offering Namaz and asks him for an explanation. Out of desperation, Rahman reveals that he has a younger brother named Rahman (he says the brother’s name is Rahman since Balaram knows the original guy as Ram). This Rahman character is portrayed as gay, and Balaram tasks him with teaching his sister Meenakshi (Shazahn Padamsee) the art of dance. Rahman struggles to manage the roles of Ram and Rahman, and a confusion drama ensues. As can be expected, the truth comes out in the end and Balaram is outraged. Will he forgive Rahman? That forms the story of ‘Masala’ ===== "Tune in for a change" is the tagline attached to Radio in the credits. The storyline is about a girl Priya who comes to the city for a job as a salesgirl in a jewellery shop,with a load of debt to pay off, played by Sarayu. She is new to the ways and customs of the city life. Her co-worker, Iniya (character name Shweta), gives her accommodation, since she has no place or relative's house to stay in the city. Shweta goes out every night, where Nishan (character name Manu), comes to pick her up. The entire storyline is clear, Shweta, a five star prostitute and associate Manu as pimp, for securing her business. It is a shock to Priya when she realizes the truth about Shweta and decides to leave her friendship and apartment. A set back comes to Priya because of her need of cash, for her mother’s operation, which Shweta supports by her extra -profession. Since Priya’s requirement is cash, she too falls for the lucrative offers, to trade her body, if she wants to, for a psychiatrist doctor to provide him company for 1 or 2 years. Meanwhile, Shweta's family decides to go ahead with a marriage proposal for her. She tries to avoid engagement. But the bridegroom is determined to take her in, and forget her past. She agrees for marriage, and they marries. One of her clients happens to be her husband’s friend, and his visits their house, adding up slight sparks of fire. Priya follows her pro-life with the doctor and finally ends up cheated by her family and the doctor when his wife and daughter who abandoned him, returns from States. At last Priya becomes mad. Maniyan Pilla Raju’s character as Priya’s father and Harisree Ashokan as a broker agent are similar set of masks which they have worn before. ===== The work is an epic poem, comprising 6,575 verses of hexameter in Homeric Greek, with parallel translation into Czech hexameter. The postmodern science fiction story is inspired by the philosophical postulate of quantum physics, that for something to exist it must be observed. The Watcher over the Cosmos turns out to be a certain sheep. To kill the sheep would mean the end of everything. The Sheep that Watches the Cosmos is kidnapped by a villain called Mandys, and pursued by a rapid reaction commando force, whose captain is called Udeis (Οὐδείς, "Nobody"), following the example of Captain Nemo (Νήμω καπιτάνος), as well as the Odyssey's original hero, Ulysses, who went by the name Outis (Οὖτις, "Noman, Nobody"), in order to fool the Cyclops Polyphemus. ===== Following a contest, Miyabi (Maria Ozawa as herself) is asked to deliver a prize, consisting of a pair of airplane tickets, to Jakarta, Indonesia. Excited by the prospect, she begins learning about Indonesia. However, when she attempts to board her flight she discovers that she has forgotten her passport at home and is thus stuck in Tokyo. Meanwhile, in Jakarta, Kevin (Nicky Tirta) and his friends Bimo (Kevin Julio) and Aan (Hardi Fadhillah) are being terrorised by Mike and his flunky. Mike bets the trio that they will be unable to find a beautiful woman to bring to his girlfriend Jessica's (Herfiza Novianti) birthday party. Seeing Mike's childish behaviour towards the trio of "losers", Jessica – Kevin's childhood friend – breaks up with Mike on their way home. At Kevin's home, Aan discovers that Miyabi is scheduled to come to Indonesia and has the trio go to Soekarno-Hatta Airport to see her. They join a crowd of Miyabi fans and, when a woman resembling Miyabi leaves the entry gate, the group of fans chases after her. Kevin and his friends force her into their car, while Aan silently takes her passport. After a series of misunderstandings caused by language barriers, the girl realises that her passport is missing. When Kevin and his friends take her to the Japanese embassy they discover that the girl, Mie Yao Bie (Sabrina Pai), is from Taiwan. The boys plan to have her spend the three days required to make a new passport at Kevin's house. Mie Yao Bie, although at first disgusted with the boys, grows to like them – although they remain unable to communicate verbally. Later that day Jessica comes to Kevin's home, asking to use his internet connection to send an email. Kevin assists her, and after almost sharing a kiss Jessica invites him to see a movie with her. This date, however, is interrupted when Mie Yao Bie arrives, calls for Kevin, and gives him an enthusiastic hug upon finding him. Jessica declares Kevin to be the same as all other men and leaves him alone in the theatre. The following day, when Kevin tries to give her flowers to make amends, Mike steals his flowers and gives them to Jessica. Before the party Kevin discovers that Aan has been hiding Mie Yao Bie's passport and, after fighting with Aan, gives it back to her. Aan thereafter decides to go to the party on his own but is humiliated, forced to drink alcohol while dressed only in his boxers. Kevin, having decided to stand up for himself and win Jessica's love, arrives with Bimo and beats Mike in a fight. Mike states that Kevin had still lost their bet, as he had not brought any girls with him. Mie Yao Bie then arrives with her Taiwanese friends and kisses each of the trio on the cheek. Enraged, Mike departs. Jessica, after hearing the whole story, forgives Kevin; they begin dating and share a kiss. Some days later, Miyabi arrives in Jakarta and – owing to a mishap with apartment numbers – delivers the prize to Bimo. Bimo, however, is unaware that she is Miyabi and treats her as a courier. ===== The husband and the little son of Ayşe, featured by Bediha Muvahhit, are killed by Greek troops during the occupation of Izmir (1919–1922) after World War I (1914–1918). With the help of an Italian Levantine family, Ayşe, slightly wounded, goes to Istanbul, where she lives in the home of her paternal first cousin Peyami. There, she meets Major İhsan, a friend of Peyami. The three takes part at protest rallies against the occupation of Izmir held at Sultanahmet Square. However, following the occupation of Istanbul by the Allied forces briefly after, she is forced to escape to Anatolia accompanied by Peyami. The two joins the military unit of the Turkish National Resistance led by Major İhsan. Ayşe helps by nursing and Peyami becomes an officer subordinate to İhsan. Both men, İhsan and Peyami, fall in love with Ayşe. This love turns into a "shirt of fire" (Ateşten Gömlek) for both. Ayşe, however, has a heart for İhsan only. İhsan gets wounded in action, and she treats him. Meanwhile, İhsan promises to marry her after he enters Izmir as the first Turkish soldier. In order to draw Ayşe's attention, Peyami intends also to be the first soldier in Izmir. Peyami is killed in action soon after. Ayşe, hearing the bad news, runs to the front, but she is also killed by enemy shrapnel shell. ===== One winter, at a funeral the specter of one of the deceased presents a large drum of Stradivarius as a gift to a drummer playing in the ensemble. Over time the drum begins to behave as an independent creature, and the drummer can no longer part with it. Because of the nightly playing on the drum he is forced to leave the hostel where he lived and go on a journey. Having crossed several borders of newly formed post-Soviet states, the drummer after contact with customs officers is left without property, with the exception of the drum. Noticing that at the subway many people give money to beggars he also starts to stand there with a drum, but all the money he earned is taken away by young people in athletic wear, and when they arrange a shootout, all the rest is taken by a policeman. The drummer goes to a diner although he has no money; The waitress mistakenly covers the drum with a tablecloth, as a result of which the food comes from other people's plates to the drummer. On the street, he notices a pie with the help of which he is enticed by a young woman who feeds the drummer and leaves him at home, and provides a mat to the drum next to the door. The next day the drummer tries to compose music, but his mundane girlfriend is immersed in everyday life and arranges a washing machine inside the drum. He escapes from her and settles in a huge dumping ground where the homeless live. He lives right inside the drum. From time to time there are police raids in the dump, and once a delegation of French homeless comes accompanied by officials. The homeless of the two differing countries exchange wisdom, sit at a festive table and give each other presents. The drummer plays on his drum, and his black French colleague plays along with him. At parting, the man offers the drummer to visit him. Soon the drummer is issued a foreign passport and he flies abroad. He returns with a large load of purchases, but he is robbed right at the airport. He again turns out to be homeless and sleeps on the street in winter. In a fit of anger he breaks the drum into small pieces. The film ends with a mocumentary newsreel telling how ancient people made the first drums from dinosaur skins. ===== Genoa, 1945, after the end of the Second World War Umberto, Giulio and Enrico, three partisans, intend to continue their struggle killing the fascists, responsible for the murders and the tortures against the anti-fascists, who were not captured or they went unpunished. Their actions, however, do not have an exclusive punitive or vengeance aim, hoping that the fight will continue throughout the country, up to the revolution. The Italian Communist Party, however, distances itself from these actions and, having learned of the identity of the three, sends the official Bava, acquaintance of the three and a friend of Giulio, to warn him to stop but the attempt will not succeed. ===== Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass (now grey- haired, and called "Lady Fairchild"), Dorothy from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (now in her 20s) and Wendy from Peter and Wendy (now in her 30s, and married to a man in his 50s named Harold Potter) are visiting the expensive mountain resort "Hotel Himmelgarten" in Austria on the eve of World War I (1913–1914). The women meet by chance and begin to exchange erotic stories from their pasts. The stories are based on the childhood fantasy worlds of the three women: *Wendy Darling. Wendy's sexual escapades begin when she meets a homeless teenage boy named Peter and his sister Annabel in Kensington Gardens. Peter follows Wendy and her brothers home and teaches them sexual games, and the siblings begin regular meetings with Peter and his group of homeless boys in the park for sex. These encounters are watched by The Captain, a co-worker of Wendy's father, who later hires Peter as a male prostitute and brutally rapes Annabel. He attacks Wendy, who escapes by confronting him with his fear of ageing. She only sees Peter once more, hustling in a train station. She marries the much older Harold Potter with whom she is sexually incompatible. The pair have a platonic marriage, and Wendy is able to repress her memories of sex. *Dorothy Gale. While trapped in her house during a cyclone, she begins masturbating and experiences her first orgasm at the age of fifteen. She has sexual encounters with three farm hands whom she refers to as The Straw Man, The Cowardly Lion and The Tin Man. Throughout most of her stories, she refers to her "aunt" and "uncle", whom she later admits were her step-mother and father, who discover her affairs. Her father takes her to New York City, under the pretense of seeking psychological help, but has sex with her repeatedly while they are in the city. Dorothy feels guilty for the pain they have caused her stepmother, and leaves to travel the world. *Alice Fairchild. At fourteen, Alice is coerced into sex with her father's friend, which she endures by staring into a mirror and imagining she is having sex with herself. At an all- girls boarding school, Alice convinces many of her schoolmates to sleep with her, and develops a strong attraction to her P.E. teacher, who offers Alice a job as a personal assistant (and sexual plaything) when she leaves employment at the school. Alice's employer marries a Mr. Redman, but begins hosting extravagant, drug-fuelled lesbian sex parties. Alice becomes addicted to opium, and watches a young girl named Lily, among many others, abused just as she was. When Lily is instructed by Mrs. Redman to secretly perform cunnilingus on Alice under the table during a dinner party, Alice exposes her employer's secrets to the guests. Mrs. Redman has Alice declared insane, and she is put into a mental hospital where she is systematically raped by the staff. Upon release Alice resumes her very active sex life and drug use. Disowned by her family, she moves to Africa to run a family-owned diamond mine. In addition to the three women's erotic flashbacks, the graphic novel depicts sexual encounters between the women and other guests and staff of the hotel. The erotic adventures are set against the backdrop of unsettling cultural and historic events of the period, such as the debut of Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. The graphic novel ends with Alice's mirror being destroyed by German soldiers who burn down the Hotel. ===== De todas maneras Rosa revolves around the romantic relationship between Rosa (Marisa Román) and Leonardo Alfonso (Ricardo Álamo). However, an unforeseen tragic event will changes Rosa's personality. Rosa's baby son dies in an accidental explosion, and this incident changes her personality completely. She becomes sympathetic, intelligent and charming. Doctors who study her case conclude that these are not signs of copying with a tragedy, but rather the symptoms of a mental disorder. Ten years pass without Rosa seeing Leonardo. Rosa comes back to Venezuela after years of studying in London in order to look for a job to take her mother Alma (Virginia Urdaneta) for treatment. She meets Luis Enrique (Antonio Delli), a homosexual who hires her to pretend to be his girlfriend in front of his family and friends so that he can show his father that he is a macho man. Luis Enrique's father, Anselmo (Gustavo Rodriguez) is a man running a secret shady business in the city. The twist comes when she discovers that Leonardo is Luis' brother, and that the child she thought was lost is actually alive and living as the youngest son of the Macho Vergara family.Carlos Pérez: "La novela de corte socialista no existe" ===== Torchy Blane (Glenda Farrell) is in the police station when a secret service agent Charles Gilbert (Willard Robertson) ask the police for help in catching "$100 Bailey", a counterfeiter who has eluded police capture for fifteen years and is passing hundred dollar bills. Charles tells detective Steve McBride (Barton MacLane) that he suspects Bailey will pass the money at the racetrack. He recruits the police in a sting operation at the local racetrack to catch Bailey and convinces Steve to let him watch the $100 betting window. Unknown to the police, Charles Gilbert is actually Bailey. He intends to use his position at the racetrack to pass off and launder his phony bills for the real thing, together with a number of his accomplices posing as horse bettors. Captain McTavish dispatches Sergeant Gahagan (Tom Kennedy) with a letter to confirm Charles Gilbert's identity. Charles switches Captain McTavish's letter with one written by a member of his gang, and his cover is maintained. Captain McTavish forbids Steve to tell Torchy about the investigation. She is annoyed at Steve when he keeps her in the dark about the counterfeit ring he is tracking down. Gahagan is at Hollywood Race Track with a foolproof system, involving higher mathematics, that he uses to almost break the track. This draws attention to him, by not only the counterfeiters and racetrack officials but also by Torchy, who's at the track tracking down Steve. Determined to get her story, Torchy follows Charles from the racetrack. Charles notices her on his tail and loses her. Torchy writes the story in her newspaper, but her editor explains that they have been asked by the police not to publish anything on the subject, in order to keep the operation secret. Torchy is still suspicious of Charles and marks his automobile tire with creosote. She borrows a German Shepherd named Blitzen from a local pet store to track the scent. With Gahagan's help, Torchy discovers Charles's hideout, but they are spotted by Charles's men and kidnapped, and held captive by the counterfeit ring as a hostage. Torchy and Gahagan are tied up and a nitroglycerin bomb is set to go off after the criminals leave the house. Torchy sends the dog to get help. Meanwhile, Steve has begun to worry about Torchy and Charles' response makes him suspicious. Blitzen shows up at the police station and leads Steve, a squad of police and Charles to the gang's hiding place. Charles, not wanting to be at the house where he knows the bomb is set to go off, is exposed as Bailey and forced to reveal where the bomb and the captives are. Torchy and Gahagan are rescued by Steve and Charles are arrested. ===== Philo McCullough, as Farrell, is the head of a smuggling ring who are attempting to smuggle Chinese workers across the border from Mexico. McCullough stops at a hacienda, near the Mexican border, which is owned by Bruce Covington (as Don Jose). Covington's dog, Rin Tin Tin, senses that something is hidden under the vegetables, which McCullough has in his trucks, and discovers the Chinese. McCullough attempts to buy the hacienda from Covington. McCullough also hopes to get Armida (as Pepita), Covington's daughter, as part of the deal. Meanwhile, some border agents (John Litel and William Irving) disguised as tramps, discover McCullough's plans. Armida and Rin Tin Tin take a liking to Litel. Meanwhile, Covington has innocently sold his hacienda to McCullough. When the smugglers find out who Litel real is, they capture him. Rin Tin Tin manages to save him at the last minute. The border patrol then surrounds the hacienda and as Farrell tries to escape in a car but Rin Rin Tin captures him in the nick of time. ===== Kit Carson (Jon Hall) and his two saddle pals, Ape (Ward Bond) and Lopez (Harold Huber) are attacked by Indians. They manage to escape unscathed and make their way to Fort Bridger, where Captain John Fremont (Dana Andrews) hires Carson to guide a wagon train westward to California south along the Oregon Trail. Both Carson and Fremont fall in love with pretty Dolores Murphy (Lynn Bari), on her way to her father's hacienda in Monterey. Meanwhile, General Castro (C. Henry Gordon), the Mexican Governor General of California, arms the Shoshoni Indians in an effort to keep the Americans out of California. ===== A story of a lovely married couple, Vijay Kumar and Laxmi (Jeetendra and Moushumi Chatterjee), who perform musical shows together with friend Tom D'Costa (Vinod Mehra) and their son Raja (Master Bunty) as their means of living. Dinesh Khanna (Danny Denzongpa), was heartbroken by Laxmi during her college days, and he never quite got over her rejecting him, and when Vijay Kumar was performing a show in London, he takes revenge by coming home and trying to rape Laxmi in his absence. But unfortunately, Vijay gets back home due to the late flight along with Tom and while protecting his wife, he gets murdered by Dinesh and Tom is crippled. The blame was put on Laxmi and she has been sentenced to life. Raja (Govinda) grows up pretty much without both parents; doing various street shows for his earnings. Meeting Renu (Shilpa Shirodkar) leads to mutual love. Meanwhile, Laxmi is released from jail. The remaining story is finding out his journey of meeting his love, career peak, and Dinesh, the villain, on whom he takes revenge. ===== Ducky and Palmer are called out to investigate the mysterious suicide of a Navy Lieutenant, but are kidnapped on the way back to NCIS headquarters. They are then forced to perform an autopsy on the lieutenant's corpse in order to find an important item he was carrying. Meanwhile, the rest of the team discovers that the dead lieutenant is in fact a Cuban spy who was stealing classified files, and the people who kidnapped Ducky and Palmer are his handlers. Both Ducky and Palmer manage to escape their captors and are rescued by the rest of the team, who managed to track them. Thanks to a ruse set up by Ducky and Palmer, the team is able to apprehend the lead handler and recover the stolen files. ===== When twelve-year-old Trevor McKinney begins seventh grade in Atascadero, California, his social studies teacher gives the class an assignment to devise and put into action a plan that will change the world for the better. Trevor's plan is a charitable program based on the networking of good deeds. He calls his plan "Pay It Forward", which means the recipient of a favor does a favor for three others. However, it needs to be a major favor that the receiver can't complete themselves. Trevor first begins by helping Jerry, a jobless man who was unable to find a home. However, he seemingly forgets to complete three favors and ends up in prison. Next, Trevor directly helps his social studies teacher, Mr. Reuben St. Clair. Finally, he helps Mrs. Greenberg, who eventually dies. But without Trevor's knowledge, Mrs. Greenberg had helped three friends by giving them $8,333 in her will. One of them, Matt, meets an injured gangster in an alleyway, named Sidney G. After helping the man, it turns out that gangster helped another man, who also spared the life of his lifetime rival as his favor. Trevor dies by getting stabbed. Seeing the chain, Chris Chandler, a reporter, connects the dots and finds Trevor. Even further, Trevor's mother, whose father had left, strikes a relationship with Mr. St. Clair, Trevor's Social Studies teacher, and Jerry is heard from again, helping a lady not to commit suicide. The novel details how Trevor's "Pay It Forward" attempts are successful or not successful and how some of the "Pay It Forward" chains result happenings such as Trevor meeting the President, and Trevor's untimely death, which was made by one last person to help in his Pay It Forward 'project' which soon turned into "The Movement". Since then, the novel has been translated into twenty languages for publication in more than thirty countries and was chosen among the Best Books for Young Adults in 2001 by the American Library Association. ===== One year since the documentary has aired, the crew has returned to provide more footage for the DVD bonus features. Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) and Angela Martin (Angela Kinsey) are getting married. Andy Bernard (Ed Helms), after being humiliated with his talent show audition tape going viral on the internet, has found a job at his alma mater Cornell University in the Admissions Office. Darryl Philbin (Craig Robinson) has helped expand Athlead, now named Athleap, opening a branch in Austin, Texas. Stanley Hudson (Leslie David Baker) is enjoying retirement in Florida and Phyllis Vance (Phyllis Smith) tries to get Stanley's replacement Malcolm (Malcolm Barrett) fat on chocolates to make him look like Stanley. After being fired by Dwight, Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner) bought a bar and Toby Flenderson (Paul Lieberstein) started a career as an author in New York City. Nellie Bertram (Catherine Tate) has moved to Poland. Creed Bratton (Creed Bratton) had faked his death but was then revealed to be a wanted fugitive, so Dwight replaced him with former employee Devon White (Devon Abner). Oscar Martinez (Oscar Nunez) is preparing to run for a State Senate seat and is now Phillip's godfather. Andy, Darryl, Stanley, Toby, and Nellie return to Scranton for the wedding as well as a panel for the documentary. Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) has been appointed best man at the wedding and plans a series of "good surprises" ("Guten Pranken") for Dwight during his bachelor party, which consists of most of the current and former male employees. At the bachelor party, the group has Dwight fire a bazooka and receive a lap dance from Elizabeth the Stripper (Jackie Debatin), though Dwight thinks she is their waitress and remains oblivious, to Jim's delight. At the bachelorette party, with the current and former female employees plus Angela's sister Rachael (Rachael Harris), the group is horrified to see that the stripper hired for entertainment is Meredith Palmer's (Kate Flannery) son Jake (Spencer Daniels); despite this, Meredith helps him with his dance, disgusting everyone else. Angela is kidnapped by Dwight's cousin Mose (Michael Schur). After hearing about Angela's kidnapping, Dwight and the male employees visit the bar that Kevin owns, where Dwight, at Jim's insistence to bury the hatchet, tells Kevin that his firing was not personal but based solely on his job performance, which cheers him up. Mose then leads Dwight and Jim out to his car where Angela is stuck in the trunk and finally lets her out. The following day, a panel is held for the office so that audience members can ask them questions. Dunder Mifflin CEO David Wallace (Andy Buckley) states his distaste for the documentary. Pam Halpert (Jenna Fischer) is pressed with questions about why she did not allow Jim to follow his dream after he has paid her so many romantic gestures. Jim attempts to disperse the resulting tension. Erin Hannon (Ellie Kemper) finally meets her birth parents (Ed Begley Jr. and Joan Cusack), who had put her up for adoption. At the wedding, Kelly Kapoor (Mindy Kaling) arrives with her husband Ravi (Sendhil Ramamurthy), where Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak) surprises them with a baby, his son Drake, that he had with a former girlfriend who then abandoned them both. Jim tells Dwight that under Schrute tradition, he is not allowed to be best man as he is younger than him. Jim surprises him with the arrival of Michael Scott (Steve Carell), who delivers an emotional "that's what she said" joke. The wedding proceeds in Schrute tradition with Michael as Dwight's new best man. At the reception, Michael shows Pam pictures of his kids with Holly Flax, and Pam notes that he is paying for two phones just to hold all the images. Ryan deliberately gives Drake an allergic reaction so that Ravi, a pediatrician, can attend and Ryan can steal Kelly away. Kevin tells Ravi that Ryan wanted him to keep Drake so that Ryan can have Kelly and the two can start a new life together. Ravi then gives Kevin the baby to give to Child Services before leaving, but Nellie, who has still been wanting a child, decides to raise Drake instead. When Jim and Pam briefly return home, Jim is surprised to find Carol Stills (Nancy Carell) showing their house to another couple. Pam comes clean and admits she has been showing the house for two months. She wants to repay Jim for all his romantic gestures and says she wants him to go to Athleap in Austin, at which point the couple seeing the house make an offer. Jim and Pam go to an after party at the warehouse where they inform an elated Darryl of their plans, with Jim being able to rejoin the company with no change. Pam unveils a new painted mural featuring the history of their branch. A final picture is taken with the employees and the camera crew before the employees go back up to the office for a final toast. Jim and Pam tell Dwight they are quitting, but Dwight fires them instead so he can give them hefty severance packages, as a last gesture of friendship. The employees find Creed, who has been living in Ryan's old closet since faking his death, in the office. Creed sings a song on the guitar for the office before being arrested. The employees give one last round of interviews before leaving: Kevin states that if you film someone long enough, they will do something stupid. Dwight talks about how well he has gotten along with his subordinates. Andy wishes for a way to "know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." Oscar notes that you can make something special out of the ordinary. Erin is astounded that the documentary crew perfectly documented their lives, and asks how cameras work. Darryl reflects that for all the time he spent wanting to leave work, it feels so hard to leave right now. Creed talks about how humans have the odd ability to make a place their home, and is then shown being led away by the police. Meredith is glad to have shared her story. Phyllis is glad she can remember everything everyone did. Jim tearfully talks about seeing his life story of finding love and family, and how despite the often boring and frustrating work, he owes everything he has to this job. Pam ends the series by stating that "there’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn’t that kind of the point?" Finally, Pam takes her watercolor of the office building that Michael bought from her in the third-season episode "Business School", followed by stock footage of Michael Scott hanging the watercolor next to the regional manager's office, which then transitions into the closing shot of the actual Dunder Mifflin Paper Company Scranton Branch Building. ===== Remco Albrecht, CEO of Albrecht Construct and part-time womanizer, reluctantly celebrates his 65th birthday when his life takes a turn for the worse. His once mistress shows up uninvited at his party and turns out to be pregnant, his rebellious children try everything to humiliate him at his party and his business partners are scheming behind his back to sell the company. Yet in the end, nothing is what it seems. ===== Mary Scott thought she was pregnant. Instead she learns from her physician she has terminal cancer with only eight months to live. She gets the doctor's assurance to keep her illness a secret and not tell her husband, Bradley and young daughter, Polly. She wants to live her last year with each minute happy and important. Brad is a surveyor and Mary is a wife, mother and housekeeper. Husband gets a new assistant at work. Chris Radna is a draftsman and a lot of great help to the business. Christmas is coming and it is such a sentimental time of year. Polly's joy at Christmas was just the right medicine. Mary keeps trying to do each thing just right. For New Year's Eve, Mary insists they invite Chris along to the annual party. Brad sees Chris in a dress for the first time and he flirts and dances with her all night. Husband Brad is paying so much attention that Mary hears the other women gossiping about it in the ladies' room. Mary is sure her ultimate sacrifice of secrecy is protecting her family but is still hurt. It becomes clear that Brad and Chris are falling in love and to get away, Mary visits her father in San Francisco. Even there she cannot tell her dad about the cancer. She comes home and decides if her husband no longer loves her that suicide may be the answer. Brad really does love his wife and he tells her of the affair. It is over and Chris is leaving town. He is so sorry. Mary secretly visits Chris and Chris is sorry too. Chris's first husband died in World War II and she never expected to see love gain. Mary sees that Brad and Chris were compatible and even sees that Chris and Polly got along so well. She convinces Chris to stay. She likes Chris and she would be a good wife. Mary then goes about grooming everyone to know what to do when she was no longer with them. She allows Chris and Polly to get close. She so loves her family she wants to make her passing and their continued life as easy as possible. One day Brad finds Mary's pain pills and he calls the doctor. Keeping the secret now Brad tries to make Mary's last weeks as wonderful as he can. They even take an idyllic vacation to Mexico. ===== Distraught after her second miscarriage and learning definitively she could never have children, Paula Rogers, while driving at night, accidentally injures a child. Confused and also expected to attend a function that honors her husband, Paula doesn't follow the child to the hospital as she should. She attempts to tell her husband about the incident but has trouble finding the right time. Later, overcome with remorse, she looks to get close to this child and becomes a helper at the hospital. The child is an orphan with limited health care available. The doctor recognizes Paula's need to be useful and asks if she would become his speech therapist and guardian. She finds meaning and purpose in her life as she engages the little boy in intensive therapy necessary to recover his ability to speak. ===== Susi comes across Herman, a young, lonesome pterodactyl, sunning himself on a rock on her way home from school during the last week of the spring semester. They become fast friends. Susi rides on the back of the pterodactyl during the days of summer. She is astonished by the great height of their flights that makes things on the ground seem so tiny. Susi asks if pterodactyls are magic. He replies that he has magic—pterodactyl magic. Susi asks if she has magic. Herman says that she has human magic, but she has to learn it for herself. One day Herman takes Susi for one last flight, the first time at night. The lights below are as tiny and bright and numerous as the stars above. She sees beauty in the lights of the city. Herman says that pterodactyls do not build cities and he can not feel about the cities as she does. She says she has never felt this way about cities before. Herman says he thinks she is beginning to find her magic. When they land Herman explains that the weather is too cold for him, and he must follow the birds south to a warmer climate. Promising to come the next summer, Herman says good-bye. That night Susi dreams she finds her magic. ===== Along the Mexican–American border, outlaws rob a bank then attack a stagecoach and find themselves defeated with the help of an ace gunman who seems to be looking for the group leader. After being injured in a shoot-out with bandidos, the young man continues his quest, aided by the Mexican rancher the bandits were trying to rob. ===== Suffering from an illness eventually revealed to be pneumonia, attorney Linda Kenney Baden (Helen Mirren) arrives at the law office of Bruce Cutler (Jeffrey Tambor) in Los Angeles. Cutler's law firm is providing the legal defense for music producer Phil Spector (Al Pacino), who is accused of murdering actress Lana Clarkson in his home on February 3, 2003, by firing a handgun into her mouth. Spector's defense is that Clarkson committed suicide, and he recently has switched attorneys and retained Cutler's firm. Kenney Baden and Cutler argue the evidence for and against Spector. Kenney Baden believes that Spector is guilty and that a jury will convict him, citing the grand jury testimony of five women who claim Spector pulled a gun on them and demanded sex, outtakes from a television interview in which one of Spector's associates claims that Spector felt he needed to have a gun to keep women from leaving his home once he got them there, and a statement by Spector's chauffeur that Spector emerged from the house on the night of Clarkson's death and said he had killed somebody. Cutler says he believes Spector is innocent and offers the arguments in favor of Spector's acquittal. He says that Spector had overcome a drinking problem and been sober for ten years at the time of Clarkson's death, that an audio recording of Spector talking to police officers responding to the report of her death sounds to Cutler more like a man angry at her for killing herself in his house than someone who had just committed a murder, that the relatively small amount of blood found on Spector's clothes indicates Spector was 10 feet (3 meters) away from Clarkson and had made a defensive movement at the moment of the shooting, that the angle of the bullet's path is inconsistent with Spector firing it, and that ample evidence exists that Clarkson was depressed and may have been prone to suicide. Cutler also describes a major contention of the defense case, which is that the lack of a blood spatter on the wall behind Clarkson indicated that the bullet did not exit the back of her skull, meaning that the bullet fired into her mouth should have caused her blood and brain matter to exit explosively through her nose and mouth and cause a massive blood spatter on Spector's clothes if he was standing close enough to her to fire the bullet into her mouth, but there is no such blood stain on Spector's clothes. Cutler also suggests that a jury will be sympathetic to Spector because of his genius in producing popular music over the years, but Kenney Baden counters that younger people have no memory of the reclusive Spector or the era of his recordings and that his flamboyance and eccentricity will cause a jury to view him merely as a murderous "freak." She also says that a jury will be disinclined to let another celebrity go free after the acquittals of O. J. Simpson and Michael Jackson. She believes that the only way to defend Spector will be to attack the sanity of Lana Clarkson in court, but she also believes that this strategy will be self-defeating, because it will make the jury sympathetic to Clarkson. Despite her belief in his guilt and misgivings about the strength of evidence for his acquittal, Kenney Baden agrees to take Spector's case, and Cutler begs her to find another way to defend him in court. In her hotel room, Kenney Baden watches a television interview in which another Spector associate claims that Spector cannot distinguish sex from love, that Spector in his younger days was a powerful man who became accustomed to using that power to seduce many of the female recording artists for whom he produced music, and that later, as his career waned, Spector became obsessed with retaining his sexual power over women, even hiring private investigators to follow his former wife, Ronnie Spector (Linda Miller), constantly. Kenney Baden discovers that Spector's father Ben had committed suicide by inhaling carbon monoxide in 1949 when Phil was ten years old. She visits Spector's home to gain firsthand knowledge of the scene of Clarkson's death and encounters Spector for the first time. He immediately launches into a lengthy, rambling monologue discussing what he views as his unfair treatment compared to that of other celebrities, the lack of public appreciation of his seminal role in the creation of the music industry and of his empowerment of African American artists, and the importance of his work as a producer on a large number of popular songs, all the while dropping the names of celebrities he worked with or knew well. As he speaks he gives her a tour of his home, and she sees the room in which he kept a large collection of guns until the police confiscated them, as well as his large collection of wigs. Kenney Baden is cold, and Spector gets a blanket, which he drapes over her tenderly. Kenney Baden tries to focus him on the facts of the case against him, and, aware that he has spoken to the press and accused the prosecutor of Nazi tactics, asks him not to discuss his case with anyone. She asks him about Clarkson, and he says Clarkson was depressed and was drunk and on drugs when she allegedly killed herself. Kenney Baden says that toxicology reports do not support this contention, but Spector angrily rejects the findings of the reports. Spector asserts that the case against him is contrived to punish him for being too powerful and explains that he keeps to himself not because he is an unlikable eccentric, but merely because he craves privacy. He concludes by saying that he takes prescription drugs that make his hands shake too much for him to play the piano anymore, much less aim and fire a gun. Driving to Spector's arraignment, Kenney Baden continues to search for a defense strategy, discussing the case with the Cutler firm's private investigator, Nick Stavros (John Pirruccello). Kenney Baden opines that the chauffeur's statement is the prosecution's only hard evidence, and that of her two options – putting Spector on the stand or breaking the chauffeur on the stand – only the latter is practicable. Stavros responds that he thinks that the police have threatened to charge the chauffeur as an accessory to murder for helping Spector get Clarkson to his house on the night of the shooting, and therefore the chauffeur probably will not break. While the prosecution makes its opening statement to the jury, Kenney Baden notes Spector scribbling musical notes on a pad of paper. Among a crowd of angry protesters outside the courthouse, one young woman hurls red liquid at Spector to symbolize Clarkson's blood. Cutler's law firm lays out its case and the prosecution's case to a focus group, which votes to convict Spector, and Cutler says it is because Spector is a wealthy figure without redeeming qualities who people of lesser means will be inclined to side against. The attorneys also view a television segment in which a younger Spector casually interrupts an interview at a recording studio to enter the studio with a gun and threaten the musicians, firing two shots into the ceiling, before returning to the interviewer. Cutler and Kenney Baden argue about the case, Cutler accusing her of working even though she is becoming too sick to work and suddenly becoming convinced of Spector's innocence because he gave her a blanket and won her over during her visit to his house. Cutler says that the prosecution will present ballistics evidence to counter theirs, and that the only way to win is to attack Clarkson, but Kenney Baden counters that the prosecution's case is in reality a retrial of O. J. Simpson and that the prosecution cannot prove Spector's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt thanks to the defense's argument about the lack of a large blood stain on Spector's clothes. She also says that the case is really about bias against "freaks," that from her own childhood experiences she understands how unfair society is to unpopular people, and that Spector should not be convicted merely because of that bias, regardless of his past behaviors and transgressions. Her newfound commitment to Spector's defense and combative attitude quietly please Cutler. Another focus group Kenney Baden and Cutler observe sees an interview with Spector in which he angrily asserts that the women who have accused him of pulling a gun on him are doing it merely to gain publicity for themselves and that the prosecution is simply trying to punish him for being "the most successful music producer in the history of the world." He also expresses sorrow over Clarkson's emotional suffering and death, and proclaims his innocence. The focus group then sees video of the young woman throwing the red liquid at Spector outside the court house from 10 feet (3 meters) away while Spector assumes a defensive posture, hears the defense's contention that the amount and pattern of paint that spattered on his clothes mimics that of the blood on Spector's clothes after Clarkson's death, and sees an animation of the defense's theory that there should have been a much larger amount of blood on Spector's clothes if he had pulled the trigger. Kenney Baden later watches a video of an interview with Spector's ex- wife Ronnie Spector in which she asserts that the press's adulation of Spector during the period of his greatest professional success secretly tormented him because he wondered whether he deserved the adulation. In the hallway outside the Cutler firm's offices, Kenney Baden encounters a focus group member who says that the animations of how the bullet traveled and how the blood would have spattered are merely "cartoons" that prove nothing. Kenney Baden arranges for, and witnesses, a live ballistics laboratory test that supports the defense's contention about the blood stain and further convinces her of Spector's innocence, and the Cutler firm hires a medical doctor to testify as an expert witness that Clarkson's gunshot wound was self-inflicted. Kenney Baden decides that a live demonstration in the courtroom similar to the laboratory experiment will convince the jury to acquit Spector. A court hearing determines, however, that the demonstration is inadmissible under the rules of evidence because it merely illustrates a theory. Informed of this, Spector angrily declares that it makes no sense that he would have thrown his life away over an actress working as a cocktail waitress just to demonstrate his "power" over women, laments that in earlier times the police simply would have accepted his explanation of her death and would not have arrested him, and demands to testify in his own defense at his trial. Kenney Baden tells him this would ensure his conviction and asks him what really happened on the night of Clarkson's death. He tells her that he was drunk and Clarkson was on drugs and alcohol when he brought her home and, after Clarkson asked to see his gun collection – which he says many women found exciting – he discovered her with the gun in her mouth. He says he shouted "No!" at Clarkson, startling her and causing her to flinch and accidentally pull the trigger. Kenney Baden arranges for another experiment which supports Spector's contention that startling someone in the manner Spector claims he did could cause that person to flinch and pull the trigger. Observing the experiment, Kenney Baden believes it is the key to Spector's acquittal. Cutler opposes the idea, saying that bringing into the courtroom the plastic skull used to model the defense's theory of how the bullet traveled will convince the jury that Spector is a monster, and that in any event under the rules of evidence Spector's version of events is not admissible unless he takes the stand and testifies about them. Cutler then turns the case over to Kenney Baden and leaves for New York City, which angers Spector even though Kenny Baden reminds him he had agreed to Cutler's withdrawal in a court hearing. Spector says he did not understand the implications of the hearing and accuses Cutler of leaving just to star in a reality television show, saying he expected more loyalty out of Cutler. After he calms down, Spector expresses complete confidence in Kenney Baden's ability to defend him and agrees to testify in court. She stages a mock trial to prepare Spector for it. When the mock prosecutor (Chiwetel Ejiofor) asks about statements Ronnie Spector made, Spector flies into a rage, ending the mock trial with a lengthy rant about how cowardly and ungrateful Ronnie Spector is, how much she owes him, and how mistreated he has been all his life. Kenney Baden advises him that he cannot rant in the trial and must control his behavior, just as he does in other aspects of his life. He promises to be prepared, sober, and on his best behavior at his trial the next day because, although he does not care what anyone else in the court room thinks about him, he does care what Kenney Baden thinks. He thanks the mock trial participants for their help and Kenney Baden both for working to defend him even though she is sick and for being someone he can talk to. After Spector leaves, Kenney Baden tells Stavros that at the trial she plans to change Spector's image in the public eye from an "oddity" to a "beloved eccentric" who is an innocent man. At her hotel, Kenney Baden encounters a woman who criticizes her for defending a "terrible man" and asks her what she will do if Spector is acquitted and "kills the next girl." Kenney Baden tells the woman that her husband is cheating on her, and when the woman says that it is not true, Kenney Baden replies that Spector, like the woman's husband, deserves the benefit of the doubt unless proven guilty. Spector's trial begins the next morning. He arrives at the court house wearing an outlandish wig which raises eyebrows among onlookers. When Kenney Baden criticizes his appearance, Spector claims it is an homage to Jimi Hendrix, who "suffered and was persecuted," and asks her to accept his expertise on costumes and how to put on a show, which she admits. He says he is ready to testify and, if asked, to explain his appearance in court as he did to her. As the trial begins, Kenney Baden crosses out all of her notes on what to ask Spector during his testimony, calls the medical doctor the Cutler firm hired as an expert witness to the stand instead of Spector, and quietly tells Spector that he might testify the next day, depending on how things go. In Cutler's law offices that evening, Kenney Baden watches television coverage of Spector's limousine arriving at his home. She asks Stavros, "Why does the monster live in a castle?" and "Why does the Minotaur live in a cave?" and tells Stavros the Minotaur does it to keep himself from doing harm. She also tells Stavros that she believes that Spector is innocent. When Stavros asks her if she is sure, she says, "No, but I have a reasonable doubt." As the film ends, text appears which reads, "On September 26, the jury reported itself dead-locked, ten to two in favor of conviction, and incapable of reaching a decision. The Judge declared a mistrial. On October 3rd, the Prosecution announced that they would retry the case. Due to her illness, Linda Kenney Baden was unable to participate in the second trial, whose jury, on April 13th, 2009, found Phil Spector guilty of Second Degree Murder and sentenced him to nineteen years to life in California State Prison, Corcoran where he resides today." ===== Chip and Dale are both hungry sitting in their tree, which has few acorns. After a squabble over their last acorn, which falls into a lake below, Chip sees a larger tree overflowing with acorns across the way from them. However, the lake stands between them and their potential gain. Chip and Dale spot a ship in a bottle in Donald Duck's fishing shack and decide to use it to attempt to cross the lake. Later, as Donald is taking a stroll along the pier, he spots the chipmunks carrying the ship and salutes them. Donald does not realize until he returns to the shack that they have pilfered his ship, and he sets out to get his boat back from the "pirate" chipmunks. He catches the ship with a fishing rod and reels it in. To get back at Chip and Dale, who have taken on the personas of the ship's captain and a seaman respectively, he torments them with the ship rudder, filling the cabin with water (forcing the chipmunks to pump it out), then puts on an imaginary series of stormy weather. The ruse seems to work, as Dale gets seasick. However, he spots Donald's feet on the ground and alerts Chip, and the two are able to escape into quarters before the duck can get them while slamming his finger in the door. Undeterred, Donald tricks Dale into getting captured. Chip counters by releasing the ship's anchor right on Donald's foot so that he drops both Dale and the ship. Dale then ties up Donald and jumps back onto the ship, moments before Donald can free himself. As Chip sees this, he panics and tries to steer the ship away while Donald begins chasing them. However, Dale is a step ahead of Chip and has cut holes in Donald's boat sail, drilled holes in his canoe, unscrewed the bolts to dismantle his rowboat and tied his motorboat to the dock. When his motorboat is pulled by the rope, Donald flies out of it and takes a header into the tree just as Chip and Dale reach it, spilling acorns in the chipmunks' boat. A furious Donald tries one more time to catch them, but falls and causes a wave to carry the ship back to the tree where Chip and Dale eat their haul of acorns. Undaunted, however, Donald chops down the tree and tries to build a dugout canoe. ===== Tory Brennan and her friends find themselves in danger of being separated due to budget cuts which may mean the closure of the Loggerheads Island Research Institute (LIRI) where their parents work. Discovering that pirate Anne Bonny's treasure is believed to be buried somewhere near their home in Charleston, South Carolina, they set out to follow the clues to the treasure, using their "Viral" powers gained in the previous book in the series, in the hope that if they find it, it will be worth enough to save LIRI. However, it is not just them that wants the treasure. The Virals must beat their opponents to the treasure. ===== The main character, a ten-year- old Moroccan orphan named Majid, has recently moved to Mohammedia with his brother. His brother is an appealing and careless drunk. Majid makes very little money on the streets selling books, and lives a very simple and disheartening life. From the start of the film, Majid is having reoccurring nightmares and soon realizes that he cannot remember his deceased parents' (who had died in a fire) faces anymore. He also realizes that he has no photographs of his parents, except for a ruined family photograph, in which his parents' heads are burnt away from the photo due to the fire. He meets a new street-smart friend named Larbi, who helps him on the journey to find a photograph of his parents. This search leads them to the big city of Casablanca where they come face to face with many dangerous events and become part of a moving adventure. ===== Dick Simnel, a young self-taught engineer from Sto Lat (and whose father, Ned Simnel, appeared in Reaper Man), has invented a steam locomotive named Iron Girder. He brings his invention to Ankh-Morpork where it catches the interest of Sir Harry King, a millionaire businessman who has made his fortune in the waste and sanitation industry. Harry promises Dick sufficient investment to make the railway a success. The Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, Lord Vetinari, wishing to ensure that the City has appropriate influence over the new enterprise, appoints the reformed fraudster turned civil servant Moist von Lipwig to represent the government in the management of the railway. His skills soon come in useful in negotiations with landowners along the route of the new line. Throughout the story, Dwarfish fundamentalists are responsible for a number of terrorist attacks, including the murder of railway workers engaged in building the new line, and arson of towers belonging to the clacks telecommunications network. This campaign culminates in a palace coup at the seat of the Low King of the Dwarfs in Schmaltzberg, Überwald, whilst the King is away at an international summit in Quirm, over twelve hundred miles away. Vetinari declares that it is imperative to return the King to Schmaltzberg as soon as possible in order to restore political stability, and gives Moist the task of getting him there via the new railway. Moist protests impossibility on the grounds that the railway is nowhere near complete, but is told that achieving this target is non- negotiable. On the journey, Moist and Vimes are faced by various problems, such as numerous attacks by Dwarfish fundamentalists, a poor attempt at infiltration, a landslide, and the revelation that the Low King is in fact a pregnant female. Nevertheless, the train eventually reaches the bridge, which has been badly damaged. Faced with a bridge that is clearly too weak to carry the train, and insufficient time or workers to strengthen it, Moist commandeers the City's ancient golems, which are kept strictly for use only in times of national emergency. This is in spite of his being expressly forbidden to use them by Vetinari (who knows that Moist has the necessary expertise to command the golems). Having tunnelled their way to the site of the bridge, the golems, concealed by mist in the gorge below, somehow contrive to carry the train safely across. The Dwarf King retakes Schmaltzberg with little resistance, and the leader of the fundamentalists is held for trial. Feeling that the dwarfs are ready for a more progressive future, the King reveals that she is actually a Queen, and changes her name from Rhys to Blodwen, in honor of a dwarf who had been killed by the fundamentalists at her wedding. Following this announcement, a number of other senior dwarfs also "come out" as female. Back in Ankh-Morpork, Dick Simnel is knighted, Harry King receives a peerage, and the City Watch officers who helped defend the train receive medals, whereas Moist, upon questioning why he appears to be the only one not receiving a reward, is told that his reward is to remain alive. It is also revealed that Vetinari himself had been on the train, disguised as one of the locomotive's stokers, while his lookalike Charlie impersonated him back in Ankh-Morpork, and had surmised how the train had been carried across the ravine. However, he appears content that there is no evidence to prove this. ===== The arrival of television in the country side of Ceará, in the 70s, put into question the small movie theaters businesses. But a hero named Francisgleydisson, decided to fight to keep alive his passion for cinema. ===== A womanizing matinée idol is found strangled in his dressing room. The door is locked from the inside and there is no other way into the room. He had been having an affair with his leading lady, while his actress wife is doing the same with the stage manager. Everyone, including a young actress who had been fired from the play, and an old actor now relegated to a stage-doorman, has a motive. The explanation for the murder lies within the script of the play. ===== A low-budget Southern drama about a light skinned woman who was raised in the swamps who wishes to avenge her black father's lynching. She falls in love with Wade Carson, a white man who works for Col. Gordon, who orchestrated the lynching. Later she discovers that Col. Gordon is actually her father. ===== Vijayraghavan Chari (Jai) and Vishnu Priya (Nazriya Nazim) are travelling in the train from Chennai to Coimbatore under the identities Abu Bakar and Aayisha. Raghava acquires the identity of Abu as he gets a ticket reserved in that name, and Priya acquires the identity of Aayisha as she is impersonating her Muslim friend with the same name (Deekshitha Manikkam) for a project. Raghava helps Priya from a stalker and in course falls in love with her. She too develops feelings for him. Back in Chennai, they start to get to know each other. They assume that the other person is a Muslim, but soon, Priya feels guilty and asks Raghava to keep away from her. Saddened by this, Raghava meets a Unani doctor named Showkhat Ali (Jamal) and learns about Islam just for Priya's sake. Showkhat's daughter Naseema (Hebah Patel) falls in love with Raghava, assuming him to be Abu. On the day of Ramzan, Priya confesses her love to Raghava, and they start a relationship. Under certain circumstances, they both come to know about their true identities. Though their family arranges their marriage, they feel that they had true love only for their Muslim counterparts. On the day of their marriage, they break up and move away. Meanwhile, Naseema comes to know about Raghava's marriage, and her cousin Ashraff (Dinesh) plans for revenge. Raghava and Priya attend Priya's friend Aayisha's marriage, and they feel that they still have love for each other. As Raghava leaves the venue, Ashraff and his friends beat him up. Naseema stops them and confesses that only she had mistaken Raghava. Priya notices the brawl, realizes her love, and hugs Raghava. Finally, they both get married. ===== Years ago, Szeth-son-son-Vallano, the Assassin in White, was sent by the Parshendi to assassinate the Alethi king Gavilar Kholin (for reasons not yet revealed to the reader). This murder resulted in the Vengeance Pact among the highprinces of Alethkar and the War of Reckoning against the Parshendi. Now Szeth is active again, and is sent by King Taravangian of Kharbranth, to kill Highprince Dalinar Kholin (brother of the late King Gavilar). Kaladin, once a slave and bridgeman on the Shattered Plains, is given command of the royal bodyguards to protect Dalinar and his family (including King Elokhar) from perils and the threat of the Assassin. Meanwhile, he struggles with both his feelings regarding lighteyes (the nobility of the Alethi) and his past with Brightlord Amaram. He trains and practices to master the powers of a Windrunner that are linked to the bond with his honorspren, Syl. Shallan Davar, together with her mentor Jasnah Kholin, are heading to the Shattered Plains to prevent the return of the Voidbringers and their civilization-ending Desolation. Jasnah arranges a marriage between Shallan and Adolin Kholin, Jasnah's cousin. Their ship is attacked en route to the Shattered Plains and while Shallan survives, Jasnah is believed to be killed. Shallan, with the assistance of sailors and outlaws she finds on the road, makes her arrival at the Shattered Plains. One of the Parshendi, Venli, discovers a stormform that allows Parshendi to summon a storm similar to the Highstorms and turn the tide of the war. Some Parshendi believe using stormform will summon the Voidbringers, but the ruling council allows the form. Eshonai wants to parlay with Dalinar to bring an end to the war before stormform is used. Szeth attempts to murder Dalinar but is stopped when Dalinar catches Szeth's shardblade with his hands. Kaladin ends the attempt by knocking himself and Szeth into open air. During the melee after landing, Szeth sees Kaladin use stormlight and flees from the duel, realizing that the Radiants are back and he is not Truthless. Eshonai, along with most of the surviving Parshendi transform to stormform, and summon the Everstorm, which comes from the opposite direction as the normal highstorms. The Alethi attack and defeat the Parshendi, but not before the storm is summoned. The Alethi armies are only able to escape the storms through Shallan's discovery and activation of the Oathgate (a system of teleports usable only by the Radiants), which evacuates the army to the legendary city of the Radiants, Urithiru. After arriving at Urithiru, Dalinar swears the oaths of the Knights Radiant and the Order of the Bondsmiths - binding the Stormfather as his spren. It is discovered that Renarin, son of Dalinar, is also a member of the Knights Radiant (a member of the order of Truthwatchers). Adolin, after being confronted by Sadeas who states that he will continue to oppose Dalinar - despite the desolation - kills Sadeas after a short struggle. In the epilogue, Jasnah is met by Hoid after she returns from the Cognitive Realm, where she escaped to from the attack on her ship to the Shattered Plains. ===== The Secret Life of Damian Spinelli follows the adventures of private investigator, Damian Spinelli, as he attempts to solve several cases around Port Charles. ===== It is the science fair at Wagstaff School, and Louise wants to use the same volcano she made last year, but her substitute teacher, Thomas Edison impersonator Mr. Dinkler, with his strict "no volcanoes" rule, demands that she make a project about Edison himself instead. After a tip-off by the school's librarian, she discovers Electrocuting an Elephant, the 1903 film shot by the Edison Studios of the electrocution of Topsy the Elephant. Louise decides to recreate the electrocution to spite Mr. Dinkler, with Tina playing Topsy and Gene as Edison, a role he accepts only after Louise allows him to write a musical number for it. Louise also convinces Teddy to make a Van de Graaff generator to create the sparks.Bob's Burgers Episode Scripts - Topsy While writing the song, Gene discovers that he and Tina cannot sing, so they get Aunt Gayle and Mr. Fischoeder to provide the singing voices hiding behind a curtain while Gene and Tina lip sync; by this time, the song has become a love duet, much to Louise's annoyance, but she's delighted when Teddy's generator nearly electrocutes Tina. When Mr. Dinkler finds out, he bans her from the science fair, and allows Gene to turn his song, now called "Electric Love," into a large romantic musical number with a band and choir. At the climax of the song, Louise manages to sneak in and scream "this is what really happened," and orders Teddy to put as much power into the generator as possible. As the sparks fly, Tina appears to be electrocuted and passes out, but is unhurt, saying she "just went with it." After admitting to the fair's guests that Edison did electrocute animals, Mr. Dinkler runs off crying. Louise apologizes to Tina for nearly killing her, and the curtain drops to reveal Gayle kissing Mr. Fischoeder. In the episode's sub-plot, Bob rediscovers his invention, the "Spiceps," a pair of sleeves that serve as a wearable spice holder (a play on the word biceps). Linda thinks it's a good idea, but modifies it to create the "Spice Rack," which is worn on the person's chest like a brassiere and holds more spices than Bob's invention does. While trying to outdo one another, they bring both inventions to the science fair, presenting them as children's projects. The episode ends with the winner of the fair announced as "Spice...I can't read this," which prompts Bob and Linda to desperately claim the prize as theirs. ===== In the far distant future, the Moon has left Earth; Earth and Venus orbit each other. Humans have left Earth, but the planet is inhabited by a mixture of animals and Impures; intelligent creatures created by human experimenters on Venus. Dandi, a giant sloth-like creature, wanders the planet. She is the ward of, and mentally linked to, her Mentor, a giant and ancient dolphin that lives in an underwater cell. Dandi is an expert in the musicolumns, insubstantial remains of the psyches of people that react musically when intelligent life is near. Dandi returns to her home, the crumbling remains of a human settlement, where she encounters a bear, one of few creatures than retain human-like aggressive behaviour. Her Mentor wishes her to kill the bear, but Dandi refuses and the bear escapes. Now rejected by her Mentor, Dandi wishes to die, and returns to the wilderness. She dissolves into the form of a musicolumn. She is able to choose what music she will play when approached by intelligent beings - it is the Old Hundred; All creatures that on Earth do dwell. ===== ===== A taluk-level office has been functioning without a regular head for some time. A junior level official is in charge of the office. It has stuck to mandatory minimal ‘routine’ work. Goravayya is a poor, old, folk artist. Though living on a small income, he has been magnanimous in his own way to provide shelter to an orphan girl. He is stuck with a problem. The roots of a tree are affecting the stability of his small shelter. He has been repeatedly requesting the office for permission to fell the tree. ‘Come later’ has been the standard reply. At last, a regular officer arrives on posting. Being sincere and enthusiastic, this new officer starts tuning the office for proactive working. Even before he settles down, a minister’s visit is announced. Arrangements have to be made in the Inspection Bungalow (IB). Much to his shock and surprise, nobody in the office knows about the IB! In the process of locating this IB, a scandal unfolds. The IB exists only on records: It is not there physically. Many irregularities and misappropriations come to light. The new officer is not able to report the matter to higher-ups because of his own indiscretion and emotional considerations. He tries to cover up by seeking approval for demolition of the ‘dilapidated’ (non-existent) IB and for building a new one. Meanwhile, the minister’s visit is canceled. But by then, the officer is deeply involved in the cover-up story. He is about to face the consequences. But his influential father-in-law comes to his rescue. He is asked to provide some cooked-up reasons for the IB’s ‘present’ condition so that the matter can be hushed up, and he is saved. Goravayya is proposed to be implicated as the ‘servant looking after IB’ responsible for its present condition. On seeing the reluctance of the officer to go ahead with this proposal, the junior official takes the responsibility for coaxing Goravayya for his being implicated. They go to see Goravayya only to find that his shelter has collapsed. ===== The film follows the story of Elvira, a housewife with a busy lifestyle. Onofre, her husband, disappeared, and she decides to go to the police to find out about his disappearance. The trajectory of the couple is narrated by Elvira's blender, which came to life when, long ago, Onofre switched its propeller for a much larger one. ===== A young girl named So-won lives an idyllic life with her working class parents Dong-hoon and Mi-hee. One day on her way to school, So-won is kidnapped, beaten and raped by a male stranger before being left for death. Fortunately, she survives and is able to call an ambulance. The police notify Dong-hoon and Mi-hee of the attack and they rush to the emergency ward. Upon their arrival at the hospital, they are horrified by the extent of So-won's injuries. So-won suffers from multiple internal injuries and has to undergo major surgeries. Dong-hoon is advised by a surgeon that So-won will have to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of her life. Once So-won regains consciousness, she is able to identify her attacker with the help of Jung-sook, a psychiatrist. So-won's attacker is arrested at his home, and the case becomes a media sensation much to the horror of her family and friends. When the reporters converge at the hospital, Dong-hoon takes So-won to a different room and hides her from the media attention. So-won exhibits symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and briefly mistakes her father for her attacker, screaming at him as he tries to fix her colostomy bag. Dong-hoon is heartbroken by this episode, and is further hurt when So-won refuses to look at him or speak to him. Mi-hee initially refuses psychological help for her daughter as she wishes for So-won to resume her normal life. However, she relents after understanding her daughter's mental state and enlists the help of Jung-sook. Dong-hoon struggles to pay for medical expenses and calls his friend and manager, Gwang-sik, with the intent of quitting his job to help take care of his family. Gwang-sik is aware of Dong-hoon's situation and convinces him to keep his job, also providing him with money to pay for So- won's medical bills. Mi-hee and her friends rent mascot costumes to play with So-won to help cheer her up; this gives Dong-hoon the idea to hide underneath the costume of his daughter's favorite cartoon character, Cocomong, in order to communicate with her. So-won is unaware of who is underneath the costume, but she opens up to "Cocomong" and allows him to give her a hug. Gradually, So-won's physical condition improves and she is able to return home. During the car ride home, So-won vomits after passing the site where she was attacked. She and her parents are soon comforted as they notice that the local community has decorated their home with notes of encouragement. Mi-hee is touched as she sees that their home had also been cleaned during their absence. Dong-hoon resumes work but also finds the time to dress up as Cocomong and accompany So-won on her way to and from school. Soon, her mental state improves and she realises that her father has been hiding underneath the costume the entire time. Touched by his love and concern for her, she takes off the head of the costume and is able to look at her father for the first time since her hospitalisation. The family is worried about the upcoming trial as So-won has to testify against her attacker. With great effort, they attend the trial and So-won describes what happened during the attack and identifies her attacker. Unfortunately, the man is only sentenced to 12 years in prison, angering So-won's family and friends. A fight breaks out in the courtroom with Dong-hoon intending to kill the attacker. So-won stops Dong-hoon and begs him to take her home. The family leaves the courtroom with little closure. Some time later, Mi-hee has given birth to a son and is congratulated by family and friends, including Jung-sook and Gwang-sik. In the closing narration, So-won confides that she still struggles mentally and often has to leave school early, though the birth of her brother has given her a renewed sense of purpose. ===== The film follows the reunion of five young adult friends who share the frustration of not having achieved the success they wanted in their lives. The possibility to recover the time they lost arises through a tempting and risky proposal: the assault of a carrier of values. The supposedly perfect crime that promised to transform their trajectories fulfills its purpose, but not exactly as planned. ===== Oh Aij Tjeng is a young ethnic Chinese man who runs a plantation in West Java. He lives there with his njai (concubine), a Sundanese woman named Marsiti. The two are deeply in love and promise to be faithful forever. However, not long afterwards Aij Tjeng's father Oh Pin Loh comes to tell Aij Tjeng that he has been betrothed to Gwat Nio, the daughter of the plantation's owner Liok Keng Djim. Marsiti is sent away by the elder Oh and, after Aij Tjeng orders his manservant Tirta to find her, Tirta disappears as well. After the marriage, Aij Tjeng finds in Gwat Nio all of the same traits which made him fall in love with Marsiti, but even more polished owing to her better education. He falls in love with her and begins to forget Marsiti, and the couple have a daughter, Lily. One day Keng Djim calls Aij Tjeng and Gwat Nio to his deathbed, where he confesses that he has recently learned that Marsiti was his daughter from a native njai he had taken as a youth, and that Marsiti had died. He greatly regrets that he and Pin Loh had her chased away from the plantation. Keng Djim hints that there is another secret to be shared, but dies before he can reveal it. Aij Tjeng calls for his father, to discover the secret, but finds that he too has died. Eighteen years pass, and Lily is betrothed to a rich Chinese youth named Sim Bian Koen. Lily, although beautiful and talented, is obsessed with death and sadness; she believes that she is destined to die young. She eventually tells Bian Koen to find another fiancée as she will soon leave him. She falls ill shortly thereafter, and doctors are unable to save her. In the aftermath, Bian Koen considers suicide and Aij Tjeng and Gwat Nio become sick from their despair. By the following year Aij Tjeng and Gwat Nio have mostly recovered, having moved far away and turned to religion. Bian Koen, however, remains suicidal, and intends to go to war in China to find death; the only thing restraining him is his promise to wait for the anniversary of Lily's death. One day, as he is passing through the village of Cikembang, he finds a well-kept grave. As he examines the area, he sees a woman who he thinks is Lily. She rejects his embrace and runs away. When Bian Koen chases her, he falls and passes out. When he wakes up at his home, Bian Koen tells his parents that he saw Lily in Cikembang. After investigating, the Sims discover that "Lily" is in fact Aij Tjeng's daughter with Marsiti, Roosminah, who was raised in secret by Tirta. Because of her beauty, equal to that of Lily in every way, she is known as "The Rose of Cikembang". The Sims are able to contact Aij Tjeng, and after discovering Roosminah's background they have Roosminah take over Lily's identity. Her extravagant wedding with Bian Koen is attended by thousands, including Marsiti's spirit. Five years later, Bian Koen and Roosminah live with their two children at the plantation Aij Tjeng used to manage. While Aij Tjeng and Gwat Nio are visiting, their granddaughter Elsy (guided by Marsiti's spirit) brings them flowers from a tree Marsiti had planted. The family take it as a sign of her love. ===== ===== Set in the traditional neighborhood of Liberdade in downtown São Paulo, Plastic City has an immense Eastern community that was established over the years as protagonist, people who are seeking for a land of opportunity and a place for new business - legal or illegal. It is in the midst of Chinese cultural traditions and the chaos of urban life that the immigrant Yuda and his son Kirin are commanding a piracy mafia in Brazil, but this empire went into decline when they were threatened by a powerful organization with strong international influences. ===== There is an overarching plot but no clear single arc. In the form of chronicles, each tale only last few pages. The chronicles tells about life, problems, and solutions about inter-ethnic relations of residents of Dropsie Avenue in New York City. The common plot revolves around 'old' residents bemoaning the arrival of 'newer' residents and frictions caused by it. ===== Family come together for the birthday of the ninetieth birthday of its patriarch. Category:1998 graphic novels Category:Books by Will Eisner ===== Brad Franklin wakes up from a nightmare. His wife, Ellen, is asleep beside him in bed; she isn't feeling well after a recent bout of bronchitis. Brad takes Lady, their dog, for a walk. As he leaves the building, he learns from the doorman that exterminators are coming in the afternoon to check on a foul odor that's suspected to come from a dead rat in a neighboring apartment. After taking Lady back up to his apartment and leaving his wife a note, Brad departs for his job at an advertising agency, leaving Ellen still asleep in bed. At work, Franklin recalls past times with his wife, both happy and not so happy: Ellen helping him on his first breakthrough ad; the couple learning that she could not conceive a child, which in a way is a blessing given the fact that she has a heart condition that could have been adversely affected by the strain of carrying a child; a trip to Nassau. It was on the plane ride to Nassau that Brad recalls having a bad scare, in which for a brief moment he thought his napping wife looked dead. After she awoke, and he told her about his fear, she made a joke that if she had died, he probably would have shipped her body back to New York and married a "Bahama mama". In response, he told her that if she had really been dead, he would have used his imagination to keep her alive and simply refused to accept she was dead. Brad receives a call from the building superintendent, who tells Brad that they now believe that the foul odor is in fact coming from his apartment. The superintendent then makes a pointed comment about how nobody has seen Ellen in over a week. Brad surmises that the super believes he has killed his wife, and agrees to meet the super in the lobby, after which they will go up to the apartment together to check for the source of the odor. Brad immediately leaves work and returns to his apartment building, where he uses a key previously given to him by the doorman to enter through the service entrance, thereby bypassing the lobby and superintendent. In his apartment, he sees Lady skulking from the bedroom where his wife is presumably still asleep; the dog is licking her chops. In the bedroom, Brad finds that Ellen's hand has been chewed on by Lady, leaving only a few strips of flesh. He decides to use his imagination to deny this, and tucks the hand back under the covers. He waves away a few flies, figuring that they must be attracted to whatever it is that's creating the foul odor. He asks Ellen if she would like something to drink or to eat. When she says nothing, he asks her if she remembers their trip to the Bahamas. When she says nothing, he asks her if she doesn't want to get up and walk around a little. Still, she says nothing. He then tells her that it's fine, that she can sleep a little while longer, and that he will sit beside her. ===== The story which Abovian named Wounds of Armenia is based on an incident which happened in his hometown Kanaker during the Russo- Persian War of 1826–1828. A young Armenian girl named Takhuni is kidnapped by soldiers of Hossein Khan Sardar, the head of the Persian political entity around Yerevan. Aghasi, who is the main hero, kills the Sardar's men and saves her. The Persian governor's brother Hassan decides to punish Aghasi and thus destroys a number of Armenian towns. The 2005 book The Heritage of Armenian Literature by Agop Jack Hacikyan et al argues that "though symbolic, the incident, was sufficiently potent to arouse sentiments of patriotism, national pride, and dignity". The authors then note that "the book, reads like a poem, in which the author, like a son, is having an honest, forthright talk with the people, in their own Kanaker dialect". They claim "its message is direct and strong: an appeal from the bottom of the heart". ===== It is the early 2000s; George W. Bush is the President of the United States and Saddam Hussein is the President of Iraq. Meanwhile, Aadu, a young poor Hindu girl living in a village in Murshidabad, India, falls in love with Suleman, a Muslim garment supplier who lives in the nearby village of Amodiya. Suleman dreams of learning English and becoming a fluent speaker, so he can go overseas and find a job. Though Aadu and Suelman follow different religions, their families allow them to marry, and the marriage goes off smoothly. The impoverished Suleman decides to head to Iraq with his friend Jabbar in search of a good job, leaving his new wife Aadu in the village. Then, in March 2003, the United States invades Iraq. Because of the war and the resulting political turmoil, all communication links between Aadu's village and Iraq are cut off. Aadu and the villagers gradually learn news about the bombings and destruction in Iraq and are horrified. The helpless Aadu decides to write a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush, whom she heard was "all powerful", informing him about the troubles in her life caused by the Iraq War. ===== When married couple Don and his wife, Nancy, who face relationship problems and constantly argue, go on a "vacation" to a casino, a car accident takes place. Looking for help, they call the town's sheriff, who suggests they go to a certain motel and he will have the car towed the next day. At the motel, they find blood in their apartment, and a girl being savagely killed next door. The two must fight for their lives against the motel's workers and men dressed in unusual masks, but can they survive a night alone against dangerous men all by themselves with no real weapons or any other means of support? The film ends with Don killing everyone and barely rescuing Nancy from the "sheriff", who is later killed by the actual owner of the motel, who was behind it all. The man survives, and walks off, while Nancy and Don escaped earlier. At a funeral for Sydney, the girl who was killed earlier in the film, while a worker for the man assures Sydney's mom that if she needs somewhere to stay, he owns a motel not too far away. The man overhears and questions the other man, but walks away. However, pressing a button, the other man's car explodes. A last image of Don and Nancy walking off together in a field of weeds near the street. ===== In 1991, Detective Matthew "Matt" Scudder (Liam Neeson) is in a car with his partner, who urges him to get help and expresses his concern that Scudder is not a reliable backup. Scudder then enters a bar and buys drinks with a coffee. Two armed men come in and kill the bartender, and Scudder fatally shoots one assailant. He pursues and kills the second assailant, as well as their getaway driver. Eight years later, a drug addict named Peter Kristo (Boyd Holbrook) approaches Scudder, now retired, and asks him to help his brother Kenny Kristo (Dan Stevens). Kenny is a drug trafficker whose wife was kidnapped and murdered. Kenny tells Scudder that after he delivered the ransom, the kidnappers directed him to a car containing his wife's dismembered body. Scudder ultimately agrees to find the kidnappers. At the library, Scudder researches similar killings, and finds victims named Marie Gotteskind and Leila Anderssen. He meets a homeless youth named TJ (Brian "Astro" Bradley), a streetwise artist with sickle cell anemia who helps with his search. Based on an article, Scudder goes to a cemetery and speaks with the groundskeeper, Jonas Loogan (Olafur Darri Olafsson), who is upset that Scudder forces him to remember finding bags containing parts of the dismembered Leila in the cemetery pond. Scudder talks to Leila's fiancé, Reuben (Mark Consuelos), who claims to have witnessed two men drag her into a van driven by a third person. Out the window, Scudder sees Loogan exiting an apartment building. In a tool shed belonging to Loogan on the building's roof, Scudder finds photos of Reuben and Leila having sex. Loogan admits that he helped kidnap Leila. He had conspired to take Leila away from Reuben, who is a drug dealer, and help her stop using drugs. Instead, the other two men tortured and killed Leila. Loogan gives Scudder one name, "Ray," and jumps off the roof to his death. The two kidnappers, Ray (David Harbour) and Albert (Adam David Thompson), scout out the home of Yuri Landau (Sebastian Roché), another drug trafficker. After realizing Landau's wife is bedridden, they prepare to leave for a new target. However, they see his 14-year-old daughter, Lucia (Danielle Rose Russell), and Ray decides to kidnap her. Scudder eventually learns that the victim Marie Gotteskind was a DEA agent and realizes that the people who murdered her also got her files, which they have been using to choose their victims. Meanwhile, Scudder grows closer to TJ, and encourages the boy to study and avoid a life of crime. During a conversation with TJ, Scudder explains why he retired. During the shootout in 1991, one of his stray bullets "took a bad hop" and killed a 7-year-old girl. He has been sober ever since. Kenny brings Scudder to Yuri Landau's home, where the kidnappers call and arrange a drop. Scudder, Kenny, Landau, Peter, and TJ (who earlier brought Scudder his old gun) go to the cemetery. After a stand off, Lucia, with a finger hurt down to the bone, is returned to her father. When Albert realizes the ransom money is counterfeit, a shootout ensues. Peter is killed, and Scudder wounds Ray. Albert and Ray escape in their van, with TJ hiding in the back. After Albert and Ray arrive at their place, TJ sneaks out of their van, calls Scudder, and tells him the address. Albert kills the wounded Ray in the basement and goes back upstairs to find Scudder, Kenny, and TJ. Scudder overpowers and cuffs Albert. He leaves Albert for Kenny to decide what to do with and calls a cab for TJ. Kenny knocks out Albert with a bottle and goes into the basement, where he finds Ray’s body and sanitized tools used for dismembering bodies. While Kenny is downstairs, Albert wakes up and frees himself. Scudder goes back inside the house and finds Kenny's corpse. Albert attacks Scudder, and after a brief fight, Scudder kills him. Scudder returns home to find TJ sleeping on the couch and spots a drawing that TJ made of himself as a superhero. ===== While the game has no set linear campaign, each heist takes place around the same time that it was released in the real world. In addition, some other plot details are presented through web comics, trailers, and the 'FBI Files' website. Payday 2, when first released, allowed players to control one of four pseudonymous robbers, three of these returned from Payday: The Heist: former Chicago mobster Dallas (portrayed by Eric Etebari, voiced by Simon Kerr), ex- Swedish software developer Wolf (Ulf Andersson), and rogue Navy SEAL and mercenary Chains (Damion Poitier). The fourth member of the gang, the English crook Hoxton (portrayed by Josh Lenn, voiced by Pete Gold), was arrested by the FBI in between the events of the two games, so Dallas' younger brother Houston (voiced by Derek Ray) is recruited to take his place. The gang's command and control, the secretive Bain (portrayed by Digger T. Mesch, voiced by Simon Viklund), sets up, an online service for contractors to hire criminals for jobs that they need doing. Two years after the events of the first game, Dallas returns to heisting and Bain contracts him with the task of sneaking into a police department to steal a flash drive and use it to delete the intel the police have on Afterwards, Dallas raids a mobster's nightclub to retrieve cocaine that belonged to Bain's acquaintance and fights through the police force to escape by helicopter. Bain then arranges for the Payday Gang to relocate to Washington D.C. and helps them set up heists and jobs in the area, and connecting the gang with other contractors. The first is Vlad (Ilia Volok), a Ukrainian gangster trying to reassert his power after getting out of prison. They assist him by intimidating mall and store owners into paying him protection money, in addition to harassing his rival, Dmitri, by robbing his nightclub and stealing a tiara made for his wife. The next is Hector Morales (Gary Daniels), a Colombian drug trafficker trying to oust the rival Mendoza cartel. They start by protecting a shipment of cocaine as it is ambushed by police, then weaken the Mendozas by destroying their weapons shipments and burning their stored money at a local bank. When the surviving Mendozas try to give evidence to the FBI in exchange for passage out of the country, Hector has the gang assassinate them. Finally, there is The Elephant, (Bokeem Woodbine) a corrupt Republican politician who hires the gang to aid his party, framing a local senator by planting cocaine in his apartment, or by exposing an arms deal made by that senator. Later in 2013, the gang rob a diamond store as well as number of armored truck convoys (and a train) run by the GenSec security company. Their next job comes in early 2014, when the Elephant tasks them with tampering with the upcoming election to ensure that his ally, Bob McKendrick, becomes mayor of Washington D.C. In order to achieve this, the gang tracks a truck carrying voting machines to a warehouse at night. They infiltrate the warehouse, find the voting machines, and hack them in order for their votes to swing in the Republicans' favor. Thanks to their trickery, McKendrick is elected as mayor of Washington. They also assist weapons smuggler Gage (Dash Mihok) by performing a midnight raid on a warehouse belonging to the Murkywater PMC. Later in the year, Dallas is introduced to "The Dentist" (Giancarlo Esposito) - a middleman for a number of wealthy clients, who seems to know a lot about the gang. Dallas initially refuses his offer of work, but when The Dentist reveals that he can use his connections to help free Hoxton from prison, he changes his mind. In order to test their skill, The Dentist makes the gang rob the Benevolent Bank, which had never been successfully robbed in its two-hundred-year history. Satisfied, he has them assassinate a Russian mob boss known as 'The Commissar', who has ties to Washington's district attorney. With the Commissar dead, the Dentist uses his connections to force the DA into giving Hoxton a retrial at a local courthouse, giving the gang a perfect opportunity to ambush his guards and free him. While glad for the rescue, Hoxton is annoyed that his alias and mask were usurped by Dallas' brother and insists that they rename him Houston, but he is allowed to keep Hoxton's old mask. After escaping the police, Hoxton and the gang raid the FBI headquarters to obtain intel on an informant who helped to imprison him. Around the same time, Chains is on vacation in Sweden when he is ambushed by Interpol agents. He is able to escape thanks to a tip off from John Wick (Dave Fouquette), an old friend from his time in the Navy SEALs. Having recently come out of retirement to enact revenge on New York's Russian mob, Wick tells Chains that he is looking for a crew, to which he responds by inviting him to the gang. After rescuing Vlad's brother-in-law from a plane crash in the woods, the gang descend upon the McKendrick museum in order to steal 'the diamond', a valuable gemstone that the Dentist is interested in. Hoxton's former partner-in-crime, the Irish burglar Clover (Aoife Duffin), is recruited to help, becoming the first female member of the gang. In January 2015, Bain is contacted by a Croatian weapons smuggler known as the Butcher (Mira Furlan), who sends Dragan (Dragomir Mrsic), a crooked Interpol agent, to help the gang steal a thermobaric bomb. The gang steal the weapon in one of two ways - either by stealing it from a ship at the docks, or intercepting a train carrying it in the middle of a forest. After the job is complete, Dragan stays in the U.S. as a permanent member of the gang. After this, Hoxton is contacted by an old associate named Bonnie (Rhona Cameron), who possesses information vital to finding the rat that sold him out, and she bargains this information in exchange for a place in the gang. Knowing where the informant is hiding, the gang infiltrate his FBI safehouse to find that it was Hector who ratted on Hoxton. They kill him and recover the evidence that the FBI have about them. Around this time, Jacket (protagonist of Hotline Miami) joins the gang through unknown means, just as the gang further humiliate GenSec by stealing money from various display vaults at their newly built arena, during a concert by Swedish DJ Alesso. Later in the year, the Dentist gives the gang his final job - a heist on the Golden Grin Casino in Las Vegas. The vault beneath it is tougher than any they have faced before, so Bain recruits Russian hockey star Sokol (Alexej Manvelov), who moonlights as a casino thief and possesses expert technical knowledge, to help them. With his help, they build the 'BFD' (Big Fucking Drill) and use it to break into the casino's vault. The Dentist's target is a strange box hidden deep within, though the gang make off with the money inside the vault as well. Soon after this, Bain recruits former Yakuza member Jiro (Togo Igawa), who travels to the U.S. in search of his long lost son, Kento. In September, Mayor McKendrick, becoming increasingly unpopular due to Washington's rising crime rate, betrays the gang by hiring Commissioner Solomon Garrett in an effort to end their crime spree. Garrett uses Captain Neville Winters in the field in order to assist and inspire regular police in their fight against the gang, but his presence has little effect. After protecting one of Vlad's weapon shipments in an earthquake-hit Los Angeles, the gang are forced to work for Murkywater officer Vernon Locke (Ian Russell) after he hacks into Locke puts them in contact with Bodhi (Josh Lenn), who helps them raid a Murkywater black site in Nevada, and steal pallets of cash from a Murkywater cargo plane. The gang's first job of 2016 comes from Vlad, who is eager to capitalise on a power vacuum in Washington's drug trade that was created as a result of Hector's death. He has them intercept a shipment of goats with bags of cocaine smuggled in their rectums. Though an accident scatters the goats around a city block, the gang retrieve them and take them to an associate to have the packages removed. Unfortunately, they are ambushed by a Honduran cartel before this can be done, forcing them to extract the goats by plane as they fight off both cartel members and police. Once this is done, Dallas meets with the Elephant again, who offers them a job from the mysterious Akan. Before Dallas can agree, he and the gang meet a strange man named Jimmy (Sharlto Copley), who convinces them that Akan is evil and offers them an alternative job. With Jimmy's help, they steal an EMP bomb from a Murkywater train yard and use it to break into a hidden laboratory run by Akan in Russia. While fighting off mercenaries, they steal data relating to Akan's super soldier project and destroy it. Ron Perlman voiced and portrayed the heister Rust The next addition to the gang, Australian Kelli 'Sydney' King (Georgia van Cuylenburg), introduces herself sometime later, showing up unannounced during a bank heist and using the surprise of her sudden entrance to steal a bag of money. Impressed by her audacity, Bain offers her a spot in the gang. Not long after, the Elephant requests the gang's help again, putting them in contact with Tom 'Rust' Bishop (Ron Perlman), a former member of the Overkill motorcycle club, who has information regarding a BCI helmet that is in the hands of the club. Rust refuses to part with this knowledge, however, until the gang rescue his friend Mike, a mechanic, and help him fix up his personal bike. After obeying his requests and getting the info they need, the gang steal the helmet from a freight train in transit, fighting through waves of bikers and police before escaping by helicopter. The gang go quiet until October. Hoxton, frustrated with the gang's small safehouse beneath a local laundromat, destroys it, organising for them all to move into a larger one elsewhere in the city, contacting his old family butler Aldstone (John Cleese), who agrees to fly to Washington to tend to their new home. The Continental Hotel, an establishment in Manhattan that caters exclusively to criminals, offers to have some associates help improve the new safehouse in exchange for their 'Continental Coin' currency. As Christmas approaches, the gang help Vlad's brother-in-law again when he is cornered by police at a local mall, before they are given another job by the Butcher. One of her ships in the Caribbean was sunk by the local Sosa cartel, so she has them travel to Miami and assassinate the cartel's boss, Ernesto, who resides in the old mansion of Cuban drug lord Tony Montana. At this time, Montana (André Sogliuzzo) joins the gang. In early 2017, the Continental requests the gang's help. An employee, Charon (Lance Reddick), has been ambushed by mobsters in Brooklyn. After saving his life, Charon repays the gang by tipping them off about an amount of illegal money kept hidden on a yacht owned by Mayor McKendrick in New York harbor. In retaliation for his betrayal, the gang infiltrate the yacht while it is used as a venue for a re-election fundraiser, stealing the money along with a hard drive containing the passwords to McKendrick's offshore bank accounts. In April, Locke contacts the gang, informing them of the existence of a mysterious organization which seeks to destroy them. Locke tells them that an informant of this organization can be located downtown, and the gang set off to meet them. Upon arrival, the informant is revealed to be Matt Roscoe, a former driver who betrayed the gang two years ago. Roscoe escapes in a van, while the gang pursue him on foot, mirroring the scenario of Roscoe's previous betrayal. The van crashes into a nearby construction site, where the gang set the van on fire to force Roscoe out, which succeeds after a prolonged firefight. As Roscoe is forced out of the van, he offers information about Kento, Jiro's son, in exchange for his life. Jiro interrogates Roscoe for the information, and it is revealed that a member of the Yakuza, known only as 'Kazuo', may know something about Kento's whereabouts. Using his contacts, Bain engineers a prison riot to necessitate a prison transfer. During the transfer, the gang ambush the convoy on Green Bridge, free Kazuo, and escape. Shortly afterwards, Mexican Cartel member Sangres (Joseph Balderrama) joins the gang, introduced to the Payday gang by Gage. In October, Duke (Nicholas Colicos) joins through unknown means. Locke contacts the gang to help with a weapons deal. He is smuggling weapons to the Butcher, and needs some extra muscle to back him up. When the train arrives in Alaska, he double-crosses both the Payday gang and the Butcher. Heavily armed police forces arrive on the scene, and apprehend the Butcher's mercenaries and attempt to take the Payday gang into custody. The Payday gang manage to fight their way out and free the Butcher's mercenaries, allowing both groups to escape on a ship. Seeking revenge, the Payday gang steal diamonds from the Garnet Group, who are linked to Locke, and put a dent into Locke's financial resources by crippling the Garnet Group. In December, Bain teams up with the Cabots and insiders Ethan and Hila to rob the Garnet Group boutique located in LA. After entering the store, they immediately find out that it was a police ambush when Mr. Brown is killed by a sniper. During the heist, Bain remarks about how he is encountering "odd interference" while hacking through the systems. After fighting their way out of the ambush and successfully securing the diamonds with Mr. Blonde, the gang creates a distraction to allow him to escape. However, when the Payday gang reaches their escape van, Bain is attacked and his transmissions encounter heavy interference before he tells the gang to "trust Locke". The next day, Locke reveals that his "betrayal" was coordinated with Bain as a ruse to quickly get the gang out of DC and into Alaska because somebody had been searching for the gang in DC. He takes over for Bain temporarily and helps them escape. He then introduces Joy (Siu-See Hung) to the gang to deal with while not heisting. Working off of clues Bain has left behind, he helps the Payday crew rob a bank in Brooklyn and steal a medallion containing important information buried under the foundation of the bank. Sometime later, the Elephant is arrested through the use of falsified evidence, catching the attention of the gang. Locke orders the group to retrieve an item that the Elephant possessed before his incarceration. The gang perform a silent break-in on the FBI headquarters, the same building the gang raided immediately after Hoxton was freed. The gang discover the item, a box with an uncanny resemblance to the one found in the Golden Grin Casino, and secure it. Duke's study of the box reveals that the Dentist's box, along with a third box, is located at Henry's Rock, a Murkywater warehouse and research outpost located in the desert. The gang infiltrates the warehouse via shipping crates, and recovers the two boxes. However, as the gang leave, Jiro's son Kento, now a Murkywater officer, appears behind bulletproof glass, along with a broadcast of a bound, gagged and bloodied figure, suspected to be Bain, with the Dentist standing behind him. The revelation that his long-lost son is working for the very mercenary group he opposes horrifies Jiro. Back at the safehouse, Duke manages to open the boxes with the medallion, revealing the contents to be several ornately crafted rings, and an orb with a similar pattern, although the third box is empty. The Elephant is freed from his incarceration, and provides a tip for the gang. The fictional Shacklethorne expedition to Antarctica, thought lost, was recently discovered quite a distance away from its intended destination, along with a sled containing numerous artifacts buried beside a mutilated corpse. The recovered artifacts are being auctioned off at an exclusive party in Salem, along with an item that is supposedly connected to the contents of the three boxes. The gang enters the auction and retrieves the item, which is revealed to be a black hexagonal tablet, the missing item from the third box. Finally getting a lead on Bain's location, Locke assists the gang in infiltrating a Murkywater prison facility in order to break him out. Before they can successfully sneak in however, the Dentist reveals over the prison's intercoms that the entirety of the prison was already aware of their presence, also effectively revealing to the gang that he himself was in fact the one who orchestrated Bain's kidnapping and provided information to Murkywater. The gang then fight through the ambush and manage to successfully free Bain from his cell. Following the trail of death and destruction left behind as he made his way to the rooftop, they find Bain, bloodied and bandaged, having strangled Kento to death with his bare hands. Bain then suddenly collapses, before Locke appears and helps carry him to an escape helicopter. After Locke has some hired professionals inspect Bain, he informs the gang that Bain has been infected with a man-made virus, which was ironically stolen by the Payday gang from Mercy Hospital in the first game. Meanwhile, another team of the gang is tasked with launching an attack on a Murkywater compound in Mexico in order to diminish and cut off their supplies. Soon later, the same team robs a bank on Mexico as a favor to Vlad and afterwards, frees his brother-in-law from the Mexican Authorities. Having retrieved Bain, the gang now plan to carry out "the heist to end all heists"; infiltrate the White House and steal presidential pardons. Thanks to Locke, the gang manage to get into the White House and successfully escape with all of the pardons in hand. A dying Bain congratulates them on managing to pull off such a monumental heist, before he finally succumbs to the virus and dies. Somewhere in Mexico, Locke and the gang hold a solemn ceremony for their fallen mentor. Standing around an open grave, they all take off their masks and throw them in, save for Dallas, and begin to quietly disperse. Locke gives a final salute to Bain, silently nodding at Dallas as he walks away. After a few moments, Dallas finally takes off his mask and takes a long look at it, before he too turns away to leave. ===== Beth Knowlton (Brooke Langton) is a young art student who is majoring in photography at a college in Phoenix, Arizona. Stephen Primes teaches law at the same university, and becomes infatuated with Beth’s beauty at first sight. Beth is not impressed with Stephen's unwanted actions, and firmly tries to be clear that she is not interested since she is already dating Kyle Kennedy (Woolson). Despite her refusals, Stephen persists, and begins telling people that he and Beth have become engaged to each other. This gains the attention of Beth's mother Martha (Cassidy), who tries (but fails) to find a legal manner for Stephen to leave Beth alone. After a while, Stephen's stalking actions increasingly become awkward and obsessive, when he leaves Beth cut-out notes and one day even attempts to strangle her in a darkroom. Martha encourages Beth to move in with her and they both press charges, but the police are unable to arrest Stephen without a sign of evidence. Immediately after moving in, Martha and Beth find their home burglarized and a message "Obey or die" written on a bathroom mirror. Knowing how far Stephen will go, Martha sends Beth off to a relative in Denver, Colorado under a fake name. Stephen becomes enraged when he loses sight of Beth and mistakenly becomes preoccupied with another Elizabeth Knowlton (known as Liz); thinking he has tracked Beth down, Elizabeth receives packages in her mail from Stephen containing threats as well as a video of Beth. When Stephen attempts to break into her home one night, Liz sets out to locate Beth after recognizing her from the video. They both join forces to catch Stephen in the act, using Beth as bait. Liz gives Beth a loaded gun, which the latter eventually uses when she sees Stephen holding Martha and threatening to slit her throat with a knife. Beth fires a warning shot to deter Stephen, and he is finally arrested. ===== Radical environmentalists Josh and Dena buy a boat and tow it long- distance to meet Harmon, an ex-Marine. The three buy fertilizer, assemble a bomb and load it onto the boat, planning to bomb a dam they believe is harming the environment. At night, they take the boat to the dam, arm the bomb, and escape. After the explosion, Harmon says goodbye and drives away. Josh and Dena are stopped by the police, but evade suspicion. The three agree not to contact each other again. Josh returns to the farm where he lives and works. The other people living on the farm discuss the explosion; the media reports that a man who was camping near the dam is missing. Harmon calls Josh and tells him that Dena is worried. Concerned that she will go to the police, Josh agrees to talk to her. Dena admits her feelings of guilt and, when pressed by Josh, does not rule out talking to the police. Harmon tells Josh that Dena needs to be silenced. The other people living on the farm suspect Josh of involvement with the bombing and ask him to leave. He learns that the missing man drowned in the flood caused by the explosion. Fearing that Dena will talk to the police, he surprises her at the spa where she works; he tries to warn her not to talk, but she attacks him and runs. He finds her hiding in one of the saunas, where he strangles her to death. Josh calls Harmon in tears to tell him that Dena is dead. Harmon tells Josh to disappear and never contact him again. Josh destroys his phone and applies for a job at a camp supply store. ===== Sadagopan (Vinu Chakravarthy) and Meenakshi (Vadivukkarasi) have four daughters and a son (Raj Chander). Sadagopan always thinks that the son is an asset to him and the daughters are burden on his head. Sadagopan then searches grooms for his educated three elder daughters and with the help of Iyer (Venniradai Moorthy). Sadagoppan wants to get his daughters married to grooms who do not require any dowry. His three daughters Indra (Sangita), Sundari (Kovai Sarala) and Lakshmi (Rekha) marry an auto- rickshaw driver Muthupandi (Pandiarajan), a Corporation worker Sekar (Vadivelu) and a cook Murugesan (R. Sundarrajan), respectively. Although no dowry was paid, the three wayward husbands want to rely on their wives' property and asks for some money to start their own businesses for which the wives agree. Raj Chander falls in love with a MLA's daughter and his wedding is arranged. At the wedding, Muthupandi, Sekar and Murugesan feels insulted and picks up quarrel which leads to trouble. Raj Chander asks them to leave the wedding hall and their wives also leave with them. Also, Raj Chander does not permit his father to give any money to his sisters' husbands. This brings up quarrels between the three couples. Unable to bear her daughters' sufferings, Meenakshi falls ill and dies. The three wives decide to work in a garment factory against their husbands wish to support their families. Raj Chander wants to start a factory by selling Sadagopan's house for which Sadagopan's daughters disagree. Quarrels erupt between them and finally Sadagopan beats up his son which make him realize the mistake. Sadagopan also understands the importance of his daughters. ===== Dharma (Vijayakanth) lives with his lawyer father (Jaishankar), mother (Vadivukkarasi), journalist brother Vijay (Thalaivasal Vijay), and beloved sister Geetha (Shilpa). Later, Dharma and Sharmila (Preetha Vijayakumar) fall in love with each other. Dharma is an angry man who cannot tolerate injustice. One day, his sister is molested by the rowdy Raja, and Dharma kills him in public. Thus, he is sent to jail. In the meantime, his friend Ranjith (Ranjith) becomes an ACP. Upon his release from jail, Dharma becomes a powerful gangster who punishes the rowdies in his own way and helps the poor. The honest chief minister (S. S. Rajendran) then gives free hand to arrest all the goons including Dharma. Geetha then marries Ranjith. The drug smuggler Daas (Mansoor Ali Khan), the notorious killer Khan (Ponnambalam), and the land grabber Amarnath (Kazan Khan) work under a corrupted politician Chakravarthy (Vinu Chakravarthy). They decide to kill the current Chief Minister, but Vijay has listened to their plan and immediately informs Ranjith. Surprisingly, Ranjith kills Vijay from behind. In fact, Ranjith is Raja's brother (the man who was killed by Dharma) and wants to take revenge on Dharma. Later, the Chief Minister is severely injured by the rowdies, but Dharma saves him and hides him in a secured place. Meanwhile, Geetha finds out that Vijay was killed by Ranjith, and Ranjith also kills her. The police department seeks Dharma for kidnapping the Chief Minister. What transpires later forms the crux of the story. ===== The Seven Deadly Sins are a band of knights in the land of who had disbanded ten years earlier after being framed for plotting a coup of the , the Holy Knights who sequestered them before taking control in the wake of a rebellion they organized. Liones' third princess, Elizabeth Liones, finds the Seven Deadly Sins' leader, Meliodas, before they search out his comrades so they can clear their names and liberate Liones from the Holy Knights, who were manipulated by a demon named Fraudrin into unsealing the Demon Race from their prison. As the Sins fight against the Ten Commandments led by his brother Zeldris, Meliodas is revealed to be the Demon King's cursed son whose destiny is tied to Elizabeth's. ===== The series follows the lives of police officer Stef Adams-Foster and her wife Lena Adams-Foster, a school vice principal, and their multi-ethnic, blended family. Stef and Lena are the parents of Brandon Foster, who is Stef's biological son from her previous marriage, and the twins, Jesus and Mariana, who were adopted as small children. At the outset of the series, the couple take in two foster children, Callie and Jude, whom they later adopt. Also part of their lives is Mike Foster—Stef's patrol partner, ex-husband, and Brandon's biological father. Most of the show takes place in their quiet San Diego Mission Bay suburb craftsman home and at Anchor Beach Community Charter School, where Lena works as the vice principal and the Foster children go to school. ===== Two young women travel by car through the Auvergne. Having run out of gas near an odd village, they spend the night in a barn where they make love. The next morning, Anna is gone and a dwarf in medieval garb guides Françoise through a forest (later identified as Brocéliande) to a lake, where a magic canoe carries her to an island, and then to a castle where scantily clad women frolic and kiss, overseen by the dwarf Gurth. Françoise is interviewed by Morgan le Fay and bathed by some of her women. Gurth reveals in a monologue that he procures the women for Morgan and has aspirations to take over. During dinner, Morgan and Françoise discuss love and beauty, and Morgan reveals that time is at her command. Afterward, she proceeds to caress and kiss Françoise, while her women wonder if they have been forgotten. Morgan offers immortality and beauty; if the offer is not accepted, a life of abjection among a group of older women is the victim's lot. Anna, tied up in the basement, accepts the offer, but Françoise escapes to look for the boat. She manages to swim across, only to find Morgan waiting for her on the other side, wherever she turns; she takes her back to her castle and promises to teach her magic. Françoise, however, schemes with Gurth to escape, and a feast the next day appears to be a good occasion to get a magic necklace and other items together. Dances are performed and groups of women engage in various kinds of lovemaking; Françoise makes love to the woman who has the magic tunic, and runs off with it. The necklace has also been stolen. Françoise, now in the tunic which renders her invisible and wearing the necklace (which controls the boat), needs only Morgan's topaz globe, without which she cannot leave the forest. Gurth is accused, and sentenced to blindness, muteness, and leglessness. He gives Françoise his "ring of life" so he will die and she will be able to escape; he dies instantly and Françoise escapes from the castle and boards the boat. Gurth's horse appears and Françoise rides off, ending up in the village, just in time for a funeral procession. However, she calls out for Morgan, who is there immediately. Morgan takes her back to the barn, where Anna is sleeping still with Françoise, being watched now by Françoise. ===== General Sean Courtney befriends a soldier Mark Anders, who falls for his daughter Storm. ===== Zero and her dragon Michael slaughter their way into the Cathedral City, the center of power for the Intoners. Zero's attempt to kill them directly ends disastrously: she and Michael are gravely wounded by One's own dragon, Gabriel. A year later, Zero and her dragon, now a childlike reincarnation named Mikhail, set off to try killing the Intoners again. They first travel to the Land of Seas to face Five: during the fight, Five is killed by her disciple Dito, whom Zero takes into her service. The group then journey to the Land of Mountains and face Four: after Four's death, Zero recruits Decadus. They then proceed to the Land of Forests. There, Three's disciple Octa attempts to betray his mistress, but she forces him to help her fight Zero. She is killed by Mikhail, who is then attacked and captured by daemons summoned by Two and Cent. Zero pursues them to the Land of Sand, freeing Mikhail from captivity and facing the two. Mikhail kills Two and Cent joins Zero. The group then fight their way into the Cathedral City, where Zero transforms the Disciples into their true dove forms, freeing them from their service to her.Zero: It's unavoidable. Disciples can't remain in human form without an Intoner's power. Sooner or later, you'll disappear. So before that happens... I'm giving you your old forms back. (Branch A, Chapter 5, Verse 3) During her battle with One, Mikhail dies wounding Gabriel, allowing a distraught Zero to finish off Gabriel and One. Zero is then killed by a male clone of One, who decides to create a new religious order in memory of his "sister."One: I see... If there are no Intoners left to protect the world... Then I'll just protect it myself! We'll form a new religion. A religion that worships my sister One. (Branch A, Chapter 5, Ending A) After this, Accord tells of three alternate series of events or "branches," caused by a group of singularities (Zero, her sisters, and the disciples) coming together.Accord: In the flow of post-Cataclysm history, if a unique set of conditions known as "singularities" come together, splits occur in time, resulting in the multiple world divergence phenomenon. (Branch B, Verse 1) In the second branch, while in the Land of Forests and having already recruited Cent, Zero finds the surviving sisters being driven insane by the power of the flower: Three dies of unknown causes, causing her soldiers to go mad. Eventually, the group find One has been killed by a deranged Two. Brought back under her influence, Cent turns on the group, killing Octa and Dito. Two and Decadus kill each other, while Zero kills Cent: before dying, Two and Cent summon their angel Raphael, which poisons Mikhail before being killed. In order to save Mikhail, Zero activates the flower's power and forms a "pact," resurrecting him.Accord: By utilizing the reprogramming function of the flower, the singularity known as Zero has created a new concept known as a pact. I do not know how this will affect the future. However, I will continue to observe events as they unfold. (Branch B, Ending B) In the third branch, after rescuing Mikhail from Two's stronghold, the dragon is devolved back to his child form by Two's powers. Upon arrival in the Cathedral City, the group faces Two, who destroys the four disciples when they kill her. Zero then faces One, who reveals that she knows the true nature of the Intoners and reveals the reason behind Zero's partnership with Mikhail: once the other Intoners were dead, Mikhail was to kill Zero, destroying the flower's power.One: Intoners offer only pestilence to this world. Someday, they will be the disease that brings ruin to all human life. That's why you're trying to kill us: to save the world. And once you succeed in killing your sisters... You're going to finish the job... and kill yourself. And you'll use that dragon to do it. (Branch C, Verse 5) Gabriel and Mikhail kill each other and Zero and One engage in an enraged battle. After killing One, Zero, still in shock from Mikhail's death, sets off to try to find another dragon who can kill her. It is implied in Accord's closing report that she fails.Accord: The Intoner Zero completed her objective. However, the dragon Mikhail has died and Zero's mental health is in a rather alarming state. I'm afraid there's little chance of finding a solution in this timeline. As such, I recommend sealing off this branch. (Branch C, Ending C) In the fourth and final branch of Zero's set of timelines, as she proceeds on her quest, she encounters each of her sisters possessed by the flower's power, as well as interacting directly with Accord. In each battle with the sisters, the Disciples summon their angels and transform into doves until only Octa remains. In the Cathedral City, Zero and Octa face off against One while Mikhail challenges Gabriel. Octa sacrifices himself to restrain One. Finally, Accord decides to intervene and sacrifices herself so Zero can kill One, which in turn kills Gabriel and saves Mikhail. Upon absorbing the power of all five Intoners, Zero transforms into a stone monster and engages with Mikhail in a rhythm game-style battle. Upon winning, Mikhail destroys the monster and Accord's voice declares that the flower's evil has been sealed away, although there is still the possibility of it reappearing in another time and place. She also suspects that Zero might have survived.Accord: Recording. The Intoners have been sealed off in another world. The threat of the flower has been extinguished from this branch. However, the possibility exists that this seal could unravel itself at some time or location in the future. Until then, our recording efforts will continue. Oh. And a personal addendum regarding my observational target, Zero. Perhaps this is beyond my functional requirements as a recorder, but I cannot shake the feeling that somehow, somewhere, Zero is still alive. And that, someday... Someday, she and I will see each other again. Crazy, I know. Call it a hunch. (Branch D, The Final Song) In a post-credits scene, a new version of Accord replaces the one destroyed by Zero and many others join her in helping record world events. As they disperse, the new Accord speaks to the player, hoping to see them again and thanking them for playing, before the screen goes black.Accord: I hope to see you again someday. But until then... I'd like to say... Thank you for playing. (Branch D, The Final Song) ===== The novel traces the resistance movement of a group of freedom fighters who are watched by secret police at the capital, and who later migrated to the northern provinces of their country (Vietnam during the Vietnam War) to continue their struggles against foreign invaders. The most prominent of these is the protagonist Tranh. The immolation of the title refers to the self- immolation act practised by young Buddhist monk Tran Kim at the start of the novel, as a form of silent protest against the government. ===== Gameplay of the first level, depicting a zombie aiming at the player In 1918 England, a small village suffers a rash of kidnappings and grave-robbing incidents, and heavily armed zombies have begun to emerge. With the job too dangerous for the police to handle, private detective Edward Windsor begins to investigate. Following a shootout in the village cemetery, Edward rescues a man named Charles, and the two join forces to infiltrate a nearby castle where the zombies have originated. They become separated upon entering the castle, with Edward falling into a subterranean dungeon and having to fight his way out. Shortly after Edward and Charles reunite, Charles is fatally shot; however, an infection he has acquired mutates him into a hideous monster and Edward is forced to fight him in order to continue. Edward moves through the castle laboratory only to find Charles - mutated into a new form - waiting to battle him again at the exit. After defeating Charles again, Edward must set three colored crystals into the correct positions in order. Any mistake, or a failure to find all three crystals in previous stages, causes Edward to fall to his death in a pit of spikes and ends the game. If the correct combination is entered, Edward confronts the mad monster scientist who has been creating the zombies in order to mutate weak mortals into powerful creatures that can dominate the world. The scientist drinks one of his own potions, which mutates him into a giant reptilian beast, Edward battles him and eventually triumphs by shooting the beast's head off. Edward walks away, reflecting that even though the village can now live in peace, he feels that he did not fulfill his mission. ===== The film explores the intertwined stories of seemingly ordinary people over a two-week period in Toronto. A young man, Gnanam, who attributes all his failures to his dark past and tries to confront it once and for all; a passionate detective, John, who questions his integrity and passion after making a fateful call; a depressed gay teenager, Aathi, who blames his father and his ideology for the suicidal death of his lover; a compassionate widower, Sornam, who is too preoccupied with the war back in Sri Lanka to protect his daughter from harm's way; a grieving man, Ariyam, who questions his immigrant life in Canada after the tragic death of his only son; and a brave young war victim, Aby, who arrives at a Canadian airport with the hope of a fresh start only to find that she's been abandoned by her fiancé. The film tries to delve deeper into the harsh realities faced by different generations of immigrants as they try to build a life in the adopted land yet unable to let go of their pasts. All these characters are indirectly linked through a Gun and a Ring. ===== Sadaf (Saba Qamar) works extremely hard like a machine day and night to run her family but no one except her grandfather feels sympathy for her or even cares about her. She is the only working member of her family and has to look after her mother, grandfather, younger sister and also a younger brother. Sadaf faces a lot of difficulties, harassment and also criticism at work due to which she has to frequently shift from one job to another, due to the early responsibility she is not able to complete her education and is restricted to small menial jobs. But she still continues to work in order to earn a livelihood and finally finds a stable, suitable and good job for herself. But in spite of working so hard and looking after her family, no one except her grandfather is concerned about her or is even loyal and faithful to her. Except Sadaf's grandfather, everybody is self concerned and selfish. And it happens one day that Sadaf visits her brother's college to pay the fees and gets to know that he had been suspended months back. Spending money on gambling, when confronted, he doesn't reveal the truth and the next day he steals money from home, injures his grandfather and flees, never to come back again. Sadaf's grandfather succumbs to his injuries and dies. Similarly by and by the various facets of other people also come in front of Sadaf. For instance, Sadaf learns that the man whom she had thought of marrying didn't care about her but instead wanted to marry her as he thought her to be perfect to look after his house and family and similarly her brother-in-law, Khurshid informs her how her mother had refused the marriage proposals that had come for Sadaf in the past seven years to ensure that she remained in the house, worked and earned for the family. This deeply hurts Sadaf and she decides to get married and leave the house. Sadaf's manager at the office, a lady, who happens to be a social worker, had always helped Sadaf in her difficult times and had also offered to help her with marriage. Thus, Sadaf informs her, her wish to get married soon, following which Sadaf's boss decides to get Sadaf married to her own son, Kaashan, who happens to be a divorcee and a father of three kids, as she believes Sadaf to have all the qualities to look after the kids. And after marrying Kaashan, Sadaf does face problems in the initial stage but eventually copes up with them and begins to love Kaashan and his kids and also succeeds in winning Kaashan's and as well the kids' love and starts living a happy married life with him. But this disturbs Sadaf's ex-boss, who now happens to be her mother-in-law, as she feels Kaashan to be giving more and undue importance to Sadaf. And thus jealous, she hatches a plot against Sadaf to create a bad image of her in the eyes of Kaashan. But her plans fails as Kaashan trusts Sadaf and later also gets to know the truth, leaving her thunderstruck and devastated. And thereafter, Sadaf who had always been cheated and taken advantage of by her loved ones, begins to live a happy life with Kaashan and the kids. ===== ===== Generation Um... is an existential day-in-the-life portrait that immerses the viewer in the downtown mindsets of John Wall (Keanu Reeves), a lost soul who's been circling the New York City drain for too long, and the two party girls he spends his birthday with Violet (Bojana Novakovic) and Mia (Adelaide Clemens) as they look for light in the darker aspects of their "family of circumstance" and the paths their self-destructive lives have taken. ===== Karthik (Mahat Raghavendra) is a careless engineering student, who is least bothered about his studies, the result of which is 16 backlogs. He is in love with his classmate Priyanka (Archana Kavi), who splits from him and leaves for USA to pursue MS. Hell breaks loose when his parents (Sarath Babu and Pragathi) come to know about the backlogs. While he is in search of a job to support himself, he hooks up with Chaitra (Piaa Bajpai). Meanwhile, Priyanka discontinues her studies and comes back from the US in search of Karthik. She learns that Karthik is in love with Chaitra and is disheartened and wonders what made Karthik fall for Chaitra. What happens next forms the rest of the story. ===== Unassertive bookkeeper Simon Haldane (Horton) is the butt of everyone's jokes at work. Co-worker Agatha (Louise Fazenda) is desperately in love with him. One rainy night, Agatha's mother, with Agatha in tow, visits him at home to insist that he marry her. Outside, two detectives chase a mysterious young woman (Miller), who eludes them by slipping unnoticed into Simon's house and hiding in a closet. When the detectives enter the premises, Simon manages to get rid of them and Agatha and her mother. Simon discovers the intruder, who calls herself Doris, in her undergarments after she emerges from hiding to dry her clothes in front of a fireplace. Having absolutely no interest in women, he makes flustered attempts to get rid of her. Doris responds by pretending to faint. A doctor (Lloyd Ingraham) is summoned; he insists the woman not be moved for several days. Simon gives her his bed and sleeps in another room. Easter (Louise Beavers), Simon's maid, shows up the next morning. She hears the sound of a woman's voice emerging from Simon's bedroom and assumes that he must have gotten married. When a co-worker telephones to find out why Simon is late for work, Easter answers and passes along the misconception. At the office of the Faulkner Phonograph Company, the rest of the staff, led by obnoxious salesman Bob Wyeth, congratulate him. That night, they invade Simon's house against his will in party hats with confetti and throw a riotous celebration, during which Agatha gets drunk and pitifully sings "Nobody Cares If I'm Blue." Doris finally gets them to leave. As time goes by, Simon reconsiders his indifference to women. He is therefore crestfallen when Doris leaves one day without warning. Easter tells him she called for a taxi, but went off with Wyeth when he offered a ride to the train station. When Mr. Faulkner (Frank Beal) returns unexpectedly early, he begins a major shakeup at his struggling firm. Simon is summoned for a meeting. Expecting to be fired, he is shocked when it turns out that Faulkner has somehow learned of his ideas for saving the company and is promoting him to general manager, replacing Trundle. Simon soon has the company back on its feet. When Wyeth returns from a business trip, he is unimpressed by Simon's promotion. Simon, believing Wyeth has stolen Doris's affections, asserts his authority by punching Wyeth in the face several times. Then Faulkner has another surprise for him. He introduces Simon to his daughter Julia, who turns out to be Doris. Julia explains that they had suspected Trundle of undermining the company, but could not examine the books without alerting him. So she instead examined the ledgers that Simon brought home to work on, which confirmed the sabotage. Faulkner gives Simon a half interest in the company, but is pleased when Simon offers it back in exchange for a delighted Julia. ===== The unnamed first person narrator is one of a group of tourists and travelers, including a Roman Catholic bishop and a rabbi, who find themselves in Rome during an unexpected Papal conclave to select a new Pope. The group gathers each day in an outdoor cafe close to Saint Peter's Square to discuss their thoughts about the possibility of a robot Pope, likely since news reports indicate that the leading candidates, Cardinal Asciuga of Milan and Cardinal Carciofo of Genoa, are unable to garner majority support in the conclave. The narrator and the clergymen appear to be optimistic, but the other characters openly express their misgivings about a robot serving as Pope. White smoke, the traditional sign of a successful election, is seen and the robot appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica as the new Pope, taking the name of Pope Sixtus the Seventh. (To date, there have been only five real Popes of that name.) As the story ends, Pope Sixtus delivers a blessing, while flying through the air impelled by levitation jets. ===== Chandramohan "Charlie" Manohar Sharma (Shah Rukh Khan) is a street fighter who has been yearning for revenge from renowned businessman Charan Grover (Jackie Shroff) for eight years. Grover labeled Charlie's father, Manohar Sharma (Anupam Kher) as a thief because Charan had conned him into stealing his own diamonds worth $15 million. Charlie finds out that emeralds worth 300 crore($39.48 million) will reach the Atlantis Hotel, Dubai on Christmas Eve. He wants to steal the same emeralds and frame Grover. To accomplish this, he assembles a dynamic team consisting of Ex-Captain Jagmohan "Jag" Prakash (Sonu Sood), a hard-of-hearing strongman, Tehamton "Tammy" Irani (Boman Irani), an old and seizure-prone safecracker and Manohar's best friend, Rohan Singh (Vivaan Shah), a young intelligent hacker, and a lookalike of Charan's son Vicky Grover named Nandu Bhide (both played by Abhishek Bachchan). Tammy is the only one who can open the vault. The team finds out that room 9C, connected to the vault through a duct system, is booked for teams participating in the World Dance Championship (WDC). The group refuses, but Charlie re-motivates the group, convincing them to become a dance team. The film moves to a flashback— Manohar met Charan Grover and was given a contract to build an impenetrable vault. After the vault was completed, Charan drugged Manohar and conned him into stealing the diamonds by using his fingerprints. The film returns to the present, where desperate to win the national-level competition, they employ many dance teachers, but to no avail. In desperation, Nandu introduces Charlie to Mohini Joshi (Deepika Padukone), who is a Marathi bar dancer. Mohini is impressed by fluent English used by Charlie from the very beginning and eventually agrees to help them learn dancing, unaware of their intentions. Charlie and Mohini grow very close. They manage to qualify in the first round by blackmailing the judges and eventually win the competition to represent Team India in the WDC by gaining votes through hacking. Many viewers despise them for their lack of skill, but Charlie and his team (sans Mohini) are all only concerned with the heist. In Dubai, Team Korea is especially hostile towards Team India, including Grover, their sponsor. At the semifinal, Charlie saves a Korean member from severe injury or death, instantly gaining respect and admiration from the audience. India advances to finals after judges are moved by Charlie's action. Team India becomes loved by all. After going over the plan, everything is ready. Unfortunately, the team learns that the diamonds will arrive on New Year's Eve instead of Christmas, which impedes the heist. Mohini ends up hearing about the heist, angrily confronting Charlie and his false motivations of the competition. Charlie reveals that Manohar is actually dead; following the arrest, he appealed for a trial, but Grover bribed Manohar's lawyers and tampered with the evidence. The next day, Manohar committed suicide by slitting his wrists. Charlie kept this a secret to avoid demoralisation. However, the team makes their determination to avenge Manohar even stronger, including Tammy. Mohini joins the team and helps them for the heist. The night of the final round, the heist is set in motion. Mohini lures Vicky into an elevator, where his thumbprint is copied on Nandu who opens the chamber. They open the crack but Charlie and Tammy find another glass safe which houses the diamonds that can open only by a 7-digit password. Tammy realizes that Manohar built this safe. Charlie opens the safe later after deep thinking, realising that the password to open the safe was his own name. After stealing the diamonds, the team boards a boat, but Mohini refuses to come as she feels dedicated to protecting India's honor with the competition. Rohan joins her as well, leading to a fight amongst the remaining members. When Team India is found missing, Grover claims that they are the thieves. As he watches Mohini perform, other members also join her. Soon after, Charlie makes an appearance and eventually helps the team win the competition. With any and all suspicions removed from Team India, Charan and Vicky Grover are arrested. Charlie reveals himself to Charan and slips in his pocket the same razor blade Manohar slit his wrists with, completing his revenge. Team India reach the airport and manage to bypass security. Charlie camouflages the diamonds in his soft-drink, but the security guard disposes of it. Later, during the flight, Charlie reveals that he switched the fake diamonds on the trophy with the real ones. The team reaches India. In the post-credits scene, Mohini opens her own "Dance School" and Charlie proposes to her with a ring made from one of the diamonds. Everyone then laughs at Nandu, who is thrown out of the bank for showing a winners' cheque. Rohan finally gains immense popularity among the girls, while Jag takes over directing the film being made earlier, with the original director now the bomb controller. Tammy now has many of the elderly ladies chasing him as their hero. Having been given a long-term sentence, Charan and Vicky Grover are now seen in a Dubai city jail, still pleading for their innocence. ===== An archeologist discovers the ancient Phoenician city of Opet. ===== In 1917 during World War I, South African fighter pilot Michael Courtney falls in love with Centaine, a French woman. On their wedding day – prior to their wedding – Courtney is killed in action, and, following the destruction of her home by a German bombardment, the pregnant Centaine enrols as a nurse and embarks on a hospital ship for South Africa. The ship is torpedoed by a German U-Boat and Centaine lands on the Skeleton Coast. She attempts to make her way south to South Africa but is adopted by two San who teach her how to survive in the desert. ===== A Falcon Flies is remarkable for its sense of the African wild, grimly informative about the slave trade, and alive with the obsessions and impossible love of its strongminded heroine. It is the first of the Ballantyne novels. Dr Robyn Ballantyne, daughter of a famous missionary and explorer, returns on a joint expedition with her brother Zouga to southern Africa, the land of her birth, fired with the desire to bring the Africans medicine, Christianity and an end to the slave trade, still flourishing in 1860. Both are also looking for their lost father, who disappeared on a missionary mission years before. She discovers that the clipper ship she and her brother are taking passage on from England is in reality a slave ship and the debonair American captain, Mungo St John, a slaver himself. Irresistibly attracted to this man but at the same time repelled by his ruthlessness, Robyn resolves to fight him to the last – a course she is supported in by the fanatical anti-slave trader and English naval captain, Clinton Codrington, with whom she makes contact in Cape Town. When she and her brother then take passage on Clinton's ship to their destination in Portuguese East Africa, her resolve is further reinforced by their encounter with a slave dhow whose cargo of human misery they try to save from wreck on a reef while the Arab slaver flees to safety. On arrival at the mouth of the Zambesi, Robyn and Zouga leave Clinton, who is by now deeply in love with Robyn. Together they plunge into the uncharted African interior, experiencing the beauty of an undiscovered land, and the terrors of a treacherous guide and hostile tribesman. But the simmering conflict between them soon makes it clear that further travel together is impossible. Zouga's desire to seek his fortune and Robyn's obsessions with tracing their legendary father and investigating the slave trade are incompatible. ===== Men of Men by Wilbur Smith is a story of greed, exploration, adventure and love. It is a gripping saga at the time of Rhodes's acquisition of what would become Rhodesia following the lives of the Ballantyne men, specifically Zouga Ballantyne and his two sons Ralph and Jordan who have the unrelenting desire to conquer the wilds of the hinterlands of South Africa. Zouga, in his pursuit to make a fortune at the diamond fields, loses his wife and almost loses his sons. He purchases Kimberly mines but gambles them away leaving the family penniless, but in the true spirit of adventure and determination, both sons try on their own to make their mark on the land. Zouga falls in love with the woman he believes is married to the American Confederate general and former slave trader Mungo St. John, but when he finds out their marriage is a lie, he reveals his feelings. Mungo lives to continue on his path of deceit and treachery, all to advance his own personal coffers, and when he falls in love with Zouga's sister Robyn, he even conspires to free her from her husband Clinton (British sea captain from the first novel) by sending him to his death at the hands of the Matabele. Ralph becomes successful operating the first and only reliable transport company to what later would become Rhodesia, and Jordan becomes the right-hand man to Rhodes, whose vision will generate fortunes and open up the country for the British Empire. Sadly, both also carry the gene from their father that spurs them to win at all and any costs, without concern for consequences. In their own ways, each of the Ballantyne men will contribute heavily to the slaughter and dissolution of the local Matabele tribe, chasing them almost into extinction. The Matabele are willing to share most everything they have, but when the greed of the invaders threatens their very lives and livelihoods, they strike back. In the bloody battle that ensues, the Matabele are seriously out gunned, and many die in defense of their king. Their loyalty is commendable and King Lobengula takes their deaths hard. Forced from his land, he flees with remaining members of his tribe, but Rhodes orders him to be caught. His men of the British South Africa Company fail to catch him. Lobengula dies the king that he lived while his brother Gandang takes up the leadership of the tribe until the call to take up arms against the invaders comes again. ===== While performing at an Easter celebration, the Springfield Elementary band members inadvertently launch hundreds of eggs from their instruments, ruining the townspeople's clothes and splattering the streets. Suspicion quickly falls on Bart, but he denies committing the prank. Lisa eventually decides that the best way to determine his guilt is to hold a trial, which is presided over by Janet Reno. The odds do not look good in Bart's favor, and he is close to being found guilty. Meanwhile, Mr. Burns rediscovers his love of superheroes after visiting Comic Book Guy's store, and he decides to become a superhero named Fruitbat Man. Smithers, fearful of Burns's safety, stages numerous crimes for his boss to thwart, using Homer, Lenny, Carl, the Crazy Cat Lady, and other citizens as patsies for supervillain identities. Desperate to find someone to solve Bart's dilemma, Lisa tries to hire Burns, but he refuses. Smithers admits to Burns all his previous exploits were faked, and this was Burns' one chance to really help someone. As Marge washes the town's clothes, she and Lisa notice that Groundskeeper Willie's kilt is stained with only one egg, which appears to have been crushed into it by hand. Realizing that Willie is the culprit, Lisa confronts him; he confesses to committing the prank due to his hatred of the Easter holiday and shreds the kilt to destroy the evidence. As he tries to escape on his tractor, Burns intervenes and captures him, having had a change of heart. Burns turns Willie over to the court just before Reno can deliver a guilty verdict against Bart. Lisa thanks Burns and suggests that he might take advantage of his heroics to become a better person; meanwhile, Moe breaks down sobbing after he gets a phone call informing him of Bart's acquittal. Before the end credits, there is a trailer for the "Dependables," a spoof that casts several of Springfield's elderly residents as a superhero team. ===== The Angels Weep by Wilbur Smith is the third book in a trilogy that chronicles the generations of the Ballantyne family, and those who most influenced their paths in life. Beginning with Zouga Ballantyne, the family patriarch, this story takes off at a point in his life when he has already lived on the African continent for some time (35–40 years). He has raised two sons who each in their own way follow in his footsteps. Ralph and Zouga travel through Africa together, searching for the city of Zimbabwe to stake and claim the gold Zouga has already seen once there. The Matabele tribe had banned trespass on the sacred ground of the city of the dead, but they had long since been driven from the area as men of greed and power swept through the continent without conscience. They find and claim Harkness mine and go on to be part of the installation of railways, telegraph lines and pave the way to civilization. However, the Matabele tribe, who have been conquered by British settlers, and remaining natives in Africa have not forgotten their heritage or their pride. They rise up again to battle the white man and his incessant greed, kill Mungo St John as he tries to save Robyn Ballantyne and murder Cathy, the pregnant wife of Ralph Ballantyne; but are driven back once more to the wilderness by Ralph and a group of men that become known as the Ballantyne Scouts in exploits similar to those of Frederick Russell Burnham's assassination of Mlimo. In daring infiltrations, they manage to beat the Matabele tribe again, sending them into the hills where many starve but the remaining members do not lose hope completely. A treaty is negotiated and a peace of sorts is established, but this is not the end. Ralph Ballantyne also clashes with Cecil Rhodes and helps expose the Jameson Raid. In part two, the generations have grown, and Zouga and his children are long dead. The time is 1977 and a hundred years have gone by, but the battle for supremacy in the country of Africa is not over. The descendants of King Lobengula are part of the Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) and continue the battle to undermine and eventually oust the hold white men have on their country. The Ballantyne scouts are resurrected by Roland Ballantyne, the grandson of Ralph who formed the original Scouts to beat back the Matabele uprising that killed his wife and child. Though Roland is successful and manages to strike fear in the hearts of many revolutionaries, he and his scouts are lured to their deaths by Comrade Tungata Zebiwe who is a direct descendant of Bazo the Axe and King Lobengula himself. Tungata, formerly Samson Kumalo but renamed after he joins the revolution, becomes leader of his people and minister of his country after war makes monsters of all men. It is a story of greed, honor, revolution, love and death. ===== The Leopard Hunts in Darkness by Wilbur Smith is a novel of politics, betrayal, love and friendship. In this continuing saga involving two families and their ongoing connections to each other, Wilbur Smith weaves a story where celebrated author Craig Mellow with the help of World Bank connections, returns to his beloved Africa as an agent of the bank, asked only to report on the state of affairs in Zimbabwe. When he arrives, he visits the ranch that was a part of his family for generations and begins an obsession to rebuild it to its former glory. When he seeks the help of his old friend Samson Kumalo from the tribe of the Matabele, who is now a cabinet minister in the constantly evolving government, Craig is met with a terse and unfriendly attitude coupled with an unmistakable invitation to leave the country for good. Stubbornly, Craig finds other avenues in his quest to restore Rholands Ranching Company to its former glory. With the support of Peter Fungabera, a Mashona tribe member who is also a cabinet minister, Craig gets the financing he needs and begins the project of restoration on the three properties that make up his family's heritage. When poaching is discovered on the more remote property that Craig plans to turn into a tourist destination, he and wildlife federation photographer Sally-Anne Jay seek the culprit and all evidence points to Craig's old friend Samson, now known as Tungata Zebiwe. With Peter's help, and government forces, Tungata is arrested and sent to prison. With mixed feelings, Craig continues to work and his relationship with Sally-Anne progresses to a proposal. Rholands main ranches, King and Queen's Lynn are restocked with prime cattle and the houses restored when tribal fighting breaks out again. Mashona and Matabele in their ongoing battle for supremacy, are armed and the killing reaches Rholand's. Craig and Sally-Anne are poised to flee when they recognize Peter and his army. Relieved, they wait but Peter is anything but friendly. Accused of being traitors to the country, Craig is forced to forfeit his land to save their lives. Peter isn't finished with his treachery. His order is to kill them before they reach the border. In an unexpected twist, one of Peter's own men turns on him, and drives Craig and Sally-Anne to freedom. They soon discover that Samson was also a victim of Peter's dishonesty and Craig is appalled to realize they helped to jail an innocent man. In the struggle to free him, Peter and Sally-Anne risk their lives but manage to enlist the help of others to liberate the Matabele leader. In their run for freedom they are shot out of the sky, entombed in an underground series of caverns, and must fight their way through enemy Mashona forces, during which they uncover a plot that includes the Russians to overthrow and enslave the population. Full of surprises, the story is one where good wins over evil, and Craig and Sally-Anne are able to return with Samson to Africa and the lives they were building there. ===== In the time of the Great Depression, Lothar De La Rey and his son Manfred own and operate a fleet of fishing trawlers and a cannery. Centaine de Thiry, Manfred's mother and one of Lothar's creditors, seizes his assets in an attempt to recoup her original investment, believing that Lothar will be unable to pay her back in the current financial climate. During their confrontation, Manfred gets into a fight with Centaine's other son and his half-brother, Shasa Courtney, nearly killing him. Now destitute and bitter, Lothar and his friend Swart Hendrick make plans to rob Centaine's diamond mine. Days after, Centaine and Shasa return to South-West Africa to visit the H'ani Mine in the outer reaches of the Kalahari. On their visit to the mine, Shasa is put as an apprentice on the mine to learn the functions of the mine where he befriends Moses Gama, a black boss-boy and Hendrick's brother, who is later fired for his attempts to start a black mineworkers union. During this time, Shasa loses his virginity to a daughter of a foreman on the mine, and Centaine soon realises that the girl has unleashed Shasa's de Thiry blood. Centaine and Shasa return to Windhoek after two weeks on the mine, where Centaine meets Lieutenant-Colonel Blaine Malcomess, the administrator of the territory of South-West Africa, falling in love with him soon afterwards. Meanwhile, Lothar strikes a deal with Gerald Fourie, the driver who transports the monthly shipments of Centaine's diamonds, to hand over his cargo to him on the next delivery. A night after Centaine returns to Windhoek, Fourie betrays Lothar by causing a strike at the mine, preventing the diamonds from leaving and prompting Centaine to drive toward the mine herself in the dark. After she returns to the mine and attempts to negotiate with the strikers, Centaine attempts to transport the next shipment of diamonds to the bank herself. As she drives through the desert, Lothar ambushes her and steals the diamonds, but is bitten on the wrist by Centaine during the struggle. Lothar, Manfred and Hendrick flee north through the desert to the Portuguese colonies, where they believe they will be able to start new lives. They are pursued by Centaine and Blaine, along with a detachment of mounted police and a pair of bushmen trackers. As the chase continues, Lothar's wound becomes infected with gangrene, and he convinces Manfred and Hendrick to go on without him. They split the diamonds between them, and Lothar stays behind to cover the others as they make their escape, hiding his share of the diamonds for Manfred to find at a later date. He is ultimately captured and tried for his crimes, his infected arm is amputated, and he is sentenced to life imprisonment after a remorseful Centaine testifies on his motives and the mercy he showed her throughout the robbery and pursuit. Following Lothar's capture, Blaine and Centaine begin an affair. Having failed to recover the diamonds, Centaine finds herself heading towards bankruptcy, but Blaine saves her by revealing that South Africa will be leaving the gold standard prior to the official announcement, allowing Centaine to invest accordingly and restore her fortune. Hendrick abandons the plan to flee north, believing that a black man would be worse off in the Portuguese colonies than Lothar and Manfred, and he and Manfred go their separate ways: Hendrick returns to his homeland and aids Moses in establishing a power base amongst the black people of the country, in the hope of launching a revolution against the white government. Manfred is adopted by Tromp Bierman, a Reverend of the Dutch Reformed Church, who teaches him how to box. He also befriends Sarah Bester, an orphan Manfred and Lothar had met and dropped off with the Biermans prior to the robbery. During this time, both Hendrick and Manfred lose their respective shares of the diamonds; Hendrick's are unknowingly thrown away by a bullying white overseer, while the god-fearing Tromp forces Manfred to destroy his share when he learns about them. Later on, Manfred studies law at Stellenbosch University, and is initiated into the Ossewabrandwag by fellow student Roelf Stander. He continues to box during this time, joining the university boxing team and later travelling to Berlin to participate in the 1936 Summer Olympics. While in Berlin, Manfred meets and later marries Heidi Kramer, a German Abwehr agent sent by her superiors to seduce him and win over his allegiance in preparation for a German military operation in South Africa. Sarah, who had fallen in love with Manfred and made love to him prior to his leaving for Berlin, is left distraught by the news. She finds herself pregnant with Manfred's child, and marries Roelf to avoid giving birth out of wedlock. Her child is a son named Jakobus. When World War II breaks out, Manfred, now an Abwehr agent, returns to South Africa under the codename "White Sword" to prepare for a coup orchestrated by both Germany and the Ossewabrandwag, with the aim of seizing control of South Africa while its military forces are fighting in the war. Shasa meanwhile initially enlists as a pilot in the air force, but is discharged after losing an eye while rescuing a fellow pilot, and ends up assigned to help Blaine investigate the Ossewabrandwag's activities. Sarah becomes an informant on the Ossewabrandwag for the government, out of fear that Manfred's ambitions will put her family in danger. As the government's net draws closer, Manfred attempts to assassinate Jan Smuts, intending to use his death as a signal for the Ossewabrandwag to rise up and overthrow the government, but mistakenly kills Sir Garrick Courtney, Shasa's grandfather and Centaine's uncle. Shasa, who had been warned of the assassination by Sarah, briefly fights with Manfred, whom he does not recognise, but is unable to stop him from escaping. With Garrick's death, the Ossewabrandwag's coup fails to materialise, and the government arrests the members of the organization en masse, forcing Manfred to go on the run. He eventually finds Hendrick and asks him to help find the last share of the stolen diamonds. Though Hendrick is initially reluctant to help Manfred, Moses convinces him to do so, having anticipated that the Afrikaners like Manfred will soon come to power in South Africa and oppress the black people to a greater degree than the current government, thereby ensuring their willingness to revolt. After splitting the diamonds between the two of them, Hendrick and Manfred part ways once again, Hendrick warning Manfred that they may be enemies next time they meet. Manfred escapes to Portugal, reuniting with Heidi and their child, a son named Lothar. Both Shasa and Manfred enter politics following the end of the war, joining the United and National parties respectively. Manfred discovers Shasa's bastard status and attempts to make it public in order to destroy his brother's political career, but Centaine, who has been following Manfred ever since his father's imprisonment, threatens to do the same to him if he does so, revealing that he is her son in the process. Mother and son lament how badly relations between them have fallen, but Centaine sadly acknowledges that they can never reconcile. Regardless, the National Party comes to power in 1948, with Manfred announcing its intention to institute the policy of Apartheid beforehand. Following the election, Manfred, now Deputy Minister of Justice, arranges a pardon for his father and takes possession of the files on White Sword, which he destroys. Having discovered Sarah's role in sabotaging the attempted coup, he resolves to make her pay in time, and remarks that the Afrikaners are no longer the underdogs of South Africa. ===== Shasa Courtney, now a member of the ailing United Party, is offered a position within the dominant National Party, complete with ministerial rank, by his half-brother Manfred De La Ray. Having grown doubtful of the United Party's prospects, Shasa accepts, with the hope that he can provide moderation within the National Party; while he does not support black rights, he views the National Party's policy of apartheid as little more than an excuse for the Afrikaner population to hoard South Africa's resources for themselves, despite the risk of provoking the black population. He later begins an affair with Kitty Godolphin, a news producer covering the civil rights struggle in South Africa. Unbeknowest to Shasa, his wife Tara begins an affair with Moses Gama, now a prominent political activist alongside Nelson Mandela and others. Moses continues to fight for black rights, while his brother Hendrick ends his involvement with the movement, fearing that his vast wealth would be lost in the struggle, leading his son Raleigh to take up the fight in his stead. Tara continues working for Moses and bears his child – a mixed race boy named Benjamin Afrika. Moses later marries a Zulu woman in order to secure the tribe's allegiance. Moses eventually gets Tara involved in a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament of South Africa, in order to kill the entire white government and allow a revolution of Moses's supporters. Shasa, Manfred and their father in law Blaine Malcomess are able to foil the plot, but Blaine is killed in the struggle. Not wanting their children to know what their mother has done, Shasa exiles Tara from South Africa for her part in the plot. Moses is tried for his crimes, and is cleared of high treason on the basis that he owes no loyalty to the government as a result of the apartheid policy, but he is convicted of his other crimes and sentenced to death. Learning from his wife that Mandela and other campaigners will use him as a martyr, Moses betrays them to the government in exchange for his sentence being reduced to life imprisonment. Jakobus Stander, a left-wing revolutionary and Manfred's illegitimate son with Sarah Stander, bombs a railway station, and is subsequently convicted and sentenced to death. Sarah pleads with Manfred to save him, but Manfred, who has been antagonising Sarah over the years as revenge for her sabotage of the Ossewabrandwag coup depicted in Power of the Sword, refuses, expecting her to be emotionally broken by this. Manfred learns that he and Shasa will both be sacked by Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, who has grown increasingly obsessed with the issue of race following the 1960 attempt on his life. Having foreseen a future in which he and Shasa rule South Africa together, Manfred convinces his half-brother not to intervene when Verwoerd is assassinated by Dimitri Tsafendas. However, his plans are ruined when a bitter Sarah reveals to Shasa that Manfred is "White Sword", the killer of his grandfather Sir Garrick Courtney. Moses is freed from prison by the efforts of Raleigh. After an interview with Godolphin, Raleigh – who considers Moses a traitor to the black rights movement as a result of his betrayal of Mandela and the others – murders him, framing the South African Police Force for the crime in order to make him a martyr. Elsewhere, Shasa confronts Manfred over the killing of his grandfather. Though Manfred tries to justify his actions, having intended to kill Jan Smuts, Shasa declares him to no better than Moses. He tries to have Manfred convicted, only for Centaine to reveal to him that Manfred is his half-brother, and that Manfred has been looking out for Shasa ever since Centaine blackmailed him into not revealing Shasa's bastard status to the world. Feeling betrayed by Manfred, Shasa blackmails him into retiring from politics as punishment for Sir Garrick's murder, accepting that he will lose his own political career by doing so. He is subsequently appointed the South African Ambassador to Britain by B.J. Vorster, a move that removes him from South African politics. ===== Set against the majesty of the African landscape, its great plains, swamplands, forests and mountains, A Time to Die is a story of courage and friendship, the thrill of the hunt, the savagery of war and the saving power of love. Retired guerrilla fighter Sean Courtney is over forty years old and facing the possibility of losing his professional hunting licence. His long-time friend and client Riccardo Monterro is approaching sixty and is hunting with Sean on his last safari accompanied by his beautiful twenty-six-year-old daughter Claudia. Hunting Tukutela, a grand old bull tusker who carries possibly the heaviest set of ivory in all of Africa the three of them along with an entourage of black trackers and gun bearers tenaciously follow the old bull across the border into war torn Mozambique. Caught up in the Mozambican Civil War Sean encounters one of his bitterest enemies from his guerrilla days and finds himself and his friends in a desperate struggle for survival. Amidst the horrors of war he falls in love with young Claudia and she likewise falls in love with him, but the trick is to get out of Mozambique alive so that they can enjoy their newfound love. ===== Isabella Courtney and her father Shasa are living in London, where Shasa is the ambassador for South Africa. In what is, unknown to Isabella, a carefully planned operation, Isabella is seduced by Ramon de Santiago y Machado, an exiled Spanish nobleman who is both a close relative of Fidel Castro and a KGB operative known as Golden Fox. Shortly after Isabella gives birth to Ramon's child, who they name Nicholas, he and Ramon disappear. Isabella is later shown a video of her son being tortured, and is told he will continue to be tortured, mutilated and eventually murdered, if she doesn't co-operate. Torn between love for her son and loyalty to her country, Isabella begins spying on her father, now heavily involved in Armscor, which is developing nuclear weapons as well as a deadly nerve agent known as Cyndex 25 for use in the South African Border War. With the promise of access to her son and Ramon, who maintains a charade of being a prisoner like Nicolas, Isabella delivers details of South Africa's most secret activities to the KGB, who are working to spread communist and marxist influence across Africa. Eventually, one of Isabella's servants reports her affair with Ramon to Shasa and Courtney matriarch Centaine, who in turn discover Isabella's betrayal and reveal Ramon's true colours to her. An operation is planned and carried out by the Courtney family to rescue Nicholas and break the KGB's hold on Isabella. First, Isabella travels to an ANC training camp where Nicholas is being held, carrying a concealed transceiver with her in order to alert her family to her location. Shasa and Isabella's youngest brother Garrick (Garry for short), piloting a company jet, track the transceiver to confirm Isabella and Nicholas's location, narrowly avoiding being shot down by MiGs in the process. Isabella's eldest brother Sean, one of the top commanders in the Rhodesian army, leads an attack on the camp, rescuing Nicholas and Isabella, but Ramon escapes during the chaos. Following the operation, the Courtneys discover that Benjamin Afrika, the illegitimate child of Isabella's mother Tara and the deceased black rebel Moses Gama, has stolen two canisters of Cyndex 25. They correctly deduce that Benjamin and Ramon will attempt to use the nerve agent at the Rand Easter Show, at which there will be hundreds of thousands of people, including prominent figures in South African industry and politics, by spraying it from a plane provided by Isabella's middle brother Michael, a black rights sympathizer who has long since lost faith with non-violent methods. Sean travels to Michael's residence and kills Benjamin, but he is unable to stop Ramon and Michael from taking off. Garry intercepts them in his own plane, and after an unsuccessful attempt to convince Michael to surrender, he forces them to crash. Michael is killed immediately, while Ramon dies when the Cyndex 25 leaks into the plane cockpit. In the epilogue, taking place two years after the events of the novel, it is revealed that Centaine has decided not to prosecute Isabella for her acts of treason, but resolves to have her atone for them nevertheless. Nicholas has moved on from Ramon and accepted Centaine as his great-grandmother. At his request, Centaine tells Nicholas the story of her arrival in Africa, before they leave to rejoin Isabella. ===== Documentary filmmaker Daniel Armstrong vows revenge after a gang of poachers steals a huge cache of ivory and kills Chief Warden Johnny Nzou, Armstrong's childhood friend. ===== In 1667 Holland is at war with England. Sir Francis Courteney and his son Hal attack ships of the Dutch East India Company off the coast of Africa. They are betrayed and Sir Francis is executed. Hal winds up working for Prester John. ===== The plot is set in 1884, Sudan, beginning shortly before the fall of Khartoum at the hands of the Mahdi. British trader and businessman Ryder Courtney, the younger brother of Waite Courtney, arrives in Khartoum to sell his wares, only to have them commandeered by General Charles George Gordon. General Gordon later has Ryder evacuate citizens from the besieged city on his river steamer, the Intrepid Ibis, but the steamer is attacked and damaged by the Mahdists as it tries to escape, stranding Ryder in Khartoum. Penrod Ballantyne, a captain in the 10th Hussars and a survivor of the Battle of El Obeid, is tasked by Evelyn Baring with taking messages to General Gordon and David Benbrook, the British consul in Khartoum. While travelling across the desert, Penrod is attacked by Osman Atalan, an emir of the Mahdi who considers Penrod to be a blood enemy after nearly being killed by him at El Obeid, but he escapes and makes it to Khartoum. After delivering his messages, Penrod is recruited by General Gordon to assist in the defense of the city, bringing him into contact with Ryder. The two men work together to bring down a black market grain operation being run by Khartoum's corrupt Egyptian troops. Rebecca Benbrook, the eldest daughter of David, struggles with her romantic feelings towards both men, kissing Ryder and later losing her virginity to Penrod. David's two other daughters, Saffron and Amber, also hold affections towards Ryder and Penrod, respectively. After intercepting messenger pigeons being used by the Mahdists, General Gordon and Penrod learn that Osman and his troops are being sent to join the Mahdist force moving to intercept General Stewart's relief column. Penrod leaves to warn General Stewart of the upcoming attack, evading Osman on the way again, with both men going on to participate in the Battle of Abu Klea. After the Mahdists are defeated, Osman is able to retreat with the majority of his forces. While Penrod is gone, Ryder, who is still in love with Rebecca despite her tryst with Penrod, makes love to her and proposes marriage to her, but Rebecca declines to answer after learning of the British victory, believing that Penrod may return. Osman returns to Khartoum before the British, and after convincing the Mahdi not to punish him for losing the battle, he leads an attack on Khartoum, killing General Gordon and taking the city for the Mahdi. Saffron is able to escape with Ryder aboard the now repaired Ibis, but the Mahdists kill David and capture Rebecca and Amber. With the help of her Arabic servant Nazeera, Rebecca is able to convince the Mahdi to take her and Amber into his harem, ensuring their survival and wellbeing. Penrod, who has deserted from the British due to his impatience at Charles Wilson's slow organization, returns to discover what has happened and begins planning to rescue Rebecca and Amber, but he is captured by Mahdist forces and becomes a prisoner of Osman. When the Mahdi dies, Osman supports Abdullahi al-Khalifa to ensure his succession, and takes Rebecca and Amber as his own, and then leaves to make preparations to make war with the Ethiopian Empire, bringing them and Penrod along with him. Penrod reunites with Ryder during this time, and the two of them are able to organize a rescue of Penrod and Amber. Rebecca, who had seduced Osman to ensure the continued safety of herself and Amber and is now pregnant with his child, chooses to remain behind, knowing that she would now be unwelcome in British society. Saffron chooses to remain in Africa, and she and Ryder marry. Penrod marries Amber, and is recruited by Horatio Kitchener to help train a new Egyptian desert army for the Anglo-Egyptian conquest of Sudan. After the Battle of Omdurman, Penrod tracks down Osman and kills him in a swordfight. Rebecca, now broken by her captivity and the mother of two of Osman's children, commits suicide upon seeing this, entrusting her children to Penrod's care. ===== Ronnie is a violent criminal from Amsterdam who miraculously survives an attempt on his life, and goes to Friesland with his bodyguard Janus to track down his would-be assassin. His quest is blended with that of Eduardo, an asylum seeker from Angola, who becomes acquainted with the life of Saint Boniface. In the account of the saint's chopping down of the Donar Oak he recognizes the connection between Frisian trees and his own belief in magic imported from Africa; both hail from a pre-Christian tradition and a world in which nature is worshiped. Their stories come together in the movie's finale. Ronnie has completely changed since the attack on his life. Earlier, he was a ruthless and violent killer who beat a woman to death because her husband owed him money; now calmer, he is open to the world of sense and takes unprecedented pleasure in food. A scene in which he admires and relishes the smell of a plate of trout with pomegranate is particularly notable, and betrays van Driel's background as a cartoonist. ===== The series is centered around a young man named Bali (Babar Ali) and his struggle to live and survive in a world of crime and corruption whilst also trying to build a relationship with his fiancée, Zohra (Farah Shah). ===== ACT I: The financial panic of 1837. Setting: The office of Gideon Bloodgood, bank owner. The act opens with Bloodgood preparing to abscond to England. He has been following the stock market and knows that his bank will collapse the following day. He reveals that he has done everything for his daughter's fortunes. Badger, a clerk in the bank, enters and successfully blackmails Bloodgood with the knowledge that Badger has been keeping an account of Bloodgood's dealings. Captain Fairweather enters and deposits his life savings with Bloodgood personally. Captain Fairweather has discovered that his previous bank was about to collapse and removed his money; he believes Bloodgood to be sound. He exits with a receipt for his deposit. The Captain returns demanding his money back: His ship's owners have filled him in on the rumors about Bloodgood's finances. Bloodgood refuses to return the money and in the heated discussion that follows the Captain dies of a heart attack. Badger helps Bloodgood dispose of the Captain's body and acquires the deposit slip. End Tableau: Bloodgood and Badger triumphant separately over the prostrate Captain. ACT II: The financial panic of 1857. Sc. 1 Setting: The park near Tammany Hall. Mark Livingstone explains how he has gone from a position of wealth and society to poverty and hunger. Puffy the baker enters selling sweet potatoes. He recognizes Livingstone as a former customer and explains how he has come down in the world due to the crash. He mentions his lodgers, the Fairweathers, and their fate in the crash. Livingstone reveals that he knows the Fairweathers, particularly that he had feelings for Lucy. Mrs. Fairweather and her son Paul enter. Paul demands an account of Livingstone's actions given his interest in Lucy, and Livingstone is forced to reveal his poverty. Bloodgood enters, demanding rent from Puffy. All exit except for Livingstone who gives a rousing speech about how the true poor of New York are the newly impoverished middle class. He is forced to exit by the police. Sc. 2 Setting: Exterior of Bloodgood's Bank, Nassau St. Bloodgood recounts his crime, twenty years before to the day on that spot, and how the Captain's money secured his fortune. Alida Bloodgood enters, demanding money from her father for her lover's gambling debts. Bloodgood returns with Puffy. Puffy offers Bloodgood the note Mrs. Fairweather has given him in lieu of paying his rent. Bloodgood exults that he now has two sources to extort. Sc. 3 Setting: The interior of Puffy's house. Mrs. Fairweather and Lucy Fairweather are setting the table for dinner in expectation of Livingstone visiting. Mrs. Puffy and her son Dan enter and help, adding to the food to be provided and offering to act as servants when Mrs. Fairweather insists they join in the meal. Livingstone and Paul Fairweather enter and the Puffys serve the meal. All are setting down to eat when sheriff's officers enter and demand payment of rent and Mrs. Fairweather's note. Livingstone reveals that he is unable to save his friends by making the payment for them. End Tableau. ACT III Setting: The interior of Bloodgood's residence. Bloodgood is writing at his desk; Alida is reading an account of Bloodgood in the New York Herald, describing him as a financial vulture. Alida reveals her desire to enter high society, which has so far snubbed her. Livingstone requests entrance which Bloodgood denies but Alida forces her father to accept. Livingstone asks for a loan and admits that he is ruined. Bloodgood refuses, but Alida forces him to restore Livingstone's fortune so that she might purchase him as a husband. Badger enters, announcing his return from California. Lucy Fairweather enters to work on Alida's dress. The ladies exit and Badger extorts Bloodgood for more money, revealing that he has the receipt. Paul Fairweather enters, requesting leniency in regard to his mother's note. Badger recognizes him as the true heir to Captain Fairweather's fortune. Bloodgood offers Paul a position in Rio de Janeiro to foil Badger's threat of informing the heirs of Captain Fairweather and calls for the police. Lucy attempts to leave and encounters Livingstone returning to receive Bloodgood's loan. Livingstone professes his love to Lucy. Alida overhears and informs Lucy that she intends to purchase Livingstone as a husband, and that without her aid Livingstone will be ruined. Livingstone enters acknowledging Alida as his benefactor, without whose aid he was planning to commit suicide. Lucy renounces her love for Livingstone. Badger, Bloodgood and the police enter. Badger is arrested but has hidden the receipt in his lodgings, foiling Bloodgood. ACT IV Sc. 1 Setting: Union Square, snow falling. Puffy is selling roasted chestnuts. Paul is crouched in a corner. Dan enters carrying luggage for a gentleman. Puffy and Dan converse about their fallen fortunes. Mrs. Puffy enters with their dinner. All three decide to give some to Paul, without recognizing him. He is sleeping and does not wake. Badger enters attempting to sell matches to a gentleman. Mrs. Fairweather enters determined to sell her wedding ring in order to provide food for her children. Badger takes her ring, but returns it and directs her to a saloon warning her not to show it to strangers. Bloodgood enters waiting for the end of an opera. Badger attempts to sell him an opera program before recognizing him. Bloodgood threatens him with a revolver but Badger disarms him with the threat of a knife that he knows how to use from the California gold fields (see the cowardly nature of melodramatic villains). Badger reveals that he has gotten out of prison, losing the Fairweathers to Bloodgood's machinations but keeping the receipt. Badger extorts Bloodgood with promise of a confession to the newspapers, and Bloodgood promises to bring money to Badger's lodgings in the Five Points neighborhood. Both exit. Mr. and Mrs. Puffy exit. Dan calls on Paul to help him with the luggage without recognizing him. Paul attempts to carry the trunk, but is too weak and the trunk is removed by a porter. Lucy and Mrs. Fairweather enter, both having failed to gain money either by work, selling the ring, or begging. They meet up with Paul and reveal the extent of their troubles. Paul sends them home promising to bring food. Sc. 2 Setting: The Vestibule of the academy of music. Alida and Livingstone enter. Alida revels in her triumph; Livingstone is bound to her father by debt and will marry her in one month, New York society now acknowledges her, and her lover still courts her to Livingstone's indifference. Paul enters looking for charity. Livingstone recognizes him and the two confer. Alida leaves for her lover's carriage. Livingstone tells Paul that he will aid the Fairweathers now that he has money, and gets their address, which turns out to be the same building that Badger is lodging in. Sc. 3 Setting: Two adjoining attic rooms, 19 1/2 Cross St., the Five Points neighborhood. Lucy and Mrs. Fairweather are in one room, Badger enters the other. Badger fantasizes about the money he will receive from Bloodgood, while Lucy and Mrs. Fairweather separately decide to commit suicide by asphyxiation from the charcoal burner they use to cook their food. The Fairweathers leave, each attempting to draw the other away from their suicide attempt. Bloodgood enters and threatens Badger with his pistol, but is disarmed by Badger who draws two large revolvers from concealment. Badger insists that Bloodgood return to his lodging with the money. The Fairweathers return. Mrs. Fairweather stops up the windows while Lucy returns with the brazier. The two realize that they share the same intent and state their reasons for suicide before succumbing to the lack of oxygen. Badger in the next room starts to feel the effects. Paul and Livingstone arrive and save Lucy and Mrs. Fairweather. Badger realizes that he is succumbing and hides the receipt. Paul hears his cries and enters his room at the same time as Bloodgood returns. Badger recognizes Paul and reveals to him that he has proof of Bloodgood's robbery, but passes out before he can retrieve the receipt. ACT V Sc. 1 Setting: Brooklyn Heights, the garden of a cottage overlooking New York City and its harbor. Mrs. Fairweather and Paul are seated at breakfast, being served by the Puffys. They converse about how Lucy is recovering and that Livingstone has set them up in their old home, found work for Paul and restored Puffy's bakery with a government contract. Livingstone has avoided visiting them because of Lucy's renunciation of their love. Badger enters, having nursed Lucy during her illness and now joining the police in a financial crimes unit. The receipt has not been recovered either by the Fairweathers or Bloodgood who has bought and locked up the building. Livingstone is to be married to Alida that night. Livingstone enters to say goodbye, and Badger reveals that Lucy in a fever confessed to refusing Livingstone's love so that he might regain his wealth. Livingstone and Lucy confirm their love. Dan enters, spying a fire in lower New York. He realizes that it is Badger's old lodgings. Badger determines that Bloodgood has set the fire to destroy the receipt and sets out to save the paper and the Fairweather's fortunes. Sc. 2 Setting: The exterior of 19 1/2 Cross St. in Five Points. Bloodgood is seen through the windows setting fires. He exits and locks the building. The fire is seen to spread. A crowd enters to watch. Badger enters and breaks into the building through a window. Dan attempts to follow him but returns, burned and overcome by the fire. The top of the building crumbles inwards and Badger is revealed in his old room. The building collapses further and Badger falls with it. Badger reappears in the ground floor and drags himself from the ruins, on fire. The crowd rescues him. End Tableau This illustration depicts the tenement fire spectacle from the melodrama, The Poor of New York, by Dion Boucicault, 1857. Act V, Sc. 2 Sc. 3 Setting: The Drawing room of the Bloodgood's Mansion on Madison Av. Bloodgood enters, triumphant over the fire and destruction of the receipt. Alida enters dressed for the wedding. The wedding party is revealed. Livingstone enters and declines Alida's hand, presenting his reasons for the wedding, and Alida's letters to her lover as his reason for ending the engagement. Bloodgood reminds him of his debts, but the Fairweathers arrive and demand restitution of Captain Fairweather's money. Bloodgood calls for the police and Badger arrives. Bloodgood attempts to kill Badger with a knife but Badger disarms and arrests him. Alida in despair at her life denounces her father and leaves. Paul acknowledges Bloodgood's love of his daughter and forgives him, insisting only on reimbursement of his Father's money. Bloodgood leaves after his daughter. The Puffys are escorted in, afraid to enter so grand a residence. All prepare for the wedding of Livingstone and Lucy. The Fairweathers appeal to the audience to extend their hands to the poor of New York. ===== The movie begins with Sukhmeet (Sukhi) (Tusshar Kapoor) applying for an admission for his son, Kabootar, from a school. However, Principal Sethi (Rammakant Daayama) refuses to do so as Sukhi's son both has bad grades and is playing with a PSP even during the interview. But, in order to get admission, Sukhi bribes Principal Sethi, to which he gives positive responses. But, when Suki moves his tie sideways, Principal Sethi is able to see that behind it was attaches a transmitter. It is revealed that Ballu (Ranvir Shorey) and Sukhi were conducting a sting operation on the principal, and that the PSP Kabootar was holding was in reality a camera recording the whole interview in High Definition. Sukhi threatens to hand the recording right to the media, and if Principal Sethi wanted to happen otherwise, he was to pay the amount of 3 crores to Sukhi and Ballu. As per their instructions, Sethi keeps the suitcase with money on the decided area and goes to collect the PSP. However, he is horrified to find a movie clip in the PSP, implying that they had fooled him and that they were going to publish the disreputable recording anyway. But, when he rushes to take the suitcase, a police car pulls over, and police officer Mintu Hasan (Vinay Pathak) take the suitcase, saying that it was one of the many suitcases in the area which were bearing bombs. Shortly after, it is revealed that Mintu was a dupe police officer, and that he is in cahots with Sukhi and Ballu. Then, a flashback is shown, revealing that Sukhi's father Mr. Baweja (Yogendra Tikku) was an honest man working at a bank, and his wicked boss, Mohanlal Sabharwal (Ravi Kissen) had swindled 15 crores from innocent people and framed Mr. Baweja and his assistant, Saira for it. Mr. Baweja had died of cardiac arrest, meanwhile Saira, who was also Mintu's wife, was imprisoned. As such, Sukhi and his family was ordered by the court to pay the investors their money back. It is also revealed that the school they had looted was owned by Sabharwal. According to their next strategy, Mrs. Baweja and Mintu dress as food inspectors and barge into Sabharwal's milk factory which, as they had recently found out, supplied adultered and ingenuine products. Using this excuse, along with high complexity, they arrive Sabharwal's friend's house from where they try to steal the fridge which they knew to be filled with the same 15 crores, but resort to just leaving the refrigerator and running away on the sudden and unanticipated arrival of Sabharwal. As per their last plan, Sukhi's girlfriend Manpreet (Vishakha Singh), posing as dance trainer, goes to Sabbarwahl's house to spy on him. They soon come to know that Sabbarwahl, busy preparing for his daughter's wedding, has promised to pay 15 crore to her in-laws, the Kapoors. Meanwhile, Mummyji and Mintoo, disguised as Hansal builders, instigate the Kapoors against Sabbarwahl. Finally on the wedding night, Sukhi and Ballu dressed as caterers sneak into Sabbarwahl's farmhouse and hide all the money in gift packs. Sabbarwahl unknowingly distributes all the money hidden in gift boxes to guests who were actually the investors. On knowing the truth about Sukhi and the group, Sabbarwahl attacks them with a gun, only to be confronted by his own daughter. Sabbarwahl confesses to his crime and is later jailed for seven years, which completes the revenge of the Baweja family. ===== Rehaai is the story of Shamim, a woman married off when she was barely more than a child. Her brutish son Waseem is married to Shehnaz, a wife he uses as a convenient punching bag anytime he feels the need to vent his frustration, about anything and everything. The opening chapter revolved around Waseem’s increasingly vocal demand for an heir. Though Shehnaz has an unlikely ally in her mother-in-law, there is nonetheless a steady trickle of neighbors who drop in frequently to remind Shamim and Shehnaz of her inability to bear Waseem’s child. Out of all these "well-wishers," none is more insidious than chacha Inayat, who regularly fans the flames of Waseem’s desire to father a child. It is evident that Inayat is merely using Waseem’s childlessness as a means to further his own end, but the solution he offers is beyond macabre. Inayat offers up his own preteen child, Kulsoom as the bride, asserting that a younger woman can produce heirs much faster than an older woman such as Shehnaz. Waseem agrees to Inayat’s proposal and threatens his mother and wife of dire consequences if they stand in the way of his gaining the object of his desire. The story follows the consequences caused by this child marriage. Although Kulsum is Waseem's second wife, Shehnaz adores Kulsum as her daughter instead of hating her. Shameem's sister has a son Akmal. Akmal is helpful to Shameem, Shehnaz and Kulsum. He has a liking towards Kulsum. Kulsum grows and gives birth to 3 daughters which makes Waseem angry. He doubts that something in going between Akmal and Kulsum and so Waseem beats Akmal. Waseem does not earn even a single penny and so their condition becomes from bad to worse because of which Shameem is forced to become a maid. All the neighbours make fun of Shameem. Shameem's sister starts hating her because Waseem had beaten Akmal and tells Akmal not to help them. But Akmal could not see their condition and helps them secretly. He later convinces his mother. Meanwhile, Waseem has run out of the house and has married Noor Jahan. Noor Jahan had already married 2 times. But they do not get along as Waseem is a gharjamai and Noor Jahan's mother hates him. She throws him out of the house. Then he meets his long lost friend who was doing an illegal business of gambling. Police attacks them and Waseem gets shot by a gun because of which he is handicapped. On the other hand, Shameem, Shehnaz and Kulsum had started a clothing business which makes Waseem jealous. One day when Shameem told Kulsum to go to Akmal's shop for calculation, Waseem shouts at her mother and tells her that she is solding Kulsum towards Akmal and so she is shameless. She tells "I'm shameless because I gave birth to such a child who spoilt a girl's life and her daughter-in-law's i.e Shehnaz life. He is in a shock. From that day Waseem feels guilty of what he had done and asks for forgiveness from Shameem, Shehnaz and Kulsum. They forgive and Waseem decides that Kulsum should marry Akmal. Chacha Inayat fights with Waseem but Waseem does not change his mind. But Kulsum thinks that she has no respect in society and she could not remarry. She tries to commit suicide. The very next day Shehnaz's sister comes and asks Kulsum's daughter's hand for her son. Shehnaz gets furious as she is very young and she does not want that what happened to her mother (Kulsum)to happen with Kulsum's daughter. Her daughter tells Waseem that she does not want to marry and wants to become a doctor. Shameem is listening to them and is scared if Waseem allows the marriage. But he encourages his daughter to study making Shameem happy. In this way Shameem gets freedom or Rehaai from the society's evil traditions making the show end on a happy note. ===== Poet Tố Như meets a musician and they fall in love. But he already has a wife, and doesn't want to take her even when he meets her several times and even has sex with her later. He meets her when she is old, feeling sorry, writes a poem for her, and she jumps into a well that nobody wants to drink the water later.Khúc hát nhạt Long Thành cầm giả ca Nguyễn Trâm Anh, báo Sài Gòn tiếp thị 15.09.2010, 08:40 (GMT+7) ===== Craig (Pat Healy) is an auto mechanic who loses his job. He is unable to pay his rent and after seeing the eviction sign, he goes to a dive bar, where he meets an old friend from high school, Vince (Ethan Embry). After their reunion, they meet a rich couple, Colin and Violet (David Koechner and Sara Paxton), who appear friendly and benign initially, and after becoming aware of Craig's dire financial situation, offer them money in return for completing certain tasks to entertain Violet, as it is her birthday. As the first task, Colin offers fifty dollars to whoever between Craig and Vince can drink a shot he pours first. From there, the danger of the tasks escalates along with the payout. The dares result in a bouncer confronting Craig, who is offered five hundred dollars by Colin to hit him first. He does so and is knocked out. When he comes to, he realizes he been brought to the home of Colin and Violet. Tensions between Craig and Vince begin to emerge when they compete with each other in a breath- holding contest and Vince punches Craig in the stomach to prevent him from winning so that he may claim the prize money himself. Another dare between Colin and Vince involves Vince urinating on Craig's shoes. When Craig angrily goes to clean up in the bathroom, Vince accompanies him and they hatch a plan to rob the couple. Vince divulges that there is $250,000, which he instructs Craig to steal. At knife-point, Vince manages to get Colin to reveal that the safe is unlocked. Craig retrieves the money and returns only to have Colin and Violet turn the tables on them when they disarm Vince. Colin and Violet agree to let "bygones be bygones" if Craig and Vince promise to behave, and still allow them to take all of the money, but only if they continue to play. Another dare involves Craig having sex with Violet as well as getting $4,500, the amount required to pay for Craig's month's rent. This angers Vince, who views it as an unfair bet, increasing hostilities between the two friends. Humiliated and feeling guilty for cheating on his wife, Craig withdraws from the game and goes home, having earned enough money to delay homelessness for the time being. Violet, who seems to have begun to develop feelings for him, is upset and becomes withdrawn, causing the game to end, as its purpose was to entertain her. Vince, desperate to win some more money, offers to perform anything asked of him. Colin suggests the amputation of his pinkie finger for $25,000. Just as Vince is about to accept, Craig returns to the game, stating that he only temporarily solves his problem with the $4,500 he has earned so far, and offers to the do the same dare for a smaller sum. Vince also goes lower, and they go back and forth until Craig settles for $15,000. Vince cuts Craig's pinkie off, resulting in Craig winning again, which only serves to anger Vince further. The next challenge involves eating a cooked dead dog, which had died while trying to eat Craig's finger, with the winner who finishes his portion first receiving $50,000. The contest results in a draw, with the money being awarded to whoever eats Craig's finger. Craig wins but he then gets beaten up by an enraged Vince. After being taken outside to calm down by Colin, he suggests that Vince kill Craig for the remaining portion of the $250,000. Vince considers the offer but finds himself unable to kill his friend; he suggests he and Craig leave but is suddenly shot to death by Craig. Colin calls Craig a taxi and he leaves with his winnings in hand. After he has left, Colin pays Violet her money, as the two had made a bet on which friend would kill the other; Colin chose Vince with Violet choosing Craig. The film ends with Craig arriving home, comforting his child, when suddenly the light turns on and his wife appears, staring at Craig covered in blood and at the money strewn all over the room. ===== Meredith Davis is divorced from her rich husband, who leaves her with nothing due to a prenuptial agreement that she clearly did not read. She moves in with her friend's family, whose stepdaughter Lily inspires her to come up with a plan – become hired as a teacher at Lily's school, Richard Nixon Middle School, meet and marry a rich single father, and return to the extravagant lifestyle to which she was accustomed. Using a fake résumé and her feminine charm, she gets Principal Carl Gaines to hire her. The faculty includes Joel, a former high school classmate who is now a gym teacher; Irene, a shy fellow teacher who becomes excited to have a new friend; and Ginny, faculty president who resents Meredith and is suspicious of her. Although an incompetent teacher, Meredith imparts life lessons to Lily and her friends. ===== The film takes place after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990. The film opens with retired Major Józef Mayer in a doctor's office in Warsaw. Mayer is a former agent of the Polish Office for State Protection (UOP), the main Polish intelligence agency. Mayer's doctor tells him that he may die from an unspecified disease. The film then shifts to Baghdad, Iraq, where Iraqi security forces raid a CIA safehouse maintained by CIA agent Jeff Magnus. Walton and his two other CIA agents manage to escape into hiding as they prepare to leave Iraq before a possible war. Walton is warned by a Polish- American Mossad agent named Karen Pierce to leave Iraq immediately. Meanwhile, Pierce is having an affair with Mayer's son Paweł, who is a Polish engineer working in Iraq. Paweł is detained and Pierce escapes after they are stopped by Iraqi secret police. While in a military prison, Paweł is tortured for not disclosing Pierce's location to the Iraqis. The Iraqis suspect that Paweł is a spy. Józef Mayer is summoned to UOP. The head official of the agency informs Mayer that his son has gone missing after meeting Pierce. Mayer then inquires to an attaché of the American Embassy in Warsaw regarding the whereabouts of Karen Pierce. The film shifts back to Iraq, where two Polish UOP agents, Edward Broński and Stanisław Kosiński, are inquiring on the whereabouts of Pierce and Mayer's son. Mayer manages to discover from his embassy attaché that Pierce is a Mossad agent. At the same time, Magnus and the other CIA agents prepare to leave Iraq via a helicopter extraction, until their helicopter is shot down. They escape and go back into hiding. In Poland, the head of the UOP meets with Hayes, a high-level official of the CIA. Because the UOP still has agents in Iraq, Hayes asks the head of the UOP to extract his CIA agents out of Iraq. Hayes says that if the extraction is successful, Poland's foreign debts to the United States would be decreased dramatically. Hayes stresses that his agents must be evacuated out of Iraq, because they hold sensitive materials viable for war. Meanwhile, Mayer demands to go into Iraq and get his son out, undercover as a construction engineer. Pierce manages to escape Iraq and meets with the head of Mossad, Shopsovitz. Shopsovitz reveals that Magnus and his team hold a microfilm containing Saddam Hussein’s daily schedules. Pierce agrees to take the microfilm from Magnus. In Baghdad, Mayer arrives and meets with Broński and Kosiński. The agents provide Mayer with an Iraqi driver named Faisal, who is fluent in Polish. Mayer and Faisal drive to the Iraqi construction site where his son worked. They discover that Mayer’s son is possibly being held at a nearby police station. Meanwhile, Pierce goes back into Iraq and receives the Magnus’ microfilm. The next day, Pierce finds Broński in Baghdad and gives him information on the location of the CIA agents. As Broński and Kosiński head out of the Polish Embassy to find the agents, they are followed by Iraqi secret police. Kosiński manages to drop out of the car without notice of the secret police agents. As he heads off on foot, he tracks down the CIA agents in hiding. Kosiński gets the agents on board of a bus with other Europeans and gets them inside the Polish Embassy without being noticed by the secret police. Broński and Kosiński give them Polish passports and new cover identities. Back in Poland, the chiefs of UOP, Mossad and the CIA agree to use Mayer as bait to get the CIA agents out of Iraq. They want the Iraqis to believe that Mayer is going to get the agents out himself, but in reality he only wants to get his son out. At the Embassy, Kosiński and the CIA agents leave on a bus towards the border. Meanwhile, Mayer infiltrates the Iraqi police station and gets his wounded son out. Kosiński and the agents cross the Iraqi-Turkish border without trouble or raising suspicions. At another border checkpoint into Turkey, Broński assists Mayer, his son, Pierce and Faisal get across. Once they cross the border, Pierce is shot and killed by an Iraqi colonel and his troops. Back in Poland, Mayer, Broński, Kosiński and the UOP chief are awarded medals of distinction at the American Embassy. As the film closes, Mayer reacquaints with his estranged son. ===== Lisa Johnson, the ghost of a teenage girl who becomes aware that she is dead, haunts a house somewhere in northern Ontario. Along with her parents and brother, who are unaware that they are dead, she is stuck on the same day they were murdered in 1985. As she becomes more aware of her circumstances, she realizes that she can make contact with people in other timelines. As she explores this ability, a pale man appears and warns her to stop. Undeterred, Lisa uses personal items from other people killed in the house to make a connection with Olivia, part of a family living in the house in the future who will become the next set of victims. With the help of Olivia and the spirits of other murdered girls, Lisa is transported into the timelines of other victims and unravels the mystery of the house, realizing that the previous resident of the house, Edgar Mullins, is possessing the fathers of the families who live in the house to continue his serial murders. She helps her family to come to terms with the knowledge that they are dead, and thus "awakened", they become able to assist her. After her family escapes to the afterlife, Lisa stays behind to stop Mullins. She is nearly trapped in Olivia's body as Mullins moves on to kill them, but Lisa is able to escape him long enough to summon the spirits of Mullins' past victims, delaying his next kill long enough for the spirits of his other victims to join her. As Mullins is "incinerated" in the furnace where he killed his own victims, Olivia's father retakes control of his body, confused about what just happened. After assuring him and Olivia that they will be a happy family again, Lisa goes to sleep, but awakens with her family on her birthday in heaven, out of the loop that Mullins trapped them in. ===== When Harold Shea's wife Belphebe, originally from the world of Spenser's The Faerie Queene, was accidentally spirited off to that of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso (The Castle of Iron), he came under suspicion by the police for her disappearance. While he was ultimately successful in retrieving her, two others, his colleague Walter Bayard and policeman Pete Brodsky were left trapped in the world of Coleridge's Xanadu. As Shea's skill in traveling between universes is still somewhat hit or miss, he decides to seek professional assistance in rescuing them, from the wizard Väinämöinen in the world of the Kalevala. Harold and Belphebe attain the right world but the wrong magician, ending up instead with the touchy and unreliable Lemminkäinen, who tricks them into serving his ends. Persuading him they need their stranded friends' aid, Shea persuades the wizard to summon them. Later, after their quest with Lemminkäinen to Pohjola goes sour, Bayard inadvertently transports them to the world of Irish myth. ===== Set during the reign of King Injong, the protagonist is a royal physician desperate to cure his ailing daughter. He becomes a fugitive when he gets entangled in an assassination plot to poison the crown prince, and fights to save both his daughter's life and his own. ===== When Diego (Quim Gutiérrez) is abandoned by his girlfriend (Nuria Gago) a day before their wedding, he decides to go with his two cousins to the village where they used to go on vacation when they were children to recuperate Diego's first love: Martina (Inma Cuesta). There, Diego, his cousin Julian (Raúl Arévalo) and his cousin José Miguel (Adrian Lastra) will face again their past and some people who took part on it, such as the irreconciliable "El Bachi" (Antonio de la Torre) and his daughter Clara (Clara Lago). ===== Settled in London, Aman, a Pakistani musician, hopes to marry Asha, an Indian woman also living in London with her family. He visits her parents' house to seek their permission to marry her. However, his plans to impress the Punjabi family start failing when they discover that he is Pakistani. During the course of events "total chaos" happens. ===== When two Hackers were murdered in Delhi, Delhi Police suspects that the case revolves around hacking, they begin their search to find a computer hacker who can help them crack this case. The head of the police team ACP Siddhanth (Manish Choudhary) accompanied by Inspector Bhalla (Varun Badola), stumbles across Mickey Arora (Manish Paul), a lazy but smart hacker who runs a grocery store in day time and creates viruses for anti-virus companies in the night along with his friends tomboy Chutney (Puja Gupta), Floppy, Pancho and Professor (Nitesh Pandey) who always helps him out in all odd jobs. ACP Siddhanth hires him to hack down the website of a group of cybercriminals known as Bhram Gang. Meanwhile, Mickey falls in love with Kamayani (Elli Avram) an employee of Excalibur Securities. One day in her office Kamayani wrongly transferred a big amount from a client's account but to avoid her from being fired Mickey hacks the company's website to reverse the transaction. Only the next morning Micky came to know that he has unknowingly stolen 1 billion rupees from a Dubai-based don and Kamayani has been murdered. Scared of being framed for both the crimes Mickey seeks help from his friends. In the quest to search for the real culprit Mickey traced down 1 billion rupees and finds out that ACP Siddhanth is the mastermind who forced Kamayani to bluff him. Mickey calls ACP and his friends to the parking lot of Nehru Place where ACP tells him that his friends Floppy, Pancho and Professor are the Bhram Gang admins and want to kill him for the money as they did to the two hackers and Kamayani. Surrounded by all the goons Mickey records and telecasts their confession on YouTube. In the end, Inspector Bhalla, along with police force, arrests ACP Siddhanth and the Bhram Gang. Mickey secretly takes one crore from the stolen 1 billion before handing it over to Inspector Bhalla. Credits roll to show few deleted scenes and bloopers. ===== Victor "Young" Perez tells the astonishing, harrowing and poignant story of a Tunisian Jewish boxer, who became the World Flyweight Champion in 1931 and 1932. Perez started training as a boxer at age 14 along with his older brother Benjamin "Kid" Perez and rose to great fame thanks to the help and guidance of Leon Bellier. Moreover, he had a love affair with French- Italian actress Mireille Balin. The 5'1", 110-pound Perez won the International Boxing Union's version of the World Flyweight crown by a 2nd- round knockout of US-American champion Frankie Genaro, subsequently becoming the youngest world champion in boxing history. Perez got arrested in Paris on September 21, 1943 and was detained in the Drancy internment camp France, before being transported to the German extermination camp in Auschwitz where he was assigned to the Monowitz subcamp to serve as a slave laborer. Victor Perez arrived at Auschwitz on October 10, 1943, as part of "Transport 60" a group of 1,000. He was held in AuschwitzIII/Monowitz. While there he was forced to fight in boxing matches for the amusement of the SS command. By 1945 Victor had survived 140 bouts in 15 months. Perez was one of the prisoners on the death march that left the camp on January 18, 1945. ===== Taking place in the 1960s during Singapore's formative years as a young independent republic, the novel traces the growth and sexual maturation of young Esha (also named Su Yen) as she grows up an orphan reared by the matriarch of her extended clan, known only as Grandma, and schooled in a Catholic missionary school. Her two older cousins, Li Shin and Li Yuen, are her constant companions. Narrated in the first person, the novel is notable for its use of limited perceptive; major events in the narrative are not totally explained – for instance, in the disappearance of her paternal uncle Tien, and Li Shin's death.Bow, Leslie: "Introduction: Singapore/Girl", The Scent of the Gods, University of Illinois Press: Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield, 2010, pp. xxiii–xxiv. ===== MTV Reality Stars follows the travails of four friends and roommates, Kuldeep Sodhi, Zamir Akhtar, Krish Batra and Tania Sharma as they try to "make it" in the industry. Krish writes reality shows, Kuldeep wants to be on a reality show, Tania is a reality show reject and Zameer hates reality shows. The show features a reality show within it called "MTV Rejects", a show that tries to find the country's biggest reject. The script of this show has been written by Krish and Tanya is in the production team. Kuldeep wants to be a part of the show so desperately that he stages a mock fight with Zameer to grab the attention of the show-makers. The show makers also select Zameer (the Reality-hater) along with Kuldeep. Krish and Tania try to get Zameer out in the first episode. As luck might have it, Kuldeep is ousted instead and Zameer (the Reality hater) stays on the reality show. As the show progresses, unexpected things keep on happening, as the reality of reality TV is revealed. Things go so wrong that these four, who had come to Mumbai to be superstars, end up being reality stars. Nikhil Taneja, the creator of the show says, "It took us almost a year and a half to conceptualize the show. We have treated it like a feature film. Anyone who enjoys reality and friendship will love it." ===== The movie depicted the tragic life of model Anna Nicole Smith from small town dancer to Playboy centerfold, to her marriage to a billionaire, and her death in 2007. ===== The film starts with Tamil (Vimal) who is raised single-handedly by his grandfather, Venkatasamy(Raj Kiran) in a village, as his parents had committed suicide after eloping and giving birth to him. 25 years later the boy is working in a Chennai-based IT company, staying in a modern upmarket apartment. Tamil meets Karthika (Lakshmi Menon) a medical student using tricks to get to the front of the traffic signal. They fall in love at first sight, and end up being so engrossed in each other that they don't realise that the signal had gone green. The way Karthika tricks the police officer and gets away with it endears Tamil to Karthika. He follows her and in no time she reciprocates. Meanwhile, at work, Tamil is selected to go to US in three-month project and he brings Venkatasamy to the city to spend quality time before he leaves for US. Venkatasamy, coming from a rustic background, is unfamiliar with the urban lifestyle of people in a modern city. He even bathes and washes his clothes at a fountain causing much embarrassment to Tamil which he does not share with Venkatasamy. He causes further hardship by disturbing Tamil during his date with Karthika, causing a breakup between them. Venkatasamy infuriates Tamil further by slapping Karthika's father, an Inspector of Police, for allowing his daughter wear short clothes in public. Tamil pleads with Karthika and finally she forgives him. Tamil spends many a sleepless night working on a project on his laptop. Venkatasamy assumes the laptop to be a sandwich grill and without knowing how to use it, he puts it on the stove causing the laptop to explode into pieces, thus destroying the project work. Tamil gets fired from his job resultantly but he hides his anger and frustration from Venkatasamy. Karthika motivates Tamil to complete the project on her computer. The old man feels really guilty of destroying the laptop, and buys him a new one by selling his ancestral and invaluable wedding ring. Tamil thanks his grandfather and starts working on the project. He successfully finishes the project and gets his job back. Meanwhile, the old man helps a couple elope and get them married the same way he did with Tamil's parents. While Tamil is leaving to attend an interview to go to the US, Venkatasamy mocks the US flag at the US consulate and thinks that the whites are conquering India again. He creates nuisance and both of them are arrested. When they come out of the station, Tamil goes for a second interview but his Visa gets rejected and scolds his grandfather amidst a large crowd in public. Pooja (Darshini) a girl thinks that a piece of sweet laced with rat poison is the sweet that the old man gave her and faints after eating it. She was brought to the hospital and the old man was scolded in public for the second time by the girl's parents. However, they discover that the girl is cured thanks to the mixture of salt and tamarind water Venkatasamy gave Pooja before she was taken to the hospital, helping her to nauseate and get rid of ingested poison in the body. When everyone wants to apologise and thank the old man, he goes missing and everyone starts to search for him. The old man is finally located but in a mentally challenged state. The film ends with Tamil regretting scolding his grandfather and crying while hugging him tightly.Manja pai (2014) - Plot Summary - IMDb ===== Irish novelist Brian O’Nolan uses numerous pseudonyms for his literary works. In this radio-drama, these pseudonyms meet and argue with characters from O’Nolan’s novels and narrations. The plot roughly follows O’Nolan’s real life as a student in Nazi-Germany, his return to inter-war Ireland, unemployment and career in the civil service, his declining health, dislike of James Joyce and constant financial troubles. In the German original the drama was subtitled ‘’Eine Hörspielcollage aus der Welt der Wissenschaft und des Suffs’’ (A radio play patchwork from a world of science and booze), a claim that was brought to life by creative use of sound footage, music, audio- gags, and music by The Dubliners and other celtic folksingers.Keating, Sara. "Trinity plays host to Flann 100 as admirers celebrate comic genius", The Irish Times, 17 October 2011. "In a twist of Mylesian absurdity, however, the highlight of the day's cultural programme proved to be a science lecture by Prof Dermot Diamond, in which Diamond convincingly argued that O'Brien was not just a literary genius but a scientific prophet. Diamond set recent experiments in the fields of thermodynamics, quaternion theory and atomic theory against excerpts from O'Brien's books, suggesting that O'Brien anticipated some of the greatest scientific discoveries of the 20th century." ===== Dr. Stanley Biber began conducting sex reassignment therapy in Trinidad, Colorado, in 1969. Dr. Marci Bowers, a former patient of Biber, took over his practice after his death. Trinidad focuses on Bowers and two of her patients at different stages of their transition from male to female. ===== The story is set in the city of Erzurum in Western Armenia, the Armenian-populated area of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century. Nerses akhpar, a poor old man, goes to the local shop to buy food for his family. "In a close-knit community, food was one of the main topics of discussion. Everybody knew through the grapevine what was on each other's table for dinner. The status of town inhabitants was measured by the number of visits to the butcher shop, which was pretty much the center of the Armenian universe." Nikoghos agha, who is the owner of the shop, gives him liver for free. Every time they meet, Nikoghos agha reminds Nerses akhpar about the liver he gave away. At the end of the story, Nerses buys the liver he owned and after finding Nikoghos agha throws it into his face in the presence of several others screaming "Here is your tjvjik." The 2006 book Armenian Food: Facts, Fiction & Folklore jokingly concludes ""Charity exacerbated the resentment felt by the recipient", modern psychoanalysts would say." ===== The Village tells the story of life in a Derbyshire village through the eyes of a central character, Bert Middleton. Bert has been portrayed as a boy by Bill Jones, as a teen by Alfie Stewart, as a young man by Tom Varey, and as an old man by David Ryall. John Simm plays Bert's father John Middleton, an abusive, alcoholic Peak District farmer, and Maxine Peake plays Bert's mother, Grace. Writer Peter Moffat has spoken of wanting to create 'a British Heimat', alluding to Edgar Reitz's epic German saga Heimat, which followed one extended family in a region of Rhineland from 1919 to 2000. Unlike Downton Abbey, this version of history is a working-class history—"domestics are expected to face the walls when the master walks by". ===== Veera Tripathi (Alia Bhatt) is the daughter of a rich Delhi-based business tycoon. One day before her wedding, she goes on a drive with Vinay - her fiancé whom she does not love - and is abducted from a petrol station off a highway, while Vinay sits in the car convulsed with fear. The gang of abductors start to panic when they find out that her father has links in the government. However, Mahabir Bhati (Randeep Hooda), one of the abductors, is willing to do whatever it takes to see this through. The men continuously move Veera through different cities, to avoid being tracked by police. Eventually, when the police forcefully search the truck, Veera, surprising even herself, hides. She concludes that she loves the journey and doesn't want to go back to her family and old life. As the days go by, Veera finds peace and a new-found freedom, which confuses and frustrates Mahabir. Veera becomes comfortable with her captors, to the point that she confides in Mahabir the horrors of her childhood, when she was sexually abused by her own uncle as a nine-year-old. She views the abduction as a blessing in disguise, since she finally has the chance to experience life and find herself. Slowly, she unravels Mahabir's story in bits and pieces. His father abused both, him when he was a young child, and his mother who was used as a sex slave by the rich landlords. Mahabir escaped and has never returned. Mahabir slowly lets down his guard and begins to care for Veera, and his anger fades away slowly. He tries to leave her at a police station in one of the small mountainous towns they stop in. However, Veera refuses and insists on staying with Mahabir. Together, they travel and he starts to fall in love with her. They stay in a hilltop house and Veera reveals that one of her many crazy dreams was always to have a small home in the mountains. Mahabir becomes emotional seeing the way Veera cares for him, reminding him of his mother. Both sleep peacefully that night, free from their respective haunting pasts. But the very next morning, police arrive and, during the chaos, shoot Mahabir, to which Veera reacts emotionally and strongly. It is later revealed that Mahabir is killed on the spot. She later is brought back to her parents' house, where she recovers from the emotionally draining experience while surrounded by her family members, including her fiancé. Finally she feels physically better and confronts her uncle who molested her as a child, in front of her family. She yells and breaks down as she asks her father why he warned her only about dangers posed by outsiders, while the real threat was from insiders, the people who had surrounded her since childhood. She leaves the house and goes to live in the mountains where she starts her own factory, buys a house and lives there. The film ends with Veera looking at the mountains, then the sky (remembering Mahabir). Closing her eyes, she sees her nine-year-old self playing happily on the hillside. A boy (Mahabir in childhood) joins her. She watches them play, making peace with both the man she loved and their mutual childhood forms. ===== Geoffrey West and Marion Ferguson (Grant Withers and Loretta Young), two American tourists in London, meet each other at a London hotel while eating breakfast. Both are reading the personal columns of The Times. The next day West inserts an ad, under the alias of Lord Strawberries, which requests her friendship. Ferguson, using the alias of Lady Grapefruit, places an ad in reply which suggests that he should write a series of five letters proving himself worth knowing. West makes up a fabulous story about a murder mysterym based on the things he has heard his upstairs neighbors arguing about. Ferguson's aunt, who disapproves of West, suspects West is the murderer and contacts Scotland Yard. West's neighbor (the one he mentioned in his letters) is found dead and the police immediately suspect West and Ferguson as being involved in the murder. The real murderer, when he hears they are prime suspects, then attempts to frame them. ===== In the 2000s, Wadjda, a spirited 10-year-old Saudi girl living in the capital Riyadh, dreams of owning a green bicycle that she passes at a store every day on her way to school. She wants to race against her friend Abdullah, a boy from her neighborhood, but riding bikes is frowned upon for girls and Wadjda's mother refuses to buy one for her. The bike is expensive, costing SR800 (~$213). Wadjda begins to earn the money herself by selling mixtapes, hand-braiding bracelets for classmates and acting as a go-between for an older student. These activities get her into trouble with the strict headmistress. Her mother, meanwhile, is dealing with a job that has a terrible commute with a driver who often gets angry with her for making him wait. He tells Wadjda's mother that he will no longer drive her to work, but Wadjda and Abdullah find where the man lives and visit his house to tell him to take her mother's business. After Abdullah threatens to have his "uncle with the moustache" kick the man out of the country, the driver agrees. Meanwhile, Wadjda's grandmother on her father's side is looking for a second wife for her son because Wadjda's mother cannot have any more children and he wants a son. Wadjda's mother is angry and scared by this, so she tries on a beautiful red dress for her brother-in-law's wedding to gain support and to "scare off" any potential women who may consider marrying her husband. At school, Wadjda decides to participate in a Quran recital competition featuring a SR1,000 cash prize (equivalent of about US$270). Meanwhile, two girls at the Madrasa are accused of having a lesbian relationship by the headmistress and shunned by other students, though they were only reading magazines. Wadjda's efforts at memorization impress her teacher, and she wins the competition. The staff and students are shocked when Wadjda announces her intention to buy a bicycle with the prize money. She is told by the headmistress that the money will instead be donated to Palestine on her behalf. She returns home to find her father and begins crying when he says he is proud that she won the competition. However, he does not talk to her long. He tells Wadjda to tell her mother that he loves her and leaves the home while taking a phone call. Later, Wadjda finds out that her father has taken a second wife, and she watches the wedding ceremony from her roof with her mother. Wadjda suggests that her mother could buy the red dress and win her father back again, but her mother reveals her that she has instead spent the money on the green bike her daughter wanted. The two hug as fireworks from the wedding light up the night sky behind them. The next day, Wadjda rides down the street on her new bike. The owner of the bike shop sees her passing and smiles. She races against Abdullah and wins. ===== Rabba Main Kya Karoon revolves around two brothers Shrawan (Arshad Warsi) and his younger brother Sahil (Akash Chopra) who is getting married lavishly in a typical Indian style in Delhi. Sahil is eager to marry his childhood sweetheart Sneha (Tahira Kochhar), until older brother Shrawan joins the celebration, encouraging Sahil to do what men do by cheating on his wife. Shrawan is only teaching Sahil what he learnt from their uncles (Paresh Rawal, Tinnu Anand and Shakti Kapoor), whose mantra for a successful married life is "In order to live a happy married life, one must cheat on his wife!" ===== The film is an attempt to highlight and raise consciousness of the problem of the need for nearby playgrounds for children in each locality. Confined to homes for most of the year with heaps of homework and preparation for dreaded examinations, children jump with joy with declaration of summer holidays. That is when they are'allowed to go out and play. Lack of a playground in the locality compels them to play in streets. An old man, Dattanna, gives his permission for them to play on his land. He is impressed with the way they clear up the whole place. He becomes one with them in creating a beautiful playground there and proclaims that the playground henceforth belongs to them. In their company he finds a new meaning to his life. He starts spending more and more time playing and roaming around joyfully with the children. Dattanna's son, Hari, and grandson, Abhi, arrive from America. Hari forbids his son from playing there. His admonition embarrasses and hurts the old man. To retrieve Abhi and the old man from "street children", Hari virtually orders them to pack up and move to America immediately, much against his wishes. Hari's rudeness shocks the old man. He loses his speech and becomes bed- ridden. Hari cleverly uses this opportunity to keep the children away. He is unmoved by children's pleadings and their parents' request and, arranges for demolition of the playground to build a commercial complex. The children obstruct the demolition. Children and parents are taken to the police station. The embarrassed parents punish their children and order them to remain indoors. Finally, these children manage to regain their playground with the help of old man. Hari endorses the old man's gift of a playground to children. The film ends with the old man appealing to all parents to dealing with children in the right way and grooming them for their all round development providing space for both study and play. ===== Gretchen Finkle (Courtney Davis) is a 17-year-old high school student with a romantic obsession over Ricky (John Merriman). Her mother (Becky Ann Baker) becomes so concerned about Gretchen's crush that she sends her daughter to an in-patient emotional therapy clinic. ===== Julieta Torres, known by her friends as 'Kotufa' (popcorn), is a social communication university student who is required to submit a thesis project on her favorite journalist. She approaches Salvador Duque, a handsome and intelligent journalist, who she admires a lot. Salvador works in Brazil and is only in Venezuela for a couple of days for a family party, when he meets Julieta. He shortly starts working at his father's newspaper. But the Duque Family also runs a women's magazine publication titled "Exquisita" . With time, the two fall in love with each other as they interact over their love of journalism and magazine publication. Their growing love becomes complicated when Salvador's uncle, Cristóbal Duque also falls in love with Julieta. Cristóbal and Julieta meet the same day Salvador and Julieta meet. Julieta crashes Cristobal's car, where Cristobal falls in love with Julieta. Cristobal makes up things and follows Julieta so he could see her. Laly Falcón who is Salvador's girlfriend, does everything to separate the two lovers. Laly is an ambitious executive who wants to keep Salvador at her side in order to utilise his family's influence in the publishing business, especially considering that Salvador's father Napoleón Duque is a dominant figure in the publishing industry while his strict and demanding mother Olimpia is the editor-in-chief of the magazine where Julieta begins to work as an intern. La vida entera explores the complex personal and professional relationships developed in workplace while looking at the intrigues and romances that surround the publishing business. ===== William, a wealthy Navy Admiral's son, is coming to terms with his beliefs and his calling. He explains to his colleague, Algernon, that he believes everyone is equal in the eyes of God to speak freely and worship in any way they see fit. William becomes disgusted at scenes of decadence and violence in London but then they meet Guli and the Friends and agree that a simple life is the best life. William goes home to meet his father. However, his father is very angry and says he will rot in hell if he continues his rebellious ways. The Friends go to a meeting outside a locked room. William makes a speech (Salmon Speech) is arrested and taken to court. William is accused of incitement. The Judge is furious and everyone is jailed, including the jury. In prison, the jailers make fun of the posh Admiral's boy. He sees people starving and dying from smallpox and the plague. Guli who is visiting her father, recognises William and they begin to fall in love. Guli goes to speak to the Admiral to ask him for help. The Admiral believes that Friends take part in witchcraft, astrology, and magic. Guli puts him straight and tells him that he should do something to get his son and her father out of prison. In jail, William vows to change things and help his poor friends if he is ever freed. The Admiral arranges for his son to be released. William finds Guli and asks her to marry him. Anthony, the servant, interrupts the wedding to say the Admiral has had a bad fall and may be dying. Guli persuades William to go to his father. The Admiral forgives his son and bequeaths him land in America that the King owes him and asks him to look after his loyal servant, Anthony. When William receives the deeds to the land in America. Ford discusses with William how he must market and sell plots of land, but William tells him he will be staying in England with his new family. More Friends are arrested and tortured. William receives a letter telling him that they will be released on condition that he takes them away. Ford encourages him to sell land in America to make their fortune, as his father was not always a “wise investor”. They all look forward to a new life in America. William and Guli have an argument about whether their family can go abroad. Guli states her worries for their children and about the practicalities of travelling and life in strange lands. William Penn – the idealistic dreamer has other things on his mind ....his thoughts of a Free Land and his belief that God has chosen his destiny. Algy also tells William he will not be going with him. Guli suggests that William takes Anthony in their place. William and the others pray to God to bless their voyage. As they prepare for the voyage on the ship, “The Welcome”, they are warned about bad weather, monsters of the deep and vicious Indians when they get there. Guli, the children and the crowds stay behind and say farewell to William and the first Quaker emigrant families. William takes the ‘kitchen sink’ with him. Just before they leave, Philip Ford gets him to sign business papers. Anthony has tried to warn William not to trust Ford – but William hasn't heard. Lights coming up on “the perfect city” being built in Pennsylvania, America: William writes to Guli explaining how 30 people died from smallpox on their ship before they landed in America. On arrival, he meets the various settlers from Sweden and Denmark and the native Indians. As the first Governor of Pennsylvania, William appoints officers to the Assembly and Council and instructs as they build his “Perfect City”. William greets Francis Pastorius who arrives from Germany. William finds him plots of land for the new families in a place they name Germantown. Anthony again tries to warn William that Philip Ford is swindling him but William ignores him. Lord Baltimore visits with his servant Mary. He tells William how he trusts no-one and thinks William has taken land that belongs to him. Anthony meets Mary and falls in love. An argument ensues between Baltimore and William over the borders of their properties (and who owns the land his city is being built on). He mentions that Maryland is being developed much faster with the use of slaves obtained by the King's Royal African Company (RAC) The Settlers complain to William about the laws even though they are not paying him rents. Ford writes to tell William he is losing money and needs to do something about it. Francis Pastorius campaigns against slavery and totally fails to persuade the settlers. Anthony secretly tells Francis (William's Friend) that he has met the love of his life, Mary, who is a servant of Baltimore. Francis tells him to take care. When the Settlers begin to buy more ‘servants’, William is torn between the Golden Rule: how all people should be treated fairly and the needs of the Settlers for workers on their lands. William tells Anthony he has to look at life's realities. The Settlers need ‘servants’ to create wealth. Francis tells William that 10 years hard labour is enough for anyone, then they should be given freedom and land for their families. William agrees and suggests they give them tools to help them start as farmers. William explains to Anthony that he will put forward a bill in the assembly to allow ‘servants’ to get married. However, the bill fails to get sufficient votes. Anthony hears the result and tries to run away with Mary. Baltimore catches Anthony and murders Mary. Anthony is jailed and threatened with the death penalty for Mary's murder. William is torn between building, ‘The Perfect City’ and doing what is right-saving his servant. William receives a letter from Guli. She tells him about the death of their new baby. She tells of the continued persecution of the Friends in England and how Algernon has been executed for treason. She asks William to look after Anthony and finally, she says that Ford has stopped sending her money. When Anthony is brought before the court, William asks God what he should do. He realises what he has become when he orders his Jury to find Anthony innocent. There is outcry. So he hurriedly returns to England taking Anthony to safety. They find Guli in bed – she is very ill. Ford arrives and William confronts him. Ford tells him that he has forfeited Pennsylvania by signing it away as well as the fortune to be made through slavery. William is so angry that he is about to kill Ford when Anthony reminds him of his pacifism. Ford escapes and gets the militia to arrest William and take him to jail. Anthony visits William in jail. William tells Anthony he is a free man. William tells Guli that he wants to give up his American Dream and let Pennsylvania go. Guli makes him promise to continue to fight for his land and his dream and return to America. William, Guli, Anthony, Mary, Ford, Lord Baltimore and the Settlers dream of as truly Perfect City. ===== After many years Pooch returns to his old New York neighborhood and teams up with his old high school friend Big Boy to run the local rackets. Big Boy realizes that Pooch is a valuable and trustworthy asset in his plans of becoming local crime lord, and the two get involved with the local drug trade of the neighborhood. With the help of their pal Juanito, the pair continue to get close to having total control and will be able to make a proposition to the mob behind it all. However Big Boy doesn't know that Pooch is a cop being charged for corruption, who was given one last chance to avoid jail by going undercover to clean up his old neighborhood. To Pooch, this reunion is painful because as an undercover cop, he is working as an informer within Big Boy's gang, with plans to bring Big Boy down. While Pooch is undecided about whether he should help them, or help himself, as well as struggling between loyalty and betrayal, the two friends relationship is further tested with an arrival of aspiring-model and pathological-liar Eva, who Pooch meets in a health food restaurant. Both men fall in love with her and it isn't long before all three of them are sleeping together, whilst each have their own agenda. ===== A minister of Andhra Pradesh Cabinet named Kalamoorthy is removed from his post after the Central Bureau of Investigation proves his involvement in Liquor Mafia and the Election Commission of India declares the first by election after the main elections of that term in that constituency. While a senior ruling party leader Saradhi (Bharath Reddy) is willing to spend 25 crore for the election, other senior members ask Sanyasi Naidu (Charan Raj) to shell out 50 crores and if he wins in the by election, he would become the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Since it is his ambition to rule the state, Sanyasi Naidu accepts to spend 50 crores. With the help of his trusted aid, the Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Sanyasi Naidu brings 50 crores to India through Hawala transaction into Old City in Hyderabad. The ACP is tasked with transporting the money to the constituency. On completion of the task and if Sanyasi Naidu becomes the Chief Minister, then the ACP would be promoted as Inspector General (IG) of Police. The ACP goes to the Old city to collect the amount and the money is wrapped in big black plastic bags and is placed in the Deck lid of a Black Innova. Another story runs parallel to the above plot. Prakash (Nani) is a model of an Old city sherwani firm who dreams to become rich. He has such an obsession for money that he pronounces his name as Pra'cash' often. He has two friends, Tabar (Akbar Bin Tabar), a cab driver and Gokul. Noor (Catherine Tresa), who also works in the same firm, is in love with him. However, as Prakash is in love with Sweety (Siddhika Sharma), the daughter of Sanyasi Naidu, Noor decides to leave him and marry an old sheikh in order to solve her family's financial problems on the pressure of their creditor and the local don Yadav (R.K.). But Prakash does not know that Sweety is Sanyasi Naidu's daughter and Sweety is not aware of Prakash's intentions and takes his advances lightly. When Prakash comes to know about Noor's marriage, he beats the sheikh, Yadav and his men in disguise and takes away Noor along with his friends. The two plots converge here as Prakash escapes in that Black Innova along with Noor and his friends while the ACP is left injured severely. Neither Prakash nor his companions are aware of the money in the car. To save Noor, Prakash arranges her stay in Sweety's house to which Sweety accepts. In the meantime, Sanyasi Naidu calls his henchmen to Hyderabad to kill the ACP and find the money. Another gang of Sanyasi Naidu is approached by Saradhi who tells them to find the 50 crores and distribute it among themselves and this stint makes the other gang turning into Saradhi's henchmen. The ACP makes a deal with Encounter specialist Daniel (Raja Ravindra) to find the money and share it between them equally. Prakash comes to know that his phone is missing and is in the Innova and goes to the parking lot along with Tabar in the latter's cab. There Prakash finds the money in the deck lid and shifts the bags into the deck lid of the cab. Tabar and Prakash go to the place where abandoned vehicles are kept and there Prakash and Tabar see the money. The keys are with Prakash and both go away from there. Meanwhile, Daniel and his sub-ordinate go to the parking lot and find only a part of the money in the Innova's deck lid. While they are informing about it to the ACP, Sanyasi Naidu's henchmen kill him and see the photo of Daniel in the caller image when he dials again. Daniel arrests all the Old city youngsters along with Prakash and Tabar and Daniel's sub-ordinate (Duvvasi Mohan) asks all of them about the money. Meanwhile, the Local MLA intervenes and all of them are released. Just as Prakash and Tabar leave the station, Saradhi's henchmen attack Prakash about the money and Prakash manages to beat them and escapes with Tabar. After an inquiry with the local Qazi, Daniel comes to know about Yadav's presence in the only marriage that happened on the day of missing of Innova. Yadav's men steal the cab from the new area and while Prakash and Tabar blame each other of stealing the money, Yadav makes a call to Prakash and threatens to sell the cab if he does not bring Noor today. But Yadav is unaware of the money in the cab. When Prakash, Tabar and Gokul see Yadav's men with the cab, they try to attack them but Daniel arrests Yadav's men and Sanyasi Naidu's henchmen rob the car. While Prakash, Tabar and Gokul chase them on a bike, they hit the car of Daniel and since Daniel knows that Prakash is also involved in the robbery of Innova after beating Yadav's men at the spot, Prakash and Tabar are arrested. They are tortured and when Daniel tries to shoot Prakash, Tabar tells that the money is in his cab. Tabar is shot by Daniel and Sanyasi Naidu's men kill Daniel and his sub-ordinate and kidnap Prakash. Gokul reaches the spot and takes Tabar along with him whom Prakash believes to be dead. Sanyasi Naidu sees Prakash and threatens to kill Noor who is present in his house if he doesn't tell the place where the money is. Then Sanyasi Naidu's henchmen inform him that the cab is at the place where they robbed it as there was no petrol in it to drive. Prakash goes there along with Sanyasi Naidu's henchmen and is informed by Sweety that he is going to be murdered after they reach the spot. Prakash beats them up and refuels the cab. He goes to Yadav's place where Tabar and Gokul are being held. He calls Sanyasi Naidu to come there along with Noor if he wants him. Meanwhile, Prakash leaves petrol cans open inside the cab and plans to explode the cab once the petrol leaks. The two parties meet each other and while everything is going smooth, Saradhi's henchmen arrive along with Sweety and threaten Sanyasi Naidu to kill her if Prakash and the 50 crores are not handed to them. Prakash and Sanyasi Naidu are not at all happy as Yadav is now aware of the money's presence and Prakash displays the money in the deck lid. He locks it and throws away the key. In the chaos that ensues, Sweety's life is endangered which worries Sanyasi Naidu. Once Sweety and Noor are saved, the petrol starts leaking profusely and Prakash throws a burning stick on it which blasts the car and the entire money is burnt into ashes. Sanyasi Naidu is a reformed man. Prakash marries Noor and goes to Dubai along with his friends. There when his friends blame Prakash for burning the money, Prakash replies that before reaching Yadav's place, he took 50 lakhs from the lot and replaced it with white papers. Out of the 49.5 crores, he donates 45 crores to Saheli, an organisation established for the welfare of poor women in old city to ensure that there is no financial problem to the old city families among which Noor's family is also one. The rest 4.5 cores are retained by Prakash with which he starts a very successful Sherwani business in Dubai with his wife and friends as employees. ===== ===== A Soviet submarine is sailing near the North Pole in 1983 during the Cold War. In the submarine's cargo hold a sailor prematurely begins to defrost a block of ice that Professor Grisenko believes contains a frozen mammoth, and is attacked by an Ice Warrior. Skaldak model at the Doctor Who Experience The submarine begins sinking as the Ice Warrior runs amok. The TARDIS materialises inside the submarine and the Eleventh Doctor and Clara tumble out. The Doctor convinces Captain Zhukov to maneuver the submarine to the side, landing it safely on a ridge and preventing it from imploding. During this the TARDIS dematerialises by itself. The Doctor encourages the crew to be peaceful to the escaped Ice Warrior, Grand Marshal Skaldak, but the ship's executive officer Stepashin knocks out Skaldak. Knowing that Skaldak will desire vengeance for being attacked, the Doctor and the crew chain Skaldak. Clara volunteers to speak to Skaldak to try and calm him, relaying the Doctor's words to Skaldak, though he knows that the Doctor is listening. The Doctor informs Skaldak he was encased in the ice for 5000 years. Skaldak laments the loss of his daughter and his people; however, the Doctor tries to comfort him with the knowledge that the Ice Warriors still live, just not on Earth or Mars. Skaldak does not believe the Doctor and stops broadcasting his distress call to the other Ice Warriors. The Doctor surmises that, thinking himself to be the last of his kind, Skaldak has nothing left to lose. He grabs and kills three members of the crew, including Stepashin. Having learnt of the ongoing Cold War and the doctrine of mutually assured destruction from Stepashin, Skaldak plans to use the submarine's nuclear missiles to provoke a global thermonuclear war and destroy humanity as revenge for the humans attacking him - under the Martian code humanity as a whole has declared war on the Ice Warrior race by assaulting him. Reaching the bridge, he is able to connect himself to the submarine's missile guidance systems and activate the missiles. The Doctor and Clara are attempting to persuade Skaldak to show mercy when the submarine is rocked by a tractor beam from above: the Ice Warriors heard Skaldak's distress call and haul the submarine to the surface. Skaldak is beamed aboard the Ice Warriors' spaceship and deactivates the missiles remotely. The Doctor discovers the TARDIS has relocated to the South Pole. ===== ===== Two young lovers Ray and Suzy are split apart by the revelation of Suzy's one night stand with Ray's best friend, and fellow storm chaser, Stanley. Both friends operate a Toteable Tornado Observatory ("Toto" for short) in a pickup truck. Before Ray and Suzy can resolve their issues, Ray is called away to chase the biggest tornado producing storm to hit Texas in a century along with Stanley. As they race towards the storm, arguing and fighting with each other, they come across a mysterious woman named Ruby, who changes the course of their destiny and scramble their senses and lives. ===== As Peter, Joe, and Quagmire hang out at The Drunken Clam, they decide to do something to shake up their boring lives. They take Peter up on his suggestion to take up skydiving. Peter is invigorated by their jump and keeps up skydiving despite Lois' concern, even as his jumps usually result in accidents like falling on Meg at dinner, falling on a ninja that killed a woman, and falling on the castle of King Pig from Angry Birds with only one pig left alive. An accident at the Eiffel Tower replica in Las Vegas lands Peter in the hospital where he meets Mahmoud, a Muslim. He finds he gets along great with Mahmoud. Back at the Drunken Clam, Peter has Mahmoud stop by to introduce himself to Quagmire, Joe, and Brian. They find he has nothing in common with them when Mahmoud decides to have a gingerale and how he refuses to look at other women, since Mahmoud is already married. Mahmoud introduces Peter to Islamic culture and Peter becomes interested in becoming a Muslim and planning to commit himself to Islam. The next day, Peter starts studying Islam in-depth culture. Lois becomes suspicious of Peter becoming a Muslim, although she decides to let it pass. Joe and Quagmire begin to also voice their suspicions about Mahmoud as Peter tries to dial up Mahmoud twice only to cause some explosions off-screen. Mahmoud later invites Peter to a Muslim get-together but finds himself unwittingly involved with terrorists intent on blowing up the Quahog Bridge. When Peter casually mentions that Mahmoud was in relations with the 9/11 hijackers, the guys begin to suspect that he is involved with terrorists. Peter realizes that he has been tricked and wants to drop out but Joe convinces him to go along, since he is already a Muslim on the inside. As they go over the plan, Peter finds out that he will be driving the van. Peter is caught when he reveals he is wearing a microphone when trying to scratch an itch near it. Joe and Quagmire listen as the plan is rushed into action. Peter is held at gunpoint and forced to drive the explosives-laden van to the Quahog Bridge. As soon as Peter parks the van over on the right side of the bridge, he tries to talk Mahmoud out of his plan, but fails. Joe arrives in time with the police to stop Mahmoud and destroys the detonator by knocking it out of his hand. Then, Joe handcuffs Mahmoud, puts him under arrest and the police take Mahmoud away to jail. Joe mentions that 30 of the terrorists have been arrested and that all of the local middle-class Arabs are cast under suspicion. Joe thanks Peter for his involvement as Peter decides to call Horace to get a table ready for his friends and family at the Drunken Clam. As he dials his cell phone, the Quahog Bridge explodes and Peter orders everyone to run away. ===== In Padang, childhood friends Samsoelbahri and Siti Noerbaja fall in love and kiss on the veranda, but are soon parted by their parents. Samsoelbahri goes to Batavia (Jakarta) to study, while Noerbaja must marry the contemptuous Datuk Meringgih so that he will forgive her father's debts. Writing to Samsoelbahri, Noerbaja tells him that they can never be together as she has married. However, when she realises Merringih's violent nature she runs away to Batavia to join Samsoelbahri. They fall in love again, but must part after Noerbaja hears of her father's death. She hurries back to Padang, where Meringgih's men kill her with poisoned food. Receiving news of her death by letter, Samsu seemingly commits suicide. Ten years later, Meringgih leads an uprising against the Dutch colonial government to protest a recent tax increase. During the uprising, Samsoelbahri (now a soldier for the Dutch) meets Meringgih and kills him, but is mortally wounded himself. After he dies he is buried next to Noerbaja. ===== Onimata Kan (Tarō Suwa) is a middle-aged writer of BDSM literature fame and he hosts in a Tokyo Bay houseboat named the "Slave Ship" swinger-style BDSM parties attended by couples. When he pays a visit to the Umezu onsen owned by a couple who are frequenters of the Slave Ship, he learns that the elderly wife Kikue (Kyōko Aizome) has moved to a mental institution. Her husband Zenzaburō claims that she is suffering due to abnormal interest of Kazuo Kitagawa, a married young admirer attending the Slave Ship parties. Onimata Kan is intrigued and finds Kitagawa, learning from him the intimate aspects of his dangerous liaison with Kikue. ===== The film opens with a prologue, in which a person is being taken to a hospital and the doctor later reporting that the person's condition will be known only after sometime. The scene then shifts a few months back. Enter Kathirvelan aka Kathir (Udhayanidhi Stalin), a Madurai-based minibus owner who is a devout Hindu and devotee of Lord Anjaneya since the age of five. Due to his devotion for Lord Maruti, he does not show any interest in women. One day, while returning from a Sri Anjaneya temple, he sees his elder sister, Vineethra (Chaya Singh) crying outside his house after his father (Aadukalam Naren) refused to take her in, having disowned her for eloping with a Coimbatore- based mill owner Shanmugham (Dr. Bharath Reddy) against his wishes. Vineethra, however, now has issues with Shanmugham, as a result of which, she left him and returned to her father's house. On Kathir's cajoling, his father reluctantly accepts Vineethra into the house. Kathir then decides to find out what caused the standoff between Vineethra and Shanmugham and leaves for Coimbatore, lying to his father that he is headed for Salem to do some work related to his minibus business. Before leaving, he is warned by Vineethra not to fall for Shanmugham's neighbor, Pavithra (Nayanthara), as her father and Shanmugham are sworn enemies. In Coimbatore, Kathir successfully manages to resolve the conflict between Vineethra and Shanmugham, with Vineethra returning to Coimbatore eventually. He, however, does not return to Madurai immediately, staying back in Coimbatore after noticing Pavithra and falling in love with her, despite Vineethra's warning and his devotion to Lord Bajrangbali. Determined to win Pavithra's heart, he takes the help of his college friend Mayilvaganam aka Mayil (Santhanam), who is a medical doctor, finds out that Pavithra is working as a manager in a Panasonic showroom. The duo go there so that Kathir can speak to Pavithra, but end up creating a scene, forcing Pavithra to throw both of them out. After Pavithra notices Kathir constantly following her, she confronts him and threatens to take him to the police, which increases the friction between them. However, when Pavithra finds out how Kathir had saved Vineethra's marriage, she forgives him and becomes his friend, but later reveals that she is in love with a businessman, Gautham (Sunder Ramu), which breaks Kathir's heart. To add to Kathir's woes, Shanmugham finds out that he is in love with Pavithra, and kicks him out of his house for showing interest in his enemy's daughter. Meanwhile, back in Madurai, his father too disowns him after finding out that he had not gone to Salem after all. Without a place to stay now, Kathir moves into Mayil's home. Kathir soon finds out that Pavithra's boyfriend Gautham is a womanizer, planning to dump Pavithra after having a one night stand with her at his friend's upcoming marriage in Ooty. He tells her about this, but she rubbishes his claims and admonishes him for still hitting on her. However, she soon realizes the truth about Gautham after he attempts to kiss her in his car causing her to dump him. She and Kathir reconcile, but she now realizes that she has feelings for Kathir. With the help of Mayil and Pavithra's Malayali friend (Kala Kalyani), who Mayil has fallen in love with, they soon express their feelings for one another. Trouble soon erupts however, after Shanmugham and Pavithra's father find out that Kathir and Pavithra are in love. Kathir and Pavithra decide that the only way Shanmugham and Pavithra's father can accept their relationship is to make them reconcile, as it is revealed by Shanmugham, that he and Pavithra's father are sworn enemies due to the enmity which existed between the latter and Shanmugham's deceased father, who happened to be Pavithra's paternal uncle. They take the help of a mimicry artist, Balaraman (Mayilsamy), who mimics both Shanmugham's and Pavithra's father's voices in the presence of the real Pavithra's father and Shanmugham respectively, which eventually leads to Shanmugham and Pavithra's father reconciling. With the initial hurdle cleared, Kathir and Mayil then plan to convince Kathir's father, who has now reconciled with Kathir, but is also searching for a bride for him, to allow Kathir to marry Pavithra. However, while trying to tell Kathir's father about Pavithra, Mayil consumes poison and is immediately rushed to the hospital, which it is later revealed that Mayil pretended to poison himself by pretending to swallow laxatives, fearing the wrath of Kathir's father, and thereby revealing the identity of the person in the prologue. On returning home, Kathir tells his father about Pavithra, who, as expected, becomes furious and locks himself up in his room. Later, Kathir manages to calm down his father and adds that he will not marry Pavithra as long as he refuses to accept their relationship, whilst also saying that, unlike Vineethra, he does not want to marry without seeking his father's permission. On hearing of this, his father forgives Kathir, accepts his relationship with Pavithra and gives the go ahead signal for their marriage. The film ends with Kathir and Pavithra getting married happily. ===== The film begins on 23 August 1992 with the top- secret weather experiment led by Air Force General James Roberts (Martin Sheen) off the coast of Florida. The team uses a specially modified cargo plane to launch a special generator into the developing storm to enhance its power. As the plane is destroyed by a lightning strike, the control of the experiment is lost and within a few hours the storm develops into the hurricane Andrew which devastates Miami. The details about the experiments are buried after the disaster. The story then moves to 1999 where Dr. Ron Young (Luke Perry) and his assistant Dr. Brian Newmeyer perform the experiment designed to steer the path of the storm with the generator towed by a small airplane. While the experiment is successful, Dr. Young's flight license is revoked because of the airspace violation which nearly causes the accident. His boss has enough of the risky experiments and decides to fire both Dr. Young and Dr. Newmeyer. Soon after this Ron is approached by a mysterious man named Tom Holt who knows many details of his research. He offers him a new job for the Zephyr Weather Dynamics based in Los Angeles. Though reluctant to move to L.A., Ron accepts the offering while Dr. Newmeyer decides to stay at home. Ron is introduced to General Roberts who has revived the weather control project and wants Ron to help him achieve the goal of developing and steering the storms and hurricanes which could be used as a covert and deniable weapon of mass destruction. Ron is also introduced to the remainder of the team consisting of unknown meteorologist Dr. Daniel Platt and Major Tanya Goodman who flies the C-123 transport aircraft. Ron finds the activities suspicious and contacts Brian to find any information about the project and the people involved in it, although he is reminded of the covert work. He quickly finds out that the Zephyr Weather Dynamics is a continuation of the General Roberts failed weather control project. Ron helps the team to develop the weather control software for use in the improved version of the storm generator seen in the beginning of the film. After the generator is ready, General Roberts orders the team to launch it into the weather front off the U.S. West Coast to generate the hurricane and steer it to Mexico. The hurricane is successfully generated but the control of the generator is lost so Dr. Platt is sent airborne to try to re-establish a connection with the generator. When he succeeds, Dr. Platt decides to steer it away from Mexican coast. This enrages General Roberts who orders the immediate execution of Dr. Platt. With the death of Dr. Platt the control over the generator is lost and the hurricane steers to the north towards Los Angeles. After Ron discovers the General Roberts plans he starts to uncover more data about the experiment and also passes some secret information to Brian and Andrea McIntyre, a weather reporter working in L.A. who was dating him in the past. Soon after that Major Goodman invites Ron to dinner. They both get drunk and Ron falls asleep. The next morning Brian's wife informs him that Brian has died in a car accident. Immediately after the call the police arrives and orders Ron to go with them because he is framed for killing of a woman and her daughter in the car accident. Believing that both Brian's death and the charge he is facing are a revenge of General Roberts for sharing the top-secret information outside the team he escapes and infiltrates the company. He faces Major Goodman but is beaten down by Holt who brings him to General Roberts. It is revealed that Holt is a rogue CIA agent who staged both Brian's death and blamed Ron for a hit-and run accident he didn't commit. General Roberts then tells Ron about the coming destruction of L.A. and asks him for the help to recover the storm generator. He boards a plane piloted by Major Goodman and finds the generator. After a risky operation Ron manages to intercept the generator and switches it off manually. General Roberts then orders that the generator is released again and reactivated to steer the hurricane towards Mexico. Refusing to do so, Ron is first assaulted by Holt and later by Major Goodman. As she holds Ron at gunpoint, the plane hits the storm generator which destroys both plane and the generator. Ron manages to bail out with the parachute and is reunited with Andrea who reports from a nearly saved Los Angeles. ===== Banri Tada is a newly admitted male student at a private law school in Tokyo. Due to the after-effects of a fall from a bridge shortly after his high school graduation, he has lost all of his memories prior to the accident (retrograde amnesia). Banri finds himself completely and utterly lost after the big opening ceremonial event and tries to find his way to the freshman orientation. Along the way, he runs straight into another lost and confused freshman from the same school, Mitsuo Yanagisawa, and they immediately hit it off. Somehow arriving at their intended goal just in time, there appears in front of them a beautiful girl holding a bouquet of roses, who congratulates Mitsuo on getting into the school then hits him across the face with them before tossing the bouquet into his lap and leaving. This stylish, well dressed, and obsessive woman is revealed to be Mitsuo's childhood friend, Koko Kaga. As children, they had promised to marry each other one day, something she has taken to heart this entire time. Mitsuo had gone out secretly and taken the examination for this private college in order to escape from her, but she used her connections to find out about it and enrolled in the college herself. Banri meets a second-year student named Linda; unbeknownst to him, she was his best friend in high school, and holds herself responsible for his memory loss. As the series progresses, Banri deals with his slowly re-emerging memories, which often come into conflict with a relationship that blooms between him and Kaga. ===== In 1926, for the first time a train is approaching the Pichilemu station. Agustín Ross' tourism company, proprietary of the town's park, hotel, and casino, attracted wealthy families who spent their summer vacations in these accommodations. Antonio, who worked at the hotel as chef, meets and falls in love with Emilia, a young woman from a wealthy santiaguina family, who gets to Pichilemu to spend her vacations with her mother. She requites Antonio's love, and together they experience a love story set in a small town, affected by the socioeconomic differences between each other. ===== On Itogami Island, a man-made island south of Japan which has developed into a monster and demon sanctuary (), Kojo Akatsuki is suspected of being the Fourth Progenitor, a powerful vampire that could potentially disrupt the balance of power among the world's three ruling progenitors. Kojo was an ordinary high schooler before becoming a vampire and is reluctant to use the powers which he barely controls. Yukina Himeragi is a neophyte Sword Shaman whose first mission is to 'observe' him. Before long, Kojo is the centre of attention of many who are concerned about the risks he represents. Kojo and Yukina befriend various students and others, some of whom are attracted to Kojo, and whose situations drive his libido which provides the source of much of his power. ===== The film opens with two men, José (Hugo Silva) and Antonio (Mario Casas) robbing a pawn shop. Antonio is unhappy that José has brought his son Sergio (Gabriel Delgado) along on the heist and is even unhappier that the child is participating with them, as this puts both him and them at risk. The robbery initially seems to go well and the group collects a large bag full of gold rings and jewellery, only for the robbery to turn sour and for several people to die in the resulting gunfire. The men hijack a taxi and stow its unwilling passenger in the trunk, then force the driver, Manuel (Jaime Ordóñez), to drive towards Spain's border with the intent to flee to France. The group is followed by Sergio's mother and José's ex Silvia (Macarena Gómez) as well as two police investigators Pacheco (Secun de la Rosa) and Calvo (Pepón Nieto), who are following Silvia. The men end up in the Navarrese town of Zugarramurdi where they come across a group of cannibalistic witches led by Graciana (Carmen Maura), whose mother Maritxu (Terele Pávez) tries to cook Sergio in her oven. They manage to escape the witches once but are forced to turn back when they realise that José has accidentally left the loot at the witches' house. They return but are swiftly captured by the witches with the exception of Sergio, who escapes but is ultimately re-captured by Maritxu. At this point José learns that Sergio will be used as part of an arcane ritual to Graciana's goddess and that the rest of them will likely be killed as part of the ritual. Silvia, who has been following the men's trail throughout the film, manages to find the witches' house in time to see Sergio get carried into the house. She enlists the help of the cops (as she knew that they had been following her) and the three of them manage to break into the house, where they find a secret passage that allows them to witness a dinner party Graciana is holding for various witches that will be attending the night's ritual. The secret passage, which was in the ceiling, ends up to be too weak to hold the weight of Silvia and both cops, and the trio ends up landing on the dinner table. José, Antonio, and Manuel end up escaping in the chaos, however Silvia and the two cops are captured, with Silvia turned into a witch with the use of tainted toad juice. The three men are then chased by the witches and are all eventually re-captured except for José, who survives only through the intervention of Graciana's daughter Eva (Carolina Bang), who had fallen instantly in love with him. She demands that he leave with her right away, forsaking all of the others, only for José to refuse to leave his son behind. Eva throws a fit, which sends José flying and he flees the scene. He ultimately ends up in an underground chamber in the house, where he comes across Eva's brother Luismi, who has been imprisoned for years. José frees Luismi, who then shows him the way to the ritual chamber. Along the way they free Eva, who had been buried alive by her mother for her betrayal. Eva professes her love for José, who turns her away because she is a witch and because everything is so chaotic. Ultimately Luismi and José make it to the ritual chamber where they see Antonio, Manuel, Pacheco, and Calvo get put in front of a fire to slowly burn to death. They also witness the emergence of Graciana's ugly goddess, a grotesque gargantuan woman resembling a fertility statue. The ugly goddess devours Sergio, who passes through the giant and emerges alive, much to the joy of the witches, who proclaim that he will lead them all to victory over mankind. José confronts the witches with the help of Eva, who manages to cause the goddess's destruction, and José manages to escape the chaos with Sergio, Eva, and the other men. The witches are all presumed to have died in the chaos caused by the goddess's death throes. The film ends with an epilogue that takes place at a school talent show one month later. José and Eva are shown to be a couple raising Sergio, who is growing into his powers. Everything seems to have ended happily, only for the camera to show that Silvia, Graciana, and Maritxu are all alive and are content to wait for the couple to grow discontent with their happiness and once again turn to the witches. ===== Yura Yamato has just transferred to the prestigious and discovers that it is difficult to find friends in her first day at school. It is there that she comes across the school's airsoft club, aptly named the , and winds up becoming one of its members. The story revolves around Yura's experiences as a member of the C3 Club and her interactions with her fellow members. ===== In segment 1, Selina Hodge, faces death without a new kidney and with the help of her mother, Gina Evans, they reach out on Craigslist asking anyone to donate one of their kidneys to save a life, Selina's life. When a television newsman reads Craigslist he does a story on Selina’s quest and a 23-year-old stranger, Stephanie Grant, steps forward and donates her kidney. In segment 2, Alma Dominguez and Alberto Dominguez lose their dog Leia and for two years they hunt for her and when they almost give up their query, they learn that a dog lover by the name of Ann Marie Anderson had found their dog not in El Paso Texas, where the dog went missing, but in Colorado, 700 miles away. The segment ends with the return of Leia to the Dominguez’s."’Unbelievable Mysteries Solved: Lost Dog Discovered Over 700 Miles Away”, Oprah Winfrey Network, March 16, 2013. In segment 3, University of Phoenix graduate student Sandy Shelton is given a mission by her criminal justice Professor, Joseph Gutheinz, to hunt down a missing moon rock. The moon rock she selected to track down was the West Virginia Apollo 17 Goodwill Moon Rock, worth $5 million. After running into initial difficulty Sandy Shelton asks for the Charleston Gazette newspaper for assistance and finally she receives a call that leads her to West Virginia's long lost Apollo 17 Goodwill Moon Rock. The segment ends when Sandy Shelton and Professor Gutheinz learn that the West Virginia Apollo 17 Goodwill Moon Rock will be placed in the West Virginia State Museum, across from the State Capitol, next to a plaque telling of Sandy Shelton’s successful effort to recover it. ===== Murakami is a police detective who is assigned to investigate a serial bombing at Shuei Elementary, he and his partner Nakabayashi learn that a doctor from a mental institution called on behalf of one of his patients about the explosion minutes before the bomb went off. This leads to Murakami's meeting with the nameless and amnesic patient whom they would eventually call "Maki", who appears to communicate with deceased spirits of the dead that tell her things which no living human would know. Murakami tries to uncover the secret behind the Maki as she helps him and Nakabayashi deal with a series of supernatural crimes by a mass murderer that are occurring. But as Murakami finds himself falling in love, he learns of Maki's true nature and her connection to an identical woman named Satsuki. ===== Ashok (Manoj Kumar)comes from a business family and lives a very wealthy lifestyle. One day, while perusing newspapers he comes across an article which claims that he is to marry a dancer named Rajni.(Asha Parekh) Angered at this insinuation, he goes to confront Rajni, all ready to threaten with a lawsuit, but is instead bewitched by her beauty and innocence and ends up falling in love with her. Initially, he does not reveal his real identity, but does inform her eventually, and both are ready to take the next step. of marriage. Before that could happen, both get embroiled in the murder of Dharamdas(Madan Puri) who has been blackmailing Rajnis mother (Sulochana) for a past secret about her husband .A murder that ends up having three different killers-,Ashok,Rajni and Ashoks driver Balam(Om Prakash) . But all confessing to the same murder with different versions to investigating officers Inspector Khan(Raj Mehra)and S I Inspector Tiwari(Shatrughan Sinha)who are totally perplexed knowing that each of them are trying to save the others. Finally during a court scene for the murder trial, the actual murderer ????? confesses the crime and all three are acquitted.ime. ===== With the Germans apparently near defeat in the latter part of World War II, a squad of American soldiers from the 2nd Infantry Division on a routine mission near Elsenborn in the Belgian Ardennes encounter a surprisingly strong German tank destroyer and infantry force. After a fierce firefight, the Americans escape and try to make their way back to their own lines to report the German surge. En route, they stumble across a German experimental site, still smoldering with flames from some devastating event. Surprisingly, this site is in Heidenfeld, Thuringia in Germany, although their own lines are hundreds of kilometers away in Belgium. They come across an American OSS agent suffering from horrific burn wounds, and learn that the Germans are close to development of a super-bomb which will enable them to turn the tide of war and achieve victory. The American agent, knowing that he is near death, asks the soldiers to complete his mission: to find the bomb, disable it, and extract the scientist developing it who wishes to defect. With their sergeant and other NCOs dead, the youngest of the soldiers, Nathaniel "Nate" Burrows, Jr. (Chad Michael Collins) and Dean Ransom (Tom Sizemore) a cook who had been demoted from Lieutenant after the D-Day landings lead them deep into Nazi territory. There, they are joined by escaped British airman Brent Willoughby (Vinnie Jones) and Red Army soldier Ivan Puzharsky (Dimitri Diatchenko). Discovered and pursued, the Allies make a series of hair-breadth escapes from vastly superior numbers of well-armed Nazi soldiers and finally make contact with a woman named Kestrel (Melia Kreiling), their link to the bomb and to the scientist Dr. Luca Gruenewald (Jürgen Prochnow). ===== In the 2040s, a Martian research base, Tantalus Base outpost, is established. The eight person crew, who have been stationed there for six months, is only nineteen hours from the completion of their research mission. The spacecraft Aurora is inbound from Earth and will collect the team by lander. Mars scientist Marko Petrović has found samples that point to life on the planet. Without revealing his discovery, he devises a ruse for a last EVA on the surface. Crewmate Richard Harrington drives Petrović in a solar-powered rover to the spot where he had found the sample. After he obtains soil with the biological agent present, Petrović falls into a fissure that suddenly opens. Captain Charles Brunel and crewmate Lauren Dalby plan to explore the pit to retrieve Petrović's body. Dalby remains at the pit but disappears before the team can return with equipment. Brunel authorizes Vincent Campbell to explore the pit and he finds that a fungal organism is present in the fissure. Dalby and Petrović reappear at the main outpost, but exposure to the organism has altered them into fast, aggressive, intelligent, zombie-like creatures with blackened skin and no trace of their original personalities. Harrington dies from a power drill attack by one of the zombies and later revives as one himself. The remaining crew hold off the zombies while Brunel and Campbell return. Brunel is also fatally injured and reanimates, which provides the crew with new insight into the symptoms: thirst, memory loss and aggression. After several fights and escapes from the zombies through the habitat modules, mission psychologist Robert Irwin traps scientist Kim Aldrich, who had often infuriated her crewmates. Rebecca Lane is also stabbed in the leg during the frantic escape to a rover. With their rover's power low, the survivors – Campbell, Irwin and Lane – decide they must get to the other rover, which is still at the site of the fissure. Under the pretence of a scouting operation, Irwin steals the second rover and fails to persuade Campbell to abandon Lane, who he states is infected. Irwin meanwhile conceals evidence of his possible infection. While Campbell and Lane wait for the sun to rise and the solar powered batteries to recharge, they discuss the nature of the zombies and Lane questions whether any human consciousness remains trapped in them. Campbell attempts to comfort her and falls asleep. When he wakes up alone, Campbell realizes that Lane has fled into the desert and he chases her. Lane, who knows she is likely to turn, fails to deter Campbell from following her and in desperation, commits suicide by removing her helmet. After she dies, Lane reanimates and begs Campbell to destroy her. Campbell reluctantly complies by bashing her head in with a rock. Campbell and Irwin separately converge on the Aurora lander, where the reanimated Aldrich kills the lander's crew. Petrovic and the other zombies appear desiccated and inert. An infected Irwin initiates a launch, which takes him and Campbell into orbit. Campbell stuns Irwin and ejects the body and virulent blood droplets into the vacuum of space. In a message to mission control, Campbell says he does not have enough fuel for a rendezvous but supplies aboard can last for months if they want to launch a rescue. He tells them that this might not be advisable as he could be infected; if so he has just enough fuel for re-entry and a fast death. Campbell concludes that it will take 15 minutes for the transmission to be received and will await their reply. He subsequently ends the communication, still floating alone in space. ===== Lady Jane Winston (Lane), heiress to a company called the West Africa Ivory and Rubber Co., travels to Africa because she believes that George Castle (Loder), the company's manager in Africa, is stealing from the company. Rin Tin Tin sails on the same ship that she does. When the ships arrives near Africa, Rin Tin Tin jumps overboard and swims ashore. When Rin Tin Tin arrives on the beach he befriends Jim Clayton (Delaney), a former employee of Winston's company. As she is above to get off the ship, Winston falls into the water, as some ferocious sharks appear. Clayton and Rin Tin Tin rescue her and they become friends. They decide to help Winston entrap Castle. When Clayton discovers a cache of ivory that Castle had hidden he is surprised by Castle's men and imprisoned. Luckily, Clayton manages to give Rin Tin Tin a message who delivers it to Winston. When Winston attempts to help Clayton escape, Castle kidnaps her as well. In order to escape arrest by the authorities, Castle than inspires the natives to revolt against the whites. Rin Tin Tin manages to get to a British outpost just in time and the British soldiers quickly restore order, arrest Castle, and free Winston and Clayton. ===== 'As a means to maintain order without violence, the Creterakians devised a distraction for the masses: the Galactic Football League. The GFL is a sports league modeled after the game of American football, with teams of varying skill separated into three tiers: the most skilled playing in Tier 1, the least skilled playing in Tier 3. The multi- species nature of society is reflected in the make-up of the GFL team lineups; the strengths of certain species make them natural fits for certain football positions. The quarterback, running back and tight-end positions are generally played by Humans. The female Sklorno, known for their speed and jumping ability, play the wide receiver and defensive back positions. The offensive and defensive lines are manned by Ki, a race of huge, agile creatures with enormous mass. And finally, the linebacker positions are played by Quyth Warriors and High-G Humans. The Rookie is the story of Quentin Barnes, a human Tier 3 quarterback raised in the Purist Nation. Quentin's planetary religion is that of the Purist Nation, which is very xenophobic. Even other evolutionary strains of human beings are clearly looked down upon - only "pure strain" humans are regarded as proper beings. As a result, Quentin has a very hard time trusting and working with his team-mates. The Purist Nation is composed entirely of humans. They shun and demonize any species other than humans, calling them the 'Satanic' or 'Lower' races. As a Tier 3 quarterback, Quentin is a superstar and a hero among the Purists, and he has used his talents to easily lead his third rate team to the championship of a Tier 3 division. His natural talent, coupled with his Purist Nation upbringing have made him extremely arrogant and racist. The story begins with Quentin Barnes playing Tier 3 football on a small planet colony nicknamed 'Micovi'. His contract is purchased by underworld mogul Gredok the Splithead, who is a Quyth Leader, or Shamakath, and suddenly Quentin is on his way to 'The Combine' to get cleared before he starts playing with the Ionath Krakens, a Tier 2 football team. A great deal many people attempt to clear the Combine, a former Creterakian prison station, with biological and cybernetic enhancements in place. The Creterakians require all football players to go through the extensive testing for enhancements in The Combine as any modification or 'Mods' are highly illegal. Quentin passes the tests and is admitted to the team. He then goes to practice with the Ionath Krakens where, for the first time, he has to come face-to-face with the reality of his new team-mates' alien origins. The Rookie shows Quentin's fight to not only win the Tier 2 Championship and advance to Tier 1, but also his fight to overcome himself and his own prejudices. ===== ===== A bomb planted in a lorry detonates in London's Borough Market killing 120 people. The London police receive an anonymous tip and arrest Farroukh Erdogan, a Turkish immigrant, as the terror cell leader and mastermind of the attack. Two other members of the cell die in the bombing and the fourth is killed by police in a shoot-out during the raid to apprehend him. When Erdogan's Defense Barrister commits suicide, Martin Rose is appointed by the Attorney General to replace him, joining Special Advocate Claudia Simmons-Howe. Due to national security concerns, Erdogan's case follows closed material procedures; Claudia represents Erdogan during closed sessions with a judge ruling what evidence is permissible for Martin to use in the open public trial. MI5 Agent Nazrul Sharma is assigned to provide Claudia with the closed material and monitor her activities. Martin discovers that despite his extensive criminal record, Erdogan was somehow quickly approved for immigration from his previous residence in Germany to England and within six months was living well beyond his income. He finds proof that Farroukh Erdogan is really Mussi Kartal, a member of a terror cell responsible for bombing a U.S. Air Force base in Munich a few years prior. Kartal cut a deal with prosecutors to avoid prison, agreeing to work as an informant for MI5 by infiltrating the London terror cell and providing MI5 with information to make arrests. Martin suspects that after the Borough Market bombing, MI5 feared their botched operation would be publicly blamed as directly financing terrorism and sought to have Kartal take the fall and suppress any evidence of MI5 involvement. Martin and Claudia discussed the matters discreetly during the England national football team match at the Wembley Stadium. In the first closed court session, MI5 Agent Melissa Fairbright reveals that Kartal's son Amir had hacked into his father's laptop and had provided valuable information to MI5. The judge orders Amir's testimony in court, deeming it relevant to the case. Amir, who is being monitored by MI5 agents at a safe house with his mother, manages to escape to his aunt's home. He meets with Martin and Claudia, giving them a flash drive detailing his father's involvement with the MI5 terror cell operation. Martin and Claudia realize MI5 will kill Amir to protect themselves and go on the run with him overnight, planning to have him testify in court the next day. Amir testifies in closed session, but Kartal is later murdered in prison and made to look like a suicide by hanging. With Kartal dead, the case collapses and all evidence of the MI5 operation is suppressed from public disclosure. Amir and his mother, however, are allowed to remain in England. Three months later, as Martin and Claudia rekindle their romance that resulted in Martin's divorce from his wife, information of MI5's involvement in the Borough Market bombing is anonymously leaked to the media. ===== In a small town in Virginia, Barbara Kent, is being forced into a marriage with a missionary reformer by her socially prominent parents. Kent meets Robert Armstrong, a prizefighter, and falls in love with him. Armstrong's manager, played by James Gleason, tries to dissuade Armstrong from the relationship. Nevertheless, Kent's grandmother, played by Beryl Mercer, and her uncle, played by Claude Gillingwater, do their best to help the romance between Kent and Armstrong. Eventually Kent and Armstrong quarrel, and this leads Kent to agree to her mother's request that she marry the missionary (Arthur Hoyt). When the missionary invites some weak sisters to a revival meeting one of them, a showgirl, accuses him of being responsible for her downfall. Because of this, the missionary is publicly disgraced and the marriage cancelled. Gleason helps Armstrong become reconciled with Kent and they marry with the blessings of the family. ===== Dan Mulligan (Mark Ruffalo) is a formerly successful record label executive living in New York City who is estranged from his wife Miriam (Catherine Keener) and struggling to keep up with the changing music industry. After being fired from his job, he goes on a drinking binge which leads him to a bar in the Lower East Side where he encounters Gretta James (Keira Knightley). Gretta is a young and fiercely independent songwriter who has just broken up with her long-time boyfriend and songwriting partner Dave Kohl (Adam Levine), a newly successful musician who had an affair with one of his producers' assistants. Captivated by Gretta's music, Dan offers to sign her to his former record label, and although she initially refuses she reconsiders the offer and agrees. Dan and Gretta meet with Saul, Dan's business partner and co-founder of their record label, but he does not see the same potential in Gretta and turns her away. Undeterred, Dan proposes that he and Gretta produce their own album together, to be recorded live during the summer at various public locations around New York City. Recruiting a team of talented musicians, including Steve (a busker and an old best friend of Gretta's), Dan sets out to make an album worthy of being published by his label. During this time, Dan and Gretta bond both personally and professionally, and Gretta takes Dan's teenage daughter Violet, a fledgling guitarist, under her wing and encourages her to play on the album. When Gretta sees Dave accepting an award on television, she criticizes him for selling out to the music industry and, with the help of Steve, she expresses her grievances with him in a song which she records on his voice mail. A remorseful Dave, who is back in New York to promote his new album, returns her call and asks to see her. After some consideration, she decides to meet with him and they critique each other's albums. Gretta feels betrayed by Dave's heavily commercialized rendition of "Lost Stars," a love ballad she had once written and composed for him as a Christmas present, believing that the true meaning of the song has been lost. Dave tells her that the audiences love when he plays it in the new way, and that their energy fills the room. He believes that music is about sharing it with people, but Gretta tells him that's not what she intended for that song. Nevertheless, Dave invites her to come and hear him play the song at the Gramercy Theatre that weekend so that she can see the impact it has had on his fans. When the album is finished, Dan and Gretta meet again with Saul, who is very impressed with their collaboration. Gretta demands that Saul give Dan his job back and give her a bigger share in the deal. They leave without reaching an agreement, but Dan feels confident that Saul will eventually sign Gretta to the label. Later, after receiving a text message from Dave reminding her of his concert and much consideration, Gretta arrives at the venue just in time to watch Dave play her original arrangement of the song, but as she watches him play and sees the reaction of the crowd to the song and how Dave responds to their adoration by transitioning into the commercialized arrangement of the song, she realizes that he is a lost cause. Gretta then leaves the concert and cycles through the city with newfound closure and a dawning smile on her face. Afterwards, Gretta visits Dan at his apartment as he prepares to move back home, having made amends with his wife. She tells him that she does not want him to release her album, instead preferring to distribute it online for $1. Although Dan returns to work with Saul, he agrees to let Gretta release the album online and helps her to promote the release. The next day, Saul jokingly fires Dan for promoting Gretta's album and informs him that it sold 10,000 copies in its first day of release. ===== Bharathi has come to Bengaluru after nine years with her husband, Sharath. She had promised her father that she would repay his dues to Mr Govinda Shetty. Only then did her father die in peace. Mr Govinda Shetty inherited the small grocery shop, "Bharath Stores" and was carrying on the family business with pride and such elan that the bus stop in front was named after it as "Bharath stores stop" After alighting near that stop, she was surprised to find no trace of it anywhere there. The queries to that effect went in vain. Now the frantic search begins. By the fruition of a dedicated search, she meets Chandru and Manjunath, who had worked in that shop. Chandru tells her how he learnt along with the tricks of the trade, to be humane from him. Manjunath tells her, he stayed in the shop till the end until Shetty was hospitalized. He brings her to the old age home. Bharathi finds Shetty there gazing at nothing, having stopped speaking for months and unable to react to her. Guess the reason behind Shetty’s present status? Certainly not the events in his life, like Balaji, his son showing contempt to the family business, his love marriage nor his leaving the house for ever. Shetty showed his strong willpower at such situations. Globalisation, liberalisation and industrialissation brought the countries nearer. It is a couple of decades India also accepted these, resulting in the gradual change in the lifestyle. Malls and marts popped up. New ethics and style of business were adapted. Curious clientele gradually were being attracted to the mall culture. Repercussion was the deteriorating retail, small and box shops. Govinda Shetty too was a victim of the tsunami of this dangerous evolution. It is the status of lakhs and lakhs of those like him. Bharathi’s search unfolds the cruel reality of the invasion of mall culture. Many a gigantic question, appear and disturb us. ===== The film starts with school teacher Satyakant Acharya Shastri who has two children: Surya and Shiv. After Surya picks up brawls with another child multiple times and eventually kills him, Satyakant kicks him out and disowns him. Years later, Shiv grows up as the only son to his father. It is revealed that, after being disowned, Surya had saved the life of a transport businessman Tauji a.k.a. Big Boss who had taken him in and raised him like a son for 15 years. Now, Surya has transformed himself into Boss, a suave, tough transport businessman who fights for justice. Shiv falls in love with Ankita, an early college acquaintance, who turns out to be the sister of a corrupt police officer named Ayushman Thakur. Ayushman is in cahoots with the corrupt and power-hungry Home Minister, Shoorvar Pradhan. Pradhan suggests to Ayushman that he should get Ankita married to his son Vishal. Ayushman agrees and decides that Ankita will marry him whether she wants to or not. Upon finding out she is in love with Shiv, he has Shiv arrested and convicted for crimes he hasn't committed. It is also revealed that Surya didn't murder his classmate. Instead, Satyakant accidentally impaled him when he shoved them into a room so that they would learn to deal with each other. Satyakant then tries to bail Shiv out and calmly explains to Ayushman. He is instead humiliated and thrown out of the police station. Without any choice, Satyakant turns to his other son for help, visits Boss and gives him a photograph of Shiv, which convinces Surya that Shiv's life is in danger. Boss meets Ayushman and Vishal convinces him to free Shiv from all charges, telling him that Boss would kill Shiv when he is released from the police custody. Boss, however, helps Shiv escape from custody. Pradhan sends his cops to capture Boss and take him to Ayushman's farmhouse. Boss escapes from the goons and reaches Ayushman's farm house. Pradhan calls Tauji there to complain about Boss. In front of Tauji, Pradhan cancels his contract of killing Shiv with Tauji. After noticing Ankita, Surya asks her whether she loves Shiv — she replies positively. He takes the responsibility of getting Ankita married to Shiv in front of Tauji and her brother Ayushman. Satyakant and Shiv are attacked by a contract killer, Jabbar Bhai, and his goons, sent by Pradhan. Surya decapitates Jabbar Bhai and his gang, saving his father and brother. Twenty- five of the MLAs of Pradhan's political party are caught red-handed at a brothel with prostitutes by the media with the help of an unknown informer, later revealed to be Boss. Ayushman sets a trap against Shiv by setting up Ankita's friend Dimple and arrests Shiv in a fake rape case. Surya then tortures Vishal and sets a fake time bomb on him to get have Shiv freed from police custody. Tauji informs Satyakant that Surya did not kill his schoolmate and that it was an accident. Satyakant rushes to meet Surya along with Tauji, but their car is hit by a truck sent by Ayushman. Tauji survives the accident; Satyakant is injured and hospitalized. Finally, Boss brutally defeats Ayushman followed by a long fight. In the end, Satyakant with Shiv is shown opening his arms calling Boss to hug and they reunite. ===== The novel opens with Alice and her friends plunge into the final semester of their senior year. Alice complains that she can’t do anything, like sports or a club, because she isn’t into stuff like that plus the year is almost over. Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is be honest with yourself—and sometimes the most incredible thing you can do is sneak a little fun into all this soul-searching. (Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, 2011) Alice wants to make her last year of high school fun, though her friends say it's going to be fun anyway because they have each other. One of Alice's friends, Gwen, suggests finding work on a cruise ship over the summer. Gwen didn’t want to work on the cruise ship just for money but also to have some fun with her friends while working. While at first hesitant, the group of friends changes their minds and all the girls apply to work on the ship after graduation. Alice's AP English teacher, Mrs. Rosen, asks her if she could stay after class for a few minutes. Mrs. Rosen talks to Alice about writing poetry and asks if she knew about the Ivy Day Ceremony. Alice replies “yes” with a full speech about it. Although Mrs. Rosen wants her to write a poem for it, but Alice is unsure as she feels that she cannot write poetry. After working on stage crew for the preceding three years, Alice decides to try out for the senior play. She calls Pamela, saying, ”tell me if i'm crazy, but i'm going to try out for the part of Anne.” During the next few days of the tryouts and Alice is so nervous, doubting that she will make it. The day when the list is posted everyone congratulates Alice, and she was so confused until she saw a crowd by a list of names. When she pushes her way through the crowd, all of her friends are by the list yelling and screaming with joy. She looks for her name and there it is, Anne: Alice McKinley. Since Alice has not been getting much sleep, the next few weeks are hectic, and rehearsals are making them even worse. The day of the play had arrives and Alice is scared but also happy to be performing in the play. As Alice enters the stage she "not only had butterflies in her stomach, she had horses galloping around and gorillas in hiking boots". As an hour had goes by and the first performance is done, Alice realizes that it wasn't so bad after all! Alice and the cast and crew from the play go bowling. Ryan drives Alice and some friends home. Alice is the last stop, and she and Ryan end up kissing before she leaves the car. Afterwards, she walks into her home and wonders why she had done that. She doesn't want to say anything to Patrick cause she doesn't know how he would react to it. Later in the novel, Alice, Liz, Gwen and Pamela spend the day at the mall because they were invited to a baby shower. The group of friends finally graduates high school and Patrick is Alice's prom date. ===== In 1912 Germany, a freshly graduated engineer with modest origins, Friedrich Zeitz (Richard Madden), starts work at a steelworks owned by ageing tycoon Karl Hoffmeister (Alan Rickman). Hoffmeister is impressed by Zeitz's knowledge and commitment to the work, and Friedrich moves up through the ranks. When Hoffmeister's declining health starts to confine him permanently to his house, Friedrich has to visit him at home for briefings, which he then relays back to the steelworks. Through his visits, Friedrich makes the acquaintance of Hoffmeister's younger wife Charlotte (Rebecca Hall), a beautiful and reserved woman in her early 30s. He immediately becomes enamoured with her. Friedrich begins to spend more time with the Hoffmeisters, tutoring their young son Otto. Hoffmeister asks Zeitz to move in with his family, so as to be as close as possible for business matters. Friedrich struggles with his growing feelings for Charlotte, not realising that they are reciprocated. Just as they disclose their mutual attraction towards one another, Friedrich has to leave the country to represent Hoffmeister on an overseas mining venture in Mexico. They make a promise to one another that, once Friedrich returns from Mexico, they can be together. Charlotte and Friedrich communicate frequently in secret, but the outbreak of World War I and a military blockade prevent Friedrich from returning to Germany. Eventually the letters between the lovers are unable to pass through the blockade, and Charlotte begins to fear that Friedrich may be dead. Karl Hoffmeister dies of his illness, confessing to Charlotte that he should never have kept her and Friedrich apart. After the announcement that Germany has lost the war, Friedrich finally returns home. At first, the relationship between Charlotte and Friedrich is tense - so much has changed in the time they were apart - but they reunite. ===== Tina asks Jimmy Jr. to the Wagstaff school dance and he says maybe, wanting to keep his options open. On her way home she sees her former love interest, Josh (from 'Lindapendent Woman') dancing in the street with a group. After some flirty banter, Josh asks Tina to go to his school's dance and she's torn on whether to accept or to wait if Jimmy Jr. changes his mind. Her parents both believe it's better to go with the boy who definitely wanted to go with her rather than who maybe wanted to go. When Tina tries to get a definitive response from Jimmy Jr, she gets dismissed right up until the moment she mentions someone else asked her out. Jimmy Jr. gets jealous and tries to change his answer to a yes but Tina decides to go with Josh. Meanwhile, Linda gets a call to chaperone her daughter's dance and she convinces Bob to join her to make up for the dances he never went to as a kid. Suffice to say Bob does not look forward to the dance. Jimmy Jr. and Josh meet when he stops by after school to pick Tina up (literally) for frozen yogurt. After picking up a nervous Louise and getting an earful from a jealous Jimmy Jr (making Tina a little enthused at the possibility of two boys fighting over her) Tina and Josh leave. Zeke promises to help his friend get Tina back. At home, Bob notices how much Tina enjoys having two guys vie for her affection and doesn't like how she's seemingly stringing them along because it reminds him of the time he got dumped right outside the school dance by his date. Zeke and Jimmy Jr. get into an impromptu wrestling match at lunch time in front of Tina, and Zeke lets his friend win to try and make him look good. Tina doesn't get swayed that easily but tells Jimmy Jr. to keep trying to impress her. Jimmy Jr. goes to Louise and Gene for help and ends up dressed as a horse reciting garbled messages via walkie talkie. Tina is firm in her decision to go with Josh and is pleased to know that her rejection just makes Jimmy Jr. want her more. While Louise and Gene stay home with a baby sitter, a dressed up Tina and Bob get ready for the dance of their lives (Linda even rented a limo hummer to take Bob to the dance in style). School chaperoning is basically a failure in between Linda getting jealous over Bob ogling a teacher, slapping him, crying in the girl's room, revealing she faked it to give Bob a genuine taste of middle school dance drama, and sharing smuggled alcohol. Meanwhile, Jimmy Jr. crashes Josh's school dance with Zeke, Louise, Gene, and the baby-sitter in tow. Jimmy Jr. challenges Josh to a dance-off for Tina. It's quick moves vs expressive ballet and in the end, Tina cannot choose between the two boys. She tries to make it work between the three of them, but Jimmy and Josh are put off by this and Tina ends up alone. Bob and Linda's evening ends about as well as Tina's when a drunk Linda vomits all over Bob and the two are escorted out by middle schoolers. ===== The plot surrounds two hipsters - Cereal Guy and Faux Fur Girl - who are too cool for each other, but too awkward for themselves. The majority of the "dialogue" takes the form of the characters' thoughts as they consider talking to one another. The characters, played by Elizabeth Ferraris and Kit Williamson, always obsess about what to say or do, resulting in awkwardly silent interactions in real life. Daniel Vincent Gordh of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries will be a new character in season 2. ===== The story is set in 2191. The latest spaceliner for the Whitestar Lines is the Arcturus, on its maiden voyage. On its approach to Callisto, for unknown reasons, the spaceship's computer, the Main Cerebral, declares an emergency and orders "Abandon ship". Most of the crew and passengers leave in lifepods. Captain Montaine stays on the bridge. Main Cerebral begins to evacuate the ship's compartments of oxygen. Third astrogator G.W. Simmons is caught on deck 16 while it still retains an atmosphere. He runs into Fiona Harrison, a passenger from deck 15, who did not leave with the others because she went back for her bird, Dwayne. Because life support has been shut down for all the decks below, Simmons and Fiona head to the bridge via an elevator. When the doors open on deck 1, they are met by news reporter Roz Keshah from level 3, who is wearing a tiny, discrete, head- mounted optical display/camera (predictive of Google Glass). He has found two people, Whitestar Lines director and major stockholder Lloyd DeMatte and his companion the Lady Lima. On the biobridge, the five meet Captain Montaine, who is accosted by DeMatte and accused of damaging the Arcturus. The captain explains the situation, then offers an escape tunnel to a lifepod. He remains behind, out of duty as the captain and also a strong sense of curiosity. Fiona accidentally leaves behind Dwayne, who becomes a sort of companion for the captain. Simmons takes command of lifepod #3; DeMatte attempts to hijack it and is killed in the process. It is revealed that the Arcturus was intended as an interstellar vessel but repurposed for economic reasons by financial- criminal DeMatte. Also, the Main Cerebral is discovered to be the former intended pilot of the interstellar Arcturus, rendered an amnesiac and made cyber-controller of the interplanetary Arcturus by DeMatte; memory restored, he launches the Arcturus on a flight to Sirius, accompanied by Captain Montaine. ===== An easy going young man named Jack, a bit of a directionless 'lost-soul' and previous hedonistic 'wild-child' alcoholic (and unfortunate believer that most he's attempted in life he's failed at miserably) is attempting to, on this his seventh straight year of sobriety, straighten out his life once and for all by taking his relationship in a more serious direction with a proposal of marriage. He's living with his partner Camilla, an assertive aspiring young doctor who is pretty much the driving force (not to mention, main financial supporter) of their otherwise contented life together. And even though he lives in a house bought and paid for by Camilla's wealthy father, still Jack struggles to afford an engagement ring to go with the very proposal he's just sprung on his tearfully accepting now fiancée. Camilla not only jumps straight into reception planning, but having previously suffered a problematic miscarriage, pregnancy preoccupation and planning has shot to the top of her priorities list. Jack, though terrified at the idea of becoming a father, is nevertheless even more fearful of losing the only thing truly stable and loving in his life, so silently acquiesces to his fiancée's wishes. Little does he know just how much his life is about to change when he answers the door to someone he doesn't immediately recognise, but who certainly seems to know him. The incessant ringer at the door is Anna (Anna Friel). Soon, Jack is reminded that Anna is someone he drunkenly hooked- up with at some concert 8 years previously - a one-night stand as it happens - and informs him that they have a seven-year-old son called Phoenix. At first Jack is rude and dismissive, clutching at denials and misremembered snippets of having worn a condom. But Anna's insistence on a paternity test soon sets him on the right path to accept and meet his son. Jack begins to spend time with Phoenix but is reluctant to tell Camilla about everything that has been going on, unsure how to juggle both sides of his life at once. Meanwhile, Camilla's meticulous ovulation tracking soon means that Jack is about to be father for a second time. Fearful of losing out, Jack mishandles the situation by not being honest with either party. Camilla however soon finds out the truth when Phoenix needs to be rushed to the hospital she's working at after a nasty fall from a jungle-gym at the playground during one of their weekly visits. Consequently, feeling lied to and betrayed, Camilla kicks Jack out the house, cancels their wedding plans and wants nothing to do with him. Jack is devastated and attempts to explain and set things right, but ultimately understands that the right choice is actually making his son his priority and to just give the situation some time. Later, it is revealed that Anna has a terminal illness (ovarian cancer) and that Anna's awareness of doomed fate is what prompted her to seek out Jack in the first place. In order that Phoenix not be left alone in the world after such a traumatic event as losing his mother, she asks Jack to promise to care for Phoenix as he'll be needing his father more than ever once she's gone - which Jack immediately agrees and promises to do. In the end, Anna dies and Phoenix goes to live with Jack, who eventually makes things right with Camilla too. The film ends just before Camilla is due to give birth to their baby. But it's implied that the four will go on to heal and grow into one happy family together, finally having all they wished for at the beginning of the film. ===== Suffering from double vision, a single mother (Cocco) tries to take care of her baby in the grip of terrifying hallucinations. Experiencing a nervous breakdown, she is deemed unfit to take care of her child and has it taken away from her. The only respite the mother has from her visions is when she sings. An award-winning novelist (Tsukamoto) overhears her singing whilst riding the bus and the pair subsequently develop a volatile relationship. ===== A man attends an erotic show featuring a man and a woman, at an underground club, which culminates with the woman naked and on the verge of crushing a live tarantula under her platform high-heel. Adam Bell, a college history professor, lives a quiet, monotonous life. He rents a film, Where There's a Will There's a Way, on the recommendation of a colleague, and spots an actor who looks strikingly like himself, briefly, in the film as a bellhop. Searching online, Adam identifies the actor as Anthony Claire, whose stage name is Daniel Saint Claire. Adam rents the other two films in which Anthony has appeared and becomes obsessed with the man, who appears to be his physical twin. Immediately afterwards, Adam searches some boxes in his own house and finds a photo of someone who looks like himself, with a woman's hand over his shoulder. However, part of the photo is torn out, making the woman impossible to identify. Adam stalks Anthony, visiting his talent agency, where he is mistaken for Anthony and given a confidential letter. Discovering Anthony's apartment, Adam calls the home, but reaches Anthony's pregnant wife, Helen. She also mistakes Adam's voice for Anthony's and assumes it's a joke, but Adam insists he is not Anthony. This frightens Helen, and Adam abruptly ends the call. Helen later confronts Anthony about the phone call and Adam's existence, but Anthony insists he knows nothing. Unconvinced, Helen researches Adam, discovers the college where he teaches, and finds him. Helen is visibly stunned at his exact resemblance to her husband, though Adam does not realize who Helen is. Anthony eventually calls Adam, and they agree to meet in a hotel room, where they discover that they are perfectly identical, even having the same scar. Adam is taken aback by Anthony's direct personality, says the meeting was a mistake, and flees. The two men begin having similar dreams, or perhaps the same dream, featuring first a naked woman with a spider’s head, and later a giant skyscraper-sized spider walking amidst the buildings of the city where they live. The next day, Anthony is now stalking Adam. He sees Adam's girlfriend, Mary, whom he finds attractive. Anthony plots to accuse Adam of sleeping with his wife, and shame and manipulate Adam into letting him sleep with Mary to 'get even'. He demands Adam's clothes and car keys for a night, after which he promises to disappear forever. Adam complies. Anthony impersonates him and takes Mary to the hotel. Meanwhile, Adam goes to Anthony's apartment in retaliation, and is let inside. The building concierge desperately asks 'Anthony' to take him back to the underground sex club. Inside the apartment, Adam finds a framed photo on a shelf which looks like the one he had found earlier in his own house, but now the photo is intact, and the woman is revealed to be Helen. Adam tries to act as Anthony in front of Helen, but it appears that she recognizes his nicer demeanor. She pretends not to notice and cuddles with him. Later that night, however, Helen wakes to find Adam crying and apologizing; she tells him she wants him to stay, and they make love, which she initiates. Back at the hotel, Mary panics during sex when she notices Anthony's marriage-ring mark and asks who he really is. Anthony claims he has always had the mark. She forces Anthony to drive her home; the two get into a fight in the car which results in a high-speed crash, presumably killing them both. The next day, Adam dresses in Anthony's clothes and finally opens the confidential letter received earlier. He finds the key to the underground sex club, given only to select members. He resolves to go there, and tells Helen that he's going out, but she doesn't respond. As he enters the bedroom, he sees, instead of Helen, a room-sized tarantula cowering against the rear wall. Adam, with a resigned look, sighs. ===== Dhag is the story of Krishna, his mother and their seemingly ambitious aspirations for Krishna, against the backdrop of their socio-economic standing. Raised by a father who cremated people for a living, Krishna’s mother always wanted him to pave a path for himself that takes him away from the sorrows and hardship of his legacy. While his father’s untimely death opens the gates of opportunity for young Krishna, the plight of his widowed helpless mother reels him back to his origins. Dhag captures the moments, trials and tribulations of young Krishna along the journey. ===== Del-Del is narrated by Beth, a teenage girl whose younger brother, a child prodigy named Sam, begins exhibiting strange behavior on the anniversary of the death of their sister Laura. He begins to refer to himself as Del-Del, and acts out in increasingly destructive and harmful ways. Eventually the family begins to believe that he has become the victim of demonic possession, and seeks a variety of solutions. Eventually they successfully banish the Del-Del personality with the assistance of an exorcist, only to have it return once more, this time in the form of an alien consciousness inhabiting Sam's body. This being, also calling itself Del-Del, claims to be a traveler from the constellation Delphinus. Eventually it is determined that the various personalities of Del-Del are in fact products of Sam's overactive mind, the result of his inability to accept the loss of his sister. ===== In the near future, Earth society is breaking down, with wars, violence and over-population the norm. On the other hand, a colony has been established on Venus, an ocean world with no land masses and no human- breathable atmosphere. A small trade and research base exists, which trades various items of goods with the aquatic population. They are air-breathing and known to the humans as cetoids. One is known to them as Oscar. Although Oscar and others exchange the goods for firegems, which are highly valued on Earth, no real attempt has been made to establish how intelligent the cetoids are. The source of the firegems is also unknown. Two of the researchers, Dykstra and Cheng-tung, have been investigating the geology of Venus. The conclude that the planet is in many ways similar to Earth, and could be terraformed and made eventually inhabitable by humans. An oxygen atmosphere could be created and land masses formed. However, the native population would be destroyed in the process. One of the researchers, Hawthorne, a keen diver, has established close relations with Oscar, who guides him into the depths of the ocean. He sees elaborate and artistically designed creations of coralite, but with no indication of what they might represent. He realises that if the planet is terraformed, not only will an obviously intelligent species be destroyed but all this fantastic artwork will be lost. Although it is decided not to continue with the terraforming project, and even to destroy the research before it can be reported to Earth, Hawthorne knows what he must do to stop a repeat of the research by others. He sabotages the colony, leaving no-one alive but him, and shoots many cetoids, to make them distrust and fear humans. As he recognizes Oscar's dead body, he thinks to himself "Oh God. Please Exist. Please make a hell for me." ===== In 1975, James "Whitey" Bulger, leader of the Winter Hill Gang, controls most organized crime within South Boston, along with his right-hand man Stephen Flemmi, newcomer Kevin Weeks, and callous hitman Johnny Martorano. Bulger lives with his common-law wife Lindsey Cyr and their young son Douglas. Bulger's supremacy is challenged by the North End-based Angiulo Brothers, a rival gang that is part of the New England Mafia family. FBI agent John Connolly returns to the area, having grown up in South Boston as a friend of Whitey and his brother William "Billy" Bulger's; Billy is now the Massachusetts Senate President. After the Angiulo Brothers send a motorcycle- riding assassin who murders a Winter Hill soldier, Whitey becomes an informant for Connolly. Connolly believes he can infiltrate the Angiulo Brothers' organization with Whitey's help. Although Whitey hates the idea of being a rat, he understands the protection doing so would afford him, his gang, and his family. Douglas suffers from Reye syndrome, leading the devastated Lindsey to remove him from life support over Whitey's furious objections. Although Connolly is supported by his co-worker John Morris, their boss, Charles McGuire, is suspicious. Whitey increasingly exploits his status as an informant, using Connolly's "protection" as a cover for his crimes. When Connolly demands information on the Angiulos' racketeering locations, Whitey gets pictures of the rival gang's hideouts, allowing the FBI to plant wiretaps. The FBI arrests the Angiulos, thus eliminating the remaining opposition to Whitey's power. Connolly, blinded by his past, grows closer to Whitey and the gang, and even invites them to his house for a cookout. His wife, Marianne, sees negative changes in her husband as his agent-informant relationship with Whitey grows, including accepting expensive gifts and money from the gang. An associate, Brian Halloran, goes to the FBI to report Whitey's involvement, much to Connolly's displeasure. Connolly then tells Whitey of Halloran's accusation, thereby resulting in the murders of Halloran and an unnamed accomplice. Following his mother's death, Whitey's behavior becomes increasingly violent and unpredictable, deteriorating his informant relationship. When "bulldog" prosecutor Fred Wyshak is appointed the new assistant U. S. Attorney in Boston, Connolly attempts to make friends and to perhaps divert his attention from Whitey, but Wyshak bluntly refuses and demands the FBI arrest him. John McIntyre, an informant within the Winter Hill Gang, informs on an attempt by Whitey to smuggle weapons for the IRA. The shipment is seized, but Whitey kills McIntyre after Connolly tips him off. Wyshak and McGuire investigate Connolly's management of Whitey's informant role and realize that most of the "tips" provided by Whitey were already obtained from other sources. Morris, disillusioned and fearing prosecution for his association with Connolly's activities, anonymously divulges Connolly's and Whitey's relationship to The Boston Globe, and a front-page story exposes the FBI's links to organized crime. Connolly, Flemmi, Weeks, and Martorano are arrested. Whitey goes on the run, but not before giving Billy a final goodbye from a pay phone. Morris turns state's evidence and testifies against Connolly in return for immunity. Connolly's and the other characters' sentences are listed, and a concluding sequence shows the now-elderly Whitey being caught by the FBI in 2011. ===== On 16 September of a unspecified year in the 1980s, the United States conducts an orbital test of the new Space Ranger antimissile laser defense system. American scientist Burt Gains oversees the test under the aegis of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency with the target warhead being launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base as the international media covers it. After the Space Ranger module successfully destroys the warhead, the crew of the Space Voyager shuttle carrying the module returns to worldwide adulation. Gains looks at the successful test as a sign that nuclear war can be prevented, but has reservations about its potential to inflame the nuclear arms race. His sister Laura and his best friend Wataru Mikumo soon find out that he was kidnapped by Soviet spies while heading off to work. A Soviet Alfa-class submarine is tasked to transport Burt to Vladivostok. Seeing the danger of Burt forced to replicate his Space Ranger work for the Soviets, US President Gibson orders the submarine sunk with nuclear torpedoes. Tension builds up between the US and the USSR in the wake of the sinking, with President Gibson attempting a peaceful solution with the Soviets, who promptly put their forces in Eastern Europe on high alert. Wataru is promoted to lead the Space Ranger research team as Laura is medically confined due to depression over her brother's death. On Christmas Eve, the Soviets get the news that an elite Soviet Air Force pilot has defected, flying the USSR's most advanced strike aircraft, the Black Dragon, to a West German Air Force base in West Germany. Fearful of NATO acquiring Black Dragon's technology, the Soviets launch a Spetsnaz commando raid to kill the pilot and destroy the plane. The raid is but the first act of the Soviets and the Warsaw Pact going into battle, easily blasting across West Germany and the Low Countries, eventually capturing Paris. The Soviets keep up the offensive, with attacks on Iran, Turkey, and the other parts of the Middle East to capture oil resources while launching airstrikes on Japan; China joins the war as well, ordering PLA forces to attack the USSR's Far East region. US forces invade Cuba. Soviet First Deputy Premier Kutuzov convenes the Politburo on Premier Orlov's behalf and proposes a ceasefire to secure oil rights to the Middle East while plotting to arrest Defense Minister Bulgarin, who earlier pushed Orlov to go to war. However, Bulgarin appears and has the entire Politburo arrested. A Soviet Navy ballistic missile submarine receives orders to launch on the US, but comes under attack from the US Navy and sustains heavy damage. Waiting for a recall order from Premier Orlov himself, the submarine captain refuses to launch the missiles, but with the sub rapidly sinking, his executive officer kills him and completes the launch with his communications officer. Several US cities are destroyed in the attack and President Gibson authorizes a limited nuclear counterstrike. Bulgarin launches a second strike while one of his assistants kills Orlov as he tries to negotiate peace with Gibson over the hotline. The Soviet attack hits more US and allied cities, with casualties estimated at 20 million. Gibson learns that Vandenberg is still safe and authorizes the Space Ranger's deployment with Wataru sent up as well. Meanwhile, survivors in the war zones begin a peace movement together with deserting soldiers. When Bulgarin learns that the deserters include Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops, he prepares to launch all remaining Soviet nuclear missiles, but Kutuzov reappears in a bid to force him to stop. Bulgarin is killed, but not before he presses the launch button with the override canceled. Word of the new strike inbound reaches Gibson and the Space Ranger forces, with four modules in orbit to stop the warheads. While the satellites destroy many MIRV warheads, three are destroyed by the Soviets' killer satellite network and one warhead severely damages the fourth and the Space Voyager shuttle. Wataru decides to head to the last remaining satellite and repair it ahead of another wave of MIRVs before his oxygen runs out. The module is repaired and Wataru shoots down seven MIRVs, but is forced to maneuver the satellite to get close and shoot down the eighth bearing down on Los Angeles, but the blast shakes him loose from the module and out into space. Laura, who was evacuated to the US after being caught in the Soviet airstrikes on Japan, flies in another shuttle to save Wataru while Kutuzov orders the crew of a nearby Soviet space station to rescue him. ===== On the eve of the German occupation of Hungary in 1944, as Nazi presence and anti- Semitic laws increase in Budapest, Jewish radio repair shop owner József (Simon Kunz) sends home the two young men who work for him, Elek Cohen (Jonas Armstrong) and Ferenc Jacobson (Mark Wells). They obtain forged baptismal certificates from a Catholic priest and urge their families to use them to escape Hungary when they themselves are forced to join the Hungarian labour service, in which Jewish men are brutally treated, shot if they cannot keep up or are injured while doing work. Meanwhile, Carl Lutz (William Hope) runs the Swiss diplomatic office at the Glass House in Budapest. Supposedly, anyone with a Swiss passport can safely leave Hungary for Switzerland. He was given permission to issue 8,000 passes to individual Jews, but he interpreted this to mean families, and printed and numbered the passes accordingly. When Elek and Ferenc escape from the Labour Service, they find their way back home and discover their families have been sent away. Elek's home has been ransacked, and he finds the baptismal certificates taped to the back of a family photo that he saves. Meanwhile, Horthy secretly negotiates with Stalin for an armistice with the Allies, but the Nazis learn of this, abduct his son, storm the Buda Castle and he is overthrown, later to be imprisoned in Germany. In his place, the Hungarian fascist Arrow Cross Party assumes power, led by Ferenc Szálasi, who collaborate with the Nazis in rounding up Jews. On instinct, Elek and Ferenc start to do whatever they can to save Jewish families and eventually begin to work with Lutz. Before the Nazis focused on eliminating the Jews from Hungary, Elek met a Jewish girl named Hannah (Hannah Tointon). One evening some time later, Nazi officers follow her to where many Jews, including Elek, are hiding. Elek kills them before they can rape Hannah. Later Elek, who speaks fluent German, and Ferenc dig up the bodies of the Nazi officers and take their uniforms. For months their fearless impersonation of SS officers allows them to pretend to round up Jews for transport while saving thousands by redirecting them to safe houses. Once there, in care of the Swiss (and in at least one case a convent), the Jews begin their journey to freedom. At its conclusion the film leaps ahead thirteen years, to 1957. Elek has emigrated to New York City and is shown at the wedding of his adopted son. ; Postscript This movie was inspired by true events and the movie postscripts read: "This film was inspired by the courage of Pinchas Rosenbaum whose passports and rescue missions saved thousands of lives. His family was murdered in Auschwitz along with 500,000 Hungarian Jews. SS Lt. Colonel Otto Skorzeny surrendered to the US Army. After trials and reprieves, he died in 1975. Dieter Wisliceny was hanged in 1948 for war crimes. Ferenc Szalasi was hanged in 1946 for war crimes and high treason. Arrow Cross Captain Kovarcz was hanged in 1946 for war crimes. Adolf Eichmann escaped to Argentina and was later captured by Israeli agents. He was convicted for crimes against humanity and hanged in 1962. Regent Horthy and his son were held in German imprisonments until after the war. They never returned to Hungary due to the Soviet occupation and died in Portugal in 1957 and 1993. Carl Lutz established the Swiss Legion (The Glass House) and is honored for the lives he saved. He died in 1976. After the war, Mr. Rosenbaum seldom spoke of his heroic deeds. He died in 1980 and his wife died in 2010. They are survived by three children. In 2005, the memorial Shoes on the Danube Bank was dedicated in Budapest to honor the victims murdered during the Nazi and Arrow Cross terror." ===== The film begins with a parked car with drawn curtains inside of which three gangsters (played by Walter Miller, Richard Alexander and Skeets Noyes) and silently waiting for their prey. When a large closed vehicle approaches the car with gangsters it crashes and the gangsters quickly rush to the vehicle, kill the chauffeur and two guards and steal a satchel with 100,000 dollars. The gangsters then look for a hideout and find a fishing hut. This hut is the home of Capt. Thomas (Breese), who can no longer walk and is confined to a wheelchair, and his young daughter Mary (Ralston). Mary is in love with Cal Morton (Chandler), who is a policeman that rides a motorcycle. Morton is Rin Tin Tin's owner. Masquerading as government agents, the gangsters break into the hut and prevent Capt. Thomas and Mary from leaving. When Rin Tin Tin delivers the daily newspaper, as usual, Mary manages to place a note on Rin Tin Tin for Cal Morton. When Cal arrives with Rin Tin Tin, he and his dog are wounded by one of the gangsters. The gangsters also capture two mail agents (William Irving and George Rigon). The gangsters then attempt to make a getaway by using a boat. In spite of being injured, Rin Tin Tin manages to prevent the escape of the gangsters and delivers them to Cal who handcuffs them with Bill's help. ===== Mia Sullivan (Monica Calhoun), wife of Lance Sullivan (Morris Chestnut), has sent letters requesting that the old gang joins them for Christmas: Harper Stewart (Taye Diggs) and his almost-ready pregnant wife Robyn (Sanaa Lathan), Julian "Murch" Murchison (Harold Perrineau) and wife Candace Sparks (Regina Hall), her best friend Jordan Armstrong (Nia Long) and boyfriend Brian McDonald (Eddie Cibrian), Quentin "Q" Spivey (Terrence Howard), and Shelby Taylor (Melissa De Sousa). Shelby is living the dreamed life as a cast member of a popular The Real Housewives television show franchise, and is now a prominent reality television star. Q is now a successful brand manager and heavily connected to prominent celebrities. Years after his debut novel, Harper is struggling with writer's block and financial difficulties, having been recently relieved of his faculty position at New York University, this compounded to his wife having difficulty conceiving. Harper's agent suggests that Harper writes a biography on his estranged best friend, Lance, who is set to retire from football. Harper reluctantly agrees, but keeps the biography a secret. The Murch family now includes two little daughters and Julian finally opened and runs a renowned school, with his wife former stripper, Candace, as his head of admissions. His main donor, however, abruptly terminates his relationship with the school when he learns of Candace's past. It is then that Julian finds a YouTube video of his wife stripping and accepting money for sex at a fraternity party. Julian confides in Quentin. All the friends arrive at the house, the first time they've come together in 14 years. At dinner times in the movie the old friends catch up but old tensions resurface and grow. Brian leaves for his family's annual Christmas gathering in Vermont. As he leaves, Jordan tells him that, while she loves him, she does not need him. 'Everybody needs somebody, Jordan,' Brian says. Among other things, on another night the band has a good after-dinner time with the men dance and lip-sync to "Can You Stand the Rain" which Mia notes works well to patching up old wounds between Lance and Harper. It is when Harper goes down to the kitchen that he finds Mia throwing up blood. Mia reveals to Harper that she was diagnosed with cancer more than a year ago and it's terminal but that she needs Harper's help to guide Lance coming to terms with it. At breakfast the next morning, Q and Shelby accidentally switch phones and Shelby finds the Candace video on Q's phone. She tries to use it to coerce Julian to resume his previous relationship with her but Julian rebuffs her advances. Not long afterwards, Candace loses patience with Shelby and confronts her, which leads to a physical altercation after which Candace leaves the house with her and Julian's daughters. Later Candace returns and reconcile with Julian through dialogue. The ladies are preparing for a spa day when Mia collapses while trying to hang a Christmas ornament. The instance forces Harper to tell the rest of the friends about Mia's illness; the friends are supportive. While Harper is wrapping gifts, Lance approaches him and the two reminisce about their college days and seem to overcome their differences. The next day, the gang volunteer at a shelter, with Q as a grudging Santa Claus. But Lance soon stumbles across Harper's iPad and journal in Mia's purse, and a mock book cover for his unauthorized biography on the tablet. Lance angrily confronts Harper and tells him to stay away from him and his family, 'forever this time'. Mia unsuccessfully tries to calm Lance down. He takes Mia home, leaving Q and Harper behind where Harper finally breaks down and admits the truth of his financial situation. Lance is still heated over the biography when Mia challenges Lance to acknowledge the truth. She is to blame equally with Harper for the longtime feud between the two men by virtue of her having been in full knowledge of the pain her affair with Harper (see The Best Man) would incur on Lance. Mia then takes off her wig, forcing Lance to also acknowledge the severity of her condition. Christmas Day is also Lance's big game. Brian returns, affording Jordan an apology. Lance starts a troublesome first half. Mia calls Harper to speak to Lance, inspiring him to ultimately break the all-time rushing record in a game-winning performance. The men then rush home to Mia who not long after dies. At the funeral service, Harper delivers a heartfelt eulogy confounded as to why God would take a human away to heaven on the same day he gave his Son to the earth. Lance later thanks his friend and in the conversation affirms, 'But God is always there when we need him.' Harper is encouraged: 'That is why you will always be the better man, Lance.' All are shown to reconcile and Q and Shelby come to terms with their romantic incompatibility. Shelby gives Julian a check for two million dollars, covering the funding gap created by the donor pull-out with no special favors in return. Later Brian, Jordan's boyfriend, promises to assist by some investors he knows personally. Robyn's water suddenly breaks. Lance, Harper, and Candace try to rush her to the hospital but they get stuck in traffic; it is thus Lance who delivers Harper's baby in the backseat of the SUV. The healthy baby girl is named Mia. Ten months later, Harper and Lance are closer than ever and Harper has now written Lance's biography. When Lance visits Harper and Robyn at their house in New York City, Harper gets a phone call from Q wherein Q announces his anticipated marriage but immediately warns Harper that he better not have had slept with his bride. ===== Csiwi (Xaver Hutter) is 14 and "borrows" his brother's car at night - thus not only driving around the suburban streets until dawn but also to find his way in life. When he meets Valeska (Sylvie Testud) – who seems to know her destination which she has identified on a postcard - and Levi (Merab Ninidze) – who is tired of fighting and searching and wants to arrive only. Together they live through a summer of friendship at which end Csiw is alone again but finally knows his way. ===== Fe Quintero Ruiz is a Literature teacher who has been best friends with Dr. Gloria Miralles since childhood. While Fe is sweet, sociable and works hard to assist her parents with the household expenses, Gloria is a beautiful, arrogant and cold-hearted millionaire who has everything she could ask for except that she is unhappy and has a deep resentment towards her best friend with whom they affectionately call each other "monster". One day, Fe falls madly in love with Sergio Grimán, a legal assistant who failed to finish Law school due to several family problems. Gloria's bitterness towards her friend intensifies when her mother Alicia reveals that Fe is her half-sister after she had an affair with Chon, Fe's father who previously worked for them as a chauffeur. Her hatred and envy for her friend grows everyday when she realizes that Fe will have everything that she cannot have: half of her fortune and the love of Sergio, with whom Gloria has also developed an attraction to. She therefore develops a plan to disinherit Fe and steal away the man that she loves. Considering that her late father put a clause in his will that she can only receive her inheritance once she is married, Gloria begins the process of seducing Sergio to steal him away from her friend. The only person who is aware of her plans is Elias Grimán, a handsome young priest who tries to counsel Gloria to find it in her heart and forgive her friend. It is only later that Fr. Elias discovers that the woman Gloria has been talking about in the secrecy of confession is his brother's girlfriend and future fiance, Fe. While Fe is happy finding the man of her dreams, the mysticism she is interested in and the tarot cards she reads tell her that impending doom is approaching to ruin her happiness. She could never guess that her enemy is her friend Gloria. ===== A Class V student is given an assignment to frame 101 questions. The film is about the efforts he has to put in to frame those questions. At this point, his father, who is a factory employee, loses his job. The two parallel streams converge at the end. ===== Camila Montes de Alba (Scarlet Ortiz) is a beautiful, hard-working Economics student who hails from one of the aristocratic families in Lima. But since the death of her father, she is now forced to work in an exclusive club as a waitress after her family has been left bankrupt, with the luxurious Montes de Alba mansion, the Montes de Alba Foundation and the prestige of their last name being the only evidence they can show of their aristocratic lineage. Her mother, Florencia Montes de Alba (Yvonne Frayssinet), refuses to accept the fact that they are penniless and cannot afford the previous comforts that high class people of their status are expected to have. Together with the help of her nanny Juanita (Mariela Trejos), she tries to make ends meet, just like any other ordinary person.Argumento de telenovela “Todo sobre Camila” During a fundraiser to collect funds for her family's foundation, Camila meets Alejandro Novoa (Segundo Cernadas), the heir to a hotel empire from (Ecuador). A lawyer by profession, Alejandro is passionate about the environment, but his family's expectations prevent him from pursuing that which he loves most. The two spend time together, and a mutual attraction develops between the two. However, their future happiness is threatened by the appearance of Eduardo Bonfil (Bernie Paz), a mean and calculating business who has accumulated his fortune through unscrupulous means after rising up from poverty in the city slums. He makes a bet to be the first man in Camila's life, with the aim of marrying her in order to improve his position in society due to the benefits he will obtain from Camila's privileged last name. To achieve his goal, Eduardo goes as far as to seduce Florencia, and knowing that her family is in debt, he loans her money for a potential business where he tricks her into signing up her mansion as surety. Furthermore, Eduardo purchases a very expensive ring that belonged to European nobility to present to Camila as an engagement ring. Meanwhile, Alicia(Carla Barzotti), Eduardo's assistant and lover, is furious over the attention that Eduardo is giving Camila. Out of jealousy, she hires a jeweler to create a fake replica of the queen's ring in order to implicate Camila in theft. After some time, Camila tells Eduardo that she is not in love with him and wants to break off their engagement. However, she agrees to move forward with the engagement party which is to be held at sea in a luxurious yacht near the Galápagos Islands. However, during the party, Camila overhears a conversation between Felipe and Eduardo over the bet they made to win her over. Furious, she leaves the ring to Alicia and jumps off the boat. coincidentally, she ends up at the shore where Alejandro has a lake house. The two make love on that night. The next morning, Alejandro wakes up only to find that Camila is gone. While walking about in the streets of Quito, she meets German and Flavio, two journalist students who met her and her mother while they were studying in Lima. The two agree to help her and take her to their home. In order to hide her identity, Camila cuts off her long, beautiful hair and pretends to be man for a while before she reveals her true identity to German's family. After a sea search is conducted and with no trace of Camila's body, she is presumed to be dead. In order to achieve her goal of framing Camila, Alicia takes her laptop where Camila typed her journal entries and edits specific parts so that it could appear that Camila had planned stealing the Queen's ring all along. Eduardo becomes furious when he learns of Camila's supposed betrayal, and he vows to ensure to put Camila in jail. After Alicia collaborates with Elena (Alejandro's mother) and Claudia, Alejandro's former girlfriend, Camila is arrested and transferred to Peru for her trial. She is sentenced to life in prison with an impending pregnancy after Eduardo bribes the Prosecutor and the judge conducting her case. Using money in order to achieve his means, Eduardo bribes the prison guards at the women's penitentiary so that he can be left alone in Camila and rape her. However, Camila defends herself by piercing one of Eduardo's eyes with a knitting needle she was using to knit clothes for her baby. After being illegally locked in a dark cellar within the prison, Camila is released through the intervention of Flavio and German who use their journalism skills to lobby against the corruption within the prison. Camila gives birth to a baby girl. Later when she returns to the prison with her baby, there is a fire breakout at the prison after Eduardo bribes two female guards to orchestrate a prison riot where Camila will then be murdered in the scuffle. During the commotion caused by the fire, Camila escapes with her child and fellow cell mate Heidi. they go to her nanny's house where they hide for several days. Now a rich woman after Felipe Bayon left her all his fortune as atonement for making the bet with Eduardo, Camila and Heidi buy fake passports and escape to the United States where she establishes herself as a media mogul and uses her radio and newspaper to destroy Eduardo by detailing all the crimes they have committed.Todo Sobre Camila ===== The film tells three inter-connected love stories that take place in Paris, New York and Rome/Taranto Paris: Michael (Liam Neeson), a writer who recently left his wife Elaine (Kim Basinger), receives a visit from his lover Anna (Olivia Wilde). The story explores their very complicated on/off relationship due to her inability to commit because of a terrible secret. New York: Julia (Mila Kunis), an ex-soap opera actress turned hotel maid is accused of harming her young son, a charge which she firmly denies. As a result of these charges, he is now in the custody of her ex-husband Rick (James Franco) who is trying everything in his power to take the boy away from her. Meanwhile, she is trying at all costs to regain custody of her son. Rome and Taranto: Scott (Adrien Brody), an American business man on a trip to Italy, falls in love with a Romanian woman, Monika (Moran Atias). Scott is inevitably drawn into a plot where he tries to free Monika's daughter who has been kidnapped by an Italian gangster in Taranto city and is being held for ransom. Emotions run high as the viewer and Scott question whether this is a set up or not. =====